/** * Hubitat Dashboard Layout Templates * Author: John Stone (diysmarthomeguy) * Date: 2023-04-27 * * Copyright 2023 John Stone / DIY Smart Home Guy * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * 2023-05-02 0.004 More attempts to read and write JSON - can read only with dashboard token (not OAuth), and can't write yet. * 2023-04-29 0.003 Updated code to read users dashboard list - replaced strawman Switch stubs * 2023-04-28 0.002 strawman code to confirm layout and operations * 2023-04-27 0.001 New NOTES: 1) OAuth needs to be activated for this app to work. a) click OAuth b) accept the defaults c) click Update d) click close **/ def doDebug() { return [ "debug": 0, "info": 1,"trace": 1, "warn":1, "error":1, "test": 1 ] } def appParams() { def func = "appParams" def params = [ uri: "", textParser: true, headers: [ Cookie: state.cookie ] ] rv = doLog("debug", "$func", "1", "App Params", "$params") return params } definition( name: "Dashboard Layout Template", namespace: "diysmarthomeguy", author: "John Stone", importURL: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/diysmarthomeguy/Hubitat/main/Dashboards/LayoutTemplate/dashboard-layout-template.groovy", description: "Manage a Layout Template", category: "My Apps", parent: "diysmarthomeguy:Dashboard Layout Template Manager", iconUrl: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Convenience/Cat-Convenience.png", iconX2Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Convenience/Cat-Convenience@2x.png", iconX3Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Convenience/Cat-Convenience@2x.png") preferences { getDashList() page(name: "mainPage", title: "Layout Template", install: true, uninstall: true,submitOnChange: true) { section() { paragraph "
  1. Select a Dashboard to use as a Layout Template.
  2. Then select the Dashboard(s) to use the selected layout.
  3. Press Done to apply the Template to the target Dashboard(s).
  4. This will include all tile sizes and custom colors.
" } section("Layout Template (Origin Dashboard)") { input "templateName", "string", title: "Enter a name for your Layout Template", submitOnChange: true, defaultValue: "Dashboard Layout Template" paragraph "" input "layoutTemplates", "enum", title: "Select Layout Dashboard", required:true, multiple:false, options: state.allDashNames input "dashAccessToken", "string", title: "Paste the Access Token for this Dashboard (temp workaround)", submitOnChange: true, defaultValue: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" } section("Destination Dashboards") { input "targetDashboards", "enum", title: "Select Target Dashboard", required:true, multiple:true, options: state.allDashNames } section() { input "applyButton", "button", title: "Apply" } } } private initAccessToken() { // modified from code by @bertabcd1234 if (!state.accessToken) { try { def accessToken = createAccessToken() if (accessToken) { state.accessToken = accessToken } } catch(e) { state.accessToken = null } } return state.accessToken } private getHttp(params) { def func = "getHttp" as String def retult try { httpGet(params) { resp -> result = resp.data.text.replaceAll("\n","").replaceAll("\r","") } } catch (e) { doLog("error", "$func", "-9001", "Error retrieving installed apps: ", "${e}") doLog("error", "$func", "-9002", "Exceptions: ", getExceptionMessageWithLine(e)) // log.error "Error retrieving installed apps: ${e}" //log.error(getExceptionMessageWithLine(e)) result = null } return result } def getDashList() { // Modified from code by gavincampbell def func = "getDashList()" as String def rv def allAppNames = [] rv = doLog("debug", "$func", "1", "Fetching App List", "...") login() def params = appParams() def matcherText = getHttp(params).replaceAll("\n","").replaceAll("\r","") def id = getDashAppId(matcherText) rv = doLog("debug", "$func", "5", "ID", "$id") def matcher = (matcherText =~ /(?m)
.*?title="">(.*?)(\s?)<\/a>.*?<\/div>/) matcher.find() def matches = matcher.iterator() Map results = [:] def int i = 0 matches.each { allAppNames << it[1] } rv = doLog("debug", "$func", "6", "dashMatch", "$allAppNames") state.allDashNames = allAppNames.sort { a, b -> a.toLowerCase() <=> b.toLowerCase() } rv = doLog("debug", "$func", "20", "Dash Names", "$state.allDashNames") return } def getDashAppId(String appList) { def id = appList.find(/data-id="(\d+)">\s+Hubitat® Dashboard/) { match, id -> return id.trim() } return id } def getDashChildAppId(String appList, String dashName) { def func = "getDashChildAppId" as String def id = appList.find(/\s?$dashName/) { match, id -> return id.trim() } doLog("debug", "$func", "9001", "Child App Id", "$id") return id } def login() { // Modified from code by @dman2306 def func = "login()" as String def rv doLog("debug", "$func", "1", "In login", "Checking Hub Security") state.cookie = "" if(hubSecurity) { try{ httpPost( [ uri: "", path: "/login", query: [ loginRedirect: "/" ], body: [ username: hubUsername, password: hubPassword, submit: "Login" ], textParser: true, ignoreSSLIssues: true ] ) { resp -> if (resp.data?.text?.contains("The login information you supplied was incorrect.")) { rv = doLog("warn", "$func", "10", "Incorrect Login", "$hubUsername") } else { state.cookie = resp?.headers?.'Set-Cookie'?.split(';')?.getAt(0) rv = doLog("debug", "$func", "11", "Login Correct", "$hubUsername") } } } catch (e) { //log.error(getExceptionMessageWithLine(e)) rv = doLog("error", "$func", "20", "Login Correct", "getExceptionMessageWithLine(e)") } } else { rv = doLog("debug", "$func", "30", "No Hub Security", "...") } } def appButtonHandler(buttonName) { def func = "appButtonHandler()" as String def rv initAccessToken() def oAuth_accessToken = "$state.accessToken" def dash_accessToken = "$dashAccessToken" doLog("debug", "$func", "9001", "Button Pressed", "$buttonName") doLog("test", "$func", "9002", "Access Token", "$state.accessToken") doLog("test", "$func", "9003", "Selected Dashboard Name", "${layoutTemplates}") def appList = getHttp(appParams()).replaceAll("\n","").replaceAll("\r","") def appId = getDashAppId(appList).toInteger() doLog("test", "$func", "9004", "App Id", "$appId") def childId = getDashChildAppId(appList, "${layoutTemplates}") doLog("test", "$func", "9005", "Child App Id", "$childId") def params = [ //uri: "$appId/dashboard/$childId/layout?access_token=${oAuth_accessToken}", // throws error Unauthorized //uri: "$childId/dashboard/0/layout?access_token=${oAuth_accessToken}", // Dashboard token no longer valid! Either token was revoked or access removed. uri: "$childId/dashboard/0/layout?access_token=${dash_accessToken}", textParser: true, headers: [ Cookie: state.cookie ] ] doLog("debug", "$func", "9010", "URI", "$params.uri") def dshJson = getHttp(params).replaceAll("\n","").replaceAll("\r","") as String doLog("test", "$func", "9020", "JSON", "$dshJson") // simple replace of the font size to test the write back. dshJson = dshJson.replace("fontSize\":12","fontSize\":14") doLog("test", "$func", "9021", "JSON", "$dshJson") if(security) cookie = getCookie() //if using hub security Map requestParams = [ //uri: "$id/dashboard/$childId/layout", uri: "$childId/dashboard/0/layout", headers: [ //Authorization: "${dash_accessToken}", Authorization: "${oAuth_accessToken}", requestContentType: 'application/json', contentType: 'application/json', "Cookie": cookie, body: "$dshJson" ] ] try { asynchttpPost("postResp", requestParams) doLog("test","$func", "9110", "Yippee","") } catch (e) { doLog("test","$func", "-9100", "Bummer","") } //applyTemplate() } def postResp(params, data){ def func = "postResp" doLog("test","$func", "9001", "${params}","${data}") } String getCookie(){ try{ httpPost( [ uri: "", path: "/login", query: [ loginRedirect: "/" ], body: [ username: username, password: password, submit: "Login" ] ] ) { resp -> cookie = ((List)((String)resp?.headers?.'Set-Cookie')?.split(';'))?.getAt(0) if(debugEnable) log.debug "$cookie" } } catch (e){ cookie = "" } return "$cookie" } def applyTemplate() { def func = "applyTemplate()" as String def origLayout = String def templateName = String def myJSON = new String[2] def targets = String[] def rv rv = doLog("debug","$func", "9001", "variables declared", "") rv = doLog("info","$func", "9002", "Dashboard Layout Template deploy activated","") // templateName = << get the template name from the input >> templateName = "Mobile Dashboard" rv = doLog("debug","$func", "2", "Template Name returned", "$templateName") origLayout = getJSON("$templateName") rv = doLog("debug","$func", "3", "Original JSON Layout returned", "$origLayout") //myJSON = splitJSON(${origLayout}) //rv = putJSON(myJSON) return } def splitJSON(theJSON) { def jsonElements = string[2] def rv // regex to split the elements and toss the tiles return jsonElements } def getJSON(String theDashboard) { def func = "getJSON()" as String def result def rv rv = doLog("debug","$func", "1", "theDashboard", "$val") // some code to get the json from the selected dashboard result = "{\"name\": \"value\" }" return result } def putJSON(theJSON) { // def theDash = << get a list of target dashboards >> // theJSON is an array of the top and bottom of the JSON excluding the tiles def tileJSON def toWrite // loop through theDash // get that JSON (to strip the tiles) // tileJSON = /\"tiles\"\:\s+\[(.*)\]/ // toWrite = "${theJSON[0] \n ${tileJSON} \n ${theJSON[1]} // toWrite = s/name": ".*?",/name": "${target}"/i // however this is done // some code to write the json return } def installed() { log.debug "Installed with settings: ${settings}" initialize() } def updated() { log.debug "Updated with settings: ${settings}" unsubscribe() initialize() } def initialize() { app.updateLabel(defaultLabel()) initAccessToken() } def defaultLabel() { def String labelName = "" if (app.getLabel() == null) { labelName = "Dashboard Layout Template" } else { return "${templateName}" } return labelName } def doLog (logType, funcName, seq, msg, msgVal) { // rv = doLog("debug","$func", "1", "Message", "$val") def logger = "$funcName : $seq : $msg [$msgVal]" def dbg = doDebug() switch("$logType") { case "info": if (dbg['info'] == 1) { log.info "${logger}" } break case "debug": if (dbg['debug'] == 1) { log.debug "$logger" } break case "test": if (dbg['test'] == 1) { log.debug "$logger" } break case "trace": log.trace "$logger" break case "warn": log.warn "$logger" break case "error": log.error "$logger" break } return 1 }