--- title: Projects sitemap: false categories: - meta --- {% capture current_date %}{{ site.time | date: '%s' }}{% endcapture %} {% capture current_year %}{{ site.time | date: '%Y' }}{% endcapture %} {% assign yearly_competition_count = 0 %} {% assign filtered_fiction = site.fiction | where_exp:"project","project.path contains current_year" %} {% assign completed_projects = site.data.projects | where_exp:"project","project.completed contains current_year" %} {% assign outstanding_projects = site.data.projects | where_exp:"project","project.completed == nil" %} {% assign filtered_projects = outstanding_projects | concat: completed_projects | sort: 'completed' %} An automatically updating list of the items I'm working on in {{ current_year }}. It will live here as a shaming reminder for future-me to actually complete them. {% if filtered_fiction.size > 0 %} {% if filtered_projects.size > 0 %} ### Here {% endif %} {% for story in filtered_fiction %} - ~~_[{{ story.title }}]({{ story.url }})_, a {{ story.genre }} {{ story.type }}~~, completed in {{ story.date | date: '%B' }}. {% if story.competition %} {% assign yearly_competition_count = yearly_competition_count | plus: 1 %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if filtered_projects.size > 0 %} {% if filtered_fiction.size > 0 %} ### Elsewhere {% endif %} {% for project in filtered_projects %} {% capture completion_date %}{{ project.completed | date: '%s' }}{% endcapture %} {% if completion_date == "" %}{% assign completion_date = current_date %}{% endif %} - {% if completion_date < current_date %}~~{% endif %}_{% if project.link %}[{{ project.title }}]({{ project.link }}){% else %}{{ project.title }}{% endif %}_, a {{ project.type }}{% if completion_date < current_date %}~~, completed in {{ project.completed | date: '%B' }}{% endif %}. {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% assign total_yearly_project_count = completed_projects.size | plus: yearly_competition_count %} {% assign total_writing_exercise_count = filtered_fiction.size | minus: yearly_competition_count %} I have completed {{ total_writing_exercise_count }} writing exercise{% if total_writing_exercise_count != 1 %}s{% endif %} and {{ total_yearly_project_count }} longer-form project{% if total_yearly_project_count != 1 %}s{% endif %} so far this year.