Sublime Text 2/3 - Macdown App Menu plugin ========================================= Adds a handy menu item that opens []( **Issues:** ![screenshot]( ![screenshot]( Adapted from [Marked App Menu]( plugin for Sublime Text by Chris Tan. Originally developed by [jocelynmallon]( and [icio]( ## Installation Instructions **Package Installer:** * Install [Sublime Package Control]( * Select "Package Control: Install Package" from the Command Palette (⌘⇧P) * Find "Macdown App Menu" and select **Manually:** * Install [Macdown]( `brew cask install macdown.` * Download [sublime-text-macdown-app-menu]( and copy unzipped folder to your Sublime Text packages folder (Sublime Text (2) → Preferences → Browse Packages...) * Restart Sublime Text ```bash # For Sublime Text 2 cd ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages mkdir\ Menu curl -L | tar --strip-components 1 -C\ Menu -xvf - ``` ## Usage With the view selected containing the file you wish to preview in Macdown: **Command Palette:** * Select "Macdown" from the Command Palette (⌘⇧P) **Keyboard Shortcut:** * Add the following to your User Key Binding, adjusting the key configuration to taste: ```json { "keys": ["super+alt+m"], "command": "macdown" } ``` **Menus:** * Select Tools → Macdown