INFO:root:Namespace(accumulate=None, batch_size=32, dev_batch_size=8, epochs=3, gpu=True, log_interval=10, lr=2e-05, max_len=128, optimizer='bertadam', seed=2, task_name='RTE', test_batch_size=8, warmup_ratio=0.1) [11:44:54] src/storage/ Using GPUPooledRoundedStorageManager. INFO:root:BERTClassifier( (bert): BERTModel( (encoder): BERTEncoder( (dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) (layer_norm): BERTLayerNorm(eps=1e-12, axis=-1, center=True, scale=True, in_channels=768) (transformer_cells): HybridSequential( (0): BERTEncoderCell( (dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) (attention_cell): MultiHeadAttentionCell( (_base_cell): DotProductAttentionCell( (_dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) ) (proj_query): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (proj_key): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (proj_value): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) ) (proj): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (ffn): BERTPositionwiseFFN( (ffn_1): Dense(768 -> 3072, linear) (activation): GELU() (ffn_2): Dense(3072 -> 768, linear) (dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) (layer_norm): BERTLayerNorm(eps=1e-12, axis=-1, center=True, scale=True, in_channels=768) ) (layer_norm): BERTLayerNorm(eps=1e-12, axis=-1, center=True, scale=True, in_channels=768) ) (1): BERTEncoderCell( (dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) (attention_cell): MultiHeadAttentionCell( (_base_cell): DotProductAttentionCell( (_dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) ) (proj_query): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (proj_key): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (proj_value): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) ) (proj): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (ffn): BERTPositionwiseFFN( (ffn_1): Dense(768 -> 3072, linear) (activation): GELU() (ffn_2): Dense(3072 -> 768, linear) (dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) (layer_norm): BERTLayerNorm(eps=1e-12, axis=-1, center=True, scale=True, in_channels=768) ) (layer_norm): BERTLayerNorm(eps=1e-12, axis=-1, center=True, scale=True, in_channels=768) ) (2): BERTEncoderCell( (dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) (attention_cell): MultiHeadAttentionCell( (_base_cell): DotProductAttentionCell( (_dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) ) (proj_query): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (proj_key): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (proj_value): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) ) (proj): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (ffn): BERTPositionwiseFFN( (ffn_1): Dense(768 -> 3072, linear) (activation): GELU() (ffn_2): Dense(3072 -> 768, linear) (dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) (layer_norm): BERTLayerNorm(eps=1e-12, axis=-1, center=True, scale=True, in_channels=768) ) (layer_norm): BERTLayerNorm(eps=1e-12, axis=-1, center=True, scale=True, in_channels=768) ) (3): BERTEncoderCell( (dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) (attention_cell): MultiHeadAttentionCell( (_base_cell): DotProductAttentionCell( (_dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) ) (proj_query): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (proj_key): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (proj_value): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) ) (proj): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (ffn): BERTPositionwiseFFN( (ffn_1): Dense(768 -> 3072, linear) (activation): GELU() (ffn_2): Dense(3072 -> 768, linear) (dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) (layer_norm): BERTLayerNorm(eps=1e-12, axis=-1, center=True, scale=True, in_channels=768) ) (layer_norm): BERTLayerNorm(eps=1e-12, axis=-1, center=True, scale=True, in_channels=768) ) (4): BERTEncoderCell( (dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) (attention_cell): MultiHeadAttentionCell( (_base_cell): DotProductAttentionCell( (_dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) ) (proj_query): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (proj_key): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (proj_value): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) ) (proj): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (ffn): BERTPositionwiseFFN( (ffn_1): Dense(768 -> 3072, linear) (activation): GELU() (ffn_2): Dense(3072 -> 768, linear) (dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) (layer_norm): BERTLayerNorm(eps=1e-12, axis=-1, center=True, scale=True, in_channels=768) ) (layer_norm): BERTLayerNorm(eps=1e-12, axis=-1, center=True, scale=True, in_channels=768) ) (5): BERTEncoderCell( (dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) (attention_cell): MultiHeadAttentionCell( (_base_cell): DotProductAttentionCell( (_dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) ) (proj_query): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (proj_key): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (proj_value): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) ) (proj): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (ffn): BERTPositionwiseFFN( (ffn_1): Dense(768 -> 3072, linear) (activation): GELU() (ffn_2): Dense(3072 -> 768, linear) (dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) (layer_norm): BERTLayerNorm(eps=1e-12, axis=-1, center=True, scale=True, in_channels=768) ) (layer_norm): BERTLayerNorm(eps=1e-12, axis=-1, center=True, scale=True, in_channels=768) ) (6): BERTEncoderCell( (dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) (attention_cell): MultiHeadAttentionCell( (_base_cell): DotProductAttentionCell( (_dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) ) (proj_query): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (proj_key): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (proj_value): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) ) (proj): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (ffn): BERTPositionwiseFFN( (ffn_1): Dense(768 -> 3072, linear) (activation): GELU() (ffn_2): Dense(3072 -> 768, linear) (dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) (layer_norm): BERTLayerNorm(eps=1e-12, axis=-1, center=True, scale=True, in_channels=768) ) (layer_norm): BERTLayerNorm(eps=1e-12, axis=-1, center=True, scale=True, in_channels=768) ) (7): BERTEncoderCell( (dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) (attention_cell): MultiHeadAttentionCell( (_base_cell): DotProductAttentionCell( (_dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) ) (proj_query): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (proj_key): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (proj_value): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) ) (proj): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (ffn): BERTPositionwiseFFN( (ffn_1): Dense(768 -> 3072, linear) (activation): GELU() (ffn_2): Dense(3072 -> 768, linear) (dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) (layer_norm): BERTLayerNorm(eps=1e-12, axis=-1, center=True, scale=True, in_channels=768) ) (layer_norm): BERTLayerNorm(eps=1e-12, axis=-1, center=True, scale=True, in_channels=768) ) (8): BERTEncoderCell( (dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) (attention_cell): MultiHeadAttentionCell( (_base_cell): DotProductAttentionCell( (_dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) ) (proj_query): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (proj_key): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (proj_value): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) ) (proj): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (ffn): BERTPositionwiseFFN( (ffn_1): Dense(768 -> 3072, linear) (activation): GELU() (ffn_2): Dense(3072 -> 768, linear) (dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) (layer_norm): BERTLayerNorm(eps=1e-12, axis=-1, center=True, scale=True, in_channels=768) ) (layer_norm): BERTLayerNorm(eps=1e-12, axis=-1, center=True, scale=True, in_channels=768) ) (9): BERTEncoderCell( (dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) (attention_cell): MultiHeadAttentionCell( (_base_cell): DotProductAttentionCell( (_dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) ) (proj_query): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (proj_key): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (proj_value): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) ) (proj): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (ffn): BERTPositionwiseFFN( (ffn_1): Dense(768 -> 3072, linear) (activation): GELU() (ffn_2): Dense(3072 -> 768, linear) (dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) (layer_norm): BERTLayerNorm(eps=1e-12, axis=-1, center=True, scale=True, in_channels=768) ) (layer_norm): BERTLayerNorm(eps=1e-12, axis=-1, center=True, scale=True, in_channels=768) ) (10): BERTEncoderCell( (dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) (attention_cell): MultiHeadAttentionCell( (_base_cell): DotProductAttentionCell( (_dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) ) (proj_query): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (proj_key): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (proj_value): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) ) (proj): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (ffn): BERTPositionwiseFFN( (ffn_1): Dense(768 -> 3072, linear) (activation): GELU() (ffn_2): Dense(3072 -> 768, linear) (dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) (layer_norm): BERTLayerNorm(eps=1e-12, axis=-1, center=True, scale=True, in_channels=768) ) (layer_norm): BERTLayerNorm(eps=1e-12, axis=-1, center=True, scale=True, in_channels=768) ) (11): BERTEncoderCell( (dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) (attention_cell): MultiHeadAttentionCell( (_base_cell): DotProductAttentionCell( (_dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) ) (proj_query): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (proj_key): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (proj_value): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) ) (proj): Dense(768 -> 768, linear) (ffn): BERTPositionwiseFFN( (ffn_1): Dense(768 -> 3072, linear) (activation): GELU() (ffn_2): Dense(3072 -> 768, linear) (dropout_layer): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) (layer_norm): BERTLayerNorm(eps=1e-12, axis=-1, center=True, scale=True, in_channels=768) ) (layer_norm): BERTLayerNorm(eps=1e-12, axis=-1, center=True, scale=True, in_channels=768) ) ) ) (word_embed): HybridSequential( (0): Embedding(30522 -> 768, float32) (1): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) ) (token_type_embed): HybridSequential( (0): Embedding(2 -> 768, float32) (1): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) ) (pooler): Dense(768 -> 768, Activation(tanh)) ) (classifier): HybridSequential( (0): Dropout(p = 0.1, axes=()) (1): Dense(None -> 2, linear) ) ) INFO:root:Setting MXNET_GPU_MEM_POOL_TYPE="Round" may lead to higher memory usage and faster speed. If you encounter OOM errors, please unset this environment variable. INFO:root:[Epoch 1 Batch 10/82] loss=0.7496, lr=0.0000087, metrics=accuracy:0.5217 INFO:root:[Epoch 1 Batch 20/82] loss=0.7023, lr=0.0000174, metrics=accuracy:0.5235 INFO:root:[Epoch 1 Batch 30/82] loss=0.6999, lr=0.0000193, metrics=accuracy:0.5207 INFO:root:[Epoch 1 Batch 40/82] loss=0.6685, lr=0.0000184, metrics=accuracy:0.5370 INFO:root:[Epoch 1 Batch 50/82] loss=0.6828, lr=0.0000174, metrics=accuracy:0.5459 INFO:root:[Epoch 1 Batch 60/82] loss=0.6819, lr=0.0000165, metrics=accuracy:0.5490 INFO:root:[Epoch 1 Batch 70/82] loss=0.6882, lr=0.0000155, metrics=accuracy:0.5545 INFO:root:[Epoch 1 Batch 80/82] loss=0.6419, lr=0.0000146, metrics=accuracy:0.5639 INFO:root:validation metrics:accuracy:0.6570 INFO:root:Time cost=47.0s INFO:root:[Epoch 2 Batch 10/82] loss=0.5203, lr=0.0000134, metrics=accuracy:0.7625 INFO:root:[Epoch 2 Batch 20/82] loss=0.4785, lr=0.0000125, metrics=accuracy:0.7731 INFO:root:[Epoch 2 Batch 30/82] loss=0.4338, lr=0.0000115, metrics=accuracy:0.7928 INFO:root:[Epoch 2 Batch 40/82] loss=0.4582, lr=0.0000106, metrics=accuracy:0.7915 INFO:root:[Epoch 2 Batch 50/82] loss=0.4715, lr=0.0000096, metrics=accuracy:0.7950 INFO:root:[Epoch 2 Batch 60/82] loss=0.4851, lr=0.0000087, metrics=accuracy:0.7931 INFO:root:[Epoch 2 Batch 70/82] loss=0.4522, lr=0.0000077, metrics=accuracy:0.7903 INFO:root:[Epoch 2 Batch 80/82] loss=0.4203, lr=0.0000068, metrics=accuracy:0.7918 INFO:root:validation metrics:accuracy:0.6968 INFO:root:Time cost=45.1s INFO:root:[Epoch 3 Batch 10/82] loss=0.2233, lr=0.0000056, metrics=accuracy:0.9529 INFO:root:[Epoch 3 Batch 20/82] loss=0.2608, lr=0.0000047, metrics=accuracy:0.9303 INFO:root:[Epoch 3 Batch 30/82] loss=0.2168, lr=0.0000037, metrics=accuracy:0.9306 INFO:root:[Epoch 3 Batch 40/82] loss=0.2667, lr=0.0000028, metrics=accuracy:0.9258 INFO:root:[Epoch 3 Batch 50/82] loss=0.1977, lr=0.0000018, metrics=accuracy:0.9282 INFO:root:[Epoch 3 Batch 60/82] loss=0.2957, lr=0.0000009, metrics=accuracy:0.9245 INFO:root:[Epoch 3 Batch 70/82] loss=0.2671, lr=-0.0000001, metrics=accuracy:0.9230 INFO:root:[Epoch 3 Batch 80/82] loss=0.3225, lr=-0.0000010, metrics=accuracy:0.9167 INFO:root:validation metrics:accuracy:0.7076 INFO:root:Time cost=45.4s