# GoDebug [Delve](https://github.com/derekparker/delve) plugin for Sublime Text 3. Based on ideas and sources: * [SublimeGDB](https://github.com/quarnster/SublimeGDB) * [go-debug](https://github.com/lloiser/go-debug) * [jsonrpctcp](https://github.com/joshmarshall/jsonrpctcp) ## Prerequisites * [GoSublime](https://github.com/DisposaBoy/GoSublime) ## Installation 1. Using [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/docs/usage) Plugin 2. Manually clone git repository [GoDebug](https://github.com/dishmaev/GoDebug) in your package directory ## Enable plugin for your project 1. On active view of window right click mouse and choose from menu Delve/Enable (not recommended, if your project file contains necessary commented lines, after execution Sublime Text will remove all commented content) 2. Manually put specific setting in project file *\.sublime-project* ``` "settings": { ... "delve_enable": true ... } ``` ## Usage See [the default key bindings](https://github.com/dishmaev/GoDebug/blob/master/Default.sublime-keymap), [the default mouse map](https://github.com/dishmaev/GoDebug/blob/master/Default.sublime-mousemap) and [the sample setting](https://github.com/dishmaev/GoDebug/blob/master/GoDebug.sublime-settings). In short: * If you have multiple projects, you most likely want to put project specific setting in your project file, with a prefixed "godebug_" * If you have multiple executables in the same project, you can add a "godebug_executables" setting to your project settings, and add an entry for each executable's settings * Toggle breakpoints with Alt+F9 * Launch with F5 * Next with F6 * Step into with F7 * Step out with Shift+F7 * Click on the appropriate line in the Delve Stacktrace view to go to that stack frame. Deactivated by default, see [the mouse map](https://github.com/dishmaev/GoDebug/blob/master/Default.sublime-mousemap) for details * Click a variable in the Delve Variables view to show its children (if available).Deactivated by default, see [the mouse map](https://github.com/dishmaev/GoDebug/blob/master/Default.sublime-mousemap) for details * You can also access some commands by right clicking in any view ## License GoDebug are released under the MIT license. See [LICENSE](https://github.com/dishmaev/GoDebug/blob/master/LICENSE)