--- comments: true difficulty: 中等 edit_url: https://github.com/doocs/leetcode/edit/main/solution/1000-1099/1091.Shortest%20Path%20in%20Binary%20Matrix/README.md rating: 1658 source: 第 141 场周赛 Q3 tags: - 广度优先搜索 - 数组 - 矩阵 --- # [1091. 二进制矩阵中的最短路径](https://leetcode.cn/problems/shortest-path-in-binary-matrix) [English Version](/solution/1000-1099/1091.Shortest%20Path%20in%20Binary%20Matrix/README_EN.md) ## 题目描述

给你一个 n x n 的二进制矩阵 grid 中,返回矩阵中最短 畅通路径 的长度。如果不存在这样的路径,返回 -1

二进制矩阵中的 畅通路径 是一条从 左上角 单元格(即,(0, 0))到 右下角 单元格(即,(n - 1, n - 1))的路径,该路径同时满足下述要求:

畅通路径的长度 是该路径途经的单元格总数。


示例 1:

输入:grid = [[0,1],[1,0]]

示例 2:

输入:grid = [[0,0,0],[1,1,0],[1,1,0]]

示例 3:

输入:grid = [[1,0,0],[1,1,0],[1,1,0]]



## 解法 ### 方法一:BFS 根据题目描述,一条畅通路径是从左上角单元格 $(0, 0)$ 到右下角单元格 $(n - 1, n - 1)$ 的路径,且路径上所有单元格的值都是 $0$。 因此,如果左上角单元格 $(0, 0)$ 的值为 $1$,则不存在满足要求的路径,直接返回 $-1$。 否则,我们创建一个队列 $q$,将左上角单元格 $(0, 0)$ 加入队列,并且将其标记为已访问,即把 $grid[0][0]$ 的值置为 $1$,然后开始广度优先搜索。 在每一轮搜索中,我们每次取出队首节点 $(i, j)$,如果 $(i, j)$ 为右下角单元格 $(n - 1, n - 1)$,则路径长度为当前的搜索轮数,直接返回。否则,我们将当前节点的所有未被访问过的相邻节点加入队列,并且将它们标记为已访问。每一轮搜索结束后,我们将搜索轮数增加 $1$。然后继续执行上述过程,直到队列为空或者找到目标节点。 如果在搜索结束后,我们仍然没有到达右下角的节点,那么说明右下角的节点不可达,返回 $-1$。 时间复杂度 $O(n^2)$,空间复杂度 $O(n^2)$。其中 $n$ 是给定的二进制矩阵的边长。 #### Python3 ```python class Solution: def shortestPathBinaryMatrix(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> int: if grid[0][0]: return -1 n = len(grid) grid[0][0] = 1 q = deque([(0, 0)]) ans = 1 while q: for _ in range(len(q)): i, j = q.popleft() if i == j == n - 1: return ans for x in range(i - 1, i + 2): for y in range(j - 1, j + 2): if 0 <= x < n and 0 <= y < n and grid[x][y] == 0: grid[x][y] = 1 q.append((x, y)) ans += 1 return -1 ``` #### Java ```java class Solution { public int shortestPathBinaryMatrix(int[][] grid) { if (grid[0][0] == 1) { return -1; } int n = grid.length; grid[0][0] = 1; Deque q = new ArrayDeque<>(); q.offer(new int[] {0, 0}); for (int ans = 1; !q.isEmpty(); ++ans) { for (int k = q.size(); k > 0; --k) { var p = q.poll(); int i = p[0], j = p[1]; if (i == n - 1 && j == n - 1) { return ans; } for (int x = i - 1; x <= i + 1; ++x) { for (int y = j - 1; y <= j + 1; ++y) { if (x >= 0 && x < n && y >= 0 && y < n && grid[x][y] == 0) { grid[x][y] = 1; q.offer(new int[] {x, y}); } } } } } return -1; } } ``` #### C++ ```cpp class Solution { public: int shortestPathBinaryMatrix(vector>& grid) { if (grid[0][0]) { return -1; } int n = grid.size(); grid[0][0] = 1; queue> q; q.emplace(0, 0); for (int ans = 1; !q.empty(); ++ans) { for (int k = q.size(); k; --k) { auto [i, j] = q.front(); q.pop(); if (i == n - 1 && j == n - 1) { return ans; } for (int x = i - 1; x <= i + 1; ++x) { for (int y = j - 1; y <= j + 1; ++y) { if (x >= 0 && x < n && y >= 0 && y < n && !grid[x][y]) { grid[x][y] = 1; q.emplace(x, y); } } } } } return -1; } }; ``` #### Go ```go func shortestPathBinaryMatrix(grid [][]int) int { if grid[0][0] == 1 { return -1 } n := len(grid) grid[0][0] = 1 q := [][2]int{{0, 0}} for ans := 1; len(q) > 0; ans++ { for k := len(q); k > 0; k-- { p := q[0] i, j := p[0], p[1] q = q[1:] if i == n-1 && j == n-1 { return ans } for x := i - 1; x <= i+1; x++ { for y := j - 1; y <= j+1; y++ { if x >= 0 && x < n && y >= 0 && y < n && grid[x][y] == 0 { grid[x][y] = 1 q = append(q, [2]int{x, y}) } } } } } return -1 } ``` #### TypeScript ```ts function shortestPathBinaryMatrix(grid: number[][]): number { if (grid[0][0]) { return -1; } const max = grid.length - 1; grid[0][0] = 1; let q: number[][] = [[0, 0]]; for (let ans = 1; q.length > 0; ++ans) { const nq: number[][] = []; for (const [i, j] of q) { if (i === max && j === max) { return ans; } for (let x = i - 1; x <= i + 1; ++x) { for (let y = j - 1; y <= j + 1; ++y) { if (grid[x]?.[y] === 0) { grid[x][y] = 1; nq.push([x, y]); } } } } q = nq; } return -1; } ``` #### Rust ```rust use std::collections::VecDeque; impl Solution { pub fn shortest_path_binary_matrix(mut grid: Vec>) -> i32 { let n = grid.len(); let mut queue = VecDeque::new(); queue.push_back([0, 0]); let mut res = 0; while !queue.is_empty() { res += 1; for _ in 0..queue.len() { let [i, j] = queue.pop_front().unwrap(); if grid[i][j] == 1 { continue; } if i == n - 1 && j == n - 1 { return res; } grid[i][j] = 1; for x in -1..=1 { for y in -1..=1 { let x = x + (i as i32); let y = y + (j as i32); if x < 0 || x == (n as i32) || y < 0 || y == (n as i32) { continue; } queue.push_back([x as usize, y as usize]); } } } } -1 } } ```