// 部署完成后在网址后面加上这个,获取订阅器默认节点,/auto let mytoken= 'auto';//快速订阅访问入口, 留空则不启动快速订阅 // 设置优选地址,不带端口号默认443,不支持非TLS订阅生成 let addresses = [ 'icook.tw:2053#优选域名', 'cloudflare.cfgo.cc#优选官方线路', 'icook.hk:8443#香港', 'cfip.xxxxxxxx.tk#官方优选-otc提供', 'hk.100366.xyz#香港', ]; // 设置优选地址api接口 let addressesapi = [ 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dockkkk/CF-WORKERS/main/ip.txt' //可参考内容格式 自行搭建。 ]; let DLS = 4;//速度下限 let addressescsv = [ //'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dockkkk/CF-WORKERS/main/result.csv' //iptest测速结果文件。 ]; let subconverter = "api.v1.mk"; //在线订阅转换后端,目前使用肥羊的订阅转换功能。支持自建psub 可自行搭建https://github.com/bulianglin/psub let subconfig = "https://github.com/ACL4SSR/ACL4SSR/blob/master/Clash/config/ACL4SSR.ini"; //订阅配置文件 let link = ''; let edgetunnel = 'ed'; let RproxyIP = 'false'; let proxyIPs = [ 'proxyip.aliyun.fxxk.dedyn.io', 'proxyip.multacom.fxxk.dedyn.io', 'proxyip.vultr.fxxk.dedyn.io', ]; let CMproxyIPs = [ { proxyIP: "proxyip.fxxk.dedyn.io", type: "HK" }, ]; let BotToken =''; let ChatID =''; let proxyhosts = [//本地代理域名池 //'ppfv2tl9veojd-maillazy.pages.dev', ]; let proxyhostsURL = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cmliu/CFcdnVmess2sub/main/proxyhosts';//在线代理域名池URL let EndPS = '';//节点名备注内容 async function sendMessage(type, ip, add_data = "") { if ( BotToken !== '' && ChatID !== ''){ let msg = ""; const response = await fetch(`http://ip-api.com/json/${ip}?lang=zh-CN`); if (response.status == 200) { const ipInfo = await response.json(); msg = `${type}\nIP: ${ip}\n国家: ${ipInfo.country}\n城市: ${ipInfo.city}\n组织: ${ipInfo.org}\nASN: ${ipInfo.as}\n${add_data}`; } else { msg = `${type}\nIP: ${ip}\n${add_data}`; } let url = "https://api.telegram.org/bot"+ BotToken +"/sendMessage?chat_id=" + ChatID + "&parse_mode=HTML&text=" + encodeURIComponent(msg); return fetch(url, { method: 'get', headers: { 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 Chrome/90.0.4430.72' } }); } } async function getAddressesapi() { if (!addressesapi || addressesapi.length === 0) { return []; } let newAddressesapi = []; for (const apiUrl of addressesapi) { try { const response = await fetch(apiUrl); if (!response.ok) { console.error('获取地址时出错:', response.status, response.statusText); continue; } const text = await response.text(); const lines = text.split('\n'); const regex = /^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})(:\d+)?(#.*)?$/; const apiAddresses = lines.map(line => { const match = line.match(regex); return match ? match[0] : null; }).filter(Boolean); newAddressesapi = newAddressesapi.concat(apiAddresses); } catch (error) { console.error('获取地址时出错:', error); continue; } } return newAddressesapi; } async function getAddressescsv() { if (!addressescsv || addressescsv.length === 0) { return []; } let newAddressescsv = []; for (const csvUrl of addressescsv) { try { const response = await fetch(csvUrl); if (!response.ok) { console.error('获取CSV地址时出错:', response.status, response.statusText); continue; } const text = await response.text();// 使用正确的字符编码解析文本内容 const lines = text.split('\n'); // 检查CSV头部是否包含必需字段 const header = lines[0].split(','); const tlsIndex = header.indexOf('TLS'); const speedIndex = header.length - 1; // 最后一个字段 const ipAddressIndex = 0;// IP地址在 CSV 头部的位置 const portIndex = 1;// 端口在 CSV 头部的位置 const dataCenterIndex = tlsIndex + 1; // 数据中心是 TLS 的后一个字段 if (tlsIndex === -1) { console.error('CSV文件缺少必需的字段'); continue; } // 从第二行开始遍历CSV行 for (let i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) { const columns = lines[i].split(','); // 检查TLS是否为"TRUE"且速度大于DLS if (columns[tlsIndex].toUpperCase() === 'TRUE' && parseFloat(columns[speedIndex]) > DLS) { const ipAddress = columns[ipAddressIndex]; const port = columns[portIndex]; const dataCenter = columns[dataCenterIndex]; const formattedAddress = `${ipAddress}:${port}#${dataCenter}`; newAddressescsv.push(formattedAddress); } } } catch (error) { console.error('获取CSV地址时出错:', error); continue; } } return newAddressescsv; } let protocol; export default { async fetch (request, env) { mytoken = env.TOKEN || mytoken; BotToken = env.TGTOKEN || BotToken; ChatID = env.TGID || ChatID; subconverter = env.SUBAPI || subconverter; subconfig = env.SUBCONFIG || subconfig; const userAgentHeader = request.headers.get('User-Agent'); const userAgent = userAgentHeader ? userAgentHeader.toLowerCase() : "null"; const url = new URL(request.url); const format = url.searchParams.get('format') ? url.searchParams.get('format').toLowerCase() : "null"; let host = ""; let uuid = ""; let path = ""; if (mytoken !== '' && url.pathname.includes(mytoken)) { host = env.HOST || "edgetunnel-2z2.pages.dev"; uuid = env.UUID || "30e9c5c8-ed28-4cd9-b008-dc67277f8b02"; path = env.PATH || "/?ed=2048"; edgetunnel = env.ED || edgetunnel; RproxyIP = env.RPROXYIP || RproxyIP; const hasSos = url.searchParams.has('sos'); if (hasSos) { const hy2Url = "https://hy2sub.pages.dev"; try { const subconverterResponse = await fetch(hy2Url); if (!subconverterResponse.ok) { throw new Error(`Error fetching lzUrl: ${subconverterResponse.status} ${subconverterResponse.statusText}`); } const base64Text = await subconverterResponse.text(); link = atob(base64Text); // 进行 Base64 解码 } catch (error) { // 错误处理 } } await sendMessage("#获取订阅", request.headers.get('CF-Connecting-IP'), `UA: ${userAgent}\n域名: ${url.hostname}\n入口: ${url.pathname + url.search}`); } else { host = url.searchParams.get('host'); uuid = url.searchParams.get('uuid'); path = url.searchParams.get('path'); if (!url.pathname.includes("/sub")) { const responseText = ` 路径必须包含 "/sub" The path must contain "/sub" مسیر باید شامل "/sub" باشد ${url.origin}/sub?host=[your host]&uuid=[your uuid]&path=[your path] https://github.com/dockkkk/CF-WORKERS `; return new Response(responseText, { status: 400, headers: { 'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' }, }); } if (!host || !uuid) { const responseText = ` 缺少必填参数:host 和 uuid Missing required parameters: host and uuid پارامترهای ضروری وارد نشده: هاست و یوآی‌دی ${url.origin}/sub?host=[your host]&uuid=[your uuid]&path=[your path] https://t.me/tweekpiao `; return new Response(responseText, { status: 400, headers: { 'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' }, }); } if (!path || path.trim() === '') { path = '/?ed=2048'; } else { // 如果第一个字符不是斜杠,则在前面添加一个斜杠 path = (path[0] === '/') ? path : '/' + path; } } if (userAgent.includes('telegram') || userAgent.includes('twitter') || userAgent.includes('miaoko')) { return new Response('Hello World!'); } else if (userAgent.includes('clash') || (format === 'clash' && !userAgent.includes('subconverter'))) { const subconverterUrl = `https://${subconverter}/sub?target=clash&url=${encodeURIComponent(request.url)}&insert=false&config=${encodeURIComponent(subconfig)}&emoji=true&list=false&tfo=false&scv=false&fdn=false&sort=false&new_name=true`; try { const subconverterResponse = await fetch(subconverterUrl); if (!subconverterResponse.ok) { throw new Error(`Error fetching subconverterUrl: ${subconverterResponse.status} ${subconverterResponse.statusText}`); } const subconverterContent = await subconverterResponse.text(); return new Response(subconverterContent, { headers: { 'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' }, }); } catch (error) { return new Response(`Error: ${error.message}`, { status: 500, headers: { 'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' }, }); } } else if (userAgent.includes('sing-box') || userAgent.includes('singbox') || (format === 'singbox' && !userAgent.includes('subconverter'))){ const subconverterUrl = `https://${subconverter}/sub?target=singbox&url=${encodeURIComponent(request.url)}&insert=false&config=${encodeURIComponent(subconfig)}&emoji=true&list=false&tfo=false&scv=false&fdn=false&sort=false&new_name=true`; try { const subconverterResponse = await fetch(subconverterUrl); if (!subconverterResponse.ok) { throw new Error(`Error fetching subconverterUrl: ${subconverterResponse.status} ${subconverterResponse.statusText}`); } const subconverterContent = await subconverterResponse.text(); return new Response(subconverterContent, { headers: { 'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' }, }); } catch (error) { return new Response(`Error: ${error.message}`, { status: 500, headers: { 'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' }, }); } } else { if(host.includes('workers.dev') || host.includes('pages.dev')) { if (proxyhostsURL) { try { const response = await fetch(proxyhostsURL); if (!response.ok) { console.error('获取地址时出错:', response.status, response.statusText); return; // 如果有错误,直接返回 } const text = await response.text(); const lines = text.split('\n'); // 过滤掉空行或只包含空白字符的行 const nonEmptyLines = lines.filter(line => line.trim() !== ''); proxyhosts = proxyhosts.concat(nonEmptyLines); } catch (error) { console.error('获取地址时出错:', error); } } // 使用Set对象去重 proxyhosts = [...new Set(proxyhosts)]; } const newAddressesapi = await getAddressesapi(); const newAddressescsv = await getAddressescsv(); addresses = addresses.concat(newAddressesapi); addresses = addresses.concat(newAddressescsv); // 使用Set对象去重 const uniqueAddresses = [...new Set(addresses)]; const responseBody = uniqueAddresses.map(address => { let port = "443"; let addressid = address; if (address.includes(':') && address.includes('#')) { const parts = address.split(':'); address = parts[0]; const subParts = parts[1].split('#'); port = subParts[0]; addressid = subParts[1]; } else if (address.includes(':')) { const parts = address.split(':'); address = parts[0]; port = parts[1]; } else if (address.includes('#')) { const parts = address.split('#'); address = parts[0]; addressid = parts[1]; } if (addressid.includes(':')) { addressid = addressid.split(':')[0]; } edgetunnel = url.searchParams.get('edgetunnel') || edgetunnel; RproxyIP = url.searchParams.get('proxyip') || RproxyIP; if (edgetunnel.trim() === 'cmliu' && RproxyIP.trim() === 'true') { // 将addressid转换为小写 let lowerAddressid = addressid.toLowerCase(); // 初始化找到的proxyIP为null let foundProxyIP = null; // 遍历CMproxyIPs数组查找匹配项 for (let item of CMproxyIPs) { if (lowerAddressid.includes(item.type.toLowerCase())) { foundProxyIP = item.proxyIP; break; // 找到匹配项,跳出循环 } } if (foundProxyIP) { // 如果找到匹配的proxyIP,赋值给path path = `/proxyIP=${foundProxyIP}`; } else { // 如果没有找到匹配项,随机选择一个proxyIP const randomProxyIP = proxyIPs[Math.floor(Math.random() * proxyIPs.length)]; path = `/proxyIP=${randomProxyIP}`; } } let 伪装域名 = host ; let 最终路径 = path ; let 节点备注 = EndPS ; if(proxyhosts && (host.includes('workers.dev') || host.includes('pages.dev'))) { 最终路径 = `/${host}${path}`; 伪装域名 = proxyhosts[Math.floor(Math.random() * proxyhosts.length)]; 节点备注 = `${EndPS} 临时域名中转!`; } const vlessLink = `vless://${uuid}@${address}:${port}?encryption=none&security=tls&sni=${伪装域名}&fp=random&type=ws&host=${伪装域名}&path=${encodeURIComponent(最终路径)}#${encodeURIComponent(addressid + 节点备注)}`; return vlessLink; }).join('\n'); const combinedContent = responseBody + '\n' + link; // 合并内容 const base64Response = btoa(combinedContent); // 重新进行 Base64 编码 const response = new Response(base64Response, { headers: { 'content-type': 'text/plain' }, }); return response; } } };