#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ This application is designed to decode timestamps into human-readable date/times and vice-versa Additional information regarding the source of the timestamp formats and associated equations is provided in the REFERENCES.md file at https://github.com/digitalsleuth/time_decode. """ from datetime import datetime as dt, timedelta import struct from string import hexdigits import argparse import inspect import math import re import sys import base64 import uuid import traceback from calendar import monthrange import juliandate as jd from dateutil import parser as duparser from colorama import init from pytz import common_timezones, timezone as tzone import pytz # Included for GUI from PyQt6.QtCore import ( QRect, Qt, QMetaObject, QCoreApplication, QDate, QSize, ) from PyQt6.QtGui import ( QAction, QPixmap, QIcon, QFont, QGuiApplication, QKeySequence, QColor, ) from PyQt6.QtWidgets import ( QWidget, QVBoxLayout, QHBoxLayout, QGridLayout, QLabel, QLineEdit, QDateTimeEdit, QComboBox, QPushButton, QRadioButton, QApplication, QMenu, QMessageBox, QTableWidget, QTableWidgetItem, QSizePolicy, QMainWindow, QStyle, ) init(autoreset=True) __author__ = "Corey Forman (digitalsleuth)" __date__ = "15 Jul 2024" __version__ = "8.0.0" __description__ = "Python 3 CLI Date Time Conversion Tool" __fmt__ = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f" __red__ = "\033[1;31m" __clr__ = "\033[1;m" __source__ = "https://github.com/digitalsleuth/time_decode" __appname__ = f"Time Decode v{__version__}" __fingerprint__ = """ AAABAAIAMDAAAAEAIACoJQAAJgAAABAQAAABACAAaAQAAM4lAAAoAAAAMAAAAGAAAAABACAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAC9hGcXr4JvPgAAAAAAAAAAwoJYDrZ+V2qwgWEDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAC/hGd/uIRsVgAAAAC9gmJPqH1n/Zp8bn+hh4UBwYBUH7N6UPCnelWY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMWKcAy+h29Juot5BQAAAAC/hGV7s4Bm+6t/aaGpgW4KpX1o VpZ4ZfaReGaGAAAAALB7UUCjdk74nHdRcwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMOGajm7g2n3sIFt4KmB cV+uiXwBs4FmO6l8YuSie2LKn3xnFpV5ZTmRd2NOAAAAAAAAAAChd01il3NG+5V0SD8AAAAAQTq1 DjQ0us81N8opAAAAADY1unoyNcxVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMKLdBXA kHsJAAAAAAAAAAC7h24VsIFriKZ9avegfGq+n35sG6qAZBqgeV3Qmnha1Zx7XhUAAAAAAAAAALZ8 Qx0AAAAAl3NAnZBxOeKTdT0QSkG6ATQ0vL4wNM3DPUHcATY1u34vM8/qMjjcDwAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAypJ5BL6EafSzgm38qoFx0aN/coKigXUdAAAAAKV+bCademTKmHhh5pl6YjGe 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lQBs2JQAdFZQ1nFZUdNwWlDSNEM3um1BN8EvQ0zqP0RN6RRFTehHSU7ld9KWD2TakgFh2ZgAcdmV AG3ZlQBg2JMAXpJudFlcUdFmX1LObWNSySFWRLlvRDe5bkVN6D9HTedkSEfneEdH6UhjWdyCtXg/ V9CBA3TMfgNdAAAAAGdRwDReUs9wY1LJeWZTxWtqU8EzaVG7Wkw4rGcAAAAAVkPhTlBC40g9QOxD aFrTBGhW0WRrU8hwbFC/bW1OvXJrTL5NZFLHJWdTxD5rVL9vb1S7E2VDm1dUOqEiAAAAAFVD4FBL QuRkSkLkfk1C4TJiRNV2WkTYbVND21xPQ91sTUPdd09E2xliTMl/dlWzR3dVsi58VKh5AAAAAAAA AABiR9IFT0LgaURB5lVJQuNTSkLhdkxD3jFiRs8bZUfMG15F0VJYRNV5X0XPVXFQuWCEVqNWg1al LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAF9E1lVXRNlqbUbKUGdGzXJbRdROckbDUmhGymFfRc9AhEmyL21GxERsRsca h1efCgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVkTZGFND2nZURNdgYUbPOl1F0mFbRNJhYkXMPHBGxE1u RsV5bUbGMwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVkXVDwAAAACKSa5ofki3bXZH vmBzR8ElAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD4f6xB4AesQeADrEHAAaxBgAGsQQABrEEAAaxBAACs QQAArEEAgKxBgACsQYABrEGAAaxBwAOsQeAHrEH6H6xB """ try: from ctypes import windll AppId = f"digitalsleuth.time-decode.gui.v{__version__.replace('.','-')}" windll.shell32.SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID(AppId) except ImportError: pass class NewWindow(QWidget): """This class sets the structure for a new window""" def __init__(self): """Sets up the new window table and context menu""" super().__init__() layout = QVBoxLayout() self.examplesLabel = QLabel() self.timestampTable = QTableWidget() self.timestampTable.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy.Policy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Policy.Expanding ) self.timestampTable.setStyleSheet( "border: none; selection-background-color: #1644b9;" ) self.timestampTable.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt.ScrollBarPolicy.ScrollBarAsNeeded ) self.context_menu = ContextMenu(self.timestampTable) self.timestampTable.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.ContextMenuPolicy.CustomContextMenu) self.timestampTable.customContextMenuRequested.connect( self.context_menu.show_context_menu ) layout.addWidget(self.timestampTable) layout.addWidget(self.examplesLabel) self.setLayout(layout) def keyPressEvent(self, event): """Sets the Ctrl+C KeyPress for the window""" if event.matches(QKeySequence.StandardKey.Copy): self.context_menu.copy() else: super().keyPressEvent(event) class AboutWindow(QWidget): """Sets the structure for the About window""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() layout = QGridLayout() self.aboutLabel = QLabel() self.urlLabel = QLabel() self.logoLabel = QLabel() spacer = QLabel() layout.addWidget(self.aboutLabel, 0, 0) layout.addWidget(spacer, 0, 1) layout.addWidget(self.urlLabel, 1, 0) layout.addWidget(self.logoLabel, 0, 2) self.setStyleSheet("background-color: white; color: black;") self.setFixedHeight(100) self.setFixedWidth(350) self.setLayout(layout) class ContextMenu: """Shows a context menu for a QTableWidget""" def __init__(self, tbl_widget): """Associate the tbl_widget variable""" self.tbl_widget = tbl_widget def show_context_menu(self, pos): """Sets the context menu structure and style""" stylesheet = TimeDecodeGui.stylesheet context_menu = QMenu(self.tbl_widget) copy_event = context_menu.addAction("Copy") copy_event.setShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+C")) copy_event.setShortcutVisibleInContextMenu(True) context_menu.setStyleSheet(stylesheet) copy_event.triggered.connect(self.copy) context_menu.exec(self.tbl_widget.mapToGlobal(pos)) def copy(self): """Sets up the Copy option for the context menu""" selected = self.tbl_widget.selectedItems() if selected: clipboard = QApplication.clipboard() text = ( "\n".join( [ "\t".join( [ item.text() for item in self.tbl_widget.selectedItems() if item.row() == row ] ) for row in range(self.tbl_widget.rowCount()) ] ) ).rstrip() text = text.lstrip() clipboard.setText(text) class UiDialog: """Sets the structure for the main user interface""" def __init__(self): self.d_width = 490 self.d_height = 130 self.text_font = QFont() self.text_font.setPointSize(9) self.results = {} self.examplesWindow = None self.newWindow = None def setupUi(self, Dialog): """Sets up the core UI""" if not Dialog.objectName(): Dialog.setObjectName(__appname__) Dialog.setFixedWidth(self.d_width) Dialog.setMinimumHeight(self.d_height) Dialog.setStyleSheet(self.stylesheet) Dialog.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Policy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Policy.Expanding) Dialog.setWindowFlags( self.windowFlags() & ~Qt.WindowType.WindowMaximizeButtonHint ) self.screen_layout = QGuiApplication.primaryScreen().availableGeometry() self.scr_width, self.scr_height = ( self.screen_layout.width(), self.screen_layout.height(), ) self.center_x = (self.scr_width // 2) - (self.d_width // 2) self.center_y = (self.scr_height // 2) - (self.d_height // 2) Dialog.move(self.center_x, self.center_y) self.timestampText = QLineEdit(Dialog) self.timestampText.setObjectName("timestampText") self.timestampText.setGeometry(QRect(10, 30, 225, 22)) self.timestampText.setHidden(False) self.timestampText.setEnabled(True) self.timestampText.setStyleSheet(self.stylesheet) self.timestampText.setFont(self.text_font) utc_time = dt.now(tzone("UTC")) self.dateTime = QDateTimeEdit(Dialog) self.dateTime.setObjectName("dateTime") self.dateTime.setDisplayFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:MM:ss") self.dateTime.setGeometry(QRect(10, 30, 225, 22)) self.dateTime.setDateTime(utc_time) self.dateTime.setCalendarPopup(True) self.dateTime.calendarWidget().setFixedHeight(220) self.dateTime.calendarWidget().setGridVisible(True) self.dateTime.setHidden(True) self.dateTime.setEnabled(False) self.dateTime.setStyleSheet(self.stylesheet) self.dateTime.calendarWidget().setStyleSheet( "alternate-background-color: #EAF6FF; background-color: white; color: black;" ) self.dateTime.setFont(self.text_font) self.dateTime.calendarWidget().setFont(self.text_font) self.nowButton = QPushButton("&Now", clicked=self.setNow) self.nowButton.setFont(self.text_font) self.updateButton = QPushButton( "&Update Time Zones", clicked=self.update_timezones ) self.updateButton.setFont(self.text_font) self.buttonLayout = QHBoxLayout() self.buttonLayout.addWidget(self.nowButton) self.buttonLayout.addWidget(self.updateButton) self.calendarButtons = self.dateTime.calendarWidget().layout() self.calendarButtons.addLayout(self.buttonLayout) self.timestampFormats = QComboBox(Dialog) self.timestampFormats.setObjectName("timestampFormats") self.timestampFormats.setGeometry(QRect(10, 60, 225, 22)) self.timestampFormats.setStyleSheet( "combobox-popup: 0; background-color: white; color: black;" ) self.timestampFormats.view().setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt.ScrollBarPolicy.ScrollBarAsNeeded ) self.timestampFormats.setFont(self.text_font) types = {} for _, this_type in ts_types.items(): types[this_type[0]] = this_type[1] types = dict(sorted(types.items(), key=lambda item: item[0].casefold())) for k, v in enumerate(types.items()): self.timestampFormats.addItem(v[0]) self.timestampFormats.setItemData(k, v[1], Qt.ItemDataRole.ToolTipRole) self.timeZoneOffsets = QComboBox(Dialog) self.timeZoneOffsets.setObjectName("timeZoneOffsets") self.timeZoneOffsets.setGeometry(QRect(10, 90, 305, 22)) self.timeZoneOffsets.setStyleSheet( "combobox-popup: 0; background-color: white; color: black;" ) self.timeZoneOffsets.view().setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt.ScrollBarPolicy.ScrollBarAsNeeded ) self.timeZoneOffsets.setFont(self.text_font) ts_offsets = self.common_timezone_offsets() for k, v in enumerate(ts_offsets): self.timeZoneOffsets.addItem(f"{v[0]} {v[1]}") self.timeZoneOffsets.setItemData(k, v[1], Qt.ItemDataRole.ToolTipRole) self.timeZoneOffsets.setEnabled(True) self.timeZoneOffsets.setHidden(False) self.outputTable = QTableWidget(Dialog) self.outputTable.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy.Policy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Policy.Expanding ) self.outputTable.setGeometry(QRect(10, 120, 440, 22)) self.outputTable.setStyleSheet( "border: none; background-color: white; color: black; font-size: 10;" ) self.outputTable.setVisible(False) self.outputTable.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt.ScrollBarPolicy.ScrollBarAlwaysOn ) self.outputTable.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt.ScrollBarPolicy.ScrollBarAlwaysOff ) self.context_menu = ContextMenu(self.outputTable) self.outputTable.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.ContextMenuPolicy.CustomContextMenu) self.outputTable.customContextMenuRequested.connect( self.context_menu.show_context_menu ) self.outputTable.setFont(self.text_font) self.guessButton = QPushButton(Dialog) self.guessButton.setObjectName("guessButton") self.guessButton.setEnabled(True) self.guessButton.setHidden(False) self.guessButton.setGeometry(QRect(245, 30, 70, 22)) self.guessButton.setStyleSheet("background-color: white; color: black;") self.guessButton.setFont(self.text_font) self.guessButton.clicked.connect(self.guess_decode) self.toallButton = QPushButton(Dialog) self.toallButton.setObjectName("toallButton") self.toallButton.setEnabled(False) self.toallButton.setHidden(True) self.toallButton.setGeometry(QRect(245, 30, 70, 22)) self.toallButton.setStyleSheet("background-color: white; color: black;") self.toallButton.setFont(self.text_font) self.toallButton.clicked.connect(self.encode_toall) self.encodeRadio = QRadioButton(Dialog) self.encodeRadio.setObjectName("encodeRadio") self.encodeRadio.setGeometry(QRect(400, 30, 72, 20)) self.encodeRadio.setStyleSheet("background-color: white; color: black;") self.encodeRadio.setFont(self.text_font) self.encodeRadio.toggled.connect(self._encode_select) self.decodeRadio = QRadioButton(Dialog) self.decodeRadio.setObjectName("decodeRadio") self.decodeRadio.setGeometry(QRect(325, 30, 72, 20)) self.decodeRadio.setChecked(True) self.decodeRadio.setStyleSheet("background-color: white; color: black;") self.decodeRadio.setFont(self.text_font) self.decodeRadio.toggled.connect(self._decode_select) self.goButton = QPushButton(Dialog) self.goButton.setObjectName("goButton") self.goButton.setGeometry(QRect(245, 60, 70, 22)) self.goButton.setStyleSheet("background-color: white; color: black;") self.goButton.setFont(self.text_font) self.goButton.clicked.connect(self.go_function) new_window_pixmap = QStyle.StandardPixmap.SP_ArrowRight icon = self.style().standardIcon(new_window_pixmap) self.newWindowButton = QPushButton(Dialog) self.newWindowButton.setObjectName("newWindowButton") self.newWindowButton.setGeometry(QRect(325, 90, 22, 22)) self.newWindowButton.setStyleSheet( "background-color: white; color: black; border: 0;" ) self.newWindowButton.setFont(self.text_font) self.newWindowButton.setIcon(icon) self.newWindowButton.setIconSize(QSize(22, 22)) self.newWindowButton.setToolTip("Open results in a new window") self.newWindowButton.clicked.connect(self._new_window) self.retranslateUi(Dialog) QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(Dialog) def retranslateUi(self, Dialog): """Retranslate the Ui""" _translate = QCoreApplication.translate Dialog.setWindowTitle(_translate("Dialog", __appname__)) self.dateTime.setDisplayFormat( _translate("Dialog", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", None) ) self.timestampText.setPlaceholderText(_translate("Dialog", "Timestamp", None)) self.guessButton.setText(_translate("Dialog", "Guess", None)) self.toallButton.setText(_translate("Dialog", "To All", None)) self.encodeRadio.setText(_translate("Dialog", "Encode", None)) self.decodeRadio.setText(_translate("Dialog", "Decode", None)) self.goButton.setText(_translate("Dialog", "\u2190 From", None)) self.newWindowButton.setHidden(True) self.newWindowButton.setEnabled(False) self._menu_bar() def setNow(self): """Sets the current date / time on the Calendar Widget""" today = QDate().currentDate() now = dt.now(tzone("UTC")) self.dateTime.calendarWidget().setSelectedDate(today) self.dateTime.setDateTime(now) def update_timezones(self): """Updates the timeZoneOffsets combo box to reflect the selected Calendar date/time""" ts_offsets = self.common_timezone_offsets() self.timeZoneOffsets.clear() for k, v in enumerate(ts_offsets): self.timeZoneOffsets.addItem(f"{v[0]} {v[1]}") self.timeZoneOffsets.setItemData(k, v[1], Qt.ItemDataRole.ToolTipRole) def _decode_select(self): """Sets the structure for the decode radio button""" self.dateTime.setHidden(True) self.dateTime.setEnabled(False) self.timestampText.setHidden(False) self.timestampText.setEnabled(True) self.guessButton.setEnabled(True) self.guessButton.setHidden(False) self.toallButton.setEnabled(False) self.toallButton.setHidden(True) self.goButton.setText("\u2190 From") self.newWindowButton.setHidden(True) self.newWindowButton.setEnabled(False) self._reset_table() def _encode_select(self): """Sets the structure for the encode radio button""" self.timestampText.setHidden(True) self.timestampText.setEnabled(False) self.dateTime.setHidden(False) self.dateTime.setEnabled(True) self.guessButton.setEnabled(False) self.guessButton.setHidden(True) self.toallButton.setEnabled(True) self.toallButton.setHidden(False) self.goButton.setText("\u2190 To") self.newWindowButton.setHidden(True) self.newWindowButton.setEnabled(False) self._reset_table() def _reset_table(self): """Resets the GUI structure""" self.adjustSize() self.setFixedWidth(490) self.setFixedHeight(130) self.outputTable.setVisible(False) self.outputTable.clearContents() self.outputTable.setColumnCount(0) self.outputTable.setRowCount(0) self.outputTable.reset() self.outputTable.setStyleSheet("border: none") def guess_decode(self): """Will take the provided timestamp and run it through the 'from_all' function""" timestamp = self.timestampText.text() selected_tz = self.timeZoneOffsets.currentText() if timestamp == "": self._msg_box("You must enter a timestamp!", "Info") return all_ts = from_all(timestamp) results = {} for k, _ in all_ts.items(): if "No Time Zone Change" in selected_tz: results[k] = f"{all_ts[k][0]} {all_ts[k][2]}" else: tz_offset = selected_tz.split(" ")[0] tz_name = " ".join(selected_tz.split(" ")[1:]) tz = tzone(tz_name) tz_original = all_ts[k][0] dt_parse = duparser.parse(tz_original) dt_obj = pytz.utc.localize(dt_parse) tz_selected = dt_obj.astimezone(tz).strftime(__fmt__) if self.check_daylight(dt_parse, tz): tz_out = f"{tz_offset} DST" else: tz_out = tz_offset results[k] = f"{tz_selected} {tz_out}" self.results = results self.display_output(results) def encode_toall(self): """Takes the dateTime object, passes it to the to_timestamps function which encodes it""" dt_obj = self.dateTime.text() selected_tz = self.timeZoneOffsets.currentText() if "No Time Zone Change" not in selected_tz: tz_name = " ".join(selected_tz.split(" ")[1:]) tz = tzone(tz_name) dt_parse = duparser.parse(dt_obj) dt_parse = pytz.utc.localize(dt_parse) dt_obj = dt_parse.astimezone(tz).strftime(__fmt__) results, _ = to_timestamps(dt_obj) self.results = results self.display_output(results) def common_timezone_offsets(self): """Generates a list of common timezones for conversion""" timezone_offsets = [("No Time Zone Change", "")] dt_obj = duparser.parse(self.dateTime.text()) dt_obj_naive = pytz.utc.localize(dt_obj) for tz_name in common_timezones: timezone = tzone(tz_name) dt_val = dt_obj_naive.astimezone(timezone) offset_seconds = dt_val.utcoffset().total_seconds() hours, remainder = divmod(abs(offset_seconds), 3600) minutes = remainder // 60 sign = "+" if offset_seconds >= 0 else "-" int_offset = f"{sign}{int(hours):02}:{int(minutes):02}" formatted_offset = f"UTC{int_offset}" timezone_offsets.append((formatted_offset, tz_name)) timezone_offsets.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) return timezone_offsets def display_output(self, ts_list): """Configures the output format for the provided values""" self._reset_table() self.outputTable.setVisible(True) self.outputTable.setColumnCount(2) self.outputTable.setAlternatingRowColors(True) self.outputTable.setStyleSheet( """ border: none; alternate-background-color: #EAF6FF; background-color: white; color: black; selection-background-color: #1644b9; """ ) for ts_type, result in ts_list.items(): row = self.outputTable.rowCount() self.outputTable.insertRow(row) widget0 = QTableWidgetItem(ts_types[ts_type][0]) widget0.setFlags(widget0.flags() & ~Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsEditable) widget0.setToolTip(ts_types[ts_type][1]) widget1 = QTableWidgetItem(result) widget1.setFlags(widget1.flags() & ~Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsEditable) self.outputTable.setItem(row, 0, widget0) self.outputTable.item(row, 0).setTextAlignment( int(Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignVCenter) ) self.outputTable.setItem(row, 1, widget1) self.outputTable.item(row, 1).setTextAlignment( int(Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignVCenter) ) if self.decodeRadio.isChecked(): if "DST" in result: ts = result.split(" DST")[0] else: ts = result this_yr = int(dt.now().strftime("%Y")) if int(duparser.parse(ts).strftime("%Y")) in range( this_yr - 5, this_yr + 5 ): for each_col in range(0, self.outputTable.columnCount()): this_col = self.outputTable.item(row, each_col) this_col.setBackground(QColor("lightgreen")) this_col.setForeground(QColor("black")) self.outputTable.horizontalHeader().setFixedHeight(1) self.outputTable.verticalHeader().setFixedWidth(1) self.outputTable.setFixedWidth(540) self.outputTable.setColumnWidth(0, 220) self.outputTable.setColumnWidth(1, 300) self.outputTable.resizeRowsToContents() self.outputTable.setShowGrid(True) total_row_height = sum( self.outputTable.rowHeight(row) for row in range(self.outputTable.rowCount()) ) self.outputTable.setFixedHeight(400) if total_row_height > 500: self.setFixedHeight(540) self.outputTable.verticalScrollBar().show() else: self.setFixedHeight(self.height() + int(total_row_height + 1)) self.outputTable.verticalScrollBar().hide() self.setFixedWidth(555) self.newWindowButton.setEnabled(True) self.newWindowButton.setHidden(False) def go_function(self): """The To/From button: converts a date/timestamp, depending on the selected radio button""" results = {} ts_format = self.timestampFormats.currentText() ts_text = self.timestampText.text() ts_date = self.dateTime.text() selected_tz = self.timeZoneOffsets.currentText() if "No Time Zone Change" not in selected_tz: tz_name = " ".join(selected_tz.split(" ")[1:]) tz_offset = selected_tz.split(" ")[0] tz = tzone(tz_name) dt_parse = duparser.parse(ts_date) dt_parse = pytz.utc.localize(dt_parse) ts_date = dt_parse.astimezone(tz).strftime(__fmt__) in_ts_types = [k for k, v in ts_types.items() if ts_format in v] if not in_ts_types: self._msg_box( f"For some reason {ts_format} is not in the list of available conversions!", "Error", ) return ts_type = in_ts_types[0] if self.encodeRadio.isChecked(): is_func = False ts_selection = f"to_{ts_type}" for this_func in to_funcs: if inspect.isfunction(this_func): func_name = this_func.__name__ if func_name == ts_selection: is_func = True if not is_func: self._msg_box( f"Cannot convert to {ts_format},\nrequired information is unavailable.", "Warning", ) return ts_func = globals()[ts_selection] result, _ = ts_func(ts_date) results[ts_type] = result self.results = results self.display_output(results) elif self.decodeRadio.isChecked(): is_func = False if ts_text == "": self._msg_box("You must enter a timestamp!", "Info") return ts_selection = f"from_{ts_type}" for this_func in from_funcs: if inspect.isfunction(this_func): func_name = this_func.__name__ if func_name == ts_selection: is_func = True if not is_func: self._msg_box( f"Cannot convert from {ts_format},\nrequired information is unavailable.", "Warning", ) return ts_func = globals()[ts_selection] result, _, _, reason, tz_out = ts_func(ts_text) if not result: self._msg_box(reason, "Error") return if "No Time Zone Change" not in selected_tz: dt_parse = duparser.parse(result) dt_obj = pytz.utc.localize(dt_parse) result = dt_obj.astimezone(tz).strftime(__fmt__) if self.check_daylight(dt_parse, tz): tz_out = f"{tz_offset} DST" else: tz_out = tz_offset results[ts_type] = f"{result} {tz_out}" self.results = results self.display_output(results) @staticmethod def check_daylight(dtval, tz): """Checks to see if the provided timestamp, in the provided timezone, is observing DST""" dst_check = tz.localize(dtval) return dst_check.dst() != timedelta(0, 0) def _menu_bar(self): """Add a menu bar""" self.menu_bar = self.menuBar() self.menu_bar.setStyleSheet(self.stylesheet) self.file_menu = self.menu_bar.addMenu("&File") self.exit_action = QAction("&Exit", self) self.exit_action.triggered.connect(QApplication.instance().quit) self.exit_action.setFont(self.text_font) self.file_menu.addAction(self.exit_action) self.menu_bar.addMenu(self.file_menu) self.view_menu = self.menu_bar.addMenu("&View") self.view_action = QAction("E&xamples", self) self.view_action.triggered.connect(self._examples) self.view_action.setFont(self.text_font) self.view_menu.addAction(self.view_action) self.menu_bar.addMenu(self.view_menu) self.help_menu = self.menu_bar.addMenu("&Help") self.about_action = QAction("&About", self) self.about_action.triggered.connect(self._about) self.about_action.setFont(self.text_font) self.help_menu.addAction(self.about_action) self.menu_bar.setFont(self.text_font) def _msg_box(self, message, msg_type): self.msg_box = QMessageBox() self.msg_box.setStyleSheet("background-color: white; color: black;") self.msg_box.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy.Policy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Policy.Expanding ) if msg_type == "Error": self.msg_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Critical) elif msg_type == "Info": self.msg_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Information) elif msg_type == "Warning": self.msg_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Warning) elif msg_type == "": self.msg_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.NoIcon) msg_type = "Unidentified" self.msg_box.setWindowTitle(msg_type) self.msg_box.setFixedSize(300, 300) self.msg_box.setText(f"{message}\t ") self.msg_box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.StandardButton.Ok) self.msg_box.exec() def _about(self): self.about_window = AboutWindow() self.about_window.setWindowFlags( self.about_window.windowFlags() & ~Qt.WindowType.WindowMinMaxButtonsHint ) githubLink = f'View the source on GitHub' self.about_window.setWindowTitle("About") self.about_window.aboutLabel.setText( f"Version: {__appname__}\nLast Updated: {__date__}\nAuthor: {__author__}" ) self.about_window.aboutLabel.setFont(self.text_font) self.about_window.urlLabel.setOpenExternalLinks(True) self.about_window.urlLabel.setText(githubLink) self.about_window.urlLabel.setFont(self.text_font) self.logo = QPixmap() self.logo.loadFromData(base64.b64decode(__fingerprint__)) self.about_window.logoLabel.setPixmap(self.logo) self.about_window.logoLabel.resize(20, 20) about_width = self.about_window.width() about_height = self.about_window.height() self.about_window.move( self.center_x + (about_width // 4), self.center_y + (about_height // 4) ) self.about_window.show() def _examples(self): if self.examplesWindow is None: structures = {} for _, data_list in ts_types.items(): structures[data_list[0]] = ( data_list[1], data_list[2], ) structures = sorted( structures.items(), key=lambda item: item[1][0].casefold() ) self.examplesWindow = NewWindow() self.examplesWindow.examplesLabel.setGeometry(QRect(0, 0, 200, 24)) self.examplesWindow.examplesLabel.setText( "Timestamps displayed here are based on the date 2023-05-01 between 09:00 & 18:00" ) self.examplesWindow.examplesLabel.setFont(self.text_font) self.examplesWindow.setWindowTitle("Timestamp Examples") self.examplesWindow.setStyleSheet( """ border: none; alternate-background-color: #EAF6FF; background-color: white; color: black; """ ) self.examplesWindow.timestampTable.setColumnCount(2) for example in structures: row = self.examplesWindow.timestampTable.rowCount() self.examplesWindow.timestampTable.insertRow(row) widget0 = QTableWidgetItem(example[1][0]) widget0.setFlags(widget0.flags() & ~Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsEditable) widget0.setToolTip(example[0]) widget1 = QTableWidgetItem(example[1][1]) widget1.setFlags(widget1.flags() & ~Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsEditable) self.examplesWindow.timestampTable.setItem(row, 0, widget0) self.examplesWindow.timestampTable.item(row, 0).setTextAlignment( int(Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignVCenter) ) self.examplesWindow.timestampTable.item(row, 0) self.examplesWindow.timestampTable.setItem(row, 1, widget1) self.examplesWindow.timestampTable.item(row, 1).setTextAlignment( int(Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignVCenter) ) self.examplesWindow.timestampTable.horizontalHeader().setFixedHeight(1) self.examplesWindow.timestampTable.verticalHeader().setFixedWidth(1) self.examplesWindow.timestampTable.setGeometry( QRect( 0, 0, self.examplesWindow.timestampTable.horizontalHeader().length(), self.examplesWindow.timestampTable.verticalHeader().length(), ) ) self.examplesWindow.timestampTable.resizeColumnsToContents() self.examplesWindow.timestampTable.resizeRowsToContents() self.examplesWindow.timestampTable.setShowGrid(True) self.examplesWindow.timestampTable.setAlternatingRowColors(True) self.examplesWindow.setFixedSize( self.examplesWindow.timestampTable.horizontalHeader().length() + 48, 400, ) self.examplesWindow.timestampTable.setFont(self.text_font) self.examplesWindow.show() else: self.examplesWindow.close() self.examplesWindow = None self._examples() def _new_window(self): table_data = self.results selected_tz = self.timeZoneOffsets.currentText() msg = title = "" if self.encodeRadio.isChecked(): entered_value = self.dateTime.text() title = f"Encoded: {entered_value}" if "No Time Zone Change" not in selected_tz: entered_value = f"{entered_value} {selected_tz}" msg = f"Encoded: {entered_value}" elif self.decodeRadio.isChecked(): entered_value = self.timestampText.text() title = f"Decoded: {entered_value}" if "No Time Zone Change" not in selected_tz: entered_value = f"{entered_value} {selected_tz}" msg = f"Decoded: {entered_value}" if self.newWindow is None: self.newWindow = NewWindow() self.newWindow.windowLabel = self.newWindow.examplesLabel self.newWindow.windowLabel.setGeometry(QRect(0, 0, 200, 24)) self.newWindow.windowLabel.setText(msg) self.newWindow.examplesLabel.setFont(self.text_font) self.newWindow.setWindowTitle(title) self.newWindow.setStyleSheet( """ border: none; alternate-background-color: #EAF6FF; background-color: white; color: black; """ ) self.newWindow.timestampTable.setColumnCount(2) for ts_type, result in table_data.items(): row = self.newWindow.timestampTable.rowCount() self.newWindow.timestampTable.insertRow(row) widget0 = QTableWidgetItem(ts_types[ts_type][0]) widget0.setFlags(widget0.flags() & ~Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsEditable) widget0.setToolTip(ts_types[ts_type][1]) widget1 = QTableWidgetItem(result) widget1.setFlags(widget1.flags() & ~Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsEditable) self.newWindow.timestampTable.setItem(row, 0, widget0) self.newWindow.timestampTable.item(row, 0).setTextAlignment( int(Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignVCenter) ) self.newWindow.timestampTable.item(row, 0) self.newWindow.timestampTable.setItem(row, 1, widget1) self.newWindow.timestampTable.item(row, 1).setTextAlignment( int(Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignVCenter) ) if self.decodeRadio.isChecked(): this_yr = int(dt.now().strftime("%Y")) if int(duparser.parse(result).strftime("%Y")) in range( this_yr - 5, this_yr + 5 ): for each_col in range( 0, self.newWindow.timestampTable.columnCount() ): this_col = self.newWindow.timestampTable.item(row, each_col) this_col.setBackground(QColor("lightgreen")) this_col.setForeground(QColor("black")) self.newWindow.timestampTable.horizontalHeader().setFixedHeight(1) self.newWindow.timestampTable.verticalHeader().setFixedWidth(1) self.newWindow.timestampTable.setGeometry( QRect( 0, 0, self.newWindow.timestampTable.horizontalHeader().length(), self.newWindow.timestampTable.verticalHeader().length(), ) ) self.newWindow.timestampTable.resizeColumnsToContents() for col in range(0, self.newWindow.timestampTable.columnCount()): col_width = self.newWindow.timestampTable.columnWidth(col) self.newWindow.timestampTable.setColumnWidth(col, col_width + 10) self.newWindow.timestampTable.resizeRowsToContents() row_height = self.newWindow.timestampTable.rowHeight(row) total_row_height = sum( row_height for row in range(self.newWindow.timestampTable.rowCount()) ) if total_row_height < 400: window_height = total_row_height + (row_height * 2) + 8 else: window_height = 400 self.newWindow.timestampTable.setShowGrid(True) self.newWindow.timestampTable.setAlternatingRowColors(True) self.newWindow.setFixedSize( self.newWindow.timestampTable.horizontalHeader().length() + 38, window_height, ) self.newWindow.timestampTable.setFont(self.text_font) self.newWindow.show() else: self.newWindow.close() self.newWindow = None self._new_window() class TimeDecodeGui(QMainWindow, UiDialog): """TimeDecode Class""" stylesheet = """ QMainWindow { background-color: white; color: black; } QLineEdit { background-color: white; color: black; } QDateTimeEdit { background-color: white; color: black; } QMenu { background-color: white; color: black; border: 1px solid black; margin: 0; } QMenu::item { background-color: white; color: black; margin: 0; padding: 4px 20px 4px 20px; } QMenu::item:selected { background-color: #1644b9; color: white; margin: 0; padding: 4px 20px 4px 20px; } QMenuBar { background-color: white; color: black; } QMenuBar::item { background-color: white; color: black; } QMenuBar::item:selected { background-color: #1644b9; color: white; } """ def __init__(self): """Call and setup the UI""" super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) def keyPressEvent(self, event): """Create a KeyPress event for a Ctrl+C (Copy) event for selected text""" if event.matches(QKeySequence.StandardKey.Copy): self.context_menu.copy() else: super().keyPressEvent(event) # End PyQt6 GUI # 2023-05-01 17:59:38.285777 # Examples based around 2023-05-01 09:xx:xx to 17:xx:xx ts_types = { "unix_sec": [ "Unix Seconds", "Unix seconds timestamp is 10 digits in length", "1682963978", "UTC", ], "unix_milli": [ "Unix Milliseconds", "Unix milliseconds timestamp is 13 digits in length", "1682963978285", "UTC", ], "unix_milli_hex": [ "Unix Milliseconds hex", "Unix Milliseconds hex timestamp is 12 hex characters (6 bytes)", "0187d878582d", "UTC", ], "windows_hex_64": [ "Windows 64-bit Hex BE", "Windows 64-bit Hex Big-Endian timestamp is 16 hex characters (8 bytes)", "01d97c56b232fc2a", "UTC", ], "windows_hex_64le": [ "Windows 64-bit Hex LE", "Windows 64-bit Hex Little-Endian timestamp is 16 hex characters (8 bytes)", "2afc32b2567cd901", "UTC", ], "chrome": [ "Google Chrome", "Chrome/Webkit timestamp is 17 digits", "13327437578285777", "UTC", ], "ad": [ "Active Directory/LDAP", "Active Directory/LDAP timestamps are 18 digits", "133274375782857770", "UTC", ], "unix_hex_32be": [ "Unix Hex 32-bit BE", "Unix Hex 32-bit Big-Endian timestamps are 8 hex characters (4 bytes)", "644ffe0a", "UTC", ], "unix_hex_32le": [ "Unix Hex 32-bit LE", "Unix Hex 32-bit Little-Endian timestamps are 8 hex characters (4 bytes)", "0afe4f64", "UTC", ], "cookie": [ "Windows Cookie Date", "IE text cookie times consist of 2 ints, enter with a comma between them", "2986828032,31030358", "UTC", ], "ole_be": [ "Windows OLE 64-bit double BE", "OLE Big-Endian timestamps are 16 hex characters (8 bytes)", "40e5fef7fdf0f084", "UTC", ], "ole_le": [ "Windows OLE 64-bit double LE", "OLE Little-Endian timestamps are 16 hex characters (8 bytes)", "84f0f0fdf7fee540", "UTC", ], "mac": [ "NSDate - Mac Absolute time", "NSDates (Mac) are 9 digits '.' 6 digits", "704656778.285777", "UTC", ], "hfs_dec": [ "Mac OS/HFS+ Decimal Time", "Mac OS/HFS+ Decimal timestamps are 10 digits", "3765808778", "UTC", ], "hfs_be": [ "HFS/HFS+ 32-bit Hex BE", "HFS/HFS+ Big-Endian timestamps are 8 hex characters (4 bytes)", "e075ae8a", "HFS Local / HFS+ UTC", ], "hfs_le": [ "HFS/HFS+ 32-bit Hex LE", "HFS/HFS+ Little-Endian timestamps are 8 hex characters (4 bytes)", "8aae75e0", "HFS Local / HFS+ UTC", ], "msdos": [ "MS-DOS 32-bit Hex Value", "MS-DOS 32-bit timestamps are 8 hex characters (4 bytes)", "738fa156", "Local", ], "fat": [ "FAT Date + Time", "MS-DOS wFatDate wFatTime timestamps are 8 hex characters (4 bytes)", "a156738f", "Local", ], "systemtime": [ "Microsoft 128-bit SYSTEMTIME", "Microsoft 128-bit SYSTEMTIME timestamps are 32 hex characters (16 bytes)", "e70705000100010011003b0026001d01", "UTC", ], "filetime": [ "Microsoft FILETIME time", "FILETIME timestamps are 2 sets of 8 hex chars (4 bytes) separated by a colon", "b232fc2a:01d97c56", "UTC", ], "hotmail": [ "Microsoft Hotmail time", "Hotmail timestamps are 2 sets of 8 hex chars (4 bytes), separated by a colon", "567cd901:2afc32b2", "UTC", ], "prtime": [ "Mozilla PRTime", "Mozilla PRTime timestamps are 16 digits", "1682963978285777", "UTC", ], "ole_auto": [ "OLE Automation Date", "OLE Automation timestamps are 2 ints, separated by a dot", "45047.749748677976", "UTC", ], "ms1904": [ "MS Excel 1904 Date", "Excel 1904 timestamps are 2 ints, separated by a dot", "43585.749748677976", "UTC", ], "iostime": [ "NSDate - iOS 11+", "NSDates (iOS) are 15-19 digits in length", "704656778285777024", "UTC", ], "symtime": [ "Symantec AV time", "Symantec 6-byte hex timestamps are 12 hex characters", "350401113b26", "UTC", ], "gpstime": ["GPS time", "GPS timestamps are 10 digits", "1366999159", "UTC"], "eitime": [ "Google EI time", "Google ei timestamps contain only URLsafe base64 characters: A-Za-z0-9=-_", "Cv5PZA", "UTC", ], "bplist": [ "NSDate - Binary Plist / Cocoa", "NSDates (bplist) are 9 digits in length", "704656778", "UTC", ], "nsdate": [ "NSDate - bplist / Cocoa / Mac / iOS", "NSDates are 9, 9.6, or 15-19 digits in length", "704656778.285777", "UTC", ], "gsm": [ "GSM time", "GSM timestamps are 14 hex characters (7 bytes)", "32501071958300", "UTC", ], "vm": [ "VMSD time", "VMSD values are a 6-digit value and a signed/unsigned int at least 9 digits", "391845,-1777068416", "UTC", ], "tiktok": [ "TikTok time", "TikTok timestamps are 19 digits long", "7228142017547750661", "UTC", ], "twitter": [ "Twitter time", "Twitter timestamps are 18 digits or longer", "1653078434443132928", "UTC", ], "discord": [ "Discord time", "Discord timestamps are 18 digits or longer", "1102608904745127937", "UTC", ], "ksalnum": [ "KSUID Alpha-numeric", "KSUID values are 27 alpha-numeric characters", "2PChRqPZDwT9m2gBDLd5uy7XNTr", "UTC", ], "mastodon": [ "Mastodon time", "Mastodon timestamps are 18 digits or longer", "110294727262208000", "UTC", ], "metasploit": [ "Metasploit Payload UUID", "Metasploit Payload UUID's are at least 22 chars and base64 urlsafe encoded", "4PGoVGYmx8l6F3sVI4Rc8g", "UTC", ], "sony": [ "Sonyflake time", "Sonyflake values are 15 hex characters", "65dd4bb89000001", "UTC", ], "uuid": [ "UUID time", "UUIDs are in the format 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "d93026f0-e857-11ed-a05b-0242ac120003", "UTC", ], "dhcp6": [ "DHCP6 DUID time", "DHCPv6 DUID values are at least 14 bytes long", "000100012be2ba8a000000000000", "UTC", ], "dotnet": [ "Microsoft .NET DateTime", ".NET DateTime values are 18 digits", "638185607782857728", "UTC", ], "gbound": [ "GMail Boundary time", "GMail Boundary values are 28 hex chars", "0000000000001872d105faa59600", "UTC", ], "gmsgid": [ "GMail Message ID time", "GMail Message ID values are 16 hex chars or 19 digits (IMAP)", "187d878582d00000", "UTC", ], "moto": [ "Motorola time", "Motorola 6-byte hex timestamps are 12 hex characters", "350501113b26", "UTC", ], "nokia": [ "Nokia time", "Nokia 4-byte hex timestamps are 8 hex characters", "cdd5880a", "UTC", ], "nokiale": [ "Nokia time LE", "Nokia 4-byte hex timestamps are 8 hex characters", "0a88d5cd", "UTC", ], "ns40": [ "Nokia S40 time", "Nokia 7-byte hex timestamps are 14 hex characters", "07e70501113b26", "UTC", ], "ns40le": [ "Nokia S40 time LE", "Nokia 7-byte hex timestamps are 14 hex characters", "e7070501113b26", "UTC", ], "bitdec": [ "Bitwise Decimal time", "Bitwise Decimal timestamps are 10 digits", "2121600123", "Local", ], "bitdate": [ "BitDate time", "Samsung/LG BitDate timestamps are 8 hex characters", "7b0c757e", "Local", ], "ksdec": [ "KSUID Decimal", "KSUID decimal timestamps are 9 digits in length", "282963978", "UTC", ], "exfat": [ "exFAT time", "exFAT 32-bit timestamps are 8 hex characters (4 bytes)", "56a18f73", "Local", ], "biomehex": [ "Apple Biome hex time", "Apple Biome Hex value is 8 bytes (16 chars) long", "41c5001ac5249457", "UTC", ], "biome64": [ "Apple Biome 64-bit decimal", "Apple Biome 64-bit decimal is 19 digits in length", "4739194297853973591", "UTC", ], "s32": [ "S32 Encoded (Bluesky) time", "S32 encoded (Bluesky) timestamps are 9 characters long", "3kzgbkpsk", "UTC", ], "apache": [ "Apache Cookie Hex time", "Apache Cookie hex timestamps are 13 hex characters long", "5faa420b70880", "UTC", ], "leb128_hex": [ "LEB128 Hex time", "LEB128 Hex timestamps are variable-length and even-length", "8ed1b7b8fd30", "UTC", ], "julian_dec": [ "Julian Date decimal value", "Julian Date decimal values are 7 digits, a decimal, and up to 10 digits", "2460066.249748678", "UTC", ], "julian_hex": [ "Julian Date hex value", "Julian Date hex values are 14 characters (7 bytes)", "2589a2ee2dcc6", "UTC", ], "semi_octet": [ "Semi-Octet decimal value", "Semi-Octet decimal values are 12 or 14 digits long", "325010901034", "Local", ], } __types__ = len(ts_types) epochs = { 1: dt(1, 1, 1), 1601: dt(1601, 1, 1), 1899: dt(1899, 12, 30), 1904: dt(1904, 1, 1), 1970: dt(1970, 1, 1), 1980: dt(1980, 1, 6), 2000: dt(2000, 1, 1), 2001: dt(2001, 1, 1), 2050: dt(2050, 1, 1), "hundreds_nano": 10000000, "nano_2001": 1000000000, "active": 116444736000000000, "hfs_dec_sub": 2082844800, "kstime": 1400000000, } # There have been no further leapseconds since 2017,1,1 at the __date__ of this script # which is why the leapseconds end with a dt.now object to valid/relevant timestamp output. # See REFERENCES.md for source info. leapseconds = { 10: [dt(1972, 1, 1), dt(1972, 7, 1)], 11: [dt(1972, 7, 1), dt(1973, 1, 1)], 12: [dt(1973, 1, 1), dt(1974, 1, 1)], 13: [dt(1974, 1, 1), dt(1975, 1, 1)], 14: [dt(1975, 1, 1), dt(1976, 1, 1)], 15: [dt(1976, 1, 1), dt(1977, 1, 1)], 16: [dt(1977, 1, 1), dt(1978, 1, 1)], 17: [dt(1978, 1, 1), dt(1979, 1, 1)], 18: [dt(1979, 1, 1), dt(1980, 1, 1)], 19: [dt(1980, 1, 1), dt(1981, 7, 1)], 20: [dt(1981, 7, 1), dt(1982, 7, 1)], 21: [dt(1982, 7, 1), dt(1983, 7, 1)], 22: [dt(1983, 7, 1), dt(1985, 7, 1)], 23: [dt(1985, 7, 1), dt(1988, 1, 1)], 24: [dt(1988, 1, 1), dt(1990, 1, 1)], 25: [dt(1990, 1, 1), dt(1991, 1, 1)], 26: [dt(1991, 1, 1), dt(1992, 7, 1)], 27: [dt(1992, 7, 1), dt(1993, 7, 1)], 28: [dt(1993, 7, 1), dt(1994, 7, 1)], 29: [dt(1994, 7, 1), dt(1996, 1, 1)], 30: [dt(1996, 1, 1), dt(1997, 7, 1)], 31: [dt(1997, 7, 1), dt(1999, 1, 1)], 32: [dt(1999, 1, 1), dt(2006, 1, 1)], 33: [dt(2006, 1, 1), dt(2009, 1, 1)], 34: [dt(2009, 1, 1), dt(2012, 7, 1)], 35: [dt(2012, 7, 1), dt(2015, 7, 1)], 36: [dt(2015, 7, 1), dt(2017, 1, 1)], 37: [dt(2017, 1, 1), dt.now() - timedelta(seconds=37)], } S32_CHARS = "234567abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" def launch_gui(): """Execute the application""" td_app = QApplication([__appname__, "windows:darkmode=2"]) icon = QPixmap() icon.loadFromData(base64.b64decode(__fingerprint__)) td_app.setWindowIcon(QIcon(icon)) td_app.setStyle("Fusion") td_form = TimeDecodeGui() td_form.show() td_app.exec() def handle(error): """Error handling output and formatting to include function causing error""" exc_type, exc_obj, _ = error error_tb = traceback.extract_stack()[:-3] + traceback.extract_tb( exc_obj.__traceback__ ) _, line_no, function_name, _ = error_tb[-1] print(f"{str(exc_type.__name__)}: {str(exc_obj)} - {function_name} line {line_no}") def analyze(args): """Process arguments and errors""" all_args = vars(args) try: if args.guess: full_list = from_all(args.guess) if len(full_list) == 0: print("[!] No valid dates found. Check your input and try again") else: print( f"[+] Guessing timestamp format for {args.guess}\n" f"[+] Outputs which do NOT result in a date/time value are NOT displayed\r" ) if len(full_list) == 1: dt_text = "date" else: dt_text = "dates" print(f"[+] Displaying {len(full_list)} potential {dt_text}\r") print( f"{__red__}[+] Most likely results (+/- 5 years) are highlighted\n{__clr__}" ) for _, output in enumerate(full_list): print(f"{full_list[output][1]}") print("\r") return if args.timestamp: _, ts_outputs = to_timestamps(args.timestamp) print( f"\n[+] Converting {args.timestamp} to {len(ts_outputs)} timestamps:\n" ) for ts_val in ts_outputs: print(ts_val) print("\r") return if args.gui: launch_gui() for arg_passed, _ in single_funcs.items(): if all_args[arg_passed]: _, indiv_output, _, reason, _ = single_funcs[arg_passed]( all_args[arg_passed] ) if indiv_output is False: print(f"[!] {reason}") else: print(indiv_output) return except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) def from_unix_sec(timestamp): """Convert Unix Seconds value to a date""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["unix_sec"] try: if len(str(timestamp)) != 10 or not timestamp.isdigit(): in_unix_sec = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: in_unix_sec = dt.utcfromtimestamp(float(timestamp)).strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_unix_sec} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t\t{in_unix_sec} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_unix_sec = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_unix_sec, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_unix_sec(dt_val): """Convert date to a Unix Seconds value""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["unix_sec"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) out_unix_sec = str(int((dt_obj - epochs[1970]).total_seconds()) - int(dt_tz)) ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t\t{out_unix_sec}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_unix_sec = ts_output = False return out_unix_sec, ts_output def from_unix_milli(timestamp): """Convert Unix Millisecond value to a date""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["unix_milli"] try: if len(str(timestamp)) != 13 or not str(timestamp).isdigit(): in_unix_milli = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: in_unix_milli = dt.utcfromtimestamp(float(timestamp) / 1000.0).strftime( __fmt__ ) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_unix_milli} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t{in_unix_milli} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_unix_milli = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_unix_milli, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_unix_milli(dt_val): """Convert date to a Unix Millisecond value""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["unix_milli"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) out_unix_milli = str( int(((dt_obj - epochs[1970]).total_seconds() - int(dt_tz)) * 1000) ) ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t{out_unix_milli}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_unix_milli = ts_output = False return out_unix_milli, ts_output def from_unix_milli_hex(timestamp): """Convert a Unix Millisecond hex value to a date""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["unix_milli_hex"] try: if len(str(timestamp)) != 12 or not all( char in hexdigits for char in timestamp ): in_unix_milli_hex = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: unix_mil = int(str(timestamp), 16) in_unix_milli_hex, _, _, _, _ = from_unix_milli(unix_mil) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_unix_milli_hex} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t{in_unix_milli_hex} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_unix_milli_hex = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_unix_milli_hex, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_unix_milli_hex(dt_val): """Convert a date to a Unix Millisecond hex value""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["unix_milli_hex"] try: unix_mil, _ = to_unix_milli(dt_val) out_unix_milli_hex = f"{int(unix_mil):012x}" ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t{out_unix_milli_hex}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_unix_milli_hex = ts_output = False return out_unix_milli_hex, ts_output def from_windows_hex_64(timestamp): """Convert a Windows 64 Hex Big-Endian value to a date""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["windows_hex_64"] try: if not len(timestamp) == 16 or not all(char in hexdigits for char in timestamp): in_windows_hex_64 = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: base10_microseconds = int(timestamp, 16) / 10 if base10_microseconds >= 1e17: in_windows_hex_64 = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: dt_obj = epochs[1601] + timedelta(microseconds=base10_microseconds) in_windows_hex_64 = dt_obj.strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_windows_hex_64} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t{in_windows_hex_64} " f"UTC{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_windows_hex_64 = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_windows_hex_64, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_windows_hex_64(dt_val): """Convert a date to a Windows 64 Hex Big-Endian value""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["windows_hex_64"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) minus_epoch = dt_obj - epochs[1601] calc_time = ( minus_epoch.microseconds + ((minus_epoch.seconds - int(dt_tz)) * 1000000) + (minus_epoch.days * 86400000000) ) out_windows_hex_64 = str(hex(int(calc_time) * 10))[2:].zfill(16) ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t{out_windows_hex_64}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_windows_hex_64 = ts_output = False return out_windows_hex_64, ts_output def from_windows_hex_64le(timestamp): """Convert a Windows 64 Hex Little-Endian value to a date""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["windows_hex_64le"] try: if not len(timestamp) == 16 or not all(char in hexdigits for char in timestamp): in_windows_hex_le = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: indiv_output = combined_output = False endianness_change = int.from_bytes( struct.pack("= 1e17: in_windows_hex_le = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: dt_obj = epochs[1601] + timedelta(microseconds=converted_time) in_windows_hex_le = dt_obj.strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_windows_hex_le} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t{in_windows_hex_le} " f"UTC{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_windows_hex_le = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_windows_hex_le, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_windows_hex_64le(dt_val): """Convert a date to a Windows 64 Hex Little-Endian value""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["windows_hex_64le"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) minus_epoch = dt_obj - epochs[1601] calc_time = ( minus_epoch.microseconds + ((minus_epoch.seconds - int(dt_tz)) * 1000000) + (minus_epoch.days * 86400000000) ) out_windows_hex_le = str(struct.pack(" 6 or len(nano_seconds) == 6 ): chrome_time = str(chrome_time).replace( str(chrome_time).split(".")[1], str(micro_seconds).zfill(6) ) out_chrome = str(chrome_time).replace(".", "") else: out_chrome = str(int(chrome_time * 1000000)) ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t\t{out_chrome}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_chrome = ts_output = False return out_chrome, ts_output def from_ad(timestamp): """Convert an Active Directory/LDAP timestamp to a date""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["ad"] try: if not len(timestamp) == 18 or not timestamp.isdigit(): in_ad = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: val_check = ( float(int(timestamp) - epochs["active"]) / epochs["hundreds_nano"] ) if val_check < 0 or val_check > 32536850399: in_ad = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: dt_obj = dt.utcfromtimestamp(val_check) in_ad = dt_obj.strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_ad} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t{in_ad} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_ad = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_ad, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_ad(dt_val): """Convert a date to an Active Directory/LDAP timestamp""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["ad"] try: nano_seconds = "" if "." in dt_val: nano_seconds = dt_val.split(".")[1].split(" ")[0] dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) if len(nano_seconds) == 7: dt_obj = dt_obj.replace(microsecond=0) nano_seconds = int(nano_seconds) elif len(nano_seconds) > 7: dt_obj = dt_obj.replace(microsecond=0) nano_seconds = int(nano_seconds[: -(len(nano_seconds) - 7)]) elif len(nano_seconds) == 6 or ( len(nano_seconds) == 5 and len(str(dt_obj.microsecond)) == 6 ): nano_seconds = dt_obj.microsecond * 10 dt_obj = dt_obj.replace(microsecond=0) else: nano_seconds = 0 tz_shift = ( int( ((dt_obj - epochs[1970]).total_seconds() - int(dt_tz)) * epochs["hundreds_nano"] ) + nano_seconds ) out_adtime = str(int(tz_shift) + int(epochs["active"])) ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t{out_adtime}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_adtime = ts_output = False return out_adtime, ts_output def from_unix_hex_32be(timestamp): """Convert a Unix Hex 32-bit Big-Endian timestamp to a date""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["unix_hex_32be"] try: if not len(timestamp) == 8 or not all(char in hexdigits for char in timestamp): in_unix_hex_32 = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: to_dec = int(timestamp, 16) in_unix_hex_32 = dt.utcfromtimestamp(float(to_dec)).strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_unix_hex_32} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t{in_unix_hex_32} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_unix_hex_32 = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_unix_hex_32, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_unix_hex_32be(dt_val): """Convert a date to a Unix Hex 32-bit Big-Endian timestamp""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["unix_hex_32be"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) unix_time = int((dt_obj - epochs[1970]).total_seconds() - int(dt_tz)) out_unix_hex_32 = str(struct.pack(">L", unix_time).hex()) ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t{out_unix_hex_32}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_unix_hex_32 = ts_output = False return out_unix_hex_32, ts_output def from_unix_hex_32le(timestamp): """Convert a Unix Hex 32-bit Little-Endian timestamp to a date""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["unix_hex_32le"] try: if not len(timestamp) == 8 or not all(char in hexdigits for char in timestamp): in_unix_hex_32le = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: to_dec = int.from_bytes(struct.pack("= 1e11: in_cookie = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: dt_obj = dt.utcfromtimestamp(calc) in_cookie = dt_obj.strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_cookie} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t{in_cookie} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_cookie = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_cookie, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_cookie(dt_val): """Convert a date to Internet Explorer timestamp values""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["cookie"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) unix_time = int((dt_obj - epochs[1970]).total_seconds() - int(dt_tz)) high = int(((unix_time + 11644473600) * 10**7) / 2**32) low = int((unix_time + 11644473600) * 10**7) - (high * 2**32) out_cookie = f"{str(low)},{str(high)}" ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t{out_cookie}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_cookie = ts_output = False return out_cookie, ts_output def from_ole_be(timestamp): """Convert an OLE Big-Endian timestamp to a date""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["ole_be"] try: if not len(timestamp) == 16 or not all(char in hexdigits for char in timestamp): in_ole_be = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: delta = struct.unpack(">d", struct.pack(">Q", int(timestamp, 16)))[0] if delta != delta or int(delta) < 0 or delta > 2e6: in_ole_be = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: dt_obj = epochs[1899] + timedelta(days=delta) in_ole_be = dt_obj.strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_ole_be} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t{in_ole_be} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_ole_be = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_ole_be, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_ole_be(dt_val): """Convert a date to an OLE Big-Endian timestamp""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["ole_be"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) delta = ((dt_obj - epochs[1899]).total_seconds() - int(dt_tz)) / 86400 conv = struct.unpack("Q", conv).hex()) ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t{out_ole_be}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_ole_be = ts_output = False return out_ole_be, ts_output def from_ole_le(timestamp): """Convert an OLE Little-Endian timestamp to a date""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["ole_le"] try: if not len(timestamp) == 16 or not all(char in hexdigits for char in timestamp): in_ole_le = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: to_le = hex(int.from_bytes(struct.pack("d", struct.pack(">Q", int(to_le[2:], 16)))[0] if delta != delta or int(delta) < 0 or int(delta) > 99999: in_ole_le = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: dt_obj = epochs[1899] + timedelta(days=delta) in_ole_le = dt_obj.strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_ole_le} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t{in_ole_le} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_ole_le = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_ole_le, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_ole_le(dt_val): """Convert a date to an OLE Little-Endian timestamp""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["ole_le"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) delta = ((dt_obj - epochs[1899]).total_seconds() - int(dt_tz)) / 86400 conv = struct.unpack(" 4294967295: out_hfs_be = "[!] Timestamp Boundary Exceeded [!]" else: out_hfs_be = f"{conv:08x}" ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t{out_hfs_be}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_hfs_be = ts_output = False return out_hfs_be, ts_output def from_hfs_le(timestamp): """Convert an HFS/HFS+ Little-Endian timestamp to a date (HFS+ is in UTC)""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["hfs_le"] try: if not len(timestamp) == 8 or not all(char in hexdigits for char in timestamp): in_hfs_le = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: to_le = struct.unpack(">I", struct.pack(" 4294967295: out_hfs_le = "[!] Timestamp Boundary Exceeded [!]" else: out_hfs_le = str(struct.pack("I", int(year + month + day + hour + minute + seconds, 2) ).hex() ) byte_swap = "".join([to_hex[i : i + 2] for i in range(0, len(to_hex), 2)][::-1]) out_fat = "".join( [byte_swap[i : i + 4] for i in range(0, len(byte_swap), 4)][::-1] ) ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t{out_fat}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_fat = ts_output = False return out_fat, ts_output def from_msdos(timestamp): """Convert an MS-DOS timestamp to a date""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["msdos"] try: if not len(timestamp) == 8 or not all(char in hexdigits for char in timestamp): in_msdos = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: swap = "".join( [timestamp[i : i + 2] for i in range(0, len(timestamp), 2)][::-1] ) binary = f"{int(swap, 16):032b}" stamp = [ binary[:7], binary[7:11], binary[11:16], binary[16:21], binary[21:27], binary[27:32], ] for val in stamp[:]: dec = int(val, 2) stamp.remove(val) stamp.append(dec) dos_year = stamp[0] + 1980 dos_month = stamp[1] dos_day = stamp[2] dos_hour = stamp[3] dos_min = stamp[4] dos_sec = stamp[5] * 2 if ( dos_year not in range(1970, 2100) or dos_month not in range(1, 13) or dos_day not in range(1, 32) or dos_hour not in range(0, 24) or dos_min not in range(0, 60) or dos_sec not in range(0, 60) or dos_day not in range(1, monthrange(dos_year, dos_month)[1]) ): in_msdos = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: dt_obj = dt(dos_year, dos_month, dos_day, dos_hour, dos_min, dos_sec) in_msdos = dt_obj.strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_msdos} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t{in_msdos} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_msdos = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_msdos, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_msdos(dt_val): """Convert a date to an MS-DOS timestamp""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["msdos"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) year = f"{(dt_obj.year - 1980):07b}" month = f"{dt_obj.month:04b}" day = f"{dt_obj.day:05b}" hour = f"{dt_obj.hour:05b}" minute = f"{dt_obj.minute:06b}" seconds = f"{int(dt_obj.second / 2):05b}" hexval = str( struct.pack( ">I", int(year + month + day + hour + minute + seconds, 2) ).hex() ) out_msdos = "".join([hexval[i : i + 2] for i in range(0, len(hexval), 2)][::-1]) ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t{out_msdos}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_msdos = ts_output = False return out_msdos, ts_output def from_exfat(timestamp): """Convert an exFAT timestamp (LE) to a date""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["exfat"] try: if not len(timestamp) == 8 or not all(char in hexdigits for char in timestamp): in_exfat = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: binary = f"{int(timestamp, 16):032b}" stamp = [ binary[:7], binary[7:11], binary[11:16], binary[16:21], binary[21:27], binary[27:32], ] for val in stamp[:]: dec = int(val, 2) stamp.remove(val) stamp.append(dec) exfat_year = stamp[0] + 1980 exfat_month = stamp[1] exfat_day = stamp[2] exfat_hour = stamp[3] exfat_min = stamp[4] exfat_sec = stamp[5] * 2 if ( exfat_year not in range(1970, 2100) or exfat_month not in range(1, 13) or exfat_day not in range(1, 32) or exfat_hour not in range(0, 24) or exfat_min not in range(0, 60) or exfat_sec not in range(0, 60) or exfat_day not in range(1, monthrange(exfat_year, exfat_month)[1]) ): in_exfat = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: dt_obj = dt( exfat_year, exfat_month, exfat_day, exfat_hour, exfat_min, exfat_sec ) in_exfat = dt_obj.strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_exfat} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t\t{in_exfat} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_exfat = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_exfat, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_exfat(dt_val): """Convert a date to an exFAT timestamp (LE)""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["exfat"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) year = f"{(dt_obj.year - 1980):07b}" month = f"{dt_obj.month:04b}" day = f"{dt_obj.day:05b}" hour = f"{dt_obj.hour:05b}" minute = f"{dt_obj.minute:06b}" seconds = f"{int(dt_obj.second / 2):05b}" out_exfat = str( struct.pack( ">I", int(year + month + day + hour + minute + seconds, 2) ).hex() ) ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t\t{out_exfat}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_exfat = ts_output = False return out_exfat, ts_output def from_systemtime(timestamp): """Convert a Microsoft 128-bit SYSTEMTIME timestamp to a date""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["systemtime"] try: if not len(timestamp) == 32 or not all(char in hexdigits for char in timestamp): in_systemtime = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: to_le = "".join( [timestamp[i : i + 2] for i in range(0, len(timestamp), 2)][::-1] ) converted = [to_le[i : i + 4] for i in range(0, len(to_le), 4)][::-1] stamp = [] for i in converted: dec = int(i, 16) stamp.append(dec) if (stamp[0] > 3000) or (stamp[1] > 12) or (stamp[2] > 31): in_systemtime = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: dt_obj = dt( stamp[0], stamp[1], stamp[3], stamp[4], stamp[5], stamp[6], stamp[7] * 1000, ) in_systemtime = dt_obj.strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_systemtime} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t{in_systemtime} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_systemtime = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_systemtime, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_systemtime(dt_val): """Convert a date to a Microsoft 128-bit SYSTEMTIME timestamp""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["systemtime"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) micro = int(dt_obj.microsecond / 1000) tz_shift = dt_obj.timestamp() - int(dt_tz) add_micro = (tz_shift * 1000) + micro convert_to_seconds = add_micro / 1000 new_dt_obj = dt.fromtimestamp(convert_to_seconds) full_date = new_dt_obj.strftime("%Y, %m, %w, %d, %H, %M, %S, " + str(micro)) stamp = [] for val in full_date.split(","): to_hex = int( hex(int.from_bytes(struct.pack("Q", struct.pack(">LL", part1, part2))[0] if converted_time >= 1e18: in_filetime = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: dt_obj = dt.utcfromtimestamp( float(converted_time - epochs["active"]) / epochs["hundreds_nano"] ) in_filetime = dt_obj.strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_filetime} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t{in_filetime} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_filetime = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_filetime, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_filetime(dt_val): """Convert a date to a Microsoft FILETIME timestamp""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["filetime"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) minus_epoch = dt_obj - epochs[1601] calc_time = ( minus_epoch.microseconds + ((minus_epoch.seconds - int(dt_tz)) * 1000000) + (minus_epoch.days * 86400000000) ) indiv_output = str(struct.pack(">Q", int(calc_time * 10)).hex()) out_filetime = f"{str(indiv_output[8:])}:{str(indiv_output[:8])}" ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t{out_filetime}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_filetime = ts_output = False return out_filetime, ts_output def from_hotmail(timestamp): """Convert a Microsoft Hotmail timestamp to a date""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["hotmail"] try: if ":" not in timestamp or not ( all(char in hexdigits for char in timestamp[0:8]) and all(char in hexdigits for char in timestamp[9:]) ): in_hotmail = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: hm_repl = timestamp.replace(":", "") byte_swap = "".join( [hm_repl[i : i + 2] for i in range(0, len(hm_repl), 2)][::-1] ) part2 = int(byte_swap[:8], base=16) part1 = int(byte_swap[8:], base=16) converted_time = struct.unpack(">Q", struct.pack(">LL", part1, part2))[0] if converted_time >= 1e18: in_hotmail = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: dt_obj = dt.utcfromtimestamp( float(converted_time - epochs["active"]) / epochs["hundreds_nano"] ) in_hotmail = dt_obj.strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_hotmail} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t{in_hotmail} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_hotmail = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_hotmail, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_hotmail(dt_val): """Convert a date to a Microsoft Hotmail timestamp""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["hotmail"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) minus_epoch = dt_obj - epochs[1601] calc_time = ( minus_epoch.microseconds + ((minus_epoch.seconds - int(dt_tz)) * 1000000) + (minus_epoch.days * 86400000000) ) indiv_output = str(struct.pack(">Q", int(calc_time * 10)).hex()) byte_swap = "".join( [indiv_output[i : i + 2] for i in range(0, len(indiv_output), 2)][::-1] ) out_hotmail = f"{str(byte_swap[8:])}:{str(byte_swap[:8])}" ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t{out_hotmail}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_hotmail = ts_output = False return out_hotmail, ts_output def from_prtime(timestamp): """Convert a Mozilla PRTime timestamp to a date""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["prtime"] try: if not len(timestamp) == 16 or not timestamp.isdigit(): in_prtime = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: dt_obj = epochs[1970] + timedelta(microseconds=int(timestamp)) in_prtime = dt_obj.strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_prtime} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t\t{in_prtime} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_prtime = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_prtime, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_prtime(dt_val): """Convert a date to Mozilla's PRTime timestamp""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["prtime"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) out_prtime = str( int(((dt_obj - epochs[1970]).total_seconds() - int(dt_tz)) * 1000000) ) ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t\t{out_prtime}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_prtime = ts_output = False return out_prtime, ts_output def from_ole_auto(timestamp): """Convert an OLE Automation timestamp to a date""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["ole_auto"] try: if ( "." not in timestamp or not ( (len(timestamp.split(".")[0]) == 5) and (len(timestamp.split(".")[1]) in range(9, 13)) ) or not "".join(timestamp.split(".")).isdigit() ): in_ole_auto = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: dt_obj = epochs[1899] + timedelta(days=float(timestamp)) in_ole_auto = dt_obj.strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_ole_auto} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t{in_ole_auto} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_ole_auto = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_ole_auto, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_ole_auto(dt_val): """Convert a date to an OLE Automation timestamp""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["ole_auto"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) ole_ts = ((dt_obj - epochs[1899]).total_seconds() - int(dt_tz)) / 86400 out_ole_auto = f"{ole_ts:.12f}" ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t{out_ole_auto}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_ole_auto = ts_output = False return out_ole_auto, ts_output def from_ms1904(timestamp): """Convert a Microsoft Excel 1904 timestamp to a date""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["ms1904"] try: if ( "." not in timestamp or not ( (len(timestamp.split(".")[0]) == 5) and (len(timestamp.split(".")[1]) in range(9, 13)) ) or not "".join(timestamp.split(".")).isdigit() ): in_ms1904 = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: dt_obj = epochs[1904] + timedelta(days=float(timestamp)) in_ms1904 = dt_obj.strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_ms1904} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t{in_ms1904} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_ms1904 = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_ms1904, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_ms1904(dt_val): """Convert a date to a Microsoft Excel 1904 timestamp""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["ms1904"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) ms1904_ts = ((dt_obj - epochs[1904]).total_seconds() - int(dt_tz)) / 86400 out_ms1904 = f"{ms1904_ts:.12f}" ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t{out_ms1904}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_ms1904 = ts_output = False return out_ms1904, ts_output def to_iostime(dt_val): """Convert a date to an iOS 11 timestamp""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["iostime"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) out_iostime = str( int( ((dt_obj - epochs[2001]).total_seconds() - int(dt_tz)) * epochs["nano_2001"] ) ) if int(out_iostime) < 0: out_iostime = "[!] Timestamp Boundary Exceeded [!]" ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t{out_iostime}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_iostime = ts_output = False return out_iostime, ts_output def from_symtime(timestamp): """Convert a Symantec 6-byte hex timestamp to a date""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["symtime"] try: if not len(timestamp) == 12 or not all(char in hexdigits for char in timestamp): in_symtime = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: hex_to_dec = [ int(timestamp[i : i + 2], 16) for i in range(0, len(timestamp), 2) ] hex_to_dec[0] = hex_to_dec[0] + 1970 hex_to_dec[1] = hex_to_dec[1] + 1 if hex_to_dec[1] not in range(1, 13): in_symtime = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: dt_obj = dt( hex_to_dec[0], hex_to_dec[1], hex_to_dec[2], hex_to_dec[3], hex_to_dec[4], hex_to_dec[5], ) in_symtime = dt_obj.strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_symtime}") combined_output = str(f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t{in_symtime} {tz_out}{__clr__}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_symtime = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_symtime, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_symtime(dt_val): """Convert a date to Symantec's 6-byte hex timestamp""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["symtime"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) sym_year = f"{(dt_obj.year - 1970):02x}" sym_month = f"{(dt_obj.month - 1):02x}" sym_day = f"{(dt_obj.day):02x}" sym_hour = f"{(dt_obj.hour):02x}" sym_minute = f"{(dt_obj.minute):02x}" sym_second = f"{(dt_obj.second):02x}" out_symtime = ( f"{sym_year}{sym_month}{sym_day}{sym_hour}{sym_minute}{sym_second}" ) ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t{out_symtime}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_symtime = ts_output = False return out_symtime, ts_output def from_gpstime(timestamp): """Convert a GPS timestamp to a date (involves leap seconds)""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["gpstime"] try: if not len(timestamp) == 10 or not timestamp.isdigit(): in_gpstime = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: gps_stamp = epochs[1980] + timedelta(seconds=float(timestamp)) tai_convert = gps_stamp + timedelta(seconds=19) epoch_convert = (tai_convert - epochs[1970]).total_seconds() check_date = dt.utcfromtimestamp(epoch_convert) for entry in leapseconds: check = date_range( leapseconds.get(entry)[0], leapseconds.get(entry)[1], check_date ) if check is True: variance = entry else: variance = 0 gps_out = check_date - timedelta(seconds=variance) in_gpstime = gps_out.strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_gpstime}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t\t{in_gpstime} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_gpstime = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_gpstime, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_gpstime(dt_val): """Convert a date to a GPS timestamp (involves leap seconds)""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["gpstime"] try: check_date = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(check_date.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = check_date.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() check_date = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) else: dt_tz = 0 check_date = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) for entry in leapseconds: check = date_range( leapseconds.get(entry)[0], leapseconds.get(entry)[1], check_date ) if check is True: variance = entry else: variance = 0 leap_correction = check_date + timedelta(seconds=variance) epoch_shift = leap_correction - epochs[1970] gps_stamp = ( dt.utcfromtimestamp(epoch_shift.total_seconds()) - epochs[1980] ).total_seconds() - 19 gps_stamp = int(gps_stamp) - int(dt_tz) out_gpstime = str(gps_stamp) ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t\t{out_gpstime}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_gpstime = ts_output = False return out_gpstime, ts_output def from_eitime(timestamp): """Convert a Google ei URL timestamp""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["eitime"] try: urlsafe_chars = ( "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890=-_" ) if not all(char in urlsafe_chars for char in timestamp): in_eitime = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: padding_check = len(timestamp) % 4 if padding_check != 0: padding_reqd = 4 - padding_check result_eitime = timestamp + (padding_reqd * "=") else: result_eitime = timestamp try: decoded_eitime = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(result_eitime).hex()[:8] unix_ts = int.from_bytes( struct.pack(" 0: tz_out = f"{tz_out}+{str(dt_tz)}" else: tz_out = f"{tz_out}{str(dt_tz)}" in_gsm = str( dt(dt_year, dt_month, dt_day, dt_hour, dt_min, dt_sec).strftime(__fmt__) ) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_gsm}") combined_output = str(f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t\t{in_gsm}{__clr__}") except ValueError: in_gsm = indiv_output = combined_output = False except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_gsm = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_gsm, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_gsm(dt_val): """Convert a timestamp to a GSM timestamp""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["gsm"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 if dt_tz == 0: hex_tz = f"{0:02d}" elif dt_tz < 0: dt_tz = dt_tz / 3600 conversion = str(f"{(int(abs(dt_tz)) * 4):02d}") conv_list = list(conversion) high_order = f"{int(conv_list[0]):04b}" low_order = f"{int(conv_list[1]):04b}" high_order = f"{(int(high_order, 2) + 8):04b}" hex_tz = hex(int((high_order + low_order), 2)).lstrip("0x").upper() else: dt_tz = dt_tz / 3600 conversion = str(int(dt_tz) * 4).zfill(2) conv_list = list(conversion) high_order = f"{int(conv_list[0]):04b}" low_order = f"{int(conv_list[1]):04b}" hex_tz = hex(int((high_order + low_order), 2)).lstrip("0x").upper() date_list = [ f"{(dt_obj.year - 2000):02d}", f"{dt_obj.month:02d}", f"{dt_obj.day:02d}", f"{dt_obj.hour:02d}", f"{dt_obj.minute:02d}", f"{dt_obj.second:02d}", hex_tz, ] date_value_swap = [] for value in date_list[:]: b_endian = value[::-1] date_value_swap.append(b_endian) out_gsm = "".join(date_value_swap) ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t\t{out_gsm}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_gsm = ts_output = False return out_gsm, ts_output def from_vm(timestamp): """Convert from a .vmsd createTimeHigh/createTimeLow timestamp""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["vm"] try: if "," not in timestamp: in_vm = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: create_time_high = int(timestamp.split(",")[0]) create_time_low = int(timestamp.split(",")[1]) vmsd = ( float( (create_time_high * 2**32) + struct.unpack("I", struct.pack("i", create_time_low))[0] ) / 1000000 ) if vmsd >= 1e13: in_vm = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: in_vm = dt.utcfromtimestamp(vmsd).strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_vm}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t\t{in_vm} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_vm = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_vm, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_vm(dt_val): """Convert date to a .vmsd createTime* value""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["vm"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) unix_seconds = ( int((dt_obj - epochs[1970]).total_seconds() - int(dt_tz)) * 1000000 ) create_time_high = int(float(unix_seconds) / 2**32) unpacked_int = unix_seconds - (create_time_high * 2**32) create_time_low = struct.unpack("i", struct.pack("I", unpacked_int))[0] out_vm = f"{str(create_time_high)},{str(create_time_low)}" ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t\t{out_vm}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_vm = ts_output = False return out_vm, ts_output def from_tiktok(timestamp): """Convert a TikTok URL value to a date/time""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["tiktok"] try: if len(str(timestamp)) < 19 or not timestamp.isdigit(): in_tiktok = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: unix_ts = int(timestamp) >> 32 if unix_ts > 32536850399: in_tiktok = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: in_tiktok = dt.utcfromtimestamp(float(unix_ts)).strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_tiktok}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t\t{in_tiktok} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_tiktok = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_tiktok, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def from_twitter(timestamp): """Convert a Twitter URL value to a date/time""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["twitter"] try: if len(str(timestamp)) < 18 or not timestamp.isdigit(): in_twitter = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: unix_ts = (int(timestamp) >> 22) + 1288834974657 if unix_ts > 32536850399: in_twitter = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: in_twitter = dt.utcfromtimestamp(float(unix_ts) / 1000.0).strftime( __fmt__ ) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_twitter}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t\t{in_twitter} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_twitter = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_twitter, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def from_discord(timestamp): """Convert a Discord URL value to a date/time""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["discord"] try: if len(str(timestamp)) < 18 or not timestamp.isdigit(): in_discord = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: unix_ts = (int(timestamp) >> 22) + 1420070400000 if unix_ts > 32536850399: in_discord = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: in_discord = dt.utcfromtimestamp(float(unix_ts) / 1000.0).strftime( __fmt__ ) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_discord}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t\t{in_discord} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_discord = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_discord, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def from_ksalnum(timestamp): """Extract a timestamp from a KSUID alpha-numeric value""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["ksalnum"] try: ksalnum_chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" if len(str(timestamp)) != 27 or not all( char in ksalnum_chars for char in timestamp ): in_ksalnum = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: length, i, variation = len(timestamp), 0, 0 b_array = bytearray() for val in timestamp: variation += ksalnum_chars.index(val) * (62 ** (length - (i + 1))) i += 1 while variation > 0: b_array.append(variation & 0xFF) variation //= 256 b_array.reverse() ts_bytes = bytes(b_array)[0:4] unix_ts = int.from_bytes(ts_bytes, "big", signed=False) + 1400000000 in_ksalnum = dt.utcfromtimestamp(float(unix_ts)).strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_ksalnum}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t\t{in_ksalnum} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_ksalnum = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_ksalnum, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def from_mastodon(timestamp): """Convert a Mastodon value to a date/time""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["mastodon"] try: if len(str(timestamp)) < 18 or not timestamp.isdigit(): in_mastodon = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: ts_conversion = int(timestamp) >> 16 unix_ts = float(ts_conversion) / 1000.0 if int(unix_ts) > 32536850399: # This is the Windows maximum for parsing a unix TS # and is 3001-01-19 21:29:59 UTC in_mastodon = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: in_mastodon = dt.utcfromtimestamp(unix_ts).strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_mastodon}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t\t{in_mastodon} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_mastodon = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_mastodon, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_mastodon(dt_val): """Convert a date/time to a Mastodon value""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["mastodon"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) unix_seconds = int((dt_obj - epochs[1970]).total_seconds() - int(dt_tz)) * 1000 bit_shift = unix_seconds << 16 out_mastodon = f"{str(bit_shift)}" ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t\t{out_mastodon}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_mastodon = ts_output = False return out_mastodon, ts_output def from_metasploit(timestamp): """Convert a Metasploit Payload UUID value to a date/time""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["metasploit"] try: urlsafe_chars = ( "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890=-_" ) meta_format = "8sBBBBBBBB" if len(str(timestamp)) < 22 or not all( char in urlsafe_chars for char in timestamp ): in_metasploit = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: b64decoded = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(timestamp[0:22] + "==") if len(b64decoded) < struct.calcsize(meta_format): raise Exception ( _, xor1, xor2, _, _, ts1_xored, ts2_xored, ts3_xored, ts4_xored, ) = struct.unpack(meta_format, b64decoded) unix_ts = struct.unpack( ">I", bytes( [ ts1_xored ^ xor1, ts2_xored ^ xor2, ts3_xored ^ xor1, ts4_xored ^ xor2, ] ), )[0] in_metasploit = dt.utcfromtimestamp(float(unix_ts)).strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_metasploit}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t{in_metasploit} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_metasploit = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_metasploit, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def from_sony(timestamp): """Convert a Sonyflake value to a date/time""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["sony"] try: if len(str(timestamp)) != 15 or not all( char in hexdigits for char in timestamp ): in_sony = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: dec_value = int(timestamp, 16) ts_value = dec_value >> 24 unix_ts = (ts_value + 140952960000) * 10 in_sony = dt.utcfromtimestamp(float(unix_ts) / 1000.0).strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_sony}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t\t{in_sony} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_sony = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_sony, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def from_uuid(timestamp): """Convert a UUID value to date/time""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["uuid"] try: uuid_lower = timestamp.lower() uuid_regex = re.compile( "[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}" ) if not bool(uuid_regex.match(uuid_lower)): in_uuid = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: u_data = uuid.UUID(uuid_lower) if u_data.version == 1: unix_ts = int((u_data.time / 10000) - 12219292800000) in_uuid = dt.utcfromtimestamp(float(unix_ts) / 1000.0).strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_uuid}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t\t{in_uuid} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) else: in_uuid = indiv_output = combined_output = False except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_uuid = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_uuid, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def from_dhcp6(timestamp): """Convert a DHCPv6 DUID value to date/time""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["dhcp6"] try: if len(str(timestamp)) < 28 or not all(char in hexdigits for char in timestamp): in_dhcp6 = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: dhcp6_bytes = timestamp[8:16] dhcp6_dec = int(dhcp6_bytes, 16) dhcp6_ts = epochs[2000] + timedelta(seconds=int(dhcp6_dec)) in_dhcp6 = dhcp6_ts.strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_dhcp6}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t{in_dhcp6} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_dhcp6 = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_dhcp6, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_dhcp6(dt_val): """Convert a timestamp to a DHCP DUID value""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["dhcp6"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) unix_time = int((dt_obj - epochs[2000]).total_seconds() - int(dt_tz)) if int(unix_time) < 0: out_dhcp6 = "[!] Timestamp Boundary Exceeded [!]" ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t{out_dhcp6}") else: out_dhcp6 = str(struct.pack(">L", unix_time).hex()) ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t00010001{out_dhcp6}000000000000") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_dhcp6 = ts_output = False return out_dhcp6, ts_output def from_dotnet(timestamp): """Convert a .NET DateTime value to date/time""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["dotnet"] try: if len(str(timestamp)) != 18 or not (timestamp).isdigit(): in_dotnet = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: dotnet_offset = int((epochs[1970] - epochs[1]).total_seconds()) * 10000000 dotnet_to_umil = (int(timestamp) - dotnet_offset) / 10000000 if dotnet_to_umil < 0: in_dotnet = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: in_dotnet = dt.utcfromtimestamp(dotnet_to_umil).strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_dotnet} {tz_out}") combined_output = str(f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t{in_dotnet} {tz_out}{__clr__}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_dotnet = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_dotnet, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_dotnet(dt_val): """Convert date to a .NET DateTime value""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["dotnet"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) out_dotnet = str( int(((dt_obj - epochs[1]).total_seconds() - int(dt_tz)) * 10000000) ) ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t{out_dotnet}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_dotnet = ts_output = False return out_dotnet, ts_output def from_gbound(timestamp): """Convert a GMail Boundary value to date/time""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["gbound"] try: if len(str(timestamp)) != 28 or not all( char in hexdigits for char in timestamp ): in_gbound = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: working_value = timestamp[12:26] end = working_value[:6] begin = working_value[6:14] full_dec = int("".join(begin + end), 16) in_gbound = dt.utcfromtimestamp(full_dec / 1000000).strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_gbound} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t{in_gbound} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_gbound = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_gbound, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_gbound(dt_val): """Convert date to a GMail Boundary value""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["gbound"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) to_int = int(((dt_obj - epochs[1970]).total_seconds() - int(dt_tz)) * 1000000) if len(f"{to_int:x}") < 14: to_int = f"0{to_int:x}" begin = to_int[8:] end = to_int[:8] out_gbound = f"000000000000{begin}{end}00" ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t{out_gbound}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_gbound = ts_output = False return out_gbound, ts_output def from_gmsgid(timestamp): """Convert a GMail Message ID to a date/time value""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["gmsgid"] try: gmsgid = timestamp if str(gmsgid).isdigit() and len(str(gmsgid)) == 19: gmsgid = str(f"{int(gmsgid):x}") if len(str(gmsgid)) != 16 or not all(char in hexdigits for char in gmsgid): in_gmsgid = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: working_value = gmsgid[:11] to_int = int(working_value, 16) in_gmsgid = dt.utcfromtimestamp(to_int / 1000).strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_gmsgid} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t{in_gmsgid} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_gmsgid = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_gmsgid, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_gmsgid(dt_val): """Convert date to a GMail Message ID value""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["gmsgid"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) to_int = int(((dt_obj - epochs[1970]).total_seconds() - int(dt_tz)) * 1000) ts_hex = f"{to_int:x}" out_gmsgid = f"{ts_hex}00000" ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t{out_gmsgid}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_gmsgid = ts_output = False return out_gmsgid, ts_output def from_moto(timestamp): """Convert a Motorola 6-byte hex timestamp to a date""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["moto"] try: if len(str(timestamp)) != 12 or not all( char in hexdigits for char in timestamp ): in_moto = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: hex_to_dec = [ int(timestamp[i : i + 2], 16) for i in range(0, len(timestamp), 2) ] hex_to_dec[0] = hex_to_dec[0] + 1970 if hex_to_dec[1] not in range(1, 13): in_moto = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: dt_obj = dt( hex_to_dec[0], hex_to_dec[1], hex_to_dec[2], hex_to_dec[3], hex_to_dec[4], hex_to_dec[5], ) in_moto = dt_obj.strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_moto}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t\t{in_moto} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_moto = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_moto, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_moto(dt_val): """Convert a date to Motorola's 6-byte hex timestamp""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["moto"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) moto_year = f"{(dt_obj.year - 1970):02x}" moto_month = f"{(dt_obj.month):02x}" moto_day = f"{(dt_obj.day):02x}" moto_hour = f"{(dt_obj.hour):02x}" moto_minute = f"{(dt_obj.minute):02x}" moto_second = f"{(dt_obj.second):02x}" out_moto = str( f"{moto_year}{moto_month}{moto_day}" f"{moto_hour}{moto_minute}{moto_second}" ) ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t\t{out_moto}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_moto = ts_output = False return out_moto, ts_output def from_nokia(timestamp): """Convert a Nokia 4-byte value to date/time""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["nokia"] try: if not len(timestamp) == 8 or not all(char in hexdigits for char in timestamp): in_nokia = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: to_int = int(timestamp, 16) int_diff = to_int ^ 4294967295 int_diff = ~int_diff + 1 unix_ts = int_diff + (epochs[2050] - epochs[1970]).total_seconds() if unix_ts < 0: in_nokia = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: in_nokia = dt.utcfromtimestamp(unix_ts).strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_nokia}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t\t{in_nokia} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_nokia = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_nokia, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_nokia(dt_val): """Convert a date/time value to a Nokia 4-byte timestamp""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["nokia"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) unix_ts = (dt_obj - epochs[1970]).total_seconds() - int(dt_tz) int_diff = int(unix_ts - (epochs[2050] - epochs[1970]).total_seconds()) int_diff = int_diff - 1 dec_value = ~int_diff ^ 4294967295 out_nokia = f"{dec_value:x}" ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t\t{out_nokia}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_nokia = ts_output = False return out_nokia, ts_output def from_nokiale(timestamp): """Convert a little-endian Nokia 4-byte value to date/time""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["nokiale"] try: if not len(timestamp) == 8 or not all(char in hexdigits for char in timestamp): in_nokiale = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: to_be = "".join( [timestamp[i : i + 2] for i in range(0, len(timestamp), 2)][::-1] ) to_int = int(to_be, 16) int_diff = to_int ^ 4294967295 int_diff = ~int_diff + 1 unix_ts = int_diff + (epochs[2050] - epochs[1970]).total_seconds() if unix_ts < 0: in_nokiale = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: in_nokiale = dt.utcfromtimestamp(unix_ts).strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_nokiale}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t\t{in_nokiale} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_nokiale = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_nokiale, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_nokiale(dt_val): """Convert a date/time value to a little-endian Nokia 4-byte timestamp""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["nokiale"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) unix_ts = (dt_obj - epochs[1970]).total_seconds() - int(dt_tz) int_diff = int(unix_ts - (epochs[2050] - epochs[1970]).total_seconds()) int_diff = int_diff - 1 dec_val = ~int_diff ^ 4294967295 hex_val = f"{dec_val:x}" out_nokiale = "".join( [hex_val[i : i + 2] for i in range(0, len(hex_val), 2)][::-1] ) ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t\t{out_nokiale}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_nokiale = ts_output = False return out_nokiale, ts_output def from_ns40(timestamp): """Convert a Nokia S40 7-byte value to a time/time""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["ns40"] try: if not len(timestamp) == 14 or not all(char in hexdigits for char in timestamp): in_ns40 = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: ns40 = timestamp ns40_val = {} ns40_val["yr"] = ns40[:4] ns40_val["mon"] = ns40[4:6] ns40_val["day"] = ns40[6:8] ns40_val["hr"] = ns40[8:10] ns40_val["min"] = ns40[10:12] ns40_val["sec"] = ns40[12:] for each_key, _ in ns40_val.items(): ns40_val[str(each_key)] = int(ns40_val[str(each_key)], 16) if ns40_val["yr"] > 9999: in_ns40 = indiv_output = combined_output = False if (int(ns40_val["mon"]) > 12) or (int(ns40_val["mon"] < 1)): in_ns40 = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: in_ns40 = dt( ns40_val["yr"], ns40_val["mon"], ns40_val["day"], ns40_val["hr"], ns40_val["min"], ns40_val["sec"], ).strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_ns40}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t\t{in_ns40} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_ns40 = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_ns40, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_ns40(dt_val): """Convert a date/time value to a Nokia S40 7-byte timestamp""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["ns40"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) dt_tz = 0 if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) dt_obj = str(int((dt_obj - epochs[1970]).total_seconds()) - int(dt_tz)) dt_obj = dt.utcfromtimestamp(int(dt_obj)) hex_vals = [] hex_vals.append(f"{dt_obj.year:x}".zfill(4)) hex_vals.append(f"{dt_obj.month:x}".zfill(2)) hex_vals.append(f"{dt_obj.day:x}".zfill(2)) hex_vals.append(f"{dt_obj.hour:x}".zfill(2)) hex_vals.append(f"{dt_obj.minute:x}".zfill(2)) hex_vals.append(f"{dt_obj.second:x}".zfill(2)) out_ns40 = "".join(hex_vals) ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t\t{out_ns40}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_ns40 = ts_output = False return out_ns40, ts_output def from_ns40le(timestamp): """Convert a little-endian Nokia S40 7-byte value to a date/time""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["ns40le"] try: if len(str(timestamp)) != 14 or not all( char in hexdigits for char in timestamp ): in_ns40le = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: ns40le = timestamp ns40_val = {} ns40_val["yr"] = "".join( [ns40le[i : i + 2] for i in range(0, len(ns40le[:4]), 2)][::-1] ) ns40_val["mon"] = ns40le[4:6] ns40_val["day"] = ns40le[6:8] ns40_val["hr"] = ns40le[8:10] ns40_val["min"] = ns40le[10:12] ns40_val["sec"] = ns40le[12:] for each_key, _ in ns40_val.items(): ns40_val[str(each_key)] = int(ns40_val[str(each_key)], 16) if ns40_val["yr"] > 9999: in_ns40le = indiv_output = combined_output = False if (int(ns40_val["mon"]) > 12) or (int(ns40_val["mon"] < 1)): in_ns40le = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: in_ns40le = dt( ns40_val["yr"], ns40_val["mon"], ns40_val["day"], ns40_val["hr"], ns40_val["min"], ns40_val["sec"], ).strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_ns40le}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t{in_ns40le} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_ns40le = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_ns40le, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_ns40le(dt_val): """Convert a date/time value to a little-endian Nokia S40 7-byte timestamp""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["ns40le"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) dt_obj = str(int((dt_obj - epochs[1970]).total_seconds()) - int(dt_tz)) dt_obj = dt.utcfromtimestamp(int(dt_obj)) hex_vals = [] year_le = f"{dt_obj.year:x}".zfill(4) year_le = "".join( [year_le[i : i + 2] for i in range(0, len(year_le[:4]), 2)][::-1] ) hex_vals.append(f"{year_le}".zfill(4)) hex_vals.append(f"{dt_obj.month:x}".zfill(2)) hex_vals.append(f"{dt_obj.day:x}".zfill(2)) hex_vals.append(f"{dt_obj.hour:x}".zfill(2)) hex_vals.append(f"{dt_obj.minute:x}".zfill(2)) hex_vals.append(f"{dt_obj.second:x}".zfill(2)) out_ns40le = "".join(hex_vals) ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t{out_ns40le}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_ns40le = ts_output = False return out_ns40le, ts_output def from_bitdec(timestamp): """Convert a 10-digit Bitwise Decimal value to a date/time""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["bitdec"] try: if len(str(timestamp)) != 10 or not (timestamp).isdigit(): in_bitdec = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: full_ts = int(timestamp) bd_yr = full_ts >> 20 bd_mon = (full_ts >> 16) & 15 bd_day = (full_ts >> 11) & 31 bd_hr = (full_ts >> 6) & 31 bd_min = full_ts & 63 try: in_bitdec = dt(bd_yr, bd_mon, bd_day, bd_hr, bd_min).strftime(__fmt__) except ValueError: in_bitdec = indiv_output = combined_output = False indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_bitdec} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t{in_bitdec} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_bitdec = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_bitdec, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_bitdec(dt_val): """Convert a date/time value to a Bitwise Decimal timestamp""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["bitdec"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) dt_obj = str(int((dt_obj - epochs[1970]).total_seconds()) - int(dt_tz)) dt_obj = dt.utcfromtimestamp(int(dt_obj)) out_bitdec = str( (dt_obj.year << 20) + (dt_obj.month << 16) + (dt_obj.day << 11) + (dt_obj.hour << 6) + (dt_obj.minute) ) ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t{out_bitdec}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_bitdec = ts_output = False return out_bitdec, ts_output def from_bitdate(timestamp): """Convert a Samsung/LG 4-byte hex timestamp to a date/time""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["bitdate"] try: if len(str(timestamp)) != 8 or not all(char in hexdigits for char in timestamp): in_bitdate = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: to_le = "".join( [timestamp[i : i + 2] for i in range(0, len(str(timestamp)), 2)][::-1] ) to_binary = f"{int(to_le, 16):032b}" bitdate_yr = int(to_binary[:12], 2) bitdate_mon = int(to_binary[12:16], 2) bitdate_day = int(to_binary[16:21], 2) bitdate_hr = int(to_binary[21:26], 2) bitdate_min = int(to_binary[26:32], 2) try: in_bitdate = dt( bitdate_yr, bitdate_mon, bitdate_day, bitdate_hr, bitdate_min ).strftime(__fmt__) except ValueError: in_bitdate = indiv_output = combined_output = False indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_bitdate} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t\t{in_bitdate} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_bitdate = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_bitdate, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_bitdate(dt_val): """Convert a date/time value to a Samsung/LG timestamp""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["bitdate"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) bitdate_yr = f"{dt_obj.year:012b}" bitdate_mon = f"{dt_obj.month:04b}" bitdate_day = f"{dt_obj.day:05b}" bitdate_hr = f"{dt_obj.hour:05b}" bitdate_min = f"{dt_obj.minute:06b}" to_hex = str( struct.pack( ">I", int( bitdate_yr + bitdate_mon + bitdate_day + bitdate_hr + bitdate_min, 2 ), ).hex() ) out_bitdate = "".join( [to_hex[i : i + 2] for i in range(0, len(to_hex), 2)][::-1] ) ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t\t{out_bitdate}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_bitdate = ts_output = False return out_bitdate, ts_output def from_ksdec(timestamp): """Convert a KSUID decimal value to a date""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["ksdec"] try: if len(timestamp) != 9 or not timestamp.isdigit(): in_ksdec = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: ts_val = int(timestamp) + int(epochs["kstime"]) in_ksdec = dt.utcfromtimestamp(float(ts_val)).strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_ksdec} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t\t{in_ksdec} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_ksdec = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_ksdec, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_ksdec(dt_val): """Convert date to a KSUID decimal value""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["ksdec"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) unix_ts = str(int((dt_obj - epochs[1970]).total_seconds()) - int(dt_tz)) out_ksdec = str(int(unix_ts) - int(epochs["kstime"])) if int(out_ksdec) < 0: out_ksdec = "[!] Timestamp Boundary Exceeded [!]" ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t\t{out_ksdec}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_ksdec = ts_output = False return out_ksdec, ts_output def from_biomehex(timestamp): """Convert an Apple Biome Hex value to a date - from Little Endian""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["biomehex"] try: biomehex = str(timestamp) if len(biomehex) != 16 or not all(char in hexdigits for char in biomehex): in_biomehex = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: if biomehex[:2] == "41": biomehex = "".join( [biomehex[i : i + 2] for i in range(0, len(biomehex), 2)][::-1] ) byte_val = bytes.fromhex(str(biomehex)) nsdate_val = struct.unpack("= 1e17: in_biomehex = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: dt_obj = epochs[2001] + timedelta(seconds=float(nsdate_val)) in_biomehex = dt_obj.strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_biomehex} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t{in_biomehex} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_biomehex = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_biomehex, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_biomehex(dt_val): """Convert a date/time to an Apple Biome Hex value""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["biomehex"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) bplist_stamp = str(float((dt_obj - epochs[2001]).total_seconds()) - int(dt_tz)) byte_biome = struct.pack(">d", float(bplist_stamp)) out_biomehex = bytes.hex(byte_biome) ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t{out_biomehex}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_biomehex = ts_output = False return out_biomehex, ts_output def from_biome64(timestamp): """Convert a 64-bit decimal value to a date/time value""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["biome64"] try: if len(timestamp) != 19 or not timestamp.isdigit(): in_biome64 = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: nsdate_unpacked = int( struct.unpack("= 1e17: in_biome64 = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: dt_obj = epochs[2001] + timedelta(seconds=float(nsdate_unpacked)) in_biome64 = dt_obj.strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_biome64} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t{in_biome64} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_biome64 = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_biome64, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_biome64(dt_val): """Convert a date/time value to a""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["biome64"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) nsdate_stamp = float((dt_obj - epochs[2001]).total_seconds()) - int(dt_tz) out_biome64 = str(int.from_bytes(struct.pack(">d", nsdate_stamp), "big")) ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t{out_biome64}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_biome64 = ts_output = False return out_biome64, ts_output def from_s32(timestamp): """ Convert an S32 timestamp to a date/time value Since BlueSky is not yet in use, this function is essentially a beta """ ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["s32"] try: result = 0 timestamp = str(timestamp) if len(timestamp) != 9 or not all(char in S32_CHARS for char in timestamp): in_s32 = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: for char in timestamp: result = result * 32 + S32_CHARS.index(char) dt_obj = dt.utcfromtimestamp(result / 1000.0) in_s32 = dt_obj.strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_s32} {tz_out}") combined_output = str(f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t{in_s32} {tz_out}{__clr__}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_s32 = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_s32, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_s32(dt_val): """ Convert a date/time to an S32-encoded timestamp Since BlueSky is not yet in use, this function is essentially a beta """ ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["s32"] try: result = "" index = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) unix_mil = int(((dt_obj - epochs[1970]).total_seconds()) - int(dt_tz)) * 1000 while unix_mil: index = unix_mil % 32 unix_mil = math.floor(unix_mil / 32) result = S32_CHARS[index] + result out_s32 = result ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t{out_s32}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_s32 = ts_output = False return out_s32, ts_output def from_apache(timestamp): """ Convert an Apache hex timestamp to a date/time value This value has 13 hex characters, and does not fit a byte boundary """ ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["apache"] try: timestamp = str(timestamp) if len(timestamp) != 13 or not all(char in hexdigits for char in timestamp): in_apache = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: dec_val = int(timestamp, 16) dt_obj = epochs[1970] + timedelta(microseconds=dec_val) in_apache = dt_obj.strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_apache} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t{in_apache} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_apache = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_apache, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_apache(dt_val): """Convert a date/time to an Apache cookie value""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["apache"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) if hasattr(dt_obj.tzinfo, "_offset"): dt_tz = dt_obj.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() else: dt_tz = 0 dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) apache_int = int( ((dt_obj - epochs[1970]).total_seconds() - int(dt_tz)) * 1000000 ) out_apache = f"{apache_int:x}" ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t{out_apache}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_apache = ts_output = False return out_apache, ts_output def from_leb128_hex(timestamp): """Convert a LEB 128 hex value to a date""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["leb128_hex"] try: if not len(timestamp) % 2 == 0 or not all( char in hexdigits for char in timestamp ): in_leb128_hex = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: ts_hex_list = [(timestamp[i : i + 2]) for i in range(0, len(timestamp), 2)] unix_milli = 0 shift = 0 for hex_val in ts_hex_list: byte_val = int(hex_val, 16) unix_milli |= (byte_val & 0x7F) << shift if (byte_val & 0x80) == 0: break shift += 7 in_leb128_hex, _, _, _, _ = from_unix_milli(str(unix_milli)) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_leb128_hex} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t{in_leb128_hex} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_leb128_hex = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_leb128_hex, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_leb128_hex(dt_val): """Convert a date to a LEB128 hex value.""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["leb128_hex"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val, ignoretz=True) unix_milli, _ = to_unix_milli(str(dt_obj)) unix_milli = int(unix_milli) byte_list = [] while True: byte_val = unix_milli & 0x7F unix_milli >>= 7 if unix_milli != 0: byte_val |= 0x80 byte_list.append(byte_val) if unix_milli == 0: break out_leb128_hex = "".join([f"{byte_val:02x}" for byte_val in byte_list]) ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t{out_leb128_hex}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_leb128_hex = ts_output = False return out_leb128_hex, ts_output def from_julian_dec(timestamp): """Convert Julian Date decimal value to a date""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["julian_dec"] try: if ( "." not in timestamp or not ( (len(timestamp.split(".")[0]) == 7) and (len(timestamp.split(".")[1]) in range(0, 11)) ) or not "".join(timestamp.split(".")).isdigit() ): in_julian_dec = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: try: timestamp = float(timestamp) except Exception: timestamp = int(timestamp) yr, mon, day, hr, mins, sec, mil = jd.to_gregorian(timestamp) dt_vals = [yr, mon, day, hr, mins, sec, mil] if any(val < 0 for val in dt_vals): in_julian_dec = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: in_julian_dec = (dt(yr, mon, day, hr, mins, sec, mil)).strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_julian_dec} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t{in_julian_dec} {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_julian_dec = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_julian_dec, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_julian_dec(dt_val): """Convert a date to a Julian Date""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["julian_dec"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) out_julian_dec = str( jd.from_gregorian( dt_obj.year, dt_obj.month, dt_obj.day, dt_obj.hour, dt_obj.minute, dt_obj.second, ) ) ts_output = f"{ts_type}:\t{out_julian_dec}" except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_julian_dec = ts_output = False return out_julian_dec, ts_output def from_julian_hex(timestamp): """Convert Julian Date hex value to a date""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["julian_hex"] try: if not len(timestamp) // 2 == 7 or not all( char in hexdigits for char in timestamp ): in_julian_hex = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: julianday = int(timestamp[:6], 16) julianmil = int(timestamp[6:], 16) julianmil = julianmil / 10 ** int((len(str(julianmil)))) julian_date = int(julianday) + int(julianmil) yr, mon, day, hr, mins, sec, mil = jd.to_gregorian(julian_date) dt_vals = [yr, mon, day, hr, mins, sec, mil] if any(val < 0 for val in dt_vals): in_julian_hex = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: dt_obj = dt(yr, mon, day, hr, mins, sec, mil) in_julian_hex = dt_obj.strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_julian_hex} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t\t{in_julian_hex}" f" {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_julian_hex = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_julian_hex, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_julian_hex(dt_val): """Convert a date to a Julian Hex Date""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["julian_hex"] try: dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) jul_dec = jd.from_gregorian( dt_obj.year, dt_obj.month, dt_obj.day, dt_obj.hour, dt_obj.minute, dt_obj.second, ) if isinstance(jul_dec, float): left_val, right_val = str(jul_dec).split(".") left_val = f"{int(left_val):06x}" right_val = f"{int(right_val):08x}" elif isinstance(jul_dec, int): left_val = f"{jul_dec:06x}" right_val = f"{0:08x}" out_julian_hex = f"{str(left_val)}{str(right_val)}" ts_output = str(f"{ts_type}:\t\t{out_julian_hex}") except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_julian_hex = ts_output = False return out_julian_hex, ts_output def from_semi_octet(timestamp): """Convert from a Semi-Octet decimal value to a date""" ts_type, reason, _, tz_out = ts_types["semi_octet"] try: yr = mon = day = hr = mins = sec = None if ( len(str(timestamp)) != 12 or len(str(timestamp)) != 14 and not str(timestamp).isdigit() ): in_semi_octet = indiv_output = combined_output = False else: if len(str(timestamp)) == 12: yr, mon, day, hr, mins, sec = [ (a + b)[::-1] for a, b in zip(timestamp[::2], timestamp[1::2]) ] elif len(str(timestamp)) == 14: yr, mon, day, hr, mins, sec, _ = [ (a + b)[::-1] for a, b in zip(timestamp[::2], timestamp[1::2]) ] dt_obj = dt( int(yr) + 2000, int(mon), int(day), int(hr), int(mins), int(sec) ) in_semi_octet = dt_obj.strftime(__fmt__) indiv_output = str(f"{ts_type}: {in_semi_octet} {tz_out}") combined_output = str( f"{__red__}{ts_type}:\t{in_semi_octet}" f" {tz_out}{__clr__}" ) except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) in_semi_octet = indiv_output = combined_output = False return in_semi_octet, indiv_output, combined_output, reason, tz_out def to_semi_octet(dt_val): """Convert a date to a Semi-Octet decimal value""" ts_type, _, _, _ = ts_types["semi_octet"] try: swap_list = [] dt_obj = duparser.parse(dt_val) ts_vals = [ str(f"{(dt_obj.year - 2000):02d}"), str(f"{dt_obj.month:02d}"), str(f"{dt_obj.day:02d}"), str(f"{dt_obj.hour:02d}"), str(f"{dt_obj.minute:02d}"), str(f"{dt_obj.second:02d}"), ] for each in ts_vals: swap_list.append(each[::-1]) out_semi_octet = "".join(swap_list) ts_output = f"{ts_type}:\t{out_semi_octet}" except Exception: handle(sys.exc_info()) out_semi_octet = ts_output = False return out_semi_octet, ts_output def date_range(start, end, check_date): """Check if date is in range of start and end, return True if it is""" if start <= end: return start <= check_date <= end return start <= check_date or check_date <= end def from_all(timestamps): """Output all processed timestamp values and find date from provided timestamp""" this_yr = int(dt.now().strftime("%Y")) full_list = {} for func in from_funcs: func_name = func.__name__.replace("from_", "") (result, _, combined_output, _, tz_out) = func(timestamps) if result and combined_output: if isinstance(result, str): if int(duparser.parse(result).strftime("%Y")) not in range( this_yr - 5, this_yr + 5 ): combined_output = combined_output.strip(__red__).strip(__clr__) full_list[func_name] = [result, combined_output, tz_out] return full_list def to_timestamps(dt_val): """Convert provided date to all timestamps""" results = {} ts_outputs = [] for func in to_funcs: result, ts_output = func(dt_val) func_name = (func.__name__).replace("to_", "") if isinstance(result, str): results[func_name] = result ts_outputs.append(ts_output) return results, ts_outputs single_funcs = { "unix": from_unix_sec, "umil": from_unix_milli, "umilhex": from_unix_milli_hex, "wh": from_windows_hex_64, "whle": from_windows_hex_64le, "chrome": from_chrome, "active": from_ad, "uhbe": from_unix_hex_32be, "uhle": from_unix_hex_32le, "cookie": from_cookie, "oleb": from_ole_be, "olel": from_ole_le, "nsdate": from_nsdate, "bplist": from_bplist, "iostime": from_iostime, "mac": from_mac, "hfsdec": from_hfs_dec, "hfsbe": from_hfs_be, "hfsle": from_hfs_le, "fat": from_fat, "msdos": from_msdos, "systime": from_systemtime, "ft": from_filetime, "hotmail": from_hotmail, "pr": from_prtime, "auto": from_ole_auto, "ms1904": from_ms1904, "sym": from_symtime, "gps": from_gpstime, "eitime": from_eitime, "gsm": from_gsm, "vm": from_vm, "tiktok": from_tiktok, "twitter": from_twitter, "discord": from_discord, "ksalnum": from_ksalnum, "mastodon": from_mastodon, "meta": from_metasploit, "sony": from_sony, "uu": from_uuid, "dhcp6": from_dhcp6, "dotnet": from_dotnet, "gbound": from_gbound, "gmsgid": from_gmsgid, "moto": from_moto, "nokia": from_nokia, "nokiale": from_nokiale, "ns40": from_ns40, "ns40le": from_ns40le, "bitdec": from_bitdec, "bitdate": from_bitdate, "ksdec": from_ksdec, "exfat": from_exfat, "biome64": from_biome64, "biomehex": from_biomehex, "s32": from_s32, "apache": from_apache, "leb128": from_leb128_hex, "jdec": from_julian_dec, "jhex": from_julian_hex, "semi": from_semi_octet, } from_funcs = [ from_ad, from_apache, from_biome64, from_biomehex, from_bitdate, from_bitdec, from_dhcp6, from_discord, from_exfat, from_fat, from_gbound, from_gmsgid, from_chrome, from_eitime, from_gpstime, from_gsm, from_hfs_be, from_hfs_le, from_nsdate, from_julian_dec, from_julian_hex, from_ksalnum, from_ksdec, from_leb128_hex, from_hfs_dec, from_mastodon, from_metasploit, from_systemtime, from_filetime, from_hotmail, from_dotnet, from_moto, from_prtime, from_msdos, from_ms1904, from_ns40, from_ns40le, from_nokia, from_nokiale, from_ole_auto, from_s32, from_semi_octet, from_sony, from_symtime, from_tiktok, from_twitter, from_unix_hex_32be, from_unix_hex_32le, from_unix_sec, from_unix_milli, from_unix_milli_hex, from_uuid, from_vm, from_windows_hex_64, from_windows_hex_64le, from_cookie, from_ole_be, from_ole_le, ] to_funcs = [ to_ad, to_apache, to_biome64, to_biomehex, to_bitdate, to_bitdec, to_dhcp6, to_exfat, to_fat, to_gbound, to_gmsgid, to_chrome, to_eitime, to_gpstime, to_gsm, to_hfs_be, to_hfs_le, to_julian_dec, to_julian_hex, to_ksdec, to_leb128_hex, to_hfs_dec, to_mastodon, to_systemtime, to_filetime, to_hotmail, to_dotnet, to_moto, to_prtime, to_msdos, to_ms1904, to_ns40, to_ns40le, to_nokia, to_nokiale, to_bplist, to_iostime, to_mac, to_ole_auto, to_s32, to_semi_octet, to_symtime, to_unix_hex_32be, to_unix_hex_32le, to_unix_sec, to_unix_milli, to_unix_milli_hex, to_vm, to_windows_hex_64, to_windows_hex_64le, to_cookie, to_ole_be, to_ole_le, ] def main(): """Parse all passed arguments""" now = dt.now().strftime(__fmt__) arg_parse = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=f"Time Decoder and Converter v" f"{str(__version__)} - supporting " f"{str(__types__)} timestamps!\n\n" f"Some timestamps are only part of the entire value, and as such, full\n" f"timestamps may not be generated based on only the date/time portion.", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, ) arg_parse.add_argument( "-g", "--gui", action="store_true", help="launch the gui", ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--guess", metavar="TIMESTAMP", help="guess the timestamp format and output possibilities", ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--timestamp", metavar="DATE", help="convert date to every timestamp\n" 'enter date as "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.f" in 24h fmt\n' "Without DATE argument, will convert current date/time\n", nargs="?", const=now, ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--active", metavar="", help="convert from Active Directory value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--apache", metavar="", help="convert from an Apache Cookie hex value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--auto", metavar="", help="convert from OLE Automation Date format" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--biome64", metavar="", help="convert from an Apple Biome 64-bit decimal" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--biomehex", metavar="", help="convert from an Apple Biome hex value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--bitdate", metavar="", help="convert from a Samsung/LG 4-byte value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--bitdec", metavar="", help="convert from a bitwise decimal 10-digit value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--bplist", metavar="", help="convert from an iOS Binary Plist value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--chrome", metavar="", help="convert from Google Chrome value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--cookie", metavar="", help="convert from Windows Cookie Date (Low,High)" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--dhcp6", metavar="", help="convert from a DHCP6 DUID value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--discord", metavar="", help="convert from a Discord URL value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--dotnet", metavar="", help="convert from a .NET DateTime value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--eitime", metavar="", help="convert from a Google EI URL value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--exfat", metavar="", help="convert from an exFAT 4-byte value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--fat", metavar="", help="convert from FAT Date + Time (wFat)" ) arg_parse.add_argument("--ft", metavar="", help="convert from a FILETIME value") arg_parse.add_argument( "--gbound", metavar="", help="convert from a GMail Boundary value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--gmsgid", metavar="", help="convert from a GMail Message ID value" ) arg_parse.add_argument("--gps", metavar="", help="convert from a GPS value") arg_parse.add_argument("--gsm", metavar="", help="convert from a GSM value") arg_parse.add_argument( "--hfsbe", metavar="", help="convert from HFS(+) BE (HFS=Local, HFS+=UTC)" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--hfsle", metavar="", help="convert from HFS(+) LE (HFS=Local, HFS+=UTC)" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--hfsdec", metavar="", help="convert from a Mac OS/HFS+ Decimal value" ) arg_parse.add_argument("--hotmail", metavar="", help="convert from a Hotmail value") arg_parse.add_argument("--iostime", metavar="", help="convert from an iOS 11 value") arg_parse.add_argument( "--jdec", metavar="", help="convert from a Julian Date decimal value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--jhex", metavar="", help="convert from a Julian Date hex value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--ksdec", metavar="", help="convert from a KSUID 9-digit value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--ksalnum", metavar="", help="convert from a KSUID 27-character value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--leb128", metavar="", help="convert from a LEB128 hex value" ) arg_parse.add_argument("--mac", metavar="", help="convert from Mac Absolute Time") arg_parse.add_argument( "--mastodon", metavar="", help="convert from a Mastodon URL value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--meta", metavar="", help="convert from a Metasploit Payload UUID" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--moto", metavar="", help="convert from Motorola's 6-byte value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--ms1904", metavar="", help="convert from MS Excel 1904 Date format" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--msdos", metavar="", help="convert from 32-bit MS-DOS time, result is Local" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--nokia", metavar="", help="convert from a Nokia 4-byte value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--nokiale", metavar="", help="convert from a Nokia 4-byte LE value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--ns40", metavar="", help="convert from a Nokia S40 7-byte value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--ns40le", metavar="", help="convert from a Nokia S40 7-byte LE value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--nsdate", metavar="", help="convert from an Apple NSDate (iOS, BPList, Cocoa, Mac Absolute)", ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--oleb", metavar="", help="convert from a Windows OLE 64-bit BE value, remove 0x & space\n" "- example from SRUM: 0x40e33f5d 0x97dfe8fb should be 40e33f5d97dfe8fb", ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--olel", metavar="", help="convert from a Windows OLE 64-bit LE value" ) arg_parse.add_argument("--pr", metavar="", help="convert from Mozilla's PRTime") arg_parse.add_argument( "--s32", metavar="", help="convert from an S32-encoded value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--semi", metavar="", help="convert from a Semi-Octet decimal value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--sony", metavar="", help="convert from a Sonyflake URL value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--sym", metavar="", help="convert from Symantec's 6-byte AV value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--systime", metavar="", help="convert from a 128-bit SYSTEMTIME value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--tiktok", metavar="", help="convert from a TikTok URL value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--twitter", metavar="", help="convert from a Twitter URL value" ) arg_parse.add_argument("--uhbe", metavar="", help="convert from Unix Hex 32-bit BE") arg_parse.add_argument("--uhle", metavar="", help="convert from Unix Hex 32-bit LE") arg_parse.add_argument("--unix", metavar="", help="convert from Unix Seconds") arg_parse.add_argument("--umil", metavar="", help="convert from Unix Milliseconds") arg_parse.add_argument( "--umilhex", metavar="", help="convert from Unix Milliseconds 6-byte Hex value" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--uu", metavar="", help="convert from a UUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--vm", metavar="", help="convert from a VMWare Snapshot (.vmsd) value\n" '- enter as "high value,low value"', ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--wh", metavar="", help="convert from Windows 64-bit Hex BE" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--whle", metavar="", help="convert from Windows 64-bit Hex LE" ) arg_parse.add_argument( "--version", "-v", action="version", version=arg_parse.description ) if len(sys.argv[1:]) == 0: arg_parse.print_help() arg_parse.exit() args = arg_parse.parse_args() analyze(args) if __name__ == "__main__": main()