]> ###2015.02.24 -fix css formating on some pages ###2015.02.14-15 -Bug fixes ###2015.02.08 -Add delete xml and image completely -Fix usb bug on create vm page -Fix spaces in name on create page -Fix password -Combine virtMan and dynamix.kvm.manager plugins ###2015.01.29 -Add VNC password -reformat javascript ###2015.01.24 -Add boot device change -Add auto add name space for qemu:commandline -Misc fixes ###2014.12.28 -Bug fixes and windows vm clock -Remove spellcheck from textarea -Add hyperv support for windows machines -Fix cdrom change sata bus -remove excess java code and cfg file -Fix q35 machine type -Add ability to increase disk capacity ###2014.12.24 -Fix domain.cfg missing error -Fix no disks domain auto start ###2014.12.23 -Change VNC to ip based for our OSX friends -Add settings tab with default media and image settings -Add debug option ###2014.12.21-21a -expanded usb devices to include bus and device -Reformat Create VM page ###2014.12.20-20a -Add temp driver cdrom for windows installs. It will disapear after vm has shut down -Add Machine type selection. -Add usbtab selection under usb devices -Fix no domains sort error -Remove Storage Pool tab and all storage pool functions. -Add web based file trees to Create VM tab to access cdrom, existing images and to create images. -New vm images will be created based on name of vm in a sub-folder of the same name similar to xenman plugin -Add file tree for cdrom change for existing vm ie. for switching to driver image for windows virtio drivers -Remove Device tab -condense action messages ###2014.12.03 -Change table spacing ###2014.12.01 -Update the plugin to a dynamix compatible version for beta 12 and above ###2014.11.29a -add snapshot descriptions -add disk dev name change -change method of saving xml so will save with snapshots -remove dominfo and hostinfo page -change to KVM tab since webvirtmgr is dead ###2014.11.08 -add memory and vcpu change to domain info page -add actions to domain info page -add ability to change cdrom media for domain (running or shutdown) -change template cdrom to ide from sata ###2014.11.02-02a -fix xml save function -added date and time to snapshots ###2014.11.01 -add domain snapshots create, delete and revert -add managedsave. Similar to hibernation. ###2014.10.31-31b -change "on crash" and "on reboot" to restart in create template. -add refresh after stop -rearrange navbar -combine drives and cdroms -defaults to vnc mouse/usb tablet -reformat create template for easier use -add cdrom sectionin dominfo page ###2014.10.30-30a -fix a couple create bugs -add USB tablet selection -add 9p sharing to passthrough unRAID shares to vm's (won't work with windows till someone creates a pci driver) -add domain info network information ###2014.10.27-28 -add full featured VNC novnc -add create functions: driver cd, usb passthrough ###2014.10.23 -create vm template now functional ###2014.10.20 -add xml view while domain is running -disable create button till finished ###2014.10.19-19a -remove edit from running domains -add storage pool functions ###2014.10.18 -removed include, added autostart ###2014.10.17 -custom css, confirm delete, various bugs and enabled del vol, view xml ###2014.10.16 -removed all modals and fixed css ###2014.10.13 -initial commit "https://github.com/&author;/&name;/archive/&version;.tar.gz" if [ ! -d &emhttp; ]; then mkdir -p &emhttp; fi #copy old image to new if [ -f /boot/config/plugins/virtMan/virtMan.img ]; then if [ "$(mount | grep virtMan.img)" ]; then umount /etc/libvirt fi if [ ! -f &plugin;/domain.img ]; then cp /boot/config/plugins/virtMan/virtMan.img &plugin;/domain.img fi fi tar -zxf &plugin;/&name;-&version;.tar.gz --strip=1 -C &emhttp;/ find &plugin; -type f -iname "*.tar.gz" ! -iname "&name;-&version;.tar.gz" -delete cp -nr /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/&name;/&name; /boot/config/plugins # mount xml/conf image if not already mounted if [ ! "$(mount | grep domain.img)" ]; then mount -t ext4 &plugin;/domain.img /etc/libvirt fi rm -rf &emhttp; rm -f &plugin;/&name;-&version;.tar.gz if [ "$(mount | grep domain.img)" ]; then umount /etc/libvirt fi