import argparse from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials import httplib2 import os import sys SCOPES = [''] ENDPOINT = '' # Add the path to your JSON key file from the service account here JSON_KEY_FILE = 'key_file.json' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='indx', description='Index or De-index a page from Google') parser.add_argument('a', action='store', choices=['i', 'r'], help='set if you want to index (i) or remove (r) URLs') parser.add_argument('n', action='store', choices=['s', 'm'], help='set if you are submitting a single (s) (URL) or multiple (m) URLs (CSV)') parser.add_argument('path_or_url', metavar='path', type=str, help='URL or path to csv file') args = parser.parse_args() action = 'URL_UPDATED' if args.a == 'i' else 'URL_DELETED' credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(JSON_KEY_FILE, scopes=SCOPES) http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http()) if args.n == 'm': url_list = open(args.path_or_url, 'r') for url in url_list: content = '''{ \"url\": \"''' + url + '''\", \"type\": \"''' + action + '''\" }''' response, content = http.request(ENDPOINT, method="POST", body=content) print("URL: " + url) print("STATUS: " + str(response.status)) else: url = args.path_or_url content = '''{ \"url\": \"''' + url + '''\", \"type\": \"''' + action + '''\" }''' response, content = http.request(ENDPOINT, method="POST", body=content) print('URL: ' + url) print('STATUS: ' + str(response.status))