source: "" hash: "374d0c944985a64a7f31da4018aaa6d7a0b123122633ce28ab04cf1203f785b8" version: "1.3.4-8" cherry_pick: "service-execstart.patch" cbuilder: {} # TODO: remove once the Go builder takes care of pulling in the C deps # Go build environment: dep: "golang" # build dependencies: # TODO: map GOCACHE into the build environment build_step: { argv: "/bin/sh" argv: "-c" argv: "export GOPATH=$PWD/go CGO_LDFLAGS=\"-g -O2 -Wl,--dynamic-linker=/ro/${DISTRI_RESOLVE:glibc}/out/lib/\" GOCACHE=/tmp/throwaway && d=go/src/ && mkdir -p $d && cd $d && cp -T -ar ${DISTRI_SOURCEDIR}/ . && make BUILDTAGS=no_btrfs && d=${DISTRI_DESTDIR}/${DISTRI_PREFIX}/bin; mkdir -p $d; cp bin/* $d/; d=${DISTRI_DESTDIR}/${DISTRI_PREFIX}/lib/systemd/system; mkdir -p $d; cp containerd.service $d" } install: { systemd_unit: "${DISTRI_SOURCEDIR}/containerd.service" }