{% if page.images or page.image %} <!-- Combine the total set of featured and normal images --> {% if page.image %} {% assign non_featured_images = page.images | join: "," %} {% assign image_collection = page.image | append: "," | append: non_featured_images | split: "," %} {% else %} {% assign image_collection = page.images %} {% endif %} <!-- Image Accessibility Text--> {% if page.image_description %} {% assign image_text = page.image_description %} {% else %} {% assign image_text = page.title %} {% endif %} <!-- Carousel --> {% if image_collection.size > 1 %} <figure> <section class="image-list"> {% for image in image_collection %} {% assign image_counter = " #" | append: forloop.index %} {% assign image_display_text = image_text | append: image_counter %} {% if image contains site.images_path %} {% assign image_location = image %} {% else %} {% assign image_location = site.images_path | append: image %} {% endif %} <a href="{{ image_location }}"> <!-- Single Raw Image --> {% if image_location contains '-raw.' %} <img class="u-photo" alt="{{ image_display_text }}" src="{{ image_location }}" /> <!-- Image with small and large variations --> {% else %} {% assign picture_elements = image_location | split: '.' %} <img class="u-photo" alt="{{ image_display_text }}" src="{{ image_location }}" srcset="{{ picture_elements.first }}-small.{{ picture_elements.last }} {{ site.small_image_threshold }}, {{ image_location }}" /> {% endif %} </a> {% endfor %} </section> <figcaption>{{ image_collection.size }} images</figcaption> </figure> <!-- Single Feature Image --> {% else %} {% if image_collection.first contains site.images_path %} {% assign image_location = image_collection.first %} {% else %} {% assign image_location = site.images_path | append: image_collection.first %} {% endif %} <a href="{{ image_location }}"> <!-- Single Raw Image --> {% if image_location contains '-raw.' %} <img class="u-photo" alt="{{ image_text }}" src="{{ image_location }}" /> <!-- Image with small and large variations --> {% else %} {% assign picture_elements = image_location | split: '.' %} <img class="u-photo" alt="{{ image_text }}" src="{{ image_location }}" srcset="{{ picture_elements.first }}-small.{{ picture_elements.last }} {{ site.small_image_threshold }}, {{ image_location }}" /> {% endif %} </a> {% endif %} {% endif %}