require "os" require "io" require "string" mputils = require "mp.utils" -- "find_subtitles" tries to do two simple things: -- 1. use python's subliminal for downloading subtitles -- 2. load any subtitles found within movie folder -- (this script binds letter "s") -- helper function for capturing cli response -- Reference: function os.capture(cmd, raw) local f = assert(io.popen(cmd, "r")) local s = assert(f:read("*a")) f:close() return string.sub(s, 0, -2) end -- helper function for getting file (adress) info -- (works regardless cwd path) function fileadressinfo() local fpath = mp.get_property("path", " ") local dir = mputils.split_path(fpath) if dir == "." then dir = mp.get_property("working-directory") end return fpath, dir end function find_subtitles() local fp, dr = fileadressinfo() -- use subliminal to fetch english subtitles from all providers (change en to your preference if needed)"Searching for subtitles..") local ss = os.capture( "subliminal download --provider opensubtitles --provider podnapisi --provider thesubdb --provider tvsubtitles -l en -v '" .. fp .. "'" ) -- you can also use this if you join addict7d (replace user and pass with yours; use no quotes just the strings) -- local ss = os.capture("subliminal --addic7ed user pass download --provider addic7ed --provider opensubtitles --provider podnapisi --provider thesubdb --provider tvsubtitles -l en -v '" .. fp .. "'") -- strip unnecessary info (as of subliminal version 1.0.1 the string matchings below are working ... dont know for how long though ss = string.gsub(ss, "(Collecting videos)", "") ss = string.gsub(ss, "(Downloading subtitles)", "") ss = string.gsub(ss, "(1 video collected / 0 video ignored / 0 error)", ".") ss = string.gsub(ss, "\n", "") if string.match(ss, "0 video collected / 1 video ignored / 0 error") then ss = "Subtitle already in path.. " end -- Possible messages to display: -- "1 subtitle downloaded for ", if subliminal returned without errors -- "Subtitle already in path..", if there are already subtitles in the folder -- , if something has gone wrong mp.osd_message(string.format(" %s", ss), 4) -- no matter what happened, try to load *.srt files (if any) mp.commandv("rescan_external_files", "reselect") end mp.add_key_binding("s", "subtitles", find_subtitles) mp.register_event("start-file", find_subtitles)