import "pe" rule MALWARE_Win_Laturo { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Laturo information stealer payload" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.Laturo" strings: $str1 = "cmd.exe /c ping" ascii wide $str2 = "cmd.exe /c start" ascii wide $str3 = "\\RapidLoader\\" ascii $str4 = "loader/gate.php" ascii wide $str5 = "Hwid:" ascii wide $str6 = "Special:" ascii wide $str7 = "logs=%s" ascii $data1 = "cookies.%u.txt" nocase ascii wide $data2 = "passwords.%u.txt" nocase ascii wide $data3 = "credentials.%u.txt" nocase ascii wide $data4 = "cards.%u.txt" nocase ascii wide $data5 = "autofill.%u.txt" nocase ascii wide $data6 = "loginusers.vdf" ascii wide $data7 = "screenshot.bmp" nocase ascii wide $data8 = "webcam.bmp" nocase ascii wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 5 of ($str*) and 1 of ($data*) } rule MALWARE_Win_XpertRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "XpertRAT payload" snort_sid = "920003-920006" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.XpertRAT" strings: $v1 = "[XpertRAT-Mutex]" fullword wide $v2 = "XPERTPLUGIN" fullword wide $v3 = "+Xpert+3." wide $v4 = "keylog.tmp" fullword wide $v5 = "\\TempReg.reg" fullword wide $s1 = "ClsKeylogger" fullword ascii nocase $s2 = "clsCamShot" fullword ascii nocase $s3 = "ClsShellCommand" fullword ascii nocase $s4 = "ClsRemoteDesktop" fullword ascii nocase $s5 = "ClsScreenRemote" fullword ascii nocase $s6 = "ClsSoundRemote" fullword ascii nocase $s7 = "MdlHidder" fullword ascii $s8 = "modKeylog" fullword ascii $s9 = "modWipe" fullword ascii $s10 = "modDelProcInUse" fullword ascii $s11= "Socket_DataArrival" fullword ascii $s12 = "cZip_EndCompress" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (3 of ($v*) or 6 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_AgentTeslaV2 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "AgenetTesla Type 2 Keylogger payload" strings: $s1 = "get_kbHook" ascii $s2 = "GetPrivateProfileString" ascii $s3 = "get_OSFullName" ascii $s4 = "get_PasswordHash" ascii $s5 = "remove_Key" ascii $s6 = "FtpWebRequest" ascii $s7 = "logins" fullword wide $s8 = "keylog" fullword wide $s9 = "1.85 (Hash, version 2, native byte-order)" wide $cl1 = "Postbox" fullword ascii $cl2 = "BlackHawk" fullword ascii $cl3 = "WaterFox" fullword ascii $cl4 = "CyberFox" fullword ascii $cl5 = "IceDragon" fullword ascii $cl6 = "Thunderbird" fullword ascii condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 6 of ($s*)) or (6 of ($s*) and 2 of ($cl*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_AveMaria { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "AveMaria variant payload" strings: $s1_1 = "PK11_CheckUserPassword" fullword ascii $s1_2 = "PK11_Authenticate" fullword ascii $s1_3 = "PK11SDR_Decrypt" fullword ascii $s1_4 = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon\\SpecialAccounts\\UserList" fullword ascii $s1_5 = "AVE_MARIA" ascii wide $s1_6 = "127.0.0." ascii $s2_1 = "RDPClip" fullword wide $s2_2 = "Grabber" fullword wide $s2_3 = "Ave_Maria Stealer OpenSource" wide $s2_4 = "\\MidgetPorn\\workspace\\MsgBox.exe" wide $s2_5 = "@\\cmd.exe" wide $s2_6 = "/n:%temp%\\ellocnak.xml" wide $s2_7 = "Hey I'm Admin" wide $s2_8 = "warzone160" fullword ascii $d1 = "softokn3.dll" fullword wide $d2 = "nss3.dll" fullword wide $d3 = "logins.json" wide $d4 = "Asend.db" fullword wide condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (4 of ($s2*) and 2 of ($d*)) or (all of ($s1*))) or ((4 of ($s1*) and 2 of ($d*)) or (all of ($s1*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_ISRStealer { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "ISRStealer payload" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.ISRStealer" strings: $s1 = "&password=" wide $s2 = "&pcname=" wide $s3 = "MSVBVM60.DLL" ascii $s4 = "MSVBVM60.DLL" wide $s5 = "Core Software For : Public" wide $s6 = "" wide $s7 = "" wide $s8 = "/scomma" wide condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 4000KB and 6 of them) or all of them } rule MALWARE_Win_QuasarRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "QuasarRAT payload" strings: $s1 = "GetKeyloggerLogsResponse" fullword ascii $s2 = "GetKeyloggerLogs" fullword ascii $s3 = "/>Log created on" wide $s4 = "User: {0}{3}Pass: {1}{3}Host: {2}" wide $s5 = "Domain: {1}{0}Cookie Name: {2}{0}Value: {3}{0}Path: {4}{0}Expired: {5}{0}HttpOnly: {6}{0}Secure: {7}" wide $s6 = "grabber_" wide $s7 = "" ascii $s8 = "k__BackingField" fullword ascii $s9 = "" ascii $s10 = "add_OnHotKeysDown" ascii $mutex = "QSR_MUTEX_" ascii wide $ua1 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; rv:48.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/48.0" fullword wide $us2 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_3) AppleWebKit/537.75.14 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0.3 Safari/7046A194A" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ($mutex or (all of ($ua*) and 2 of them) or 6 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_LimeRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "LimeRAT payload" strings: $s1 = "schtasks /create /f /sc ONLOGON /RL HIGHEST /tn LimeRAT-Admin /tr" wide $s2 = "\\vboxhook.dll" fullword wide $s3 = "Win32_Processor.deviceid=\"CPU0\"" fullword wide $s4 = "select CommandLine from Win32_Process where Name='{0}'" wide $s5 = "Minning..." fullword wide $s6 = "Regasm.exe" fullword wide $s7 = "Flood!" fullword wide $s8 = "Rans-Status" fullword wide $s9 = "cmd.exe /c ping 0" wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 5 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_GuLoader { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Shellcode injector and downloader" strings: $s1 = "wininet.dll" fullword ascii $s2 = "ShellExecuteW" fullword ascii $s3 = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run" fullword ascii $s4 = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnce" fullword ascii $s5 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko" fullword ascii $s6 = "Startup key" fullword ascii $s7 = "\\qemu-ga\\qga.state" ascii nocase $s8 = "\\qga\\qga.exe" ascii nocase $s9 = "\\Qemu-ga\\qemu-ga.exe" ascii nocase $s10 = "WScript.Shell" ascii $l1 = "shell32" fullword ascii $l2 = "kernel32" fullword ascii $l3 = "advapi32" fullword ascii $l4 = "user32" fullword ascii $o1 = "msvbvm60.dll" fullword wide $o2 = "\\syswow64\\" fullword wide $o3 = "\\system32\\" fullword wide $o4 = "\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\" fullword wide $o5 = "USERPROFILE=" fullword wide $o6 = "windir=" fullword wide $o7 = "APPDATA=" fullword wide $o8 = "RegAsm.exe" fullword wide $o9 = "ProgramFiles=" fullword wide $o10 = "TEMP=" fullword wide $url1 = "" ascii $url2 = "" ascii $url3 = "http://myurl/myfile.bin" fullword ascii $url4 = "http" ascii // fallback condition: (3 of ($s*) and 2 of ($l*) and 2 of ($o*) and 1 of ($url*)) or (4 of ($s*) and 3 of ($l*) and 2 of ($o*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_Arkei { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detect Arkei infostealer variants" strings: $s1 = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe" fullword ascii wide $s2 = "/c taskkill /im " fullword ascii $s3 = "card_number_encrypted FROM credit_cards" ascii $s4 = "\\wallet.dat" ascii $s5 = "Arkei/" wide $s6 = "files\\passwords." ascii wide $s7 = "files\\cc_" ascii wide $s8 = "files\\autofill_" ascii wide $s9 = "files\\cookies_" ascii wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them } rule MALWARE_Win_DCRat { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "DCRat payload" strings: // DCRat $dc1 = "DCRatBuild" ascii $dc2 = "DCStlr" ascii $x1 = "px\">
DCRat Keylogger" wide $x2 = "DCRat-Log#" wide $x3 = "DCRat.Code" wide $string1 = "CaptureBrowsers" fullword ascii $string2 = "DecryptBrowsers" fullword ascii $string3 = "Browsers.IE10" ascii $string4 = "Browsers.Chromium" ascii $string5 = "WshShell" ascii $string6 = "SysMngmts" fullword ascii $string7 = "LoggerData" fullword ascii // DCRat Plugins/Libraries $plugin = "DCRatPlugin" fullword ascii // AntiVM $av1 = "AntiVM" ascii wide $av2 = "vmware" fullword wide $av3 = "VirtualBox" fullword wide $av4 = "microsoft corporation" fullword wide $av5 = "VIRTUAL" fullword wide $av6 = "DetectVirtualMachine" fullword ascii $av7 = "Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem" fullword wide // Plugin_AutoStealer, Plugin_AutoKeylogger $pl1 = "dcratAPI" fullword ascii $pl2 = "dsockapi" fullword ascii $pl3 = "file_get_contents" fullword ascii $pl4 = "classthis" fullword ascii $pl5 = "typemdt" fullword ascii $pl6 = "Plugin_AutoStealer" ascii wide $pl7 = "Plugin_AutoKeylogger" ascii wide // variant $v1 = "Plugin couldn't process this action!" wide $v2 = "Unknown command!" wide $v3 = "PLUGINCONFIGS" wide $v4 = "Saving log..." wide $v5 = "~Work.log" wide $v6 = "MicrophoneNum" fullword wide $v7 = "WebcamNum" fullword wide $v8 = "%SystemDrive% - Slow" wide $v9 = "%UsersFolder% - Fast" wide $v10 = "%AppData% - Very Fast" wide $v11 = /\[(Up|Down|Enter|ESC|CTRL|Shift|Win|Tab|CAPSLOCK: (ON|OFF))\]<\/span>/ wide $px1 = "[Browsers] Scanned elements: " wide $px2 = "[Browsers] Grabbing cookies" wide $px3 = "[Browsers] Grabbing passwords" wide $px4 = "[Browsers] Grabbing forms" wide $px5 = "[Browsers] Grabbing CC" wide $px6 = "[Browsers] Grabbing history" wide $px7 = "[StealerPlugin] Invoke: " wide $px8 = "[Other] Grabbing steam" wide $px9 = "[Other] Grabbing telegram" wide $px10 = "[Other] Grabbing discord tokens" wide $px11 = "[Other] Grabbing filezilla" wide $px12 = "[Other] Screenshots:" wide $px13 = "[Other] Clipboard" wide $px14 = "[Other] Saving system information" wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($dc*) or all of ($string*) or 2 of ($x*) or 6 of ($v*) or 5 of ($px*)) or ($plugin and (4 of ($av*) or 5 of ($pl*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_ObliqueRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "ObliqueRAT payload" strings: $s1 = "C:\\ProgramData\\auto.txt" fullword ascii $s2 = "C:\\ProgramData\\System\\Dump\\" fullword ascii $s3 = "C:\\ProgramData\\a.txt" fullword ascii $s4 = "Oblique" fullword ascii $s5 = /(Removable|Hard|Network|CD|RAM)\sDisk\|/ ascii $s6 = "backed" fullword ascii $s7 = "restart" fullword ascii $s8 = "kill" fullword ascii $s9 = /(John|JOHN|Test|TEST|Johsnson|Artifact|Vince|Serena|Lisa|JOHNSON|VINCE|SERENA)/ ascii nocase $v1 = "C:\\ProgramData" fullword ascii $v2 = "auto" fullword ascii $v3 = "plit" fullword ascii $v4 = ":image/jpeg" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 8 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_FirebirdRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Firebird/Hive RAT payload" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.Firebird-HiveRAT" strings: $id1 = "Firebird Remote Administration Tool" fullword wide $id2 = "Welcome to Firebird! Your system is currently being monitored" wide $id3 = "Hive Remote Administration Tool" fullword wide $id4 = "Welcome to Hive! Your system is currently being monitored" wide $s1 = "REPLACETHESEKEYSTROKES" fullword wide $s2 = "_ENABLE_PROFILING" fullword wide $s3 = ": KeylogSubject" wide $s4 = "Firebird.CommandHandler" fullword wide $s5 = "webcamenabled" fullword ascii $s6 = "screenlogs" fullword ascii $s7 = "encryptedconnection" fullword ascii $s8 = "monitoron" fullword ascii $s9 = "screenGrab" fullword ascii $s10 = "TCP_TABLE_OWNER_PID_ALL" fullword ascii $s11 = "de4fuckyou" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (1 of ($id*) or 7 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_Phoenix { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Phoenix/404KeyLogger keylogger payload" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.Phoenix-Keylogger" strings: $s1 = "FirefoxPassReader" fullword ascii $s2 = "StartKeylogger" fullword ascii $s3 = "CRYPTPROTECT_" ascii $s4 = "Chrome_Killer" fullword ascii $s5 = "Clipboardlog.txt" fullword wide $s6 = "Leyboardlogs.txt" fullword wide $s7 = "Persistence'" wide $s8 = "set_HKB" fullword ascii $s9 = "loloa" fullword ascii $s10 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2; .NET CLR1.0.3705;)" fullword wide // Memory $m1 = "- Screenshot -------|" ascii wide $m2 = "- Clipboard -------|" ascii wide $m3 = "- Logs -------|" ascii wide $m4 = "- Passwords -------|" ascii wide $m5 = "PSWD" ascii wide $m6 = "Screenshot |" ascii wide $m7 = "Logs |" ascii wide condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 6 of ($s*) or 3 of ($m*)) or 9 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_BackNet { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "BackNet payload" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.BackNet" strings: $s1 = "Slave.Commands." fullword ascii $s2 = "StartKeylogger" fullword ascii $s3 = "StopKeylogger" fullword ascii $s4 = "KeyLoggerCommand" fullword ascii $s5 = "get_keyLoggerManager" fullword ascii $s6 = "get_IgnoreMutex" fullword ascii $s7 = "ListProcesses" fullword ascii $s8 = "downloadurl" fullword wide $pdb = "\\BackNet-master\\Slave\\obj\\Release\\Slave.pdb" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ($pdb or all of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_AcridRain { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "AcidRain stealer payload" strings: $s1 = { 43 6f 6f 6b 69 65 73 (5c|2e) } $s2 = { 74 65 6d 70 6c 6f 67 69 ?? } $s3 = { 74 65 6d 70 50 ?? 68 } $s4 = "Connecting to hostname: %s%s%s" fullword ascii $s5 = "Found bundle for host %s: %p [%s]" fullword ascii $s6 = "encryptedUsernamencryptedPassworERROR Don't copy string" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them } rule MALWARE_Linux_ChaChaDDoS { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "ChaChaDDoS variant of XorDDoS payload" strings: $x1 = "[kworker/1:1]" ascii $x2 = "-- LuaSocket toolkit." ascii $x3 = "/etc/resolv.conf" ascii $x4 = "\"macaddress=\" .. DEVICE_MAC .. \"&device=\" .." ascii $x5 = "easy_attack_dns" ascii $x6 = "easy_attack_udp" ascii $x7 = "easy_attack_syn" ascii $x8 = "syn_probe" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x457f and 6 of them } rule MALWARE_Multi_Exaramel { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Exaramel Windows/Linux backdoor payload" clamav_sig1 = "MALWARE_Linux.Backdoor.Exaramel" clamav_sig2 = "MALWARE_Win.Backdoor.Exaramel" strings: // Linux payload $s1 = "vendor/golang_org/x/crypto/" ascii $s2 = "vendor/golang_org/x/net/http2" ascii $s3 = "vendor/golang_org/x/text/unicode" ascii $s4 = "vendor/golang_org/x/text/transform" ascii $s5 = "config.json" ascii $cmd1 = "App.Update" ascii $cmd2 = "App.Delete" ascii $cmd3 = "App.SetProxy" ascii $cmd4 = "App.SetServer" ascii $cmd5 = "App.SetTimeout" ascii $cmd6 = "IO.WriteFile" ascii $cmd7 = "IO.ReadFile" ascii $cmd8 = "OS.ShellExecute" ascii $cmd9 = "awk 'match($0, /(upstart|systemd|sysvinit)/){ print substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH);exit;" ascii // Windows payload $ws1 = "/commands/@slp" wide $ws2 = "/commands/cmd" wide $ws3 = "/settings/proxy/@password" wide $ws4 = "/settings/servers/server[@current='true']" wide $ws5 = "/settings/servers/server/@current[text()='true']" wide $ws6 = "/settings/servers/server[text()='%s']/@current" wide $ws7 = "/settings/servers/server[%d]" wide $ws8 = "/settings/storage" wide $ws9 = "/settings/check" wide $ws10 = "/settings/interval" wide $ws11 = "report.txt" wide $ws12 = "" ascii $ws13 = "urlmon.dll" ascii $ws14 = "ReportDir" ascii condition: (uint16(0) == 0x457f and (all of ($s*) and 6 of ($cmd*))) or (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 12 of ($ws*)) } rule MALWARE_Linux_HiddenWasp { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "HiddenWasp backdoor payload" clamav_sig1 = "MALWARE_Linux.Trojan.HiddenWasp-ELF" clamav_sig2 = "MALWARE_Linux.Trojan.HiddenWasp-Script" strings: $x1 = "I_AM_HIDDEN" fullword ascii $x2 = "HIDE_THIS_SHELL" fullword ascii $x3 = "NewUploadFile" ascii $x4 = "fake_processname" ascii $x5 = "swapPayload" ascii $x6 = /Trojan-(Platform|Machine|Hostname|OSersion)/ fullword ascii $s1 = "FileOpration::GetFileData" fullword ascii $s2 = "FileOpration::NewUploadFile" fullword ascii $s3 = "Connection::writeBlock" fullword ascii $s4 = /hiding_(hidefile|enable_logging|hideproc|makeroot)/ fullword ascii $s5 = "Reverse-Port" fullword ascii $s6 = "hidden_services" fullword ascii $s7 = "check_config" fullword ascii $s8 = "__data_start" fullword ascii $s9 = /patch_(suger_lib|ld|lib)/ fullword ascii $s10 = "hexdump -ve '1/1 \"%%.2X\"' %s | sed \"s/%s/%s/g\" | xxd -r -p > %s.tmp" condition: uint16(0) == 0x457f and (4 of ($x*) or all of ($s*) or (3 of ($x*) and 5 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Multi_WellMess { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "WellMess Windows/Linux backdoor payload" clamav_sig1 = "MALWARE_Win.Trojan.WellMess_DotNet" clamav_sig2 = "MALWARE_Win.Trojan.WellMess_Golang" clamav_sig3 = "MALWARE_Linux.Trojan.WellMess_Golang" strings: // Linux and Windows payload $s1 = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----" ascii $s2 = "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----" ascii $s3 = "net/http.(*persistConn).readResponse" ascii $s4 = "net/http/cookiejar.(*Jar).SetCookies" ascii $s5 = "_/home/ubuntu/GoProject/src/bot/botlib" ascii $s6 = "<;head;><;title;>" ascii $s7 = "<;title;><;service;>" ascii $s8 = "http://invalidlookup" ascii $s9 = "" ascii wide //$ua1 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36" ascii //$ua2 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20130401 Firefox/31.0" ascii condition: (uint16(0) == 0x457f or uint16(0) == 0x5a4d) and all of them } rule MALWARE_Win_Konni { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Konni payload" strings: $s1 = "uplog.tmp" fullword wide $s2 = "upfile.tmp" fullword wide $s3 = "%s-log-%s" fullword ascii wide $s4 = "%s-down" ascii wide $s5 = "%s-file-%s" fullword ascii wide $s6 = "\"rundll32.exe\" \"%s\" install" fullword wide $s7 = "subject=%s&data=" fullword ascii $s8 = "dll-x64.dll" fullword ascii $s9 = "dll-x32.dll" fullword ascii $pdb1 = "\\virus-dropper\\Release\\virus-dropper.pdb" ascii $pdb2 = "\\virus-init\\Release\\virus-init.pdb" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (7 of ($s*) or (3 of ($s*) and 1 of ($pdb*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_BitterRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "BitterRAT payload" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.BitterRAT" strings: $s1 = "getfile" fullword wide $s2 = "getfolder" fullword wide $s3 = "winmgmts://./root/default:StdRegProv" fullword wide $s4 = "winlog" fullword wide $s5 = "winprt" fullword wide $s6 = "c:\\intel\\" fullword ascii $s7 = "AXE: #" fullword ascii $s8 = "Bld: %s.%s.%s" fullword ascii $s9 = "53656C656374202A2066726F6D2057696E33325F436F6D707574657253797374656D" wide nocase $pdb1 = "\\28NovDwn\\Release\\28NovDwn.pdb" ascii $pdb2 = "\\Shellcode\\Release\\Shellcode.pdb" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (7 of ($*) or (4 of ($s*) and 1 of ($pdb*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_TJKeylogger { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "TJKeylogger payload" strings: $s1 = "TJKeyLogger" fullword ascii $s2 = "software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion\\run" fullword ascii $s3 = "\\Passwords.txt" ascii $s4 = "TJKeyLogItem" fullword ascii $s5 = "TJKeyAsyncLog" fullword ascii $s6 = "FM_GETDSKLST" fullword ascii $s7 = "KL_GETMODE" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 5 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_W1RAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "W1 RAT payload" strings: $s1 = "/c /Ox /Fa\"%s/%s.asm\" /Fo\"%s/%s.obj\" \"%s/%s.%s\"" ascii $s2 = "this->piProcInfo.hProcess" fullword ascii $s3 = "index >= 0 && index < this->reg_tab->GetLen()" fullword ascii $s4 = "strcpy(log_font.lfFaceName,\"%s\");" fullword ascii $s5 = "WorkShop -- [%s]" fullword ascii $s6 = "HeaderFile.cpp" fullword ascii $s7 = "WndLog.cpp" fullword ascii $s8 = "assertion fail \"%s\" at file=%s line=%d" fullword ascii $s9 = "Stdin pipe creation failed" fullword ascii condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 6 of ($s*)) or (all of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_Raccoon { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Raccoon stealer payload" strings: $s1 = "inetcomm server passwords" fullword wide $s2 = "content-disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"\"" fullword ascii $s3 = ".?AVfilesystem_error@v1@filesystem@experimental@std@@" fullword ascii $s4 = "CredEnumerateW" fullword ascii $s5 = "%[^:]://%[^/]%[^" fullword ascii $s6 = "%99[^:]://%99[^/]%99[^" fullword ascii $s7 = "Login Data" wide $s8 = "m_it.object_iterator != m_object->m_value.object->end()" fullword wide $x1 = "endptr == + token_buffer.size()" fullword wide $x2 = "\\json.hpp" wide $x3 = "Microsoft_WinInet_" fullword wide $x4 = "Microsoft_WinInet_*" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((3 of ($x*) and 2 of ($s*)) or (4 of ($s*) and 1 of ($x*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Amadey { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Amadey downloader payload" strings: $s1 = "_ZZ14aGetProgramDirvE11UsersDirRes" fullword ascii $s2 = "_libshell32_a" ascii $s3 = "_ShellExecuteExA@4" ascii $s4 = "aGetTempDirvE10TempDirRes" ascii $s5 = "aGetHostNamevE7InfoBuf" ascii $s6 = "aCreateProcessPc" ascii $s7 = "aGetHostNamev" ascii $s8 = "aGetSelfDestinationiE22aGetSelfDestinationRes" ascii $s9 = "aGetSelfPathvE15aGetSelfPathRes" ascii $s10 = "aResolveHostPcE15aResolveHostRes" ascii $s11 = "aUrlMonDownloadPcS" ascii $s12 = "aWinSockPostPcS_S_" ascii $s13 = "aCreateProcessPc" ascii $v1 = "hii^" fullword ascii $v2 = "plugins/" fullword ascii $v3 = "ProgramData\\" fullword ascii $v4 = "&unit=" fullword ascii $v5 = "runas" fullword ascii wide $v6 = "Microsoft Internet Explorer" fullword wide $v7 = "stoi argument" ascii $av1 = "AVAST Software" fullword ascii $av2 = "Avira" fullword ascii $av3 = "Kaspersky Lab" fullword ascii $av4 = "ESET" fullword ascii $av5 = "Panda Security" fullword ascii $av6 = "Doctor Web" fullword ascii $av7 = "360TotalSecurity" fullword ascii $av8 = "Bitdefender" fullword ascii $av9 = "Norton" fullword ascii $av10 = "Sophos" fullword ascii $av11 = "Comodo" fullword ascii $pdb1 = "Amadey\\Release\\Amadey.pdb" ascii wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (7 of ($s*) or (6 of ($v*) and 2 of ($av*)) or 1 of ($pdb*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_Tefosteal { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Tefosteal payload" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.Tefosteal" strings: $s1 = "netsh wlan show networks mode=bssid" nocase fullword wide $s2 = "LoginCredentialService.GetLoginCredentials$" ascii $s3 = "DefaultLoginCredentials.LoginEventUsrPw$" ascii $s4 = "SEC_E_NO_KERB_KEY" wide $s5 = "TList." ascii $s6 = "_Password.txt" fullword wide nocase $s7 = "_Cookies.txt" fullword wide nocase $f1 = "\\InfoPC\\BSSID.txt" wide $f2 = "\\Files\\Telegram\\" wide $f3 = "\\InfoPC\\Screenshot.png" wide $f4 = "\\InfoPC\\Systeminfo.txt" wide $f5 = "\\Steam\\config" wide $f6 = "\\delete.vbs" wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 4 of ($s*) and 2 of ($f*) } rule MALWARE_Win_CryptoStealerGo { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "CryptoStealerGo payload" strings: $s1 = "Go build ID: \"" ascii $s2 = "file_upload.go" ascii $s3 = "grequests.FileUpload" ascii $s4 = "runtime.newproc" ascii $s5 = "credit_cards" ascii $s6 = "zip.(*fileWriter).Write" ascii $s7 = "autofill_" ascii $s8 = "XFxVc2VyIERhdGFcXA==" ascii $s9 = "XFxBcHBEYXRhXFxMb2NhbFxc" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 8 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_M00nD3v { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "M00nD3v keylogger payload" strings: $s1 = "M00nD3v Stub" ascii wide $s2 = "M00nD3v{0}{1} Logs{0}{2} \\ {3}{0}{0}{4}" fullword wide $s3 = "Anti-Keylogger Elite" wide $s4 = "/C TASKKILL /F /IM" wide $s5 = "echo.>{0}:Zone.Identifier" fullword wide $s6 = "> Nul & Del \"{0}\" & start \"\" \"{1}.exe\"" wide $s7 = "> Nul & start \"\" \"{1}.exe\"" wide $s8 = "Stealer" fullword wide $s9 = "{0}{0}++++++++++++{1} {2}++++++++++++{0}{0}" wide $s10 = "{4}Application: {3}{4}URL: {0}{4}Username: {1}{4}Password: {2}{4}" wide $s11 = "encrypted_key\":\"(?.+?)\"" wide $s12 = "Botkiller" fullword ascii $s13 = "AVKiller" fullword ascii $s14 = "get_pnlPawns" fullword ascii condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 6 of them) or (9 of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_VSSDestroy { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "VSSDestroy/Matrix ransomware payload" snort_sid = "920008-920009" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Ransomware.VSSDestroy" strings: $o1 = "[SHARESSCAN]" wide $o2 = "[LDRIVESSCAN]" wide $o3 = "[LOGSAVED]" wide $o4 = "[LPROGRESS]" wide $o5 = "[FINISHSAVED]" wide $o6 = "[ALL_LOCAL_KID]" wide $o7 = "[DIRSCAN" wide $o8 = "[GENKEY]" wide $s1 = "\\cmd.exe" nocase wide $s2 = "/C powershell \"" nocase wide $s3 = "%COMPUTERNAME%" wide $s4 = "%USERNAME%" wide $s5 = "Error loading Socket interface (ws2_32.dll)!" wide $s6 = "Old file list dump found. Want to load it? (y/n):" fullword wide condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 4 of ($o*) and 3 of ($s*)) or (5 of ($o*) and 4 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_GoldenAxe { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "GoldenAxe ransomware payload" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Ransomware.GoldenAxe" strings: $s1 = "Go build ID: " ascii $s2 = "taskkill.exe" ascii $s3 = "cmd.exe" ascii $s4 = "Speak.Speak" ascii $s5 = "CLNTSRVRnull" ascii $s6 = "-----END" ascii $s7 = "-----BEGIN" ascii $s8 = ".EncryptFile" ascii $g1 = "GoldenAxe/Utils." ascii $g2 = "GoldenAxe/Cryptography." ascii $g3 = "GoldenAxe/Walker." ascii $g4 = "C:/Users/alpha/go/src/GoldenAxe/" ascii $g5 = "'Golden Axe ransomware'" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($s*) or (1 of ($g*) and 1 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Robbinhood { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Robbinhood ransomware payload" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Ransomware.Robbinhood" strings: $go = "Go build ID:" ascii $cmd1 = "cmd.exe /c" ascii $cmd2 = "net use * /DELETE" nocase ascii $cmd3 = "sc.exe stop" ascii $cmd4 = "vssadmin resize shadowstorage" nocase ascii $s1 = /Skipping\s(file|dir)/ ascii $s2 = "Encrypt[ERR] GET Size:" ascii $s3 = ".taskkilltasklistunknown(" ascii $s4 = ".sysvssadmin.exewevtutil.exe MB released" ascii $s5 = ".sysvssadmin.exewevtutil.exewinlogin.exewinlogon.exe MB released" ascii $s6 = ".enc_robbinhood" ascii $s7 = "c:\\windows\\temp\\pub.key" nocase ascii $s8 = "main.CoolMaker" ascii $s9 = "/valery/go/src/oldboy/" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ($go and 1 of ($cmd*) and 3 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_GetCrypt { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "GetCrypt ransomware payload" clamav_sig1 = "MALWARE_Win.Ransomware.GetCrypt-1" clamav_sig2 = "MALWARE_Win.Ransomware.GetCrypt-2" strings: $x1 = "delete shadows /all /quiet" wide $x2 = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\svchost.exe" fullword wide $x3 = "desk.bmp" fullword wide $x4 = ":\\Boot" fullword wide $x5 = "\\encrypted_key.bin" fullword wide $x6 = "vssadmin.exe" fullword wide $x7 = ":\\Recovery" fullword wide $s1 = "CryptEncrypt" fullword ascii $s2 = "NtWow64ReadVirtualMemory64" fullword ascii $s3 = "MPR.dll" fullword ascii $s4 = "%key%" fullword ascii $s5 = "CryptDestroyKey" fullword ascii $s6 = "ntdll.dll" fullword ascii $s7 = "WNetCancelConnection2W" fullword ascii $s8 = ".%c%c%c%c" fullword wide // is slowing down scanning //$s9 = /([Gg]uest|[Aa]dministrator|[Dd]eveloper|[Rr][0Oo]{2}t|[Aa]dmin)/ fullword ascii wide $s10 = { 43 72 79 70 74 49 6d 70 6f 72 74 4b 65 79 00 00 cb 00 43 72 79 70 74 45 6e 63 72 79 70 74 00 00 c1 00 43 72 79 70 74 41 63 71 75 69 72 65 43 6f 6e 74 65 78 74 41 00 00 c8 00 43 72 79 70 74 44 65 73 74 72 6f 79 4b 65 79 00 d2 00 43 72 79 70 74 47 65 6e 52 61 6e 64 6f 6d 00 00 c2 00 43 72 79 70 74 41 63 71 75 69 72 65 43 6f 6e 74 65 78 74 57 00 00 41 44 56 41 50 49 33 32 2e 64 6c 6c 00 00 b5 01 53 68 65 6c 6c 45 78 65 63 75 74 65 45 78 57 00 53 48 45 4c 4c 33 32 2e 64 6c 6c 00 } condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (3 of ($x*) or 8 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_JoeGo { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "JoeGo ransomware payload" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Ransomware.JoeGo" strings: $go = "Go build ID:" ascii $s1 = "%SystemRoot%\\system32\\%v." ascii $s2 = "REG ADD HKCU\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run /V" ascii $s3 = "/t REG_SZ /F /D %userprofile%\\" ascii $s4 = "(sensitive) [recovered]" ascii $s5 = "/dev/stderr/dev/stdout/index.html" ascii $s6 = "%userprofile%\\SystemApps" ascii $s7 = "p=
ACDTACSTAEDTAESTAKDTAKSTAWSTA" ascii $cnc1 = "/detail.php" ascii $cnc2 = "/checkin.php" ascii $cnc3 = "/platebni_brana.php" ascii $cnc4 = "://" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and $go and (all of ($s*) or (3 of ($s*) and 1 of ($cnc*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Aurora { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Aurora ransomware payload" strings: $s1 = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run" fullword ascii wide $s2 = "#DECRYPT_MY_FILES#.txt" fullword ascii $s3 = "/gen.php?generate=" fullword ascii $s4 = "" ascii $s5 = "/end.php?id=" fullword ascii $s6 = "wotreplay" fullword ascii $s7 = "moneywell" fullword ascii $s8 = "{btc}" fullword ascii $s9 = ".?AV_Locimp@locale@std@@" ascii $s10 = ".?AV?$codecvt@DDU_Mbstatet@@@std@@" ascii $s11 = ".?AU_Crt_new_delete@std@@" ascii $pdb1 = "\\z0ddak\\Desktop\\source\\Release\\Ransom.pdb" ascii $pdb2 = "\\Desktop\\source\\Release\\Ransom.pdb" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((1 of ($pdb*) and 5 of ($s*)) or (8 of them)) } rule MALWARE_Win_Buran { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Buran ransomware payload" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Ransomware.Buran" strings: // Variant 1 $v1_1 = "U?$error_info_injector@V" ascii $v1_2 = "Browse for Folder (FTP)" fullword ascii $v1_3 = "Find/Replace in Files" fullword ascii $v1_4 = "PAHKLM" fullword ascii $v1_5 = "PAHKCR" fullword ascii $v1_6 = "chkOpt_" ascii $h1 = "Search in this folder" ascii $h2 = "
to find where the text below" ascii $h3 = " files with these extensions (separate with semi-colons)" ascii $h4 = "Need help with [" wide condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 5 of ($s*)) or (6 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_Aspire { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Aspire Keylogger payload" strings: $s1 = "AspireLogger -" wide $s2 = "Application: @" wide $s3 = "encryptedUsername" wide $s4 = "encryptedPassword" wide $s5 = "Fetch users fron logins" wide $s6 = "URI=file:" wide $s7 = "signons.sqlite" wide $s8 = "logins.json" wide condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 6 of ($s*)) or (7 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_S05Kitty { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Sector05 Kitty RAT payload" strings: $s1 = "Execute Comand" ascii $s2 = "InjectExplorer" ascii $s3 = "targetProcess = %s" fullword ascii $s4 = "Process attach (%s)" fullword ascii $s5 = "process name: %s" fullword ascii $s6 = "cmd /c %s >%s" fullword ascii $s7 = "CmdDown: %s, failed" fullword ascii $s8 = "http://%s%s/%s" fullword ascii $s9 = "tmp.LOG" fullword ascii $x1 = "zerodll.dll" fullword ascii $x2 = "OneDll.dll" fullword ascii $x3 = "kkd.bat" fullword ascii $x4 = "%s\\regsvr32.exe /s \"%s\"" fullword ascii $x5 = "\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup\\fontchk.jse" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (8 of ($s*) or all of ($x*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_FakeWMI { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "FakeWMI payload" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.Fakewmi" strings: $s1 = "-BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-" ascii $s2 = ".exe|" ascii $s3 = "cmd /c wmic " ascii $s4 = "cmd /c sc " ascii $s5 = "schtasks" ascii $s6 = "taskkill" ascii $s7 = "findstr" ascii $s8 = "netsh interface" ascii $s9 = "CreateService" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($s*) and #s2 > 10) } rule MALWARE_Win_Baldr { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Baldr payload" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.Baldr" strings: $x1 = "BALDR VERSION : {0}" fullword wide $x2 = "Baldr" fullword ascii wide $x3 = "{0}\\{1:n}.exe" fullword wide $x4 = ".doc;.docx;.log;.txt;" fullword wide $s1 = "b__" ascii $s2 = "b__" ascii $s3 = "UploadData" fullword ascii $s6 = "get_NetworkInterfaceType" fullword ascii $s5 = "get_Passwordcheck" fullword ascii condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of ($x*)) or (2 of ($x*) and 4 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_Megumin { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Megumin payload" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.Megumin" strings: $s1 = "loadpe|" fullword ascii $s2 = "Megumin/2.0" fullword ascii $s3 = "/c start /I \"\" \"" fullword ascii $s4 = "jsbypass|" fullword ascii $cnc1 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) Megumin/2.0" fullword ascii $cnc2 = "/cdn-cgi/l/chk_jschl?s=" fullword ascii $cnc3 = "/newclip?hwid=" fullword ascii $cnc4 = "/isClipper" fullword ascii $cnc5 = "/task?hwid=" fullword ascii $cnc6 = "/completed?hwid=" fullword ascii $cnc7 = "/gate?hwid=" fullword ascii $cnc8 = "/addbot?hwid=" fullword ascii $pdb = "\\MeguminV2\\Release\\MeguminV2.pdb" ascii condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($s*) or 5 of ($cnc*) or $pdb)) or 11 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_Rietspoof { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Rietspoof payload" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.Rietspoof" strings: $c1 = "%s%s%s USER: user" fullword ascii $c2 = "cmd /c %s" fullword ascii $c3 = "CreateObject(\"Scripting.FileSystemObject\").DeleteFile(" ascii $c4 = "WScript.Quit" fullword ascii $c5 = "CPU: %s(%d)" fullword ascii $c6 = "RAM: %lld Mb" fullword ascii $c7 = "data.dat" fullword ascii $c8 = "%s%s%s USER:" ascii $v1_1 = ".vbs" ascii $v1_2 = "HELLO" ascii $v1_3 = "Wscript.Sleep" ascii $v1_4 = "User-agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U;" ascii $v2_1 = "Xjoepxt!" ascii $v2_2 = "Content-MD5:%s" fullword ascii $v2_3 = "M9h5an8f8zTjnyTwQVh6hYBdYsMqHiAz" fullword ascii $v2_4 = "GET /%s?%s HTTP/1.1" fullword ascii $v2_5 = "GET /?%s HTTP/1.1" fullword ascii $pdb1 = "\\techloader\\loader\\loader.odb" ascii wide $pdb2 = "\\loader\\Release\\loader_v1.0.pdb" ascii wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (7 of ($c*) and (3 of ($v*) or 1 of ($pdb*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_MoDiRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "MoDiRAT payload" strings: $s1 = "add_Connected" fullword ascii $s2 = "Statconnected" fullword ascii $s3 = "StartConnect" fullword ascii $s4 = "TelegramTitleDetect" fullword ascii $s5 = "StartTitleTelegram" fullword ascii $s6 = "Check_titles" fullword ascii $s7 = "\\MoDi RAT V" ascii $s8 = "IsBuzy" fullword ascii $s9 = "Recording_Time" fullword wide condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 7 of them) or all of them } rule MALWARE_DOC_KoadicDOC { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Koadic post-exploitation framework document payload" strings: $s1 = "&@cls&@set" ascii $s2 = /:~\d+,1%+/ ascii $s3 = "Header Char" fullword wide $s4 = "EMBED Package" ascii $b1 = ".bat\"%" ascii $b2 = ".bat');\\\"%" ascii $b3 = ".bat',%" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0xcfd0 and all of ($s*) and 2 of ($b*) } rule MALWARE_BAT_KoadicBAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Koadic post-exploitation framework BAT payload" strings: $v1_1 = "&@cls&@set" ascii $v2_1 = { 26 63 6c 73 0d 0a 40 25 } $m1 = /:~\d+,1%+/ ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0xfeff and ((1 of ($v1*) or 1 of ($v2*)) and #m1 > 100) } rule MALWARE_JS_KoadicJS { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Koadic post-exploitation framework JS payload" strings: $s1 = "window.moveTo(-" ascii $s2 = "window.onerror = function(sMsg, sUrl, sLine) { return false; }" fullword ascii $s3 = "window.onfocus = function() { window.blur(); }" fullword ascii $s4 = "window.resizeTo(" ascii $s5 = "window.blur();" fullword ascii $hf1 = ".+?)\\1[^>]*>" fullword wide $g1 = "get_Clipboard" fullword ascii $g2 = "get_Keyboard" fullword ascii $g3 = "get_Password" fullword ascii $g4 = "get_CtrlKeyDown" fullword ascii $g5 = "get_ShiftKeyDown" fullword ascii $g6 = "get_AltKeyDown" fullword ascii $m1 = "yyyy-MM-dd hh-mm-ssCookieapplication/zipSCSC_.jpegScreenshotimage/jpeg/log.tmpKLKL_.htmlLogtext/html[]Time" ascii $m2 = "%image/jpg:Zone.Identifier\\tmpG.tmp%urlkey%-f \\Data\\Tor\\torrcp=%PostURL%" ascii $m3 = ">{CTRL}Windows RDPcredentialpolicyblobrdgchrome{{{0}}}CopyToComputeHashsha512CopySystemDrive\\WScript.ShellRegReadg401" ascii $m4 = "%startupfolder%\\%insfolder%\\%insname%/\\%insfolder%\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run%insregname%SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\StartupApproved\\RunTruehttp" ascii $m5 = "\\WindowsLoad%ftphost%/%ftpuser%%ftppassword%STORLengthWriteCloseGetBytesOpera" ascii condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (8 of ($s*) or (6 of ($*) and all of ($g*)))) or (2 of ($m*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_Taurus { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Taurus infostealer payload" strings: $s1 = "" ascii $s2 = "rus_seller@explo" ascii $s3 = "/c timeout /t 3 & del /f /q" ascii $s4 = "MyAwesomePrefix" ascii $txt1 = "LogInfo.txt" fullword ascii $txt2 = "Information.txt" fullword ascii $txt3 = "General\\passwords.txt" fullword ascii $txt4 = "General\\forms.txt" fullword ascii $txt5 = "General\\cards.txt" fullword ascii $txt6 = "Installed Software.txt" fullword ascii $txt7 = "Crypto Wallets\\WalletInfo.txt" fullword ascii $txt8 = "cookies.txt" fullword ascii $url1 = "/cfg/" wide $url2 = "/loader/complete/" wide $url3 = "/log/" wide $url4 = "/dlls/" wide $upat = /\.exe;;;\d;\d;\d\]\|\[http/ $x1 = "Vaultcli.dll" fullword ascii $x2 = "Bcrypt.dll" fullword ascii $x3 = "*.localstor" ascii $x4 = "operator<=>" fullword ascii $x5 = ".data$rs" fullword ascii $x6 = "https_discordap" ascii $o1 = { 53 56 8b 75 08 8d 85 64 ff ff ff 57 6a ff 6a 01 } $o2 = { 6a 00 68 00 04 00 00 ff b5 a8 fe ff ff ff b5 ac } $o3 = { ff 75 0c 8d 85 44 ff ff ff 50 e8 aa f7 ff ff 8b } $o4 = { 8b 47 04 c6 40 19 01 8d 85 6c ff ff ff 8b 0f 50 } $o5 = { 8d 8d ?? ff ff ff e8 5b } condition: ((3 of ($s*) or (6 of ($txt*) and 2 of ($s*)) or ($upat and 1 of ($s*) and 2 of ($txt*)) or (all of ($url*) and (2 of ($txt*) or 1 of ($s*)))) or (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of ($x*) or (all of ($o*) and 3 of ($x*)))) } rule MALWARE_Win_RemoteUtilitiesRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "RemoteUtilitiesRAT RAT payload" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.RemoteUtilitiesRAT" strings: $s1 = "rman_message" wide $s2 = "rms_invitation" wide $s3 = "rms_host_" wide $s4 = "rman_av_capture_settings" wide $s5 = "rman_registry_key" wide $s6 = "rms_system_information" wide $s7 = "_rms_log.txt" wide $s8 = "rms_internet_id_settings" wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 4 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_SlothfulMedia { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "SlothfulMedia backdoor payload" strings: $x1 = /ExtKeylogger(Start|Stop)/ fullword ascii $x2 = /ExtService(Add|Delete|Start|Stop)/ fullword ascii $x3 = /ExtRegKey(Add|Del)/ fullword ascii $x4 = /ExtRegItem(Add|Del)/ fullword ascii $x5 = "ExtUnload" fullword ascii $s1 = "Local Security Process" fullword wide $s2 = "Global%s%d" fullword wide $s3 = "%s%s_%d.dat" fullword wide $s4 = "\\AppIni" fullword wide $s5 = "%s.tmp" fullword wide $s6 = "\\SetupUi" fullword wide $s7 = "%s|%s|%s|%s" fullword wide $s8 = "\\ExtInfo" fullword wide $cnc1 = "/v?m=" fullword ascii $cnc2 = "%s&i=%d" fullword ascii $cnc3 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.75" fullword ascii $cnc4 = "Content-Length: %d" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (3 of ($x*) or 7 of ($s*) or all of ($cnc*) or (1 of ($x*) and 4 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_IRCBot { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "IRCBot payload" strings: $s1 = ".okuninstall" fullword wide $s2 = ".oksnapshot" fullword wide $s3 = "\\uspread.vbs" fullword wide $s4 = "KEYLogger" ascii nocase $s5 = "GetKeyLogs" fullword ascii $s6 = "GetLoocationInfo" fullword ascii $s7 = "CaputerScreenshot" fullword ascii $s8 = "get_SCRIPT_DATA" fullword ascii $s9 = /irc_(server|nickname|password|channle)/ fullword ascii $s10 = "machine_screenshot" fullword ascii $s11 = "CollectPassword" fullword ascii $s12 = "USBInfection" fullword ascii nocase $cnc1 = "&command=UpdateAndGetTasks&machine_id=" wide $cnc2 = "&machine_os=1&privateip=" wide $cnc3 = "&command=InsertTaskExecution&excuter_id=" wide $cnc4 = "&command=RegisterNewMachine" wide $cnc5 = "&command=UpdateNewMachine" wide $cnc6 = "&command=GetPayloads&keys=" wide $cnc7 = "&command=SaveSnapshot" wide $pdb = "\\Projects\\USBStarter\\USBStarter\\obj\\Release\\USBStarter.pdb" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (7 of ($s*) or 3 of ($cnc*) or ($pdb and 2 of them)) } rule MALWARE_Win_Apocalypse { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Apocalypse infostealer payload" strings: $s1 = "OpenClipboard" fullword ascii $s2 = "SendARP" fullword ascii $s3 = "GetWebRequest" fullword ascii $s4 = "DotNetGuard" fullword ascii $s5 = "set_CreateNoWindow" fullword ascii $s6 = "UploadFile" fullword ascii $s7 = "GetHINSTANCE" fullword ascii $s8 = "Kill" fullword ascii $s9 = "GetProcesses" fullword ascii $s10 = "get_PrimaryScreen" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them } rule MALWARE_Win_Osno { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Osno ransomware and infostealer payload" strings: $s1 = ".HolyGate+<>c+<" ascii $s2 = /Osno(Keylogger|Stealer|Ransom)/ wide $s3 = "password,executeWebhook('Account credentials" wide $s4 = "-Name Osno -PropertyType" wide $s5 = "process.env.hook" ascii $s6 = "Stealer.JSON.JsonValue" ascii $s7 = "b_" ascii $s8 = "b_" ascii $s9 = "antiVM" fullword ascii $s10 = "downloadurl" fullword ascii $s11 = "set_sPassword" fullword ascii $txt0 = "{0} {1} .txt" fullword wide $txt1 = "\\ScanningNetworks.txt" fullword wide $txt2 = "\\SteamApps.txt" fullword wide $txt3 = "-ErrorsLogs.txt" fullword wide $txt4 = "-keylogs.txt" fullword wide $txt5 = "Hardware & Soft.txt" fullword wide $cnc0 = "/csharp/" ascii wide $cnc1 = "token=" ascii wide $cnc2 = "×tamp=" ascii wide $cnc3 = "&session_id=" ascii wide $cnc4 = "&aid=" ascii wide $cnc5 = "&secret=" ascii wide $cnc6 = "&api_key" ascii wide $cnc7 = "&session_key=" ascii wide $cnc8 = "&type=" ascii wide condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (6 of ($s*) or 4 of ($txt*) or (4 of ($s*) and 2 of ($txt*)))) or (7 of ($cnc*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_BetaBot { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "BetaBot payload" strings: $s1 = "__restart" fullword ascii $s2 = "%SystemRoot%\\SysWOW64\\tapi3.dll" fullword wide $s3 = "%SystemRoot%\\system32\\tapi3.dll" fullword wide $s4 = "publicKeyToken=\"6595b64144ccf1df\"" ascii $s5 = "VirtualProtectEx" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 600KB and all of them } rule MALWARE_Win_WSHRATPlugin { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "WSHRAT keylogger plugin payload" snort_sid = "920010-920012" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.WSHRAT-KLG" strings: $s1 = "GET /open-keylogger HTTP/1.1" fullword wide $s2 = "KeyboardChange: nCode={0}, wParam={1}, vkCode={2}, scanCode={3}, flags={4}, dwExtraInfo={6}" wide $s3 = "MouseChange: nCode={0}, wParam={1}, x={2}, y={3}, mouseData={4}, flags={5}, dwExtraInfo={7}" wide $s4 = "sendKeyLog" fullword ascii $s5 = "saveKeyLog" fullword ascii $s6 = "get_TotalKeyboardClick" fullword ascii $s7 = "get_SessionMouseClick" fullword ascii $pdb = "\\Android\\documents\\visual studio 2010\\Projects\\Keylogger\\Keylogger\\obj\\x86\\Debug\\Keylogger.pdb" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 100KB and 4 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_RevengeRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "RevengeRAT and variants payload" snort_sid = "920000-920002" strings: $l1 = "Lime.Connection" fullword ascii $l2 = "Lime.Packets" fullword ascii $l3 = "Lime.Settings" fullword ascii $l4 = "Lime.NativeMethods" fullword ascii $s1 = "GetAV" fullword ascii $s2 = "keepAlivePing!" fullword ascii wide $s3 = "Revenge-RAT" fullword ascii wide $s4 = "*-]NK[-*" fullword ascii wide $s5 = "RV_MUTEX" fullword ascii wide $s6 = "set_SendBufferSize" fullword ascii $s7 = "03C7F4E8FB359AEC0EEF0814B66A704FC43FB3A8" fullword ascii $s8 = "5B1EE7CAD3DFF220A95D1D6B91435D9E1520AC41" fullword ascii $s9 = "\\RevengeRAT\\" ascii $q1 = "Select * from AntiVirusProduct" fullword ascii wide $q2 = "SELECT * FROM FirewallProduct" fullword ascii wide $q3 = "select * from Win32_Processor" fullword ascii wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((1 of ($l*) and 3 of ($s*)) or (all of ($q*) and 3 of ($s*)) or 3 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_TRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "TRAT payload" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.TRAT" strings: $s1 = "^STEAM_0:[0-1]:([0-9]{1,10})$" fullword wide $s2 = "^7656119([0-9]{10})$" fullword wide $s3 = "Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData)" ascii $s4 = "\"schtasks\", \"/delete /tn UpdateWindows /f\");" ascii $s5 = "ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden" ascii $s6 = "+<>c+<" ascii $s7 = "//B //Nologo *Y" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 5 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_CryptBot { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "CryptBot/Fugrafa stealer payload" snort2_sid = "920110" snort3_sid = "920108" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.CryptBot" strings: $s1 = "Username: %wS" fullword wide $s2 = "Computername: %wS" fullword wide $s3 = "/c rd /s /q %" wide $s4 = "IP: N0t_IP" fullword wide $s5 = "Country: N0t_Country" fullword wide $s6 = "password-check" fullword ascii $s7 = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"" ascii wide $s8 = "[ %wS ]" wide $s9 = "EXE_PATH:" wide $s10 = "Username (Computername):" wide $s11 = "Operating system language:" wide $s12 = "/index.php" wide $f1 = "*ledger*.txt" fullword wide $f2 = "*crypto*.xlsx" fullword wide $f3 = "*private*.txt" fullword wide $f4 = "*wallet*.dat" fullword wide $f5 = "*pass*.txt" fullword wide $f6 = "*bitcoin*.txt" fullword wide $p1 = "%USERPROFILE%\\Desktop\\*.txt" fullword wide $p2 = "%USERPROFILE%\\Desktop\\secret.txt" fullword wide $p3 = "%USERPROFILE%\\Desktop\\report.doc" fullword wide $pattern1 = /(files_|_Files)\\(_?)(cookies|cryptocurrency|forms|passwords|system_info|screenshot|screen_desktop|information|files|wallet|cc|Coinomi)\\?(\.txt|\.jpg|\.jpeg)?/ ascii wide nocase $pattern2 = /%(s|ws)\\%(s|ws)\\(Login Data|Cookies|Web Data)/ fullword wide $pattern3 = /(_AllPasswords_list.txt|_AllForms_list.txt|_AllCookies_list.txt|_All_CC_list.txt|_Information.txt|_Info.txt|_Screen_Desktop.jpeg)/ fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((5 of ($s*) and 1 of ($p*)) or (4 of ($s*) and 1 of ($f*) and 1 of ($p*)) or (2 of ($pattern*) and 3 of ($s*)) or (#pattern1 > 6 and (2 of ($s*) or 1 of ($p*)))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Matiex { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Matiex/XetimaLogger keylogger payload" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.MatiexKeylogger" strings: $id = "--M-A-T-I-E-X--K-E-Y-L-O-G-E-R--" ascii wide $s1 = "StartKeylogger" fullword ascii $s2 = "_KeyboardLoggerTimer" ascii $s3 = "_ScreenshotLoggerTimer" ascii $s4 = "_VoiceRecordLogger" ascii $s5 = "_ClipboardLoggerTimer" ascii $s6 = "get_logins" fullword ascii $s7 = "get_processhackerFucked" fullword ascii $s8 = "_ThePSWDSenders" fullword ascii $pdb = "\\Before FprmT\\Document VB project\\FireFox Stub\\FireFox Stub\\obj\\Debug\\VNXT.pdb" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ($id or 4 of ($s*) or ($pdb and 2 of them)) } rule MALWARE_Win_IAmTheKingKeylogger { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "IAmTheKing Keylogger payload" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.IAmTheKingKeylogger" strings: $s1 = "[TIME:]%d/%d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d" fullword ascii $s2 = "[TITLE:]" fullword ascii $s3 = "%s-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d" fullword ascii $s4 = "[DATA]:" fullword ascii $s5 = "[BK]" fullword ascii $s6 = "Log.txt" fullword ascii $s7 = "sonme hting is wrong x" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 5 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_IAmTheKingScrCap { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "IAmTheKing screen capture payload" strings: $s1 = "@MyScreen.jpg" fullword wide $s2 = "DISPLAY" fullword wide $s3 = ".?AVCImage@ATL@@" fullword ascii $s4 = ".?AVGdiplusBase@Gdiplus@@" fullword ascii $s5 = ".?AVImage@Gdiplus@@" fullword ascii $s6 = ".?AVBitmap@Gdiplus@@" fullword ascii $s7 = ".?AVCAtlException@ATL@@" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them } rule MALWARE_Win_IAmTheKingKingOfHearts { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "IAmTheKing King Of Hearts payload" strings: $s1 = "write info fail!!! GetLastError-->%u" fullword ascii $s2 = "LookupAccountSid Error %u" fullword ascii $s3 = "CreateServiceErrorID:%d" fullword ascii $s4 = "In ControlServiceErrorID:%d" fullword ascii $s5 = "In QueryServiceStatus ErrorID:%d" fullword ascii $s6 = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"%s\"; filename=\"%s\"" fullword ascii $s7 = "hello%s" fullword ascii $s8 = "additional header failed..." fullword ascii $s9 = "Set Option failed errcode: %ld" fullword ascii $s10 = "add cookie failed..." fullword ascii $u1 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; )" fullword ascii $u2 = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0; SE)" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((1 of ($u*) and 4 of ($s*)) or (all of ($u*) and 3 of ($s*)) or (5 of them)) } rule MALWARE_Win_CobaltStrike { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "CobaltStrike payload" strings: $s1 = "%%IMPORT%%" fullword ascii $s2 = "www6.%x%x.%s" fullword ascii $s3 = "cdn.%x%x.%s" fullword ascii $s4 = "api.%x%x.%s" fullword ascii $s5 = "%s (admin)" fullword ascii $s6 = "could not spawn %s: %d" fullword ascii $s7 = "Could not kill %d: %d" fullword ascii $s8 = "Could not connect to pipe (%s): %d" fullword ascii $s9 = /%s\.\d[(%08x).]+\.%x%x\.%s/ ascii $pwsh1 = "IEX (New-Object Net.Webclient).DownloadString('http" ascii $pwsh2 = "powershell -nop -exec bypass -EncodedCommand \"%s\"" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (5 of ($s*) or (all of ($pwsh*) and 2 of ($s*)) or (#s9 > 6 and 4 of them)) } rule MALWARE_Win_RedLineDropperAHK { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects AutoIt/AutoHotKey executables dropping RedLine infostealer" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.RedLineDropper-AHK" strings: $s1 = ".SetRequestHeader(\"User-Agent\",\" ( \" OSName \" | \" bit \" | \" CPUNAme \"\"" ascii $s2 = ":= \" | Windows Defender\"" ascii $s3 = "WindowSpy.ahk" wide $s4 = ">AUTOHOTKEY SCRIPT<" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them } rule MALWARE_Win_DLAgent01 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects known downloader agent" snort_sid = "920007" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.DLAgent01" strings: $s1 = "Mozilla/5.0 Gecko/41.0 Firefox/41.0" fullword wide $s2 = "/Node:localhost /Namespace:\\\\root\\SecurityCenter2 Path AntiVirusProduct Get displayName /Format:List" fullword wide $s3 = "GUID.log" fullword wide $s4 = "NO AV" fullword wide $s5 = "%d:%I64d:%I64d:%I64d" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 4 of them } rule MALWARE_Linux_PLEAD { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "PLEAD Linux payload" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Linux.Trojan.PLEAD" strings: $x1 = "CFileTransfer" ascii $x2 = "CFileManager" ascii $x3 = "CPortForward" ascii $x4 = "CPortForwardManager" ascii $x5 = "CRemoteShell" ascii $x6 = "CSockClient" ascii $s1 = "/proc/self/exe" fullword ascii $s2 = "/bin/sh" fullword ascii $s3 = "echo -e '" ascii $s4 = "%s %s" ascii $s5 = "%s %lld %s" ascii $s6 = "Files: %d Size: %lld" ascii $s7 = "Dirs: %d" ascii $s8 = "%s(%s)/" ascii $s9 = "%s %s %s %s" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x457f and (all of ($x*) or all of ($s*) or 12 of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_CRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects CRAT main DLL" strings: $s1 = "cmd /c \"dir %s /s >> %s\"" wide $s2 = "Set-Cookie:\\b*{.+?}\\n" wide $s3 = "Location: {[0-9]+}" wide $s4 = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"%s\"; filename=\"" ascii $s6 = "%serror.log" wide $v2x_1 = "?timestamp=%u" wide $v2x_2 = "config.txt" wide $v2x_3 = "entdll.dll" wide $v2x_4 = "\\cmd.exe" wide $v2x_5 = "[MyDocuments]" wide $v2x_6 = "@SetWindowTextW FindFileExA" wide $v2x_7 = "Microsoft\\Windows\\WinX\\Group1\\*.exe" wide $v2s_1 = "Installed Anti Virus Programs" ascii $v2s_2 = "Running Processes" ascii $v2s_3 = "id=%u&content=" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($s*) or 6 of ($v2x*) or all of ($v2s*) or (2 of ($v2s*) and 4 of ($v2x*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_CRATPluginKeylogger { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects CRAT keylogger plugin DLL" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.CRAT" strings: $ai1 = "VM detected!" fullword wide $ai2 = "Sandbox detected!" fullword wide $ai3 = "Debug detected!" fullword wide $ai4 = "Analysis process detected!" fullword wide $s1 = "Create KeyLogMutex %s failure %d" wide $s2 = "Key Log Mutex already created! %s" wide $s3 = /KeyLogThread\s(started|finished|terminated)!/ wide $s4 = /KeyLog_(x64|x32|Win64|Win32)_DllRelease\.dll/ fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((all of ($ai*) and 1 of ($s*)) or (3 of ($s*) and 1 of ($ai*)) or 5 of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_CRATPluginClipboardMonitor { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects CRAT Clipboad Monitor plugin DLL" strings: $ai1 = "VM detected!" fullword wide $ai2 = "Sandbox detected!" fullword wide $ai3 = "Debug detected!" fullword wide $ai4 = "Analysis process detected!" fullword wide $s1 = "Clipboard Monitor Mutex [%s] already created!" wide $s2 = "ClipboardMonitorThread started!" fullword wide $s3 = /MonitorClipboardThread\s(finished|terminated)!/ wide $s4 = /ClipboardMonitor_(x64|x32|Win64|Win32)_DllRelease\.dll/ fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((all of ($ai*) and 1 of ($s*)) or (3 of ($s*) and 1 of ($ai*)) or 5 of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_CRATPluginScreenCapture { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects CRAT Screen Capture plugin DLL" strings: $ai1 = "VM detected!" fullword wide $ai2 = "Sandbox detected!" fullword wide $ai3 = "Debug detected!" fullword wide $ai4 = "Analysis process detected!" fullword wide $s1 = "User is inactive!, give up capture" wide $s2 = "Capturing screen..." wide $s3 = "%s\\P%02d%lu.tmp" fullword wide $s4 = "CloseHandle ScreenCaptureMutex failure! %d" fullword wide $s5 = "ScreenCaptureMutex already created! %s" fullword wide $s6 = "Create ScreenCaptureMutex %s failure %d" fullword wide $s7 = /ScreenCaptureThread\s(finished|terminated)!/ wide $s8 = /ScreenCapture_(x64|x32|Win64|Win32)_DllRelease\.dll/ fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((all of ($ai*) and 1 of ($s*)) or (3 of ($s*) and 1 of ($ai*)) or 6 of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_CRATPluginRansomHansom { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects CRAT Hansom Ransomware plugin DLL" strings: $cmd1 = "/f /im \"%s\"" wide $cmd2 = "add HKLM\\%s /v %s /t REG_DWORD /d %d /F" wide $cmd3 = "add HKCU\\%s /v %s /t REG_DWORD /d %d /F" wide $cmd4 = "\"%s\" a -y -ep -k -r -s -ibck -df -m0 -hp%s -ri1:%d \"%s\" \"%s\"" wide $s1 = "\\hansom.jpg" wide $s2 = "HansomMain" fullword ascii wide $s3 = "ExtractHansom" fullword ascii wide $s4 = "Hansom2008" fullword ascii $s5 = ".hansomkey" fullword wide $s6 = ".hansom" fullword wide $s7 = /Ransom_(x64|x32|Win64|Win32)_DllRelease\.dll/ fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((2 of ($cmd*) and 2 of ($s*)) or (4 of ($s*) and 1 of ($cmd*)) or 6 of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_AlienCrypter { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects AlienCrypter injector/downloader/obfuscator" strings: $s1 = ".AlienRunPE." ascii wide $s2 = "RunAsNewUser_RunDLL" fullword wide $s3 = { 00 50 52 4f 43 45 53 53 5f 53 55 53 50 45 4e 44 5f 52 45 53 55 4d 45 00 64 6e 6c 69 62 2e 50 45 00 } $s4 = { 2e 41 6c 69 65 6e 52 75 6e 50 45 00 50 52 4f 43 45 53 53 5f 54 45 52 4d 49 4e 41 54 45 00 } $s5 = "@@@http" wide $resp1 = "

@@@77,90," ascii wide $resp2 = "

@@@HH,JA," ascii wide condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 3 of them) or (1 of ($resp*) and 2 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_Ficker { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Ficker infostealer" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.Ficker" strings: $s1 = "JNOde\\" ascii $s2 = "\"SomeNone" fullword ascii $s3 = "kindmessage" fullword ascii $s4 = "..\\\\?\\.\\UNC\\Windows stdio in console mode does not support writting non-UTF-8 byte sequences" ascii $s5 = "..\\\\?\\.\\UNC\\Windows stdio in console mode does not support writing non-UTF-8 byte sequences" ascii $s6 = "(os error other os erroroperation interrruptedwrite zerotimed" ascii $s7 = "(os error other os erroroperation interruptedwrite zerotimed" ascii $s8 = "nPipeAlreadyExistsWouldBlockInvalidInputInvalidDataTimedOutWriteZeroInterruptedOtherN" fullword ascii $s9 = "_matherr(): %s in %s(%g, %g) (retval=%g)" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 5 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_Xorist { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Xorist ransomware" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Ransomware.Xorist" strings: $x1 = { 00 4d 00 41 00 47 00 45 00 0b 00 50 00 55 00 53 00 53 00 59 00 4c 00 49 00 43 00 4b 00 45 00 52 00 } $x2 = { 30 70 33 6e 53 4f 75 72 63 33 20 58 30 72 31 35 37 2c 20 6d 6f 74 68 65 72 66 75 63 6b 65 72 21 00 70 75 73 73 79 6c 69 63 6b 65 72 00 2e 62 6d 70 00 2e 00 2e 2e 00 6f 70 65 6e 00 2e 65 78 65 } $s1 = "\\shell\\open\\command" fullword ascii $s2 = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run" fullword ascii $s3 = "CRYPTED!" fullword ascii $s4 = "Attention!" fullword ascii $s5 = "Password:" fullword ascii $s6 = { 43 6f 6d 53 70 65 63 00 2f 63 20 64 65 6c 20 22 00 22 20 3e 3e 20 4e 55 4c } condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($x*) or 5 of ($s*) or (1 of ($x*) and 3 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_PYSA { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects PYSA/Mespinoza ransomware" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Ransomware.PYSA" strings: $s1 = "%s\\Readme.README" fullword wide $s2 = "Every byte on any types of your devices was encrypted" ascii $s3 = { 6c 65 67 61 6c 6e 6f 74 69 63 65 74 65 78 74 00 (50|70) (59|79) (53|73) (41|61) } $s4 = { 6c 65 67 61 6c 6e 6f 74 69 63 65 63 61 70 74 69 6f 6e 00 00 (50|70) (59|79) (53|73) (41|61) } $s5 = { 2e 62 61 74 00 00 6f 70 65 6e 00 00 00 00 53 4f 46 54 57 41 52 45 5c 4d 69 63 72 6f 73 6f 66 74 5c 57 69 6e 64 6f 77 73 5c 43 75 72 72 65 6e 74 56 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 5c 50 6f 6c 69 63 69 65 73 5c 53 79 73 74 65 6d 00 00 00 } $f1 = ".?AVPK_EncryptorFilter@CryptoPP@@" ascii $f2 = ".?AV?$TF_EncryptorImpl@" ascii $f3 = "@VTF_EncryptorBase@CryptoPP@@" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of ($f*) and 3 of ($s*) } rule MALWARE_Win_Polar { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Polar ransomware" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Ransomware.Polar" strings: $s1 = "Encrypt Failed ! ErrorMessage :" wide $s2 = ".locked" fullword wide $s3 = ".cryptd" fullword wide $s4 = "$SysReset" fullword wide $s5 = "Polar.Properties.Resources" ascii wide $s6 = "AES_EnDecryptor.Basement" fullword ascii $s7 = "RunCMDCommand" fullword ascii $s8 = "killerps_list" fullword ascii $s9 = "clearlog" fullword ascii $s10 = "encryptFile" fullword ascii $s11 = "changeBackPictrue" fullword ascii $pdb1 = "\\Ransomware_ALL_encode\\dir_file\\obj\\x86\\Release\\Encode.pdb" ascii $pdb2 = "\\Ransomware_ALL_encode\\dir_file\\obj\\x64\\Release\\Encode.pdb" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (8 of ($s*) or (1 of ($pdb*) and 2 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_BitRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects BitRAT RAT" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.BitRAT" strings: $s1 = "\\plg\\" fullword ascii $s2 = "klgoff_del" fullword ascii $s3 = "files_delete" ascii $s4 = "files_zip_start" fullword ascii $s5 = "files_exec" fullword ascii $s6 = "drives_get" fullword ascii $s7 = "srv_list" fullword ascii $s8 = "con_list" fullword ascii $s9 = "ddos_stop" fullword ascii $s10 = "socks5_srv_start" fullword ascii $s11 = "/getUpdates?offset=" fullword ascii $s12 = "Action: /dlex" fullword ascii $s13 = "Action: /clsbrw" fullword ascii $s14 = "Action: /usb" fullword ascii $s15 = "/klg" fullword ascii $s16 = "klg|" fullword ascii $s17 = "Slowloris" fullword ascii $s18 = "Bot ID:" ascii $t1 = "N/A" fullword ascii $t2 = "N/A" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (7 of ($s*) or (4 of ($s*) and 1 of ($t*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Poullight { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Poullight infostealer" snort2_sid = "920074-920075" snort3_sid = "920074-920075" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.Poullight" strings: $s1 = "zipx" fullword wide $s2 = "{0}Windows Defender.exe" fullword wide $s3 = "pll_test" fullword wide $s4 = "loginusers.vdf" wide $s5 = "Stealer by Nixscare" wide $s6 = "path_lad" fullword ascii $s7 = "" ascii $s8 = "Poullight.Properties" ascii $s9 = "" fullword wide $s10 = "{0}processlist.txt" fullword wide $s11 = "{0}Browsers\\Passwords.txt" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 7 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_SnakeKeylogger { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Snake Keylogger" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.SnakeKeylogger" strings: $id1 = "SNAKE-KEYLOGGER" fullword ascii $id2 = "----------------S--------N--------A--------K--------E----------------" ascii $s1 = "_KPPlogS" fullword ascii $s2 = "_Scrlogtimerrr" fullword ascii $s3 = "_Clpreptimerr" fullword ascii $s4 = "_clprEPs" fullword ascii $s5 = "_kLLTIm" fullword ascii $s6 = "_TPSSends" fullword ascii $s7 = "_ProHfutimer" fullword ascii $s8 = "GrabbedClp" fullword ascii $s9 = "StartKeylogger" fullword ascii // Snake Keylogger Stub New $x1 = "$%SMTPDV$" wide $x2 = "$#TheHashHere%&" wide $x3 = "%FTPDV$" wide $x4 = "$%TelegramDv$" wide $x5 = "KeyLoggerEventArgs" ascii $m1 = "| Snake Keylogger" ascii wide $m2 = /(Screenshot|Clipboard|keystroke) Logs ID/ ascii wide $m3 = "SnakePW" ascii wide $m4 = "\\SnakeKeylogger\\" ascii wide condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($id*) or 6 of ($s*) or (1 of ($id*) and 3 of ($s*)) or 4 of ($x*))) or (2 of ($m*)) } rule MALWARE_Linux_XORDDoS { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects XORDDoS" strings: $s1 = "for i in `cat /proc/net/dev|grep :|awk -F: {'print $1'}`; do ifconfig $i up& done" fullword ascii $s2 = "cp /lib/ /lib/" fullword ascii $s3 = "sed -i '/\\/etc\\/cron.hourly\\/' /etc/crontab && echo '*/3 * * * * root /etc/cron.hourly/' >> /etc/crontab" fullword ascii $s4 = "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2; SV1; TencentTraveler ; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)" fullword ascii condition: uint32(0) == 0x464c457f and 3 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_BlackNET { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects BlackNET RAT" snort2_sid = "920079-920082" snort3_sid = "920079-920082" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.BlackNET" strings: $s1 = "SbieCtrl" fullword wide $s2 = "SpyTheSpy" fullword wide $s3 = "\\BlackNET.dat" fullword wide $s4 = "StartDDOS" fullword wide $s5 = "UDPAttack" fullword wide $s6 = "ARMEAttack" fullword wide $s7 = "TCPAttack" fullword wide $s8 = "HTTPGetAttack" fullword wide $s9 = "RetriveLogs" fullword wide $s10 = "StealPassword" fullword wide $s11 = "/create /f /sc ONSTART /RL HIGHEST /tn \"'" fullword wide $b1 = "DeleteScript|BN|" fullword wide $b2 = "|BN|Online" fullword wide $b3 = "NewLog|BN|" fullword wide $cnc1 = "/getCommand.php?id=" fullword wide $cnc2 = "/upload.php?id=" fullword wide $cnc3 = "connection.php?data=" fullword wide $cnc4 = "/receive.php?command=" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (9 of ($s*) or all of ($cnc*) or all of ($b*) or 12 of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_StormKitty { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects StormKitty infostealer" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.StormKitty" strings: $x1 = "\\ARTIKA\\Videos\\Chrome-Password-Recovery" ascii $x2 = "" fullword ascii $x3 = "StormKitty" fullword ascii $s1 = "GetBSSID" fullword ascii $s2 = "GetAntivirus" fullword ascii $s3 = "C:\\Users\\Public\\credentials.txt" fullword wide $s4 = "^([a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\.]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\.]+)\\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})$" fullword wide $s5 = "BCrypt.BCryptGetProperty() (get size) failed with status code:{0}" fullword wide $s6 = "\"encrypted_key\":\"(.*?)\"" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (2 of ($x*) or 5 of ($s*) or (3 of ($s*) and 1 of ($x*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Bulz01 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects trojan loader" strings: $s1 = "DisableTrivet.dll" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and pe.is_dll() and all of ($s*) and ( pe.exports("Ordinal") or pe.exports("Chechako") or pe.exports("Originator") or pe.exports("Repressions") ) } rule MALWARE_Win_RevCodeRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects RevCode/WebMonitor RAT" snort2_sid = "920070" snort3_sid = "920070" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.RevCodeRAT" strings: $x1 = "rev-novm.dat" fullword wide $x2 = "WebMonitor-" fullword wide $x3 = "WebMonitor Client" fullword wide $x4 = "Launch WebMonitor" fullword wide $s1 = "KEYLOG_DEL" fullword ascii $s2 = "KEYLOG_STREAM_START" fullword ascii $s3 = "send_keylog_del" fullword ascii $s4 = "send_keylog_stream_" ascii $s5 = "send_shell_exec" fullword ascii $s6 = "send_file_download_exec" fullword ascii $s7 = "send_pdg_exec" fullword ascii $s8 = "send_app_cmd_upd" fullword ascii $s9 = "send_webcamstream_start" fullword ascii $s10 = "send_screenstream_start" fullword ascii $s11 = "send_clipboard_get" fullword ascii $s12 = "send_pdg_rev_proxy_stop" fullword ascii $s13 = "send_shell_stop" fullword ascii $s14 = "send_wnd_cmd" fullword ascii $s15 = "SCREEN_STREAM_LEGACY(): Started..." fullword ascii $s16 = "SYSTEM_INFORMATION(): Failed! (Error:" fullword ascii $s17 = "TARGET_HOST_UPDATE(): Sync successful!" fullword ascii $s18 = "PLUGIN_PROCESS_REVERSE_PROXY: Plugin" ascii $s19 = "PLUGIN_PROCESS: Plugin" ascii $s20 = "PLUGIN_EXEC: Plugin" ascii $s21 = "PLUGIN_PROCESS_SCREEN_STREAM: Plugin" ascii $cnc1 = "?task_id=" fullword ascii $cnc2 = "&operation=" fullword ascii $cnc3 = "&filesize=" fullword ascii $cnc4 = "pos=" fullword ascii $cnc5 = "&mode=" fullword ascii $cnc6 = "&cmp=1" fullword ascii $cnc7 = "&cmp=0" fullword ascii $cnc8 = "&enc=1" fullword ascii $cnc9 = "&enc=0" fullword ascii $cnc10 = "&user=" fullword ascii $cnc11 = "&uid=" fullword ascii $cnc12 = "&key=" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (3 of ($x*) or all of ($cnc*) or 8 of ($s*) or (1 of ($x*) and 6 of ($s*)) or (6 of ($cnc*) and 6 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_PowerPool_STG1 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects first stage PowerPool backdoor" snort2_sid = "920088" snort3_sid = "920086" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.PowerPool-STG-1" strings: $s1 = "cmd /c powershell.exe $PSVersionTable.PSVersion > \"%s\"" fullword wide $s2 = "cmd /c powershell.exe \"%s\" > \"%s\"" fullword wide $s3 = "rar.exe a -r %s.rar -ta%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d -tb%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d" fullword wide $s4 = "MyDemonMutex%d" fullword wide $s5 = "MyScreen.jpg" fullword wide $s6 = "proxy.log" fullword wide $s7 = "myjt.exe" fullword wide $s8 = "/?id=%s&info=%s" fullword wide $s9 = "auto.cfg" fullword ascii $s10 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64)" fullword wide $s11 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)" fullword wide $s12 = "CMD COMMAND EXCUTE ERROR!" fullword ascii $c1 = "" fullword wide $c2 = "" fullword wide $c3 = "" fullword $c4 = "" fullword wide $c5 = "" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($s*) or (1 of ($c*) and 5 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_PowerPool_STG2 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects second stage PowerPool backdoor" snort2_sid = "920089-920091" snort3_sid = "920087-920089" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.PowerPool-STG-2" strings: $s1 = "write info fail!!! GetLastError-->%u" fullword ascii $s2 = "LookupAccountSid Error %u" fullword ascii $s3 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; )" fullword ascii $s4 = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0; SE)" fullword ascii $s5 = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"%s\"" fullword ascii $s6 = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"%s\"; filename=\"%s\"" fullword ascii $s7 = "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=--MULTI-PARTS-FORM-DATA-BOUNDARY" fullword ascii $s8 = "in Json::Value::find" fullword ascii $s9 = "in Json::Value::resolveReference" fullword ascii $s10 = "in Json::Value::duplicateAndPrefixStringValue" fullword ascii $s11 = ".?AVLogicError@Json@@" fullword ascii $s12 = ".?AVRuntimeError@Json@@" fullword ascii $s13 = "http:\\\\" ascii $s14 = "" ascii $s15 = "" ascii $s16 = "" ascii $s17 = "%s|%I64d" ascii $s18 = "open internet failed..." ascii $s19 = "connect failed..." ascii $s20 = "handle not opened..." ascii $s21 = "corrupted regex pattern" fullword ascii $s22 = "add cookie failed..." ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 14 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_Egregor { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Egregor ransomware variants" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Ransomware.Egregor" strings: $s1 = "C:\\Logmein\\{888-8888-9999}\\Logmein.log" fullword wide $p1 = "--deinstall" fullword wide $p2 = "--del" fullword wide $p3 = "--exit" fullword wide $p4 = "--kill" fullword wide $p5 = "--loud" fullword wide $p6 = "--nooperation" fullword wide $p7 = "--nop" fullword wide $p8 = "--skip" fullword wide $p9 = "--useless" fullword wide $p10 = "--yourmommy" fullword wide $p11 = "-passegregor" ascii wide $p12 = "-peguard" ascii wide $p13 = "--nomimikatz" ascii wide $p14 = "--multiproc" ascii wide $p15 = "--killrdp" ascii wide $p16 = "--nonet" ascii wide $p17 = "--norename" ascii wide $p18 = "--greetings" ascii wide condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and pe.is_dll() and ((all of ($s*) and 1 of ($p*)) or ( 2 of them and filesize < 1000KB and for any i in (0 .. pe.number_of_sections) : ( ( pe.sections[i].name == ".00cfg" ) ) ) ) ) or 8 of ($p*) } rule MALWARE_Win_DLAgent02 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects known downloader agent downloading encoded binaries in patches from paste-like websites, most notably hastebin" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.DLAgent02" strings: $x1 = "/c timeout {0}" fullword wide $x2 = "^(https?|ftp):\\/\\/" fullword wide $x3 = "{0}{1}{2}{3}" wide $x4 = "timeout {0}" fullword wide $s1 = "HttpWebRequest" fullword ascii $s2 = "GetResponseStream" fullword ascii $s3 = "set_FileName" fullword ascii $s4 = "set_UseShellExecute" fullword ascii $s5 = "WebClient" fullword ascii $s6 = "set_CreateNoWindow" fullword ascii $s7 = "DownloadString" fullword ascii $s8 = "WriteByte" fullword ascii $s9 = "CreateUrlCacheEntryW" fullword ascii $s10 = "HttpStatusCode" fullword ascii $s11 = "FILETIME" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 5000KB and ((2 of ($x*) and 2 of ($s*)) or (#x3 > 2 and 4 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_RedLineDropperEXE { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects executables dropping RedLine infostealer" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.RedLineDropper-EXE" strings: $s1 = "Wizutezinod togeto0Rowadufevomuki futenujilazem jic lefogatenezinor" fullword wide $s2 = "6Tatafamobevofaj bizafoju peyovavacoco lizine kezakajuj" fullword wide $s3 = "Lawuherusozeru kucu zam0Zorizeyuk lepaposupu gala kinarusot ruvasaxehuwo" fullword wide $s4 = "ClearEventLogW" fullword ascii $s5 = "ProductionVersion" fullword wide $s6 = "Vasuko)Yugenizugilobo toxocivoriye yexozoyohuzeb" wide $s7 = "Yikezevavuzus gucajanesan#Rolapucededoxu xewulep fuwehofiwifi" wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (pe.exports("_fgeek@8") and 2 of them) or ( 2 of them and for any i in (0 .. pe.number_of_sections) : ( ( pe.sections[i].name == ".rig" ) ) ) } rule MALWARE_Win_Nibiru { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Nibiru ransomware" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Ransomware.Nibiru" strings: $s1 = ".encrypt" fullword wide $s2 = "crypted" fullword wide $s3 = ".Nibiru" fullword wide $s4 = "Encryption Complete" fullword wide $s5 = "All your files,documents,important datas,mp4,mp3 and anything valuable" ascii $s6 = "EncryptOrDecryptFile" fullword ascii $s7 = "get_hacker" ascii $s8 = "/C choice /C Y /N /D Y /T 3 & Del \"" fullword wide $s9 = "Once You pay,you get the KEY to decrypt files" ascii $pdb = "\\Projects\\Nibiru\\Nibiru\\obj\\x86\\Release\\Nibiru.pdb" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (7 of them or ($pdb and 2 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_MedusaLocker { meta: author = "ditekshen" description = "Detects MedusaLocker ransomware" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Ransomware.MedusaLocker" strings: $x1 = "\\MedusaLockerInfo\\MedusaLockerProject\\MedusaLocker\\Release\\MedusaLocker.pdb" ascii $x2 = "SOFTWARE\\Medusa" wide $x3 = "=?utf-8?B?0RFQctTF0YDQcNC60IXQvdC+IEludGVybmV0IED4cGxvseVyIDEz?=" ascii $s1 = "Recovery_Instructions.mht" fullword wide $s2 = "README_LOCK.TXT" fullword wide $s3 = "C:\\Users\\Public\\Desktop" wide $s4 = "[LOCKER] " wide $s5 = "TmV3LUl0ZW0gJ2" ascii $s6 = "=20" ascii $s7 = "LIST OF ENCRYPTED FILES" ascii $s8 = "KEY.FILE" ascii $cmd1 = { 2f 00 63 00 20 00 64 00 65 00 6c 00 20 00 00 00 20 00 3e 00 3e 00 20 00 4e 00 55 00 4c 00 } $cmd2 = "vssadmin.exe delete" wide nocase $cmd3 = "bcdedit.exe /set {default}" wide $cmd4 = "wbadmin delete systemstatebackup" wide nocase $mut1 = "{8761ABBD-7F85-42EE-B272-A76179687C63}" fullword wide $mut2 = "{3E5FC7F9-9A51-4367-9063-A120244FBEC7}" fullword wide $mut3 = "{6EDD6D74-C007-4E75-B76A-E5740995E24C}" fullword wide $ext1 = { 2e 00 52 00 65 00 61 00 64 00 49 00 6e 00 73 00 74 00 72 00 75 00 63 00 74 00 69 00 6f 00 6e 00 73 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2e 00 6b 00 65 00 76 00 65 00 72 00 73 00 65 00 6e } $ext2 = ".exe,.dll,.sys,.ini,.lnk,.rdp,.encrypted" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (2 of ($x*) or (1 of ($x*) and (4 of ($s*) or 1 of ($mut*))) or 6 of ($s*) or (1 of ($mut*) and 2 of ($cmd*)) or (1 of ($ext*) and 5 of them)) } rule MALWARE_Win_RansomEXX { meta: author = "ditekshen" description = "Detects RansomEXX ransomware" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Ransomware.RansomEXX" strings: $id = "ransom.exx" ascii $s1 = "!TXDOT_READ_ME!.txt" fullword wide $s2 = "debug.txt" fullword wide $s3 = ".txd0t" fullword wide $s4 = "crypt_detect" fullword wide $s5 = "powershell.exe" fullword wide $s6 = "cipher.exe" fullword ascii wide $s7 = "?ReflectiveLoader@@" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (($id and 3 of ($s*)) or all of ($*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_QuasarStealer { meta: author = "ditekshen" description = "Detects Quasar infostealer" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.QuasarStealer" strings: $s1 = "PGma.System.MouseKeyHook, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" fullword ascii $s2 = "DQuasar.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" fullword ascii $s3 = "Process already elevated." fullword wide $s4 = "get_PotentiallyVulnerablePasswords" fullword ascii $s5 = "GetKeyloggerLogsDirectory" ascii $s6 = "set_PotentiallyVulnerablePasswords" fullword ascii $s7 = "BQuasar.Client.Extensions.RegistryKeyExtensions+" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 5 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_RedLine { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects RedLine infostealer" snort2_sid = "920072-920073" snort3_sid = "920072-920073" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.RedLine-1, MALWARE.Win.Trojan.RedLine-2" strings: $s1 = { 23 00 2b 00 33 00 3b 00 43 00 53 00 63 00 73 00 } $s2 = { 68 10 84 2d 2c 71 ea 7e 2c 71 ea 7e 2c 71 ea 7e 32 23 7f 7e 3f 71 ea 7e 0b b7 91 7e 2b 71 ea 7e 2c 71 eb 7e 5c 71 ea 7e 32 23 6e 7e 1c 71 ea 7e 32 23 69 7e a2 71 ea 7e 32 23 7b 7e 2d 71 ea 7e } $s3 = { 83 ec 38 53 b0 ?? 88 44 24 2b 88 44 24 2f b0 ?? 88 44 24 30 88 44 24 31 88 44 24 33 55 56 8b f1 b8 0c 00 fe ff 2b c6 89 44 24 14 b8 0d 00 fe ff 2b c6 89 44 24 1c b8 02 00 fe ff 2b c6 89 44 24 18 b3 32 b8 0e 00 fe ff 2b c6 88 5c 24 32 88 5c 24 41 89 44 24 28 57 b1 ?? bb 0b 00 fe ff b8 03 00 fe ff 2b de 2b c6 bf 00 00 fe ff b2 ?? 2b fe 88 4c 24 38 88 4c 24 42 88 4c 24 47 c6 44 24 34 78 c6 44 24 35 61 88 54 24 3a c6 44 24 3e 66 c6 44 24 41 33 c6 44 24 43 ?? c6 44 24 44 74 88 54 24 46 c6 44 24 40 ?? c6 44 24 39 62 c7 44 24 10 } $s4 = "B|BxBtBpBlBhBdB`B\\BXBTBPBLBHBDB@B 3 and #rf2 > 3) } rule MALWARE_Win_iTranslatorEXE { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects iTranslator EXE payload" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.iTranslator_EXE" strings: $s1 = "\\itranslator\\wintrans.exe" fullword wide $s2 = "\\SuperX\\SuperX\\Obj\\Release\\SharpX.pdb" fullword ascii $s3 = "\\itranslator\\itranslator.dll" fullword ascii $s4 = ":Intoskrnl.exe" fullword ascii $s5 = "InjectDrv.sys" fullword ascii $s6 = "SharpX.dll" fullword wide $s7 = "GetMicrosoftEdgeProcessId" ascii $s8 = ".php?type=is&ch=" ascii $s9 = ".php?uid=" ascii $s10 = "&mc=" fullword ascii $s11 = "&os=" fullword ascii $s12 = "&x=32" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 8 of ($s*) } rule MALWARE_Win_iTranslatorDLL { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects iTranslator DLL payload" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.iTranslator_DLL" strings: $d1 = "system32\\drivers\\%S.sys" fullword wide $d2 = "\\windows\\system32\\winlogon.exe" fullword ascii $d3 = "\\Registry\\Machine\\SYSTEM\\ControlSet001\\services\\%s" fullword wide $d4 = "\\Registry\\Machine\\SYSTEM\\ControlSet001\\services\\webssx" fullword wide $d5 = "\\Device\\CtrlSM" fullword wide $d6 = "\\DosDevices\\CtrlSM" fullword wide $d7 = "\\driver_wfp\\CbFlt\\Bin\\CbFlt.pdb" ascii $d8 = ".php" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them } rule MALWWARE_Win_Octopus { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Octopus trojan payload" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.Octopus" strings: $s1 = "\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles\\" fullword wide $s2 = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings" fullword wide $s3 = "\\wbem\\WMIC.exe" fullword wide $s4 = ".profiles.ini" fullword wide $s5 = "PushEBP_" ascii $s6 = "MovEBP_ESP_" ascii $s7 = "Embarcadero Delphi for Win32 compiler" ascii $s8 = "TempWmicBatchFile.bat" fullword wide $wq1 = "computersystem get Name /format:list" wide $wq2 = "os get installdate /format:list" wide $wq3= "get serialnumber /format:list" wide $wq4 = "\\\\\\\\.\\\\PHYSICALDRIVE" wide $wq5= "path CIM_LogicalDiskBasedOnPartition" wide $wq6 = "get Antecedent,Dependent" wide $wq7 = "path win32_physicalmedia" wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (6 of ($s*) and 5 of ($wq*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_CasperTroy { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects CasperTroy payload" strings: $s1 = "DllTroy.dll" fullword ascii $s2 = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"image\"; filename=\"title.gif\"" fullword ascii $s3 = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"COOKIE_ID\"" fullword ascii $s4 = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"PHP_SESS_ID\"" fullword ascii $s5 = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"SESS_ID\"" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 4 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_Rasftuby { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Rasftuby/DarkCrystal" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.DarkCrystal.RAT-Rasftuby" strings: $s1 = "/DCRS/main.php?data=active" fullword ascii wide $s2 = "/socket.php?type=__ds_" ascii wide $s3 = "/uploader.php" fullword ascii wide $s4 = "del \\\"%USERPROFILE%\\\\AppData\\\\Roaming\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows\\\\Start Menu\\\\Programs\\\\Startup\\\\System.lnk\\\"" fullword ascii wide $s5 = "Host:{0},Port:{1},User:{2},Pass:{3}" fullword ascii wide $s6 = "keyloggerstart_status" fullword ascii wide $s7 = "keyloggerstop_status" fullword ascii wide $s8 = "[PRINT SCREEN]" fullword ascii wide $s9 = "DCS.Internal" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 5 of ($s*) } rule MALWARE_Win_ProtonBot { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects ProtonBot loader" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.ProtonBot" strings: $x1 = "\\PROTON\\Release\\build.pdb" ascii $x2 = "\\proton\\proton bot\\json.hpp" wide $x3 = "proton bot" ascii wide $s1 = "endptr == + token_buffer.size()" fullword wide $s2 = "ranges.size() == 2 or ranges.size() == 4 or ranges.size() == 6" fullword wide $s3 = "ref_stack.back()->is_array() or ref_stack.back()->is_object()" fullword wide $s4 = "ktmw32.dll" fullword ascii $s5 = "@detail@nlohmann@@" ascii $s6 = "urlmon.dll" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (2 of ($x*) or (all of ($s*) and 1 of ($x*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_ImminentRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects ImminentRAT" strings: $x1 = "" ascii $x2 = "Imminent-Monitor-" ascii $x3 = "AddressChangeListener" fullword ascii $x4 = "SevenZipHelper" fullword ascii $x5 = "WrapNonExceptionThrows" fullword ascii $s1 = "_ENABLE_PROFILING" wide $s2 = "Anti-Virus: {0}" wide $s3 = "File downloaded & executed" wide $s4 = "Chat - You are speaking with" wide $s5 = "\\Imminent\\Plugins" wide $s6 = "\\Imminent\\Path.dat" wide $s7 = "\\Imminent\\Geo.dat" wide $s8 = "DisableTaskManager = {0}" wide $s9 = "This client is already mining" wide $s10 = "Couldn't get AV!" wide $s11 = "Couldn't get FW!" wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (4 of ($x*) or 5 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_WarzoneRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects AveMaria/WarzoneRAT" strings: $s1 = "RDPClip" fullword wide $s2 = "Grabber" fullword wide $s3 = "Ave_Maria Stealer OpenSource" wide $s4 = "\\MidgetPorn\\workspace\\MsgBox.exe" wide $s5 = "@\\cmd.exe" wide $s6 = "/n:%temp%\\ellocnak.xml" wide $s7 = "Hey I'm Admin" wide $s8 = "warzone160" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 5 of ($s*) } rule MALWARE_Win_KaraganyCore { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Karagany/xFrost core plugin" strings: $s1 = "" fullword ascii $s2 = "port" fullword ascii $s3 = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\Kernel32.dll" fullword ascii $s4 = "kernel32.dll" fullword ascii $s5 = "http" ascii $s6 = "Move" fullword ascii $s7 = " 1 and 4 of ($s*) } rule MALWARE_Win_GDriveRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects GDriveRAT" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.GDriveRAT" strings: $h1 = "" fullword wide $h2 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36" fullword wide $h3 = "multipart/related; boundary=\"boundary_tag\"" fullword wide $h4 = "" fullword wide $s1 = "move gdrive.exe \"C:\\Users\\" fullword wide $s2 = "file_data" fullword ascii $s3 = "comp_id" fullword ascii $s4 = "file_name" fullword ascii $s5 = "refresh_token" fullword ascii $s6 = "commands" fullword ascii $s7 = "execute" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 3 of ($h*) and 5 of ($s*) } rule MALWARE_Win_STOP { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects STOP ransomware" snort2_sid = "920113" snort3_sid = "920111" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Ransomware.STOP" strings: $x1 = "C:\\SystemID\\PersonalID.txt" fullword wide $x2 = "/deny *S-1-1-0:(OI)(CI)(DE,DC)" wide $x3 = "e:\\doc\\my work (c++)\\_git\\encryption\\" ascii wide nocase $s1 = "\" --AutoStart" fullword ascii wide $s2 = "--ForNetRes" fullword wide $s3 = "--Admin" fullword wide $s4 = "%username%" fullword wide $s5 = "?pid=" fullword wide $s6 = /&first=(true|false)/ fullword wide $s7 = "delself.bat" ascii $mutex1 = "{1D6FC66E-D1F3-422C-8A53-C0BBCF3D900D}" fullword ascii $mutex2 = "{FBB4BCC6-05C7-4ADD-B67B-A98A697323C1}" fullword ascii $mutex3 = "{36A698B9-D67C-4E07-BE82-0EC5B14B4DF5}" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((2 of ($x*) and 1 of ($mutex*)) or (all of ($x*)) or (6 of ($s*) and (1 of ($x*) or 1 of ($mutex*))) or (9 of them)) } rule MALWARE_Win_ParallaxRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects ParallaxRAT" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.ParallaxRAT" strings: $s1 = "[Clipboard End]" fullword wide $s2 = "[Ctrl +" fullword wide $s3 = "[Alt +" fullword wide $s4 = "Clipboard Start" wide $s5 = "(Wscript.ScriptFullName)" wide $s6 = "CSDVersion" fullword ascii $s7 = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion" fullword ascii $x1 = { 2e 65 78 65 00 00 84 00 00 4d 5a 90 00 } $x2 = "This program cannot be run in DOS mode" ascii condition: ((uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of ($s*)) or all of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_Meterpreter { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Meterpreter payload" strings: $s1 = "PACKET TRANSMIT" fullword ascii $s2 = "PACKET RECEIVE" fullword ascii $s3 = "\\\\%s\\pipe\\%s" fullword ascii wide $s4 = "%04x-%04x:%s" fullword wide $s5 = "server.dll" fullword ascii //$s6 = "tcp://" wide condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them) or (filesize < 300KB and all of them) } /* rule MALWARE_Win_Raccoon { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Raccoon/Racealer infostealer" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.Raccoon" strings: $s1 = "endptr == + token_buffer.size()" fullword wide $s2 = "inetcomm server passwords" fullword wide $s3 = "\\json.hpp" wide $s4 = "CredEnumerateW" fullword ascii $s5 = "Microsoft_WinInet_" fullword wide $s6 = "already connected" fullword ascii $s7 = "copy_file" fullword ascii $s8 = "\"; filename=\"" fullword ascii $s9 = "%[^:]://%[^/]%[^" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 8 of them } */ rule MALWARE_Win_Trojan_ExpressCMS { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects ExpressCMS" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.ExpressCMS" strings: $s1 = "/click.php?cnv_id=" fullword wide $s2 = "/click.php?key=" wide $s3 = "jdlnb" fullword wide $s4 = "Gkjfdshfkjjd: dsdjdsjdhv" fullword wide $s5 = "--elevated" fullword wide $s6 = "HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\CentralProcessor\\%d" wide $s7 = "\\Microsoft\\Manager.exe" fullword wide $s8 = "\\Microsoft\\svchost.exe" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 6 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_MeterpreterStager { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Meterpreter stager payload" strings: $s1 = "PAYLOAD:" fullword ascii $s2 = "AQAPRQVH1" fullword ascii $s3 = "ws2_32" fullword ascii $s4 = "KERNEL32.dll" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them and filesize < 100KB } rule MALWARE_Win_Ziggy { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Ziggy ransomware" snort2_sid = "920098" snort3_sid = "920096" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Ransomware.Ziggy" strings: $id1 = "/Ziggy Info;component/mainwindow.xaml" fullword wide $id2 = "AZiggy Info, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" fullword ascii $id3 = "Ziggy Ransomware" fullword wide $id4 = "clr-namespace:Zeggy" fullword ascii $s1 = "GetCooldown" fullword ascii $s2 = "checkCommandMappings" fullword ascii $s3 = "add_OnExecuteCommand" fullword ascii $s4 = "MindLated.jpg" fullword wide $s5 = "" fullword wide $s6 = "Reamaining time:" fullword wide $msg1 = "<:In case of no answer in 12 hours write us to this e-mail" ascii $msg2 = "Free decryption as guarantee" fullword ascii $msg3 = "# Do not try to decrypt your data using third party software, it may cause permanent data loss" ascii $msg4 = "# Decryption of your files with the help of third parties may cause increased price (they add their fee to our) or you can becom" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (3 of ($id*) or 4 of ($s*) or 3 of ($msg*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_NWorm { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects NWorm/N-W0rm payload" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.NWorm" strings: $id1 = "N-W0rm" ascii $id2 = "N_W0rm" ascii $x1 = "pongPing" fullword wide $x2 = "|NW|" fullword wide $s1 = "runFile" fullword wide $s2 = "runUrl" fullword wide $s3 = "killer" fullword wide $s4 = "powershell" fullword wide $s5 = "wscript.exe" fullword wide $s6 = "ExecutionPolicy Bypass -WindowStyle Hidden -NoExit -File \"" fullword wide $s7 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.100 Safari/537.36" fullword wide $s8 = "Start-Sleep -Seconds 1.5; Remove-Item -Path '" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((1 of ($id*) and (1 of ($x*) or 3 of ($s*))) or (all of ($x*) and 2 of ($s*)) or 7 of ($s*) or 10 of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_QakBot { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects variants of QakBot payload" strings: $s1 = "stager_1.dll" fullword ascii $s2 = "_vsnwprintf" fullword ascii $s3 = "DllRegisterServer" fullword ascii $s4 = "Win32_PnPEntity" fullword wide $s5 = "0>user32.dll" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them } rule MALWARE_Win_Fonix { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Fonix ransomware" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Ransomware.Fonix" strings: $s1 = "dontcryptanyway" fullword wide $s2 = "Cpriv.key" ascii wide $s3 = "Cpub.key" ascii wide $s4 = "NetShareEnum() failed!Error: % ld" fullword wide $s5 = "

  • DO NOT pay" wide $s6 = "Encryption Completed !!!" fullword wide $s7 = "kill process" fullword ascii $s8 = "Copy SystemID C:\\ProgramData\\SystemID" ascii $id1 = "].FONIX" fullword wide $id2 = "xinofconfig.txt" fullword ascii wide $id3 = "XINOF4MUTEX" wide $id4 = ":\\Fonix\\cryptoPP\\" ascii $id5 = "schtasks /CREATE /SC ONLOGON /TN fonix" ascii $id6 = "Ransomware\\Fonix" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (6 of ($s*) or 3 of ($id*) or (1 of ($id*) and 3 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Bobik { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Bobik infostealer" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.Bobik" strings: $s1 = "@Default\\Login Data" fullword ascii $s2 = "@Default\\Cookies" fullword ascii $s3 = "@logins.json" fullword ascii $s4 = "@[EXECUTE]" fullword ascii $s5 = "@C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe" fullword ascii $s6 = /(CHROME|OPERA|FIREFOX)_BASED/ fullword ascii $s7 = "threads.nim" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 5 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_RunningRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects RunningRAT" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.RunningRAT" strings: $s1 = "%s%d.dll" fullword ascii $s2 = "/c ping -n" ascii $s3 = "del /f/q \"%s\"" ascii $s4 = "GUpdate" fullword ascii $s5 = "%s\\%d.bak" fullword ascii $s6 = "\"%s\",MainThread" ascii $s7 = "rundll32.exe" fullword ascii $rev1 = "emankcosteg" fullword ascii $rev2 = "ini.revreS\\" fullword ascii $rev3 = "daerhTniaM,\"s%\" s%" ascii $rev4 = "s% etadpUllD,\"s%\" 23lldnuR" ascii $rev5 = "---DNE yromeMmorFdaoL" fullword ascii $rev6 = "eMnigulP" fullword ascii $rev7 = "exe.23lldnuR\\" fullword ascii $rev8 = "dnammoc\\nepo\\llehs\\" ascii $rev9 = "\"s%\" k- exe.tsohcvs\\23metsyS\\%%tooRmetsyS%" ascii $rev10 = "emanybtsohteg" fullword ascii $rev11 = "tekcosesolc" fullword ascii $rev12 = "tpokcostes" fullword ascii $rev13 = "emantsohteg" fullword ascii // variant $v2_1 = "%%SystemRoot%%\\System32\\svchost.exe -k \"%s\"" fullword ascii $v2_2 = "LoadFromMemory END---" fullword ascii $v2_3 = "hmProxy!= NULL" fullword ascii $v2_4 = "Rundll32 \"%s\",DllUpdate %s" fullword ascii $v2_5 = "" fullword ascii $v2_6 = "%d*%sMHz" fullword ascii $v2_7 = "\\Server.ini" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($s*) or 5 of ($rev*) or 6 of ($v*) or 8 of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_DLAgent05 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects an unknown dropper. Typically exisys as a DLL in base64-encoded gzip-compressed file embedded within another executable" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.DLAgent05" strings: $s1 = "MARCUS.dll" fullword ascii wide $s2 = "GZipStream" fullword ascii $s3 = "MemoryStream" fullword ascii $s4 = "proj_name" fullword ascii $s5 = "res_name" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them } rule MALWARE_Win_Nemty { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Nemty/Nefilim ransomware" strings: $s1 = "Go build ID:" ascii $s2 = "GOMAXPROCSGetIfEntryGetVersionGlagoliticKharoshthiManichaeanOld_ItalicOld_PermicOld_TurkicOther_MathPOSTALCODEPhoenicianSaurasht" ascii $s3 = "crypto/x509.ExtKeyUsage" ascii $s4 = "crypto/x509.KeyUsageContentCommitment" ascii $s5 = "DEK-Info header" ascii $s6 = "GetUserProfileDirectoryWMagallanes Standard TimeMontevideo Standard TimeNorth Asia Standard TimePacific SA Standard TimeQueryPerformanceCounter" fullword ascii $s7 = "*( - < = > k= m=%: +00+03+04+05+06+07+08+09+10+11+12+13+14-01-02-03-04-05-06-08-09-11-12..." ascii $s8 = "Go cmd/compile go1.10" fullword ascii $s9 = ".dllprogramdatarecycle.bin" ascii $s10 = ".dll.exe.lnk.sys.url" ascii $vx1_1 = "Fa1led to os.OpenFile()" ascii $vx1_2 = "-HELP.txt" ascii $vf1_1 = "main.CTREncrypt" fullword ascii $vf1_2 = "main.FileSearch" fullword ascii $vf1_3 = "main.getdrives" fullword ascii $vf1_4 = "main.RSAEncrypt" fullword ascii $vf1_5 = "main.SaveNote" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (9 of ($s*) or (all of ($vx*) and 2 of ($s*)) or all of ($vf*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_QnapCrypt { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects QnapCrypt/Lockedv1/Cryptfile2 ransomware" strings: $go = "Go build ID:" ascii $s1 = "Encrypting %s..." ascii $s2 = "\\Start Menu\\Programs\\StartUp\\READMEV" ascii $s3 = "main.deleteRecycleBin" ascii $s4 = "main.encryptFiles" ascii $s5 = "main.antiVirtualBox" ascii $s6 = "main.antiVmware" ascii $s7 = "main.deleteShadows" ascii $s8 = "main.delUAC" ascii $s9 = "main.KillProcess" ascii $s10 = "main.delExploit" ascii $s11 = "main.encrypt" ascii $s12 = "main.ClearLogDownload" ascii $s13 = "main.ClearLog" ascii $s14 = "main.EndEncrypt" ascii $s15 = "main.RunFuckLogAndSoft" ascii $s16 = "main.ClearUsercache" ascii $s17 = "main.FirstDuty" ascii $s18 = ".lockedv1" ascii $s19 = "WSAStartup\\clear.bat\\ngrok.exe\\video.mp4" ascii $s20 = "net stop " ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and $go and 6 of ($s*) } rule MALWARE_Win_Alfonoso { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Alfonoso / Shurk / HunterStealer infostealer" snort2_sid = "920102" snort3_sid = "920100" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.Alfonso" strings: $s1 = "%s\\etilqs_" fullword ascii $s2 = "SELECT name, rootpage, sql FROM '%q'.%s" fullword ascii $s3 = "%s-mj%08X" fullword ascii $s4 = "| Site:" ascii $s5 = "| Login:" ascii $s6 = "| Password:" ascii $s7 = "| BUILD NAME:" ascii $s8 = "recursive_directory_iterator" ascii $s9 = { 2e 7a 69 70 00 00 00 00 2e 7a 6f 6f 00 00 00 00 2e 61 72 63 00 00 00 00 2e 6c 7a 68 00 00 00 00 2e 61 72 6a 00 00 00 00 2e 67 7a 00 2e 74 67 7a 00 00 00 00 } $s10 = "Shurk Steal" fullword ascii $s11 = ":memory:" fullword ascii $s12 = "current_path()" fullword ascii $s13 = "vtab:%p:%p" fullword ascii $f1 = "chatlog.txt" ascii $f2 = "servers.fav" ascii $f3 = "\\USERDATA.DAT" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (8 of ($s*) or (6 of ($s*) and 2 of ($f*)) or (all of ($f*) and 5 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Vidar { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Vidar / ArkeiStealer" strings: $s1 = "\"os_crypt\":{\"encrypted_key\":\"" fullword ascii $s2 = "screenshot.jpg" fullword wide $s3 = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them } rule MALWARE_Win_Babuk { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Babuk ransomware" strings: $s1 = "ecdh_pub_k.bin" wide $s2 = "How To Restore Your Files.txt" wide $s3 = /(babuk|babyk)\s(ransomware|locker)/ ascii nocase $s4 = "/login.php?id=" ascii $s5 = "http://babuk" ascii $s6 = "bootsect.bak" fullword wide $s7 = "Can't open file after killHolder" ascii $s8 = "Can't OpenProcess" ascii $s9 = "DoYouWantToHaveSexWithCuongDong" ascii $arg1 = "-lanfirst" fullword ascii $arg2 = "-lansecond" fullword ascii $arg3 = "-nolan" fullword ascii $arg4 = "shares" fullword wide $arg5 = "paths" fullword wide $arg6 = "gdebug" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (3 of ($s*) or (3 of ($arg*) and 2 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Nitol { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Nitol backdoor" strings: $s1 = "%$#@!.aspGET ^&*().htmlGET" ascii $s2 = "Applications\\iexplore.exe\\shell\\open\\command" fullword ascii $s3 = "taskkill /f /im rundll32.exe" fullword ascii $s4 = "\\Tencent\\Users\\*.*" fullword ascii $s5 = "[Pause Break]" fullword ascii $s6 = ":]%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d" fullword ascii $s7 = "GET %s HTTP/1.1" fullword ascii $s8 = "GET %s%s HTTP/1.1" fullword ascii $s9 = "Accept-Language: zh-cn" fullword ascii $s10 = "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 5.1)" fullword ascii $s11 = "User-Agent:Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE %d.00; Windows NT %d.0; MyIE 3.01)" fullword ascii $s12 = "User-Agent:Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE %d.0; Windows NT %d.1; SV1)" fullword ascii $w1 = ".aspGET" ascii $w2 = ".htmGET" ascii $w3 = ".htmlGET" ascii $domain = "" fullword ascii $v2_1 = "loglass" fullword ascii $v2_2 = "rlehgs" fullword ascii $v2_3 = "eherrali" fullword ascii $v2_4 = "agesrlu" fullword ascii $v2_5 = "lepejagas" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (5 of ($s*) or (all of ($v2*)) or ($domain and 3 of them) or (#w1 > 2 and #w2 > 2 and #w3 > 2 and 3 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_StrongPity { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects StrongPity" strings: $s1 = "Boundary%08X" ascii wide $s2 = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\";" fullword ascii $s3 = "%sfilename=\"%ls\"" fullword ascii $s4 = "name=%ls&delete=" fullword ascii $s5 = "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" fullword ascii $s6 = "cmd.exe /C ping" wide $s7 = "& rmdir /Q /S \"" wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 5 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_JSSLoader { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects JSSLoader RAT/backdoor" strings: $cmd1 = "Cmd_UPDATE" fullword ascii $cmd2 = "Cmd_IDLE" fullword ascii $cmd3 = "Cmd_EXE" fullword ascii $cmd4 = "Cmd_VBS" fullword ascii $cmd5 = "Cmd_JS" fullword ascii $cmd6 = "Cmd_PWS" fullword ascii $cmd7 = "Cmd_RAT" fullword ascii $cmd8 = "Cmd_UNINST" fullword ascii $cmd9 = "Cmd_RunDll" fullword ascii $s1 = "ANSWER_OK" fullword ascii $s2 = "GatherDFiles" ascii $s3 = "CommandCd" fullword ascii $s4 = "URL_GetCmd" fullword ascii $s5 = "\"host\": \"{0}\", \"domain\": \"{1}\", \"user\": \"{2}\"" wide $s6 = "pc_dns_host_name" wide $s7 = "\"adinfo\": { \"adinformation\":" wide $e1 = "//e:vbscript" wide $e2 = "//e:jscript" wide $e3 = "/c rundll32.exe" wide $e4 = "/C powershell" wide $e5 = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe" wide $e6 = "echo del /f" wide $e7 = "AT.U() {0}. format" wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (5 of ($cmd*) or 5 of ($s*) or all of ($e*) or 7 of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_CHUWI_Seth { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects detected unknown RAT. Called CHUWI based on PDB, and promoted to Seth Ransomware." snort2_sid = "920103-920105" snort3_sid = "920101-920103" notes = "First sighting on 2020-01-05 didn't include ransomware artificats. Second sighting on 2020-01-24 with several correlations between the two samples now include ransomware artifacts." strings: // First sighting on 2020-01-05 // No ransomware artifcats // 80104e0ad490b44a632a15e5875e7626db7f35fa94d7aadf19c45a621d75c7e0 $cmd1 = "shell_command" fullword ascii $cmd2 = "check_command" fullword ascii $cmd3 = "down_exec" fullword ascii $cmd4 = "open_link" fullword ascii $cmd5 = "down_exec" fullword ascii $cmd6 = "exe_link" fullword ascii $cmd7 = "shellCommand" fullword ascii $cmd8 = "R_CMMAND" fullword ascii $cnc1 = "/check_command.php?HWID=" ascii $cnc2 = "&act=get_command" ascii $cnc3 = "/get_command.php?hwid=" ascii $cnc4 = "&command=down_exec" ascii $cnc5 = "&command=message" ascii $cnc6 = "&command=open_link" ascii $cnc7 = "&command=down_exec" ascii $cnc8 = "&command=shell" ascii $pdb = "\\Users\\CHUWI\\Documents\\CPROJ\\Downloader\\svchost" ascii // Second sighting on 2020-01-24 // Includes ransomware artificats // 58c852525bf3bea185db34a79c2c5640c02f8291cdbdbe8dd7c0a9d4682f4b2c $rcnc1 = "inc/check_command.php" ascii $rcnc2 = "inc/get_command.php" ascii $rcnc3 = "php?btc" ascii $rcnc4 = "php?hwid" ascii $x1 = "> %USERPROFILE%\\Desktop\\HOW_DECRYPT_FILES.seth.txt" ascii $x2 = "/C dir /b %USERPROFILE%\\Documents > %temp%\\doc.txt" ascii $x3 = "/C dir /b %USERPROFILE%\\Desktop > %temp%\\desk.txt" ascii $x4 = "/C dir /b %USERPROFILE%\\Downloads > %temp%\\downs.txt" ascii $x5 = "/C dir /b %USERPROFILE%\\Pictures > %temp%\\pics.txt" ascii $x6 = "for /F \"delims=\" %%a in ('mshta.exe \"%~F0\"') do set \"HTA=%%a\"" ascii $x7 = "\\svchost.exe" fullword ascii $x8 = ".seth" fullword ascii $x9 = "MyAgent" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ($pdb or 5 of ($cmd*) or 4 of ($cnc*) or all of ($rcnc*) or 5 of ($x*) or 8 of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_Gulpix { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Gulpix/HyperPlus backddor" strings: $x1 = "MainServer.dll" fullword ascii $x2 = "NvSmartMax.dat" fullword wide $x3 = "NvSmartMax.dll" fullword wide $x4 = "http://+:80/FD873AC4-CF86-4FED-84EC-4BD59C6F17A7/" fullword wide $s1 = "IP retriever" fullword wide $s2 = "\\cmd.exe" fullword wide $s3 = "\\msnetwork-cache.db" fullword wide $s4 = "http://+:" wide $s5 = "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)" fullword wide // UAC Bypass $s6 = "\\Microsoft\\Windows\\DiskCleanup\\SilentCleanup" ascii $s7 = "Got a unknown request for %ws" wide $s8 = "HttpReceiveRequestEntityBody failed with %lu" wide $s9 = "FD873AC4-CF86-4FED-84EC-4BD59C6F17A7" wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($x*) or 6 of ($s*) or (2 of ($x*) and 4 of ($s*)) or ( 2 of them and pe.exports("daemon") and pe.exports("run") and pe.exports("session") and pe.exports("work") ) ) } rule MALWARE_Linux_RansomExx { meta: author = "ditekshen" description = "Detects RansomEXX ransomware" clamav_sig = "MALWARE.Linux.Ransomware.RansomEXX" strings: $c1 = "crtstuff.c" fullword ascii $c2 = "cryptor.c" fullword ascii $c3 = "ransomware.c" fullword ascii $c4 = "logic.c" fullword ascii $c5 = "enum_files.c" fullword ascii $c6 = "readme.c" fullword ascii $c7 = "ctr_drbg.c" fullword ascii $s1 = "regenerate_pre_data" fullword ascii $s2 = "g_RansomHeader" fullword ascii $s3 = "CryptOneBlock" fullword ascii $s4 = "RansomLogic" fullword ascii $s5 = "CryptOneFile" fullword ascii $s6 = "encrypt_worker" fullword ascii $s7 = "list_dir" fullword ascii $s8 = "ctr_drbg_update_internal" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x457f and (5 of ($c*) or 6 of ($s*) or (3 of ($c*) and 3 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_TrickbotModule { meta: author = "ditekshen" description = "Detects Trickbot modules" strings: $mc = "" ascii $s1 = "" ascii $s2 = "" ascii $s3 = "\d+<\/limit>/ ascii $w8 = " 3 and 2 of them)) uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (3 of ($s*) or ($b64 and 2 of them) or (#pattern > 3 and 2 of them)) } rule MALWARE_Win_MiniDuke { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects MiniDuke" strings: $s1 = "DefPipe" fullword ascii $s2 = "term %5d" fullword ascii $s3 = "pid %5d" fullword ascii $s4 = "uptime %5d.%02dh" fullword ascii $s5 = "login: %s\\%s" fullword ascii $s6 = "Software\\Microsoft\\ApplicationManager" ascii $s7 = { 69 64 6c 65 ?? 00 73 74 6f 70 ?? 00 61 63 63 65 70 74 ?? 00 63 6f 6e 6e 65 63 74 ?? 00 6c 69 73 74 65 6e ?? 00 } $net1 = "" ascii $net2 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.111 Safari/537.36" fullword ascii $net3 = "http://10." ascii $net4 = "JiM9t8g7j8KoJkLJlKqka8dbo7q5z4v5u3o4z" ascii $net5 = "application/octet-stream" ascii $net6 = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"%s\"; filename=\"%s\"" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (5 of ($s*) or 4 of ($net*) or 7 of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_PolyglotDuke { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects PolyGlotDuke" strings: $s1 = { 48 b9 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 51 48 23 8c 24 ?? 00 00 00 48 89 8C 24 00 00 00 00 } $s2 = { 56 be ff ff ff ff 56 81 e6 7f } $s3 = { 48 8b 05 19 ?4 4b 00 48 05 48 83 00 00 4c 8b 44 24 50 8b 54 24 48 48 8b } //$s4 = { 48 8B 84 24 ?? 00 00 00 48 ?? ?? 24 ?? 00 00 00 48 89 84 24 } condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($s*)) or ( 2 of them and pe.exports("InitSvc") ) } rule MALWARE_Win_Guidlma { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Guildma" strings: $v1_1 = "marxvxinhhm98.dll" fullword wide $v1_2 = "marxvxinhhmxa.gif" fullword wide $v1_3 = "marxvxinhhmxb.gif" fullword wide $v1_4 = "c:\\programdata" fullword wide $v1_5 = "\\tempa\\" fullword wide $v2_1 = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\dllhost.exe" fullword ascii $v2_2 = "C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64\\dllhost.exe" fullword ascii $v2_3 = "C:\\Users\\Public\\go" fullword ascii $v2_4 = ":%:*:/:>:C:H:W:\\:a:p:u:z:" fullword ascii $v2_5 = ": :%:*:9:>:C:R:W:\\:k:p:u:" fullword ascii $v2_6 = ":*:/:4:C:H:M:\\:a:f:u:z:" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 3 of ($v1*) or 5 of ($v2*) } rule MALWARE_Win_CyberGate { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects CyberGate/Spyrat/Rebhip RTA" strings: $s1 = "UnitInjectLibrary" ascii $s2 = "TLoader" fullword ascii $s3 = "\\\\.\\SyserDbgMsg" fullword ascii $s4 = "\\\\.\\SyserBoot" fullword ascii $s5 = "\\signons" ascii $s6 = "####@####" ascii $s7 = "XX-XX-XX-XX" fullword ascii $s8 = "EditSvr" ascii $s9 = "_x_X_PASSWORDLIST_X_x_" fullword ascii $s10 = "L$_RasDefaultCredentials#0" fullword ascii $s11 = "password" nocase ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 8 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_WSHRATJS { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects WSHRAT JS variants" strings: $charset_full = "us-ascii" nocase ascii $charset_begin = "\"us-\"" nocase ascii $charset_end = "Array(97,115,99,105,105)" nocase ascii $wsc_object1 = "WScript.CreateObject(\"System.Text.UTF8Encoding" nocase ascii $wsc_object2 = "WScript.CreateObject(\"Adodb.Stream" nocase ascii $wsc_object3 = "WScript.CreateObject(\"Microsoft.XmlDom" nocase ascii $s1 = "function(){return" ascii $s2 = "}catch(err){" ascii $s3 = "{item: \"bin.base64\"}" nocase ascii $s4 = "* 1].item =" ascii condition: filesize < 400KB and ($charset_full or ($charset_begin and $charset_end)) and 2 of ($wsc_object*) and 3 of ($s*) } rule MALWARE_Win_AsyncRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects AsyncRAT" strings: $x1 = "AsyncRAT" fullword ascii $x2 = "AsyncRAT 0." wide $x3 = /AsyncRAT\s[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9][A-Z]/ fullword wide $s1 = "/create /sc onlogon /rl highest /tn" fullword wide $s2 = "/C choice /C Y /N /D Y /T 1 & Del \"" fullword wide $s3 = "{{ ProcessId = {0}, Name = {1}, ExecutablePath = {2} }}" fullword wide $s4 = "Stub.exe" fullword ascii wide $s5 = "\\nuR\\noisreVtnerruC\\swodniW\\tfosorciM\\erawtfoS\\UCKH" ascii wide $s6 = "VirtualBox" fullword ascii wide $s7 = "/target:winexe /platform:x86 /optimize+" fullword ascii wide $s8 = "Win32_ComputerSystem" ascii wide $s9 = "Win32_Process Where ParentProcessID=" ascii wide $s10 = "etirWgeR.llehShsW" ascii wide $s11 = "usbSpread" fullword ascii wide $cnc1 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:66.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/66.0" fullword ascii wide $cnc2 = "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1" fullword ascii wide $cnc3 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36" fullword ascii wide $cnc4 = "POST / HTTP/1.1" fullword ascii wide condition: ((uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 4000KB) and (1 of ($x*) or 6 of ($s*) or all of ($cnc*) or (4 of ($s*) and 2 of ($cnc*)))) or (1 of ($x*) or 6 of ($s*) or all of ($cnc*) or (4 of ($s*) and 2 of ($cnc*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_QuilClipper { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects QuilClipper variants mostly in memory or extracted AutoIt script" strings: $cnc1 = "QUILCLIPPER by" ascii $cnc2 = "/ UserName:" ascii $cnc3 = "/ System:" ascii $s1 = "DLLCALL ( \"kernel32.dll\" , \"handle\" , \"CreateMutexW\" , \"struct*\"" ascii $s2 = "SHELLEXECUTE ( @SCRIPTFULLPATH , \"\" , \"\" , FUNC_" ascii $s3 = "CASE BITROTATE" ascii $s4 = "CASE BITXOR" ascii $s5 = "CLIP( FUNC_" ascii $s6 = "CLIPPUT (" ascii $s7 = "FUNC _CLIPPUTFILE(" ascii $s8 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Schedule" ascii condition: all of ($cnc*) or all of ($s*) } rule MALWARE_Win_SpyEye { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects SpyEye" strings: $x1 = "_CLEANSWEEP_" ascii wide $x2 = "config.datUT" fullword ascii $x3 = "webinjects.txtUT" fullword ascii $s1 = "confirm:processCommand" fullword ascii $s2 = "Smth wrong with navigate to REF-PAGE (err code: %d). 0_o" fullword ascii $s3 = "(UTC%s%2.2f) %s" fullword wide $s4 = "M\\F;u`r" fullword ascii $s5 = "]YH0%Yn" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (2 of ($x*) or (1 of ($x*) and 1 of ($s*))) } // requires Yara v4.0.2+ rule MALWARE_Win_Renamer { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Renamer/Tainp variants" strings: $s1 = "shell\\open\\command=" fullword wide $s2 = "icon=%SystemRoot%\\system32\\SHELL32.dll,4" fullword wide $s3 = "DropTarget" ascii $s4 = "C:\\Windows\\Paint" fullword wide $s5 = "hold.inf" fullword wide $s6 = "Dropped" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of ($s*) or ( 4 of ($s*) and for any directory in pe.data_directories : ( directory.virtual_address != 0 and directory.size == 0 ) ) } rule MALWARE_Win_Epsilon { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Epsilon ransomware" strings: $s1 = ".Speak \"" wide $s2 = "chkUpdateRegistry" fullword wide $s3 = "/C choice /C Y /N /D Y /T 1 & Del \"" fullword wide $s4 = "CreateObject(\"sapi.spvoice\")" fullword wide $s5 = "READ_ME.hta" wide $s6 = "WScript.Sleep(" wide $s7 = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run" fullword wide $s8 = "
    Files are encrypted* but not deleted.
    " ascii $e1 = { 72 00 75 00 6e 00 64 00 6c 00 6c 00 2e 00 65 00 78 00 65 00 00 09 2e 00 74 00 78 00 74 00 00 09 2e 00 64 00 6f 00 63 00 00 0b 2e 00 64 00 6f 00 63 00 78 00 00 09 2e 00 78 00 6c 00 73 00 00 0d 2e 00 69 00 6e 00 64 00 65 00 78 00 00 09 2e 00 70 00 64 00 66 00 00 09 2e 00 7a 00 69 00 70 00 00 09 2e 00 72 00 61 00 72 00 00 09 2e 00 63 00 73 00 73 00 00 09 2e 00 6c 00 6e 00 6b 00 00 0b 2e 00 78 00 6c 00 73 00 78 00 00 09 2e 00 70 00 70 00 74 00 00 0b 2e 00 70 00 70 00 74 00 78 00 00 09 2e 00 6f 00 64 00 } $e2 = { 68 00 74 00 6d 00 00 07 2e 00 6d 00 6c 00 00 07 43 00 3a 00 5c 00 00 07 44 00 3a 00 5c 00 00 07 45 00 3a 00 5c 00 00 07 46 00 3a 00 5c 00 00 07 47 00 3a 00 5c 00 00 07 5a 00 3a 00 5c 00 00 07 41 00 3a 00 5c 00 00 0f 63 00 6d 00 64 00 2e 00 65 00 78 00 65 } condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (6 of ($s*) or (all of ($e*) and 4 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_CoreBot { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects CoreBot" snort_sid = "920211-920212" strings: $f1 = "core.cert_fp" fullword ascii $f2 = "core.crash_handler" fullword ascii $f3 = "core.delay" fullword ascii $f4 = "core.guid" fullword ascii $f5 = "core.inject" fullword ascii $f6 = "core.installed_file" fullword ascii $f7 = "core.plugins_dir" fullword ascii $f8 = "core.plugins_key" fullword ascii $f9 = "core.safe_mode" fullword ascii $f10 = "core.server" fullword ascii $f11 = "core.servers" fullword ascii $f12 = "core.test_env" fullword ascii $f13 = "core.vm_detect" fullword ascii $f14 = "core.vm_detect_skip" fullword ascii $s1 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0) like Gecko" fullword wide $s2 = "\\Microsoft\\Windows\\AppCache" wide $s3 = "crash_flag" fullword wide $s4 = "container.dat" fullword wide $s5 = "INJECTED" fullword ascii $s6 = "tmp.delete_file" fullword ascii // variant $x1 = "CoreBot v" wide $x2 = "BotName" fullword ascii $x3 = "RunBotKiller" fullword ascii $x4 = "botv" fullword ascii $x5 = "\\CoreBot\\CoreBot\\obj\\" ascii $v1_1 = "newtask" fullword wide $v1_2 = "drivers\\etc\\hosts" fullword wide $v1_3 = "/C schtasks /create /tn \\" wide $v1_4 = "/st 00:00 /du 9999:59 /sc once /ri 1 /f" wide $v1_5 = "AntivirusInstalled" fullword ascii $v1_6 = "payload" fullword ascii $v1_7 = "DownloadFile" fullword ascii $v1_8 = "RemoveFile" fullword ascii $v1_9 = "AutoRunName" fullword ascii $v1_10 = "EditHosts" fullword ascii $v1_11 = /127\.0\.0\.1 (avast|mcafee|eset|avira|bitdefender|bullguard|safebrowse)\.com/ fullword wide $cnc1 = "&os=" fullword wide $cnc2 = "&pv=" fullword wide $cnc3 = "&ip=" fullword wide $cnc4 = "&cn=" fullword wide $cnc5 = "&lr=" fullword wide $cnc6 = "&ct=" fullword wide $cnc7 = "&bv=" fullword wide $cnc8 = "&op=" fullword wide $cnc9 = "&td=" fullword wide $cnc10 = "&uni=" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (5 of ($f*) or all of ($s*) or (3 of ($s*) and 2 of ($f*)) or 3 of ($x*) or 8 of ($v1*) or (4 of ($cnc*) and 4 of ($v1*)) or 12 of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_DLLLoader { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects unknown DLL Loader" strings: $s1 = "LondLibruryA" fullword ascii $s2 = "LdrLoadDll" fullword ascii $s3 = "snxhk.dll" fullword ascii $s4 = "DisableThreadLibraryCalls" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them } rule MALWARE_Win_Farfli { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Farfli backdoor" strings: $s1 = "%ProgramFiles%\\Google\\" fullword ascii $s2 = "%s\\%d.bak" fullword ascii $s3 = "%s Win7" fullword ascii $s4 = "%s:%d:%s" fullword ascii $s5 = "C:\\2.txt" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them } rule MALWARE_Win_Warezov { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Warezov worm/downloader" strings: $s1 = "ft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run" wide $s2 = "DIR%SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run" wide $s3 = "%WINDIR%\\sqhos32.wmf" wide $s4 = "Accept: */*" fullword ascii $s5 = "Range: bytes=" fullword ascii $s6 = "module.exe" fullword ascii $s7 = { 25 73 25 73 2e 25 73 ?? ?? 22 22 26 6c 79 79 56 00 00 00 00 25 73 25 30 34 64 25 30 32 64 25 30 32 64 00 } condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 4 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_Arechclient2 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Arechclient2 RAT" strings: $s1 = "\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\copiedProf\"" wide $s2 = "\",\"BotName\":\"" wide $s3 = "\",\"BotOS\":\"" wide $s4 = "\",\"URLData\":\"" wide $s5 = "{\"Type\":\"ConnectionType\",\"ConnectionType\":\"Client\",\"SessionID\":\"" wide $s6 = "{\"Type\":\"TestURLDump\",\"SessionID\":\"" wide $s7 = "" ascii $s8 = "" ascii $s9 = "fuck_sd" fullword ascii $s10 = "HandleBotKiller" fullword ascii $s11 = "RunBotKiller" fullword ascii $s12 = "ConnectToServer" fullword ascii $s13 = "KillBrowsers" fullword ascii $s14 = "keybd_event" fullword ascii $s15 = "FuckCodeImg" fullword ascii $v1_1 = "grabber@" fullword ascii $v1_2 = "k__" ascii $v1_3 = "k__" ascii $v1_4 = "k__" ascii $v1_5 = "k__" ascii $v1_6 = "k__" ascii $v1_7 = "k__" ascii $v1_8 = /k__BackingField/ fullword ascii $v1_9 = "displayName[AString-ZaString-z\\d]{2String4}\\.[String\\w-]{String6}\\.[\\wString-]{2String7}Local Extension Settingshost" wide $v1_10 = "\\sitemanager.xml MB or SELECT * FROM Cookiesconfig" wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (6 of ($s*) or 7 of ($v1*) or (6 of ($v1*) and 1 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_KillMBR { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects KillMBR" strings: $s1 = "\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive" ascii $s2 = "/logger.php" ascii $s3 = "Ooops! Your MBR was been rewritten" ascii $s4 = "No, this ransomware dont encrypt your files, erases it" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (2 of them and #s1 > 10) } rule MALWARE_Win_LCPDot { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects LCPDot" strings: $s1 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko" fullword wide $s2 = "Cookie: SESSID=%s" fullword ascii $s3 = "Cookie=Enable" fullword ascii $s4 = "Cookie=Enable&CookieV=%d&Cookie_Time=32" fullword ascii $s5 = ".?AVTShellCodeRuner@@" fullword ascii $s6 = ".?AVTHashEncDecoder@@" fullword ascii $s7 = ".?AVTWebAddressList@@" fullword ascii $s8 = "WinMain.dll" fullword ascii $s9 = "HotPlugin" wide $o0 = { 4c 89 6c 24 08 4c 89 34 24 44 8d 77 01 44 8d 6f } $o1 = { 8b f0 e8 58 34 00 00 48 8b f8 48 85 c0 74 0c 48 } $o2 = { c7 44 24 30 47 49 46 38 c7 44 24 34 39 61 27 00 } condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 6 of ($s*) or (all of ($o*) and 3 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_Torisma { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Torisma" strings: $s1 = "ACTION=PREVPAGE&CODE=C%s&RES=%d" fullword ascii $s2 = "ACTION=VIEW&PAGE=%s&CODE=%s&CACHE=%s&REQUEST=%d" fullword ascii $s3 = "ACTION=NEXTPAGE&CODE=S%s&CACHE=%s&RES=%d" fullword ascii $s4 = "Your request has been accepted. ClientID: {" ascii $s5 = "Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive" fullword wide $s6 = "Content-Length: %d" fullword wide $o0 = { f7 f9 8b c2 89 44 24 34 48 63 44 24 34 48 8b 4c } $o1 = { 48 c7 00 ff ff ff ff 48 8b 84 24 90 } $o2 = { f3 aa 83 7c 24 30 01 75 34 c7 44 24 20 01 } condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 4 of ($s*) or (all of ($o*) and 3 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_Thanos { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Thanos / Prometheus / Spook ransomware" strings: $f1 = "b__" ascii $f2 = "b__" ascii $f3 = "b__" ascii $f4 = "b__" ascii $f5 = "k__" ascii $f6 = "k__" ascii $f7 = "b__" ascii $s1 = "Aditional KeyId:" wide $s2 = "process call create cmd.exe /c \\\\" wide $s3 = "/c rd /s /q %SYSTEMDRIVE%\\$Recycle.bin" wide $s4 = "\\HOW_TO_DECYPHER_FILES." wide $s5 = "Client Unique Identifier Key:" wide $s6 = "/s /f /q c:\\*.VHD c:\\*.bac c:\\*.bak c:\\*.wbcat c:\\*.bkf c:\\Backup*.* c:\\backup*.* c:\\*.set c:\\*.win c:\\*.dsk" fullword wide $s7 = "NtOpenProcess" fullword wide $s8 = "Builder_Log" fullword wide $s9 = "> Nul & fsutil file setZeroData offset=0 length=" wide $s10 = "3747bdbf-0ef0-42d8-9234-70d68801f407" wide // mutex $s11 = "4b195894-0f06-4fdd-afb4-b17fb9246a59" wide $s12 = "cec564ff-2433-4771-b918-15f58ef6e26c" wide $s13 = "56258a19-7489-468b-86ee-e7899203d67c" wide $s14 = "WalkDirectoryTree" fullword ascii $s15 = "hashtableLock" fullword ascii $s16 = "get_ParentFrn" fullword ascii $m1 = "SW5mb3JtYXRpb24uLi" wide $m2 = "QWxsIHlvdXIgZmlsZXMgd2VyZSBlbmNyeXB0" wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (5 of ($f*) or 5 of ($s*) or (4 of ($f*) and 2 of ($s*) or (all of ($m*) and 3 of them)) or 8 of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_TManager { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects TManager RAT. Associated with TA428" strings: $s1 = "WSAStartup Error!" fullword wide $s2 = "KB3112342.LOG" fullword wide $s3 = "\\cmd.exe -c" fullword wide $s4 = "sock_hmutex" fullword wide $s5 = "cmd_hmutex" fullword wide $s6 = "powershell" fullword wide $s7 = "%s_%d.bmp" fullword wide $s8 = "!Error!" fullword wide $s9 = "[Execute]" fullword ascii $s10 = "[Snapshot]" fullword ascii $s11 = "GetLanIP error!" fullword ascii $s12 = "chcp & exit" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 6 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_Sn0wLogger { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Sn0w Logger" strings: $s1 = "\\SnowP\\Example\\Secured\\" ascii $s2 = "{0}{3}Content-Type: {4}{3}Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{1}\"{3}{3}{2}{3}" wide $s3 = "\"encrypted_key\":\"(.*?)\"" fullword wide $s4 = "d__" ascii $s5 = "_urlWebhook" ascii $r1 = "[\\w-]{24}\\.[\\w-]{6}\\.[\\w-]{27}" fullword wide $r2 = "^\\w+([-+.']\\w+)*@\\w+([-.]\\w+)*\\.\\w+([-.]\\w+)*$" fullword wide $r3 = "mfa\\.[\\w-]{84}" fullword wide $r4 = "(\\w+)=(\\d+)-(\\d+)$" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (4 of ($s*) or (all of ($r*) and 2 of ($s*)) or 7 of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_DanaBot { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects DanaBot variants" strings: $s1 = "ms ie ftp passwords" fullword wide $s2 = "CookieEntryEx_" fullword wide $s3 = "winmgmts:\\\\localhost\\root\\cimv2" fullword wide $s4 = "S-Password.txt" fullword wide $s5 = "del_ini://Main|Password|" fullword wide $s6 = "cmd.exe /c start chrome.exe --no-sandbox" wide $s7 = "cmd.exe /c start firefox.exe -no-remote" wide $s8 = "\\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,#" wide $s9 = "S_Error:TORConnect" wide $s10 = "InjectionProcess" fullword ascii $s11 = "proxylogin" fullword wide $s12 = "\\FS_Morff\\FS_Temp\\" wide $ds1 = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\rundll32.exe" fullword wide $ds2 = "PExtended4" fullword ascii $ds3 = "%s-%s" fullword wide $ds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fullword wide //$o1 = { 55 8b ec 33 c0 55 68 d7 60 4f 00 64 ff 30 64 89 } //$o2 = { e8 45 ec f0 ff e8 3c e2 f0 ff 68 00 04 00 00 e8 } //$o3 = { e8 98 3a f2 ff 84 c0 74 0a 8d 44 24 0c 50 e8 fe } //$o4 = { ba 80 d7 4f 00 a1 54 90 4f 00 e8 7e 4a f1 ff e9 } //$o5 = { 80 bc 24 4a 01 00 00 01 75 14 ba 80 d7 4f 00 a1 } //$o6 = { ba 80 d7 4f 00 a1 80 8f 4f 00 e8 4c 4a f1 ff e9 } condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (7 of ($s*) or all of ($ds*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_Klackring { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Klackring variants. Associated with ZINC / Lazarus" strings: $s1 = "%s\\%s.dll" fullword wide $s2 = "cmd.exe /c move /Y %s %s" fullword wide $s3 = "%s\\win32k.sys" fullword wide $s4 = "NetSvcInst_Rundll32.dll" fullword ascii $s5 = "Spectrum.dll" fullword ascii wide $s6 = "%s\\cmd.exe" fullword wide $s7 = ".?AVA5Stream@@" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 6 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_ComeBacker { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects ComeBacker variants. Associated with ZINC / Lazarus" strings: $s1 = "ENGINE_get_RAND" ascii $s2 = "./{IES" fullword ascii $s3 = "TODO: " fullword wide $s4 = "@Microsoft Corperation. All rights reserved." fullword wide $s5 = "Microsoft@Windows@Operating System" fullword wide $x1 = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\rundll32.exe %s,%s %s %s" fullword ascii wide $x2 = "ASN2_TYPE_new" fullword ascii wide $x3 = "SOFTWARE\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows\\\\CurrentVersion\\\\Run\\\\" fullword ascii wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($s*) or all of ($x*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_SunCrypt { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects SunCrypt ransomware" strings: $s1 = "-noshares" fullword wide $s2 = "-nomutex" fullword wide $s3 = "-noreport" fullword wide $s4 = "-noservices" fullword wide $s5 = "$Recycle.bin" fullword wide $s6 = "YOUR_FILES_ARE_ENCRYPTED.HTML" fullword wide $s7 = "\\\\?\\%c:" fullword wide $s8 = "locker.exe" fullword ascii $s9 = "DllRegisterServer" fullword ascii $g1 = "main.EncFile" fullword ascii nocase $g2 = "main.detectName" fullword ascii nocase $g3 = "main.detectIP" fullword ascii nocase $g4 = "main.detectDebugProc" fullword ascii nocase $g5 = "main.Bypass" ascii nocase $g6 = "main.allocateMemory" fullword ascii nocase $g7 = "main.killAV" fullword ascii nocase $g8 = "main.disableShadowCopy" fullword ascii nocase $g9 = "main.(*windowsDrivesModel).LoadDrives" fullword ascii nocase $g10 = "main.IsFriends" fullword ascii nocase $g11 = "main.walkMsg" fullword ascii nocase $g12 = "main.makeSecretMessage" fullword ascii nocase $g13 = "main.stealFiles" fullword ascii nocase $g14 = "main.newKey" fullword ascii nocase $g15 = "main.openBrowser" fullword ascii nocase $g16 = "main.killProc" fullword ascii nocase $g17 = "main.selfRemove" fullword ascii nocase $m1 = "



    Copy\\x20&\\x20Paste\\x20this\\x20message\\x20to" ascii $m2 = "\\x20restore\\x20your\\x20files." ascii $m3 = "\\x20your\\x20documents\\x20and\\x20files\\x20encrypted" ascii $m4 = "\\x20lose\\x20all\\x20of\\x20your\\x20data\\x20and\\x20files." ascii $m5 = ",'/#/client/','

    \\x20Whats\\x20Happen" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (5 of ($s*) or 6 of ($g*) or 3 of ($m*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_Zegost { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Zegost" strings: $s1 = "rtvscan.exe" fullword ascii $s2 = "ashDisp.exe" fullword ascii $s3 = "KvMonXP.exe" fullword ascii $s4 = "egui.exe" fullword ascii $s5 = "avcenter.exe" fullword ascii $s6 = "K7TSecurity.exe" fullword ascii $s7 = "TMBMSRV.exe" fullword ascii $s8 = "RavMonD.exe" fullword ascii $s9 = "kxetray.exe" fullword ascii $s10 = "mssecess.exe" fullword ascii $s11 = "QUHLPSVC.EXE" fullword ascii $s12 = "360tray.exe" fullword ascii $s13 = "QQPCRTP.exe" fullword ascii $s14 = "knsdtray.exe" fullword ascii $s15 = "V3Svc.exe" fullword ascii $s16 = "??1_Winit@std@@QAE@XZ" fullword ascii $s17 = "ClearEventLogA" fullword ascii $s18 = "SeShutdownPrivilege" fullword ascii $s19 = "%s\\shell\\open\\command" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them } rule MALWARE_Win_GENERIC01 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects known unamed malicious executables, mostly DLLs" strings: $s1 = "\\" ascii $s2 = "\\resmon.resmoncfg" ascii $s3 = "ByPassUAC" fullword ascii $s4 = "rundll32.exe C:\\ProgramData\\Sandboxie\\SbieMsg.dll,installsvc" fullword ascii nocase $s5 = "%s\\SbieMsg." ascii $s6 = "Stupid Japanese" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 5 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_GENERIC02 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects known unamed malicious executables" strings: $s1 = "{%s-%d-%d}" fullword wide $s2 = "update" fullword wide $s3 = "https://" fullword wide $s4 = "http://" fullword wide $s5 = "configure" fullword ascii $s6 = { 8d 4f 02 e8 8c ff ff ff 8b d8 81 fb 00 dc 00 00 } $s7 = { 83 c1 02 e8 3c ff ff ff 8b c8 ba ff 03 00 00 8d } condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them } rule MALWARE_Win_DLAgent06 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects known downloader agent downloading encoded binaries in patches" snort2_sid = "920122" snort3_sid = "920119" strings: $s1 = "totallist" fullword ascii wide $s2 = "LINKS_HERE" fullword wide $s3 = "[SPLITTER]" fullword wide $var2_1 = "DownloadWeb" fullword ascii $var2_2 = "WriteByte" fullword ascii $var2_3 = "MemoryStream" fullword ascii $var2_4 = "DownloadString" fullword ascii $var2_5 = "WebClient" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((all of ($s*) and 2 of ($var2*)) or (4 of ($var2*) and 2 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_PWSH_PoshKeylogger { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects PowerShell PoshKeylogger" strings: $s1 = "::GetKeyboardState" ascii $s2 = "GetAsyncKeyState(" ascii $s3 = "::MapVirtualKey(" ascii $s4 = "::GetAsyncKeyState" ascii $s5 = "Start-Sleep" ascii $s6 = "send-mailmessage" ascii $s7 = "[System.IO.File]::AppendAllText($" ascii $s8 = "new-object Management.Automation.PSCredential $" ascii condition: 6 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_FujinamaRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects FujinamaRAT" snort2_sid = "920124" snort3_sid = "920121" strings: $s1 = "GetAsyncKeyState" fullword ascii $s2 = "HTTP/1.0" fullword wide $s3 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)" fullword wide $s4 = "frmMain" fullword ascii $s5 = "G<=>?@ABGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGCDEF" fullword ascii $s6 = "VBA6.DLL" fullword ascii $s7 = "t_save" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 6 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_Phorpiex { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Phorpiex variants" strings: $s1 = "ShEllExECutE=__\\DriveMgr.exe" fullword wide nocase $s2 = "/c start __ & __\\DriveMgr.exe & exit" fullword wide nocase $s3 = "%s\\autorun.inf" fullword wide $s4 = "svchost." wide $s5 = "%ls\\%d%d" wide $s6 = "bitcoincash:" ascii $s7 = "%ls:*:Enabled:%ls" fullword wide $s8 = "%s\\%s\\DriveMgr.exe" fullword wide $s9 = "" ascii $v1_1 = "%appdata%" fullword wide $v1_2 = "(iPhone;" ascii $v1_3 = "/tst.php" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (5 of ($s*) or all of ($v1*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_EXEPWSH_DLAgent { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects SystemBC" strings: $pwsh = "powershell" fullword ascii $bitstansfer = "Start-BitsTransfer" ascii wide $s1 = "GET %s HTTP/1" ascii $s2 = "User-Agent:" ascii $s3 = "-WindowStyle Hidden -ep bypass -file \"" fullword ascii $s4 = "LdrLoadDll" fullword ascii $v1 = "BEGINDATA" fullword ascii $v2 = /HOST\d:/ ascii $v3 = /PORT\d:/ ascii $v4 = "TOR:" fullword ascii $v5 = "Fwow64" fullword ascii $v6 = "start" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (($pwsh and ($bitstansfer or 2 of ($s*))) or (5 of ($v*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_HDLocker { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects HDLocker ransomware" strings: $s1 = "HDLocker_" fullword ascii $s2 = ".log" fullword ascii $s3 = "Scripting.FileSystemObject" fullword ascii $s4 = "Boot" fullword ascii $s5 = "hellwdo" fullword ascii $s6 = "blackmoon" fullword ascii $s7 = "BlackMoon RunTime Error:" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 5 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_Vovalex { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Vovalex ransomware" strings: $s1 = "README.VOVALEX.txt" fullword ascii $s2 = "\\src\\phobos\\std\\" ascii $s3 = "LoadLibraryA(\"Advapi32.dll\")" fullword ascii $s4 = "Failed to spawn process \"" fullword ascii $s5 = "=== Bypassed ===" fullword ascii $s6 = "If you don't know where to buy" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 4 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_Dharma { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Dharma ransomware" strings: $s1 = "C:\\crysis\\Release\\PDB\\payload.pdb" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them } rule MALWARE_Win_CryptoLocker { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Cryptolocker ransomware variants (Betarasite)" strings: $x1 = "CryptoLocker" fullword wide $x2 = ".betarasite" fullword wide $x3 = "CMSTPBypass" fullword ascii $s1 = "CommandToExecute" fullword ascii $s2 = "SetInfFile" fullword ascii $s3 = "SchoolPrject1" ascii $s4 = "$730d5f64-bd57-47c1-9af4-d20aec714d02" fullword ascii $s5 = "Encrypt" fullword ascii $s6 = "Invalide Key! Please Try Again." fullword wide $s7 = "RegAsm" fullword wide $s8 = "Your key will be destroyed" wide $s9 = "encrypted using RC4 and RSA-2048" wide $c1 = "" fullword wide $c2 = "" fullword wide $c3 = "" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($x*) or all of ($s*) or (2 of ($x*) and 5 of ($s*)) or (all of ($c*) and 1 of ($x*) and 2 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_PWSH_PoshWiFiStealer { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects PowerShell PoshWiFiStealer" strings: $s1 = "netsh wlan export profile" ascii $s2 = "Send-MailMessage" ascii $u1 = "" ascii $u2 = "/exploitechx/wifi-password-extractor" ascii condition: all of ($s*) or all of ($u*) } rule MALWARE_Win_SteamHook { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects potential Steam stealer" strings: $s1 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; )" fullword ascii $s2 = "/steam/upload.php" ascii $s3 = ".*?(ssfn\\d+)" fullword ascii $s4 = "add cookie failed..." fullword ascii $s5 = "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=--MULTI-PARTS-FORM-DATA-BOUNDARY" fullword ascii $pdb1 = "\\SteamHook\\Install\\" ascii $pdb2 = "\\SteamHook\\dll\\" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($s*) or all of ($pdb*) or (1 of ($pdb*) and 3 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_NetWire { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects NetWire RAT" strings: $x1 = "SOFTWARE\\NetWire" fullword ascii $x2 = { 4e 65 74 57 69 72 65 00 53 4f 46 54 57 41 52 45 5c 00 } $s1 = "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko" fullword ascii $s2 = "filenames.txt" fullword ascii $s3 = "GET %s HTTP/1.1" fullword ascii $s4 = "[%.2d/%.2d/%d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d]" fullword ascii $s5 = "Host.exe" fullword ascii $s6 = "-m \"%s\"" fullword ascii $g1 = "HostId" fullword ascii $g2 = "History" fullword ascii $g3 = "encrypted_key" fullword ascii $g4 = "Install Date" fullword ascii $g5 = "hostname" fullword ascii $g6 = "encryptedUsername" fullword ascii $g7 = "encryptedPassword" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($s*) or all of ($x*) or (1 of ($x*) and 2 of ($s*)) or (all of ($g*) and (2 of ($s*) or 1 of ($x*)))) } rule MALWARE_Win_BreakStaf { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects BreakStaf ransomware" strings: $s1 = "C:\\Program files" wide $s2 = "C:\\Program files (x86)" wide $s3 = "C:\\System Volume Information" wide $s4 = "C:\\$Recycle.Bin" wide $s5 = "C:\\Windows" wide $s6 = ".?AVRandomNumberGenerator@Crypto" ascii $s7 = ".?AV?$SymmetricCipherFinal@" ascii $s8 = ".breakstaf" fullword wide nocase $s9 = "readme.txt" fullword wide nocase $s10 = ".VHD" fullword wide nocase $s11 = ".vhdx" fullword wide nocase $s12 = ".BAK" fullword wide nocase $s13 = ".BAC" fullword wide nocase condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 12 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_Kitty { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects HelloKitty ransomware, triggers on FIVEHANDS" strings: $s1 = "Kitty" wide $s2 = "-path" fullword wide $s3 = "select * from Win32_ShadowCopy" fullword wide $s4 = "Win32_ShadowCopy.ID='%s'" fullword wide $s5 = "programdata" fullword wide $s6 = "$recycle.bin" fullword wide $s7 = ".crypt" fullword wide $s8 = "%s/secret/%S" wide $s9 = "decrypts3nln3tic.onion" wide $n1 = "read_me_lkd.txt" wide $n2 = "DECRYPT_NOTE.txt" wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (5 of ($s*) or 1 of ($n*) and 4 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_DLAgent07 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects delf downloader agent" strings: $s1 = "C:\\Users\\Public\\Libraries\\temp" fullword ascii $s2 = "SOFTWARE\\Borland\\Delphi" ascii $s3 = "Mozilla/5.0(compatible; WinInet)" fullword ascii $o1 = { f3 a5 e9 6b ff ff ff 5a 5d 5f 5e 5b c3 a3 00 40 } $o2 = { e8 83 d5 ff ff 8b 15 34 40 41 00 89 10 89 58 04 } $o3 = { c3 8b c0 53 51 e8 f1 ff ff ff 8b d8 85 db 74 3e } $o4 = { e8 5c e2 ff ff 8b c3 e8 b9 ff ff ff 89 04 24 83 } $o5 = { 85 c0 74 1f e8 62 ff ff ff a3 98 40 41 00 e8 98 } $o6 = { 85 c0 74 19 e8 be ff ff ff 83 3d 98 40 41 00 ff } $x1 = "22:40:08 \"> " ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((2 of ($s*) and 5 of ($o*)) or (all of ($s*) and 2 of ($o*)) or (all of ($x*) and 2 of them)) } rule MALWARE_Win_Clop { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Clop ransomware variants" strings: $x1 = "Cllp^_-" ascii $s2 = "temp.dat" fullword wide $s3 = "README_README.txt" wide $s4 = "BEGIN PUBLIC KEY" ascii $s5 = "runrun" wide $s6 = "wevtutil.exe" ascii $s7 = "%s%s.Cllp" fullword wide $s8 = "WinCheckDRVs" fullword wide $o1 = { 6a ff 56 89 9d 28 dd ff ff ff d0 a1 64 32 41 00 } $o2 = { 56 89 9d 28 dd ff ff ff 15 78 32 41 00 eb 07 43 } $o3 = { 68 ?? 34 41 00 8d 85 58 dd ff ff 50 ff d7 85 c0 } $o4 = { 68 d0 34 41 00 50 ff d6 8b bd 28 d5 ff ff 83 c4 } $o5 = { a1 64 32 41 00 43 56 89 9d 08 d5 ff ff ff d0 8b } condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($s*) or (1 of ($x*) and (3 of ($s*) or 4 of ($o*))) or (all of ($o*) and 2 of ($s*)) or (4 of ($s*) and 4 of ($o*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Maktub { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Maktub ransomware" strings: $s1 = "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" ascii $s2 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0" fullword ascii $s3 = "/tor/status-vote/current/consensus" ascii $s4 = "/tor/server/fp/" ascii $s5 = "/tor/rendezvous2/" ascii $s6 = "404 Not found" fullword ascii $s7 = /_request@\d+/ fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 5 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_PWSHLoader_RunPE01 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects PowerShell PE loader / executer. Observed Gorgon TTPs" strings: $rp1 = "GetType('RunPe.RunPe'" ascii $rp2 = "GetType(\"RunPe.RunPe\"" ascii $rm1 = "GetMethod('Run'" ascii $rm2 = "GetMethod(\"Run\"" ascii $s1 = ".Invoke(" ascii $s2 = "[Reflection.Assembly]::Load(" ascii condition: all of ($s*) and 1 of ($rp*) and 1 of ($rm*) } rule MALWARE_Win_PWSHLoader_RunPE02 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects PowerShell PE loader / executer. Observed Gorgon TTPs" strings: $s1 = "'.Replace('" ascii nocase $s2 = "'aspnet_compiler.exe'" ascii $s3 = "[Byte[]]$" ascii $pe1 = "(77,90," ascii $pe2 = "='4D5A" ascii condition: all of ($s*) and (#pe1 > 1 or #pe2 > 1) and #s1 > 4 } rule MALWARE_Win_PELoader_RunPE { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects PE loader / injector. Observed Gorgon TTPs" strings: $s1 = "commandLine'" fullword ascii $s2 = "RunPe.dll" fullword ascii $s3 = "HandleRun" fullword ascii $s4 = "inheritHandles" fullword ascii $s5 = "BlockCopy" fullword ascii $s6 = "WriteProcessMemory" fullword ascii $s7 = "startupInfo" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 6 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_PELoader_INF { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects PE loader / injector. Potentical HCrypt. Observed Gorgon TTPs" strings: $x1 = "Managament.inf" fullword ascii $x2 = "rOnAlDo" fullword ascii $x3 = "untimeResourceSet" fullword ascii $x4 = "3System.Resources.Tools.StronglyTypedResourceBuilder" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them } rule MALWARE_Win_DLAgent08 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects known downloader agent downloading encoded binaries in patches" snort2_sid = "920122" snort3_sid = "920119" strings: $pat = /\/base\/[A-F0-9]{32}\.html/ ascii wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and $pat and #pat > 1 } rule MALWARE_Win_DoejoCrypt { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects DoejoCrypt / DearCry ransomware" strings: $s1 = "DEARCRY!" fullword ascii $s2 = ".CRYPT" fullword ascii $s3 = "\\EncryptFile -svcV2\\" ascii $s4 = "please send me the following hash!" ascii $s5 = "dear!!!" fullword ascii $s6 = "/readme.txt" fullword ascii $o1 = { c3 8b 65 e8 c7 45 fc fe ff ff ff 8b b5 f4 e9 ff } $o2 = { 0f 8c 27 ff ff ff 33 db 57 e8 7b 36 00 00 eb 0a } $o3 = { 0f 8c 2a ff ff ff 53 57 e8 b7 42 00 00 8b 4c 24 } condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 4 of ($s*) or (all of ($o*) and (2 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_SunShuttle { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects SunShuttle / GoldMax" strings: $s1 = "main.beaconing" fullword ascii $s2 = "main.clean_file" fullword ascii $s3 = "main.decrypt" fullword ascii $s4 = "main.define_internal_settings" fullword ascii $s5 = "main.delete_empty" fullword ascii $s6 = "main.encrypt" fullword ascii $s7 = "main.false_requesting" fullword ascii $s8 = "main.removeBase64Padding" fullword ascii $s9 = "main.resolve_command" fullword ascii $s10 = "main.retrieve_session_key" fullword ascii $s11 = "main.save_internal_settings" fullword ascii $s12 = "main.send_command_result" fullword ascii $s13 = "main.send_file_part" fullword ascii $s14 = "main.wget_file" fullword ascii $s15 = "main.write_file" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 5 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_RanzyLocker { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects RanzyLocker / REntS ransomware" strings: $hr1 = "776261646D696E2044454C4554452053595354454D53544154454241434B5550" ascii // wbadmin DELETE SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP $hr2 = "776D69632E65786520534841444F57434F5059202F6E6F696E746572616374697665" ascii // wmic.exe SHADOWCOPY /nointeractive $hr3 = "626364656469742E657865202F736574207B64656661756C747D207265636F76657279656E61626C6564204E6F" ascii // bcdedit.exe /set {default} recoveryenabled No $hr4 = "776261646D696E2044454C4554452053595354454D53544154454241434B5550202D64656C6574654F6C64657374" ascii // wbadmin DELETE SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP -deleteOldest $hr5 = "626364656469742E657865202F736574207B64656661756C747D20626F6F74737461747573706F6C6963792069676E6F7265616C6C6661696C75726573" ascii // bcdedit.exe /set {default} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures $hr6 = "76737361646D696E2E6578652044656C65746520536861646F7773202F416C6C202F5175696574" ascii // vssadmin.exe Delete Shadows /All /Quiet $hx1 = "476C6F62616C5C33353335354641352D303745392D343238422D423541352D314338384341423242343838" ascii // Global\35355FA5-07E9-428B-B5A5-1C88CAB2B488 (mutex) $hx2 = "534F4654574152455C4D6963726F736F66745C45524944" ascii // SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ERID $hx3 = "227375626964223A22" ascii // subid $hx4 = "226E6574776F726B223A22" ascii // network $hx5 = "726561646D652E747874" ascii // readme.txt $hx6 = "-nolan" fullword wide $o1 = { 8d 45 e9 89 9d 54 ff ff ff 88 9d 44 ff ff ff 3b } $o2 = { 8b 44 24 2? 8b ?c 24 34 40 8b 54 24 38 89 44 24 } $o3 = { 8b 44 24 2? 8b ?c 24 1c 89 44 24 34 8b 44 24 28 } $o4 = { 8b 44 24 2? 8b ?c 24 34 05 00 00 a0 00 89 44 24 } condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($hx*) or (2 of ($hr*) and 2 of ($hx*)) or (all of ($o*) and 2 of ($h*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_WobbyChipMBR { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects WobbyChipMBR / Covid-21 ransomware" strings: $x1 = "You became a Victim of the Covid-21 Ransomware" ascii wide $x2 = "Reinstalling Windows has been blocked" ascii wide $x3 = "Enter Decryption Key:" ascii wide $x4 = "encrypted with military grade encryption" ascii wide $s1 = "schtasks.exe /Create /TN wininit /ru SYSTEM /SC ONSTART /TR" ascii $s2 = "\\EFI\\Boot\\bootx64.efi" ascii wide $s3 = "DumpHex" fullword ascii $s4 = "TFTP Error" fullword wide $s5 = "HD(Part%d,MBRType=%02x,SigType=%02x)" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (3 of ($x*) or all of ($s*) or (1 of ($x*) and 2 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Snatch { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Snatch / GoRansome / MauriGo ransomware" strings: $s1 = "main.encryptFile" ascii $s2 = "main.encryptFileExt" ascii $s3 = "main.deleteShadowCopy" ascii $s4 = "main.Shadow" fullword ascii $s5 = "main.RecoverMe" fullword ascii $s6 = "main.EncryptWithPublicKey" ascii $s7 = "main.EncoderLookupDir" fullword ascii $s8 = "main.ALIGNUP" fullword ascii $s9 = "main.encrypt" fullword ascii $s10 = "" ascii $m1 = "Dear You, ALl Your files On YOUR network computers are encrypted" ascii $m2 = "You have to pay the ransom of %s USD in bitcoins to the address" ascii $m3 = "REMEMBER YOU FILES ARE IN SAVE HANDS AND WILL BE RESTORED OR RECOVERED ONCE PAYMENT IS DONE" ascii $m4 = ":HELP FEEED A CHILD:" ascii $m5 = ">SYSTEM NETWORK ENCRYPTED<" ascii $m6 = "YOUR IDENTIFICATION : %s" ascii $m7 = "convince you of our honesty" ascii $m8 = "use TOR browser to talk with support" ascii $m9 = "encrypted and attackers are taking" ascii $p1 = "/Go/src/kitty/kidrives/" ascii $p2 = "/LGoGo/encoder.go" ascii nocase $p3 = "/Go/src/kitty/kidata/" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (3 of ($s*) or 2 of ($m*) or (1 of ($m*) and 1 of ($s*)) or (all of ($p*) and (1 of ($s*) or 1 of ($m*)))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Meteorite { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Meteorite downloader" strings: $x1 = "MeteoriteDownloader" fullword ascii wide $x2 = "Meteorite Downloader" fullword ascii wide $x3 = "Meteorite Downloader v" wide $s1 = "regwrite" fullword wide $s2 = "urlmon" fullword ascii $s3 = "" fullword wide $s4 = "modMain" fullword ascii $s5 = "VBA6.DLL" fullword ascii $s6 = "^_http" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (1 of ($x*) or (5 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_LegionLocker { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects LegionLocker ransomware" strings: $m1 = "+Do not run task manager, powershell, cmd etc." ascii wide $m2 = "3 hours your files will be deleted." ascii wide $m3 = "files have been encrypted by Legion Locker" ascii wide $s1 = "passwordBytes" fullword ascii $s2 = "_start_enc_" ascii $s3 = "_del_desktop_" ascii $s4 = "Processhacker" wide $s5 = "/k color 47 && del /f /s /q %userprofile%\\" wide $s6 = "Submit code" fullword wide $pdb1 = "\\obj\\Debug\\LegionLocker.pdb" ascii $pdb2 = "\\obj\\Release\\LegionLocker.pdb" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (1 of ($m*) or 1 of ($pdb*) or 4 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_DLAgentGo { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Go-based downloader" strings: $s1 = "main.downloadFile" fullword ascii $s2 = "main.fetchFiles" fullword ascii $s3 = "main.createDefenderAllowanceException" fullword ascii $s4 = "main.unzip" fullword ascii $s5 = "HideWindow" fullword ascii $s6 = "/go/src/installwrap/main.go" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 4 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_BlackMoon { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects executables using BlackMoon RunTime" strings: $s1 = "blackmoon" fullword ascii $s2 = "BlackMoon RunTime Error:" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them } rule MALWARE_Win_IceID { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects IceID / Bokbot variants" strings: $n1 = "POST" fullword wide $n2 = "; _gat=" fullword wide $n3 = "; _ga=" fullword wide $n4 = "; _u=" fullword wide $n5 = "; __io=" fullword wide $n6 = "; _gid=" fullword wide $n7 = "Cookie: __gads=" fullword wide $s1 = "c:\\ProgramData" ascii $s2 = "loader_dll_64.dll" fullword ascii $s3 = "loader_dll_32.dll" fullword ascii $s4 = "/?id=%0.2X%0.8X%0.8X%s" ascii $s5 = "%0.2X%0.2X%0.2X%0.2X%0.2X%0.2X%0.8X" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((all of ($n*) and 1 of ($s*)) or (3 of ($s*) and 1 of ($n*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Purge { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Purge ransomware" strings: $n1 = "imagesave/imagesize.php" ascii $n2 = "imageinfo.html" ascii $n3 = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)" ascii $n4 = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ascii $m1 = "YOUR_ID: %x%x" wide $m2 = "Specially for your PC was generated personal" wide $m3 = "which is on our Secret Server" wide $m4 = "wait for a miracle and get your price" wide $s1 = "%s\\SpyHunter Remove Ransomware" wide $s2 = "$recycle.bin" fullword wide $s3 = "TheEnd" fullword wide $s4 = "%s\\HELP_DECRYPT_YOUR_FILES.TXT" fullword wide $s5 = "%s.id_%x%x_email_" wide $s6 = "scmd" fullword wide $s7 = "process call create \"%s\"" wide $s8 = "FinishEnds" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($s*) or all of ($n*) or 2 of ($m*) or (3 of ($s*) and (1 of ($n*) or 1 of ($m*)))) } rule MALWARE_Win_NjRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects NjRAT / Bladabindi / NjRAT Golden" strings: $x1 = /Njrat\s\d+\.\d+\sGolden\s/ wide $s1 = /\sfirewall\s(add|delete)\sallowedprogram/ wide $s2 = { 63 00 6d 00 64 00 2e 00 65 00 78 00 65 00 20 00 2f 00 (63|6b) 00 20 00 70 00 69 00 6e 00 67 } $s3 = "Execute ERROR" wide $s4 = "Download ERROR" wide $s5 = "[kl]" fullword wide $s6 = "UploadValues" fullword wide $s7 = "winmgmts:\\\\.\\root\\SecurityCenter2" fullword wide $s8 = "HideM" fullword wide $s9 = "No Antivirus" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 4 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_DarkTrackRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects OzoneRAT / DarkTrack / DarkSky" strings: $x1 = "Klog.dat" ascii $x2 = "I_AM_DT" ascii $x3 = " Alien" ascii $x4 = "Local Victim" ascii $x5 = "Dtback\\AlienEdition\\Server\\SuperObject.pas" ascii $x6 = "].encryptedUsername" ascii $x7 = "].encryptedPassword" ascii $x8 = { 49 41 4d [6] 44 41 52 [0-2] 4b [6] 44 54 41 43 4b } $s1 = "AntiVirusProduct" ascii $s2 = "AntiSpywareProduct" ascii $s3 = "ConnectServer" ascii $s4 = "ExecQuery" ascii $s5 = "\\Drivers\\Etc\\Hosts" fullword ascii $s6 = "BTMemoryLoadLibary: Get DLLEntyPoint" ascii $s7 = "\\\\.\\SyserDbgMsg" fullword ascii $s8 = "\\\\.\\SyserBoot" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (4 of ($x*) or 6 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_Godzilla { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Godzilla loader" strings: $x1 = "MSVBVM60.DLL" fullword ascii $x2 = "Loginserver8" fullword ascii $x3 = "Proflogger7" fullword ascii $s1 = "Badgeless5" fullword ascii $s2 = "Montebrasite3" fullword ascii $s3 = "Atelomyelia4" fullword ascii $s4 = "Xxencoded5" fullword ascii $s5 = "Garneau2" fullword ascii $s6 = "Hypostasis0" fullword ascii $s7 = "Piarhemia4" fullword ascii $s8 = "Foredestine8" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of ($x*) and 2 of ($s*) } rule MALWARE_Win_UNK03 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects unknown malware" strings: $s1 = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion" ascii $s2 = "rundll32.exe C:\\Windows\\System32\\shimgvw.dll,ImageView_Fullscreen %s" ascii $s3 = "%s.jpg" ascii $s4 = "%s\\sz.txt" ascii $s5 = "ChromeSecsv9867%d7.exe" ascii $s6 = "%s\\appl%c.jpg" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them } rule MALWARE_Win_UNK04 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects unknown malware (proxy tool)" strings: $x1 = "" fullword ascii $x2 = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\SERVICES\\PORTPROXY\\V4TOV4\\TCP" fullword ascii $x3 = "%s rundll32.exe" fullword ascii $s1 = "kxetray.exe" fullword ascii $s2 = "ksafe.exe" fullword ascii $s3 = "Mcshield.exe" fullword ascii $s4 = "Miner.exe" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of ($x*) and 2 of ($s*) } rule MALWARE_Win_Karkoff { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Karkoff" strings: $x1 = "C:\\Windows\\Temp\\MSEx_log.txt" fullword wide $x2 = "CMD.exe" fullword wide $x3 = "Karkoff.ProjectInstaller.resources" fullword ascii $s1 = /try\shttp(s)?\s(ip|domain)/ fullword wide $s2 = "Reg cleaned!" fullword wide nocase $s3 = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{1}\"" fullword wide $s4 = "^[A-Fa-f0-9]{8}-([A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-){3}[A-Fa-f0-9]{12}$" fullword wide $s5 = "new backdoor" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($x*) or 4 of ($s*) or (2 of ($x*) and 2 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_DLAgent09 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects known downloader agent" strings: $h1 = "//:ptth" ascii wide nocase $h2 = "//:sptth" ascii wide nocase $s1 = "DownloadString" fullword ascii wide $s2 = "StrReverse" fullword ascii wide $s3 = "FromBase64String" fullword ascii wide $s4 = "WebClient" fullword ascii wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (1 of ($h*) and all of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_CoinMiningBot { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects coinmining bot" strings: $s1 = "FullScreenDetect" fullword ascii $s2 = "GetChildProcesses" fullword ascii $s3 = "HideBotPath" fullword ascii $s4 = "Inject" fullword ascii $s5 = "DownloadFile" fullword ascii $s6 = "/Data/GetUpdateInfo" wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 5 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_FYAnti { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Hunt for FYAnti third-stage loader DLLs" condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and pe.is_dll() and pe.exports("FuckYouAnti") } rule MALWARE_Win_DLAgent10 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects known downloader agent" strings: $s1 = "powershell.exe" ascii wide nocase $s2 = ".DownloadFile(" ascii wide nocase $s3 = "_UseShellExecute" ascii wide nocase $s4 = "_CreateNoWindow" ascii wide nocase condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them } rule MALWARE_Win_PureLoader { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Pure loader / injector" strings: $s1 = "InvokeMember" fullword wide $s2 = "ConcatProducer" fullword wide $s3 = ".Classes.Resolver" wide $s4 = "get_DLL" fullword ascii $s5 = "BufferedStream" fullword ascii $s6 = "GZipStream" fullword ascii $s7 = "MemoryStream" fullword ascii $s8 = "Decompress" fullword ascii $s9 = "lSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.R" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 8 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_VBS_DLAgent01 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects VBS MSHTA downloader" strings: $s1 = "llehS.tpircsW" ascii $s2 = ".Run" ascii $s3 = "mshta http" ascii nocase $s4 = "StrReverse" ascii condition: all of them } rule MALWARE_Win_RanumBot { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects RanumBot / Windigo / GoStealer" strings: // variant 1 $f1 = "main.addSchedulerTaskSSH" fullword ascii $f2 = "main.attackRouter" fullword ascii $f3 = "main.decryptPassword" fullword ascii $f4 = "main.handleScanRequest" fullword ascii $f5 = "main.scanNetwork" fullword ascii $f6 = "main.extractCredentials" fullword ascii $s1 = "H_T= H_a= H_g= MB, W_a= and h_a= h_g= h_t= max= ptr siz= tab= top= u_a= u_g=%s/16%s:%d%s:22+0330+0430+0530+0545+0630+0845+10" ascii $s2 = "<== as at fp= is lr: of on pc= sp: sp=) = ) m=+Inf, n -Inf00%x112212343125: p=ABRTACDTACSTAEDTAESTAKDTAKSTALRMAWSTAhomAtoiCESTChamDashEESTGOGCJulyJuneKILLLEAFLisuMiaoModiNZDTNZSTNewaPIPEQUITSASTSEGVTERMThai" ascii $s3 = "W*struct { P *big.Int; Q *big.Int; G *big.Int; Y *big.Int; Rest []uint8 \"ssh:\\\"rest\\\"\" }" ascii $s4 = "policy=api,ftp,local,password,policy,read,reboot,sensitive,sniff,ssh,telnet,test,web,winbox,write" ascii $s5 = "/Users/alexander/go/src/mikrotik/winbox.go" ascii // variant 2 $xf1 = "main.readConfig" fullword ascii $xf2 = "main.ensureRunningAsUser" fullword ascii $xf3 = "main.configRegPath" fullword ascii $xf4 = "main.oldConfigRegPath" fullword ascii $uf1 = "main.locateChrome" fullword ascii $uf2 = "main.decryptAndUploadProfile" fullword ascii $uf3 = "main.decryptCookies" fullword ascii $uf4 = "main.extractPasswords" fullword ascii $uf5 = "main.getFirefoxProfile" fullword ascii $uf6 = "main.postBrowsersData" fullword ascii $uf7 = "main.uploadFirefoxProfile" fullword ascii $uf8 = "main.zipFirefoxProfile" fullword ascii $uf9 = /main\.detect(Browsers|Chrome|Coccoc|Edge|Firefox|InternetExplorer|Opera|Yandex)/ fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (5 of ($f*) or 4 of ($s*) or (2 of ($f*) and 2 of ($s*)) or (all of ($xf*) and 1 of ($uf*)) or 6 of ($uf*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_DllHijacker01 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Hunt for VSNTAR21 / DllHijacker01 IronTiger / LuckyMouse / APT27 malware" strings: $s1 = "libvlc_add_intf" fullword ascii $s2 = "libvlc_dllonexit" fullword ascii $s3 = "libvlc_getmainargs" fullword ascii $s4 = "libvlc_initenv" fullword ascii $s5 = "libvlc_set_app_id" fullword ascii $s6 = "libvlc_set_app_type" fullword ascii $s7 = "libvlc_set_user_agent" fullword ascii $s8 = "libvlc_wait" fullword ascii $s9 = "dll.dll" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 6 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_HyperBro02 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects HyperBro IronTiger / LuckyMouse / APT27 malware" strings: $s1 = "\\cmd.exe /A" fullword wide $s2 = "C:\\windows\\explorer.exe" fullword wide $s3 = "\\\\.\\pipe\\testpipe" fullword wide $s4 = "Elevation:Administrator!new:{" wide $s5 = "log.log" fullword wide $s6 = "%s\\%d.exe" fullword wide $s7 = ".?AVTPipeProtocol@@" fullword ascii $s8 = ".?AVTCaptureMgr@@" fullword ascii $s9 = "system-%d" fullword wide $s10 = "[test] %02d:%02d:%02d:%03d %s" fullword wide $s11 = "\\..\\data.dat" fullword wide $s12 = "\\..\\config.ini" fullword wide $s13 = { 73 00 76 00 63 00 68 00 6f 00 73 00 74 00 2e 00 65 00 78 00 65 00 00 00 20 00 2d 00 77 00 6f 00 72 00 6b 00 65 00 72 00 } $s14 = { 73 00 76 00 63 00 68 00 6f 00 73 00 74 00 2e 00 65 00 78 00 65 00 00 00 20 00 2d 00 64 00 61 00 65 00 6d 00 6f 00 6e 00 } $cnc1 = "https://%s:%d/ajax" fullword wide $cnc2 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/34.0.1847.116 Safari/537.36" fullword wide $cnc3 = "" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (7 of ($s*) or (2 of ($cnc*) and 2 of ($s*))) } /* Too many FPs rule MALWARE_Win_HyperBro03 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Hunt HyperBro IronTiger / LuckyMouse / APT27 malware" strings: //$h1 = "HControl" ascii wide //$h2 = "HSleep" ascii wide //$h3 = "HTrans" ascii wide $i1 = "IAgent" ascii wide $i2 = "ITcpAgent" ascii wide $i3 = "IAgentListener" ascii wide $t1 = "TCommon" ascii $t2 = "TFileInfo" ascii $t3 = "TFileRename" ascii $t4 = "TFileUpload" ascii $t5 = "TServicesInfo" ascii $t6 = "TListUser" ascii $t7 = "TTransmit" ascii $vc1 = "CSSLAgent" ascii wide $vc2 = "CSocks5" ascii wide $vc3 = "CTcpAgent" ascii wide $cm1 = "CMCapture" ascii wide $cm2 = "CMFile" ascii wide $cm3 = "CMPipeClient" ascii wide $cm4 = "CMPipeServer" ascii wide $cm5 = "CMProcess" ascii wide $cm6 = "CMServices" ascii wide $cm7 = "CMShell" ascii wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($i*) or 6 of ($t*) or 6 of ($cm*) or all of ($vc*)) //uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($h*) or all of ($i*) or 6 of ($t*) or 6 of ($cm*) or all of ($vc*)) } */ rule MALWARE_Win_DllHijacker02 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects ServiceCrt / DllHijacker03 IronTiger / LuckyMouse / APT27 malware" strings: $s1 = "ServiceCrtMain" fullword ascii $s2 = "mpsvc.dll" fullword ascii $o1 = { 84 db 0f 85 4c ff ff ff e8 14 06 00 00 8b f0 83 } $o2 = { f7 c1 00 ff ff ff 75 c5 eb 13 0f ba 25 10 20 01 } $o3 = { 8d 04 b1 8b d9 89 45 fc 8d 34 b9 a1 18 20 01 10 } $o4 = { b0 01 c3 68 b8 2c 01 10 e8 83 ff ff ff c7 04 24 } $o5 = { eb 34 66 0f 12 0d 00 fe 00 10 f2 0f 59 c1 ba cc } $o6 = { 73 c7 dc 0d 4c ff 00 10 eb bf dd 05 34 ff 00 10 } condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of ($s*) and 5 of ($o*) } rule MALWARE_Win_Zeoticus { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Zeoticus ransomware" strings: $s1 = "Dear %s" fullword wide $s2 = "\\??\\UNC\\%s\\%s\\" wide $s3 = "\\\\%ws\\admin$\\%ws" wide $s4 = "%s /node:\"%ws\" /user:\"%ws\" /password:" wide $s5 = "process call create" wide $s6 = ">----===Zeoticus" ascii $s7 = "ZEOTICUSV2" ascii $s8 = "GetExtendedTcpTable" fullword ascii $s9 = "SHAMROckSWTF" ascii $s10 = "NTDLL.RtlAllocateHeap" fullword ascii $s11 = ".pandora" fullword wide $s12 = { 70 00 20 00 72 00 20 00 69 00 20 00 76 00 20 00 65 00 20 00 74 } $pdb = "_cryptor\\shell_gen\\Release\\" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (6 of ($s*) or ($pdb)) } rule MALWARE_Win_DLAgent11 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects downloader agent" strings: $pdb = "\\loader2\\obj\\Debug\\loader2.pdb" ascii $s1 = "DownloadFile" fullword ascii $s2 = "ZipFile" fullword ascii $s3 = "WebClient" fullword ascii $s4 = "ExtractToDirectory" fullword ascii $s5 = "System Clear" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($s*) or (($pdb) and 4 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_SoftCNApp { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects SoftCNApp" strings: $s1 = "\\\\.\\PIPE\\SOC%d" fullword ascii $s2 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1)" fullword ascii $s3 = "Param: sl=%d; sl=%d; sl=%d; sl=%d; sl=%d;" fullword ascii $s4 = ".?AVCHPPlugin@@" fullword ascii $s5 = ".?AVCHPCmd@@" fullword ascii $s6 = ".?AVCHPExplorer@@" fullword ascii $s7 = "%s\\svchost.exe -O" fullword wide $s8 = "\"%s\\%s\" -P" fullword ascii $n1 = "" fullword ascii $n2 = "" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (4 of ($s*) or (all of ($n*) and 2 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_CovenantGruntStager { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Covenant Grunt Stager" strings: $x1 = "VXNlci1BZ2VudA" ascii wide $x2 = "cGFnZT17R1VJRH0mdj0x" ascii wide $x3 = "0eXBlPXtHVUlEfSZ2PTE" ascii wide $x4 = "tZXNzYWdlPXtHVUlEfSZ2PTE" ascii wide $x5 = "L2VuLXVzL" ascii wide $x6 = "L2VuLXVzL2luZGV4Lmh0bWw" ascii wide $x7 = "L2VuLXVzL2RvY3MuaHRtbD" ascii wide $s1 = "ExecuteStager" ascii $s2 = "UseCertPinning" fullword ascii $s3 = "FromBase64String" fullword ascii $s4 = "ToBase64String" fullword ascii $s5 = "DownloadString" fullword ascii $s6 = "UploadString" fullword ascii $s7 = "GetWebRequest" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (2 of ($x*) or all of ($s*) or (1 of ($x*) and 5 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Fabookie { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Fabookie / ElysiumStealer" strings: $s1 = "rwinssyslog" fullword wide $s2 = "_kasssperskdy" fullword wide $s3 = "[Title:%s]" fullword wide $s4 = "[Execute]" fullword wide $s5 = "[Snapshot]" fullword wide $s6 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible)" fullword wide $s7 = "d-k netsvcs" fullword wide $s8 = "" fullword wide $s9 = "CUdpClient::Start" fullword ascii condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d or uint16(0) == 0x0805) and 6 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_CobianRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects CobianRAT, a fork of Njrat" strings: $s1 = "" fullword wide $s2 = "DownloadData" fullword wide $s3 = "Executed As" fullword wide $s4 = "\\Plugins" fullword wide $s5 = "LOGIN" fullword wide $s6 = "software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion\\run" wide $s7 = "Hidden" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 5 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_Cuba { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Cuba ransomware" strings: $s1 = ".cuba" fullword wide $s2 = "\\\\%d.%d.%d.%d" fullword wide $s3 = "!!FAQ for Decryption!!.txt" fullword wide $s4 = "vmcompute" fullword wide $s5 = "MSExchange" wide $s6 = "glocal" fullword wide $s7 = "network" fullword wide $s8 = "\\$Recycle.Bin\\" fullword wide $s9 = "NetShareEnum" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 6 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_Leivion { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Leivion" strings: $s1 = "/var/lib/veil/go/src/runtime/mem_windows.go" fullword ascii $s2 = "/var/lib/veil/go/src/internal/singleflight/singleflight.go" fullword ascii $s3 = "/var/lib/veil/go/src/net/http/sniff.go" fullword ascii $s4 = "/var/lib/veil/go/src/net/sendfile_windows.go" fullword ascii $s5 = "/var/lib/veil/go/src/os/exec_" ascii $s6 = "/var/lib/veil/go/src/runtime/mgcsweep.go" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 4 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_Banload { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Banload" strings: $s1 = "main.die" fullword ascii $s2 = "main.postResults" fullword ascii $s3 = "main.checkin" fullword ascii $s4 = "RegQueryValueExWRemoveDirectoryWSETTINGS_TIMEOUTTerminateProcessUpgrade RequiredUser-Agent: %s" ascii $s5 = "pcuser-agentws2_32.dll (targetpc= DigestType ErrCode=%v" ascii $s6 = "invalid pc-encoded table f=runtime: invalid typeBitsBulkBarrie" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 5 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_TYRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects TYRAT" strings: $s1 = "C:\\$MSIRecycle.Bin\\" fullword ascii $s2 = "Range: bytes=%d-" fullword ascii $s3 = "GET%sHTTP/1.1" fullword ascii $s4 = "DllServer.dll" fullword ascii $s5 = ".Bin\\bnch" ascii $s6 = "User-Agent: wget" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 4 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_InfinityLock { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects InfinityLock ransomware" strings: $s1 = "_Encrypted$" fullword ascii $s2 = "PublicKeyToken=" fullword ascii nocase $s3 = "GenerateHWID" fullword ascii $s4 = "CreateKey" fullword ascii $d1 = "ProgrammFiles" fullword ascii $d2 = "OneDrive" fullword ascii $d3 = "ProgrammsX86" fullword ascii $d4 = "UserDirs" fullword ascii $d5 = "B_Drive" fullword ascii $pdb1 = "F:\\DESKTOP!\\ChkDsk\\ChkDsk\\obj\\" ascii $pdb2 = "\\ChkDsk\\obj\\Debug\\PremiereCrack.pdb" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((all of ($s*) and 1 of ($d*)) or (4 of ($d*) and 2 of ($s*)) or (any of ($pdb*) and 1 of ($s*) and 1 of ($d*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_MountLocker { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects MountLocker ransomware" strings: $s1 = "] locker.dir.check > " ascii wide $s2 = "] locekr.kill." ascii wide $s3 = "] locker.worm" ascii wide $s4 = "%CLIENT_ID%" fullword ascii $s5 = "RecoveryManual.html" ascii wide $s6 = "RECOVERY MANUAL" ascii $s7 = ".ReadManual.%0.8X" ascii wide $s8 = "/?cid=%CLIENT_ID%" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 3 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_PingBack { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects PingBack ICMP backdoor" strings: $s1 = "Sniffer ok!" fullword ascii $s2 = "recv icmp packet!" fullword ascii $s3 = "WSASocket() failed: %d" fullword ascii $s4 = "file on remote computers success" ascii $s5 = "listen port error!" fullword ascii $s6 = "\\PingBackService" ascii $c1 = "exec" fullword ascii $c2 = "rexec" fullword ascii $c3 = "exep" fullword ascii $c4 = "download" fullword ascii $c5 = "upload" fullword ascii $c6 = "shell" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (3 of ($s*) or all of ($c*) or (4 of ($c*) and 2 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_BazarLoader { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects BazarLoader variants" strings: $s1 = "Startdelay for %d ms to avoid some dynamic AV detects!" ascii $s2 = "Use Debug for moving faster!" ascii $s3 = "Logging Mutex %s to %s" ascii $s4 = "FIRST AND ONLY COPY RUNNING! Mutex %s" ascii $s5 = "the most secret 3d GetWinApiPointers line in the world!" ascii $s6 = "[+] makeMD5hash. " ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 3 of ($s*) } rule MALWARE_Win_CoinMiner01 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects coinmining malware" strings: $s1 = "-o pool." ascii wide $s2 = "--cpu-max-threads-hint" ascii wide $s3 = "-P stratum" ascii wide $s4 = "--farm-retries" ascii wide $dl = "" ascii wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (3 of ($s*) or ($dl)) } rule PUA_Win_UltraSurf { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects UltraSurf / Ultrareach PUA" strings: $s1 = "Ultrareach Internet Corp." ascii $s2 = "UltrasurfUnionRectUrlFixupWUse Proxy" ascii $s3 = "Ultrasurf UnlockFileUrlEscapeWUser-Agent" ascii wide $s4 = "Ultrasurf0#" ascii $m1 = "main.bindata_read" fullword ascii $m2 = "main.icon64_png" fullword ascii $m3 = "main.setProxy" fullword ascii $m4 = "main.openbrowser" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (2 of ($s*) or (all of ($m*) and 1 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Hello { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Hunt for Hello / WickrMe ransomware" strings: $s1 = "DeleteBackupFiles" ascii wide $s2 = "GetEncryptFiles" ascii wide $s3 = "DeleteVirtualDisks" ascii wide $s4 = "DismountVirtualDisks" ascii wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 3 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_ButeRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects ButeRAT" strings: $x1 = "TVqQAAMAA" ascii $s1 = "" wide $s2 = "/index.php" wide $s3 = "Copy-Item -Path" wide $s4 = ";Start-Process" wide $s5 = "Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup" wide $s6 = "LOCALAPPDATA" fullword wide $s7 = "passwords.json" wide $s8 = "Scripting.FileSystemObject" fullword wide $z1 = /(edge|chrome|opera|exodus|jaxx|atomic|coinomi)\.zip/ ascii wide nocase condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((1 of ($x*) or 1 of ($z*)) and (4 of ($s*)) or (6 of ($s*)) or (#z1 > 4 and 2 of them)) } rule MALWARE_Win_CookieStealer { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects generic cookie stealer" strings: $s1 = "([\\S]+?)=([^;|^\\r|^\\n]+)" fullword ascii $s2 = "(.+?): ([^;|^\\r|^\\n]+)" fullword ascii $s3 = "Set-Cookie: ([^\\r|^\\n]+)" fullword ascii $s4 = "cmd.exe /c taskkill /f /im chrome.exe" fullword ascii $s5 = "FIREFOX.EXE|Google Chrome|IEXPLORE.EXE" ascii $pdb1 = "F:\\facebook_svn\\trunk\\database\\Release\\DiskScan.pdb" fullword ascii $pdb2 = "D:\\Projects\\crxinstall\\trunk\\Release\\spoofpref.pdb" fullword ascii $ua1 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.140 Safari/537.36" fullword ascii $ua2 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.86 Safari/537.36" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((all of ($s*) and 1 of ($pdb*) and 1 of ($ua*)) or (all of ($ua*) and 1 of ($pdb*) and 2 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_BitCoinGrabber { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects generic bitcoin stealer" strings: $s1 = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run" wide $s2 = "Bitcoin-Grabber" ascii $s3 = "Bitcoin_Grabber" ascii $s4 = "encrypt resources [compress]T" fullword ascii $s5 = "code control flow obfuscationT" fullword ascii $s6 = "\\Users\\lakol\\Desktop\\a\\Crypto Currency Wallet Changer\\" ascii $pat1 = "\\b(bc1|[13])[a-zA-HJ-NP-Z0-9]{26,35}\\b" fullword wide $pat2 = "\\b0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}\\b" fullword wide $pat3 = "\\b4([0-9]|[A-B])(.){93}\\b" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 4 of ($s*) or (all of ($pat*) and 2 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_FOXGRABBER { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects FOXGRABBER utility" strings: $s1 = "start grabbing" wide $s2 = "end grabbing in" wide $s3 = "error of copying files from comp:" wide $s4 = "\\Firefox\\" wide nocase $pdb1 = "\\obj\\Debug\\grabff.pdb" ascii $pdb2 = "\\obj\\Release\\grabff.pdb" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($s*) or (1 of ($pdb*) and 1 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_BrowserGrabber { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Hunt for FOXGRABBER-like samples but for various browsers" strings: $s1 = "start grabbing" wide $s2 = "end grabbing in" wide $s3 = "error of copying files from comp:" wide $s4 = /(Chrome|Edge)/ wide $ff = "\\Firefox\\" wide nocase $pdb1 = "\\obj\\Debug\\grab" ascii $pdb2 = "\\obj\\Release\\grab" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and not ($ff) and (all of ($s*) or (1 of ($pdb*) and 1 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_DeathRansom { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects known DeathRansom ransomware" strings: $s1 = "%s %f %c" fullword ascii $pdb1 = ":\\wud.pdb" ascii $spdb2 = "\\crypt_server\\runtime\\crypt" ascii $spdb3 = "\\bin\\nuvin.pdb" ascii $h1 = "#Dunubeyokunov" wide $h2 = "^Neyot dehipijakeyelih" wide $h3 = "talin%Sanovurenofibiw" wide $h4 = "WriteFile" fullword ascii $h5 = "ClearEventLogA" fullword ascii $h6 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/34.0" ascii wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($pdb*) or (all of ($s*) and 1 of ($pdb*)) or 5 of ($h*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_UnlockYourFiles { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects UnlockYourFiles ransomware" strings: $s1 = "filesx0" wide $s2 = "_auto_file" wide $s3 = "" fullword wide $s4 = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\FileExts\\" wide $s5 = "DecryptAllFile" fullword ascii $s6 = "AES_Only_Decrypt_File" fullword ascii $m1 = "Free files decrypted" wide $m2 = "Restore my files" wide $m3 = "Type tour password..." wide $m4 = "files encrypted by strong password" ascii $m5 = "buy bitcoin" ascii $m6 = "Unlock File" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (4 of ($s*) or 5 of ($m*) or (2 of ($s*) and 2 of ($m*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_DecryptMyFiles { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects DecryptMyFiles ransomware" strings: $s1 = "FILES ENCRYPTED" wide $s2 = "pexplorer.exe" fullword wide $s3 = "uniquesession" fullword ascii $s4 = ".[]." fullword ascii $s5 = "decrypt 1 file" ascii $s6 = "(databases,backups, large excel" ascii $c1 = "api/connect.php" ascii $c2 = "" ascii $c3 = "/contact/" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (4 of ($s*) or all of ($c*) or (2 of ($c*) and 2 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Motocos { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Motocos ransomware" strings: $s1 = "Block Investigation Tools" wide $s2 = "powershell.exe,taskmgr.exe,procexp.exe,procmon.exe" wide $s3 = ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,," wide $s4 = "START ----" wide $s5 = "TEngine.Clear_EventLog_Result" wide $s6 = "TEngine.EncryptLockFiles" wide $s7 = "TEngine.CleanShadowFiles" wide $s8 = "TDNSUtils.SendCommand" wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 4 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_DLAgent12 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects downloader agent" strings: $s1 = "WebClient" fullword ascii $s2 = "DownloadData" fullword ascii $s3 = "packet_server" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them and filesize < 50KB } rule MALWARE_Win_DLInjector01 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects specific downloader injector shellcode" strings: $s1 = "process call create \"%s\"" ascii wide $s2 = "\\REGISTRY\\MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Enum\\" ascii wide $s3 = "%systemroot%\\system32\\ntdll.dll" ascii wide $s4 = "qemu-ga.exe" ascii wide $s5 = "prl_tools.exe" ascii wide $s6 = "vboxservice.exe" ascii wide $o1 = { 75 04 74 02 38 6e 8b 34 24 83 c4 04 eb 0a 08 81 } $o2 = { 16 f8 f7 ba f0 3d 87 c7 95 13 b7 64 22 be e1 59 } $o3 = { 8b 0c 24 83 c4 04 eb 05 ea f2 eb ef 05 e8 ad fe } $o4 = { eb 05 1d 51 eb f5 ce e8 80 fd ff ff 77 a1 f4 cd } $o5 = { eb 05 6e 33 eb f5 73 e8 64 f6 ff ff 77 a1 f4 77 } $o6 = { 59 eb 05 fd 98 eb f4 50 e8 d5 f5 ff ff 3b b9 00 } $o7 = "bYkoDA7G" fullword ascii condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of ($o*)) or (all of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_DLInjector02 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects downloader injector" strings: $x1 = "In$J$ct0r" fullword wide $x2 = "%InJ%ector%" fullword wide $a1 = "WriteProcessMemory" fullword wide $a2 = "URLDownloadToFileA" fullword ascii $a3 = "Wow64SetThreadContext" fullword wide $a4 = "VirtualAllocEx" fullword wide $s1 = "RunPE" fullword wide $s2 = "SETTINGS" fullword wide $s3 = "net.pipe" fullword wide $s4 = "vsmacros" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (1 of ($x*) or (all of ($a*) and 3 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Nermer { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Nermer ransomware" strings: $x1 = "gPROTECT_INFO.TXT" fullword wide $x2 = ".nermer" fullword wide $s1 = "db_journal" fullword wide $s2 = "quicken2015backup" fullword wide $s3 = "mysql" fullword wide $s4 = "sas7bdat" fullword wide $s5 = "httpd.exe" fullword wide $s6 = "Intuit.QuickBooks.FCS" fullword wide $s7 = "convimage" fullword wide $s8 = ".?AV?$_Binder@U_Unforced@std@@P8shares_t@" ascii $s9 = "BgIAAACkAABSU0ExAAgAAAEAAQCt" ascii $m1 = "YOUR FILES WERE ENCRYPTED" ascii $m2 = "MARKED BY EXTENSION .nermer" ascii $m3 = "send us your id: >> {id} <<" ascii $m4 = "email us: >> {email} <<" ascii $c1 = "/repeater.php" ascii $c2 = "HTTPClient/0.1" fullword ascii $c3 = "" ascii $c4 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($m*) or all of ($c*) or all of ($s*) or (4 of ($s*) and (1 of ($x*) or 1 of ($m*) or 2 of ($c*))) or 14 of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_Beastdoor { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Beastdoor backdoor" strings: $s1 = "shellx.pif" fullword ascii nocase $s2 = "Beasty" fullword ascii $s3 = "* Boot:[" ascii $s4 = "^ Shut Down:[" ascii $s5 = "set cdaudio door" ascii $s6 = "This \"Portable Network Graphics\" image is not valid" wide $n1 = "" ascii $n2 = "" ascii $n3 = "&fromemail=" fullword ascii $n4 = "&subject=" fullword ascii $n5 = "&Send=" fullword ascii $n6 = "POST /scripts/WWPMsg.dll HTTP/1.0" fullword ascii $n7 = "" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($s*) or 5 of ($n*) or (3 of ($s*) and 3 of ($n*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_GravityRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects GravityRAT" strings: $s1 = "/GX/GX-Server.php?VALUE=2&Type=" wide $s2 = "&SIGNATUREHASH=" wide $s3 = "Error => CommonFunctionClass => Upload()" wide $s4 = "/GetActiveDomains.php" wide $s5 = "DetectVM" ascii wide $s6 = "/c {0} > {1}" wide $s7 = "DRIVEUPLOADCOMPLETED => TOTALFILES={0}, FILESUPLOADED={1}" wide $s8 = "Program => RunAFile()" wide $s9 = "DoViaCmd" ascii $s10 = "" wide $f1 = "b__" ascii $f2 = "b__" ascii $f3 = "b__" ascii $f4 = "b__" ascii $f5 = "b__" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (5 of ($s*) or (all of ($f*) and 1 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_FatalRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects FatalRAT" strings: $x1 = "XXAcQbcXXfRSScR" fullword ascii $s1 = "CHROME_NO_DATA" fullword ascii $s2 = "CHROME_UNKNOW" fullword ascii $s3 = "-Thread running..." ascii $s4 = "InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess" ascii nocase $s5 = "MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature" ascii nocase $s6 = "taskkill /f /im rundll32.exe" fullword ascii nocase $s7 = "del /s /f %appdata%\\Mozilla\\Firefox" ascii nocase $s8 = "\\\\%s\\C$\\" ascii $s9 = "fnGetChromeUserInfo" fullword ascii $s10 = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Svchost" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((1 of ($x*) and 3 of ($s*)) or 5 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_WinGo { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects malicious Golang executables" strings: $s1 = "Go build ID:" ascii $s2 = /main\.[a-z]{9}Delete/ fullword ascii $s3 = /main\.[a-z]{9}Update/ fullword ascii $s4 = /main\.[a-z]{9}rundll/ fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of them and #s2 > 2 and #s3 > 2 and #s4 > 2) } rule MALWARE_Win_GENERIC03 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects unknown malicious executables" strings: $s1 = "lbroscfg.dll" wide $s2 = "cmd /c ping & del /f /q \"" fullword wide $s3 = "E:\\Data\\Sysceo\\AD\\" fullword ascii $s4 = "C++\\Browser_noime\\" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 3 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_PandaStealer { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Panda Stealer" strings: $s1 = "\\tokens.txt" fullword ascii $s2 = "user.config" fullword ascii $s3 = "Discord\\" ascii $s4 = "%s\\etilqs_" fullword ascii $s5 = "buildSettingGrabber" ascii $s6 = "buildSettingSteam" ascii $s7 = ".?AV?$_Ref_count_obj2@U_Recursive_dir_enum_impl@filesystem@std@@@" ascii $s8 = "UPDATE %Q.%s SET sql = substr(sql,1,%d) || ', ' || %Q || substr" ascii $s9 = "|| substr(name,%d+18) ELSE name END WHERE tbl_name=%Q AND (" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 5 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_Gelsemine { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Gelsemine" strings: $s1 = "If any of these steps fails.only pick one of the targets for configuration\"If you want to just get on with it*which also use [ " wide $s2 = "A make implementation+with core modules (please read NOTES.PER_L)2The per_l Text::Template (please read NOTES.PER_L)" wide $s3 = "NOTES.VMS (OpenVMS)!NOTES.WIN (any supported Windows)%NOTES.DJGPP (DOS platform with DJGPP)'NOTES.ANDROID (obviously Android [ND" wide $s4 = "A simple example would be this)which is to be understood as one of these" fullword wide $s5 = "bala bala bala" fullword wide $s6 = "echo FOO" fullword wide $s7 = "?_Tidy@?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V" ascii $o1 = { eb 08 c7 44 24 34 fd ff ff ff 8b 44 24 54 8b 4c } $o2 = { eb 08 c7 44 24 34 fd ff ff ff 8b 44 24 54 8b 4c } $o3 = { 8b 76 08 2b f0 a1 34 ff 40 00 03 f0 89 35 38 ff } $o4 = { 83 c4 34 c3 8b 4e 20 6a 05 e8 73 10 00 00 8b 76 } $o5 = { 8b 44 24 44 2b d1 03 d0 8b f2 e9 14 ff ff ff 8d } $o6 = { 68 00 06 00 00 6a 00 e8 d3 ff ff ff a2 48 00 41 } condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (6 of ($s*) or (all of ($o*) and 2 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Gelsenicine { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Gelsenicine" strings: $s1 = "System/" fullword wide $s2 = "Windows/" fullword wide $s3 = "CommonAppData/" fullword wide $s5 = ".?AUEmbeddedResource@@" fullword ascii $ms1 = "pulse" fullword wide $ms2 = "mainpath" fullword wide $ms3 = "mainpath64" fullword wide $ms4 = "pluginkey" fullword wide $o1 = { 48 8d 54 24 68 48 8b 4c 39 10 e8 4d ff ff ff 44 } $o2 = { 48 8d 54 24 30 48 8b cb e8 34 f2 ff ff 84 c0 74 } $o3 = { 48 c7 44 24 ?? fe ff ff ff 49 8b f0 48 8b d9 ?? } $o4 = { 89 44 24 30 89 44 24 34 48 8b 53 08 48 85 d2 48 } $o5 = { ff ff ff ff 49 f7 d1 4c 23 f8 8b 43 10 48 8b e9 } $o6 = { 83 c4 24 85 c0 74 3c 8b 0b 8b 41 34 8b 4d 34 2b } $o7 = { 8b 45 34 8b 53 fc 50 8b cf 6a 04 68 00 10 00 00 } $o8 = { 80 74 1f 8b 4e 34 8b 54 24 18 25 ff ff 00 00 51 } $o9 = { eb 47 8b 4c 24 14 8b 56 34 52 8d 3c 08 8b 44 24 } $o10 = { 8b 44 24 0c 5d 5e 5b 83 c4 10 c3 8b 4e 34 51 57 } $o11 = { 6a 03 53 53 56 68 34 00 e4 74 ff 15 80 d0 e3 74 } condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((all of ($s*) and (3 of ($ms*) or 4 of ($o*))) or (all of ($ms*) and 2 of ($s*) and 3 of ($o*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Gelsevirine { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Gelsevirine" strings: $s1 = /64loadpath(xp|sv|7)/ fullword wide $s2 = "{\"Actions\":[]}" fullword wide $s3 = "PlatformsChunk" fullword wide $s4 = "CurrentPluginCategory" fullword wide $s5 = "CurrentOperationPlatform" fullword wide $s6 = "PersistencePlugins" fullword wide $s7 = "memory_library_file" fullword wide $s8 = "LoadPluginBP" fullword ascii $s9 = "GetOperationBasicInformation" fullword ascii $s10 = "commonappdata/Intel/Runtime" wide $s11 = "cfsst x64" fullword wide $s12 = "ForkOperation" fullword ascii $c1 = ";;;;" wide $c2 = " 3 and 4 of them))) } rule MALWARE_Win_KlingonRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects KlingonRAT" strings: $go = "Go build ID:" ascii $s1 = "/UCRelease/src/client/uac/once/" $s2 = "%T\\AppData\\Local\\Windows Update\\" $s3 = "%TSoftware\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Image File Execution Options\\" $s4 = "wmic /namespace:'\\\\root\\subscription' PATH" $s5 = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\fodhelper.exeCaption,ParentProcessId,ProcessId" $s6 = "ldpro.exelsass.exeluall.exeluspt.exe" $s7 = "scangui.exedeps/lsass.exeetrustcipe.exefile" $s8 = "alogserv.exeaplica32.exeapvxdwin.exeatro55en.exeautodown.exeavconsol.exeavgserv9.exeavkwctl9.exeavltmain.exeavpdos32.exeavsynmgr.exeavwupd32.exeavwupsrv.exe" $c1 = "%s/keyLogger?machineId=%s" ascii $c2 = "%s/stealer?machineId=%s" ascii $c3 = "%s/lsass?machineId=%s" ascii $c4 = "%s/logger?machineId=%s" ascii $c5 = "%s/machineInfo?machineId=%s" ascii $c6 = "failurehttps://%s:%d/botif-modified-sinceillegal" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ($go) and (3 of ($c*) or 5 of ($s*) or (3 of ($s*) and 1 of ($c*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_XFiles { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects X-Files infostealer (formerly BotSh1zoid)" strings: $x1 = "\\BotSh1zoid\\" ascii $x2 = "\\BuildPacker.pdb" ascii $x3 = "\\Svc_host.pdb" ascii nocase $s1 = "WDefender" fullword ascii $s2 = "CheckDefender" fullword ascii $s3 = "RunPS" fullword ascii $s4 = "DownloadFile" fullword ascii $v1_1 = "(.*)" wide $v1_2 = "Grabber\\" wide $v1_3 = "/log.php" wide $v1_4 = /Browsers\\(Logins|Cards|Cookies)/ wide $v1_5 = "b__" ascii $v1_6 = "record_header_field" fullword ascii $v1_7 = "JavaScreenshotiptReader" fullword ascii $v1_8 = "HTTPDebuggerPro" wide $v1_9 = "IEInspector" wide $v1_10 = "Fiddler" wide $v2_1 = /get_(Cookie|Logins|Cards)Path/ fullword ascii $v2_2 = "get_AllScreens" fullword ascii $v2_3 = "{0}_{1}_{2}.zip" fullword wide $v2_4 = "\\Stealer" fullword wide $g1 = "$983a3552-4ec3-4936-bd4a-8e6fd67b4c67" fullword ascii $g2 = "$a5d9ca4d-400f-4e07-8c09-a916b548f2e3" fullword ascii $g3 = "$ebc25cf6-9120-4283-b972-0e5520d0000C" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((1 of ($x*) and (3 of ($s*) or 3 of ($v1*) or 3 of ($v2*))) or 7 of ($v1*) or 3 of ($v2*) or (2 of ($g*) and 3 of them)) } rule MALWARE_Win_AllaKore { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects AllaKore" strings: $x1 = "AllaKore Remote - Chat" fullword wide $x2 = "AllaKore Remote - Share Files" fullword wide $x3 = "CYRUS - Chat" fullword wide $x4 = "CYRUS - Share Files" fullword wide $x5 = "<|REDIRECT|><|GETFOLDERS|>" fullword wide $x6 = "<|REDIRECT|><|DOWNLOADFILE|>" fullword wide $x7 = "<|REDIRECT|><|WHEELMOUSE|>" fullword wide $x8 = "<|REDIRECT|><|SETMOUSE" wide $x9 = "<|CHECKIDPASSWORD|>" fullword wide $x10 = "<|KEYBOARDSOCKET|>" fullword wide $x11 = "<|REDIRECT|><|CLIPBOARD|>" fullword wide $x12 = "<|IDEXISTS!REQUESTPASSWORD|>" fullword wide $x13 = "<|GETFULLSCREENSHOT|>" fullword wide $x14 = "<|MAINSOCKET|>" fullword ascii $s1 = "You can not connect with yourself!" wide $s2 = "Waiting for authentication..." wide $s3 = "Connected support!" wide $s4 = "ID does nor exists." wide $s5 = "Finding the ID..." wide $s6 = "PC is Busy!" wide $s7 = "Upload & Execute" fullword ascii $s8 = "Download file selected" fullword ascii $s9 = "CaptureKeys_TimerTimer" fullword ascii $s10 = "Remote File Manager" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (4 of ($x*) or 4 of ($s*) or (3 of ($s*) and 2 of ($x*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_ReverseRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects ReverseRAT" strings: $pdb1 = "\\ReverseRat.pdb" ascii nocase $pdb2 = "\\ReverseRat\\obj\\" ascii nocase $s1 = "processCmd" fullword ascii $s2 = "CmdOutputDataHandler" fullword ascii $s3 = "sendingProcess" fullword ascii $s4 = "SetStartup" fullword ascii $s5 = "RunServer" fullword ascii $s6 = "_OutputDataReceived" ascii $s7 = { 63 00 6d 00 64 00 2e 00 65 00 78 00 65 00 00 03 0a 00 00 13 74 00 65 00 72 00 6d 00 69 00 6e 00 61 00 74 00 65 00 00 09 65 00 78 00 69 00 74 00 } condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((1 of ($pdb*) and 2 of ($s*)) or 5 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_SmokeLoader { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects SmokeLoader variants" strings: $x1 = "G2A/CLP/05/RYS" fullword wide // mutex $x2 = "0N1Y/53R10U5/BU51N355" fullword wide // mutex $x3 = "CH4PG3PB-6HT2VI9C-O2NL2NO5-QP1BW0EG" fullword wide // mutex $s1 = "Azure-Update-Task" fullword wide $s2 = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\schtasks.exe" fullword wide $s3 = "/C /create /F /sc minute /mo 1 /tn \"" fullword wide $s4 = "\\Microsoft\\Network" fullword wide $s5 = "\\Microsoft\\TelemetryServices" fullword wide $s6 = "\" /tr \"" fullword wide $e1 = "\\sqlcmd.exe" fullword wide $e2 = "\\sihost.exe" fullword wide $e3 = "\\fodhelper.exe" fullword wide //$o1 = { 6a 34 59 66 39 0e 75 7c 0f b7 46 02 6a 30 5a 83 } //$o2 = { 5e c9 c3 56 8d 85 f8 fd ff ff 50 8d 85 f0 fb ff } //$o3 = { 8b d9 eb 03 8b 5d ec 0f b7 c2 89 45 ec 0f b7 c2 } //$o4 = { 8b 5d fc 66 89 04 77 46 eb 2a 8b 5d fc 85 db 74 } condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((1 of ($x*) and 4 of ($s*)) or (5 of ($s*) and 1 of ($e*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_DLInjector03 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects unknown loader / injector" strings: $x1 = "LOADER ERROR" fullword ascii $s1 = "_ZN6curlpp10OptionBaseC2E10CURLoption" fullword ascii $s2 = "The procedure entry point %s could not be located in the dynamic link library %s" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them } rule MALWARE_Win_CoinMiner02 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects coinmining malware" strings: $s1 = "%s/%s (Windows NT %lu.%lu" fullword ascii $s2 = "\\Microsoft\\Libs\\WR64.sys" wide $s3 = "\\\\.\\WinRing0_" wide $s4 = "pool_wallet" ascii $s5 = "cryptonight" ascii $s6 = "mining.submit" ascii $c1 = "stratum+ssl://" ascii $c2 = "daemon+http://" ascii $c3 = "stratum+tcp://" ascii $c4 = "socks5://" ascii $c5 = "losedaemon+https://" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (3 of ($s*) and 1 of ($c*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_Mercurial { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Mercurial infostealer" strings: $x1 = "mercurial grabber" wide nocase $x2 = "\"text\":\"Mercurial Grabber |" wide $x3 = "/nightfallgt/mercurial-grabber" wide $s1 = "/LimerBoy/Adamantium-Thief/" ascii $s2 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X x.y; rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/42.0" fullword wide $s3 = "StealCookies" fullword ascii $s4 = "StealPasswords" fullword ascii $s5 = "DetectDebug" fullword ascii $s6 = "CaptureScreen" fullword ascii $s7 = "WebhookContent" fullword ascii $s8 = /Grab(Token|Product|IP|Hardware)/ fullword ascii $p1 = "[\\w-]{24}\\.[\\w-]{6}\\.[\\w-]{27}" fullword ascii wide $p2 = "mfa\\.[\\w-]{84}" fullword ascii wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (1 of ($x*) or 5 of ($s*) or (all of ($p*) and 3 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Phonzy { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects specific downloader agent" strings: $ua1 = "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux" wide $s1 = "" fullword wide $s2 = "WebClient" fullword ascii $s3 = "WriteAllText" fullword ascii $s4 = "DownloadString" fullword ascii $s5 = "WriteByte" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($s*) or (1 of ($ua*) and ($s1) and 2 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Hive { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Hive ransomware" strings: $url1 = "http://hivecust" ascii $url2 = "http://hiveleakdb" ascii $s1 = "encrypt_files.go" ascii $s2 = "erase_key.go" ascii $s3 = "kill_processes.go" ascii $s4 = "remove_shadow_copies.go" ascii $s5 = "stop_services_windows.go" ascii $s6 = "remove_itself_windows.go" ascii $x1 = "/encryptor/" ascii $x2 = "HOW_TO_DECRYPT.txt" ascii $x3 = "FilesEncrypted" fullword ascii $x4 = "EncryptionStarted" fullword ascii $x5 = "encryptFilesGroup" fullword ascii $x6 = "Your data will be undecryptable" ascii $x7 = "- Do not fool yourself. Encryption has perfect secrecy" ascii $v1_1 = ".EncryptFiles." ascii $v1_2 = ".EncryptFilename." ascii $v1_3 = ")*struct { F uintptr; .autotmp_14 string }" ascii $v1_4 = "D*struct { F uintptr; data *[]uint8; seed *uint8; fnc *main.decFunc }" ascii $v1_5 = "" ascii $v1_6 = "path/filepath.WalkDir" ascii $v2_1 = "taskkill /f /im" ascii $v2_2 = "schtasks /delete /tn" ascii $v2_3 = "encfile.txt" ascii $v2_4 = "README.html" ascii $v2_5 = "total encrypt %v/%v" ascii $v2_6 = "ITSSHOWKEY" ascii $v2_7 = "Recovery your files." ascii $v2_8 = "yaml:\"send_host\"" ascii // send_host: "" $v2_9 = "yaml:\"ignore_dir\"" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($url*) or all of ($s*) or 4 of ($x*) or 5 of ($v1*) or 5 of ($v2*) or (4 of ($v2*) and #v2_1 > 10)) } rule MALWARE_Win_Spyro { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Spyro / VoidCrypt / Limbozar ransomware" strings: $s1 = "Decrypt-info.txt" ascii wide $s2 = "AbolHidden" ascii wide $s3 = "C:\\ProgramData\\prvkey" ascii wide $s4 = ".?AV?$TF_CryptoSystemBase@VPK_Encryptor@CryptoPP" ascii $s5 = "C:\\Users\\LEGION\\" ascii $s6 = "C:\\ProgramData\\pkey.txt" fullword ascii $s7 = ".Spyro" fullword ascii $m1 = "Go to C:\\ProgramData\\ or in Your other Drives" wide $m2 = "saving prvkey.txt.key file will cause" wide $m3 = "in Case of no Answer:" wide $m4 = "send us prvkey*.txt.key" wide $m5 = "Somerhing went wrong while writing payload on disk" ascii $m6 = "this country is forbidden.\"}" ascii $c1 = "Voidcrypt/1.0" ascii $c2 = "" ascii $c3 = "/voidcrypt/index.php" ascii $c4 = "&user=" ascii $c5 = "&disk-size=" ascii $c6 = "unique-id=" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (5 of ($s*) or 4 of ($c*) or 3 of ($m*) or 8 of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_DarkVNC { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects DarkVNC" strings: $s1 = "USR-%s(%s)_%S-%S%u%u" fullword wide $s2 = "BOT-%s(%s)_%S-%S%u%u" fullword wide $s3 = "USR-UnicodeErr(Err)_%s-%s%u%u" fullword ascii $s4 = "BOT-UnicodeErr(Err)_%s-%s%u%u" fullword ascii $s5 = "PRM_STRG" fullword wide $s6 = "bot_shell >" ascii $s7 = "monitor_off / monitor_on" ascii $s8 = "kbd_off / kbd_on" ascii $s9 = "ActiveDll: Dll inject thread for process 0x%x terminated with status: %u" ascii $s10 = "PsSup: File %s successfully started with parameter \"%s\"" ascii $s11 = "PsSup: ShellExecute failed. File: %s, error %u" ascii $s12 = "#hvnc" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 5 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_RSJON { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects RSJON / Ryzerlo / HiddenTear ransomware" strings: $pdb1 = "C:\\Users\\brknc\\source\\repos\\" ascii $pdb2 = "\\rs-jon\\obj\\Debug\\rs-jon.pdb" ascii $pdb3 = "\\rs-jon\\obj\\Release\\rs-jon.pdb" ascii $x1 = "READ_ME_PLZ.txt" wide $x2 = "Files has been encrypted with rs-jon" wide $x3 = ".rsjon" wide $x4 = "bitcoins or kebab" wide $x5 = /rs[-_]jon/ fullword ascii wide $s1 = "SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE" fullword ascii $s2 = "SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER" fullword ascii $s3 = "bytesToBeEncrypted" fullword ascii // Same as Apsotle $s4 = "SendPassword" fullword ascii $s5 = "EncryptFile" ascii $s6 = "fWinIni" fullword ascii $s7 = "BTCAdress" fullword ascii $s8 = "self_destruck" fullword ascii // Simialr to Apsotle (SelfDelete) $c1 = "?computer_name=" wide $c2 = "&serialnumber=" wide $c3 = "&password=" wide $c4 = "&allow=ransom" wide $c5 = "://" wide $c6 = "/rnsm/write.php" wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (3 of ($x*) or 6 of ($s*) or 4 of ($c*) or (2 of ($c*) and 4 of ($s*)) or (1 of ($pdb*) and 1 of them)) } rule MALWARE_Win_BoxCaon { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects IndigoZebra BoxCaon" strings: $s1 = "" fullword wide $s2 = "" fullword wide $s3 = "C:\\Users\\Public\\%d\\" fullword wide $s4 = "" fullword wide $s5 = "/2/files/upload" fullword wide $ts1 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko" ascii wide $ts2 = "%s /A /C \"%s\" > %s" ascii wide $ts3 = "ersInfo" ascii wide $ts4 = "%svmpid%d.log" ascii wide $ts5 = "%scscode%d.log" ascii wide condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of ($s*)) or all of ($ts*) } rule MALWARE_Win_AvosLocker { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Hunt for AvosLocker ransomware" strings: $s1 = "GET_YOUR_FILES_BACK.txt" ascii wide $s2 = ".avos" fullword ascii wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them } rule MALWARE_Win_Diavol { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Diavol ransomware" strings: $s1 = "README_FOR_DECRYPT.txt" ascii wide nocase $s2 = ".lock64" fullword ascii wide $s3 = "LockMainDIB" ascii wide $s4 = "locker.divided" ascii wide $s5 = "%tob_dic%/" wide $s6 = "%cid_bot%" wide $m1 = "GENBOTID" ascii wide $m2 = "SHAPELISTS" ascii wide $m3 = "REGISTER" ascii wide $m4 = "FROMNET" ascii wide $m5 = "SERVPROC" ascii wide $m6 = "SMBFAST" ascii wide $c1 = "/Bnyar8RsK04ug/" fullword ascii $c2 = "/landing" fullword ascii $c3 = "/wipe" fullword ascii $c4 = "&ip_local1=" fullword ascii $c5 = "&group=" fullword ascii $c6 = "/BnpOnspQwtjCA/register" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (4 of ($s*) or 5 of ($m*) or 4 of ($c*) or 7 of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_MargulasRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects MargulasRAT" strings: $pdb1 = "G:\\VP-S-Fin\\memory\\" ascii $pdb2 = "G:\\VP-S-Fin\\Margulas\\" ascii $pdb3 = "G:\\VP-S-Fin\\remote" ascii $pdb4 = "G:\\VP-S-Fin\\" ascii $s1 = "/C choice /C Y /N /D Y /T 1 & Del " fullword wide $s2 = "strToHash" fullword ascii $s3 = "\\socking" fullword wide $s4 = "\\wininets" fullword wide $s5 = "ClientSocket" fullword ascii $s6 = "new Stream()" fullword wide $s7 = "CipherText" fullword ascii $s8 = "WriteAllBytes" fullword ascii $s9 = { 00 50 72 6f 63 65 73 73 00 45 78 69 73 74 73 00} $s10 = "pxR/THCwdLuruMmw8wB8xAUvbno1yPGBTOV9IoOkAp/n7+paQm74pkzlfSKDpAKfTOV9IoOkAp9M5X0ig6QCn0zlfSKDpAKfTOV9IoOkAp" wide $c1 = "" wide $c2 = "://" wide $c3 = "://" wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((1 of ($pdb*) and (1 of ($c*) or 3 of ($s*))) or (1 of ($c*) and 3 of ($s*)) or (6 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_LilithRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects LilithRAT" hash1 = "132870a1ae6a0bdecaa52c03cfe97a47df8786f148fa8ca113ac2a8d59e3624a" hash2 = "ab7b6e0b28995bdeea44f20c0aba47f95e1d6ba281af3541cd2c04dc6c2a3ad9" // actor testing? hash3 = "b2eeb487046ba1d341fb964069b7e83027b60003334e04e41b467e35c3d2460f" hash4 = "cebcda044c60b709ba4ee0fa9e1e7011a6ffc17285bcc0948d27f866ec8d8f20" strings: $pdb1 = "c:\\Users\\Groovi\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2008\\Projects\\TestDll\\" ascii $pdb2 = "C:\\Users\\iceberg\\Downloads\\RAT-Server-master\\RAT-Server-master\\RAT\\Debug\\RAT.pdb" ascii $pdb3 = "C:\\Users\\Samy\\Downloads\\Compressed\\Lilith-master\\Debug\\Lilith.pdb" ascii $s1 = "log.txt" fullword ascii $s2 = "keylog.txt" fullword ascii $s3 = "File Listing Completed Successfully." fullword ascii $s4 = "Download Execute" fullword ascii $s5 = "File Downloaded and Executed Successfully." fullword ascii $s6 = "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe" fullword ascii $s7 = "CMD session closed" ascii $s8 = "Restart requested: Restarting self" fullword ascii $s9 = "Termination requested: Killing self" fullword ascii $s10 = "Couldn't write to CMD: CMD not open" fullword ascii $s11 = "keydump" fullword ascii $s12 = "remoteControl" fullword ascii $s13 = "packettype" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (1 of ($pdb*) or 6 of ($s*) or (1 of ($pdb*) and 4 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_EpicenterRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects EpicenterRAT" strings: $pdb1 = "c:\\Users\\Zombie\\Desktop\\MutantNinja\\" ascii $pdb2 = "\\Epicenter Client\\" ascii $s1 = "PROCESS_LIST<%SEP%>" fullword wide $s2 = "GETREADY_RECV_FILE<%SEP%>" fullword wide $s3 = "DISPLAY<%SEP%>" wide $s4 = "GETSCREEN<%SEP%>" fullword wide $s5 = "dumpImageName" fullword ascii $s6 = "dumpLoc" fullword ascii $s7 = "EXPECT<%SEP%>filelist<%SEP%>" fullword wide $s8 = "<%FSEP%>FOLDER<%FSEP%>-<%SEP%>" fullword wide $s9 = "KILLPROC<%SEP%>" fullword wide $s10 = "LAUNCHPROC<%SEP%>" fullword wide $s11 = "cmd.exe /c start /b " fullword wide $s12 = "savservice" fullword wide $s13 = "getvrs" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (1 of ($pdb*) or 5 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_LastConn { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects LastConn" strings: $s1 = "System.Net.Http.SysSR" fullword wide $s2 = "System.Net.Http.WrSR" fullword wide $s3 = "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss.FFFFFFFK" fullword wide $s4 = { 63 00 6f 00 6e 00 74 00 65 00 6e 00 74 00 0c 6e 00 6f 00 74 00 69 00 66 00 79 00 04 06 12 80 e8 05 00 00 12 80 e8 08 75 00 73 00 65 00 72 00 08 74 00 65 00 61 00 6d 00 06 61 00 70 00 70 00 0c 6e 00 6f 00 61 00 75 00 74 00 68 00 } $s5 = { 68 00 69 00 64 00 64 00 65 00 6e 00 10 64 00 69 00 73 00 61 00 6c 00 6c 00 6f 00 77 00 0e 65 00 78 00 74 00 65 00 6e 00 64 00 73 00 04 69 00 64 00 16 75 00 6e 00 69 00 71 00 75 00 65 00 49 00 74 00 65 00 6d 00 73 } $s6 = "d__" ascii $s7 = "d__" ascii $s8 = "d__" ascii $s9 = "d__" ascii $s10 = "d__" ascii $s12 = "d__" ascii $s13 = "d__" ascii $s14 = "d__" ascii $s15 = "CDropbox.Api.DropboxRequestHandler+d__" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 12 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_CrimsonRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects CrimsonRAT" strings: $s1 = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run|" fullword wide $s2 = "system volume information|" fullword wide $s3 = "program files (x86)|" fullword wide $s4 = "program files|" fullword wide $s5 = "(connect|command|drives|getfiles|upload|execute|download)/ fullword wide $x2 = "aHR0cDovLzE0NC45MS42NS4xMDAv" wide $x3 = "aHR0cDovL21mYWhvc3QuZGRucy5uZXQv" wide $f1 = "b__" ascii $f2 = "b__" ascii $f3 = "b__" ascii $f4 = "b__" ascii $f5 = "b__" ascii $f6 = "b__" ascii $f7 = "b__" ascii $s1 = "beaconURL" ascii $s2 = "PingReply" ascii $s3 = "updateUpload" ascii $s4 = "updateCommand" ascii $s5 = "runCommand" ascii $s6 = "uploadFile" ascii $s7 = "SELECT * FROM MSFT_NetAdapter WHERE ConnectorPresent = True AND DeviceID = '{0}'" fullword wide $s8 = "SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion" fullword wide $s9 = "Mozilla/3.0" fullword wide $s10 = "|directory|N/A|" fullword wide $s11 = "cmd.exe /c" fullword wide $c1 = /Content-Disposition: form-data; name=(hostname|hid|id|action|secondary)/ fullword wide $c2 = /(classification|updatecs|update|beacon)\.php/ wide $c3 = "Content-Disposition: form-data;name=\"{0}\";filename=\"{1}\"filepath=\"{2}\"" fullword wide $pdb1 = "D:\\Projects\\C#\\HTTP-Simple\\WindowsMediaPlayer - HTTP - " ascii $pdb2 = "\\WindowsMediaPlayer10\\obj\\x86\\Release\\winow4.pdb" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (#x1 > 5 or (all of ($f*) and (1 of ($s*) or 2 of ($c*))) or 7 of ($s*) or all of ($c*) or (all of ($pdb*) and 4 of them) or ( 2 of ($x*) and 5 of them)) } rule MALWARE_Win_Nodachi { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Nodachi infostealer" strings: $x1 = "//AppData//Roaming//kavachdb//kavach.db" ascii $s1 = "/upload/drive/v3/files/{fileId}" ascii $s2 = "main.getTokenFromWeb" ascii $s3 = "main.tokenFromFile" ascii $s4 = "/goLazagne/" ascii $s5 = "/extractor/withoutdrive/main.go" ascii $s6 = "struct { Hostname string \"json:\\\"hostname\\\"\"; EncryptedUsername string \"json:\\\"encryptedUsername\\\"\"; EncryptedPassword string \"json:\\\"encryptedPassword\\\"\" }" ascii $s7 = "C://Users//public//cred.json" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((1 of ($x*) and 3 of ($s*)) or (4 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_IAmTheKingQueenOfHearts { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "IAmTheKing Queen Of Hearts payload" strings: $s1 = "{'session':[{'name':'" ascii $s2 = "begin mainthread ok" wide $s3 = "getcommand error" wide $s4 = "querycode error" wide $s5 = "Code = %d" wide $s6 = "cookie size :%d" wide $s7 = "send request error:%d" wide $s8 = "PmMytex%d" wide $s9 = "%s_%c%c%c%c_%d" wide $s10 = "?what@exception@std@@UBEPBDXZ" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 6 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_IAmTheKingQueenOfClubs { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "IAmTheKing Queen Of Clubs payload" strings: $s1 = "Not Support!" fullword wide $s2 = "%s|%s|%s|%s" fullword wide $s3 = "cmd.exe" fullword wide $s4 = "for(;;){$S=Get-Content \"%s\";IF($S){\"\" > \"%s\";$t=iex $S 2>\"%s\";$t=$t+' ';echo $t >>\"%s\";}sleep -m " wide $s5 = "PowerShell.exe -nop -c %s" fullword wide $s6 = "%s \"%s\" Df" fullword wide $s7 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 5 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_IAmTheKing { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "IAmTheKing payload" strings: $s1 = "DeleteFile \"%s\" Failed,Err=%d" wide $s2 = "DeleteFile \"%s\" Success" wide $s3 = "ExcuteFile \"%s\" Failed,Err=%d" wide $s4 = "ExcuteFile \"%s\" Success" wide $s5 = "CreateDownLoadFile \"%s\" Failed,Error=%d" wide $s6 = "uploadFile \"%s\" Failed,errorcode=%d" wide $s7 = "CreateUpLoadFile \"%s\" Success" wide $s8 = "im the king" ascii $s9 = "dont disturb me" fullword ascii $s10 = "kill me or love me" fullword ascii $s11 = "please leave me alone" fullword ascii $s12 = "calculate the NO." fullword ascii $s13 = "\\1-driver-vmsrvc" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 7 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_GoBrut { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects unknown Go multi-bruteforcer bot (StealthWorker / GoBrut) against multiple systems: QNAP, MagOcart, WordPress, Opencart, Bitrix, Postgers, MySQL, Drupal, Joomla, SSH, FTP, Magneto, CPanel" strings: $x1 = "/src/StealthWorker/Worker" ascii $x2 = "/go/src/Cloud_Checker/" ascii $x3 = "brutXmlRpc" ascii $s1 = "main.WPBrut" ascii $s2 = "main.WPChecker" ascii $s3 = "main.WooChecker" ascii $s4 = "main.StandartBrut" ascii $s5 = "main.StandartBackup" ascii $s6 = "main.WpMagOcartType" ascii $s7 = "main.StandartAdminFinder" ascii $w1 = "/WorkerQnap_brut/main.go" ascii $w2 = "/WorkerHtpasswd_brut/main.go" ascii $w3 = "/WorkerOpencart_brut/main.go" ascii $w4 = "/WorkerBitrix_brut/main.go" ascii $w5 = "/WorkerPostgres_brut/main.go" ascii $w6 = "/WorkerMysql_brut/main.go" ascii $w7 = "/WorkerFTP_brut/main.go" ascii $w8 = "/WorkerSSH_brut/main.go" ascii $w9 = "/WorkerDrupal_brut/main.go" ascii $w10 = "/WorkerJoomla_brut/main.go" ascii $w11 = "/WorkerMagento_brut/main.go" ascii $w12 = "/WorkerWHM_brut/main.go" ascii $w13 = "/WorkerCpanel_brut/main.go" ascii $w14 = "/WorkerPMA_brut/main.go" ascii $w15 = "/WorkerWP_brut/main.go" ascii $p1 = "%s/project/saveGood?host=%s&login=%s&password=%s&service=cpanel" ascii $p2 = "%s/project/saveGood?host=%s&login=%s&password=%s&service=ftpBrut" ascii $p3 = "%s/project/saveGood?host=%s&login=%s&password=%s&service=mysql_b" ascii $p4 = "%s/project/saveGood?host=%s&login=%s&password=%s&service=qnapBrt" ascii $p5 = "%s/project/saveGood?host=%s&login=%s&password=%s&service=OCartBrt" ascii $p6 = "%s/project/saveGood?host=%s&login=%s&password=%s&service=phpadmin" ascii $p7 = "%s/project/saveGood?host=%s&login=%s&password=%s&service=bitrixBrt" ascii $p8 = "%s/project/saveGood?host=%s&login=%s&password=%s&service=drupalBrt" ascii $p9 = "%s/project/saveGood?host=%s&login=%s&password=%s&service=joomlaBrt" ascii $p10 = "%s/project/saveGood?host=%s&login=%s&password=%s&service=htpasswdBrt" ascii $p11 = "%s/project/saveGood?host=%s&login=%s&password=%s&service=magentoBrt" ascii $p12 = "%s/project/saveGood?host=%s&login=%s&password=%s&service=postgres_b" ascii $p13 = "AUTH_FORM=Y&TYPE=AUTH&USER_LOGIN=%s&USER_PASSWORD=%s&Login=&captcha_sid=&captcha_word=" ascii $p14 = "%qlog=%s&pwd=%s&wp-submit=Log In&redirect_to=%s/wp-admin/&testcookie=1" ascii $p15 = "name=%s&pass=%s&form_build_id=%s&form_id=user_login_form&op=Log" ascii $p16 = "username=%s&passwd=%s&option=com_login&task=login&return=%s&%s=1" ascii $v1_1 = "brutC" fullword ascii $v1_2 = "XmlRpc" fullword ascii $v1_3 = "shouldRetry$" ascii $v1_4 = "HttpC|%" ascii $v1_5 = "ftpH%_" ascii $v1_6 = "ssh%po" ascii $v1_7 = "?sevlyar/4-da" ascii condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d or uint16(0) == 0x457f) and ((2 of ($x*) and 3 of ($s*)) or all of ($s*) or 6 of ($w*) or 6 of ($p*) or 6 of ($v1*) or 12 of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_BioPass_Dropper { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Go BioPass dropper" strings: $go = "Go build ID:" ascii $s1 = "main.NetWorkStatus" ascii $s2 = "main.NoErrorRunFunction" ascii $s3 = "main.FileExist" ascii $s4 = "main.execute" ascii $s5 = "main.PsGenerator" ascii $s6 = "main.downFile" ascii $s7 = "main.Unzip" ascii $url1 = "" ascii $x1 = "SCHTASKS /Run /TN SYSTEM_CDAEMON" ascii $x2 = "SCHTASKS /Run /TN SYSTEM_SETTINGS" ascii $x3 = "SCHTASKS /Run /TN SYSTEM_TEST && SCHTASKS /DELETE /F /TN SYSTEM_TEST" ascii $x4 = ".exe /install /quiet /norestart" ascii $x5 = "exec(''import urllib.request;exec(urllib.request.urlopen(urllib.request.Request(\\''http" ascii $x6 = "powershell.exe -Command $" ascii $x7 = ".Path ='-----BEGIN RSA TESTING KEY-----" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($s*) or 5 of ($x*) or (1 of ($url*) and ($go)) or 9 of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_A310Logger { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects A310Logger" snort_sid = "920204-920207" strings: $s1 = "Temporary Directory * for" fullword wide $s2 = "HKCU\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnce\\*RD_" wide $s3 = "@ENTIFIER=" wide $s4 = "ExecQuery" fullword wide $s5 = "MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0" fullword wide $s6 = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"document\"; filename=\"" wide $s7 = "CopyHere" fullword wide $s8 = "] Error in" fullword wide $s9 = "shell.application" fullword wide nocase $s10 = "SetRequestHeader" fullword wide $s11 = "\\Ethereum\\keystore" fullword wide $s12 = "@TITLE Removing" fullword wide $s13 = "@RD /S /Q \"" fullword wide $en1 = "Unsupported encryption" fullword wide $en2 = "BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider(SHA1)" fullword wide $en3 = "BCryptGetProperty(ObjectLength)" fullword wide $en4 = "BCryptGetProperty(HashDigestLength)" fullword wide // varaint 1 $v1_1 = "PW\\FILES\\SC::" wide $v1_2 = "AddAttachment" fullword wide $v1_3 = "Started:" fullword wide $v1_4 = "Ended:" fullword wide $v1_5 = "sharedSecret" fullword wide $v1_6 = "\":\"([^\"]+)\"" fullword wide $v1_7 = "\\credentials.txt" fullword wide $v1_8 = "WritePasswords" fullword ascii $v1_9 = "sGeckoBrowserPaths" fullword ascii $v1_10 = "get_sPassword" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (7 of ($s*) or (3 of ($en*) and 4 of ($s*)) or (5 of ($s*) and 1 of ($en*)) or 5 of ($v1*) or (4 of ($v1*) and 2 of ($s*) and 2 of ($en*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_CryLock { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects CryLock ransomware" strings: $s1 = "Encrypted by BlackRabbit. (BR-" ascii $s2 = "{ENCRYPTENDED}" ascii $s3 = "{ENCRYPTSTART}" ascii $s4 = "<%UNDECRYPT_DATETIME%>" ascii $s5 = "<%RESERVE_CONTACT%>" ascii $s6 = "how_to_decrypt.hta" ascii wide $s7 = "END ENCRYPT ONLY EXTENATIONS" ascii $s8 = "END UNENCRYPT EXTENATIONS" ascii $s9 = "END COMMANDS LIST" ascii $s10 = "END PROCESSES KILL LIST" ascii $s11 = "END SERVICES STOP LIST" ascii $s12 = "END PROCESSES WHITE LIST" ascii $s13 = "END UNENCRYPT FILES LIST" ascii $s14 = "END UNENCRYPT FOLDERS LIST" ascii $s15 = "Encrypted files:" ascii $s16 = { 65 78 74 65 6e 61 74 69 6f 6e 73 00 ff ff ff ff 06 00 00 00 63 6f 6e 66 69 67 00 00 ff ff ff ff (0a|0d 0a) 00 00 00 63 6f 6e 66 69 67 2e 74 78 74 00 00 ff ff ff ff 03 00 00 00 68 74 61 } $p1 = "-exclude" fullword $p2 = "-makeff" fullword $p3 = "-full" fullword $p4 = "-nolocal" fullword $p5 = "-nolan" fullword $p6 = "\" -id \"" fullword $p7 = "\" -wid \"" fullword $p8 = "\"runas\"" fullword $p9 = " -f -s -t 00" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (3 of ($s*) or 6 of ($p*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_DeepRats { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects DeepRats (" hash1 = "1f8b7e1b14869d119c5de1f05330094899bd997fca4c322d852db85cbd9271e6" strings: $s1 = "" ascii $s2 = "" ascii $s3 = "" ascii $s4 = "socks5://%s:%d" ascii $s5 = "socks5://%s:%s@%s:%d" ascii $s6 = "http://%s:%d" ascii $s7 = "http://%s@%s:%d" ascii $s8 = "%SystemRoot%\\system32\\--CookieAuthentication" ascii $s9 = "tor_addr_" ascii $f1 = ".GetVnc" ascii $f2 = ".GetCommand" ascii $f3 = ".GetPayload" ascii $f4 = ".ListenCommands" ascii $f5 = ".ReceiveFile" ascii $f6 = ".RegisterImplant" ascii $f7 = ".Screenshot" ascii $f8 = ".SendFile" ascii $f9 = ".StartShell" ascii $f10 = ".UnregisterImplant" ascii $f11 = ".VncInstalled" ascii $f12 = ".PingPong" ascii $f13 = ".ListenCMD" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (7 of ($s*) or 8 of ($f*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_Gasket { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Gasket" strings: $s1 = "main.checkGasket" ascii $s2 = "main.connectGasket" ascii $s3 = "/cert/trust/dev/stderr/dev/stdout/index.html" ascii $f1 = ".SetPingHandler." ascii $f2 = ".SetPongHandler." ascii $f3 = ".computeMergeInfo." ascii $f4 = ".computeDiscardInfo." ascii $f5 = ".readPlatformMachineID." ascii $f6 = ".(*Session).establishStream." ascii $f7 = ".(*Session).handleGoAway." ascii $f8 = ".(*Stream).processFlags." ascii $f9 = ".(*Session).handlePing." ascii $f10 = ".(*windowsService).Install." ascii $f11 = ".(*windowsService).Uninstall." ascii $f12 = ".(*windowsService).Status." ascii $f13 = ".getStopTimeout." ascii $f14 = ".DialContext." ascii $f15 = ".WriteControl." ascii $f16 = ".(*Server).authenticate." ascii $f17 = ".(*Server).ServeConn." ascii $f18 = ".(*TCPProxy).listen." ascii $f19 = ".UserPassAuthenticator.Authenticate." ascii $f20 = ".(*InfoPacket).XXX_" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($s*) or 16 of ($f*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_SilentMoon { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects SilentMoon" strings: $s1 = "\\\\.\\Global\\PIPE\\" fullword wide $s2 = "REMOTE_NS:ERROR:%d" fullword ascii $s3 = "REMOTE:ERROR:%d" fullword ascii $s4 = "COMNAP,COMNODE,SQLQUERY,SPOOLSS,LLSRPC,browser" fullword wide $s5 = "Mem alloc err" fullword ascii $s6 = "block %d: crc = 0x%08x, combined CRC = 0x%08x, size = %d" ascii $x1 = "ACTION:UNSUPPORTED" fullword ascii $x2 = "?ServiceMain@@YAXKPAPA_W@Z" fullword ascii $x3 = "?ServiceCtrlHandler@@YGKKKPAX0@Z" fullword ascii $x4 = "%d socks, %d sorted, %d scanned" ascii $x5 = "GoldenSky" fullword wide $x6 = "SilentMoon" fullword wide $x7 = "internalstoragerpc" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($s*) or 3 of ($x*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_Lu0Bot { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Lu0Bot" strings: $s1 = "WinExec" fullword ascii $s2 = "AlignRects" fullword ascii $o1 = { be 00 20 40 00 89 f7 89 f0 81 c7 a? 01 00 00 81 } $o2 = { 53 50 e8 b0 01 00 00 e9 99 01 00 00 e8 ae 01 00 } condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 4KB and 1 of ($s*) and all of ($o*) } rule MALWARE_Win_ShellcodeDLEI { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects shellcode downloader, executer, injector" strings: $s1 = "PPidSpoof" fullword ascii $s2 = "ProcHollowing" fullword ascii $s3 = "CreateProcess" fullword ascii $s4 = "DynamicCodeInject" fullword ascii $s5 = "PPIDDynCodeInject" fullword ascii $s6 = "MapAndStart" fullword ascii $s7 = "PPIDAPCInject" fullword ascii $s8 = "PPIDDLLInject" fullword ascii $s9 = "CopyShellcode" fullword ascii $s10 = "GetEntryFromBuffer" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 100KB and 5 of ($s*) } rule MALWARE_Win_BlueBot { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects BlueBot" strings: $x1 = "Blue_Botnet" wide $x2 = "5-START-http" ascii $x3 = "*300-END-" ascii $x4 = "botlogger.php" wide $s1 = "//TARGET//" wide $s2 = "//BLOG//" wide $s3 = "MCBOTALPHA" wide $s4 = "//IPLIST//" wide $s5 = "Host: //BLOG//" wide $s6 = "User-Agent: //USERAGENT//" wide $s7 = "//TARGET//" wide $s8 = "POST //URL// HTTP/1.1/r/n" wide $v1 = "b__" ascii $v2 = "PressData" fullword ascii $v3 = "POSTPiece" fullword ascii $v4 = /(load|tcp|udp)Stuff/ fullword ascii $v5 = "isAttacking" fullword ascii $v6 = "DoSAttack" fullword ascii $v7 = "prv_attack" fullword ascii $v8 = "blogList"fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (2 of ($x*) or 5 of ($s*) or 5 of ($v*) or 9 of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_UNKCobaltStrike { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects unknown malware, potentially CobaltStrike related" strings: $s1 = "https://%hu.%hu.%hu.%hu:%u" ascii wide $s2 = "" ascii wide $s3 = "\\System32\\rundll32.exe" ascii wide $s4 = "" ascii wide $s5 = "%s %s,%s %u" ascii wide $s6 = "User32.d?" ascii wide $s7 = "StrDupA" fullword ascii wide $s8 = "{6d4feed8-18fd-43eb-b5c4-696ad06fac1e}" ascii wide $s9 = "{ac41592a-3d21-46b7-8f21-24de30531656}" ascii wide $s10 = "bd526:3b.4e32.57c8.9g32.35ef41642767~" ascii wide $s11 = { 4b d3 91 49 a1 80 91 42 83 b6 33 28 36 6b 90 97 } // BITS $s12 = { 0d 4c e3 5c c9 0d 1f 4c 89 7c da a1 b7 8c ee 7c } // BITS condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 6 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_EXEPWSHDL { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects executable downloaders using PowerShell" strings: $x1 = "[Ref].Assembly.GetType(" ascii wide $x2 = ".SetValue($null,$true)" ascii wide $s1 = "replace" ascii wide $s2 = "=@(" ascii wide $s3 = "[System.Text.Encoding]::" ascii wide $s4 = ".substring" ascii wide $s5 = "FromBase64String" ascii wide $d1 = "New-Object" ascii wide $d2 = "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" ascii wide $d3 = ".open(" ascii wide $d4 = ".send(" ascii wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 100KB and all of ($x*) and (3 of ($s*) or all of ($d*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_MB150 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects MB150? Go ransomware" strings: $x1 = /main\.evade_(clicks_count|cpu_count|disk_size|foreground_window|hostname|mac|printer|screen_size|system_memory|time_acceleration|tmp|utc)/ fullword ascii $x2 = /main\.sandbox_(hostname|mac_addresses)/ fullword ascii $x3 = "main.drop_ransom_note" fullword ascii $x4 = "main.ransom_amount" fullword ascii $x5 = "main.create_encryption_key" fullword ascii $x6 = "main.encrypt" fullword ascii $x7 = "main.encrypt_encryption_key" fullword ascii $x8 = "main.encrypt_file" fullword ascii $x9 = "main.ext_blacklist" fullword ascii $mac1 = "00:03:FF00:05:6900:0C:2900:16:3E00:1C:1400:1C:4200:50:56" ascii nocase $mac2 = "00-03-FF00-05-6900-0C-2900-16-3E00-1C-1400-1C-4200-50-56" ascii nocase $mac3 = "0003FF000569000C2900163E001C14001C42005056" ascii nocase $go = "Go build ID:" ascii $s1 = "main.MB150" ascii $s2 = "" ascii $s3 = "your personnal ID" ascii $s4 = "ransom amount" ascii $s5 = "" ascii $s6 = "" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (4 of ($x*) or ($go and 4 of ($s*)) or (1 of ($mac*) and (2 of ($x*) or 3 of ($s*)))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Chaos { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Chaos ransomware" strings: $s1 = "" fullword wide $s2 = "" fullword wide $s3 = "C:\\Users\\" fullword wide $s4 = "read_it.txt" fullword wide $s5 = "#base64Image" fullword wide $s6 = "(?:[13]{1}[a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{26,33}|bc1[a-z0-9]{39,59})" fullword wide $s7 = /check(Spread|Sleep|AdminPrivilage|deleteShadowCopies|disableRecoveryMode|deleteBackupCatalog)/ fullword ascii nocase $s8 = /(delete|disable)(ShadowCopies|RecoveryMode|BackupCatalog)/ fullword ascii nocase $s9 = "spreadName" fullword ascii $s10 = "processName" fullword ascii $s11 = "sleepOutOfTempFolder" fullword ascii $s12 = "AlreadyRunning" fullword ascii $s13 = "random_bytes" fullword ascii $s14 = "encryptDirectory" fullword ascii nocase $s15 = "EncryptFile" fullword ascii nocase $s16 = "intpreclp" fullword ascii $s17 = "bytesToBeEncrypted" fullword ascii $s18 = "textToEncrypt" fullword ascii $m1 = "Chaos is" wide $m2 = "Payment informationAmount:" wide $m3 = "Coinmama - hxxps:// Bitpanda - hxxps://" wide $m4 = "where do I get Bitcoin" wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 6 of ($s*) or all of ($m*) or (2 of ($m*) and 4 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_HorusEyesRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects HorusEyesRAT" strings: $x1 = "\\HorusEyesRat-" ascii $x2 = "\\HorusEyesRat.pdb" ascii $x3 = "get_horus_eye" ascii $s1 = "get_Type_Packet" fullword ascii $s2 = "PacketLib" fullword ascii nocase $s3 = "System.Net.Sockets" fullword ascii $s4 = "PROCESS_MODE_BACKGROUND_BEGIN" fullword ascii $s5 = "EXECUTION_STATE" fullword ascii $s6 = /Plugins\\[A-Z]{2}.dll/ fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (2 of ($x*) or (1 of ($x*) and 3 of ($s*)) or (4 of ($s*) and #s6 > 4)) } rule MALWARE_Win_BreakWin { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects BreakWin Wiper" strings: $s1 = "Started wiping file %s with %s." fullword wide $s2 = "C:\\Program Files\\Lock My PC" wide $s3 = "Stardust is still alive." fullword wide $s4 = "Failed to terminate the locker process." fullword wide $s5 = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe" fullword wide $s6 = "Process created successfully. Executed command: %s." fullword wide $s7 = "locker_background_image_path" fullword ascii $s8 = "takeown.exe /F \"C:\\Windows\\Web\\Screen\" /R /A /D Y" fullword ascii $s9 = "icacls.exe \"C:\\Windows\\Web\\Screen\" /reset /T" fullword ascii $s10 = "takeown.exe /F \"C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\SystemData\" /R /A /D Y" fullword ascii $s11 = ".?AVProcessSnapshotCreationFailedException@@" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 4 of them } /* rule MALWARE_Win_zgRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects zgRAT" strings: $s1 = "file:///" fullword wide $s2 = "{11111-22222-10009-11112}" fullword wide $s3 = "{11111-22222-50001-00000}" fullword wide $s4 = "get_Module" fullword ascii $s5 = "Reverse" fullword ascii $s6 = "BlockCopy" fullword ascii $s7 = "ReadByte" fullword ascii $s8 = { 4c 00 6f 00 63 00 61 00 74 00 69 00 6f 00 6e 00 00 0b 46 00 69 00 6e 00 64 00 20 00 00 13 52 00 65 00 73 00 6f 00 75 00 72 00 63 00 65 00 41 00 00 11 56 00 69 00 72 00 74 00 75 00 61 00 6c 00 20 00 00 0b 41 00 6c 00 6c 00 6f 00 63 00 00 0d 57 00 72 00 69 00 74 00 65 00 20 00 00 11 50 00 72 00 6f 00 63 00 65 00 73 00 73 00 20 00 00 0d 4d 00 65 00 6d 00 6f 00 72 00 79 00 00 0f 50 00 72 00 6f 00 74 00 65 00 63 00 74 00 00 0b 4f 00 70 00 65 00 6e 00 20 00 00 0f 50 00 72 00 6f 00 63 00 65 00 73 00 73 00 00 0d 43 00 6c 00 6f 00 73 00 65 00 20 00 00 0d 48 00 61 00 6e 00 64 00 6c 00 65 00 00 0f 6b 00 65 00 72 00 6e 00 65 00 6c 00 20 00 00 0d 33 00 32 00 2e 00 64 00 6c 00 6c } condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them } */ rule MALWARE_Win_CoinMiner03 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects coinmining malware" strings: $s1 = "UnVzc2lhbiBTdGFuZGFyZCBUaW1l" wide $s2 = "/xmrig" wide $s3 = "/gminer" wide $s4 = "-o {0} -u {1} -p {2} -k --cpu-priority 0 --threads={3}" wide $s5 = "--algo ethash --server" wide $s6 = "--algo kawpow --server" wide $cnc1 = "/delonl.php?hwid=" fullword wide $cnc2 = "/gateonl.php?hwid=" fullword wide $cnc3 = "&cpuname=" fullword wide $cnc4 = "&gpuname=" fullword wide $cnc5 = "{0}/gate.php?hwid={1}&os={2}&cpu={3}&gpu={4}&dateinstall={5}&gpumem={6}" fullword wide $cnc6 = "/del.php?hwid=" fullword wide $f1 = "b__" ascii $f2 = "b__" ascii $f3 = "b__" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (3 of ($cnc*) or (2 of ($f*) and (1 of ($s*) or 1 of ($f*))) or all of ($f*) or 5 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_Zeppelin { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Zeppelin (Delphi) ransomware" strings: $s1 = "TUnlockAndEncrypt" ascii $s2 = "TExcludeFiles" ascii $s3 = "TExcludeFolders" ascii $s4 = "TDrivesAndShares" ascii $s5 = "TTaskKiller" ascii $x1 = "!!! D !!!" ascii $x2 = "!!! LOCALPUBKEY !!!" ascii $x3 = "!!! ENCLOCALPRIVKEY !!!" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($s*) or all of ($x*) or (2 of ($x*) and 2 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_SlackBot { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects SlackBot" strings: $x1 = "lp0o4bot v" ascii $x2 = "slackbot " ascii $s1 = "cpu: %lumhz %s, uptime: %u+%.2u:%.2u, os: %s" fullword ascii $s2 = "%s, running for %u+%.2u:%.2u" fullword ascii $s3 = "PONG :%s" fullword ascii $s4 = "PRIVMSG %s :%s" fullword ascii $s5 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)" fullword ascii $m1 = "saving %s to %s" ascii $m2 = "visit number %u failed" ascii $m3 = "sending %s packets of %s bytes to %s with a delay of %s" ascii $m4 = "file executed" ascii $m5 = "packets sent" ascii $m6 = "upgrading to %s" ascii $m7 = "rebooting..." ascii $c1 = "!@remove" fullword ascii $c2 = "!@restart" fullword ascii $c3 = "!@reboot" fullword ascii $c4 = "!@rndnick" fullword ascii $c5 = "!@exit" fullword ascii $c6 = "!@sysinfo" fullword ascii $c7 = "!@upgrade" fullword ascii $c8 = "!@login" fullword ascii $c9 = "!@run" fullword ascii $c10 = "!@webdl" fullword ascii $c11 = "!@cycle" fullword ascii $c12 = "!@clone" fullword ascii $c13 = "!@visit" fullword ascii $c14 = "!@udp" fullword ascii $c15 = "!@nick" fullword ascii $c16 = "!@say" fullword ascii $c17 = "!@quit" fullword ascii $c18 = "!@part" fullword ascii $c19 = "!@join" fullword ascii $c20 = "!@raw" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($x*) or all of ($s*) or all of ($m*) or (10 of ($c*) and (1 of ($x*) or 3 of ($s*) or 2 of ($m*)))) } rule MALWARE_Win_SweetyStealer { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects SweetyStealer" strings: $s1 = "SWEETY STEALER" wide $s2 = "\\" fullword wide $s3 = "\\SWEETY STEALER\\SWEETY\\" ascii $s4 = "\\Sweety" fullword wide $s5 = "SWEETYSTEALER." ascii $s6 = "in Virtual Environment, so we prevented stealing" wide $s7 = ":purple_square:" wide $f1 = "b__" ascii $f2 = "b__" ascii $f3 = "b__" ascii $f4 = "k__" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 3 of ($s*) or (3 of ($f*) and 1 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_GENIRCBot { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects generic IRCBots" strings: $s1 = "@login" ascii nocase $s2 = "PRIVMSG" fullword ascii $s3 = "JOIN" fullword ascii $s4 = "PING :" fullword ascii $s5 = "NICK" fullword ascii $s6 = "USER" fullword ascii $x1 = "" fullword ascii nocase $x2 = "evilBot" fullword ascii nocase $x3 = "#evilChannel" fullword ascii nocase condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($s*) or 2 of ($x*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_Nitro { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Nitro Ransomware" strings: $x1 = ".givemenitro" wide $x2 = "Nitro Ransomware" ascii wide $x3 = "\\NitroRansomware.pdb" ascii $x4 = "NitroRansomware" ascii wide nocase $s1 = "Valid nitro code was received" wide $s2 = "discord nitro" ascii wide nocase $s3 = "Starting file encryption" wide $s4 = "NR_decrypt.txt" wide $s5 = "open it unless you have the decryption key." ascii $s6 = "b__" ascii $s7 = "b__" ascii $s8 = "DECRYPT_PASSWORD" fullword ascii $s9 = "IsEncrypted" fullword ascii $s10 = "CmdProcess_OutputDataReceived" fullword ascii $s11 = "encryptedFileLog" fullword ascii $s12 = "Encrypting:" fullword wide $s13 = "decryption key. If you do so, your files may get corrupted" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (3 of ($x*) or (3 of ($s*) and 1 of ($x*)) or (7 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_NanoCore { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects NanoCore" strings: $x1 = "NanoCore Client" fullword ascii $x2 = "NanoCore.ClientPlugin" fullword ascii $x3 = "NanoCore.ClientPluginHost" fullword ascii $i1 = "IClientApp" fullword ascii $i2 = "IClientData" fullword ascii $i3 = "IClientNetwork" fullword ascii $i4 = "IClientAppHost" fullword ascii $i5 = "IClientDataHost" fullword ascii $i6 = "IClientLoggingHost" fullword ascii $i7 = "IClientNetworkHost" fullword ascii $i8 = "IClientUIHost" fullword ascii $i9 = "IClientNameObjectCollection" fullword ascii $i10 = "IClientReadOnlyNameObjectCollection" fullword ascii $s1 = "ClientPlugin" fullword ascii $s2 = "EndPoint" fullword ascii $s3 = "IPAddress" fullword ascii $s4 = "IPEndPoint" fullword ascii $s5 = "IPHostEntr" fullword ascii $s6 = "get_ClientSettings" fullword ascii $s7 = "get_Connected" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (2 of ($x*) or 8 of ($i*) or all of ($s*) or (1 of ($x*) and (3 of ($i*) or 2 of ($s*)))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Satan { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Satan ransomware" strings: $s1 = "S:(ML;;NRNWNX;;;LW)" fullword wide $s2 = "recycle.bin" fullword wide $s3 = "tmp_" fullword wide $s4 = "%s%08x.%s" fullword wide $s5 = "\"%s\" %s" fullword wide $s6 = "/c \"%s\"" fullword wide $s7 = "Global\\" fullword wide $s8 = "rd /S /Q \"%s\"" fullword ascii $s9 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)" fullword ascii $e1 = "*pdf*" fullword wide $e2 = "*rtf*" fullword wide $e3 = "*doc*" fullword wide $e4 = "*docx*" fullword wide $e5 = "*xlsx*" fullword wide $e6 = "*pptx*" fullword wide $e7 = "*moneywell*" fullword wide $o1 = { 56 8d 54 24 34 b9 9e f0 ea be e8 c1 f9 ff ff 8d } $o2 = { b9 34 f6 40 00 e8 ea 0b 00 00 85 c0 0f 84 91 } $o3 = { 53 8d 84 24 34 01 00 00 b9 01 00 00 80 50 a1 64 } condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((8 of ($s*) and 4 of ($e*)) or all of ($s*) or (all of ($e*) and 5 of ($s*)) or (all of ($o*) and 8 of them)) } rule MALWARE_Win_Neshta { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Neshta" strings: $s1 = "Delphi-the best. Fuck off all the rest. Neshta 1.0 Made in Belarus." fullword ascii $s2 = "! Best regards 2 Tommy Salo. [Nov-2005] yours [Dziadulja Apanas]" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them } rule MALWARE_Linux_HelloKitty { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Linux version of HelloKitty ransomware" strings: $s1 = "exec_pipe:%s" ascii $s2 = "Error InitAPI !!!" fullword ascii $s3 = "No Files Found !!!" fullword ascii $s4 = "Error open log File:%s" fullword ascii $s5 = "%ld - Files Found " fullword ascii $s6 = "Total VM run on host:" fullword ascii $s7 = "error:%d open:%s" fullword ascii $s8 = "work.log" fullword ascii $s9 = "esxcli vm process kill" ascii $s10 = "readdir64" fullword ascii $s11 = "%s_%d.block" fullword ascii $s12 = "EVP_EncryptFinal_ex" fullword ascii $s13 = ".README_TO_RESTORE" fullword ascii $m1 = "COMPROMISED AND YOUR SENSITIVE PRIVATE INFORMATION WAS STOLEN" ascii nocase $m2 = "damage them without special software" ascii nocase $m3 = "leaking or being sold" ascii nocase $m4 = "Data will be Published and/or Sold" ascii nocase condition: uint16(0) == 0x457f and (6 of ($s*) or (2 of ($m*) and 2 of ($s*)) or 8 of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_BlackMatter { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects BlackMatter ransomware" strings: $s1 = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\*.drv" fullword wide $s2 = "NYbr-Vk@" fullword ascii $s3 = ":7:=:H:Q:W:\\:b:&;O;^;v;" fullword ascii $o1 = { b0 34 aa fe c0 e2 fb b9 03 } $o2 = { fe 00 ff 75 08 ff 75 0c ff b5 d8 fe ff ff ff b5 } $o3 = { 6a 00 ff 75 0c ff b5 d8 fe ff ff ff b5 dc fe ff } $o4 = { ff 75 08 ff 75 0c ff b5 d8 fe ff ff ff b5 dc fe } $o5 = { 53 56 57 8d 85 70 ff ff ff 83 c0 0f 83 e0 f0 89 } $o6 = { c7 85 68 ff ff ff 00 04 00 00 8b 85 6c ff ff ff } //SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Crypt //Volume{ //*recycle* condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($s*) and all of ($o*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_DLInjector04 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects downloader / injector" strings: $s1 = "Runner" fullword ascii $s2 = "DownloadPayload" fullword ascii $s3 = "RunOnStartup" fullword ascii $a1 = "Antis" fullword ascii $a2 = "antiVM" fullword ascii $a3 = "antiSandbox" fullword ascii $a4 = "antiDebug" fullword ascii $a5 = "antiEmulator" fullword ascii $a6 = "enablePersistence" fullword ascii $a7 = "enableFakeError" fullword ascii $a8 = "DetectVirtualMachine" fullword ascii $a9 = "DetectSandboxie" fullword ascii $a10 = "DetectDebugger" fullword ascii $a11 = "CheckEmulator" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((all of ($s*) and 5 of ($a*)) or 10 of ($a*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_DarkComet { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects DarkComet" strings: $s1 = "%s, ClassID: %s" ascii $s2 = "%s, ProgID: \"%s\"" ascii $s3 = "#KCMDDC51#" ascii $s4 = "#BOT#VisitUrl" ascii $s5 = "#BOT#OpenUrl" ascii $s6 = "#BOT#Ping" ascii $s7 = "#BOT#RunPrompt" ascii $s8 = "#BOT#CloseServer" ascii $s9 = "#BOT#SvrUninstall" ascii $s10 = "#BOT#URLUpdate" ascii $s11 = "#BOT#URLDownload" ascii $s12 = /BTRESULT(Close|Download|HTTP|Mass|Open|Ping\|Respond|Run|Syn|UDP|Uninstall\|uninstall|Update|Visit)/ ascii $s13 = "dclogs\\" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 4 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_Macoute { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Macoute" strings: $s1 = "scp%s%s%s%s" ascii $s2 = "putfile %s %s" ascii $s3 = "pscp|%s|%s:%s" ascii $s4 = "connect %host %port\\n" ascii $s5 = "/ecoute/spool/%s-%lu" ascii $s6 = "" ascii $s7 = "CMPT;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s" ascii $s8 = "%s\\apoScreen%lu.dll" ascii $s9 = "/cap/%s%lu.jpg" ascii $s10 = "INFO;%u;%u;%u;%d;%d;%d;%d;%d;%d;%d;%s" ascii $s11 = "SUBJECT: %s is comming!" ascii $s12 = "Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"#BOUNDARY#\"" ascii $s13 = "FROM:" ascii $s14 = "" ascii $s15 = "" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 10 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_CoinMiner04 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects coinmining malware" strings: $s1 = "createDll" fullword ascii $s2 = "getTasks" fullword ascii $s3 = "SetStartup" fullword ascii $s4 = "loadUrl" fullword ascii $s5 = "Processer" fullword ascii $s6 = "checkProcess" fullword ascii $s7 = "runProcess" fullword ascii $s8 = "createDir" fullword ascii $cnc1 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:53.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/53.0" fullword wide $cnc2 = "?hwid=" fullword wide $cnc3 = "?timeout=1" fullword wide $cnc4 = "&completed=" fullword wide $cnc5 = "/cmd.php" wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (5 of ($s*) and 1 of ($cnc*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_SideWalk { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects SideWalk" strings: $s1 = "Decommit" fullword ascii $s2 = "Shellc0deRunner" fullword ascii $s3 = "shellc0de" fullword ascii $s4 = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\msdt.exe" fullword wide $s5 = "StartProcessWOPid" fullword ascii $s6 = "StartProcessWithParent" fullword ascii $m1 = "alloctype" fullword ascii $m2 = "ThreadIoPriority" fullword ascii $m3 = "PebAddress" fullword ascii $m4 = "dotnet.4.x64.dll" fullword wide $m5 = "LogonNetCredentialsOnly" fullword ascii $m6 = "ThreadIdealProcessor" fullword ascii $m7 = "LogonWithProfile" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (5 of ($s*) or all of ($m*) or (11 of them)) } rule MALWARE_Win_VanillaRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects VanillaRAT" strings: $stub = "VanillaStub." ascii wide $s1 = "Client.Send: " wide $s2 = "Connected to chat" fullword wide $s3 = "GetStoredPasswords" fullword wide $s4 = "Started screen locker." fullword wide $s5 = "[<\\MOUSE>]" fullword wide $s6 = "YOUR SCREEN HAS BEEN LOCKED!" fullword wide $s7 = "record recsound" fullword wide $f1 = "d__" ascii $f2 = "d__" ascii $f3 = "k__" ascii $f4 = "k__" ascii $f5 = "KillClient" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (($stub and (2 of ($s*) or 2 of ($f*))) or 6 of ($s*) or all of ($f*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_SectopRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects SectopRAT" strings: $s1 = "\\\\.\\root\\cimv2:Win32_Process" wide $s2 = "\\\\.\\root\\cimv2:CIM_DataFile.Name=" wide $s3 = "^.*(?=Windows)" fullword wide $s4 = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe" wide $s5 = "C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe" wide $s6 = "Disabling IE protection" wide $s7 = "stream started succces" wide $b1 = "/C start Firefox" wide $b2 = "/C start chrome" wide $b3 = "/C start iexplore" wide $m1 = "DefWindowProc" fullword ascii $m2 = "AuthStream" fullword ascii $m3 = "KillBrowsers" fullword ascii $m4 = "GetAllNetworkInterfaces" fullword ascii $m5 = "EnumDisplayDevices" fullword ascii $m6 = "RemoteClient.Packets" fullword ascii $m7 = "IServerPacket" fullword ascii $m8 = "keybd_event" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((5 of ($s*) and 2 of ($b*)) or all of ($s*) or (all of ($b*) and (4 of ($s*) or 5 of ($m*)))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Neptune { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Neptune keylogger / infostealer" strings: $x1 = "your keylogger has been freshly installed on" wide $x2 = "Attached is a screenshot of the victim" wide $x3 = "color: rgb(2, 84, 138);'>Project Neptune
    " wide $x4 = ">{Monitor Everything}

    " wide $x5 = "[First Run] Neptune" wide $x6 = "Neptune - " wide $s1 = "Melt" fullword wide $s2 = "Hide" fullword wide $s3 = "SDDate+" fullword wide $s4 = "DelOff+" fullword wide $s5 = "MsgFalse+" fullword wide $s6 = "Clipboard:" fullword wide $s7 = "information is valid and working!" wide $s8 = ".exe /k %windir%\\System32\\reg.exe ADD HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f" wide $s9 = "" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (2 of ($x*) or 7 of ($s*) or (1 of ($x*) and 5 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Tomiris { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Tomiris" strings: $f1 = "main.workPath" ascii $f2 = "main.selfName" ascii $f3 = "main.infoServerAddr" ascii $f4 = "main.configFileName" ascii $s1 = "C:/Projects/go/src/Tomiris/main.go" ascii $s2 = "C:/GO/go1.16.2/src/os/user/lookup_windows.go" ascii $s3 = "C:\\GO\\go1.16.2" ascii $s4 = ".html.jpeg.json.wasm.webp/p/gf/p/kk1562515" ascii $s5 = "\" /ST 10:00alarm clockassistQueueavx512vbmi2avx512vnniwbad" ascii $s6 = "write /TR \" Value addr= alloc base code= ctxt: curg= free goid jobs= list= m->p=" ascii $t1 = "SCHTASKS /DELETE /F /TN \"%s\"" ascii $t2 = "SCHTASKS /CREATE /SC DAILY /TN" ascii $t3 = "SCHTASKS /CREATE /SC ONCE /TN \"%s\" /TR \"%s\" /ST %s" ascii $t4 = "SCHTASKS /CREATE /SC ONCE /TN \"%s\" /TR \"'%s' %s\" /ST %s" ascii $r1 = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Time Zones" ascii $r2 = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((all of ($f*) and 3 of ($s*) and 2 of ($t*) and 1 of ($r*)) or (4 of ($s*) and 2 of ($t*) and 1 of ($r*)) or 12 of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_JennLog { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects JennLog loader" strings: $x1 = "%windir%\\system32\\rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks" fullword wide $x2 = "" fullword wide $s1 = "ExecuteInstalledNodeAndDelete" fullword ascii $s2 = "ProcessExsist" fullword ascii $s3 = "helloworld.Certificate.txt" fullword wide $s4 = "ASCII85 encoded data should begin with '" fullword wide $s5 = "] WinRE config file path: C:\\" ascii $s6 = "] Parameters: configWinDir: NULL" ascii $s7 = "] Update enhanced config info is enabled." ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((1 of ($x*) and 3 of ($s*)) or 5 of ($s*) or (all of ($x*) and 2 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_LockFile { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects LockFile ransomware" strings: $x1 = "LOCKFILE" fullword ascii $x2 = "25a01bb859125507013a2fe9737d3c33" fullword ascii $s1 = "" fullword ascii $s2 = "%s" fullword ascii $s3 = "%d" fullword ascii $s4 = "%s\\%s-%s-%d%s" fullword ascii $s5 = ">RAC=OQD:S>P@:AO?R:EEOS:ARDD=N?EENSB" ascii wide $m1 = "LOCKFILE" ascii wide nocase $m2 = " 5 and ($gn or 3 of ($s*) or all of ($h*))) or (all of ($h*) and 3 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_BlackByteGo { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects BlackByte ransomware Go variants" strings: $x1 = "BlackByteGO/_cgo_gotypes.go" fullword ascii //$x2 = "_cgo_dummy_export" fullword ascii $x3 = "BlackByteGO/" ascii nocase $s1 = ".Disconnect" ascii $s2 = ".OpenService" ascii $s3 = ".ListServices" ascii $s4 = ".Start" ascii $s5 = ".Encrypt" ascii $s6 = ".Decrypt" ascii $s7 = ".MustFindProc" ascii $s8 = ".QuoRem" ascii $s9 = "C:\\Windows\\regedit.exe" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (1 of ($x*) or all of ($s*)) //uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (1 of ($x*) or all of ($s*) or (1 of ($x*) and 5 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Vulturi { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Vulturi infostealer" strings: $x1 = "Vulturi_" ascii wide $x2 = "VulturiProject" fullword ascii $s1 = { 5b 00 2d 00 5d 00 20 00 53 00 65 00 72 00 76 00 65 00 72 00 20 00 ?? ?? 20 00 69 00 73 00 20 00 6f 00 66 00 66 00 6c 00 69 00 6e 00 65 00 2e 00 2e 00 2e 00 00 ?? 5b 00 2b 00 5d 00 20 00 53 00 65 00 72 00 76 00 65 00 72 00 20 00 00 ?? ?? 00 69 00 73 00 20 00 6f 00 6e 00 6c 00 69 00 6e 00 65 00 } $s2 = "Writing is not alowed" wide $s3 = "System\\ProcessList.txt" fullword wide $s4 = "[X] GetSSL ::" fullword wide $s5 = "Failed to steal " wide $s6 = "StealerStub" fullword ascii $s7 = "/C chcp 65001 && netsh" wide $n1 = "fetch_options" fullword wide $n2 = "send_report" fullword wide $n3 = "?username=" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((1 of ($x*) and any of them) or all of ($n*) or 5 of ($s*) or (1 of ($n*) and 3 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Tofsee { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Tofsee" strings: $s1 = "n%systemroot%\\system32\\cmd.exe" fullword wide $s2 = "loader_id" fullword ascii $s3 = "start_srv" fullword ascii $s4 = "lid_file_upd" fullword ascii $s5 = "localcfg" fullword ascii $s6 = "Incorrect respons" fullword ascii $s7 = "mx connect error" fullword ascii $s8 = "Error sending command (sent = %d/%d)" fullword ascii $s9 = "%s, %u %s %u %.2u:%.2u:%.2u %s%.2u%.2u" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 5 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_Khonsari { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Khonsari ransomware" strings: $x1 = ".khonsari" fullword wide nocase $s1 = "Encrypt" fullword ascii $s2 = "CreateEncryptor" fullword ascii $s3 = "GenerateKey" fullword ascii $s4 = "277e5e6a-4da6-4138-97fa-3fecbdad0176" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((1 of ($x*) and 2 of ($s*)) or (all of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Quantum { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Quantum locker / ransomware" strings: $x1 = "\\tQuantum" ascii wide $x2 = "Quantum Locker.

    " ascii wide $s1 = "ERROR" fullword wide $s2 = ".log" fullword wide $s3 = "SLOW" fullword wide $s4 = "Create" fullword wide $s5 = "Integrity" fullword wide $s6 = "Disabled" fullword wide $s7 = "Deny" fullword wide $s8 = "FAST" fullword wide $s9 = "Mandatory" fullword wide $s10 = "plugin.dll" fullword ascii $s11 = "NetGetDCName" fullword ascii $s12 = "NetShareEnum" fullword ascii $s13 = "NetGetJoinInformation" fullword ascii condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($x*) or 9 of ($s*) or (pe.number_of_exports == 2 and pe.exports("RunW") and pe.exports("runW") and 5 of ($s*)))) or all of ($x*) } rule MALWARE_Win_Owowa { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Owowa" strings: $u1 = "jFuLIXpzRdateYHoVwMlfc" fullword ascii wide $u2 = "Fb8v91c6tHiKsWzrulCeqO" fullword ascii wide $u3 = "dEUM3jZXaDiob8BrqSy2PQO1" fullword ascii wide $s1 = "powershell.exe" fullword wide $s2 = "" wide $s3 = "HealthMailbox" fullword wide $s4 = "6801b573-4cdb-4307-8d4a-3d1e2842f09f" ascii $s5 = "b__" ascii $s6 = "ClearHeaders" fullword ascii $s7 = "get_UserHostAddress" fullword ascii $s8 = "ExtenderControlDesigner" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($u*) or (2 of ($u*) and 3 of ($s*)) or 6 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_Chebka { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Chebka" strings: $s1 = "-k netsvcs" wide $s2 = "%ssvchost.exe -k SystemNetworkService" wide $s3 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible)" wide $s4 = "_kasssperskdy" wide $s5 = "winssyslog" wide $s6 = "LoaderDll%d" wide $s7 = "cmd.exe /c rundll32.exe shell32.dll," wide $s8 = /cmd.exe \/c start (chrome|msedge|firefox|iexplorer)\.exe/ wide $f1 = ".?AVCHVncManager@@" fullword ascii $f2 = ".?AVCNetstatManager@@" fullword ascii $f3 = ".?AVCTcpAgentListener@@" fullword ascii $f4 = ".?AVIUdpClientListener@@" fullword ascii $f5 = ".?AVCShellManager@@" fullword ascii $f6 = ".?AVCScreenSpy@@" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (5 of ($s*) or all of ($f*) or (3 of ($f*) and 3 of ($s*)) or (#s8 > 2 and 5 of them)) } rule MALWARE_Win_Flagpro { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Flagpro" strings: $s1 = "download...." fullword ascii $s2 = "~MYTEMP" fullword wide $s3 = ".?AVCV20_LoaderApp@@" fullword ascii $s4 = ".?AVCV20_LoaderDlg@@" fullword ascii $s5 = "ExecYes" fullword ascii $s6 = / 1 and 4 of them)) } rule MALWARE_Win_Maze { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Maze ransomware" strings: $x1 = "Uc32nbspacec97c98c99c100c101c102c103c104c105c106c107c108c109c110c" ascii $s1 = "\"%s\" shadowcopy delete" wide $s2 = "[%windir%\\system32\\wbem\\wmic" wide $s3 = "process call create \"cmd /c start %s\"" wide $s4 = "DECRYPT-FILES.html" fullword wide $s5 = "Dear %s, your files" wide $s6 = "%s! Alert! %s! Alert!" wide $s7 = "%BASE64_PLACEHOLDER%" fullword ascii $s8 = "-orDGorX0or" fullword ascii $s9 = { 47 45 54 20 2f 25 73 20 48 54 54 50 2f 31 2e 31 0d 0a 55 73 65 72 2d 41 67 65 6e 74 3a 20 25 73 0d 0a 48 6f 73 74 3a 20 25 73 0d 0a 43 6f 6e 6e 65 63 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 4b 65 65 70 2d 41 6c 69 76 65 0d 0a 0d 0a 00 50 4f 53 54 20 2f 25 73 20 48 54 54 50 2f 31 2e 31 0d 0a 55 73 65 72 2d 41 67 65 6e 74 3a 20 25 73 0d 0a 48 6f 73 74 3a 20 25 73 0d 0a 43 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 2d 54 79 70 65 3a 20 25 73 0d 0a 43 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 2d 4c 65 6e 67 74 68 3a 20 25 64 0d 0a 43 6f 6e 6e 65 63 74 69 6f 6e 3a 20 4b 65 65 70 2d 41 6c 69 76 65 0d 0a 0d 0a 00 0d 0a 0d 0a 00 43 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 2d 4c 65 6e 67 74 68 3a 20 00 } condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((1 of ($x*) and 3 of ($s*)) or 6 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_TeslaRevenge { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects TeslaRevenge ransomware" strings: $s1 = "autospreadifnoav=" ascii wide $s2 = "autospread=" ascii wide $s3 = "noencryptext=" ascii wide $s4 = "teslarvng" wide $s5 = "finished encrypting" wide nocase $s6 = "net scan" wide nocase $s7 = "for /f %%x in ('wevtutil el') do wevtutil cl" ascii $s8 = "tasklist | find /i \"SDELETE.exe\"" ascii $e1 = "mshta.exe" ascii wide nocase $e2 = "sc.exe" ascii wide nocase $e3 = "vssadmin.exe" ascii wide nocase $e4 = "wbadmin.exe" ascii wide nocase $e5 = "cmd.exe" ascii wide nocase condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (4 of ($s*) or (all of ($e*) and 2 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_LokiLocker { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects LokiLocker ransomware" strings: $x1 = "SOFTWARE\\Loki" fullword wide $x2 = "Cpriv.Loki" fullword wide $x3 = "Loki/" wide $x4 = /loki(\s)?locker/ fullword wide nocase $s1 = "Restore-My-Files.txt" wide $s2 = "loading encryption keys" wide $s3 = "Kill switch -> enabled" wide $s4 = "ScanSMBShares" fullword ascii $s5 = "RewriteMBR" fullword ascii $s6 = /Encrypt(Drives|File|WinVolume|OsDrive)/ fullword ascii $n1 = "unique-id=" ascii wide $n2 = "&disk-size=" ascii wide $n3 = "&user=Darwin&cpu-name=" ascii wide $n4 = "&ram-size=" ascii wide $n5 = "&os-name=" ascii wide $n6 = "&chat-id=" ascii wide $n7 = "&msg-id=" ascii wide $n8 = "&elapsed-time=" ascii wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (2 of ($x*) or 4 of ($s*) or 6 of ($n*) or (3 of ($s*) and 3 of ($n*)) or (1 of ($x*) and (2 of ($s*) or 2 of ($n*)))) } rule MALWARE_Osx_DazzleSpy { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Attemp at hunting for DazzleSpy" strings: $x1 = "/osxrk_commandline/" ascii wide nocase $x2 = "/Users/wangping/pangu/" ascii wide nocase $s1 = "heartbeat" ascii wide $s2 = "scanFiles" ascii wide $s3 = "restartCMD" ascii wide $s4 = "downloadFile" ascii wide $s5 = "RDPInfo" ascii wide condition: uint16(0) == 0xfacf and (all of ($x*) or all of ($s*) or (1 of ($x*) and 3 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_BHunt { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects BHunt infostealer" strings: $x1 = "BHUNT.Resources.resources" fullword ascii $x2 = "//" wide $s1 = "chaos_crew" ascii wide $s2 = "golden7" ascii wide $s3 = "mrpropper" ascii wide $s4 = "/ifo.php?" ascii wide $s5 = "bonanza=:=" ascii wide $s6 = "blackjack=:=" ascii wide $s7 = "SendPostData" fullword ascii $c1 = "cmd /c REG ADD" wide $c2 = "taskkill /F /IM" wide $c3 = "cmd.exe /c wmic" wide $g1 = "$ca9a291d-266c-41dc-9f1c-93cfe0dcac16" fullword ascii $g2 = "$6d0feb35-213d-4b9f-afc7-06d168cfcb5e" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($x*) or (1 of ($x*) and (5 of ($s*) or 2 of ($c*))) or (6 of ($s*) and 2 of ($c*)) or (all of ($g*) and 2 of them)) } rule MALWARE_Win_Lorenz { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Lorenz ransomware" strings: $x1 = "" fullword ascii $x2 = "" fullword ascii $x3 = "//kpb3ss3vwvfejd4g3gvpvqo6ad7nnmvcqoik4mxt2376yu2adlg5fwyd.onion" ascii $x4 = "http://lorenz" ascii $x5 = "\\lora\\Release\\lora.pdb" ascii $x6 = "--MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQ" ascii $x7 = "/USER:'HOMEOFFICE.COM\\" ascii $x8 = "/USER:'\\" ascii $s1 = "to->_What == nullptr && to->_DoFree == false" fullword wide $s2 = "*it == '\\0'" fullword wide $s3 = "process call create 'cmd.exe /c" ascii $s4 = "\\Control Panel\\Desktop\" /V Wallpaper /T REG_SZ /F /D" ascii $s5 = "HELP_SECURITY_EVENT.html" ascii $s6 = "
    [+] Whats Happen?" ascii $s7 = /\.Lorenz\.sz\d+$/ fullword ascii $s8 = "TW9Vc29Db3JlV29ya2VyLmV4ZQ==" fullword ascii $s9 = ".Speak(\"You've been hack" ascii nocase $s10 = "" ascii $n1 = "ame_serv=" ascii $n2 = "&ip=" ascii $n3 = "&winver=Windows" ascii $n4 = "&list_drive=" ascii $n5 = "&file=" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (2 of ($x*) or 8 of ($s*) or (4 of ($n*) and 2 of them) or (1 of ($x*) and 6 of them)) } rule MALWARE_Win_BlackCat { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects BlackCat ransomware" strings: $x1 = "{\"config_id\":\"\",\"public_key\":\"MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAO" ascii $x2 = "C:\\Users\\Public\\All Usersdeploy_note_and_image_for_all_users=" fullword ascii $s1 = "encrypt_app::windows" ascii $s2 = /locker::core::os::windows::(desktop_note|self_propagation|privilege_escalation|psexec|shadow_copy)/ ascii $s3 = "uac_bypass::shell_exec=" ascii $s4 = "-u-p-s-d-f-cpropagate::attempt=" ascii $s5 = "masquerade_peb" ascii $s6 = "RECOVER-${EXTENSION}-FILES.txt" ascii $s7 = ".onion/?access-key=${ACCESS_KEY}" ascii $s8 = "-vm-killno-vm-snapshot-killno-vm-kill-" ascii $s9 = "esxi_vm_killenable_esxi_vm_snapshot_killstrict_" ascii $s10 = /enum_(shares|servers)_sync::ok/ fullword ascii $s11 = "hidden_partitions::mount_all::mounting=" ascii //bcdedit /set {default}bcdedit /set {default} recoveryenabled No //kill_all::found= condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d or uint16(0) == 0x457f) and (all of ($x*) or 5 of ($s*) or (1 of ($x*) and 3 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Koxic { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Koxic ransomware" strings: $c1 = " INFO: >> %TEMP%\\" ascii wide $c2 = "cmd /c \"wmic" ascii wide $c3 = "cmd /c \"echo" ascii wide $c4 = "cmd.exe /C ping -n 1 -w 3000 > Nul & Del /f /q \"%s\"" fullword wide $c5 = /sc config.{1,30}start=disabled/ fullword ascii wide $s1 = "Container: %s" fullword wide $s2 = "Shotcut dir : %s" fullword wide $s3 = "\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Network Shortcuts\\" fullword wide $s4 = "Thread %d started." fullword ascii $s5 = "ADD our TOXID:" wide $s6 = "[Recommended] Using an email" wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((4 of ($s*) and 1 of ($c*)) or (2 of ($s*) and (#c1 > 5 or #c2 > 5 or #c3 > 5 or #c5 > 5))) } rule MALWARE_Win_TimeTime { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects TimeTime ransomware" strings: $s1 = "@_DECRYPTOR_@" ascii wide $s2 = "@__RECOVER_YOUR_FILES__@" wide $s3 = "\\TimeTime.pdb" ascii $s4 = "runCommand" fullword ascii $s5 = "decryptor_file_name" fullword ascii $s6 = "encryption_hiding_process" fullword ascii $s7 = "admin_hiding_process" fullword ascii $s8 = "security_vaccine" fullword ascii $s9 = "EncrFiles_Load" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 4 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_StrifeWater { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects StrifeWater RAT" strings: $s1 = "example/1.0" fullword wide $s2 = "coname:" fullword ascii $s3 = "*elev:" fullword ascii $s4 = "*uname:" fullword ascii $s5 = "--BoundrySign" ascii $s6 = "000000c:\\users\\public\\libraries\\" ascii $s7 = "9c4arSBr32g6IOni" fullword ascii $pdb = "\\win8\\Desktop\\ishdar_win8\\" ascii $xn1 = "" fullword wide $xn2 = "" wide $xn3 = "" wide $n1 = /RVP\/index\d+\.php/ fullword wide $n2 = "tid=%d&code=%s&fname=%s&apiData=%s" fullword ascii $n3 = "code=%s&tid=%d&fname=%s&apiData=%s" fullword ascii $n4 = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"token\"" fullword ascii $n5 = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"apiData\"" fullword ascii $n6 = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"data\"; filename=\"" fullword ascii $n7 = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"tid\"" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (2 of ($xn*) or 6 of ($s*) or 6 of ($n*) or (1 of ($xn*) and 4 of them) or ($pdb and 4 of them) or (3 of ($s*) and 3 of ($n*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_Surtr { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Surtr ransomware. Ransom note is similar to LockFile" strings: $s1 = "SurtrRansomware" ascii $s2 = " 5) } rule MALWARE_Win_PovertyStealer { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects PovertyStealer" clamav1 = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.PovertyStealer" strings: $x1 = "Poverty is the parent of crime." ascii $s2 = "OperationSystem: %d:%d:%d" ascii $s3 = "ScreenSize: {lWidth=%d, lHeight=%d}" ascii $s4 = "VideoAdapter #%d: %s" ascii $s5 = "$d.log" fullword wide condition: ((uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (1 of ($x*) or all of ($s*))) or all of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_JanelaRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects JanelaRAT" strings: $x1 = "k__" ascii $x2 = "janela" fullword ascii $x3 = "\\CSHARP\\RAT\\" ascii $s1 = "k__" ascii $s2 = "b__" ascii $s3 = "hookStruct" fullword ascii $s4 = "[^a-zA-Z]" fullword wide $s5 = "GetRecycled" fullword ascii $s6 = "import \"bcl.proto\";" wide $s7 = "\\KL_FINAL\\" ascii $s8 = "\\KL_FASEAVAST" ascii $s9 = "\\kl c++" ascii $s10 = "VisaoAPP" ascii wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($x*) or (2 of ($x*) and 3 of ($s*)) or (1 of ($x*) and 5 of ($s*)) or (6 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_QwixxRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects QwixxRAT. Uses ToxicEye / TelegramRAT as base (MALWARE_Win_TelegramRAT)" strings: $s1 = /Qwixx(\s)?Stealer/ ascii wide $s2 = "" wide $s3 = "" wide $s4 = "Secret Qwixx" wide $s5 = "\\Qwixx Rat\\" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 2 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_ToxicEye { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects ToxicEye / TelegramRAT. Observed used as the basis for many infostealers" strings: $s1 = "[~] Handling command" wide $s2 = "[?] Sleeping {0}" wide $s3 = "GETPASSWORDS" wide $s4 = "FORKBOMB" wide $s5 = "SENDKEYPRESS" wide $s6 = "KEYLOGGER" wide $s7 = "/ToxicEye/master/TelegramRAT/" wide $s8 = "desktopScreenshot" ascii $s9 = "MeltFile" ascii $s10 = "AutoStealer" ascii $s11 = /\/LimerBoy\/(ToxicEye|Adamantium-Thief|hackpy)/ wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 7 of them } /* rule MALWARE_Win_RDPCredsStealer { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects RDP Credentials Stealer" clamav1 = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.RDPCredsStealer" strings: $x1 = "MyCredUnPackAuthenticationBufferW Hooked Function" ascii $x2 = "\\RDPCredsStealerDLL\\" ascii $x3 = "\\RDPCreds.txt" ascii $s1 = "CredUnPackAuthenticationBufferW" ascii $s2 = "Installing Hooked Function" ascii $s3 = "SymLoadModule64" fullword ascii $s4 = "memmove" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (2 of ($x*) or (1 of ($x*) and 2 of ($s*)) or 3 of ($s*)) } */ rule MALWARE_Win_RDPCredsStealerInjector { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects RDP Credentials Stealer injector" clamav1 = "MALWARE.Win.Trojan.RDPCredsStealer-Injector" strings: $s1 = "\\APIHookInjectorBin\\" ascii $s2 = "\\RDPCredsStealerDLL.dll" ascii $s3 = "DLL Injected" ascii $s4 = "Code Injected" ascii $s5 = /(OpenProcess|VirtualAllocEx|CreateRemoteThread)\(\) failed:/ fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 3 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_KrakenStealer { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detect Kraken infostealer" snort = "923828002" strings: $x1 = /Kraken(_)?(Stub|Keyboard|Clipboard|GeneratorMachine|PostLogs|Screenshot|Keylogs|Password)/ ascii wide $s1 = /(get|set)_(Clipboard|Keyboard|Screen)Recorder/ fullword ascii $s2 = /Dumping(FileZilla|360_China|Opera|Epic|CocCoc|Thunderbird|Brave)/ fullword ascii $s3 = "ScreenPostData" fullword ascii $s4 = "encrypt_data" fullword ascii $s5 = "KeyboardProc" fullword ascii $s6 = "UploadsKeyboard" fullword ascii $s7 = "ClpUploader" fullword ascii $s8 = "StartKeylogger" fullword ascii $s9 = "ClipoDetectedRemover" fullword ascii $s10 = "Disable_Regis" fullword ascii $s11 = "RecordedClips" fullword ascii $s12 = "HoneyPotStatus" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((1 of ($x*) and 2 of ($s*)) or 9 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_WhiffyRecon { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Whiffy Recon" strings: $s1 = "WLANSVC" fullword wide $s2 = "f02fe1c0-137a-4802-8881-55dd300c5022" fullword wide $s3 = "\\wlan.lnk" fullword wide $s4 = "str-12.bin" wide $s5 = "/geolocation/v1/geolocate?key=" wide $s6 = "/wlan" fullword wide $s7 = "/scanned" fullword wide $s8 = "/bots/" fullword wide $s9 = "wlan.pdb" fullword ascii $s10 = "botId" fullword ascii $s11 = "wifiAccessPoints" fullword ascii $s12 = "considerIp" fullword ascii $s13 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 5 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_QuiteRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects QuiteRAT" strings: $x1 = "< No Pineapple! >" ascii // error message $x2 = ".?AVPineapple" ascii $x3 = ".?AVApple@@" ascii $s1 = "XgsdCwsRFxZF" ascii // http $s2 = "XggZChkVRQ==" ascii // http $s3 = "RxUZERQRHEU=" ascii // http $s4 = "XhkbDBEXFkU" ascii // http condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((all of ($x*) and 1 of ($s*)) or (1 of ($x*) and 3 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_PWSH_CUMII { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects multi-dropper PowerShell" clamav = "ditekSHen.MALWARE.PWSH.CUMII" strings: $s1 = ".('{1}{$}'.replace('$','0')" ascii nocase $s2 = ",'I').replace('!','ex')" ascii nocase $s3 = "'.replace('*','0001')" ascii nocase $s4 = "Remove-Item $" ascii nocase $s5 = "the File will start cumiing" ascii nocase $b1 = "011001100111010101101110011*" ascii $b2 = "0101001000*1110110*010011111" ascii $b3 = "01001101010110101001*11*0000" ascii condition: (3 of ($s*) and 1 of ($b*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_AgnianeStealer { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects Agniane infostealer" snort = "923828001" clamav = "ditekSHen.MALWARE.Win.AgnianeStealer" strings: $x1 = "Agniane.pdb" ascii $x2 = "IEnumerable." ascii $x3 = "Agniane Stealer" wide $x4 = "cinoshibot" wide $x5 = "yqbiguuno2zp5jxsmqbev4rwckvy27bqws5cgm3hiid7xolt65j72kqd.onion" wide $s1 = "" wide $s2 = "Domain Detect: detected {0}" wide $s3 = "DOMAINDETECTCOOKIES" ascii $s4 = /(Opera|Edge|Chrome|Brave|Vivaldi|Blink|Universal|Gecko|OperaGx|Firefox)Grabber/ fullword ascii $u1 = "/antivm.php?id=" wide $u2 = "/ferr.php?id=" wide $u3 = ".php?ownerid=" wide $u4 = "&buildid=" wide $u5 = "&username=" wide $u6 = "&BSSID=" wide $u7 = "&rndtoken=" wide $u8 = "&domaindetects=" wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (2 of ($x*) or (1 of ($x*) and (2 of ($s*) or 3 of ($u*))) or (all of ($s*) and 3 of ($u*)) or (7 of ($u*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_TOITOIN_KritaLoader { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects TOITOIN KritaLoader" clamav = "ditekSHen.MALWARE.Win.Trojan.TOITOIN" strings: $p1 = ":\\Trabalho_2023\\OFF_2023\\" ascii $p2 = "DLL_Start_OK.pdb" ascii $s1 = "krita_main" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (1 of ($p*) and 1 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_TOITOIN_InjectorDLL { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects TOITOIN InjectorDLL" clamav = "ditekSHen.MALWARE.Win.Trojan.TOITOIN" strings: $p1 = ":\\Trabalho_2023\\OFF_2023\\" ascii $p2 = "DLL_START_IN.pdb" ascii $s1 = ".ini" fullword ascii $s2 = "\\users\\Public\\Documents\\" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (1 of ($p*) and all of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_TOITOIN_Downloader { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects TOITOIN Downloader" clamav = "ditekSHen.MALWARE.Win.Trojan.TOITOIN" strings: $p1 = ":\\Trabalho_2023\\OFF_2023\\" ascii $s1 = { 20 2f 63 20 22 [6-15] 63 00 6d 00 64 00 00 00 6f 00 70 00 65 00 6e } $o1 = { 48 83 fa 10 72 34 48 8b 8d 10 ?? 00 00 48 ff c2 } condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them } rule MALWARE_Win_VenomRAT { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects VenomRAT" strings: $x1 = "Venom RAT + HVNC" fullword ascii $x2 = "Venom" fullword ascii $x3 = "VenomByVenom" fullword wide $s1 = "/c schtasks /create /f /sc onlogon /rl highest /tn \"" fullword wide $s2 = "UmVjZWl2ZWQ" wide $s3 = "Pac_ket" fullword wide $s4 = "Po_ng" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (1 of ($x*) and 2 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_SapphireStealer { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects SapphireStealer" strings: $s1 = "Sapphire.Modules." ascii $s2 = "sapphire\\" wide $s3 = "by r3vengerx0" wide $s4 = "Sapphire\\obj\\" ascii $s5 = "[ERROR_GETSECRETKEY_METHOD]" fullword wide $s6 = "[ERROR_CANT_GET_PASSWORD]" fullword wide $s7 = "

    ------NEW LOGS------

    " wide $s8 = "[ERROR] can't create grab directory" wide $s9 = "d__" ascii $s10 = "UploadToTelegram" ascii $s11 = ".SendLog+d__" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 5 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_R77 { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects r77 rootkit" strings: $s1 = "startup" fullword wide $s2 = "process_names" fullword wide $s3 = "paths" fullword wide $s4 = "service_names" fullword wide $s5 = "tcp_local" fullword wide $s6 = "tcp_remote" fullword wide $s7 = "\\\\.\\pipe\\" wide $s8 = "SOFTWARE\\" wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ( all of ($s*) or (5 of them and pe.exports("ReflectiveDllMain")) or (5 of them and for any i in (0 .. pe.number_of_sections) : ( ( pe.sections[i].name == ".detourd" ) ) ) ) } rule MALWARE_Win_Disco_NightClub { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Hunts for Disco NightClub" strings: $s1 = "\\OfficeBroker\\OfficeBroker.exe" ascii wide nocase $s2 = "\\EDGEUPDATE\\EDGEAOUT" ascii wide nocase $s3 = "\\EDGEUPDATE\\update" ascii wide nocase $s4 = "" ascii wide nocase $s5 = "" ascii wide nocase $s6 = "nightclub::" ascii wide nocase $s7 = "EncryptedPasswordFlt" ascii wide nocase $s8 = "Microsoft\\def\\Gfr45.cfg" ascii wide nocase $s9 = "::keylog::" ascii wide nocase $pdb1 = "\\AbcdMainProject\\Rootsrc\\Projects\\MainS\\Ink\\" ascii wide nocase $pdb2 = "\\Autogen\\Kh\\AutogenAlg\\" ascii wide nocase condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((1 of ($pdb*) and 2 of ($s*)) or (4 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_RisePro { meta: author = "ditekShen" description = "Detects RisePro infostealer" strings: $x1 = "" ascii wide nocase $s1 = "failed readpacket" fullword wide $s2 = "faield sendpacket" fullword wide $s3 = "PersistWal" fullword wide $s4 = /CRED_ENUMERATE_(ALL|SESSION)_CREDENTIALS/ fullword ascii $s5 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" fullword wide $s6 = { 4c 00 6f 00 67 00 69 00 6e 00 20 00 44 00 61 00 74 00 61 [10] 57 00 65 00 62 00 20 00 44 00 61 00 74 00 61 [2] 48 00 69 00 73 00 74 00 6f 00 72 00 79 [21] 43 00 6f 00 6f 00 6b 00 69 00 65 00 73 } $s7 = { 61 00 70 00 70 00 6c 00 69 00 63 00 61 00 74 00 69 00 6f 00 6e 00 2f 00 78 00 2d 00 77 00 77 00 77 00 2d 00 66 00 6f 00 72 00 6d 00 2d 00 75 00 72 00 6c 00 65 00 6e 00 63 00 6f 00 64 00 65 00 64 00 3b 00 20 00 63 00 68 00 61 00 72 00 73 00 65 00 74 00 3d 00 75 00 74 00 66 00 2d 00 38 00 42 61 00 70 00 70 00 6c 00 69 00 63 00 61 00 74 00 69 00 6f 00 6e 00 2f 00 6a 00 73 00 6f 00 6e 00 2c 00 20 00 74 00 65 00 78 00 74 00 2f 00 70 00 6c 00 61 00 69 00 6e 00 2c 00 20 00 2a 00 2f 00 2a } $s8 = /_(SET|GET)_(GRABBER|LOADER)/ wide $s9 = /catch (save )?(windows cred|screen|pluginscrypto|historyCC|autofill|cookies|passwords|passwords sql|autofills sql|dwnlhistory sql|discordToken|quantum|isDropped)/ fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (1 of ($x*) or 6 of ($s*)) } rule MALWARE_Win_GraphicalProton_rsockstun { meta: author = "ditekShen" description = "Detects GraphicalProton custom rsockstun" strings: $m1 = "main.connectviaproxy" ascii $m2 = "main.connectForSocks" ascii $m3 = "main.listenForClients" ascii $m4 = "main.listenForSocks" ascii $s1 = "Proxy-Authorization: NTLM TlRMTVNTUAABAAAABoIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=" ascii $s2 = "Server: nginx/1.14.1" ascii $s3 = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" ascii $s4 = "wine_get" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((all of ($m*) and 2 of ($s*)) or (all of ($s*) and 1 of ($m*)) or 7 of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_PWSHDLLDL { meta: author = "ditekShen" description = "Detects downloader" strings: $s1 = "powershell.exe Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process ; powershell -file " fullword wide nocase $s2 = " \"powershell -WindowStyle hidden -command wscript.exe //b //nologo '" fullword wide nocase $s3 = "cmd.exe /c schtasks.exe /create /tn \"" fullword wide nocase $s4 = "-WindowStyle hidden -command wscript.exe //b //nologo '" fullword wide nocase $s6 = "\" /tr \"wscript.exe //b //nologo '" fullword wide nocase $s7 = "\" -Value \"Powershell.exe -WindowStyle hidden \"\"& '" fullword wide nocase $op0 = { 61 01 00 34 53 79 73 74 65 6d 2e 57 65 62 2e 53 } $op1 = { 4b 04 00 00 34 01 00 00 7f 05 00 00 1a } condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and pe.is_dll() and 5 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_NPPSpy { meta: author = "ditekShen" description = "Detects NPPSpy / Ntospy" strings: $s1 = "ntskrnl.dll" fullword ascii $s2 = "PasswordStealing.dll" fullword ascii $s3 = "ntoskrnl.dll" fullword ascii $s4 = "\\programdata\\packag~" ascii $s5 = "NPPSPY.dll" fullword ascii $s6 = "MSControll.dll" fullword ascii $s7 = "\\Windows\\Temp\\" ascii $s8 = "\\NPPSpy\\" ascii // hunt $s9 = "NPGetCaps" fullword ascii $s10 = "NPLogonNotify" fullword ascii // C:\Users\GrzegorzTworek\source\repos\NPPSpy\x64\Release\NPPSPY.pdb $path = "\\GrzegorzTworek\\" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((pe.is_dll() and filesize < 110KB and pe.number_of_exports == 2 and ((pe.exports("NPGetCaps") and pe.exports("NPLogonNotify")) or (1 of ($s*) and (pe.exports("NPGetCaps") or pe.exports("NPLogonNotify"))))) or (($path) and any of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_AgentRacoon { meta: author = "ditekShen" description = "Detects AgentRacoon. Not Raccoon" strings: $s1 = "UdpClient" fullword ascii $s2 = "IPEndPoint" fullword ascii $s3 = "get_Client" fullword ascii $s4 = "set_ReceiveTimeout" fullword ascii $s5 = "Command failed:" wide $s6 = "uploaded" wide $s7 = "downloaded" wide $s8 = ".telemetry." wide $s9 = "xn--" wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 7 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_Simda { meta: author = "ditekShen" description = "Detects Simda / Shifu infostealer" strings: $s1 = "command=auth_loginByPassword&back_command=&back_custom1=&" fullword ascii $s2 = "iexplore.exe|opera.exe|java.exe|javaw.exe|explorer.exe|isclient.exe|intpro.exe|ipc_full.exe|mnp.exe|cbsmain.dll|firefox.exe|clma" ascii $s3 = "debug_%s_%s.log" fullword ascii $s4 = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"report\"" ascii $s5 = "name=%s&port=%u" ascii $s6 = "id=%s&ver=4.0.1&up=%u&os=%03u&rights=%s<ime=%s%d&token=%d" ascii $s7 = "{BotVer:" fullword ascii $s8 = "software\\microsoft\\windows nt\\currentversion\\winlogon" ascii $s9 = /(!|&|data_)inject(=ok)?/ fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 6 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_VBSDownloader { meta: author = "ditekShen" description = "Detects second stage VBS downloader of third stage VBS" strings: $s1 = "CreateObject(\"MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP\")" wide $s2 = ".Open \"GET\"," wide $s3 = ".Send" wide $s4 = ".responseText" wide $s5 = "ExecuteGlobal" wide condition: filesize < 50KB and all of them } rule MALWARE_Win_UmbralStealer { meta: author = "ditekShen" description = "Detects Umbral infostealer" strings: $x1 = "Umbral Stealer" wide $x2 = "Umbral.payload." ascii $s1 = "U2V0LU1wUHJlZmVyZW5jZ" wide $s2 = "{{ Key = {0}, Value = {1} }}" wide $s3 = "csproduct get uuid" wide $s4 = " www." $s5 = /(set|get)_Take(Screen|WebcamSnap)shot/ fullword ascii $s6 = "still_pin" fullword ascii $c1 = "" wide $c2 = "" wide $c3 = "" wide $c4 = "" wide $c5 = "" wide $c6 = "" wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (1 of ($x*) or 5 of ($s*) or (3 of ($s*) and 4 of ($c*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_MetaStealer { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects MetaStealer infostealer" strings: $s1 = "! #\"'&(&*)>=@?POQOROSOTOUOVOWOXOYOZO[O^]{z|z}z~z" fullword wide $s2 = "{0}{1}{2}" fullword wide $s3 = "localhost" fullword wide $s4 = "\\tdata" fullword wide $s5 = "DecryptBlob" fullword ascii $s6 = "GetMac" fullword ascii $s7 = "GetHdc" fullword ascii $s8 = "FindProc" fullword ascii $s9 = "targetPid" fullword ascii $s10 = "MessageSecurityOverTcp" fullword ascii $s11 = "ListOfProcesses" fullword ascii $s12 = "ListOfPrograms" fullword ascii $s13 = "browserPaths" fullword ascii $s14 = "configs" fullword ascii $s15 = "scanners" fullword ascii $s16 = "FileScannerRule" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 7 of ($s*) } rule MALWARE_Win_MediaPI { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects MediaPI" strings: $s1 = "SomeFunction" ascii $s2 = "\"stealth" ascii $s3 = "\"ServAddr" ascii $s4 = "\"ServPort" ascii $s5 = "\"ServIp" ascii $s6 = "\"wsaData" ascii $s7 = "\"-socket" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and pe.is_dll() and ((6 of them) or (3 of them and pe.exports("SomeFunction"))) } rule MALWARE_Win_BlackHunt { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects BlackHunt ransomware" strings: $s1 = /#BlackHunt_(Logs|BG|Icon|Public|Private|ID|ReadMe|Update)\.(txt|jpg|ico|key|hta)/ ascii wide $s2 = /-(biggame|noencrypt|netinfo|nospread)/ fullword wide $s3 = "/v \"*BlackHunt\" /t REG_SZ /d" wide $s4 = "/sc onstart /TN \"Windows Critical Update\" /TR \"'%s' %s\" /F" wide $s5 = "/v \"DisableChangePassword\" /t REG_DWORD /d" wide $s6 = " %s this ID ( %s )" wide $s7 = "}div.header h1 span#hunter" wide $s8 = "BLACK_HUNT_MUTEX" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 4 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_ScoutElite { meta: author = "ditekSHen" description = "Detects ScoutElite" reference = "" strings: $cmd1 = "command=scote_ping" fullword ascii $cmd2 = "command=scote_info_ipconfig" fullword ascii $cmd3 = "command=scote_info_systeminfo" fullword ascii $cmd4 = "command=scote_connection|hwid=" fullword ascii $cmd5 = "command=ping" fullword wide $cmd6 = "command=screen_capture_init" fullword wide $cmd7 = "command=screen_capture" fullword wide $cmd8 = "command=silence_screenshot" fullword wide $cmd9 = "command=silence_keylogger" fullword wide $cmd10 = "command=silence_password" fullword wide $cmd11 = "command=screen_thumb" fullword wide $cmd12 = "command=filemanager_upload_tcp" fullword wide $cmd13 = "command=filemanager_download" fullword wide $cmd14 = "command=filemanager_init" fullword wide $cmd15 = "command=filemanager_root" fullword wide $cmd16 = "command=filemanager_folder_filemanager_file" fullword wide $cmd17 = "command=filemanager_thumb" fullword wide $cmd18 = "command=keylogger_init" fullword wide $cmd19 = "command=keylogger_file" fullword wide $cmd20 = "command=password_firefox" fullword wide $cmd21 = "command=password_opera" fullword wide $cmd22 = "command=password_chrome" fullword wide $cmd23 = "command=password_all" fullword wide $cmd24 = "command=password_init" fullword wide $cmd25 = "command=misc_init" fullword wide $cmd26 = "command=misc_process" fullword wide $cmd27 = "command=misc_cmd" fullword wide $cmd28 = "command=new_rcs" fullword wide $cmd29 = "command=microphone_capture" fullword wide $cmd30 = "command=microphone_capture_init" fullword wide $cmd31 = "command=rvmedia_capture_init" fullword wide $cmd32 = "command=rvmedia_list" fullword wide $cmd33 = "command=rvmedia_resolution" fullword wide $cmd34 = "command=webcam_capture_init" fullword wide $cmd35 = "command=webcam_list" fullword wide $cmd36 = "command=webcam_resolution" fullword wide $cmd37 = "command=webcam_capture" fullword wide $gcmd1 = "filemanager_download_ftp" fullword wide $gcmd2 = "download_file_ftp" fullword wide $gcmd3 = "filemanager_upload_http" fullword wide $gcmd4 = "upload_file_http" fullword wide $gcmd5 = "upload_url" fullword wide $gcmd6 = "filemanager_delete" fullword wide $gcmd7 = "filemanager_execute_file" fullword wide $gcmd8 = /(microphone|webcam|rvmedia|keylogger|password|screen|filemanager)_(host|port|guid)/ nocase $confs1 = "[nick_name]" fullword ascii $confe1 = "[/nick_name]" fullword ascii wide $confs2 = "[install_name]" fullword ascii wide $confe2 = "[/install_name]" fullword ascii wide $confs3 = "[install_folder]" fullword ascii wide $confe3 = "[/install_folder]" fullword ascii wide $confs4 = "[reg_startup]" fullword ascii wide $confe4 = "[/reg_startup]" fullword ascii wide $confs5 = "[folder_startup]" fullword ascii wide $confe5 = "[/folder_startup]" fullword ascii wide $confs6 = "[task_startup]" fullword ascii wide $confe6 = "[/task_startup]" fullword ascii wide $confs7 = "[injection]" fullword ascii wide $confe7 = "[/injection]" fullword ascii wide $confs8 = "[injection_process]" fullword ascii wide $confe8 = "[/injection_process]" fullword ascii wide $confs9 = "[connection]" fullword ascii wide $confe9 = "[/connection]" fullword ascii wide condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (2 of ($cmd*) or 7 of ($gcmd*) or (2 of ($confs*) and 2 of ($confe*)) or (pe.exports("__elite") and 2 of them))) or (15 of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_ScoutElitePS { meta: author = "ditekshen" description = "Detects actor PowerShell tool designed to steal browsers session cookie and passwords on-disk and in-memory" reference = "" strings: $cnc1 = "" ascii wide nocase $cnc2 = "f_dump.php" ascii wide nocase $cnc3 = "c_dump.php" ascii wide nocase $cnc4 = "o_dump.php" ascii wide nocase $db1 = "\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\Cookies" ascii wide nocase $db2 = "\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles\\*.default" ascii wide nocase $db3 = "\\Opera Software\\Opera Stable\\Cookies" ascii wide nocase $db4 = "$($env:LOCALAPPDATA)\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default" ascii nocase $db5 = "$($env:APPDATA)\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles\\*.default" ascii nocase $db6 = "$($env:APPDATA)\\Opera Software\\Opera Stable" ascii nocase $cond1 = "SSID" ascii wide $cond2 = "MSPAuth" ascii wide $cond3 = "\"'T'\"" ascii wide $cond4 = "SNS_AA" ascii wide $cond5 = "X-APPLE-WEBAUTH-TOKEN" ascii wide $sql1 = "SELECT * FROM 'cookies' WHERE host_key LIKE $" ascii wide nocase $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM 'moz_cookies' WHERE host LIKE $" ascii wide nocase $sql3 = "SELECT origin_url, username_value ,password_value FROM 'logins'" ascii nocase $def1 = "Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Security" ascii wide nocase $def2 = "System.Security.SecureString" ascii wide nocase $def3 = "ConvertFrom-SecureString" ascii wide nocase $def4 = "[System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData]::Unprotect(" ascii wide nocase $def5 = "[Security.Cryptography.DataProtectionScope]::LocalMachine" ascii wide nocase $def6 = "[Security.Cryptography.DataProtectionScope]::CurrentUser" ascii wide nocase $def7 = "System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection" ascii wide nocase $def8 = "[Environment]::OSVersion.ToString().Replace(\"Microsoft Windows \"," ascii wide nocase $def9 = "Start-Sleep" ascii wide nocase condition: (1 of ($cnc*) and any of ($db*) and any of ($cond*) and any of ($sql*) and 7 of ($def*)) or (all of them) } rule MALWARE_Andr_Landroid { meta: author = "ditekshen" description = "Detects Landroid" reference = "" strings: $dex_header = { 64 65 78 } $cnc1 = "" fullword ascii /* found in .dex and .apk */ $cnc2 = "/full_data.php" ascii /* found in .dex */ $cnc3 = "/upload.php" ascii /* found in .dex */ $package = "com.androDiv." wide /* found in .apk */ $exfil1 = /ContDB?[A-Z]?/ fullword ascii $exfil2 = "[X]" fullword ascii $exfil3 = "/~RIP_" fullword ascii $exfil4 = /^(.|\/)rip$/ fullword ascii $http1 = "%s-retry [timeout=%s]" fullword ascii $http2 = "%s-timeout-giveup [timeout=%s]" fullword ascii $http3 = "HTTP response for request=<%s> [lifetime=%d], [size=%s], [rc=%d], [retryCount=%s]" fullword ascii $http4 = "Cache[maxSize=%d,hits=%d,misses=%d,hitRate=%d%%]" fullword ascii $s1 = "Landroid" fullword ascii $s2 = "Lorg" fullword ascii $s3 = "fileToUpload" fullword ascii $s4 = "xtcp://" fullword ascii $s5 = "/which su" fullword ascii $s6 = "/Superuser.apk" fullword ascii condition: (($dex_header at 0 and (2 of ($cnc*) or (all of ($exfil*) and (all of ($http*)) and (3 of ($s*))))) or (uint16(0) == 0x4b50 and $package and 1 of ($cnc*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_HoudiniConfig { meta: author = "ditekshen" description = "Detects Houdini Trojan configurations" reference = "" strings: $s1 = "install_name=" $s2 = "nick_name=" $s3 = "install_folder=" $s4 = "reg_startup=" $s5 = "startup_folder_startup=" $s6 = "task_startup=" $s7 = "injection=" $s8 = "injection_process" condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 5 of them) or (all of them) } rule MALWARE_Win_Houdini { meta: author = "ditekshen" description = "Detects the raw binary of the Houdini Trojan Delphi variant" reference = "" strings: $hc = "houdiniclient" ascii wide nocase // module keylogger $mk1 = "keylogger_thread" fullword ascii $mk2 = "keyloger_host" fullword ascii $mk3 = "keylogger_port" fullword ascii $mk4 = "keylogger_thread" fullword ascii $mk5 = "keylogger_init" fullword wide $mk6 = "keylogger_stop" fullword wide $mk7 = "keylogger_offline" fullword wide $mk8 = "silence_keylogger" fullword wide // module screenshot $ms1 = "screenshot_thread" fullword ascii $ms2 = "screen_host" fullword ascii $ms3 = "screen_port" fullword ascii $ms4 = "screenshot_init" fullword wide $ms5 = "screenshot_start" fullword wide $ms6 = "screenshot_stop" fullword wide $ms7 = "screen_thumb" fullword wide $ms8 = "silence_screenshot" fullword wide // module file $mf1 = "file_manager_init" fullword wide $mf2 = "file_manager_root" fullword wide $mf3 = "file_manager_faf" fullword wide $mf4 = "file_manager_download" fullword wide $mf5 = "file_manager_upload" fullword wide $mf6 = "file_manager_stop" fullword wide $mf7 = "file_manager_delete_folder" fullword wide $mf8 = "file_manager_rename_folder" fullword wide $mf9 = "file_manager_rename_file" fullword wide $mf10 = "file_manager_delete_file" fullword wide $mf11 = "file_manager_execute_file" fullword wide $mf12 = "file_manager_thumb" fullword wide $mf13 = "file_manager_upload_http" fullword wide $mf14 = "file_manager_upload_tcp" fullword wide $mf15 = "upload_file_tcp" fullword wide $mf16 = "download_file_tcp" fullword wide $mf17 = "upload_file_http" fullword wide $mf18 = "filemanager_host" fullword ascii $mf19 = "filemanager_port" fullword ascii $mf20 = "filemanager_thread" fullword ascii // module password $mp1 = "password_value" fullword wide $mp2 = "password_init" fullword wide $mp3 = "password_stop" fullword wide $mp4 = "password_firefox" fullword wide $mp5 = "password_chrome" fullword wide $mp6 = "password_all" fullword wide $mp7 = "password_host" fullword ascii $mp8 = "password_port" fullword ascii $mp9 = "password_thread" fullword ascii // module miscellaneous $mm1 = "misc_init" fullword wide $mm2 = "misc_stop" fullword wide $mm3 = "misc_process_list" fullword wide $mm4 = "misc_module_list" fullword wide $mm5 = "misc_process_terminate" fullword wide $mm6 = "misc_host" fullword ascii $mm7 = "misc_port" fullword ascii $mm8 = "misc_thread" fullword ascii // plugins $pl1 = "plugin_file_init" fullword wide $pl2 = "plugin_url_init" fullword wide $pl3 = "plugin_stop" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 4 of them } rule MALWARE_Win_LightHand { meta: author = "ditekshen" description = "Detects LightHand" strings: $x1 = "27.102." ascii $x2 = "" fullword ascii $s1 = /Hello (Client|Server)/ fullword ascii $s2 = "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|" fullword wide $s3 = "%s\\cmd.exe" fullword wide $s4 = "Remote PC" fullword wide $s5 = { 2e 62 61 74 [3-4] 3a 4c 31 0d 0a 64 65 6c 20 2f 46 20 22 25 73 22 0d 0a 69 66 20 65 78 69 73 74 20 22 25 73 22 20 67 6f 74 6f 20 4c 31 0d 0a 64 65 6c 20 2f 46 20 22 25 73 22 0d 0a 00 00 6f 70 65 6e } $s6 = { 25 00 2e 00 32 00 66 00 47 00 42 00 00 00 00 00 25 00 73 00 7c 00 25 00 73 00 7c 00 25 00 73 00 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5c 00 2a 00 2e 00 2a 00 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 2e 00 00 00 2e 00 2e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 46 00 6f 00 6c 00 64 00 65 00 72 00 00 00 00 00 25 00 73 00 5c 00 25 00 73 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 00 64 00 42 00 00 00 25 00 2e 00 31 00 66 00 4b 00 42 00 00 00 00 00 25 00 2e 00 31 00 66 00 4d 00 42 } condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((5 of ($s*)) or (1 of ($x*) and 3 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_ValidAlpha { meta: author = "ditekshen" description = "Detects ValidApha / BlackRAT" strings: $x1 = "RAT/Black/" ascii $x2 = "RAT/Black/Client_Go/" ascii $s1 = "main.RunTask" fullword ascii $s2 = "main.CmdShell" fullword ascii $s3 = "main.SelfDelete" fullword ascii $s4 = "main.RecvPacket" fullword ascii $s5 = "main.FileDownload" fullword ascii $s6 = "main.CaptureScreen" fullword ascii $s7 = "main.PeekNamedPipe" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((1 of ($x*) and 2 of ($s*)) or (6 of ($s*))) } rule MALWARE_Win_TigerRAT { meta: author = "ditekshen" description = "Detects TigerRAT" strings: $m0 = ".?AVCryptorRC4@@" fullword ascii $m1 = ".?AVModuleShell@@" fullword ascii $m2 = ".?AVModuleKeyLogger@@" fullword ascii $m3 = ".?AVModuleSocksTunnel@@" fullword ascii $m4 = ".?AVModuleScreenCapture@@" fullword ascii $m5 = ".?AVModulePortForwarder@@" fullword ascii $s1 = "\\x9891-009942-xnopcopie.dat" fullword wide $s2 = "(%02d : %02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d)--- %s[Clipboard]" fullword ascii $s3 = "[%02d : %02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d]--- %s[Title]" fullword ascii $s4 = "~KPTEMP" fullword wide $s5 = "del \"%s\"%s \"%s\" goto " ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((all of ($s*)) or (5 of ($m*)) or (3 of ($m*) and 2 of ($s*)) or (5 of them)) } rule MALWARE_Win_KTLVdoor { meta: author = "ditekshen" description = "Detects KTLVdoor" strings: $s1 = "/cmd/acc/agent_acc" ascii $s2 = "main.DLLWMain" ascii $s3 = "main.checkSilent" ascii $h1 = ".handleInteractiveShell" ascii $h2 = ".handleNetstat" ascii $h3 = ".handleProcess" ascii $h4 = ".handleRefreshHostInfo" ascii $h5 = ".handleTimestomp" ascii $h6 = ".handleSoInject" ascii $h7 = ".HandleRegInfo" ascii $h8 = ".handlePortscan" ascii $h9 = ".handleReflectDllInject" ascii $h10 = ".handleFileDownload" ascii $f1 = ".RdpWithNTLM." ascii $f2 = ".FingerPrintOs." ascii $f3 = ".ScanWMI." ascii $f4 = ".ScanWinRM." ascii $f5 = ".ScanWeb." ascii $f6 = ".ScanSmb2." ascii $f7 = ".ScanRDP." ascii $f8 = ".ScanPing." ascii $f9 = ".ScanOxid." ascii $f10 = ".ScanMssql." ascii $f11 = ".ScanBanner." ascii $fr1 = /\.proxy[CS]2[CS](TC|UD)P/ ascii $fr2 = /\.Scan(WMI|WinRM|Web|Smb2|RDP|Ping|Oxid|Mssql|Banner)\./ ascii condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d or uint16(0) == 0x457f) and ((6 of ($h*)) or (12 of ($f*)) or (2 of ($h*) and 4 of ($f*)) or (1 of ($s*) and (4 of ($h*) or 4 of ($f*))) or (13 of them)) } rule MALWARE_Win_FakeCaptcha_Downloader { meta: author = "ditekshen" description = "Detects downloader executables dropped by fake captcha" strings: $s1 = "MZ" ascii $s2 = "window.close();" ascii $s3 = "eval(" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them } rule MALWARE_Win_XenoRAT { meta: author = "ditekshen" description = "Detects Blacksuit" strings: $x1 = "xeno rat client" wide $x2 = "xeno_rat_client." ascii $x3 = "xeno rat client" ascii $s1 = "+" ascii $s2 = "+" ascii $s3 = "+" ascii $s4 = "+