## 5.1.11 * bump BoM to 5.1.16 with commons-dbs upgrade * refactor error handling ## 5.1.10 * bump BoM to 5.1.14 with Spring framework, boot, data upgrade * fix zalando import change ## 5.1.9 * bump BoM to 5.1.11 with Spring framework, boot, data upgrade ## 5.1.8 * bump BoM to 5.1.10 with Spring framework, boot, data, security upgrade ## 5.1.7 * bump BoM to 5.1.8 with Spring framework, boot, data, security upgrade ## 5.1.6 * refactor JPA configuration to detect dialect if not set * really use embedded database for unit test * remove maven profile test (useless with refactoring) * add configuration to deploy on Heroku for demo application * use @EventListener instead of implements ApplicationListener * increase test coverage to 51% with coveralls, implement HomeControllerTest, AboutControllerTest, SigninControllerTest, ErrorControllerTest (total 21 tests) * add Spotify docker image assembly recipe * make a ready made Docker Hub image for trial ## 5.1.5 * migrate from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5 * make parameterizable the selection of BoM parent and default java version * add readme recipe docker and add timezone for docker jib * add maven MySql DB profile ## 5.1.4 * bump BoM to 5.1.5 ## 5.1.3 * Documentation improvements ## 5.1.2 * add default value for archetype generation ## 5.1.0 * import from kolorobot/spring-mvc-quickstart-archetype * Refactoring with Spring 5.1.4 as baseline