define(['app', 'luxon'], function (app, luxon) { var DateTime = luxon.DateTime; app.component('deviceOnOffChart', { bindings: { log: '<', view: '@' }, template: '
', controller: DeviceOnOffChartController }); function DeviceOnOffChartController($element, dzSettings) { var vm = this; vm.$onChanges = function (changes) { if (changes.log && changes.log.currentValue) { renderChart(changes.log.currentValue) } }; function getMinValue() { if (vm.view === 'daily') { return DateTime.local().startOf('day').valueOf(); } else if (vm.view === 'weekly') { return DateTime.local().minus({ days: 6 }).startOf('day').valueOf(); } else { return undefined; } } function getFilteredData(data) { var min = getMinValue(); var firstIndex = min === undefined ? data.findIndex(function (point) { return DateTime.fromFormat(point.Date, dzSettings.serverDateFormat).valueOf() >= min }) : 0; // Add one point out of the range to properly render initial value if (firstIndex > 0) { firstIndex -= 1; } return firstIndex === -1 ? [] : data.slice(firstIndex); } function renderChart(data) { var chartData = []; getFilteredData(data).forEach(function (point, index, points) { if (point.Status === 'On' || (point.Status.includes('Set Level') && point.Level > 0) || (point.Status.includes('Set Color')) ) { chartData.push({ x: DateTime.fromFormat(point.Date, dzSettings.serverDateFormat).valueOf(), x2: points[index + 1] ? DateTime.fromFormat(points[index + 1].Date, dzSettings.serverDateFormat).valueOf() :, y: 0, d: point.Data }); } }); $element.highcharts({ chart: { zoomType: 'x', }, title: { text: null }, legend: { enabled: false }, xAxis: { type: 'datetime', min: getMinValue(), max: DateTime.local().endOf('day').valueOf(), startOnTick: true, endOnTick: true }, yAxis: { title: { text: '' }, labels: false, categories: ['On'], reversed: true }, time: { useUTC: false, }, tooltip: { formatter: function () { var rStr = ""; rStr += ''; rStr += dateFormat(this.x, 'dddd, mmm dd yyyy HH:MM:ss'); rStr += ' - '; rStr += dateFormat(this.x2, 'dddd, mmm dd yyyy HH:MM:ss'); rStr += ''; rStr += '
'; rStr += '\u25CF '; rStr += $.t( + ': ' + this.point.d; return rStr; } }, series: [{ type: 'xrange', name: 'Device Status', data: chartData, borderRadius: 0, borderWidth: 0, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, minPointLength: 2, turboThreshold: 0 }] }); } } });