version: '2' services: klipper: image: dimalo/klipper-moonraker build: dockerfile: ./klipper/Dockerfile context: . # if klipper cannot connect to the printer check permissions on rpi then add the group here # group_add: # - "996" # - "998" cap_add: - SYS_NICE container_name: klipper ports: - 7125:7125 restart: unless-stopped volumes: - gcode_files:/home/klippy/gcode_files # be aware to create your own branch if you mount the config folder as it will be updated on the main branch # that way you can merge upstream changes to your customized configs - ./config:/home/klippy/.config - moonraker_data:/home/klippy/.moonraker_database # - <>:/home/klippy/.config # - ./printer.cfg:/home/klippy/.config/printer.cfg # mount serial device - take care to grant sufficient permissions to the device: : # put into your printer.cfg devices: - /dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0 ################################################################## # Example config for a second printer on a different serial port ################################################################## # klipper_another_printer: # image: dimalo/klipper-moonraker # build: # dockerfile: ./klipper/Dockerfile # context: . # # args: # # DEVICE_GROUP: device # # DEVICE_GID: 987 # container_name: klipper_another_printer # ports: # # As 7125 is already used by the first printer, we map this moonraker's port to 7126 on the host # - 7126:7125 # restart: unless-stopped # volumes: # # Let both klipper instances use the same storage for gcode files # - gcode_files:/home/klippy/gcode_files # # be aware to create your own branch if you mount the config folder as it will be updated on the main branch # # that way you can merge upstream changes to your (developed) configs... # - ./config_another_printer:/home/klippy/.config # # - <>:/home/klippy/.config # # - ./another_printer.cfg:/home/klippy/.config/printer.cfg # # mount serial device - take care to grant sufficient permissions to the device: : # # put into your printer.cfg # devices: # - /dev/ttyACM0:/dev/ttyACM0 fluidd: image: dimalo/fluidd # build: # dockerfile: Dockerfile # context: frontend restart: unless-stopped container_name: fluidd ports: - 8010:80 depends_on: - klipper # - klipper_another_printer links: - klipper:klipper # - klipper_another_printer:klipper_another_printer # mainsail: # image: dimalo/mainsail # build: # dockerfile: Dockerfile # context: frontend # args: # FRONTEND_ZIP_URL: # container_name: mainsail # ports: # - 8011:80 # depends_on: # - klipper # # - klipper_another_printer # links: # - klipper:klipper # # - klipper_another_printer:klipper_another_printer volumes: gcode_files: moonraker_data: