#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eo pipefail [[ $TRACE ]] && set -x # A script to bootstrap dokku. # It expects to be run on Ubuntu 16.04/18.04, or CentOS 7 via 'sudo' # If installing a tag higher than 0.3.13, it may install dokku via a package (so long as the package is higher than 0.3.13) # It checks out the dokku source code from Github into ~/dokku and then runs 'make install' from dokku source. # We wrap this whole script in functions, so that we won't execute # until the entire script is downloaded. # That's good because it prevents our output overlapping with wget's. # It also means that we can't run a partially downloaded script. SUPPORTED_VERSIONS="Debian [9, 10], CentOS [7], Ubuntu [16.04, 18.04]" log-fail() { declare desc="log fail formatter" echo "$@" 1>&2 exit 1 } ensure-environment() { local FREE_MEMORY echo "Preparing to install $DOKKU_TAG from $DOKKU_REPO..." hostname -f >/dev/null 2>&1 || { log-fail "This installation script requires that you have a hostname set for the instance. Please set a hostname for in your /etc/hosts" } FREE_MEMORY=$(grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}') if [[ "$FREE_MEMORY" -lt 1003600 ]]; then echo "For dokku to build containers, it is strongly suggested that you have 1024 megabytes or more of free memory" echo "If necessary, please consult this document to setup swap: http://dokku.viewdocs.io/dokku/advanced-installation/#vms-with-less-than-1gb-of-memory" fi } install-requirements() { echo "--> Ensuring we have the proper dependencies" case "$DOKKU_DISTRO" in debian) if ! dpkg -l | grep -q software-properties-common; then apt-get update -qq >/dev/null apt-get -qq -y install software-properties-common fi ;; ubuntu) if ! dpkg -l | grep -q software-properties-common; then apt-get update -qq >/dev/null apt-get -qq -y install software-properties-common fi add-apt-repository universe >/dev/null apt-get update -qq >/dev/null ;; esac } install-dokku() { if [[ -n $DOKKU_BRANCH ]]; then install-dokku-from-source "origin/$DOKKU_BRANCH" elif [[ -n $DOKKU_TAG ]]; then local DOKKU_SEMVER="${DOKKU_TAG//v/}" major=$(echo "$DOKKU_SEMVER" | awk '{split($0,a,"."); print a[1]}') minor=$(echo "$DOKKU_SEMVER" | awk '{split($0,a,"."); print a[2]}') patch=$(echo "$DOKKU_SEMVER" | awk '{split($0,a,"."); print a[3]}') use_plugin=false # 0.4.0 implemented a `plugin` plugin if [[ "$major" -eq "0" ]] && [[ "$minor" -ge "4" ]] && [[ "$patch" -ge "0" ]]; then use_plugin=true elif [[ "$major" -ge "1" ]]; then use_plugin=true fi # 0.3.13 was the first version with a debian package if [[ "$major" -eq "0" ]] && [[ "$minor" -eq "3" ]] && [[ "$patch" -ge "13" ]]; then install-dokku-from-package "$DOKKU_SEMVER" echo "--> Running post-install dependency installation" dokku plugins-install-dependencies elif [[ "$use_plugin" == "true" ]]; then install-dokku-from-package "$DOKKU_SEMVER" echo "--> Running post-install dependency installation" sudo -E dokku plugin:install-dependencies --core else install-dokku-from-source "$DOKKU_TAG" fi else install-dokku-from-package echo "--> Running post-install dependency installation" sudo -E dokku plugin:install-dependencies --core fi } install-dokku-from-source() { local DOKKU_CHECKOUT="$1" if ! command -v apt-get &>/dev/null; then log-fail "This installation script requires apt-get. For manual installation instructions, consult http://dokku.viewdocs.io/dokku/advanced-installation/" fi apt-get -qq -y install git make software-properties-common cd /root if [[ ! -d /root/dokku ]]; then git clone "$DOKKU_REPO" /root/dokku fi cd /root/dokku git fetch origin [[ -n $DOKKU_CHECKOUT ]] && git checkout "$DOKKU_CHECKOUT" make install } install-dokku-from-package() { case "$DOKKU_DISTRO" in debian | ubuntu) install-dokku-from-deb-package "$@" ;; centos | rhel) install-dokku-from-rpm-package "$@" ;; *) log-fail "Unsupported Linux distribution. For manual installation instructions, consult http://dokku.viewdocs.io/dokku/advanced-installation/" ;; esac } in-array() { declare desc="return true if value ($1) is in list (all other arguments)" local e for e in "${@:2}"; do [[ "$e" == "$1" ]] && return 0 done return 1 } install-dokku-from-deb-package() { local DOKKU_CHECKOUT="$1" local NO_INSTALL_RECOMMENDS=${DOKKU_NO_INSTALL_RECOMMENDS:=""} local OS_ID if ! in-array "$DOKKU_DISTRO_VERSION" "16.04" "18.04" "9" "10"; then log-fail "Unsupported Linux distribution. Only the following versions are supported: $SUPPORTED_VERSIONS" fi if [[ -n $DOKKU_DOCKERFILE ]]; then NO_INSTALL_RECOMMENDS=" --no-install-recommends " fi echo "--> Initial apt-get update" apt-get update -qq >/dev/null apt-get -qq -y install apt-transport-https if ! command -v docker &>/dev/null; then echo "--> Installing docker" if uname -r | grep -q linode; then echo "--> NOTE: Using Linode? Docker may complain about missing AUFS support." echo " You can safely ignore this warning." echo " Installation will continue in 10 seconds." sleep 10 fi export CHANNEL=stable wget -nv -O - https://get.docker.com/ | sh fi OS_ID="$(lsb_release -cs 2>/dev/null || echo "bionic")" if ! in-array "$DOKKU_DISTRO" "debian" "ubuntu"; then DOKKU_DISTRO="ubuntu" OS_ID="bionic" fi if [[ "$DOKKU_DISTRO" == "ubuntu" ]]; then OS_IDS=("xenial" "bionic") if ! in-array "$OS_ID" "${OS_IDS[@]}"; then OS_ID="bionic" fi elif [[ "$DOKKU_DISTRO" == "debian" ]]; then OS_IDS=("stretch" "buster") if ! in-array "$OS_ID" "${OS_IDS[@]}"; then OS_ID="buster" fi fi echo "--> Installing dokku" wget -nv -O - https://packagecloud.io/dokku/dokku/gpgkey | apt-key add - echo "deb https://packagecloud.io/dokku/dokku/$DOKKU_DISTRO/ $OS_ID main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dokku.list apt-get update -qq >/dev/null [[ -n $DOKKU_VHOST_ENABLE ]] && echo "dokku dokku/vhost_enable boolean $DOKKU_VHOST_ENABLE" | sudo debconf-set-selections [[ -n $DOKKU_WEB_CONFIG ]] && echo "dokku dokku/web_config boolean $DOKKU_WEB_CONFIG" | sudo debconf-set-selections [[ -n $DOKKU_HOSTNAME ]] && echo "dokku dokku/hostname string $DOKKU_HOSTNAME" | sudo debconf-set-selections [[ -n $DOKKU_SKIP_KEY_FILE ]] && echo "dokku dokku/skip_key_file boolean $DOKKU_SKIP_KEY_FILE" | sudo debconf-set-selections [[ -n $DOKKU_KEY_FILE ]] && echo "dokku dokku/key_file string $DOKKU_KEY_FILE" | sudo debconf-set-selections [[ -n $DOKKU_NGINX_ENABLE ]] && echo "dokku dokku/nginx_enable string $DOKKU_NGINX_ENABLE" | sudo debconf-set-selections if [[ -n $DOKKU_CHECKOUT ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 apt-get -qq -y $NO_INSTALL_RECOMMENDS install "dokku=$DOKKU_CHECKOUT" else # shellcheck disable=SC2086 apt-get -qq -y $NO_INSTALL_RECOMMENDS install dokku fi } install-dokku-from-rpm-package() { local DOKKU_CHECKOUT="$1" if ! in-array "$DOKKU_DISTRO_VERSION" "7"; then log-fail "Unsupported Linux distribution. Only the following versions are supported: $SUPPORTED_VERSIONS" fi echo "--> Installing docker" curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com/ | sh echo "--> Installing epel for nginx packages to be available" yum install -y epel-release echo "--> Installing herokuish and dokku" curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/dokku/dokku/script.rpm.sh | bash if [[ -n $DOKKU_CHECKOUT ]]; then yum -y install herokuish "dokku-$DOKKU_CHECKOUT" else yum -y install herokuish dokku fi echo "--> Enabling docker and nginx on system startup" systemctl enable docker systemctl enable nginx echo "--> Starting nginx" systemctl start nginx } main() { export DOKKU_DISTRO DOKKU_DISTRO_VERSION # shellcheck disable=SC1091 DOKKU_DISTRO=$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$ID") # shellcheck disable=SC1091 DOKKU_DISTRO_VERSION=$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_ID") export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive export DOKKU_REPO=${DOKKU_REPO:-"https://github.com/dokku/dokku.git"} ensure-environment install-requirements install-dokku } main "$@"