#' ---
#' title: Introduction to R
#' author: Dan McGlinn
#' date: '`r paste("First created on 2015-01-16. Updated on", Sys.Date())`'
#' ---
#' Home Page - http://dmcglinn.github.io/quant_methods/
#' GitHub Repo - https://github.com/dmcglinn/quant_methods
#' ## Source Code Link
#' https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmcglinn/quant_methods/gh-pages/lessons/R_introduction.R
#' ## Readings
#' * Chapters 1-7 of *The R Book* (1st ed) by Crawley
#' * Chapters 1-4 of *MASS* (4th ed)by Venables and Ripley
#' ## Lesson Outline
#' * Arithmetic
#' * Logical operations
#' * Variable assignment
#' * Reading in data
#' * Using the help
#' * Examine data
#' * Subsetting the data
#' * Summary statistics
#' * Aggregate across rows or columns
#' * Plot data
#+ echo=FALSE
#' The purpose of this lesson is to introduce students to the R programming
#' environment for the first time. The lesson builds off the Software Carpentry
#' Lesson developed here:
#' http://swcarpentry.github.io/r-novice-inflammation/
#' ## #Arithmetic
3 + 4 # summation
3 * 4 # multiplication
3 / 4 # division
3^4 # exponents
log(3) # log base e
log(3, 10) # log base 10
log10(3) # log base 10
exp(log(3)) # e
#' ## #Logical operations
3 > 4 # greater than
3 < 4 # less than
3 >= 4 # greater than or equal to
3 <= 4 # less than or equal to
3 != 4 # not equal to
3 == 4 # equal to
TRUE # True
T # True
TRUE == 1 # True is set to one in R
FALSE # False
F # False
FALSE == 0 # False is set to zero in R
T + T + F # what would this equal?
# useful functions
# any() and all()
any(c(T, F))
all(c(T, F))
#' ## #Variable assignment
#' you can use `<-` or `=` to assign a value to a variable but `<-` is recommended
weight_kg <- 55
#' print the value of the variable by simply calling its name
#' weight in pounds:
2.2 * weight_kg
weight_kg <- 57.5
#' weight in kilograms is now
weight_lb <- 2.2 * weight_kg
#' weight in kg...
#' ...and in pounds
weight_kg <- 100.0
#' weight in kg now...
#' ...and in weight pounds still
#' Coming up with good object and file names can be difficult, but there
#' are two general rules that can help guide you:
#' 1) be descriptive
#' 2) don't make names you must type a lot too long
#' So for something like a file name which you'll only type probably once at read and
#' write you should use a long descriptive name, but for objects in your R code you
#' need to consider typeability and readability when designing the name. A long name
#' like root_rhiz_prod_total_mm is very clear but is a pain to read and worse to
#' type. R has a built-in name completion system but this doesn't completely
#' remove the burden on you for using long object names.
#' ## #Reading in data
#' first check what your working directory is:
#' I am using an Rstudio Project that I called "quant_methods". Projects
#' help you to organize your R code for a specific project into a single directory.
#' To create your own project simply go to File -> New Project then click either
#' "New Directory" or "Existing Directory". Be default the directory and the project name
#' will be identical - it is not recommended to diverge from that behavior as it can
#' make it very confusing.
#' The working directory within a project is the main project directory so
#' for me it returns: `/home/mcglinndj/quant_methods`
#' All file paths can be made relative to this directory.
#' let's read in the datafile `inflammation-01.csv` which is located in the
#' directory: `./quant_methods/data)` where the `.` indicates the directory
#' location in which the directory `quant_methods` is stored in. The usage of
#' the `./` is a shorthand way to create relative paths.
#' Because my working directory is already set to: ``r normalizePath('.')``
#' I can shorten the path to `./data/inflammation-01.csv` where again `.`
#' indicates my current working directory path.
dat <- read.csv(file = "./data/inflammation-01.csv", header = FALSE)
#' two other quick notes about path shorthand:
#' 1. `../` is shorthand for the
#' parent directory of the working directory, these can be nested like `../../`
#' but not recommended.
#' 2. `~` is shorthand for the home directory on your
#' machine. On my machine `~` refers to `/home/mcglinndj`
#' Rather than a relative path, I could have used an absolute path like:
#' `"/home/mcglinndj/quant_methods/data/inflammation-01.csv"` but that path
#' would only work on my specific machine. For that reason we generally prefer
#' relative paths over absolute paths for making your code more reproducible and
#' future proof.
#' Another option is to simply put in the url where the data is stored:
dat <- read.csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmcglinn/quant_methods/gh-pages/data/inflammation-01.csv',
header = FALSE)
#' this is not always a great option though because remote data and urls can break
#' Last note about the usage of the function `read.csv`. Notice the argument,
#' `header` is set to `FALSE`. This is because this inflammation dataset is a bit
#' strange because it does not include column names. Most datasets will include
#' column names so `header = TRUE` is the more common setting of this argument,
#' in fact that is the default setting for `read.csv`. So in most cases (such as
#' on the homework) you will simply use `read.csv('mycsvfile.csv')` without
#' specifying the `header` argument explicitly.
#' ## #Using the help
#' above we used the function "read.csv" to find out more about this function see
#+ eval = FALSE
#' or equivalently
#+ eval = FALSE
#' to do a fuzzy help search use
#+ eval = FALSE
#' ## #Examine data
#' visual summary of first 6 rows
#' visual summary of last 6 rows
#' what kind of object is dat
#' what are the dimensions of dat
#' You may notice that the data did not have column names and R auto assigned the
#' columns the names V1, V2, V3, and so on. In this dataset, each column represent
#' different times. We can assign column names using the function `names`
names(dat) <- paste("day", 1:ncol(dat), sep='')
#' Above the function `paste` was used to construct text strings that combined the
#' word "patient" with a given index in this case from 1 to the total number of
#' columns in the object `dat`. By default the function `paste` inserts a space
#' between strings that you wish to paste together, I've set the `sep` argument
#' to `''` to ensure that no space is inserted (see also `?paste0`)
#' ## #Subsetting the data
#' There are a variety of ways to subset data in `data.frames`. This section
#" demonstrates how to subset data using indices.
#' first value in dat
dat[1, 1]
#' middle value in dat
dat[30, 20]
#' chunk of data in dat
dat[1:4, 1:10]
#' select specific rows and columns
dat[c(3, 8, 37), c(10, 14, 29)]
#' The code above provides the values of `dat` at
#' 3,10 ; 8,14 ; and 37,29 where the first number is the row index and the
#' second number is the column index
#' all columns from row 5
dat[5, ]
#' all rows from column 16
dat[ , 16]
dat[1:nrow(dat), 16]
#' you can also exclude certain indices using the `-` sign
dat[1:5 , -16] # gives every column but 16
dat[1:5 , -(1:10)] # gives every column except the first 10
#' An alternative way to carry out subsetting is to reference specific column
#' names or to use the `subset` function.
#' Here to avoid printing too much information to the screen I'll just focus on
#' on the first 5 rows of each subset
dat[1:5 , 'day10']
dat[1:5 , c('day10', 'day15')]
#' notice that the following would give and error
#+ error=TRUE
dat[ , -c('patient3')]
#' but that the following would accomplish the intended goal of dropping patient 3
dat[1:5 , -3]
#' let's try using the subset function
#' only data for day 3
subset(dat, select = day3)[1:5, ]
#' data on all days but 3
subset(dat, select = -day3)[1:5, ]
#' data only on day 3 when inflammation in day 1 is equal to 0
subset(dat, subset = day1 == 0, select = day3)[1:5, ]
#' ## #Summary statistics
#' first row, all of the columns
patient_1 <- dat[1, ]
#' max inflammation for patient 1
#' max inflammation for patient 2
max(dat[2, ])
#' minimum inflammation on day 7
min(dat[ , 7])
#' mean inflammation on day 7
mean(dat[ , 7])
#' median inflammation on day 7
median(dat[ , 7])
#' standard deviation of inflammation on day 7
sd(dat[ , 7])
summary(dat[ , 7])
#' ## #Aggregate across rows or columns
#' Thus, to obtain the average inflammation of each patient we will need to
#' calculate the mean of all of the rows (`MARGIN = 1`) of the data frame.
avg_patient_inflammation <- apply(dat, 1, mean)
#' And to obtain the average inflammation of each day we will need to calculate
#' the mean of all of the columns (`MARGIN = 2`) of the data frame.
avg_day_inflammation <- apply(dat, 2, mean)
#' standard deviation of day
sd_day_inflammation <- apply(dat, 2, sd)
#' standard deviation of patients
sd_patient_inflammation <- apply(dat, 1, sd)
#' ## #Plot data
#' use the function plot() to plot the data summaries
#' provides a long list of potential arguments and examples
#' at a minimum you must provide a single quantitative variable, for example:
#' notice how R fills in lots of pieces of missing information automatically.
#' specifically it assumes that the independent variable is simply an index from
#' 1 to the length of the object in this case avg_day_inflamation. A safer more
#' clear way to accomplish the same plot is to use the following:
plot(1:length(avg_day_inflammation), avg_day_inflammation, xlab='day',
#' this makes it clearer that the x-variable is simply an index from 1 to the
#' length of avg_day_inflammation, and it makes the x and y axis labels more
#' understandable.
#' Note that in most cases in R you have a specific columns in your `data.frame`
#' you wish to plot against one another. If for example my `data.frame` was
#' called `dat` and there were two columns `growth` and `temperature`. I could
#' plot growth as a function of temperature using
#' `plot(dat$temperature, dat$growth)`
#' This will come up in the homework as well.
#' To output multi-panel plots use for example
#' which will create a single plotting row with two columns
plot(1:length(avg_day_inflammation), avg_day_inflammation, xlab='day',
plot(1:length(avg_patient_inflammation), avg_patient_inflammation,
xlab='patient identity', ylab='inflammation')
#' to output the figure to file you can use Rstudio's GUI features or you can use
#' the command line which is what I recommend so that the code is fully
#' reproducible:
#+ fig.height = 8
# png('./inflammation_fig1.png') # to create a png file
par(mfrow = c(2,1))
plot(1:length(avg_day_inflammation), avg_day_inflammation, xlab='Day',
ylab='Inflammation', frame.plot=F, col='magenta', pch=2, cex=2)
plot(1:length(avg_patient_inflammation), avg_patient_inflammation,
xlab='patient identity', ylab='inflammation', col='dodgerblue')
# dev.off() # to stop writing to the png file.
#' Home Page - http://dmcglinn.github.io/quant_methods/
#' GitHub Repo - https://github.com/dmcglinn/quant_methods