import groovy.json.JsonSlurper /** * * Copyright 2021 David Kilgore. All Rights Reserved * * This software is free for Private Use. You may use and modify the software without distributing it. * If you make a fork, and add new code, then you should create a pull request to add value, there is no * guarantee that your pull request will be merged. * * You may not grant a sublicense to modify and distribute this software to third parties without permission * from the copyright holder * Software is provided without warranty and your use of it is at your own risk. * * version: 0.3.1 */ definition( name: 'Google Photos App', namespace: 'dkilgore90', author: 'David Kilgore', description: 'Provides an interface for a google photos album slideshow in a Hubitat Dashboard', importUrl: '', category: 'Photos', oauth: true, iconUrl: '', iconX2Url: '', iconX3Url: '' ) preferences { page(name: 'mainPage') page(name: 'debugPage') } mappings { path("/handleAuth") { action: [ GET: "handleAuthRedirect" ] } } private logDebug(msg) { if (settings?.debugOutput) { log.debug "$msg" } } def mainPage() { dynamicPage(name: "mainPage", title: "Setup", install: true, uninstall: true) { section { input 'credentials', 'text', title: 'Google credentials.json', required: true, defaultValue: '', submitOnChange: false } getAuthLink() getAlbumsButton() section { input 'albumToUse', 'enum', title: 'Album to use', required: false, submitOnChange: true, options: state.albumNames } section { paragraph "Preferred image resolution (px):" input 'imgWidgh', 'text', title: 'width', defaultValue: '2048', submitOnChange: true input 'imgHeight', 'text', title: 'height', defaultValue: '1024', submitOnChange: true input name: "debugOutput", type: "bool", title: "Enable Debug Logging?", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true input 'refreshInterval', 'number', title: 'Refresh interval', defaultValue: 60, range: '2..60', required: true, submitOnChange: true input 'refreshUnits', 'enum', title: 'Refresh interval -- units', defaultValue: 'seconds', options: ['seconds', 'minutes'], required: true, submitOnChange: true input 'shuffle', 'bool', title: 'Shuffle images each time through album?', defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } getPhotosButton() getDebugLink() } } def debugPage() { dynamicPage(name:"debugPage", title: "Debug", install: false, uninstall: false) { section { paragraph "Debug buttons" } section { input 'getToken', 'button', title: 'Log Access Token', submitOnChange: true } section { input 'refreshToken', 'button', title: 'Force Token Refresh', submitOnChange: true } mainPageLink() } } def getAuthLink() { if (credentials && state?.accessToken) { def creds = getCredentials() section { href( name : 'authHref', title : 'Auth Link', url : '' + 'redirect_uri=' + '&state=' + getHubUID() + '/apps/' + + '/handleAuth?access_token=' + state.accessToken + '&access_type=offline&prompt=consent&client_id=' + creds?.client_id + '&response_type=code&scope=', description: 'Click this link to authorize with your Google Photos library' ) } } else { section { paragraph "Authorization link is hidden until the required credentials.json input is provided, and App installation is saved by clicking 'Done'" } } } def getAlbumsButton() { if (state?.googleAccessToken != null) { section { input 'getAlbums', 'button', title: 'Refresh Albums List', submitOnChange: true } } else { section { paragraph "Refresh Albums button is hidden until authorization is completed." } } } def getPhotosButton() { if (state?.googleAccessToken != null && albumToUse) { section { input 'loadPhotos', 'button', title: 'Load Photos from Album', submitOnChange: true input 'refreshPhotosNightly', 'bool', title: 'Refresh list of photos in album nightly?', defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true } } else { section { paragraph "Load Photos button is hidden until authorization is completed and album is selected." } } } def getDebugLink() { section{ href( name : 'debugHref', title : 'Debug buttons', page : 'debugPage', description: 'Access debug buttons (log current googleAccessToken, force googleAccessToken refresh)' ) } } def getCredentials() { try { def creds = new JsonSlurper().parseText(credentials) return creds.web } catch (Throwable e) { //ignore -- this is thrown when the App first loads, before credentials can be entered } } def handleAuthRedirect() {'successful redirect from google') unschedule(refreshLogin) def authCode = params.code login(authCode) runEvery1Hour refreshLogin state.albums = [] state.albumNames = [] def builder = new StringBuilder() builder << "Hubitat Elevation - Google Photos" builder << "

Congratulations! Google Photos has authenticated successfully

" builder << "

Click here to return to the App main page.

" def html = builder.toString() render contentType: "text/html", data: html, status: 200 } def mainPageLink() { section { href( name : 'Main page', page : 'mainPage', description: 'Back to main page' ) } } def updated() { 'Google Photos App updating' rescheduleLogin() unschedule(getNextPhoto) resume() if (refreshPhotosNightly) { schedule('0 0 23 ? * *', loadPhotos) } } def installed() { 'Google Photos App installed' createAccessToken() subscribe(location, 'systemStart', initialize) state.albumNames = [] resume() state.deviceId = UUID.randomUUID().toString() addChildDevice('dkilgore90', 'Google Photos Device', state.deviceId) } def uninstalled() { 'Google Photos App uninstalling' unschedule() unsubscribe() deleteChildDevice(state.deviceId) } def initialize(evt) { log.debug(evt) recover() } def recover() { rescheduleLogin() } def rescheduleLogin() { unschedule(refreshLogin) if (state?.googleRefreshToken) { refreshLogin() runEvery1Hour refreshLogin } } def login(String authCode) {'Getting access_token from Google') def creds = getCredentials() def uri = '' def query = [ client_id : creds.client_id, client_secret: creds.client_secret, code : authCode, grant_type : 'authorization_code', redirect_uri : '' ] def params = [uri: uri, query: query] try { httpPost(params) { response -> handleLoginResponse(response) } } catch ( e) { log.error("Login failed -- ${e.getLocalizedMessage()}: ${}") } } def refreshLogin() {'Refreshing access_token from Google') def creds = getCredentials() def uri = '' def query = [ client_id : creds.client_id, client_secret: creds.client_secret, refresh_token: state.googleRefreshToken, grant_type : 'refresh_token', ] def params = [uri: uri, query: query] try { httpPost(params) { response -> handleLoginResponse(response) } } catch ( e) { log.error("Login refresh failed -- ${e.getLocalizedMessage()}: ${}") } } def handleLoginResponse(resp) { def respCode = resp.getStatus() def respJson = resp.getData() logDebug("Authorized scopes: ${respJson.scope}") if (respJson.refresh_token) { state.googleRefreshToken = respJson.refresh_token } state.googleAccessToken = respJson.access_token } def appButtonHandler(btn) { switch (btn) { case 'getAlbums': getAlbums() break case 'loadPhotos': loadPhotos() break case 'getToken': logToken() break case 'refreshToken': refreshLogin() break } } def pausePhotos() { logDebug('Pausing slideshow') unschedule(getNextPhoto) } def resume() { logDebug("Resuming slideshow with interval: ${refreshInterval} ${refreshUnits ?: 'seconds'}") if (refreshUnits == 'seconds' || refreshUnits == null) { if (refreshInterval < 60) { def sec = (new Date().getSeconds() % refreshInterval) schedule("${sec}/${refreshInterval} * * ? * *", getNextPhoto) } else { runEvery1Minute(getNextPhoto) } } else { if (refreshInterval < 60) { def ts = new Date() def sec = ts.getSeconds() def min = (ts.getMinutes() % refreshInterval) schedule("${sec} ${min}/${refreshInterval} * ? * *", getNextPhoto) } else { runEvery1Hour(getNextPhoto) } } } private void getAlbums(reset=true, query=[:]) { if (query.pageToken) {"Retrieving next page of albums from Google Photos") } else {"Retrieving albums from Google Photos") } if (reset) { state.albumNames = [] state.albums = [:] } def uri = '' def headers = [ Authorization: 'Bearer ' + state.googleAccessToken ] def contentType = 'application/json' def params = [ uri: uri, headers: headers, contentType: contentType, query: query ] asynchttpGet(handleAlbumsList, params, [params: params]) } def handleAlbumsList(resp, data) { def respCode = resp.getStatus() if (resp.hasError()) { def respError = '' try { respError = resp.getErrorJson() } catch (Exception ignored) { // no response body } if (respCode == 401 && !data.isRetry) { log.warn('Authorization token expired, will refresh and retry.') rescheduleLogin() data.isRetry = true asynchttpGet(handleAlbumsList, data.params, data) } else { log.warn("Albums-list response code: ${respCode}, body: ${respError}") } } else { def respJson = resp.getJson() albumsList = state.albums albumNames = state.albumNames respJson.albums.each { albumNames.add(it.title) def album = [:] = = it.title albumsList[it.title] = album } state.albums = albumsList state.albumNames = albumNames if (respJson.nextPageToken) { getAlbums(false, [pageToken: respJson.nextPageToken]) } } } def loadPhotos(reset=true, pageToken=null) { if (pageToken) {"Retrieving next page of photos from album: ${albumToUse}") } else {"Retrieving photos from album: ${albumToUse}") } if (reset) { = [] } def uri = '' def headers = [ Authorization: 'Bearer ' + state.googleAccessToken ] def contentType = 'application/json' def body = [ albumId: state.albums[albumToUse]['id'] ] if (pageToken) { body.pageToken = pageToken } def params = [ uri: uri, headers: headers, contentType: contentType, body: body ] asynchttpPost(handlePhotosList, params, [params: params]) } def handlePhotosList(resp, data) { def respCode = resp.getStatus() if (resp.hasError()) { def respError = '' try { respError = resp.getErrorJson() } catch (Exception ignored) { // no response body } if (respCode == 401 && !data.isRetry) { log.warn('Authorization token expired, will refresh and retry.') rescheduleLogin() data.isRetry = true asynchttpPost(handlePhotosList, data.params, data) } else { log.warn("Photos-list response code: ${respCode}, body: ${respError}") } } else { def respJson = resp.getJson() photosList = respJson.mediaItems.each { photosList.add( } = photosList state.index = 0 if (respJson.nextPageToken) { loadPhotos(false, respJson.nextPageToken) } else if (shuffle) { logDebug('Shuffling photo order...') Collections.shuffle( } } } def getNextPhoto() { logDebug('Loading next photo...') if (state.index == null) { log.warn('invalid array index: null') return } def index = state.index + 1 if (index >= { index = 0 if (shuffle) { logDebug('Shuffling photo order...') Collections.shuffle( } } def id =[index] state.index = index getPhotoById(id) } def getPrevPhoto() { log.debug('Loading previous photo...') if (state.index == null) { log.warn('invalid array index: null') return } def index = state.index - 1 if (index < 0) { index = - 1 } def id =[index] state.index = index getPhotoById(id) } def getPhotoById(id) { logDebug("Getting URL for image ID: ${id}") def uri = "${id}" def headers = [ Authorization: 'Bearer ' + state.googleAccessToken ] def contentType = 'application/json' def params = [ uri: uri, headers: headers, contentType: contentType ] asynchttpGet(handlePhotoGet, params, [params: params]) } def handlePhotoGet(resp, data) { def respCode = resp.getStatus() if (resp.hasError()) { def respError = '' try { respError = resp.getErrorJson() } catch (Exception ignored) { // no response body } if (respCode == 401 && !data.isRetry) { log.warn('Authorization token expired, will refresh and retry.') rescheduleLogin() data.isRetry = true asynchttpGet(handlePhotoGet, data.params, data) } else { log.warn("Photo-get response code: ${respCode}, body: ${respError}") } } else { def respJson = resp.getJson() device = getChildDevice(state.deviceId) if (respJson?.mediaMetadata?.photo) { def w = imgWidth ?: 2048 def h = imgHeight ?: 1024 //sendEvent(device, [name: 'image', value: '']) sendEvent(device, [name: 'image', value: '
']) sendEvent(device, [name: 'mediaType', value: 'photo']) } else if (respJson?.mediaMetadata?.video) { sendEvent(device, [name: 'image', value: '']) sendEvent(device, [name: 'mediaType', value: 'video']) } } } def logToken() { log.debug("Access Token: ${state.googleAccessToken}") }