# cargo-vet audits file [[wildcard-audits.prio]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 101233 start = "2020-09-28" end = "2024-03-23" renew = false [[wildcard-audits.prio]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 213776 start = "2020-09-28" end = "2025-02-12" [[audits.aes]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.8.2 -> 0.8.3" [[audits.aes]] who = "Tim Geoghegan " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.8.3 -> 0.8.4" notes = """ Change affects some unsafe code. The only functional change is to add an assertion checking alignment and to change an `as *mut u32` cast to a call to `std::pointer::cast`. """ [[audits.aes-gcm]] who = "Tim Geoghegan " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.10.1 -> 0.10.2" [[audits.alga]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-run" version = "0.9.3" [[audits.anstyle]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-run" version = "1.0.0" [[audits.assert_matches]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-run" version = "1.5.0" [[audits.base64]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.20.0 -> 0.21.0" [[audits.base64]] who = "Tim Geoghegan " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.21.0 -> 0.21.1" [[audits.base64]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.21.1 -> 0.21.2" [[audits.base64]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.21.2 -> 0.21.3" [[audits.base64]] who = "Ameer Ghani " criteria = "safe-to-run" delta = "0.21.3 -> 0.21.4" [[audits.base64]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-run" delta = "0.21.4 -> 0.21.5" [[audits.base64]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-run" delta = "0.21.5 -> 0.21.6" notes = "sourcegraph-based diff did not see the v0.21.6 tag; I retrieved a local copy of the repo and used that for diff'ing." [[audits.base64]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-run" delta = "0.21.6 -> 0.21.7" [[audits.base64]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-run" delta = "0.21.7 -> 0.22.0" [[audits.base64]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-run" delta = "0.22.0 -> 0.22.1" [[audits.block-buffer]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" version = "0.9.0" [[audits.ciborium-io]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-run" version = "0.2.0" [[audits.clap]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-run" delta = "4.1.14 -> 4.3.0" [[audits.clap_builder]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-run" delta = "4.1.14 -> 4.3.0" [[audits.clap_lex]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-run" delta = "0.4.1 -> 0.5.0" [[audits.cmac]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" version = "0.7.1" [[audits.cmac]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.7.1 -> 0.7.2" [[audits.criterion]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-run" delta = "0.4.0 -> 0.5.1" [[audits.crunchy]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" version = "0.2.2" [[audits.dbl]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" version = "0.3.2" [[audits.digest]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.10.6 -> 0.10.7" [[audits.either]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" version = "1.6.1" [[audits.errno-dragonfly]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-run" version = "0.1.2" [[audits.fiat-crypto]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" version = "0.1.17" notes = """ This crate does not contain any unsafe code, and does not use any items from the standard library or other crates, aside from operations backed by `std::ops`. All paths with array indexing use integer literals for indexes, so there are no panics due to indexes out of bounds (as rustc would catch an out-of-bounds literal index). I did not check whether arithmetic overflows could cause a panic, and I am relying on the Coq code having satisfied the necessary preconditions to ensure panics due to overflows are unreachable. """ [[audits.fiat-crypto]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.1.17 -> 0.1.18" [[audits.fiat-crypto]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.1.18 -> 0.1.19" notes = """ This release renames many items and adds a new module. The code in the new module is entirely composed of arithmetic and array accesses. """ [[audits.fiat-crypto]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.1.19 -> 0.1.20" [[audits.fiat-crypto]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.1.20 -> 0.2.0" [[audits.fiat-crypto]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.2.0 -> 0.2.1" [[audits.fiat-crypto]] who = "Tim Geoghegan " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.2.1 -> 0.2.2" notes = "No changes to `unsafe` code, or any functional changes that I can detect at all." [[audits.fiat-crypto]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.2.2 -> 0.2.4" [[audits.fiat-crypto]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.2.4 -> 0.2.5" [[audits.fiat-crypto]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.2.5 -> 0.2.6" [[audits.fiat-crypto]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.2.6 -> 0.2.7" [[audits.fiat-crypto]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.2.7 -> 0.2.8" [[audits.fiat-crypto]] who = "Tim Geoghegan " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.2.8 -> 0.2.9" notes = "No changes to Rust code between 0.2.8 and 0.2.9" [[audits.fixed]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.20.0 -> 1.21.0" [[audits.fixed]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.21.0 -> 1.22.1" [[audits.fixed]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.22.1 -> 1.23.0" [[audits.fixed]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.23.0 -> 1.23.1" [[audits.fixed]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.23.1 -> 1.25.0" [[audits.fixed]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.25.0 -> 1.25.1" [[audits.fixed]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.25.1 -> 1.26.0" [[audits.fixed]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.26.0 -> 1.27.0" [[audits.fixed-macro]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-run" version = "1.2.0" [[audits.fixed-macro-impl]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-run" version = "1.2.0" [[audits.generic-array]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-run" delta = "0.14.6 -> 0.13.3" [[audits.getrandom]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-run" delta = "0.2.2 -> 0.1.16" [[audits.getrandom]] who = "Tim Geoghegan " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.2.9 -> 0.2.10" notes = "These changes include some new `unsafe` code for the `emscripten` and `psvita` targets, but all it does is call `libc::getentropy`." [[audits.getrandom]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.2.10 -> 0.2.11" [[audits.getrandom]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.2.11 -> 0.2.12" [[audits.getrandom]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.2.12 -> 0.2.14" [[audits.getrandom]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.2.14 -> 0.2.15" [[audits.ghash]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" version = "0.5.0" [[audits.hermit-abi]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-run" delta = "0.2.6 -> 0.3.1" [[audits.hex-literal]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-run" version = "0.3.4" [[audits.hex-literal]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-run" version = "0.4.0" [[audits.hex-literal]] who = "Tim Geoghegan " criteria = "safe-to-run" delta = "0.4.0 -> 0.4.1" [[audits.hmac]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" version = "0.12.1" [[audits.io-lifetimes]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-run" delta = "1.0.10 -> 1.0.11" [[audits.itertools]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-run" delta = "0.10.5 -> 0.11.0" [[audits.keccak]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" version = "0.1.2" [[audits.keccak]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.1.2 -> 0.1.3" [[audits.keccak]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.1.3 -> 0.1.4" [[audits.libc]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.2.139 -> 0.2.141" [[audits.libc]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.2.149 -> 0.2.150" [[audits.linux-raw-sys]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-run" delta = "0.3.3 -> 0.3.8" [[audits.modinverse]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-run" version = "0.1.1" [[audits.num-bigint]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.4.3 -> 0.4.4" [[audits.num-integer]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.1.45 -> 0.1.46" [[audits.num-iter]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.1.43 -> 0.1.44" [[audits.num-iter]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.1.44 -> 0.1.45" [[audits.num-rational]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.4.1 -> 0.4.2" [[audits.num-traits]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.2.15 -> 0.2.16" [[audits.num-traits]] who = "Ameer Ghani " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.2.16 -> 0.2.17" [[audits.num-traits]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.2.17 -> 0.2.18" [[audits.num-traits]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.2.18 -> 0.2.19" [[audits.once_cell]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.14.0 -> 1.15.0" [[audits.once_cell]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.15.0 -> 1.16.0" notes = """ Changes to unsafe code in src/lib.rs, src/impl_std.rs, and src/imp_pl.rs are functionally equivalent, and call unwrap_unchecked() on already-initialized Options. The new implementation based on critical_section appears to be sound. """ [[audits.once_cell]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.16.0 -> 1.17.0" [[audits.once_cell]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.17.1 -> 1.17.2" [[audits.once_cell]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.17.2 -> 1.18.0" [[audits.once_cell]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.18.0 -> 1.19.0" [[audits.opaque-debug]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" version = "0.3.0" [[audits.proc-macro-error-attr]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-run" version = "1.0.4" [[audits.proc-macro2]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.0.49 -> 1.0.47" [[audits.proc-macro2]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.0.52 -> 1.0.54" [[audits.rand_chacha]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" version = "0.3.1" [[audits.rand_chacha]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-run" delta = "0.3.0 -> 0.2.2" [[audits.rand_core]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" version = "0.6.3" [[audits.rand_core]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-run" delta = "0.6.1 -> 0.5.1" [[audits.rand_hc]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-run" version = "0.2.0" [[audits.rawpointer]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-run" version = "0.2.1" [[audits.rayon]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.6.1 -> 1.7.0" [[audits.rayon]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.7.0 -> 1.8.0" [[audits.rayon]] who = "Ameer Ghani " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.8.0 -> 1.8.1" [[audits.rayon]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.8.1 -> 1.9.0" [[audits.rayon]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.9.0 -> 1.10.0" [[audits.rayon-core]] who = "Ameer Ghani " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" version = "1.12.1" [[audits.rayon-core]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.10.2 -> 1.11.0" [[audits.rayon-core]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.10.2 -> 1.11.0" [[audits.rayon-core]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.11.0 -> 1.12.0" [[audits.serde]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.0.152 -> 1.0.153" [[audits.serde]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.0.153 -> 1.0.154" [[audits.serde]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.0.154 -> 1.0.155" [[audits.serde]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.0.156 -> 1.0.159" [[audits.serde]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.0.160 -> 1.0.162" [[audits.serde]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.0.162 -> 1.0.163" [[audits.serde_derive]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.0.152 -> 1.0.153" [[audits.serde_derive]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.0.153 -> 1.0.154" [[audits.serde_derive]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.0.154 -> 1.0.155" [[audits.serde_derive]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.0.156 -> 1.0.159" [[audits.serde_derive]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.0.160 -> 1.0.162" [[audits.serde_derive]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.0.162 -> 1.0.163" [[audits.serde_json]] who = "Tim Geoghegan " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.0.91 -> 1.0.92" notes = "The only changes are to doccomments, a dev-dependency and the project's CI workflow, so there should be no risk to dependents." [[audits.serde_json]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.0.92 -> 1.0.93" [[audits.serde_json]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.0.93 -> 1.0.94" [[audits.serde_json]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.0.94 -> 1.0.95" [[audits.sha2]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" version = "0.10.2" [[audits.sha3]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" version = "0.10.6" [[audits.sha3]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.10.6 -> 0.10.7" [[audits.sha3]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.10.7 -> 0.10.8" [[audits.statest]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-run" version = "0.2.2" [[audits.statrs]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-run" delta = "0.16.0 -> 0.16.1" [[audits.subtle]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "2.4.1 -> 2.5.0" [[audits.subtle]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "2.5.0 -> 2.6.1" [[audits.syn]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.0.104 -> 2.0.11" [[audits.thiserror]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.0.38 -> 1.0.39" [[audits.thiserror]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.0.39 -> 1.0.40" [[audits.thiserror]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.0.40 -> 1.0.43" [[audits.thiserror-impl]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.0.38 -> 1.0.39" [[audits.thiserror-impl]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.0.39 -> 1.0.40" [[audits.thiserror-impl]] who = "Brandon Pitman " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.0.40 -> 1.0.43" [[audits.unicode-ident]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "1.0.2 -> 1.0.3" [[audits.universal-hash]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" version = "0.4.1" [[audits.universal-hash]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" delta = "0.5.0 -> 0.5.1" [[audits.untrusted]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" version = "0.7.1" [[audits.wasi]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-run" delta = "0.10.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1 -> 0.9.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1" [[audits.wasm-bindgen-shared]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" version = "0.2.83" [[audits.zipf]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-run" version = "7.0.0" [[audits.zipf]] who = "David Cook " criteria = "safe-to-deploy" version = "7.0.1" [[audits.zipf]] who = "Tim Geoghegan " criteria = "safe-to-run" delta = "7.0.0 -> 7.0.1" [[trusted.byteorder]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 189 # Andrew Gallant (BurntSushi) start = "2019-06-09" end = "2024-06-08" [[trusted.itoa]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 3618 # David Tolnay (dtolnay) start = "2019-05-02" end = "2024-06-08" [[trusted.js-sys]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 1 # Alex Crichton (alexcrichton) start = "2019-03-04" end = "2024-06-08" [[trusted.libc]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 2915 # Amanieu d'Antras (Amanieu) start = "2021-01-27" end = "2024-06-08" [[trusted.libc]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 51017 # Yuki Okushi (JohnTitor) start = "2020-03-17" end = "2025-05-06" [[trusted.libm]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 2915 # Amanieu d'Antras (Amanieu) start = "2022-02-06" end = "2024-07-13" [[trusted.memchr]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 189 # Andrew Gallant (BurntSushi) start = "2019-07-07" end = "2024-06-08" [[trusted.num-bigint]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 539 # Josh Stone (cuviper) start = "2019-09-04" end = "2025-05-15" [[trusted.num-complex]] criteria = "safe-to-run" user-id = 539 # Josh Stone (cuviper) start = "2019-06-10" end = "2024-07-13" [[trusted.num-rational]] criteria = "safe-to-run" user-id = 539 # Josh Stone (cuviper) start = "2019-06-11" end = "2024-07-13" [[trusted.num_cpus]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 359 start = "2019-06-10" end = "2024-06-08" [[trusted.paste]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 3618 # David Tolnay (dtolnay) start = "2019-03-19" end = "2024-06-08" [[trusted.proc-macro2]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 3618 # David Tolnay (dtolnay) start = "2019-04-23" end = "2024-07-03" [[trusted.quote]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 3618 # David Tolnay (dtolnay) start = "2019-04-09" end = "2024-07-03" [[trusted.regex]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 189 # Andrew Gallant (BurntSushi) start = "2019-02-27" end = "2024-06-08" [[trusted.regex-syntax]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 189 # Andrew Gallant (BurntSushi) start = "2019-03-30" end = "2024-06-08" [[trusted.rustix]] criteria = "safe-to-run" user-id = 6825 # Dan Gohman (sunfishcode) start = "2021-10-29" end = "2024-11-21" [[trusted.ryu]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 3618 # David Tolnay (dtolnay) start = "2019-05-02" end = "2024-06-08" [[trusted.scopeguard]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 2915 # Amanieu d'Antras (Amanieu) start = "2020-02-16" end = "2024-06-08" [[trusted.serde]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 3618 # David Tolnay (dtolnay) start = "2019-03-01" end = "2024-06-08" [[trusted.serde_derive]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 3618 # David Tolnay (dtolnay) start = "2019-03-01" end = "2024-06-08" [[trusted.serde_json]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 3618 # David Tolnay (dtolnay) start = "2019-02-28" end = "2025-07-01" [[trusted.syn]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 3618 # David Tolnay (dtolnay) start = "2019-03-01" end = "2024-06-08" [[trusted.thiserror]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 3618 # David Tolnay (dtolnay) start = "2019-10-09" end = "2024-07-25" [[trusted.thiserror-impl]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 3618 # David Tolnay (dtolnay) start = "2019-10-09" end = "2024-07-25" [[trusted.thread_local]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 2915 # Amanieu d'Antras (Amanieu) start = "2019-09-07" end = "2024-06-08" [[trusted.wasi]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 1 # Alex Crichton (alexcrichton) start = "2020-06-03" end = "2024-06-08" [[trusted.wasm-bindgen]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 1 # Alex Crichton (alexcrichton) start = "2019-03-04" end = "2024-06-08" [[trusted.wasm-bindgen-backend]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 1 # Alex Crichton (alexcrichton) start = "2019-03-04" end = "2024-06-08" [[trusted.wasm-bindgen-macro]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 1 # Alex Crichton (alexcrichton) start = "2019-03-04" end = "2024-06-08" [[trusted.wasm-bindgen-macro-support]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 1 # Alex Crichton (alexcrichton) start = "2019-03-04" end = "2024-06-08" [[trusted.web-sys]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 1 # Alex Crichton (alexcrichton) start = "2019-03-04" end = "2024-06-08" [[trusted.winapi-util]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 189 # Andrew Gallant (BurntSushi) start = "2020-01-11" end = "2024-06-08" [[trusted.windows-sys]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 64539 # Kenny Kerr (kennykerr) start = "2021-11-15" end = "2024-06-20" [[trusted.windows-targets]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 64539 # Kenny Kerr (kennykerr) start = "2022-09-09" end = "2024-06-20" [[trusted.windows_aarch64_gnullvm]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 64539 # Kenny Kerr (kennykerr) start = "2022-09-01" end = "2024-06-20" [[trusted.windows_aarch64_msvc]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 64539 # Kenny Kerr (kennykerr) start = "2021-11-05" end = "2024-06-20" [[trusted.windows_i686_gnu]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 64539 # Kenny Kerr (kennykerr) start = "2021-10-28" end = "2024-06-20" [[trusted.windows_i686_msvc]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 64539 # Kenny Kerr (kennykerr) start = "2021-10-27" end = "2024-06-20" [[trusted.windows_x86_64_gnu]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 64539 # Kenny Kerr (kennykerr) start = "2021-10-28" end = "2024-06-20" [[trusted.windows_x86_64_gnullvm]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 64539 # Kenny Kerr (kennykerr) start = "2022-09-01" end = "2024-06-20" [[trusted.windows_x86_64_msvc]] criteria = "safe-to-deploy" user-id = 64539 # Kenny Kerr (kennykerr) start = "2021-10-27" end = "2024-06-20"