#' --- #' title: "R intermediate" #' author: "Dan McGlinn" #' date: '`r paste("First created on 2015-01-29. Updated on", Sys.Date())`' #' output: html_document #'--- #' #' Home Page - http://dmcglinn.github.io/quant_methods/ #' GitHub Repo - https://github.com/dmcglinn/quant_methods #' #' ## Source Code Link #' https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmcglinn/quant_methods/gh-pages/lessons/R_intermediate.R #' #' ## Lesson Outline #' * Programming for repetitive tasks #' * For loops #' - Capturing output #' - Make loops general #' * If statements #' - Else statements #' - Nested operations #' - Else if statements #' * Define Functions #' * Debug Functions #' * Document Functions #' #+ echo=FALSE # specify that the root directory should be the parent directory of where this # script is stored this is because this .Rmd file is in ./quant_methods/lessons # and the data file that will be read into is located in ./quant_methods/data . # If your data file located in the same directory as or in a subdirectory of # your .R file then you don't need to specify this. knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = '../') #' The goals of this lesson are to increase student's #' familiarity with the R programming language by discussing #' how to control program flow and use functions #' read in some data to work with dat <- read.csv('./data/tgpp.csv') #' or equally dat <- read.csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmcglinn/quant_methods/gh-pages/data/tgpp.csv') #' ## # Programming for repetitive tasks #' Frequently in programming you have to carry out repetitive tasks #' for example you might want to know what the class of column of a data.frame #' you could simply write this as class(dat[,1]) class(dat[,2]) class(dat[,3]) #' and so on, but this is not only laborious but highly prone to typos and thus #' errors. #' #' Based on the last HW assignment we know that the best approach to carrying out #' this repetitive task is to use the `sapply()` function sapply(dat, class) #' However, it is very common that we need a more general approach to carrying out #' a repetitive task then simply applying a single function (in the example above #' applying the function class() to each column of dat #' ## # For Loop #' For loops are common feature of almost all programming languages. They are #' typically not the most efficient way to carry out a repetitive or iterative #' task however, they are frequently easy to understand and relatively easy to #' modify to include additional tasks. #' To use a for loop we need to create an iterator that will provide an index for #' the operation we would like to repeat. An iterative this is any variable you #' wish typically i, j, or k and so forth but could just as easily be "index" or #' "my_iterator" although that is not recommended. #' In the example below we will assign the iterator the value of "i" for (i in 1:11) { print(class(dat[ , i])) } #' #' To break this example down we can see that #' 1:11 #' #' Generates a vector of numbers from 1 to 11. #' The portion of code for(i in 1:11) sets the value of i to each value of #' this vector as the for loop completes its tasks. #' #' Note the usage of `i in 1:11` this is somewhat unique to R because many other #' languages use `i = 1:11` and thus this is a frequent error for many students. #' Again I just want to emphasize we could have used a different name for our index #' something like `j` or `my_index` it did not have to be `i` this is simply the #' most common choice of an index in programming like in algebra. #' #' Also here it is important to note the syntax and code style of the for loop: #+ eval = FALSE for (i in 1:11) { ... # note this line is 4 spaces from the left margin, 2 spaces is also common, 0 spaces is bad form } #' #' Above the `...` just represents anything you want the loop to do each iteration #' of the loop. This loop will iterate 11 times as `i` counts from 1 to 11. Note the #' spacing of the code and the placement of the curly brackets to start and stop the #' for loop. Note: it is possible to use different spacing (but not recommended): #' #' cramped example for(i in 1:11){print(class(dat[,i]))} #' #' **Question**: Why do you think the code style in the above chunk is not generally recommended? #' #' ### #Capturing output #' Right now our for loop just prints output to the console but often times we want #' to capture that output and do something with it. To do this first we will have #' to define an empty object we'll call this `dat_classes` #' dat_classes <- NULL #' #' Once the empty object is initialized we can simply index is R is smart enough to #' convert this object to a vector of arbitrary size on the fly. This is not a wise #' move if memory or time is a necessity but it makes for easy programming. #' for (i in 1:11) { dat_classes[i] <- class(dat[ , i]) } dat_classes #' alternatively you can concatenate but the first approach is a bit cleaner dat_classes <- NULL for (i in 1:11) { dat_classes <- c(dat_classes, class(dat[ , i])) } #' the gold star approach to this is to set aside exactly how much #' memory you will need in your holder variable. In our case this is a #' vector of strings 11 elements long so we can use: dat_classes <- vector("character", 11) for (i in 1:11) { dat_classes[i] <- class(dat[ , i]) } #' The three approaches above all give the same results but the third approach is #' typically considered best practice and the first approach is probably the #' easiest to read. We'll use the first approach for the reminder of this lesson. #' #' ### #Make your loops general #' You don't want it to break if the number of columns of dat changes so you need #' to write the loop such that it will always count to the appropriate number of #' columns in dat #' dat_classes <- NULL for (i in 1:ncol(dat)) { dat_classes[i] <- class(dat[ , i]) } #' #' ## # If statements #' If statements, like for loops, are a staple of programming. They allow #' the user to specify that a particular task be executed based on a logical #' TRUE / FALSE test. dat_classes <- NULL for (i in 1:ncol(dat)) { dat_classes[i] <- class(dat[ , i]) if(dat_classes[i] == "integer") { print('sweet!') } } #' #' Note above because this if statement is only a single line it is not required #' that we include the brackets {} however it does make it more explicit to a #' reader what your code is doing #' #' ### # Else statement #' You can use an else clause to specify an alternative task to be carried out #' if the logical test is FALSE. #' dat_classes <- NULL for (i in 1:ncol(dat)) { dat_classes[i] <- class(dat[ , i]) if(dat_classes[i] == "integer") { print('sweet!') } else { print('sour') } } #' #' ## #Nested statements #' You can nest if statements (and for loops) within one another #' dat_classes <- NULL for (i in 1:ncol(dat)) { dat_classes[i] <- class(dat[ , i]) if (dat_classes[i] == "integer") { print('sweet!') } else { if (dat_classes[i] == 'factor') { print('ok') } else { print('sour') } } } #' #' ### #Else if statement #' An alternative to the above syntax is to use an else if statement which are #' sometimes a bit easier to read #' dat_classes <- NULL for (i in 1:ncol(dat)) { dat_classes[i] <- class(dat[ , i]) if (dat_classes[i] == "integer") { print('sweet!') } else if (dat_classes[i] == 'factor') { print('ok') } else { print('sour') } } #' #' In one liner situations you can also use the function `ifelse()` #' x <- 1:10 ifelse(x > 5 , 'sweet!', 'sour!') #' #' Which produces the same result as: for (i in x) { if (i > 5) print('sweet') else print('sour') } #' #' ## #Define functions #' Functions are one of the most important objects for unlocking R's power. The #' provide a way to modularize repetitive tasks that we need for our analyses. #' For example we can take the for loop that we wrote above which works on #' the data.frame called "dat" and place it in a function so that the same #' code can work on any data.frame we provide it. #' Function names should be verbs when possible and also avoid other known R #' function names when known. #' eval_class <- function(x) { dat_classes <- NULL for (i in 1:ncol(x)) { dat_classes[i] <- class(x[ , i]) if (dat_classes[i] == "integer") { print('sweet!') } else if (dat_classes[i] == 'factor') { print('ok') } else { print('sour') } } return(dat_classes) } eval_class(dat) #' #' Above the only change we have made to our for loop is to substitute the object #' name `dat` for `x`. For our function `eval_class()`, `x` is a variable or argument. #' Additionally we added the line `return(dat_classes` which ensures that the object #' is output by the function #' #' What if dat had twice as many columns? dbl_dat <- cbind(dat, dat) eval_class(dbl_dat) #' #' It is best practice to program defensively by ensuring that the user #' supplies an object for the variable x that is sensible. In our case it #' has to be a data.frame or a matrix object other types should return an #' error with a reasonable explanation #' eval_class <- function(x) { if (class(x) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')){ x_classes <- NULL for (i in 1:ncol(x)) { x_classes[i] <- class(x[ , i]) if (x_classes[i] == "integer") { print('sweet!') } else if (x_classes[i] == 'factor') { print('ok') } else { print('sour') } } } else { stop('x must be either a data.frame or matrix') } return(x_classes) } #+ error = TRUE my_obj <- 1:10 eval_class(my_obj) #' ## #Debug functions #' To debug your function in R use the functions `debug()` and `undebug()`. #' Rstudio has made the debugging experience for R users much better than previously. #' Try out the following lines of code #+ eval = FALSE debug(eval_class) eval_class(dat) undebug(eval_class) #' #' ## #Document functions #' Documentation is critical particularly when it comes to using functions which #' usually have a least one argument and some type of output. #' #' One best practice to follow when documenting functions is to use Roxygen which is #' a package that helps to build R help files (i.e., .Rd files) which are accessed #' when the function `help` or `?` is used preceding a function name. Here is a #' page that goes into detail about how to do this: https://jozef.io/r102-addin-roxytags/, but #' for simplity here is an example with our function: # #' Evaluate the class of each column in a matrix or data.frame # #' # #' @param x a matrix or data.frame # #' @return a vector of strings that indicates the class of each column of `x` # #' # #' @export # #' @examples # #' eval_class(cars) eval_class <- function(x) { if (class(x) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')){ x_classes <- NULL for (i in 1:ncol(x)) { x_classes[i] <- class(x[ , i]) } } else { stop('x must be either a data.frame or matrix') } return(x_classes) } #' Note above you would remove the preceding `#` from each line of documentation #' I had to include that here because R spin uses `#+` to identify formatted text. #' #' This provides a nice format that is easily understandable by a human, and if #' you ever decide to package your function this can can now be used to generate #' a help file for your function. Learn more at https://roxygen2.r-lib.org/articles/roxygen2.html #' #' Home Page - http://dmcglinn.github.io/quant_methods/ #' GitHub Repo - https://github.com/dmcglinn/quant_methods #'