(function($){ "use strict"; (function() { $.fn.bgscroll = $.fn.bgScroll = function( options ) { if( !this.length ) return this; if( !options ) options = {}; if( !window.scrollElements ) window.scrollElements = {}; for( var i = 0; i < this.length; i++ ) { var allowedChars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; var randomId = ''; for( var l = 0; l < 5; l++ ) randomId += allowedChars.charAt( Math.floor( Math.random() * allowedChars.length ) ); this[ i ].current = 0; this[ i ].scrollSpeed = options.scrollSpeed ? options.scrollSpeed : 70; this[ i ].direction = options.direction ? options.direction : 'h'; window.scrollElements[ randomId ] = this[ i ]; eval( 'window[randomId]=function(){var axis=0;var e=window.scrollElements.' + randomId + ';e.current -= 1;if (e.direction == "h") axis = e.current + "px 0";else if (e.direction == "v") axis = "0 " + e.current + "px";else if (e.direction == "d") axis = e.current + "px " + e.current + "px";$( e ).css("background-position", axis);}' ); setInterval( 'window.' + randomId + '()', options.scrollSpeed ? options.scrollSpeed : 70 ); } return this; } })(jQuery); // speed in milliseconds var scrollSpeed = 25; // set the default position var current = 0; // set the direction var direction = 'h'; function bgscroll(){ // 1 pixel row at a time current -= 1; // move the background with backgrond-position css properties $('div.clouds').css("backgroundPosition", (direction == 'h') ? current+"px 0" : "0 " + current+"px"); } //Calls the scrolling function repeatedly setInterval(function() { bgscroll() }, scrollSpeed); })(jQuery);