format-version: 1.2
data-version: releases/2019-03-07
ontology: fbbi

id: BFO:0000002
name: continuant
def: "An entity that exists in full at any time in which it exists at all, persists through time while maintaining its identity and has no temporal parts." []
disjoint_from: BFO:0000003 ! occurrent
relationship: BFO:0000050 BFO:0000002 ! part of continuant

id: BFO:0000003
name: occurrent
def: "An entity that has temporal parts and that happens, unfolds or develops through time." []
relationship: BFO:0000050 BFO:0000003 ! part of occurrent

id: BFO:0000004
name: independent continuant
def: "A continuant that is a bearer of quality and realizable entity entities, in which other entities inhere and which itself cannot inhere in anything." []
is_a: BFO:0000002 ! continuant
relationship: BFO:0000050 BFO:0000004 ! part of independent continuant

id: BFO:0000015
name: process
def: "An occurrent that has temporal proper parts and for some time t, p s-depends_on some material entity at t." []
is_a: BFO:0000003 ! occurrent

id: BFO:0000040
name: material entity
def: "An independent continuant that is spatially extended whose identity is independent of that of other entities and can be maintained through time." []
is_a: BFO:0000004 ! independent continuant

id: CARO:0000000
name: anatomical entity
is_a: CARO:0030000 ! biological entity
property_value: IAO:0000412

id: CARO:0030000
name: biological entity
is_a: BFO:0000004 ! independent continuant

id: FBBI:00000000
name: root node

id: GO:0003674
name: molecular_function
is_a: BFO:0000015 ! process
property_value: IAO:0000589 "molecular process" xsd:string

id: GO:0003824
name: catalytic activity
is_a: GO:0003674 ! molecular_function

id: GO:0008150
name: biological_process
is_a: BFO:0000015 ! process

id: GO:0016301
name: kinase activity
is_a: GO:0016772 ! transferase activity, transferring phosphorus-containing groups

id: GO:0016740
name: transferase activity
is_a: GO:0003824 ! catalytic activity

id: GO:0016772
name: transferase activity, transferring phosphorus-containing groups
is_a: GO:0016740 ! transferase activity

id: BFO:0000050
name: part of
def: "a core relation that holds between a part and its whole" []
property_value: IAO:0000111 "is part of" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000112 "my brain is part of my body (continuant parthood, two material entities)" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000112 "my stomach cavity is part of my stomach (continuant parthood, immaterial entity is part of material entity)" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000112 "this day is part of this year (occurrent parthood)" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000116 "Everything is part of itself. Any part of any part of a thing is itself part of that thing. Two distinct things cannot be part of each other." xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000116 "Occurrents are not subject to change and so parthood between occurrents holds for all the times that the part exists. Many continuants are subject to change, so parthood between continuants will only hold at certain times, but this is difficult to specify in OWL. See" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000116 "Parthood requires the part and the whole to have compatible classes: only an occurrent can be part of an occurrent; only a process can be part of a process; only a continuant can be part of a continuant; only an independent continuant can be part of an independent continuant; only an immaterial entity can be part of an immaterial entity; only a specifically dependent continuant can be part of a specifically dependent continuant; only a generically dependent continuant can be part of a generically dependent continuant. (This list is not exhaustive.)\n\nA continuant cannot be part of an occurrent: use 'participates in'. An occurrent cannot be part of a continuant: use 'has participant'. A material entity cannot be part of an immaterial entity: use 'has location'. A specifically dependent continuant cannot be part of an independent continuant: use 'inheres in'. An independent continuant cannot be part of a specifically dependent continuant: use 'bearer of'." xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "part_of" xsd:string
property_value: RO:0001900 RO:0001901
property_value: RO:0040042 BFO:0000002
property_value: RO:0040042 BFO:0000003
property_value: RO:0040042 BFO:0000004
property_value: RO:0040042 BFO:0000017
property_value: RO:0040042 BFO:0000019
property_value: RO:0040042 BFO:0000020
property_value: RO:0040042 BFO:0000031
property_value: seeAlso
property_value: seeAlso
property_value: seeAlso xsd:string
is_transitive: true
is_a: RO:0002131 ! overlaps
inverse_of: BFO:0000051 ! has part

id: BFO:0000051
name: has part
def: "a core relation that holds between a whole and its part" []
property_value: IAO:0000111 "has part" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000112 "my body has part my brain (continuant parthood, two material entities)" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000112 "my stomach has part my stomach cavity (continuant parthood, material entity has part immaterial entity)" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000112 "this year has part this day (occurrent parthood)" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000116 "Everything has itself as a part. Any part of any part of a thing is itself part of that thing. Two distinct things cannot have each other as a part." xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000116 "Occurrents are not subject to change and so parthood between occurrents holds for all the times that the part exists. Many continuants are subject to change, so parthood between continuants will only hold at certain times, but this is difficult to specify in OWL. See" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000116 "Parthood requires the part and the whole to have compatible classes: only an occurrent have an occurrent as part; only a process can have a process as part; only a continuant can have a continuant as part; only an independent continuant can have an independent continuant as part; only a specifically dependent continuant can have a specifically dependent continuant as part; only a generically dependent continuant can have a generically dependent continuant as part. (This list is not exhaustive.)\n\nA continuant cannot have an occurrent as part: use 'participates in'. An occurrent cannot have a continuant as part: use 'has participant'. An immaterial entity cannot have a material entity as part: use 'location of'. An independent continuant cannot have a specifically dependent continuant as part: use 'bearer of'. A specifically dependent continuant cannot have an independent continuant as part: use 'inheres in'." xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "has_part" xsd:string
property_value: RO:0001900 RO:0001901
is_transitive: true
is_a: RO:0002131 ! overlaps

id: BFO:0000062
name: preceded by
def: "x is preceded by y if and only if the time point at which y ends is before or equivalent to the time point at which x starts. Formally: x preceded by y iff ω(y) <= α(x), where α is a function that maps a process to a start point, and ω is a function that maps a process to an end point." []
subset: ro-eco
property_value: xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000111 "preceded by" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000116 "An example is: translation preceded_by transcription; aging preceded_by development (not however death preceded_by aging). Where derives_from links classes of continuants, preceded_by links classes of processes. Clearly, however, these two relations are not independent of each other. Thus if cells of type C1 derive_from cells of type C, then any cell division involving an instance of C1 in a given lineage is preceded_by cellular processes involving an instance of C.    The assertion P preceded_by P1 tells us something about Ps in general: that is, it tells us something about what happened earlier, given what we know about what happened later. Thus it does not provide information pointing in the opposite direction, concerning instances of P1 in general; that is, that each is such as to be succeeded by some instance of P. Note that an assertion to the effect that P preceded_by P1 is rather weak; it tells us little about the relations between the underlying instances in virtue of which the preceded_by relation obtains. Typically we will be interested in stronger relations, for example in the relation immediately_preceded_by, or in relations which combine preceded_by with a condition to the effect that the corresponding instances of P and P1 share participants, or that their participants are connected by relations of derivation, or (as a first step along the road to a treatment of causality) that the one process in some way affects (for example, initiates or regulates) the other." xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "is preceded by" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "preceded_by" xsd:string
domain: BFO:0000003 ! occurrent
range: BFO:0000003 ! occurrent
holds_over_chain: BFO:0000050 BFO:0000062
is_transitive: true
is_a: RO:0002086 ! ends after
inverse_of: BFO:0000063 ! precedes

id: BFO:0000063
name: precedes
def: "x precedes y if and only if the time point at which x ends is before or equivalent to the time point at which y starts. Formally: x precedes y iff ω(x) <= α(y), where α is a function that maps a process to a start point, and ω is a function that maps a process to an end point." []
subset: ro-eco
property_value: IAO:0000111 "precedes" xsd:string
domain: BFO:0000003 ! occurrent
range: BFO:0000003 ! occurrent
holds_over_chain: BFO:0000050 BFO:0000063
is_transitive: true
is_a: RO:0002222 ! temporally related to

id: BFO:0000066
name: occurs in
def: "b occurs_in c =def b is a process and c is a material entity or immaterial entity& there exists a spatiotemporal region r and b occupies_spatiotemporal_region r.& forall(t) if b exists_at t then c exists_at t & there exist spatial regions s and s’ where & b spatially_projects_onto s at t& c is occupies_spatial_region s’ at t& s is a proper_continuant_part_of s’ at t" []
comment: Paraphrase of definition: a relation between a process and an independent continuant, in which the process takes place entirely within the independent continuant
property_value: IAO:0000111 "occurs in" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "occurs_in" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "unfolds in" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "unfolds_in" xsd:string
property_value: isDefinedBy
domain: BFO:0000003 ! occurrent
range: BFO:0000004 ! independent continuant
holds_over_chain: BFO:0000050 BFO:0000066
inverse_of: BFO:0000067 ! contains process
transitive_over: BFO:0000050 ! part of

id: BFO:0000067
name: contains process
def: "[copied from inverse property 'occurs in'] b occurs_in c =def b is a process and c is a material entity or immaterial entity& there exists a spatiotemporal region r and b occupies_spatiotemporal_region r.& forall(t) if b exists_at t then c exists_at t & there exist spatial regions s and s’ where & b spatially_projects_onto s at t& c is occupies_spatial_region s’ at t& s is a proper_continuant_part_of s’ at t" []
comment: Paraphrase of definition: a relation between an independent continuant and a process, in which the process takes place entirely within the independent continuant
property_value: IAO:0000111 "site of" xsd:string
property_value: isDefinedBy

id: RO:0000056
name: participates in
def: "a relation between a continuant and a process, in which the continuant is somehow involved in the process" []
property_value: IAO:0000111 "participates in" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000112 "this blood clot participates in this blood coagulation" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000112 "this input material (or this output material) participates in this process" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000112 "this investigator participates in this investigation" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "participates_in" xsd:string
domain: BFO:0000002 ! continuant
range: BFO:0000003 ! occurrent
inverse_of: RO:0000057 ! has participant

id: RO:0000057
name: has participant
def: "a relation between a process and a continuant, in which the continuant is somehow involved in the process" []
property_value: xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000111 "has participant" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000112 "this blood coagulation has participant this blood clot" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000112 "this investigation has participant this investigator" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000112 "this process has participant this input material (or this output material)" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000116 "Has_participant is a primitive instance-level relation between a process, a continuant, and a time at which the continuant participates in some way in the process. The relation obtains, for example, when this particular process of oxygen exchange across this particular alveolar membrane has_participant this particular sample of hemoglobin at this particular time." xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "has_participant" xsd:string
domain: BFO:0000003 ! occurrent
range: BFO:0000002 ! continuant
holds_over_chain: BFO:0000051 RO:0000057

id: RO:0002013
name: has regulatory component activity
def: "A 'has regulatory component activity' B if A and B are GO molecular functions (GO_0003674), A has_component B and A is regulated by B." []
is_a: RO:0002017 ! has component activity
is_a: RO:0002334 ! regulated by
created_by: dos
creation_date: 2017-05-24T09:30:46Z

id: RO:0002014
name: has negative regulatory component activity
def: "A relationship that holds between a GO molecular function and a component of that molecular function that negatively regulates the activity of the whole.  More formally, A 'has regulatory component activity' B iff :A and B are GO molecular functions (GO_0003674), A has_component B and A is negatively regulated by B." []
comment: By convention GO molecular functions are classified by their effector function.  Internal regulatory functions are treated as components.  For example, NMDA glutmate receptor activity is a cation channel activity with positive regulatory component 'glutamate binding' and negative regulatory components including 'zinc binding' and 'magnesium binding'.
is_a: RO:0002013 ! has regulatory component activity
is_a: RO:0002335 ! negatively regulated by
created_by: dos
creation_date: 2017-05-24T09:31:01Z

id: RO:0002015
name: has positive regulatory component activity
def: "A relationship that holds between a GO molecular function and a component of that molecular function that positively regulates the activity of the whole.  More formally, A 'has regulatory component activity' B iff :A and B are GO molecular functions (GO_0003674), A has_component B and A is positively regulated by B." []
comment: By convention GO molecular functions are classified by their effector function and internal regulatory functions are treated as components.  So, for example calmodulin has a protein binding activity that has positive regulatory component activity calcium binding activity. Receptor tyrosine kinase activity is a tyrosine kinase activity that has positive regulatory component 'ligand binding'.
is_a: RO:0002013 ! has regulatory component activity
is_a: RO:0002336 ! positively regulated by
created_by: dos
creation_date: 2017-05-24T09:31:17Z

id: RO:0002017
name: has component activity
comment: A 'has component activity' B if A is A and B are molecular functions (GO_0003674) and A has_component B.
is_a: RO:0002018 ! has component process
created_by: dos
creation_date: 2017-05-24T09:44:33Z

id: RO:0002018
name: has component process
def: "w 'has process component' p if p and w are processes,  w 'has part' p and w is such that it can be directly disassembled into into n parts p, p2, p3, ..., pn, where these parts are of similar type." []
domain: BFO:0000015 ! process
range: BFO:0000015 ! process
is_a: RO:0002180 ! has component
created_by: dos
creation_date: 2017-05-24T09:49:21Z

id: RO:0002019
name: has ligand
def: "A relationship that holds between between a receptor and an chemical entity, typically a small molecule or peptide, that carries information between cells or compartments of a cell and which binds the receptor and regulates its effector function." []
domain: GO:0004872
is_a: RO:0002233 ! has input
created_by: dos
creation_date: 2017-07-19T17:30:36Z

id: RO:0002022
name: directly regulated by
comment: Process(P2) is directly regulated by process(P1) iff: P1 regulates P2 via direct physical interaction between an agent executing P1 (or some part of P1) and an agent executing P2 (or some part of P2).  For example, if protein A has protein binding activity(P1) that targets protein B and this binding  regulates the kinase activity (P2) of protein B then P1 directly regulates P2. {xref="GOC:dos"}
is_a: RO:0002334 ! regulated by
inverse_of: RO:0002578 ! directly regulates
created_by: dos
creation_date: 2017-09-17T13:52:24Z

id: RO:0002023
name: directly negatively regulated by
def: "Process(P2) is directly negatively regulated by process(P1) iff: P1 negatively regulates P2 via direct physical interaction between an agent executing P1 (or some part of P1) and an agent executing P2 (or some part of P2).  For example, if protein A has protein binding activity(P1) that targets protein B and this binding  negatively regulates the kinase activity (P2) of protein B then P2 directly negatively regulated by P1." [GOC:dos]
is_a: RO:0002022 ! directly regulated by
inverse_of: RO:0002630 ! directly negatively regulates
created_by: dos
creation_date: 2017-09-17T13:52:38Z

id: RO:0002024
name: directly positively regulated by
def: "Process(P2) is directly postively regulated by process(P1) iff: P1 positively regulates P2 via direct physical interaction between an agent executing P1 (or some part of P1) and an agent executing P2 (or some part of P2).  For example, if protein A has protein binding activity(P1) that targets protein B and this binding positively regulates the kinase activity (P2) of protein B then P2 is directly postively regulated by P1." [GOC:dos]
is_a: RO:0002022 ! directly regulated by
inverse_of: RO:0002629 ! directly positively regulates
created_by: dos
creation_date: 2017-09-17T13:52:47Z

id: RO:0002025
name: has effector activity
def: "A 'has effector activity' B if A and B are GO molecular functions (GO_0003674),  A 'has component activity' B and B is the effector (output function) of B.  Each compound function has only one effector activity." [GOC:dos]
comment: This relation is designed for constructing compound molecular functions, typically in combination with one or more regulatory component activity relations.
is_functional: true
is_a: RO:0002017 ! has component activity
is_a: RO:0002211 ! regulates
created_by: dos
creation_date: 2017-09-22T14:14:36Z

id: RO:0002086
name: ends after
comment: X ends_after Y iff: end(Y) before_or_simultaneous_with end(X)
subset: ro-eco
property_value: IAO:0000117 "David Osumi-Sutherland" xsd:string
is_transitive: true
is_a: RO:0002222 ! temporally related to

id: RO:0002087
name: immediately preceded by
comment: X immediately_preceded_by Y iff: end(X) simultaneous_with start(Y)
property_value: IAO:0000117 "David Osumi-Sutherland" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "starts_at_end_of" xsd:string
is_a: BFO:0000062 ! preceded by
inverse_of: RO:0002090 ! immediately precedes

id: RO:0002090
name: immediately precedes
comment: X immediately_precedes_Y iff: end(X) simultaneous_with start(Y)
subset: ro-eco
property_value: IAO:0000117 "David Osumi-Sutherland" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "ends_at_start_of" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "meets" xsd:string
property_value: RO:0002575 BFO:0000063
is_a: BFO:0000063 ! precedes

id: RO:0002131
name: overlaps
def: "x overlaps y if and only if there exists some z such that x has part z and z part of y" []
subset: ro-eco
property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000125
property_value: RO:0001900 RO:0001901
holds_over_chain: BFO:0000050 BFO:0000050
holds_over_chain: BFO:0000051 BFO:0000050 {"true"}
holds_over_chain: BFO:0000051 RO:0002131
is_a: RO:0002323 ! mereotopologically related to
expand_expression_to: " some ( some ?Y)" []

id: RO:0002180
name: has component
def: "w 'has component' p if w 'has part' p and w is such that it can be directly disassembled into into n parts p, p2, p3, ..., pn, where these parts are of similar type." []
subset: ro-eco
property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000125
property_value: IAO:0000116 "The definition of 'has component' is still under discussion. The challenge is in providing a definition that does not imply transitivity." xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000232 "For use in recording has_part with a cardinality constraint, because OWL does not permit cardinality constraints to be used in combination with transitive object properties. In situations where you would want to say something like 'has part exactly 5 digit, you would instead use has_component exactly 5 digit." xsd:string
property_value: RO:0001900 RO:0001901
property_value: seeAlso
is_a: BFO:0000051 ! has part

id: RO:0002202
name: develops from
def: "x develops from y if and only if either (a) x directly develops from y or (b) there exists some z such that x directly develops from z and z develops from y" []
comment: This is the transitive form of the develops from relation
property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000125
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000117 "David Osumi-Sutherland" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Melissa Haendel" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Terry Meehan" xsd:string
domain: BFO:0000004 ! independent continuant
range: BFO:0000004 ! independent continuant
is_transitive: true
is_a: RO:0002258 ! developmentally preceded by
inverse_of: RO:0002203 ! develops into

id: RO:0002203
name: develops into
def: "inverse of develops from" []
subset: RO:0002259
property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000125
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000117 "David Osumi-Sutherland" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Terry Meehan" xsd:string
is_transitive: true
is_a: RO:0002286 ! developmentally succeeded by
is_a: RO:0002387 ! has potential to develop into
is_a: RO:0002388 ! has potential to directly develop into

id: RO:0002211
name: regulates
def: "process(P1) regulates process(P2) iff: P1 results in the initiation or termination of P2 OR affects the frequency of its initiation or termination OR affects the magnitude or rate of output of P2." []
property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000125
property_value: IAO:0000116 "We use 'regulates' here to specifically imply control. However, many colloquial usages of the term correctly correspond to the weaker relation of 'causally upstream of or within' (aka influences). Consider relabeling to make things more explicit" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000117 "David Hill" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Tanya Berardini" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000119 "GO" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000119
property_value: IAO:0000232 "Regulation precludes parthood; the regulatory process may not be within the regulated process." xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000589 "regulates (processual)" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000600 "false" xsd:boolean
domain: BFO:0000015 ! process
range: BFO:0000015 ! process
holds_over_chain: RO:0002578 RO:0002578
is_transitive: true
is_a: RO:0002411 ! causally upstream of
inverse_of: RO:0002334 ! regulated by

id: RO:0002212
name: negatively regulates
def: "Process(P1) negatively regulates process(P2) iff: P1 terminates P2, or P1 descreases the the frequency of initiation of P2 or the magnitude or rate of output of P2." []
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000119
property_value: IAO:0000589 "negatively regulates (process to process)" xsd:string
property_value: RO:0004050 RO:0002211
is_a: RO:0002211 ! regulates
is_a: RO:0002305 ! causally upstream of, negative effect
inverse_of: RO:0002335 ! negatively regulated by

id: RO:0002213
name: positively regulates
def: "Process(P1) postively regulates process(P2) iff: P1 initiates P2, or P1 increases the the frequency of initiation of P2 or the magnitude or rate of output of P2." []
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000119
property_value: IAO:0000589 "positively regulates (process to process)" xsd:string
property_value: RO:0004049 RO:0002211
holds_over_chain: RO:0002212 RO:0002212
is_transitive: true
is_a: RO:0002211 ! regulates
is_a: RO:0002304 ! causally upstream of, positive effect
inverse_of: RO:0002336 ! positively regulated by

id: RO:0002215
name: capable of
def: "A relation between a material entity (such as a cell) and a process, in which the material entity has the ability to carry out the process. " []
subset: ro-eco
property_value: IAO:0000112 "mechanosensory neuron capable of detection of mechanical stimulus involved in sensory perception (GO:0050974)" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000112 "osteoclast SubClassOf 'capable of' some 'bone resorption'" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "has function realized in" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000119
property_value: IAO:0000119
property_value: IAO:0000232 "For compatibility with BFO, this relation has a shortcut definition in which the expression \"capable of some P\" expands to \"bearer_of (some realized_by only P)\"." xsd:string
domain: BFO:0000004 ! independent continuant
range: BFO:0000015 ! process
is_a: RO:0002216 ! capable of part of
expand_expression_to: "RO_0000053 some (RO_0000054 only ?Y)" []

id: RO:0002216
name: capable of part of
def: "c stands in this relationship to p if and only if there exists some p' such that c is capable_of p', and p' is part_of p." []
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "has function in" xsd:string
property_value: seeAlso "defining-property-chains-involving-reflexivity"
holds_over_chain: RO:0002215 BFO:0000050 {"true"}
is_a: RO:0002328 ! functionally related to
is_a: RO:0002500 ! causal agent in process
expand_expression_to: "RO_0000053 some (RO_0000054 only (BFO_0000050 some ?Y))" []

id: RO:0002217
name: actively participates in
def: "x actively participates in y if and only if x participates in y and x realizes some active role" []
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "agent in" xsd:string
is_a: RO:0000056 ! participates in
inverse_of: RO:0002218 ! obsolete has active participant

id: RO:0002218
name: obsolete has active participant
def: "x has participant y if and only if x realizes some active role that inheres in y" []
subset: ro-eco
property_value: IAO:0000112 "'heart development' has active participant some Shh protein" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000125
property_value: IAO:0000116 "This may be obsoleted and replaced by the original 'has agent' relation" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "has agent" xsd:string
is_a: RO:0000057 ! has participant
is_obsolete: true

id: RO:0002222
name: temporally related to
comment: A relation that holds between two occurrents. This is a grouping relation that collects together all the Allen relations.
subset: ro-eco
property_value: xsd:anyURI
property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000125
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000119
property_value: IAO:0000232 "Do not use this relation directly. It is ended as a grouping for relations between occurrents involving the relative timing of their starts and ends." xsd:string
domain: BFO:0000003 ! occurrent
range: BFO:0000003 ! occurrent

id: RO:0002233
name: has input
def: "p has input c iff: p is a process, c is a material entity, c is a participant in p, c is present at the start of p, and the state of c is modified during p." []
subset: ro-eco
property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000125
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "consumes" xsd:string
domain: BFO:0000015 ! process
range: BFO:0000040 ! material entity
is_a: RO:0000057 ! has participant
inverse_of: RO:0002352 ! input of

id: RO:0002254
name: has developmental contribution from
def: "x has developmental contribution from y iff x has some part z such that z develops from y" []
property_value: IAO:0000112 "Mammalian thymus has developmental contribution from some pharyngeal pouch 3; Mammalian thymus has developmental contribution from some pharyngeal pouch 4 [Kardong]" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000125
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
domain: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity
range: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity
holds_over_chain: BFO:0000051 RO:0002202
is_a: RO:0002258 ! developmentally preceded by
inverse_of: RO:0002255 ! developmentally contributes to

id: RO:0002255
name: developmentally contributes to
def: "inverse of has developmental contribution from" []
subset: RO:0002259
property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000125
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
holds_over_chain: RO:0002203 BFO:0000050
is_a: RO:0002286 ! developmentally succeeded by
is_a: RO:0002385 ! has potential to developmentally contribute to

id: RO:0002258
name: developmentally preceded by
def: "Candidate definition: x developmentally related to y if and only if there exists some developmental process (GO:0032502) p such that x and y both participates in p, and x is the output of p and y is the input of p" []
comment: This relation groups together various other developmental relations. It is fairly generic, encompassing induction, developmental contribution and direct and transitive develops from
property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000125
property_value: IAO:0000116 "false" xsd:boolean
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000232 "In general you should not use this relation to make assertions - use one of the more specific relations below this one" xsd:string
domain: BFO:0000002 ! continuant
range: BFO:0000002 ! continuant
is_a: RO:0002324 ! developmentally related to
inverse_of: RO:0002286 ! developmentally succeeded by

id: RO:0002263
name: acts upstream of
def: "c acts upstream of p if and only if c enables some f that is involved in p' and p' occurs chronologically before p, is not part of p, and affects the execution of p. c is a material entity and f, p, p' are processes." []
property_value: IAO:0000112 "A faulty traffic light (material entity) whose malfunctioning (a process) is causally upstream of a traffic collision (a process): the traffic light acts upstream of the collision." xsd:string
property_value: seeAlso
holds_over_chain: RO:0002327 RO:0002411
is_a: RO:0002264 ! acts upstream of or within

id: RO:0002264
name: acts upstream of or within
def: "c acts upstream of or within p if c is enables f, and f is causally upstream of or within p. c is a material entity and p is an process." []
synonym: "affects" RELATED []
property_value: IAO:0000112 "A gene product that has some activity, where that activity may be a part of a pathway or upstream of the pathway." xsd:string
property_value: seeAlso
holds_over_chain: RO:0002327 RO:0002418
is_a: RO:0002500 ! causal agent in process

id: RO:0002286
name: developmentally succeeded by
def: "Inverse of developmentally preceded by" []
property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000125
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
is_a: RO:0002384 ! has developmental potential involving

id: RO:0002304
name: causally upstream of, positive effect
comment: holds between x and y if and only if x is causally upstream of y and the progression of x increases the frequency, rate or extent of y
property_value: "cjm" xsd:string
property_value: RO:0004049 RO:0002411
is_a: RO:0002411 ! causally upstream of
is_a: RO:0004047 ! causally upstream of or within, positive effect

id: RO:0002305
name: causally upstream of, negative effect
comment: holds between x and y if and only if x is causally upstream of y and the progression of x decreases the frequency, rate or extent of y
property_value: "cjm" xsd:string
property_value: RO:0004050 RO:0002411
is_a: RO:0002411 ! causally upstream of
is_a: RO:0004046 ! causally upstream of or within, negative effect

id: RO:0002323
name: mereotopologically related to
def: "A mereological relationship or a topological relationship" []
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000232 "Do not use this relation directly. It is ended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving parthood or connectivity relationships" xsd:string
property_value: RO:0001900 RO:0001901

id: RO:0002324
name: developmentally related to
def: "A relationship that holds between entities participating in some developmental process (GO:0032502)" []
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000232 "Do not use this relation directly. It is ended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving organismal development" xsd:string

id: RO:0002327
name: enables
property_value: IAO:0000112 "a particular instances of akt-2 enables some instance of protein kinase activity" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "catalyzes" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "executes" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "has" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "is catalyzing" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "is executing" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000232 "This relation differs from the parent relation 'capable of' in that the parent is weaker and only expresses a capability that may not be actually realized, whereas this relation is always realized." xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000232 "This relation is currently used experimentally by the Gene Ontology Consortium. It may not be stable and may be obsoleted at some future time." xsd:string
is_a: RO:0002215 ! capable of
inverse_of: RO:0002333 ! enabled by
transitive_over: BFO:0000051 ! has part
transitive_over: RO:0002017 ! has component activity

id: RO:0002328
name: functionally related to
def: "A grouping relationship for any relationship directly involving a function, or that holds because of a function of one of the related entities." []
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000232 "This is a grouping relation that collects relations used for the purpose of connecting structure and function" xsd:string

id: RO:0002329
name: part of structure that is capable of
def: "this relation holds between c and p when c is part of some c', and c' is capable of p." []
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "false" xsd:boolean
holds_over_chain: BFO:0000050 RO:0002215 {"true"}
is_a: RO:0002328 ! functionally related to

id: RO:0002331
name: involved in
def: "c involved_in p if and only if c enables some process p', and p' is part of p" []
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "actively involved in" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "enables part of" xsd:string
property_value: seeAlso Involved:in
holds_over_chain: RO:0002327 BFO:0000050
is_a: RO:0002217 ! actively participates in
is_a: RO:0002431 ! involved in or involved in regulation of
transitive_over: BFO:0000050 ! part of

id: RO:0002333
name: enabled by
def: "inverse of enables" []
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
is_a: RO:0000057 ! has participant
is_a: RO:0002328 ! functionally related to

id: RO:0002334
name: regulated by
def: "inverse of regulates" []
subset: RO:0002259
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000589 "regulated by (processual)" xsd:string
domain: BFO:0000015 ! process
range: BFO:0000015 ! process
is_transitive: true
is_a: RO:0002427 ! causally downstream of or within

id: RO:0002335
name: negatively regulated by
def: "inverse of negatively regulates" []
subset: RO:0002259
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
is_a: RO:0002334 ! regulated by

id: RO:0002336
name: positively regulated by
def: "inverse of positively regulates" []
subset: RO:0002259
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
is_a: RO:0002334 ! regulated by

id: RO:0002352
name: input of
def: "inverse of has input" []
subset: ro-eco
subset: RO:0002259
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
is_a: RO:0000056 ! participates in
is_a: RO:0002328 ! functionally related to

id: RO:0002384
name: has developmental potential involving
def: "x has developmental potential involving y iff x is capable of a developmental process with output y. y may be the successor of x, or may be a different structure in the vicinity (as for example in the case of developmental induction)." []
property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000428
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
domain: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity
range: CARO:0000000 ! anatomical entity
is_a: RO:0002324 ! developmentally related to

id: RO:0002385
name: has potential to developmentally contribute to
def: "x has potential to developmentrally contribute to y iff x developmentally contributes to y or x is capable of developmentally contributing to y" []
property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000428
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
is_a: RO:0002384 ! has developmental potential involving

id: RO:0002387
name: has potential to develop into
def: "x has the potential to develop into y iff x develops into y or if x is capable of developing into y" []
property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000428
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
is_a: RO:0002384 ! has developmental potential involving

id: RO:0002388
name: has potential to directly develop into
def: "x has potential to directly develop into y iff x directly develops into y or x is capable of directly developing into y" []
property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000428
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
is_a: RO:0002387 ! has potential to develop into

id: RO:0002404
name: causally downstream of
def: "inverse of upstream of" []
property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000428
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
is_a: BFO:0000062 ! preceded by
is_a: RO:0002427 ! causally downstream of or within
inverse_of: RO:0002411 ! causally upstream of

id: RO:0002405
name: immediately causally downstream of
property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000428
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
is_a: RO:0002087 ! immediately preceded by
is_a: RO:0002404 ! causally downstream of
inverse_of: RO:0002412 ! immediately causally upstream of

id: RO:0002410
name: causally related to
def: "This relation groups causal relations between material entities and causal relations between processes" []
property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000428
property_value: IAO:0000116 "This branch of the ontology deals with causal relations between entities. It is divided into two branches: causal relations between occurrents/processes, and causal relations between material entities. We take an 'activity flow-centric approach', with the former as primary, and define causal relations between material entities in terms of causal relations between occurrents.\n\nTo define causal relations in an activity-flow type network, we make use of 3 primitives:\n\n * Temporal: how do the intervals of the two occurrents relate? \n * Is the causal relation regulatory?\n * Is the influence positive or negative\n\nThe first of these can be formalized in terms of the Allen Interval Algebra. Informally, the 3 bins we care about are 'direct', 'indirect' or overlapping. Note that all causal relations should be classified under a RO temporal relation (see the branch under 'temporally related to'). Note that all causal relations are temporal, but not all temporal relations are causal. Two occurrents can be related in time without being causally connected. We take causal influence to be primitive, elucidated as being such that has the upstream changed, some qualities of the donwstream would necessarily be modified.\n\nFor the second, we consider a relationship to be regulatory if the system in which the activities occur is capable of altering the relationship to achieve some objective. This could include changing the rate of production of a molecule.\n\nFor the third, we consider the effect of the upstream process on the output(s) of the downstream process. If the level of output is increased, or the rate of production of the output is increased, then the direction is increased. Direction can be positive, negative or neutral or capable of either direction. Two positives in succession yield a positive, two negatives in succession yield a positive, otherwise the default assumption is that the net effect is canceled and the influence is neutral.\n\nEach of these 3 primitives can be composed to yield a cross-product of different relation types." xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000232 "Do not use this relation directly. It is intended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving cause and effect." xsd:string

id: RO:0002411
name: causally upstream of
def: "p is causally upstream of q if and only if p precedes q and p and q are linked in a causal chain" []
property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000428
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
is_transitive: true
is_a: BFO:0000063 ! precedes
is_a: RO:0002418 ! causally upstream of or within

id: RO:0002412
name: immediately causally upstream of
def: "p is immediately causally upstream of q iff both (a) p immediately precedes q and (b) p is causally upstream of q. In addition, the output of p  must be an input of q." []
property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000428
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: RO:0002575 RO:0002411
is_a: RO:0002090 ! immediately precedes
is_a: RO:0002411 ! causally upstream of

id: RO:0002418
name: causally upstream of or within
def: "p 'causally upstream or within' q iff (1) the end of p is before the end of q and (2) the execution of p exerts some causal influence over the outputs of q; i.e. if p was abolished or the outputs of p were to be modified, this would necessarily affect q." []
synonym: "affects" RELATED []
property_value: IAO:0000116 "We would like to make this disjoint with 'preceded by', but this is prohibited in OWL2" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "influences (processual)" xsd:string
is_transitive: true
is_a: RO:0002501 ! causal relation between processes
inverse_of: RO:0002427 ! causally downstream of or within

id: RO:0002427
name: causally downstream of or within
def: "inverse of causally upstream of or within" []
subset: RO:0002259
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000119
is_transitive: true
is_a: RO:0002501 ! causal relation between processes

id: RO:0002428
name: involved in regulation of
def: "c involved in regulation of p if c is involved in some p' and p' regulates some p" []
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
holds_over_chain: RO:0002327 RO:0002211
holds_over_chain: RO:0002331 RO:0002211
is_a: RO:0002263 ! acts upstream of
is_a: RO:0002431 ! involved in or involved in regulation of

id: RO:0002429
name: involved in positive regulation of
def: "c involved in regulation of p if c is involved in some p' and p' positively regulates some p" []
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: RO:0004049 RO:0002428
holds_over_chain: RO:0002327 RO:0002213
holds_over_chain: RO:0002331 RO:0002213
is_a: RO:0002428 ! involved in regulation of

id: RO:0002430
name: involved in negative regulation of
def: "c involved in regulation of p if c is involved in some p' and p' negatively regulates some p" []
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: RO:0004050 RO:0002428
holds_over_chain: RO:0002327 RO:0002212
holds_over_chain: RO:0002331 RO:0002212
is_a: RO:0002428 ! involved in regulation of

id: RO:0002431
name: involved in or involved in regulation of
def: "c involved in or regulates p if and only if either (i) c is involved in p or (ii) c is involved in regulation of p" []
property_value: IAO:0000116 "OWL does not allow defining object properties via a Union" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "involved in or reguates" xsd:string
is_a: RO:0002264 ! acts upstream of or within
is_a: RO:0002328 ! functionally related to
is_a: RO:0002500 ! causal agent in process

id: RO:0002432
name: is active in
def: "c executes activity in d if and only if c enables p and p occurs_in d.  Assuming no action at a distance by gene products, if a gene product enables (is capable of) a process that occurs in some structure, it must have at least some part in that structure." [GOC:cjm, GOC:dos]
synonym: "enables activity in" EXACT []
property_value: IAO:0000112 "A protein that enables activity in a cytosol." xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "executes activity in" xsd:string
holds_over_chain: RO:0002327 BFO:0000066 {"true"}
is_a: RO:0002131 ! overlaps
is_a: RO:0002328 ! functionally related to

id: RO:0002434
name: interacts with
def: "A relationship that holds between two entities in which the processes executed by the two entities are causally connected." []
subset: ro-eco
synonym: "in pairwise interaction with" EXACT []
property_value: xsd:anyURI
property_value: IAO:0000116 "Considering relabeling as 'pairwise interacts with'" xsd:anyURI
property_value: IAO:0000116 "This relation and all sub-relations can be applied to either (1) pairs of entities that are interacting at any moment of time (2) populations or species of entity whose members have the disposition to interact (3) classes whose members have the disposition to interact." xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000232 "Note that this relationship type, and sub-relationship types may be redundant with process terms from other ontologies. For example, the symbiotic relationship hierarchy parallels GO. The relations are provided as a convenient shortcut. Consider using the more expressive processual form to capture your data. In the future, these relations will be linked to their cognate processes through rules." xsd:string
property_value: seeAlso xsd:anyURI
domain: BFO:0000040 ! material entity
range: BFO:0000040 ! material entity
is_symmetric: true

id: RO:0002436
name: molecularly interacts with
def: "An interaction relationship in which the two partners are molecular entities that directly physically interact with each other for example via a stable binding interaction or a brief interaction during which one modifies the other." []
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "binds" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "molecularly binds with" xsd:string
property_value: seeAlso ECO:0000353
property_value: seeAlso xsd:anyURI
is_symmetric: true
is_a: RO:0002434 ! interacts with

id: RO:0002447
name: phosphorylates
property_value: IAO:0000116 "Axiomatization to GO to be added later" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "An interaction relation between x and y in which x catalyzes a reaction in which a phosphate group is added to y." xsd:string
is_a: RO:0002436 ! molecularly interacts with

id: RO:0002448
name: activity directly regulates activity of
def: "Holds between molecular entities A and B where A can physically interact with B and in doing so regulates a process that B is capable of.  For example, A and B may be gene products and binding of B by A regulates the kinase activity of B." []
synonym: "molecularly controls" EXACT []
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
is_a: RO:0002436 ! molecularly interacts with
is_a: RO:0002566 ! causally influences

id: RO:0002449
name: activity directly negatively regulates activity of
def: "Holds between molecular entities A and B where A can physically interact with B and in doing so negatively regulates a process that B is capable of.  For example, A and B may be gene products and binding of B by A negatively regulates the kinase activity of B." []
synonym: "molecularly decreases activity of" EXACT []
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "inhibits" xsd:string
is_a: RO:0002448 ! activity directly regulates activity of

id: RO:0002450
name: activity directly positively regulates activity of
def: "Holds between molecular entities A and B where A can physically interact with B and in doing so positively regulates a process that B is capable of.  For example, A and B may be gene products and binding of B by A positively regulates the kinase activity of B." []
synonym: "molecularly increases activity of" EXACT []
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000118 "activates" xsd:string
is_a: RO:0002448 ! activity directly regulates activity of

id: RO:0002464
name: helper property (not for use in curation)
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000232 "This property or its subproperties is not to be used directly. These properties exist as helper properties that are used to support OWL reasoning." xsd:string

id: RO:0002479
name: has part that occurs in
def: "p has part that occurs in c if and only if there exists some p1, such that p has_part p1, and p1 occurs in c." []
subset: ro-eco
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
domain: BFO:0000003 ! occurrent
range: BFO:0000004 ! independent continuant
holds_over_chain: BFO:0000051 BFO:0000066 {"true"}

id: RO:0002481
name: is kinase activity
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
is_a: RO:0002564 ! molecular interaction relation helper property

id: RO:0002500
name: causal agent in process
def: "A relationship between a material entity and a process where the material entity has some causal role that influences the process" []
property_value: IAO:0000119
is_a: RO:0002595 ! causal relation between material entity and a process
inverse_of: RO:0002608 ! process has causal agent

id: RO:0002501
name: causal relation between processes
def: "p is causally related to q if and only if p or any part of p and q or any part of q are linked by a chain of events where each event pair is one of direct activation or direct inhibition. p may be upstream, downstream, part of or a container of q." []
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000119
property_value: IAO:0000232 "Do not use this relation directly. It is intended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving cause and effect." xsd:string
domain: BFO:0000003 ! occurrent
range: BFO:0000003 ! occurrent
is_a: RO:0002410 ! causally related to

id: RO:0002506
name: causal relation between material entities
property_value: IAO:0000116 "The intent is that the process branch of the causal property hierarchy is primary (causal relations hold between occurrents/processes), and that the material branch is defined in terms of the process branch" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000119
property_value: IAO:0000232 "Do not use this relation directly. It is intended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving cause and effect." xsd:string
domain: BFO:0000040 ! material entity
range: BFO:0000040 ! material entity
is_a: RO:0002410 ! causally related to

id: RO:0002559
name: causally influenced by
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000119
property_value: IAO:0000589 "causally influenced by (material entity to material entity)" xsd:string
is_a: RO:0002506 ! causal relation between material entities
inverse_of: RO:0002566 ! causally influences

id: RO:0002563
name: interaction relation helper property
property_value: xsd:anyURI
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: seeAlso
is_a: RO:0002464 ! helper property (not for use in curation)

id: RO:0002564
name: molecular interaction relation helper property
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
is_a: RO:0002563 ! interaction relation helper property

id: RO:0002566
name: causally influences
def: "Holds between materal entities a and b if the activity of a is causally upstream of the activity of b, or causally upstream of a an activity that modifies b" []
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000119
property_value: IAO:0000589 "causally influences (material entity to material entity)" xsd:string
is_a: RO:0002506 ! causal relation between material entities

id: RO:0002578
name: directly regulates
def: "Process(P1) directly regulates process(P2) iff: P1 regulates P2 via direct physical interaction between an agent executing P1 (or some part of P1) and an agent executing P2 (or some part of P2).  For example, if protein A has protein binding activity(P1) that targets protein B and this binding  regulates the kinase activity (P2) of protein B then P1 directly regulates P2." []
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000119
property_value: IAO:0000589 "directly regulates (processual)" xsd:string
property_value: RO:0002575 RO:0002211
is_a: RO:0002211 ! regulates
is_a: RO:0002412 ! immediately causally upstream of

id: RO:0002584
name: has part structure that is capable of
def: "s 'has part structure that is capable of' p if and only if there exists some part x such that s 'has part' x and x 'capable of' p" []
property_value: IAO:0000112 "gland SubClassOf 'has part structure that is capable of' some 'secretion by cell'" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
holds_over_chain: BFO:0000051 RO:0002215
is_a: RO:0002328 ! functionally related to
is_a: RO:0002595 ! causal relation between material entity and a process

id: RO:0002595
name: causal relation between material entity and a process
def: "A relationship that holds between a material entity and a process in which causality is involved, with either the material entity or some part of the material entity exerting some influence over the process, or the process influencing some aspect of the material entity." []
property_value: IAO:0000116 "Do not use this relation directly. It is intended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving cause and effect." xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000117 "Chris Mungall" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000119
domain: BFO:0000040 ! material entity
range: BFO:0000015 ! process
is_a: RO:0002410 ! causally related to

id: RO:0002596
name: capable of regulating
def: "Holds between c and p if and only if c is capable of some activity a, and a regulates p." []
property_value: IAO:0000112 "pyrethroid -> growth" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000119
holds_over_chain: RO:0002215 RO:0002211
is_a: RO:0002500 ! causal agent in process

id: RO:0002597
name: capable of negatively regulating
def: "Holds between c and p if and only if c is capable of some activity a, and a negatively regulates p." []
property_value: IAO:0000119
holds_over_chain: RO:0002215 RO:0002212
is_a: RO:0002596 ! capable of regulating

id: RO:0002598
name: capable of positively regulating
def: "Holds between c and p if and only if c is capable of some activity a, and a positively regulates p." []
property_value: IAO:0000112 "renin -> arteriolar smooth muscle contraction" xsd:string
property_value: IAO:0000119
holds_over_chain: RO:0002215 RO:0002213
is_a: RO:0002596 ! capable of regulating

id: RO:0002608
name: process has causal agent
def: "Inverse of 'causal agent in process'" []
property_value: IAO:0000119
is_a: RO:0002410 ! causally related to

id: RO:0002629
name: directly positively regulates
def: "Process(P1) directly postively regulates process(P2) iff: P1 positively regulates P2 via direct physical interaction between an agent executing P1 (or some part of P1) and an agent executing P2 (or some part of P2).  For example, if protein A has protein binding activity(P1) that targets protein B and this binding positively regulates the kinase activity (P2) of protein B then P1 directly positively regulates P2." []
property_value: IAO:0000119
property_value: IAO:0000589 "directly positively regulates (process to process)" xsd:string
property_value: RO:0004049 RO:0002578
is_a: RO:0002213 ! positively regulates
is_a: RO:0002578 ! directly regulates

id: RO:0002630
name: directly negatively regulates
def: "Process(P1) directly negatively regulates process(P2) iff: P1 negatively regulates P2 via direct physical interaction between an agent executing P1 (or some part of P1) and an agent executing P2 (or some part of P2).  For example, if protein A has protein binding activity(P1) that targets protein B and this binding  negatively regulates the kinase activity (P2) of protein B then P1 directly negatively regulates P2." []
property_value: IAO:0000119
property_value: IAO:0000589 "directly negatively regulates (process to process)" xsd:string
property_value: RO:0004050 RO:0002578
is_a: RO:0002212 ! negatively regulates
is_a: RO:0002578 ! directly regulates

id: RO:0004031
name: enables subfunction
def: "Holds between an entity and an process P where the entity enables some larger compound process, and that larger process has-part P." []
holds_over_chain: RO:0002327 BFO:0000051
is_a: RO:0002328 ! functionally related to
created_by: cjm
creation_date: 2018-01-25T23:20:13Z

id: RO:0004032
name: acts upstream of or within, positive effect
property_value: RO:0004049 RO:0002264
property_value: seeAlso,_positive_effect
holds_over_chain: RO:0002327 RO:0004047
is_a: RO:0002264 ! acts upstream of or within
created_by: cjm
creation_date: 2018-01-26T23:49:30Z

id: RO:0004033
name: acts upstream of or within, negative effect
property_value: RO:0004050 RO:0002264
holds_over_chain: RO:0002327 RO:0004046
is_a: RO:0002264 ! acts upstream of or within
created_by: cjm
creation_date: 2018-01-26T23:49:51Z

id: RO:0004034
name: acts upstream of, positive effect
def: "c 'acts upstream of, positive effect' p if c is enables f, and f is causally upstream of p, and the direction of f is positive" []
property_value: RO:0004049 RO:0002263
property_value: seeAlso,_positive_effect
holds_over_chain: RO:0002327 RO:0002304
is_a: RO:0002263 ! acts upstream of
is_a: RO:0004032 ! acts upstream of or within, positive effect
created_by: cjm
creation_date: 2018-01-26T23:53:14Z

id: RO:0004035
name: acts upstream of, negative effect
def: "c 'acts upstream of, negative effect' p if c is enables f, and f is causally upstream of p, and the direction of f is negative" []
property_value: RO:0004050 RO:0002263
property_value: seeAlso,_negative_effect
holds_over_chain: RO:0002327 RO:0002305
is_a: RO:0002263 ! acts upstream of
is_a: RO:0004033 ! acts upstream of or within, negative effect
created_by: cjm
creation_date: 2018-01-26T23:53:22Z

id: RO:0004046
name: causally upstream of or within, negative effect
property_value: RO:0004050 RO:0002418
is_a: RO:0002418 ! causally upstream of or within
created_by: cjm
creation_date: 2018-03-13T23:55:05Z

id: RO:0004047
name: causally upstream of or within, positive effect
property_value: RO:0004049 RO:0002418
is_a: RO:0002418 ! causally upstream of or within
created_by: cjm
creation_date: 2018-03-13T23:55:19Z