/*this css is applied to cssexample.html*/ /* Example of inline css

My heading

*/ /* to change h2 element's style: color red font size:14 px ..*/ h2{ color: red; font-size: 16px; font-family: Cambria, Cochin, Georgia, Times, 'Times New Roman', serif; text-decoration: underline; } /* selectors tell the browser what CSS rules to apply for a specific element: for example the above css style is applied to html element */ /* Selector Lists: If you have the same css for multiple elements, the individual selectors can be combines. That is let us assume that we will apply same css for h1 and also a class .redtext, we can write the following css */ h1, .redtext { color:rgb(68, 4, 4); } span, strong,em { background-color: bisque; } /* Types of CSS selector - Selector for an HTML element such as: h1 {} p {} - Selector that taragets a class such as: .note {} - Selector that tragets an ID such as: #id - Pseudo-classes & pseudo elements: that is a class has different states such as for a link it can be an active link, visited link, on hover. You can apply css based on the state of an element such as a:hover {} p::first-line{} - Combinators that is to target elements by combining with other selector such as
elements using the child combinator (>): artile >p {} - The universal selector that selects everything in the document: *{} */ .note { color:blueviolet; } #note1 { color:yellow; } p::first-letter{ color:red; font-size: larger; } article > p { background-color: thistle; } *{ margin-left: 20px; } .notebox { border: 4px solid #666; padding: .5em; } .notebox.warning { border: 4px solid orange; font-weight: bold; } .notebox.danger { border: 4px solid red; font-weight: bold; } /* Background Colors: It defines the background color for any element in CSS. Background Image: it defines the background image. The image link is not correctly written,lets learn to use inspect element in browser and fix the link for image */ header{ background-color: rgb(80, 190, 29); background-image:url("images/th.jpeg"); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 100px 10em; } mytitle { background-image:url("images/th.jpeg"); background-color: rgb(206, 228, 13); } /* You can also use multiple background images The first backgound will be image1.png, second image2.png and third image3.png */ .multipleBg { background-image: url("image1.png"), url("image2.png"), url("image3.png"); } /* Check yourself Borders, rounded corners, text-direction, margin,padding, the overflow property, css values and units, */