// ==UserScript== // @name Github Contributions Heatmap // @description Adds a heatmap to the Github contribution graph. // @author Dorian MARCHAL // @namespace http://dorian-marchal.com // @updateUrl https://github.com/dorian-marchal/github-contributions-heatmap // @license GNU GPL v2 // @version 1 // @include https://github.com/* // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== "use strict"; /* jshint unused: false */ /* jshint multistr: true */ /* jshint newcap: false */ var GithubHeatmap = { COLDEST_HUE: 240, HOTTEST_HUE: 0, MAX_CONTRIBUTION_COUNT: 100, css: "\ .toggle-wrapper {\ float: right;\ position: relative;\ top: -3px;\ font-weight: normal;\ margin-right: 8px;\ }\ .slide-toggle {\ display: inline-block;\ vertical-align: middle;\ box-sizing: content-box;\ margin: 2px 0;\ padding: 0;\ border: none;\ height: 20px;\ width: 34px;\ cursor: pointer;\ }\ .slide-toggle input {\ display: none;\ }\ .slide-toggle input + .slide-toggle-style {\ position: relative;\ width: 100%;\ height: 100%;\ border-radius: 50px;\ background-color: #A3A3A3;\ box-shadow: 0 0 2px 0px #555 inset;\ transition-duration: 300ms;\ }\ .slide-toggle input + .slide-toggle-style:after {\ content: \"\";\ display: inline-block;\ position: absolute;\ left: 2px;\ top: 2px;\ height: 16px;\ width: 16px;\ border-radius: 50%;\ background-color: #FFF;\ box-shadow: 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);\ transition-duration: 300ms;\ }\ .slide-toggle :checked + .slide-toggle-style {\ background-color: #72CD52;\ box-shadow: 0 0 2px 0px #498931 inset;\ }\ .slide-toggle :checked + .slide-toggle-style:after {\ left: 16px;\ }\ ", getCssColor: function(hue, saturation, luminosity) { return "hsl(" + hue + ", " + saturation + "%, " + luminosity + "%)"; }, adjustFunction: function(x) { return Math.pow((x - 1), 3) + 1; }, adjustValue: function(x, max) { if(x < 0 || max === 0) { return; } //On repasse la valeur sur [0, 1] avant d'appliquer la fonction var value = x / max; return Math.floor(GithubHeatmap.adjustFunction(value) * max); }, getFillColor: function(contributionCount) { if(contributionCount === 0) { return null; } contributionCount = Math.min(contributionCount, GithubHeatmap.MAX_CONTRIBUTION_COUNT); var hue = Math.floor(((GithubHeatmap.adjustValue(contributionCount, GithubHeatmap.MAX_CONTRIBUTION_COUNT) / (GithubHeatmap.adjustValue(GithubHeatmap.MAX_CONTRIBUTION_COUNT, GithubHeatmap.MAX_CONTRIBUTION_COUNT))) * (GithubHeatmap.HOTTEST_HUE - GithubHeatmap.COLDEST_HUE)) + GithubHeatmap.COLDEST_HUE); return GithubHeatmap.getCssColor(hue, 70, 50); }, addHeatmap: function() { var $calendar = $("#contributions-calendar"); var $calDays = $(".js-calendar-graph-svg .day"); if($calDays.length > 0 && $calendar.attr("data-heatmap") !== "heatmap") { $calendar.attr("data-heatmap", "heatmap"); var $toggle = $("
", { }); $toggle.find("input").on("change", function() { GithubHeatmap.toggleHeatmap(); }); $("#contributions-calendar").siblings("h3").append($toggle); $calDays.each(function() { var contributionCount = parseInt(this.getAttribute("data-count")); if(contributionCount > 0) { console.log(this); this.setAttribute("data-fill", this.style.fill); this.style.fill = GithubHeatmap.getFillColor(contributionCount); } }); var contributionCount = 1; $(".contrib-legend li").each(function() { this.setAttribute("data-fill", $(this).css("background-color")); $(this).css("background-color", GithubHeatmap.getFillColor(contributionCount)); contributionCount += 15; }); } }, toggleHeatmap: function() { $(".js-calendar-graph-svg .day").each(function() { var fill = this.getAttribute("data-fill"); this.setAttribute("data-fill", this.style.fill); this.style.fill = fill; }); $(".contrib-legend li").each(function() { var fill = this.getAttribute("data-fill"); this.setAttribute("data-fill", $(this).css("background-color")); $(this).css("background-color", fill); }); }, init: function() { $("head").append(""); $("body").append(); GithubHeatmap.addHeatmap(); var target = document.querySelector(".site"); var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { mutations.forEach(function(mutation) { GithubHeatmap.addHeatmap(); }); }); observer.observe(target, { subtree: true, childList: true }); } }; GithubHeatmap.init();