#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Based on examples from minikerberos by skelsec # Parts of this code was inspired by the following project by @rubin_mor # https://github.com/morRubin/AzureADJoinedMachinePTC # # Author: # Tamas Jos (@skelsec) # Dirk-jan Mollema (@_dirkjan) # import argparse import logging import binascii import secrets import datetime import hashlib import base64 from oscrypto.keys import parse_pkcs12, parse_certificate, parse_private from oscrypto.asymmetric import rsa_pkcs1v15_sign, load_private_key from asn1crypto import cms from asn1crypto import algos from asn1crypto import core from asn1crypto import keys from minikerberos import logger from minikerberos.pkinit import PKINIT, DirtyDH from minikerberos.common.ccache import CCACHE from minikerberos.common.target import KerberosTarget from minikerberos.network.clientsocket import KerberosClientSocket from minikerberos.protocol.constants import NAME_TYPE, PaDataType from minikerberos.protocol.encryption import Enctype, _checksum_table, _enctype_table, Key from minikerberos.protocol.structures import AuthenticatorChecksum from minikerberos.protocol.asn1_structs import KDC_REQ_BODY, PrincipalName, HostAddress, \ KDCOptions, EncASRepPart, AP_REQ, AuthorizationData, Checksum, krb5_pvno, Realm, \ EncryptionKey, Authenticator, Ticket, APOptions, EncryptedData, AS_REQ, AP_REP, PADATA_TYPE, \ PA_PAC_REQUEST from minikerberos.protocol.rfc4556 import PKAuthenticator, AuthPack, Dunno2, MetaData, Info, CertIssuer, CertIssuers, PA_PK_AS_REP, KDCDHKeyInfo, PA_PK_AS_REQ class myPKINIT(PKINIT): """ Copy of minikerberos PKINIT With some changes where it differs from PKINIT used in NegoEx """ @staticmethod def from_pfx(pfxfile, pfxpass, dh_params = None): with open(pfxfile, 'rb') as f: pfxdata = f.read() return myPKINIT.from_pfx_data(pfxdata, pfxpass, dh_params) @staticmethod def from_pfx_data(pfxdata, pfxpass, dh_params = None): pkinit = myPKINIT() # oscrypto does not seem to support pfx without password, so convert it to PEM using cryptography instead if not pfxpass: from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import pkcs12 from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization privkey, cert, extra_certs = pkcs12.load_key_and_certificates(pfxdata, None) pem_key = privkey.private_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM, format=serialization.PrivateFormat.TraditionalOpenSSL, encryption_algorithm=serialization.NoEncryption(), ) pkinit.privkey = load_private_key(parse_private(pem_key)) pem_cert = cert.public_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM ) pkinit.certificate = parse_certificate(pem_cert) else: #print('Loading pfx12') if isinstance(pfxpass, str): pfxpass = pfxpass.encode() pkinit.privkeyinfo, pkinit.certificate, pkinit.extra_certs = parse_pkcs12(pfxdata, password=pfxpass) pkinit.privkey = load_private_key(pkinit.privkeyinfo) #print('pfx12 loaded!') pkinit.setup(dh_params = dh_params) return pkinit @staticmethod def from_pem(certfile, privkeyfile, dh_params = None): pkinit = myPKINIT() with open(certfile, 'rb') as f: pkinit.certificate = parse_certificate(f.read()) with open(privkeyfile, 'rb') as f: pkinit.privkey = load_private_key(parse_private(f.read())) pkinit.setup(dh_params = dh_params) return pkinit def sign_authpack(self, data, wrap_signed = False): return self.sign_authpack_native(data, wrap_signed) def setup(self, dh_params = None): self.issuer = self.certificate.issuer.native['common_name'] if dh_params is None: print('Generating DH params...') # self.diffie = DirtyDH.from_dict() print('DH params generated.') else: #print('Loading default DH params...') if isinstance(dh_params, dict): self.diffie = DirtyDH.from_dict(dh_params) elif isinstance(dh_params, bytes): self.diffie = DirtyDH.from_asn1(dh_params) elif isinstance(dh_params, DirtyDH): self.diffie = dh_params else: raise Exception('DH params must be either a bytearray or a dict') def build_asreq(self, domain = None, cname = None, kdcopts = ['forwardable','renewable','renewable-ok']): if isinstance(kdcopts, list): kdcopts = set(kdcopts) if cname is not None: if isinstance(cname, str): cname = [cname] else: cname = [self.cname] # if target is not None: # if isinstance(target, str): # target = [target] # else: # target = [''] now = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc) kdc_req_body_data = {} kdc_req_body_data['kdc-options'] = KDCOptions(kdcopts) kdc_req_body_data['cname'] = PrincipalName({'name-type': NAME_TYPE.PRINCIPAL.value, 'name-string': cname}) kdc_req_body_data['realm'] = domain.upper() kdc_req_body_data['sname'] = PrincipalName({'name-type': NAME_TYPE.SRV_INST.value, 'name-string': ['krbtgt', domain.upper()]}) kdc_req_body_data['till'] = (now + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).replace(microsecond=0) kdc_req_body_data['rtime'] = (now + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).replace(microsecond=0) kdc_req_body_data['nonce'] = secrets.randbits(31) kdc_req_body_data['etype'] = [18,17] # 23 breaks... # kdc_req_body_data['addresses'] = [HostAddress({'addr-type': 20, 'address': b''})] # not sure if this is needed kdc_req_body = KDC_REQ_BODY(kdc_req_body_data) checksum = hashlib.sha1(kdc_req_body.dump()).digest() authenticator = {} authenticator['cusec'] = now.microsecond authenticator['ctime'] = now.replace(microsecond=0) authenticator['nonce'] = secrets.randbits(31) authenticator['paChecksum'] = checksum dp = {} dp['p'] = self.diffie.p dp['g'] = self.diffie.g dp['q'] = 0 # mandatory parameter, but it is not needed pka = {} pka['algorithm'] = '1.2.840.10046.2.1' pka['parameters'] = keys.DomainParameters(dp) spki = {} spki['algorithm'] = keys.PublicKeyAlgorithm(pka) spki['public_key'] = self.diffie.get_public_key() authpack = {} authpack['pkAuthenticator'] = PKAuthenticator(authenticator) authpack['clientPublicValue'] = keys.PublicKeyInfo(spki) authpack['clientDHNonce'] = self.diffie.dh_nonce authpack = AuthPack(authpack) signed_authpack = self.sign_authpack(authpack.dump(), wrap_signed = True) payload = PA_PK_AS_REQ() payload['signedAuthPack'] = signed_authpack pa_data_1 = {} pa_data_1['padata-type'] = PaDataType.PK_AS_REQ.value pa_data_1['padata-value'] = payload.dump() pa_data_0 = {} pa_data_0['padata-type'] = int(PADATA_TYPE('PA-PAC-REQUEST')) pa_data_0['padata-value'] = PA_PAC_REQUEST({'include-pac': True}).dump() asreq = {} asreq['pvno'] = 5 asreq['msg-type'] = 10 asreq['padata'] = [pa_data_0, pa_data_1] asreq['req-body'] = kdc_req_body return AS_REQ(asreq).dump() def sign_authpack_native(self, data, wrap_signed = False): """ Creating PKCS7 blob which contains the following things: 1. 'data' blob which is an ASN1 encoded "AuthPack" structure 2. the certificate used to sign the data blob 3. the singed 'signed_attrs' structure (ASN1) which points to the "data" structure (in point 1) """ da = {} da['algorithm'] = algos.DigestAlgorithmId('') # for sha1 si = {} si['version'] = 'v1' si['sid'] = cms.IssuerAndSerialNumber({ 'issuer': self.certificate.issuer, 'serial_number': self.certificate.serial_number, }) si['digest_algorithm'] = algos.DigestAlgorithm(da) si['signed_attrs'] = [ cms.CMSAttribute({'type': 'content_type', 'values': ['']}), # indicates that the encap_content_info's authdata struct (marked with OID '' is signed ) cms.CMSAttribute({'type': 'message_digest', 'values': [hashlib.sha1(data).digest()]}), ### hash of the data, the data itself will not be signed, but this block of data will be. ] si['signature_algorithm'] = algos.SignedDigestAlgorithm({'algorithm' : '1.2.840.113549.1.1.1'}) si['signature'] = rsa_pkcs1v15_sign(self.privkey, cms.CMSAttributes(si['signed_attrs']).dump(), "sha1") ec = {} ec['content_type'] = '' ec['content'] = data sd = {} sd['version'] = 'v3' sd['digest_algorithms'] = [algos.DigestAlgorithm(da)] # must have only one sd['encap_content_info'] = cms.EncapsulatedContentInfo(ec) sd['certificates'] = [self.certificate] sd['signer_infos'] = cms.SignerInfos([cms.SignerInfo(si)]) if wrap_signed is True: ci = {} ci['content_type'] = '1.2.840.113549.1.7.2' # signed data OID ci['content'] = cms.SignedData(sd) return cms.ContentInfo(ci).dump() return cms.SignedData(sd).dump() def decrypt_asrep(self, as_rep): def truncate_key(value, keysize): output = b'' currentNum = 0 while len(output) < keysize: currentDigest = hashlib.sha1(bytes([currentNum]) + value).digest() if len(output) + len(currentDigest) > keysize: output += currentDigest[:keysize - len(output)] break output += currentDigest currentNum += 1 return output for pa in as_rep['padata']: if pa['padata-type'] == 17: pkasrep = PA_PK_AS_REP.load(pa['padata-value']).native break else: raise Exception('PA_PK_AS_REP not found!') ci = cms.ContentInfo.load(pkasrep['dhSignedData']).native sd = ci['content'] keyinfo = sd['encap_content_info'] if keyinfo['content_type'] != '': raise Exception('Keyinfo content type unexpected value') authdata = KDCDHKeyInfo.load(keyinfo['content']).native pubkey = int(''.join(['1'] + [str(x) for x in authdata['subjectPublicKey']]), 2) pubkey = int.from_bytes(core.BitString(authdata['subjectPublicKey']).dump()[7:], 'big', signed = False) shared_key = self.diffie.exchange(pubkey) server_nonce = pkasrep['serverDHNonce'] fullKey = shared_key + self.diffie.dh_nonce + server_nonce etype = as_rep['enc-part']['etype'] cipher = _enctype_table[etype] if etype == Enctype.AES256: t_key = truncate_key(fullKey, 32) elif etype == Enctype.AES128: t_key = truncate_key(fullKey, 16) elif etype == Enctype.RC4: raise NotImplementedError('RC4 key truncation documentation missing. it is different from AES') #t_key = truncate_key(fullKey, 16) key = Key(cipher.enctype, t_key) enc_data = as_rep['enc-part']['cipher'] logger.info('AS-REP encryption key (you might need this later):') logger.info(binascii.hexlify(t_key).decode('utf-8')) dec_data = cipher.decrypt(key, 3, enc_data) encasrep = EncASRepPart.load(dec_data).native cipher = _enctype_table[ int(encasrep['key']['keytype'])] session_key = Key(cipher.enctype, encasrep['key']['keyvalue']) return encasrep, session_key, cipher def amain(args): # Static DH params because the ones generated by cryptography are considered unsafe by AD for some weird reason dhparams = { 'p':int('00ffffffffffffffffc90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dc1cd129024e088a67cc74020bbea63b139b22514a08798e3404ddef9519b3cd3a431b302b0a6df25f14374fe1356d6d51c245e485b576625e7ec6f44c42e9a637ed6b0bff5cb6f406b7edee386bfb5a899fa5ae9f24117c4b1fe649286651ece65381ffffffffffffffff', 16), 'g':2 } logger.info('Loading certificate and key from file') if args.pfx_base64: pfxdata = base64.b64decode(args.pfx_base64) ini = myPKINIT.from_pfx_data(pfxdata, args.pfx_pass, dhparams) elif args.cert_pfx: ini = myPKINIT.from_pfx(args.cert_pfx, args.pfx_pass, dhparams) elif args.cert_pem and args.key_pem: ini = myPKINIT.from_pem(args.cert_pem, args.key_pem, dhparams) else: logging.error('You must either specify a PFX file + optional password or a combination of Cert PEM file and Private key PEM file') return domain, username = args.identity.split('/') req = ini.build_asreq(domain,username) logger.info('Requesting TGT') if not args.dc_ip: args.dc_ip = domain sock = KerberosClientSocket(KerberosTarget(args.dc_ip)) res = sock.sendrecv(req) encasrep, session_key, cipher = ini.decrypt_asrep(res.native) ccache = CCACHE() ccache.add_tgt(res.native, encasrep) ccache.to_file(args.ccache) logger.info('Saved TGT to file') def main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Requests a TGT using Kerberos PKINIT and either a PEM or PFX based certificate+key') parser.add_argument('identity', action='store', metavar='domain/username', help='Domain and username in the cert') parser.add_argument('ccache', help='ccache file to store the TGT in') parser.add_argument('-cert-pfx', action='store', metavar='file', help='PFX file') parser.add_argument('-pfx-pass', action='store', metavar='password', help='PFX file password') parser.add_argument('-pfx-base64', action='store', metavar='BASE64', help='PFX file as base64 string') parser.add_argument('-cert-pem', action='store', metavar='file', help='Certificate in PEM format') parser.add_argument('-key-pem', action='store', metavar='file', help='Private key file in PEM format') parser.add_argument('-dc-ip', help='DC IP or hostname to use as KDC') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0) args = parser.parse_args() if args.verbose == 0: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) elif args.verbose == 1: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) else: logger.setLevel(1) amain(args) if __name__ == '__main__': main()