# Ngrok example configuration file. # To use, rename the items in CAPS to your docksal host, and rename this file to ngrok.yml or ngrok-local.yml. # Or if the DOCKSAL_ENVIRONMENT variable is set to something else, set filename to ngrok-{DOCKSAL_ENVIRONMENT}.yml. # # This is useful if you need to host multisite with ngrok, which is not available via the command line. # Replace 'authtoken' with your token from the ngrok website # Replace the hostname suffix with your ngrok name. It's suggested you name it something simple like: # -- PROJECTNAME-site1.ngrok.io and PROJECTNAME-site2.ngrok.io # authtoken: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX region: us console_ui: true compress_conn: false inspect_db_size: 50000000 root_cas: trusted update: false update_channel: stable web_addr: tunnels: site1: proto: http addr: PROJECTNAME_web_1.PROJECTNAME_default:80 host_header: site1.PROJECTNAME.docksal hostname: PROJECTNAME-site1.ngrok.io inspect: true site2: proto: http addr: PROJECTNAME_web_1.PROJECTNAME_default:80 host_header: site2.PROJECTNAME.docksal hostname: PROJECTNAME-site2.ngrok.io inspect: true