import atexit import datetime import json import logging import os import threading import time from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Dict import jsonpickle log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.setLevel(logging.INFO) log.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) class Task: def __init__(self, payload, queue_name, scheduled_for: float = None): self.payload = payload self.scheduled_for = scheduled_for or time.time() self.queue_name = queue_name class Emulator: """ The queues in the Emulator are not FIFO. Rather, they are priority queues: Elements are popped in the order of the time they are scheduled for, and only after the scheduled time. """ __hibernation_file = os.path.abspath('hibernate-emulator-task-queue.json') def __init__(self, task_handler: Callable[[str, str], None], hibernation=True): """ :param task_handler: A callback function: It will receive the tasks :param hibernation: If True, queue state will be persisted at shutdown and reloaded at startup. If False, neither will be done. """ assert task_handler, 'Need a task handler function' self.__lock = threading.Lock() self.__task_handler = task_handler self.__queues: Dict[str, List[Task]] = {} if hibernation: atexit.register(self._hibernate) self.__queues = self.__load_from_hibernation() tot = self.total_enqueued_tasks() if tot: # Walrus in Python 3.8!'Loaded %d tasks in %s queues', tot, len(self.__queues)) self.__queue_threads: dict[str, threading.Thread] = {} # Remove hibernation file whether we just loaded or are skipping hubernation. self.__remove_hibernation_file() for queue_name in self.__queues: # Launch threads for loaded queues, if any. self.__launch_queue_thread(queue_name) def __load_from_hibernation(self): try: with open(self.__hibernation_file, 'r') as f: json_s = return jsonpickle.decode(json_s) except FileNotFoundError: return {} def __remove_hibernation_file(self): try: os.remove(self.__hibernation_file) except FileNotFoundError: pass def _hibernate(self): if self.total_enqueued_tasks(): with open(self.__hibernation_file, 'w') as f: json_s = jsonpickle.encode(self.__queues, indent=2) f.write(json_s)'Persisted queue state to %s', self.__hibernation_file) def __process_queue(self, queue_path): while True: task: Optional[Task] task = None with self.__lock: queue = self.__queues[queue_path] if queue: peek = queue[0] now: float = time.time() if peek.scheduled_for <= now: task = queue.pop(0) # Pop from the beginning; push to the end if task: self.__task_handler(task.payload, task.queue_name) time.sleep(0.01) def create_task(self, queue_name, payload, scheduled_for: datetime.datetime, project, location): """ :param queue_name: If the queue does not yet exist in this emulator, it will be created. :param payload: A string that will be passed to the handler. :param scheduled_for: When this should be delivered. If None or 0, will schedule for immediate delivery. :param project: Not used in emulator, but used in the real implementation (See :param location: Not used in emulator, but used in the real implementation (See """ scheduled_for = scheduled_for or with self.__lock: if queue_name not in self.__queues: self.__queues[queue_name] = [] self.__launch_queue_thread(queue_name) queue = self.__queues[queue_name] task = Task(payload, queue_name, scheduled_for.timestamp()) queue.append(task) queue.sort(key=lambda t: t.scheduled_for) def __launch_queue_thread(self, queue_name): new_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.__process_queue, name=f"Thread-{queue_name}", args=[queue_name], daemon=True) self.__queue_threads[queue_name] = new_thread new_thread.start() def total_enqueued_tasks(self): return sum(len(q) for q in self.__queues.values())