# HackerRank Plugin Run code from Sublime Text for HackerRank problems. # Required Dependencies * Sublime Text have to use python 3 * Python [request](https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests) module * Cookies have to set in HackerRank.sublime-settings in the package location `~/LibraryApplication Support/Packages/HackerRank/` # Sublime Settings * HackerRank.sublime-settings contains default language, and debug settings. * We need to set the Cookie and CSRF-Token to authenticate. * The url of the problem you are solving have to be set in Problem key in settings ```json { "Cookie" : "cookie-copied-from-login-response", "CSRF-Token" : "CSRF-Token-To-Authenticate", "Language" : "python", "Debug" : true, "Problem" : "https://www.hackerrank.com/rest/contests/master/challenges/simple-array-sum/compile_tests" } ``` # Compiling the code * For Compiling and Checking Status via sublime and submitting code, add the following to the Default (OS).sublime-keymap or Custom.sublime.keymap file. `{ "keys": ["super+shift+r"], "command": "runcode" }, { "keys": ["super+shift+h", "s"], "command": "submit" }` * Submit Functionality is enabled with super+shift+h, s. This feature submits the code without compilation or validation. * customize `Compile-Time" : 10` settings to wait after the compilation requests to view the status of compilation, Test results.