openapi: '3.0.0' info: title: DigitalOcean API version: '2.0' description: $ref: 'description.yml#/introduction' license: name: Apache 2.0 url: '' contact: name: DigitalOcean API Team email: termsOfService: '' servers: - url: '' description: production tags: - name: 1-Click Applications description: |- 1-Click applications are pre-built Droplet images or Kubernetes apps with software, features, and configuration details already set up for you. They can be found in the [DigitalOcean Marketplace]( - name: Account description: Provides information about your current account. - name: Actions description: |- Actions are records of events that have occurred on the resources in your account. These can be things like rebooting a Droplet, or transferring an image to a new region. An action object is created every time one of these actions is initiated. The action object contains information about the current status of the action, start and complete timestamps, and the associated resource type and ID. Every action that creates an action object is available through this endpoint. Completed actions are not removed from this list and are always available for querying. **Note:** You can pass the following HTTP header with the request to have the API return the `reserved_ips` stanza instead of the `floating_ips` stanza: - `Accept: application/vnd.digitalocean.reserveip+json` - name: Apps description: |- App Platform is a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offering from DigitalOcean that allows developers to publish code directly to DigitalOcean servers without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. Most API operations are centered around a few core object types. Following are the definitions of these types. These definitions will be omitted from the operation-specific documentation. For documentation on app specifications (`AppSpec` objects), please refer to the [product documentation]( - name: Billing description: |- The billing endpoints allow you to retrieve your account balance, invoices and billing history. **Balance:** By sending requests to the `/v2/customers/my/balance` endpoint, you can retrieve the balance information for the requested customer account. **Invoices:** [Invoices]( are generated on the first of each month for every DigitalOcean customer. An invoice preview is generated daily, which can be accessed with the `preview` keyword in place of `$INVOICE_UUID`. To interact with invoices, you will generally send requests to the invoices endpoint at `/v2/customers/my/invoices`. **Billing History:** Billing history is a record of billing events for your account. For example, entries may include events like payments made, invoices issued, or credits granted. To interact with invoices, you will generally send requests to the invoices endpoint at `/v2/customers/my/billing_history`. - name: Block Storage description: |- [DigitalOcean Block Storage Volumes]( provide expanded storage capacity for your Droplets and can be moved between Droplets within a specific region. Volumes function as raw block devices, meaning they appear to the operating system as locally attached storage which can be formatted using any file system supported by the OS. They may be created in sizes from 1GiB to 16TiB. By sending requests to the `/v2/volumes` endpoint, you can list, create, or delete volumes as well as attach and detach them from Droplets - name: Block Storage Actions description: |- Block storage actions are commands that can be given to a DigitalOcean Block Storage Volume. An example would be detaching or attaching a volume from a Droplet. These requests are made on the `/v2/volumes/$VOLUME_ID/actions` endpoint. An action object is returned. These objects hold the current status of the requested action. - name: CDN Endpoints description: |- Content hosted in DigitalOcean's object storage solution, [Spaces](, can optionally be served by our globally distributed Content Delivery Network (CDN). By sending requests to `/v2/cdn/endpoints`, you can list, create, or delete CDN Endpoints as well as purge cached content. To use a custom subdomain to access the CDN Endpoint, provide the ID of a DigitalOcean managed TLS certificate and the fully qualified domain name for the custom subdomain. - name: Certificates description: |- In order to perform SSL termination on load balancers, DigitalOcean offers two types of [SSL certificate management]( * **Custom**: User-generated certificates may be uploaded to DigitalOcean where they will be placed in a fully encrypted and isolated storage system. * **Let's Encrypt**: Certificates may be automatically generated by DigitalOcean utilizing an integration with Let's Encrypt, the free and open certificate authority. These certificates will also be automatically renewed as required. - name: Container Registry description: |- DigitalOcean offers the ability for you to create a [private container registry]( to store your Docker images for use with your Kubernetes clusters. This container registry runs inside the same datacenters as your cluster, ensuring reliable and performant rollout of image deployments. You can only create one registry per DigitalOcean account, but you can use that registry to create as many repositories as you wish. - name: Databases description: |- DigitalOcean's [managed database service]( simplifies the creation and management of highly available database clusters. Currently, it offers support for [PostgreSQL](, [Redis](, [MySQL](, and [MongoDB]( By sending requests to the `/v2/databases` endpoint, you can list, create, or delete database clusters as well as scale the size of a cluster, add or remove read-only replicas, and manage other configuration details. Database clusters may be deployed in a multi-node, high-availability configuration. If your machine type is above the basic nodes, your node plan is above the smallest option, or you are running MongoDB, you may additionally include up to two standby nodes in your cluster. The size of individual nodes in a database cluster is represented by a human-readable slug, which is used in some of the following requests. Each slug denotes the node's identifier, CPU count, and amount of RAM, in that order. For a list of currently available database slugs and options, use the `/v2/databases/options` endpoint or use the `doctl databases options` [command]( - name: Domain Records description: |- Domain record resources are used to set or retrieve information about the individual DNS records configured for a domain. This allows you to build and manage DNS zone files by adding and modifying individual records for a domain. The [DigitalOcean DNS management interface]( allows you to configure the following DNS records: Name | Description | ------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| A | This record type is used to map an IPv4 address to a hostname. | AAAA | This record type is used to map an IPv6 address to a hostname. | CAA | As specified in RFC-6844, this record type can be used to restrict which certificate authorities are permitted to issue certificates for a domain. | CNAME | This record type defines an alias for your canonical hostname (the one defined by an A or AAAA record). | MX | This record type is used to define the mail exchanges used for the domain. | NS | This record type defines the name servers that are used for this zone. | TXT | This record type is used to associate a string of text with a hostname, primarily used for verification. | SRV | This record type specifies the location (hostname and port number) of servers for specific services. | SOA | This record type defines administrative information about the zone. Can only have ttl changed, cannot be deleted | - name: Domains description: |- Domain resources are domain names that you have purchased from a domain name registrar that you are managing through the [DigitalOcean DNS interface]( This resource establishes top-level control over each domain. Actions that affect individual domain records should be taken on the [Domain Records](#tag/Domain-Records) resource. - name: Droplet Actions description: |- Droplet actions are tasks that can be executed on a Droplet. These can be things like rebooting, resizing, snapshotting, etc. Droplet action requests are generally targeted at one of the "actions" endpoints for a specific Droplet. The specific actions are usually initiated by sending a POST request with the action and arguments as parameters. Droplet action requests create a Droplet actions object, which can be used to get information about the status of an action. Creating a Droplet action is asynchronous: the HTTP call will return the action object before the action has finished processing on the Droplet. The current status of an action can be retrieved from either the Droplet actions endpoint or the global actions endpoint. If a Droplet action is uncompleted it may block the creation of a subsequent action for that Droplet, the locked attribute of the Droplet will be true and attempts to create a Droplet action will fail with a status of 422. - name: Droplets description: |- A [Droplet]( is a DigitalOcean virtual machine. By sending requests to the Droplet endpoint, you can list, create, or delete Droplets. Some of the attributes will have an object value. The `region` and `image` objects will all contain the standard attributes of their associated types. Find more information about each of these objects in their respective sections. - name: Firewalls description: |- [DigitalOcean Cloud Firewalls]( provide the ability to restrict network access to and from a Droplet allowing you to define which ports will accept inbound or outbound connections. By sending requests to the `/v2/firewalls` endpoint, you can list, create, or delete firewalls as well as modify access rules. - name: Floating IP Actions description: |- As of 16 June 2022, we have renamed the Floating IP product to [Reserved IPs]( The Reserved IP product's endpoints function the exact same way as Floating IPs. The only difference is the name change throughout the URLs and fields. For example, the `floating_ips` field is now the `reserved_ips` field. The Floating IP endpoints will remain active until fall 2023 before being permanently deprecated. With the exception of the [Projects API](, we will reflect this change as an additional field in the responses across the API where the `floating_ip` field is used. For example, the Droplet metadata response will contain the field `reserved_ips` in addition to the `floating_ips` field. Floating IPs retrieved using the Projects API will retain the original name. Floating IP actions are commands that can be given to a DigitalOcean floating IP. These requests are made on the actions endpoint of a specific floating IP. An action object is returned. These objects hold the current status of the requested action. - name: Floating IPs description: |- As of 16 June 2022, we have renamed the Floating IP product to [Reserved IPs]( The Reserved IP product's endpoints function the exact same way as Floating IPs. The only difference is the name change throughout the URLs and fields. For example, the `floating_ips` field is now the `reserved_ips` field. The Floating IP endpoints will remain active until fall 2023 before being permanently deprecated. With the exception of the [Projects API](, we will reflect this change as an additional field in the responses across the API where the `floating_ip` field is used. For example, the Droplet metadata response will contain the field `reserved_ips` in addition to the `floating_ips` field. Floating IPs retrieved using the Projects API will retain the original name. [DigitalOcean Floating IPs]( are publicly-accessible static IP addresses that can be mapped to one of your Droplets. They can be used to create highly available setups or other configurations requiring movable addresses. Floating IPs are bound to a specific region. - name: Functions description: |- [Serverless functions]( are blocks of code that run on demand without the need to manage any infrastructure. You can develop functions on your local machine and then deploy them to a namespace using `doctl`, the [official DigitalOcean CLI tool]( The Serverless Functions API currently only supports creating and managing namespaces. - name: Image Actions description: |- Image actions are commands that can be given to a DigitalOcean image. In general, these requests are made on the actions endpoint of a specific image. An image action object is returned. These objects hold the current status of the requested action. - name: Images description: |- A DigitalOcean [image]( can be used to create a Droplet and may come in a number of flavors. Currently, there are five types of images: snapshots, backups, applications, distributions, and custom images. * [Snapshots]( provide a full copy of an existing Droplet instance taken on demand. * [Backups]( are similar to snapshots but are created automatically at regular intervals when enabled for a Droplet. * [Custom images]( are Linux-based virtual machine images (raw, qcow2, vhdx, vdi, and vmdk formats are supported) that you may upload for use on DigitalOcean. * Distributions are the public Linux distributions that are available to be used as a base to create Droplets. * Applications, or [1-Click Apps](, are distributions pre-configured with additional software. To interact with images, you will generally send requests to the images endpoint at /v2/images. - name: Kubernetes description: |- [DigitalOcean Kubernetes]( allows you to quickly deploy scalable and secure Kubernetes clusters. By sending requests to the `/v2/kubernetes/clusters` endpoint, you can list, create, or delete clusters as well as scale node pools up and down, recycle individual nodes, and retrieve the kubeconfig file for use with a cluster. - name: Load Balancers description: |- [DigitalOcean Load Balancers]( provide a way to distribute traffic across multiple Droplets. By sending requests to the `/v2/load_balancers` endpoint, you can list, create, or delete load balancers as well as add or remove Droplets, forwarding rules, and other configuration details. - name: Monitoring description: |- The DigitalOcean Monitoring API makes it possible to programmatically retrieve metrics as well as configure alert policies based on these metrics. The Monitoring API can help you gain insight into how your apps are performing and consuming resources. - name: Project Resources description: |- Project Resources are resources that can be grouped into your projects. You can group resources (like Droplets, Spaces, load balancers, domains, and floating IPs) in ways that align with the applications you host on DigitalOcean. ### Supported Resource Types Examples Projects resources are identified by uniform resource names or URNs. A valid URN has the following format: `do:resource_type:resource_id`. The following resource types are supported: Resource Type | Example URN -------------------|------------ App Platform App | `do:app:be5aab85-851b-4cab-b2ed-98d5a63ba4e8` Database | `do:dbaas:83c7a55f-0d84-4760-9245-aba076ec2fb2` Domain | `` Droplet | `do:droplet:4126873` Floating IP | `do:floatingip:` Kubernetes Cluster | `do:kubernetes:bd5f5959-5e1e-4205-a714-a914373942af` Load Balancer | `do:loadbalancer:39052d89-8dd4-4d49-8d5a-3c3b6b365b5b` Space | `do:space:my-website-assets` Volume | `do:volume:6fc4c277-ea5c-448a-93cd-dd496cfef71f` ### Resource Status Codes When assigning and retrieving resources in projects, a `status` attribute is returned that indicates if a resource was successfully retrieved or assigned. The status codes can be one of the following: Status Code | Explanation -------------------|------------ `ok` | There was no problem retrieving or assigning a resource. `not_found` | The resource was not found. `assigned` | The resource was successfully assigned. `already_assigned` | The resource was already assigned. `service_down` | There was a problem retrieving or assigning a resource. Please try again. - name: Projects description: |- Projects allow you to organize your resources into groups that fit the way you work. You can group resources (like Droplets, Spaces, load balancers, domains, and floating IPs) in ways that align with the applications you host on DigitalOcean. - name: Regions description: Provides information about DigitalOcean data center regions. - name: Reserved IP Actions description: |- As of 16 June 2022, we have renamed the [Floating IP]( product to Reserved IPs. The Reserved IP product's endpoints function the exact same way as Floating IPs. The only difference is the name change throughout the URLs and fields. For example, the `floating_ips` field is now the `reserved_ips` field. The Floating IP endpoints will remain active until fall 2023 before being permanently deprecated. With the exception of the [Projects API](, we will reflect this change as an additional field in the responses across the API where the `floating_ip` field is used. For example, the Droplet metadata response will contain the field `reserved_ips` in addition to the `floating_ips` field. Floating IPs retrieved using the Projects API will retain the original name. Reserved IP actions are commands that can be given to a DigitalOcean reserved IP. These requests are made on the actions endpoint of a specific reserved IP. An action object is returned. These objects hold the current status of the requested action. - name: Reserved IPs description: |- As of 16 June 2022, we have renamed the [Floating IP]( product to Reserved IPs. The Reserved IP product's endpoints function the exact same way as Floating IPs. The only difference is the name change throughout the URLs and fields. For example, the `floating_ips` field is now the `reserved_ips` field. The Floating IP endpoints will remain active until fall 2023 before being permanently deprecated. With the exception of the [Projects API](, we will reflect this change as an additional field in the responses across the API where the `floating_ip` field is used. For example, the Droplet metadata response will contain the field `reserved_ips` in addition to the `floating_ips` field. Floating IPs retrieved using the Projects API will retain the original name. DigitalOcean Reserved IPs are publicly-accessible static IP addresses that can be mapped to one of your Droplets. They can be used to create highly available setups or other configurations requiring movable addresses. Reserved IPs are bound to a specific region. - name: Sizes description: |- The sizes objects represent different packages of hardware resources that can be used for Droplets. When a Droplet is created, a size must be selected so that the correct resources can be allocated. Each size represents a plan that bundles together specific sets of resources. This includes the amount of RAM, the number of virtual CPUs, disk space, and transfer. The size object also includes the pricing details and the regions that the size is available in. - name: Snapshots description: |- [Snapshots]( are saved instances of a Droplet or a block storage volume, which is reflected in the `resource_type` attribute. In order to avoid problems with compressing filesystems, each defines a `min_disk_size` attribute which is the minimum size of the Droplet or volume disk when creating a new resource from the saved snapshot. To interact with snapshots, you will generally send requests to the snapshots endpoint at `/v2/snapshots`. - name: SSH Keys description: Manage SSH keys available on your account. - name: Tags description: |- A tag is a label that can be applied to a resource (currently Droplets, Images, Volumes, Volume Snapshots, and Database clusters) in order to better organize or facilitate the lookups and actions on it. Tags have two attributes: a user defined `name` attribute and an embedded `resources` attribute with information about resources that have been tagged. - name: Uptime description: >- [DigitalOcean Uptime Checks]( provide the ability to monitor your endpoints from around the world, and alert you when they're slow, unavailable, or SSL certificates are expiring. To interact with Uptime, you will generally send requests to the Uptime endpoint at `/v2/uptime/`. - name: VPCs description: |- [VPCs (virtual private clouds)]( allow you to create virtual networks containing resources that can communicate with each other in full isolation using private IP addresses. By sending requests to the `/v2/vpcs` endpoint, you can create, configure, list, and delete custom VPCs as well as retrieve information about the resources assigned to them. paths: /v2/1-clicks: get: $ref: 'resources/1-clicks/oneClicks_list.yml' /v2/1-clicks/kubernetes: post: $ref: 'resources/1-clicks/oneClicks_install_kubernetes.yml' /v2/account: get: $ref: 'resources/account/account_get.yml' /v2/account/keys: get: $ref: 'resources/ssh_keys/sshKeys_list.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/ssh_keys/sshKeys_create.yml' /v2/account/keys/{ssh_key_identifier}: get: $ref: 'resources/ssh_keys/sshKeys_get.yml' put: $ref: 'resources/ssh_keys/sshKeys_update.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/ssh_keys/sshKeys_delete.yml' /v2/actions: get: $ref: 'resources/actions/actions_list.yml' /v2/actions/{action_id}: get: $ref: 'resources/actions/actions_get.yml' /v2/apps: get: $ref: 'resources/apps/apps_list.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/apps/apps_create.yml' /v2/apps/{id}: delete: $ref: 'resources/apps/apps_delete.yml' get: $ref: 'resources/apps/apps_get.yml' put: $ref: 'resources/apps/apps_update.yml' /v2/apps/{app_id}/components/{component_name}/logs: get: $ref: 'resources/apps/apps_get_logs_active_deployment.yml' /v2/apps/{app_id}/deployments: get: $ref: 'resources/apps/apps_list_deployments.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/apps/apps_create_deployment.yml' /v2/apps/{app_id}/deployments/{deployment_id}: get: $ref: 'resources/apps/apps_get_deployment.yml' /v2/apps/{app_id}/deployments/{deployment_id}/cancel: post: $ref: 'resources/apps/apps_cancel_deployment.yml' /v2/apps/{app_id}/deployments/{deployment_id}/components/{component_name}/logs: get: $ref: 'resources/apps/apps_get_logs.yml' /v2/apps/{app_id}/deployments/{deployment_id}/logs: get: $ref: 'resources/apps/apps_get_logs_aggregate.yml' /v2/apps/{app_id}/logs: get: $ref: 'resources/apps/apps_get_logs_active_deployment_aggregate.yml' /v2/apps/tiers: get: $ref: 'resources/apps/apps_list_tiers.yml' /v2/apps/tiers/{slug}: get: $ref: 'resources/apps/apps_get_tier.yml' /v2/apps/tiers/instance_sizes: get: $ref: 'resources/apps/apps_list_instanceSizes.yml' /v2/apps/tiers/instance_sizes/{slug}: get: $ref: 'resources/apps/apps_get_instanceSize.yml' /v2/apps/regions: get: $ref: 'resources/apps/apps_list_regions.yml' /v2/apps/propose: post: $ref: 'resources/apps/apps_validate_appSpec.yml' /v2/apps/{app_id}/alerts: get: $ref: 'resources/apps/apps_list_alerts.yml' /v2/apps/{app_id}/alerts/{alert_id}/destinations: post: $ref: 'resources/apps/apps_assign_alertDestinations.yml' /v2/apps/{app_id}/rollback: post: $ref: 'resources/apps/apps_create_rollback.yml' /v2/apps/{app_id}/rollback/validate: post: $ref: 'resources/apps/apps_validate_rollback.yml' /v2/apps/{app_id}/rollback/commit: post: $ref: 'resources/apps/apps_commit_rollback.yml' /v2/apps/{app_id}/rollback/revert: post: $ref: 'resources/apps/apps_revert_rollback.yml' /v2/apps/{app_id}/metrics/bandwidth_daily: get: $ref: 'resources/apps/apps_get_metrics_bandwidth_usage.yml' /v2/apps/metrics/bandwidth_daily: post: $ref: 'resources/apps/apps_list_metrics_bandwidth_usage.yml' /v2/cdn/endpoints: get: $ref: 'resources/cdn/cdn_list_endpoints.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/cdn/cdn_create_endpoint.yml' /v2/cdn/endpoints/{cdn_id}: get: $ref: 'resources/cdn/cdn_get_endpoint.yml' put: $ref: 'resources/cdn/cdn_update_endpoint.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/cdn/cdn_delete_endpoint.yml' /v2/cdn/endpoints/{cdn_id}/cache: delete: $ref: 'resources/cdn/cdn_purge_cache.yml' /v2/certificates: get: $ref: 'resources/certificates/certificates_list.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/certificates/certificates_create.yml' /v2/certificates/{certificate_id}: get: $ref: 'resources/certificates/certificates_get.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/certificates/certificates_delete.yml' /v2/customers/my/balance: get: $ref: 'resources/billing/balance_get.yml' /v2/customers/my/billing_history: get: $ref: 'resources/billing/billingHistory_list.yml' /v2/customers/my/invoices: get: $ref: 'resources/billing/invoices_list.yml' /v2/customers/my/invoices/{invoice_uuid}: get: $ref: 'resources/billing/invoices_get_byUUID.yml' /v2/customers/my/invoices/{invoice_uuid}/csv: get: $ref: 'resources/billing/invoices_get_csvByUUID.yml' /v2/customers/my/invoices/{invoice_uuid}/pdf: get: $ref: 'resources/billing/invoices_get_pdfByUUID.yml' /v2/customers/my/invoices/{invoice_uuid}/summary: get: $ref: 'resources/billing/invoices_get_summaryByUUID.yml' /v2/databases/options: get: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_list_options.yml' /v2/databases: get: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_list_clusters.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_create_cluster.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}: get: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_get_cluster.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_destroy_cluster.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}/config: get: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_get_config.yml' patch: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_patch_config.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}/ca: get: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_get_ca.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}/online-migration: get: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_get_migrationStatus.yml' put: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_update_onlineMigration.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}/online-migration/{migration_id}: delete: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_delete_onlineMigration.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}/migrate: put: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_update_region.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}/resize: put: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_update_clusterSize.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}/firewall: get: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_list_firewall_rules.yml' put: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_update_firewall_rules.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}/maintenance: put: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_update_maintenanceWindow.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}/backups: get: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_list_backups.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}/replicas: get: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_list_replicas.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_create_replica.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}/events: get: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_events_logs.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}/replicas/{replica_name}: get: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_get_replica.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_destroy_replica.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}/replicas/{replica_name}/promote: put: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_promote_replica.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}/users: get: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_list_users.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_add_user.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}/users/{username}: get: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_get_user.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_delete_user.yml' put: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_update_user.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}/users/{username}/reset_auth: post: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_reset_auth.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}/dbs: get: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_list.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_add.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}/dbs/{database_name}: get: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_get.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_delete.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}/pools: get: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_list_connectionPools.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_add_connectionPool.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}/pools/{pool_name}: get: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_get_connectionPool.yml' put: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_update_connectionPool.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_delete_connectionPool.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}/eviction_policy: get: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_get_evictionPolicy.yml' put: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_update_evictionPolicy.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}/sql_mode: get: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_get_sql_mode.yml' put: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_update_sql_mode.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}/upgrade: put: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_upgrade_major_version.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}/topics: get: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_list_kafka_topics.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_create_kafka_topic.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}/topics/{topic_name}: get: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_get_kafka_topic.yml' put: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_update_kafka_topic.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_delete_kafka_topic.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}/logsink: get: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_list_logsink.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_create_logsink.yml' /v2/databases/{database_cluster_uuid}/logsink/{logsink_id}: get: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_get_logsink.yml' put: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_update_logsink.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_delete_logsink.yml' /v2/databases/metrics/credentials: get: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_get_cluster_metrics_credentials.yml' put: $ref: 'resources/databases/databases_update_cluster_metrics_credentials.yml' /v2/domains: get: $ref: 'resources/domains/domains_list.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/domains/domains_create.yml' /v2/domains/{domain_name}: get: $ref: 'resources/domains/domains_get.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/domains/domains_delete.yml' /v2/domains/{domain_name}/records: get: $ref: 'resources/domains/domains_list_records.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/domains/domains_create_record.yml' /v2/domains/{domain_name}/records/{domain_record_id}: get: $ref: 'resources/domains/domains_get_record.yml' patch: $ref: 'resources/domains/domains_patch_record.yml' put: $ref: 'resources/domains/domains_update_record.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/domains/domains_delete_record.yml' /v2/droplets: get: $ref: 'resources/droplets/droplets_list.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/droplets/droplets_create.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/droplets/droplets_destroy_byTag.yml' /v2/droplets/{droplet_id}: get: $ref: 'resources/droplets/droplets_get.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/droplets/droplets_destroy.yml' /v2/droplets/{droplet_id}/backups: get: $ref: 'resources/droplets/droplets_list_backups.yml' /v2/droplets/{droplet_id}/snapshots: get: $ref: 'resources/droplets/droplets_list_snapshots.yml' /v2/droplets/{droplet_id}/actions: get: $ref: 'resources/droplets/dropletActions_list.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/droplets/dropletActions_post.yml' /v2/droplets/actions: post: $ref: 'resources/droplets/dropletActions_post_byTag.yml' /v2/droplets/{droplet_id}/actions/{action_id}: get: $ref: 'resources/droplets/dropletActions_get.yml' /v2/droplets/{droplet_id}/kernels: get: $ref: 'resources/droplets/droplets_list_kernels.yml' /v2/droplets/{droplet_id}/firewalls: get: $ref: 'resources/droplets/droplets_list_firewalls.yml' /v2/droplets/{droplet_id}/neighbors: get: $ref: 'resources/droplets/droplets_list_neighbors.yml' /v2/droplets/{droplet_id}/destroy_with_associated_resources: get: $ref: 'resources/droplets/droplets_list_associatedResources.yml' /v2/droplets/{droplet_id}/destroy_with_associated_resources/selective: delete: $ref: 'resources/droplets/droplets_destroy_withAssociatedResourcesSelective.yml' /v2/droplets/{droplet_id}/destroy_with_associated_resources/dangerous: delete: $ref: 'resources/droplets/droplets_destroy_withAssociatedResourcesDangerous.yml' /v2/droplets/{droplet_id}/destroy_with_associated_resources/status: get: $ref: 'resources/droplets/droplets_get_destroyAssociatedResourcesStatus.yml' /v2/droplets/{droplet_id}/destroy_with_associated_resources/retry: post: $ref: 'resources/droplets/droplets_destroy_retryWithAssociatedResources.yml' /v2/firewalls: get: $ref: 'resources/firewalls/firewalls_list.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/firewalls/firewalls_create.yml' /v2/firewalls/{firewall_id}: get: $ref: 'resources/firewalls/firewalls_get.yml' put: $ref: 'resources/firewalls/firewalls_update.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/firewalls/firewalls_delete.yml' /v2/firewalls/{firewall_id}/droplets: post: $ref: 'resources/firewalls/firewalls_assign_droplets.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/firewalls/firewalls_delete_droplets.yml' /v2/firewalls/{firewall_id}/tags: post: $ref: 'resources/firewalls/firewalls_add_tags.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/firewalls/firewalls_delete_tags.yml' /v2/firewalls/{firewall_id}/rules: post: $ref: 'resources/firewalls/firewalls_add_rules.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/firewalls/firewalls_delete_rules.yml' /v2/floating_ips: get: $ref: 'resources/floating_ips/floatingIPs_list.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/floating_ips/floatingIPs_create.yml' /v2/floating_ips/{floating_ip}: get: $ref: 'resources/floating_ips/floatingIPs_get.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/floating_ips/floatingIPs_delete.yml' /v2/floating_ips/{floating_ip}/actions: get: $ref: 'resources/floating_ips/floatingIPsAction_list.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/floating_ips/floatingIPsAction_post.yml' /v2/floating_ips/{floating_ip}/actions/{action_id}: get: $ref: 'resources/floating_ips/floatingIPsAction_get.yml' /v2/functions/namespaces: get: $ref: 'resources/functions/functions_list_namespaces.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/functions/functions_create_namespace.yml' /v2/functions/namespaces/{namespace_id}: get: $ref: 'resources/functions/functions_get_namespace.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/functions/functions_delete_namespace.yml' /v2/functions/namespaces/{namespace_id}/triggers: get: $ref: 'resources/functions/functions_list_triggers.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/functions/functions_create_trigger.yml' /v2/functions/namespaces/{namespace_id}/triggers/{trigger_name}: get: $ref: 'resources/functions/functions_get_trigger.yml' put: $ref: 'resources/functions/functions_update_trigger.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/functions/functions_delete_trigger.yml' /v2/images: get: $ref: 'resources/images/images_list.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/images/images_create_custom.yml' /v2/images/{image_id}: get: $ref: 'resources/images/images_get.yml' put: $ref: 'resources/images/images_update.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/images/images_delete.yml' /v2/images/{image_id}/actions: get: $ref: 'resources/images/imageActions_list.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/images/imageActions_post.yml' /v2/images/{image_id}/actions/{action_id}: get: $ref: 'resources/images/imageActions_get.yml' /v2/kubernetes/clusters: get: $ref: 'resources/kubernetes/kubernetes_list_clusters.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/kubernetes/kubernetes_create_cluster.yml' /v2/kubernetes/clusters/{cluster_id}: get: $ref: 'resources/kubernetes/kubernetes_get_cluster.yml' put: $ref: 'resources/kubernetes/kubernetes_update_cluster.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/kubernetes/kubernetes_delete_cluster.yml' /v2/kubernetes/clusters/{cluster_id}/destroy_with_associated_resources: get: $ref: 'resources/kubernetes/kubernetes_list_associatedResources.yml' /v2/kubernetes/clusters/{cluster_id}/destroy_with_associated_resources/selective: delete: $ref: 'resources/kubernetes/kubernetes_destroy_associatedResourcesSelective.yml' /v2/kubernetes/clusters/{cluster_id}/destroy_with_associated_resources/dangerous: delete: $ref: 'resources/kubernetes/kubernetes_destroy_associatedResourcesDangerous.yml' /v2/kubernetes/clusters/{cluster_id}/kubeconfig: get: $ref: 'resources/kubernetes/kubernetes_get_kubeconfig.yml' /v2/kubernetes/clusters/{cluster_id}/credentials: get: $ref: 'resources/kubernetes/kubernetes_get_credentials.yml' /v2/kubernetes/clusters/{cluster_id}/upgrades: get: $ref: 'resources/kubernetes/kubernetes_get_availableUpgrades.yml' /v2/kubernetes/clusters/{cluster_id}/upgrade: post: $ref: 'resources/kubernetes/kubernetes_upgrade_cluster.yml' /v2/kubernetes/clusters/{cluster_id}/node_pools: get: $ref: 'resources/kubernetes/kubernetes_list_nodePools.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/kubernetes/kubernetes_add_nodePool.yml' /v2/kubernetes/clusters/{cluster_id}/node_pools/{node_pool_id}: get: $ref: 'resources/kubernetes/kubernetes_get_nodePool.yml' put: $ref: 'resources/kubernetes/kubernetes_update_nodePool.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/kubernetes/kubernetes_delete_nodePool.yml' /v2/kubernetes/clusters/{cluster_id}/node_pools/{node_pool_id}/nodes/{node_id}: delete: $ref: 'resources/kubernetes/kubernetes_delete_node.yml' /v2/kubernetes/clusters/{cluster_id}/node_pools/{node_pool_id}/recycle: post: $ref: 'resources/kubernetes/kubernetes_recycle_nodePool.yml' /v2/kubernetes/clusters/{cluster_id}/user: get: $ref: 'resources/kubernetes/kubernetes_get_clusterUser.yml' /v2/kubernetes/options: get: $ref: 'resources/kubernetes/kubernetes_list_options.yml' /v2/kubernetes/clusters/{cluster_id}/clusterlint: post: $ref: 'resources/kubernetes/kubernetes_run_clusterLint.yml' get: $ref: 'resources/kubernetes/kubernetes_get_clusterLintResults.yml' /v2/kubernetes/registry: post: $ref: 'resources/kubernetes/kubernetes_add_registry.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/kubernetes/kubernetes_remove_registry.yml' /v2/load_balancers: post: $ref: 'resources/load_balancers/loadBalancers_create.yml' get: $ref: 'resources/load_balancers/loadBalancers_list.yml' /v2/load_balancers/{lb_id}: get: $ref: 'resources/load_balancers/loadBalancers_get.yml' put: $ref: 'resources/load_balancers/loadBalancers_update.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/load_balancers/loadBalancers_delete.yml' /v2/load_balancers/{lb_id}/droplets: post: $ref: 'resources/load_balancers/loadBalancers_add_droplets.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/load_balancers/loadBalancers_remove_droplets.yml' /v2/load_balancers/{lb_id}/forwarding_rules: post: $ref: 'resources/load_balancers/loadBalancers_add_forwardingRules.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/load_balancers/loadBalancers_remove_forwardingRules.yml' /v2/monitoring/alerts: get: $ref: 'resources/monitoring/monitoring_list_alertPolicy.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/monitoring/monitoring_create_alertPolicy.yml' /v2/monitoring/alerts/{alert_uuid}: get: $ref: 'resources/monitoring/monitoring_get_alertPolicy.yml' put: $ref: 'resources/monitoring/monitoring_update_alertPolicy.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/monitoring/monitoring_delete_alertPolicy.yml' /v2/monitoring/metrics/droplet/bandwidth: get: $ref: 'resources/monitoring/monitoring_get_dropletBandwidthMetrics.yml' /v2/monitoring/metrics/droplet/cpu: get: $ref: 'resources/monitoring/monitoring_get_DropletCpuMetrics.yml' /v2/monitoring/metrics/droplet/filesystem_free: get: $ref: 'resources/monitoring/monitoring_get_dropletFilesystemFreeMetrics.yml' /v2/monitoring/metrics/droplet/filesystem_size: get: $ref: 'resources/monitoring/monitoring_get_dropletFilesystemSizeMetrics.yml' /v2/monitoring/metrics/droplet/load_1: get: $ref: 'resources/monitoring/monitoring_get_dropletLoad1Metrics.yml' /v2/monitoring/metrics/droplet/load_5: get: $ref: 'resources/monitoring/monitoring_get_dropletLoad5Metrics.yml' /v2/monitoring/metrics/droplet/load_15: get: $ref: 'resources/monitoring/monitoring_get_dropletLoad15Metrics.yml' /v2/monitoring/metrics/droplet/memory_cached: get: $ref: 'resources/monitoring/monitoring_get_dropletMemoryCachedMetrics.yml' /v2/monitoring/metrics/droplet/memory_free: get: $ref: 'resources/monitoring/monitoring_get_dropletMemoryFreeMetrics.yml' /v2/monitoring/metrics/droplet/memory_total: get: $ref: 'resources/monitoring/monitoring_get_dropletMemoryTotalMetrics.yml' /v2/monitoring/metrics/droplet/memory_available: get: $ref: 'resources/monitoring/monitoring_get_dropletMemoryAvailableMetrics.yml' /v2/monitoring/metrics/apps/memory_percentage: get: $ref: 'resources/monitoring/monitoring_get_appMemoryPercentageMetrics.yml' /v2/monitoring/metrics/apps/cpu_percentage: get: $ref: 'resources/monitoring/monitoring_get_appCPUPercentageMetrics.yml' /v2/monitoring/metrics/apps/restart_count: get: $ref: 'resources/monitoring/monitoring_get_appRestartCountMetrics.yml' /v2/projects: get: $ref: 'resources/projects/projects_list.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/projects/projects_create.yml' /v2/projects/default: get: $ref: 'resources/projects/projects_get_default.yml' put: $ref: 'resources/projects/projects_update_default.yml' patch: $ref: 'resources/projects/projects_patch_default.yml' /v2/projects/{project_id}: get: $ref: 'resources/projects/projects_get.yml' put: $ref: 'resources/projects/projects_update.yml' patch: $ref: 'resources/projects/projects_patch.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/projects/projects_delete.yml' /v2/projects/{project_id}/resources: get: $ref: 'resources/projects/projects_list_resources.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/projects/projects_assign_resources.yml' /v2/projects/default/resources: get: $ref: 'resources/projects/projects_list_resources_default.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/projects/projects_assign_resources_default.yml' /v2/regions: get: $ref: 'resources/regions/regions_list.yml' /v2/registry: get: $ref: 'resources/registry/registry_get.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/registry/registry_create.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/registry/registry_delete.yml' /v2/registry/subscription: get: $ref: 'resources/registry/registry_get_subscription.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/registry/registry_update_subscription.yml' /v2/registry/docker-credentials: get: $ref: 'resources/registry/registry_get_dockerCredentials.yml' /v2/registry/validate-name: post: $ref: 'resources/registry/registry_validate_name.yml' /v2/registry/{registry_name}/repositories: get: $ref: 'resources/registry/registry_list_repositories.yml' /v2/registry/{registry_name}/repositoriesV2: get: $ref: 'resources/registry/registry_list_repositoriesV2.yml' /v2/registry/{registry_name}/repositories/{repository_name}/tags: get: $ref: 'resources/registry/registry_list_repositoryTags.yml' /v2/registry/{registry_name}/repositories/{repository_name}/tags/{repository_tag}: delete: $ref: 'resources/registry/registry_delete_repositoryTag.yml' /v2/registry/{registry_name}/repositories/{repository_name}/digests: get: $ref: 'resources/registry/registry_list_repositoryManifests.yml' /v2/registry/{registry_name}/repositories/{repository_name}/digests/{manifest_digest}: delete: $ref: 'resources/registry/registry_delete_repositoryManifest.yml' /v2/registry/{registry_name}/garbage-collection: post: $ref: 'resources/registry/registry_run_garbageCollection.yml' get: $ref: 'resources/registry/registry_get_garbageCollection.yml' /v2/registry/{registry_name}/garbage-collections: get: $ref: 'resources/registry/registry_list_garbageCollections.yml' /v2/registry/{registry_name}/garbage-collection/{garbage_collection_uuid}: put: $ref: 'resources/registry/registry_update_garbageCollection.yml' /v2/registry/options: get: $ref: 'resources/registry/registry_get_options.yml' /v2/reports/droplet_neighbors_ids: get: $ref: 'resources/droplets/droplets_list_neighborsIds.yml' /v2/reserved_ips: get: $ref: 'resources/reserved_ips/reservedIPs_list.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/reserved_ips/reservedIPs_create.yml' /v2/reserved_ips/{reserved_ip}: get: $ref: 'resources/reserved_ips/reservedIPs_get.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/reserved_ips/reservedIPs_delete.yml' /v2/reserved_ips/{reserved_ip}/actions: get: $ref: 'resources/reserved_ips/reservedIPsActions_list.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/reserved_ips/reservedIPsActions_post.yml' /v2/reserved_ips/{reserved_ip}/actions/{action_id}: get: $ref: 'resources/reserved_ips/reservedIPsActions_get.yml' /v2/sizes: get: $ref: 'resources/sizes/sizes_list.yml' /v2/snapshots: get: $ref: 'resources/snapshots/snapshots_list.yml' /v2/snapshots/{snapshot_id}: get: $ref: 'resources/snapshots/snapshots_get.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/snapshots/snapshots_delete.yml' /v2/tags: get: $ref: 'resources/tags/tags_list.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/tags/tags_create.yml' /v2/tags/{tag_id}: get: $ref: 'resources/tags/tags_get.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/tags/tags_delete.yml' /v2/tags/{tag_id}/resources: post: $ref: 'resources/tags/tags_assign_resources.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/tags/tags_unassign_resources.yml' /v2/volumes: get: $ref: 'resources/volumes/volumes_list.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/volumes/volumes_create.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/volumes/volumes_delete_byName.yml' /v2/volumes/actions: post: $ref: 'resources/volumes/volumeActions_post.yml' /v2/volumes/snapshots/{snapshot_id}: get: $ref: 'resources/volumes/volumeSnapshots_get_byId.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/volumes/volumeSnapshots_delete_byId.yml' /v2/volumes/{volume_id}: get: $ref: 'resources/volumes/volumes_get.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/volumes/volumes_delete.yml' /v2/volumes/{volume_id}/actions: get: $ref: 'resources/volumes/volumeActions_list.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/volumes/volumeActions_post_byId.yml' /v2/volumes/{volume_id}/actions/{action_id}: get: $ref: 'resources/volumes/volumeActions_get.yml' /v2/volumes/{volume_id}/snapshots: get: $ref: 'resources/volumes/volumeSnapshots_list.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/volumes/volumeSnapshots_create.yml' /v2/vpcs: get: $ref: 'resources/vpcs/vpcs_list.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/vpcs/vpcs_create.yml' /v2/vpcs/{vpc_id}: get: $ref: 'resources/vpcs/vpcs_get.yml' put: $ref: 'resources/vpcs/vpcs_update.yml' patch: $ref: 'resources/vpcs/vpcs_patch.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/vpcs/vpcs_delete.yml' /v2/vpcs/{vpc_id}/members: get: $ref: 'resources/vpcs/vpcs_list_members.yml' /v2/uptime/checks: get: $ref: 'resources/uptime/list_checks.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/uptime/create_check.yml' /v2/uptime/checks/{check_id}: get: $ref: 'resources/uptime/get_check.yml' put: $ref: 'resources/uptime/update_check.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/uptime/delete_check.yml' /v2/uptime/checks/{check_id}/state: get: $ref: 'resources/uptime/get_check_state.yml' /v2/uptime/checks/{check_id}/alerts: get: $ref: 'resources/uptime/list_alerts.yml' post: $ref: 'resources/uptime/create_alert.yml' /v2/uptime/checks/{check_id}/alerts/{alert_id}: get: $ref: 'resources/uptime/get_alert.yml' put: $ref: 'resources/uptime/update_alert.yml' delete: $ref: 'resources/uptime/delete_alert.yml' components: securitySchemes: bearer_auth: type: http scheme: bearer description: | ## OAuth Authentication In order to interact with the DigitalOcean API, you or your application must authenticate. The DigitalOcean API handles this through OAuth, an open standard for authorization. OAuth allows you to delegate access to your account. Scopes can be used to grant full access, read-only access, or access to a specific set of endpoints. You can generate an OAuth token by visiting the [Apps & API]( section of the DigitalOcean control panel for your account. An OAuth token functions as a complete authentication request. In effect, it acts as a substitute for a username and password pair. Because of this, it is absolutely **essential** that you keep your OAuth tokens secure. In fact, upon generation, the web interface will only display each token a single time in order to prevent the token from being compromised. DigitalOcean access tokens begin with an identifiable prefix in order to distinguish them from other similar tokens. - `dop_v1_` for personal access tokens generated in the control panel - `doo_v1_` for tokens generated by applications using [the OAuth flow]( - `dor_v1_` for OAuth refresh tokens ### Scopes Scopes act like permissions assigned to an API token. These permissions determine what actions the token can perform. You can create API tokens that grant read-only access, full access, or limited access to specific endpoints by using custom scopes. Generally, scopes are designed to match HTTP verbs and common CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete). | HTTP Verb | CRUD Operation | Scope | |---|---|---| | GET | Read | `:read` | | POST | Create | `:create` | | PUT/PATCH | Update | `:update` | | DELETE | Delete | `:delete` | For example, creating a new Droplet by making a `POST` request to the `/v2/droplets` endpoint requires the `droplet:create` scope while listing Droplets by making a `GET` request to the `/v2/droplets` endpoint requires the `droplet:read` scope. Each endpoint below specifies which scope is required to access it when using custom scopes. ### How to Authenticate with OAuth In order to make an authenticated request, include a bearer-type `Authorization` header containing your OAuth token. All requests must be made over HTTPS. ### Authenticate with a Bearer Authorization Header ``` curl -X $HTTP_METHOD -H "Authorization: Bearer $DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN" "$OBJECT" ``` security: - bearer_auth: []