source: "" hash: "36dd85273c95f4755e08b37ea9660a1bf5c315570b679a0ce268750ca1ed3801" version: "19.03.8-10" cbuilder: {} # TODO: remove once the Go builder takes care of pulling in the C deps # Go build environment: dep: "golang" # build dependencies: runtime_dep: "procps-ng" runtime_dep: "iptables" runtime_dep: "xzutils" runtime_dep: "e2fsprogs" runtime_dep: "kmod" # TODO: map GOCACHE into the build environment build_step: { argv: "/bin/sh" argv: "-c" argv: "export GOPATH=$PWD/go HOME=$PWD && d=go/src/ && mkdir -p $d && cd $d && cp -T -ar ${DISTRI_SOURCEDIR}/ . && DISABLE_WARN_OUTSIDE_CONTAINER=1 LDFLAGS= make && d=${DISTRI_DESTDIR}/${DISTRI_PREFIX}/bin; mkdir -p $d; cp -H build/docker $d/" }