# 4CAT Version: Update with latest release tag or 'latest' # https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/digitalmethodsinitiative/4cat/tags?page=1&ordering=last_updated DOCKER_TAG=stable # You can select Postrgres Docker image tags here to suit your needs: https://hub.docker.com/_/postgres POSTGRES_TAG=latest # Database setup POSTGRES_USER=fourcat POSTGRES_PASSWORD=supers3cr3t POSTGRES_DB=fourcat POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust # POSTGRES_HOST should correspond with the database container name set in docker-compose.yml POSTGRES_HOST=db POSTGRES_PORT=5432 # Docker postgres image uses port 5432 # Server information # SERVER_NAME is only used on first run; afterwards it can be set in the frontend SERVER_NAME=localhost PUBLIC_PORT=80 # Backend API # API_HOST is used by the frontend; in Docker it should be the backend container name # (or "localhost" if front and backend are running together in one container API_HOST=backend PUBLIC_API_PORT=4444 # Telegram apparently needs its own port TELEGRAM_PORT=443 # Docker Volume Names DOCKER_DB_VOL=4cat_4cat_db DOCKER_DATA_VOL=4cat_4cat_data DOCKER_CONFIG_VOL=4cat_4cat_config DOCKER_LOGS_VOL=4cat_4cat_logs # Gunicorn settings worker_tmp_dir=/dev/shm workers=4 threads=4 worker_class=gthread log_level=debug