# Teenage - Color Schemes A Sublime Text color scheme inspired by the [Teenage Engineering](https://teenage.engineering) [Pocket Operator](https://teenage.engineering/products/po) series of musical instruments. Adds the following color schemes: - Teenage Board - Dark - Teenage Screen - Light ![Preview](Preview@2x.png) Legacy Themes are also available if you prefered those. I do not expect to be updating these going forward, as the two variants diverged from each other, and supported different scopes & syntax features as I was working light or dark scheme at any moment and forgot to update the other. ![Preview](Preview-Legacy.png) ## Installation ### Sublime Text #### Package Control Make sure you already have [Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control/) installed. 3. From the Command Palette, choose *Package Control: Install Package* 4. Search for and select *Teenage Color Scheme* and press `Enter` 5. From the Command Palette, choose *UI: Select Color Scheme* 6. Search for "Teenage", find your desired version, and press `Enter` With [auto_upgrade](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control/settings/) enabled, Package Control will keep all installed packages up-to-date! #### Installation via git 1. Find your Packages folder with *Browse Packages* from the Command Palette. 2. Clone into your Packages folder #### Manual Installation 1. Download a `.sublime-color-scheme` file of choice 2. *Browse Packages* from the Command Palette (`Ctrl+Shift+P` on Windows/Linux, `⇧⌘P` on OS X) 3. Copy the `.sublime-color-scheme` file to `Packages` ## Built Using Written in a single json file and parsed by [sublThemer](https://github.com/dotHTM/sublThemer) into the themed versions. Testing and screenshot with [Dual-Color-Scheme-Development](https://github.com/dotHTM/Dual-Color-Scheme-Development). ## License License is provided according to [LICENSE](https://github.com/dotHTM/Teenage/blob/master/LICENSE).