// ==UserScript== // @name overtooning // @namespace http://www.bumblebits.net // @author doonge@oddsquad.org // @version 1.1.7 // @description Load overlay from scanlation teams while browsing original webtoons. // @match *://comic.naver.com/* // @match *://m.comic.naver.com/* // @match *://webtoon.daum.net/* // @match *://cartoon.media.daum.net/* // @match *://comico.toast.com/* // @match *://www.comico.jp/* // @match *://www.foxtoon.com/* // @match *://page.kakao.com/* // @match *://comics.nate.com/* // @match *://webtoon.olleh.com/* // @match *://ttale.com/* // @match *://www.lezhin.com/* // @match https://ex-ac.lezhin.com/* // @match *://manhua.weibo.com/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== var OTOON_VERSION = '1.1.7'; var OTOON_MESSAGE = 'Mixed content fix (set to https).'; // -- MUTATION OBSERVER rough fallback for older browsers. var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver; if(!MutationObserver) { MutationObserver = function(callback) { this.callback = callback; var interval, textContent, node; }; MutationObserver.prototype = { observe: function (node, options) { this.node = node; this.textContent = node.textContent; this.interval = window.setInterval(function() { if(arguments[0].textContent != arguments[0].node.textContent) { arguments[0].callback([{target: arguments[0].node}]); } }, 1000, this); }, takeRecords: function () { //Not used. return true; }, disconnect: function () { window.clearInterval(this.interval); } }; } // -- Banzai. var overtooning = { //lang: http://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry/language-subtag-registry ? storage: { //default values (overwritten by localStorage if exists) feed: [{url: 'https://otoon-api.bumblebits.net', name: 'Default feed', lang: ['en', 'es'], lastUpdate: 0}], webtoon: [], config: { debug: 3, //verbosity of logs. active: true, //stops the execution of this script early, if false (only display menu). lang: [], //bypass the browser's user agent language, if needed. memoryLimit: 0, //limit for the low memory devices (in megapixels). lazyLoading: true, //images are to be loaded in order. }, text: { _SETTING: 'Setting', _SETTING_LAZYLOAD: 'Ordered loading', _SETTING_LAZYLOAD_I:'Force the original images to be loaded one by one (automatically set to yes if you set a memory limit below).', _SETTING_MEMORY: 'Memory Limit (MPixel)', _SETTING_MEMORY_I: 'Limit the maximum memory available for image processing (low power devices). In megapixels (width/1024 x height/1024).', _SETTING_LANG: 'Force language preferences', _SETTING_LANG_I: 'Only use if the autodetect language feature is not enough. Currently available values are: ', _SETTING_DISABLE: 'Disable Overtooning on this website', _SETTING_RESET: 'Reset Overtooning data', _SETTING_RESET_I: 'If nothing works, maybe this will help.', _FEED: 'Feed', _FEED_TEMPLATE: 'Set this feed as layout translator.', _FEED_REFRESH: 'Refresh the data served by this feed.', _WEBTOON: 'Webtoon', _WEBTOON_FEED: 'Set this feed as primary choice for this webtoon.', _LOG: 'Log', _TEMPLATE: 'Layout', _TEMPLATE_I: 'Edit the layout (advanced users).', _ROUGH: 'Rough', _ROUGH_I: 'Placeholder for the Rough Translation functionality (not available yet).', _YES: 'Yes', _NO: 'No', _APPLY: 'Apply' }, template: [], exec: function(func, property) { if(property) { if(!property.join) { property = [property]; } for(var i = property.length -1; i > -1; i--) { this[func](property[i]); } } else { this.exec(func, ['feed', 'webtoon', 'config', 'text', 'template']); } }, load: function(property) { var data = localStorage.getItem('overtooning.' + property); if(data && (data = JSON.parse(data))) { this[property] = data; } }, save: function(property) { if(this[property]) { localStorage.setItem('overtooning.' + property, JSON.stringify(this[property])); } }, erase: function(property) { localStorage.removeItem('overtooning.' + property); } }, jar: { //holds temporary shared vars for internal functions node: { //store properties like webtoonId, webtoonTitle etc... nodeList: {}, valueList: {}, routineList: {}, pathList: {}, addNode: function(property, node, path) { if(!this.nodeList[property]) { this.nodeList[property] = []; } if(!this.pathList[property]) { this.pathList[property] = []; } var index = this.nodeList[property].indexOf(node); if(index == -1) { // no duplicate node var pathIndex = this.pathList[property].indexOf(path); if(pathIndex == -1) { this.nodeList[property].push(node); return this.nodeList[property].length-1; } this.nodeList[property][pathIndex] = node; return pathIndex; } return index; }, value: function(property, value) { if(typeof value == 'string') { this.valueList[property] = value; var nodeList = []; for(var i = this.nodeList[property] ? this.nodeList[property].length -1 : -1; i > -1; i--) { if(document.contains(this.nodeList[property][i]) || this.nodeList[property][i] instanceof Attr) { //what to do with Attr? nodeList.push(this.nodeList[property][i]); overtooning.value(this.nodeList[property][i], value); } } this.nodeList[property] = nodeList; } if(typeof this.valueList[property] !== 'undefined') { return this.valueList[property]; } return false; }, routine: function(property, func, args) { if(typeof func == 'function') { this.routineList[property] = {func: func, args: args}; var nodeList = []; for(var i = this.nodeList[property] ? this.nodeList[property].length -1 : -1; i > -1; i--) { //empty orphans. if(document.contains(this.nodeList[property][i])) { nodeList.push(this.nodeList[property][i]); } } this.nodeList[property] = nodeList; } for(var i = this.nodeList[property] ? this.nodeList[property].length -1 : -1; i > -1; i--) { var node = this.nodeList[property][i], unactiveNode = [], order = (this.routineList[property].args && this.routineList[property].args.order), active = false, item = 0; while(node) { item++; this.routineList[property].args.item = item; active = this.routineList[property].func(node, this.routineList[property].args); if(order) { //order subroutine if(!active) { unactiveNode.push(node); } else { if(unactiveNode.length) { var saveNodePlace = node.nextSibling; //we should move them all var switchNode = unactiveNode.shift(); // but will mess with the order because we do not care about non translated stuff node.parentNode.replaceChild(node, switchNode); node.parentNode.insertBefore(switchNode, saveNodePlace); node = switchNode; unactiveNode.push(node); } } } if(this.routineList[property].args && this.routineList[property].args.next) { node = overtooning.next(node, this.routineList[property].args.next); if(order && node.newList && this.routineList[property].args.multiple) { unactiveNode = []; } if(node && node.node) { node = node.node; } else { node = false; } } else { node = false; } } } }, refresh: function(property) { if(typeof property !== 'undefined') { if(typeof this.valueList[property] == 'string') { this.value(property, this.value(property)); } else if(typeof this.routineList[property].func == 'function') { this.routine(property); } } else { for(property in this.valueList) { this.refresh(property); } } } }, log: [], fetch: {node: [], name: []}, run: {}, menu: {}, //holds the menu node container. query: [], rawImage: new Image(), overlay: new Image(), splitOverlay: 0, //whether or not overlays are split (gives split height) canvas: [], pixel: 'data:image/svg+xml,', pixelRatio: 0, currentImage: 0, busy: false, timer: false, interval: false, maxDimension: 1024 * 1024, //set default expected image's size to 1 Megapixel bufferSize: 0, internalWebtoonId: -1, observer: [], forceRaw: false //Cheese-like compromize }, menu: { close: function() { if(overtooning.jar.menu.container) { overtooning.jar.menu.container.parentNode.removeChild(overtooning.jar.menu.container); } }, console: function(element, category) { if(!overtooning.jar.menu.container) { overtooning.jar.menu.container = overtooning.create('div', {id: 'otoon-console'}, overtooning.create('div', {className: 'otoon-row otoon-header', style: 'font-weight: bold; border-bottom: 1px solid black;'}, overtooning.create('a', {className: 'otoon-col otoon-button otoon-logo', textContent: 'Overtooning', href: 'http://overtooning.bumblebits.net', target: '_blank', style: 'text-decoration: none !important;'}, overtooning.create('small', {textContent: ' ' + OTOON_VERSION})), overtooning.create('span', {className: 'otoon-col otoon-button otoon-close', textContent: 'X', onclick: overtooning.menu.close}) ) ); } while(overtooning.jar.menu.container.firstChild.nextSibling) { overtooning.jar.menu.container.removeChild(overtooning.jar.menu.container.firstChild.nextSibling); } overtooning.jar.menu.container.appendChild(overtooning.create('div', {className: 'otoon-row otoon-menu', style: 'position: relative; font-weight: bold; border-bottom: 1px solid black;'}, overtooning.create('span', { className: 'otoon-col otoon-button otoon-log' + (category == 'log' ? ' otoon-active':''), textContent: overtooning.storage.text._LOG, onclick: overtooning.menu.log}), overtooning.create('span', { className: 'otoon-col otoon-button otoon-general' + (category == 'general' ? ' otoon-active':''), textContent: overtooning.storage.text._SETTING, onclick: overtooning.menu.setting}), overtooning.create('span', { className: 'otoon-col otoon-button otoon-feed' + (category == 'feed' ? ' otoon-active':''), textContent: overtooning.storage.text._FEED, onclick: overtooning.menu.feed}), overtooning.create('span', { className: 'otoon-col otoon-button otoon-webtoon' + (category == 'webtoon' ? ' otoon-active':''), textContent: overtooning.storage.text._WEBTOON, onclick: overtooning.menu.webtoon}), overtooning.create('span', { className: 'otoon-col otoon-button otoon-template' + (category == 'template' ? ' otoon-active':''), textContent: overtooning.storage.text._TEMPLATE, onclick: overtooning.menu.template}), overtooning.create('span', { className: 'otoon-col otoon-button otoon-rough' + (category == 'rough' ? ' otoon-active':''), textContent: overtooning.storage.text._ROUGH, onclick: overtooning.menu.rough}) )); if(element) { element.className = 'otoon-col'; overtooning.jar.menu.container.appendChild(overtooning.create('div', {className: 'otoon-row otoon-body'}, element)); } if(!overtooning.jar.menu.container.parentNode) { document.body.appendChild(overtooning.jar.menu.container); } }, log: function() { var logs = overtooning.create('div', {}); if(!overtooning.jar.log.length) { logs.appendChild(overtooning.create('Empty Log')) } for(var i = 0; i < overtooning.jar.log.length; i++) { logs.appendChild(overtooning.create('p', {textContent: overtooning.jar.log[i], style: 'padding: 0 1em;'})); } overtooning.menu.console(logs, 'log'); }, setting: function() { var settings = overtooning.create('div', {}); settings.appendChild(overtooning.create('div', {className: 'otoon-row'}, overtooning.create('span', {className: 'otoon-col otoon-option-name', textContent: overtooning.storage.text._SETTING_LAZYLOAD}), overtooning.create('span', {className: 'otoon-col otoon-option-value'}, overtooning.create('input', {className: 'otoon-toggler otoon-hidden', id: 'otoon-lazyload-y', name: 'lazyload', type: 'radio', value: '1', onclick: function() {overtooning.storage.config.lazyLoading = true; overtooning.storage.save('config');}}), overtooning.create('label', {className: 'otoon-option otoon-yes', for: 'otoon-lazyload-y', textContent: overtooning.storage.text._YES}), overtooning.create('input', {className: 'otoon-toggler otoon-hidden', id: 'otoon-lazyload-n', name: 'lazyload', type: 'radio', value: '0', onclick: function() {overtooning.storage.config.lazyLoading = false; overtooning.storage.save('config');}}), overtooning.create('label', {className: 'otoon-option otoon-no', for: 'otoon-lazyload-n', textContent: overtooning.storage.text._NO}) ), overtooning.create('span', {className: 'otoon-col otoon-info', textContent: overtooning.storage.text._SETTING_LAZYLOAD_I}) )); settings.appendChild(overtooning.create('div', {className: 'otoon-row'}, overtooning.create('span', {className: 'otoon-col otoon-option-name', textContent: overtooning.storage.text._SETTING_MEMORY}), overtooning.create('span', {className: 'otoon-col otoon-option-value'}, overtooning.create('input', {type: 'text', id: 'otoon-memorylimit', style: 'width: 40%;', value: Math.round(overtooning.storage.config.memoryLimit / 1024 / 1024)}), overtooning.create('span', {className: 'otoon-option otoon-yes', textContent: overtooning.storage.text._APPLY, onclick: function() { var memoryLimit = Math.min(Math.max(document.getElementById('otoon-memorylimit').value, 0), 100); overtooning.storage.config.memoryLimit = memoryLimit * 1024 * 1024; overtooning.storage.save('config'); }}) ), overtooning.create('span', {className: 'otoon-col otoon-info', textContent: overtooning.storage.text._SETTING_MEMORY_I}) )); var lang = overtooning.lang(); settings.appendChild(overtooning.create('div', {className: 'otoon-row'}, overtooning.create('span', {className: 'otoon-col otoon-option-name', textContent: overtooning.storage.text._SETTING_LANG}), overtooning.create('span', {className: 'otoon-col otoon-option-value'}, overtooning.create('input', {type: 'text', id: 'otoon-lang', style: 'width: 40%;', value: overtooning.storage.config.lang ? overtooning.storage.config.lang.join(', ') : ''}), overtooning.create('span', {className: 'otoon-option otoon-yes', textContent: overtooning.storage.text._APPLY, onclick: function() { var lang = overtooning.lang(), result = [], input = document.getElementById('otoon-lang'); var inputValue = input.value.split(','); for(var i = inputValue.length-1; i > -1; i--){ if(lang.indexOf(inputValue[i].trim()) != -1) { result.unshift(inputValue[i].trim()); } } if(overtooning.storage.config.lang != result) { overtooning.storage.config.lang = result; overtooning.storage.save('config'); //ping new template? overtooning.cors( overtooning.storage.feed[0].url + '/' + window.location.hostname + '/0/0.json?t=0&lang='+result.join(','), 'GET', '', '', function(data) {overtooning.jar.query.unshift({feedId: 0, ping: true}); overtooning.query(data); overtooning.menu.setting();}, function(error) {overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.run] No template can be loaded'); overtooning.menu.log();} ); } input.value = result.join(', '); }}) ), overtooning.create('span', {className: 'otoon-col otoon-info', textContent: overtooning.storage.text._SETTING_LANG_I + lang.join(', ')}) )); settings.appendChild(overtooning.create('div', {className: 'otoon-row'}, overtooning.create('span', {className: 'otoon-col otoon-option-name', textContent: overtooning.storage.text._SETTING_DISABLE}), overtooning.create('span', {className: 'otoon-col otoon-option-value'}, overtooning.create('input', {className: 'otoon-toggler otoon-hidden', id: 'otoon-disable-y', name: 'disable', type: 'radio', value: '1', onclick: function() {overtooning.storage.config.disable = true; overtooning.storage.save('config');}}), overtooning.create('label', {className: 'otoon-option otoon-no', for: 'otoon-disable-y', textContent: overtooning.storage.text._YES}), overtooning.create('input', {className: 'otoon-toggler otoon-hidden', id: 'otoon-disable-n', name: 'disable', type: 'radio', value: '0', onclick: function() {overtooning.storage.config.disable = false; overtooning.storage.save('config');}}), overtooning.create('label', {className: 'otoon-option otoon-yes', for: 'otoon-disable-n', textContent: overtooning.storage.text._NO}) ) )); settings.appendChild(overtooning.create('div', {className: 'otoon-row'}, overtooning.create('span', {className: 'otoon-col otoon-option-name', textContent: overtooning.storage.text._SETTING_RESET}), overtooning.create('span', {className: 'otoon-col otoon-option-value'}, overtooning.create('span', {className: 'otoon-option otoon-no', textContent: overtooning.storage.text._APPLY, onclick: function() { overtooning.storage.exec('erase'); window.setTimeout(function() {document.location.reload()}, 3000); }}) ), overtooning.create('span', {className: 'otoon-col otoon-info', textContent: overtooning.storage.text._SETTING_RESET_I}) )); overtooning.menu.console(settings, 'general'); document.getElementById(overtooning.storage.config.lazyLoading ? 'otoon-lazyload-y' : 'otoon-lazyload-n').checked = true; document.getElementById(overtooning.storage.config.disable ? 'otoon-disable-y' : 'otoon-disable-n').checked = true; }, feed: function() { var feeds = overtooning.create('div', {}); if(!overtooning.storage.feed.length) { feeds.appendChild(overtooning.create('no feed')) } for(var i = 0; i < overtooning.storage.feed.length; i++) { feeds.appendChild(overtooning.create('p', {textContent: overtooning.storage.feed[i].url})); } overtooning.menu.console(feeds, 'feed'); }, webtoon: function() { var webtoons = overtooning.create('div', {}); if(!overtooning.storage.webtoon.length) { webtoons.appendChild(overtooning.create('no webtoon')) } for(var i = 0; i < overtooning.storage.webtoon.length; i++) { webtoons.appendChild(overtooning.create('p', {textContent: overtooning.storage.webtoon[i].wT})); } overtooning.menu.console(webtoons, 'webtoon'); }, template: function() { var template = overtooning.create('div', {}); overtooning.storage.load('template'); template.appendChild(overtooning.create('textarea', {style: 'width: 100%; height: 50em;', textContent: JSON.stringify(overtooning.storage.template, null, ' ')})); overtooning.storage.template = null; overtooning.menu.console(template, 'template'); }, rough: function() { var rough = overtooning.create('div', {}); rough.appendChild(overtooning.create('p', {textContent: 'not yet'})); overtooning.menu.console(rough, 'rough'); } }, lang: function() { var lang = []; for(var i = overtooning.storage.feed.length -1; i > -1; i--) { if(overtooning.storage.feed[i].lang && overtooning.storage.feed[i].lang.length) { for(var j = overtooning.storage.feed[i].lang.length -1; j > -1; j--) { if(lang.indexOf(overtooning.storage.feed[i].lang[j]) == -1) { lang.unshift(overtooning.storage.feed[i].lang[j]); } } } } return lang; }, mutation: function(MutationRecord) { var observerId = -1, targetElement = MutationRecord[0].target; for(var i = overtooning.jar.observer.length -1; i > -1; i--) { if(targetElement == overtooning.jar.observer[i].target) { observerId = i; break; } } if(observerId != -1) { overtooning.jar.observer[observerId].observer.disconnect(); overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.observe] Mutation observed ' + overtooning.jar.observer[observerId].path); overtooning.jar.fetch = {node: [], name: []}; //desactivate save node function (maybe remove it ?). overtooning.runTemplate(overtooning.jar.observer[observerId].template); overtooning.jar.observer[observerId].observer.observe(overtooning.jar.observer[observerId].target, overtooning.jar.observer[observerId].options); } }, run: function() { if (window.top !== window.self || window.frameElement) { return; } overtooning.storage.exec('load'); if(!overtooning.jar.run.stylesheet) { overtooning.jar.run.stylesheet = overtooning.create('style', {}); overtooning.jar.run.stylesheet.textContent = overtooning.getBaseCss(); delete overtooning.getBaseCss; } if(!overtooning.jar.run.stylesheet.parentNode) { document.body.appendChild(overtooning.jar.run.stylesheet); } if(!overtooning.storage.template || !overtooning.storage.template.length) { //legacy localStorage variables localStorage.removeItem('doongeFeeds'); localStorage.removeItem('overloaderData'); // end of legacy if(!overtooning.storage.feed || !overtooning.storage.feed.length) { overtooning.showFeed(); } else { overtooning.jar.query.push({feedId: 0, ping: true}); overtooning.cors( overtooning.storage.feed[0].url + '/' + window.location.hostname + '/0/0.json?t=0'+ (overtooning.storage.config.lang ? overtooning.storage.config.lang.join(',') : ''), 'GET', '', '', function(data) {overtooning.query(data); if(overtooning.storage.template.length) overtooning.run();}, function(error) {overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.run] No template can be loaded'); overtooning.menu.log();} ); } return false; } if(!overtooning.jar.run.template) { overtooning.jar.run.template = []; var priorityTemplate = []; //select proper routes and populate main queue (overtooning.jar.run.template) for(var index = overtooning.storage.template.length -1; index > -1; index--) { if( new RegExp('^' + overtooning.storage.template[index].route.replace(/\\/g, '').replace(/\./g, '\\.').replace(/\//g, '\/')).test(window.location.pathname/* + window.location.hash*/) ) { overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.run] pathname: ' + overtooning.storage.template[index].route); if(overtooning.storage.template[index].html) { for(var path = overtooning.storage.template[index].html.length -1; path > -1; path--) { if(overtooning.storage.template[index].html[path].assign && /^overtooning|webtoonId|chapterId$/.test(overtooning.storage.template[index].html[path].assign)) { priorityTemplate.push(overtooning.storage.template[index].html[path]); } else { overtooning.jar.run.template.push(overtooning.storage.template[index].html[path]); } } } if(overtooning.storage.template[index].css && !overtooning.storage.config.disable) { overtooning.jar.run.stylesheet.textContent += overtooning.storage.template[index].css; } } } overtooning.storage.template = []; if(priorityTemplate.length) { overtooning.runTemplate(priorityTemplate); priorityTemplate = []; } if(!overtooning.jar.node.value('overtooning')) { overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.run] Could not bootstrap - correct template?'); overtooning.menu.log(); } if(overtooning.storage.config.disable) { overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.run] User has disabled Overtooning on this website.'); return false; } var webtoonId = false; if(webtoonId = overtooning.jar.node.value('webtoonId')) { for(var i = overtooning.storage.webtoon.length -1; i > -1; i--) { if(overtooning.storage.webtoon[i].wI == webtoonId) { overtooning.jar.internalWebtoonId = i; overtooning.jar.node.value('webtoonTitle', overtooning.storage.webtoon[i].wT); overtooning.jar.node.value('webtoonAuthor', overtooning.storage.webtoon[i].wA); overtooning.jar.node.value('webtoonBlurb', overtooning.storage.webtoon[i].wB); } } } //*// Cheese in the Trap exception var forceWebtoonId = window.location.hash.match(new RegExp('^#otoon=([0-9a-zA-Z_-]+)$')); if(forceWebtoonId) { overtooning.jar.node.value('chapterId', forceWebtoonId[1]); overtooning.jar.forceRaw = true; overtooning.jar.saveAssignImageList = overtooning.assign.imageList; overtooning.assign.imageList = function(data) { //do nothing overtooning.jar.node.routineList.imageList = {args: data}; }; } //*/ overtooning.jar.run.template.sort(function(a, b) {return ( ( a.path == b.path ) ? 0 : ( ( a.path > b.path ) ? 1 : -1 ) );}); //populate wait and observers queues (overtooning.jar.run.wait and overtooning.jar.run.observe). overtooning.jar.run.wait = []; overtooning.jar.run.observe = []; for(var index = 0; index < overtooning.jar.run.template.length; index++) { //wait and observers setup if(overtooning.jar.run.template[index].wait) { overtooning.jar.run.wait.push(overtooning.jar.run.template[index]); } if(overtooning.jar.run.template[index].observe) { var targetElement = overtooning.fetch(overtooning.jar.run.template[index].observe); if(targetElement) { var observerId = -1; for(var i = overtooning.jar.observer.length -1; i > -1; i--) { if(targetElement == overtooning.jar.observer[i].target) { observerId = i; break; } } if(observerId == -1) { overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.run.observe] Attaching observer to ' + overtooning.jar.run.template[index].observe); overtooning.jar.observer.push({ target: targetElement, path: overtooning.jar.run.template[index].observe, options: overtooning.jar.run.template[index].options || {childList: true}, template: [] }); observerId = overtooning.jar.observer.length -1; overtooning.jar.observer[observerId].observer = new MutationObserver(overtooning.mutation); } else { overtooning.jar.observer[observerId].observer.disconnect(); overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.run.observe] Overloading ' + overtooning.jar.run.template[index].observe); for(var property in overtooning.jar.run.template[index].options) { if (overtooning.jar.run.template[index].options.hasOwnProperty(property) && !overtooning.jar.observer[observerId].options[property]) { overtooning.jar.observer[observerId].options[property] = true; } } } delete overtooning.jar.run.template[index].observe; delete overtooning.jar.run.template[index].options; overtooning.jar.observer[observerId].template.push(overtooning.jar.run.template[index]); overtooning.jar.observer[observerId].observer.observe(overtooning.jar.observer[observerId].target, overtooning.jar.observer[observerId].options); } } } //if overtooning.jar.run.wait isn't empty, plan it. if(overtooning.jar.run.wait.length) { overtooning.jar.run.timer = window.setInterval(function() { if(document.readyState == "complete") { window.clearInterval(overtooning.jar.run.timer); overtooning.runTemplate(overtooning.jar.run.wait); delete overtooning.jar.run.wait; } }, 1000); } } //once every image has been described if(!overtooning.jar.pixelRatio) { var ctx = document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d"), dpr = window.devicePixelRatio || 1, bsr = ctx.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio || ctx.mozBackingStorePixelRatio || ctx.msBackingStorePixelRatio || ctx.oBackingStorePixelRatio || ctx.backingStorePixelRatio || 1; overtooning.jar.pixelRatio = dpr / bsr; if(overtooning.jar.pixelRatio != 1) { overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.run] Pixel Ratio: ' + overtooning.jar.pixelRatio); } } overtooning.jar.rawImage.onload = overtooning.rawImageOnLoad; overtooning.jar.rawImage.onerror = overtooning.rawImageOnError; overtooning.jar.overlay.onload = overtooning.overlayOnLoad; overtooning.jar.overlay.onerror = overtooning.overlayOnError; overtooning.runTemplate(overtooning.jar.run.template); overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.template] End.'); var MTime = overtooning.MTime(), priorityFeed = []; if(overtooning.jar.internalWebtoonId != -1) { priorityFeed = overtooning.storage.webtoon[overtooning.jar.internalWebtoonId].fL; for(var j = 0; j < priorityFeed.length; j++) { overtooning.jar.query.push({feedId: priorityFeed[j]}); } } for(var j = 0; j < overtooning.storage.feed.length; j++) { if(priorityFeed.indexOf(j) == -1 && overtooning.storage.feed[j].lastUpdate + 60 * 24 * 7 < MTime) { overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.run] Ping feed: ' + overtooning.storage.feed[j].url + ' (' + j + ')'); overtooning.jar.query.push({feedId: j, ping: true}); } } overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.run] Queries to be made: ' + overtooning.jar.query.length); if(overtooning.jar.query) { overtooning.query(); } overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.run] End.'); //overtooning.menu.console(); }, assign: { generic: function(data) { overtooning.jar.node.addNode(data.assign, data.node, data.path); if(overtooning.jar.node.value(data.assign)) { overtooning.jar.node.value(data.assign, overtooning.jar.node.value(data.assign), data.assign == 'webtoonBlurb' ? true : false); } }, webtoonId: function(data) { // no need to add node. if(!overtooning.jar.node.value('webtoonId')) { overtooning.jar.node.value('webtoonId', overtooning.value(data.node)); } }, chapterId: function(data) { // no need to add node. if(!overtooning.jar.node.value('chapterId')) { overtooning.jar.node.value('chapterId', overtooning.value(data.node)); } }, overtooning: function(data) { // simple setup overtooning.jar.node.value('overtooning', '1'); var svg = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg"); svg.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 64 64'); svg.setAttribute('style', 'width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: visible;'); svg.setAttribute('title', 'overTooning'); svg.onclick = function() { //allow select and copy/paste (disallowed from naver). document.oncontextmenu = null; document.onselectstart = null; //end; overtooning.menu.log(); }; var path = document.createElementNS(svg.namespaceURI, 'path'); path.setAttribute('d', 'M32 4c18 0 32 12 32 26s-14 26-32 26c-2 0-3 0-5 0-7 7-15 8-23 8v-2c4-2 8-6 8-10 0-1 0-1 0-2-7-5-12-12-12-20 0-14 14-26 32-26zM48 25l-11-2-5-10-5 10-11 2 8 8-2 11 10-5 10 5-2-11 8-8z'); svg.appendChild(path); data.node.appendChild(svg); }, webtoonList: function(data) { overtooning.jar.node.addNode(data.assign, data.node, data.path); delete data.node; data.order = true; overtooning.jar.node.routine(data.assign, overtooning.webtoonList, data); }, chapterList: function(data) { overtooning.jar.node.addNode(data.assign, data.node, data.path); delete data.node; overtooning.jar.node.routine(data.assign, overtooning.chapterList, data); }, imageList: function(data) { //overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.assign] Call to imageList'); if(overtooning.jar.busy) { //nope, but prioritize this function over loadImage() timer. if(overtooning.jar.timer) { window.clearTimeout(overtooning.jar.timer); overtooning.jar.timer = false; } if(!overtooning.jar.interval) { overtooning.jar.interval = window.setInterval(overtooning.assign.imageList, 1000); } overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.canvas] Cancelled: already busy loading an image'); return false; } if(!overtooning.storage.config.memoryLimit) { //no need to keep interval if no memory limit. window.clearInterval(overtooning.jar.interval); overtooning.jar.interval = false; } else if(!overtooning.jar.interval){ overtooning.jar.interval = window.setInterval(overtooning.assign.imageList, 1000); } //console.log('[imageList] running'); //clean canvas list. var replaceCanvas = []; for(var i = overtooning.jar.canvas.length -1; i > -1; i--) { if(document.contains(overtooning.jar.canvas[i].ref)) { replaceCanvas.push(overtooning.jar.canvas[i]); } else { overtooning.jar.canvas[i].ref.src = overtooning.jar.pixel; overtooning.jar.canvas[i].ref = null; if(overtooning.jar.canvas[i].node) { overtooning.jar.canvas[i].node.textContent = ''; overtooning.jar.canvas[i].node = null; } overtooning.jar.canvas[i].activeNode = null; } } overtooning.jar.canvas = replaceCanvas; replaceCanvas = []; //launch analysis routine which populates overtooning.jar.canvas. if(data) { overtooning.jar.node.addNode(data.assign, data.node, data.path); overtooning.jar.node.routine(data.assign, overtooning.imageList, data); overtooning.jar.node.nodeList.imageList = []; //ugly but we don't need it. //data.node = first node, lastNode = last node. (we have "next"). overtooning.jar.node.routineList.imageList.args.lastNode = overtooning.jar.canvas[overtooning.jar.canvas.length-1].ref; } else { var test = overtooning.fetch(overtooning.jar.node.routineList.imageList.args.path); if(test != overtooning.jar.node.routineList.imageList.args.node) { //different first or last node! overtooning.jar.node.routineList.imageList.args.item = 1; overtooning.jar.node.routine('imageList', overtooning.imageList, overtooning.jar.node.routineList.imageList.args); overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.canvas] Image list updated (new starting node).'); } else if(test = overtooning.next(overtooning.jar.node.routineList.imageList.args.lastNode, overtooning.jar.node.routineList.imageList.args.next)) { while(test) { test = test.node; overtooning.jar.node.routineList.imageList.args.item++; overtooning.jar.node.routineList.imageList.args.lastNode = test; overtooning.imageList(test, overtooning.jar.node.routineList.imageList.args); test = overtooning.next(test, overtooning.jar.node.routineList.imageList.args.next); } overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.canvas] Image list updated (new ending node).'); } } var position = {top: 0, left: 0, width: 0, height: 0}, comparer = function(a, b) { if(a.distance == -1) return 1; if(b.distance == -1) return -1; if(a.distance < b.distance) return -1; if(a.distance > b.distance) return 1; return 0; }; //Orders images in current viewing order, relative to top-left scroll value. for(var i = overtooning.jar.canvas.length-1; i > -1; i--) { if(overtooning.jar.canvas[i].activeNode.style.display == 'none') { overtooning.jar.canvas[i].distance = -1; } else { position = overtooning.jar.canvas[i].activeNode.getBoundingClientRect(); overtooning.jar.canvas[i].distance = Math.pow(position.top, 2) + Math.pow(position.left, 2); } overtooning.jar.canvas[i].top = position.top; overtooning.jar.canvas[i].left = position.left; replaceCanvas.splice(overtooning.pivot(overtooning.jar.canvas[i], replaceCanvas, comparer) +1, 0, overtooning.jar.canvas[i]); } overtooning.jar.canvas = replaceCanvas; replaceCanvas = []; //overtooning.addLog('yeah '+ JSON.stringify(overtooning.jar.canvas));//do something. /*//var string = ''; for(var i= 0; i < 6; i++) { string += ' ' + overtooning.jar.canvas[i].item + '('+overtooning.jar.canvas[i].loaded+')'; } //console.log('[imageList] order ' + string); //*/ overtooning.loadImage(); } }, webtoonList: function(node, args) { if(args && args.innerPath && args.innerPath.webtoonId) { var webtoonId = overtooning.fetch(args.innerPath.webtoonId, node, true), webtoonInfo = false; webtoonId = webtoonId ? overtooning.value(webtoonId) : false; for(var i = overtooning.storage.webtoon.length -1; i > -1; i--) { if(overtooning.storage.webtoon[i].wI == webtoonId) { webtoonInfo = overtooning.storage.webtoon[i]; break; } } if(webtoonInfo) { shortProperty = {webtoonTitle: 'wT', webtoonAuthor: 'wA', webtoonBlurb: 'wB'}; for(property in shortProperty) { if(args.innerPath[property]) { var subNode = overtooning.fetch(args.innerPath[property], node, true); if(subNode) { overtooning.value(subNode, webtoonInfo[shortProperty[property]]); } } } return true; } } return false; }, chapterList: function(node, args) { if(args && args.innerPath && args.innerPath.chapterId && overtooning.jar.chapterList) { // args chapterList is to be added on CORS request var chapterId = overtooning.fetch(args.innerPath.chapterId, node, true), chapterInfo = false; chapterId = chapterId ? overtooning.value(chapterId) : false; for(var i = overtooning.jar.chapterList.length -1; i > -1; i--) { if(overtooning.jar.chapterList[i].id == chapterId) { chapterInfo = overtooning.jar.chapterList[i]; break; } } if(chapterInfo) { var subNode = overtooning.fetch(args.innerPath.chapterTitle, node, true); if(subNode) { overtooning.value(subNode, chapterInfo.title); } return true; } } return false; }, imageList: function(node, args) { var index = -1, src = false; for(var i = overtooning.jar.canvas.length -1; i > -1; i--) { if(overtooning.jar.canvas[i].ref == node) { index = i; break; } } if(index == -1) { overtooning.jar.canvas.push({ref: node}); index = overtooning.jar.canvas.length -1; } if(!overtooning.jar.canvas[index].src) { if(args.innerPath && args.innerPath.src && node.getAttribute(args.innerPath.src)) { overtooning.jar.canvas[index].src = node.getAttribute(args.innerPath.src); overtooning.jar.canvas[index].attribute = args.innerPath.src; } else { overtooning.jar.canvas[index].src = node.src; } if(overtooning.storage.config.lazyLoading && node.src == overtooning.jar.canvas[index].src) { node.src = overtooning.jar.pixel; } } if(!overtooning.jar.canvas[index].activeNode) { overtooning.jar.canvas[index].activeNode = overtooning.jar.canvas[index].ref } overtooning.jar.canvas[index].style = args.innerPath && args.innerPath.style ? args.innerPath.style : ''; //more intricate way to calculate imageNumber (distord or depending on page node) here. overtooning.jar.canvas[index].item = args.item; }, loadImage: function() { if(overtooning.jar.timer) { window.clearTimeout(overtooning.jar.timer); overtooning.jar.timer = false; } if(overtooning.jar.busy) { return false; } var workToDo = false, fullyLoaded = true; for(var i = 0; i < overtooning.jar.canvas.length; i++) { if(!overtooning.jar.canvas[i].loaded) { if( overtooning.jar.canvas[i].ref.src == overtooning.jar.pixel || overtooning.jar.canvas[i].ref.src == ('data:image/svg+xml,') || overtooning.jar.canvas[i].ref.src == overtooning.jar.canvas[i].src) { overtooning.jar.currentImage = i; workToDo = true; break; } else { fullyLoaded = false; } } } if(!workToDo) { if(!fullyLoaded) { overtooning.jar.timer = window.setTimeout(overtooning.loadImage, 1000); } else { overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.canvas] All images have been loaded. No lazyloading.'); } return false; } //free memory if(overtooning.storage.config.memoryLimit) { var megapixel = overtooning.jar.maxDimension, cursor = overtooning.jar.canvas.length -1; if(overtooning.jar.canvas[overtooning.jar.currentImage].width) { megapixel = overtooning.jar.canvas[overtooning.jar.currentImage].width * overtooning.jar.canvas[overtooning.jar.currentImage].height; } while(cursor > overtooning.jar.currentImage && overtooning.jar.bufferSize + megapixel > overtooning.storage.config.memoryLimit) { var rect = overtooning.jar.canvas[cursor].activeNode.getBoundingClientRect(); var isVisible = ( rect.top < (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) && rect.left < (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth) && rect.bottom > 0 && rect.right > 0 ); if(overtooning.jar.canvas[cursor].loaded && !isVisible) { overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.canvas.memoryLimit] Unloading image ' + overtooning.jar.canvas[cursor].item); overtooning.jar.canvas[cursor].loaded = false; overtooning.jar.canvas[cursor].ref.src = 'data:image/svg+xml,'; if(overtooning.jar.canvas[cursor].node) { overtooning.jar.canvas[cursor].node.textContent = ''; } overtooning.jar.canvas[cursor].node.className = 'otoon-overlay hidden'; overtooning.jar.bufferSize -= overtooning.jar.canvas[cursor].width * overtooning.jar.canvas[cursor].height; } cursor--; } if(overtooning.jar.bufferSize && overtooning.jar.bufferSize + megapixel > overtooning.storage.config.memoryLimit) { return false; } } overtooning.jar.busy = true; overtooning.jar.rawImage.src = overtooning.jar.canvas[overtooning.jar.currentImage].src; }, rawImageOnLoad: function() { var pointer = overtooning.jar.canvas[overtooning.jar.currentImage]; if(pointer.ref.src != overtooning.jar.rawImage.src) { //our lazyloading or their overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.canvas] Loading image ' + pointer.item); pointer.ref.src = overtooning.jar.rawImage.src; /*window.setTimeout(overtooning.jar.rawImage.onload, 5000); return false;*/ } if(document.readyState != "complete") { overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.canvas] still loading...'); window.setTimeout(overtooning.jar.rawImage.onload, 100); return; } pointer.loaded = true; if(pointer.attribute) { // their lazyloading, let's break it. pointer.ref.removeAttribute(pointer.attribute); delete pointer.attribute; } pointer.width = overtooning.jar.rawImage.naturalWidth; pointer.height = overtooning.jar.rawImage.naturalHeight; pointer.ref.width = overtooning.jar.rawImage.naturalWidth; pointer.ref.height = overtooning.jar.rawImage.naturalHeight; var mgpxl = overtooning.jar.rawImage.naturalWidth * overtooning.jar.rawImage.naturalHeight; if (mgpxl > overtooning.jar.maxDimension) { overtooning.jar.maxDimension = mgpxl; } overtooning.jar.bufferSize += mgpxl; //pointer.clientWidth = pointer.activeNode.clientWidth; //pointer.clientHeight = pointer.activeNode.clientHeight; if(overtooning.jar.generalUrl) { window.setTimeout(function() {overtooning.jar.overlay.src = overtooning.jar.generalUrl.replace('{imgNumber}', overtooning.digit(pointer.item, 2));}, 200); return true; } overtooning.jar.busy = false; if(!overtooning.storage.config.memoryLimit || (overtooning.jar.bufferSize + overtooning.jar.maxDimension <= overtooning.storage.config.memoryLimit)) { window.setTimeout(overtooning.assign.imageList, 200); } }, rawImageOnError: function() { overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.canvas] Error while loading image ' + overtooning.jar.canvas[overtooning.jar.currentImage].item); overtooning.jar.canvas[overtooning.jar.currentImage].ref.src = this.src; overtooning.jar.canvas[overtooning.jar.currentImage].loaded = true; overtooning.jar.busy = false; if(!overtooning.storage.config.memoryLimit || (overtooning.jar.bufferSize + overtooning.jar.maxDimension <= overtooning.storage.config.memoryLimit)) { window.setTimeout(overtooning.assign.imageList, 200); } }, overlayOnLoad: function() { var pointer = overtooning.jar.canvas[overtooning.jar.currentImage]; overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.canvas] Loading overlay ' + pointer.item); if(!pointer.node) { pointer.node = overtooning.create('div', { className: 'otoon-overlay' /*, style: 'position: relative;'+ ' width: ' + pointer.activeNode.clientWidth + 'px;'+ ' height: ' + pointer.activeNode.clientHeight + 'px;'+ pointer.style */ } ); } else { pointer.node.className = 'otoon-overlay'; } var mode = pointer.height >= pointer.width ? 'height' : 'width', start = 0, stop = pointer[mode], naturalCanvas, increment = Math.floor(1024 * 1024 / (mode == 'height' ? pointer.width : pointer.height)), //max 1 megapixel per canvas. dim = {height: pointer.height, width: pointer.width}, cursor = {height: 0, width: 0}; // possible improvement for the memory management mode: // instead of filling to to bottom or left to right, check if the opposite is better each time while(start != stop) { /*if(start > 0) { start -= Math.floor(Math.random()*10 + 5); }*/ if(start + increment > stop) { increment = stop - start; } dim[mode] = increment; cursor[mode] = start; naturalCanvas = overtooning.create('canvas', { width: dim.width, height: dim.height/*, style: 'position: absolute; top: ' + cursor.height + 'px; left: '+ cursor.width +'px;'*/ }); naturalCanvas.getContext('2d').drawImage( overtooning.jar.rawImage, cursor.width, cursor.height, dim.width, dim.height, 0, 0, dim.width, dim.height ); naturalCanvas.getContext('2d').drawImage( overtooning.jar.overlay, cursor.width, cursor.height, dim.width, dim.height, 0, 0, dim.width, dim.height ); if(/*pointer.activeNode.clientHeight != pointer.height ||*/ overtooning.jar.pixelRatio != 1) { /*var heightMod = pointer.activeNode.clientHeight / pointer.height; var widthMod = pointer.activeNode.clientWidth / pointer.width;*/ /*if(start == 0 && pointer.activeNode.clientHeight != pointer.height) { overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.canvas] Adjusting size for item '+pointer.item+': Width '+ pointer.activeNode.clientWidth +' / '+ pointer.width +' - Height '+ pointer.activeNode.clientHeight +' / '+ pointer.height); }*/ var copyCanvas = overtooning.create('canvas', { width: Math.round(naturalCanvas.width * overtooning.jar.pixelRatio), height: Math.round(naturalCanvas.height * overtooning.jar.pixelRatio), /*style: 'position: absolute; top: ' + (cursor.height ? Math.round(cursor.height * heightMod) : 0) + 'px;'+ ' left: ' + (cursor.width ? Math.round(cursor.width * widthMod) : 0) + 'px;'*/} ); //copyCanvas.style.width = mode == 'height' ? pointer.activeNode.clientWidth +'px' : Math.round(increment * widthMod) +'px'; //copyCanvas.style.height = mode == 'height' ? Math.round(increment * heightMod) +'px' : pointer.activeNode.clientHeight +'px'; copyCanvas.getContext('2d').setTransform(overtooning.jar.pixelRatio, 0, 0, overtooning.jar.pixelRatio, 0, 0); copyCanvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(naturalCanvas, 0, 0); naturalCanvas = copyCanvas; copyCanvas = null; } pointer.node.appendChild(naturalCanvas); overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.canvas] canvas added ' + dim.width + 'x' + dim.height +' (' + overtooning.jar.pixelRatio +')'); start += increment; } pointer.node.appendChild(overtooning.create('div', {style: 'position: absolute; top:0; left:0; width: 100%; height: 100%;'})); //free some memory maybe. pointer.ref.src = 'data:image/svg+xml,'; //*// overtooning.jar.onloadSave = overtooning.jar.rawImage.onload; overtooning.jar.rawImage.onload = function() {overtooning.jar.rawImage.onload = overtooning.jar.onloadSave; overtooning.jar.onloadSave = null;}; overtooning.jar.rawImage.src = overtooning.jar.pixel; //*/ if(pointer.ref.previousSibling != pointer.node) { pointer.ref.parentNode.insertBefore(pointer.node, pointer.ref); } pointer.activeNode = pointer.node; overtooning.jar.busy = false; if(!overtooning.storage.config.memoryLimit || (overtooning.jar.bufferSize + overtooning.jar.maxDimension <= overtooning.storage.config.memoryLimit)) { window.setTimeout(overtooning.assign.imageList, 200); } }, overlayOnError: function() { overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.canvas] Error while loading overlay ' + overtooning.jar.canvas[overtooning.jar.currentImage].item); overtooning.jar.busy = false; if(!overtooning.storage.config.memoryLimit || (overtooning.jar.bufferSize + overtooning.jar.maxDimension <= overtooning.storage.config.memoryLimit)) { window.setTimeout(overtooning.assign.imageList, 200); } }, runTemplate: function(template) { if(!template || !template.length) { return false; } for(var index = 0; index < template.length; index++) { //console.log(template[index].path); var node = overtooning.fetch(template[index].path); if(node) { node = overtooning.runCommand(node, template[index]); //not possible to call by reference node. if(template[index].next && !template[index].assign) { // assign nexts are managed through their own way. var item = 1; while(next = overtooning.next(node, template[index].next)) { template[index].item = item; node = overtooning.runCommand(next.node, template[index]); //we don't care about newList, so we don't really care about the whole next object. item++; } } } } template = []; }, next: function(node, nextArray) { if(node && nextArray && nextArray[0]) { var saveNode = node; var currentNode = overtooning.fetch(nextArray[0], saveNode, true); for(var cursor = 1; !currentNode && cursor < nextArray.length; cursor++) { currentNode = overtooning.fetch(nextArray[cursor], saveNode, true); } if(currentNode) { return {node: currentNode, newList: (cursor > 1 && cursor == nextArray.length)?true:false}; } } return false; }, pivot: function(element, array, comparer, start, end) { if(array.length === 0) return -1; start = start || 0; end = end || array.length; var pivot = (start + end) >> 1, c = comparer(element, array[pivot]); if(end - start <= 1) return c == -1 ? pivot -1 : pivot; switch(c) { case -1: return overtooning.pivot(element, array, comparer, start, pivot); case 0: return pivot; case 1: return overtooning.pivot(element, array, comparer, pivot, end); } }, runCommand: function (node, command) { if(command.assign && command.assign == 'overtooning') { node.parentNode.insertBefore(overtooning.create('div', {}), node.nextSibling); node = node.nextSibling; } else if(command.new && command.tagName) { node.parentNode.insertBefore(overtooning.create(command.tagName, {}), node.nextSibling); node = node.nextSibling; } if(command.tagName && node.nodeName != command.tagName) { var copyNode = overtooning.create(command.tagName, {innerHTML: node.innerHTML ? node.innerHTML : ' '}); //insecure? if(node.className) { copyNode.className = node.className; } if(node.id) { copyNode.id = node.id; } node.parentNode.insertBefore(copyNode, node); node = node.previousSibling; node.parentNode.removeChild(node.nextSibling); } if(command.className && node.className != command.className) { if(!node.saveClass) { node.saveClass = node.className; } node.className = command.className; } if(command.style) { /*if(!node.saveStyle) { node.saveStyle = node.getAttribute('style') || ''; }*/ node.setAttribute('style', (node.getAttribute('style') || '') + command.style); } if(command.assign) { var property = overtooning.assign[command.assign] ? command.assign : 'generic'; overtooning.assign[property]({ node: node, assign: command.assign, path: command.path, innerPath: command.innerPath ? command.innerPath : false, next: command.next ? command.next : false, multiple: command.multiple ? command.multiple : false, }); } else if(command.translate) { overtooning.translate(node, { translate: command.translate, into: command.into ? command.into : false, item: command.item ? command.item : 0 }); } return node; }, translate: function(node, data) { if(!node || !data.translate) { return false; } if(!data.translate.join) { data.translate = [data.translate]; } if(data.into && !data.into.join) { data.into = [data.into]; } //into = check and replace all words, no into = replace into translate[item] if(data.into) { var nodeValue = overtooning.value(node).split("\n"); for(var i = data.translate.length -1; i > -1; i--) { for(var j = nodeValue.length -1; j > -1; j--) { nodeValue[j] = nodeValue[j].replace(data.translate[i], data.into[i] ? data.into[i] : data.translate[i]); } console.log(nodeValue); } console.log(nodeValue.join("\n")); overtooning.value(node, nodeValue.join("\n")); } else { if(!data.item) { data.item = 0; } if(data.translate[data.item]) { overtooning.value(node, data.translate[data.item]); } } }, query: function(data) { if(data) { var query = overtooning.jar.query.shift(); var feedId = query.feedId; overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.cors] Analyzing response.'); try {data = JSON.parse(data);} catch(e) { overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.json] Parsing failed.'); data = {}; } if(!data.overtooning) { overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.cors] Data not intented for overtooning.'); data = {}; } delete data.overtooning; overtooning.storage.feed[feedId].lastUpdate = overtooning.MTime(); //fix local dictionary if(data.text && feedId == 0) { //instead of checking against 0, add a feedId template option? for(var key in data.text) { if(overtooning.storage.text[key]) { overtooning.storage.text[key] = data.text[key]; } } overtooning.storage.save('text'); } if(data.template && feedId == 0) { for(var index = 0; index < data.template.length; index++) { if(data.template[index].html) { for(var path = 0; path < data.template[index].html.length; path++) { //fix simple next value if(data.template[index].html[path].next && !data.template[index].html[path].next.join) { data.template[index].html[path].next = [data.template[index].html[path].next]; } //fix short hand brackets in path and innerPath. var newPath = overtooning.openBrackets(data.template[index].html[path].path, data.template[index].html[path].next); if(newPath.next) { if(data.template[index].html[path].next) { for(var i = 0; i < newPath.next.length; i++) { data.template[index].html[path].next.push(newPath.next[i]); } } else { data.template[index].html[path].next = newPath.next; } } data.template[index].html[path].path = newPath.path; if(data.template[index].html[path].innerPath) { for(var property in data.template[index].html[path].innerPath) { if(/^(webtoon|chapter)/.test(property)) { newPath = overtooning.openBrackets(data.template[index].html[path].innerPath[property]); data.template[index].html[path].innerPath[property] = newPath.path; } } } //fix dictionary data into the template if(data.text && data.template[index].html[path].translate) { if(data.template[index].html[path].translate.join) { for(var cursor = data.template[index].html[path].translate.length; cursor != 0; cursor--) { var attribute = data.template[index].html[path].translate[cursor-1]; if(data.text[attribute]) { data.template[index].html[path].translate[cursor-1] = data.text[attribute]; } } } else { var attribute = data.template[index].html[path].translate; if(data.text[attribute]) { data.template[index].html[path].translate = data.text[attribute]; } } if(data.template[index].html[path].into) { if(data.template[index].html[path].into.join) { for(var cursor = data.template[index].html[path].into.length; cursor != 0; cursor--) { var attribute = data.template[index].html[path].into[cursor-1]; if(data.text[attribute]) { data.template[index].html[path].into[cursor-1] = data.text[attribute]; } } } else { var attribute = data.template[index].html[path].into; if(data.text[attribute]) { data.template[index].html[path].join = data.text[attribute]; } } } } } } if(data.template[index].css && data.template[index].css.join) { data.template[index].css = data.template[index].css.join(''); } } overtooning.storage.template = data.template; overtooning.storage.save('template'); delete data.template; delete data.text; } if(data.feedName && typeof data.feedName == 'string' && data.feedName.length < 50) { overtooning.storage.feed[feedId].name = data.feedName; delete data.feedName; } if(data.feedText && typeof data.feedText == 'string' && data.feedText.length < 256) { overtooning.storage.feed[feedId].text = data.feedText; delete data.feedText; } if(data.feedLang && data.feedLang[0]) { overtooning.storage.feed[feedId].lang = []; for(var i =0; i < data.feedLang.length; i++) { if(typeof data.feedLang[i] == 'string' && data.feedLang[i].length < 20) { overtooning.storage.feed[feedId].lang.push(data.feedLang[i]); } } delete data.feedLang; } if(data.add) { if(!data.add[0] || !data.add[0].id) { data.add = [data.add]; } for(var i = data.add.length -1; i > -1; i--) { if( data.add[i].id && typeof data.add[i].id == 'string' && /^[0-9a-zA-Z_\-]+$/.test(data.add[i].id) && data.add[i].title && typeof data.add[i].title == 'string' && data.add[i].title.length < 100 && data.add[i].author && typeof data.add[i].author == 'string' && data.add[i].author.length < 100 && (data.add[i].blurb ? typeof data.add[i].blurb == 'string' && data.add[i].blurb.length < 500 : true)) { var alreadyInserted = false; for(var j = overtooning.storage.webtoon.length -1; j > -1; j--) { if(overtooning.storage.webtoon[j].wI == data.add[i].id) { alreadyInserted = j; //ask if changes are to be committed!!!!!!!!! if(overtooning.storage.webtoon[j].fL.indexOf(feedId) == -1) { overtooning.storage.webtoon[j].fL.push(feedId); } break; } } if(alreadyInserted === false) { overtooning.storage.webtoon.push({ wI: data.add[i].id, wT: data.add[i].title, wA: data.add[i].author, wB: data.add[i].blurb ? data.add[i].blurb : '', fL: [feedId] }); } } } } if(data.remove) { if(typeof data.remove != 'object') { data.remove = [data.remove]; } for(var toRemove = data.remove.length-1; toRemove > -1; toRemove--) { for(var i = overtooning.storage.webtoon.length -1; i > -1; i--) { if(overtooning.storage.webtoon[i].wI == data.remove[toRemove]) { var removeFeed = overtooning.storage.webtoon[i].fL.indexOf(feedId); if(removeFeed != -1) { overtooning.storage.webtoon[i].fL.slice(removeFeed,1); } if(overtooning.storage.webtoon[i].fL.length == 0) { if(i == overtooning.jar.internalWebtoonId) { overtooning.jar.internalWebtoonId = -1; } overtooning.storage.webtoon.slice(i,1); } break; } } } } if(data.add || data.remove) { delete data.add; delete data.remove; overtooning.storage.save('webtoon'); overtooning.jar.node.routine('webtoonList'); } if(!query.ping && !overtooning.jar.scanlated) { //not just a ping, or no precedence found if(data.chapterList) { if(data.chapterList instanceof Array) { if(!overtooning.jar.chapterList) { overtooning.jar.chapterList = data.chapterList; } else { //add only non existing chapters for(var i = data.chapterList.length -1; i > -1; i--) { var alreadyExisting = false; for(var j = overtooning.jar.chapterList.length -1; j > -1; j--) { if(overtooning.jar.chapterList[j].id == data.chapterList[i].id) { alreadyExisting = true; break; } } if(!alreadyExisting) { overtooning.jar.chapterList.push(data.chapterList[i]); } } } overtooning.jar.node.routine('chapterList'); } delete data.chapterList; } if(data.raw) { overtooning.forceRaw((data.raw.length && data.raw.length > 1) ? data.raw : null); } else if(overtooning.jar.forceRaw) { overtooning.forceRaw(); } if(overtooning.jar.internalWebtoonId != -1 && feedId == overtooning.storage.webtoon[overtooning.jar.internalWebtoonId].fL[0]) { var change = false; if(data.webtoonTitle) { if(data.webtoonTitle == overtooning.jar.node.value('webtoonTitle') || typeof data.webtoonTitle != 'string' || data.webtoonTitle.length > 100) { delete data.webtoonTitle; } else { overtooning.storage.webtoon[overtooning.jar.internalWebtoonId].wT = data.webtoonTitle; change = true; } } if(data.webtoonAuthor) { if(data.webtoonAuthor == overtooning.jar.node.value('webtoonAuthor') || typeof data.webtoonAuthor != 'string' || data.webtoonAuthor.length > 100) { delete data.webtoonAuthor; } else { overtooning.storage.webtoon[overtooning.jar.internalWebtoonId].wA = data.webtoonAuthor; change = true; } } if(data.webtoonBlurb) { if(data.webtoonBlurb == overtooning.jar.node.value('webtoonBlurb') || typeof data.webtoonBlurb != 'string' || data.webtoonBlurb.length > 500) { delete data.webtoonBlurb; } else { overtooning.storage.webtoon[overtooning.jar.internalWebtoonId].wB = data.webtoonBlurb; change = true; } } if(change) { overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.query] Webtoon data changed (id: '+ overtooning.storage.webtoon[overtooning.jar.internalWebtoonId].wI +').'); overtooning.storage.save('webtoon'); } } if(data.generalUrl) { overtooning.jar.scanlated = true; overtooning.jar.generalUrl = data.generalUrl; if(overtooning.jar.canvas) { for(var i = overtooning.jar.canvas.length -1; i > -1; i--) { overtooning.jar.canvas[i].loaded = false; } } overtooning.assign.imageList(); //hum... delete data.generalUrl; } for(property in data) { if(typeof data[property] == 'string' && overtooning.jar.node.nodeList[property] && overtooning.jar.node.nodeList[property].length) { overtooning.jar.node.value(property, data[property], property == 'webtoonBlurb' ? true : false); } } if(overtooning.scanlated) { while(overtooning.jar.query.length && !overtooning.jar.query[0].ping) { overtooning.query.shift(); } } } overtooning.storage.save('feed'); } if(overtooning.jar.query.length) { var j = overtooning.jar.query[0].feedId; var queryUrl = overtooning.storage.feed[j].url + '/' + window.location.hostname + '/' + (overtooning.jar.node.value('webtoonId') || '0') + '/' + (overtooning.jar.node.value('chapterId') || '0') + '.json?' + 't=' + (overtooning.storage.feed[j].lastUpdate ? Math.abs(overtooning.MTime() - overtooning.storage.feed[j].lastUpdate+1) : 0).toString() + (overtooning.storage.config.lang.length ? '&lang='+overtooning.storage.config.lang.join(',') : ''); overtooning.cors( queryUrl, 'GET', '', '', function(data) {overtooning.query(data);}, function(error) {overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.cors] '+error.message); overtooning.jar.query.shift(); overtooning.query();} ); } }, forceRaw: function(raw) { //To be deprecated once webtoons.com finishes Cheese in the Trap S3. // --------------------- DESKTOP NAVER ------------------------ // if(window.location.hostname == 'comic.naver.com') { // --------------------- chapter list ------------------------ // if(new RegExp('list.nhn$').test(window.location.pathname)) { overtooning.jar.run.stylesheet.textContent += '.otoon-virtual {cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 4px 6px 4px 5px; border: 1px solid #FFF; font: 13px Verdana; color: #999;} .otoon-current, .otoon-virtual:hover {border: 1px solid #e0e0e0; color: #00c73c; cursor: pointer} .otoon-current {font-weight: bold;}'; var navNode = overtooning.fetch('#content/div.paginate'), insertChapters = 0, chapterPerPage = 10; navNode.textContent = ''; for(var i = overtooning.jar.chapterList.length -1; i > -1; i--) { if(overtooning.jar.chapterList[i].thumbnail) { insertChapters++; } } var maxPages = Math.floor(insertChapters / chapterPerPage); for(var i = maxPages; i > -1; i--) { navNode.appendChild(overtooning.create('span', {className: 'otoon-virtual', onclick: overtooning.naverEvent.chapterList, textContent: maxPages - i+1})); } navNode.firstChild.click(); // --------------------- chapter ------------------------ // } else if(new RegExp('detail.nhn$').test(window.location.pathname)) { if(raw) { var refNode = overtooning.fetch(overtooning.jar.node.routineList.imageList.args.path), imgNode = false, parentLength = overtooning.jar.node.routineList.imageList.args.next[0].split('/').length; refNode.src = overtooning.jar.pixel + ' '; while(imgNode = overtooning.next(refNode, overtooning.jar.node.routineList.imageList.args.next)) { imgNode = imgNode.node; var upOneLevel = parentLength; while(upOneLevel > 1) { upOneLevel--; imgNode = imgNode.parentNode; } imgNode.parentNode.removeChild(imgNode); overtooning.jar.fetch.node = []; } if(parentLength > 1) { var parentNode = imgNode; while(parentLength > 0) { parentNode = parentNode.parentNode; parentLength--; } parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(imgNode, parentNode); parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(parentNode); } overtooning.jar.node.routineList.imageList.args.next = ['+img']; if(raw.length > 1) { refNode.removeAttribute('width'); refNode.removeAttribute('height'); refNode.src = raw[1]; if(raw[0] != '' && raw[0] != 'create') { refNode.setAttribute('style', raw[0]); } } for(var i = 2; i < raw.length; i++) { refNode.parentNode.insertBefore( overtooning.create('img', {src: raw[i]}), refNode.nextSibling); refNode = refNode.nextSibling; if(raw[0] != '') { refNode.setAttribute('style', raw[0]); } } } overtooning.assign.imageList = overtooning.jar.saveAssignImageList; overtooning.jar.saveAssignImageList = null; overtooning.runTemplate([overtooning.jar.node.routineList.imageList.args]); 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refNode.src = overtooning.jar.pixel + ' '; while(imgNode = overtooning.next(refNode, overtooning.jar.node.routineList.imageList.args.next)) { imgNode = imgNode.node; var upOneLevel = parentLength; while(upOneLevel > 2) { upOneLevel--; imgNode = imgNode.parentNode; } imgNode.parentNode.removeChild(imgNode); overtooning.jar.fetch.node = []; } if(parentLength > 2) { var parentNode = refNode; while(parentLength > 1) { parentNode = parentNode.parentNode; parentLength--; } parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(refNode, parentNode); parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(parentNode); } overtooning.jar.node.routineList.imageList.args.next = ['+img']; if(raw.length > 2) { refNode.removeAttribute('width'); refNode.removeAttribute('height'); refNode.setAttribute('data-original', raw[1]); refNode.src = raw[1]; if(raw[0] != '' && raw[0] != 'create') { refNode.setAttribute('style', raw[0]); } } for(var i = 2; i < raw.length; i++) { refNode.parentNode.insertBefore( overtooning.create('img', {src: raw[i]}), refNode.nextSibling); refNode = refNode.nextSibling; if(raw[0] != '' && raw[0] != 'create') { refNode.setAttribute('style', raw[0]); } } } overtooning.assign.imageList = overtooning.jar.saveAssignImageList; overtooning.jar.saveAssignImageList = null; overtooning.runTemplate([overtooning.jar.node.routineList.imageList.args]); var navNode = overtooning.fetch('#ct/div.end_sub_cont/div.navi_area'), chapterId = overtooning.jar.node.value('chapterId'), chapterIndex = -1; navNode.textContent = ''; for(var i = 0; i < overtooning.jar.chapterList.length; i++) { if(overtooning.jar.chapterList[i].id == chapterId) { chapterIndex = i; break; } } var navURL = { previous: chapterIndex > 0 ? 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'?titleId=' + overtooning.jar.node.value('webtoonId') + '&no=1#otoon=' + overtooning.jar.chapterList[chapterIndex +1].id : false }; navNode.appendChild(overtooning.create('a', { className: 'link_nav link_prev'+(navURL.previous?'':' disabled'), href: navURL.previous, onclick: overtooning.naverEvent.loadHashLink}, overtooning.create('span', {className: 'ico_comic'}), overtooning.create('Previous') )); navNode.appendChild(overtooning.create('a', { className: 'link_nav link_list', href: 'list.nhn?titleId=' + overtooning.jar.node.value('webtoonId')}, overtooning.create('span', {className: 'ico_comic'}), overtooning.create('List') )); navNode.appendChild(overtooning.create('a', { className: 'link_nav link_next'+(navURL.next?'':' disabled'), href: navURL.next, onclick: overtooning.naverEvent.loadHashLink}, overtooning.create('span', {className: 'ico_comic'}), overtooning.create('Next') )); } } }, naverEvent: { //To be deprecated once webtoons.com finishes Cheese in the Trap S3. loadHashLink: function() { window.location = this.href; window.location.reload(); }, chapterList: function() { var currentNode = overtooning.fetch('#content/div.paginate/span.otoon-current'); if(currentNode) { currentNode.className = 'otoon-virtual'; } this.className = 'otoon-virtual otoon-current'; var modifyHTML = overtooning.fetch('#content/table/tbody'); if(modifyHTML) { modifyHTML.innerHTML = ''; var offset = (parseInt(this.textContent) -1) * 10, i = overtooning.jar.chapterList.length -1; while(offset > 0) { if(overtooning.jar.chapterList[i].thumbnail) { offset--; } i--; } offset = 10; var linkName = window.location.pathname.replace('list.nhn', 'detail.nhn?no=1&titleId='+overtooning.jar.node.value('webtoonId')+'#otoon='); while(offset > 0 && i > -1) { if(overtooning.jar.chapterList[i].thumbnail) { offset--; modifyHTML.appendChild(overtooning.create('tr', {}, overtooning.create('td', {}, overtooning.create('img', {src: overtooning.jar.chapterList[i].thumbnail, alt: overtooning.jar.chapterList[i].title, title: overtooning.jar.chapterList[i].title, height: 41, width: 71})), overtooning.create('td', {className: 'title'}, overtooning.create('a', { href: linkName + overtooning.jar.chapterList[i].id, textContent: overtooning.jar.chapterList[i].title})), overtooning.create('td', {}), overtooning.create('td', {}) )); } i--; } } }, displayComicMove: function(chapterId) { if(overtooning.jar.chapterList) { var index = -1; for(var i = 0; i < overtooning.jar.chapterList.length; i++) { if(overtooning.jar.chapterList[i].id == chapterId) { index = i; break; } } if(index != -1) { var node = overtooning.fetch('#comic_move/div/a'); for(var j = -6; j < 7; j++) { if(index + j > -1 && index+ j < overtooning.jar.chapterList.length) { node.href = '?titleId=' + overtooning.jar.node.value('webtoonId') + '&no=1#otoon=' + overtooning.jar.chapterList[index+j].id; node.className = (overtooning.jar.chapterList[index+j].id == parseInt(overtooning.jar.node.value('chapterId'))) ? 'on' : ''; node.firstChild.firstChild.src = overtooning.jar.chapterList[index+j].thumbnail; node.lastChild.textContent = overtooning.jar.chapterList[index+j].title; } else { node.href = '#'; } node = overtooning.fetch('^1/+div/a', node, true) } document.getElementById('otoon_before').setAttribute('style', index -3 > 0 ? 'visibility: visible;' : 'visibility: hidden;'); document.getElementById('otoon_after').setAttribute('style', index +3 >= overtooning.jar.chapterList.length ? 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'^' + parentNumber.length + '/' : '') + '+' + element); } } } return {path: path, next: next}; }, getBaseCss: function() { return '#otoon-console {'+ 'position: absolute;'+ 'top: 0; left: 0;'+ 'padding: 2em;'+ 'box-sizing: border-box;'+ 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);'+ 'width: 100%; min-height: 100%;'+ 'z-index: 99999;'+ 'text-align: left;'+ '}' + '#otoon-console .otoon-row {'+ 'background: white;'+ '}' + '.otoon-col {'+ 'padding: 1.5em;'+ '}'+ '.otoon-row .otoon-row {'+ 'margin: 0 -1.5em;'+ '}'+ '.otoon-button, #otoon-console a:hover, .otoon-option {'+ 'cursor: pointer;'+ 'color: white;'+ 'text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px black, 1px -1px 1px black, -1px 1px 1px black, -1px -1px 1px black;'+ '}'+ '.otoon-overlay:not(.hidden) + img, .otoon-hidden {'+ 'display: none !important;'+ '}'+ '.otoon-overlay {'+ 'position: relative;'+ '}'+ '.otoon-overlay canvas {'+ 'max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; display: block; margin: 0 auto;'+ '}'+ '.otoon-col.otoon-info {'+ 'padding: 0 1.5em 1em 1.5em;'+ 'font-style: italic;'+ '}'+ '.otoon-button:not(:hover):not(.otoon-active), .otoon-toggler:not(:checked) + .otoon-option:not(:hover):not(.otoon-active) {'+ 'color: black;'+ 'background: white !important;'+ 'text-shadow: 0 0 0 black;'+ '}'+ '.otoon-row .otoon-close {'+ 'background: #F36858;'+ 'padding: 0.5em;'+ 'width: 10%;'+ 'text-align: right;'+ '}'+ '.otoon-row .otoon-no {'+ 'background: #F36858;'+ '}'+ '.otoon-yes, .otoon-no {'+ 'display: inline-block; width: 50%; height: 100%; text-align: center; line-height: 2em;'+ '}'+ '.otoon-col.otoon-option-value {'+ 'padding: 1.5em 1.5em 0.5em 1.5em;'+ '}'+ '.otoon-row .otoon-general {'+ 'background: #51A2E5;'+ '}'+ '.otoon-row .otoon-feed {'+ 'background: #01C685;'+ '}'+ '.otoon-row .otoon-webtoon, .otoon-row .otoon-yes {'+ 'background: #8DD630;'+ '}'+ '.otoon-row .otoon-log {'+ 'background: #9B8AEF;'+ '}'+ '.otoon-row .otoon-logo {'+ 'background: #BEBFA4;'+ 'width: 90%;'+ 'padding: 0.5em;'+ '}'+ '.otoon-row .otoon-rough {'+ 'background: #E68323;'+ '}'+ '.otoon-row .otoon-template {'+ 'background: #F4C41F;'+ '}'+ '.otoon-menu {'+ 'text-align: center;'+ '}'+ '@media screen and (min-width:20em) {'+ '.otoon-menu .otoon-col {width: 50%;}'+ '.otoon-col.otoon-option-name, .otoon-col.otoon-option-value {width: 50%;}'+ '}'+ '@media screen and (min-width:30em) {'+ '.otoon-menu .otoon-col {width: 33.332%;}'+ '}'+ '@media screen and (min-width:60em) {'+ '.otoon-menu .otoon-col {width: 16.666%;}'+ '}'+ '@media only screen {'+ '.otoon-col {'+ 'display: inline-block;'+ 'overflow: hidden;'+ 'width: 100%;'+ 'box-sizing: border-box;'+ 'vertical-align:top;'+ '}'+ '}'; }, addLog: function(stringLog) { if(console) console.log(stringLog); this.jar.log.push(stringLog); }, value: function(element, setValue, multiline) { //revamp: treewalker for textnodes? if(!element) { return false; } if(element instanceof Array) { for(var i = 0; i < element.length; i++) { this.value(element[i], setValue); } } if(element instanceof Attr) { if(setValue) { element.value = setValue; } return element.value; } if(element.node) { element = element.node; } if(setValue && !element.nodeValue) { element.textContent = ' '; } if(!element.nodeValue && element.firstChild) { element = element.firstChild; } if(!element.nodeValue) { return false; } if(setValue) { if(multiline) { setValue = setValue.split("\n"); element.nodeValue = setValue[0]; for(var count = setValue.length -1; count > 0; count--) { element.parentNode.insertBefore(this.create(setValue[count]), element.nextSibling); element.parentNode.insertBefore(this.create('br', {}), element.nextSibling); } } else { element.nodeValue = setValue; } } return element.nodeValue; }, digit: function (number, width, filler) { filler = filler || '0'; number = number + ''; return number.length >= width ? number : new Array(width - number.length + 1).join(filler) + number; }, fetch: function (path, node, nolog) { if(!path) { this.addLog('[overtooning.fetch] no path'); return false; } else if (typeof path == 'string') { //first iteration of that path. if(!node) { if(path.substr(0, 5) == 'head/') { //AH! node = document.head; path = path.substr(5); } else { node = document.body; } } path = {tag: path.substr(Math.max(0, path.indexOf('#'))).split('/'), current: 0}; if(this.jar.fetch.node[0] && this.jar.fetch.node[0] === node) { //same source node while(this.jar.fetch.name[path.current+1] && path.tag[path.current] && this.jar.fetch.name[path.current+1] == path.tag[path.current]) { path.current++; node = this.jar.fetch.node[path.current]; } if(path.current == path.tag.length) { //same node searched in the end. return node; } this.jar.fetch.node = this.jar.fetch.node.slice(0, path.current+2); this.jar.fetch.name = this.jar.fetch.name.slice(0, path.current+2); } else { this.jar.fetch = {node: [node], name: ['sourceNode']}; } } if(path.tag[path.current] == '') { //should not be necessary anymore return node && node.firstChild ? node.firstChild : false; } else { // 1 is #nodeID or tagName, 2 is .className (or attributeName=value), 3 is attribute to return var pathData = /^((?:#|~|\+|-|\^)?(?:[a-z0-9A-Z_-]*))?((?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9 _-]+(?:=[a-zA-Z0-9 _-]+)?)*)?(@[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+(?:\?(?:=[a-zA-Z_-]+|[pn]-?[0-9]+))?)?$/.exec(path.tag[path.current]); //console.log(pathData.toString()); if(!pathData[1] && !pathData[2]) { this.addLog('[overtooning.fetch] Malformed request ' + path.tag[path.current]); return false } if(pathData[1] && pathData[1][0] == '#') { if(pathData[1].length < 2) { this.addLog('[overtooning.fetch] Illegal ID # at ' + path.tag[path.current]); return false } node = document.getElementById(pathData[1].substr(1)); } else { var movingProperty = 'nextSibling', compare = []; if(pathData[1]) { var slash = true; switch(pathData[1][0]) { case '~': movingProperty = 'previousSibling'; node = node.lastChild; break; case '+': node = node.nextSibling; break; case '-': movingProperty = 'previousSibling'; node = node.previousSibling; break; case '^': movingProperty = 'parentNode'; node = node.parentNode; break; default: node = node.firstChild; slash = false; } if(slash) { pathData[1] = pathData[1].substr(1); } if(pathData[1].length > 0) { //nodeName var attribute = 'nodeName'; if(pathData[1].match(/^[0-9]+$/)) { attribute = 'increment'; pathData[1] = parseInt(pathData[1]) -1; } else if(pathData[1] == '_text') { pathData[2] = null; pathData[3] = null; pathData[1] = '#text'; } compare.push({attribute: attribute, value: pathData[1]}); } } else { node = node.firstChild; } if(pathData[2]) { //attributes pathData[2] = pathData[2].substr(1).split('.'); var tmp; for(var cursor = pathData[2].length -1; cursor > -1; cursor--) { tmp = pathData[2][cursor].split('='); if(tmp[1]) { compare.push({attribute: tmp[0], value: tmp[1]}); } else { compare.push({attribute: 'className', value: tmp[0]}); } } } if(compare.length == 0) { this.addLog('[overtooning.fetch] No qualifier at ' + path.tag[path.current]); return false } var found = false; while(node && !found) { found = true; for(var cursor = compare.length -1; cursor > -1; cursor --) { switch(compare[cursor].attribute) { case 'increment': found = compare[cursor].value-- <= 0; break; case 'nodeName': found = node.nodeName.toLowerCase() == compare[cursor].value; break; case 'className': found = node.className ? this.compareClassName(compare[cursor].value, node.className) : false; break; default: found = node.getAttribute(compare[cursor].attribute) == compare[cursor].value; } if(!found) { node = node[movingProperty]; break; } } } } if(!node) { if(!nolog) { this.addLog('[overtooning.fetch] Node not found ' + path.tag.join('/') + '(' + path.current + ') : ' + path.tag[path.current]); } return false } path.current++; this.jar.fetch.node[path.current] = node; this.jar.fetch.name[path.current] = path.tag[path.current-1]; if(pathData[3]) {//force return attribute var attribute = pathData[3].substr(1).split('?'); if(node.attributes && typeof node.attributes[attribute[0]] != 'undefined' && node.attributes[attribute[0]].nodeName == attribute[0]) { node = node.attributes[attribute[0]]; } else { return false; } //node = node.getAttributeNode(attribute[0]); if(!attribute[1]) { return node; } node = node.value; //filter function switch(attribute[1][0]) { case '=': //query filter node = node.match(new RegExp(attribute[1].substr(1) + "=([^&]+)", '')); attribute[1] = '=1'; break; case 'p': //path filter node = node.split('/'); break; case 'n': //number filter node = node.match(/-?[0-9]+/g); break; } if(!node) return false; attribute[1] = attribute[1].substr(1); var cursor = parseInt(attribute[1], 10) % node.length; if(cursor < 0) { cursor += node.length; } return overtooning.create(node[cursor]); } return (path.current < path.tag.length) ? this.fetch(path, node, nolog? true : false) : node; } }, create: function () { switch(arguments.length) { case 1: var A = document.createTextNode(arguments[0]); break; default: var A = document.createElement(arguments[0]), B = arguments[1]; for (var b in B) { if (b.indexOf("on") == 0) { A.addEventListener ? A.addEventListener(b.substring(2), B[b], false) : A.attachEvent(b,B[b]); } else if (",style,accesskey,id,name,src,href,for,value,".indexOf("," + b.toLowerCase()) != -1) { A.setAttribute(b, B[b]); } else { A[b] = B[b]; } } for(var i = 2, len = arguments.length; i < len; ++i) { A.appendChild(arguments[i]); } } return A; }, compareClassName: function(className, splitNames) { if(splitNames.trim() == className.trim()) { return true; } splitNames = splitNames.split(' '); for(var index = 0; index < splitNames.length; index++) { if(splitNames[index] == className) { return true; } } return false; }, cors: function (url, method, type, data, callback, errback) { var req; if(XMLHttpRequest) { req = new XMLHttpRequest(); overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.cors] ' + url); if(req.withCredentials !== undefined) { req.open(method, url, true); req.responseType = type; req.onerror = errback; req.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState === 4) { if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 400) { callback(this.responseType == '' ? this.responseText : this.response); } else { overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.cors] Response returned with non-OK status'); if(errback) errback({message: '[overtooning.cors] Response returned with non-OK status'}); } } }; req.send(/*data*/); } } else { overtooning.addLog('[overtooning.cors] XmlHTTPRequest 2 not fully supported'); if(errback) errback({message: '[overtooning.cors] XmlHTTPRequest 2 not fully supported'}); } }, MTime: function() { return Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000 / 60); } } overtooning.run();