"lang" { "Language" "English" "Tokens" { "DOTA_ItemOnSale" "SALE!" "DOTA_AttackMove" "Attack Move / Force Attack" "DOTA_Move" "Move" "DOTA_UnitQuery" "Query an object/unit" "DOTA_ExecuteAbility0" "Ability 1" "DOTA_ExecuteAbility1" "Ability 2" "DOTA_ExecuteAbility2" "Ability 3" "DOTA_ExecuteAbility3" "Ability 4" "DOTA_ExecuteAbility4" "Ability 5" "DOTA_ExecuteAbility5" "Ability Ultimate" "DOTA_AutocastAbility0" "Autocast Ability 1" "DOTA_AutocastAbility1" "Autocast Ability 2" "DOTA_AutocastAbility2" "Autocast Ability 3" "DOTA_AutocastAbility3" "Autocast Ability 4" "DOTA_AutocastAbility4" "Autocast Ability 5" "DOTA_AutocastAbility5" "Autocast Ability Ultimate" "DOTA_QuickCastAbility0" "Quick Cast Ability 1" "DOTA_QuickCastAbility1" "Quick Cast Ability 2" "DOTA_QuickCastAbility2" "Quick Cast Ability 3" "DOTA_QuickCastAbility3" "Quick Cast Ability 4" "DOTA_QuickCastAbility4" "Quick Cast Ability 5" "DOTA_QuickCastAbility5" "Quick Cast Ability Ultimate" "DOTA_CourierAbility1" "Return To Base" "DOTA_CourierAbility2" "Go To Secret Shop" "DOTA_CourierAbility3" "Put Items In Stash" "DOTA_CourierAbility4" "Retrieve Items from Stash" "DOTA_CourierAbility5" "Deliver Items" "DOTA_CourierAbility6" "Speed Burst" "DOTA_NeutralAbility1" "Neutral Ability 1" "DOTA_NeutralAbility2" "Neutral Ability 2" "DOTA_NeutralAbility3" "Neutral Ability 3" "DOTA_NeutralAbility4" "Neutral Ability 4" "DOTA_NeutralAbility5" "Neutral Ability 5" "DOTA_NeutralAbility6" "Neutral Ability Ultimate" "DOTA_RespawnTime" "Respawning in %s1 seconds" "DOTA_RespawnOutOfLives" "Cannot respawn, team is out of lives" "DOTA_RespawnTimeShort" "Respawn in %s1 secs" "DOTA_UnitLevel" "Level %s1" "DOTA_StrengthStatus" "%s1 STR" "DOTA_STR" "STR" "DOTA_AgilityStatus" "%s1 AGI" "DOTA_AGI" "AGI" "DOTA_IntellectStatus" "%s1 INT" "DOTA_INT" "INT" "DOTA_DamageStatus" "%s1 Damage" "DOTA_ArmorStatus" "%s1 Armor" "DOTA_ARMOR" "ARMOR" "DOTA_UnitHold" "Hold Position" "DOTA_UnitStop" "Stop" "DOTA_LevelUp_Req" "Requires Hero Level %s1" "DOTA_AttributesUp" "LEVEL %s1" "DOTA_Abilities" "ABILITIES" "DOTA_Items" "EQUIPPED ITEMS" "DOTA_Shop" "Open Shop" "DOTA_HUDShop" "SHOP" "DOTA_AttribArmor" "Armor" "DOTA_AttribDamage" "Damage" "DOTA_More" "MORE" "DOTA_More_ellipses" "more..." "DOTA_Developer" "Developer" "DOTA_NeedMana" "%s1 sec" "DOTA_ManaCost" "MANA COST %s1" "DOTA_Basics" "BASICS" "DOTA_Upgrades" "UPGRADES" "DOTA_Attributes" "ATTRIBUTES" "DOTA_LevelLabel" "Level: %s1" "DOTA_StackCount" "Stack Count: %s1" "DOTA_Charges" "Charges: %s1" "DOTA_Aura_Active" "Aura: Active" "DOTA_Aura_Inactive" "Aura: Inactive" "DOTA_Health" "HEALTH" "DOTA_Mana" "MANA" "DOTA_Skills" "SKILLS" "DOTA_AttributeFooter" "DAMAGE: %s1 ARMOR: %s2" "DOTA_UnitSelection_Title" "UNIT SELECTION" "DOTA_SelectHeroAndCenter" "Select Hero and Center Camera" "DOTA_TabUnit" "Cycle Through Selected Units" "DOTA_ActivateGlyph" "Activate Glyph" "DOTA_SelectCourier" "Select Courier" "DOTA_CourierDeliver" "Courier Deliver Items" "DOTA_CourierHaste" "Courier Speed Burst" "DOTA_RecentEvent" "Show Recent Event" "DOTA_SelectAllOthers" "Select All Other Units" "DOTA_SelectAll" "Select All Units" "DOTA_PurchaseQuickbuy" "Purchase Quickbuy" "DOTA_PurchaseSticky" "Purchase Sticky" "DOTA_GrabStashItems" "Take Stash Items" "DOTA_Console" "Console" "DOTA_Pause" "Pause" "DOTA_Summary" "Summary" "DOTA_Lore" "Lore" "DOTA_View_Lore" "View Hero Lore" "DOTA_SkillsLabel" "Skills:" "DOTA_RoleLabel" "Role:" "DOTA_Legacy" "Use Legacy Keys" "DOTA_CopyHeroBindsForCourier" "Mirror Hotkeys from Hero Panel" "DOTA_CopyHeroBindsForNeutrals" "Mirror Hotkeys from Hero Panel" "DOTA_CopyPlayerBinds" "Mirror Hotkeys from Player Panel" "DOTA_No_Courier" "NO COURIER" // A courier does not exist "DOTA_LocalPlayer" "Local Player" "CopyToClipboard" "Copy to Clipboard" "ReplayTakeover" "Takeover" "LobbyTakeoverDescription" "Taking Over MatchID %s1 at time %s2" //top bar "TimeOfDay_Day" "Day" "TimeOfDay_Night" "Night" "TimeOfDay_am" "a.m." "TimeOfDay_pm" "p.m." "DOTA_Tooltip_topbar_dashboard" "Dashboard" "DOTA_Tooltip_topbar_chat" "Chat" "DOTA_Tooltip_topbar_score" "Scoreboard" "DOTA_Tooltip_topbar_guide" "Guide" "DOTA_Tooltip_topbar_log" "Log" "DOTA_Tooltip_topbar_stats" "Stats" "DOTA_Tooltip_topbar_spectate" "Spectate" "DOTA_Tooltip_topbar_disconnect" "Disconnect" "spectate_autospeed_label" "Autospeed" "spectate_chatenabled_label" "Spectator Chat" "new_store_items" "NEW STORE ITEMS" //Connection "GC_reconnecting" "Restoring connection to the Dota 2 network..." "GC_nosteam" "No Steam Connection" "GC_searching" "Searching for the Dota 2 network..." "GC_noconnection" "Not connected to the Dota 2 network." "GC_connecting" "Connecting to the Dota 2 network..." "GC_connected" "Connected to the Dota 2 network." "GC_down" "Dota 2 network currently offline." "GC_Network_Full" "Dota 2 network currently full." "GC_Queue_Position" "Queue position: %s1" "GC_Wait_Time" "Estimated wait time: %s1" "GC_Wait_Time_Unknown" "Unknown" "Dota2LauncherOutOfDate" "Dota 2 Launcher out of date" "SteamClientOutOfDate" "Steam client missing or out of date" "DOTA_CustomGame_LaunchError" "Failed to launch a custom game" // Stat Tooltip "DOTA_StatTooltip_Header" "Hero Attributes:\n\n" "DOTA_StatTooltip_Strength" "Strength:" "DOTA_StatTooltip_Agility" "Agility:" "DOTA_StatTooltip_Intelligence" "Intelligence:" "DOTA_StatTooltip_PrimaryAttrib" " Primary Attribute\n" "DOTA_StatTooltip_StrengthBonus" "- Each point increases hit points by 19\n- Each point increases hit point regen by 0.03\n" "DOTA_StatTooltip_AgilityBonus" "- Every 7 points increase armor by 1\n- Each point increases attack speed by 1\n" "DOTA_StatTooltip_IntelligenceBonus" "- Each point increases mana by 13\n- Each point increases mana regen by 0.04\n" "DOTA_StatTooltip_TotalAttributesSkilled" "Attributes Level: " "DOTA_StatTooltip_GainPerLevel" "- Points gained per Hero level: %s1\n" "DOTA_StatTooltip_PrimaryBonus" "- Each point increases damage by 1\n" "DOTA_StatTooltip_Buyback" "Current Buyback Cost: %s1\n" "DOTA_StatTooltip_Buyback_Ready" "Buyback Ready" "DOTA_StatTooltip_Buyback_Cooldown" "Buyback in %s1" "DOTA_StatTooltip_Buyback_GoldLimit" "No Unreliable Gold for %s1" "DOTA_Buyback" "BUYBACK" "DOTA_LevelUp" "LEVEL UP" "DOTA_Stash" "STASH" "DOTA_Inventory_Grab_All" "GRAB ALL" // Damage/Armor Tooltip "DOTA_DmgArmorTooltip_AttackSpeed" "Attack Speed: " "DOTA_DmgArmorTooltip_AttackSpeedSeconds" "s per attack" "DOTA_DmgArmorTooltip_MoveSpeed" "Movement Speed: " "DOTA_DmgArmorTooltip_AttackDamage" "Attack Damage: " "DOTA_DmgArmorTooltip_AttackRange" "Attack Range: " "DOTA_DmgArmorTooltip_Armor" "Physical Armor: " "DOTA_DmgArmorTooltip_DmgResist" "Physical Damage Resistance: " "DOTA_DmgArmorTooltip_MagicArmor" "Magical Armor: " "DOTA_DmgArmorTooltip_MagicDmgResist" "Magical Damage Resistance: " //Ultimate Scepter Upgrade "DOTA_Tooltip_Ultimate_Upgrade" "UPGRADES: " // Frostivus "DOTA_Vassals" "The Vassals" // Nian "DOTA_Defenders" "The Defenders" "dota_watch_recentgame_status" "BATTLED THE YEAR BEAST" // Spectating/Replays "DOTA_GoodGuys" "The Radiant" "DOTA_BadGuys" "The Dire" "DOTA_GoodGuysCaps" "THE RADIANT" "DOTA_BadGuysCaps" "THE DIRE" "DOTA_Towers" "Remaining Towers: %s1" "DOTA_Barracks" "Barracks: %s1" // Captains Mode "Captains Mode" "CAPTAIN'S MODE" "timeline_ban" "BAN" "timeline_pick" "PICK" // Keybindings "DOTA_NotAvailable" "Not Available" "DOTA_MoveForward" "Camera Forward" "DOTA_MoveBack" "Camera Back" "DOTA_MoveLeft" "Camera Left" "DOTA_MoveRight" "Camera Right" "DOTA_CameraGrip" "Camera Grip" "DOTA_HeroSelect" "Select Hero" "DOTA_HeroCenter" "Center Hero" "DOTA_HeroMoveHome" "Hero Move Home" "DOTA_ControlGroupCycle" "Control Group Tab" "DOTA_ControlGroup1" "Group 1" "DOTA_ControlGroup2" "Group 2" "DOTA_ControlGroup3" "Group 3" "DOTA_ControlGroup4" "Group 4" "DOTA_ControlGroup5" "Group 5" "DOTA_ControlGroup6" "Group 6" "DOTA_ControlGroup7" "Group 7" "DOTA_ControlGroup8" "Group 8" "DOTA_ControlGroup9" "Group 9" "DOTA_ControlGroup10" "Group 10" "DOTA_Escape" "Escape" "DOTA_Scoreboard" "Scoreboard" "DOTA_Screenshot" "Screenshot" "DOTA_Voice" "Voice" "DOTA_VoiceLane" "Voice Lane" "DOTA_ChatWheel" "Chat Wheel" "DOTA_ChatGlobal" "Chat All" "DOTA_ChatTeam" "Chat Team" "DOTA_Learn_Abilities" "Ability Learn" "DOTA_Learn_Stats" "Upgrade Stats" "DOTA_UseActionItem_Key" "Action Item" "DOTA_HeroTaunt_Key" "Taunt Item" "DOTA_ChatPhraseSelect" "Select a Phrase" "UI_ChatSettings" "KEYS" "UI_ChatPhrases" "PHRASES" "Chat_Wheel_Customize" "Customize which phrases appear on the Chat Wheel" "DOTA_ChatWheel_AllMessage" "(All) %s1" "DOTA_InspectHeroInWorld" "Showcase View" "DOTA_InspectHeroInWorld_Error_EnemySelected" "Showcase View available for friendly units only" "DOTA_InspectHeroInWorld_Error_FreeCamOnly" "Showcase View available in Free Camera only" "DOTA_InspectHeroInWorld_Error_Dead" "Dead" "dota_chatwheel_label_Ok" "Okay" "dota_chatwheel_label_Care" "Care" "dota_chatwheel_label_GetBack" "Get Back" "dota_chatwheel_label_NeedWards" "Need Wards" "dota_chatwheel_label_Stun" "Stun" "dota_chatwheel_label_Help" "Help" "dota_chatwheel_label_Push" "Push" "dota_chatwheel_label_GoodJob" "Well played" "dota_chatwheel_label_Missing" "Missing" "dota_chatwheel_label_Missing_Top" "Missing top" "dota_chatwheel_label_Missing_Mid" "Missing mid" "dota_chatwheel_label_Missing_Bottom" "Missing bottom" "dota_chatwheel_label_Go" "Go!" "dota_chatwheel_label_Initiate" "Initiate!" "dota_chatwheel_label_Follow" "Follow me" "dota_chatwheel_label_Group_Up" "Group up" "dota_chatwheel_label_Spread_Out" "Spread out" "dota_chatwheel_label_Split_Farm" "Split farm" "dota_chatwheel_label_Attack" "Attack now!" "dota_chatwheel_label_BRB" "Be right back" "dota_chatwheel_label_Dive" "Dive!" "dota_chatwheel_label_OMW" "On my way" "dota_chatwheel_label_Get_Ready" "Get ready" "dota_chatwheel_label_Bait" "Bait" "dota_chatwheel_label_Heal" "Heal" "dota_chatwheel_label_Mana" "Mana" "dota_chatwheel_label_OOM" "Out of mana" "dota_chatwheel_label_Skill_Cooldown" "Cooldown" "dota_chatwheel_label_Ulti_Ready" "Ultimate ready" "dota_chatwheel_label_Enemy_Returned" "Returned" "dota_chatwheel_label_All_Missing" "All miss" "dota_chatwheel_label_Enemy_Incoming" "Incoming" "dota_chatwheel_label_Invis_Enemy" "Invisible enemy" "dota_chatwheel_label_Enemy_Had_Rune" "Enemy has rune" "dota_chatwheel_label_Split_Push" "Split push" "dota_chatwheel_label_Coming_To_Gank" "Coming to gank" "dota_chatwheel_label_Request_Gank" "Request gank" "dota_chatwheel_label_Fight_Under_Tower" "Under tower" "dota_chatwheel_label_Deny_Tower" "Deny tower" "dota_chatwheel_label_Buy_Courier" "Buy courier" "dota_chatwheel_label_Upgrade_Courier" "Upgrade courier" "dota_chatwheel_label_Need_Detection" "We need detection" "dota_chatwheel_label_They_Have_Detection" "They have detection" "dota_chatwheel_label_Buy_TP" "Buy Town Portal Scroll" "dota_chatwheel_label_Reuse_Courier" "Re-use courier" "dota_chatwheel_label_Deward" "Deward" "dota_chatwheel_label_Building_Mek" "Building Mekansm" "dota_chatwheel_label_Building_Pipe" "Building Pipe of Insight" "dota_chatwheel_label_Stack_And_Pull" "Stack and pull" "dota_chatwheel_label_Pull" "Pull creeps" "dota_chatwheel_label_Pulling" "Pulling creeps" "dota_chatwheel_label_Stack" "Stack neutrals" "dota_chatwheel_label_Jungling" "Jungling" "dota_chatwheel_label_Roshan" "Roshan" "dota_chatwheel_label_Affirmative" "Affirmative" "dota_chatwheel_label_Wait" "Wait" "dota_chatwheel_label_Pause" "Pause" "dota_chatwheel_label_Current_Time" "Current Time" "dota_chatwheel_label_Check_Runes" "Check runes" "dota_chatwheel_label_Smoke_Gank" "Smoke gank!" "dota_chatwheel_label_GLHF" "Good luck" "dota_chatwheel_label_Nice" "Nice" "dota_chatwheel_label_Thanks" "Thanks" "dota_chatwheel_label_Sorry" "Sorry" "dota_chatwheel_label_No_Give_Up" "Don't give up" "dota_chatwheel_label_Just_Happened" "That just happened" "dota_chatwheel_label_Game_Is_Hard" "Game is hard" "dota_chatwheel_label_New_Meta" "New meta" "dota_chatwheel_label_My_Bad" "My bad" "dota_chatwheel_label_Regret" "Regret" "dota_chatwheel_label_Relax" "Relax" "dota_chatwheel_label_GG" "GG" "dota_chatwheel_label_GGWP" "GGWP" "dota_chatwheel_label_All_GG" "(All) GG" "dota_chatwheel_label_All_GGWP" "(All) GGWP" "dota_chatwheel_label_What_To_Buy" "What should I buy?" "dota_chatwheel_label_Im_Retreating" "I'm retreating" "dota_chatwheel_label_Space_Created" "Space created" "dota_chatwheel_label_Whoops" "Whoops" "dota_chatwheel_label_Tower_then_Back" "Tower then back" "dota_chatwheel_label_Barracks_then_Back" "Barracks then back" "dota_chatwheel_label_Ward_Bottom_Rune" "Ward bot rune" "dota_chatwheel_label_Ward_Top_Rune" "Ward top rune" "dota_chatwheel_label_Zeus_Ult" "Zeus Ult" "dota_chatwheel_header_positioning" "Positioning" "dota_chatwheel_header_status" "Status" "dota_chatwheel_header_enemy" "Enemy" "dota_chatwheel_header_lane" "Lane" "dota_chatwheel_header_items" "Items" "dota_chatwheel_header_neutrals" "Neutrals" "dota_chatwheel_header_misc" "Misc" "dota_chatwheel_header_flavor" "Flavor" "dota_chatwheel_message_Ok" "Okay." "dota_chatwheel_message_Care" "Careful!" "dota_chatwheel_message_GetBack" "Get Back!" "dota_chatwheel_message_NeedWards" "We need wards." "dota_chatwheel_message_Stun" "Stun now!" "dota_chatwheel_message_Help" "Help!" "dota_chatwheel_message_Push" "Push now" "dota_chatwheel_message_GoodJob" "Well played!" "dota_chatwheel_message_Missing" "Missing!" "dota_chatwheel_message_Missing_Top" "Missing top!" "dota_chatwheel_message_Missing_Mid" "Missing mid!" "dota_chatwheel_message_Missing_Bottom" "Missing bottom!" "dota_chatwheel_message_Go" "Go!" "dota_chatwheel_message_Initiate" "Initiate!" "dota_chatwheel_message_Follow" "Follow me" "dota_chatwheel_message_Group_Up" "Group up" "dota_chatwheel_message_Spread_Out" "Spread out" "dota_chatwheel_message_Split_Farm" "Split up and farm" "dota_chatwheel_message_Attack" "Attack now!" "dota_chatwheel_message_BRB" "Be right back" "dota_chatwheel_message_Dive" "Dive!" "dota_chatwheel_message_OMW" "On my way" "dota_chatwheel_message_Get_Ready" "Get ready" "dota_chatwheel_message_Bait" "Bait" "dota_chatwheel_message_Heal" "Heal" "dota_chatwheel_message_Mana" "Mana" "dota_chatwheel_message_OOM" "Out of mana" "dota_chatwheel_message_Skill_Cooldown" "Skills on cooldown" "dota_chatwheel_message_Ulti_Ready" "Ultimate ready" "dota_chatwheel_message_Enemy_Returned" "Enemy returned" "dota_chatwheel_message_All_Missing" "All enemy heroes missing!" "dota_chatwheel_message_Enemy_Incoming" "Enemy incoming!" "dota_chatwheel_message_Invis_Enemy" "Invisible enemy nearby!" "dota_chatwheel_message_Enemy_Had_Rune" "Enemy has rune" "dota_chatwheel_message_Split_Push" "Split push" "dota_chatwheel_message_Coming_To_Gank" "Coming to gank" "dota_chatwheel_message_Request_Gank" "Requesting a gank" "dota_chatwheel_message_Fight_Under_Tower" "Fight under the tower" "dota_chatwheel_message_Deny_Tower" "Deny the tower!" "dota_chatwheel_message_Buy_Courier" "Buy a courier please" "dota_chatwheel_message_Upgrade_Courier" "Can anyone upgrade the courier?" "dota_chatwheel_message_Need_Detection" "We need detection" "dota_chatwheel_message_They_Have_Detection" "They have detection" "dota_chatwheel_message_Buy_TP" "Buy a Town Portal Scroll" "dota_chatwheel_message_Reuse_Courier" "Re-use courier" "dota_chatwheel_message_Deward" "Deward please" "dota_chatwheel_message_Building_Mek" "Building Mekansm" "dota_chatwheel_message_Building_Pipe" "Building Pipe of Insight" "dota_chatwheel_message_Stack_And_Pull" "Stack and pull please" "dota_chatwheel_message_Pull" "Pull creeps please" "dota_chatwheel_message_Pulling" "Pulling creeps" "dota_chatwheel_message_Stack" "Stack neutrals" "dota_chatwheel_message_Jungling" "Jungling" "dota_chatwheel_message_Roshan" "Roshan" "dota_chatwheel_message_Affirmative" "Affirmative" "dota_chatwheel_message_Wait" "Wait" "dota_chatwheel_message_Pause" "Pause please!" "dota_chatwheel_message_Current_Time" "Current Game Time" "dota_chatwheel_message_Check_Runes" "Check runes please" "dota_chatwheel_message_Smoke_Gank" "Let's smoke gank!" "dota_chatwheel_message_GLHF" "Good luck, have fun" "dota_chatwheel_message_Nice" "Nice" "dota_chatwheel_message_Thanks" "Thanks!" "dota_chatwheel_message_Sorry" "Sorry" "dota_chatwheel_message_No_Give_Up" "Don't give up!" "dota_chatwheel_message_Just_Happened" "That just happened" "dota_chatwheel_message_Game_Is_Hard" "Game is hard" "dota_chatwheel_message_New_Meta" "New meta" "dota_chatwheel_message_My_Bad" "My bad" "dota_chatwheel_message_Regret" "I immediately regret my decision" "dota_chatwheel_message_Relax" "Relax, you're doing fine" "dota_chatwheel_message_MissingHero" "%s1 is missing!" "dota_chatwheel_message_ReturnedHero" "%s1 has returned!" "dota_chatwheel_message_GG" "Good game" "dota_chatwheel_message_GGWP" "Good game, well played" "dota_chatwheel_message_All_GG" "Good game" "dota_chatwheel_message_All_GGWP" "Good game, well played" "dota_chatwheel_message_What_To_Buy" "What should I buy?" "dota_chatwheel_message_Im_Retreating" "I'm retreating" "dota_chatwheel_message_Space_Created" "Space created" "dota_chatwheel_message_Whoops" "Whoops" "dota_chatwheel_message_Tower_then_Back" "Destroy the tower, then get back" "dota_chatwheel_message_Barracks_then_Back" "Destroy the barracks, then get back" "dota_chatwheel_message_Ward_Bottom_Rune" "Ward the bottom rune" "dota_chatwheel_message_Ward_Top_Rune" "Ward the top rune" "dota_chatwheel_message_Zeus_Ult" "Zeus Ult Now!" "DOTA_Item_WillPurchaseAlert" "[ALLIES] %s1: I will purchase %s2 %s4" "DOTA_Item_WillPurchaseAlert_GoldRemaining" "[ALLIES] %s1: I will purchase %s2 %s4 ( %s5 gold away )" "DOTA_Item_WillPurchaseAlert_OutOfStock" "[ALLIES] %s1: I will purchase %s2 %s4 ( out of stock %s5 )" "DOTA_BuyBackStateAlert_Ready" "[ALLIES] %s1: Buyback %s2Ready" "DOTA_BuyBackStateAlert_Gold" "[ALLIES] %s1: Buyback %s2Not Enough Gold ( Need %s3 )" "DOTA_BuyBackStateAlert_Cooldown" "[ALLIES] %s1: Buyback %s2On Cooldown ( %s3 Remaining )" "DOTA_BuyBackStateAlert_ReapersScythe" "[ALLIES] %s1: Buyback %s2Disabled by Reaper's Scythe" "DOTA_Ability_Ping_Unlearned" "[ALLIES] %s1: %s2 %s3Not Learned" "DOTA_Ability_Ping_Ready" "[ALLIES] %s1: %s2 %s3Ready ( Level %s4 )" "DOTA_Ability_Ping_ReadyPassive" "[ALLIES] %s1: %s2 %s3Passive ( Level %s4 )" "DOTA_Ability_Ping_Mana" "[ALLIES] %s1: %s2 %s3Not Enough Mana ( Need %s4 more )" "DOTA_Ability_Ping_Cooldown" "[ALLIES] %s1: %s2 %s3On Cooldown ( %s4 seconds remain )" "DOTA_Ability_Ping_Cooldown_No_Time" "[ALLIES] %s1: %s2 %s3On Cooldown" "DOTA_Item_Ping_Ready" "[ALLIES] %s1: %s3 %s4Ready" "DOTA_Item_Ping_ReadyPassive" "[ALLIES] %s1: %s3 %s4Ready" "DOTA_Item_Ping_Mana" "[ALLIES] %s1: %s3 %s4Not Enough Mana ( Need %s5 more )" "DOTA_Item_Ping_Cooldown" "[ALLIES] %s1: %s3 %s4On Cooldown ( %s5 seconds remain )" "DOTA_Item_Ping_NameExtended" "%s1 ( %s3 )" "DOTA_EnemyAbility_Ping" "[ALLIES] %s1: Beware %s3 %s4%s5" "DOTA_QuickBuyAlert" "[ALLIES] %s1: %s2Need %s3 gold for %s5" "DOTA_QuickBuyAlert_Enough" "[ALLIES] %s1: %s2I have enough gold for %s4" "DOTA_EnemyItem_Alert" "[ALLIES] %s1: Enemy %s3 has %s4%s6" "DOTA_Modifier_Alert" "[ALLIES] %s1: Affected by: %s3%s4" "DOTA_Modifier_Alert_Enemy" "[ALLIES] %s1: Enemy %s6 affected by: %s3%s4" "DOTA_HPMana_Alert_Self" "[ALLIES] %s1: I have %s2% HP %s3% Mana" "DOTA_HPMana_Alert_Enemy" "[ALLIES] %s1: Enemy %s3 has %s4% HP %s5% Mana" "DOTA_HPMana_Alert_Self_Dead" "[ALLIES] %s1: I will respawn in %s2 seconds!" "DOTA_HPMana_Alert_Enemy_Dead" "[ALLIES] %s1: Enemy %s3 will respawn in %s4 seconds!" "DOTA_HPMana_Alert_Glyph_Ready" "[ALLIES] %s1: Glyph of Fortification %s2Ready" "DOTA_HPMana_Alert_Glyph_Cooldown" "[ALLIES] %s1: Glyph of Fortification %s2On Cooldown ( %s3 seconds remain )" "DOTA_HPMana_Alert_Glyph_Wait" "[ALLIES] %s1: Glyph of Fortification %s2Don't Use Yet" // HotKey Tooltips "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_LearnAbility" "Enter Learn Ability mode when you have skillpoints to spend." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_LearnStats" "Add two points to each of your stats when you have skillpoints to spend." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_HeroAttack" "Move to a location but attack any enemy unit you see on the way / Attack a friendly unit if it's deniable." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_HeroMove" "Move to a location, or follow a unit without attacking it." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_HeroStop" "Interrupt your current action." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_HeroHold" "Interrupt your current action and hold your position." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_HeroSelect" "Select your Hero." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_SelectAll" "Select all units under your control." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_SelectAllOthers" "Select all other units you control. (Your Hero will not be selected.)" "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_CourierSelect" "Select the Courier." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_CourierDeliver" "Have the Courier deliver the items from your stash to you." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_CourierHaste" "Activate a speed boost on your courier when available." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_UseActionItem" "Use Action Item." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_HeroTaunt" "Use your Hero Taunt. Available as an equippable item." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_ShopToggle" "Open the Shop Panel." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_PurchaseQuickbuy" "Purchase the next item in your Quickbuy area if you can afford it." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_PurchaseSticky" "Purchase the item that is in the Sticky area if you can afford it." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_GrabStashItems" "Transfer all items from your Stash to your Hero." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_RecentEvent" "Move the camera to the most recent event in the world." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_InspectHeroInWorld" "View a unit from an up-close perspective." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_ChatTeam" "Send a message to everyone on your team." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_ChatGlobal" "Send a message to everyone in your current game. (Will add a SHIFT modifier to the Chat Team hotkey)" "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_ChatVoice" "Use your microphone to communicate with voice chat." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_ChatWheel" "Opens Chat Wheel for easy communication of commonly used phrases." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_CameraGrip" "Hold down and drag on the world to move the camera. Also bound to the middle mouse button." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_ActivateGlyph" "Activates the Glyph of Fortification to make your team's structures invulnerable for 5 seconds." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_ScoreboardToggle" "Open the in-game scoreboard." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_Pause" "Pause and Unpause a game in progress." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_ScreenshotSettings" "Take a screenshot of the current game view." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_Console" "Open the console. (For advanced users only)" "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_ControlGroupCycle" "Cycle through each unit of a selected group." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_Group" "Select a preset control group of units. To define a control group, select the desired units and holding CTRL + one of these group hotkeys." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_Legacy" "Use all hotkeys associated with Dota 1. Ability hotkeys will vary per Hero." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_Quickcast" "A Quickcast ability will trigger as soon as the hotkey is pressed at the current location of the mouse cursor." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_Autocast" "Toggle to automatically cast an ability when it is ready. Applies to a limited number of abilities." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_Cast" "Hotkeys to cast a Hero ability." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_ItemCast" "Hotkeys to use an item in your inventory." "DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_ItemQuickcast" "A Quickcast item will trigger as soon as the hotkey is pressed at the current location of the mouse cursor." // Video "DOTAUI_AspectNormal" "4:3" "DOTAUI_AspectWide16x9" "16:9" "DOTAUI_AspectWide16x10" "16:10" "DOTAUI_Fullscreen" "Fullscreen" "DOTAUI_Window" "Window" "DOTAUI_BorderlessWindow" "Borderless Window" "DOTA_UpcomingMaintenance" "Upcoming Server Maintenance" "DOTA_UpcomingMaintenance_Details" "Click for Details" "DOTA_Welcome" "Welcome to DotA" "DOTA_Chat_Team" "[ALLIES] %s1: %s2" "DOTA_Chat_Wheel_Team" "[ALLIES] %s1: %s2%s3" "DOTA_Chat_Wheel_All" "%s1: %s2%s3" "DOTA_Chat_Team_Dead" "*DEAD*[ALLIES] %s1: %s2" "DOTA_Chat_Spec" "[Spectator] %s1: %s2" "DOTA_Chat_Coach" "[Coach] %s1: %s2" "DOTA_Chat_Student" "[Student] %s1: %s2" "DOTA_Chat_All" "%s1: %s2" "DOTA_Chat_PlayerKilled" "%s1 just pwned %s2's head for %s3 gold!" "DOTA_Chat_PlayerKilledNearby" "%s1 just pwned %s2's head for %s3 gold." "DOTA_Chat_PlayerKilledNearbySingle" "%s1 just pwned %s2's head for %s3 gold." "DOTA_Chat_PlayerDenied" "%s1 just denied %s2!" "DOTA_Chat_PlayerDeniedSelf" "%s1 just committed suicide!" "DOTA_Chat_PlayerKilledGood" "%s1 was just killed by The Dire! %s2 gold is distributed among all Dire heroes." "DOTA_Chat_PlayerKilledGoodNearby" "%s1 was just killed by The Dire! %s2 gold is distributed among all Dire heroes." "DOTA_Chat_PlayerKilledGoodNearbySingle" "%s1 was just killed by The Dire! %s2 gold is distributed among all Dire heroes." "DOTA_Chat_PlayerKilledBad" "%s1 was just killed by The Radiant! %s2 gold is distributed among all Radiant heroes." "DOTA_Chat_PlayerKilledBadNearby" "%s1 was just killed by The Radiant! %s2 gold is distributed among all Radiant heroes." "DOTA_Chat_PlayerKilledBadNearbySingle" "%s1 was just killed by The Radiant! %s2 gold is distributed among all Radiant heroes." "DOTA_Chat_PlayerKilledGeneric" "%s1 was just killed by a Neutral Creep!" "DOTA_Chat_PlayerKilledRoshan" "%s1 was just killed by Roshan!" "DOTA_Chat_PlayerKilledAssist" "%s1 was just killed! %s2 gold is split among assists:" "DOTA_Chat_PlayerKilledAssistNearby" "%s1 was just killed! %s4 gold is split among assists:" "DOTA_Chat_PlayerKilledAssistNearbySingle" "%s1 was just killed! %s4 gold is split among assists:" "DOTA_Chat_TowerPlayerKilled" "%s1 destroyed a tower!" "DOTA_Chat_TowerKilledGood" "A tower was destroyed by The Dire!" "DOTA_Chat_TowerKilledBad" "A tower was destroyed by The Radiant!" "DOTA_Chat_BarracksKilled" "%s1 %s2 %s3 Barracks has been destroyed!" "DOTA_Chat_EffigyKilled" "%s1's Effigy has been destroyed!" "DOTA_Chat_TowerDenied" "%s1 denied a tower!" "DOTA_Chat_FirstBlood" "%s1 drew first blood by killing %s2" "DOTA_Chat_DoubleKill" "%s1 got a double kill!" "DOTA_Chat_TripleKill" "%s1 has a TRIPLE kill!" "DOTA_Chat_QuadKill" "%s1 earned an ULTRA KILL!" "DOTA_Chat_QuintupleKill" "%s1 IS ON A RAMPAGE!!" "DOTA_Chat_BeastKilledPlayer" "%s1 just pwned %s2's head!" "DOTA_Chat_DoubleKill_noname" "with a double kill!" "DOTA_Chat_TripleKill_noname" "with a TRIPLE kill!" "DOTA_Chat_QuadKill_noname" "with an ULTRA KILL!" "DOTA_Chat_QuintupleKill_noname" "AND IS ON A RAMPAGE!!!" "DOTA_Chat_QuintupleKill_10streak" "THEY ARE ON A RAMPAGE!!!" "DOTA_Chat_Rampage" "RAMPAGE!!!" "DOTA_Chat_New_KillStreak_3" "%s1 is on a killing spree" "DOTA_Chat_New_KillStreak_4" "%s1 is dominating" "DOTA_Chat_New_KillStreak_5" "%s1 is on a mega kill streak" "DOTA_Chat_New_KillStreak_6" "%s1 is unstoppable" "DOTA_Chat_New_KillStreak_7" "%s1 is wicked sick" "DOTA_Chat_New_KillStreak_8" "%s1 is on a monster kill streak" "DOTA_Chat_New_KillStreak_9" "%s1 is GODLIKE" "DOTA_Chat_New_KillStreak_10" "%s1 is beyond GODLIKE, someone kill them!!" "DOTA_Chat_KillStreak_3_Ended" "%s1 ended %s2's killing spree for %s3 gold!" "DOTA_Chat_KillStreak_4_Ended" "%s1 ended %s2's dominating streak for %s3 gold!" "DOTA_Chat_KillStreak_5_Ended" "%s1 ended %s2's mega kill streak for %s3 gold!" "DOTA_Chat_KillStreak_6_Ended" "%s1 ended %s2's unstoppable streak for %s3 gold!" "DOTA_Chat_KillStreak_7_Ended" "%s1 ended %s2's wicked sick streak for %s3 gold!" "DOTA_Chat_KillStreak_8_Ended" "%s1 ended %s2's monster kill streak for %s3 gold!" "DOTA_Chat_KillStreak_9_Ended" "%s1 ended %s2's GODLIKE streak for %s3 gold!" "DOTA_Chat_KillStreak_10_Ended" "%s1 ended %s2's beyond GODLIKE streak for %s3 gold!" "DOTA_Chat_BuyBack" "%s1 just bought back into the game!" "DOTA_Chat_PickedUpAegis" "%s1 picked up Aegis of the Immortal!" "DOTA_Chat_DeniedAegis" "%s1 denied the Aegis of the Immortal!!" "DOTA_Chat_AegisStolen" "%s1 snatched the Aegis of the Immortal!" "DOTA_Chat_KilledRoshanGood" "Roshan has been killed by the Radiant! %s1 gold to each hero of The Radiant!" "DOTA_Chat_KilledRoshanBad" "Roshan has been killed by the Dire! %s1 gold to each hero of The Dire!" "DOTA_Chat_RoshanbooCandy" "Roshan wants candy from %s1!" "DOTA_Chat_SuperCreepsGood" "All of the Dire Barracks have fallen. The Radiant now have Mega creeps!" "DOTA_Chat_SuperCreepsBad" "All of the Radiant Barracks have fallen. The Dire now have Mega creeps!" "DOTA_Chat_ItemPurchase" "%s1 just purchased %s2!" "DOTA_Chat_Connect" "%s1 has connected to the game." "DOTA_Chat_Disconnect" "%s1 has disconnected from the game." "DOTA_Chat_DisconnectLimitedHero" "%s1 has disconnected from the game. Their hero will be replaced by a bot." "DOTA_Chat_DisconnectWaitForReconnect" "%s1 has disconnected from the game. Please wait for them to reconnect." "DOTA_Chat_DisconnectTimeRemaining" "%s1 has %s2 minute left to reconnect." "DOTA_Chat_DisconnectTimeRemainingPlural" "%s1 has %s2 minutes left to reconnect." "DOTA_Chat_LowPriorityCompletedExplanation" "This game will not count as completed unless you stay until the end of the match (and there are players on both teams present)." "DOTA_Chat_SafeToLeave" "This game is now safe to leave." "DOTA_Chat_Reconnect" "%s1 has reconnected to the game." "DOTA_Chat_PlayerLeft" "%s1 has left the game." "DOTA_Chat_PlayerLeftAFK" "%s1 has been removed from the game due to inactivity." "DOTA_Chat_PlayerLeftDisconnectedTooLong" "%s1 has been disconnected for too long and has been removed from the game." "DOTA_Chat_PlayerAbandoned" "%s1 has abandoned the game." "DOTA_Chat_PlayerAbandonedAFK" "%s1 has been removed from the game due to inactivity and will be assessed with an abandon." "DOTA_Chat_PlayerAbandonedDisconnectedTooLong" "%s1 has been disconnected for too long and will be assessed with an abandon." "DOTA_Chat_PlayerLeftLimitedHero" "%s1 left the game. Their hero will be replaced by a bot." "DOTA_Chat_AbandonedRankedBeforeFirstBloodParty" "When a player abandons a ranked game before first blood, their entire party receives a loss, even though stats are not otherwise recorded." "DOTA_Chat_AbandonLimitedHeroExplanation" "There are no punishments for leaving Limited Heroes mode games, but abandoning games in all other game modes may lead to punishment by placement in the low-priority queue." "DOTA_Chat_MatchWillNotBeScored" "No stats will be recorded for this match." "DOTA_Chat_MatchWillNotBeScoredRanked" "No stats will be recorded for this match. Matchmaking rating (MMR) will not be updated." "DOTA_Chat_MatchWillNotBeScoredNetwork" "Poor network conditions have been detected. No stats will be recorded for this match. Matchmaking rating (MMR) will not be updated." "DOTA_Chat_MatchWillNotBeScoredRankedNetwork" "Poor network conditions have been detected. No stats will be recorded for this match. Matchmaking rating (MMR) will not be updated." "DOTA_Chat_CanQuitWithoutAbandon" "Players may now leave this match without being assessed with an abandon." "DOTA_Chat_RankedGameStillScoredleaversGetLoss" "This match will be scored, and matchmaking rating (MMR) will be updated. Leavers will be scored as losers." "DOTA_Chat_DropRateBonus" "%s1 increases the Battle Points earned by all players in this match by %s2%!" "DOTA_Chat_CompendiumLevel" "%s1 is carrying a Level %s2 Compendium!" "DOTA_Chat_RecruitmentDropRateBonus" "%s1 is earning Battle Points at a 50% increased rate due to playing with recruits or their recruiter." "DOTA_Chat_FrostivusShiningBoosterActive" "%s1 increases the Shining Fragments earned by all players in this game by 10%!" "DOTA_Chat_NoBattlePoints_WrongLobby" "Battle Points will not be awarded for this match because it is a practice lobby." "DOTA_Chat_NoBattlePoints_Bots" "Battle Points will not be awarded for this match because it is against bots." "DOTA_Chat_NoBattlePoints_CheatsEnabled" "Battle Points will not be awarded for this match because cheats are enabled." "DOTA_Chat_NoBattlePoints_LowPriority" "You will not receive Battle Points because you are in the Low Priority Punishment Pool." "DOTA_Chat_CoopBattlePointsRules" "The standard abandonment and AFK rules apply to Co-op Bot games! Battle points and end-of-game drops have also been re-enabled." "DOTA_Chat_CoopLowPriorityNoPassiveReminder" "You will not receive credit for playing through a low-priority match in Coop-Bot mode if you are playing on passive difficulty. To receive credit, please play on easy difficulty or greater." "DOTA_Chat_Frostivus_Abandon_Reminder" "The standard abandonment and AFK rules apply to Wraith-Night matches! Abandoning Wraith-Night games may lead to punishment by placement in the low-priority queue." "DOTA_Chat_Ranked_Reminder" "Abandonment is treated more severely in ranked matches. Matchmaking rating (MMR) will be updated for any match that progresses past first blood." "DOTA_Chat_ItemGifted" "%s1 received the gift %s2 from %s3!" "dota_watch_totalprize" "Total Prize Pool: $%s1 (Contributed: $%s3)" "DOTA_Chat_Rune_DoubleDamage" "%s1 activated a Double Damage rune." "DOTA_Chat_Rune_Haste" "%s1 activated a Haste rune." "DOTA_Chat_Rune_Illusion" "%s1 activated an Illusion rune." "DOTA_Chat_Rune_Invisibility" "%s1 activated an Invisibility rune." "DOTA_Chat_Rune_Regeneration" "%s1 activated a Regeneration rune." "DOTA_Chat_Rune_Bounty" "%s1 activated a Bounty rune." "DOTA_Chat_Rune_Bottle_DoubleDamage" "%s1 has bottled a Double Damage rune." "DOTA_Chat_Rune_Bottle_Haste" "%s1 has bottled a Haste rune." "DOTA_Chat_Rune_Bottle_Illusion" "%s1 has bottled an Illusion rune." "DOTA_Chat_Rune_Bottle_Invisibility" "%s1 has bottled an Invisibility rune." "DOTA_Chat_Rune_Bottle_Regeneration" "%s1 has bottled a Regeneration rune." "DOTA_Chat_Rune_Bottle_Bounty" "%s1 has bottled a Bounty rune." "DOTA_Chat_Rune_DoubleDamage_Spotted" "[ALLIES] Double Damage rune here." "DOTA_Chat_Rune_Haste_Spotted" "[ALLIES] Haste rune here." "DOTA_Chat_Rune_Illusion_Spotted" "[ALLIES] Illusion rune here." "DOTA_Chat_Rune_Invisibility_Spotted" "[ALLIES] Invisibility rune here." "DOTA_Chat_Rune_Regeneration_Spotted" "[ALLIES] Regeneration rune here." "DOTA_Chat_Rune_Bounty_Spotted" "[ALLIES] Bounty rune here." "DOTA_Chat_Rune_Pumpkin_Spotted" "[ALLIES] Pumpkin rune here!" "DOTA_Chat_Item_Spotted" "[ALLIES] %s2 dropped here." "DOTA_Chat_Item_Alert" "[ALLIES] Gather for %s2 here." "DOTA_Chat_NoHero" "No Hero" "DOTA_Chat_InTheBag" "%s1 has predicted their team will win!" "DOTA_Chat_VictoryPredictionStreak" "%s1 has a streak of %s2 successfully predicted wins." "DOTA_Chat_VictoryPredictionSingleUserConfirm" "You have predicted your team will win!" "DOTA_Chat_Taunt" "%s1 taunts you!" "DOTA_Chat_SecretShop" "Go to the secret shop to get a %s1" "DOTA_Chat_ItemAutoPurchased" "The item %s1 has been purchased for you!" "DOTA_Chat_ItemsCombined" "Your items have combined to form a %s1!" "DOTA_Chat_CourierLostGood" "Radiant's courier has been killed." "DOTA_Chat_CourierLostBad" "Dire's courier has been killed." "DOTA_Chat_CourierRespawnedGood" "Radiant's courier has respawned." "DOTA_Chat_CourierRespawnedBad" "Dire's courier has respawned." "DOTA_Chat_GlyphUsedGood" "Radiant structures have been fortified." "DOTA_Chat_GlyphUsedBad" "Dire structures have been fortified." "DOTA_Chat_CantUseActionItem" "You can't use '%s1' right now - %s2." "DOTA_Chat_ChargesExhausted" "You have used the last charge on your item '%s1'." "DOTA_Chat_Bot_Gank" "Attacking %s1!" "DOTA_Chat_Bot_PushTower" "Pushing %s1" "DOTA_Chat_Bot_Defend" "Defending %s1" "DOTA_Chat_Bot_Roam" "Roaming to %s1 to gank" "DOTA_Chat_Bot_RoamGank" "Go on %s1!" "DOTA_Chat_Bot_GankRetreat" "I'm retreating" "DOTA_Chat_Bot_RuneTop" "Checking top rune" "DOTA_Chat_Bot_RuneBottom" "Checking bottom rune" "DOTA_Chat_Bot_Roshan" "Doing Roshan!" "DOTA_Chat_Bot_LeaveRoshan" "Leaving Roshan" "DOTA_Chat_Bot_RoamLane" "Going back to %s1" "DOTA_Chat_Bot_TeamRoam" "Roaming to gank %s1" "DOTA_Chat_Bot_SuggestGlyph" "I think we should use Glyph" "DOTA_Chat_Random" "%s1 has randomed %s2" "DOTA_Chat_RD_YourTurn" "%s1's turn to pick" "DOTA_Chat_RoshanWantsCandy" "Roshan wants CANDY from %s1!" "DOTA_LaneNameNone" "base" "DOTA_LaneNameTop" "top" "DOTA_LaneNameMiddle" "mid" "DOTA_LaneNameBottom" "bottom" // Can't use item reasons. "DOTA_Chat_ActionItemReason_Unknown" "now isn't a good time" "DOTA_Chat_ActionItemReason_Dead" "you are dead" "DOTA_Chat_ActionItemReason_Cooldown" "on cooldown (%s1)" "DOTA_Chat_ActionItemReason_GamemodeRestricted" "the item is not usable in this game mode" "DOTA_Chat_ActionItemReason_HornBlown" "the item must be used before the game start horn has sounded" "DOTA_MiniKillCam_KillerInfo" "KILLED BY\n%s1" "DOTA_MiniKillCam_ReadytoRespawn" "Get ready to respawn!" "DOTA_MiniKillcam_TotalDamage" "%s1 DMG" "DOTA_MiniKillcam_OtherDamage" "Creep Damage" "DOTA_MiniKillcam_KilledByGood" "KILLED BY\nThe Radiant!" "DOTA_MiniKillcam_KilledByBad" "KILLED BY\nThe Dire!" "DOTA_MiniKillcam_KilledByNeutral" "KILLED BY\nNeutrals" "DOTA_MiniKillcam_KilledByRoshan" "KILLED BY\nRoshan" "DOTA_MiniKillcam_Timer" "%s1:%s2" "DOTA_MiniKillcam_TellMeMore" "Tell Me More" "DOTA_MiniKillcam_Wielding" "%s1 is wielding:" "DOTA_MiniKillcam_Recent_Title" "Recent Damage Taken" "DOTA_MiniKillcam_DMG" "%s1 Dmg" "dota_killcam_generic_damage" "Damage" "dota_killcam_generic_damage_subtitle" "Melee or ranged attacks" "DOTA_Chat_Good" "The Radiant" "DOTA_Chat_Bad" "The Dire" "DOTA_Chat_Melee" "Melee" "DOTA_Chat_Ranged" "Ranged" "DOTA_Chat_LaneTop" "Top" "DOTA_Chat_LaneMid" "Mid" "DOTA_Chat_LaneBot" "Bottom" // Pause "DOTA_Chat_CantPause" "You cannot pause." "DOTA_Chat_NoPausesLeft" "You have no remaining pauses left." "DOTA_Chat_CantPauseYet" "You cannot pause for %s1 seconds." "DOTA_Chat_PauseCountdown" "%s1 is pausing in %s2..." "DOTA_Chat_Paused" "%s1 paused the game." "DOTA_Chat_UnpauseCountdown" "Unpausing in s%..." "DOTA_Chat_Unpaused" "%s1 resumed the game." "DOTA_Chat_AutoUnpaused" "Game was automatically resumed." "DOTA_Chat_YouPaused" "You paused the game, you have %s1 pauses remaining." "DOTA_Chat_CantUnpauseTeam" "You can not resume the game on this team yet." "DOTA_Winner_GoodGuys" "Radiant Victory" "DOTA_Winner_BadGuys" "Dire Victory" "DOTA_Winner_Teamname" "%s1 Victory" "DOTA_Roshan_Killed" "Roshan Has Been Killed" "DOTA_Roshan_Wins" "Roshan Is Victorious" "DOTA_Finish_Game" "Finish Game" "DOTA_Halloween_EndGame_Title" "Roshan has been killed" "DOTA_Match_Details" "Match Details" "DOTA_Halloween_MidGame_Radiant" "The Radiant have collected the most candy" "DOTA_Halloween_MidGame_Dire" "The Dire have collected the most candy" "DOTA_LearnAbilities" "Learn Abilities" "DOTA_ReactiveHintTitle_TowerDamage" "Damage from Towers" "DOTA_ReactiveHintBody_TowerDamage" "Towers do A LOT of damage - if you take even a few hits from them you might need to return to the fountain and heal. It's better to fight near the tower only when your creeps are already attacking it." "DOTA_ReactiveHintTitle_Death" "Death" "DOTA_ReactiveHintBody_Death" "When you die you will respawn at your fountain. The time to respawn gets higher as you level so it's imperative that you try to NEVER DIE. If you are low on health then return to the fountain to heal." "DOTA_Laning_Mid" "MID-LANE" "DOTA_New_Player_Key_Config" "Select Initial Configuration (You can modify settings at any time)" "DOTA_PauseScriptedDemo_Title" "Paused" "DOTA_PauseScriptedDemo_Question" "Would you like to continue watching?" "DOTA_PauseScriptedDemo_Resume" "Yes" "DOTA_PauseScriptedDemo_Exit" "No" "DOTA_Tutorial_Experience_Title" "One Quick Question" "DOTA_Tutorial_Experience_Question" "How familiar are you with Real-Time Strategy games?" "DOTA_Tutorial_Experience_Yes" "Played them a lot" "DOTA_Tutorial_Experience_No" "Haven't played many" "DOTA_Tutorial_Minimap_Side_Title" "On which side of the HUD would you expect to see the minimap?" "DOTA_Tutorial_Minimap_Side_Subtitle" "You can change this at any time in the Settings menu" "DOTA_Tutorial_Quests" "QUESTS" "DOTA_Tutorial_TaskCompleted" "Completed!" "DOTA_Tutorial_TaskFailed" "Failed!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_IntroRazor" "I bring the spark of death!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_IntroRazorWin" "Hahahaaaa..." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_Move" "Hey, you! Dragon Knight, over here!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_MoveHow" "Right Click to move where you want to go. Move to the highlighted location." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_MoveCam" "We need your help! Across the bridge! Head north, and follow the path." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_MoveCamHow" "You can move the camera in several ways:\n- Move your mouse to the edge of the screen.\n- By holding down your Middle Mouse button and dragging." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_MoveCamHowNoEdge" "You can move the camera in several ways:\n- With the %+forward% %+moveleft% %back% %+moveright% keys.\n- By holding down your Middle Mouse button and dragging." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_Warning" "Dragon Knight! Our old enemy Razor is attacking our outposts. Keeper of the Light already went after him. He said to send you along when you showed up." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_Attack" "Attack this Dire creep by right clicking on him. Kill him! Kill him!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_AttackWave" "More creeps! Lend your sword, Dragon Knight!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_Camp" "Dragon Knight, follow us to the watchtower. Protect us! There may be more enemy creeps on the way." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_CampLevel" "Hey, you gained a level! You're getting even stronger." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_CampLevelHint" "Click the LEVEL UP button above your portrait and select your first ability, Breathe Fire." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_CampInvade" "More creeps! Quick, cast Breathe Fire on them! Burn them! Burn them!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_CampUseBreath" "Hit your %dota_ability_execute 0% key to starting casting Breathe Fire, and then Left Click on an enemy to target it!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_CampFinish" "You saved us! That's why you're a hero and we're just creeps. We'll hold this watchtower. Press on and find Keeper of the Light, so you can team up to fight Razor." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_ShopAttract" "Ah, Dragon Knight! A true hero!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_ShopOpen" "Greetings, my friend, and welcome to my shop. Hit %toggleshoppanel% to open and close the shop menu.\n\nAllow me to make a few recommendations. For you, I suggest a Healing Salve and perhaps, hmm, yes...a Stout Shield. I believe you have just enough gold." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_BuyShield" "Right click on the Stout Shield to purchase it. The Stout Shield can be found under the Armaments tab." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_InspectShield" "The Stout Shield is a passive item, so you need not activate it to gain its benefit. Mouse over the shield in your inventory to view its bonuses.\n\nPurchase the Healing Salve when you're ready to proceed. It can be found under the Consumables tab." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_UsePotion" "Healing Salves are Active Items, meaning they must be activated in order to use them. Left-click on the Salve in your inventory to get a targeting cursor, then left-click on yourself to apply it.\n\nTry it now to see how it works." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_PostPotion" "Be careful. If you take damage while that salve works its magic, the healing will come to an end." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_BuyClarity" "Buy a Clarity potion too which will allow you to regenerate mana quickly for a period of time.\n\nLike with the Healing Salve, the regeneration will stop if you take damage before its work is done." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_UseClarity" "Now use the Clarity and regain your mana. Instead of clicking on it, try hitting %!item_clarity% to use it - each inventory slot has a key assigned to it. Hitting %!item_clarity% twice will immediately use it on yourself.\n\nAfter using it, you'll see the regeneration buff icon above your healthbar. You can mouse over a buff icon to see a description of the effects." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_GoCreepingFollow" "Since you ask, I spotted several neutral creep camps in the woods to the south. There's a fair bounty on their heads. I'll show you where to start looking." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_GoCreeping" "Well done, Sir Knight. Now I have another item in mind for the battle ahead, but you'll need to earn a bit more gold first. Roquelaire, where might our knightly friend find some lucrative work for his sword?" "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_CreepLevel" "You've earned another level! Click the LEVEL UP button and select Dragon Blood. This ability increases your armor, which reduces damage done by enemy attacks, and improves your health regeneration." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_CreepLevelForce" "Don't forget to level up!\n\nClick the LEVEL UP button and select Dragon Blood. This skill improves health regeneration and armor reducing damage done by the enemy." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_GoldEarned" "That's gold aplenty, Dragon Knight! Return to the merchant and let's put it to good use." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_CreepingAllDead" "Well done! You've earned gold aplenty and destroyed the threat. Let's return to the merchant and see about that new item." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_BuyGauntlets" "You're back! And with fresh coin from clearing those dens. It is my pleasure to offer you the repeat-customer price on these Gauntlets of Strength.\n\nRemember you can open the store by pressing %toggleshoppanel%." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_BoughtGauntlets" "I have more fine items for you, Sir knight. But as before, you will need more gold." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_KeeperIntro" "Ah, now if it isn't my old friend Dragon Knight! We've had ourselves a bit of a dust-up with invading creeps, so if you'll lend us your sword arm, I'll keep you supplied in mana." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LastHitIntro" "There's a Circlet in the shop to further boost your attributes. I spotted a battle to the west where we can earn enough gold to purchase that Circlet." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LastHitHowTo" "In battle, you need to strike the Last Hit on a creep to earn gold. Too early or too late, and you get nothing!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LastHitReminder" "Remember it's the killing blow that matters. You only earn gold by striking the Last Hit on a creep." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LastHitFollow" "This way!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LastHitGold185" "Well done, you've earned enough gold for the Circlet. Let's return to the merchant, shall we?" "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LastHitCirclet" "Welcome back! Buy the Circlet to further boost your attributes. Why don't you slip into it? Move your mouse over the attributes next to your portrait to see the benefits of your purchase." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LastHitBracer" "Surely you'll need more before you face Razor though. I'd recommend some Bracers.\n\nBracers are an Upgraded Item, which requires one or more items and a Recipe. Return when you've earned 210 gold and I'll show you what you need to do." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LastHitAgain" "Once more to battle, Dragon Knight!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LastHitAttack" "Last hit! Remember to time your swings! Moving in midswing to cancel an attack is a good way of timing a Last Hit." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LastHitGold190" "You've earned enough gold to buy the Bracers! Let us seek out the merchant and make use of your coin." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LastHitRecipe" "Ah, the knight returns! Keep in mind that some items are crafted in combination. In this case, you own the Circlet and Gauntlets which can be crafted into Bracers.\n\nOpen the shop and click Upgrades. Left-click on the Bracers to display all the required items to craft the bracer." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LastHitRecipeBuy" "The items required for the Bracers show up near the bottom of the shop window. You already have two of them so all you need is the Recipe which can be purchased automatically by right-clicking the Bracer. You can also buy the recipe directly." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LastHitComplete" "Beautiful! Your Circlet and Gauntlets have been combined to create the upgraded Bracer, which will provide greater attributes, and free up space in your inventory." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_UltBegin" "One more thing, you should reach level six to access your Ultimate ability, Elder Dragon Form to take on Razor. Let's find some creeps and level up!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_DragonTail" "Ah, you're level five! Choose your Dragon Tail skill, and try it out on some creeps. It's a short ranged Stun that'll make it easy for you to smite enemy Heroes." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_UseDragonTail" "Hit your %dota_ability_execute 1% key to start casting Dragon Tail, and then Left Click on an enemy to stun them!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_UltLevel" "That'll do it! Level up and choose your Ultimate ability, Elder Dragon Form." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_RazorBegin" "I smell a spark in the air...Razor is coming! Use your Elder Dragon Form to prepare for the fight!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_RazorIncoming" "Razor comes!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_RazorArrive" "I will raze my enemies." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_RazorDead" "Well, done, noble Knight. You've defeated Razor!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LaneTip_1" "You earn experience by being near an enemy that falls in battle. Only the last hit is required to earn gold." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LaneTip_2" "Stay behind your creeps and let them engage the enemy first. This is a good way to avoid damage." "DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LaneTip_3" "Let your creeps lower the enemy creep's health and then move in to strike the last hit." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_Intro" "Sniper! I found you! The base is in danger, and we need your help. Tidehunter was spotted with some creeps trying to wear down our defenses." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_CallOver" "Over here, Sniper!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_TangoIntro" "Oh, you're a bit low on health. Here, take these Tangoes. I've got extras." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_TangoUse" "You can use tangoes to heal. Hit %!item_tango% and then left click on a tree." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_TangoRestore" "Using a tango will increase the rate at which your health is restored for a short period.\n\nLet's go!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_RangedCreep" "Remember, your ranged weapon allows you to take cover behind your creeps and do damage from a safe distance." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_RangedLevelTwo" "There's probably more where he came from. Explore a bit and see what turns up. The more you fight, the more experience you'll earn to reach level two." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_AreaAssign" "You showed them! Go ahead and level up Shrapnel when you have a chance." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_AreaLearn" "Shrapnel is an Area of Effect ability. It will do damage to enemies caught within its radius." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_AreaIncoming" "Look out!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_AreaUse" "Sniper! Use Shrapnel by hitting %dota_ability_execute 0% and left-click to cast it on these guys!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_AreaFriendly" "Don't worry, Shrapnel won't hurt allies." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_TowerHelp" "Over here! Our tower is in danger! Tidehunter is coming and we can't hold him off. Help us! Help us!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_MapIntro" "Here's a map with the tower location!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_MapExplain" "The mini map contains a lot of useful information. You'll be able to see your position, as well as the location of towers and creeps. It'll even show where your enemies are, provided allied forces have vision of them." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_TowerGoTo" "The tower is near!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_TowerDefend" "Defend the tower!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_TowerLevel" "During the fray you earned another level. Level up your Headshot to give yourself a chance to stop your enemy in their tracks." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_TowerRetreat" "If you find yourself under attack, try moving behind your creeps, and let them protect you." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_TowerThanks" "Wow, that was close. Thanks, Sniper. Tidehunter was giving us a tough time, but it looks like he was low on health, and you scared him off." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_TowerLevelAny" "You've gained another level. Go ahead and level up and choose a skill. Read the tool tips to learn what each one does and pick one." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_TowerExplain" "Good thing we had this tower helping to defend against the enemy. Towers are important to defense.\n\nIf today's been any indication, there's likely more creeps sneaking around." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_StashBuyBoots" "We earned a bit of gold off of those creeps. Did you know you can buy items when not at a shop? When purchased, they'll be held for you in your stash so you can pick them up later.\n\nOpen the shop with %toggleshoppanel% and buy the Boots of Speed." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_StashViewStash" "Notice that the Boots of Speed have been placed in your stash. The stash shows you items you have stored back at the base.\n\nMouse over the Boots of Speed in your Stash to see what they'll do once you retrieve them." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_StashBuyRing" "While we're at it, a little armor would be nice, so why not buy a Ring of Protection. Armor reduces damage from attacks." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_StashGo" "The base isn't far from here, let's retrieve your items!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_StashRetrieve" "Ahh, welcome back Sniper. I've a couple items set aside for you here in your stash. Whenever you're inside the base you can pick up your items.\n\nHit the Grab All button on the stash to transfer any items in your stash to your inventory." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_CourierBuy" "While you're here, pick up a Courier as well. Couriers are great for bringing items to you while in the field, but more on that later.\n\nPurchase a Courier to continue." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_CourierDeploy" "The Courier, like a Salve, is an active item and must be deployed before you can use it.\n\nDeploy the Courier by hitting %!item_courier%." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_CourierComplete" "It looked like Tidehunter was low on health. Perhaps there's a way you can fend him off once and for all." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_LevelUp" "Low health? Your ultimate ability, Assassinate, is perfect as it does a lot of damage!\n\nHeroes learn their ultimate ability at level six. We'll need more experience though.\n\nLead the way northeast. Better leave the courier here, we don't need the little guy just yet." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_BridgeSmoke" "Hey Sniper, I spotted something at the bridge nearby. Let's check it out." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_BridgeOut" "Tidehunter got away. He was out of range of your normal attacks but your ultimate ability has much longer range. We'll need more experience...\n\nOh! This way!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_SecretOverlook" "Over here!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_SecretGo" "There's a Secret Shop over there! Let's check it out." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_SecretExplain" "Oh! A customer! The Secret Shop stocks items you can't buy at the base.\n\nWhy not try upgrading your Boots of Speed to Arcane Boots?\n\nTo do so you'll need an Energy Booster." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_UpgradeBoots" "Just like that, you've crafted yourself Arcane Boots by combining two items! While not the perfect item for every hero, right now, these look good on you.\n\nArcane Boots are an active item, try it out now by pressing %!item_arcane_boots%." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_UpgradeComplete" "We should press on and find more places to earn experience." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_LevelGraveyard" "Looks creepy in there." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_PullBegin" "Spotted more here!\n\nTry shooting them once to get their attention and pull them towards your creeps by running back here. Allow your creeps to help take them out!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_CreepFree" "Freedom!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_CourierBuyItem1" "All that gold. Time for upgrades! Let's upgrade your ring to a Ring of Basilius!\n\nOpen the shop with %toggleshoppanel% and purchase the Sage's Mask." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_CourierRetrieve" "Remember our courier? We can use him to retrieve items from the stash and bring them to us here. That way we don't need to return to base every time we buy something!\n\nClick the Deliver Items button near the bottom corner to continue." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_CourierTravel" "The courier is off! The mask was automatically transferred from your stash onto the courier and is on its way. You can check on the status of the courier by looking at the mini map." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_RingUpgraded" "Nice! The Sage's Mask combined with your Ring of Protection to create Ring of Basilius.\n\nThis item can boost the armor of allied creeps. For now, let's turn it off.\n\nHit %!item_ring_of_basilius% to toggle the aura off." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_LevelExperience" "The ring's aura no longer affects friendly creeps but it still provides a bonus to you.\n\nTime to find a few more creeps and earn that experience to reach level six." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_LevelUlt" "Well done! Level up and learn Assassinate when you have a chance." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_TeleportBlock" "A rock slide blocked our way back. Suspicious. We're not completely stranded though. We can teleport our way out of here!\n\nTo do that we'll need to upgrade the courier to a Flying Courier.\n\nUpgrade the courier through the shop." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_TeleportBuy" "Now you need a Town Portal Scroll from the shop." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_TeleportCourier" "Now have the courier bring it to you using the Deliver Items button." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_TeleportChannel" "With the courier on its way, there's something you need to know about teleporting. Town Portal Scroll is a channeled spell, meaning you need to stand still while using it. If you move, it will cancel the cast." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_TeleportUse" "You can teleport to any building, but we should head to the tower outside the base where we last saw Tidehunter.\n\nUse the Town Portal Scroll by hitting %!item_tpscroll% and then left-click the tower on the minimap." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_TeleportCenter" "Center the view on yourself by double tapping %+dota_camera_follow% or by left-clicking the minimap.\n\nI better get a move on!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_TeleportCancel" "Woops! Moving cancelled the channeled teleport. This also consumes the Town Portal Scroll, so we'll need a new one. Buy a new Town Portal Scroll from the shop and have the courier bring it to you." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_TeleportWrongLoc" "The tower is represented by a green square. Try using the Town Portal Scroll again and left-click near the green square.\n\nYou can usually teleport to any building but right now we should get close to where we last saw Tidehunter." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_TeleportHere" "Over here!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_KillTide" "Hopefully, Tidehunter is still lurking. Follow me to where we last spotted him, and maybe we can get the jump on him!" "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_KillTideHow" "Time to get to work. Use Assassinate by pressing %dota_ability_execute 5% and then clicking on Tidehunter." "DOTA_Tutorial_M2_KillTideComplete" "Pow! You did it! He won't be bothering us anymore. Our base is now safe!" "DOTA_Quest_MoveTo" "Head For the Gate" "DOTA_Quest_FindKeeper" "Find Keeper of the Light" "DOTA_Quest_FindRazor" "Defeat Razor" "DOTA_Quest_DefendCamp" "Defend the Watchtower Using Breathe Fire" "DOTA_Quest_ClearNeutral" "Clear three Neutral Creep Camps" "DOTA_Quest_ReturnToShop" "Return to the Shop" "DOTA_Quest_EarnMoney2" "Earn 165 Gold and Buy a Circlet" "DOTA_Quest_EarnMoney3" "Earn 210 Gold and Buy Bracers" "DOTA_Quest_LevelUlt" "Reach Level Six" "DOTA_Quest_Laning_BuyInitialItems" "Buy All Your Suggested Starting Items From the Shop" "DOTA_Quest_Laning_SelectInitialAbility" "Select an Initial Ability" "DOTA_Quest_Laning_Attack" "Destroy the Enemy Mid-Lane Tower" "DOTA_Quest_Laning_Defend" "Defend Your Mid-Lane Tower" "DOTA_Quest_Laning_AttackDefend_Mid" "Destroy Both Enemy Mid-Lane Towers" "DOTA_Quest_Laning_BuyCourier" "Buy a Courier" "DOTA_Quest_Laning_YourTower" "Your Mid-Lane Tower" "DOTA_Quest_Laning_EnemyTower" "Enemy Mid-Lane Tower" "DOTA_Quest_M2_DefeatTide" "Defeat Tidehunter" "DOTA_Quest_M2_LevelTwo" "Reach Level Two" "DOTA_Quest_M2_TowerDefend" "Defend the Tower" "DOTA_Quest_M2_ReturnToBase" "Move to the Base" "DOTA_Quest_M2_LevelSix" "Reach Level Six" "DOTA_Quest_M2_Assassinate" "Learn Ultimate Ability" "DOTA_Quest_M2_Teleport" "Teleport to Tower" "DOTA_Quest_LastHits" "Get Last Hits: %quest_current_value% / %quest_target_value%" "DOTA_Quest_Denies" "Get Denies: %quest_current_value% / %quest_target_value%" "DOTA_Tutorial_LastHit_StartExplanation1" "Time to focus on earning gold! One way to do that is by striking the killing blow on the enemy. If you're the one to last hit them, you'll earn the bounty." "DOTA_Tutorial_LastHit_StartExplanation2" "While last hitting, it is important to stay safe behind your friendly creep line.\n\nYou'll want to avoid taking damage if you don't need to." "DOTA_Tutorial_LastHit_StartExplanation3" "Watch the health of the enemy creeps, and only hit them when their health is low.\n\nTry to get 15 last hits in the middle lane.\n\nDon't forget to buy some items!" "DOTA_Tutorial_LastHit_LastHits1" "Deal the killing blow to the enemy.\nStay safe behind your creeps, then strike at the right moment." "DOTA_Tutorial_LastHit_LastHits2" "Don't constantly attack.\n\nCancel your attacks by moving, and then strike when the creep's health is low." "DOTA_Tutorial_LastHit_LastHits3" "You can also use %dota_stop% to halt your attack." "DOTA_Tutorial_LastHit_DenyExplanationSetup" "Over here!" "DOTA_Tutorial_LastHit_DenyExplanation1" "Denying your friendly creeps is a way to keep your opponents from earning gold.\n\nTo deny a creep, you need to deal the killing blow to a friendly creep." "DOTA_Tutorial_LastHit_DenyExplanation2" "You can force attack friendly creeps whose health is below half.\n\nTo do so, press %mc_attack% to force attack, then left-click on the creep." "DOTA_Tutorial_LastHit_DenyExplanation3" "Just like before, focus on staying safe and hitting at the right moment.\n\nTry to deny 3 friendly creeps." "DOTA_Tutorial_LastHit_Denies" "Keep your opponent from getting gold and experience by killing friendly creeps.\n\nPress %mc_attack% then left-click on a friendly creep with low health." "DOTA_Tutorial_LastHit_End" "Congratulations! You've learned about last hits and denies. Keep practicing, and victory will surely follow." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_WelcomeToDota" "Basic Game Concepts and Controls Tutorial" "DOTA_TutorialBody_WelcomeToDota" "This tutorial will introduce you to the world of Dota and show you how to control your hero." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_MaidenIntro" "Your Hero" "DOTA_TutorialBody_MaidenIntro" "You will be playing this match as Shadow Shaman, a master of voodoo magic. You are on The Radiant team, the enemy team is called The Dire." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_MovingYourCharacter" "Moving your Character" "DOTA_TutorialBody_MovingYourCharacter" "You can move your character by right-clicking where you want to go. Your team fountain is directly below you." "DOTA_TutorialTask_MoveToFountain" "Move to your fountain (right-click)." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_FountainIntro" "The Fountain" "DOTA_TutorialBody_FountainIntro" "The fountain can quickly replenish your health and mana. It also revives you if you die in combat. Let's look at some other important buildings around." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_CameraIntro" "Your view" "DOTA_TutorialBody_CameraIntro" "You can scroll your view by moving the mouse to the edge of the screen. Let's look to the northeast at your team's Ancient." "DOTA_TutorialTask_MoveToAncient" "Move VIEW to ancient (mouse the screen edge)" "DOTA_TutorialTitle_AncientIntro" "The Ancient" "DOTA_TutorialBody_AncientIntro" "The Ancient is your team's most important building - if it's destroyed then your team loses. You must destroy The Dire team's Ancient to win the game." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_ViewHeroIntro" "Return to your Hero" "DOTA_TutorialBody_ViewHeroIntro" "You can snap your view back to your hero by clicking your portrait or double tapping F1. Do that now to return your view to your hero." "DOTA_TutorialTask_ViewToHero" "Move your view back (click your portrait)" "DOTA_TutorialTitle_MapIntro" "The Mini-map" "DOTA_TutorialBody_MapIntro" "There is a mini-map on the lower left corner of your screen. Your base (in green) is in the bottom left corner and the enemy base (in red) is in the top right." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_LaneIntro" "Lanes of Attack" "DOTA_TutorialBody_LaneIntro" "There are three main lanes towards the enemy base. Let's move to the top one." "DOTA_TutorialTask_MoveToTopLane" "Move your hero to the top lane." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_BarracksIntro" "Barracks" "DOTA_TutorialBody_BarracksIntro" "Each lane has two barracks where your team's foot soldiers, known as creeps, spawn at regular intervals. Creeps move to the enemy base and attack enemy units and buildings in their path -- you cannot control them!" "DOTA_TutorialTitle_LaningIntro" "The battle begins!" "DOTA_TutorialBody_LaningIntro" "A wave of Radiant creeps is about to spawn. Follow them into combat to provide ranged support. Try not to get hit - you are too important to take damage! When a wave of creeps dies, it's wise to back off to regroup with the next creep wave." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_FindingYourHero" "Finding Your Hero" "DOTA_TutorialBody_FindingYourHero" "If you lose track of your hero, you can double-tap F1 or click on your hero's portrait to center the camera on it." "DOTA_TutorialTask_FollowCreeps" "Follow your creeps to the front line." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_CombatIntro" "Combat" "DOTA_TutorialBody_CombatIntro" "There is combat up ahead. Remember to be careful and avoid taking damage." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_AttackingIntro" "Attacking" "DOTA_TutorialBody_AttackingIntro" "You can attack enemy units by right-clicking them (you only need to right-click them once)." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_BountiesIntro" "Bounties" "DOTA_TutorialBody_BountiesIntro" "When you get the killing blow on a unit or structure you get a bounty. Attack enemy units that are low on health and try to get the bounty." "DOTA_TutorialTask_LastHitCreeps" "Earn bounties from killing blows %s1/%s2" "DOTA_TutorialTitle_SpendGold" "Spending Gold" "DOTA_TutorialBody_SpendGold" "Let's return to the base to spend your hard-earned gold. Right-click on your team's base in the bottom left of the mini-map to move there." "DOTA_TutorialTask_ReturnToShop" "Return to the base to shop." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_BuyFromShop" "Spending Gold: the Shop" "DOTA_TutorialBody_BuyFromShop" "You can use the gold you earn to buy items from the shop." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_BuyFromShop2" "Buying From the Shop" "DOTA_TutorialBody_BuyFromShop2" "Left-click on the shop to view the items for sale. Double-click on the Town Portal Scroll and the Blades of Attack to buy them." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_CloseShop" "Closing the Shop" "DOTA_TutorialBody_CloseShop" "To close the shop, you can left-click the X at the top left, left-click anywhere outside the shop menu, or press the button near your inventory. The shop also automatically closes when you walk out of its purchase area." "DOTA_TutorialTask_BuyTPScroll" "Buy two items from the shop." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_TeleportIntro" "Items Types" "DOTA_TutorialBody_TeleportIntro" "Your Blades of Attack provide a passive damage bonus, whereas the Town Portal Scroll must be activated. Using a Town Portal Scroll allows you to teleport to any of your team's buildings. This is critical to save precious time." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_UseItemIntro" "Using the Town Portal Scroll to Teleport" "DOTA_TutorialBody_UseItemIntro" "To use the Town Portal Scroll, left-click it then left-click your desired destination in the mini-map. Teleport is a channeling spell, so be careful not to interrupt it by giving your hero another command while you cast it." "DOTA_TutorialTask_UseTPScroll" "Use your Town Portal Scroll to teleport." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_StayInLane" "Staying in Lane" "DOTA_TutorialBody_StayInLane" "Since you earn experience and gold from defeating enemy units it's important to spend time in the lane at the beginning of the game. Return to your lane to get back into combat." "DOTA_TutorialTask_BackToCombat" "Return to your lane." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_ExpIntro" "Gaining Experience" "DOTA_TutorialBody_ExpIntro" "When an enemy unit dies all nearby heroes on your team share the experience. Try to get enough experience to gain a level." "DOTA_TutorialTask_GetALevel" "Gain a level by helping to kill enemy units." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_LevelIntro" "Gaining Levels" "DOTA_TutorialBody_LevelIntro" "When you gain a level you earn a point to spend on an ability." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_AbilityIntro" "Spending Ability Points" "DOTA_TutorialBody_AbilityIntro" "You can see what each ability does by hovering the mouse over its icon. Spend points to earn levels in abilities by clicking on the yellow bar beneath their icon. Level up your Ether Shock ability." "DOTA_TutorialTask_BuyAbility" "Spend an ability point to learn Ether Shock." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_CastIntro" "Using Abilities" "DOTA_TutorialBody_CastIntro" "The Ether Shock ability deals magical damage. It costs you mana every time you use it. Click the ability icon then left-click where you'd like to cast it." "DOTA_TutorialTask_CastSpell" "Cast your Ether Shock ability." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_RazorIntro" "Razor" "DOTA_TutorialBody_RazorIntro" "The enemy hero Razor has joined the battle for the Dire team. He is a master of lightning magic and has the powerful Plasma Field ability. He is going to attack along the top lane." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_NewItems" "New Items" "DOTA_TutorialBody_NewItems" "You have been given a few items to help you in battle. You have tangoes with an ABILITY to eat a tree to gain health. You also have a perseverance that PASSIVELY increases your regeneration." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_AttackTower" "Attacking Towers" "DOTA_TutorialBody_AttackTower" "Towers have powerful attacks and a lot of hitpoints. Attack with your creeps and try to destroy the tower to complete this tutorial! Retreat if your creeps die and try to keep your health up!" "DOTA_TutorialTask_KillTower" "Destroy the enemy tower." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_WinningIntro" "You Win!" "DOTA_TutorialBody_WinningIntro" "Congratulations on completing the Basic Game Concepts and Controls tutorial! The next tutorial will run you through a full game - you even get to pick your hero!" "DOTA_TutorialTitle_QuestSuccess" "You Win!" "DOTA_TutorialBody_QuestSuccess" "You successfully completed the quest." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_QuestFailure" "You Lose!" "DOTA_TutorialBody_QuestFailure" "You failed to completed the quest." //////////////////////////////////////// // MidLane1v1_Tier1_Tutorial //////////////////////////////////////// "DOTA_TutorialTitle_Mid1v1Tier1Tutorial" "Mid-lane 1v1 Tier1 Tower Fight" "DOTA_TutorialBody_Mid1v1Tier1Tutorial" "You will play Sniper versus a Dragon Knight enemy bot. Defend your mid-tier1 tower while destroying the enemy's mid-tier1 tower." //////////////////////////////////////// // MIDONLY //////////////////////////////////////// "DOTA_TutorialTitle_ChooseYourHero" "Choosing your hero" "DOTA_TutorialBody_ChooseYourHero" "Shadow Shaman is a great hero to learn with. He has a ranged attack so you can attack safely from the back ranks. His Serpent Wards ability is especially good for destroying towers. You can complete this tutorial with any hero, though." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_PrepareForBattle" "Preparing for Battle" "DOTA_TutorialBody_PrepareForBattle" "When you spawn into a game you have one ability point and 603 gold to buy items. Spend the point to learn an ability. For this lesson we have enabled auto-buy so you don't need to worry about the store." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_AutoBuyIntro" "Auto-Buy" "DOTA_TutorialBody_AutoBuyIntro" "Auto-buy will purchase items appropriate for your character. You will auto pick up your items when you return to the fountain. If you get a message to go to the secret shop check the minimap for the location. Head out when ready." "DOTA_TutorialTask_MoveWhenReady" "Move out when you're ready." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_SpawningBots" "Allies and Enemies" "DOTA_TutorialBody_SpawningBots" "For this lesson you will be playing against two computer-controlled enemies and you will have one computer player on your team. Try to push in the middle lane to the Dire base and kill their Ancient." "DOTA_TutorialTask_DefeatAncient" "Defeat the Dire team's Ancient." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_DefeatEnemyAncient" "Attacking the Enemy" "DOTA_TutorialBody_DefeatEnemyAncient" "The enemy defenses are strong and you will need to attack with multiple waves of creeps to bring down each tower. Return to your base when your health is low or when you wish to buy new items." //////////////////////////////////////// // hook training //////////////////////////////////////// "DOTA_TutorialTitle_Train_Pudge" "Pudge Training" "DOTA_TutorialBody_Train_Pudge" "Learn to play Pudge, dawg. Kill some bots in the bottom lane." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_Pudge_Goal" "Kill some heroes!" "DOTA_TutorialBody_Pudge_Goal" "Gank the two enemy heroes in the bottom lane. Try to get 5 hero kills without dying more than 3 times." //////////////////////////////////////// // Last Hit / Deny Training //////////////////////////////////////// "DOTA_TutorialTitle_LastHit" "Last Hit / Deny Practice" "DOTA_TutorialBody_LastHit" "Try to get as many last hits and denies as possible in the time limit. Your score is a combination of last hits, denies, and how much damage you take." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_RoundOne" "Round One - Sniper" "DOTA_TutorialBody_RoundOne" "Sniper has a ranged attack with no projectile, so the hit occurs very quickly. However, he has low base damage, so timing is important." "DOTA_TutorialTask_Sniper" "Last hit as Sniper." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_RoundTwo" "Round Two - Anti-Mage" "DOTA_TutorialBody_RoundTwo" "Anti-Mage has a very quick attack animation and fast attack rate - melee heroes are generally easier to last hit with." "DOTA_TutorialTask_Antimage" "Last hit as Anti-Mage." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_RoundThree" "Round Three - Mirana" "DOTA_TutorialBody_RoundThree" "Mirana has a good attack animation and projectile speed but lower damage, making her of moderate difficulty." "DOTA_TutorialTask_Mirana" "Last hit as Mirana." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_RoundFour" "Round Four - Crystal Maiden" "DOTA_TutorialBody_RoundFour" "Crystal Maiden's attack animation has a wind-up time and a slow moving projectile, making it difficult to predict when the hit will occur, making her difficult to last hit with." "DOTA_TutorialTask_CrystalMaiden" "Last hit as Crystal Maiden." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_RoundFive" "Round Five - Shadow Fiend" "DOTA_TutorialBody_RoundFive" "Shadow Fiend is great at farming creeps rapidly with his good attack animation, high damage, and ability Shadowraze - see how quickly you can farm this lane." "DOTA_TutorialTask_ShadowFiend" "Farm as fast as you can!" "DOTA_TutorialTitle_LastHitEnd" "Game Over" "DOTA_TutorialBody_LastHitEnd" "Your score: " /////////////////////////////////////// // Item Training - Support /////////////////////////////////////// "DOTA_TutorialTitle_SupportItems" "Support Item Training" "DOTA_TutorialBody_SupportItems" "Learn in-depth mechanics of Support items!" "DOTA_TutorialTitle_SupportItems_RingOfBasilius" "Ring of Basilius" "DOTA_TutorialBody_SupportItems_RingOfBasilius" "Ring of Basilius is a powerful early game item for junglers and support heroes. It gives a flat 0.6 mana regeneration, as well as 2 armor to all heroes and creeps in the radius, as well as providing the carrier with extra armor and damage." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_SupportItems_RingOfBasilius2" "Ring of Basilius" "DOTA_TutorialBody_SupportItems_RingOfBasilius2" "The item can be toggled. When turned off, the aura won't give your friendly creeps the bonus armor. Turn it on when you want to make summoned units more powerful or push a lane. The ring's aura will still affect allied heroes." "DOTA_TutorialTask_SupportItems_RingOfBasilius2" "Toggle Ring of Basilius!" "DOTA_TutorialTitle_SupportItems_Headdress" "Headdress" "DOTA_TutorialBody_SupportItems_Headdress" "Headdress is useful early on to help you, your creeps and your lane mates to regenerate health. The aura radius is only 500, so stay near an ally if they need some health." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_SupportItems_Buckler" "Buckler" "DOTA_TutorialBody_SupportItems_Buckler" "Buckler is a useful defensive item. It passively grants some armor and stats, while it's active ability will give friendly units around you +2 bonus armor. This can be helpful when attacking or defending towers, or in teamfights." "DOTA_TutorialTask_SupportItems_Buckler" "Give your friendly heroes the armor bonus!" "DOTA_TutorialTitle_SupportItems_Urn" "Urn of Shadows" "DOTA_TutorialBody_SupportItems_Urn" "Urn of Shadows is a dynamic item that can be used in many ways. Passively, it grants some strength and mana regeneration, but the Soul Release ability is more important. Whenever an enemy hero dies around an Urn carrier, that Urn will gain 2 Soul Release charges." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_SupportItems_Urn2" "Soul Release - Heal" "DOTA_TutorialBody_SupportItems_Urn2" "When Soul Release is used, it drains a charge from Urn of Shadows. If it is used on an ally, it will heal them for 400 HP over the course of 8 seconds. If the unit takes tower damage or damage from a player-controlled unit, the heal is lost, so be careful to use the heal only in situations when this won't happen." "DOTA_TutorialTask_SupportItems_Urn2" "Heal your injured ally!" "DOTA_TutorialTitle_SupportItems_Urn3" "Soul Release - Damage Over Time" "DOTA_TutorialBody_SupportItems_Urn3" "If Soul Release is used on an enemy hero, it will deal 150 damage over the course of 8 seconds. Unlike the heal, this effect can't be removed except by purge effects. The low amount of damage is useful to finish off running enemies that have low health, due to the long range of Soul Release." "DOTA_TutorialTask_SupportItems_Urn3" "Finish off the enemy hero!" "DOTA_TutorialTitle_SupportItems_TranquilBoots" "Tranquil Boots" "DOTA_TutorialBody_SupportItems_TranquilBoots" "Tranquil Boots are the most defensive type of boots. The Heal ability will restore 170 HP over 10 seconds, as long as you don't take tower or player-controlled damage. Tranquil Boots also add a bit of passive regeneration and armor, as well as having higher than average movement speed for boots." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_SupportItems_TranquilBoots2" "Tranquil Boots - Break" "DOTA_TutorialBody_SupportItems_TranquilBoots2" "Tranquil Boots do have a downside - their Break ability. If a player takes 4 instances of player-controlled damage in the course of 10 seconds, the Tranquil Boots will temporarily become Boots of Speed, meaning that they lose all their passive stats and the Heal ability. Once the player hasn't taken 4 instances of damage in the last 10 seconds, the Tranquil Boots will reform." "DOTA_TutorialTask_SupportItems_TranquilBoots2" "Use the Heal ability!" "DOTA_TutorialTitle_SupportItems_Medallion" "Medallion of Courage" "DOTA_TutorialBody_SupportItems_Medallion" "Medallion of Courage is a double-edged sword of an item. Passively, it gives you some armor and mana regeneration. However, the Valor ability makes this item what it is. When used on an enemy, both the item holder and the target enemy lose 6 armor (which is the same amount gained passively). Medallion of Courage gives you an armor advantage over your enemies, but it's up to you how to use it!" "DOTA_TutorialTask_SupportItems_Medallion" "Use Valor on Roshan!" "DOTA_TutorialTitle_SupportItems_Drum" "Drum of Endurance" "DOTA_TutorialBody_SupportItems_Drum" "Drum of Endurance is an item that provides a lot of different benefits. Passively, it gives nice stats, and Swiftness Aura, which grants a small movement and attack speed bonus to surrounding units." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_SupportItems_Drum2" "Drum of Endurance" "DOTA_TutorialBody_SupportItems_Drum2" "The active ability Endurance adds another small movement and attack speed bonus to surrounding units, effectively doubling the speed from Swiftness Aura. This is very helpful for moments when you need just a bit more speed to catch or run. It only has 4 charges, so use wisely." "DOTA_TutorialTask_SupportItems_Drum2" "Catch the flying courier!" "DOTA_TutorialTitle_SupportItems_Vlads" "Vladmir's Offering" "DOTA_TutorialBody_SupportItems_Vlads" "Vladmir's Offering provides a wide number of bonuses to surrounding teammates, such as armor, regeneration, and bonus damage. It also gives friendly melee units lifesteal on their attacks." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_SupportItem_Vlads2" "Vladmir's Offering" "DOTA_TutorialBody_SupportItem_Vlads2" "The lifesteal aura is useful for melee carries that have other Unique Attack Effects, as other Lifesteal items won't work for them. A support with Vladmir's can provide this benefit to his melee carry." "DOTA_TutorialTitle_SupportItems_Mekansm" "Mekansm" "DOTA_TutorialBody_SupportItems_Mekansm" "Mekansm is a powerful midgame item. Passively, it gives some nice armor and stats, as well as giving passive regneration to yourself and surrounding friendly units. The most powerful part of the item is the active Restore, which heals 250 HP and grants bonus armor for a limited time." "DOTA_TutorialTask_SupportItems_Mekansm" "Heal your allies!" "DOTA_TutorialTitle_SupportItems_Pipe" "Pipe of Insight" "DOTA_TutorialBody_SupportItems_Pipe" "Pipe of Insight is the go-to item when it comes to preventing magical damage. Building from a Hood of Defiance, it passively increases spell resistance as well as providing a lot of HP regeneration. The Barrier active ability gives a protective field on all nearby units, preventing 400 magic damage from being dealt to them." "DOTA_TutorialTask_SupportItem_Pipe" "Prevent the magic damage!" "DOTA_Tutorial_Location_Start" "START" "world_map_location_1" "Davion, the Dragon Knight" "world_map_location_sub_1" "Tutorial: Mechanics 1" "world_map_location_desc_1" "In a lonely wood lies the camp of Dragon Knight, slayer of the great winged Slyrak, and possessor of skills beyond mortal knowledge. Yet his true potential still lies before him. The time has come for him to take up arms and train for the final battle." "world_map_location_gdesc_1" "This starting tutorial will introduce you to: " // // Tutorials // "training_progress" "TRAINING PROGRESS" "training_progress_preamble" "Finish mechanics and unlock the world of Dota 2; prepare for the coming battles through continued training." "training_progress_post" "The Geography For Training" "training_progress_subhed" "The quest for proficiency continues. Hone your skills by visiting other lands of contention!" "mission_progress" "Mission Progress" "training_percent_complete" "%s1% COMPLETE" "tutorial_checklist_1" "Mechanics 1" // Tutorial Location 2 "world_map_location_2" "Sharpeye, The Sniper" "world_map_location_sub_2" "Tutorial: Mechanics 2" "world_map_location_desc_2" "A small form moves quietly along the trail, weapon in hand. Among the Keen Folk, he is a legend, the greatest shootist there's ever been. But it will take more than a sharp eye to survive the coming battle, and this Sniper from the highlands has much to learn if he's to fulfill his destiny." "world_map_location_gdesc_2" "This tutorial will introduce you to: " "tutorial_checklist_2" "Mechanics 2" // Tutorial Location 3 "world_map_location_3" "Sniper Vs Axe" "world_map_location_sub_3" "Tutorial: Lane Introduction" "world_map_location_desc_3" "Long is the road to victory, and harsh its travels. Sniper will need to develop a keen understanding of the towers, and those who defend them, if he is to survive the great battle that is to come." "world_map_location_gdesc_3" "This tutorial will introduce you to: " "tutorial_checklist_3" "Middle Lane Introduction" // Tutorial Location 4 "world_map_location_4" "Know Thine Enemy" "world_map_location_sub_4" "Middle Lane Practice" "world_map_location_desc_4" "Once per generation, the great forged wheel-books turn slowly in the wind and moan out tales of an age long forgotten. But now a strange wind blows, and the forged books sing like nothing heard before—a song of conflict and a looming conflagration, the prophesy of a war that will sweep down from hidden planes and engulf the world in its fire.\n\nNote: Mission progress based on completion with different heroes." "world_map_location_gdesc_4" "This will introduce you to: " "tutorial_checklist_4" "Middle Lane Practice Using 10 Different Heroes" // "DOTA_Tutorial_Finished_Tutorial04" "" // Tutorial Location 5 "world_map_location_5" "Training Skirmishes" "world_map_location_sub_5" "Play vs. Bots" "world_map_location_desc_5" "As the moon stones glow and wheel-books wail, the barrier between the planes wears thin. Out of this tattered fabric of reality, strange forces are revealed. Myths and legends, flesh and blood; all yearn for the chance to train for the coming battle." "world_map_location_gdesc_5" "This will introduce you to: " "tutorial_checklist_5" "5 Practice Matches Versus Bots" // "DOTA_Tutorial_Finished_Tutorial05" "" // Tutorial Location 6 "world_map_location_6" "The War Begins" "world_map_location_sub_6" "Play vs. Humans" "world_map_location_desc_6" "It is a contest of wills and wits, strength and courage, reflexes and strategy. Shards of the Mad Moon glow bright in a shattered sky, while below battle lines are drawn. Somewhere in the distance, the great horn sounds. The steel clangs. And so it begins." "world_map_location_gdesc_6" "This will introduce you to: " "tutorial_checklist_6" "10 Limited Hero Pool Matches" // "DOTA_Tutorial_Finished_Tutorial06" "" // Tutorial Location 7 "world_map_location_7" "Dota Overview" "world_map_location_sub_7" "A quick study of the game in action." "world_map_location_desc_7" "You'll also be exposed to key goals of the game, and get an idea of what battle will look like." "world_map_location_gdesc_7" "This Introduction to Dota 2 will familiarize you with the location of map landmarks such as: " // Tutorial Location 8 "world_map_location_8" "Last Hit Training" "world_map_location_sub_8" "Learn more about how to last hit reliably." "world_map_location_desc_8" "The Hero who can acquire the most gold will almost certainly triumph. It is important to understand how to acquire gold, and how to keep it from the pockets of your opponents." "world_map_location_gdesc_8" "This tutorial will introduce you to: " // Tutorial Location 9 "world_map_location_9" "Last Hit Practice" "world_map_location_sub_9" "Practice last hitting against a bot." "world_map_location_desc_9" "The Hero who can acquire the most gold will almost certainly triumph. Only through extensive practice can a Hero master the art of last hitting." "world_map_location_gdesc_9" "This mode will help you practice: " // The Archronicus - Table of Contents "arch_toc_header" "Table of Contents" "arch_madmoon_toc" "The Mad Moon and The Ancients" "arch_chronicleofthesos_toc" "Chronicle of Thesos" "arch_summoningsea_toc" "The Summoning Sea" "arch_lasthitchallenge_toc" "The Death Bounty" "arch_cycleofsolstice_toc" "Cycle of Solstices" "arch_wraithnight_toc" "The Wraith-Night" // The Archronicus - Title Page "DOTA_Archronicus_TitlePage_Page1" "UPON THESE HALLOWED pages are writ the last remnants of a once-great body of knowledge. Copied and recopied by generations of scribes, translated by scholars and encrypted by mages, the chronicles found herein compile the lost histories of the contested lands, its rulers and guardians, higher-learning and ancient magics. The texts draw from many cultures across many ages, enshrining for all time those fragmented recounts of scholars long dead, and hidden truths more powerful than any sword or spell. Sealed now with an encryption spell, only worthy eyes may read the book, and by deed alone reveal the truth. And only with the blood of heroes shall new pages be written." // The Archronicus - Mad Moon "DOTA_Archronicus_MadMoon_Title1" "The Mad Moon" "DOTA_Archronicus_MadMoon_Title2" "and" "DOTA_Archronicus_MadMoon_Title3" "the Ancients" "DOTA_Archronicus_MadMoon_Folio" "- The Mad Moon and the Ancients -" "DOTA_Archronicus_MadMoon_Page1" "WHEN A WORLD was still a cooling blob, it captured an eerie companion—a glowing crystalline sphere that came to be known in lore as the Mad Moon. This small orb was full of violent radiance—a visual reminder of conflict in the heavens, bright enough to compete with the sun in daylight." "DOTA_Archronicus_MadMoon_Page2" "But the Mad Moon was no inert rock. It was more truly a prison, in which two warring ancient intelligences had been captured and flung into exile aeons before, once the vast Primordials that underlay creation had tired of their endless strife. The punishment for these Ancients was to be locked together in one form, forever falling through infinity...and thus it went until our unfortunate world captured that wanderer. \n \nFor ages, primitive societies rose and fell beneath its weird glare; creatures of varying intelligence and sophistication gazed up in wonder and curiosity, to whatever extent their sentience allowed. Meanwhile, orbital stress and tidal forces allowed the Mad Moon's inhabitants to begin exploit what were at first the slightest of weaknesses, as they set to work prying open their prison. The cracks spread slowly, from the tiniest fractures, until at last there were millions of fissures, vast and aglow with weird energies." "DOTA_Archronicus_MadMoon_Page3" "On one apocalyptic night, the moon finally shattered, torn apart from within. Most of the moonstuff was flung into space or consumed as it hit the atmosphere. A few rare fragments fell to earth, either as fused molten lumps or as jagged crystals. The shards lay where they had fallen, and gradually the land around them recovered. As the survivors of the prehistoric cataclysm recuperated, flourished and developed civilizations, the Mad Moon became less a memory than a dream, with the night of its destruction woven into their myths." "DOTA_Archronicus_MadMoon_Page4" "The fallen shards of primal matter had fractured into their original composites: Radiant and Dire. In its pure form, each type of stone gave off a peculiar energy. For those who settled around the sites, they found themselves feeding on this unearthly power until they had not only harnessed the energy but made themselves dependent on it. They built shrines around the Ancients and revered them, ironically, as godlike entities that had fallen to earth. The Ancients, both Radiant and Dire, provided many benefits: kinetic energy, mana, protection, even resurrection. But the emanations changed everything in their influence. Around the Radiant, the effects were bright and colorful, evoking lightness and charm. Around the Dire, a sinister radioactive glow, a visual seepage indicative of poison and decay. Neither force was neutral; they were both perfect complements and total contradictions that could never be at peace. As each stone's cultural influence spread, it eventually came in conflict with the societies of its rival. Interference between the Ancients was cause for war, as the presence of one caused a corresponding fall-off in the energy of the other. Each stone could only be restored to full power with the destruction of its Foe-stone. And so the enthralled creatures rallied to protect their land by destroying the neighboring Ancient, and from far and wide the Heroes heard the call to battle and came to join, hardly realizing that in some sense both sides were the same." // The Archronicus - Chronicle of Thesos "DOTA_Archronicus_ChronicleofThesos_Title1" "Chronicle" "DOTA_Archronicus_ChronicleofThesos_Title2" "of" "DOTA_Archronicus_ChronicleofThesos_Title3" "Thesos" "DOTA_Archronicus_ChronicleofThesos_sub" "A FOLK OF THE KEENS" "DOTA_Archronicus_ChronicleofThesos_folio" "- CHRONICLE OF THESOS -" "DOTA_Archronicus_ChronicleofThesos_Page1" "A rumor some days ago reached the High Bell of two strange beasts felled at the edge of the grainstock lands. Either by disease, or sword, the stories varied, but always it was spoken of two dragons dark blue in color and very much dead. \n \nI set out immediately from my father's hold and found their scaly bodies charred on the property of a grain farmer three day's travel along the ridge road. One great, one small, the dragons lay where they died, surrounded by the footprints of a much larger beast whose marks on the soil were large enough for a full grown keen to lie down in; and so I did, imagining the impossible scale of the animal in whose track I lay. A grand dragon true, like the stories of old, and like some say still live in the southerly wastes. \n \nThe tracks crossed the land for some distance and ended where the beast took flight at the edge of the field. So not by blade or pathosis had these young dragons met their end, but from an attack by one of their own kind. \n \nWith the good faith of my father's name, and a promise of immediate removal, I was able to purchase the rotting corpse of the lesser of the two dead dragons. The specimen being nowhere near to full grown, I was able to drag it behind my trusty zonkey for several hours to my father's lands. Several days of disarticulation and boiling commenced, followed by a full night's inurement in wax, until, at last, the entire skeleton was laid out before me in the great hall, available for study." "DOTA_Archronicus_ChronicleofThesos_Page4" "Here I draw my observations with careful ink, noting the shape and size of every bone. \n \nThe structure of the wing surprised me. As did the curious architecture of the shoulder. The bones themselves, though very strong, were much lighter than I had expected. More like the bones of a bird than a creature of scales and teeth. \n \nMost unexpected of all was the remnants of an old shield found in the beast's insides. But this one carried a most unusual form of gullet iron, and on it the mark of an ancient order seen only rarely in these parts today, a dragon crest, and the seal of the Scaled Knights of Uthorian. Woe to the knight who carried it." // The Archronicus - The Summoning Sea "DOTA_Archronicus_TheSummoningSea_Title" "THE SUMMONING SEA" "DOTA_Archronicus_TheSummoningSea_Folio" "- The SUMMONING SEA -" "DOTA_Archronicus_TheSummoningSea_Page1" " Beyond the reach of Southward's End, \n Where summer's warmth dares not to roam, \n Songs tell of ancient treasure lost, \n Worth more than titles, lands, and home. \n \n At night skies streak in ribbon's glow, \n Chill ocean's maze of jagged frost, \n Wild winds betray the best of men, \n Where boldest captains fear to cross. \n \n Within tis said's a hidden coast, \n Unknown to either map or man, \n Where once there died a seaborn fiend, \n Washed up along its sandy span. \n \n Inside this corpse, the legends claim, \n A gem lay hid away from sight, \n And who dares hold this stone unique, \n Shall see all hidden forms of fright." "DOTA_Archronicus_TheSummoningSea_Page2" " From whence the single frigate sailed, \n No soul still lives to dare recall, \n Brave voyage launched into the cold, \n Afraid of neither gale nor squall. \n \n To southern ice and wind they forged, \n The dauntless crew did plot their trek, \n In time the fields of floe and berg, \n Gave glimpse of land to all on deck. \n \n Upon an arctic shore they spied, \n Frost touched remains of monster vast, \n Old marks from briny wars they saw, \n And ice-locked teeth to dwarf their mast. \n \n On darkened beach was set a host, \n To excavate this mortal coil, \n Their picks and tools they lifted high, \n Then dug into their grisly toil." "DOTA_Archronicus_TheSummoningSea_Page3" " For days on days they hacked and crawled, \n As stained was beach in ancient gore, \n Through rib and tissue, deep they delved, \n And wrought their path toward monster's core. \n \n From humid depths came glowing dim, \n Strange spectral light of emerald hue, \n Great gem matched size with finder's fist, \n Worn crew rejoiced; old songs proved true. \n \n Returned to deck with treasure held, \n As one all crew did choke their breath, \n For ringed they were by wraiths of yore, \n Ghost ships long sunk, and those past death. \n \n For hidden from the common eye, \n Are ones who drift when lifeblood fails, \n Bright gem grants truth to sight, they learned, \n Then set with fright to raising sails." "DOTA_Archronicus_TheSummoningSea_Page4" " Yet ghastly shades no harm intend, \n But warning men whose air's still drawn: \n To bring sight's stone on waters wide, \n Would raise the wrath of deep Maelrawn." "DOTA_Archronicus_TheSummoningSea_Page5" " A day and twelve on ocean waves, \n Passed laden, anxious crew's retreat, \n When came long shadows to their wake, \n Lord Maelrawn's servant come to eat. \n \n By haste and lucky breeze they sped, \n Four dawns the scourge kept far at bay, \n Until a wisp of earth drew far, \n hen fickle fortune's winds betrayed. \n \n As beast drew under ship to strike, \n Rowboats were filled with man and loot, \n Then loosed were heavy chain and weight, \n To crashed ship's anchor on sea's brute. \n \n Then deck leaned port as seabeast scaled, \n Wild tendril fury came aboard, \n In frenzied panic three boats fled, \n With ship entangled, kraken roared." "DOTA_Archronicus_TheSummoningSea_Page6" " Through tree thick feelers' twist and squeeze, \n Wood hull made vent to frozen surge, \n As half-ship sank, depth's master called: \n The gem still moved, and neared shore's verge. \n \n In rushed pursuit the kraken swam, \n To overtake first boat of three, \n When drowned men froze and wreckage sank, \n Did hunter learn its charge stayed free. \n As second crew in horror rowed, \n Slick grasping fingers closed around,Yet once again gem was not there, \n And third boat's band set foot aground. \n \n So terrified of Maelrawn's rage, \n Did thrashing scourge set out anew, \n Then beached itself upon the surf. \n As kraken flailed, its foe withdrew." "DOTA_Archronicus_TheSummoningSea_Page7" " Of fated crew's last port and call, \n No grey account still deigns to say, \n Some firm believe they made toward home, \n Though others tell of hangman's sway. \n \n Of gem and tidal deepgod's hunt, \n Vain quest goes on without reward, \n Its servants blindly come to shore, \n To kill and raze, be put to sword. \n \n For no thrall creature of the depths, \n Nor spirit bound in drowning's keep, \n Nor Maelrawn the Tentacular, \n Shall rest till seas, gem comes to sleep." // The Archronicus - The Death Bounty "DOTA_Archronicus_TheDeathBounty_Title1" "The Death Bounty" "DOTA_Arch_TheDeathBounty_Folio" "- The Death Bounty -" "DOTA_Archronicus_TheDeathBounty_Page1" "The ancient Death Bounty Text, as it has since come to be known, was first discovered among the ruins of the great Stonehall Cartularium. The document's significance went unrecognized for years as it lay untranslated and forgotten, sealed away behind the locked doors of the Historic Archive of Sennos. It was not until scholars studied the document in detail that they came to understand what it represented. This decaying bit of parchment was nothing less than a possible source of the martial tradition of Last Strike, now common among all the kingdoms of the contested lands." "DOTA_Archronicus_TheDeathBounty_Page2a" "Translated from Page:" "DOTA_Archronicus_TheDeathBounty_Page2b" "ROYAL PROCLAMATION" "DOTA_Archronicus_TheDeathBounty_Page2c" "By order of Lord Regent Urthic Laste of Stonehall.\n\nHenceforth shall all fellows of the Armies of Stonehall adhere to the statements below:\n\n1. Fellows of the Stonehall military shall now be paid for each killing blow struck against a foe in battle. This reward shall only be granted to the fellow who strikes the killing blow.\n\n2. Following the course of battle, each coterie shall be responsible for the tallying and dividing of payment amongst themselves to cover expenses, including equipment purchase and upkeep.\n\n3. In the event of a dispute, fellows may challenge one another to duel. The victor shall be awarded the total share held by the vanquished.\n\n4. Should a duel conclude by the death of a fellow, recompense shall be made to..." // The Archronicus - Cycle of Solstices "DOTA_Archronicus_CycleOfSolstices_Title1" "CYCLE" "DOTA_Archronicus_CycleOfSolstices_Title2" "OF" "DOTA_Archronicus_CycleOfSolstices_Title3" "SOLSTICES" "DOTA_Archronicus_CycleOfSolstices_Folio1" "- CYCLE OF SOLSTICES -" "DOTA_Archronicus_CycleOfSolstices_Page1" "On the longest night of the year, the dead do not always sleep. For centuries, the learned aesthetes of Keyturn studied the skies from their mountain keep, where generation after generation, they tracked the movement of celestial bodies, copying down their arrangements in the great Book of Heavens. It was they who found the wheel of the world was a thing of many moving parts—a clock of strange rhythms and irregular meter. It was they who counted the number of dawns in each season. It was they who calculated the day of longest night." "DOTA_Archronicus_CycleOfSolstices_Page2" "And it was they who first discovered the great cycle within the cycle—a periodic shift whereby in one solstice among many, the barrier between the planes wears thin, the aurora blazes green in the sky, and the undead rise from their graves. And it was they who were destroyed." "DOTA_Archronicus_CycleOfSolstices_Page3" "Now we have only fragments of their long studies. The great Book of Heavens is lost to history, though copied remnants of certain passages are sometimes found in the ruins of ancient temples, or in the scholarly works of moldering libraries. These fragments are the last view into a lost civilization." // The Archronicus - Wraith-Night "DOTA_Arch_WraithNight_Title1" "WRAITH-NIGHT" "DOTA_Archronicus_WraithNight_Title2" "THE LONGEST NIGHT OF THE AGE" "DOTA_Archronicus_WraithNight_Folio" "- WRAITH-NIGHT -" "DOTA_Archronicus_WraithNight_Page1" "Young prince Ostarion was thrust upon the throne by the death of his royal family. The swift, rotting disease that took their lives nearly claimed the prince as well, but the court's mage took desperate measures—submitting the youth to a ritual that pared away all the vulnerable flesh, transforming him into a being of animated bone. The young king emerged from the scouring, convinced that having defied death once, he would never submit to it." "DOTA_Archronicus_WraithNight_Page2a" "With a deep mistrust of all things fleshy, Ostarion began to recast his parents' legacy in forms imperishable. Every stone of his kingdom was replaced with its equivalent in bone. Skeleton King's armies took dominion over neighboring lands, and as he extended his reach, he extracted the bones of his enemies. Eventually he came to rule over a land cold, white and brittle—and to yearn for something more." "DOTA_Archronicus_WraithNight_Page2b" "Never having trusted flesh, nor wishing to clothe his bones in it, he finally settled on pursuit of wraith energy, a form of pure spirit given off by certain dark souls at death, and taken up by ghosts and other revenants when they need a form with which to walk the earth. Should he shape himself from the wraith essence, he thought he might create a body as luminous and eternal as his ego." "DOTA_Archronicus_WraithNight_Page3" "Consulting the ancient mage who had saved the young prince's life, Skeleton King learned of a rare opportunity—a night foretold by certain olden sages who had grappled with the unruly and in most ways unpredictable cycles of nature—the solstice known as Wraith-Night, when the dead would rise in such great number that their souls could be harvested and captured in sufficient quantity to complete another ritual. Should he manage to harvest the wraith energy of the undead horde, he could rise once more transfigured—King forever, but this time of the Wraiths." "DOTA_Archronicus_WraithNight_Page4" "From the Journals of Azorszos the Bony, Mage-Physik to Ostarion, eldest subject of that ungrateful wretch whom I must hail as king, and who will gladly lead the throng in cursing himself for the role he played in placing our so-called Skeleton King on the Throne of Bones." "DOTA_STANDARD" "" "DOTA_WASD" "" "DOTA_MMO" "" "DOTA_KEYBOARD_CONFIGURATION" "KEYBOARD CONFIGURATION" "keyboard_make_selection" "MAKE SELECTION" "DOTA_Tutorial_FINISHED_Positive" "Congratulations!" "DOTA_Tutorial_FINISHED_Negative" "Sorry" "DOTA_Tutorial_Finished_Tutorial01" "Dragon Knight, you've proved yourself worthy of your knighthood. Long will your name be remembered!" "DOTA_Tutorial_Finished_Tutorial02" "Sniper, you are a true marksman. Long will your name be remembered!" "DOTA_Tutorial_Finished_ScriptedDemo" "You are a true spectator. Long will you be remembered!" "DOTA_Tutorial_Finished_BotMatches" "You have successfully completed 5 bot matches!" "DOTA_Tutorial_Finished_LimitedHeroPoolGames" "You have successfully completed 10 Limited Hero games!" "DOTA_Quest_Laning_Attack_Success" "You have destroyed your enemy's middle lane tower!" "DOTA_Quest_Laning_Attack_Mid_Success" "You have destroyed both of your enemy's middle lane towers!" "DOTA_Quest_Laning_Defend_Failure" "Your middle lane tower was destroyed by the enemy!" "DOTA_Quest_Laning_Defend_Mid_Failure" "Both your middle lane towers were destroyed by the enemy!" "DOTA_LastHitTraining_Finished" "You have finished last hit training and are a now a thing of legend!" "DOTA_LastHitChallenge_Finished" "You are a true last hitter for participating in the Last Hit Challenge! Keep at it, and your last hits will long reverberate in the bones of your enemies." "DOTA_Tutorial_Archronicus_Page1" "Archronicus" "DOTA_Tutorial_Archronicus_Page_Description1" "Within the Archronicus are gathered the ancient texts of many cultures, drawn from across the ages, and from across the whole wide range of the contested lands. The chronicles found herein may provide a deeper understanding of the universe, its history and cosmology, but the mysteries revealed will not impact gameplay." "DOTA_Tutorial_Archronicus_Page2" "Archronicus Page" "DOTA_Tutorial_Archronicus_Page_Description2" "For those who hold the Archronicus, knowledge is earned by sword and deed; never is it gifted. Your skill has earned you the right to read further pages." "DOTA_Tutorial_Archronicus_Page3" "Archronicus Page" "DOTA_Tutorial_Archronicus_Page_Description3" "By ink is it written, but by blood is it read. In these chronicles, ancient truths have been gathered, copied and recopied by generations of scribes, encrypted long ago by ancient magic. Only the worthy may unravel the secrets of the Archronicus." "DOTA_Tutorial_Archronicus_Page8" "Archronicus Page" "DOTA_Tutorial_Archronicus_Page_Description8" "To understand the origins of our customs of warfare, it is necessary to seek the wisdom of truly ancient texts. Scholars throughout time communicate across the gulf of ages through the Archronicus." // Last Hit Challenge "LHC_LastHits" "Last Hits:" "LHC_HighScore" "High Score:" "LHC_LastHitStreak" "Last Hit Streak:" "LHC_Multikill" "Multikill:" "LHC_Denies" "Denies:" "LHC_Percent" "Last Hit Rate:" "LHC_TotalCreeps" "Total Creeps:" "LHC_ChooseLane" "Prepare Yourself" "LHC_EnableHelper" "Enable Helper" "LHC_StartTop" "Start Top" "LHC_StartMid" "Start Middle" "LHC_StartBot" "Start Bottom" "world_map_questcompletepanel_01_title" "Unlocked Dota 2!" "world_map_questcompletepanel_01_text" "You have unlocked the entire Dota 2 experience by completing the first two tutorials. You can now play regular matchmaking game modes or stay on the world map and continue your training experience. Training is always available at any time if you want to continue to explore Dota. Additional training includes: " "world_map_questcompletepanel_01_closedialog" "CLOSE" "world_map_questcompletepanel_01_feedbackbutton" "Give Feedback" "world_map_gain_item_title" "Congratulations!" "world_map_gain_item_text" "You've received an item! In Dota 2 you can earn items by playing online matches and finishing training objectives.\n\nItems can be equipped on heroes to customize their appearance. You can view and equip items in your Armory by clicking on the store tab." // World map lore "map_lore_title_0" "The Wailing Mountains" "map_lore_desc_0" "High in the Wailing Mountains, the Aesthetes gather in reverie when the sacred wind blows. At these times, the wheel-books sing of a great rift in the wholeness of existence—a disharmony sown from a single paradoxical thought conceived in the divine consciousness. The Wailing One could not think this thought and be one being, and so the great unity was cloven. What had been conjoined was rent asunder, and out of that great division the universe was born." "map_lore_title_1" "The Ruelands" "map_lore_desc_1" "Steel met sorcery in the war to claim the riches said to be buried beneath the rocky Ruelands. Yet the victor was granted no celebration or solace for their costly campaign. As they mined into the earth they found only the treacherous graves of ancient lava tubes. The rumors that sparked three kingdoms into bitter war had yielded nothing, and the price paid was enough to topple them all." "map_lore_title_2" "The Bleeding Hills" "map_lore_desc_2" "For many centuries the Bleeding Hills have been known for their tarry blood—a thick, viscous fluid which flows down from the uplands, gathering in slickened black ravines to accumulate in killing pools where the bones of many ancient beasts now reside. The slightest touch of flame will ignite these pools into an explosive blaze." //Hero Names "npc_dota_hero_queenofpain" "Queen of Pain" "npc_dota_hero_antimage" "Anti-Mage" "npc_dota_hero_kunkka" "Kunkka" "npc_dota_hero_lina" "Lina" "npc_dota_hero_mirana" "Mirana" "npc_dota_hero_slardar" "Slardar" "npc_dota_hero_lion" "Lion" "npc_dota_hero_phantom_assassin" "Phantom Assassin" "npc_dota_hero_tidehunter" "Tidehunter" "npc_dota_hero_witch_doctor" "Witch Doctor" "npc_dota_hero_vengefulspirit" "Vengeful Spirit" "npc_dota_hero_juggernaut" "Juggernaut" "npc_dota_hero_earthshaker" "Earthshaker" "npc_dota_hero_pudge" "Pudge" "npc_dota_hero_bane" "Bane" "npc_dota_hero_crystal_maiden" "Crystal Maiden" "npc_dota_hero_sven" "Sven" "npc_dota_hero_skeleton_king" "Wraith King" "npc_dota_hero_storm_spirit" "Storm Spirit" "npc_dota_hero_sand_king" "Sand King" "npc_dota_hero_nevermore" "Shadow Fiend" "npc_dota_hero_drow_ranger" "Drow Ranger" "npc_dota_hero_axe" "Axe" "npc_dota_hero_bloodseeker" "Bloodseeker" "npc_dota_hero_phantom_lancer" "Phantom Lancer" "npc_dota_hero_razor" "Razor" "npc_dota_hero_morphling" "Morphling" "npc_dota_hero_zuus" "Zeus" "npc_dota_hero_tiny" "Tiny" "npc_dota_hero_puck" "Puck" "npc_dota_hero_windrunner" "Windranger" "npc_dota_hero_lich" "Lich" "npc_dota_hero_shadow_shaman" "Shadow Shaman" "npc_dota_hero_riki" "Riki" "npc_dota_hero_enigma" "Enigma" "npc_dota_hero_tinker" "Tinker" "npc_dota_hero_sniper" "Sniper" "npc_dota_hero_necrolyte" "Necrophos" "npc_dota_hero_warlock" "Warlock" "npc_dota_hero_beastmaster" "Beastmaster" "npc_dota_hero_venomancer" "Venomancer" "npc_dota_hero_faceless_void" "Faceless Void" "npc_dota_hero_death_prophet" "Death Prophet" "npc_dota_hero_pugna" "Pugna" "npc_dota_hero_templar_assassin" "Templar Assassin" "npc_dota_hero_viper" "Viper" "npc_dota_hero_luna" "Luna" "npc_dota_hero_dragon_knight" "Dragon Knight" "npc_dota_hero_dazzle" "Dazzle" "npc_dota_hero_rattletrap" "Clockwerk" "npc_dota_hero_leshrac" "Leshrac" "npc_dota_hero_furion" "Nature's Prophet" "npc_dota_hero_life_stealer" "Lifestealer" "npc_dota_hero_dark_seer" "Dark Seer" "npc_dota_hero_clinkz" "Clinkz" "npc_dota_hero_omniknight" "Omniknight" "npc_dota_hero_enchantress" "Enchantress" "npc_dota_hero_huskar" "Huskar" "npc_dota_hero_night_stalker" "Night Stalker" "npc_dota_hero_broodmother" "Broodmother" "npc_dota_hero_bounty_hunter" "Bounty Hunter" "npc_dota_hero_weaver" "Weaver" "npc_dota_hero_jakiro" "Jakiro" "npc_dota_hero_batrider" "Batrider" "npc_dota_hero_chen" "Chen" "npc_dota_hero_spectre" "Spectre" "npc_dota_hero_doom_bringer" "Doom" "npc_dota_hero_ancient_apparition" "Ancient Apparition" "npc_dota_hero_ursa" "Ursa" "npc_dota_hero_spirit_breaker" "Spirit Breaker" "npc_dota_hero_gyrocopter" "Gyrocopter" "npc_dota_hero_alchemist" "Alchemist" "npc_dota_hero_invoker" "Invoker" "npc_dota_hero_silencer" "Silencer" "npc_dota_hero_obsidian_destroyer" "Outworld Devourer" "npc_dota_hero_lycan" "Lycan" "npc_dota_hero_brewmaster" "Brewmaster" "npc_dota_hero_shadow_demon" "Shadow Demon" "npc_dota_hero_lone_druid" "Lone Druid" "npc_dota_hero_chaos_knight" "Chaos Knight" "npc_dota_hero_treant" "Treant Protector" "npc_dota_hero_meepo" "Meepo" "npc_dota_hero_ogre_magi" "Ogre Magi" "npc_dota_hero_undying" "Undying" "npc_dota_hero_rubick" "Rubick" "npc_dota_hero_disruptor" "Disruptor" "npc_dota_hero_nyx_assassin" "Nyx Assassin" "npc_dota_hero_naga_siren" "Naga Siren" "npc_dota_hero_keeper_of_the_light" "Keeper of the Light" "npc_dota_hero_visage" "Visage" "npc_dota_hero_wisp" "Io" "npc_dota_hero_slark" "Slark" "npc_dota_hero_medusa" "Medusa" "npc_dota_hero_troll_warlord" "Troll Warlord" "npc_dota_hero_centaur" "Centaur Warrunner" "npc_dota_hero_magnataur" "Magnus" "npc_dota_hero_shredder" "Timbersaw" "npc_dota_hero_bristleback" "Bristleback" "npc_dota_hero_tusk" "Tusk" "npc_dota_hero_skywrath_mage" "Skywrath Mage" "npc_dota_hero_abaddon" "Abaddon" "npc_dota_hero_elder_titan" "Elder Titan" "npc_dota_hero_legion_commander" "Legion Commander" "npc_dota_hero_ember_spirit" "Ember Spirit" "npc_dota_hero_earth_spirit" "Earth Spirit" "npc_dota_hero_abyssal_underlord" "Abyssal Underlord" "npc_dota_hero_phoenix" "Phoenix" "npc_dota_hero_terrorblade" "Terrorblade" "npc_dota_hero_oracle" "Oracle" "npc_dota_hero_techies" "Techies" "npc_dota_hero_winter_wyvern" "Winter Wyvern" "random" "Random" "repick" "REPICK" // Other Names "ent_dota_halloffame" "Aegis of Champions" "npc_dota_creep" "Creep" "npc_dota_creep_lane" "Lane Creep" "npc_dota_creep_siege" "Siege Engine" "npc_dota_tower" "Tower" "npc_dota_barracks" "Barracks" "npc_dota_fort" "The Ancient" "npc_dota_roshan" "Roshan" "npc_dota_roshanboo" "Roshanboo" "npc_dota_necronomicon_warrior_1" "Necronomicon Warrior" "npc_dota_necronomicon_warrior_2" "Necronomicon Warrior" "npc_dota_necronomicon_warrior_3" "Necronomicon Warrior" "npc_dota_necronomicon_archer_1" "Necronomicon Archer" "npc_dota_necronomicon_archer_2" "Necronomicon Archer" "npc_dota_necronomicon_archer_3" "Necronomicon Archer" "npc_dota_scout_hawk" "Scout Hawk" "npc_dota_greater_hawk" "Greater Hawk" "npc_dota_beastmaster_boar" "Boar" "npc_dota_beastmaster_hawk_1" "Hawk" "npc_dota_beastmaster_hawk_2" "Hawk" "npc_dota_beastmaster_hawk_3" "Hawk" "npc_dota_beastmaster_hawk_4" "Hawk" "npc_dota_beastmaster_boar_1" "Boar" "npc_dota_beastmaster_boar_2" "Boar" "npc_dota_beastmaster_boar_3" "Boar" "npc_dota_beastmaster_boar_4" "Boar" "npc_dota_beastmaster_greater_boar" "Greater Boar" "npc_dota_courier" "Courier" "npc_dota_flying_courier" "Flying Courier" "npc_dota_furion_treant" "Treant" "npc_dota_furion_treant_large" "Greater Treant" "npc_dota_invoker_forged_spirit" "Forged Spirit" "npc_dota_dark_troll_warlord_skeleton_warrior" "Skeleton Warrior" "npc_dota_enraged_wildkin_tornado" "Tornado" "npc_dota_warlock_golem_1" "Warlock Golem" "npc_dota_warlock_golem_2" "Warlock Golem" "npc_dota_warlock_golem_3" "Warlock Golem" "npc_dota_warlock_golem_scepter_1" "Warlock Golem" "npc_dota_warlock_golem_scepter_2" "Warlock Golem" "npc_dota_warlock_golem_scepter_3" "Warlock Golem" "npc_dota_broodmother_spiderling" "Spiderling" "npc_dota_broodmother_spiderite" "Spiderite" "npc_dota_witch_doctor_death_ward" "Death Ward" "npc_dota_shadow_shaman_ward_1" "Serpent Ward" "npc_dota_shadow_shaman_ward_2" "Serpent Ward" "npc_dota_shadow_shaman_ward_3" "Serpent Ward" "npc_dota_venomancer_plague_ward_1" "Plague Ward" "npc_dota_venomancer_plague_ward_2" "Plague Ward" "npc_dota_venomancer_plague_ward_3" "Plague Ward" "npc_dota_venomancer_plague_ward_4" "Plague Ward" "npc_dota_lesser_eidolon" "Lesser Eidolon" "npc_dota_eidolon" "Eidolon" "npc_dota_greater_eidolon" "Greater Eidolon" "npc_dota_dire_eidolon" "Dire Eidolon" "npc_dota_rattletrap_cog" "Power Cog" "npc_dota_juggernaut_healing_ward" "Healing Ward" "npc_dota_templar_assassin_psionic_trap" "Psionic Trap" "npc_dota_weaver_swarm" "Beetle" "npc_dota_pugna_nether_ward_1" "Nether Ward" "npc_dota_pugna_nether_ward_2" "Nether Ward" "npc_dota_pugna_nether_ward_3" "Nether Ward" "npc_dota_pugna_nether_ward_4" "Nether Ward" "npc_dota_lycan_wolf1" "Lycan Wolf" "npc_dota_lycan_wolf2" "Lycan Wolf" "npc_dota_lycan_wolf3" "Lycan Wolf" "npc_dota_lycan_wolf4" "Lycan Wolf" "npc_dota_lone_druid_bear1" "Spirit Bear" "npc_dota_lone_druid_bear2" "Spirit Bear" "npc_dota_lone_druid_bear3" "Spirit Bear" "npc_dota_lone_druid_bear4" "Spirit Bear" "npc_dota_brewmaster_earth_1" "Earth" "npc_dota_brewmaster_earth_2" "Earth" "npc_dota_brewmaster_earth_3" "Earth" "npc_dota_brewmaster_earth_4" "Earth" "npc_dota_brewmaster_storm_1" "Storm" "npc_dota_brewmaster_storm_2" "Storm" "npc_dota_brewmaster_storm_3" "Storm" "npc_dota_brewmaster_storm_4" "Storm" "npc_dota_brewmaster_fire_1" "Fire" "npc_dota_brewmaster_fire_2" "Fire" "npc_dota_brewmaster_fire_3" "Fire" "npc_dota_brewmaster_fire_4" "Fire" "npc_dota_unit_tombstone1" "Tombstone" "npc_dota_unit_tombstone2" "Tombstone" "npc_dota_unit_tombstone3" "Tombstone" "npc_dota_unit_tombstone4" "Tombstone" "npc_dota_unit_undying_zombie" "Undying Zombie" "npc_dota_unit_undying_zombie_torso" "Undying Zombie" "npc_dota_visage_familiar1" "Familiar" "npc_dota_visage_familiar2" "Familiar" "npc_dota_visage_familiar3" "Familiar" "npc_dota_observer_wards" "Observer Ward" "npc_dota_sentry_wards" "Sentry Ward" "npc_dota_gyrocopter_homing_missile" "Homing Missile" "npc_dota_tusk_frozen_sigil1" "Frozen Sigil" "npc_dota_tusk_frozen_sigil2" "Frozen Sigil" "npc_dota_tusk_frozen_sigil3" "Frozen Sigil" "npc_dota_tusk_frozen_sigil4" "Frozen Sigil" "npc_dota_elder_titan_ancestral_spirit" "Astral Spirit" "npc_dota_phoenix_sun" "Phoenix Sun" "npc_dota_techies_land_mine" "Land Mine" "npc_dota_techies_stasis_trap" "Stasis Trap" "npc_dota_techies_remote_mine" "Remote Mine" "npc_dota_broodmother_web" "Spin Web" "dota_unkown" "Unknown" "npc_dota_creep_badguys_melee" "Melee Creep" "npc_dota_creep_badguys_melee_upgraded" "Super Melee Creep" "npc_dota_creep_badguys_melee_upgraded_mega" "Mega Melee Creep" "npc_dota_creep_badguys_ranged" "Ranged Creep" "npc_dota_creep_badguys_ranged_upgraded" "Super Ranged Creep" "npc_dota_creep_badguys_ranged_upgraded_mega" "Mega Ranged Creep" "npc_dota_badguys_siege" "Siege Creep" "npc_dota_badguys_siege_upgraded" "Super Siege Creep" "npc_dota_badguys_siege_upgraded_mega" "Mega Siege Creep" "npc_dota_creep_goodguys_melee" "Melee Creep" "npc_dota_creep_goodguys_melee_upgraded" "Super Melee Creep" "npc_dota_creep_goodguys_melee_upgraded_mega" "Mega Melee Creep" "npc_dota_creep_goodguys_ranged" "Ranged Creep" "npc_dota_creep_goodguys_ranged_upgraded" "Super Ranged Creep" "npc_dota_creep_goodguys_ranged_upgraded_mega" "Mega Ranged Creep" "npc_dota_goodguys_siege" "Siege Creep" "npc_dota_goodguys_siege_upgraded" "Super Siege Creep" "npc_dota_goodguys_siege_upgraded_mega" "Mega Siege Creep" // Neutral Creeps "npc_dota_neutral_kobold" "Kobold" "npc_dota_neutral_kobold_tunneler" "Kobold Soldier" "npc_dota_neutral_kobold_taskmaster" "Kobold Foreman" "npc_dota_neutral_centaur_outrunner" "Centaur Courser" "npc_dota_neutral_centaur_khan" "Centaur Conqueror" "npc_dota_neutral_fel_beast" "Fell Spirit" "npc_dota_neutral_polar_furbolg_champion" "Hellbear" "npc_dota_neutral_polar_furbolg_ursa_warrior" "Hellbear Smasher" "npc_dota_neutral_mud_golem" "Mud Golem" "npc_dota_neutral_mud_golem_split" "Shard Golem" "npc_dota_neutral_mud_golem_split_doom" "Doom Shard" "npc_dota_neutral_ogre_mauler" "Ogre Bruiser" "npc_dota_neutral_ogre_magi" "Ogre Frostmage" "npc_dota_neutral_giant_wolf" "Giant Wolf" "npc_dota_neutral_alpha_wolf" "Alpha Wolf" "npc_dota_neutral_wildkin" "Wildwing" "npc_dota_neutral_enraged_wildkin" "Wildwing Ripper" "npc_dota_neutral_satyr_soulstealer" "Satyr Mindstealer" "npc_dota_neutral_satyr_hellcaller" "Satyr Tormenter" "npc_dota_neutral_satyr_trickster" "Satyr Banisher" "npc_dota_neutral_jungle_stalker" "Ancient Stalker" "npc_dota_neutral_elder_jungle_stalker" "Ancient Primal Stalker" "npc_dota_neutral_blue_dragonspawn_sorcerer" "Ancient Drakken Sentinel" "npc_dota_neutral_blue_dragonspawn_overseer" "Ancient Drakken Armorer" "npc_dota_neutral_rock_golem" "Ancient Rock Golem" "npc_dota_neutral_granite_golem" "Ancient Granite Golem" "npc_dota_neutral_big_thunder_lizard" "Ancient Thunderhide" "npc_dota_neutral_small_thunder_lizard" "Ancient Rumblehide" "npc_dota_neutral_black_drake" "Ancient Black Drake" "npc_dota_neutral_black_dragon" "Ancient Black Dragon" "npc_dota_neutral_gnoll_assassin" "Vhoul Assassin" "npc_dota_neutral_ghost" "Ghost" "npc_dota_neutral_dark_troll" "Hill Troll" "npc_dota_neutral_dark_troll_warlord" "Dark Troll Summoner" "npc_dota_neutral_forest_troll_berserker" "Hill Troll Berserker" "npc_dota_neutral_forest_troll_high_priest" "Hill Troll Priest" "npc_dota_neutral_harpy_scout" "Harpy Scout" "npc_dota_neutral_harpy_storm" "Harpy Stormcrafter" // Towns "dota_fountain" "Fountain" "npc_dota_goodguys_tower1_top" "Tower" "npc_dota_goodguys_tower1_mid" "Tower" "npc_dota_goodguys_tower1_bot" "Tower" "npc_dota_goodguys_tower2_top" "Tower" "npc_dota_goodguys_tower2_mid" "Tower" "npc_dota_goodguys_tower2_bot" "Tower" "npc_dota_goodguys_tower3_top" "Tower" "npc_dota_goodguys_tower3_mid" "Tower" "npc_dota_goodguys_tower3_bot" "Tower" "npc_dota_goodguys_tower4" "Tower" "npc_dota_badguys_tower1_top" "Tower" "npc_dota_badguys_tower1_mid" "Tower" "npc_dota_badguys_tower1_bot" "Tower" "npc_dota_badguys_tower2_top" "Tower" "npc_dota_badguys_tower2_mid" "Tower" "npc_dota_badguys_tower2_bot" "Tower" "npc_dota_badguys_tower3_top" "Tower" "npc_dota_badguys_tower3_mid" "Tower" "npc_dota_badguys_tower3_bot" "Tower" "npc_dota_badguys_tower4" "Tower" "npc_dota_goodguys_melee_rax_top" "Melee Barracks" "npc_dota_goodguys_melee_rax_mid" "Melee Barracks" "npc_dota_goodguys_melee_rax_bot" "Melee Barracks" "npc_dota_badguys_melee_rax_top" "Melee Barracks" "npc_dota_badguys_melee_rax_mid" "Melee Barracks" "npc_dota_badguys_melee_rax_bot" "Melee Barracks" "npc_dota_goodguys_range_rax_top" "Ranged Barracks" "npc_dota_goodguys_range_rax_mid" "Ranged Barracks" "npc_dota_goodguys_range_rax_bot" "Ranged Barracks" "npc_dota_badguys_range_rax_top" "Ranged Barracks" "npc_dota_badguys_range_rax_mid" "Ranged Barracks" "npc_dota_badguys_range_rax_bot" "Ranged Barracks" "npc_dota_goodguys_fort" "Radiant's Ancient" "npc_dota_badguys_fort" "Dire's Ancient" "npc_dota_goodguys_fillers" "Building" "npc_dota_badguys_fillers" "Building" "npc_dota_healing_campfire" "Healing Campfire" "npc_dota_roquelaire" "Roquelaire" "ss_roquelaire" "Roquelaire" "tgt_r4_shopkeeper_speech" "Shopkeeper" "tgt_r3_shopspeech" "Shopkeeper" "tgt_r4_secretspeech" "Shopkeeper" // Shops "DOTA_Shop_Category_0_Hotkey" "CONSUMABLES (%s1)" "DOTA_Shop_Category_1_Hotkey" "ATTRIBUTES (%s1)" "DOTA_Shop_Category_2_Hotkey" "ARMAMENTS (%s1)" "DOTA_Shop_Category_3_Hotkey" "ARCANE (%s1)" "DOTA_Shop_Category_4_Hotkey" "COMMON (%s1)" "DOTA_Shop_Category_5_Hotkey" "SUPPORT (%s1)" "DOTA_Shop_Category_6_Hotkey" "CASTER (%s1)" "DOTA_Shop_Category_7_Hotkey" "WEAPONS (%s1)" "DOTA_Shop_Category_8_Hotkey" "ARMOR (%s1)" "DOTA_Shop_Category_9_Hotkey" "ARTIFACTS (%s1)" "DOTA_Shop_Category_10_Hotkey" "PAGE 1 (%s1)" "DOTA_Shop_Category_11_Hotkey" "PAGE 2 (%s1)" "DOTA_Shop_Category_12_Hotkey" "SECRET SHOP (%s1)" "DOTA_Shop_Category_0" "CONSUMABLES" "DOTA_Shop_Category_1" "ATTRIBUTES" "DOTA_Shop_Category_2" "ARMAMENTS" "DOTA_Shop_Category_3" "ARCANE" "DOTA_Shop_Category_4" "COMMON" "DOTA_Shop_Category_5" "SUPPORT" "DOTA_Shop_Category_6" "CASTER" "DOTA_Shop_Category_7" "WEAPONS" "DOTA_Shop_Category_8" "ARMOR" "DOTA_Shop_Category_9" "ARTIFACTS" "DOTA_Shop_Category_10" "PAGE 1" "DOTA_Shop_Category_11" "PAGE 2" "DOTA_Shop_Category_12" "SECRET SHOP" // Fullscreen shop "DOTA_SHOP_CATEGORY_CONSUMABLES" "Consumables" "DOTA_SHOP_CATEGORY_ATTACK" "Attack" "DOTA_SHOP_CATEGORY_DEFENSE" "Defense" "DOTA_SHOP_CATEGORY_ABILITIES" "Abilities" "DOTA_SHOP_CATEGORY_MOVEMENT" "Movement" "DOTA_SHOP_CATEGORY_ATTRIBUTES" "Attributes" "DOTA_SHOP_CATEGORY_UNIQUES" "Uniques" "DOTA_SHOP_FILTERS" "FILTERS" "DOTA_SHOP_FILTER_BY" "FILTER BY:" "DOTA_SHOP_ITEMS" "ITEMS" "DOTA_SHOP_CLOSE" "X CLOSE" "DOTA_SHOP_DETAILS_ADD_TO_QUICK" "ADD TO QUICK BUY" "DOTA_SHOP_DETAILS_UPGRADE" "UPGRADE ITEM" "DOTA_SHOP_DETAILS_PURCHASE" "PURCHASE ITEM" "DOTA_SHOP_DETAILS_COMPLETE" "COMPLETE" "DOTA_SHOP_QUICK_BUY" "QUICK BUY:" "DOTA_SHOP_STASH" "ITEMS IN STASH:" "DOTA_Shop_Search_Results_Title" "SEARCH RESULTS" "DOTA_Shop_Search_Results_Partial" "'%s1' of '%s2' items that match your search:" "DOTA_Shop_Search_Results" "Items that match your search:" "DOTA_Shop_Search_No_Results" "No items were found that match your search." "DOTA_Shop_Category_Basics" "BASICS" "DOTA_Shop_Category_Upgrades" "UPGRADES" "Dota_Shop_view" "View" "Dota_Shop_Save_Success" "Save Successful" "Dota_Shop_Save_Title" "Save Build" "Dota_Shop_Load" "Load Build" "Dota_Shop_Edit" "Edit Mode" // Tags "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_ALL" "ALL" "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_CONSUMABLE" "Consumable" "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_DAMAGE" "Damage" "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_ATTACK_SPEED" "Attack Speed" "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_CRIT_CHANCE" "Critical Chance" "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_ARMOR" "Armor" "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_EVASION" "Evasion" "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_MAGIC_RESIST" "Magic Damage Resistance" "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_MOVE_SPEED" "Movement Speed" "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_TELEPORT" "Teleport" "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_SEE_INVIS" "Detect Invis" "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_COURIER" "Courier" "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_STR" "Strength" "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_INT" "Intelligence" "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_AGI" "Agility" "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_REGEN_HEALTH" "Health Regen" "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_REGEN_MANA" "Mana Regen" "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_BLOCK" "Block Damage" "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_LIFESTEAL" "Lifesteal" "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_BOOST_HEALTH" "Boost Health" "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_BOOST_MANA" "Boost Mana" "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_BOOST_ARMOR" "Boost Armor" "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_MANA_POOL" "Mana Pool" "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_HEALTH_POOL" "Health Pool" "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_BOOST_MAGIC_RESIST" "Boost Magic Damage Resistance" "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_HARD_TO_TAG" "Hard items to categorize" "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_UNIQUE" "Unique" "DOTA_SHOP_TAG_TUTORIAL" "Tutorial" "DOTA_Shop_Stock" "Stock: %s1" "DOTA_Shop_Restock" "Restock in: %s1" // ItemBuilds "DOTA_Item_Build_Test_Title" "Test Item Build" "DOTA_Item_Build_Starting_Items" "Starting Items" "DOTA_Item_Build_Starting_Items_Secondary" "Starting Items for Bear" "DOTA_Item_Build_Early_Game" "Early Game" "DOTA_Item_Build_Early_Game_Secondary" "Early Game for Bear" "DOTA_Item_Build_Core_Items" "Core Items" "DOTA_Item_Build_Core_Items_Secondary" "Core Items for Bear" "DOTA_Item_Build_Luxury" "Situational Items" "dota_item_build_title_default" "SUGGESTED ITEMS" "dota_item_build_default" "Default Item Build" "dota_item_build_save_failed" "Save Failed" "dota_item_build_save_failed_filename" "Invalid Filename" "dota_item_build_save_success" "Build Saved" "DOTA_GOLD" "Gold" "DOTA_XP" "XP" "DOTA_EXCLAMATION" "!" "DOTA_PLUS" "+" "DOTA_DAMAGE" "DAMAGE" "DOTA_BONUS" "+%s1" "DOTA_PENALTY" "-%s1" "DOTA_MISS" "Miss!" "DOTA_EVADE" "Evade!" "DOTA_LAST_HIT_EARLY" "Early!" "DOTA_LAST_HIT_CLOSE" "Close!" "DOTA_LAST_HIT_MISS" "Miss!" "DOTA_BATTLE_POINTS" "Battle Points" "OS_Default_Device" "Default Device" "UI_DEFAULT_SPEAKERS" "Speaker Config" "UI_Speaker_Device" "Sound Device" // Inventory "DOTA_Inventory" "Inventory" "DOTA_InventoryOverflow" "Overflow" "DOTA_InventoryOverflowMsg" "Items left in the overflow will return to the stash." "DOTA_InventoryStash" "STASH" "DOTA_InventoryQuickBuy" "QUICK BUY" "DOTA_Quick_Buy_Hint" "Shift-click shop items to set Quick Buy" //"Drag shop items here to set Quick Buy" "DOTA_Inventory_ReliableGold" "Reliable Gold: %s1" "DOTA_Inventory_UnreliableGold" "Unreliable Gold: %s1" "DOTA_Inventory_DeathCost" "Death Cost: %s1" "DOTA_Inventory_BuybackCost" "Buyback Cost: %s1" "DOTA_Inventory_BuybackCooldown_Ready" "Buyback Cooldown: Available" "DOTA_Inventory_BuybackCooldown_NotReady" "Buyback Cooldown: %s1" "DOTA_Inventory_BuybackCost_Needed" "%s1 Needed For Buyback" "DOTA_Inventory_BuybackCost_Surplus" "%s1 Surplus" "DOTA_Inventory_Item_Owned_By" "Owned By: %s1" "DOTA_InventoryMenu_Sell" "Sell" "DOTA_InventoryMenu_Disassemble" "Disassemble" "DOTA_InventoryMenu_ShowInShop" "Show in Shop" "DOTA_InventoryMenu_DropFromStash" "Drop from Stash" "DOTA_InventoryMenu_MoveToStash" "Move to Stash" "DOTA_InventoryMenu_Alertable" "Alert Allies" "DOTA_Inventory_KDA" "K / D / A" // kills / deaths / assists "DOTA_Inventory_LHD" "LH / D" // last hits / denies "Inventory_Default_Courier" "Default Courier" "DOTA_Inventory_Courier_Purchaser" "Owned By: %s1" "DOTA_Inventory_Courier_Delivery" "Courier Deliver Items" // Scoreboard "DOTA_Scoreboard_GoodGuys" "THE RADIANT" "DOTA_Scoreboard_BadGuys" "THE DIRE" "DOTA_Scoreboard_Header_PLAYER" "PLAYER" "DOTA_Scoreboard_Header_KDA" "K / D / A" "DOTA_Scoreboard_Header_Level" "LEVEL" "DOTA_Scoreboard_Header_Gold" "GOLD" "DOTA_Scoreboard_Header_Battle_Level" "LEVEL" "DOTA_Scoreboard_Team_Scores_Header" "KILLS PER TEAM" "DOTA_Scoreboard_Heroes_Killed" "HEROES" "DOTA_Scoreboard_Towers_Killed" "TOWERS" "DOTA_Scoreboard_Barracks_Killed" "BARRACKS" "DOTA_Scoreboard_Level_Hero" "Lvl %s1 %s2" "DOTA_Scoreboard_Picking_Hero" "Picking a Hero" "DOTA_Scoreboard_Disconnected" "Disconnected" "DOTA_Scoreboard_Abandoned" "Abandoned" "DOTA_OverlayLocator_PlayerHero" "%s1" "DOTA_Scoreboard_kills" "KILLS" "DOTA_Scoreboard_deaths" "DEATHS" "DOTA_Scoreboard_assists" "ASSISTS" "DOTA_Scoreboard_ultimate" "ULTIMATE" "DOTA_Announcer_Select_Title" "CHOOSE AN ANNOUNCER" "DOTA_Announcer_Default" "Default Announcer" "DOTA_MegaKill_Default" "Default Mega Kill" "DOTA_Hud_Skin_Default" "Default HUD" "DOTA_SHARED_CONTENT_Title" "SHARED CONTENT" "Dota_shared_content_credit" "shared by: %s1" "Dota_shared_content_credit_long" "shared by: %s1 and 1 other" "Dota_shared_content_credit_long_plural" "shared by: %s1 and %s2 others" "Dota_shared_content_available" "Players are sharing items in the Shared Content tab." "Dota_Shared_Content_Announcer" "Announcers" "Dota_Shared_Content_Mega_Announcer" "Mega Kill Announcers" "Dota_Shared_Content_HUD_Skins" "HUD Skins" "DOTA_Shared_Unit_Control_Title" "SHARED UNIT CONTROL" "DOTA_Shared_Unit_Control_Hero" "Hero" "DOTA_Shared_Unit_Control_Units" "Units" "DOTA_Shared_Unit_Control_Disable_Help" "Disable Help" "DOTA_Tooltip_EconItem_Used_By" "Used By:" "DOTA_Tooltip_EconItem_Slot" "Slot:" "DOTA_Tooltip_EconItem_Used_By_Fmt_1" "Used By: %s1" "DOTA_Tooltip_EconItem_Used_By_Fmt_2" "Used By: %s1 and %s2" "DOTA_Tooltip_EconItem_Used_By_Fmt_3" "Used By: %s1, %s2, and %s3" "DOTA_Tooltip_EconItem_Used_By_Fmt_4" "Used By: %s1, %s2, %s3, and %s4" "DOTA_Tooltip_EconItem_Used_By_Fmt_5" "Used By: %s1, %s2, %s3, %s4, and %s5" "DOTA_Tooltip_EconItem_Used_By_Fmt_6" "Used By: %s1, %s2, %s3, %s4, %s5, and %s6" "DOTA_Tooltip_EconItem_Used_By_Fmt_7" "Used By: %s1, %s2, %s3, %s4, %s5, %s6, and %s7" "DOTA_Tooltip_EconItem_Used_By_Fmt_8" "Used By: %s1, %s2, %s3, %s4, %s5, %s6, %s7, and %s8" "DOTA_Tooltip_EconItem_Used_By_Fmt_9" "Used By: %s1, %s2, %s3, %s4, %s5, %s6, %s7, %s8, and %s9" "DOTA_Tooltip_EconItem_Used_By_Fmt_10" "Used By: %s1, %s2, %s3, %s4, %s5, %s6, %s7, %s8, %s9, and %s10" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_Next_Upgrade_Level" "Next Upgrade at Hero Level %s1" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_Upgradable" "Upgradable" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_Build_Comment" "%s1" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_NoScepter" "This hero has no upgrade." "DOTA_Tooltip_Item_Build_Comment" "%s1" "DOTA_Tooltip_Boost_Active" "Drop Rate Bonus Active" "DOTA_steamID" "YOUR FRIEND ID" //ATTRIBUTES "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_attribute_bonus" "Attribute Bonus" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_attribute_bonus_Description" "Improves all attributes per point spent" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_attribute_bonus_attribute_bonus_per_level" "BONUS:" //ATTACK "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_default_attack" "Attacks" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_default_attack_Description" "Damage done by direct attacks." //FOUNTAIN "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_fountain_glyph" "Glyph of Fortification" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_fountain_glyph_Description" "Grant your structures invincibility for 5 seconds. Refreshed if a first tier tower falls." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_fountain_glyph_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_glyph_cooldown_ready" "Ready" "DOTA_Tooltip_glyph_cooldown" "Cooldown: %s1" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_fountain_buyback" "Buyback" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_fountain_buyback_Description" "Respawns your hero immediately, for a price." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_fountain_buyback_cost" "COST:" // Courier Tooltip "DOTA_Tooltip_courier_status" "Courier Status" "DOTA_Tooltip_courier_no_couriers" "No couriers found" "DOTA_Tooltip_courier_status_at_base" "At Base" // idle at the fountain, or working with the stash "DOTA_Tooltip_courier_status_idle_in_world" "Idle In the Field" // idle somewhere out in the world "DOTA_Tooltip_courier_status_moving" "On The Move" // moving somewhere "DOTA_Tooltip_courier_status_returning" "Returning to Base" // move dest is the fountain "DOTA_Tooltip_courier_status_delivering" "Delivering Items to %s1" // moving to a hero "DOTA_Tooltip_courier_respawn" "Dead\nRespawn in %s1" // BUILDING "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_backdoor_protection" "Backdoor Protection" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_backdoor_protection_Description" "Structure takes reduced damage, and quickly regenerates any damage taken while no enemy creeps are nearby." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_backdoor_protection_in_base" "Backdoor Protection" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_backdoor_protection_in_base_Description" "Structure takes reduced damage, and quickly regenerates any damage taken while no enemy creeps are nearby." //COURIER "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_courier_return_to_base" "Return to Base" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_courier_return_to_base_Description" "Returns the courier to base" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_courier_transfer_items" "Transfer Items" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_courier_transfer_items_Description" "Transfer items to hero" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_courier_go_to_secretshop" "Go To Secret Shop" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_courier_go_to_secretshop_Description" "Sends the courier to your team's secret shop" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_courier_return_stash_items" "Return Items" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_courier_return_stash_items_Description" "Return items to stash" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_courier_shield" "Shield" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_courier_shield_Description" "Summons a protective shield around the courier" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_courier_burst" "Speed Burst" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_courier_burst_Description" "The courier gains a burst of speed for %duration% seconds" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_courier_burst_movement_speed" "BURST MOVE SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_courier_take_stash_items" "Retrieve Items" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_courier_take_stash_items_Description" "Retrieve items from stash" //NECRONOMICON "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necronomicon_warrior_mana_burn" "Mana Break" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necronomicon_warrior_mana_burn_Description" "Mana burned per hit, a portion of which is dealt as damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necronomicon_warrior_mana_burn_burn_amount" "MANA BURN PER HIT:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necronomicon_warrior_mana_burn_burn_damage_conversion" "%CONVERTED TO DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necronomicon_warrior_last_will" "Last Will" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necronomicon_warrior_last_will_Description" "Deals damage to the unit that kills the Necronomicon Warrior." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necronomicon_warrior_last_will_explosion" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necronomicon_warrior_sight" "True Sight" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necronomicon_warrior_sight_Description" "Reveals invisible units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necronomicon_warrior_sight_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necronomicon_archer_mana_burn" "Mana Burn" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necronomicon_archer_mana_burn_Description" "Launches an arrow that burns away the targeted unit's mana, dealing damage equal to the amount of mana burned." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necronomicon_archer_mana_burn_burn_amount" "MANA BURN PER HIT:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necronomicon_archer_mana_burn_burn_as_damage_tooltip" "%CONVERTED TO DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necronomicon_archer_mana_burn_cast_range_tooltip" "CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necronomicon_archer_aoe" "Archer Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necronomicon_archer_aoe_Description" "Increases movement and attack speed of nearby units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necronomicon_archer_aoe_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necronomicon_archer_aoe_speed_bonus" "%SPEED BONUS:" //ANTIMAGE "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_antimage_mana_break" "Mana Break" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_antimage_mana_break_Description" "Burns an opponent's mana on each attack. Mana Break deals 60%% of the mana burned as damage to the target.\n\nMana Break is a Unique Attack Modifier, and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_antimage_mana_break_Lore" "A modified technique of the Turstarkuri monks' peaceful ways is to turn magical energies on their owner." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_antimage_mana_break_Note0" "Mana Burn is blocked by spell immunity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_antimage_mana_break_Note1" "You can lifeleech the damage dealt by this skill with a Lifesteal aura." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_antimage_mana_break_mana_per_hit" "MANA BURNED PER HIT:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_antimage_blink" "Blink" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_antimage_blink_Description" "Short distance teleportation that allows Anti-Mage to move in and out of combat." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_antimage_blink_Lore" "In his encounter with the Dead Gods, Anti-Mage learned the value of being elusive." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_antimage_blink_Note0" "You can use Blink to dodge incoming projectiles." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_antimage_blink_blink_range" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_antimage_spell_shield" "Spell Shield" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_antimage_spell_shield_Description" "Increases Anti-Mage's resistance to magic damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_antimage_spell_shield_Lore" "Years of meditation and obsession with revenge have hardened Anti-Mage's skin against mystical opponents." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_antimage_spell_shield_Note0" "Stacks multiplicatively with other spell resistance sources." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_antimage_spell_shield_spell_shield_resistance" "%RESISTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_antimage_mana_void" "Mana Void" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_antimage_mana_void_Description" "For each point of mana missing by the target unit, damage is dealt to it and surrounding enemies. The main target is also mini-stunned." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_antimage_mana_void_Lore" "After bringing enemies to their knees, Anti-Mage punishes them for their use of the arcane arts." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_antimage_mana_void_Note0" "The stun passes through spell immunity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_antimage_mana_void_Note1" "Damage is calculated based on the primary target's mana, but applied to all enemies within the area of effect." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_antimage_mana_void_mana_void_damage_per_mana" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_antimage_mana_void_mana_void_ministun" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_antimage_mana_void_mana_void_aoe_radius" "RADIUS:" "npc_dota_hero_antimage_bio" "The monks of Turstarkuri watched the rugged valleys below their mountain monastery as wave after wave of invaders swept through the lower kingdoms. Ascetic and pragmatic, in their remote monastic eyrie they remained aloof from mundane strife, wrapped in meditation that knew no gods or elements of magic. Then came the Legion of the Dead God, crusaders with a sinister mandate to replace all local worship with their Unliving Lord's poisonous nihilosophy. From a landscape that had known nothing but blood and battle for a thousand years, they tore the souls and bones of countless fallen legions and pitched them against Turstarkuri. The monastery stood scarcely a fortnight against the assault, and the few monks who bothered to surface from their meditations believed the invaders were but demonic visions sent to distract them from meditation. They died where they sat on their silken cushions. Only one youth survived--a pilgrim who had come as an acolyte, seeking wisdom, but had yet to be admitted to the monastery. He watched in horror as the monks to whom he had served tea and nettles were first slaughtered, then raised to join the ranks of the Dead God's priesthood. With nothing but a few of Turstarkuri's prized dogmatic scrolls, he crept away to the comparative safety of other lands, swearing to obliterate not only the Dead God's magic users--but to put an end to magic altogether. " //QUEEN OF PAIN "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_shadow_strike" "Shadow Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_shadow_strike_Description" "Hurls a poisoned dagger which deals large initial damage, and then deals damage over time. The poisoned unit has its movement speed slowed for 15 seconds. An instance of damage is dealt every 3 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_shadow_strike_Lore" "Akasha's envenomed dagger allows her to delight in the drawn out suffering of her victims." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_shadow_strike_Note0" "The affected unit slowly regains its original movement speed every second during the duration." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_shadow_strike_Note1" "Units afflicted by Shadow Strike can be denied by their allies when their HP drops below 25% of their maximum health." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_shadow_strike_movement_slow" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_shadow_strike_strike_damage" "INITIAL DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_shadow_strike_duration_damage" "DAMAGE PER TICK:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_shadow_strike_duration_tooltip" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_shadow_strike_cast_range_tooltip" "CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_blink" "Blink" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_blink_Description" "Short distance teleportation that allows Queen of Pain to move in and out of combat." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_blink_Lore" "The Secret Queen lives up to her title, making her pain impossible to escape." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_blink_Note0" "You can use Blink to dodge incoming projectiles." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_blink_blink_range" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_scream_of_pain" "Scream Of Pain" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_scream_of_pain_Description" "The Queen of Pain lets loose a piercing scream around her, damaging nearby enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_scream_of_pain_Lore" "The sultry voice of Akasha beckons her opponents while stealing their souls." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_scream_of_pain_Note0" "Scream Of Pain will hit invisible units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_scream_of_pain_Note1" "Scream Of Pain cannot be disjointed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_scream_of_pain_area_of_effect" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_sonic_wave" "Sonic Wave" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_sonic_wave_Description" "Creates a gigantic wave of sound in front of Queen of Pain, dealing heavy damage to all enemy units in its wake.\n\nUpgradable with Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_sonic_wave_Lore" "Her most exquisite of all of torments, Akasha's Sonic Wave puts her poor foes out of their misery." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_sonic_wave_Note0" "Sonic Wave can hit units up to 1350 units away." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_sonic_wave_final_aoe" "WAVE MAX RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_sonic_wave_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_sonic_wave_cooldown_scepter" "SCEPTER COOLDOWN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_sonic_wave_damage_scepter" "SCEPTER DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_queenofpain_sonic_wave_aghanim_description" "Increases damage and decreases cooldown." "npc_dota_hero_queenofpain_bio" "The Ecclesiast-King of Elze nursed a desire for pain--forbidden pain. In a less prominent political figure, such desires might be considered unwise, but in a monarch of his stature, to satisfy such thirsts would have threatened the virtue of the Divine Throne itself. Therefore he turned to his dungeon full of demonologists, promising freedom to whoever could summon a personal succubus of torment and bind it entirely to his service. The creature who arrived, Akasha by name, visited upon him such exquisite torments that he named her his Secret Queen, and he began to spend all his spare moments submitting to her clever torments--eventually abdicating all his responsibilities in his pursuit of the painful pleasures that only she could bring. Queen of Pain could bring him to the brink of death, but she was rune-bound to keep him alive. At last the King's neglect of state brought on an uprising. He was dragged from his chamber and hurled from the Tower of Invocations, and at the moment of death, Queen of Pain was let loose into the world, freed from servitude--freed to visit her sufferings on anyone she deigned to notice." //LINA "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lina_dragon_slave" "Dragon Slave" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lina_dragon_slave_Description" "Lina channels the breath of a dragon, sending out a wave of fire that scorches every enemy in its path." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lina_dragon_slave_Lore" "In the scorched barren of Misrule, Lina learned to manipulate the fiery breath of the Desert Wyrm as a form of entertainment." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lina_dragon_slave_Note0" "Dragon Slave can hit units up to 1225 units away." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lina_light_strike_array" "Light Strike Array" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lina_light_strike_array_Description" "Summons a column of flames that damages and stuns enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lina_light_strike_array_Lore" "Lina's essence allows her to focus the sun's energies, causing air to combust at will." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lina_light_strike_array_Note0" "Light Strike Array will destroy trees in its area of effect." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lina_light_strike_array_light_strike_array_aoe" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lina_light_strike_array_light_strike_array_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lina_light_strike_array_light_strike_array_delay_time" "CAST DELAY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lina_fiery_soul" "Fiery Soul" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lina_fiery_soul_Description" "Grants bonus attack and movement speed each time Lina casts a spell. Stacks with itself. Lasts %duration_tooltip% seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lina_fiery_soul_Lore" "Dancing flames embody Lina's playful nature, bringing out her true blazing self." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lina_fiery_soul_Note0" "Duration refreshes each time a new spell is cast." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lina_fiery_soul_Note1" "Using items does not trigger Fiery Soul." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lina_fiery_soul_fiery_soul_attack_speed_bonus" "ATTACK SPEED BONUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lina_fiery_soul_fiery_soul_move_speed_bonus" "%MOVE SPEED BONUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lina_fiery_soul_fiery_soul_max_stacks" "MAX STACKS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lina_fiery_soul_duration_tooltip" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lina_laguna_blade" "Laguna Blade" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lina_laguna_blade_Description" "Fires off a bolt of lightning at a single enemy unit, dealing massive damage.\n\nUpgradable with Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lina_laguna_blade_Lore" "The air around Lina becomes so intensely torrid that it scorches a foe that comes too close with white-hot lightning." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lina_laguna_blade_Note0" "Laguna Blade has a 0.25 delay before the damage is applied after the spell is cast, allowing certain abilities to avoid the damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lina_laguna_blade_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lina_laguna_blade_aghanim_description" "Changes Laguna Blade's damage type to Pure, and allows it to slice through spell immunity." "npc_dota_hero_lina_bio" "The sibling rivalries between Lina the Slayer, and her younger sister Rylai, the Crystal Maiden, were the stuff of legend in the temperate region where they spent their quarrelsome childhoods together. Lina always had the advantage, however, for while Crystal was guileless and naive, Lina's fiery ardor was tempered by cleverness and conniving. The exasperated parents of these incompatible offspring went through half a dozen homesteads, losing one to fire, the next to ice, before they realized life would be simpler if the children were separated. As the oldest, Lina was sent far south to live with a patient aunt in the blazing Desert of Misrule, a climate that proved more than comfortable for the fiery Slayer. Her arrival made quite an impression on the somnolent locals, and more than one would-be suitor scorched his fingers or went away with singed eyebrows, his advances spurned. Lina is proud and confident, and nothing can dampen her flame." //MIRANA "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_arrow" "Sacred Arrow" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_arrow_Description" "Fires an long-range arrow with deadly precision, which stuns and damages the first enemy unit it strikes. The stun duration ranges from 0.01 to %arrow_max_stun% seconds, with bonus damage up to %arrow_bonus_damage% added, based on the distance the arrow travels to its target." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_arrow_Lore" "Lunar energies make the Princess of the Moon's arrows more deadly than most." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_arrow_Note0" "For every 150 distance the arrow travels, the stun duration upon impact increases by 0.5 seconds, and the bonus damage added increases by 14." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_arrow_Note1" "Sacred Arrow can hit invisible units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_arrow_arrow_range" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_arrow_arrow_min_stun" "MINIMUM STUN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_arrow_arrow_max_stun" "MAXIMUM STUN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_arrow_arrow_bonus_damage" "MAXIMUM BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_invis" "Moonlight Shadow" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_invis_Description" "Turns Mirana and all allied heroes invisible. If a hero is revealed, invisibility will restore after the fade delay as long as Moonlight Shadow's duration has not expired." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_invis_Lore" "Her tenure with Selemene allows Mirana to eclipse the ground, wrapping her allies in a cloak of shadows." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_invis_Note0" "Units affected will not auto attack enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_invis_Note1" "Spell Immune allies will be affected." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_invis_fade_delay" "FADE DELAY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_invis_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_leap" "Leap" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_leap_Description" "Mirana leaps forward into battle, empowering allied units with a ferocious roar that grants bonus attack and movement speed. Speed bonus lasts 10 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_leap_Lore" "Both friend and foe alike recognize Mirana's iconic white beast in the heat of battle." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_leap_Note0" "You can use Leap to dodge incoming projectiles." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_leap_leap_distance" "DISTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_leap_leap_speedbonus" "%MOVEMENT BONUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_leap_leap_speedbonus_as" "ATTACK SPEED BONUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_starfall" "Starstorm" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_starfall_Description" "Calls down a wave of meteors to damage nearby enemy units. The closesest enemy unit to Mirana in a %starfall_secondary_radius% radius will be struck a second time for 75%% of the damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_starfall_Lore" "The Goddess breaks the strata to empower her Princess in the time of need." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_starfall_Note0" "Starstorm is not blocked by Linken's Sphere." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_starfall_Note1" "Starstorm cannot hit invisible units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_starfall_Note2" "Starstorm will choose a new target for the second star if the first died before impact." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_starfall_starfall_radius" "RADIUS:" "npc_dota_hero_mirana_bio" "Born to a royal family, a blood princess next in line for the Solar Throne, Mirana willingly surrendered any claim to mundane land or titles when she dedicated herself completely to the service of Selemene, Goddess of the Moon. Known ever since as Princess of the Moon, Mirana prowls the sacred Nightsilver Woods searching for any who would dare poach the sacred luminous lotus from the silvery pools of the Goddess's preserve. Riding on her enormous feline familiar, she is poised, proud and fearless, attuned to the phases of the moon and the wheeling of the greater constellations. Her bow, tipped with sharp shards of lunar ore, draws on the moon's power to charge its arrows of light." //LIFESTEALER "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_rage" "Rage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_rage_Description" "Launch into a maddened rage, becoming Spell Immune, 100% resistant magic damage and gaining increased attack speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_rage_Lore" "The madness and brutality of N'aix makes him a vicious and unrelenting foe in combat." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_rage_Note0" "Upon casting, many buffs and debuffs will be removed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_rage_attack_speed_bonus" "ATTACK SPEED BONUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_rage_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_feast" "Feast" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_feast_Description" "Lifestealer's attacks damage enemies and heal himself for a percentage of his target's current health." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_feast_Lore" "After escaping from his cell in Devarque, N'aix subsisted on flesh and bones of those unfortunate to cross his path." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_feast_Note0" "Does not affect Roshan." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_feast_Note1" "Affects Spell Immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_feast_Note2" "The heal is independent of the damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_feast_Note3" "Stacks additively with other sources of Lifesteal." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_feast_hp_leech_percent" "%LIFE LEECH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_open_wounds" "Open Wounds" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_open_wounds_Description" "Lifestealer rends an enemy unit, slowing the victim's movement speed and allowing all allies to regain health for a percentage of the damage they deal to that unit. All damage dealt will steal life, including damage from spells. The victim recovers movement speed over the duration." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_open_wounds_Lore" "Fresh wounds and the scent of blood often draw out the scavengers to finish the job." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_open_wounds_Note0" "Open Wounds slows over 8 different steps: 70% / 70% / 60% / 50% / 30% / 10% / 10% / 10%, with the slow decreasing one step per second." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_open_wounds_Note1" "Stacks additively with other sources of Lifesteal." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_open_wounds_heal_percent" "%LIFE LEECH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_open_wounds_slow_tooltip" "%MAX SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_open_wounds_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_open_wounds_tooltip_range" "CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_infest" "Infest" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_infest_Lore" "With this infestation, N'aix consumes the life blood of the host, restoring him back to full unholy power." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_infest_Description" "Lifestealer infests the body of a target unit, becoming undetectable inside. He can then explode from the host body, dealing damage to nearby enemies. If the infested unit is an enemy creep or a neutral creep, he can take control of the unit's ability to move and attack, and when consumed the creep will heal Lifestealer's health equal to the creep's current health. Does not work on enemy Heroes.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_infest_aghanim_description" "Adds the Assimilate ability, allowing Lifestealer to swallow a target ally, allowing them to hide within him. Assimilated units heal for the same amount as Lifestealer. When an assimilated hero leaves Lifestealer, they erupt outward, damaging nearby enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_infest_Note0" "If the infested unit dies before Lifestealer consumes it, no health is gained." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_infest_Note1" "Lifestealer gains experience while under the effects of Infest." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_infest_Note2" "Creeps that are controlled while Infested share Lifestealer's movement speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_infest_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_infest_radius" "DAMAGE RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_control" "Control" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_control_Description" "Lifestealer seizes control of the host body's nervous system, allowing him to issue movement and attack orders from within. Controlled units share Lifestealer's movement speed. Cannot be used on heroes." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_consume" "Consume" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_consume_Description" "Lifestealer eats the host body from the inside out, exploding from within." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_empty_1" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_empty_1_Description" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_empty_2" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_empty_2_Description" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_empty_3" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_empty_3_Description" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_empty_4" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_empty_4_Description" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_assimilate" "Assimilate" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_assimilate_Description" "Lifestealer swallows an allied hero, allowing them to hide within him. Any healing Lifestealer receives is shared with the hero within. When an assimilated hero leaves Lifestealer, they erupt outward, damaging nearby enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_assimilate_damage" "ERUPT DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_assimilate_radius" "ERUPT RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_assimilate_Lore" "How can Lifestealer resist the chance to sample an ally?" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_assimilate_eject" "Eject" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_assimilate_eject_Description" "Ejects an Assimilated hero, damaging nearby enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_assimilate_eject_damage_tooltip" "ERUPT DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_life_stealer_assimilate_eject_radius_tooltip" "ERUPT RADIUS:" "npc_dota_hero_life_stealer_bio" "In the dungeons of Devarque, a vengeful wizard lay in shackles, plotting his escape. He shared his cell with a gibbering creature known as N'aix, a thief cursed by the Vile Council with longevity, so that its life-sentence for theft and cozening might be as punishing as possible. Over the years, its chains had corroded, along with its sanity; N'aix retained no memory of its former life and no longer dreamt of escape. Seeing a perfect vessel for his plans, the wizard wove a spell of Infestation and cast his life-force into N'aix's body, intending to compel N'aix to sacrifice itself in a frenzy of violence while the mage returned to his body and crept away unnoticed. Instead, the wizard found his mind caught in a vortex of madness so powerful that it swept away his plans and shattered his will. Jarred to consciousness by the sudden infusion of fresh life, N'aix woke from its nightmare of madness and obeyed the disembodied voice that filled its skull, which had only the one thought: To escape. In that moment Lifestealer was born. The creature cast its mind into dungeon guards and soldiers, compelling them to open locks and cut down their companions, opening an unobstructed path to freedom while feeding on their lives. Lifestealer still wears the broken shackles as a warning that none may hold him, but on the inside remains a prisoner. Two minds inhabit the single form--a nameless creature of malevolent cunning, and the Master whose voice he pretends to obey." //FURION "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_sprout" "Sprout" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_sprout_Description" "Sprouts a ring of trees around a unit, trapping it in place." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_sprout_Lore" "Verdant overgrowth is a common ailment reported by Nature's Prophet's attackers." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_sprout_Note0" "Sprout can be cast on any unit, or the ground." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_sprout_Note1" "Trees created by Sprout have the same interactions with abilities as regular trees." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_sprout_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_sprout_cast_range_tooltip" "CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_teleportation" "Teleportation" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_teleportation_Description" "Teleports to any point on the map." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_teleportation_Lore" "The Prophet keeps his sentinel over the forest, protecting it when in need." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_teleportation_Note0" "Teleport takes 3 seconds to cast." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_teleportation_Note1" "Mana and cooldown take effect when the cast is completed. Nature's Prophet will not use any mana or waste the cooldown if the spell is interrupted while casting." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_teleportation_Note2" "When the cast begins, an effect is created at the target location, which is visible to allies and enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_force_of_nature" "Nature's Call" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_force_of_nature_Description" "Converts an area of trees into Treants. Treants have %treant_health_tooltip% health and deal %treant_min_dmg_tooltip%-%treant_max_dmg_tooltip% damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_force_of_nature_Lore" "Verodicia bestowed the Prophet with the ability to summon the Treant Guard, a mythical sentient army of the wild." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_force_of_nature_Note0" "Nature's Call can only create as many treants as there are trees in the target area." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_force_of_nature_duration" "TREANT DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_force_of_nature_max_treants" "TREANT COUNT:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_wrath_of_nature" "Wrath of Nature" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_wrath_of_nature_Description" "Damaging energy bounces around the map, striking enemies close to the cast point that are in vision. Each enemy hit beyond the first adds damage.\n\nUpgradable with Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_wrath_of_nature_Lore" "Nature's Prophet calls Verodicia's fury to strike down those who might ravage the wilderness." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_wrath_of_nature_Note0" "Wrath of Nature will not hit units out of vision." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_wrath_of_nature_Note1" "Can be cast through the minimap; the nearest valid target will be selected." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_wrath_of_nature_max_targets" "MAX TARGETS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_wrath_of_nature_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_wrath_of_nature_damage_percent_add" "%DAMAGE ADDITION PER BOUNCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_wrath_of_nature_max_targets_scepter" "SCEPTER MAX TARGETS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_wrath_of_nature_damage_scepter" "SCEPTER DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_furion_wrath_of_nature_aghanim_description" "Increases damage and number of bounces. Causes a Nature's Call treant to spawn wherever a unit is killed by Wrath of Nature, whose health and damage are based on the current level of Nature's Call. If a hero is killed, a Greater Treant will be created, which has 3 times as much health and damage." "npc_dota_hero_furion_bio" "When Verodicia, Goddess of the Woods, had finished filling in the green places, having planted the coiled-up spirit in the seed, having lured the twining waters from deep within the rock, having sworn the sun its full attention to the growing things, she realized that her own time had reached its end, and like one of the leaves whose fate she had imprinted in the seed, she would fall without seeing the fruiting of her dream. It pained her to leave the world bereft, for the sprouts had not yet broken through the soil--and they would be tender and vulnerable to every sort of harm. She found in her seed pouch one last seed that she had missed in the sowing. She spoke a single word into the seed and swallowed it as she fell. Her vast body decomposed throughout the long winter, becoming the humus that would feed the seedlings in the spring. And on the morning of the vernal equinox, before the rest of the forest had begun to wake, that last seed ripened and burst in an instant. From it stepped Nature's Prophet, in full leaf, strong and wise, possessing Verodicia's power to foresee where he would be needed most in defense of the green places--and any who might be fortunate enough to call him an ally." //WINDRUNNER "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_focusfire" "Focus Fire" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_focusfire_Description" "Windranger channels the wind to gain %bonus_attack_speed% additional attack speed against a single enemy unit or structure, though with reductions to her attack damage. Extra damage from secondary item effects is not reduced. Lasts %focusfire_duration_tooltip% seconds.\n\nUpgradable with Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_focusfire_Lore" "Lyralei's ability to bombard opponents with a flurry of arrows is unparalleled - even at the expense of accuracy." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_focusfire_Note0" "Can target buildings and Spell Immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_focusfire_bonus_attack_speed" "BONUS ATTACK SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_focusfire_focusfire_damage_reduction" "%DAMAGE REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_focusfire_focusfire_duration_tooltip" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_focusfire_cooldown_scepter" "SCEPTER COOLDOWN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_focusfire_focusfire_damage_reduction_scepter" "%SCEPTER DAMAGE REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_focusfire_aghanim_description" "Reduces cooldown, decreases damage reduction, and removes penalty from Unique Attack Modifiers and item effects." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_powershot" "Powershot" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_powershot_Description" "Windranger charges her bow for up to 1 second for a single powerful shot, which deals more damage the longer it is charged. The arrow damages enemies and destroys trees along its path. For each enemy that Powershot hits, its damage is reduced by 10%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_powershot_Lore" "During her early years of training, Lyralei learned to fire powerful arrows that cleaved even trees to reach their targets." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_powershot_Note0" "Powershot will destroy trees in its area of effect." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_powershot_arrow_range" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_shackleshot" "Shackleshot" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_shackleshot_Description" "Shackles the target to an enemy unit or tree in a line directly behind it. If no unit or tree is present, the stun duration is reduced to 0.75." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_shackleshot_Lore" "Windranger's variety of bow skills includes an arrow with thick ropes attached to encumber any escaping target." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_shackleshot_Note0" "This spell can shackle two enemies together, stunning them both." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_shackleshot_Note1" "Can shackle the target to an enemy unit or tree at most 525/500 behind it." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_shackleshot_Note2" "Shackleshot cannot be disjointed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_shackleshot_stun_duration" "SHACKLE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_windrun" "Windrun" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_windrun_Description" "Increases movement speed and adds evasion from all physical attacks, while slowing movement of nearby enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_windrun_Lore" "Lyralei enchants gusts of winds to fight incoming attacks." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_windrun_Note0" "The slow will affect enemies with spell immunity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_windrun_Note1" "Activating Windrun will evade incoming projectiles." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_windrun_movespeed_bonus_pct" "%MOVE SPEED BONUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_windrun_evasion_pct_tooltip" "%EVASION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_windrun_enemy_movespeed_bonus_pct" "%ENEMY SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_windrun_radius" "ENEMY SLOW RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_windrunner_windrun_duration" "DURATION:" "npc_dota_hero_windrunner_bio" "The western forests guard their secrets well. One of these is Lyralei, master archer of the wood, and favored godchild of the wind. Known now as Windranger, Lyralei's family was killed in a storm on the night of her birth--their house blown down by the gale, contents scattered to the winds. Only the newborn survived among the debris field of death and destruction. In the quiet after the storm, the wind itself took notice of the lucky infant crying in the grass. The wind pitied the child and so lifted her into the sky and deposited her on a doorstep in a neighboring village. In the years that followed, the wind returned occasionally to the child's life, watching from a distance while she honed her skills. Now, after many years of training, Windranger fires her arrows true to their targets. She moves with blinding speed, as if hastened by a wind ever at her back. With a flurry of arrows, she slaughters her enemies, having become, nearly, a force of nature herself." //LION "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_impale" "Earth Spike" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_impale_Description" "Rock spikes burst from the earth along a straight path. Enemy units are hurled into the air, then are stunned and take damage when they fall." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_impale_Lore" "The Demon Witch exercises his demonic covenant, opening a fissure from hell." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_impale_Note0" "The spikes move at 1600 units per second." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_impale_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_impale_length" "LENGTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_voodoo" "Hex" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_voodoo_Description" "Transforms an enemy unit into a harmless beast, with all special abilities disabled." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_voodoo_Lore" "Lion is compelled to share his transfiguration, twisting the essence of those who oppose him." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_voodoo_Note0" "Instantly destroys illusions." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_voodoo_Note1" "The target will have a base movement speed of 100, but buffs granting maximum movement speed won't be disabled." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_voodoo_Note2" "Hex disables damage block." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_voodoo_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_mana_drain" "Mana Drain" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_mana_drain_Description" "CHANNELED - Absorbs the magical energies of a target enemy unit by taking mana from it every second." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_mana_drain_Lore" "Lesser magi are nothing more than a source of magical restoration for the Demon Witch." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_mana_drain_Note0" "Destroys illusions." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_mana_drain_duration" "CHANNEL TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_mana_drain_mana_per_second" "MANA PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_mana_drain_break_distance" "BREAK DISTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_finger_of_death" "Finger of Death" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_finger_of_death_Description" "Rips at an enemy unit, trying to turn it inside-out. Deals massive damage.\n\nUpgradable with Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_finger_of_death_Lore" "Lion's disfigured hand is also the source of his greatest power, capable of flooding victims with malefic force." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_finger_of_death_Note0" "Finger of Death has a 0.25 delay before the damage is applied after the spell is cast, allowing certain abilities to avoid the damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_finger_of_death_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_finger_of_death_damage_scepter" "SCEPTER DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_finger_of_death_mana_cost_scepter" "SCEPTER MANA COST:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_finger_of_death_cooldown_scepter" "SCEPTER COOLDOWN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_finger_of_death_splash_radius_scepter" "SCEPTER AOE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lion_finger_of_death_aghanim_description" "Increases damage. Decreases cooldown. Finger of Death hits all units in a small area." "npc_dota_hero_lion_bio" "Once a Grandmaster of the Demon Witch tradition of sorcery, Lion earned fame among his brethren for fighting on the side of light and righteousness. But adulation corrupts. With powers surpassed only by his ambition, the mage was seduced by a demon and turned to evil, trading his soul for prestige. After committing horrible crimes that marred his soul, he was abandoned. The demon betrayed him, striking better deals with his enemies. Such was Lion's rage that he followed the demon back to hell and slew it, ripping it limb from limb, taking its demonic hand for his own. However, such demonoplasty comes at a cost. Lion was transfigured by the process, his body transformed into something unrecognizable. He rose from hell, rage incarnate, slaying even those who had once called him master, and laying waste to the lands where he had once been so adored. He survives now as the sole practitioner of the Demon Witch tradition, and those who present themselves as acolytes or students are soon relieved of their mana and carried off by the faintest gust of wind." //VENGEFUL "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_magic_missile" "Magic Missile" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_magic_missile_Description" "Fires a magic missile at an enemy unit, stunning and dealing damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_magic_missile_Lore" "A simple Skywrath technique, the magic missile is Shendel's primary tool for vengeance." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_magic_missile_magic_missile_stun" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_wave_of_terror" "Wave of Terror" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_wave_of_terror_Description" "Vengeful Spirit lets loose a wicked cry, weakening the armor of enemies and giving vision of the path ahead." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_wave_of_terror_Lore" "Shendel's haunting voice hints at her approaching vindication." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_wave_of_terror_armor_reduction" "ARMOR REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_wave_of_terror_tooltip_duration" "DEBUFF DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_wave_of_terror_vision_duration" "VISION DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_command_aura" "Vengeance Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_command_aura_Description" "Vengeful Spirit's presence increases the physical damage of nearby friendly units. If Vengeful Spirit is slain, her killer will be possessed with a negative Vengeance Aura, reducing the damage of her killer and its nearby allies until Vengeful Spirit revives." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_command_aura_Lore" "Although they may not share her undying passion for revenge, allies do draw on her fanaticism in combat." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_command_aura_Note0" "The bonus damage provided by the aura is based on base damage and primary attribute." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_command_aura_bonus_damage_pct" "%DAMAGE BONUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_command_aura_aura_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_nether_swap" "Nether Swap" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_nether_swap_Description" "Instantaneously swaps positions with a target Hero, friend or enemy. Nether Swap interrupts channeling abilities on the target.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_nether_swap_Lore" "Martyrdom is a small price to pay for vengeance." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_nether_swap_Note0" "Works on Spell Immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_nether_swap_Note1" "Trees near Vengeful Spirit and the target will be destroyed when the spell is cast." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_nether_swap_Note2" "Channeling spells are interrupted by Nether Swap." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_nether_swap_tooltip_range" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_nether_swap_nether_swap_cooldown_scepter" "SCEPTER COOLDOWN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_vengefulspirit_nether_swap_aghanim_description" "Decreases cooldown, and allows swapping of non-hero units." "npc_dota_hero_vengefulspirit_bio" "Even the most contented Skywrath is an ill-tempered creature, naturally inclined to seek revenge for the slightest insult. But Vengeful Spirit is the essence of vengeance. Once a proud and savage Skywrath scion, Shendelzare was first in succession for the Ghastly Eyrie until a sister's treachery robbed her of her birthright. Snared in an assassin's net, Shendelzare tore free only at the cost of her wings, limping away in the ultimate humiliation: On foot. With her wings broken, she knew the Skywrath would never accept her as ruler; and in the highest roost of the Eyrie, inaccessible except by winged flight, her sister was untouchable. Unwilling to live as a flightless cripple, and desiring revenge far more than earthly power, the fallen princess drove a bargain with the goddess Scree'auk: She surrendered her broken body for an imperishable form of spirit energy, driven by vengeance, capable of doing great damage in the material plane. She may spend eternity flightless, but she will have her revenge." //WITCHDOCTOR "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_paralyzing_cask" "Paralyzing Cask" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_paralyzing_cask_Description" "Launches a cask of paralyzing powder that ricochets between enemy units, stunning and damaging those it hits." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_paralyzing_cask_Lore" "The Witch Doctor recycles the bones of fallen friends and foes, using the powder as part of his arsenal of charms and alchemy." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_paralyzing_cask_Note0" "Targets can be hit multiple times, as long as another unit is struck in between the bounces." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_paralyzing_cask_bounces_tooltip" "BOUNCES:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_paralyzing_cask_hero_duration" "HERO STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_paralyzing_cask_creep_duration" "CREEP STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_paralyzing_cask_hero_damage" "HERO DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_voodoo_restoration" "Voodoo Restoration" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_voodoo_restoration_Description" "Witch Doctor focuses his magic to heal nearby allied units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_voodoo_restoration_Lore" "Zharvakko's hocus pocus is not limited only to hexxing his opponents and is quite adept at curing ailments." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_voodoo_restoration_Note0" "Healing is done in 0.33 second intervals." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_voodoo_restoration_Note1" "Can heal Spell Immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_voodoo_restoration_mana_per_second" "MANA PER SEC:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_voodoo_restoration_heal" "HEAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_voodoo_restoration_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_maledict" "Maledict" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_maledict_Description" "Curses all enemy Heroes in a small area, causing them to take a set amount of damage each second, as well as bursts of damage every 4 seconds based on how much health they have lost since the curse began." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_maledict_Lore" "Certain voodoo magics can make an enemy regret engaging the Witch Doctor." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_maledict_Note0" "If an affected hero's health has increased above the amount they had when Maledict was cast, the burst damage will be 0." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_maledict_duration_tooltip" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_maledict_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_maledict_bonus_damage" "%LOST HEALTH BURST DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_death_ward" "Death Ward" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_death_ward_Description" "CHANNELED - Summons a deadly ward to attack enemy heroes. The Death Ward has attack range of 700, and attacks every .22 seconds. Level 3 Death Ward bounces once. Lasts 8 seconds.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_death_ward_Lore" "Witch Doctor performs a ritualistic dance, one that haunts the dreams of those who live to recount it." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_death_ward_Note0" "The Death Ward is invulnerable, and is only destroyed if Witch Doctor is interrupted or its duration expires." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_death_ward_Note1" "The Death Ward can be controlled, and made to attack a specific target." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_death_ward_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_death_ward_bounces" "BOUNCES:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_death_ward_damage_scepter" "SCEPTER DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_death_ward_scepter_bounces" "SCEPTER BOUNCES:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_witch_doctor_death_ward_aghanim_description" "Increases ward damage. Death Ward attack bounces 4 times." "npc_dota_hero_witch_doctor_bio" "A wiry silhouette hitches forward--uneven of feature and limb, bizarre of gait, relentlessly criss-crossing the battlefield in search of that vital weak point where his talents can do most good, and most harm. Whether broken or mismade it is not clear, but still, none can doubt the power carried in his twisted physique. A long staff thumps the earth as Zharvakko the Witch Doctor advances, deploying a terrifying arsenal of fetishes, hexes and spells. It is a body of magical knowledge learned and perfected over several lifetimes in the island highlands of Arktura, now wielded with precision accuracy against his enemies. Zharvakko can be your best friend or your worst enemy--healing allies and laying waste to all who oppose him." //LESHRAC "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_split_earth" "Split Earth" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_split_earth_Description" "Splits the earth under enemies. Deals damage and stuns for a short duration." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_split_earth_Lore" "Twisting nature to his vile will, the shifting earth consumes those unlucky enough to cross Leshrac's path." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_split_earth_Note0" "Split Earth will destroy trees in its area of effect." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_split_earth_Note1" "There is a 0.35 second delay before the effect is applied." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_split_earth_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_split_earth_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_split_earth_delay" "STUN DELAY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_diabolic_edict" "Diabolic Edict" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_diabolic_edict_Description" "Saturates the area around Leshrac with magical explosions that deal physical damage to enemy units and structures. The fewer units available to attack, the more damage those units will take. Deals %tower_bonus%%% more damage to towers. Lasts %duration_tooltip% seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_diabolic_edict_Lore" "Chronoptic energy bursts from one plane to the other, evaporating anything it touches." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_diabolic_edict_Note0" "Damage is not reduced by damage block." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_diabolic_edict_Note1" "The explosions will continue even if Leshrac is killed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_diabolic_edict_Note2" "Can damage buildings, Spell Immune units, and invisible units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_diabolic_edict_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_diabolic_edict_num_explosions" "EXPLOSIONS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_lightning_storm" "Lightning Storm" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_lightning_storm_Description" "Summons a lightning storm that blasts the target enemy unit, then strikes any nearby enemy units. Struck enemies are slowed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_lightning_storm_Lore" "The Tormented Soul's mastery of the elements is evident in the massive storms that strike down armies before him." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_lightning_storm_Note0" "The lightning searches in a 650 area." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_lightning_storm_jump_count" "LIGHTNING STRIKES:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_lightning_storm_slow_movement_speed" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_lightning_storm_slow_duration" "SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_pulse_nova" "Pulse Nova" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_pulse_nova_Description" "Creates waves of damaging energy around Leshrac, one per second, to damage nearby enemy units.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_pulse_nova_Lore" "If necessary, the Tormented Soul can manipulate space time itself, ravaging lesser beings." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_pulse_nova_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_pulse_nova_mana_cost_per_second" "MANA/SEC:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_pulse_nova_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_pulse_nova_damage_scepter" "SCEPTER DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_leshrac_pulse_nova_aghanim_description" "Increases damage per second." "npc_dota_hero_leshrac_bio" "Leshrac, Tormented Soul, is an entity torn from the heart of nature, a liminal being that exists half in one plane of existence, half in another. His penetrating intelligence is such that he can never ignore for a moment the agonizing horror at the heart of all creation. Once a great philosopher who sought the meaning of existence, he plumbed the depths of nature with the haunted Chronoptic Crystals, and was forever altered by the hideous mysteries thereby revealed to him. Now the darkest depths of his enlightenment are illumined only by the fitful glare of his arrogance. Like other elemental characters, he is completely at one with nature, but in his case it is a nature lurid and vile. He alone sees the evil truth of reality, and has no use for those who believe the cosmos reserves a special reward for those who practice benevolence." //JUGGERNAUT "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_blade_fury" "Blade Fury" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_blade_fury_Description" "Causes a bladestorm of destructive force around Juggernaut, rendering him immune to magic and dealing damage to nearby enemy units. Lasts 5 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_blade_fury_Lore" "Yurnero's renowned katana techniques are feared by warriors and sorcerors alike." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_blade_fury_Note0" "This skill doesn't affect mechanical units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_blade_fury_Note1" "You can use items during Blade Fury." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_blade_fury_Note2" "Juggernaut can still perform attacks while in Blade Fury. However, only units that are not affected by Blade Fury, such as wards or structures, will take damage from these attacks." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_blade_fury_Note3" "Deals a total of 400/500/600/700 damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_blade_fury_blade_fury_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_healing_ward" "Healing Ward" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_healing_ward_Description" "Summons a Healing Ward which heals all nearby allied units, based on their max health. The Healing Ward moves at %healing_ward_movespeed_tooltip% movement speed after being summoned. Lasts %healing_ward_duration_tooltip% seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_healing_ward_Lore" "Of the rituals learned at the Isle of Masks, tending wounds with a bit of voodoo magic has proven to be quite useful." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_healing_ward_Note0" "The healing ward can be controlled." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_healing_ward_Note1" "Multiple healing wards don't stack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_healing_ward_healing_ward_heal_amount" "%MAX HEALTH PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_blade_dance" "Blade Dance" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_blade_dance_Description" "Gives Juggernaut a chance to deal double damage on each attack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_blade_dance_Lore" "The last remnant of his heritage's commitment to bladework, Yurnero ensures that the style is remembered." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_blade_dance_blade_dance_crit_mult" "%CRITICAL DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_blade_dance_blade_dance_crit_chance" "%CRITICAL CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_omni_slash" "Omnislash" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_omni_slash_Description" "Juggernaut leaps towards the target enemy unit with a damaging attack, and then slashes other nearby enemy units, dealing between 200-225 damage per slash. Juggernaut is invulnerable for the duration.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_omni_slash_Lore" "'The fruits of discipline; with practice comes strength.'" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_omni_slash_Note0" "You can use items during Omnislash." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_omni_slash_Note1" "Can target Spell Immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_omni_slash_Note2" "Slashes happen on an interval of 0.4 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_omni_slash_Note3" "Creeps are killed in one hit of omnislash." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_omni_slash_omni_slash_jumps" "SLASHES:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_omni_slash_omni_slash_radius" "SLASH JUMP RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_omni_slash_omni_slash_jumps_scepter" "SCEPTER SLASHES:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_omni_slash_omni_slash_cooldown_scepter" "SCEPTER COOLDOWN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_juggernaut_omni_slash_aghanim_description" "Increases number of slashes and decreases cooldown." "npc_dota_hero_juggernaut_bio" "No one has ever seen the face hidden beneath the mask of Yurnero the Juggernaut. It is only speculation that he even has one. For defying a corrupt lord, Yurnero was exiled from the ancient Isle of Masks--a punishment that saved his life. The isle soon after vanished beneath the waves in a night of vengeful magic. He alone remains to carry on the Isle's long Juggernaut tradition, one of ritual and swordplay. The last practitioner of the art, Yurnero's confidence and courage are the result of endless practice; his inventive bladework proves that he has never stopped challenging himself. Still, his motives are as unreadable as his expression. For a hero who has lost everything twice over, he fights as if victory is a foregone conclusion. " //PUDGE "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_meat_hook" "Meat Hook" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_meat_hook_Description" "Launches a bloody hook toward a unit or location. The hook will snag the first unit it encounters, dragging the unit back to Pudge and dealing damage if it is an enemy." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_meat_hook_Lore" "The Butcher's hook is a symbolic nightmare, its curved blade a frightening reminder of his slaughterous intent." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_meat_hook_Note0" "Interrupts channeling spells of the primary target if it's an enemy." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_meat_hook_Note1" "Meat Hook hits invisible units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_meat_hook_Note2" "Meat Hook can go through trees, cliffs, buildings, and mechanical units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_meat_hook_Note3" "Meat Hook can drag friendly units, but they won't be damaged." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_meat_hook_hook_distance" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_meat_hook_hook_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_rot" "Rot" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_rot_Description" "A toxic cloud that deals intense damage and slows movement--harming not only enemy units but Pudge himself." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_rot_Lore" "A foul odor precedes a toxic, choking gas, emanating from the Butcher's putrid, ever-swelling mass." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_rot_Note0" "Using Rot doesn't interrupt channeling." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_rot_Note1" "Rot hits invisible units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_rot_Note2" "If Pudge is silenced, he can't deactivate Rot if it's activated." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_rot_Note3" "Pudge can deny himself with this ability." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_rot_rot_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_rot_rot_slow" "%MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_rot_rot_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_flesh_heap" "Flesh Heap" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_flesh_heap_Description" "Gives Pudge resistance to magic damage, as well as bonus strength that increases each time Pudge kills an enemy Hero or it dies in his vicinity. Flesh Heap is retroactive, meaning it can gain charges before it is skilled, which then become active." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_flesh_heap_Lore" "The Butcher gives new meaning to the words 'meat shield.'" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_flesh_heap_Note0" "Stacks multiplicatively with other spell resistance sources." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_flesh_heap_flesh_heap_magic_resist" "%MAGIC RESISTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_flesh_heap_flesh_heap_strength_buff_amount" "STRENGTH BONUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_flesh_heap_flesh_heap_range" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_dismember" "Dismember" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_dismember_Description" "CHANNELED - Pudge chows down on an enemy unit, disabling it and dealing damage over time. Lasts 3 seconds on Heroes, 6 seconds on creeps.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_dismember_Lore" "'When I'm through with these vermin, they'll be fit for a pie!'" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_dismember_Note0" "Dismember will disable Spell Immune units, but not damage them." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_dismember_Note1" "If a unit becomes invisible while Dismembered, it will still be under the effects of Dismember." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_dismember_dismember_damage" "DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_dismember_strength_damage_scepter" "SCEPTER STRENGTH MULTIPLIER:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pudge_dismember_aghanim_description" "Adds a strength-based damage bonus, and heals Pudge equal to the damage dealt by Dismember." "npc_dota_hero_pudge_bio" "In the Fields of Endless Carnage, far to the south of Quoidge, a corpulent figure works tirelessly through the night--dismembering, disembowelling, piling up the limbs and viscera of the fallen that the battlefield might be clear by dawn. In this cursed realm, nothing can decay or decompose; no corpse may ever return to the earth from which it sprang, no matter how deep you dig the grave. Flocked by carrion birds who need him to cut their meals into beak-sized chunks, Pudge the Butcher hones his skills with blades that grow sharper the longer he uses them. Swish, swish, thunk. Flesh falls from the bone; tendons and ligaments part like wet paper. And while he always had a taste for the butchery, over the ages, Pudge has developed a taste for its byproduct as well. Starting with a gobbet of muscle here, a sip of blood there...before long he was thrusting his jaws deep into the toughest of torsos, like a dog gnawing at rags. Even those who are beyond fearing the Reaper, fear the Butcher." //BANE "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_enfeeble" "Enfeeble" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_enfeeble_Description" "Weakens an enemy unit, reducing its physical damage. Lasts 20 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_enfeeble_Lore" "Even the mightiest of warriors crumble before the terror of Atropos." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_enfeeble_Note0" "Enfeeble cannot be purged." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_enfeeble_enfeeble_attack_reduction" "REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_brain_sap" "Brain Sap" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_brain_sap_Description" "Feasts on the vital energies of an enemy unit, healing Bane and dealing damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_brain_sap_tooltip_brain_sap_heal_amt" "HEAL AMOUNT:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_brain_sap_Lore" "Atropos finds no greater pleasure than to harvest the fear he creates." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_nightmare" "Nightmare" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_nightmare_Description" "Puts the target enemy or friendly Hero to sleep and deals damage per second. Sleeping units are awakened when attacked, but the Nightmare passes to the attacking unit. The nightmared unit instantly wakes up if it takes damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_nightmare_Lore" "A stolen prowess from the goddess Nyctasha is to put his prey into forever sleep." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_nightmare_cast_range_tooltip" "CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_nightmare_Note0" "Nightmare deals damage to allies and himself, so it can be used to deny heroes or himself." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_nightmare_Note1" "Any source of damage except Nightmare will awaken the unit, but only physical attacks cause the Nightmare to be transferred." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_nightmare_Note2" "In the first second of Nightmare, the unit is invulnerable." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_nightmare_Note3" "Bane can wake himself up from Nightmare." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_nightmare_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_nightmare_end" "Nightmare End" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_nightmare_end_Description" "Ends all ongoing Nightmares." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_nightmare_end_Lore" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_fiends_grip" "Fiend's Grip" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_fiends_grip_Description" "CHANNELED - Grips an enemy unit, disabling it and causing heavy damage over time, while stealing mana every second based on the unit's maximum mana.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_fiends_grip_Lore" "Victims of Atropos are frequently torn apart by vivid conjurations of their own nightmares." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_fiends_grip_Note0" "Fiend's Grip will disable and drain mana from Spell Immune units, but not damage them." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_fiends_grip_fiend_grip_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_fiends_grip_fiend_grip_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_fiends_grip_fiend_grip_mana_drain" "%MANA DRAIN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_fiends_grip_fiend_grip_mana_drain_scepter" "%SCEPTER MANA DRAIN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_fiends_grip_fiend_grip_damage_scepter" "SCEPTER DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_fiends_grip_fiend_grip_duration_scepter" "SCEPTER DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bane_fiends_grip_aghanim_description" "Increases damage per second, mana drain, and duration. If an enemy tries to attack Bane while he is channeling Fiend's Grip, they will instantly have Bane's current level of Nightmare inflicted upon them." "npc_dota_hero_bane_bio" "When the gods have nightmares, it is Bane Elemental who brings them. Also known as Atropos, Bane was born from the midnight terrors of the goddess Nyctasha. A force of terror too powerful to be contained by sleep, he surfaced from her slumbers, fed upon her immortality, and stole his vaporous form from her inky blood. He is the essence of fear. Mortals who hear his voice hear their darkest secrets whispered in their ear. He calls to the hidden fear in every Hero's heart. Wakefulness is no protection, for Bane's black blood, continuously dripping, is a tar that traps his enemies in nightmare. In the presence of Bane, every Hero remembers to fear the dark." //EARTHSHAKER "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_fissure" "Fissure" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_fissure_Description" "Slams the ground with a mighty totem, creating an impassible ridge of stone while stunning and damaging enemy units in a line." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_fissure_Lore" "The Nishian totem splits the world to its core with tectonic force." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_fissure_fissure_range" "FISSURE RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_fissure_fissure_duration" "FISSURE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_fissure_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_fissure_note0" "Creeps will wait for Fissure to disappear. They will not attempt to walk around it." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_fissure_note1" "Fissure is not blocked by Linken's Sphere." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_enchant_totem" "Enchant Totem" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_enchant_totem_Description" "Empowers Earthshaker's totem, causing it to deal extra damage on the next attack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_enchant_totem_Lore" "Raigor's gorilla strength can destroy mountains." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_enchant_totem_Note0" "Bonus damage is based on base damage and that given by primary attribute." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_enchant_totem_totem_damage_percentage" "%BONUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_enchant_totem_tooltip_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_aftershock" "Aftershock" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_aftershock_Description" "Causes the earth to shake underfoot, adding additional damage and stuns to nearby enemy units when Earthshaker casts his abilities." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_aftershock_Lore" "The earth trembles beneath the mighty footsteps of Raigor." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_aftershock_Note0" "Using items does not trigger Aftershock." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_aftershock_aftershock_range" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_aftershock_tooltip_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_echo_slam" "Echo Slam" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_echo_slam_Description" "Shockwaves travel through the ground, damaging enemy units. Each enemy hit causes an echo to damage nearby units.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_echo_slam_Lore" "Tectonic plates crack, mountains fold, and foes are crushed by the Echo Slam." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_echo_slam_Note0" "Will not damage ethereal units, such as those in Ghost Form." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_echo_slam_Note1" "Units creating echoes also take damage from the wave they produced." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_echo_slam_echo_slam_echo_damage" "ECHO DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_echo_slam_echo_slam_damage_range" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earthshaker_echo_slam_aghanim_description" "Causes each initial hero hit to echo twice." "npc_dota_hero_earthshaker_bio" "Like a golem or gargoyle, Earthshaker was one with the earth but now walks freely upon it. Unlike those other entities, he created himself through an act of will, and serves no other master. In restless slumbers, encased in a deep seam of stone, he became aware of the life drifting freely above him. He grew curious. During a season of tremors, the peaks of Nishai shook themselves loose of avalanches, shifting the course of rivers and turning shallow valleys into bottomless chasms. When the land finally ceased quaking, Earthshaker stepped from the settling dust, tossing aside massive boulders as if throwing off a light blanket. He had shaped himself in the image of a mortal beast, and named himself Raigor Stonehoof. He bleeds now, and breathes, and therefore he can die. But his spirit is still that of the earth; he carries its power in the magical totem that never leaves him. And on the day he returns to dust, the earth will greet him as a prodigal son." //SANDKING "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_burrowstrike" "Burrowstrike" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_burrowstrike_Description" "Sand King burrows into the ground and tunnels forward, damaging and stunning enemy units above him as he resurfaces." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_burrowstrike_Lore" "Crixalis often lies in wait, burrowing under the surface to ambush his adversaries." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_burrowstrike_tooltip_range" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_burrowstrike_burrow_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_sand_storm" "Sand Storm" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_sand_storm_Description" "CHANNELED - Sand King creates a fearsome sandstorm that damages enemy units while hiding him from vision. The invisibility remains for a short duration after the sandstorm ends." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_sand_storm_Lore" "Some say Crixalis is a mirage; his carapace appearing then vanishing between the whirling sands of the Scintillant Waste." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_sand_storm_Note0" "Sand Storm can be used to dodge projectiles." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_sand_storm_AbilityDuration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_sand_storm_sand_storm_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_sand_storm_sand_storm_invis_delay" "INVISIBILITY DELAY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_caustic_finale" "Caustic Finale" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_caustic_finale_Description" "Sand King's attacks inject a venom that causes enemy units to violently explode when its timer expires, or when the unit dies, damaging and slowing nearby enemies.\n\nCaustic Finale is a Unique Attack Modifier, and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifier." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_caustic_finale_Lore" "An injection from Crixalis makes one brittle and as dry as the arid wastes, subject to implosive demise." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_caustic_finale_Note0" "Units afflicted with the debuff will explode even if Sand King did not deliver the killing blow." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_caustic_finale_Note1" "The buff is not placed on allied units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_caustic_finale_caustic_finale_radius" "EXPLODE RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_caustic_finale_caustic_finale_damage" "EXPLODE DEATH DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_caustic_finale_caustic_finale_damage_expire_tooltip" "EXPLODE TIMER DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_caustic_finale_caustic_finale_duration" "EXPLODE TIMER:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_caustic_finale_caustic_finale_slow" "%MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_caustic_finale_caustic_finale_slow_duration" "SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_epicenter" "Epicenter" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_epicenter_Description" "CHANNELED - After channeling for 2 seconds, Sand King sends a disturbance into the earth, causing it to shudder violently. All enemies caught within range will take damage and become slowed. Each subsequent pulse increases the radius of damage dealt.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_epicenter_Lore" "Many an explorer was lost to the quicksands of the Scintillant Waste." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_epicenter_Note0" "The pulses are centered on Sand King, not where he first casted the spell." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_epicenter_Note1" "The pulses have gradually inreasing radius: 275 / 325 / 375 / 425 / 475 / 525 / 575 / 650 / 675 / 700 ( 775 / 825 *)." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_epicenter_epicenter_pulses" "PULSES:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_epicenter_epicenter_damage" "DAMAGE PER PULSE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_epicenter_epicenter_slow" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_epicenter_epicenter_slow_as" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_epicenter_epicenter_slow_duration_tooltip" "SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_epicenter_epicenter_pulses_scepter" "SCEPTER PULSES:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_epicenter_epicenter_cooldown_scepter" "SCEPTER COOLDOWN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sandking_epicenter_aghanim_description" "Decreases cooldown and increases number of pulses." "npc_dota_hero_sand_king_bio" "The sands of the Scintillant Waste are alive and sentient--the whole vast desert speaks to itself, thinking thoughts only such a vastness can conceive. But when it needs must find a form to communicate with those of more limited scope, it frees a fragment of itself, and fills a carapace of magic armor formed by the cunning Djinn of Qaldin. This essential identity calls itself Crixalis, meaning 'Soul of the Sand,' but others know it as Sand King. Sand King takes the form of a huge arachnid, inspired by the Scintillant Waste's small but ubiquitous denizens; and this is a true outward expression of his ferocious nature. Guardian, warrior, ambassador--Sand King is all of these things, inseparable from the endless desert that gave him life." //NEVERMORE "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_shadowraze1" "Shadowraze" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_shadowraze1_Description" "Shadow Fiend razes the area in front of him, dealing damage to enemy units in an area." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_shadowraze1_Lore" "Nevermore's trademark for harvesting souls." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_shadowraze1_shadowraze_range" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_shadowraze2" "Shadowraze" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_shadowraze2_Description" "Shadow Fiend razes the area in front of him, dealing damage to enemy units in an area." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_shadowraze2_Lore" "Nevermore's trademark for harvesting souls." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_shadowraze2_shadowraze_range" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_shadowraze3" "Shadowraze" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_shadowraze3_Description" "Shadow Fiend razes the area in front of him, dealing damage to enemy units in an area." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_shadowraze3_Lore" "Nevermore's trademark for harvesting souls." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_shadowraze3_shadowraze_range" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_necromastery" "Necromastery" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_necromastery_Description" "Shadow Fiend steals the soul from units he kills, gaining bonus damage. If the killed unit is a hero, he gains 12 souls. On death, he releases half of them from bondage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_necromastery_Lore" "Harvested souls swirl in and out of the Abysm, empowering the Shadow Fiend to increase the size of his collection." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_necromastery_Note0" "Denies, neutral creeps, and buildings also provide bonus damage through Necromastery." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_necromastery_necromastery_max_souls" "MAX SOULS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_necromastery_necromastery_damage_per_soul" "DAMAGE PER SOUL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_dark_lord" "Presence of the Dark Lord" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_dark_lord_Description" "Shadow Fiend's presence reduces the armor of nearby enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_dark_lord_Lore" "Even being near Nevermore eats away at one's soul." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_dark_lord_Note0" "Stacks fully with other armor reduction abilities and aura." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_dark_lord_presence_armor_reduction" "REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_dark_lord_presence_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_requiem" "Requiem of Souls" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_requiem_Description" "Shadow Fiend gathers his captured souls to release them as lines of demonic energy. Units near Shadow Fiend when the souls are released can be damaged by several lines of energy. Any unit damaged by Requiem of Souls will have its movement speed and attack damage reduced. Lines of energy are created for every 2 souls captured through Necromastery. Requiem of Souls is automatically cast whenever Shadow Fiend dies, regardless of its cooldown." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_requiem_cast_time_tooltip" "CAST DELAY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_requiem_requiem_reduction_ms" "%MOVEMENT REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_requiem_requiem_reduction_tooltip" "%DAMAGE REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_requiem_requiem_slow_duration" "REDUCTION DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_requiem_Lore" "The captured souls of those past slain are released to ravage their former allies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_requiem_Note0" "One line is generated from Shadow Fiend for every 2 souls in his possession, for a maximum of 18 lines." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nevermore_requiem_Note1" "The movement and attack damage reductions from Requiem of Souls go through spell immunity." "npc_dota_hero_nevermore_bio" "It is said that Nevermore the Shadow Fiend has the soul of a poet, and in fact he has thousands of them. Over the ages he has claimed the souls of poets, priests, emperors, beggars, slaves, philosophers, criminals and (naturally) heroes; no sort of soul escapes him. What he does with them is unknown. No one has ever peered into the Abysm whence Nevermore reaches out like an eel from among astral rocks. Does he devour them one after another? Does he mount them along the halls of an eldritch temple, or pickle the souls in necromantic brine? Is he merely a puppet, pushed through the dimensional rift by a demonic puppeteer? Such is his evil, so intense his aura of darkness, that no rational mind may penetrate it. Of course, if you really want to know where the stolen souls go, there's one sure way to find out: Add your soul to his collection. Or just wait for Nevermore." //SVEN "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_storm_bolt" "Storm Hammer" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_storm_bolt_Description" "Sven unleashes his magical gauntlet that deals damage and stuns enemy units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_storm_bolt_Lore" "The Rogue Knight's iron gauntlet, taken from the school of his father, strikes his foes to their core." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_storm_bolt_bolt_stun_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_storm_bolt_bolt_aoe" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_great_cleave" "Great Cleave" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_great_cleave_Description" "Sven strikes with great force, cleaving all nearby enemy units with his attack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_great_cleave_Lore" "The Vigil Knights still seek to reclaim the stolen Outcast Blade from Sven, a weapon capable of cutting wide swaths through lesser warriors." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_great_cleave_Note0" "Cleave damage is reduced by armor type but not by armor value." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_great_cleave_Note1" "Cleave damage goes through spell immunity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_great_cleave_Note2" "The cleave damages a circular area in front of Sven." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_great_cleave_great_cleave_damage" "%CLEAVE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_great_cleave_great_cleave_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_warcry" "Warcry" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_warcry_Description" "Sven's Warcry heartens his allies for battle, increasing their movement speed and armor. Lasts %duration_tooltip% seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_warcry_Lore" "Calling a few lines from the Vigil Codex fortifies Sven's obedience to his rogue code. So poetic!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_warcry_Note0" "Fully stacks with other armor and speed granting abilities." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_warcry_warcry_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_warcry_warcry_armor" "BONUS ARMOR:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_warcry_warcry_movespeed" "%BONUS SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_warcry_duration_tooltip" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_gods_strength" "God's Strength" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_gods_strength_Description" "Sven channels his rogue strength, granting bonus damage for 25 seconds.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_gods_strength_Lore" "With the strength that shattered the Sacred Helm, the Rogue Knight stands unopposed in melee combat." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_gods_strength_Note0" "The bonus damage is based on base damage and the primary attribute of Sven." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_gods_strength_gods_strength_damage" "%BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_gods_strength_aghanim_description" "God's Strength grants bonus damage to allies in a 900 radius." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_gods_strength_scepter_aoe" "SCEPTER ALLY AURA RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sven_gods_strength_gods_strength_damage_scepter" "%SCEPTER ALLY BONUS DAMAGE:" "npc_dota_hero_sven_bio" "Sven is the bastard son of a Vigil Knight, born of a Pallid Meranth, raised in the Shadeshore Ruins. With his father executed for violating the Vigil Codex, and his mother shunned by her wild race, Sven believes that honor is to be found in no social order, but only in himself. After tending his mother through a lingering death, he offered himself as a novice to the Vigil Knights, never revealing his identity. For thirteen years he studied in his father's school, mastering the rigid code that declared his existence an abomination. Then, on the day that should have been his In-Swearing, he seized the Outcast Blade, shattered the Sacred Helm, and burned the Codex in the Vigil's Holy Flame. He strode from Vigil Keep, forever solitary, following his private code to the last strict rune. Still a knight, yes...but a Rogue Knight. He answers only to himself." //PHANTOM ASSASSIN "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_assassin_stifling_dagger" "Stifling Dagger" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_assassin_stifling_dagger_Description" "Deals minor pure damage and slows the enemy unit's movement speed. Deals half damage to heroes." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_assassin_stifling_dagger_Lore" "The first skill learned by the Sisters of the Veil often signals an incoming hit." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_assassin_stifling_dagger_move_slow" "%SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_assassin_stifling_dagger_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_assassin_phantom_strike" "Phantom Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_assassin_phantom_strike_Description" "Teleports to a unit, friendly or enemy, and grants bonus attack speed while attacking if it's an enemy unit." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_assassin_phantom_strike_Lore" "Mortred's silken veil is the last thing her unfortunate target sees." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_assassin_phantom_strike_bonus_max_attack_count" "MAX ATTACKS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_assassin_phantom_strike_bonus_attack_speed" "BONUS ATTACK SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_assassin_phantom_strike_tooltip_range" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_assassin_blur" "Blur" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_assassin_blur_Description" "Phantom Assassin focuses inward, increasing her ability to evade enemy attacks, and allowing her to blur her body to disappear from the enemy team's minimap when far from enemy heroes.\n\nStacks diminishingly with other sources of Evasion." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_assassin_blur_Lore" "Meditation allows a Veiled Sister to carefully anticipate her opponents in combat." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_assassin_blur_bonus_evasion" "%EVASION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_assassin_blur_radius" "MAP VANISH RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_assassin_coup_de_grace" "Coup de Grace" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_assassin_coup_de_grace_Description" "Phantom Assassin refines her combat abilities, gaining a chance of delivering a devastating critical strike to enemy units. Stifling Dagger shares the same critical strike chance." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_assassin_coup_de_grace_Lore" "A divine strike, Mortred honors her opponent by choosing them for death." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_assassin_coup_de_grace_crit_chance" "%CRITICAL CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_assassin_coup_de_grace_crit_bonus" "%CRITICAL DAMAGE:" "npc_dota_hero_phantom_assassin_bio" "Through a process of divination, children are selected for upbringing by the Sisters of the Veil, an order that considers assassination a sacred part of the natural order. The Veiled Sisters identify targets through meditation and oracular utterances. They accept no contracts, and never seem to pursue targets for political or mercenary reasons. Their killings bear no relation to any recognizable agenda, and can seem to be completely random: A figure of great power is no more likely to be eliminated than a peasant or a well digger. Whatever pattern the killings may contain, it is known only to them. They treat their victims as sacrifices, and death at their hand is considered an honor. Raised with no identity except that of their order, any Phantom Assassin can take the place of any other; their number is not known. Perhaps there are many, perhaps there are few. Nothing is known of what lies under the Phantom Veil. Except that this one, from time to time, when none are near enough to hear, is known to stir her veils with the forbidden whisper of her own name: Mortred." //SKELETON KING "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_hellfire_blast" "Wraithfire Blast" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_hellfire_blast_Description" "Wraith King sears an enemy unit with spectral fire, dealing damage and stunning, then dealing damage over time and slowing the target." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_hellfire_blast_Lore" "Ostarion calls on his damned lineage, laying waste to his opponents." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_hellfire_blast_Note0" "Deals 80 / 160 / 230 / 300 total damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_hellfire_blast_blast_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_hellfire_blast_tooltip_slow_duration" "SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_hellfire_blast_blast_slow" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_hellfire_blast_blast_dot_damage" "DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_vampiric_aura" "Vampiric Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_vampiric_aura_Description" "Nearby friendly units gain hit points based on their damage dealt when attacking enemy units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_vampiric_aura_Lore" "Wraith King's blade drains his enemy's essence to feed his aura." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_vampiric_aura_Note0" "Stacks additively with other sources of Lifesteal." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_vampiric_aura_vampiric_aura" "%LIFESTEAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_mortal_strike" "Mortal Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_mortal_strike_Description" "Wraith King passively gains a chance to deal bonus damage on an attack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_mortal_strike_Lore" "One blow to crush a foe." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_mortal_strike_crit_chance" "%CRITICAL CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_mortal_strike_crit_mult" "%CRITICAL DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_reincarnation" "Reincarnation" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_reincarnation_Description" "Wraith King's form regroups after death, allowing him to resurrect when killed in battle. Upon death, enemy units in a %slow_radius% radius will be slowed.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_reincarnation_aghanim_description" "If a nearby allied hero is slain, they will be transformed into a wraith and have their death delayed for 5 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_reincarnation_Lore" "Conspirators against the Wraith King wonder why he never stays dead." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_reincarnation_Note0" "Wraith King won't revive if he doesn't have enough mana." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_reincarnation_Note1" "If Wraith King has an Aegis and Reincarnation off cooldown, Reincarnation will trigger first." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_reincarnation_Note2" "Revives with full HP and Mana." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_reincarnation_Note3" "Credit for allies whose death was delayed will go to whoever struck the original killing blow." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_reincarnation_Note4" "Wraith Delay not affect Techies' Suicide Squad, Attack ability." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_reincarnation_Note5" "Wraith Delay affects Wraith King's actual deaths, not Reincarnate deaths." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_reincarnation_reincarnate_time" "REINCARNATION TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_reincarnation_movespeed" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_reincarnation_attackslow_tooltip" "ATTACK SPEED SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_reincarnation_slow_duration" "SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_reincarnation_scepter_duration" "SCEPTER ALLY DEATH DELAY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skeleton_king_reincarnation_aura_radius_tooltip_scepter" "SCEPTER DEATH DELAY RADIUS:" "npc_dota_hero_skeleton_king_bio" "For untold years, King Ostarion built a kingdom from the remains of his enemies. It was an obsessive's errand, done to pass the long eternities of a monarchy that seemed fated never to end. He believed that as long as he built up the towers of his palace, he could not die. But eventually he learned that he had been deluded... that bone itself could perish. Deeply mistrustful of flesh, he sought a more permanent way of extending his reign, and at last settled on pursuit of wraith energy, a form of pure spirit given off by certain dark souls at death. Should he infuse himself with Wraith Essence, he thought he might create a body as luminous and eternal as his ego. On the millennial solstice known as Wraith-Night, he submitted to a rite of transformation, compelling his subjects to harvest enough souls to fuel his ambition for immortality. No one knows how many of his champions died, for the only survivor who mattered was the Wraith King who rose with the sun on the following morn. Now he rarely spends a moment on his glowing throne--but strides out with sword drawn, demanding a fealty that extends far beyond death. " //DROW RANGER "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_frost_arrows" "Frost Arrows" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_frost_arrows_Description" "Adds a freezing effect to Drow's attacks, slowing enemy movement. Lasts %frost_arrows_hero_duration_tooltip% seconds on Heroes, and %frost_arrows_creep_duration% seconds on creeps.\n\nFrost Arrows is a Unique Attack Modifier, and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_frost_arrows_Lore" "Ice-encased arrows pierce the silence, chilling their victims to the core." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_frost_arrows_Note0" "The slow duration is refreshed on successive casts." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_frost_arrows_frost_arrows_movement_speed" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_frost_arrows_frost_arrows_hero_duration_tooltip" "HERO DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_frost_arrows_frost_arrows_creep_duration" "CREEP DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_silence" "Silence" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_silence_Description" "Stops all enemy units in a target area from casting spells." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_silence_Lore" "Traxex is rather fond of the tranquility of physical combat, calling on her Drow heritage to end the incantations of opposing magi." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_silence_Note0" "Doesn't stop usage of items." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_silence_silence_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_silence_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_wave_of_silence" "Gust" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_wave_of_silence_Description" "Releases a wave that silences and knocks back enemy units. Knockback distance is relative to how close they are to you." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_wave_of_silence_Lore" "Traxex is rather fond of the tranquility of physical combat, calling on her Drow heritage to end the incantations of opposing magi." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_wave_of_silence_wave_range_tooltip" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_wave_of_silence_wave_width" "WIDTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_wave_of_silence_silence_duration" "SILENCE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_wave_of_silence_knockback_duration" "KNOCKBACK DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_trueshot" "Precision Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_trueshot_Description" "Adds bonus damage to the physical attack of allied, ranged Hero units on the map based on a percentage of Drow's agility. Affects creeps for 30 seconds when cast." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_trueshot_Lore" "Traxex' time spent alone in the forests of her Drow home has allowed her to teach other archers how to improve their bow skills." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_trueshot_trueshot_ranged_damage" "%RANGE DAMAGE BONUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_trueshot_trueshot_aura_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_marksmanship" "Marksmanship" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_marksmanship_Description" "Drow's experiences in battle improve her accuracy and effectiveness in combat, providing a passive bonus to Agility. Grants no bonus if there are enemy heroes within 400 range." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_marksmanship_Lore" "The Drow Ranger is the epitome of archery prowess." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_drow_ranger_marksmanship_marksmanship_agility_bonus" "BONUS AGILITY:" "npc_dota_hero_drow_ranger_bio" "Drow Ranger's given name is Traxex--a name well suited to the short, trollish, rather repulsive Drow people. But Traxex herself is not a Drow. Her parents were travelers in a caravan set upon by bandits, whose noisy slaughter of innocents roused the ire of the quiet Drow people. After the battle settled, the Drow discovered a small girl-child hiding in the ruined wagons, and agreed she could not be abandoned. Even as child, Traxex showed herself naturally adept at the arts they prized: Stealth, silence, subtlety. In spirit, if not in physique, she might have been a Drow changeling, returned to her proper home. But as she grew, she towered above her family and came to think of herself as ugly. After all, her features were smooth and symmetrical, entirely devoid of warts and coarse whiskers. Estranged from her adopted tribe, she withdrew to live alone in the woods. Lost travelers who find their way from the forest sometimes speak of an impossibly beautiful Ranger who peered at them from deep among the trees, then vanished like a dream before they could approach. Lithe and stealthy, icy hot, she moves like mist in silence. That whispering you hear is her frozen arrows finding an enemy's heart. " //MORPHLING "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_waveform" "Waveform" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_waveform_Description" "Morphling dissolves into liquid and surges forward, damaging enemy units in his path. Morphling is invulnerable during Waveform." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_waveform_Lore" "A torrential flood takes enemies by force." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_adaptive_strike" "Adaptive Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_adaptive_strike_Description" "Launches a surge of water toward an enemy unit, stunning the target while dealing base damage plus additional damage based on Morphling's agility times a multiplier. If Morphling's agility is 50%% higher than strength, the maximum damage and the minimum stun is dealt. If his strength is 50%% higher than his agility, the maximum stun and minimum damage are dealt." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_adaptive_strike_Lore" "The Morphling calls upon his elements to crush his opponents with waves." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_adaptive_strike_Note0" "Knocks the target back 100 - 300 units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_adaptive_strike_Note1" "Projectile moves at 1150 speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_adaptive_strike_damage_base" "BASE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_adaptive_strike_stun_max" "STUN MAX:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_adaptive_strike_stun_min" "STUN MIN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_adaptive_strike_damage_max" "DAMAGE MAX AGI MULTIPLIER:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_adaptive_strike_damage_min" "DAMAGE MIN AGI MULTIPLIER:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_adaptive_strike_range_tooltip" "CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_morph_agi" "Morph (Agility Gain)" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_morph_agi_Description" "Morphling shifts its form, pulling points from Strength and pouring them into Agility. The process is reversible. Additional points in Morph increase the rate of stat change. Passively grants bonus Agility." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_morph_agi_Lore" "Shifting water makes it difficult to discern the nature of Morphling." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_morph_agi_Note0" "Morph can be activated or deactivated while Morphling is disabled, but not while silenced." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_morph_agi_Note1" "Morph can't convert stats from items." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_morph_agi_points_per_tick" "POINTS PER SHIFT:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_morph_agi_mana_cost" "MANA PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_morph_agi_morph_cooldown" "SHIFT RATE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_morph_agi_bonus_attributes" "BONUS AGILITY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_morph_str" "Morph (Strength Gain)" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_morph_str_Description" "Morphling shifts its form, pulling points from Agility and pouring them into Strength. The process is reversible. Additional points in Morph increase the rate of stat change. Passively grants bonus Strength." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_morph_str_Lore" "Shifting water makes it difficult to discern the nature of Morphling." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_morph_str_Note0" "Morph works while Morphling is disabled, but not when silenced." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_morph_str_Note1" "Morph can't convert stats from items." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_morph_str_points_per_tick" "POINTS PER SHIFT:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_morph_str_mana_cost" "MANA PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_morph_str_morph_cooldown" "SHIFT RATE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_morph_str_bonus_attributes" "BONUS STRENGTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_replicate" "Replicate" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_replicate_Description" "Morphling replicates any hero, friend or foe, dealing 50%% of the original Hero's outgoing damage while taking 100%% of any incoming damage. At any time, Morphling can instantly take the position of the Replicate for 150 mana. If Morphling dies, the Replicate will expire.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_replicate_aghanim_description" "Adds a new ability: Hybrid, which can be cast on an allied hero to temporarily replace Morphling with an enhanced replicate of that hero which can cast their non-ultimate abilities." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_replicate_Lore" "Staring into Morphling produces a reflection that mimics the beholder." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_replicate_Note0" "You can't target yourself with Replicate without Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_replicate_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_replicate_tooltip_illusion_damage_out_pct" "%REPLICATE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_replicate_illusion_incoming_dmg_pct_tooltip" "%REPLICATE DAMAGE TAKEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_replicate_tooltip_cast_range" "CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_morph_replicate" "Morph Replicate" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_morph_replicate_Description" "Morphling switches into his replication, instantly taking its position." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_hybrid" "Hybrid" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_hybrid_Description" "Morphling becomes a hybrid replication of a target allied hero, and can cast all of that hero's non-ultimate abilities. Morphling will reappear at the location of the hybrid if it dies, or when its duration ends.\n\nCannot be cast while Morphling has an active Replicate." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_morphling_hybrid_duration" "DURATION:" "npc_dota_hero_morphling_bio" "For dark eons the comet circled. Held in thrall to a distant sun, bound by gravity's inexorable pull, the massive ball of ice careened through the blackness between worlds, made strange by its dark journey. On the eve of the ancient war of the Vloy, it punched down through the sky and lit a glowing trail across the night, a sign both armies took for an omen. The frozen ball melted in a flash of boiling heat, as below two forces enjoined in battle across the border of a narrow river. Thus freed from its icy stasis, the Morphling was born into conflict, an elemental power at one with the tides of the ocean, capricious and unconstrained. He entered the fight, instinctively taking the form of the first general who dared set foot across the water, and then struck him dead. As the motley warriors clashed, he shifted from form to form throughout the battle, instantly absorbing the ways of these strange creatures--now a footsoldier, now an archer, now the cavalryman--until, by the time the last soldier fell, Morphling had played every part. The battle's end was his beginning." //BLOOD SEEKER "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_bloodrage" "Bloodrage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_bloodrage_Description" "Drives a unit into a bloodthirsty rage during which a unit deals, and takes, increased damage. Units affected by Bloodrage will be healed for 25%% of the max health of any units they kill. Units affected by Bloodrage when killed will heal 25%% of their max health to their killer." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_bloodrage_Lore" "Strygwyr shares his animalistic thirst for bloodshed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_bloodrage_Note0" "Bloodrage can be cast on enemy and allied units, as well as Bloodseeker himself." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_bloodrage_Note1" "Only amplifies for half values when the damage dealer and the receiver are over 2200 range apart." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_bloodrage_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_bloodrage_damage_increase_pct" "%DAMAGE INCREASE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_blood_bath" "Blood Rite" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_blood_bath_Description" "Bloodseeker baptizes an area in sacred blood. After %delay_plus_castpoint_tooltip% seconds the ritual completes, causing any enemies caught in the area to take damage and become silenced." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_blood_bath_Lore" "The Flayed Twins are ever willing to aid those who spill blood upon the field of battle." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_blood_bath_silence_duration" "SILENCE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_blood_bath_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_blood_bath_radius" "RITUAL AREA:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_blood_bath_Note0" "Total time is a 2.6 second delay plus a 0.4 second cast time." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_thirst" "Thirst" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_thirst_Description" "Enables Bloodseeker to sense enemy Heroes whose health is below a certain percentage wherever they are, giving him True Sight on that unit, increasing his movement speed, and increasing the attack damage he deals to that hero based on how much health they are missing. Bonuses stack per Hero." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_thirst_Lore" "Strygwyr becomes frenzied when blood is spilled." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_thirst_Note0" "Not triggered by Illusions." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_thirst_visibility_threshold_pct" "%VISIBILITY HEALTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_thirst_bonus_movement_speed" "%MAX BONUS MOVE SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_thirst_bonus_damage" "MAX THIRST BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_rupture" "Rupture" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_rupture_Description" "Causes an enemy unit's skin to rupture. If the unit moves, it takes a percentage of the distance traveled as damage. The damage is dealt through spell immunity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_rupture_Lore" "When the Bloodseeker hunts you, injuries become fatalities." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_rupture_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_rupture_movement_damage_pct" "%MOVE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bloodseeker_rupture_cast_range_tooltip" "CAST RANGE:" "npc_dota_hero_bloodseeker_bio" "Strygwyr the Bloodseeker is a ritually sanctioned hunter, Hound of the Flayed Twins, sent down from the mist-shrouded peaks of Xhacatocatl in search of blood. The Flayed Ones require oceanic amounts of blood to keep them sated and placated, and would soon drain their mountain empire of its populace if the priests of the high plateaus did not appease them. Strygwyr therefore goes out in search of carnage. The vital energy of any blood he lets, flows immediately to the Twins through the sacred markings on his weapons and armor. Over the years, he has come to embody the energy of a vicious hound; in battle he is savage as a jackal. Beneath the Mask of the Bloodseeker, in the rush of bloody quenching, it is said that you can sometime see the features of the Flayers taking direct possession of their Hound." //AXE "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_berserkers_call" "Berserker's Call" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_berserkers_call_Description" "Axe taunts nearby enemy units, forcing them to attack him, while he gains bonus armor during the duration." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_berserkers_call_Note0" "Affects units with spell immunity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_berserkers_call_Lore" "Mogul Khan's warcry taunts opponents into engaging in an unconquerable battle with the Axe." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_berserkers_call_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_berserkers_call_bonus_armor" "BONUS ARMOR:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_berserkers_call_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_battle_hunger" "Battle Hunger" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_battle_hunger_Description" "Enrages an enemy unit, causing it to be slowed and take damage over time until it kills another unit or the duration ends. Axe gains movement speed for each unit affected with Battle Hunger." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_battle_hunger_Note0" "Destroying buildings will also remove the debuff." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_battle_hunger_Note1" "Units affected by Battle Hunger cannot be denied." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_battle_hunger_Lore" "Ordinary heroes cannot withstand Mogul Khan's rage for battle, such that it injures them until it is satisfied." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_battle_hunger_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_battle_hunger_slow" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_battle_hunger_speed_bonus" "%SPEED BONUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_counter_helix" "Counter Helix" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_counter_helix_Description" "When attacked, Axe performs a helix counter attack, dealing damage to all nearby enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_counter_helix_Note0" "Counter Helix triggers when the attack hits." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_counter_helix_Lore" "Axe is the only reinforcement this army needs." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_counter_helix_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_counter_helix_trigger_chance" "%CHANCE TO HELIX:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_culling_blade" "Culling Blade" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_culling_blade_Description" "Axe spots a weakness and strikes, instantly killing an enemy unit with low health, or dealing moderate damage otherwise. When an enemy hero is killed with Culling Blade, its cooldown is reset, and Axe and nearby allied units gain bonus movement speed.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_culling_blade_Lore" "Mogul Khan is the embodiment of battle and fury, launching into a gruesome fatality against those who dare engage the Axe in combat." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_culling_blade_kill_threshold" "KILL THRESHOLD:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_culling_blade_kill_threshold_scepter" "SCEPTER KILL THRESHOLD:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_culling_blade_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_culling_blade_speed_bonus" "%KILL MOVE SPEED BONUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_culling_blade_atk_speed_bonus_tooltip" "KILL ATTACK SPEED BONUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_culling_blade_speed_aoe" "KILL SPEED RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_culling_blade_speed_duration" "KILL SPEED DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_culling_blade_speed_duration_scepter" "SCEPTER SPEED DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_culling_blade_cooldown_scepter" "SCEPTER COOLDOWN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_axe_culling_blade_aghanim_description" "Decreases cooldown, increases kill threshold, and increases bonus movement speed duration." "npc_dota_hero_axe_bio" "As a grunt in the Army of Red Mist, Mogul Khan set his sights on the rank of Red Mist General. In battle after battle he proved his worth through gory deed. His rise through the ranks was helped by the fact that he never hesitated to decapitate a superior. Through the seven year Campaign of the Thousand Tarns, he distinguished himself in glorious carnage, his star of fame shining ever brighter, while the number of comrades in arms steadily dwindled. On the night of ultimate victory, Axe declared himself the new Red Mist General, and took on the ultimate title of 'Axe.' But his troops now numbered zero. Of course, many had died in battle, but a significant number had also fallen to Axe's blade. Needless to say, most soldiers now shun his leadership. But this matters not a whit to Axe, who knows that a one-man army is by far the best." //PHANTOM LANCER "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_spirit_lance" "Spirit Lance" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_spirit_lance_Description" "Sends a magical spirit lance to a target enemy unit that damages and slows, while summoning an illusory phantom to attack the unit." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_spirit_lance_Lore" "Azwraith's proficiency at spearing his family's meal of fish is proving quite useful in the battlefield." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_spirit_lance_Note0" "Nearby illusions will mimic the cast animation." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_spirit_lance_duration" "SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_spirit_lance_movement_speed_pct" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_spirit_lance_illusion_duration" "ILLUSION DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_spirit_lance_tooltip_illusion_damage" "%ILLUSION DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_spirit_lance_tooltip_illusion_total_damage_in_pct" "%ILLUSION DAMAGE TAKEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_doppelwalk" "Doppelganger" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_doppelwalk_Description" "Phantom Lancer briefly vanishes from the battlefield. After %delay% second, Phantom Lancer and any of his nearby illusions reappear at a random position within the targeted location, along with two additional doppelgangers. The two added doppelgangers have different properties: one takes normal damage and deals none, while the other takes 600%% damage and deals 20%% damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_doppelwalk_Lore" "Dread Magus Vorn's death imbued the Phantom Lancer with the ability to bend and fracture all spectrums of light." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_doppelwalk_target_aoe" "TARGET AREA SIZE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_doppelwalk_search_radius" "ILLUSION GATHER RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_doppelwalk_delay" "REAPPEAR DELAY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_doppelwalk_illusion_duration" "DOPPELGANGER DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_doppelwalk_Note0" "This ability can be used to dodge projectiles, and dispell debuffs." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_doppelwalk_Note1" "Trees near a reappearing unit will be destroyed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_doppelwalk_Note2" "Phantom Lancer and his allies can see which illusion is the 100% damage illusion." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_phantom_edge" "Phantom Rush" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_phantom_edge_Description" "When targetting an enemy for an attack, Phantom Lancer quickly charges into range. Phantom Lancer's illusions also have this ability." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_phantom_edge_Lore" "Azwraith knows that on the field of battle, speed can mean everything." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_phantom_edge_min_distance" "MIN RUSH DISTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_phantom_edge_max_distance" "MAX RUSH DISTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_phantom_edge_Note0" "If the attack order is cancelled, the movement speed bonus is lost." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_phantom_edge_Note1" "Rush movement speed is 800." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_juxtapose" "Juxtapose" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_juxtapose_Description" "Phantom Lancer has a chance to fracture his presence, creating an illusion of himself. Illusions also have a chance to fracture further. Illusions created from Phantom Lancer last for %illusion_duration% seconds, while illusions created from other illusions last %illusion_from_illusion_duration% seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_juxtapose_Lore" "Each of Azwraith's lance attacks feels like two from a normal warrior; or three; or four..." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_juxtapose_max_illusions" "MAX ILLUSIONS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_juxtapose_proc_chance_pct" "%HERO TRIGGER CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_juxtapose_illusion_proc_chance_pct" "%ILLUSION TRIGGER CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_juxtapose_tooltip_illusion_damage" "%ILLUSION DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_juxtapose_tooltip_total_illusion_damage_in_pct" "%ILLUSION DAMAGE TAKEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phantom_lancer_juxtapose_Note0" "Illusions created by Juxtapose will attack the target that the ability was triggered upon." "npc_dota_hero_phantom_lancer_bio" "The remote village of Pole had no knowledge of the wars raging in the heart of the kingdom. For them, the quiet of spear fishing, and a family meal were all that a full life required. Yet war came for them nonetheless. Joining the able-bodied conscripts as they filed passed their homes, the humble lancer Azwraith vowed to bring peace to his kingdom, and in so doing, his people. Placed with his kin in the vanguard of the final assault against the Dread Magus Vorn, the cost to his fellows was absolute. As the charging force battled toward the fortress, Azwraith alone among his kind remained standing, and he alone was able to infiltrate the keep. Focused and infuriated by the slaughter of his brothers, Azwraith bested each of the wizard's deadly traps and conjured guardians. Soon the simple fisherman arrived at Vorn's tower sanctum. The pair dueled through the night, pike to staff, as chaos raged below, and with a deafening cry Azwraith pierced his enemy. But the wizard did not simply expire; he exploded into uncountable shards of light, penetrating his killer with power. As the dust settled and the smoke of combat began to clear, Azwraith found himself standing among a throng of his kin. Each seemed to be dressed as he was, each seemed armed as he was, and he could sense that each thought as he did. Aware that his allies were approaching, he willed these phantoms to hide themselves, and one by one they began to vanish into nothingness. As the soldiers came upon the sanctum, they found the warrior that had bested the wizard. When they approached their champion, the lancer vanished. The pikeman who had stood before them was no more than another phantom." //RAZOR "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_plasma_field" "Plasma Field" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_plasma_field_Description" "Releases a wave of energetic plasma that grows in power as it expands, but also zaps on contraction, dealing damage to enemy units caught in its path. Damage increases with distance from Razor." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_plasma_field_Lore" "The Lightning Revenant rules the Underscape with plasmatic power." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_plasma_field_damage_min" "DAMAGE MIN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_plasma_field_damage_max" "DAMAGE MAX:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_plasma_field_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_static_link" "Static Link" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_static_link_Description" "Creates a charged link between Razor and an enemy Hero, stealing damage from the target and giving it to Razor." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_static_link_Lore" "Razor's polarity channels electricity into his being, draining the power of his opposition." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_static_link_Note0" "The link is broken when either unit dies or the distance between them becomes greater than 700." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_static_link_Note1" "Can target Spell Immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_static_link_drain_rate" "DAMAGE DRAIN RATE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_static_link_drain_length" "LINK DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_static_link_drain_duration" "BUFF DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_unstable_current" "Unstable Current" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_unstable_current_Description" "Razor moves with increased speed, and any abilites targeted at him are instantly countered with a jolt of electricity which damages, slows, and purges buffs from enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_unstable_current_Lore" "Attacking the Lightning Revenant is rewarded with shock therapy." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_unstable_current_Note0" "Damage activates when the spell cast on Razor." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_unstable_current_Note1" "Only activates if the caster is a hero unit." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_unstable_current_movement_speed_pct" "%BONUS SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_unstable_current_slow_duration" "SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_eye_of_the_storm" "Eye of the Storm" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_eye_of_the_storm_Description" "A powerful lightning storm strikes out at enemy units with the lowest health, dealing damage and reducing their armor.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_eye_of_the_storm_Lore" "Ride the lightning." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_eye_of_the_storm_Note0" "Each blast targets the lowest health enemy unit within range." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_eye_of_the_storm_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_eye_of_the_storm_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_eye_of_the_storm_strike_interval" "STRIKE INTERVAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_eye_of_the_storm_armor_reduction" "ARMOR REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_eye_of_the_storm_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_eye_of_the_storm_strike_interval_scepter" "SCEPTER STRIKE INTERVAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_eye_of_the_storm_aghanim_description" "Causes faster strikes that can damage structures as well. When striking buildings, it will only target towers, barracks, and the Ancient." "npc_dota_hero_razor_bio" "Among the emblematic powers that populate the Underscape, Razor the Lightning Revenant is one of the most feared. With his whip of lightning, he patrols the Narrow Maze, that treacherous webwork of passages by which the souls of the dead are sorted according to their own innate intelligence, cunning and persistence. Drifting above the Maze, Razor looks down on the baffled souls below, and delivers jolts of scalding electricity that both punish and quicken the souls as they decide their own fates, hurrying on toward luminous exits or endlessly dark pits. Razor is the eternal embodiment of a dominating power, abstract and almost clinical in his application of power. Yet he has a lordly air that suggests he takes a sardonic satisfaction in his work." //STORM SPIRIT "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_static_remnant" "Static Remnant" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_static_remnant_Description" "Creates an explosively charged image of Storm Spirit that lasts 12 seconds and will detonate and deal damage if an enemy unit comes near it." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_static_remnant_Lore" "Raijin Thunderkeg's duality allows him to admire himself in shocking fashion." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_static_remnant_Note0" "Remnants take 1 second to materialize after the spell is cast." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_static_remnant_Note1" "Remnants grant flying vision for their duration." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_static_remnant_Note2" "The explosion actually hits units in a 260 radius, but will only be triggered in 235." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_static_remnant_static_remnant_damage_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_static_remnant_static_remnant_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_electric_vortex" "Electric Vortex" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_electric_vortex_Description" "A vortex that pulls an enemy unit to Storm Spirit's location, it also slows the Storm Spirit by 50%% for 3 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_electric_vortex_Lore" "Raijin's thunderous, boisterous energy often draws others into an electrifying situation." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_electric_vortex_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_electric_vortex_self_slow" "SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_overload" "Overload" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_overload_Description" "Casting a spell creates an electrical charge, which is released in a burst on his next attack, dealing damage and slowing nearby enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_overload_Lore" "Pow! Zip! Zap!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_overload_Note0" "Using items doesn't trigger Overload." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_overload_overload_move_slow" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_overload_overload_attack_slow" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_overload_aoe" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_overload_tooltip_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_ball_lightning" "Ball Lightning" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_ball_lightning_Description" "Storm Spirit becomes volatile electricity, charging across the battlefield until he depletes his mana or reaches his target. The mana activation cost is 15+7%% of his total mana pool, and the cost per 100 units traveled is %ball_lightning_travel_cost_base%+0.75%% of his total mana pool. Damage is expressed in damage per 100 units traveled." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_ball_lightning_Lore" "The Storm is coming in." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_ball_lightning_Note0" "Instant cast abilities can be used while traveling." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_ball_lightning_Note1" "This ability will destroy trees." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_ball_lightning_Note2" "Storm Spirit is invulnerable during Ball Lightning." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_ball_lightning_ball_lightning_move_speed" "SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_ball_lightning_ball_lightning_aoe" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_storm_spirit_ball_lightning_ball_lightning_travel_cost_percent" "%MANA DRAIN PER UNIT:" "npc_dota_hero_storm_spirit_bio" "Storm Spirit is literally a force of nature--the wild power of wind and weather, bottled in human form. And a boisterous, jovial, irrepressible form it is! As jolly as a favorite uncle, he injects every scene with crackling energy. But it was not always thus, and there was tragedy in his creation. Generations ago, in the plains beyond the Wailing Mountains, a good people lay starving in drought and famine. A simple elementalist, Thunderkeg by name, used a forbidden spell to summon the spirit of the storm, asking for rain. Enraged at this mortal's presumption, the Storm Celestial known as Raijin lay waste to the land, scouring it bare with winds and flood. Thunderkeg was no match for the Celestial--at least until he cast a suicidal spell that forged their fates into one: he captured the Celestial in the cage of his own body. Trapped together, Thunderkeg's boundless good humor fused with Raijin's crazed energy, creating the jovial Raijin Thunderkeg, a Celestial who walks the world in physical form. " //CRYSTAL MAIDEN "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_crystal_nova" "Crystal Nova" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_crystal_nova_Description" "A burst of damaging frost slows enemy movement and attack rate in the targeted area." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_crystal_nova_Lore" "The air temperature around Rylai drops rapidly, chilling all around her to the core." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_crystal_nova_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_crystal_nova_movespeed_slow" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_crystal_nova_attackspeed_slow" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_crystal_nova_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_frostbite" "Frostbite" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_frostbite_Description" "Encases an enemy unit in ice, prohibiting movement and attack, while dealing %damage_per_second_tooltip% damage every half-second. Lasts 10 seconds on creeps level 6 or lower." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_frostbite_Lore" "Rylai channels winds from the Blueheart Glacier, imprisoning attackers in thick blocks of ice." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_frostbite_Note0" "Blink abilities cannot be used while under the affects of Frostbite." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_frostbite_damage_per_second_tooltip" "DAMAGE PER HALF-SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_frostbite_duration" "HERO DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_frostbite_hero_damage_tooltip" "HERO TOTAL DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_frostbite_creep_duration" "CREEP DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_frostbite_creep_damage_tooltip" "CREEP TOTAL DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_brilliance_aura" "Arcane Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_brilliance_aura_Description" "Gives additional mana regeneration to all friendly units on the map. This bonus is doubled on Crystal Maiden." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_brilliance_aura_Lore" "Cold temperatures promote the essence of magic, causing Rylai's presence to allow spell usage in abundance." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_brilliance_aura_Note0" "Stacks with other flat mana regeneration bonuses." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_brilliance_aura_Note1" "The flat mana regeneration bonus is not considered for percentage mana regeneration increases." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_brilliance_aura_mana_regen" "MANA REGEN BONUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_freezing_field" "Freezing Field" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_freezing_field_Description" "CHANNELED - Surrounds Crystal Maiden with random icy explosions that slow enemies and deal massive damage. Lasts %duration_tooltip% seconds.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_freezing_field_Lore" "Once the place of her exile, Icewrack has become an anchor for Rylai's frigid onslaught." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_freezing_field_Note0" "The slow is applied on all enemies in the radius, even if they aren't hit by an explosion (lasts 1 second)." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_freezing_field_Note1" "Every 0.1 second an explosion occurs, for a total of 100 explosions." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_freezing_field_movespeed_slow" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_freezing_field_attack_slow" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_freezing_field_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_freezing_field_explosion_radius" "EXPLOSION RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_freezing_field_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_freezing_field_damage_scepter" "SCEPTER DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_freezing_field_movespeed_slow_scepter" "%SCEPTER MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_freezing_field_attack_slow_scepter" "SCEPTER ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_crystal_maiden_freezing_field_aghanim_description" "Increases damage and slow." "npc_dota_hero_crystal_maiden_bio" "Born in a temperate realm, raised with her fiery older sister Lina, Rylai the Crystal Maiden soon found that her innate elemental affinity to ice created trouble for all those around her. Wellsprings and mountain rivers froze in moments if she stopped to rest nearby; ripening crops were bitten by frost, and fruiting orchards turned to mazes of ice and came crashing down, spoiled. When their exasperated parents packed Lina off to the equator, Rylai found herself banished to the cold northern realm of Icewrack, where she was taken in by an Ice Wizard who had carved himself a hermitage at the crown of the Blueheart Glacier. After long study, the wizard pronounced her ready for solitary practice and left her to take his place, descending into the glacier to hibernate for a thousand years. Her mastery of the Frozen Arts has only deepened since that time, and now her skills are unmatched." //KUNKKA "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_torrent" "Torrent" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_torrent_Description" "Summons a rising torrent that, after a short delay, hurls enemy units into the sky, stunning, dealing damage and slowing movement speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_torrent_Lore" "An ancestral rush of water explodes from the center of the world, called upon by the Admiral." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_torrent_Note0" "The initial bubble effect is only visible to allies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_torrent_Note1" "Units tossed in the air will be stunned and still able to be attacked." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_torrent_delay" "DELAY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_torrent_slow_duration" "SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_torrent_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_torrent_movespeed_bonus" "%MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_torrent_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_tidebringer" "Tidebringer" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_tidebringer_Description" "Kunkka's legendary sword grants increased damage and cleaves a large area of effect in front of him for a single strike." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_tidebringer_Lore" "A lost Claddish soul inhabits Kunkka's trusty Tidebringer, empowering it to destroy demons of the Cataract." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_tidebringer_Note0" "Cleave damage is reduced by armor type but not by armor value." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_tidebringer_Note1" "Cleave damage goes through spell immunity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_tidebringer_Note2" "Cooldown isn't activated on denies, so the damage bonus is maintained." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_tidebringer_damage_bonus" "DAMAGE BONUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_tidebringer_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_x_marks_the_spot" "X Marks the Spot" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_x_marks_the_spot_Description" "Targets a friendly or enemy Hero, marks their position with an X, and returns them to it after several seconds. Kunkka can trigger the return at any time during the duration. Lasts twice as long on allied heroes." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_x_marks_the_spot_Lore" "The Admiral's set of arcane abilities includes some that can be used for battle as well as entertainment." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_x_marks_the_spot_Note0" "If the target becomes Spell Immune after the cast, the target will not return to the X after the duration." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_x_marks_the_spot_Note1" "Interrupts channeling spells." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_x_marks_the_spot_duration" "ENEMY DELAY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_x_marks_the_spot_allied_duration_tooltip" "ALLIED DELAY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_x_marks_the_spot_tooltip_range" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_return" "Return" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_return_Description" "Returns the marked hero to the X." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_ghostship" "Ghostship" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_ghostship_Description" "Summons a ghostly ship that sails through the battle before smashing apart, damaging and stunning all enemies caught near the wreckage. Allied heroes touched by the Ghostship are given a swig of The Admiral's Rum, receiving bonus movement speed and a delayed reaction to 50%% of all incoming damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_ghostship_Lore" "The final ship of the Claddish Navy is nothing but a phantom, but it is all too real to the enemies of the Admiral." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_ghostship_tooltip_delay" "IMPACT DELAY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_ghostship_movespeed_bonus" "%RUM BONUS SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_ghostship_buff_duration" "RUM DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_ghostship_ghostship_distance" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_ghostship_ghostship_width" "WIDTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_ghostship_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_ghostship_note0" "Damage dealt after Rum wears off is non-lethal and can never kill a hero." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_ghostship_note1" "Actual area of effect of ship's collision is larger than the boat itself." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kunkka_ghostship_note2" "The boat has a movement speed of 650." "npc_dota_hero_kunkka_bio" "As The Admiral of the mighty Claddish Navy, Kunkka was charged with protecting the isles of his homeland when the demons of the Cataract made a concerted grab at the lands of men. After years of small sorties, and increasingly bold and devastating attacks, the demon fleet flung all its carnivorous ships at the Trembling Isle. Desperate, the Suicide-Mages of Cladd committed their ultimate rite, summoning a host of ancestral spirits to protect the fleet. Against the demons, this was just barely enough to turn the tide. As Kunkka watched the demons take his ships down one by one, he had the satisfaction of wearing away their fleet with his ancestral magic. But at the battle's peak, something in the clash of demons, men and atavistic spirits must have stirred a fourth power that had been slumbering in the depths. The waves rose up in towering spouts around the few remaining ships, and Maelrawn the Tentacular appeared amid the fray. His tendrils wove among the ships, drawing demon and human craft together, churning the water and wind into a raging chaos. What happened in the crucible of that storm, none may truly say. The Cataract roars off into the void, deserted by its former denizens. Kunkka is now The Admiral of but one ship, a ghostly rig which endlessly replays the final seconds of its destruction. Whether he died in that crash is anyone's guess. Not even Tidehunter, who summoned Maelrawn, knows for sure." //WARLOCK "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_fatal_bonds" "Fatal Bonds" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_fatal_bonds_Description" "Binds several enemy units together, causing %damage_share_percentage%%% of the damage dealt to one of them to be felt by the others." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_fatal_bonds_Lore" "An ancient incantation that links the vital energies of multiple lifeforms into one collective body." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_fatal_bonds_Note0" "Damage will not disable abilities or items like Blink Dagger which require player based damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_fatal_bonds_count" "ENEMIES BOUND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_fatal_bonds_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_shadow_word" "Shadow Word" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_shadow_word_Description" "Warlock whispers an incantation, healing a friendly unit or damaging an enemy unit over time." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_shadow_word_Lore" "Demnok's arcane arts have a myriad of uses, allowing them to be powerful friendly enchantments or damaging curses." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_shadow_word_Note0" "A hero affected by Shadow Word may be denied once it falls below 25% of its maximum health." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_shadow_word_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_upheaval" "Upheaval" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_upheaval_Description" "CHANNELED - A powerful slowing current that grows stronger as it's channelled. Lasts up to 16 seconds. Enemies are slowed for 3 seconds after leaving the area or the spell ends." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_upheaval_Lore" "Demnok manipulates space-time, impairing entire armies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_upheaval_Note0" "The slow increase is based on length of the channel, not the duration an enemy was standing in the area." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_upheaval_slow_rate_duration" "MAX SLOW CHANNEL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_upheaval_max_slow" "%MAX SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_upheaval_aoe" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_rain_of_chaos" "Chaotic Offering" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_rain_of_chaos_Description" "Summons a Golem from the depths, stunning enemies for one second. The Golem lives 60 seconds, takes reduced damage from spells, has Permanent Immolation and Flaming Fists on attack.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_rain_of_chaos_Lore" "Demnok unleashes the captive spirit in his Dreadwood staff, causing destruction in enemy ranks." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_rain_of_chaos_Note0" "Spell Immune units will be stunned." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_rain_of_chaos_Note1" "This ability destroys trees in its area of effect." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_rain_of_chaos_aoe" "SUMMON BLAST RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_rain_of_chaos_golem_hp_tooltip" "GOLEM HEALTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_rain_of_chaos_golem_dmg_tooltip" "GOLEM DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_rain_of_chaos_golem_armor_tooltip" "GOLEM ARMOR:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_rain_of_chaos_golem_regen_tooltip" "GOLEM HEALTH REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_rain_of_chaos_number_of_golems_scepter" "SCEPTER NUMBER OF GOLEMS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_rain_of_chaos_golem_hp_tooltip_scepter" "SCEPTER GOLEM HEALTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_rain_of_chaos_golem_dmg_tooltip_scepter" "SCEPTER GOLEM DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_rain_of_chaos_bounty_reduction_scepter" "%SCEPTER BOUNTY REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_rain_of_chaos_aghanim_description" "Calls 2 Golems with reduced stats and bounty." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_golem_flaming_fists" "Flaming Fists" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_golem_flaming_fists_Description" "Grants a chance to deal extra damage to nearby units when attacking." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_golem_flaming_fists_chance" "%CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_golem_flaming_fists_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_golem_permanent_immolation" "Permanent Immolation" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_golem_permanent_immolation_Description" "Burns the Golem's nearby enemy units, with damage per second." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_golem_permanent_immolation_aura_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_warlock_golem_permanent_immolation_aura_radius" "AURA RADIUS:" "npc_dota_hero_warlock_bio" "As Chief Curator and Head of Acquisitions for the Arcane Archives of the Ultimyr Academy, Demnok Lannik was tireless in his pursuit of lost, rare and forbidden tomes. No cursed temple was so foreboding, no cavern path so treacherous, that any concern for his own survival could dissuade him from entering if rumors hinted that some pamphlet of primordial lore might still survive in its depths. However, so often did his investigations trigger the wrath of protector entities, that he finally found it necessary to master the arts of magic. He bent himself to learning sorcery with the same thorough obsessiveness that marked his quest for incunabula, becoming the most powerful Warlock of the Academy in less time than most practitioners required to complete a course of undergraduate work. Almost as an afterthought, he carved a staff of Dreadwood and summoned into it a captive spirit from the Outer Hells. And anticipating the day when he will have recovered every last lost spellbook, he has commenced writing his own Black Grimoire. It will undoubtedly be instructive." //ZEUS "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_zuus_arc_lightning" "Arc Lightning" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_zuus_arc_lightning_Description" "Hurls a bolt of lightning that leaps through nearby enemy units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_zuus_arc_lightning_Lore" "Arc Lightning is Zeus' favorite spell to use against puny mortals." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_zuus_arc_lightning_jump_count" "JUMPS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_zuus_lightning_bolt" "Lightning Bolt" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_zuus_lightning_bolt_Description" "Calls down a bolt of lightning to strike an enemy unit, causing damage and a mini-stun. When cast, Lightning Bolt briefly provides unobstructed vision and True Sight around the target in a 750 radius. Can be cast on the ground, affecting the closest enemy hero in %spread_aoe% range." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_zuus_lightning_bolt_sight_radius_day" "SIGHT RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_zuus_lightning_bolt_sight_duration" "SIGHT DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_zuus_lightning_bolt_Lore" "A shocking punishment for rebellious heathen." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_zuus_lightning_bolt_Note0" "You can interrupt channeling spells and items with this ability." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_zuus_static_field" "Static Field" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_zuus_static_field_Description" "Zeus shocks all nearby enemy units whenever he casts a spell, causing damage proportional to their current health." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_zuus_static_field_Lore" "The air crackles with static when the Thundergod walks the world." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_zuus_static_field_Note0" "The damage from Static Field is dealt before the damage from the used spell." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_zuus_static_field_Note1" "Using items doesn't trigger Static Field." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_zuus_static_field_Note2" "Does not require unit visibility to take effect." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_zuus_static_field_damage_health_pct" "%HEALTH REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_zuus_static_field_radius" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_zuus_thundergods_wrath" "Thundergod's Wrath" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_zuus_thundergods_wrath_Description" "Strikes all enemy heroes with a bolt of lightning, no matter where they may be. Thundergod's Wrath also provides True Sight around each hero struck. If an enemy hero is invisible, it takes no damage, but the True Sight is still created at that hero's location.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_zuus_thundergods_wrath_Lore" "The Lord of Heaven smites all who oppose him, near or far." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_zuus_thundergods_wrath_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_zuus_thundergods_wrath_damage_scepter" "SCEPTER DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_zuus_thundergods_wrath_true_sight_radius_tooltip" "TRUE SIGHT RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_zuus_thundergods_wrath_sight_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_zuus_thundergods_wrath_aghanim_description" "Increases damage." "npc_dota_hero_zuus_bio" "Lord of Heaven, father of gods, Zeus treats all the Heroes as if they are his rambunctious, rebellious children. After being caught unnumbered times in the midst of trysts with countless mortal women, his divine wife finally gave him an ultimatum: 'If you love mortals so much, go and become one. If you can prove yourself faithful, then return to me as my immortal husband. Otherwise, go and die among your creatures.' Zeus found her logic (and her magic) irrefutable, and agreed to her plan. He has been on his best behavior ever since, being somewhat fonder of immortality than he is of mortals. But to prove himself worthy of his eternal spouse, he must continue to pursue victory on the field of battle." //TINY "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_avalanche" "Avalanche" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_avalanche_Description" "Bombards an area with rocks, stunning and damaging enemy land units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_avalanche_Lore" "Inanimate rock becomes animate when called by the Stone Giant." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_avalanche_Note0" "Deals damage over a 1 second duration." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_avalanche_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_avalanche_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_toss" "Toss" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_toss_Description" "Grabs the nearest unit in a 275 radius around Tiny, ally or enemy, and launches it at the target unit or rune to deal damage where they land. If the tossed unit is an enemy, it will take an extra 20%% damage. Toss does more damage with each level in Growth." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_toss_Lore" "Tiny's gargantuan stature allows him to catapult even the sturdiest of warriors." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_toss_Note0" "If a unit is hit by Avalanche then Tossed, it can be hit a second time by Avalanche if it lands in the area of effect before Avalanche ends." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_toss_Note1" "You can toss allies, but they don't take damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_toss_Note2" "Toss deals 33% of its damage to buildings." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_toss_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_toss_tooltip_range" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_toss_toss_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_craggy_exterior" "Craggy Exterior" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_craggy_exterior_Description" "Causes damage to bounce back on Tiny's attackers. Enemies that attack Tiny from within 300 units have a chance of being stunned." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_craggy_exterior_Lore" "Melee warriors tend to find attacking the Stone Giant largely ineffective." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_craggy_exterior_Note0" "The damage and stun occur at the start of an attack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_craggy_exterior_bonus_armor" "BONUS ARMOR:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_craggy_exterior_radius" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_craggy_exterior_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_craggy_exterior_stun_chance" "%CHANCE TO STUN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_grow" "Grow" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_grow_Description" "Tiny gains craggy mass that increases his power at the cost of his attack speed. Increases Tossed unit damage and improves movement speed.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_grow_Lore" "Watching a hill become a mountain is awe-inspiring - especially if the mountain begins laying waste to adversaries." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_grow_Note0" "Cleave damage is reduced by armor type but not by armor value." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_grow_Note1" "Cleave damage goes through spell immunity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_grow_bonus_damage" "BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_grow_bonus_attack_speed" "ATTACK SPEED LOSS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_grow_bonus_movement_speed" "ADDED MOVE SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_grow_grow_bonus_damage_pct" "%TOSS BONUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_grow_bonus_range_scepter" "SCEPTER BONUS RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_grow_bonus_cleave_damage_scepter" "%SCEPTER CLEAVE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_grow_bonus_building_damage_scepter" "%SCEPTER BONUS BUILDING DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_grow_grow_bonus_damage_pct_scepter" "%SCEPTER TOSS BONUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tiny_grow_aghanim_description" "Allows Tiny to equip a tree, increasing his attack range, damage versus buildings, and granting a cleave attack. Improves Tossed unit damage." "npc_dota_hero_tiny_bio" "Coming to life as a chunk of stone, Tiny's origins are a mystery on which he continually speculates. He is a Stone Giant now, but what did he used to be? A splinter broken from a Golem's heel? A shard swept from a gargoyle-sculptor's workshop? A fragment of the Oracular Visage of Garthos? A deep curiosity drives him, and he travels the world tirelessly seeking his origins, his parentage, his people. As he roams, he gathers weight and size; the forces that weather lesser rocks, instead cause Tiny to grow and ever grow." //PUCK "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_illusory_orb" "Illusory Orb" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_illusory_orb_Description" "Puck launches a magic orb that floats in a straight path, damaging enemy units along the way. At any point, Puck may teleport to the orb's location using Ethereal Jaunt." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_illusory_orb_Lore" "The playful Faerie Dragon delights in confusing others, vanishing and reappearing where unexpected." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_illusory_orb_Note0" "The Illusory Orb grants flying vision around its location while it travels." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_illusory_orb_Note1" "Jaunting to the Orb will disjoint projectiles." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_illusory_orb_max_distance" "DISTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_waning_rift" "Waning Rift" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_waning_rift_Description" "Puck releases a burst of faerie dust that deals damage and silences enemy units nearby." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_waning_rift_Lore" "With a mischievous grin, Puck spreads its enchanted powder which disrupts magical flow." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_waning_rift_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_waning_rift_silence_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_phase_shift" "Phase Shift" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_phase_shift_Description" "Puck briefly shifts into another dimension where it is immune from harm." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_phase_shift_Lore" "With a quip and flash, Puck returns to the alien dimension from whence it came." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_phase_shift_Note0" "Puck retains collision size while under the effects of Phase Shift." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_phase_shift_Note1" "Issuing any action will cancel Phase Shift." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_phase_shift_Note2" "Puck is invulnerable during Phase Shift." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_phase_shift_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_dream_coil" "Dream Coil" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_dream_coil_Description" "Creates a coil of volatile magic that latches onto enemy Heroes, stunning them for .5 seconds and damaging them. If the enemy hero stretches the coil by moving too far away, it snaps, stunning and dealing additional damage.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_dream_coil_Lore" "The Faerie Dragon sows confusion by forcing its enemies to vividly dream about their own mortality." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_dream_coil_coil_duration" "COIL DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_dream_coil_coil_init_damage_tooltip" "INITIAL DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_dream_coil_coil_break_radius" "BREAK RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_dream_coil_coil_stun_duration" "BREAK STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_dream_coil_coil_break_damage" "BREAK DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_dream_coil_coil_duration_scepter" "SCEPTER COIL DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_dream_coil_coil_stun_duration_scepter" "SCEPTER BREAK STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_dream_coil_coil_break_damage_scepter" "SCEPTER BREAK DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_dream_coil_aghanim_description" "Increases damage from coil breaks, increases coil duration, coil break stun goes through spell immunity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_ethereal_jaunt" "Ethereal Jaunt" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_puck_ethereal_jaunt_Description" "Teleports Puck to a flying Illusory Orb." "npc_dota_hero_puck_bio" "While Puck seems at first glance a mischievous, childish character, this quality masks an alien personality. The juvenile form of a Faerie Dragon, a creature that lives for eons, Puck spends countless millennia in its childish form. So while it is technically true that Puck is juvenile, it will continue to be so when the cities of the present age have sloughed away into dust. Its motives are therefore inscrutable, and what appears to be play may in fact hide a darker purpose. Its endless fondness for mischief is the true indicator of Puck's true nature." //DAZZLE "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_poison_touch" "Poison Touch" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_poison_touch_Description" "Casts a poisonous spell on an enemy unit, gradually slowing movement, and causing damage over time.\nLEVEL 1 - Slows the target by 33%% for 3 seconds.\nLEVEL 2 - Slows the target by 33%% for 2 seconds, then by 66%% for 1 second.\nLEVEL 3 - Slows the target by 33%%, 66%%, and 100%%, for 1 second each.\nLEVEL 4 - Slows the target by 33%% for 1 second, then 66%% for 1 second, then stuns for 1 second." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_poison_touch_Lore" "One of the few Dezun rites used for offensive purposes, the paralytic enchantment often proves useful." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_poison_touch_Note0" "The damage is not reduced by damage block abilities." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_poison_touch_set_time" "SLOW TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_poison_touch_duration_tooltip" "DAMAGE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_shallow_grave" "Shallow Grave" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_shallow_grave_Description" "An ally blessed with Shallow Grave, no matter how close to death, cannot die while under its protection." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_shallow_grave_Lore" "Only a seasoned acolyte of the Shadow can properly perform the rite of preventing death." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_shallow_grave_Note0" "HP cannot go below 1 while under the effects of Shallow Grave, but Axe's Culling Blade will still kill the hero." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_shallow_grave_duration_tooltip" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_shallow_grave_range_tooltip" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_shadow_wave" "Shadow Wave" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_shadow_wave_Description" "Sends out a bolt of power that arcs between allies, healing them while damaging any units standing nearby. Dazzle is always healed by Shadow Wave." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_shadow_wave_Lore" "While it is a simplistic and routine rite among Shadow Priests, the Shadow Wave is also the most critical for success." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_shadow_wave_Note0" "Prioritizes allied heroes over creeps." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_shadow_wave_Note1" "If enemies are near multiple allied units affected by Shadow Wave, they will take multiple instances of damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_shadow_wave_bounce_radius" "HEAL ARC RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_shadow_wave_tooltip_max_targets_inc_dazzle" "MAX HEAL TARGETS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_shadow_wave_damage_radius" "DAMAGE RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_weave" "Weave" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_weave_Description" "Applies a buff that increases the armor of allied heroes while decreasing the armor of enemy heroes in the target area over time.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_weave_Lore" "His ethereal journey into the Nothl realm has allowed Dazzle to mend together the powers of light and dark, creating shifting waves of enchantments." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_weave_Note0" "Places a buff on units, so entering or leaving the area after the cast has no effect." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_weave_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_weave_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_weave_armor_per_second" "ARMOR PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_weave_armor_per_second_scepter" "SCEPTER ARMOR PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_weave_radius_scepter" "SCEPTER RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_weave_aghanim_description" "Increases radius and armor per second." "npc_dota_hero_dazzle_bio" "Each young acolyte to the Dezun order must complete a series of rites before becoming a shadow priest. The final rite, the rite of shades, is a harrowing spiritual journey through the Nothl Realm, an unpredictable domain from which not all visitants return. Of those who do, some return mad. Others return with strange aptitudes. But all who go there are changed by their experiences. Driven by the need for enlightenment, Dazzle was the youngest of his tribe ever to request the sacred ritual. At first the order refused him, saying he was too young. But Dazzle was not to be dissuaded. Sensing something special in the headstrong young acolyte, the elders relented. Dazzle drank down the sacred potion and sat by the fire while the rest of his tribe danced through the night. In this ethereal dimension of the Nothl Realm, the properties of light and dark are inverted. Thus his brilliant healing light, beautiful to our eye, is actually a sinister kind of evil; and the darkest deeds are done in a dazzling glow. The elders' intuition was prophetic: Dazzle returned to his people as a Shadow Priest like none seen before, with the power to heal as well as to destroy. Now he uses his gift to cut down his enemies and mend his friends." //CLOCKWERK "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_battery_assault" "Battery Assault" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_battery_assault_Description" "Discharges high-powered shrapnel at random nearby enemy units, dealing minor magical damage and ministun." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_battery_assault_Lore" "Some of Rattletrap's contraptions don't quite work correctly, so detonating them proves useful as an offensive maneuver." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_battery_assault_Note0" "Deals damage every 0.7 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_battery_assault_Note1" "Remains active if Clockwerk is disabled." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_battery_assault_Note2" "Total damage: 320/640/960/1280" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_battery_assault_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_battery_assault_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_battery_assault_interval" "INTERVAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_power_cogs" "Power Cogs" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_power_cogs_Description" "Forms a barrier of energized cogs around Clockwerk, trapping any units that are near. Enemies outside the trap that touch a cog are knocked back, losing health and mana. Once a cog has delivered a shock, it will power down. Cogs can be destroyed by enemy attacks, but Clockwerk can destroy them with just one." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_power_cogs_Lore" "One of Clockwerk's inventions of which he is most proud is the power cog - though it is sometimes despised by his allies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_power_cogs_Note0" "Cogs can shock invisible units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_power_cogs_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_power_cogs_attacks_to_destroy" "ATTACKS REQUIRED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_power_cogs_drain_amount" "MANA/HEALTH DRAIN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_rocket_flare" "Rocket Flare" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_rocket_flare_Description" "Fires a global range flare that explodes over a given area, damaging enemies and providing vision for 10 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_rocket_flare_Lore" "What started as a festive display has become a useful scouting and bombardment tool." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_rocket_flare_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_hookshot" "Hookshot" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_hookshot_Description" "Fires a grappling device rapidly at the target location. If the hook hits a unit, Clockwerk launches himself into the target, stunning and dealing damage. Any enemies Clockwerk collides with along the way are damaged and stunned.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_hookshot_Lore" "A somewhat unwieldy device, the Hookshot sends the otherwise clunky Clockwerk armor flying through the air." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_hookshot_Note0" "Hookshot will latch and take Clockwerk to allies, but not damage or disable them." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_hookshot_Note1" "Hookshot's pull and stun pierce magic immunity. The damage does not." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_hookshot_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_hookshot_tooltip_range" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_hookshot_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_hookshot_cooldown_scepter" "SCEPTER COOLDOWN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rattletrap_hookshot_aghanim_description" "Decreases cooldown." "npc_dota_hero_rattletrap_bio" "Rattletrap descends from the same far-flung kindred as Sniper and Tinker, and like many of the Keen Folk, has offset his diminutive stature through the application of gadgetry and wit. The son of the son of a clockmaker, Rattletrap was many years apprenticed to that trade before war rode down from the mountains and swept the plains villages free of such innocent vocations. \"Your new trade is battle,\" his dying father told him as the village of their ancestors lay in charred and smoking ruins. It is a poor tradesman who blames his tools, and Rattletrap was never one to make excuses. After burying his father among the ruins of their village, he set about to transform himself into the greatest tool of warfare that any world had ever seen. He vowed to never again be caught unprepared, instead using his talents to assemble a suit of powered Clockwerk armor to make the knights of other lands look like tin cans by comparison. Now Rattletrap is alive with devices, a small but deadly warrior whose skills at ambush and destruction have risen to near-automated levels of efficiency. An artisan of death, his mechanizations make short work of the unwary, heralding a new dawn in this age of warfare. What time is it? It's Clockwerk time!" //LICH "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_frost_nova" "Frost Blast" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_frost_nova_Description" "Blasts the target enemy unit with damaging frost, dealing area damage and slowing movement and attack rates for 4 seconds. The primary target takes the most damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_frost_nova_Lore" "Frost-mage Ethreain has not forgotten even the simplest of ice manipulation." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_frost_nova_aoe_damage" "AREA DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_frost_nova_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_frost_nova_slow_movement_speed" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_frost_nova_slow_attack_speed" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_frost_armor" "Ice Armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_frost_armor_Description" "Creates a shield around the target friendly unit or building, which adds armor and slows attacking units. Lasts 40 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_frost_armor_Lore" "Originally crafted during his ambush for self-defense, the Lich is capable of enchanting others with a formidable defense of frost magic." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_frost_armor_Note0" "If autocast is activated, Lich will cast this spell on nearby allies who are attacked." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_frost_armor_armor_bonus" "ALLY ARMOR BONUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_frost_armor_slow_movement_speed" "%ENEMY MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_frost_armor_slow_attack_speed" "ENEMY ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_frost_armor_slow_duration" "SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_dark_ritual" "Sacrifice" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_dark_ritual_Description" "Sacrifices a friendly creep and converts its current hit points into mana for Lich. Grants XP to both enemies and allies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_dark_ritual_Lore" "It was not unheard of Ethreain to make examples out of those who contested his rule during his human life." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_dark_ritual_health_conversion" "%HEALTH CONVERSION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_chain_frost" "Chain Frost" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_chain_frost_Description" "Releases an orb of frost that bounces between nearby enemy units up to %jumps% times, slowing and damaging each time it hits. The first target is mini-stunned.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_chain_frost_Lore" "Almost universally considered the ultimate in frost magic, Ethreain's orb of frozen death strikes fear into those who dare stand against him." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_chain_frost_Note0" "The first target will be immediately interrupted. This stun goes through spell immunity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_chain_frost_Note1" "Chain Frost cannot be disjointed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_chain_frost_Note2" "Chain Frost has a movement speed of 750." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_chain_frost_Note3" "Chain Frost's first target ministun is not blocked by spell immunity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_chain_frost_damage" "DAMAGE EACH BOUNCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_chain_frost_jumps" "BOUNCES:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_chain_frost_jump_range" "BOUNCE RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_chain_frost_slow_movement_speed" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_chain_frost_slow_attack_speed" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_chain_frost_slow_duration" "SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_chain_frost_damage_scepter" "SCEPTER DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_chain_frost_cast_range_scepter" "SCEPTER CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lich_chain_frost_aghanim_description" "Increases damage and casting range. Removes the limit on the number of times Chain Frost can jump." "npc_dota_hero_lich_bio" "In life, the frost-mage Ethreain (not yet a Lich) had used the threat of destructive ice to enslave entire kingdoms. His subjects, aided by a few desperate magicians, eventually grew bold enough to ambush him. Armed with enough charmed rope to bind him forever, they tied the frost mage to adamant weights and dropped him in a pool known chiefly for being bottomless. It wasn't. He only fell for a year or so before an outcrop snagged him. There he rested, dead but undecaying, until the geomancer Anhil thought to verify the legend of the supposedly bottomless Black Pool. Anhil's plumbline snarled with the ropes that bound the drowned magician, and up he hauled an unexpected prize. Thinking that by rendering the dead undead, he could question the Lich about the properties of the pool, he removed the bindings and commenced a simple rite of resurrection. Even the descendants of Ethreain's enemies were long forgotten by time, so there were none to warn Anhil against imprudence. But he learned the error of his judgment almost immediately, as Lich threw off the shackles and consumed him." //TIDEHUNTER "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_gush" "Gush" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_gush_Description" "Summons a gush of water to damage an enemy unit, reducing their movement speed and armor. Lasts 4 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_gush_Lore" "During his championship of the Sunken Isles, Leviathan gained mastery over the open sea." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_gush_movement_speed" "%SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_gush_armor_bonus" "ARMOR REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_kraken_shell" "Kraken Shell" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_kraken_shell_Description" "Thickens Tidehunter's hide to passively block a portion of any incoming physical attack damage. The hide also removes negative status effects if the damage taken crosses a threshold.\n\nDoes not stack with items that provide Damage Block." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_kraken_shell_Lore" "Claddish navymen tell tales of a mighty sea-faring beast that suffered spear and sword but continued to lay waste to the fleet." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_kraken_shell_Note0" "Only damage from player owned sources is counted towards buff removal." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_kraken_shell_Note1" "The counter will reset if no player owned damage is taken for 6 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_kraken_shell_Note2" "Kraken Shell removes most buffs, even if they are generally not purgable." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_kraken_shell_damage_reduction" "DAMAGE BLOCK:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_kraken_shell_damage_cleanse" "DAMAGE THRESHOLD:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_kraken_shell_damage_reset_interval" "THRESHOLD TIMER:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_anchor_smash" "Anchor Smash" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_anchor_smash_Description" "Tidehunter swings his mighty anchor to damage nearby enemies and reduce their attack damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_anchor_smash_Lore" "Stolen from one of Admiral Kunkka's flagships, Leviathan's heavy anchor proves useful as a melee weapon." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_anchor_smash_damage_reduction" "%DAMAGE REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_anchor_smash_reduction_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_anchor_smash_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_anchor_smash_Note0" "Anchor Smash works on all Ancient creeps except for Roshan." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_ravage" "Ravage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_ravage_Description" "Slams the ground, causing tentacles to erupt in all directions, damaging and stunning all nearby enemy units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_ravage_Lore" "Calling to the abyssal god Maelrawn has resulted in entire armadas being lost at sea." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_ravage_Note0" "Ravage will hit invisible units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_ravage_Note1" "Ravage waves move outwards at a speed of 775." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_ravage_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tidehunter_ravage_duration" "DURATION:" "npc_dota_hero_tidehunter_bio" "The Tidehunter known as Leviathan was once the champion of the Sunken Isles, but his motives are as mysterious as those of his people. We all know the importance of the Drylanders' shipping lanes, how empires may rise and fall according to who controls the open water. Far less is known of the submarine lanes, and how the warring tribes of the Meranthic Diaspora have carved out habitations through endless undersea skirmishes. In the fragile treaties between the Mer and Men, we can glimpse the extent of the drowned empires, but their politics appear complex and opaque. It would seem that Leviathan tired of such petty strife, and set off on his own, loyal only to his abyssal god, Maelrawn the Tentacular. He stalks the shallows now in search of men or meranths who stray into his path, and with a particular loathing for Admiral Kunkka, who has long been his nemesis for reasons lost in the deepest trenches of the sea." //SHADOWSHAMAN "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_ether_shock" "Ether Shock" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_ether_shock_Description" "Creates a cone of ethereal energy that strikes multiple enemy units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_ether_shock_Lore" "Originally used to open shows with the travelling con-man, Rhasta's lightning display shocks adversaries in more ways than one." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_ether_shock_Note0" "Can hit secondary targets up to 1000 distance away." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_ether_shock_targets" "TARGETS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_ether_shock_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_voodoo" "Hex" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_voodoo_Description" "Transforms an enemy unit into a harmless creature, disabling their attacks and abilities." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_voodoo_Lore" "Rhasta often ended performances by turning himself into a chicken - now, the humiliation is shared." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_voodoo_Note0" "Instantly destroys illusions." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_voodoo_Note1" "The target will have a base movement speed of 100, but buffs granting maximum movement speed won't be disabled." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_voodoo_Note2" "Hex disables damage block." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_voodoo_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_shackles" "Shackles" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_shackles_Description" "CHANNELED - Magically binds an enemy unit so that it cannot move or attack, while dealing damage over time." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_shackles_Lore" "A self-defense incantation, Rhasta developed shackles after his master was slain in the Bleeding Hills." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_shackles_channel_time" "CHANNEL DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_mass_serpent_ward" "Mass Serpent Ward" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_mass_serpent_ward_Description" "Summons 10 serpent wards to attack enemy units and structures. The wards are immune to magic, and have a small area of splash damage that increases per level.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_mass_serpent_ward_Lore" "Snake charming was a big part of the Shadow Shaman's act; now Rhasta can empower the snakes to do his bidding." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_mass_serpent_ward_Note0" "Serpent Wards deal piercing type splash damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_mass_serpent_ward_Note1" "Serpent Wards deal 100% damage in a 50/75/85 radius." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_mass_serpent_ward_Note2" "Serpent Wards deal 40% damage in a 75/100/110 radius." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_mass_serpent_ward_Note3" "Serpent Wards deal 20% damage in a 150/200/220 radius." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_mass_serpent_ward_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_mass_serpent_ward_damage_max" "ATTACK DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_mass_serpent_ward_damage_max_scepter" "SCEPTER ATTACK DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_shaman_mass_serpent_ward_aghanim_description" "Increases ward damage." "npc_dota_hero_shadow_shaman_bio" "Born in the Bleeding Hills, Rhasta was just a starving youngling when picked up by a travelling con-man. For two pins of copper, the old con-man would tell your fortune. For three, he'd castrate your pig, for five, he'd circumcise your sons. For a good meal, he'd don his shaman garb, read from his ancient books, and lay a curse upon your enemies. His strange new youngling, part hill troll, part...something else, worked as assistant and lent an air of the exotic to the con-man's trade. Always one step ahead of cheated customers, one town ahead of a pursuing patronage, the two trekked across the blighted lands until one day the con-man realized that the little youngling could actually do what he only pretended at. His ward had a gift--a gift that customers valued. And so the youngling Rhasta was thrust before the crowds, and the trade-name Shadow Shaman was born. The two continued from town to town, conjuring for money as Shadow Shaman's reputation grew. Eventually, the pair's duplicitous past caught up with them, and they were ambushed by a mob of swindled ex-clients. The con-man was slain, and for the first time, Rhasta used his powers for darkness, massacring the attackers. He buried his beloved master, and now uses his powers to destroy any who would seek to do him harm." //RIKI "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_smoke_screen" "Smoke Screen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_smoke_screen_Description" "Throws down a smoke bomb, silencing enemies, causing causing them to miss most attacks, as well as slowing movement and turn speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_smoke_screen_Lore" "Since his escape during the night of his betrayal, Riki has valued the use of a simple smoke screen to confuse his opponents." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_smoke_screen_Note0" "Doesn't prevent the use of active items." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_smoke_screen_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_smoke_screen_miss_rate" "%MISS RATE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_smoke_screen_movement_speed_reduction" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_smoke_screen_turn_reduction" "%TURN SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_smoke_screen_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_backstab" "Backstab" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_backstab_Description" "If Riki attacks from behind, bonus damage is applied based on his current agility." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_backstab_Lore" "The Stealth Assassin is not afraid to fight dirty, and specializes in attacking his opponents from behind." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_backstab_Note0" "Illusions of Riki will play Backstab animations, but not deal any bonus damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_backstab_Note1" "Bonus damage from Backstab can't be evaded." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_backstab_damage_multiplier" "AGI DAMAGE MULT:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_permanent_invisibility" "Permanent Invisibility" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_permanent_invisibility_Description" "Riki fades into the shadows, becoming invisible and gaining additional health regeneration. If Riki attacks an enemy, he will become visible." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_permanent_invisibility_Lore" "Riki comes for you." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_permanent_invisibility_Note0" "Riki won't auto attack enemies while invisible." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_permanent_invisibility_fade_delay" "FADE DELAY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_permanent_invisibility_bonus_health_regen" "INVIS HEALTH REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_blink_strike" "Blink Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_blink_strike_Description" "Teleports behind the target unit, striking for bonus damage if it is an enemy. Blink Strike charges restore every %charge_restore_time% seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_blink_strike_Lore" "The Stealth Assassin's agile movement makes him impossible to escape." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_blink_strike_Note0" "Riki's first attack after Blink Strike will be a backstab." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_blink_strike_Note1" "Blink Strike's damage is dealt before the next attack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_blink_strike_Note2" "You can Blink Strike to allies, but no damage is dealt." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_blink_strike_tooltip_range" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_blink_strike_bonus_damage" "BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_blink_strike_max_charges" "MAX CHARGES:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_riki_blink_strike_charge_restore_time" "CHARGE RESTORE TIME:" "npc_dota_hero_riki_bio" "Riki was born middle child to the great dynasty of Tahlin. With an older brother groomed for the throne, and a younger brother coddled and kept, Riki, the small middle son, seemed born for the art of invisibility. It was an art he cultivated, and one which ultimately saved his life on the night that his people were betrayed and his family slaughtered. Of all the royal line, he alone escaped, small and agile, unassuming, using smoke as cover. He cut his way out of the royal grounds, using the advantage of surprise, quietly slitting the throats of one enemy warrior after another. Now free of his royal responsibilities, Riki uses his talents in service to a new trade: Stealth Assassin. He silences his enemies, sharpening his skills, hoping to one day take revenge on those who killed his family and robbed him of his birthright." //ENIGMA "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_malefice" "Malefice" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_malefice_Description" "Focuses Enigma's power on a target, causing it to take damage and become repeatedly stunned for multiple instances. An instance strikes every 2 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_malefice_Lore" "Strange gravities pull at the core of those who would oppose you, holding them in place." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_malefice_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_malefice_damage" "DAMAGE PER HIT:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_malefice_tooltip_stuns" "INSTANCES:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_demonic_conversion" "Demonic Conversion" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_demonic_conversion_Description" "Transforms a creep into three fragments of Enigma himself. These eidolons are all under Enigma's control, and repeated successful attacks cause them to multiply. When this happens, the eidolons have their health restored." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_demonic_conversion_Lore" "Enigma is capable of drawing aspects of himself from other dimensions - the result is a trio of dark eidolons that hunt the corporeal plane." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_demonic_conversion_Note0" "Converted enemy units will give gold bounty and experience." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_demonic_conversion_split_attack_count" "ATTACKS TO MULTIPLY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_demonic_conversion_eidolon_hp_tooltip" "EIDOLON HP:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_demonic_conversion_eidolon_dmg_tooltip" "EIDOLON DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_demonic_conversion_duration_tooltip" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_midnight_pulse" "Midnight Pulse" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_midnight_pulse_Description" "Steeps an area in dark resonance, damaging enemy units based on their max HP." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_midnight_pulse_Lore" "A section of the world slowly descends into the void." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_midnight_pulse_Note0" "Damage goes through spell immunity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_midnight_pulse_Note1" "This ability destroys trees in its area." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_midnight_pulse_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_midnight_pulse_damage_percent" "%DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_midnight_pulse_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_black_hole" "Black Hole" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_black_hole_Description" "CHANNELED - Summons a vortex that sucks in nearby enemy units. Enemies affected by Black Hole cannot move, attack, or cast spells.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_black_hole_Lore" "The ground trembles as Enigma channels his ultimate vortex of destruction, a singularity with the power to end worlds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_black_hole_Note0" "Disables enemies through spell immunity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_black_hole_far_damage" "DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_black_hole_far_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_black_hole_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enigma_black_hole_aghanim_description" "Adds the current level of Midnight Pulse to Black Hole." "npc_dota_hero_enigma_bio" "Nothing is known of Enigma's background. There are only stories and legends, most of them apocryphal, passed down through the ages. In truth, Enigma is a mystery for whom the only true biography is description: he is a universal force, a consumer of worlds. He is a being of the void, at times corporeal, other times ethereal. A beast between the planes. There are stories that say he was once a great alchemist who tried to unlock the secrets of the universe and was cursed for his arrogance. Other legends tell that he is an ancient being of strange gravity, the abyss personified--a twisted voice from out the original darkness, before the first light in the universe. And there are older legends that say he is the first collapsed star, a black hole grown complicated and sentient--his motivations unknowable, his power inexorable, a force of destruction unleashed upon existence itself." //TINKER "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tinker_laser" "Laser" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tinker_laser_Description" "Fires an intense energy beam, dealing damage and blinding the target, causing it to miss all physical attacks. \n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter, causing the laser to refract between all visible enemy units in a %cast_range_scepter% range." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tinker_laser_Lore" "Boush perfected this rock cutting laser in his subterranean laboratory, never considering its combat utility." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tinker_laser_cast_range_tooltip" "CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tinker_laser_miss_rate" "%BLIND MISS RATE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tinker_laser_duration_hero" "HERO BLIND DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tinker_laser_duration_creep" "CREEP BLIND DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tinker_heat_seeking_missile" "Heat-Seeking Missile" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tinker_heat_seeking_missile_Description" "Launches a pair of rockets at the nearest visible enemy heroes within 2500 range. The number of missile targets is doubled with Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tinker_heat_seeking_missile_Lore" "The last contraption Boush was able to save was a retrofitted rocket launcher with a homing mechanism." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tinker_heat_seeking_missile_targets" "TARGETS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tinker_march_of_the_machines" "March of the Machines" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tinker_march_of_the_machines_Description" "Enlists an army of robotic minions to destroy enemy units in an area around Tinker." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tinker_march_of_the_machines_Lore" "Even though the laboratory has since been sealed off, the ability to radio in robotic drones is still in working order." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tinker_march_of_the_machines_Note0" "Robots spawn at a rate of 24 per second." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tinker_march_of_the_machines_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tinker_march_of_the_machines_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tinker_rearm" "Rearm" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tinker_rearm_Description" "CHANNELED - Resets the cooldown on most of Tinker's items and abilities." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tinker_rearm_Lore" "A new battery here, another set of rockets there, Boush continually improves on existing technology." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tinker_rearm_Note0" "Rearm works on all items except Black King Bar, Arcane Boots, Helm of the Dominator, Hand of Midas, Refresher Orb, Linken's Sphere, and Necronomicon." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tinker_rearm_aghanim_description" "Causes Laser to refract between all visible enemy units within a 550 radius, and doubles Heat-Seeking missile count." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tinker_rearm_channel_tooltip" "TIME TO REARM:" "npc_dota_hero_tinker_bio" "Boush the Tinker's diminutive race is known for its intelligence, its cunning, and its prickly relationship with magic. As a matter of pride, they survive by their wits, and use only those powers of nature that may be unlocked through rational methodologies. Even this forbearance has led to a great deal of trouble, as Boush can attest. Once a key investigator of natural law, Boush the Tinker led a vast intellectual investigation into the workings of nature, founding a subterranean laboratory in the rumored, mist-wreathed wastes of the Violet Plateau. While scorning mages for the dangers they visit upon the world, Boush and his Tinker associates haughtily wrenched open a portal to some realm beyond comprehension and ushered in some nightmares of their own. A black mist rose from the cavernous interior of the Violet Plateau, shrouding it in permanent darkness from which sounds of horror perpetually emanate. Boush escaped with only his wits and the contraptions he carried, the sole Tinker to survive the Violet Plateau Incident. " //SNIPER "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sniper_shrapnel" "Shrapnel" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sniper_shrapnel_Description" "Consumes a charge to launch a ball of shrapnel that showers the target area in explosive pellets. Enemies are subject to damage and slowed movement. Reveals the targeted area. Shrapnel charges restore every %charge_restore_time% seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sniper_shrapnel_Lore" "Kardel's modular rifle also fires incendiary rounds, useful for assaulting entrenched locations." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sniper_shrapnel_Note0" "Damage is dealt 11 times, immediately at spell effect then every second." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sniper_shrapnel_Note1" "Does not damage buildings." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sniper_shrapnel_Note2" "Provides vision in the targeted area." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sniper_shrapnel_slow_movement_speed" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sniper_shrapnel_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sniper_shrapnel_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sniper_headshot" "Headshot" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sniper_headshot_Description" "Sniper increases his accuracy, giving him a chance to deal extra damage and briefly stop the movements of his enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sniper_headshot_Lore" "Taking potshots at steepstalkers in his childhood has been thoroughly refined into perfect leads on enemy combatants." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sniper_headshot_Note0" "Works on allied creeps." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sniper_headshot_proc_chance" "%CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sniper_take_aim" "Take Aim" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sniper_take_aim_Description" "Extends the attack range of Sniper's rifle." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sniper_take_aim_Lore" "Kardel always takes it upon himself to stay as far from harm as he can while still performing his role - taking perfect aim." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sniper_take_aim_bonus_attack_range" "BONUS RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sniper_assassinate" "Assassinate" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sniper_assassinate_Description" "Sniper locks onto a target enemy unit and, after %total_cast_time_tooltip% seconds, fires a devastating shot that deals damage at long range, and mini-stuns the target." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sniper_assassinate_Lore" "In order to fulfill the prophecy and return to his home town, Kardel must make another shot as perfect as the one on the day of his ancient test." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sniper_assassinate_Note0" "Crosshair effect is only visible to allies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sniper_assassinate_Note1" "Invisibility doesn't disjoint the projectile." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sniper_assassinate_Note2" "Interrupts channeling spell, including on Spell Immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_sniper_assassinate_tooltip_range" "RANGE:" "npc_dota_hero_sniper_bio" "Kardel Sharpeye was born deep in the mountains of Knollen where, since time immemorial, Keen Folk have survived by hunting the strange, cliff-dwelling steepstalkers above their village, shooting them from a distance and collecting the carcasses where they fell. Sharpeye was among the best of these strange mountain keens for whom projectile weapons are but another appendage, and to shoot is as natural as to touch. On his day of summoning, when he was to gain full standing in his village, Sharpeye took the ancient test: a single shot from the valley floor to strike a beast down from the cliffs. To miss was to be dishonored. With his entire village standing vigil, Sharpeye took his shot. A steepstalker fell; the crowd cheered. But when the carcass was collected, the village grew silent, for the elders found that the bullet had pierced its glittering central eye then fallen to be clenched in the steepstalker's mandibles. This ominous sign was the literal opening of a dark prophecy, foretelling both greatness and exile for the gunman who made such a shot. Sharpeye the Sniper was thus, by his own skill, condemned to make his way apart from his people--and unwelcome back among them until he has fulfilled the remainder of the prophecy by attaining legendary stature on a field of battle." //NECROLYTE "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_death_pulse" "Death Pulse" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_death_pulse_Description" "Necrophos releases a wave of death around him, dealing damage to enemy units and healing allied units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_death_pulse_Lore" "Combining his monk heritage with his newfound affinity for plague has a menacing result." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_death_pulse_Note0" "Death Pulse can't be disjointed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_death_pulse_Note1" "Can heal Spell Immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_death_pulse_area_of_effect" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_death_pulse_heal" "HEAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_heartstopper_aura" "Heartstopper Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_heartstopper_aura_Description" "Necrophos stills the hearts of his opponents, causing nearby enemy units to lose a percentage of their max health over time." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_heartstopper_aura_Lore" "Those who come within a short distance of Necrophos can feel pestilence and plague in the air." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_heartstopper_aura_Note0" "Damage won't disable items like Blink Dagger." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_heartstopper_aura_aura_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_heartstopper_aura_aura_damage" "%HEALTH DECAY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_sadist" "Sadist" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_sadist_Description" "Necrophos gains hp and mana regeneration for every unit he kills. Hero kills grant 10x the regen bonus." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_sadist_Lore" "Poor souls who succumb to Rotund'jere's plagues are recycled for future use." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_sadist_Note0" "Sadist is also triggered by denies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_sadist_Note1" "Stacks independently with itself." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_sadist_mana_regen" "MANA REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_sadist_health_regen" "HP REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_sadist_regen_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_reapers_scythe" "Reaper's Scythe" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_reapers_scythe_Description" "Stuns the target enemy hero, then deals damage based on how much life it is missing. Heroes killed by Reaper's Scythe will have %respawn_constant% seconds added to their respawn timer. Any kill under this effect is credited to Necrophos.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_reapers_scythe_Lore" "The amount of death and suffering in the air increases the power of Necrophos's plague magic." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_reapers_scythe_Note0" "Damage is dealt at the end of the stun." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_reapers_scythe_Note1" "The stun goes through spell immunity, but not the damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_reapers_scythe_damage_per_health" "DAMAGE PER MISSING HP:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_reapers_scythe_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_reapers_scythe_respawn_constant" "ADDED RESPAWN TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_reapers_scythe_mana_cost_scepter" "SCEPTER MANA COST:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_reapers_scythe_cooldown_scepter" "SCEPTER COOLDOWN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_reapers_scythe_damage_per_health_scepter" "SCEPTER DAMAGE PER MISSING HP:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_necrolyte_reapers_scythe_aghanim_description" "Increases damage per HP missing, decreases mana cost for Level 1, and decreases cooldown for levels 1 and 2. Units killed by Reaper's Scythe cannot buyback." "npc_dota_hero_necrolyte_bio" "In a time of great plague, an obscure monk of dark inclinations, one Rotund'jere, found himself promoted to the rank of Cardinal by the swift death of all his superiors. While others of the order went out to succor the ill, the newly ordained cardinal secluded himself within the Cathedral of Rumusque, busily scheming to acquire the property of dying nobles, promising them spiritual rewards if they signed over their terrestrial domains. As the plague receded to a few stubborn pockets, his behavior came to the attention of the greater order, which found him guilty of heresy and sentenced him to serve in the plague ward, ensorcelled with spells that would ensure him a slow and lingering illness. But they had not counted on his natural immunity. Rotund'jere caught the pox, but instead of dying, found it feeding his power, transforming him into a veritable plague-mage, a Pope of Pestilence. Proclaiming himself Necrophos, he travels the world, spreading plague wherever he goes, and growing in terrible power with every village his pestilential presence obliterates." //SLARDAR "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_sprint" "Sprint" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_sprint_Description" "Slardar moves significantly faster, but takes bonus damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_sprint_Lore" "As Slardar has made the transition from the Deeps, it has been necessary to use his powerful tail for sprinting instead of swimming." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_sprint_Note0" "Activating this skill doesn't interrupt channeling abilities." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_sprint_bonus_speed" "%BONUS SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_sprint_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_sprint_bonus_damage" "%ADDITIONAL DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_slithereen_crush" "Slithereen Crush" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_slithereen_crush_Description" "Slams the ground, stunning and damaging nearby enemy land units. After the stun, the affected units are slowed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_slithereen_crush_Lore" "A swift crush of might and water breaks even the toughest of defenses." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_slithereen_crush_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_slithereen_crush_crush_extra_slow" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_slithereen_crush_crush_attack_slow_tooltip" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_slithereen_crush_crush_extra_slow_duration" "SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_slithereen_crush_crush_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_bash" "Bash" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_bash_Description" "Grants a chance that an attack will do bonus damage and stun an enemy. The duration is doubled against creeps." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_bash_Lore" "Thieves of the wealth of the Deep Ones meet the brutality of the Slithereen Guard in melee combat." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_bash_Note0" "Stun works on Spell Immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_bash_Note1" "Does not stack with Skull Basher." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_bash_chance" "%CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_bash_bonus_damage" "BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_bash_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_amplify_damage" "Amplify Damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_amplify_damage_Description" "Reduces enemy armor to amplify physical damage and provides True Sight of the targeted unit, revealing invisibility." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_amplify_damage_Note0" "Gives True Sight and shared vision of the target." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_amplify_damage_Note1" "Works on Spell Immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_amplify_damage_Lore" "Slardar's lure-light reveals even the most hidden of opponents, as well as their vulnerabilities." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_amplify_damage_armor_reduction" "ARMOR REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slardar_amplify_damage_duration" "DURATION:" "npc_dota_hero_slardar_bio" "Slardar is a Slithereen, one of the Deep Ones, guardian of the great wealth of sunken cities and the ancient riches buried there. In the lightless gulf of the great ocean abysses, the Slithereen Guard carries his lure-light with him through the secret treasure rooms. Subaqueous thieves (sent into the deeps by covetous dryland sorcerers) are drawn in by its friendly glow, never to return. He is utterly loyal, and his taciturn nature hides deep knowledge of the most secret places of the sea. He rises to the shallows in spite of the pain caused him by brightness, to commit reconnaissance, to make sure no one is conspiring against the depths, and sometimes in relentless pursuit of the rare few who manage to steal off with an item from the Sunken Treasury. Because he has spent his whole life at great pressure, under tremendous weight of the sea, Slardar the Slithereen Guard is a creature of great power." //BEASTMASTER "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_wild_axes" "Wild Axes" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_wild_axes_Description" "Beastmaster sends his axes flying and calls them home again, slicing through enemy units and trees along their path. Each axe can hit an enemy once." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_wild_axes_Lore" "While learning to maneuver in nature alone, the Beastmaster also mastered the use of a pair of tomahawks, adept at cutting down trees as well as adversaries." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_wild_axes_Note0" "This ability hits Spell Immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_wild_axes_Note1" "This ability destroys trees." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_wild_axes_range" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_call_of_the_wild" "Call of the Wild: Hawk" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_call_of_the_wild_Description" "Beastmaster calls forth a watchful Hawk to scout the battlefield. At level 3 and beyond, the hawk can become invisible after being still for 4 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_call_of_the_wild_Lore" "After befriending the strange beast of his childhood, Beastmaster has learned to call to animals in times of need." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_call_of_the_wild_hawk_hp_tooltip" "HAWK HEALTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_call_of_the_wild_hawk_speed_tooltip" "HAWK MOVEMENT SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_call_of_the_wild_hawk_daysight_tooltip" "HAWK DAY SIGHT RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_call_of_the_wild_hawk_nightsight_tooltip" "HAWK NIGHT SIGHT RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_call_of_the_wild_hawk_duration" "HAWK DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_call_of_the_wild_boar" "Call of the Wild: Boar" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_call_of_the_wild_boar_Description" "Beastmaster calls a powerful Boar to stalk the battlefield, capable of spitting poison at enemies to slow their movement and attack speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_call_of_the_wild_boar_Lore" "After befriending the strange beast of his childhood, Beastmaster has learned to call to animals in times of need." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_call_of_the_wild_boar_boar_hp_tooltip" "BOAR HEALTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_call_of_the_wild_boar_boar_damage_tooltip" "BOAR ATTACK DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_call_of_the_wild_boar_boar_moveslow_tooltip" "%BOAR MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_call_of_the_wild_boar_poison_duration_tooltip" "BOAR POISON DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_call_of_the_wild_boar_boar_attackslow_tooltip" "BOAR ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_call_of_the_wild_boar_boar_duration" "BOAR DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_inner_beast" "Inner Beast" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_inner_beast_Description" "Untaps the inner fury of allies, passively increasing their attack speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_inner_beast_Lore" "Beastmaster's ability to incite the innate strength of animals was seen in the mauling of the king of Slom." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_inner_beast_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_inner_beast_bonus_attack_speed" "BONUS ATTACK SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_primal_roar" "Primal Roar" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_primal_roar_Description" "Beastmaster lets loose a deafening roar that stuns, and shoves open, a path to its target. All units in the path of the roar are damaged, while units shoved aside by the roar have their movement and attack speed slowed.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_primal_roar_Lore" "The Beastmaster has learned to channel his primal instincts into an animalistic roar, causing devastation in the ranks of enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_primal_roar_Note0" "The stun will hit Spell Immune units. The damage will not." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_primal_roar_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_primal_roar_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_primal_roar_slow_duration" "SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_primal_roar_damage_radius" "SHOUT WIDTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_primal_roar_slow_movement_speed_pct" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_primal_roar_slow_attack_speed_pct" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_primal_roar_cast_range_scepter" "SCEPTER CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_primal_roar_cooldown_scepter" "SCEPTER COOLDOWN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_primal_roar_aghanim_description" "Reduces cooldown, and increases cast range." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_hawk_invisibility" "Invisibility" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_hawk_invisibility_Description" "If motionless for some time, the Greater Hawk becomes invisible." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_hawk_invisibility_fade_tooltip" "FADE TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_boar_poison" "Poison" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_boar_poison_Description" "Inflicts a poison that slows attack and movement speeds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_boar_poison_attack_speed" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_boar_poison_movement_speed" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_boar_poison_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_greater_boar_poison" "Poison" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_greater_boar_poison_Description" "Inflicts a poison that slows attack and movement speeds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_greater_boar_poison_attack_speed" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_greater_boar_poison_movement_speed" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_greater_boar_poison_duration" "DURATION:" "npc_dota_hero_beastmaster_bio" "Karroch was born a child of the stocks. His mother died in childbirth; his father, a farrier for the Last King of Slom, was trampled to death when he was five. Afterward Karroch was indentured to the king's menagerie, where he grew up among all the beasts of the royal court: lions, apes, fell-deer, and things less known, things barely believed in. When the lad was seven, an explorer brought in a beast like none before seen. Dragged before the King in chains, the beast spoke, though its mouth moved not. Its words: a plea for freedom. The King only laughed and ordered the beast perform for his amusement; and when it refused, struck it with the Mad Scepter and ordered it dragged to the stocks. Over the coming months, the boy Karroch sneaked food and medicinal draughts to the wounded creature, but only managed to slow its deterioration. Wordlessly, the beast spoke to the boy, and over time their bond strengthened until the boy found he could hold up his end of a conversation. He could, in fact, speak now to all the creatures of the King's menagerie. On the night the beast died, a rage came over the boy. He incited the animals of the court to rebel and threw open their cages to set them amok on the palace grounds. The Last King was mauled in the mayhem. In the chaos, one regal stag bowed to the boy who had freed him; and with Beastmaster astride him, leapt the high walls of the estate, and escaped. Now a man, Karroch the Beastmaster has not lost his ability to converse with wild creatures. He has grown into a warrior at one with nature's savagery." //VENOMANCER "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_venomous_gale" "Venomous Gale" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_venomous_gale_Description" "Launches a ball of venom in a line, poisoning enemy units so that they take both initial damage and damage over time, as well as suffering slowed movement. Venomous Gale deals damage every 3 seconds over its duration." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_venomous_gale_Lore" "A concoction of various stings, poisons, and toxins gathered from the jungles of Jidi Isle, victims surviving it are rare." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_venomous_gale_Note0" "Units afflicted by Venomous Gale can be denied when their HP drops below 25%." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_venomous_gale_Note1" "Duration damage is dealt every 3 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_venomous_gale_Note2" "Slow starts at 50%, and decreases as time passes." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_venomous_gale_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_venomous_gale_strike_damage" "INITIAL DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_venomous_gale_tick_damage" "DAMAGE PER TICK:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_venomous_gale_movement_slow" "%SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_poison_sting" "Poison Sting" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_poison_sting_Description" "Adds poison damage to Venomancer's normal attacks, slowing movement speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_poison_sting_Lore" "The paralytic sting of the creature which caused his transformation now belongs to the Venomancer." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_poison_sting_Note0" "Poison Sting damage can be lethal." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_poison_sting_Note1" "Damage from Poison Sting does not interrupt healing from items, nor does it activate the cooldown on Blink Dagger." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_poison_sting_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_poison_sting_damage" "DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_poison_sting_movement_speed" "%SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_plague_ward" "Plague Ward" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_plague_ward_Description" "Summons a plague ward to attack enemy units and structures. The ward is immune to magic. Wards gain the Poison Sting level from Venomancer, dealing 50%% of the full damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_plague_ward_Lore" "A mixture of his old herbalist talents and newfound toxic mastery creates a living embodiment of plague." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_plague_ward_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_plague_ward_ward_hp_tooltip" "WARD HP:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_plague_ward_ward_damage_tooltip" "WARD DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_poison_nova" "Poison Nova" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_poison_nova_Description" "A spreading ring of poison that does damage over time to enemy units around Venomancer. Poison Nova cannot deal lethal damage; targets will be left with at least 1 health.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_poison_nova_Lore" "In the Acid Jungles, creatures releasing noxious poison to their attackers is common; Venomancer spreads this plague beyond the Jidi Isle." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_poison_nova_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_poison_nova_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_poison_nova_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_poison_nova_duration_scepter" "SCEPTER DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_poison_nova_damage_scepter" "SCEPTER DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_poison_nova_cooldown_scepter" "SCEPTER COOLDOWN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_venomancer_poison_nova_aghanim_description" "Increases damage and duration, and decreases cooldown." "npc_dota_hero_venomancer_bio" "In the Acid Jungles of Jidi Isle, poison runs in the veins and bubbles in the guts of every creature that scuttles, climbs or swoops between fluorescent vines dripping with caustic sap. Yet even in this toxic menagerie, Venomancer is acknowledged as the most venomous. Ages ago, an Herbalist named Lesale crossed the Bay of Fradj by coracle, searching for potent essences that might be extracted from bark and root, and found instead a nightmare transformation. Two leagues into Jidi's jungle, Lesale encountered a reptile camouflaged as an epiphyte, which stung him as he mistakenly plucked it. In desperation, he used his partial knowledge of the jungle's herbal bounty, mixing the venom of the (swiftly throttled) reptile with the nectar of an armored orchid, to compound an antidote. In the moments before a black paralysis claimed him completely, he injected himself by orchid-thorn, and instantly fell into a coma. Seventeen years later, something stirred in the spot where he had fallen, throwing off the years' accumulation of humus: Venomancer. Lesale the Herbalist no longer--but Lesale the Deathbringer. His mind was all but erased, and his flesh had been consumed and replaced by a new type of matter--one fusing the venom of the reptile with the poisonous integument of the orchid. Jidi's Acid Jungles knew a new master, one before whom even the most vicious predators soon learned to bow or burrow for their lives. The lurid isle proved too confining, and some human hunger deep in the heart of the Venomancer drove Lesale out in search of new poisons--and new deaths to bring." //FACELESS VOID "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_time_walk" "Time Walk" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_time_walk_Description" "Rushes to a target location while slowing the movement of all enemies along its path for 3 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_time_walk_Lore" "Darkterror tears a hole in time, passing through Claszureme, and appearing back in an instant." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_time_walk_Note0" "Faceless Void is invulnerable while using Time Walk." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_time_walk_tooltip_range" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_time_walk_movement_speed_pct" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_time_walk_attack_speed_pct" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_backtrack" "Backtrack" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_backtrack_Description" "Faceless Void dodges damage by jumping backward in time, eluding both physical and magical attacks." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_backtrack_Lore" "Darkterror sees what has yet to be seen." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_backtrack_Note0" "Abilities that grant True Strike don't work against Backtrack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_backtrack_dodge_chance_pct" "%DODGE CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_time_lock" "Time Lock" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_time_lock_Description" "Adds the chance for an attack to lock an enemy unit in time, stunning it and dealing bonus damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_time_lock_Lore" "The strike of the Faceless Void lands with dimension shifting force." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_time_lock_Note0" "Stun works on Spell Immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_time_lock_Note1" "Does not stack with Skull Basher." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_time_lock_Note2" "Deals twice as much damage if the unit is in Chronosphere." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_time_lock_chance_pct" "%CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_time_lock_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_time_lock_bonus_damage" "BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_chronosphere" "Chronosphere" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_chronosphere_Description" "Creates a blister in spacetime, trapping all units caught in its sphere of influence and causes you to move very quickly inside it. Only Faceless Void and any units he controls are unaffected. Invisible units in the sphere will be revealed.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_chronosphere_Lore" "When a rift opens to Claszureme, all poor souls caught within will likely never return." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_chronosphere_Note0" "Pauses all units and buildings, friendly or enemy, except those owned by Faceless Void." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_chronosphere_Note1" "Faceless Void is never affected by Chronospheres with any owner." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_chronosphere_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_chronosphere_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_chronosphere_duration_scepter" "SCEPTER DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_chronosphere_cooldown_scepter" "SCEPTER COOLDOWN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_faceless_void_chronosphere_aghanim_description" "Increases duration and decreases cooldown." "npc_dota_hero_faceless_void_bio" "Darkterror the Faceless Void is a visitor from Claszureme, a realm outside of time. It remains a mystery why this being from another dimension believes the struggle for the Nemesis Stones is worth entering our physical plane, but apparently an upset in the balance of power in this world has repercussions in adjacent dimensions. Time means nothing to Darkterror, except as a way to thwart his foes and aid his allies. His long-view of the cosmos has given him a remote, disconnected quality, although in battle he is quite capable of making it personal." //DEATH PROPHET "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_death_prophet_carrion_swarm" "Crypt Swarm" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_death_prophet_carrion_swarm_Description" "Sends a swarm of winged beasts to savage enemy units in front of Death Prophet." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_death_prophet_carrion_swarm_Lore" "Krobelus' many trips to the grave gather a flock of the damned." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_death_prophet_carrion_swarm_Note0" "Can hit units up to 1110 range away." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_death_prophet_carrion_swarm_range" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_death_prophet_silence" "Silence" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_death_prophet_silence_Description" "Prevents enemy units in a target area from casting spells." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_death_prophet_silence_Lore" "Peering into the veil of her opponent's demise, Krobelus sees a silent future." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_death_prophet_silence_Note0" "Doesn't prevent usage of items." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_death_prophet_silence_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_death_prophet_silence_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_death_prophet_witchcraft" "Witchcraft" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_death_prophet_witchcraft_Description" "Increases the potency of Death Prophet's spells, while providing a passive movement speed boost. Reduces mana costs and cooldowns of Crypt Swarm and Silence, and adds additional spirits to Exorcism." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_death_prophet_witchcraft_Lore" "With each death, Krobelus adds necromantic power to her repertoire." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_death_prophet_witchcraft_carrion_swarm_cooldown_adjust" "COOLDOWN DECREASE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_death_prophet_witchcraft_carrion_swarm_mana_cost_adjust" "MANA COST DECREASE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_death_prophet_witchcraft_exorcism_1_extra_spirits" "ADDED EXORCISM SPIRITS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_death_prophet_witchcraft_bonus_movement_speed" "%MOVEMENT SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_death_prophet_exorcism" "Exorcism" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_death_prophet_exorcism_Description" "Unleashes evil spirits to drain the life of nearby enemy units and structures. At the end of the spell's duration, Death Prophet is healed in proportion to the damage dealt. Lasts 30 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_death_prophet_exorcism_Lore" "Over time, the banshee remnants of her previous lives return to haunt the present." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_death_prophet_exorcism_Note0" "Radius represents the area in which the spirits will acquire targets around Death Prophet." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_death_prophet_exorcism_Note1" "Spirit damage isn't reduced by damage block abilities." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_death_prophet_exorcism_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_death_prophet_exorcism_spirits" "SPIRITS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_death_prophet_exorcism_heal_percent" "%LIFE DRAIN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_death_prophet_exorcism_average_damage" "SPIRIT DAMAGE:" "npc_dota_hero_death_prophet_bio" "Krobelus was a Death Prophet--which is one way of saying she told fortunes for the wealthiest of those who wished to look beyond the veil. But after years of inquiring on behalf of others, she began to seek clues on her own fate. When death refused to yield its secrets, she tried to buy them with her life. But the ultimate price proved insufficient. Death disgorged her again and again, always holding back its deepest mysteries. Her jealousy grew. Others could die for eternity--why not she? Why must she alone be cast back on the shores of life with such tiresome regularity? Why was she not worthy of the one thing all other living creatures took for granted? Still, she would not be discouraged. Each time she returned from the grave, she brought a bit of death back with her. Wraiths followed her like fragments of her shattered soul; her blood grew thin and ectoplasmic; the feasting creatures of twilight took her for their kin.. She gave a little of her life with every demise, and it began to seem as if her end was in sight. With her dedication to death redoubled, and no client other than herself, Krobelus threw herself ever more fervently into death's abyss, intent on fulfilling the one prophecy that eluded her: That someday the Death Prophet would return from death no more." //PUGNA "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_nether_blast" "Nether Blast" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_nether_blast_Description" "An exploding pulse deals damage to enemies and structures in the area. Deals half damage to structures." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_nether_blast_Lore" "The Arts of Oblivion include a deafening blast of emerald flames from the Nether Reaches." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_nether_blast_Note0" "Damage is delayed by 0.9 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_nether_blast_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_nether_blast_delay" "BLAST DELAY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_decrepify" "Decrepify" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_decrepify_Description" "A powerful banishing spell that slows a unit and renders it unable to attack or be attacked. Afflicted units take extra magic damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_decrepify_Lore" "A now-mastered relic from his childhood, Pugna delights in banishing others into the Nether Realm, whether for good, evil, or simple enjoyment." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_decrepify_Note0" "Only magical and pure damage can affect a unit under the effects of Decrepify." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_decrepify_bonus_spell_damage_pct" "%ENEMY INCREASED MAGIC DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_decrepify_bonus_spell_damage_pct_allies" "%ALLY INCREASED MAGIC DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_decrepify_bonus_movement_speed" "%ENEMY MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_decrepify_bonus_movement_speed_allies" "%ALLY MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_decrepify_tooltip_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_nether_ward" "Nether Ward" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_nether_ward_Description" "Pugna places a nether ward that fires mana flares at enemy heroes who dare to cast spells, while also causing them to lose mana. Nether Ward deals damage equal to the damage multiplier times the mana spent by the enemy hero. Lasts 30 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_nether_ward_Lore" "While at the lamasery for the Arts of Oblivion, Pugna learned to dominate his classmates with a simple ward charged with Nether magic." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_nether_ward_Note0" "Nether Ward deals damage before the actual spell is cast, so if the caster dies the spell will have no effect." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_nether_ward_Note1" "Nether Ward can be decrepified." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_nether_ward_Note2" "Nether Ward has 4 HP. Heroes can attack it for 1 damage, while non-hero units deal 0.25 damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_nether_ward_radius" "WARD ATTACK RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_nether_ward_mana_multiplier" "DAMAGE PER MANA:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_nether_ward_mana_regen" "MANA LEAK:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_nether_ward_attacks_to_destroy_tooltip" "ATTACKS TO DESTROY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_life_drain" "Life Drain" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_life_drain_Description" "CHANNELED - When cast on an enemy, Pugna drains health from the target enemy unit to heal himself. If Pugna has full HP, and the enemy target is a Hero, Life Drain will restore mana instead.\n\nWhen cast on an ally, Pugna will drain his own health into his ally.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_life_drain_Lore" "Pugna has truly become more powerful than even the grandmaster of Oblivion." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_life_drain_Note0" "HP drained depends on the actual damage dealt." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_life_drain_Note1" "Illusions are destroyed on the first tick of damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_life_drain_health_drain" "DRAIN PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_life_drain_cast_range_tooltip" "CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_life_drain_duration_tooltip" "MAX DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_life_drain_health_drain_scepter" "SCEPTER DRAIN PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_pugna_life_drain_aghanim_description" "Increases drain per second and removes cooldown." "npc_dota_hero_pugna_bio" "In the realm of Pugna's birth, near the vents of the Nether Reaches, there stood a lamasery devoted to the Arts of Oblivion, which drew its power from the nether energies. The Grandmaster of the temple compound had himself passed into Oblivion several years prior, leaving his academy without a leader. From the moment of their master's death, the regents of the temple began rites of divination to identify their master's reincarnation, and eventually all signs converged on the immediate neighborhood. Several villages squatted in the shadow of the temple, their alleys and plazas full of the laughter of squalling children. Pugna, a mere thirteen months of age, was but one candidate among the local brats, and on the appointed day he was presented at the temple alongside two other promising tots. The lamas offered a jumble of worn relics to the children, treasured possessions of their former grandmaster. One boy reached for a porphyry wand that had belonged to the lama...and put it in his nostril. An impish girl pulled out an amulet that had also been the lama's, and immediately swallowed it. Pugna regarded the other two coolly, gave a merry laugh, and blasted them with gouts of emerald flame, reducing them to ashes in an instant. He then snatched up the wand and amulet, saying 'Mine!' The regents hoisted the beaming Pugna on their shoulders, wrapped him in their grandmaster's vestments, and rushed him to the throne before his mood could change. Within five years, the temple itself was another pile of ash, which pleased Pugna to no end." //TEMPLAR ASSASSIN "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_refraction" "Refraction" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_refraction_Lore" "Manipulating her psionic veil, Lanaya bends nature's law to her will." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_refraction_Description" "Templar Assassin becomes highly elusive, avoiding damage and gaining a bonus to her damage. The damage and avoidance effects are separate, and have a limited number of instances." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_refraction_Note0" "Damage as HP Removal bypasses Refraction (it won't reduce the charges)." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_refraction_Note1" "Only instances of 5 or more damage will trigger Refraction." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_refraction_instances" "INSTANCES:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_refraction_bonus_damage" "BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_refraction_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_meld" "Meld" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_meld_Lore" "Lanaya is as elusive as her covenant with the Hidden Temple." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_meld_Description" "Templar Assassin conceals herself, becoming invisible as long as she remains still. If Meld's invisibility is broken by attacking an enemy, Lanaya will deal bonus damage to the enemy and reduce their armor for %armor_reduction_duration_tooltip% seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_meld_Note0" "Meld is broken by any action other than staying in position." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_meld_Note1" "Meld's armor reduction does not work against towers." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_meld_bonus_damage" "BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_meld_bonus_armor" "ARMOR REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_meld_armor_reduction_duration_tooltip" "ARMOR REDUCTION DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_psi_blades" "Psi Blades" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_psi_blades_Lore" "Her blades pierce the skin as much as the mind, furthering her understanding of the mystery that is reality." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_psi_blades_Description" "Templar Assassin's psi blades slice through the attacked unit, splitting and damaging enemy units directly behind it, while gaining bonus attack range." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_psi_blades_Note0" "Split damage hits invisible units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_psi_blades_Note1" "Attack effects like Unique Attack Modifiers and Bash will only be applied to the main target." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_psi_blades_Note2" "Attacks against illusions will not split." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_psi_blades_bonus_attack_range" "BONUS ATTACK RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_psi_blades_attack_spill_range" "SPLIT RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_psionic_trap" "Psionic Trap" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_psionic_trap_Lore" "Calling upon the reach of the Hidden Temple, none escape the eye of the Templar." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_psionic_trap_Description" "Templar Assassin places mystical traps that invisibly monitor enemy movement. When sprung at her command, they exert a slowing influence of 30%% in the area. Traps charge up to slow an additional 5%% every second, up to 50%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_psionic_trap_Note0" "Traps last indefinitely." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_psionic_trap_Note1" "They have invisibility that fades in over 2 seconds, spell immunity, and 100 HP." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_psionic_trap_Note2" "Traps have 400/400 vision range and don't prevent neutral camps from spawning." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_psionic_trap_max_traps" "MAX TRAPS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_psionic_trap_trap_duration_tooltip" "SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_psionic_trap_movement_speed_min_tooltip" "%MIN MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_psionic_trap_movement_speed_max_tooltip" "%MAX MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_trap" "Trap" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_trap_Description" "Springs the nearest trap, slowing nearby enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_self_trap" "Trap" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_templar_assassin_self_trap_Description" "Springs the trap, slowing nearby enemies." "npc_dota_hero_templar_assassin_bio" "Lanaya, the Templar Assassin, came to her calling by a path of curious inquiry. Possessed of a scientific bent, she spent her early years engaged in meticulous study of nature's laws--peering into grimoires of magic and alchemy, recreating experiments from charred fragments of the Violet Archives, and memorizing observations of the Keen recordkeepers. Already quiet and secretive by nature, the difficulty of acquiring these objects further reinforced her skills of stealth. Had she been less retiring, she might have become notorious among the guilds as a thief-scholar. Instead her investigations led her into far more obscure corners. As she devoted her furtive talents to unlocking the secrets of the universe, she instead unlocked a secret door that exists in nature itself: the entryway to the most Hidden Temple. The intelligences that waited beyond that portal, proved to be expecting her, and whatever mysteries they revealed in the moment of their discovery was nothing compared to the answers they held out to Lanaya should she continue in their service. She swore to protect the mysteries, but more to the point, in service to the Hidden Temple she satisfies her endless craving for understanding. In the eyes of each foe she expunges, a bit more of the mystery is revealed." //VIPER "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_poison_attack" "Poison Attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_poison_attack_Description" "Intensifies Viper's venom, adding an effect to his normal attack that slows attack and movement speed while dealing damage over time.\n\nPoison Attack is a Unique Attack Modifier, and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_poison_attack_Lore" "The Netherdrake's inborn toxic breath quickly drains the vitality of its afflicted." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_poison_attack_Note0" "Successive casts don't increase slow or damage, but refresh the duration." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_poison_attack_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_poison_attack_damage" "DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_poison_attack_bonus_movement_speed" "%MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_poison_attack_bonus_attack_speed" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_nethertoxin" "Nethertoxin" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_nethertoxin_Description" "Nethertoxin causes Viper's normal attack to deal bonus damage to units based on how much health they are missing. The bonus damage doubles for each 20%% of health missing from the target. Nethertoxin deals half damage to creeps and buildings." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_nethertoxin_Lore" "Poison from the Nether Reaches turns wounds into fatalities, and fatigue into death." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_nethertoxin_bonus_damage" "BASE BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_nethertoxin_max_damage_tooltip" "MAX BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_nethertoxin_non_hero_damage_pct" "%NON-HERO DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_corrosive_skin" "Corrosive Skin" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_corrosive_skin_Description" "Viper exudes an infectious toxin that damages and slows any enemy that damages it in a %max_range_tooltip% radius. The acid exudate also increases Viper's resistance to magic." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_corrosive_skin_Lore" "It is not unusual for sword and shield alike to corrode in the very hands of those who attack the Netherdrake." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_corrosive_skin_Note0" "Stacks multiplicatively with other magic damage resistance sources." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_corrosive_skin_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_corrosive_skin_damage" "DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_corrosive_skin_bonus_movement_speed" "%MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_corrosive_skin_bonus_attack_speed" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_corrosive_skin_bonus_magic_resistance" "%MAGIC RESISTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_corrosive_skin_max_range_tooltip" "MAX RANGE RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_viper_strike" "Viper Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_viper_strike_Description" "Viper slows the targeted enemy unit's movement and attack speed while also dealing poison damage over time. The slowing effect reduces over the duration of the poison.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_viper_strike_Lore" "Once used to slay his sadistic summoner, the most powerful of Netherdrake infections spreads through the veins of those foolish enough to cross Viper." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_viper_strike_Note0" "Slow works on spell immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_viper_strike_Note1" "Units afflicted by Viper Strike can be denied when their HP drops below 25%." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_viper_strike_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_viper_strike_damage" "DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_viper_strike_bonus_movement_speed" "%MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_viper_strike_bonus_attack_speed" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_viper_strike_cast_range_scepter" "SCEPTER CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_viper_strike_mana_cost_scepter" "SCEPTER MANA COST:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_viper_strike_cooldown_scepter" "SCEPTER COOLDOWN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_viper_viper_strike_aghanim_description" "Decreases mana cost and cooldown, and increases cast range." "npc_dota_hero_viper_bio" "The malevolent familiar of a sadistic wizard who captured and hoped to tame him, Viper was curiously glad to have been sprung from the sealed and unchanging subterranean Nether Reaches where his race had lived for millions of years, after tectonic slippage had sealed off the Netherdrakes in luminous caverns. Viper spent some time appearing to submit to the wizard's enchainments, hoping to learn what he could of the dark magics the mage practiced. But he soon realized that few spells were as deadly as the toxins that were his birthright. Exuding an acid that swiftly ate away the bars of his cage, the Netherdrake slipped free of his confines, spit poison in the old spellcaster's eyes, and soared out to let the world know that it had a new master." //LUNA "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_lucent_beam" "Lucent Beam" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_lucent_beam_Description" "Calls a beam of lunar energy down upon an enemy, damaging and briefly stunning them." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_lucent_beam_Lore" "Selemene smites those who encroach upon the Nightsilver Woods." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_lucent_beam_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_moon_glaive" "Moon Glaive" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_moon_glaive_Description" "Empowers Luna's glaive, causing her attacks to bounce between enemy units. Deals less damage with each bounce." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_moon_glaive_Lore" "Carefully sharpened, Luna's boomerang-like weapon cuts a wide swath through enemy numbers." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_moon_glaive_range" "BOUNCE RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_moon_glaive_bounces" "BOUNCES:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_moon_glaive_damage_reduction_percent" "%DAMAGE REDUCTION PER BOUNCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_lunar_blessing" "Lunar Blessing" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_lunar_blessing_Lore" "The Goddess of the Moon smiles upon her kin." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_lunar_blessing_Description" "Increases the damage dealt by attacks from Luna and nearby allied heroes. Luna is also blessed with increased vision range at night." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_lunar_blessing_radius" "BLESSING RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_lunar_blessing_bonus_damage" "BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_lunar_blessing_bonus_night_vision" "BONUS NIGHT VISION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_eclipse" "Eclipse" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_eclipse_Lore" "In times of great need, Selemene herself descends into the world, blocking out the light and hope of the opposed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_eclipse_Description" "Showers random nearby enemies with strikes from Luna's current level of Lucent Beam. These beams do not stun their targets, and there is a maximum number of times that a single target can be struck. Also turns day into night for 10 seconds.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_eclipse_Note0" "Eclipse doesn't work if Luna doesn't have any points in Lucent Beam." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_eclipse_Note1" "Beams will stop if Luna is killed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_eclipse_Note2" "Eclipse Lucent Beams do not stun." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_eclipse_Note3" "Will not hit invisible units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_eclipse_Note4" "There is a .6 second gap between beams." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_eclipse_beams" "TOTAL BEAMS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_eclipse_hit_count" "MAX BEAMS PER UNIT:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_eclipse_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_eclipse_duration_tooltip" "ECLIPSE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_eclipse_beams_scepter" "SCEPTER TOTAL BEAMS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_eclipse_hit_count_scepter" "SCEPTER MAX BEAMS PER UNIT:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_eclipse_duration_tooltip_scepter" "SCEPTER DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_eclipse_cast_range_tooltip_scepter" "SCEPTER CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_luna_eclipse_aghanim_description" "Allows Luna to cast Eclipse on an allied unit or herself and have its effects follow them, or cast it on an area. Also increases total beams, max beams per unit, and duration." "npc_dota_hero_luna_bio" "How had she been reduced to this? She was once the Scourge of the Plains, a merciless leader of men and beasts, and able to sow terror wherever she dared. Now she was far from her homeland, driven half mad from starvation and months of wandering, her army long dead or worse. As she stood at the edge of an ancient forest, a pair of glowing eyes spied on from an elder branch. Something beautiful and deadly sought a meal in the wilting dusk. Without a sound, it turned and left. Fury overtook her. Clutching a rust-eaten dagger, she charged after the beast determined to reclaim even a shred of her past glory, but her quarry would not be caught. Three times she cornered the creature among the rocks and trees, and three times she pounced only to witness its fading shadow darting further into the woods. Yet the full moon shone brightly, and the creature's trail was easy to follow. Arriving in a clearing atop a high hill, the beast's massive feline form sat in the open, attentive and waiting. When the woman brandished her dagger, the creature reared and roared and charged. Death, it seemed, had come for her at long last in this strange place. She stood, calm and ready. A flash of movement, and the beast snatched the dagger from her hand before vanishing into the forest. Stillness. Hooded figures approached. In reverent tones they revealed that Selemene, Goddess of the Moon, had chosen her, had guided her, had tested her. Unwittingly she had endured the sacred rites of the Dark Moon, warriors of the Nightsilver Woods. She was offered a choice: join the Dark Moon and pledge herself to the service of Selemene, or leave and never return. She did not hesitate. Embracing her absolution, she renounced her bloody past, and took up a new mantle as Luna of the Dark Moon, the dreaded Moon Rider, ruthless and ever-loyal guardian of the Nightsilver Woods." //DRAGON KNIGHT "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_breathe_fire" "Breathe Fire" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_breathe_fire_Description" "Unleashes a breath of fire in front of Dragon Knight that burns enemies and reduces the damage their attacks deal." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_breathe_fire_reduction" "%DAMAGE REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_breathe_fire_duration" "REDUCTION DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_breathe_fire_Lore" "Knight Davion's breath has become that of the mighty Eldwurm Slyrak, remembered for burning numerous other knights to a crisp." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_breathe_fire_Note0" "Affects mechanical units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_breathe_fire_Note1" "Hits units up to 900 away." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_dragon_tail" "Dragon Tail" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_dragon_tail_Description" "Dragon Knight smites an enemy unit in melee range with his shield, stunning it while dealing minor damage. When in Elder Dragon Form, the cast range increases to 400." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_dragon_tail_Lore" "Davion's combination of dragon talents and knightly skills makes him a vicious opponent in melee combat." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_dragon_tail_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_dragon_blood" "Dragon Blood" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_dragon_blood_Description" "The life blood of the Dragon improves health regeneration and strengthens armor." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_dragon_blood_Lore" "Slyrak's blood still courses through Davion's veins, giving him twice the vitality of an ordinary knight." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_dragon_blood_bonus_health_regen" "HEALTH REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_dragon_blood_bonus_armor" "ARMOR:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_elder_dragon_form" "Elder Dragon Form" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_elder_dragon_form_Description" "Dragon Knight takes the form of one of three powerful elder dragons, increasing his damage, speed, and Dragon Tail's range, while granting him new powers.\nLEVEL 1 Green Dragon - Corrosive Breath: attacks deal 20 poison damage over 5 seconds. Works on structures.\nLEVEL 2 Red Dragon - Splash Attack: attacks damage all enemy units in a 300 radius, with Corrosive Breath added to the primary target.\nLEVEL 3 Blue Dragon - Frost Breath: slows movement speed by 30%% and attack speed by 20 of enemy units in Splash Attack range for 3 seconds, with Corrosive Breath added to the primary target." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_elder_dragon_form_Lore" "The dormant dragon power springs forth from within Davion, combining the powers of a legendary knight with a legendary Eldwurm." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_elder_dragon_form_Note0" "Corrosive Breath poison damage is lethal." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_elder_dragon_form_Note1" "Splash Attack deals 100/75/50% damage in a 150/225/300 radius. Splash damage does not affect buildings." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_elder_dragon_form_Note2" "Frost Breath stacks with Unique Attack Modifiers." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_elder_dragon_form_Note3" "Manta Style's cooldown time will be based on whether Dragon Knight was in his ranged or melee form when the item was used." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_elder_dragon_form_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_elder_dragon_form_bonus_movement_speed" "BONUS MOVE SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_elder_dragon_form_bonus_attack_range" "BONUS ATTACK RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dragon_knight_elder_dragon_form_bonus_damage" "BONUS DAMAGE:" "npc_dota_hero_dragon_knight_bio" "After years on the trail of a legendary Eldwurm, the Knight Davion found himself facing a disappointing foe: the dreaded Slyrak had grown ancient and frail, its wings tattered, its few remaining scales stricken with scale-rot, its fangs ground to nubs, and its fire-gouts no more threatening than a pack of wet matchsticks. Seeing no honor to be gained in dragon-murder, Knight Davion prepared to turn away and leave his old foe to die in peace. But a voice crept into his thoughts, and Slyrak gave a whispered plea that Davion might honor him with death in combat. Davion agreed, and found himself rewarded beyond expectation for his act of mercy: As he sank his blade in Slyrak's breast, the dragon pierced Davion's throat with a talon. As their blood mingled, Slyrak sent his power out along the Blood Route, sending all its strength and centuries of wisdom to the knight. The dragon's death sealed their bond and Dragon Knight was born. The ancient power slumbers in the Dragon Knight Davion, waking when he calls it. Or perhaps it is the Dragon that calls the Knight..." //DARK SEER "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_vacuum" "Vacuum" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_vacuum_Description" "Dark Seer creates a vacuum over the target area that sucks in enemy units, disrupting them and dealing damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_vacuum_Lore" "Ish'Kafel modifies the center of gravity to a place of his choosing." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_vacuum_Note0" "This ability interrupts channeling." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_vacuum_Note1" "Pulls units over 0.5 seconds before dealing damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_vacuum_Note2" "Doesn't pull invulnerable units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_vacuum_Note3" "Trees near the center of the vacuum will be destroyed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_vacuum_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_vacuum_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_ion_shell" "Ion Shell" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_ion_shell_Description" "Surrounds the target unit with a bristling shield that damages enemy units in an area around it." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_ion_shell_Lore" "The Dark Seer slices holes into the 'Land Behind the Wall,' causing prismatic energy to seep forth." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_ion_shell_Note0" "Deals small amounts of damage in 0.1 intervals." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_ion_shell_Note1" "Doesn't damage the target it is cast on." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_ion_shell_Note2" "If cast on a unit that already has Ion Shell, the new Shell replaces the old one." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_ion_shell_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_ion_shell_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_ion_shell_damage_per_second" "DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_surge" "Surge" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_surge_Description" "Charges a target friendly unit with power, giving it a brief burst of maximum movement speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_surge_Lore" "Ish'Kafel once used his speed of mind to navigate the maze between the walls." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_surge_Note0" "Units with Surge cannot be slowed unless the Surge effect is removed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_surge_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_wall_of_replica" "Wall of Replica" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_wall_of_replica_Description" "Raises a wall of warping light that damages and creates replicas of any enemy hero who crosses it. Enemy replicas serve at the Dark Seer's will. Replicas last until they are destroyed, or until the wall's duration ends.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_wall_of_replica_Lore" "The Dark Seer, while unable to return to his natural realm, can channel part of the prismatic wall with powerful strength of mind, sowing confusion amongst enemy ranks." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_wall_of_replica_Note0" "Doesn't create illusions from other illusions, or Meepo clones." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_wall_of_replica_Note1" "Creates a wall 1000 units long, perpendicular to the line between Dark Seer and the target point." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_wall_of_replica_damage" "WALL DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_wall_of_replica_duration" "WALL DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_wall_of_replica_tooltip_outgoing" "%REPLICA DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_wall_of_replica_tooltip_replica_total_damage_incoming" "%REPLICA DAMAGE TAKEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_wall_of_replica_range_tooltip" "CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_wall_of_replica_tooltip_outgoing_scepter" "%SCEPTER REPLICA DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_seer_wall_of_replica_aghanim_description" "Increases the damage dealt by illusions." "npc_dota_hero_dark_seer_bio" "Fast when he needs to be, and a cunning strategist, Ish'Kafel the Dark Seer requires no edged weapons to vanquish his enemies, relying instead on the strength of his powerful mind. His talent lies in his ability to maneuver the fight to his advantage. Hailing from a place he calls 'The Land behind the wall,' Dark Seer remains an outsider here--a warrior from a realm beyond the veil of this reality. Once a great general among his people, and a valiant defender of the god-king Damathryx, Dark Seer's army was wiped out by a much larger force in the final days of the Great Boundaries War. Facing certain defeat, he made one last desperate act: he led the enemy forces into the maze between the walls. At the last moment, just before capture, he crossed over--then sealed the walls forever in an explosive release of dark energy. When the dust settled, he saw that he had saved his people but found himself blinking at the sun of a different world, with no way to return. Now he is committed to proving his worth as a military strategist, and vows to show that he's the greatest tactician this strange new world has ever seen." //CLINKZ "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_clinkz_strafe" "Strafe" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_clinkz_strafe_Description" "Clinkz attacks with a barrage of arrows. Dramatically increases attack speed for a short time." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_clinkz_strafe_Lore" "It's hard to say whether the blur around the Bone Fletcher is from his flaming heart or his speed with the quiver." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_clinkz_strafe_attack_speed_bonus_pct" "BONUS ATTACK SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_clinkz_strafe_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_clinkz_searing_arrows" "Searing Arrows" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_clinkz_searing_arrows_Description" "Imbues Clinkz's arrows with fire for extra damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_clinkz_searing_arrows_Lore" "Clinkz simply lights his arrows from his flaming essence for quite the destructive effect." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_clinkz_searing_arrows_Note0" "Searing Arrows deal damage to structures." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_clinkz_searing_arrows_Note1" "The damage is directly added to Clinkz' attack damage, as physical damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_clinkz_searing_arrows_damage_bonus" "BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_clinkz_wind_walk" "Skeleton Walk" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_clinkz_wind_walk_Description" "Clinkz moves invisibly through units until the moment he attacks or uses an ability." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_clinkz_wind_walk_Lore" "With a burst of fire and puff of smoke, the Bone Fletcher was nowhere to be seen." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_clinkz_wind_walk_Note0" "Will not break most channeling of spells or items upon activation." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_clinkz_wind_walk_Note1" "Has a fadetime of 0.6 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_clinkz_wind_walk_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_clinkz_wind_walk_move_speed_bonus_pct" "%BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_clinkz_death_pact" "Death Pact" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_clinkz_death_pact_Description" "Clinkz consumes the target friendly or enemy creep, gaining a percent of its hitpoints as max health and damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_clinkz_death_pact_Lore" "Sutherex' bond of life and death has become a part of Clinkz, and his old bones are refreshed with repetition of the pact on lesser beings." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_clinkz_death_pact_Note0" "If the target is an enemy, Clinkz will gain the correct experience and gold." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_clinkz_death_pact_Note1" "Increases Clinkz' current and max HP." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_clinkz_death_pact_Note2" "When the duration ends, max HP returns to normal, but current HP stays the same." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_clinkz_death_pact_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_clinkz_death_pact_health_gain_pct" "%HEALTH GAIN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_clinkz_death_pact_damage_gain_pct" "%DAMAGE GAIN:" "npc_dota_hero_clinkz_bio" "At the base of the Bleeding Hills stretches a thousand-league wood, a place called The Hoven, where black pools gather the tarry blood of the uplands, and the king-mage Sutherex sits in benevolent rule. Once a sworn protector of the Hoven lands, Clinkz earned a reputation for his skill with a bow. In the three-hundredth year of the king-mage, the demon Maraxiform rose from sixth hell to lay claim to the forest. In response, the king-mage decreed an unbreakable spell: to any who slew the demon would be granted Life Without End. Unaware of the spell, Clinkz waded into battle, defending his lands against the demon's fiery onslaught. Clinkz drove Maraxiform back to the gates of sixth-hell itself, where on that fiery threshold the two locked in a mortal conflict. Grievously wounded, the demon let out a blast of hellfire as Clinkz loosed his final arrow. The arrow struck the demon true as hellfire poured out across the land, lighting the black pools and burning Clinkz alive at the instant of the demon's death. Thus, the mage's spell took effect at the very moment of the archer's conflagration, preserving him in this unholy state, leaving him a being of bones and rage, caught in the very act of dying, carrying hell's breath with him on his journey into eternity." //ENCHANTRESS "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_untouchable" "Untouchable" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_untouchable_Description" "Enchantress beguiles her enemies, slowing their attacks when she is attacked. Lasts 4 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_untouchable_Lore" "After attacking Aiushtha, most opponents are overwhelmed with guilt having attacked such a natural beauty." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_untouchable_Note0" "All units who directly attack or cast spells on Enchantress will get slowed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_untouchable_Note1" "The slow is applied on the attacking unit when the attack starts, not when damage is applied." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_untouchable_slow_attack_speed" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_untouchable_slow_duration" "SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_enchant" "Enchant" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_enchant_Description" "Enchantress charms an enemy. If the enemy is a hero, they are slowed. If the enemy is a creep, she brings it under her control. If cast on a creep already under her control, she refreshes its enchant duration." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_enchant_Lore" "A true steward of the forest, Aiushtha befriends all within it - from lowly trolls to powerful centaurs." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_enchant_Note0" "Illusions can be converted." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_enchant_slow_movement_speed" "%HERO MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_enchant_tooltip_duration" "HERO SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_enchant_dominate_duration" "CREEP ENCHANT DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_natures_attendants" "Nature's Attendants" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_natures_attendants_Description" "A cloud of wisps heals Enchantress and any friendly units nearby. Lasts 10 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_natures_attendants_Lore" "Whimsical spirits of the woods possess a healing power that is quite subtle, but gains strength in numbers." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_natures_attendants_Note0" "Units with full HP will not be selected for the heal." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_natures_attendants_Note1" "Can heal units with spell immunity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_natures_attendants_wisp_count" "WISPS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_natures_attendants_heal" "HEAL PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_natures_attendants_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_impetus" "Impetus" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_impetus_Description" "Places an enchantment on each attack while activated, causing it to deal additional damage based on how far away the target is. The farther the target, the greater the damage dealt.\n\nImpetus is a Unique Attack Modifier, and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_impetus_Lore" "While Aiushtha favors peaceful means, she is capable of a magical onslaught from a distance, her spears gaining energy from the natural life around her." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_impetus_Note0" "The damage is capped at 2500 distance." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_impetus_Note1" "Distance to target is measured when the projectile hits." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_impetus_distance_damage_pct" "%DISTANCE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_impetus_bonus_attack_range_scepter" "SCEPTER BONUS RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enchantress_impetus_aghanim_description" "Increases attack range, and cast range of Impetus." "npc_dota_hero_enchantress_bio" "Aiushtha appears to be an innocent, carefree creature of the woods, and while this is certainly true, it is hardly the sum of her story. She well understands the suffering of the natural world. She has wandered far, and fared through forests bright and drear, in every clime and every season, gathering friends, sharing news, bringing laughter and healing wherever she goes. For in worlds wracked by war, forests are leveled for the building of ships and siege engines; and even in places of peace, the woods are stripped for the building of homes, and as fuel for countless hearths. Aiushtha hears the pleas of the small creatures, the furtive folk who need green shade and a leafy canopy to thrive. She lends her ears to those who have no other listeners. She carries their stories from the wood to the world, believing that her own good cheer is a kind of Enchantment, that can itself fulfill the promise of a verdant future." //OMNIKNIGHT "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_purification" "Purification" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_purification_Description" "Instantly heals a friendly unit and damages all nearby enemy units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_purification_Lore" "Priests of the Omniscience are adept at removing impurities from fellow warriors." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_purification_heal" "HEAL/DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_purification_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_repel" "Repel" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_repel_Description" "Creates a divine barrier around a target unit which grants them Spell Immunity and 100%% resistance to Magic Damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_repel_Note0" "Repel acts the same as other sources of spell immuniy, except it can be purged." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_repel_Lore" "When faced with the pit of sacrifice, Purist's resilience to magic was tested and affirmed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_repel_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_degen_aura" "Degen Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_degen_aura_Description" "Greatly degenerates the movement and attack capabilities of enemy units that stray too near, including Spell Immune enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_degen_aura_Lore" "The holy embodiment of Purist Thunderwrath is enough to weaken those of lesser faith." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_degen_aura_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_degen_aura_speed_bonus" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_degen_aura_attack_bonus_tooltip" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_guardian_angel" "Guardian Angel" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_guardian_angel_Description" "Omniknight summons a Guardian Angel that grants immunity from physical damage.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_guardian_angel_Lore" "The All Seeing One casts down his protection over those that Purist calls friend." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_guardian_angel_Note0" "Affects allies with spell immunity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_guardian_angel_Note1" "Can be purged." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_guardian_angel_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_guardian_angel_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_guardian_angel_duration_scepter" "SCEPTER DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_omniknight_guardian_angel_aghanim_description" "Increases duration, radius becomes global and affects buildings." "npc_dota_hero_omniknight_bio" "Purist Thunderwrath was a hard-fighting, road-worn, deeply committed knight, sworn to the order in which he had grown up as squire to elder knights of great reputation. He had spent his entire life in the service of the Omniscience, the All Seeing One. Theirs was a holy struggle, and so embedded was he in his duty that he never questioned it so long as he had the strength to fight and the impetuous valor that comes with youth. But over the long years of the crusade, as his elders passed away and were buried in sorry graves at the side of muddy tracks, as his bond-brothers fell in battle to uncouth creatures that refused to bow to the Omniscience, as his own squires were chewed away by ambush and plague and bad water, he began to question the meaning of his vows--the meaning of the whole crusade. After deep meditation, he parted ways with his army and commenced a long trek back to the cave-riddled cliffs of Emauracus, and there he set a challenge to the priests of the Omniscience. No knight had ever questioned them before, and they tried to throw him into the pit of sacrifice, but Purist would not be moved. For as he faced them down, he began to glow with a holy light, and they saw that the Omniscience had chosen to reveal Itself to him. The Elder Hierophant led him on a journey of weeks down into the deepest chamber, the holy of holies, where waited not some abstract concept of wisdom and insight, not some carved relic requiring an injection of imagination to believe in, but the old one itself. It had not merely dwelt in those rocks for billions of aeons; no, It had created them. The Omniscience had formed the immense mineral shell of the planet around itself, as a defense against the numerous terrors of space. Thus the All Seeing One claimed to have created the world, and given the other truths revealed to Purist on that day, the knight had no reason to refute the story. Perhaps the Omniscience is a liar, deep in its prison of stone, and not the world's creator at all, but Omniknight never again questioned his faith. His campaign had meaning at last. And there can be no question that the glorious powers that imbue him, and give his companions such strength in battle, are real beyond any doubt." //Huskar "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_inner_vitality" "Inner Vitality" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_inner_vitality_Description" "Unlocks the regenerative power of a friendly unit, with healing based upon its primary attribute. If the target is below 40%%, it will heal faster. Lasts 16 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_inner_vitality_Lore" "While Huskar has little use for magic, this minor enchantment was learned from the Dazzle and the Dezun priests, to be used in times of great injury." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_inner_vitality_Note0" "The HP percentage is checked every second and the regeneration adjusted accordingly." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_inner_vitality_Note1" "Can be cast on Spell Immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_inner_vitality_heal" "HEALTH REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_inner_vitality_tooltip_attrib_bonus" "%BONUS FROM ATTRIBUTE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_inner_vitality_tooltip_hurt_attrib_bonus" "%BONUS WHEN HURT:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_burning_spear" "Burning Spear" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_burning_spear_Description" "Huskar sets his spears aflame, dealing damage over time with his regular attack. Multiple attacks will stack additional damage. Each attack drains some of Huskar's health. Lasts 8 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_burning_spear_Lore" "The Sacred Warrior ignites his weaponry after marking it with his own blood - causing far greater pain than he himself feels." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_burning_spear_Note0" "Burning Spears stacks additively when used multiple times on one target. There is no cap." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_burning_spear_Note1" "Huskar cannot kill himself with this skill." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_burning_spear_health_cost" "HEALTH COST:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_berserkers_blood" "Berserker's Blood" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_berserkers_blood_Description" "Huskar's injuries feed his power, giving increased attack speed and magic damage resistance based on missing health." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_berserkers_blood_Lore" "After losing his birthright, Huskar gained a lethality in physical combat that is only heightened as his own blood is spilled." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_berserkers_blood_Note0" "Maximum bonus (14 stacks) is achieved when Huskar has strictly less than 3% of his maximum HP." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_berserkers_blood_Note1" "The first stack of Berserker's Blood is added when Huskar is at 87% health. Another stack is added for every additional 7% of health missing." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_berserkers_blood_attack_speed_bonus_per_stack" "BONUS ATTACK SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_berserkers_blood_resistance_per_stack" "%BONUS RESISTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_life_break" "Life Break" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_life_break_Description" "Huskar draws upon his health to break an enemy's life, leaping at a target within attack range to shatter a percentage of that hero's current health, and slowing them. While leaping, Huskar is Spell Immune.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_life_break_Lore" "No matter the danger, Huskar thrusts himself into melees that only he can survive." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_life_break_Note0" "If Huskar is disabled during the charge or the target moves more than 1400 units in 0.015 seconds, the charge stops." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_life_break_Note1" "Slow works on Spell Immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_life_break_Note2" "Life Break cannot be disjointed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_life_break_tooltip_health_damage" "%DAMAGE DEALT:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_life_break_tooltip_health_cost_percent" "%DAMAGE TAKEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_life_break_movespeed" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_life_break_slow_durtion_tooltip" "SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_life_break_cooldown_scepter" "SCEPTER COOLDOWN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_life_break_tooltip_health_damage_scepter" "%SCEPTER DAMAGE DEALT:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_life_break_aghanim_description" "Increases damage dealt, reduces cooldown." "npc_dota_hero_huskar_bio" "Emerging from the throes of the sacred Nothl Realm, Huskar opened his eyes to see the prodigal shadow priest Dazzle working a deep incantation over him. Against the ancient rites of the Dezun Order, Huskar's spirit had been saved from eternity, but like all who encounter the Nothl he found himself irrevocably changed. No longer at the mercy of a mortal body, his very lifeblood became a source of incredible power; every drop spilled was returned tenfold with a fierce, burning energy. However this newfound gift infuriated Huskar, for in his rescue from the Nothl, Dazzle had denied him a place among the gods. He had been denied his own holy sacrifice. In time the elders of the order sought to expand their influence and Huskar, they agreed, would be a formidable tool in their campaign. Yet becoming a mere weapon for the order that denied him his birthright only upset him further. As the first embers of war appeared on the horizon, he fled his ancestral home to find new allies, all the while seeking a cause worthy of unleashing the power his total sacrifice could bring." //NIGHT STALKER "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_night_stalker_void" "Void" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_night_stalker_void_Description" "Creates a damaging void that slows an enemy unit and deals damage. Void also mini-stuns, interrupting channeling abilities. The slowing effect lasts longer at night." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_night_stalker_void_Lore" "Balanar creates a vortex of infinite night, tearing opponents violently into the eternal darkness that once was." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_night_stalker_void_duration_day" "DAY DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_night_stalker_void_duration_night" "NIGHT DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_night_stalker_void_movespeed_slow" "%MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_night_stalker_void_attackspeed_slow" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_night_stalker_crippling_fear" "Crippling Fear" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_night_stalker_crippling_fear_Description" "Night Stalker horrifies the target enemy Hero, causing it to miss attacks and become silenced. The effect lasts longer at night." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_night_stalker_crippling_fear_Lore" "A vision of the twisted maw of Balanar etches itself into the minds of the poor souls unlucky enough to cross his path." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_night_stalker_crippling_fear_duration_day" "DAY DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_night_stalker_crippling_fear_duration_night" "NIGHT DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_night_stalker_crippling_fear_miss_rate_day" "%DAY CHANCE TO MISS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_night_stalker_crippling_fear_miss_rate_night" "%NIGHT CHANCE TO MISS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_night_stalker_hunter_in_the_night" "Hunter in the Night" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_night_stalker_hunter_in_the_night_Description" "Night Stalker is in his element at night, attacking and moving with great swiftness." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_night_stalker_hunter_in_the_night_Lore" "The hunting prowess of Balanar improves as the night beckons." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_night_stalker_hunter_in_the_night_bonus_movement_speed_pct_night" "%MOVE SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_night_stalker_hunter_in_the_night_bonus_attack_speed_night" "ATTACK SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_night_stalker_darkness" "Darkness" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_night_stalker_darkness_Description" "Night Stalker smothers the sun and summons instant darkness, so that he might use his powers at their fullest. While Darkness is in effect, enemy heroes, units, wards and buildings have their vision range reduced to %fixed_vision%. \n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_night_stalker_darkness_Lore" "It is a humbling sight to see when the mightiest of warriors become afraid of the dark." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_night_stalker_darkness_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_night_stalker_darkness_fixed_vision" "ENEMY VISION RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_night_stalker_darkness_aghanim_description" "Grants unobstructed vision in the night. The improved vision does not depend on using Darkness." "npc_dota_hero_night_stalker_bio" "Of the Night Stalker, there is no history, only stories. There are ancient tales woven into the lore of every race and every culture, of an impossible time before sunlight and daytime, when night reigned alone and the world was covered with the creatures of darkness--creatures like Balanar the Night Stalker. It is said that on the dawn of the First Day, all the night creatures perished. All, that is, save one. Evil's embodiment, Night Stalker delights in his malevolence. He created the primal role of the Night Terror, the Boogeyman, and as long as there have been younglings, his is the specter summoned to terrify them. This is a role he relishes; nor are these empty theatrics. He does indeed stalk the unwary, the defenseless, those who have strayed beyond the lighted paths or denied the warnings of their communities. Night Stalker serves as living proof that every child's worst nightmare....is true." //BROODMOTHER "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_spawn_spiderlings" "Spawn Spiderlings" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_spawn_spiderlings_Description" "Broodmother injects her young into an enemy unit, dealing damage. The spiderlings will hatch if the target is killed while under this influence." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_spawn_spiderlings_Lore" "Black Arachnia continues to raise her young, even amidst the field of combat. The brood quickly learns how to support their mother." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_spawn_spiderlings_Note0" "If the target is killed within 2 seconds of being hit with this skill, the Spiderlings will spawn." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_spawn_spiderlings_Note1" "Units killed by Spiderlings will then give birth to Spiderites, smaller and less powerful versions of the Spiderlings." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_spawn_spiderlings_duration" "LIFETIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_spawn_spiderlings_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_spawn_spiderlings_count" "COUNT:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_spin_web" "Spin Web" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_spin_web_Description" "Spins a large web that renders Broodmother invisible, grants a passive movement speed increase, gives free movement, and boosts regeneration while in its vicinity. Spin Web charges restore every %charge_restore_time% seconds. If damage is taken, free movement is disabled and the movement speed increase is halved for %damage_time% seconds. Spin Web can be cast from anywhere as long as the new web touches an existing web. Webs never expire, and can be manually destroyed. When the maximum limit of webs is exceeded, the oldest web disappears." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_spin_web_Lore" "Weaving a bed of silken fibers, Arachnia's web both protects her and her offspring, as well as giving advancing opponents a sense of forboding." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_spin_web_Note0" "Has a fade time of 2 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_spin_web_Note1" "Also affects Spiderling and Spiderites." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_spin_web_Note2" "If free movement is disabled, you will destroy nearby trees." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_spin_web_count" "MAX WEBS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_spin_web_heath_regen" "HEALTH REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_spin_web_invis_movespeed_tooltip" "%MOVE INCREASE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_spin_web_max_charges" "MAX WEB CHARGES:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_spin_web_charge_restore_time" "CHARGE RESTORE TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_spin_web_destroy" "Destroy Spin Web" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_spin_web_destroy_Description" "Destroys the selected Spin Web." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_incapacitating_bite" "Incapacitating Bite" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_incapacitating_bite_Description" "Broodmother's venom cripples enemy units, causing her attacks to slow and giving the affected unit a chance to miss its attacks." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_incapacitating_bite_Lore" "Paralytic toxins come from Black Arachnia's fangs, causing a slow and painful death to those who intrude on her webs." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_incapacitating_bite_Note0" "The miss chance stacks with evasion and terrain dodge chance." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_incapacitating_bite_miss_chance" "%MISS CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_incapacitating_bite_bonus_movespeed" "%MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_incapacitating_bite_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_insatiable_hunger" "Insatiable Hunger" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_insatiable_hunger_Description" "A violent lust for vital fluids increases Broodmother's attack damage and gives her a vampiric attack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_insatiable_hunger_Lore" "While most of her prey is wrapped in silken cocoons and saved for her young, the Broodmother herself has a taste for wandering heroes." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_insatiable_hunger_Note0" "Fully stacks with other sources of lifesteal." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_insatiable_hunger_Note1" "Insatiable hunger can be removed by purge effects." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_insatiable_hunger_bonus_damage" "BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_insatiable_hunger_lifesteal_pct" "%LIFESTEAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_insatiable_hunger_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_poison_sting" "Poison Sting" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_poison_sting_Description" "Poisons enemies on attack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_poison_sting_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_poison_sting_duration_hero" "DURATION (HERO):" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_poison_sting_damage_per_second" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_poison_sting_movement_speed" "MOVEMENT SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_spawn_spiderite" "Spawn Spiderite" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_spawn_spiderite_Description" "Applies debuff on attack. If debuffed unit dies, a spiderite will spawn." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_spawn_spiderite_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_spawn_spiderite_spiderite_duration" "LIFETIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_broodmother_spawn_spiderite_buff_duration" "DEBUFF DURATION:" "npc_dota_hero_broodmother_bio" "For centuries, Black Arachnia the Broodmother lurked in the dark lava tubes beneath the smoldering caldera of Mount Pyrotheos, raising millions of spiderlings in safety before sending them to find prey in the wide world above. In a later age, the Vizier of Greed, Ptholopthales, erected his lodestone ziggurat on the slopes of the dead volcano, knowing that any looters who sought his magnetic wealth must survive the spider-haunted passages. After millennia of maternal peace, Black Arachnia found herself beset by a steady trickle of furfeet and cutpurses, bold knights and noble youths--all of them delicious, certainly, and yet tending to create a less than nurturing environment for her innocent offspring. Tiring of the intrusions, she paid a visit to Ptholopthales; and when he proved unwilling to discuss a compromise, she wrapped the Vizier in silk and set him aside to be the centerpiece of a special birthday feast. Unfortunately, the absence of the Magnetic Ziggurat's master merely emboldened a new generation of intruders. When one of her newborns was trodden underfoot by a clumsy adventurer, she reached the end of her silken rope. Broodmother headed for the surface, declaring her intent to rid the world of each and every possible invader, down to the last Hero if necessary, until she could ensure her nursery might once more be a safe and wholesome environment for her precious spiderspawn." //BOUNTY HUNTER "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_shuriken_toss" "Shuriken Toss" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_shuriken_toss_Description" "Hurls a deadly shuriken at an enemy unit, dealing damage and mini-stunning the target. The shuriken will bounce between any Tracked units who are within a %bounce_aoe% radius of each other." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_shuriken_toss_Lore" "While the shuriken may be small, Gondar's precise aim can cause critical damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_shuriken_toss_Note0" "This spell interrupts channeling abilities." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_shuriken_toss_bonus_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_shuriken_toss_bounce_aoe" "TRACK BOUNCE RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_jinada" "Jinada" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_jinada_Description" "Bounty Hunter plans his next hit, passively adding a critical strike and maim to his next attack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_jinada_Lore" "Whispering an enchantment he learned from Soruq to his faithful blades, Gondar targets vital tendons and joints to disable his opponents." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_jinada_crit_multiplier" "%CRITICAL DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_jinada_bonus_movespeed" "%MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_jinada_bonus_attackspeed" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_jinada_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_wind_walk" "Shadow Walk" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_wind_walk_Description" "Bounty Hunter becomes invisible and gains the ability to move through other units until he attacks or uses an ability. If he breaks the invisibility with an attack, that attack will deal bonus damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_wind_walk_Lore" "The court jesters present during King Goff's assassination can recount no other image than a dancing shadow." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_wind_walk_Note0" "Will not break most channeling of spells upon activation." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_wind_walk_Note1" "The bonus damage is a separate instance, and isn't considered in Jinada's calculation." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_wind_walk_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_wind_walk_fade_time" "FADE TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_wind_walk_bonus_damage" "BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_track" "Track" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_track_Description" "Tracks an enemy hero, giving True Sight of its location, and information on how much gold it is carrying. Allies near the hunted are granted bonus movement speed. If the target dies, Bounty Hunter and nearby heroes collect a bounty in gold." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_track_Lore" "Using his elevated senses of sight and smell, Gondar's hits have quite a good chance of success." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_track_Note0" "Bounty Hunter will get the bonus gold if the target dies while Track is active, regardless of how it died." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_track_Note1" "Gives True Sight as well as shared vision of the target." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_track_Note2" "Track's effect is only visible to allies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_track_Note3" "The allies that are receiving the bonus speed from Track are the ones that will receive the bonus gold." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_track_Note4" "Bonus gold is reliable gold." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_track_aura_radius" "SPEED RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_track_bonus_move_speed_pct" "%BONUS SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_track_bonus_gold" "BONUS GOLD FOR ALLIES:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_track_bonus_gold_self" "BONUS GOLD FOR SELF:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_track_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_track_cast_range_tooltip" "CAST RANGE:" "npc_dota_hero_bounty_hunter_bio" "When the hunted tell tales of Gondar the Bounty Hunter, none are sure of which are true. In whispered tones they say he was abandoned as a kit, learning his skill in tracking as a matter of simple survival. Others hear he was an orphan of war, taken in by the great Soruq the Hunter to learn the master's skill with a blade as they plumbed the dark forests for big game. Still others believe he was a lowly street urchin raised among a guild of cutpurses and thieves, trained in the arts of stealth and misdirection. Around campfires in the wild countryside his quarry speaks the rumors of Gondar's work, growing ever more fearful: they say it was he who tracked down the tyrant King Goff years after the mad regent went into hiding, delivering his head and scepter as proof. That it was he who infiltrated the rebel camps at Highseat, finally bringing the legendary thief White Cape to be judged for his crimes. And that it was he who ended the career of Soruq the Hunter, condemned as a criminal for killing the Prince's prized hellkite. The tales of Gondar's incredible skill stretch on, with each daring feat more unbelievable than the last, each target more elusive. For the right price, the hunted know, anyone can be found. For the right price, even the mightiest may find fear in the shadows." //WEAVER "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_the_swarm" "The Swarm" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_the_swarm_Description" "Weaver launches a swarm of 12 young Weavers that latch on any enemy unit in their path, attacking and reducing armor until it is killed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_the_swarm_Lore" "Skitskurr opens a gap in the space time fabric, allowing young Weavers to slip through and aid him in combat." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_the_swarm_Note0" "When a beetle latches on a target, it will remain there until it is killed or the duration expires." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_the_swarm_Note1" "Beetles are Spell Immune, but can be killed in 4 attacks from a hero, or 8 from other units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_the_swarm_Note2" "Beetles provide 321/321 sight, but will drop off their target if it becomes invisible." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_the_swarm_damage" "ATTACK DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_the_swarm_attack_rate" "ATTACK FREQUENCY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_the_swarm_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_the_swarm_count" "COUNT:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_the_swarm_armor_reduction" "ARMOR REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_the_swarm_destroy_attacks" "ATTACKS TO DESTROY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_shukuchi" "Shukuchi" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_shukuchi_Description" "Weaver shifts out of visibility, gaining the ability to move at maximum speed through physical units--doing harm to any enemies it passes through." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_shukuchi_Lore" "As the Weavers worked in the fabric of creation, small wormholes allowed them to slip through time to better work their craft." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_shukuchi_Note0" "Can only damage the same unit once per cast." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_shukuchi_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_shukuchi_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_shukuchi_fade_time" "FADE TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_shukuchi_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_geminate_attack" "Geminate Attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_geminate_attack_Description" "Allows Weaver to dispatch two attacks at once." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_geminate_attack_Lore" "Skitskurr's relationship with time is somewhat variable, causing his actions to be witnessed - and felt - more than once." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_geminate_attack_Note0" "The second attack will never trigger attack effects such as bash or critical strike." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_geminate_attack_Note1" "The second attack leaves Weaver 0.25 seconds after the first, and has no range limit." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_time_lapse" "Time Lapse" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_time_lapse_Description" "Weaver warps backward to whatever position it was in five seconds earlier--regaining the HP and mana from that time. No effect on cooldown, gold or experience.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_time_lapse_cast_range_tooltip_scepter" "SCEPTER ALLY CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_time_lapse_Lore" "If Skitskurr does not deem the current reality of the world to fit his desires, he simply crawls back in time to right what was wronged." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_time_lapse_Note0" "Removes most negative buffs from Weaver." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_weaver_time_lapse_aghanim_description" "Reduces cooldown, and allows Weaver to cast Time Lapse on an ally." "npc_dota_hero_weaver_bio" "The fabric of creation needs constant care, lest it grow tattered; for when it unravels, whole worlds come undone. It is the work of the Weavers to keep the fabric tight, to repair worn spots in the mesh of reality. They also defend from the things that gnaw and lay their eggs in frayed regions, whose young can quickly devour an entire universe if the Weavers let their attention lapse. Skitskurr was a master Weaver, charged with keeping one small patch of creation tightly woven and unfaded. But the job was not enough to satisfy. It nagged him that the original work of creation all lay in the past; the Loom had done its work and travelled on. He wanted to create rather than merely maintain--to weave worlds of his own devising. He began making small changes to his domain, but the thrill of creation proved addictive, and his strokes became bolder, pulling against the pattern that the Loom had woven. The guardians came, with their scissors, and Weaver's world was pared off, snipped from the cosmic tapestry, which they rewove without him in it. Skitskurr found himself alone, apart from his kind, a state that would have been torment for any other Weaver. But Skitskurr rejoiced, for now he was free. Free to create for himself, to begin anew. The raw materials he needed to weave a new reality were all around him. All he had to do was tear apart this old world at the seams." //JAKIRO "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_dual_breath" "Dual Breath" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_dual_breath_Description" "An icy blast followed by a wave of fire launches out in a path in front of Jakiro. The ice slows enemies, while the fire delivers damage over time." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_dual_breath_Lore" "Pyrexae dragons have tremendously dangerous breath for each branch of the species; combining them is unimaginable." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_dual_breath_Note0" "Can hit units up to 1000 range away." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_dual_breath_Note1" "Has a 0.3 second interval between each breath." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_dual_breath_burn_damage" "BURN DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_dual_breath_slow_movement_speed_pct" "%MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_dual_breath_slow_attack_speed_pct" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_dual_breath_tooltip_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_dual_breath_start_radius" "START RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_dual_breath_end_radius" "END RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_ice_path" "Ice Path" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_ice_path_Description" "Creates a path of ice that stuns and damages enemies that touch it." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_ice_path_Lore" "Jakiro's cunning right head calls upon its frozen heritage, glazing the earth with blistering cold." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_ice_path_Note0" "It takes 0.5 seconds for the path to reach its full extent." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_ice_path_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_ice_path_path_delay" "FORMATION DELAY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_ice_path_path_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_ice_path_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_liquid_fire" "Liquid Fire" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_liquid_fire_Description" "Jakiro burns his enemies in an area of effect with fire added to his attack, while slowing their attacks.\n\nLiquid Fire is a Unique Attack Modifier, and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_liquid_fire_Lore" "The left maw of Jakiro opens, laying waste to any in its path." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_liquid_fire_Note0" "Works on both units and buildings." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_liquid_fire_slow_attack_speed_pct" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_liquid_fire_damage" "BURN DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_liquid_fire_tooltip_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_liquid_fire_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_macropyre" "Macropyre" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_macropyre_Description" "Jakiro exhales a wide line of lasting flames, which deals damage per second to any enemy units caught in the fire.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_macropyre_Lore" "Ice and fire combine to rip the battlefield to shreds with extreme temperatures." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_macropyre_Note0" "Macropyre destroys trees in its path." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_macropyre_damage" "DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_macropyre_cast_range" "FLAME LENGTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_macropyre_path_radius" "FLAME WIDTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_macropyre_tooltip_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_macropyre_damage_scepter" "SCEPTER DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_macropyre_cast_range_scepter" "SCEPTER FLAME LENGTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_macropyre_duration_scepter" "SCEPTER DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_jakiro_macropyre_aghanim_description" "Increases flame length, duration, and damage." "npc_dota_hero_jakiro_bio" "Even among magical beasts, a twin-headed dragon is a freak. Equal parts ice and fire, cunning and rage, the creature known as Jakiro glides over charred and ice-bound battlefields, laying waste to any who would bear arms against it. Pyrexae dragon clutches always contain two fledglings. Famous for their viciousness even from the first moments of life, newly hatched dragons of this species will try to kill their sibling while still in the nest. Only the strongest survive. In this way is the strength of the Pyrexae line ensured. By some accident of nature, the freak Jakiro hatched from a single egg, combining in a single individual the full range of abilities found within the diverse Pyrexae species. Trapped within the armature of its monstrous body, the powers of ice and fire combine, and now no enemy is safe." //BATRIDER "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_sticky_napalm" "Sticky Napalm" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_sticky_napalm_Description" "Drenches an area in sticky oil, amplifying damage from Batrider's attacks and abilities and slowing the movement speed and turn rate of enemies in the area. Additional casts of Sticky Napalm continue to increase damage, up to 10 stacks. The extra damage is halved against creeps." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_sticky_napalm_Lore" "It's not uncommon to hear the Rider cackle while he increases the flammability of his opponents." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_sticky_napalm_Note0" "All damage from Batrider gets amplified, except for Radiance and Orb of Venom." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_sticky_napalm_damage" "EXTRA DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_sticky_napalm_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_sticky_napalm_movement_speed_pct" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_sticky_napalm_turn_rate_pct" "%TURN RATE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_sticky_napalm_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_flamebreak" "Flamebreak" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_flamebreak_Description" "Hurls an explosive cocktail that explodes when it reaches the target location, knocking back, briefly stunning, and dealing damage over time to enemies in the area." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_flamebreak_Lore" "A molotov cocktail is the weapon of choice for Batrider." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_flamebreak_damage_per_second" "DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_flamebreak_damage_duration" "BURN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_flamebreak_damage_total_tooltip" "TOTAL DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_flamebreak_explosion_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_firefly" "Firefly" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_firefly_Description" "Batrider takes to the skies, laying down a trail of flames from the air. The fire damages any enemies it touches, and destroys trees below Batrider. While flying, Batrider gains unobstructed movement and vision." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_firefly_Lore" "When an enemy escapes into the Yama Raskav Jungle, most would cut through the brush to find the fugitive. Batrider just chooses to destroy the jungle along with his foes." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_firefly_Note0" "During this the Batrider can fly above units, trees and impassable terrain." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_firefly_Note1" "If duration ends when above impassable terrain, the Batrider can get stuck." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_firefly_Note2" "The trail persists through Batrider's death." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_firefly_damage_per_second" "DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_firefly_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_firefly_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_flaming_lasso" "Flaming Lasso" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_flaming_lasso_Description" "Lassoes an enemy and drags them in Batrider's wake. Victims cannot be dragged over impassable terrain. Dragged units cannot move, attack, or use abilities. Teleporting or blinking will break the lasso." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_flaming_lasso_Lore" "Few dare to ask to ride on the bat, as Batrider gives them free of charge." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_flaming_lasso_Note0" "Killing the target or the Batrider will break the lasso before its expiration." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_flaming_lasso_Note1" "If Batrider moves more than 400 units in 0.05 seconds the lasso breaks." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_flaming_lasso_Note2" "Disable works on Spell Immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_flaming_lasso_Note3" "Batrider cannot attack while using Flaming Lasso." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_batrider_flaming_lasso_duration" "DURATION:" "npc_dota_hero_batrider_bio" "There is no such thing as harmony among the creatures of the Yama Raskav Jungle. By bite, or claw, or pincer, or hoof, even the slightest sign of weakness means a swift death. They say the Rider was just a lad cutting chaff in his family's field when he was taken, swept up by a massive morde-bat looking for take-out. But this boy had a better idea, and wriggled his way from his captor's grip, onto the beast's back, and hacked it down with his tools. Emerging from the bloody wreckage and intoxicated by the thrill of flight, the boy realized he'd found his calling. The boy grew, and every summer he'd return to his family's field, often setting out into the bush seeking to reclaim that first thrill of facing death in the form of jaws or a fatal fall. The years went on, but his fire only grew stronger. He studied the overgrowth, plunging deeper with each expedition, until finally he found his way to the caves at the heart of hostility. They say the Rider, on the eve of a scorching summer night, had nothing but a rope, a bottle of liquid courage and a burning determination to feel the skies once more, when he plunged inside..." //CHEN "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_penitence" "Penitence" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_penitence_Description" "Forces an enemy unit to move slower and take more damage from attacks and spells." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_penitence_Lore" "Although Chen's brand of animal enthrallment isn't quite strong enough to control the minds of enemy heroes, it still tests their resolve in combat." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_penitence_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_penitence_bonus_movement_speed" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_penitence_bonus_damage_taken" "%BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_test_of_faith" "Test of Faith" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_test_of_faith_Description" "Deals random damage to test an enemy unit's faith." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_test_of_faith_Lore" "Knights of the Fold possess a fanatical form of magic that is considered quite unwieldy by most other users of arcane arts." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_test_of_faith_damage_min" "DAMAGE MIN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_test_of_faith_damage_max" "DAMAGE MAX:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_test_of_faith_teleport" "Test of Faith" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_test_of_faith_teleport_Description" "Teleports an allied unit back to the base. Creeps are teleported instantly, while Heroes have a delay before teleporting. If cast on Chen, all units controlled by Chen through Holy Persuasion will be teleported to him after a delay." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_test_of_faith_teleport_Lore" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_test_of_faith_teleport_hero_teleport_delay" "HERO/SELF TP DELAY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_holy_persuasion" "Holy Persuasion" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_holy_persuasion_Description" "Chen takes control of an enemy or neutral creep. If the persuaded creep's base health is naturally below the health minimum, its base health will be raised to the health minimum.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter, allowing Chen to persuade Ancient Creeps. The number of Ancient Creeps that can be persuaded is based on the level of Hand of God." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_holy_persuasion_Lore" "Although they may not be knights, Chen incorporates beasts into the Fold in the same way he himself was converted." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_holy_persuasion_Note0" "You may only cast this ability on Ancient Creeps with Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_holy_persuasion_Note1" "When persuading a new creep above your max unit count, the oldest persuaded unit will die." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_holy_persuasion_Note2" "The health of creeps that are currently persuaded will not be increased further if more levels are added to the skill." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_holy_persuasion_max_units" "MAX UNITS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_holy_persuasion_health_min" "HEALTH MINIMUM:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_hand_of_god" "Hand of God" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_hand_of_god_Description" "Fully regenerates any creeps under Chen's control and heals all allied heroes on the map.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_hand_of_god_Lore" "Using the mental link with his thralls, Chen calls down restoration and well-being to those who share his fanaticism." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_hand_of_god_Note0" "Heals Spell Immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_hand_of_god_heal_amount" "HEAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_hand_of_god_cooldown_scepter" "SCEPTER COOLDOWN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_hand_of_god_ancient_creeps_scepter" "SCEPTER HOLY PERSUASION ANCIENTS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chen_hand_of_god_aghanim_description" "Reduces cooldown for Hand of God. Holy Persuasion can target Ancient Creeps." "npc_dota_hero_chen_bio" "Born in the godless Hazhadal Barrens, Chen came of age among the outlaw tribes who eked out an existence in the shimmering heat of the desert. Using an ancient form of animal enthrallment, Chen's people husbanded the hardy desert locuthi, a stunted species of burrowing dragon that melted desert sands into tubes of glass where twice-a-year rains collected. Always on the edge of starvation and thirst, fighting amongst their neighbors and each other, Chen's clan made the mistake, one fateful day, of ambushing the wrong caravan. In the vicious battle that followed, Chen's clan was outmatched. The armored Knights of the Fold made short work of the enthralled locuthi, who attacked and died in waves. With their dragons dead, the tribesmen followed. Chen struggled, and slashed, and clawed, and perished--or would have. Defeated, on his knees, he faced his execution with humility, offering his neck to the blade. Moved by Chen's obvious courage, the executioner halted his sword. Instead of the blade, Chen was given a choice: death or conversion. Chen took to the faith with a ferocity. He joined the Fold and earned his armor one bloody conversion at a time. Now, with the fanaticism of a convert, and with his powers of animal enthrallment at their peak, he seeks out unbelievers and introduces them to their final reward." //SPECTRE "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_spectral_dagger" "Spectral Dagger" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_spectral_dagger_Description" "Spectre flings a dagger to draw a Shadow Path, dealing damage and slowing the movement speed of any enemies along the trail. Units hit by the dagger also trail a Shadow Path. While treading the path, Spectre phases through otherwise impassable terrain." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_spectral_dagger_Lore" "Mercurial's dagger eclipses the physical plane in shadow, a state in which mortals cower, but spectres thrive." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_spectral_dagger_Note0" "Slows Spell Immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_spectral_dagger_Note1" "There is a 2 second grace period after leaving the path where no collision is preserved." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_spectral_dagger_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_spectral_dagger_bonus_movespeed" "%MOVEMENT SPEED CHANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_spectral_dagger_hero_path_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_desolate" "Desolate" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_desolate_Description" "Deals bonus pure damage when Spectre attacks an enemy hero who is alone." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_desolate_Lore" "Often times, warriors find themselves alone with a vision of Mercurial - the fated question is if it is the true Spectre." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_desolate_Note0" "Damage is dealt before Spectre's attack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_desolate_Note1" "Spectre's illusions also have Desolate." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_desolate_bonus_damage" "BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_desolate_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_dispersion" "Dispersion" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_dispersion_Description" "Damage done to Spectre is reflected on her enemies, leaving her unharmed. The effect lessens with distance." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_dispersion_Lore" "A daunting task lies before enemies of Mercurial - killing a shadow with blade and magic." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_dispersion_Note0" "The reflected damage is not dealt to Spectre." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_dispersion_Note1" "Illusions don't get this ability." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_dispersion_damage_reflection_pct" "%DAMAGE REFLECTED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_dispersion_min_radius" "MIN RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_dispersion_max_radius" "MAX RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_haunt" "Haunt" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_haunt_Description" "Creates a spectral nemesis to attack each enemy hero after a short delay. At any moment during the duration, Spectre can use Reality to exchange places of a given haunt.\n\nHaunt illusions are uncontrollable, take extra damage, and deal less damage than Spectre herself. They move at 400 base movement speed and ignore terrain." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_haunt_Lore" "At the height of combat, Mercurial's physical manifestation shatters, and the shadowy pieces haunt those who still cling to life." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_haunt_Note0" "Haunt illusions are uncontrollable, move at 400 base movement speed, and cannot be disabled." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_haunt_Note1" "There is a 1 second delay before illusions start attacking their target." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_haunt_duration" "HAUNT DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_haunt_tooltip_outgoing" "%HAUNT DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_haunt_tooltip_illusion_total_damage_incoming" "%HAUNT DAMAGE TAKEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_reality" "Reality" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_reality_Description" "Spectre exchanges places with a chosen Haunt." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spectre_reality_Lore" "The scattered shadows unite into the one true Spectre." "npc_dota_hero_spectre_bio" "Just as higher states of energy seek a lower level, the Spectre known as Mercurial is a being of intense and violent energy who finds herself irresistibly drawn to scenes of strife as they unfold in the physical world. While her normal spectral state transcends sensory limitations, each time she takes on a physical manifestation, she is stricken by a loss of self--though not of purpose. In the clash of combat, her identity shatters and reconfigures, and she begins to regain awareness. She grasps that she is Mercurial the Spectre--and that all of her Haunts are but shadows of the one true Spectre. Focus comes in the struggle for survival; her true mind reasserts itself; until in the final moments of victory or defeat, she transcends matter and is restored once more to her eternal form." //DOOM BRINGER "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_devour" "Devour" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_devour_Description" "Consumes an enemy or neutral creep, acquiring any special abilities that it possessed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_devour_Lore" "Lucifer's appetite and greed are never sated." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_devour_Note0" "Gives Doom the original bounty of the creep, along with the bonus gold." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_devour_Note1" "The amount of time it takes to Devour depends on the current HP of the unit." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_devour_Note2" "Doom can't Devour mechanical or ancient units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_devour_Note3" "If you devour a creep without abilities, you'll keep the abilities you had previously." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_devour_creep_level" "CREEP LEVEL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_devour_bonus_gold" "BONUS GOLD:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_scorched_earth" "Scorched Earth" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_scorched_earth_Description" "Carpets the nearby earth in flames, damaging enemies while Doom gains bonus HP regen and increased movement speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_scorched_earth_Lore" "The Fallen One spreads destruction in his wake, sparing none from the flame which sustains him." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_scorched_earth_Note0" "Scorched Earth follows Doom, centered on his location." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_scorched_earth_Note1" "Other units Doom controls also benefit from Scorched Earth." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_scorched_earth_damage_per_second" "DAMAGE/REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_scorched_earth_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_scorched_earth_bonus_movement_speed_pct" "%BONUS MOVE SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_scorched_earth_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_lvl_death" "LVL? Death" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_lvl_death_Description" "Ignites an enemy hero's soul, dealing base damage and a mini-stun. If the target hero's level is a multiple of the Hero Level Multiplier, or they are level 25, they will be dealt additional damage equal to 20%% of their maximum health." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_lvl_death_Lore" "Lucifer shares the fire branding bestowed upon him at the time of his exile." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_lvl_death_Note0" "Interrupts channeling abilities." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_lvl_death_damage" "BASE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_lvl_death_lvl_bonus_multiple" "HERO LEVEL MULTIPLIER:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_doom" "Doom" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_doom_Description" "Inflicts a curse that prevents an enemy Hero from casting spells or using items, while taking damage over time.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_doom_Lore" "When a name is tolled from the bell of Vashundol, doom is sure to follow." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_doom_Note0" "If a magic shield is present, such as the barrier from Pipe of Insight, Doom will damage the barrier first before moving on to the Hero." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_doom_Note2" "Units afflicted by Doom can be denied when their HP drops below 25%." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_doom_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_doom_damage" "DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_doom_duration_scepter" "SCEPTER DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_doom_damage_scepter" "SCEPTER DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_doom_aghanim_description" "Increases damage and duration. Allows Doom to break most passive abilities, and removes positive buffs on cast. Duration will not count down if an enemy is within 900 range of Doom. " "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_empty1" "Empty" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_empty1_Description" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_empty2" "Empty" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_doom_bringer_empty2_Description" "" "npc_dota_hero_doom_bringer_bio" "He that burns and is not consumed, devours and is never sated, kills and is beyond all judgment--Lucifer brings doom to all who would stand against him. Bearing away souls on the tip of a fiery sword, he is the Fallen One, a once-favored general from the realm behind the light, cast out for the sin of defiance: he would not kneel. Six times his name was tolled from the great bell of Vashundol. Six and sixty times his wings were branded, until only smoking stumps remained. Without wings, he slipped loose from the tethers that bound him within the light and he fell screaming to earth. A crater in the desert, Paradise lost. Now he attacks without mercy, without motive, the only living being able to move freely between the seven dark dominions. Lashed by inescapable needs, twisted by unimaginable talents, Doom carries his own hell with him wherever he goes. Defiant to the last. Eventually, the world will belong to Doom." //Ancient Apparition "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_cold_feet" "Cold Feet" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_cold_feet_Description" "Places a frozen hex on an enemy unit that deals damage over time, but can be dispelled by moving away from the initial cast point. If the enemy unit doesn't move outside of the given range, it will be stunned and frozen in place after 4 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_cold_feet_Lore" "Kaldr's presence draws those around him into a frozen void, threatening to lock them in an icy prison for eternity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_cold_feet_Note0" "Total possible damage: 150/200/250/300." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_cold_feet_Note1" "Deals damage every 0.8 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_cold_feet_damage" "DAMAGE PER TICK:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_cold_feet_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_cold_feet_break_distance" "BREAK DISTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_ice_vortex" "Ice Vortex" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_ice_vortex_Description" "Creates a vortex of icy energy that slows movement speed and increases magic damage done in its range. Lasts 16 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_ice_vortex_Lore" "Frozen, caustic winds are at the whim of Kaldr, chilling the field of battle." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_ice_vortex_Note0" "Doesn't affect Spell Immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_ice_vortex_movement_speed_pct" "%SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_ice_vortex_spell_resist_pct" "%INCREASED MAGIC DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_ice_vortex_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_chilling_touch" "Chilling Touch" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_chilling_touch_Description" "A frigid gust enchants allied heroes, granting them bonus magical damage for a given number of physical attacks, while slowing their attack speed slightly. Ancient Apparition always receives the buff. Lasts 30 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_chilling_touch_Lore" "The Ancient Apparition's eternal knowledge brings a frigid enchantment to his allies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_chilling_touch_Note0" "Extra damage is its own instance of damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_chilling_touch_Note1" "Only works against heroes and creeps." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_chilling_touch_max_attacks" "MAX ATTACKS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_chilling_touch_bonus_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_chilling_touch_attack_speed_pct" "ATTACK SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_chilling_touch_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_ice_blast" "Ice Blast" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_ice_blast_Description" "Launches a tracer toward any location on the battlefield, which must be triggered again to mark the area to be blasted by a damaging explosion of hail. The further the tracer travels, the larger the explosion will be. Enemies caught in the explosion, or who touch the icy ball of hail as it travels, are Frostbitten, taking damage and prevented from regenerating or healing. If a Frostbitten unit's health drops below a certain percentage, they will instantly shatter.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_ice_blast_Lore" "Ice storms from ages past flow through Kaldr's frosty limbs, crashing into the world and turning its inhabitants into monuments to his eternal power." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_ice_blast_Note0" "The area of effect is 275 + 50*TimeTraveled, capped at 1000. The freeze area along the path is 275." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_ice_blast_Note1" "Kill will be granted to the source of the damage that triggers the shatter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_ice_blast_Note2" "The instant kill doesn't work on illusions or Meepo clones." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_ice_blast_Note3" "The HP Freeze prevents most kinds of healing, including the fountain." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_ice_blast_Note4" "The Frostbitten debuff cannot be purged." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_ice_blast_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_ice_blast_frostbite_duration" "FROSTBITTEN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_ice_blast_dot_damage" "FROSTBITTEN DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_ice_blast_kill_pct" "%SHATTER HEALTH THRESHOLD:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_ice_blast_frostbite_duration_scepter" "SCEPTER FROSTBITTEN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_ice_blast_aghanim_description" "Increases duration." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_ice_blast_release" "Release" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ancient_apparition_ice_blast_release_Description" "Releases the ice blast to explode at the tracer's current location." "npc_dota_hero_ancient_apparition_bio" "Kaldr, the Ancient Apparition, is an image projected from outside time. He springs from the cold, infinite void that both predates the universe and awaits its end. Kaldr is, Kaldr was, Kaldr shall be...and what we perceive, powerful as it appears to us, is but the faintest faded echo of the true, eternal Kaldr. Some believe that as the cosmos ages and approaches its final moments, the brightness and power of Kaldr will also intensify--that the Ancient Apparition will grow younger and stronger as eternity's end draws nigh. His grip of ice will bring all matter to a stop, his image will cast a light too terrible to behold. An Apparition no longer!" //Ursa "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ursa_earthshock" "Earthshock" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ursa_earthshock_Lore" "The very steps of a male ursine shake the ground as well as the resolve of opposing warriors." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ursa_earthshock_Description" "Ursa slams the earth, causing a powerful shock to damage and slow all enemy units in a nearby area for 4 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ursa_earthshock_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ursa_earthshock_movement_slow" "%SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ursa_earthshock_shock_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ursa_overpower" "Overpower" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ursa_overpower_Lore" "For a behemoth of his size, Ursa is deceptively nimble." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ursa_overpower_Description" "Using his skill in combat, Ursa gains increased attack speed for a number of subsequent attacks." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ursa_overpower_Note0" "Overpower isn't removed by Black King Bar." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ursa_overpower_max_attacks" "ATTACKS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ursa_overpower_attack_speed_bonus_pct" "BONUS ATTACK SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ursa_overpower_duration_tooltip" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ursa_fury_swipes" "Fury Swipes" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ursa_fury_swipes_Lore" "In nature, the wounded rarely survive the attacks of hungry predators." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ursa_fury_swipes_Description" "Ursa's claws dig deeper wounds in the enemy, causing consecutive attacks to the same enemy to deal more damage. If the same target is not attacked after 15 seconds, the bonus damage is lost." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ursa_fury_swipes_damage_per_stack" "DAMAGE PER ATTACK:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ursa_fury_swipes_bonus_reset_time" "RESET TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ursa_fury_swipes_bonus_reset_time_roshan" "RESET TIME (ROSHAN):" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ursa_enrage" "Enrage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ursa_enrage_Lore" "Ulfsaar succumbs to his ancient spirit, becoming the most ferocious creature on the battlefield." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ursa_enrage_Description" "Ursa goes into a frenzy, multiplying his Fury Swipes damage and causing him to take %damage_reduction%%% less damage. Removes any existing debuffs." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ursa_enrage_enrage_multiplier" "FURY SWIPES MULTIPLIER:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ursa_enrage_damage_reduction" "%DAMAGE REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ursa_enrage_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ursa_enrage_life_damage_bonus_percent" "%HEALTH TO DAMAGE:" "npc_dota_hero_ursa_bio" "Ulfsaar the Warrior is the fiercest member of an ursine tribe, protective of his land and his people. During the long winters, while the mothers sleep and nurse their cubs, the males patrol the lands above as tireless, vigilant defenders of their ancient ways. Hearing dim but growing rumors of a spreading evil, Ulfsaar headed out beyond the boundaries of his wild wooded homeland, intending to track down and destroy the threat at its source, before it could endanger his people. He is a proud creature with a bright strong spirit, utterly trustworthy, a staunch ally and defender." //GYROCOPTER "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_rocket_barrage" "Rocket Barrage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_rocket_barrage_Description" "Launches a salvo of rockets at nearby enemy units in a radius around the Gyrocopter. Lasts 3 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_rocket_barrage_Lore" "Aurel's new craft has an increased payload for rockets, enhancing their rapid-fire capabilities." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_rocket_barrage_Note0" "Rocket Barrage can't hit units Gyrocopter has no vision over." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_rocket_barrage_rockets_per_second" "ROCKETS PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_rocket_barrage_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_homing_missile" "Homing Missile" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_homing_missile_Description" "Fires a homing missile to seek the targeted enemy unit. The missile gains speed over time, dealing damage and stunning when it impacts the target. Homing Missile deals greater damage the further it has traveled. Enemy units can destroy the missile before it reaches its target." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_homing_missile_Lore" "The biggest missile Aurel could possibly attach to his craft, The Bomb™ has carefully calculated aerodynamics and explosives for maximum impact." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_homing_missile_Note0" "Towers do half damage to the missile." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_homing_missile_Note1" "The crosshair effect is visible to allies only." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_homing_missile_Note2" "Maximum damage is reached when the missile is 1500 units away." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_homing_missile_Note3" "The missile will follow and hit invisible units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_homing_missile_hits_to_kill_tooltip" "HITS TO DESTROY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_homing_missile_tower_hits_to_kill_tooltip" "TOWER HITS TO DESTROY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_homing_missile_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_homing_missile_min_damage" "MINIMUM DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_flak_cannon" "Flak Cannon" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_flak_cannon_Description" "Gyrocopter's attacks hit all enemy units in an area around it for a limited number of attacks. Only the main target of attacks will receive attack bonuses such as Critical Strike. Lasts 15 seconds or until the attacks are used." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_flak_cannon_Lore" "This newly revamped Gyrocopter has attached enough armaments to assault in a 360 degree radius." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_flak_cannon_Note0" "Attack range for the primary attack is unchanged." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_flak_cannon_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_flak_cannon_max_attacks" "MAX ATTACKS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_call_down" "Call Down" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_call_down_Description" "Call down an aerial missile strike on enemy units in a target area. Two missiles arrive in succession, the first dealing major damage and minor slow for %slow_duration_first% seconds; the second dealing minor damage and major slow for %slow_duration_second% seconds.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_call_down_Lore" "'Bombs Away!'" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_call_down_Note0" "The visual indicator is visible to allies only." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_call_down_Note1" "The slow goes through spell immunity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_call_down_damage_first" "MISSILE ONE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_call_down_damage_second" "MISSILE TWO DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_call_down_slow_first" "%MISSILE ONE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_call_down_slow_second" "%MISSILE TWO SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_call_down_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_call_down_damage_second_scepter" "SCEPTER MISSILE TWO DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gyrocopter_call_down_aghanim_description" "Increases the damage of the second missile, and gives global cast range." "npc_dota_hero_gyrocopter_bio" "After serving through a lifetime of wars, upheaval, riots, and revolutions, the brass figured Aurel had seen enough. But in addition to a few trinkets and his considerable pension, the erstwhile engineer left with something far more interesting: a long-forgotten, incomplete schematic for a Gyrocopter, the world's first manned, non-magical flying device. Retiring to the tropical obscurity of the Ash Archipelago with little else but time and money, he set to work building the device. As the years wore on and the remains of failed prototypes began to pile up, he began to wonder if mechanical flight was even possible. A decade and a day after his retirement, on a sunny afternoon with a southerly breeze, Aurel sat in his latest attempt bristling with indignation and expectant failure. With a grunt of effort he pulled the ignition cord and covered his head, waiting for the inevitable explosion. However to his great surprise he began to lift and, following a few panicked adjustments, stabilize. Within an hour, he was ducking and weaving with the breeze, level with the gulls, and Aurel found himself filled with the breathless wonder of flight. As dusk settled in he set a course back to his workshop, but no sooner had he turned his craft when a cannonball tore through his tailfin. Disentangling himself from the wreckage, he swam toward the nearest piece of land in sight, and cursed to see the ship responsible for the cannonball collecting the debris. Days later, when Aurel returned to his workshop, he set to work on yet another gyrocopter, this one capable of carrying a much heavier, more dangerous payload." //SPIRIT BREAKER "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_charge_of_darkness" "Charge of Darkness" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_charge_of_darkness_Lore" "Barathrum erupts from the darkness with unwieldy force." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_charge_of_darkness_Description" "Spirit Breaker fixes his sight on an enemy unit and starts charging through all objects. All enemy units passed through and the targeted unit will be hit by a Greater Bash. If the targeted unit dies, Spirit Breaker will change his target to the nearest enemy unit to that location." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_charge_of_darkness_Note0" "Spirit Breaker passes through trees, cliffs, and units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_charge_of_darkness_Note1" "The charge indicator is visible only to allies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_charge_of_darkness_Note2" "Spirit Breaker gains shared vision of the target." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_charge_of_darkness_movement_speed" "CHARGE SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_charge_of_darkness_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_empowering_haste" "Empowering Haste" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_empowering_haste_Lore" "Aspiring heroes gain speed and power from simply observing the Spirit Breaker's dominance on the battle field." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_empowering_haste_Description" "Causes Spirit Breaker to gain power with higher movement speed. His presence increases the movement speed of nearby allied units. Can be cast to improve the movement speed bonus for %duration% seconds, however afterward the passive bonus will be halved while the ability is on cooldown." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_empowering_haste_bonus_movespeed_pct" "%BONUS MOVE SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_empowering_haste_aura_radius" "AURA RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_empowering_haste_bonus_movespeed_pct_extra" "%CAST ADDED BONUS SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_empowering_haste_duration" "CAST ADDED SPEED DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_greater_bash" "Greater Bash" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_greater_bash_Lore" "The signature strike of Barathrum's ghostly ball and chain." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_greater_bash_Description" "Gives a chance to stun and knockback an enemy unit on an attack, as well as gaining bonus movement speed after a bash occurs. Deals a percentage of movement speed as damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_greater_bash_Note0" "Does not stack with Skull Basher." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_greater_bash_chance_pct" "%CHANCE TO BASH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_greater_bash_damage" "%MOVESPEED AS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_greater_bash_knockback_duration" "KNOCKBACK DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_greater_bash_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_greater_bash_bonus_movespeed_pct" "%BONUS MOVE SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_greater_bash_movespeed_duration" "SPEED DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_nether_strike" "Nether Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_nether_strike_Lore" "Barathrum temporarily returns to the realm from where he came, bringing with him the retribution of both worlds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_nether_strike_Description" "Spirit Breaker slips into the nether realm, reappearing next to his hapless victim. Upon reappearing, a Greater Bash of the current level occurs and deals bonus damage.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_nether_strike_Note0" "Spirit Breaker appears behind the target to deliver the bash." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_nether_strike_damage" "BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_nether_strike_tooltip_range" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_nether_strike_cast_range_scepter" "SCEPTER RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_nether_strike_bash_radius_scepter" "SCEPTER BASH RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_nether_strike_cooldown_scepter" "SCEPTER COOLDOWN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_spirit_breaker_nether_strike_aghanim_description" "Causes the Greater Bash to hit an area around the initial target, decreases cooldown, and increases cast range." "npc_dota_hero_spirit_breaker_bio" "Barathrum the Spirit Breaker is a lordly and powerful being, a fierce and elemental intelligence which chose to plane-shift into the world of matter to take part in events with repercussions in the elemental realm that is his home. To that end, he assembled a form that would serve him well, both in our world and out of it. His physical form borrows from the strengths of this world, blending features both bovine and simian--horns, hooves and hands--as outward emblems of his inner qualities of strength, speed and cunning. He wears a ring in his nose, as a reminder that he serves a hidden master, and that this world in which he works is but a shadow of the real one." //ALCHEMIST "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_acid_spray" "Acid Spray" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_acid_spray_Description" "Sprays high-pressure acid across a target area. Enemy units who step across the contaminated terrain take damage per second and have their armor reduced." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_acid_spray_Lore" "Using traditional Alchemy from the Darkbrew family, Razzil concocts an acid that dissolves even the toughest metals." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_acid_spray_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_acid_spray_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_acid_spray_damage" "DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_acid_spray_armor_reduction" "ARMOR REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_unstable_concoction_throw" "Unstable Concoction Throw" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_unstable_concoction_throw_Description" "Throw it before it blows up!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_unstable_concoction_Lore" "A silver lining to the failure of turning a mountain into gold, this volatile solution has destructive potential." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_unstable_concoction" "Unstable Concoction" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_unstable_concoction_Description" "Alchemist brews up an unstable concoction that he can throw at an enemy hero, to stun and deal damage in an area around the explosion. The longer the concoction brews, the more damage it deals and the longer the stun. After 5 seconds, the brew reaches its maximum damage and stun time. However, after 5.5 seconds, the concoction will explode on Alchemist himself if not thrown." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_unstable_concoction_Note0" "Alchemist can move and act normally while brewing." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_unstable_concoction_Note1" "A timer above Alchemist's head will indicate the remaining brew time. This timer is visible to enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_unstable_concoction_Note2" "You can deny yourself with this skill." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_unstable_concoction_Note3" "Unstable Concoction cannot be disjointed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_unstable_concoction_Note4" "Once thrown, Unstable Concoction stops brewing." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_unstable_concoction_max_stun" "MAX STUN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_unstable_concoction_max_damage" "MAX DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_unstable_concoction_radius" "EXPLOSION RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_goblins_greed" "Greevil's Greed" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_goblins_greed_Description" "Alchemist synthesizes additional gold from his enemies and bounty runes. With each kill, Alchemist earns base bonus gold and extra bonus gold. If Alchemist kills another unit which yields gold within the next %duration% seconds, an additional instance of Extra Bonus Gold is added to the total. Additionally, causes bounty runes to yield 4 times their normal gold." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_goblins_greed_Lore" "While it is not a mountain, Razzil has mastered the conversion of smaller compounds to line his pockets." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_goblins_greed_duration" "RECENT KILL WINDOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_goblins_greed_bonus_gold" "BASE BONUS GOLD:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_goblins_greed_bonus_bonus_gold" "EXTRA BONUS GOLD:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_goblins_greed_bonus_gold_cap" "MAX BONUS GOLD PER KILL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_chemical_rage" "Chemical Rage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_chemical_rage_Description" "Alchemist causes his Ogre to enter a chemically induced rage, reducing base attack cooldown and increasing movement speed and regeneration." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_chemical_rage_aghanim_description" "Alchemist melts down Aghanim's Scepter to grant an allied hero all Aghanim's Scepter upgrades." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_chemical_rage_Lore" "The brew Razzil gave to the Ogre during their prison bust has become a useful potion in the midst of combat." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_chemical_rage_Note0" "Has a 0.35 second transformation time, which can be used to dodge projectiles and stuns." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_chemical_rage_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_chemical_rage_base_attack_time" "BASE ATTACK TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_chemical_rage_bonus_health_regen" "BONUS HEALTH REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_chemical_rage_bonus_mana_regen" "BONUS MANA REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alchemist_chemical_rage_bonus_movespeed" "BONUS MOVE SPEED:" "npc_dota_hero_alchemist_bio" "The sacred science of Chymistry was a Darkbrew family tradition, but no Darkbrew had ever shown the kind of creativity, ambition, and recklessness of young Razzil. However, when adulthood came calling he pushed aside the family trade to try his hand at manufacturing gold through Alchemy. In an act of audacity befitting his reputation, Razzil announced he would transmute an entire mountain into gold. Following two decades of research and spending and preparation, he failed spectacularly, quickly finding himself imprisoned for the widespread destruction his experiment wrought. Yet Razzil was never one to take a setback lightly, and sought escape to continue his research. When his new cellmate turned out to be a fierce ogre, he found just the opportunity he needed. After convincing the ogre not to eat him, Razzil set about carefully concocting a tincture for it to drink, made from the moulds and mosses growing in the prison stone work. In a week's time, it seemed ready. When the ogre drank the potion, it flew into an unstoppable berserker rage, destroying the cell bars and exploding through walls and guards alike. They soon found themselves lost somewhere in the forest surrounding the city with a trail of wreckage in their wake and no signs of pursuit. In the tonic's afterglow, the ogre seemed serene, happy, and even eager. Resolving to work together, the pair set off to collect the materials needed to attempt Razzil's Alchemic transmutation once more." //INVOKER "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_quas" "Quas" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_quas_Description" "Allows manipulation of ice elements and grants a permanent strength bonus. Each Quas instance provides increased health regeneration.\n" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_quas_Lore" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_quas_Note0" "Invoker can only have 3 of any instance." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_quas_health_regen_per_instance" "HP REGEN PER INSTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_quas_bonus_strength" "BONUS STRENGTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_wex" "Wex" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_wex_Description" "Allows manipulation of storm elements and grants a permanent agility bonus. Each Wex instance provides increased attack speed and movement speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_wex_Lore" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_wex_Note0" "Invoker can only have 3 of any instance." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_wex_attack_speed_per_instance" "ATTACK SPEED PER INSTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_wex_move_speed_per_instance" "%MOVE SPEED PER INSTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_wex_bonus_agility" "BONUS AGILITY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_exort" "Exort" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_exort_Description" "Allows manipulation of fire elements and grants a permanent intelligence bonus. Each Exort instance provides increased attack damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_exort_Lore" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_exort_Note0" "Invoker can only have 3 of any instance." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_exort_bonus_damage_per_instance" "DAMAGE PER INSTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_exort_bonus_intelligence" "BONUS INTELLIGENCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_empty1" "Empty" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_empty1_Description" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_empty2" "Empty" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_empty2_Description" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_invoke" "Invoke" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_invoke_Description" "Combines the properties of the elements currently being manipulated to create a new spell for Invoker to use. Click the help button to see the list of possible spells.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_invoke_Lore" "So begins a new age of knowledge." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_invoke_Note0" "The arrangement of instances does not matter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_invoke_Note1" "Invoke's cooldown is not triggered if the only effect is to swap the positions of existing spells." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_invoke_max_invoked_spells" "MAX SPELLS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_invoke_mana_cost_scepter" "SCEPTER MANA COST:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_invoke_cooldown_scepter" "SCEPTER COOLDOWN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_invoke_aghanim_description" "Decreases cooldown and removes mana cost." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_cold_snap" "Cold Snap" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_cold_snap_Description" "Invoker draws the heat from an enemy, chilling them to their very core for a duration based on the level of Quas. The enemy will take damage and be briefly frozen. Further damage taken in this state will freeze the enemy again, dealing bonus damage. The enemy can only be frozen so often, but the freeze cooldown decreases based on the level of Quas." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_cold_snap_Lore" "Sadron's Protracted Frisson." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_cold_snap_Note0" "The freeze stun only triggers on damage greater than 10 after reductions." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_cold_snap_duration" "COLD SNAP DURATION (QUAS):\n" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_cold_snap_freeze_duration" "FREEZE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_cold_snap_freeze_damage" "FREEZE DAMAGE (QUAS):" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_cold_snap_freeze_cooldown" "FREEZE COOLDOWN (QUAS):" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_ghost_walk" "Ghost Walk" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_ghost_walk_Description" "Invoker manipulates the ice and electrical energies around him, rendering his body invisible. The elemental imbalance created as a consequence slows nearby enemies based on the level of Quas, and slows Invoker as well based on the level of Wex." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_ghost_walk_Lore" "Myrault's Hinder-Gast." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_ghost_walk_Note0" "The slow effect does not work on Spell Immune enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_ghost_walk_self_slow" "%SELF SPEED (WEX):\n" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_ghost_walk_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_ghost_walk_area_of_effect" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_ghost_walk_enemy_slow" "%ENEMY SLOW (QUAS):\n" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_tornado" "Tornado" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_tornado_Description" "Unleashes a fast moving tornado that picks up enemy units in its path, suspending them helplessly in the air shortly before allowing them to plummet to their doom. Travels further based on the level of Wex. Holds enemies in the air for a duration based on the level of Quas. Deals base damage plus added damage based on levels in Wex." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_tornado_Lore" "Claws of Tornarus." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_tornado_Note0" "Units are invulnerable while affected by Tornado, and the damage is dealt when landing." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_tornado_travel_distance" "TRAVEL DISTANCE (WEX):\n" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_tornado_area_of_effect" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_tornado_lift_duration" "LIFT TIME (QUAS):\n" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_tornado_base_damage" "BASE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_tornado_wex_damage" "ADDED DAMAGE (WEX):" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_emp" "EMP" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_emp_Description" "Invoker builds up a charge of electromagnetic energy at a targeted location which automatically detonates after %delay% seconds. The detonation covers an area, draining mana based on the level of Wex. Deals damage for each point of mana drained. If EMP drains mana from an enemy hero, Invoker gains 50%% of the mana drained." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_emp_Lore" "Endoleon's Malevolent Perturbation." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_emp_Note0" "Will not affect cycloned units (Tornado or Eul's Scepter of Divinity)." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_emp_delay" "CHARGE TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_emp_area_of_effect" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_emp_mana_burned" "MAX MANA BURNED (WEX):\n" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_emp_damage_per_mana_pct" "%BURN DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_alacrity" "Alacrity" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_alacrity_Description" "Invoker infuses an ally with an immense surge of energy, increasing their attack speed based on the level of Wex and their damage based on the level of Exort." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_alacrity_Lore" "Gaster's Mandate of Impetuous Strife." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_alacrity_bonus_attack_speed" "BONUS ATTACK SPEED (WEX):\n" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_alacrity_bonus_damage" "BONUS DAMAGE (EXORT):\n" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_alacrity_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_chaos_meteor" "Chaos Meteor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_chaos_meteor_Description" "Invoker pulls a flaming meteor from space onto the targeted location. Upon landing, the meteor rolls forward, constantly dealing damage based on the level of Exort, and rolling further based on the level of Wex. Units hit by the meteor will also be set on fire for a short time, receiving additional damage based on the level of Exort." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_chaos_meteor_Lore" "Tarak's Descent of Fire." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_chaos_meteor_Note0" "Deals main damage to enemy units under meteor every 0.5 seconds and burns enemies for smaller damage over 3 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_chaos_meteor_Note1" "The meteor moves at a speed of 300." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_chaos_meteor_land_time" "IMPACT DELAY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_chaos_meteor_area_of_effect" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_chaos_meteor_travel_distance" "TRAVEL DISTANCE (WEX):\n" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_chaos_meteor_main_damage" "CONTACT DAMAGE (EXORT):\n" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_chaos_meteor_damage_interval" "CONTACT DAMAGE TICK:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_chaos_meteor_burn_duration" "BURN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_chaos_meteor_burn_dps" "BURN DAMAGE PER SECOND (EXORT):\n" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_sun_strike" "Sun Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_sun_strike_Description" "Sends a catastrophic ray of fierce energy from the sun at any targeted location, incinerating all enemies standing beneath it once it reaches the earth. Deals damage based on the level of Exort, however this damage is spread evenly over all enemies hit." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_sun_strike_Lore" "Harlek's Incantation of Incineration." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_sun_strike_Note0" "Gives vision of the target area before the strike." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_sun_strike_Note1" "Invoker gains experience with kills made from Sun Strike, even if made from outside of experience range." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_sun_strike_area_of_effect" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_sun_strike_delay" "DELAY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_sun_strike_damage" "DAMAGE (EXORT):\n" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_forge_spirit" "Forge Spirit" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_forge_spirit_Description" "Invoker forges a spirit embodying the strength of fire and fortitude of ice. Damage, health, and armor are based on the level of Exort while attack range, mana, and duration are based on the level of Quas. The elemental's scorching attack is capable of melting the armor of enemy heroes. If both Quas and Exort are level 4 or higher, Invoker will create two spirits instead of one." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_forge_spirit_Lore" "Culween's Most Cunning Fabrications." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_forge_spirit_Note0" "Casting this abiliy will replace currently summoned Forged Spirits." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_forge_spirit_spirit_damage" "DAMAGE (EXORT):\n" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_forge_spirit_spirit_hp" "HEALTH (EXORT):\n" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_forge_spirit_spirit_armor" "ARMOR (EXORT):\n" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_forge_spirit_spirit_attack_range" "ATTACK RANGE (QUAS):\n" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_forge_spirit_spirit_mana" "MANA (QUAS):\n" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_forge_spirit_spirit_duration" "DURATION (QUAS):\n" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_forged_spirit_melting_strike" "Melting Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_forged_spirit_melting_strike_Description" "Melts away the armor of heroes hit by the spirit's attack if the spirit has enough mana. Each successive hit increases the amount of armor melted." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_forged_spirit_melting_strike_armor_removed" "ARMOR REMOVED PER HIT:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_forged_spirit_melting_strike_max_armor_removed" "MAX ARMOR REMOVED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_forged_spirit_melting_strike_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_ice_wall" "Ice Wall" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_ice_wall_Description" "Generates a wall of solid ice directly in front of Invoker for a duration based on the level of Quas. The bitter cold emanating from it greatly slows nearby enemies based on the level of Quas and deals damage each second based on the level of Exort." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_ice_wall_Lore" "Killing Wall of Koryx." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_ice_wall_Note0" "The slow will still affect Spell Immune enemies if their spell immunity was created after being affected by Ice Wall." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_ice_wall_duration" "WALL DURATION (QUAS):\n" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_ice_wall_slow" "%MOVEMENT SLOW (QUAS):\n" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_ice_wall_slow_duration" "SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_ice_wall_damage_per_second" "DAMAGE PER SECOND (EXORT):\n" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_deafening_blast" "Deafening Blast" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_deafening_blast_Description" "Invoker unleashes a mighty sonic wave in front of him, dealing damage to any enemy unit it collides with based on the level of Exort. The sheer impact from the blast is enough to knock those enemy units back for a duration based on the level of Quas, then disarm their attacks for a duration based on the level of Wex.\n\nIf Quas, Wex, and Exort are all at max level, Deafening Blast becomes a non-targetable circular wave released in every direction around Invoker." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_deafening_blast_Lore" "Buluphont's Aureal Incapacitator." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_deafening_blast_Note0" "This skill interrupts channeling abilities." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_deafening_blast_travel_distance" "TRAVEL DISTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_deafening_blast_damage" "DAMAGE (EXORT):\n" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_deafening_blast_knockback_duration" "KNOCKBACK DURATION (QUAS):\n" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_invoker_deafening_blast_disarm_duration" "DISARM DURATION (WEX):\n" "npc_dota_hero_invoker_bio" "In its earliest, and some would say most potent form, magic was primarily the art of memory. It required no technology, no wands or appurtenances other than the mind of the magician. All the trappings of ritual were merely mnemonic devices, meant to allow the practitioner to recall in rich detail the specific mental formulae that unlocked a spell's power. The greatest mages in those days were the ones blessed with the greatest memories, and yet so complex were the invocations that all wizards were forced to specialize. The most devoted might hope in a lifetime to have adequate recollection of three spells--four at most. Ordinary wizards were content to know two, and it was not uncommon for a village mage to know only one--with even that requiring him to consult grimoires as an aid against forgetfulness on the rare occasions when he might be called to use it. But among these early practitioners there was one exception, a genius of vast intellect and prodigious memory who came to be known as the Invoker. In his youth, the precocious wizard mastered not four, not five, not even seven incantations: He could command no fewer than ten spells, and cast them instantly. Many more he learned but found useless, and would practice once then purge from his mind forever, to make room for more practical invocations. One such spell was the Sempiternal Cantrap--a longevity spell of such power that those who cast it in the world's first days are among us still (unless they have been crushed to atoms). Most of these quasi-immortals live quietly, afraid to admit their secret: But Invoker is not one to keep his gifts hidden. He is ancient, learned beyond all others, and his mind somehow still has space to contain an immense sense of his own worth...as well as the Invocations with which he amuses himself through the long slow twilight of the world's dying days." //Silencer "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_silencer_curse_of_the_silent" "Curse of the Silent" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_silencer_curse_of_the_silent_Lore" "Nortrom's lack of incantations is less of a problem for him than it is for his adversaries." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_silencer_curse_of_the_silent_Description" "Curses the target area, causing enemy Heroes to take damage and lose mana until they cast a spell." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_silencer_curse_of_the_silent_health_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_silencer_curse_of_the_silent_mana_damage" "MANA LOSS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_silencer_curse_of_the_silent_tooltip_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_silencer_curse_of_the_silent_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_silencer_glaives_of_wisdom" "Glaives of Wisdom" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_silencer_glaives_of_wisdom_Lore" "Although lacking in traditional incantations, Nortrom's pedigree of the Aeol Drias gives him uncanny wisdom, which he applies to physical combat." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_silencer_glaives_of_wisdom_Description" "Silencer enchants his glaives with his wisdom, dealing additional damage based on his Intelligence. \n\nGlaives of Wisdom is a Unique Attack Modifier, and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers. " "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_silencer_glaives_of_wisdom_intellect_damage_pct" "%INT TO DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_silencer_last_word" "Last Word" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_silencer_last_word_Lore" "Nortrom ensures that spells uttered by his opponents will be their last." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_silencer_last_word_Description" "Enchants a target, causing them to be damaged, silenced, and their movement speed slowed if they cast a spell or if the enchantment timer expires." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_silencer_last_word_Note0" "Channeling abilities will trigger this affect once the caster finishes its channel." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_silencer_last_word_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_silencer_last_word_debuff_duration" "ENEMY CAST TIMER:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_silencer_last_word_movespeed" "%MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_silencer_last_word_duration" "SILENCE/SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_silencer_global_silence" "Global Silence" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_silencer_global_silence_Lore" "With a shock to the ground, all magic and sound pauses, and Nortrom fulfills his prophecy." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_silencer_global_silence_Description" "Silencer stops all sound, preventing enemy heroes and units on the map from casting spells.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_silencer_global_silence_aghanim_description" "Applies the current level of Curse of the Silent to all enemy Heroes." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_silencer_global_silence_Note0" "This skill works on invisible and Spell Immune units, but gaining spell immunity will remove its effect." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_silencer_global_silence_tooltip_duration" "DURATION:" "npc_dota_hero_silencer_bio" "Part of the seventh and final generation of a carefully designed pedigree, Nortrom was bred by the ancient order of the Aeol Drias to be the greatest magic user the world had ever seen. He was the prophesied one, the culmination of two-hundred years of careful pairings, a war-mage who would bring glory to the order, and destruction to their sworn enemies, The Knights of the Fold. Raised with other young mages in a hidden cantonment among the hills of the Hazhadal barrens, the order's preceptors waited for Nortrom's abilities to manifest. While the other students honed their talents with fire, or ice, or incantatory spells, Nortrom sat silent and talentless, unable to cast so much as a hex. As the day of final testing approached, he still hadn't found his magic. In disgust, the preceptors berated him, while the children laughed. \"You are no mage,\" the head of the order declared. Still, Nortrom did not slink away. He entered the day of testing and faced down the young mages who had mocked him. And then his preceptors learned a valuable lesson: a lack of magic can be the greatest magic of all. Nortrom silenced the young mages one by one and defeated them in single combat, until he alone stood as champion of the Aeol Drias, in fulfillment of the prophecy." //OUTWORLD Devourer "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_arcane_orb" "Arcane Orb" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_arcane_orb_Description" "Adds extra pure damage to Outworld Devourer's attacks, based on his remaining mana pool. Arcane Orb also does bonus damage to summoned units and illusions.\n\nArcane Orb is a Unique Attack Modifier, and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_arcane_orb_Lore" "Harbinger's outworldly knowledge allows it to tap into the ebb and flow of all spiritual energy, infusing it into his being." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_arcane_orb_Note0" "The damage is calculated after the mana cost is spent." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_arcane_orb_mana_pool_damage_pct" "%MANA POOL TO DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_arcane_orb_illusion_damage" "ILLUSION DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_astral_imprisonment" "Astral Imprisonment" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_astral_imprisonment_Description" "Places a target allied or enemy hero into an astral prison. The hidden hero is invulnerable and disabled. When cast on an enemy Hero, Harbinger temporarily steals intelligence from that hero." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_astral_imprisonment_Lore" "Locked away in the pocket between this world and the Outworld, victims realize their infantile knowledge and mortality." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_astral_imprisonment_Note0" "If used on an ally, no intelligence is stolen." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_astral_imprisonment_Note1" "Imprisoned units are hidden and invulnerable." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_astral_imprisonment_Note2" "Imprisoned units can still be hit by Sanity's Eclipse." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_astral_imprisonment_int_steal" "INTELLIGENCE STEAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_astral_imprisonment_steal_duration" "STEAL DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_astral_imprisonment_prison_duration" "PRISON DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_essence_aura" "Essence Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_essence_aura_Description" "Whenever nearby allied Heroes or Outworld Devourer itself casts a spell, it gains a chance to restore a percentage of its mana pool. Outworld Devourer also passively gains a bonus to its base mana pool. Several skills with no cooldown and toggled spells cannot trigger Essence Aura." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_essence_aura_Lore" "The crystals of the Outworld produce arcane power, and the Harbinger channels it into the world of mortals." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_essence_aura_Note0" "Other than Arcane Orb, most skills without cooldowns cannot trigger Essence Aura." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_essence_aura_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_essence_aura_bonus_mana" "BASE MANA:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_essence_aura_restore_amount" "%RESTORED MANA:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_essence_aura_restore_chance" "%RESTORE CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_sanity_eclipse" "Sanity's Eclipse" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_sanity_eclipse_Description" "Unleashes a psychic blast that damages enemy heroes based on the difference between the affected the hero's Intelligence and Outworld Devourer's. If the difference in intelligence is less than the threshold, the affected hero will lose 75%% of their current mana. Should an enemy hero have the same or higher Intelligence than Outworld Devourer, Sanity's Eclipse will have no effect. Sanity's Eclipse can hit units trapped by Astral Imprisonment.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_sanity_eclipse_Lore" "When an Outworld crystal ruptures, cataclysmic energies are released, and the reverberations of this power are felt interdimensionally." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_sanity_eclipse_damage_multiplier" "INT DIFF DAMAGE MULTIPLIER:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_sanity_eclipse_int_threshold" "INT DIFF MANA LOSS THRESHOLD:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_sanity_eclipse_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_sanity_eclipse_cast_range" "CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_sanity_eclipse_cast_range_scepter" "SCEPTER CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_obsidian_destroyer_sanity_eclipse_aghanim_description" "Increases casting range, and casts the current level of Astral Imprisonment on affected enemy heroes." "npc_dota_hero_obsidian_destroyer_bio" "One of a lordly and magisterial race, Harbinger prowls the edge of the Void, sole surviving sentry of an outpost on the world at the rim of the abyss. From this jagged crystalline Outworld, forever on guard, he has gazed for eternities into the heavens, alert for any stirring in the bottomless night beyond the stars. Imprinted deep in the shining lattices of his intellect lies a resonant pattern akin to prophecy, a dark music implying that eventually some evil will wake out there, beyond the edges of creation, and turn its attention to our world. With his whole being focused on his vigil, Outworld Devourer paid little attention to events closer in to the sun. But at last the clamor of the Ancients, and a sense of growing threat from within as well as without, sent him winging sunward to visit the plains of war. Harbinger's place in our own prophecies is unambiguous: he must be considered an omen of worse things to come. But his arrival in itself is bad enough. " // Lycan "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_summon_wolves" "Summon Wolves" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_summon_wolves_Lore" "The very enchantment that twisted his being also summons canine familiars." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_summon_wolves_Description" "Summons two wolves to fight for Lycan. Level 2-4 wolves have Critical Strike, level 3-4 wolves have permanent invisibility, and level 4 wolves have 15 HP regen." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_summon_wolves_Note0" "If wolves are summoned during the duration of Howl, they will receive the buff until the end of its duration." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_summon_wolves_Note1" "Spirit Wolves have 80% magic damage resistance." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_summon_wolves_Note2" "Using this spell will replace currently active Spirit Wolves." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_summon_wolves_wolf_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_summon_wolves_wolf_bat" "BASE ATTACK TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_summon_wolves_wolf_armor" "ARMOR:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_summon_wolves_wolf_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_summon_wolves_wolf_hp" "HP:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_howl" "Howl" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_howl_Lore" "Blood-curdling wolf cries signal to opponents that Banehallow is among them." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_howl_Description" "Grants bonus damage to Lycan, all allied heroes and all units under their control." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_howl_howl_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_howl_hero_bonus_damage" "HERO BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_howl_unit_bonus_damage" "MINION BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_feral_impulse" "Feral Impulse" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_feral_impulse_Lore" "His animalistic symbiosis with canine kind gives Banehallow enhanced reflexes and hunting capabilities." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_feral_impulse_Description" "Increases the damage and attack speed of Lycan and all units under his control." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_feral_impulse_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_feral_impulse_bonus_attack_speed" "BONUS ATTACK SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_feral_impulse_bonus_damage" "%BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_shapeshift" "Shapeshift" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_shapeshift_Lore" "Forever a slave to his lycanthropy, Banehallow has come to accept his curse, and embrace his own savagery." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_shapeshift_Description" "Lycan assumes his lupine form, granting him critical strikes and added vision at night. During Shapeshift, Lycan and all units under his control move at increased speed and cannot be slowed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_shapeshift_Note0" "Hex doesn't remove Lycan's movement speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_shapeshift_Note1" "Lycan has a smaller collision size in this state." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_shapeshift_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_shapeshift_speed" "SHAPESHIFT MOVE SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_shapeshift_bonus_night_vision" "BONUS NIGHT VISION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_shapeshift_crit_chance" "%CRITICAL CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_shapeshift_crit_damage" "%CRITICAL DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_shapeshift_transformation_time" "TRANSFORM TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_summon_wolves_critical_strike" "Critical Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_summon_wolves_critical_strike_Description" "Gives a chance to deal bonus damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_summon_wolves_critical_strike_crit_chance" "%CRITICAL CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_summon_wolves_critical_strike_crit_damage" "%CRITICAL DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_summon_wolves_invisibility" "Invisibility" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lycan_summon_wolves_invisibility_Description" "Permanently invisible when not attacking." "npc_dota_hero_lycan_bio" "Banehallow was noble-born to the house of Ambry, the greatest of the landed castes in the old kingdom of Slom. Before the Fall, as the King's wants grew strange, and his court grew crowded with sorcerers and charlatans, the house of Ambry was the first to rise against the avarice of the throne. No longer willing to pay homage and fealty, they instead sent six-thousand swords into the capital, where they were wiped out in the Massacre of the Apostates. And then came the teeth behind the old truth: When you strike a king's neck, you had better take his head. Enraged by the betrayal, the king exterminated the vast Ambry bloodline, sparing only the lord of the house and his youngest son, Banehallow. Before all the royal court, with the disgraced lord chained to the ornate marble floor, the King bade his magicians transform the boy into a wolf so that he might tear out his own father's throat. \"Do this,\" the king said, \"so that Lord Ambry will understand the bite of betrayal.\" Powerful magic was invoked, and the child was transformed. But though his body was changed, his spirit remained intact, and instead of biting the exposed neck of his father, he attacked his handlers, tearing them to pieces. A dozen of the King's knights perished under the wolf's teeth before they managed to drive it off into the night. Lord Ambry laughed from his chains even as the King ran him through with a sword. Now the heir to the lost house of Ambry, Banehallow wanders the trail as the Lycan, part warrior, part wolf, in search of justice for all that he lost." // LONE DRUID "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_spirit_bear" "Summon Spirit Bear" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_spirit_bear_Lore" "Sylla's lifelong companion is symbiotic with his spirit and heart, coming to aid him in any time of need." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_spirit_bear_Description" "Summons a powerful Spirit Bear companion that can equip items. If the bear moves 1100 distance away from the Lone Druid, it cannot attack. Lone Druid suffers %backlash_damage%%% of his max health as backlash damage if the Spirit Bear dies. As the bear increases in levels, it can learn the Return, Entangling Claws, and Demolish abilities. Spirit Bear does not benefit from attributes.\n\nUpgradable with Aghanim's Scepter, allowing Spirit Bear to attack at any range from Lone Druid, and to survive if Lone Druid dies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_spirit_bear_Note0" "Most spells interact with the Spirit Bear in the same way as they do with heroes." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_spirit_bear_Note1" "You can't resummon the bear if it has taken damage in the past 3 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_spirit_bear_Note2" "Using Hand of Midas from Spirit Bear grants the earned XP to Lone Druid." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_spirit_bear_bear_hp" "BEAR HP:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_spirit_bear_bear_regen_tooltip" "BEAR HP REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_spirit_bear_bear_armor" "BEAR ARMOR:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_spirit_bear_bear_bat" "BEAR BASE ATTACK TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_spirit_bear_backlash_damage" "%BACKLASH PURE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_spirit_bear_return" "Return" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_spirit_bear_return_Description" "Immediately teleports the Spirit Bear back to the Lone Druid. The Spirit Bear cannot teleport if it has taken damage from a player unit in the last 3 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_spirit_bear_entangle" "Entangling Claws" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_spirit_bear_entangle_Description" "Attacks have a chance to cause roots to burst from the ground, immobilizing the attacked enemy unit, and dealing damage per second." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_spirit_bear_entangle_Note0" "Entangled units can't use Blink abilities, and are revealed if they are invisible." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_spirit_bear_entangle_entangle_chance" "%ENTANGLE CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_spirit_bear_entangle_hero_duration" "HERO DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_spirit_bear_entangle_creep_duration" "CREEP DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_spirit_bear_demolish" "Demolish" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_spirit_bear_demolish_Description" "Increases the power of the Spirit Bear, causing it to deal more damage to buildings and have additional spell resistance." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_spirit_bear_demolish_bonus_building_damage""%BONUS BUILDING DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_spirit_bear_demolish_spell_resistance" "%SPELL RESISTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_rabid" "Rabid" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_rabid_Lore" "Bears are not commonly seen as being agile creatures, but can actually move rather quickly, especially when enraged." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_rabid_Description" "Increases the attack and movement speed of Lone Druid and the Spirit Bear." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_rabid_bonus_attack_speed" "ATTACK SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_rabid_bonus_move_speed" "%MOVEMENT SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_rabid_rabid_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_synergy" "Synergy" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_synergy_Lore" "Sylla studies and masters the arts of the lost Bear Clan, enhancing his attunement with the wild." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_synergy_Description" "Increases the Lone Druid's synergy with his Spirit Bear and himself, upgrading attributes and abilities." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_synergy_bear_bonus_damage" "BEAR BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_synergy_bear_bonus_speed" "BEAR BONUS SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_synergy_rabid_duration_bonus" "RABID DURATION BONUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_synergy_true_form_hp_bonus" "TRUE FORM BONUS HP:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_true_form" "True Form" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_true_form_Lore" "The mighty bear is the king of the forest, possessing the throne through raw power." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_true_form_Description" "Lone Druid learns to morph himself into a raging bear, losing his ranged advantage and some base movement speed, but gaining melee power as well as the Battle Cry ability. He can morph freely between druid and bear form.\n\nUpgradable with Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_true_form_aghanim_description" "Allows Spirit Bear to attack at any range from Lone Druid, and to survive if Lone Druid dies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_true_form_Note0" "You can dodge stuns during the 2 second duration of transforming." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_true_form_Note1" "Manta Style's cooldown time will be based on whether Lone Druid was in his ranged or melee form when the item was used." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_true_form_base_attack_time" "BASE ATTACK TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_true_form_bonus_armor" "BONUS ARMOR:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_true_form_bonus_hp" "BONUS HP:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_true_form_speed_loss" "BASE SPEED LOSS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_true_form_transformation_time" "TRANSFORM TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_true_form_druid" "Druid Form" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_true_form_druid_Description" "Return to Druid form.\n\nUpgradable with Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_true_form_druid_aghanim_description" "Allows Spirit Bear to attack at any range from Lone Druid, and to survive if Lone Druid dies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_true_form_battle_cry" "Battle Cry" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_true_form_battle_cry_Lore" "When Sylla cries in the forest, the reverberations are felt for a great distance." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_true_form_battle_cry_Description" "Adds attack damage and armor to the Lone Druid as well as any nearby units under his control." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_true_form_battle_cry_bonus_damage" "BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_true_form_battle_cry_bonus_armor" "BONUS ARMOR:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_true_form_battle_cry_cry_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_lone_druid_true_form_battle_cry_range" "RADIUS:" "npc_dota_hero_lone_druid_bio" "Long before the first words of the first histories there rose the druidic Bear Clan. Wise and just they were, and focused in their ways to seek an understanding of the natural order. The arch forces of nature saw this, and so sought the most learned among them. Wise old Sylla, clan justiciar and seer, stepped forward for his kin, and to him was given the Seed with these words: 'When all of the world has dimmed, when civilization has left these lands, when the world is slain and wracked by the endless deserts at the end of ages, plant the Seed.' As he grasped his trust, Sylla felt his years recede and his vitality returned. Vast knowledge burst into his mind. He found himself able to project his very will into reality and, with some concentration, alter his own physical form as well. Yet subtle whispers and cruel ears brought word of the Seed and its power to other peoples, and a terrible war crashed upon the Bear Clan. As his ancestral home burned, Sylla took his burden and fled to the wild places. Ages passed, and time and myth forgot the Bear Clan, forgot Sylla and the Seed, forgot wondrous civilizations that rose and fell in Bear Clan's wake. For millenia Sylla has waited, waited for word from his deities, waited for peace to come to the ever warring realms, waited in exile and in secret for the end of all things and for the conclusion of his sacred commitment, preparing himself always to face and destroy whatever would dare threaten his purpose." //BREWMASTER "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_thunder_clap" "Thunder Clap" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_thunder_clap_Lore" "A slam of Mangix' mighty keg starts the festivities." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_thunder_clap_Description" "Slams the ground, dealing damage and slowing the movement speed and attack rate of nearby enemy land units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_thunder_clap_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_thunder_clap_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_thunder_clap_movement_slow" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_thunder_clap_attack_speed_slow" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_thunder_clap_duration" "HERO DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_thunder_clap_duration_creeps" "CREEP DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_drunken_haze" "Drunken Haze" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_drunken_haze_Lore" "The Order of the Oyo's solution to all problems - another round!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_drunken_haze_Description" "Drenches a small area in alcohol, causing their movement speed to be reduced, and causing their attacks to have a chance to miss." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_drunken_haze_Note0" "Drunken Haze cannot be disjointed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_drunken_haze_duration" "HERO DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_drunken_haze_duration_creeps" "CREEP DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_drunken_haze_movement_slow" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_drunken_haze_miss_chance" "%MISS CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_drunken_haze_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_drunken_brawler" "Drunken Brawler" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_drunken_brawler_Lore" "When Mangix won his title as the Brewmaster of the Order of Oyo, he also claimed his place in the mastery of inebriation." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_drunken_brawler_Description" "Gives a chance to avoid attacks and to deal critical damage. Drunken Brawler will always trigger if you have not attacked, or have not been attacked, in the last several seconds.\n\nStacks diminishingly with other sources of Evasion." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_drunken_brawler_Note0" "The guaranteed critical attack and guaranteed dodge chance are on separate timers." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_drunken_brawler_dodge_chance" "%DODGE CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_drunken_brawler_crit_chance" "%CRIT CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_drunken_brawler_crit_multiplier" "%CRIT DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_drunken_brawler_last_proc" "CERTAIN TRIGGER TIMER:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_primal_split" "Primal Split" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_primal_split_Lore" "It isn't clear whether Mangix is consciously aware of his potent bond with nature, as it often occurs in the midst of a drunken stupor." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_primal_split_Description" "Splits Brewmaster into elements, forming 3 specialized warriors, adept at survival. If any of them survive until the end of their summoned timer, the Brewmaster is reborn.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_primal_split_Note0" "The Earth Element will carry all auras that the Brewmaster has, as well as True Sight." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_primal_split_Note1" "The Fire Element has phased movement." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_primal_split_Note2" "When the spell ends, Brewmaster will take the place of an element in this order, assuming they are alive: Earth, Storm, Fire." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_primal_split_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_primal_split_aghanim_description" "Earth gains Thunder Clap, Storm gains Drunken Haze and Fire gains Drunken Brawler." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_resistant_skin" "Resistant Skin" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_resistant_skin_Lore" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_resistant_skin_Description" "Protects against damaging damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_earth_hurl_boulder" "Hurl Boulder" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_earth_hurl_boulder_Lore" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_earth_hurl_boulder_Description" "Throws a boulder at a unit, doing damage and stunning it." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_earth_hurl_boulder_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_earth_hurl_boulder_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_earth_spell_immunity" "Spell Immunity" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_earth_spell_immunity_Lore" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_earth_spell_immunity_Description" "Immune to spells." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_earth_pulverize" "Pulverize" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_earth_pulverize_Lore" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_earth_pulverize_Description" "Provides a chance to do damage in a small radius." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_earth_pulverize_damage_inner" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_earth_pulverize_radius_inner" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_earth_pulverize_chance" "%CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_storm_dispel_magic" "Dispel Magic" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_storm_dispel_magic_Lore" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_storm_dispel_magic_Description" "Damages summoned units in a small radius and purges most buffs or debuffs." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_storm_dispel_magic_damage" "DAMAGE TO SUMMONS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_storm_dispel_magic_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_storm_cyclone" "Cyclone" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_storm_cyclone_Lore" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_storm_cyclone_Description" "Encloses a unit in a tornado, removing it from the battlefield." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_storm_cyclone_duration_hero" "HERO DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_storm_cyclone_duration_unit" "NON-HERO DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_storm_wind_walk" "Wind Walk" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_storm_wind_walk_Lore" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_storm_wind_walk_Description" "Provides temporary invisibility. Bonus movement speed and attack damage when invisible." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_storm_wind_walk_bonus_damage" "BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_storm_wind_walk_bonus_movement_speeed" "BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_storm_wind_walk_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_fire_permanent_immolation" "Permanent Immolation" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_fire_permanent_immolation_Lore" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_fire_permanent_immolation_Description" "Burns nearby enemy units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_fire_permanent_immolation_damage" "DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_brewmaster_fire_permanent_immolation_radius" "RADIUS:" "npc_dota_hero_brewmaster_bio" "Deep in the Wailing Mountains, in a valley beneath the Ruined City, the ancient Order of the Oyo has for centuries practiced its rites of holy reverie, communing with the spirit realm in grand festivals of drink. Born to a mother's flesh by a Celestial father, the youth known as Mangix was the first to grow up with the talents of both lineages. He trained with the greatest aesthetes of the Order, eventually earning, through diligent drunkenness, the right to challenge for the title of Brewmaster, that appellation most honored among the contemplative malt-brewing sect. As much drinking competition as mortal combat, Mangix for nine days drank and fought the elder master. For nine nights they stumbled and whirled, chugged and struck, until at last the elder warrior collapsed into a drunken stupor, and a new Brewmaster was named. Now the new, young Brewmaster calls upon the strength of his Oyo forebears to speed his staff. When using magic, it is to his spirit ancestors that he turns. Like all Brewmasters before him, he was sent out from his people with a single mission. He wanders the land, striving toward enlightenment through drink, searching for the answer to the ancient spiritual schism. Hoping to think the single thought that will unite the spirit and physical planes again." //SHADOW DEMON "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_disruption" "Disruption" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_disruption_Description" "Banishes the targeted unit from the battlefield for a short duration. Upon returning, two illusions of the banished unit are created under Shadow Demon's control." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_disruption_Lore" "The pain of deception comes not while it happens, but when it is revealed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_disruption_disruption_duration" "BANISH DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_disruption_illusion_duration" "ILLUSION DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_disruption_illusion_outgoing_tooltip" "%ILLUSION DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_disruption_tooltip_total_illusion_incoming_damage" "%ILLUSION DAMAGE TAKEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_soul_catcher" "Soul Catcher" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_soul_catcher_Description" "Curses a random enemy in an area to take increased damage. Units under the effect of Disruption can still be affected by Soul Catcher." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_soul_catcher_Lore" "Trying to resist the Shadow Demon's corruption is mostly a useless endeavor." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_soul_catcher_bonus_damage_taken" "%BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_soul_catcher_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_soul_catcher_tooltip_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_shadow_poison" "Shadow Poison" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_shadow_poison_Description" "Deals damage in a line, and afflicts enemy units with a poison effect. The poison deals 1/2/4/8/16 times the stack damage based on the number of stacks on the target, up to 5 stacks. Additional stacks cause 50 damage each. This deferred damage is dealt when Shadow Poison's duration is expired, or the Release sub-ability is used." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_shadow_poison_Lore" "The ever growing influence of the Shadow Demon can pollute the most valiant and pure of heroes." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_shadow_poison_Note0" "Shadow Poison can affect units under Disruption." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_shadow_poison_stack_damage" "STACK DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_shadow_poison_tooltip_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_shadow_poison_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_shadow_poison_max_multiply_stacks" "MAX STACKS TO MULTIPLY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_shadow_poison_release" "Shadow Poison Release" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_shadow_poison_release_Description" "Releases the poison to do damage on all affected enemies. Units under the effect of Disruption can still be affected by Shadow Poison." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_demonic_purge" "Demonic Purge" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_demonic_purge_Description" "Purges the target enemy unit, removing positive buffs, and slowing the target for the duration. The unit slowly regains its speed until the end of the duration, upon which damage is dealt. Units under the effect of Disruption can still be affected by Demonic Purge.\n\nUpgradable with Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_demonic_purge_Lore" "Once Shadow Demon no longer has any need for his collected cultist, he releases it from its subservience - and its life." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_demonic_purge_Note0" "Demonic Purge will slow Spell Immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_demonic_purge_tooltip_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_demonic_purge_charge_restore_time_tooltip_scepter" "SCEPTER CHARGE RESTORE TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shadow_demon_demonic_purge_aghanim_description" "Cooldown is removed, replaced with 3 charges that replenish every 40 seconds. Also causes Demonic Purge to break its target's passive abilities while active." "npc_dota_hero_shadow_demon_bio" "Among the sovereign Demons with explicit access to this world, Doom scarcely bothers with the affairs of Noninfernals and Lesser Spectral Consorts, while Shadow Fiend passes through almost exclusively on collecting expeditions. The Shadow Demon, however, has always taken a deep and abiding interest in the material plane, as if sensing that mastery of this gritty dimensional nexus might be the key to total domination of all realities. Summoned first by minor wizards, the Shadow Demon granted every wish and put on increasingly impressive displays of power until he had the full attention of the greatest demonologists, and through them the various lords, tyrants, autarchs and heirophants who depended on sorcery to buttress their mundane power. So great was his deception that all his summoners considered themselves the master and Shadow Demon the servant; meanwhile, he eroded their identities and made their minds his own. In the end, most members of the cult were hollow puppets, extensions of his evil will. What Shadow Demon's next step would have been remains open to speculation, for around this time, Nevermore the Shadow Fiend bit into a particularly nasty-tasting soul and discovered that it held nothing but a foul nougat of Shadow Demon's essence. Alerted that a coup was underway, and that the ancient equilibrium of the Umbral Pact was about to be destabilized, Doom and Shadow Fiend briefly joined forces to destroy the burgeoning cult. Combining spells of incredible force, they undid Shadow Demon's centuries of patient work, reducing his cult to smithereens--and all its members to a bloody splatter. Nothing remained except a tiny speck of demon shadow. Immortal and irreducible, this mote of evil was enough to seed the Shadow Demon's next scheme, and in fits and starts, over further centuries, he began to regroup. Whatever that speck of shadow touched, it tainted, and its influence gradually grew. A chaos of damaged parts pulled together, reknit, and combined to give Shadow Demon a form even stronger than his former. He is all but complete now, and his plan for infinite dominion lacks all of its former weaknesses. It would seem that such a being of pure malice and malevolence, a threat to all creation, would be forever out of place in our world...yet Shadow Demon does not lack for followers. " //CHAOS KNIGHT "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_chaos_bolt" "Chaos Bolt" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_chaos_bolt_Description" "Throws a mysterious bolt of energy at the target unit. It stuns for a random duration and deals random damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_chaos_bolt_Lore" "Even Chaos Knight cannot predict this manifest of unholy energy." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_chaos_bolt_stun_min" "MINIMUM STUN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_chaos_bolt_stun_max" "MAXIMUM STUN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_chaos_bolt_damage_min" "MINIMUM DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_chaos_bolt_damage_max" "MAXIMUM DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_chaos_bolt_Note0" "The stun duration and damage values dealt are inversely related." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_reality_rift" "Reality Rift" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_reality_rift_Description" "Teleports you, any images you have and the target unit to a random point along the line between the two of you. Gives you bonus attack damage for one attack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_reality_rift_Lore" "Armageddon rides between the planes, bringing Chaos Knight to his victim wherever he may hide." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_reality_rift_Note0" "Chaos Knight and the target unit are made to face each other, and Chaos Knight and his phantasms are issued an attack order against the target." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_reality_rift_bonus_damage" "BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_reality_rift_bonus_duration" "BONUS DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_reality_rift_cast_range" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_chaos_strike" "Chaos Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_chaos_strike_Description" "Chaos Knight's mojo gives him a chance to deal bonus damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_chaos_strike_Lore" "Chaos Knight's unwieldy power bludgeons those who stand before him, crushing the thickest of armors." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_chaos_strike_crit_chance" "%CRITICAL CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_chaos_strike_crit_damage" "%CRITICAL DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_phantasm" "Phantasm" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_phantasm_Description" "Summons several phantasmal copies of the Chaos Knight from alternate dimensions. There is a 50%% chance an extra phantasm will be summoned. The phantasms deal full damage, but take double damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_phantasm_Lore" "Drawing on his battles fought across many worlds and many times, phantasms of the Chaos Knight rise up to quell all who oppose him." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_phantasm_Note0" "Removes most negative buffs from Chaos Knight." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_phantasm_Note1" "Chaos Knight is invulnerable for 0.5 seconds when casting, allowing him to dodge stuns and damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_phantasm_images_count" "NUMBER OF PHANTASMS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_phantasm_extra_phantasm_chance_pct_tooltip" "%EXTRA PHANTASM CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_phantasm_illusion_duration" "PHANTASM DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_phantasm_incoming_damage_tooltip" "%PHANTASM DAMAGE TAKEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_phantasm_outgoing_damage_tooltip" "%PHANTASM DAMAGE:" "npc_dota_hero_chaos_knight_bio" "The veteran of countless battles on a thousand worlds, Chaos Knight hails from a far upstream plane where the fundamental laws of the universe have found sentient expression. Of all the ancient Fundamentals, he is the oldest and most tireless, endlessly searching out a being he knows only as \"The Light.\" Long ago the Light ventured out from the progenitor realm, in defiance of the first covenant. Now Chaos Knight shifts from plane to plane, always on the hunt to extinguish the Light wherever he finds it. A thousand times he has snuffed out the source, and always he slides into another plane to continue his search anew. Upon his steed Armageddon he rides, wading into battle with maniacal frenzy, drawing strength from the disorder of the universe. A physical manifestation of chaos itself, in times of need he calls upon other versions of himself from other planes, and together these dark horsemen ride into battle, as unstoppable as any force of nature. Only when the last Light of the world is scoured from existence will the search be ended. Where rides the Chaos Knight, death soon follows." //OGRE MAGI "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_fireblast" "Fireblast" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_fireblast_Description" "Blasts an enemy unit with a wave of fire, dealing damage and stunning the target." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_fireblast_Lore" "The Ogre Magi is easily amused, entertained for hours by playing with fire." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_fireblast_Note0" "When Multicast, Fireblast hits the same target each time with a 0.3 seconds interval." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_fireblast_Note1" "Mana cost is increased by 20 / 40 / 60 when learning Multi Cast." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_fireblast_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_unrefined_fireblast" "Unrefined Fireblast" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_unrefined_fireblast_Description" "Blasts an enemy unit with a wave of fire, dealing damage and stunning the target. Its mana cost is 60%% of the hero's current mana." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_unrefined_fireblast_Lore" "The 'who-casts-spell-first' argument between himself is solved simply by both casting at once." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_unrefined_fireblast_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_ignite" "Ignite" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_ignite_Description" "Drenches a target in volatile chemicals, causing it to burst into flames. The target is in immense pain, taking damage and moving more slowly." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_ignite_Lore" "Batter up!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_ignite_Note0" "Multicast makes this spell have an area of effect (150/300/450 based on Multicast level)." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_ignite_Note1" "Multicast makes this spell have 150 additional cast range for every Multicast level." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_ignite_Note2" "Multicast makes this spell have a chance to cast multiple times at random enemy units with 1400 area of effect." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_ignite_burn_damage" "BURN DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_ignite_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_ignite_slow_movement_speed_pct" "%SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_bloodlust" "Bloodlust" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_bloodlust_Description" "Incites a frenzy in a friendly unit, increasing its movement speed and attack speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_bloodlust_Lore" "'Running's not as fun as hitting... Not one bit fun.'" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_bloodlust_Note0" "When multicast, nearby allies will be selected randomly in an 575 area of effect to receive Bloodlust." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_bloodlust_Note1" "Can affect siege units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_bloodlust_Note2" "Can be cast on Spell Immune allies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_bloodlust_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_bloodlust_bonus_attack_speed" "ATTACK SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_bloodlust_bonus_movement_speed" "%MOVE SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_multicast" "Multicast" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_multicast_Description" "Enables the Ogre Magi to rapidly cast his spells, giving them greater potency. Gives a chance to cast a spell multiple times in one cast. Increases Fireblast's mana cost and decreases its cooldown, adds an area of effect to Ignite and reduces Bloodlust's cooldown and gives it a chance to cast on random allies around Ogre Magi.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_multicast_Lore" "Despite being largely incapacitated by his IQ, the Ogre Magi's success in battle is attributed to pure skill." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_multicast_multicast_2_times_tooltip" "%2X CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_multicast_multicast_3_times_tooltip" "%3X CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_multicast_multicast_4_times_tooltip" "%4X CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_multicast_fireblast_mana_cost" "FIREBLAST MANA INCREASE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_multicast_fireblast_cooldown" "FIREBLAST COOLDOWN REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_multicast_ignite_aoe" "IGNITE RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_multicast_ignite_cast_range" "IGNITE CAST RANGE INCREASE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_multicast_bloodlust_aoe" "BLOODLUST RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_multicast_bloodlust_cooldown" "BLOODLUST COOLDOWN REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_multicast_aghanim_description" "Adds the Unrefined Fireblast ability." "npc_dota_hero_ogre_magi_bio" "The ordinary ogre is the creature for whom the phrase 'As dumb as a bag of rock hammers' was coined. In his natural state, an ogre is supremely incapable of doing or deciding anything. Clothed in dirt, he sometimes finds himself accidentally draped in animal skins after eating lanekill. Not an especially social creature, he is most often found affectionately consorting with the boulders or tree-stumps he has mistaken for kin (a factor that may explain the ogre's low rate of reproduction). However, once every generation or so, the ogre race is blessed with the birth of a two-headed Ogre Magi, who is immediately given the traditional name of Aggron Stonebreak, the name of the first and perhaps only wise ogre in their line's history. With two heads, Ogre Magi finds it possible to function at a level most other creatures manage with one. And while the Ogre Magi will win no debates (even with itself), it is graced with a divine quality known as Dumb Luck--a propensity for serendipitous strokes of fortune which have allowed the ogre race to flourish in spite of enemies, harsh weather, and an inability to feed itself. It's as if the Goddess of Luck, filled with pity for the sadly inept species, has taken Ogre Magi under her wing. And who could blame her? Poor things." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ogre_magi_bloodlust" "Bloodlust" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ogre_magi_bloodlust_description" "Movement speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and attack speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT_SECONDARY%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ogre_magi_ignite" "Ignite" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ogre_magi_ignite_description" "You are on fire! Taking periodic damage and slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." //TREANT PROTECTOR "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_natures_guise" "Nature's Guise" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_natures_guise_Description" "Causes the targeted unit to blend in with the forest, becoming invisible to enemies and gaining a movement speed bonus when near a tree. If the unit moves away from a tree or the spell is cast on a unit with no nearby trees, Nature's Guise is lost. Treant Protector can cast spells and remain invisible under Nature's Guise." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_natures_guise_Lore" "The Protectors don't often come into vision; their natural state being nestled within their leafy brethren." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_natures_guise_Note0" "If cast on a unit that isn't near a tree, it will lose the invisibility almost instantly." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_natures_guise_Note1" "Nature's Guise checks in 1 second intervals for nearby trees, removing invisibility if none are found." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_natures_guise_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_natures_guise_fade_time" "FADE TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_natures_guise_radius" "TREE RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_natures_guise_bonus_move_speed" "%MOVEMENT SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_leech_seed" "Leech Seed" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_leech_seed_Description" "Treant plants a life-sapping seed in an enemy unit, draining its health, while simultaneously slowing it. The seed heals friendly units around it. Pulses 6 times." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_leech_seed_Lore" "Rooftrellen nurtures the beings under his stewardship, sustained by the lifeforce of trespassers into his sacred ground." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_leech_seed_leech_damage" "DAMAGE PER PULSE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_leech_seed_movement_slow" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_leech_seed_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_leech_seed_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_living_armor" "Living Armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_living_armor_Description" "Infuses the target hero or structure with a protective coating which grants bonus regeneration. Also blocks some damage from all sources . Dispels when a number of damage instances are taken." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_living_armor_Lore" "The roots and tendrils of the Treant Protectors are far-reaching, stimulating the growth and rejuvenation of all of nature." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_living_armor_Note0" "Can be cast through the minimap." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_living_armor_damage_count" "DAMAGE INSTANCES:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_living_armor_health_regen" "REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_living_armor_damage_block" "BLOCK:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_living_armor_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_overgrowth" "Overgrowth" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_overgrowth_Description" "Summons an overgrowth of vines and branches around Treant that prevent afflicted enemies from moving, blinking, going invisible, or attacking.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_overgrowth_Lore" "Rooftrellen calls the ancestral spirit of nature, releasing its power through all of his kin." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_overgrowth_Note0" "Works on Spell Immune units, but if units gain spell immunity after the effect starts, they'll break free." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_overgrowth_Note1" "Being entangled by Overgrowth through enchanted trees from Eyes of the Forest does damage. Being entangled by Overgrowth directly from Treant Protector does not." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_overgrowth_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_overgrowth_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_overgrowth_aghanim_description" "Adds the Eyes in the Forest ability: allows Treant Protector to enchant trees to grant him vision in that location. If Overgrowth is cast, units within a 700 radius of an enchanted tree will be entangled and damaged." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_eyes_in_the_forest" "Eyes In The Forest" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_eyes_in_the_forest_Description" "Treant Protector enchants a tree, which grants him unobstructed vision in that location. If Overgrowth is cast, units within a %overgrowth_aoe% radius of an enchanted tree will be entangled and damaged." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_eyes_in_the_forest_vision_aoe" "TREE VISION RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_eyes_in_the_forest_overgrowth_aoe" "OVERGROWTH RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_eyes_in_the_forest_damage" "OVERGROWTH DAMAGE PER SEC:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_eyes_in_the_forest_Note0" "Being entangled by Overgrowth through enchanted trees from Eyes of the Forest does damage. Being entangled by Overgrowth directly from Treant Protector does not." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_eyes_in_the_forest_Note1" "If the enemy has True Sight, they will be able to see which trees are enchanted." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_treant_eyes_in_the_forest_Lore" "One can never be too certain who, or what, might need protecting." "npc_dota_hero_treant_bio" "Far to the west, in the mountains beyond the Vale of Augury, lie the remains of an ancient power, a fount of eldritch energy nestled deep in the high woods. It is said that the things that grow here, grow strangely. To the forces of nature this is a sacred place, made to stay hidden and unknown. Many are the traps and dangers of this land. There are all-consuming grasses, crossbred fauna and poisonous flowers, but none are so fierce as the mighty Treant Protectors. These ageless, titanic beings, charged with keeping the peace in this dangerous land, ensure that none within encroach without reason, and none without poach their secrets. For time untold they tended to their holy ground, uninterrupted, only dimly aware of the changing world beyond. Yet inevitably the wider world grew aware of this untamed land, and with each passing winter the outsiders grew bolder. Soon they arrived with tools to cut and with flames to burn, and often the Treants would ponder: who are these fragile, industrious creatures? What now had become of the wild, green world? There came and went an age of questions and of doubts, a thousand summers of long traditions set to scrutiny, while more and more the outsiders died and fed their earth. When all that bloomed had finally finished their say, curiosity had overcome caution. It was decided: a lone Protector would be sent into the wider world, and instructed to wander until the glaciers arose once more, to observe the changing land and its creatures, and to discover what unknown dangers could threaten their sacred ground." //MEEPO "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_meepo_earthbind" "Earthbind" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_meepo_earthbind_Description" "Tosses a net at the target point, pinning down all enemy units. Earthbind prevents invisibility, blink, and interrupts channeling." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_meepo_earthbind_Lore" "Catching dinner in the Riftshadow Ruins can be quite the task." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_meepo_earthbind_Note0" "While preventing units from going invisible, Earthbind won't hit units that are already invisible." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_meepo_earthbind_Note1" "Does not work on Spell Immune units or Roshan." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_meepo_earthbind_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_meepo_earthbind_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_meepo_earthbind_tooltip_range" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_meepo_poof" "Poof" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_meepo_poof_Description" "Drawing mystical energies from the earth, a Meepo can teleport to another Meepo or itself after channeling for 1.5 seconds, dealing damage in both the departure and arrival locations." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_meepo_poof_Lore" "Sometimes breaking one of the Riftshadow Crystals can be just the trick for getting yourself out of a bind. Or your other self." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_meepo_poof_Note0" "Can be cast through the minimap." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_meepo_poof_Note1" "Can teleport to Meepo illusions." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_meepo_poof_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_meepo_geostrike" "Geostrike" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_meepo_geostrike_Description" "Meepo enchants his weapon to deal damage per second, as well as slow the movement speed of the attacked unit. Geostrikes from multiple Meepos stack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_meepo_geostrike_Lore" "Keeping your pack light and having few but versatile tools is the best bet for survival." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_meepo_geostrike_Note0" "Slows Spell Immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_meepo_geostrike_duration_tooltip" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_meepo_geostrike_slow" "%MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_meepo_divided_we_stand" "Divided We Stand" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_meepo_divided_we_stand_Description" "Meepo summons an imperfect, semi-autonomous duplicate of himself, which can gain gold and experience as he does and shares his experience and abilities. However, the clones cannot wield any items but the boots that Meepo himself wears. If any of the clones die, they all die.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_meepo_divided_we_stand_Lore" "Do I know you?" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_meepo_divided_we_stand_Note0" "Clones can't use Arcane Boots or pick up runes." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_meepo_divided_we_stand_tooltip_clones" "NUMBER OF MEEPOES:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_meepo_divided_we_stand_aghanim_description" "Adds an extra Meepo, and increases the shared attribute percentage." "npc_dota_hero_meepo_bio" "\"If you ask me, life is all about who you know and what you can find. When you live up in the Riftshadow Ruins, just finding food can be tough. So you need to cut corners, you need to scrounge, you need to know your strengths. Some of the beasts up there can kill you, so you need a way to trap the weak and duck the strong. On the upside, the ruins have history, and history is worth a lot to some people. There used to be a palace there, where they had all these dark rituals. Bad stuff. If you survived the ceremony, they would shatter a crystal and split your soul into pieces. They made great art though! Sculptures and such. Let me tell you: sometimes you stumble onto some of those old carvings. Take a pack full of those to town and sell them, then get yourself food for a few weeks. If luck is really on your side, you might find a Riftshadow crystal. Get it appraised and start asking around. Someone always knows some crazy fool looking for this kind of thing. If all else fails, sell it to a Magus the next time one's in town. They love that stuff. Still, whatever you do, be careful handling those crystals. You do not want one to go off on you. It really hurts.\"" "DOTA_Meepo_Error_CanOnlyTargetMeepo" "Invalid Poof target" //VISAGE "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_grave_chill" "Grave Chill" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_grave_chill_Description" "Visage drains the movement and attack speed of the targeted unit, gaining it for itself." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_grave_chill_Lore" "The warmth of the sun is never felt in the dark cold of the Narrow Maze." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_grave_chill_Note0" "The two buffs can be removed separately by purge." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_grave_chill_Note1" "The speed gained is independent of the speed lost on the target." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_grave_chill_movespeed_bonus" "%MOVE SPEED DRAIN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_grave_chill_attackspeed_bonus" "ATTACK SPEED DRAIN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_grave_chill_chill_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_soul_assumption" "Soul Assumption" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_soul_assumption_Description" "Visage gathers charges of soul essence each time nearby heroes take more than %damage_limit% damage. When the essence is released, it deals base damage as well as damage for each gathered soul charge." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_soul_assumption_Lore" "The collected souls of the dead reach out to bring another into their fold." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_soul_assumption_Note0" "Charges are only gained for damage greater than 2 and less than 3000 that is dealt by a player or Roshan. Self-damage or Soul Assumption damage isn't counted." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_soul_assumption_Note1" "Soul Assumption cannot be disjointed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_soul_assumption_soul_base_damage" "BASE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_soul_assumption_soul_charge_damage" "DAMAGE PER CHARGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_soul_assumption_stack_limit" "MAX CHARGES:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_soul_assumption_stack_duration" "CHARGE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_soul_assumption_damage_limit" "GATHER DAMAGE THRESHOLD:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_soul_assumption_radius" "GATHER DAMAGE RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_gravekeepers_cloak" "Gravekeeper's Cloak" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_gravekeepers_cloak_Description" "Visage generates a layered barrier that protects him from physical and magical attacks. If he receives damage from a player, one layer is removed, and takes time to recover." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_gravekeepers_cloak_Lore" "Visage's tough scales share equal properties of ghost and stone, making it nearly impervious to blade and magical assault." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_gravekeepers_cloak_Note0" "Each time Visage receives damage greater than 2 that was not self-inflicted and was from a player owned source, a layer is removed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_gravekeepers_cloak_bonus_armor" "ARMOR PER LAYER:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_gravekeepers_cloak_bonus_resist" "%RESIST PER LAYER:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_gravekeepers_cloak_max_layers" "MAX LAYERS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_gravekeepers_cloak_recovery_time" "LAYER RECOVERY TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_summon_familiars" "Summon Familiars" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_summon_familiars_Description" "Conjures up two blind Familiars to fight for Visage. Familiars have high attack power, but each attack drains a charge of damage that recharges slowly over time. Familiars possess the Stone Form ability, that allows them to turn into stone, stunning enemies upon landing. While in Stone Form, Familiars are invulnerable, and rapidly regenerate their health and damage. Familiars grant high bounty when killed.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_summon_familiars_Lore" "Guardians of the Narrow Maze, Necro'lic's Familiars stand watch over his domain." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_summon_familiars_Note0" "Casting Summon Familiars will replace any existing Familiars." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_summon_familiars_Note1" "Each Familiar starts with 7 damage charges. Familiars are Spell Immune." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_summon_familiars_familiar_attacks_to_destroy_tooltip" "FAMILIAR ATTACKS TO DESTROY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_summon_familiars_familiar_armor" "FAMILIAR ARMOR:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_summon_familiars_familiar_speed" "FAMILIAR SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_summon_familiars_familiar_max_damage" "FAMILIAR MAX DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_summon_familiars_damage_recharge_time" "DAMAGE RECHARGE TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_summon_familiars_aghanim_description" "Summons 3 familiars." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_summon_familiars_stone_form" "Stone Form" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_summon_familiars_stone_form_Description" "After a short delay, the Familiar turns into stone and smashes into the ground, stunning and damaging all targets in the area. The Familiar becomes invulnerable, and will regain its damage charges and health very rapidly. After 8 seconds, the Familiar will automatically leave Stone Form." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_summon_familiars_stone_form_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_summon_familiars_stone_form_stun_radius" "STUN RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_summon_familiars_stone_form_stun_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_summon_familiars_stone_form_stone_duration" "STONE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_visage_summon_familiars_stone_form_hp_regen" "BONUS REGEN:" "npc_dota_hero_visage_bio" "Perched atop the entrance to the Narrow Maze sit the looming shapes of sneering gargoyles, the paths into the hereafter forever in their gaze. Beasts and birds, men and monsters, all creatures that die and choose to travel beyond must someday pass beneath their sight. For an untethered spirit, the decision to journey through the veil of death is irrevocable. When chance comes, and by craft or cunning some restless soul escapes their hells and heavens, it is the dreaded gargoyle Visage, the bound form of the eternal spirit Necro'lic, who is dispatched to reclaim them. Ruthless and efficient, unhindered by the principles of death and fatigue, Visage stalks its prey without mercy or end, willingly destroying all which may give shelter to the fugitive essence. That which flaunts the laws of the afterlife may never rest, for while it is true that the dead may be revived, it is only a matter of time before Visage finds and returns them to their proper place." //UNDYING "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_decay" "Decay" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_decay_Description" "Undying steals strength from all enemy heroes in an area, dealing base damage as he claims the enemy's strength for himself." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_decay_Lore" "The strength of the living is simply borrowed from the strength of the dead." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_decay_Note0" "The strength stolen stacks, but can't cause a hero to have strength below 1." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_decay_Note1" "The strength steal takes effect before the damage is dealt." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_decay_Note2" "Affects invisible units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_decay_decay_damage" "BASE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_decay_str_steal" "STRENGTH STEAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_decay_decay_duration" "STEAL DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_decay_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_soul_rip" "Soul Rip" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_soul_rip_Description" "Undying rips health away from all nearby units and uses it to heal an ally, or damage an enemy." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_soul_rip_Lore" "Even allies feel despair in Undying's presence." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_soul_rip_Note0" "Can heal Tombstone, but can't heal or damage other buildings." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_soul_rip_Note1" "Does not rip from invisible units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_soul_rip_damage_per_unit" "DAMAGE/HEAL PER UNIT:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_soul_rip_max_units" "MAX UNITS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_soul_rip_radius" "RIP RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_tombstone" "Tombstone" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_tombstone_Description" "Summons a tombstone at the target point. Zombies will frequently spawn next to every enemy unit in the area around the Tombstone, and attack them. Zombies have the Deathlust ability, which causes their attacks to slow the target, and if the target reaches below a certain amount of health, increases the attack and movement speed of the zombie." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_tombstone_Lore" "Dirge calls on his fallen brothers to fight for the Dead God." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_tombstone_Note0" "Tombstone is Spell Immune, but can be healed by Soul Rip." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_tombstone_Note1" "Zombies and Tombstone are Spell Immune." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_tombstone_Note2" "If their initial target dies or goes out of vision, the Zombie will die." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_tombstone_tooltip_tombstone_health" "TOMBSTONE HEALTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_tombstone_duration" "TOMBSTONE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_tombstone_radius" "ZOMBIE SPAWN RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_tombstone_zombie_interval" "ZOMBIE SPAWN INTERVAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_tombstone_health_threshold" "DEATHLUST FLAT HEALTH THRESHOLD:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_tombstone_health_threshold_pct_tooltip" "%DEATHLUST PCT HEALTH THRESHOLD:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_tombstone_zombie_deathstrike" "Deathlust" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_tombstone_zombie_deathstrike_Description" "Slows enemy units on attack. If the attacked unit's health goes below the threshold, the zombie receives enhanced movement and attack speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_tombstone_zombie_deathstrike_health_threshold" "HEALTH THRESHOLD BY NUMBER:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_tombstone_zombie_deathstrike_health_threshold_pct" "%HEALTH THRESHOLD BY PERCENT:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_tombstone_zombie_deathstrike_duration" "SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_tombstone_zombie_deathstrike_slow" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_tombstone_zombie_deathstrike_bonus_speed" "%BONUS SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_flesh_golem" "Flesh Golem" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_flesh_golem_Description" "Undying transforms into a horrifying flesh golem that possesses a Plague Aura. This aura slows all enemy units within %radius% range and amplifies the damage they take; the closer to Undying, the more damage and slow. When a plagued unit dies, Undying is healed equal to a percentage of his own maximum health.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_flesh_golem_Lore" "The flesh of the recently dead add to the power of Dirge's plague." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_flesh_golem_Note0" "Undying is healed when affected units die in range, regardless of who killed it." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_flesh_golem_Note1" "Dying illusions don't trigger the heal." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_flesh_golem_Note2" "Plague Aura goes through spell immunity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_flesh_golem_Note3" "The minimum damage amplification and move slow from Plague Aura is 1%." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_flesh_golem_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_flesh_golem_max_damage_amp" "%MAX DAMAGE AMP:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_flesh_golem_max_speed_slow" "%MAX MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_flesh_golem_death_heal" "%DEATH HEAL (HEROES):" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_flesh_golem_death_heal_creep" "%DEATH HEAL (CREEPS):" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_flesh_golem_max_damage_amp_scepter" "%SCEPTER MAX DAMAGE AMP:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_flesh_golem_death_heal_scepter" "%SCEPTER DEATH HEAL (HEROES):" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_flesh_golem_death_heal_creep_scepter" "%SCEPTER DEATH HEAL (CREEPS):" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_flesh_golem_speed_slow" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_undying_flesh_golem_aghanim_description" "Increases damage amplification and percent of health healed when a plagued enemy dies." "npc_dota_hero_undying_bio" "How long has it been since he lost his name? The torn ruin of his mind no longer knows. Dimly he recalls armor and banners and grim-faced kin riding at his side. He remembers a battle: pain and fear as pale hands ripped him from his saddle. He remembers terror as they threw him into the yawning pit of the Dead God alongside his brothers, to hear the Dirge and be consumed into nothingness. In the darkness below, time left them. Thought left them. Sanity left them. Hunger, however, did not. They turned on each other with split fingernails and shattered teeth. Then it came: distant at first, a fragile note at the edge of perception, joined by another, then another, inescapable and unending. The chorus grew into a living wall of sound pulsing in his mind until no other thought survived. With the Dirge consuming him, he opened his arms to the Dead God and welcomed his obliteration. Yet destruction was not what he'd been chosen for. The Dead God demanded war. In the belly of the great nothing, he was granted a new purpose: to spread the Dirge across the land, to rally the sleepless dead against the living. He was to become the Undying, the herald of the Dead God, to rise and fall and rise again whenever his body failed him. To trudge on through death unending, that the Dirge might never end." // RUBICK "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_telekinesis" "Telekinesis" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_telekinesis_Description" "Rubick uses his telekinetic powers to lift the enemy into the air briefly and then hurls them back at the ground. The unit lands on the ground with such force that it stuns nearby enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_telekinesis_Lore" "Even the Grandest Magus may use his powers for enjoyment." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_telekinesis_Note0" "While the target is in the air, Rubick may use a secondary ability to throw the enemy in a targeted direction." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_telekinesis_Note1" "When the unit lands, it isn't affected by the area of effect stun." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_telekinesis_Note2" "The farthest you can throw an enemy is 375." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_telekinesis_lift_duration" "LIFT DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_telekinesis_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_telekinesis_radius" "IMPACT RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_telekinesis_cast_range_tooltip" "CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_telekinesis_land" "Telekinesis Land" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_telekinesis_land_Description" "Chooses the location the target will land when Telekinesis finishes." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_telekinesis_land_Lore" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_fade_bolt" "Fade Bolt" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_fade_bolt_Description" "Rubick creates a powerful stream of arcane energy that travels between enemy units, dealing damage and reducing their attack damage. Each jump deals less damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_fade_bolt_Lore" "Rubick's favorite spell for dispatching would-be assassins is a rather simple conjuration." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_fade_bolt_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_fade_bolt_jump_damage_reduction_pct" "%JUMP REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_fade_bolt_hero_attack_damage_reduction" "HERO DAMAGE REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_fade_bolt_creep_attack_damage_reduction" "CREEP DAMAGE REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_fade_bolt_duration" "DEBUFF DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_null_field" "Null Field" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_null_field_Description" "Rubick's mastery of the arcane protects nearby allies against weaker magics, granting them magic resistance." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_null_field_Lore" "Not every magus can be a Grand Magus..." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_null_field_Note0" "Stacks multiplicatively with other spell resistance sources." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_null_field_magic_damage_reduction_pct" "%MAGIC RESISTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_null_field_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_spell_steal" "Spell Steal" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_spell_steal_Description" "Rubick studies the trace magical essence of one enemy hero, learning the secrets of the last spell the hero cast. Rubick can use this spell as his own for several minutes or until he dies.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_spell_steal_Lore" "...but even their lesser magics can be a source of much utility." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_spell_steal_Note0" "Cannot steal item abilities." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_spell_steal_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_spell_steal_cooldown_scepter" "SCEPTER COOLDOWN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_spell_steal_aghanim_description" "Decreases cooldown, increases cast range and upgrades the spell to the Scepter level." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_empty1" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_empty1_Description" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_empty2" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_empty2_Description" "" "npc_dota_hero_rubick_bio" "Any mage can cast a spell or two, and a few may even study long enough to become a wizard, but only the most talented are allowed to be recognized as a Magus. Yet as with any sorcerer's circle, a sense of community has never guaranteed competitive courtesy. Already a renowned duelist and scholar of the grander world of sorcery, it had never occurred to Rubick that he might perhaps be Magus material until he was in the midst of his seventh assassination attempt. As he casually tossed the twelfth of a string of would-be killers from a high balcony, it dawned on him how utterly unimaginative the attempts on his life had become. Where once the interruption of a fingersnap or firehand might have put a cheerful spring in his step, it had all become so very predictable. He craved greater competition. Therefore, donning his combat mask, he did what any wizard seeking to ascend the ranks would do: he announced his intention to kill a Magus. Rubick quickly discovered that to threaten one Magus is to threaten them all, and they fell upon him in force. Each antagonist's spell was an unstoppable torrent of energy, and every attack a calculated killing blow. But very soon something occurred that Rubick's foes found unexpected: their arts appeared to turn against them. Inside the magic maelstrom, Rubick chuckled, subtly reading and replicating the powers of one in order to cast it against another, sowing chaos among those who had allied against him. Accusations of betrayal began to fly, and soon the sorcerers turned one upon another without suspecting who was behind their undoing. When the battle finally drew to a close, all were singed and frozen, soaked and cut and pierced. More than one lay dead by an ally's craft. Rubick stood apart, sore but delighted in the week's festivities. None had the strength to argue when he presented his petition of assumption to the Hidden Council, and the Insubstantial Eleven agreed as one to grant him the title of Grand Magus." //DISRUPTOR "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_thunder_strike" "Thunder Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_thunder_strike_Description" "Repeatedly strikes the targeted unit with lightning. Each strike damages nearby enemy units in a small radius." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_thunder_strike_Lore" "Disruptor's charged coils occasionally overload, and a singed armor plate or tuft of fur is the enemy's result." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_thunder_strike_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_thunder_strike_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_thunder_strike_strikes" "STRIKES:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_glimpse" "Glimpse" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_glimpse_Description" "Teleports the target hero back to where it was 4 seconds ago. Instantly kills illusions." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_glimpse_Lore" "Playing with electricity can have unexpected results." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_glimpse_Note0" "The travel time is a function of the distance the target will travel." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_glimpse_cast_range" "CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_kinetic_field" "Kinetic Field" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_kinetic_field_Description" "After a short formation time, creates a circular barrier of kinetic energy that enemies can't pass." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_kinetic_field_Lore" "The stryder is immune to the gale-force winds that will consume its adversaries." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_kinetic_field_Note0" "Spell Immune units can travel through the field." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_kinetic_field_formation_time" "FORMATION DELAY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_kinetic_field_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_kinetic_field_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_static_storm" "Static Storm" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_static_storm_Description" "Creates a damaging static storm that also silences all enemy units in the area for the duration. The damage starts off weak, but increases in power over the duration.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_static_storm_Lore" "A summer squall in Druud is a hardship that only an Oglodi can survive." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_static_storm_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_static_storm_damage_max" "MAX DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_static_storm_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_static_storm_pulses" "PULSES:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_static_storm_duration_scepter" "SCEPTER DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_static_storm_pulses_scepter" "SCEPTER PULSES:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_disruptor_static_storm_aghanim_description" "Mutes items and increases duration." "npc_dota_hero_disruptor_bio" "High on the wind-ravaged steppes of Druud, a gifted young stormcrafter called Disruptor was the first to unlock the secrets of the summer squalls. Constantly under assault from both seasonal storms and encroachment from civilized kingdoms to the South, the upland Oglodi have for centuries struggled to subsist atop the endless tablelands. They are the fractured remnant of a once-great civilization, a fallen tribe, their stormcraft strange and inscrutable, cobbled together from scraps of lost knowledge which even they no longer fully understand. For those on the high plain, weather has become a kind of religion, worshiped as both the giver and taker of life. But the electrical storms that bring life-sustaining rains arrive at a cost, and many are the charred and smoking corpses left in their wake. Although small for his kind, Disruptor is fearless, and driven by an insatiable curiosity. As a youth, while still unblooded and without a stryder, he explored the ruins of the ancestral cities, searching through collapsed and long-moldering libraries, rummaging through rusting manufactories. He took what he needed and returned to his tribe. Adapting a coil of ancient design, he harnessed the power of electrical differential and now calls down the thunder whenever he wishes. Part magic, part craftsmanship, his coils hold in their glowing plates the power of life and death--a power wielded with precision against the landed castes to the South, and any interlopers who cross into ancient Oglodi lands." //NYX ASSASSIN "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_impale" "Impale" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_impale_Description" "Rock spikes burst from the earth along a straight path. Enemy units are hurled into the air, then are stunned and take damage when they fall." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_impale_Lore" "All zealot scarabs possess intimate knowledge of underground pathways, using them to their advantage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_impale_Note0" "The spikes move at 1600 units per second, over 700 range." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_impale_Note1" "Impale cannot be blocked by Linken's Sphere." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_impale_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_mana_burn" "Mana Burn" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_mana_burn_Description" "Destroys the target hero's mana equal to a multiplier of its Intelligence, and deals damage equal to the mana burned." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_mana_burn_Lore" "The tome in Ultimyr describes one scarab with the ability eat away at the mind of lesser beings." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_mana_burn_float_multiplier" "INTELLIGENCE MULTIPLIER:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_spiked_carapace" "Spiked Carapace" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_spiked_carapace_Description" "When activated while above ground, Spiked Carapace reflects and negates damage dealt to Nyx Assassin (max once from each source), as well as stunning the source of the damage. Activating Spiked Carapace will not break Vendetta invisibility.\n\nWhile Burrowed, Spiked Carapace instantly stuns nearby enemies when cast." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_spiked_carapace_Lore" "While their carapace is relatively thin, it's guarded by a retractable field of razor-sharp spikes." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_spiked_carapace_Note0" "The damage is calculated after all reductions." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_spiked_carapace_Note1" "Spiked Carapace will only trigger on damage from other player controlled units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_spiked_carapace_reflect_duration" "REFLECT DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_spiked_carapace_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_vendetta" "Vendetta" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_vendetta_Description" "Allows Nyx Assassin to become invisible and gain a speed bonus. If Nyx Assassin attacks to break the invisibility, massive bonus damage is dealt with the attack.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_vendetta_Lore" "The scarab kills for the glory of his queen." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_vendetta_Note0" "Has a 0 second fadetime." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_vendetta_Note1" "If a spell is used to break the invisibility, or the invisibility expires, the bonus damage is lost." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_vendetta_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_vendetta_movement_speed" "%MOVEMENT SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_vendetta_bonus_damage" "BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_vendetta_aghanim_description" "Grants the Burrow ability, allowing Nyx Assasin to bury himself. While burrowed, Nyx Assassin becomes stationary and invisible, his Spiked Carapace instantly stuns nearby enemies when cast, the range of Mana Burn and Impale is increased, Impale's cooldown is decreased, he gains bonus health and mana regeneration and takes reduced damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_burrow" "Burrow" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_burrow_Description" "Nyx Assasssin buries himself beneath the battlefield over %burrow_delay% second. Once burrowed, Spiked Carapace instantly stuns nearby enemies when cast, the range of Mana Burn and Impale by is increased by %impale_burn_range_increase_pct_tooltip%%%, and Impale's cooldown is decreased. While Burrowed, Nyx Assassin is stationary, unable to attack, and invisible. His health and mana regeneration are also increased, and he gains %damage_reduction%%% damage reduction." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_burrow_Lore" "Some castes of zealot scarab are known to create small burrows to lie in wait, ready to ambush their prey." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_burrow_Note0" "Casting Vendetta will cancel burrow." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_burrow_health_regen_rate" "%BURROW HEALTH/MANA REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_burrow_damage_reduction" "BURROW DAMAGE REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_burrow_mana_burn_burrow_range_tooltip" "BURROW MANA BURN RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_burrow_impale_burrow_range_tooltip" "BURROW IMPALE RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_burrow_impale_burrow_cooldown_tooltip" "BURROW IMPALE COOLDOWN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_burrow_carapace_burrow_range_tooltip" "BURROW SPIKED CARAPACE RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_unburrow" "Unburrow" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_unburrow_Description" "Emerge from the burrow." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_nyx_assassin_unburrow_Lore" "Some castes of zealot scarab are known to create small burrows to lie in wait, ready to ambush their prey." "npc_dota_hero_nyx_assassin_bio" "Deep in the Archive of Ultimyr, shelved between scholarly treatises on dragon cladistics and books of untranslatable spells, there is an ancient tome of entomological curiosities. Compiled by scholars, the book describes the telepathic talents of the zealot scarab, a strange species of social insect with abilities unique to all the seven planes. Unlike most grubs of his colony, Nyx Assassin did not arise from metamorphosis with the plodding thoughts and blunted appendages common to the worker caste of his kind. For his was a special transformation, guided by the grace of Nyx. He was the chosen one, selected from the many and anointed with an extract of the queen goddess herself. Not all survive the dark blessing of the queen's chamber, but he emerged with a penetrating mind, and dagger-like claws--his razor sharp mandibles raking the air while his thoughts projected directly into the minds of those around him. Of all zealot scarabs, he alone was selected for the highest calling. After his metamorphosis, he was reborn, by grace of Nyx, with abilities which shaped him for one thing and one thing only: to kill in the name of his goddess." //NAGA SIREN "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_mirror_image" "Mirror Image" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_mirror_image_Description" "Creates three images of Naga Siren under her control." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_mirror_image_Lore" "Slithice, while being strong in her own right, is notoriously hard to track down." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_mirror_image_Note0" "Naga Siren is invulnerable for 0.3 seconds when casting, allowing her to dodge stuns and damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_mirror_image_Note1" "Upon casting, most effects are removed from Naga Siren." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_mirror_image_illusion_duration" "IMAGE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_mirror_image_outgoing_damage_tooltip" "%IMAGE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_mirror_image_tooltip_incoming_damage_total_pct" "%IMAGE DAMAGE TAKEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_ensnare" "Ensnare" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_ensnare_Description" "Interrupts the target and traps them in place, preventing movement or blinking." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_ensnare_Lore" "The only way to escape the onslaught of a Slithereen is to never oppose one in the first place." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_ensnare_Note0" "Works on Spell Immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_ensnare_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_rip_tide" "Rip Tide" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_rip_tide_Description" "The Naga Siren and her images hit all nearby units with a damaging wave of water that lowers armor for 8 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_rip_tide_Lore" "A torrent from the Deep Ones crushes the defenses of the Siren's enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_rip_tide_Note0" "Naga's illusions will also cast Rip Tide, but enemies in multiple areas of effect will only be hit once." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_rip_tide_armor_reduction" "ARMOR REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_rip_tide_armor_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_song_of_the_siren" "Song of the Siren" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_song_of_the_siren_Description" "All enemies in range of the Naga Siren are put into a magical stasis where they cannot act or be attacked. Using Song of the Siren again will end the duration early.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_song_of_the_siren_Lore" "Slithice's powerful voice enchants leagues of opponents, while calling her Slithereen kin in a time of need." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_song_of_the_siren_Note0" "Units affected by Song of the Siren are invulnerable and cannot take damage from any source." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_song_of_the_siren_Note1" "Doesn't affect Spell Immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_song_of_the_siren_Note2" "The area of the song follows Naga, so if she moves far enough away from affected units, they will wake up." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_song_of_the_siren_aghanim_description" "Song of the Siren regenerates all nearby allies for 6% of their health per second." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_song_of_the_siren_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_song_of_the_siren_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_song_of_the_siren_regen_rate_tooltip_scepter" "%SCEPTER HEALTH REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_song_of_the_siren_cancel" "Song of the Siren End" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_naga_siren_song_of_the_siren_cancel_Description" "Release enemy units from your song so they can be targeted again." "npc_dota_hero_naga_siren_bio" "Among the high-sworn of the Slithereen Guard there is a solemn vow oft repeated before battle: No Slithereen may fail. In truth, these words are equal parts oath and enforceable covenant, for those who fall short of their duty are banished from the order. To fail is to be other than Slithereen. Once most highly esteemed of her race, Slithice for many years commanded a battalion of her fellows, using her formidable voice as her greatest weapon. Powerful, sinuous, serpentine, she led her deadly Guard in defense of the Deep Ones, and the great wealth of the sunken cities. But in the final battle of Crey, her forces were driven back by a marauding army of levianths intent on finding tribute for their god Maelrawn. After the long and bloody onslaught, as the bodies were cleared from the sunken halls, a single jeweled chalice was found missing from the trove. Of her hundred Guard, only a handful survived, but their bravery and sacrifice were of little consequence. What mattered was that treasure was taken. Honor destroyed. And so Naga Siren was cast out. Banished to search for the stolen chalice. Though she might add a hundred times her weight to the golden trove, she is doomed to live apart until that day she returns that which was taken. For no amount of gold is equal in honor to the honor she lost." //KEEPER OF THE LIGHT "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_illuminate" "Illuminate" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_illuminate_Description" "Channels light energy, building power the longer it's channeled. Once released, a wave is sent forth that deals damage and gives vision in its path. The longer it is channeled, the more damage is dealt.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter, allowing Illuminate to heal allies and harm enemies during daytime. The heal and damage amounts are the same." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_illuminate_Lore" "Ezalor's hidden light reveals itself in marvelous fashion." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_illuminate_Note0" "Gives increasing vision over the channeling time." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_illuminate_Note1" "Damages mechanical units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_illuminate_damage_per_second" "DAMAGE PER SECOND CHANNELED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_illuminate_radius" "WIDTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_illuminate_range" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_illuminate_max_channel_time" "MAX CHANNEL TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_illuminate_end" "Release Illuminate" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_illuminate_end_Description" "Release the channel early." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_mana_leak" "Mana Leak" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_mana_leak_Description" "Weakens an enemy's magical essence, causing them to lose mana as they move. If the enemy loses all of its mana, it will be stunned." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_mana_leak_Lore" "Ezalor disrupts Primordial harmony, draining magical energy from those with poor constitution." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_mana_leak_Note0" "If the target travels over 300 distance in less than 0.1 second (by using blink skills, for example), Mana Leak will not decrease its mana for that distance." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_mana_leak_mana_leak_pct" "%MANA LEAK PERCENT:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_mana_leak_duration" "LEAK DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_mana_leak_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_mana_leak_cast_range_tooltip" "CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_chakra_magic" "Chakra Magic" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_chakra_magic_Description" "Restores mana to the target unit, and reduces the cooldown of the next spell they cast." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_chakra_magic_Lore" "In the same vein, Ezalor bestows his harmony among others." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_chakra_magic_mana_restore" "MANA RESTORE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_chakra_magic_cooldown_reduction" "ALLY COOLDOWN REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_chakra_magic_duration" "COOLDOWN REDUCTION DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_spirit_form" "Spirit Form" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_spirit_form_Description" "Ezalor temporarily turns his body luminescent, gaining various abilities. Illuminate is now channeled by a separate spirit, and gains the Blinding Light and Recall abilities.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_spirit_form_Lore" "In a flash of light, Ezalor reveals his true nature." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_spirit_form_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_spirit_form_aghanim_description" "Permanent Spirit Form. During daytime, grants unobstructed vision, and allows Illuminate to heal allies for the same amount as its damage values." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_recall" "Recall" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_recall_Description" "After a short delay, teleports the targeted friendly hero to your location. If the targeted friendly hero takes player based damage during this time, the ability is interrupted." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_recall_Lore" "Walk towards the light." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_recall_Note0" "If Keeper of the Light dies, the spell effect is interrupted." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_recall_Note1" "Recall will interrupt channeling spells." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_recall_Note2" "You can disable help to prevent Keeper from casting this spell on you." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_recall_Note3" "Can be cast through the minimap, choosing the nearest friendly hero." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_recall_teleport_delay" "TELEPORT DELAY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_blinding_light" "Blinding Light" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_blinding_light_Description" "A blinding light flashes over the targeted area, knocking back and blinding the units in the area, causing them to miss attacks." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_blinding_light_Lore" "The Primordial light turns the tides of battle in favor of Ezalor and his allies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_blinding_light_Note0" "Causes knockback of 250 range over 0.4 seconds, centered on the middle of the target area. Upon landing, units will destroy trees in a 150 radius." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_blinding_light_Note1" "Does not interrupt channeling." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_blinding_light_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_blinding_light_knockback_distance" "KNOCKBACK DISTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_blinding_light_miss_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_blinding_light_miss_rate" "%MISS CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_spirit_form_illuminate" "Illuminate" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_spirit_form_illuminate_Description" "Channels light energy, building power the longer it's channeled. Once released, a wave is sent forth that deals damage and gives vision in its path. The longer it is channeled, the more damage is dealt.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter, allowing Illuminate to heal allies and harm enemies during daytime. The heal and damage amounts are the same." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_spirit_form_illuminate_Lore" "Ezalor's hidden light reveals itself in marvelous fashion." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_spirit_form_illuminate_Note0" "Gives increasing vision over the channeling time." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_spirit_form_illuminate_Note1" "Damages mechanical units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_spirit_form_illuminate_damage_per_second" "DAMAGE PER SECOND CHANNELED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_spirit_form_illuminate_radius" "WIDTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_spirit_form_illuminate_range" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_spirit_form_illuminate_max_channel_time" "MAX CHANNEL TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_spirit_form_illuminate_end" "Release Illuminate" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_spirit_form_illuminate_end_Description" "Release the channel early." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_empty1" "Empty" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_empty1_Description" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_empty2" "Empty" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_keeper_of_the_light_empty2_Description" "" "npc_dota_hero_keeper_of_the_light_bio" "Upon a pale horse he rides, this spark of endless suns, this Keeper of the Light. Ezalor long ago escaped the Fundamental plane, separating from the other ancient forces to which he was bound within the great Primordial harmony. He is a power grown sentient in the dawn of the universe, and now rides forth in all planes at once, one step ahead of pursuing chaos, bearing his gift with him at the end of a radiant staff. His majestic truth lies hidden beneath the outward appearance of a slightly doddering old man who barely stays in the saddle. However, when faced with the challenge of chaos, or the forces of darkness, his primordial light bursts forth, and his full power is revealed, transforming him once again into a force to be reckoned with." //Wisp "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_tether" "Tether" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_tether_Description" "Tethers Io to an allied unit, granting bonus movement speed to both. When Io restores health or mana, tethered units target gain 1.5x the amount. Any enemy unit that crosses the tether is slowed. The tether breaks when the allied unit moves too far away, or Io cancels the tether." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_tether_Lore" "The benevolent touch of Io brings strength from between the planes." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_tether_Note0" "If you try to tether a unit that is 700 distance or further away from Io, he will latch on and pull himself closer to the tethered unit (to a distance of 300)." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_tether_Note1" "The tethered unit will heal 50% faster." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_tether_radius" "MAX TETHER DISTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_tether_movespeed" "%MOVEMENT SPEED BONUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_tether_tether_duration" "TETHER DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_tether_slow" "%ENEMY MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_tether_attackslow_tooltip" "ENEMY ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_tether_stun_duration" "ENEMY SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_tether_break" "Break Tether" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_tether_break_Description" "Break the link to the tethered unit." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_spirits" "Spirits" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_spirits_Description" "Summon five particle spirits that dance in a circle around Io. If a particle collides with an enemy hero, it explodes, damaging all enemy units in an area around it. Creeps take minor damage from touching a particle spirit, but do not cause them to explode. When its duration ends, any remaining Spirits explode." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_spirits_Lore" "Io twists the particles of the universe with its unimaginable capabilities." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_spirits_Note0" "Min/Max Range: 100/875." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_spirits_creep_damage" "CREEP DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_spirits_hero_damage" "HERO DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_spirits_max_range" "OSCILLATION RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_spirits_explode_radius" "EXPLOSION RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_spirits_spirit_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_spirits_in" "Spirits In" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_spirits_in_Description" "Calls the spirits closer to you. Can be toggled on and off." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_spirits_out" "Spirits Out" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_spirits_out_Description" "Sends the spirits farther away from you. Can be toggled on and off." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_overcharge" "Overcharge" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_overcharge_Lore" "Drawing on the energy of matter from all worlds, Io begins the unravelling of time." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_overcharge_Description" "Io gains bonus attack speed and damage reduction, at the cost of draining a percentage of its current health and mana per second. If Io is Tethered to an ally, that unit also gains the bonuses." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_overcharge_Note0" "Io's tethered unit will also benefit from the attack speed and reduction, but only Io pays the drain in HP and mana." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_overcharge_bonus_attack_speed" "ATTACK SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_overcharge_bonus_damage_pct" "%INCOMING DAMAGE REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_overcharge_drain_pct_tooltip" "%HEALTH/MANA DRAIN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_relocate" "Relocate" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_relocate_Lore" "Io is the embodiment of the mystery of the universe." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_relocate_Description" "Teleports Io and any tethered ally to any location. After the spell expires Io and any tethered ally will return to their original location. Double-click to teleport to your team's base fountain." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_relocate_Note0" "Enemies receive a visual indicator in the world and on the minimap of the target location during the cast delay." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_relocate_Note1" "If Io is disabled during the cast delay, Relocate is cancelled." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_relocate_Note2" "If an allied hero is Tethered, that hero will teleported along with you. You can break the tether at any time to prevent that hero from teleporting with you." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_relocate_cast_delay" "CAST DELAY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_relocate_return_time" "RETURN TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_empty1" "Empty" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_empty1_Description" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_empty2" "Empty" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_wisp_empty2_Description" "" "npc_dota_hero_wisp_bio" "Io is everywhere, and in all things. Denounced by enemies as the great unmaker, worshiped by scholars as the twinkling of a divine eye, this strange Wisp of life-force occupies all planes at once, the merest fraction of its being crossing into physical existence at any one moment. Like the great twin riders Dark and Light, and yet another ancient traveler whose true history is lost to the ages, Io the Wisp is a Fundamental of the universe, a force older than time, a wanderer from realms far beyond mortal understanding. Io is nothing less than the sum of all attractive and repulsive forces within the material field, a sentient manifestation of the charge that bind existence together. It is only in the controlled warping of these electrical waylines that Io's presence can be experienced on the physical plane. A benevolent, cooperative force, Io bonds its strange magnetism to others so that the power of allies might be enhanced. Its motives inscrutable, its strength unimaginable, Io moves through the physical plane, the perfect expression of the mysteries of the universe." // SLARK "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_dark_pact" "Dark Pact" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_dark_pact_Description" "After a short delay, Slark sacrifices some of his life blood, purging most negative debuffs and dealing damage to enemy units around him and to himself. Slark only takes 50%% of the damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_dark_pact_Lore" "Slithereen are capable of quickly regrowing appendages, in case of critical injury, to save their own lives." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_dark_pact_Note0" "1.5 seconds after cast, a series of 10 pulses separated by 0.1 seconds deal the damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_dark_pact_Note1" "Each pulse also removes buffs from Slark." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_dark_pact_Note2" "You can't kill yourself with this skill." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_dark_pact_Note3" "The pulses stop if Slark dies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_dark_pact_delay" "DELAY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_dark_pact_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_dark_pact_total_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_pounce" "Pounce" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_pounce_Description" "Slark leaps forward, grabbing the first hero he connects with. That unit takes damage and is leashed to Slark, and can only move a limited distance away from Slark's landing position." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_pounce_Lore" "Time in the Dark Reef made Slark a dangerous assassin; aggressive and fearless." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_pounce_Note0" "On cast, Slark leaps forward at a speed of 933.33, stopping when he latches onto an enemy hero or has traveled 700 distance." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_pounce_Note1" "Spell Immune units cannot be leashed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_pounce_Note2" "Trees will be destroyed around Slark's landing location." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_pounce_Note3" "Blinking or teleporting can break the leash." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_pounce_pounce_distance" "DISTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_pounce_pounce_damage" "POUNCE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_pounce_leash_duration" "LEASH DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_pounce_leash_radius" "LEASH RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_essence_shift" "Essence Shift" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_essence_shift_Description" "Slark steals the life essence of enemy heroes with his attacks, draining each of their attributes and converting them to bonus Agility." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_essence_shift_Lore" "With each strike at his adversaries, Slark's knowledge of their weaknesses improves." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_essence_shift_Note0" "Attributes cannot be dropped below 1." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_essence_shift_Note1" "Essence Shifted stats are returned to normal on death. The stat return for Slark and for the affected hero are separate." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_essence_shift_agi_gain" "AGILITY GAINED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_essence_shift_stat_loss" "ALL ATTRIBUTE LOSS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_essence_shift_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_shadow_dance" "Shadow Dance" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_shadow_dance_Description" "When used, Slark hides himself in a cloud of shadows, becoming immune to detection. Attacking, casting spells, and using items will not reveal Slark. Passively, when not visible to the enemy team, Slark gains bonus movement speed and health regeneration." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_shadow_dance_Lore" "The hidden Thirteenth is a slippery foe." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_shadow_dance_Note0" "If Slark is damaged by a neutral unit, the passive movement and health regeneration bonuses are lost for 2 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_shadow_dance_Note1" "The passive movement and health regeneration bonuses have a 0.5 second activation and deactivation delay." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_shadow_dance_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_shadow_dance_bonus_movement_speed" "%BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_slark_shadow_dance_bonus_regen_pct" "%HEALTH GAINED PER SECOND:" "npc_dota_hero_slark_bio" "Little known to the inhabitants of the dry world, Dark Reef is a sunken prison where the worst of the sea-bred are sent for crimes against their fellows. It is a razor barbed warren full of murderous slithereen, treacherous Deep Ones, sociopathic meranths. In this dim labyrinth, patrolled by eels and guarded by enormous anemones, only the vicious survive. Pitched into Dark Reef for crimes unknown, Slark spent half a lifetime without kin or kindness, trusting no one, surviving through a combination of stealth and ruthlessness, keeping his thoughts and his plans to himself. When the infamous Dark Reef Dozen plotted their ill-fated breakout, they kept their plans a perfect secret, murdering anyone who could have put the pieces together--but somehow Slark discovered their scheme and made a place for himself in it. Ten of the Dozen died in the escape attempt, and two were captured, hauled back to Dark Reef, then executed for the entertainment of their fellow inmates. But Slark, the unsung thirteenth, used the commotion as cover and slipped away, never to be caught. Now a furtive resident of the carnivorous mangrove scrub that grips the southern reach of Shadeshore, Slark remains the only successful escapee from Dark Reef." // MEDUSA "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_split_shot" "Split Shot" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_split_shot_Description" "Medusa magically splits her shot into several arrows. These arrows deal a lower percent of her normal damage.\n\nThe extra targets will not receive other attack effects (such as critical strike) and Unique Attack Modifiers." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_split_shot_Lore" "All who encounter the cursed Gorgon will feel her rage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_split_shot_Note0" "Secondary targets will be the closest enemy units excluding the primary target." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_split_shot_Note1" "If illusions of Medusa are created while Split Shot is active, they will also have this ability." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_split_shot_damage_modifier_tooltip" "%OUTGOING DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_split_shot_total_arrow_count" "TOTAL TARGETS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_split_shot_range" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_mystic_snake" "Mystic Snake" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_mystic_snake_Description" "A mystic snake made of energy jumps from target to target dealing damage and stealing mana. After it reaches its last target, it returns to Medusa to replenish her with mana. The snake deals more damage and steals more mana per jump. Deals Pure damage to units petrified by Stone Gaze." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_mystic_snake_Lore" "The Gorgon's curse is her greatest strength." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_mystic_snake_Note0" "Only units with mana will steal and increment the mana steal." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_mystic_snake_Note1" "Mystic Snake cannot be disjointed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_mystic_snake_radius" "JUMP RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_mystic_snake_snake_jumps" "JUMPS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_mystic_snake_snake_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_mystic_snake_snake_mana_steal" "MANA STEAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_mystic_snake_snake_scale" "%INCREASE PER JUMP:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_mana_shield" "Mana Shield" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_mana_shield_Description" "Creates a shield that absorbs %absorption_tooltip%%% of the incoming damage in exchange for Medusa's mana." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_mana_shield_Lore" "While Medusa was not gifted with eternal life upon birth, her curse bestowed her with impressive defensive powers." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_mana_shield_Note0" "Absorbs damage before any damage reduction takes place, meaning that armor will not reduce the amount of mana needed to absorb damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_mana_shield_damage_per_mana" "DAMAGE PER MANA:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_stone_gaze" "Stone Gaze" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_stone_gaze_Description" "Any enemy units looking at Medusa will have their movement and attack speed slowed. If 2 seconds of total time is accumulated looking at Medusa while Stone Gaze is active, that unit will turn to stone. Petrified units are stunned, have 100%% magic damage resistance, and take bonus physical damage. If the petrified unit is an illusion, it is immediately killed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_stone_gaze_Lore" "The beauty of Medusa is legendary." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_stone_gaze_Note0" "Affects Spell Immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_stone_gaze_Note1" "Regardless of when a unit receives the Stone Gaze buff while the ability is active on Medusa, it will still receive the full debuff duration." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_stone_gaze_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_stone_gaze_slow" "%SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_stone_gaze_bonus_physical_damage" "%BONUS PHYSICAL DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_stone_gaze_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_medusa_stone_gaze_stone_duration" "STONE DURATION:" "npc_dota_hero_medusa_bio" "Beauty is power. This thought comforted Medusa--the youngest and loveliest of three beautiful Gorgon sisters, born to a sea goddess--because she alone of the sisters was mortal. It comforted her, that is, until the day masked assailants invaded the Gorgon realm and tore the two immortal sisters from their home, unmoved by their beauty or by their tears. One of the invaders seized Medusa as well, but then cast her aside with a disgusted look: 'This one has the mortal stink upon her. We have no use for that which dies.' Humiliated, enraged, Medusa fled to the temple of her mother and cast herself before the goddess, crying, 'You denied me eternal life--therefore I beg you, give me power! Power, so I can dedicate what life I have to rescuing my sisters and avenging this injustice!' After long thought, the goddess granted her daughter's request, allowing Medusa to trade her legendary beauty for a face and form of terrifying strength. Never for a moment has Medusa regretted her choice. She understands that power is the only beauty worth possessing--for only power can change the world." // TROLL WARLORD "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_berserkers_rage" "Berserker's Rage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_berserkers_rage_Description" "While active, Troll Warlord swaps from using ranged to melee attacks. Melee attacks have a chance to bash, dealing bonus damage and stunning the target. Berserker's Rage also grants additional health, movement speed, armor, and increased attack speed.\n\nWhirling Axes has different functionality while Berserker's Rage is active." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_berserkers_rage_Lore" "Like his anger, Troll Warlord's supply of axes is infinite." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_berserkers_rage_Note0" "The bash stun goes through spell immunity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_berserkers_rage_Note1" "Doesn't stack with Skull Basher." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_berserkers_rage_Note2" "Manta Style's cooldown time will be based on whether Troll Warlord was in his ranged or melee form when the item was used." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_berserkers_rage_bonus_hp" "BONUS HEALTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_berserkers_rage_bonus_move_speed" "BONUS MOVE SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_berserkers_rage_bonus_armor" "BONUS ARMOR:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_berserkers_rage_base_attack_time" "MELEE BASE ATTACK TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_berserkers_rage_bash_chance" "%BASH CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_berserkers_rage_bash_duration" "BASH STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_berserkers_rage_bash_damage" "BASH BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_whirling_axes_ranged" "Whirling Axes (Ranged)" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_whirling_axes_ranged_Description" "Troll hurls a fistful of five axes in a cone shape over 900 range, slowing and damaging enemy units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_whirling_axes_ranged_Lore" "Only axes fueled by hate whirl with such a deadly spin." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_whirling_axes_ranged_Note0" "Only available in ranged mode." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_whirling_axes_ranged_Note1" "Both abilities have independent cooldowns." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_whirling_axes_ranged_axe_damage" "AXE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_whirling_axes_ranged_axe_slow_duration" "SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_whirling_axes_ranged_movement_speed" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_whirling_axes_melee" "Whirling Axes (Melee)" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_whirling_axes_melee_Description" "Troll hurls two axes around him in a close range area of effect, damaging enemy units and causing them to miss some attacks." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlrod_whirling_axes_melee_Lore" "Keep your enemies close." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_whirling_axes_melee_Note0" "Only available in melee mode." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_whirling_axes_melee_Note1" "Both abilities have independent cooldowns." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_whirling_axes_melee_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_whirling_axes_melee_max_range" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_whirling_axes_melee_blind_duration" "BLIND DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_whirling_axes_melee_blind_pct" "%MISS CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_whirling_axes_melee_whirl_duration" "WHIRL DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_fervor" "Fervor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_fervor_Description" "With each continuous blow on the same target, Troll gains increased attack speed. If Troll changes targets, the stacks drop to zero." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_fervor_Lore" "If at first you don't succeed, strike, strike again." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_fervor_max_stacks" "MAX STACKS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_fervor_attack_speed" "ATTACK SPEED PER STACK:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_battle_trance" "Battle Trance" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_battle_trance_Description" "Troll's presence on the battlefield increases the attack speed of himself and all allied heroes. " "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_battle_trance_Lore" "An adrenaline rush of pure hatred quickens your blades." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_battle_trance_Note0" "Doesn't work on illusions." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_battle_trance_trance_duration" "TRANCE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_battle_trance_attack_speed" "ATTACK SPEED:" "npc_dota_hero_troll_warlord_bio" "It's an easy thing to offend a troll. A prickly and contentious race, trolls thrive on argument and strife, missing no excuse to raise their voices in dispute. Males grow to maturity in subterranean chambers beneath their matriarch's domicile, feeding and amusing themselves while contributing nothing. Often they stay for years beyond the age of maturity, while the matriarch provides them with sustenance. When young trolls are finally pushed from their sub-chamber, they gather with others of their kind, forming roving gangs of malcontents who complain loudly about all manner of vexation. As much as trolls love to argue, imagine how rare it is for a troll to be driven from his own kind for being too difficult to get along with. Such was Jah'rakal's fate, a monger troll from deep in the Hoven. So deluded was he, so bitter and abrasive, that even other trolls found his company intolerable. After one particularly vitriolic outburst in which he claimed the lion's share of loot from their latest raid, his cohorts finally snapped. They turned on him, beat him with clubs, and drove him from the encampment. Enraged at his banishment, he returned the next day, armed with steel, and slew them all, one by one. He then swore a blood oath: he would ever after be a fighting force unto himself. Now he roams the world as the Troll Warlord, bitter and angry, the Imperial high commander of an army of one." // CENTAUR WARCHIEF "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_hoof_stomp" "Hoof Stomp" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_hoof_stomp_Description" "Slams the ground, stunning and damaging nearby enemy units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_hoof_stomp_Lore" "When the mighty hoof of the Warrunner touches soil, the tremors are felt far and wide." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_hoof_stomp_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_hoof_stomp_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_hoof_stomp_stomp_damage" "STOMP DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_double_edge" "Double Edge" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_double_edge_Description" "Centaur strikes a mighty blow at melee range, damaging both himself and a small area around the target. Centaur cannot die from Double Edge." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_double_edge_Lore" "In the spurs of combat, Bradwarden's vicious strikes sometimes cause self-inflicted collateral damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_double_edge_Note0" "Double Edge deals magic type damage to both the targets and himself." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_double_edge_edge_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_return" "Return" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_return_Description" "Centaur counters every attack, damaging the attacker based on a percentage of Centaur's strength." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_return_Lore" "Bradwarden has no need to parry his opponent's attacks; his armor-like hide does it for him." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_return_Note0" "Return triggers when the attack hits." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_return_Note1" "Return deals damage to towers." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_return_return_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_return_strength_pct" "%STRENGTH BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_stampede" "Stampede" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_stampede_Description" "Centaur leads all allies into a vicious charge causing them to move through units at max speed and stop any enemy units they trample. Trampled enemies take damage based on Centaur Warrunner's strength. Each enemy can be trampled once.\n\nUpgradable with Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_stampede_Lore" "The great belt of Omexe, which labels Bradwarden as the greatest warrior of his kind, incites his fellow gladiators to follow him into barbarous combat." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_stampede_Note0" "Doesn't affect Spell Immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_stampede_radius" "TRAMPLE RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_stampede_duration" "STAMPEDE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_stampede_strength_damage" "STRENGTH MULTIPLIER DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_stampede_slow_duration" "STOP DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_stampede_damage_reduction_tooltip_scepter" "%SCEPTER DAMAGE REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_stampede_aghanim_description" "Heroes affected by Stampede take reduced damage, and are able to run through obstructions, including trees and up cliffs." "npc_dota_hero_centaur_bio" "It's said that a centaur's road is paved with the corpses of the fallen. For the one called Warrunner, it has been a long road indeed. To outsiders, the four-legged clans of Druud are often mistaken for simple, brutish creatures. Their language has no written form; their culture lacks pictographic traditions, structured music, formalized religion. For centaurs, combat is the perfect articulation of thought, the highest expression of self. If killing is an art among centaurs, then Bradwarden the Warrunner is their greatest artist. He rose to dominance on the proving grounds of Omexe, an ancient arena where centaur clans have for millennia gathered to perform their gladiatorial rites. As his fame spread, spectators came from far and wide to see the great centaur in action. Always the first to step into the arena, and the last to leave, he composes a masterpiece in each guttering spray, each thrust of blood-slickened blade-length. It is the poetry of blood on steel, flung in complex patterns across the pale sands of the killing floor. Warrunner defeated warrior after warrior, until the arena boomed with the cheering of his name, and he found himself alone, the uncontested champion of his kind. The great belt of Omexe was bestowed, wrapped around his broad torso, but in his victory, the death-artist found only emptiness. For what is a warrior without a challenge? The great centaur galloped out of Omexe that day with a new goal. To his people, Warrunner is the greatest warrior to ever step into the arena. Now he has set out to prove he is the greatest fighter who has ever lived." // MAGNATAUR "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_shockwave" "Shockwave" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_shockwave_Description" "Magnus sends out a wave of force, damaging enemy units in a line." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_shockwave_Lore" "Mt. Joerlak was a somewhat unstable mass, and Magnus has learned to channel its reverberations." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_shockwave_shock_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_shockwave_shock_distance" "DISTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_empower" "Empower" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_empower_Description" "Gives an allied unit bonus damage and cleave on attack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_empower_Lore" "With a deep bellow, Magnus displays his true power." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_empower_Note0" "The bonus damage is based only on base damage and damage from primary attributes." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_empower_Note1" "Cleave damage is reduced by armor type but not by armor value." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_empower_Note2" "Cleave damage goes through spell immunity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_empower_Note3" "Ranged units cannot Cleave." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_empower_empower_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_empower_bonus_damage_pct" "%BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_empower_cleave_damage_pct" "%CLEAVE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_empower_cleave_radius" "CLEAVE RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_skewer" "Skewer" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_skewer_Description" "Magnus rushes forward, goring enemy units on his massive tusk. Heroes hit on the way will be dragged to the destination, then damaged and slowed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_skewer_Lore" "Magnoceros horns are valuable in direct proportion to their danger to prospective merchants." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_skewer_Note0" "Doesn't affect Spell Immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_skewer_range" "DISTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_skewer_skewer_speed" "SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_skewer_slow_duration" "SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_skewer_slow_pct" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_skewer_skewer_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_reverse_polarity" "Reverse Polarity" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_reverse_polarity_Description" "Magnus changes properties of matter, sucking all nearby enemies in front of him and stunning them with a powerful slam and dealing damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_reverse_polarity_Lore" "Magnus fights with the fury of the erupting Mt. Joerlak." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_reverse_polarity_Note0" "Disable and pull work through spell immunity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_reverse_polarity_pull_radius" "PULL RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_reverse_polarity_polarity_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_reverse_polarity_hero_stun_duration" "HERO STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_magnataur_reverse_polarity_creep_stun_duration" "CREEP STUN DURATION:" "npc_dota_hero_magnataur_bio" "The master-smiths of Mt. Joerlak agree on only a single point: that the horn of a magnoceros is more precious than any alloy. And of all such horns, the largest and sharpest belongs to the beast they call Magnus. For half a generation, Magnus took easy sport goring hunters come to claim the treasures of his kin. Each time he would return to his cave with hooves and horns stained red, until his Matriarch urged him and all their kin to seek refuge to the north beyond the shadow of the mountain. But Magnus scoffed, having never failed to defend his people. The magnoceroi would stay, he decided, for a magnoceros does not believe in chance... nor does it ever change its mind. But when Mt. Joerlak erupted without warning, and half his kin perished in the fire and ash, Magnus changed his mind after all. The survivors pushed north, until they reached a blockade watched over by a hundred hunters armed with bow and steel. Magnus expected no less. He led his fiercest brothers and sisters in a charge against their enemies, and fought with a ferocity matched only by the fire-spewing mountain at his back. Meanwhile the magnoceros elders, mothers, and calves vanished into the drifts. The master-smiths are divided about what happened next. Some say Magnus reunited with his kin, while others claim he suffered mortal injuries and expired alongside the body of his Matriarch. Neither theory is correct. Magnus did vow to rejoin his kin...but only after seeking out those responsible for the eruption of Mt. Joerlak and watching them die upon his horn, for a magnoceros does not believe in chance." // SHREDDER "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_whirling_death" "Whirling Death" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_whirling_death_Description" "Timbersaw whirls extremely sharp edges, damaging enemies and destroying trees around him in an area. If an enemy hero is affected, it loses some of its primary attribute for a short duration. Whirling Death will deal Pure damage if a tree is cut down in the process." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_whirling_death_Lore" "In the case that Rizzrack gets surrounded by the the vines and plants of his nightmares, he has an immediate chainsaw defense." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_whirling_death_whirling_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_whirling_death_whirling_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_whirling_death_stat_loss_pct" "%STAT LOSS PERCENT:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_whirling_death_duration" "STAT LOSS DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_timber_chain" "Timber Chain" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_timber_chain_Description" "Timbersaw fires a chain that embeds itself in the first tree it hits, pulling him towards it. Any enemy in the path takes damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_timber_chain_Lore" "You never know when you might need to escape from malevolent saplings." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_timber_chain_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_timber_chain_range" "LATCH RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_timber_chain_damage_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_timber_chain_speed" "SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_reactive_armor" "Reactive Armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_reactive_armor_Description" "Each time Timbersaw is attacked, he gains increased health regen and armor." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_reactive_armor_Lore" "The saw-suit is equipped to react to the slightest touch with fortified defenses." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_reactive_armor_bonus_armor" "BONUS ARMOR:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_reactive_armor_bonus_hp_regen" "BONUS HP REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_reactive_armor_stack_limit" "MAX STACKS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_reactive_armor_stack_duration" "STACK DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_chakram" "Chakram" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_chakram_Description" "Fires your main saw blade at the target location where it will spin in place, dealing damage in an area around it. Enemies caught in the saw blade will move more slowly for every 5%% of health missing. The blade deals damage and cuts down trees in its path when fired and retracted. While active the ability costs mana, and you lose the ability to attack.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_chakram_Lore" "The ultimate in anti-flora weaponry." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_chakram_Note0" "The Chakram will return if Timbersaw runs out of mana or moves over 2000 distance away." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_chakram_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_chakram_pass_damage" "PASS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_chakram_damage_per_second" "DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_chakram_slow" "%SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_chakram_mana_per_second" "MANA COST PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_chakram_aghanim_description" "Grants a second Chakram." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_return_chakram" "Return Chakram" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_return_chakram_Description" "Returns the Chakram to Timbersaw." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_return_chakram_aghanim_description" "Grants a second Chakram." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_chakram_2" "Chakram" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_chakram_2_Description" "Fires your main saw blade at the target location where it will spin in place, dealing damage in an area around it. Additionally, for each 5%% of health missing, enemies caught in the saw blade move more slowly. The blade deals damage and cuts down trees in its path when fired and retracted. While active the ability costs mana, and you lose the ability to attack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_chakram_2_Lore" "Cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_chakram_2_Note0" "The Chakram will return if Timbersaw runs out of mana or moves over 2000 distance away." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_chakram_2_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_chakram_2_pass_damage" "PASS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_chakram_2_damage_per_second" "DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_chakram_2_slow" "%SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_chakram_2_mana_per_second" "MANA COST PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_return_chakram_2" "Return Chakram" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_shredder_return_chakram_2_Description" "Returns the Chakram to Timbersaw." "npc_dota_hero_shredder_bio" "Rizzrack could still hear the screams in his mind. He worked, frantically turning wrenches, twisting screws, building and carving and forging. Sleep eluded him; he only built. Months had passed since he had shut himself in his uncle's workshop, and his deliverance was nearly complete. He rubbed his back as his eyes drifted shut, and saw a blanket of flowers floating on the placid waves of Augury Bay before exploding into a cloud of pollen that silenced lives as it seized the lungs. He woke with a choking start. For hours the rhythmic sound of a whetstone filled the shop as he sharpened a set of massive blades, his mind filled with images of strangling vines garroting neighbors, enwrapping homes. The flooding of Augury Bay had been nothing compared to the violent horrors the waters left to take root beyond the city walls. But the saw-suit would make him strong and safe he thought, allowing himself this sliver of hope before the full might of his fear crashed into his fading mind. Branches and bark and blood. When the city fell, Rizzrack fled trees that walked, and fought, and killed. Trees had shattered the gates and swarmed into the city. Trees had crushed and thrashed and stomped the last that Augury Bay could muster in defense, and stalked the few fleeing refugees. In addled silence Rizzrack unspooled the thick chain from the suit's arm, his hands quaking as he inspected each link and ran a trembling finger along the claw attached at its end. The saw-suit was ready. With his hand trembling he sparked the bladed machine to life. Terror drove him, terror of what awaited him and of what he would have to face to have any hope of calming his mind. As the saw-suit shuddered to life he knew he must face this fear, and he knew he wouldn't like it one bit." //BRISTLEBACK "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_viscous_nasal_goo" "Viscous Nasal Goo" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_viscous_nasal_goo_Description" "Covers a target in snot, causing it to have reduced armor and movement speed. Multiple casts stack and refresh the duration." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_viscous_nasal_goo_Lore" "Having caught a cold while stuck in the snow, Bristleback turns it to his advantage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_viscous_nasal_goo_goo_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_viscous_nasal_goo_armor_per_stack" "ARMOR LOSS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_viscous_nasal_goo_base_move_slow" "%BASE MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_viscous_nasal_goo_move_slow_per_stack" "%MOVE SLOW PER STACK:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_viscous_nasal_goo_stack_limit" "STACK LIMIT:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_quill_spray" "Quill Spray" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_quill_spray_Description" "Sprays enemy units with quills dealing damage in an area of effect around Bristleback. Deals bonus damage for every time a unit was hit by Quill Spray in the last 14 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_quill_spray_Lore" "An enforcer's honor can be a prickly thing. So can his quills." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_quill_spray_Note0" "Quill Spray damage is not reduced by damage block abilities." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_quill_spray_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_quill_spray_quill_base_damage" "QUILL BASE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_quill_spray_quill_stack_damage" "QUILL STACK DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_quill_spray_quill_stack_duration" "STACK DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_quill_spray_max_damage" "MAX DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_bristleback" "Bristleback" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_bristleback_Description" "Bristleback takes less damage if hit on the sides or rear. If Bristleback takes 250 damage from the rear, he releases a Quill Spray of the current level." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_bristleback_Lore" "Turning his back to a fight might be just the thing." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_bristleback_Note0" "Bristleback's rear is considered to be within 70 degrees from the back." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_bristleback_Note1" "Bristleback's side is considered to be within 110 degrees from the back." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_bristleback_side_damage_reduction" "%SIDE DAMAGE REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_bristleback_back_damage_reduction" "%BACK DAMAGE REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_bristleback_quill_spray_threshold" "DAMAGE THRESHOLD:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_warpath" "Warpath" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_warpath_Description" "Bristleback works himself up into a fury every time he casts a spell, increasing his movement speed and damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_warpath_Lore" "'Temper, temper,' his mum always chided. But in a fight, a temper can come in handy." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_warpath_Note0" "Bristleback's illusions will receive the bonuses." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_warpath_Note1" "Items will not trigger Warpath." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_warpath_damage_per_stack" "DAMAGE PER STACK:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_warpath_move_speed_per_stack" "%MOVEMENT PER STACK:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_warpath_stack_duration" "STACK DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bristleback_warpath_max_stacks" "MAX STACKS:" "npc_dota_hero_bristleback_bio" "Never one to turn his back on a fight, Rigwarl was known for battling the biggest, meanest scrappers he could get his hands on. Christened Bristleback by the drunken crowds, he waded into backroom brawls in every road tavern between Slom and Elze, until his exploits finally caught the eye of a barkeep in need of an enforcer. For a bit of brew, Bristleback was hired to collect tabs, keep the peace, and break the occasional leg or two (or five, in the case of one unfortunate web-hund). After indulging in a night of merriment during which bodily harm was meted out in equal parts upon both delinquent patrons and his own liver, Bristleback finally met his match. \"Your tusks offend me, sir,\" he was heard to drunkenly slur to one particularly large fellow from the northern wastes whose bill had come due. What followed was a fight for the ages. A dozen fighters jumped in. No stool was left unbroken, and in the end, the impossible happened: the tab went unpaid. Over the weeks that followed, Bristleback's wounds healed, and his quills grew back; but an enforcer's honor can be a prickly thing. He paid the tab from his own coin, vowing to track down this northerner and extract redemption. And then he did something he'd never done before: he actually trained, and in so doing made a startling discovery about himself. A smile peeled back from his teeth as he flexed his quills. Turning his back to a fight might be just the thing." //TUSK "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_ice_shards" "Ice Shards" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_ice_shards_Description" "Tusk compresses shards of ice into a ball of frozen energy that damages all enemies it comes in contact with. When the ball reaches its target destination the shards are released, creating a barrier that lasts for %shard_duration% seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_ice_shards_Lore" "In the frozen tundra near the Barrier, after the last sun of autumn has set, ice can form with alarming speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_ice_shards_Note0" "Creates an impassable barrier." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_ice_shards_shard_width" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_ice_shards_shard_damage" "SHARD DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_ice_shards_shard_duration" "SHARD DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_ice_shards_cast_range_tooltip" "CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_ice_shards_stop" "Ice Shards Stop" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_ice_shards_stop_Description" "Stop." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_snowball" "Snowball" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_snowball_Description" "Tusk begins rolling into a snowball. Allies within a 400 radius can also be added to the snowball by right-clicking on them, even while the snowball is moving. Once launched, any enemies caught in the snowball's path will be stunned and take damage. Each allied Hero in the snowball will add to its damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_snowball_Lore" "Tales are still told of the wild feat that ended the grand brawl at White Fields." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_snowball_Note0" "The snowball destroys trees." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_snowball_Note1" "The snowball travels at 675 movement speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_snowball_Note2" "Doesn't carry illusions, but will carry Meepo clones and other units that Tusk controls." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_snowball_Note3" "Each Meepo clone added to the snowball will add its own bonus damage and speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_snowball_Note4" "Allies can click on a snowball to add themselves to it." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_snowball_snowball_damage" "BASE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_snowball_snowball_damage_bonus" "BONUS DAMAGE PER ALLY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_snowball_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_snowball_snowball_windup_radius" "GATHER RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_snowball_snowball_windup" "LAUNCH TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_launch_snowball" "Launch Snowball" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_launch_snowball_Description" "Launch the snowball toward the target." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_launch_snowball_Lore" "Into the great wide white!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_launch_snowball_Note0" "The snowball destroys trees." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_launch_snowball_Note1" "The snowball travels at 675 movement speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_launch_snowball_Note2" "Doesn't carry illusions, but will carry Meepo clones and other units that Tusk controls." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_launch_snowball_Note3" "Each Meepo clone added to the snowball will add its own bonus damage and speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_frozen_sigil" "Frozen Sigil" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_frozen_sigil_Description" "Tusk summons a Frozen Sigil by calling upon the deepest cold of winter. The Sigil creates a snowstorm which slows all enemy units within 600 range." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_frozen_sigil_Lore" "The chill of home!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_frozen_sigil_Note0" "If no order is given, the Sigil will follow Tusk." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_frozen_sigil_Note1" "The Sigil has unobstructed movement, has a 310 movement speed, requires 3/3/4/4 hero attacks to destroy and 12/12/16/16 creep attacks to destroy, provides 400/400 vision, and gives a 90/100/110/120 gold bounty." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_frozen_sigil_Note2" "Works fully on Spell Immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_frozen_sigil_Note3" "Heroes deal 1 damage to the sigil, while non-hero units deal 0.25 damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_frozen_sigil_sigil_radius" "AURA RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_frozen_sigil_sigil_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_frozen_sigil_move_slow" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_frozen_sigil_attack_slow" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_walrus_punch" "Walrus PUNCH!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_walrus_punch_Description" "Tusk connects with his mighty Walrus Punch, a critical strike so powerful it launches its victim into the air. The victim is slowed upon landing.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_walrus_punch_aghanim_description" "Adds Walrus Kick ability, which knocks a target back and slows them." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_walrus_punch_Lore" "It never matters who throws the first punch, only who throws the last." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_walrus_punch_Note0" "Walrus Punch cannot miss." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_walrus_punch_Note1" "Works fully on Spell Immune units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_walrus_punch_walrus_window" "BUFF DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_walrus_punch_crit_multiplier" "%CRIT MULTIPLIER:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_walrus_punch_air_time" "AIR TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_walrus_punch_slow_duration" "SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_walrus_punch_move_slow" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_walrus_kick" "Walrus Kick" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_walrus_kick_Description" "Kicks the target unit back %push_length% units and slows their movement by %move_slow%%% for %slow_duration% seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_walrus_kick_push_length" "KICK PUSH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_walrus_kick_move_slow" "%MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tusk_walrus_kick_slow_duration" "SLOW DURATION:" "npc_dota_hero_tusk_bio" "It had been a brawl to remember. There stood Ymir, the Tusk, the Terror from the Barrier, the Snowball from Cobalt, the only fighter to have bested the Bristled Bruiser in a fair fight, and now the last man standing in Wolfsden Tavern. What started as a simple bar bet of supremacy ended with four regulars, a blacksmith, and six of the Frost Brigade's best soldiers writhing against the shards and splinters of almost every bottle, mug, and chair in the building. The Tusk boasted and toasted his victory as he emptied his brew. No sooner had the defeated regained consciousness than the cries for double-or-nothing rang out. The Tusk was pleased at the prospect, but none could think of a bet bigger than the one he just conquered. Horrified at the damage to his tavern and desperate to avoid another brawl, the barkeep had an idea. As skilled as he was, Ymir had never taken part in a real battle, never tested himself against the indiscriminate death and chaos of war. He proposed a wager to the fighter: seek out the biggest battle he could find, survive, and win it for whichever side he chose. The stakes? The next round of drinks." //SKYWRATH MAGE "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_arcane_bolt" "Arcane Bolt" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_arcane_bolt_Description" "Skywrath Mage launches a slow-moving bolt of arcane magic, dealing damage to an enemy unit based on Skywrath Mage's intelligence." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_arcane_bolt_Lore" "Within the Ghastly Eyrie's endless intrigue, only the clever and calm can hope to survive." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_arcane_bolt_Note0" "The projectile moves very slowly (500 ms), providing 325 vision around it. Upon impact, it will reveal the target area for 3.34 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_arcane_bolt_Note1" "Arcane Bolt cannot be disjointed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_arcane_bolt_bolt_damage" "BASE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_arcane_bolt_int_multiplier" "INT DAMAGE MULTIPLIER:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_concussive_shot" "Concussive Shot" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_concussive_shot_Description" "Skywrath Mage sets off a long range shot that hits the closest hero within a long range. Upon impact, it deals damage and slows in an area of effect." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_concussive_shot_Lore" "Those who serve the court of the Ghastly Eyrie are ever locked in covert war. One must always know where danger lurks nearest." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_concussive_shot_Note0" "Does not work when no heroes are in range or heroes are in fog." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_concussive_shot_Note1" "Damages creeps around the impact area." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_concussive_shot_Note2" "Provides 400 vision around the projectile, and reveals the target area for 3.34 seconds upon impact." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_concussive_shot_launch_radius" "SHOT RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_concussive_shot_slow_radius" "DAMAGE RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_concussive_shot_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_concussive_shot_slow_duration" "SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_concussive_shot_movement_speed_pct" "%SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_ancient_seal" "Ancient Seal" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_ancient_seal_Description" "Skywrath Mage seals the targeted unit with an ancient rune, silencing it and causing it to take additional damage from spells." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_ancient_seal_Lore" "A holy incantation, whosoever finds themselves touched by Avilliva's sigil must suffer in penitent silence." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_ancient_seal_Note0" "The magic damage resistance reduction doesn't affect creeps." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_ancient_seal_resist_debuff" "%INCREASED MAGIC DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_ancient_seal_seal_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_mystic_flare" "Mystic Flare" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_mystic_flare_Description" "Skywrath Mage uses his ultimate magical ability to conjure a precise and violent mystical field that lays waste to his adversaries. Deals massive damage distributed evenly among any Heroes in the area over %duration% seconds.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_mystic_flare_Lore" "Only the most practiced of Skywrath sorcerers could hope to shape the skies into such a storm." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_mystic_flare_Note0" "Mystic Flare only affects Heroes; it does not damage illusions or creep heroes." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_mystic_flare_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_mystic_flare_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_mystic_flare_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_mystic_flare_scepter_cooldown" "SCEPTER COOLDOWN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_skywrath_mage_mystic_flare_aghanim_description" "Reduces Cooldown." "npc_dota_hero_skywrath_mage_bio" "A highly placed mage in the court of the Ghastly Eyrie, Dragonus lives a troubled existence. Sworn by birth to protect whoever sits within the Nest of Thorns, he hates the current Skywrath queen with all his soul. As a youth, high-born, he was a friend and companion to the eldest Skywrath princess, Shendelzare, first in line for the Nest. He had loved her warmly and unshakably, but as his studies took hold, his mind turned to arcane learning and the mastery of Skywrath sorcery. Obsessed with matters aetherial, he missed the mundane signs of courtly treachery that hinted at a plot against Shendelzare, and lost his chance to foil it. When the court was shaken by a swift and violent coup, he emerged from his studies to discover his oldest and dearest friend had been lost to him. The Nest of Thorns now belonged to Shendelzare's ruthless younger sister, and Dragonus could do nothing. The magic of the Skywrath Mage serves only the sworn protector of the Skywrath scion, so to act against the Nest would render him helpless. He clings to his post, believing it to be the best hope of one day restoring his true love to her rightful place. Meanwhile, his secret is known only to the goddess Scree'auk, whose magic it was transformed Shendelzare from a crippled physical creature into an embodiment of pure vengeful energy. While he dreams of restoring his beloved queen to the Ghastly Eyrie, he dreams even more desperately of restoring Shendelzare herself to a fully healed physical form. The duplicity of his role at court tortures him, for he is a noble and good-hearted creature; but the worst torture of all is imagining the hatred that Vengeful Spirit must hold in her heart for him." //ABADDON "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_death_coil" "Mist Coil" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_death_coil_Description" "Abaddon releases a coil of deathly mist that can damage an enemy unit or heal a friendly unit at the cost of some of Abaddon's health." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_death_coil_Lore" "A mysterious vapor from the Font of Avernus now infuses the breath of Abaddon, who releases it at will." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_death_coil_target_damage" "DAMAGE/HEAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_death_coil_self_damage" "SELF DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_aphotic_shield" "Aphotic Shield" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_aphotic_shield_Description" "Summons dark energies around an ally unit, creating a shield that absorbs a set amount of damage before expiring. When the shield is destroyed it will burst and deal damage equal to the amount it could absorb to an area around it. Removes certain types of negative buffs and stuns on cast." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_aphotic_shield_Lore" "The powers of the black mist rise to absorb attacks like the black mist absorbs light." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_aphotic_shield_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_aphotic_shield_damage_absorb" "MAX DAMAGE ABSORBED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_aphotic_shield_radius" "BURST RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_frostmourne" "Curse of Avernus" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_frostmourne_Description" "Abaddon strikes an enemy with chilling curse on each attack, causing all units who attack the slowed enemy to gain increased movement speed, along with faster attack speed, for a limited time." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_frostmourne_Lore" "The curse that slows an enemy, speeds an ally." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_frostmourne_debuff_duration" "DEBUFF DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_frostmourne_buff_duration" "BUFF DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_frostmourne_slow_pct" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_frostmourne_attack_slow_tooltip" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_frostmourne_attack_speed" "ATTACK SPEED BONUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_frostmourne_move_speed_pct" "%MOVE SPEED BONUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_borrowed_time" "Borrowed Time" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_borrowed_time_Description" "When activated, all damage dealt to you will heal instead of harm. Most negative buffs will also be removed. If the ability is not on cooldown, it will passively activate if your hitpoints drop below %hp_threshold%.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_borrowed_time_Lore" "The most unnatural of all the gifts of the Font of Avernus, this power defies mortal understanding. What should hurt, instead heals; and what should kill gives strength anew." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_borrowed_time_hp_threshold" "HP THRESHOLD:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_borrowed_time_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_borrowed_time_duration_scepter" "SCEPTER DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_borrowed_time_redirect_range_tooltip_scepter" "REDIRECT RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_borrowed_time_aghanim_description" "Increases duration. While Borrowed Time is active, 35% of all damage taken by allied Heroes in a 900 radius will be redirected to you." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abaddon_borrowed_time_Note0" "Borrowed Time can be activated while Abaddon is disabled, but not while silenced." "npc_dota_hero_abaddon_bio" "The Font of Avernus is the source of a family's strength, a crack in primal stones from which vapors of prophetic power have issued for generations. Each newborn of the cavernous House Avernus is bathed in the black mist, and by this baptism they are given an innate connection to the mystic energies of the land. They grow up believing themselves fierce protectors of their lineal traditions, the customs of the realm--but what they really are protecting is the Font itself. And the motives of the mist are unclear. When the infant Abaddon was bathed in the Font, they say something went awry. In the child's eyes there flared a light of comprehension that startled all present and set the sacerdotes to whispering. He was raised with every expectation of following the path all scions of Avernus took--to train in war, that in times of need he might lead the family's army in defense of the ancestral lands. But Abaddon was always one apart. Where others trained with weapons, he bent himself to meditation in the presence of the mist. He drank deep from the vapors that welled from the Font, learning to blend his spirit with the potency that flowed from far beneath the House; he became a creature of the black mist. There was bitterness within the House Avernus--elders and young alike accusing him of neglecting his responsibilities. But all such accusations stopped when Abaddon rode into battle, and they saw how the powers of the mist had given him mastery over life and death beyond those of any lord the House had ever known." //ELDER TITAN "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_echo_stomp" "Echo Stomp" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_echo_stomp_Description" "Elder Titan and his Astral Spirit both stomp the ground, damaging and knocking nearby enemy units unconscious around their locations. The Elder Titan stomp deals physical damage, while the Spirit stomp deals magical damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_echo_stomp_Lore" "The force of creation still echoes in the stomp of the Titan." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_echo_stomp_cast_time" "CAST TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_echo_stomp_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_echo_stomp_stomp_damage" "STOMP DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_echo_stomp_sleep_duration" "SLEEP DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_echo_stomp_spirit" "Echo Stomp" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_echo_stomp_spirit_Description" "Elder Titan and his Astral Spirit both stomp the ground, damaging and knocking nearby enemy units unconscious around their locations. The Elder Titan stomp deals physical damage, while the Spirit stomp deals magical damage. Unconscious enemies will wake if they take damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_echo_stomp_spirit_Lore" "The force of creation still echoes in the stomp of the Titan." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_echo_stomp_spirit_cast_time" "CAST TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_echo_stomp_spirit_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_echo_stomp_spirit_stomp_damage" "STOMP DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_echo_stomp_spirit_sleep_duration" "SLEEP DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_ancestral_spirit" "Astral Spirit" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_ancestral_spirit_Description" "Elder Titan sends forth his Astral Spirit, damaging any units it passes through. When the spirit rejoins the Titan, it grants bonus damage and movement speed for each unit it damaged.\n\nThe Astral Spirit possesses the Echo Stomp, Return Spirit, and Natural Order abilities." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_ancestral_spirit_Lore" "Like the four fundamentals, Elder Titan exists across all planes at once and can draw other aspects of himself to assist in times of need." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_ancestral_spirit_spirit_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_ancestral_spirit_buff_duration" "BUFF DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_ancestral_spirit_pass_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_ancestral_spirit_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_ancestral_spirit_move_pct_creeps" "%BONUS SPEED(CREEPS):" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_ancestral_spirit_move_pct_heroes" "%BONUS SPEED(HEROES):" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_ancestral_spirit_damage_creeps" "BONUS DAMAGE(CREEPS):" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_ancestral_spirit_damage_heroes" "BONUS DAMAGE(HEROES):" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_return_spirit" "Return Astral Spirit" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_return_spirit_Description" "Returns the Astral Spirit to Elder Titan." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_natural_order" "Natural Order" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_natural_order_Description" "Reduces all elements to their basic levels, removing base armor and magic damage resistance from nearby enemy units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_natural_order_Lore" "As it was at the beginning, Elder Titan makes it so again." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_natural_order_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_natural_order_armor_reduction_pct" "%BASE ARMOR REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_natural_order_magic_resistance_pct" "%BASE RESIST REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_earth_splitter" "Earth Splitter" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_earth_splitter_Description" "Sends forth a jagged crack in front of Elder Titan. After 3 seconds, the crack implodes, slowing movement while dealing damage to each enemy based on their maximum life. Half of the damage dealt is Magical damage, while the other half is Physical damage.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_earth_splitter_Lore" "That which he created, the titan tears asunder." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_earth_splitter_crack_width" "CRACK WIDTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_earth_splitter_crack_distance" "CRACK LENGTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_earth_splitter_crack_time" "EXPLODE DELAY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_earth_splitter_slow_duration" "SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_earth_splitter_damage_pct" "%MAX HP AS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_earth_splitter_slow_pct" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_earth_splitter_aghanim_description" "Increases slow duration, and units pulled in by Earth Splitter are also disarmed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_elder_titan_earth_splitter_slow_duration_scepter" "SCEPTER SLOW/DISARM DURATION:" "npc_dota_hero_elder_titan_bio" "Well may you ask, \"How did this world take its form?\" Why of all the worlds in creation, has this one its strange properties, its diverse and motley collection of creatures, cultures and lore? \"The answer,\" One whispers, \"lies with the Titans.\" These original progenitors were there near the Beginning--if not actual witnesses to the creation, then born with it still echoing in their ears. Stamped with the earliest energies of the universe, they wished nothing more than to continue as creators themselves. Thus they bent to the task of shaping matter to their will: hammering and heating, bending and blasting. And when matter proved less challenging than they liked, they turned their tools upon themselves, reshaping their minds and reforging their spirits until they had become beings of great endurance. Reality itself became the ultimate object of their smithing. Yet, along the way, they sometimes erred. In cases of great ambition, mistakes are unavoidable. The one we know as the Elder Titan was a great innovator, one who studied at the forge of creation. In honing his skills, he shattered something that could never be repaired, only thrown aside. He fell into his own broken world, a shattered soul himself. There he dwelt among the jagged shards and fissured planes, along with other lost fragments that had sifted down through the cracks in the early universe. And this is why the world we know resembles an isle of castaways, survivors of a wreck now long forgotten. Forgotten, that is, by all but the One who blames himself. He spends his time forever seeking a way to accomplish the repairs, that he might rejoin the parts of his broken soul, that we and the world alike might all be mended. This is the One we know as Elder Titan." //LEGION COMMANDER "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_overwhelming_odds" "Overwhelming Odds" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_overwhelming_odds_Description" "Turns the enemies' numbers against them, dealing damage and granting you bonus movement speed per unit or per hero. Deals bonus damage to illusions and summoned units as a percent of their current health." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_overwhelming_odds_Lore" "The archers of Stonehall are ready at Tresdin's command." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_overwhelming_odds_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_overwhelming_odds_damage" "BASE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_overwhelming_odds_damage_per_unit" "DAMAGE PER CREEP:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_overwhelming_odds_damage_per_hero" "DAMAGE PER HERO:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_overwhelming_odds_illusion_dmg_pct" "%ILLUSION DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_overwhelming_odds_bonus_speed_creeps" "%BONUS SPEED (CREEPS):" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_overwhelming_odds_bonus_speed_heroes" "%BONUS SPEED (HEROES):" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_overwhelming_odds_duration" "SPEED DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_press_the_attack" "Press The Attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_press_the_attack_Description" "Removes debuffs and disables from the target friendly unit, and grants bonus attack speed and health regen for a short time." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_press_the_attack_Lore" "The rallying horn of the Bronze Legion is able to inspire any heart." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_press_the_attack_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_press_the_attack_attack_speed" "BONUS ATTACK SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_press_the_attack_hp_regen" "HP REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_moment_of_courage" "Moment of Courage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_moment_of_courage_Description" "When attacked, Legion Commander has a chance to immediately counterattack with bonus lifesteal." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_moment_of_courage_Lore" "Tresdin knows that an enemy's most vulnerable moment often follows their fiercest stroke." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_moment_of_courage_trigger_chance" "%COUNTERATTACK CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_moment_of_courage_hp_leech_percent" "%LIFESTEAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_duel" "Duel" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_duel_Description" "Legion Commander and the target enemy hero are forced to attack each other for a short duration. Neither hero can use items or abilities. If either hero dies during the duration, the hero winning the Duel gains permanent bonus damage.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_duel_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_duel_reward_damage" "BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_duel_aghanim_description" "Duels last until either Legion Commander or her opponent dies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_duel_note0" "Duels will end if the units are pushed 2000 units apart." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_legion_commander_duel_Lore" "To face a soldier of Stonehall in single combat is a challenge few can resist." "npc_dota_hero_legion_commander_bio" "They came without warning. Within the city walls of Stonehall there came a rumble and a terrible sound, and from blackness unknown came a force of beasts numbering beyond count, wielding flame and foul sorcery, slaying and snatching mothers and sons to dark purpose. Of once-mighty Stonehall's military strength only the Bronze Legion, led by the indomitable Commander Tresdin, was near enough to answer the call of battle. They rode into their city, fighting through bloodstained alleyways and burning markets, cutting their way through the monstrous throng to the source of the sudden invasion: an ethereal rift within the city square, and at its precipice thundered their dreaded champion. Enwrapped in a corrosive shimmer, the leader of the abyssal horde swung its massive blade, cleaving a legionnaire in two as his flesh began to spoil. Tresdin lifted her blood-stained sword and settled her sights on the beast. It turned, smiling at her through a maze of teeth. Heedless of the battle raging around them, they charged one another. Deflecting blow after blow, the pair danced their deadly duel as the Bronze Legion met its end around them. Tresdin leapt forward as her foe swung its sword to meet her. The odds turned. The attack smashed into Tresdin suddenly, a brutal thrust from the side, but even as her balance slipped she rallied her strength for another stroke. Blade scraped on blade, beyond the hilt to the gnarled paw below, carving it in two in a fearsome spray of sparks and blood. The vile audience looked on in astonishment as she pressed the attack, driving her blade through her foe's flesh into the stampeding heart within. With a scream that split the clouds above, the beast erupted in a torrent of gore and anguish. The stygian portal wavered, the power sustaining the chasm beyond vanishing as suddenly as it had appeared. The remaining invaders fell quickly to Stonehall steel. Though victorious, the survivors saw little to celebrate: the city lay in ruins, and survivors were few. Fires continued to spread. Unfurling her banners of war, Tresdin gathered what allies she could. Her anger smoldered as she pledged brutal vengeance upon the forces of the abyss, and damned be any who would dare stand in her way." //EMBER SPIRIT "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_searing_chains" "Searing Chains" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_searing_chains_Description" "Ember Spirit unleashes fiery bolas that wrap around nearby enemies, anchoring them in place and dealing damage each second." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_searing_chains_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_searing_chains_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_searing_chains_chains_damage" "DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_searing_chains_total_damage_tooltip" "TOTAL DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_searing_chains_unit_count" "UNIT COUNT:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_searing_chains_Note0" "Targets are chosen randomly around Xin." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_searing_chains_Note1" "Does not affect Spell Immune or invisible units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_searing_chains_Note2" "Interrupts channeling spells." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_searing_chains_Lore" "Xin's harshest lessons often employed the use of red-hot chains." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_sleight_of_fist" "Sleight of Fist" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_sleight_of_fist_Description" "Ember Spirit dashes around with blazing speed, attacking all enemies in the targeted area of effect, then returning to his start location. Deals bonus damage to heroes, and less damage to creeps." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_sleight_of_fist_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_sleight_of_fist_bonus_hero_damage" "BONUS HERO DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_sleight_of_fist_attack_interval" "ATTACK INTERVAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_sleight_of_fist_creep_damage_penalty" "%CREEP DAMAGE PENALTY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_sleight_of_fist_Note0" "Targets are determined when the spell is cast." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_sleight_of_fist_Note1" "A regular attack is done to each target every 0.2 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_sleight_of_fist_Note2" "Any attack modifier that Xin has (such as Critical Strike, Bash, Cleave, or Orb effects) will be applied normally on these attacks." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_sleight_of_fist_Note3" "Abilities and items can be used while Sleight of Fist is active." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_sleight_of_fist_Lore" "The studied warrior must whip and weave through its enemies, burning each without pause." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_flame_guard" "Flame Guard" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_flame_guard_Description" "Ember Spirit surrounds himself with a ring of fire that consumes incoming magic damage, leaving him unharmed. Flame Guard deals damage per second in an area around Ember Spirit while Flame Guard is active. If the shield is broken, the damage is also lost." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_flame_guard_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_flame_guard_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_flame_guard_absorb_amount" "MAGIC ABSORB:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_flame_guard_damage_per_second" "DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_flame_guard_Note0" "Magic damage reduction is calculated before any reductions." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_flame_guard_Lore" "An enemy should never be allowed to approach without difficulty." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_activate_fire_remnant" "Activate Fire Remnant" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_activate_fire_remnant_Description" "Select the Fire Remnant to arrive at." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_activate_fire_remnant_Lore" "With blazing speed does a spirit fly!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_fire_remnant" "Fire Remnant" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_fire_remnant_Description" "Ember Spirit generates Fire Remnant charges every 35 seconds, with a max of 3 charges. Releasing a charge sends a Fire Remnant that runs to the target location at 2.5x Ember Spirit's speed. Using Activate Fire Remnant, Ember Spirit can dash out to his Remnants, exploding them for area of effect damage. The targeted Remnant will be arrived at last." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_fire_remnant_max_charges" "MAX CHARGES:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_fire_remnant_charge_restore_time" "CHARGE RESTORE TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_fire_remnant_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_fire_remnant_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_fire_remnant_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_fire_remnant_Note0" "Starts with 3 charges (maximum)." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_fire_remnant_Note1" "Fire Remnants move to where you targeted them at 2.5x your speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ember_spirit_fire_remnant_Lore" "By the spirit's power are Xin's teachings spread anew." "npc_dota_hero_ember_spirit_bio" "Lost within the Wailing Mountains, the Fortress of Flares lay abandoned, its training halls empty, its courtyard covered in leaves and dust. Upon a dais in its sealed temple rests a topaz cauldron filled with ancient ash, remnants of a pyre for the warrior-poet Xin. For three generations, Xin taught his acolytes the Bonds of the Guardian Flame, a series of mantras to train the mind and body for the harsh realities beyond the fortress walls. However, in teaching a warrior's way he earned a warrior's rivals, and in his autumn Xin was bested and slain. His followers spread to the wind. Yet as years turned to centuries and followers to descendants, his teachings endured by subtle whisper and deed. Touched by the teacher's lasting legacy, the Burning Celestial, inquisitive aspect of fire, cast himself to the Fortress of Flares and reignited the pyre ash. From these glowing embers emerged an image of Xin, wreathed in flame, his thoughtful countenance prepared to train and to teach, and to spread the fires of knowledge to all who seek guidance." // EARTH SPIRIT "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_boulder_smash" "Boulder Smash" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_boulder_smash_Description" "Earth Spirit smashes the target enemy or ally, sending them in the direction he is facing. If Earth Spirit targets an area, he will smash the nearest Stone Remnant in a %remnant_smash_radius_tooltip% radius. The travelling unit or Remnant damages all enemy units it hits. If an enemy is hit by a Stone Remnant, they are also stunned. Stone Remnants travel further than other units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_boulder_smash_Lore" "It is with the power of a mountain that Earth Spirit strikes his enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_boulder_smash_rock_search_aoe" "REMNANT SMASH RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_boulder_smash_rock_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_boulder_smash_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_boulder_smash_speed" "TRAVEL SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_boulder_smash_unit_distance" "DISTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_boulder_smash_rock_distance" "DISTANCE (REMNANT):" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_boulder_smash_Note0" "Stun is only applied if the initial target is a Stone Remnant." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_boulder_smash_Note1" "Boulder Smash's cooldown is not reset if it fails to knock back a unit or Remnant." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_rolling_boulder" "Rolling Boulder" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_rolling_boulder_Description" "Earth Spirit gathers himself into a boulder and, after a %delay%s delay, rolls toward the target location, damaging enemy units. He will stop if he collides with a hero or is stunned. If he rolls over a Stone Remnant, he will travel further and faster, and enemies hit by the boulder will have their movement speed slowed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_rolling_boulder_Lore" "Calling upon his connection to the land, the Earth Spirit draws loose stone to him, which forms a protective ball that he can use to roll short distances." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_rolling_boulder_speed" "SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_rolling_boulder_rock_speed" "SPEED (REMNANT):" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_rolling_boulder_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_rolling_boulder_rock_damage" "DAMAGE (REMNANT):" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_rolling_boulder_distance" "DISTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_rolling_boulder_rock_distance" "DISTANCE (REMNANT):" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_rolling_boulder_slow_duration" "SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_rolling_boulder_move_slow" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_rolling_boulder_Note0" "Rolling over a Stone Remnant will destroy the Remnant." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_rolling_boulder_Note1" "The boulder has a radius of 150." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_geomagnetic_grip" "Geomagnetic Grip" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_geomagnetic_grip_Description" "Earth Spirit pulls the target Stone Remnant or allied unit to his location. Enemies struck by the gripped target will be silenced, and take damage if the gripped target is a Stone Remnant." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_geomagnetic_grip_Note0" "Will not work on a unit inside Chronosphere, Duel, or Black Hole." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_geomagnetic_grip_Lore" "Like calls to like. Even the minerals found in the blood and bones of living beings are not immune to the call of the Earth Spirit." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_geomagnetic_grip_miss_duration" "SILENCE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_geomagnetic_grip_rock_damage" "REMNANT DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_geomagnetic_grip_pull_units_per_second" "REMNANT PULL SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_geomagnetic_grip_pull_units_per_second_heroes" "HERO PULL SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_stone_caller" "Stone Remnant" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_stone_caller_Description" "Call a Stone Remnant to the target location. Stones Remnants have no vision and are invulnerable, and can be used with Earth Spirit's abilities. Calling a Stone Remnant consumes a charge, which recharge over time." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_stone_caller_max_charges" "MAX CHARGES:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_stone_caller_charge_restore_time" "CHARGE RESTORE TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_stone_caller_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_stone_caller_Lore" "Earth Spirit calls forth a remnant of his stone army, long buried with him in the dark embrace of the Earth." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_magnetize" "Magnetize" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_magnetize_Description" "Magnetizes units in a small nearby area, causing them to take damage for a short duration. Magnetized heroes cause nearby Stone Remnants to explode, destroying the remnant and refreshing Magnetize's duration on all nearby enemies. This process can repeat multiple times. If an enemy hero is affected by silence or slows as a result of Geomagnetic Grip or Rolling Boulder, all magnetized heroes share the effects.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_magnetize_cast_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_magnetize_damage_per_second" "DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_magnetize_damage_duration" "MAGNETIZE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_magnetize_rock_search_radius" "REMNANT REFRESH RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_magnetize_rock_explosion_radius" "REMNANT EXPLOSION RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_magnetize_Lore" "At the Earth Spirit's call, the minerals in the blood and bones of his enemies rebel against the bodies they find themselves in." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_magnetize_aghanim_description" "Grants the Enchant Remnant ability, which allows Earth Spirit to temporarily transform an allied or enemy hero into a Stone Remnant that explodes after a short duration." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_petrify" "Enchant Remnant" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_petrify_Description" "Earth Spirit temporarily enchants a hero, granting them the properties of a Stone Remnant. After %duration% seconds the remnant shatters, releasing the hero and damaging nearby enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_petrify_duration" "REMNANT DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_petrify_damage" "SHATTER DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_petrify_aoe" "SHATTER RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_earth_spirit_petrify_Lore" "Kaolin uses the elemental power of the Earth to temporarily petrify living beings, so that they might be conscripted into his stone funerary army." "npc_dota_hero_earth_spirit_bio" "Deep amid the Upland crags and cliffs there runs a seam of sacred jade long foresworn by highland miners. From this rare material, the likeness of the great general Kaolin was carved and buried at the head of a stone funerary army ten thousand strong--a force of soldiers and holy men, jesters and acrobats, carved by crafstmen and entombed for millennia in the dark embrace of the Earth. What the craftsmen had not known was that within the strange seam of jade flowed the spirit of the Earth itself--an elemental force at one with the planet. When the force within the carved jade found itself cut off from the life's blood of the world, it gathered its strength over the course of a thousand years and dug itself free and into the light. Now the great Kaolin Earth Spirit strides the Upland roads, fighting for the spirit of the Earth; and in times of need calls forth remnants of his buried army still locked in the loving embrace of the soil." //ABYSSAL UNDERLORD "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_firestorm" "Firestorm" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_firestorm_Description" "Calls down waves of fire that damage enemy units in the target area, and continues to burn them for additional damage over time." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_firestorm_Lore" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_firestorm_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_firestorm_wave_count" "WAVE COUNT:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_firestorm_wave_damage" "WAVE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_firestorm_wave_interval" "WAVE INTERVAL" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_firestorm_burn_damage" "BURN DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_firestorm_burn_duration" "BURN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_pit_of_malice" "Pit of Malice" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_pit_of_malice_Description" "A deadly pit is conjured at the target location; any unit that enters is unable to move for some time and takes damage. Each enemy unit can only be affected once." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_pit_of_malice_Lore" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_pit_of_malice_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_pit_of_malice_pit_duration" "PIT DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_pit_of_malice_pit_damage" "PIT DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_pit_of_malice_ensare_duration" "DISABLE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_atrophy_aura" "Atrophy Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_atrophy_aura_Description" "Nearby enemy units are weakened, losing a portion of their base damage. If it dies while under this effect, Pit Lord gains bonus damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_atrophy_aura_Lore" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_atrophy_aura_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_atrophy_aura_damage_reduction_pct" "%DAMAGE REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_atrophy_aura_bonus_damage_from_creep" "BONUS DAMAGE(CREEP):" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_atrophy_aura_bonus_damage_from_hero" "BONUS DAMAGE(HERO):" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_atrophy_aura_bonus_damage_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_dark_rift" "Dark Rift" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_dark_rift_Description" "Opens a dark rift at the targeted friendly unit's position. After a short delay, Abyssal Underlord and all nearby friendly heroes are teleported to that unit's location. Dark Rift can be cancelled at anytime during the cast. If it is cancelled in this way or the target unit dies before the spell becomes active, Dark Rift goes into cooldown." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_dark_rift_Lore" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_dark_rift_radius" "TELEPORT RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_dark_rift_teleport_delay" "TELEPORT DELAY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_cancel_dark_rift" "Cancel Dark Rift" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_abyssal_underlord_cancel_dark_rift_Description" "Stop the teleport." //PHOENIX "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_icarus_dive" "Icarus Dive" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_icarus_dive_Description" "Phoenix dives forward in an arc with a fixed distance in the targeted direction, dealing damage over time and slowing the movement speed of any units it comes into contact with, and then orbiting back to its original position. If Phoenix casts Supernova, the dive ends." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_icarus_dive_Lore" "Though no stranger to travelling the cosmic void, soaring within an atmosphere offers unique pleasures." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_icarus_dive_hp_cost_perc" "%HP COST:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_icarus_dive_dash_length" "DIVE LENGTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_icarus_dive_burn_duration" "BURN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_icarus_dive_damage_per_second" "DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_icarus_dive_slow_movement_speed_pct" "%MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_icarus_dive_Note0" "Icarus Dive has a 2 second travel duration, and can be cancelled by casting the ability again while in flight." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_icarus_dive_stop" "Stop Icarus Dive" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_icarus_dive_stop_Description" "Immediately cancels the dive." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_icarus_dive_stop_Lore" "SCREE!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_fire_spirits" "Fire Spirits" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_fire_spirits_Description" "Summons 4 fire spirits that circle around Phoenix. Each spirit can be launched independently at a targeted area of effect. Affected enemy units take damage over time and have their attack speed greatly reduced." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_fire_spirits_Note0" "Fire Spirits reveal the area they strike for 1 second." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_fire_spirits_Lore" "The ever-collapsing core of Phoenix often emits short-lived bursts of conscious light." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_fire_spirits_hp_cost_perc" "%HP COST:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_fire_spirits_spirit_duration" "SPIRIT DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_fire_spirits_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_fire_spirits_duration" "BURN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_fire_spirits_dps" "DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_fire_spirits_attackspeed_slow" "ATTACK SPEED SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_launch_fire_spirit" "Launch Fire Spirit" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_launch_fire_spirit_Description" "Each fire spirit can be launched independently at a targeted area of effect. Affected enemy units take damage over time and have their attack speed greatly reduced. Reveals the area it strikes for 1 second." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_launch_fire_spirit_Lore" "PKAWW! BOOM" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_launch_fire_spirit_hp_cost_perc" "%HP COST:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_launch_fire_spirit_spirit_duration" "SPIRIT DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_launch_fire_spirit_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_launch_fire_spirit_duration" "BURN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_launch_fire_spirit_dps" "DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_launch_fire_spirit_attackspeed_slow" "ATTACK SPEED SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_sun_ray" "Sun Ray" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_sun_ray_Description" "Drawing from its own inner fire, Phoenix expels a huge beam of light at the cost of its own life energy. The beam damages enemies for a percentage of their life and heals allies for half that amount. Damage scales up to twice the initial damage as the beam fires." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_sun_ray_Lore" "The vent through which such stellar energy flows is mere atoms wide." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_sun_ray_hp_cost_perc_per_second" "%HP COST PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_sun_ray_tooltip_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_sun_ray_beam_range" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_sun_ray_radius" "WIDTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_sun_ray_base_dmg" "DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_sun_ray_hp_perc_dmg" "%MAX HP AS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_sun_ray_stop" "Stop Sun Ray" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_sun_ray_stop_Description" "Immediately stops the Sun Ray." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_sun_ray_stop_Lore" "CHIRP!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_sun_ray_toggle_move" "Toggle Movement" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_sun_ray_toggle_move_Description" "Toggles slow forward movement during Sun Ray firing." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_sun_ray_toggle_move_empty" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_sun_ray_toggle_move_empty_Description" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_sun_ray_toggle_move_Lore" "SQAWRK!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_supernova" "Supernova" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_supernova_Description" "The Phoenix willingly ends its current life for the chance to be reborn. Transforms into a burning sun that scorches enemies in a huge area. The sun can be destroyed by attacks from enemy Heroes. After %tooltip_duration% seconds the sun explodes, stunning all nearby enemies while restoring Phoenix to full health and mana with refreshed abilities.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_supernova_aghanim_description" "Allows Phoenix to cast Supernova on an allied hero, bringing both into the sun to be reborn together. Does not refresh ultimate abilities." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_supernova_Lore" "The solar crucible of a Supernova may be fatal, yet from its flames arise new beacons to wander infinity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_supernova_aura_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_supernova_tooltip_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_supernova_damage_per_sec" "DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_supernova_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_supernova_max_hero_attacks" "ATTACKS TO DESTROY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_phoenix_supernova_cast_range_tooltip_scepter" "SCEPTER CAST RANGE:" "npc_dota_hero_phoenix_bio" "Alone across an untouched darkness gleamed the Keeper's first sun, a singular point of conscious light fated to spread warmth into the empty void. Through aeons beyond count, this blinding beacon set to coalescing its incalculable energy before bursting forth the cataclysmic flare of supernova. From this inferno raced new beacons, star progeny identical to its parent, who journeyed an unlit ocean and settled in constellatory array. In time, they too would be made to propagate through supernova flame. So would this dazzling cycle of birth and rebirth repeat until all skies hewn of Titan toil deigned to twinkle and shine. By this ageless crucible the star that mortals would come to call Phoenix collapsed into being, and like its ancestors was thrust into an endless cosmos to find a place among its stellar brethren. Yet curiosity toward that which the dimming elders comfort in the darkness consumed the fledgling, and so over long cycles it inquired and studied. It learned that among worlds both whole and broken would soon stir a nexus of remarkable variety locked in an enduring conflict of cosmic consequence, a plane which would find itself in need of more influence than a dying sun's distant rays could provide. Thus this infant son of suns took terrestrial form, eagerly travelling to shine its warmth upon those who may need it most, and perhaps seize upon its solar destiny." // TERRORBLADE "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_reflection" "Reflection" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_reflection_Description" "Terrorblade brings forth an invulnerable dark reflection of the targeted enemy hero. The enemy hero is slowed and attacked by the reflection for a short duration." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_reflection_Lore" "In the fractal prison of Foulfell, Terrorblade learned the truth of this old tale: you are your own worst enemy. Now it is a lesson he teaches others." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_reflection_illusion_duration" "REFLECTION DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_reflection_illusion_outgoing_tooltip" "%REFLECTION DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_reflection_move_slow" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_reflection_attack_slow_tooltip" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_reflection_Note0" "Reflections are untargetable, invulnerable illusions." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_reflection_Note1" "Reflections can only attack their source." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_conjure_image" "Conjure Image" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_conjure_image_Description" "Creates an illusion of Terrorblade that deals damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_conjure_image_Lore" "There's only one thing more dangerous than facing Terrorblade. Facing MORE Terrrorblades!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_conjure_image_illusion_duration" "ILLUSION DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_conjure_image_illusion_outgoing_tooltip" "%ILLUSION DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_conjure_image_illusion_incoming_damage_total_tooltip" "%ILLUSION DAMAGE TAKEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_metamorphosis" "Metamorphosis" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_metamorphosis_Description" "Terrorblade transforms into a powerful demon with a ranged attack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_metamorphosis_Lore" "Temper, temper. The rage rises up and takes control. Meet Terrorblade's own worst self." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_metamorphosis_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_metamorphosis_transformation_time" "TRANSFORMATION TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_metamorphosis_base_attack_time" "BASE ATTACK TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_metamorphosis_tooltip_attack_range" "ATTACK RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_metamorphosis_bonus_damage" "BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_metamorphosis_speed_loss" "MOVEMENT SPEED LOSS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_metamorphosis_Note0" "Manta Style's cooldown time will be based on whether Terrorblade was in his ranged or melee form when the item was used." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_sunder" "Sunder" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_sunder_Description" "Severs the life from both Terrorblade and a target hero, exchanging a percentage of both units' current health. Some health points must remain." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_sunder_Lore" "You didn't need that life, did you? The demon marauder steals that which you hold most dear." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_terrorblade_sunder_hit_point_minimum_pct" "%MINIMUM HP SWAP:" "npc_dota_hero_terrorblade_bio" "Terrorblade is the demon marauder--an outlaw hellion whom even other demons fear. A cosmic iconoclast, he stole from the Demon Lords, ignored the codified rites that should have bound his behavior, and broke every law of the seven Infernal Regions. For his crimes, he was taught this lesson: even Hell has a hell. A short, brutal trial ensued, with many dead on all sides, and he was finally incarcerated in Foulfell, a hidden dimension where demonkind imprison their own. But Foulfell is no normal prison. In this dark mirror of reality, demons are sentenced to gaze eternally into the twisted reflection of their own souls. But instead of suffering, Terrorblade made himself master of his own reflected worst self--a raging, thieving demon of unimaginable power. With his inner beast under sway, he destroyed the fractal prison walls and burst free to turn his terror loose upon all creation." // ORACLE "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_oracle_fortunes_end" "Fortune's End" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_oracle_fortunes_end_Description" "CHANNELED - Gathers Oracle's power into a bolt of scouring energy that, when released, damages, stops movement, and purges enemies of buffs in an area around the target. Can be channeled for up to %max_channel_time_tooltip% seconds. The stop duration is equal to the time spent channeling." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_oracle_fortunes_end_Lore" "The astral orb crackles with power while raw energy lances out, temporarily disrupting an enemy's connection to their own body." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_oracle_fortunes_end_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_oracle_fortunes_end_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_oracle_fortunes_end_minimum_purge_duration" "MIN STOP DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_oracle_fortunes_end_maximum_purge_duration" "MAX STOP DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_oracle_fates_edict" "Fate's Edict" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_oracle_fates_edict_Description" "Oracle enraptures a target, disarming them and granting them %magic_damage_resistance_pct_tooltip%%% magic damage resistance, yet also increasing any damage taken from other damage types. Can be cast on allies and enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_oracle_fates_edict_Lore" "An unbreakable prophecy resounds: a chosen ally shall briefly suffer no magics. Other kinds of suffering however..." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_oracle_fates_edict_damage_amp" "%DAMAGE AMPLIFICATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_oracle_fates_edict_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_oracle_fates_edict_Note0" "Cannot be dispelled by purges, except for the purge from Fortune's End." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_oracle_purifying_flames" "Purifying Flames" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_oracle_purifying_flames_Description" "Burns away impurities, dealing heavy magic damage to the target before causing them to regenerate health over time. The amount of health regenerated over its duration exceeds the amount of initial damage. Can be cast on enemies and allies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_oracle_purifying_flames_Lore" "Like a hall of mirrors might amplify the light of a single candle, the shattered walls of the universe can transform the light of prophecy into a burning torch." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_oracle_purifying_flames_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_oracle_purifying_flames_heal_per_second" "HEAL PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_oracle_purifying_flames_total_heal_tooltip" "TOTAL HEAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_oracle_purifying_flames_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_oracle_purifying_flames_Note0" "The healing from Purifying Flames can be stacked with itself." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_oracle_false_promise" "False Promise" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_oracle_false_promise_Description" "Temporarily alters an ally's destiny, delaying any healing or damage taken until False Promise ends. Any healing that is delayed by False Promise is doubled. Removes most negative status effects and disables while active." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_oracle_false_promise_Lore" "Foes and false prophets oft make lies of men's fates." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_oracle_false_promise_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_oracle_false_promise_Note0" "Delayed damage and healing will take armor and magic resistance reductions into account when received." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_oracle_false_promise_Note1" "The delayed damage and healing takes effect as soon as the target becomes vulnerable." "npc_dota_hero_oracle_bio" "Ascendants to the Great Seat of Cymurri had for ages imported their Oracles exclusively from the Ivory Incubarium, high in the hollow peaks of the Zealot's Range, with a downpayment made at the time of the embryo's conception and the balance surrendered on delivery of a mature, well-trained prophet to the Gate of the Graven King. Raised by same Pallid Sybils who bred and birthed them, all sanctioned Oracles were anchored by their physical form to the world we most of us share; meanwhile, their souls roamed far afield, barely bound by the airiest astral umbilicus. From such cosmic roamings the prophets would return, speaking words of fire with tongues of flesh. Their mystic utterances were analyzed by the Cymurri Advisors, who found in them visions of the future, diplomatic advice, all the supernatural ammunition the line of Graven Kings needed to secure victory in every campaign, whether in the court or on the battlefield. Thus it went for generations, the Graventome's pages filling with the names of triumphant kings and the new domains they had acquired. So it went, that is, until the particular Oracle named Nerif arrived to serve the very last of the stone-helmed kings. From the first, Nerif's prophecies were unusual. They seemed not merely to portend the future, but to shape it. The weird soothsayer croaked out advice no one had requested, and suddenly the Cymurri found themselves immersed in conflicts with newfound enemies. The Advisors, sensing a threat to their power, were quick to pin these unwelcome developments on the latest Oracle. They demanded his removal, petitioning the Sybils to reclaim their defective prophet and replace him with a worthy substitute. But Nerif described an ominous dream of the Incubarium's destruction, and within hours came news of the ancient school's destruction in a catastrophic avalanche. Fearing the same fate as the Pallid Sybils, the Advisors withdrew to their counsel chambers, suddenly anxious to avoid the Oracle's notice. The Graven King, however, was a creature of great practicality. He doubted the commitment of his overprudent Advisors. An Oracle of such rarity, he reasoned, ought be used as a weapon to enlarge his domain. He therefore demoted his timid counselors and stationed Nerif at his side. With only a blunt understanding of Nerif's talent, he boldly stated the outcomes he desired, and coaxed Nerif into uttering his wishes as prophecy. At first, all was well. The Last Graven King boasted that by adopting Fate's pet, he had made a plaything of Fate itself. He should have taken it as a warning then when, on the eve of his invasion of the Unsated Satrap's realm, he attempted to coerce a prediction of certain victory from his Oracle, only to hear Nerif quietly mutter, \"It could go either way.\" No firmer statement could he force from Nerif's lips. Still, the King was confident in his army. The Satrapy was landlocked, poorly armed, and shut off from all possible allies. He took \"It could go either way\" to indicate that with tactical might on his side, there was little risk in his plan. Of course, we now know that he should have taken the sayer's words more literally. Even with careful study of the Annotated Annals of If, what happened on the field before the Unsated Satrap's palace is almost impossible to visualize. It appears that in the midst of the carnage, the battle began to bifurcate. At each pivotal moment, reality calved and broke into bits. Soldiers who staggered and fell in battle also stood sure-footed, forging onward to fight. Their minds also split; the warriors found themselves both dead and alive, existent and non-existent. Victory and defeat were partitioned, so that each separate outcome was experienced in simultaneity by both armies. The universe became a hall of mirrors, with all the mirrors endlessly shattering. The immediate effect on both parties was insanity. Unable to comprehend the state of being both triumphant and defeated, the Graven King's mind dispersed into motes of madness. The naive Satrap fared no better. The opposing paired realities continued to split and split again, echoing into infinite histories, all of them populated by a bewildered populace that soon lost the ability to feed, clothe, defend, or reproduce itself in the traditional manner. Long before the repercussions had played out, however, Cymurri's wary Advisors had seized Nerif, bound and gagged him, and launched him out of their universe at high speed on a dimensional barque, in the hopes of depositing him where he could do them no harm forever. It was, of course, too late for them. And may well be for us." // TECHIES "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_land_mines" "Land Mines" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_land_mines_Description" "Plant an invisible mine that explodes when an enemy steps near. The explosion will deal less damage if the enemy is farther away from the mine when it explodes. Mines explode %explode_delay% seconds after being triggered. If the number of mines planted exceeds the mine limit, the oldest mine will explode. Damages buildings." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_land_mines_Lore" "The bane of Toterin!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_land_mines_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_land_mines_small_radius" "FULL DAMAGE RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_land_mines_big_radius" "HALF DAMAGE RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_land_mines_activation_time" "MINE ACTIVATION TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_land_mines_fade_time" "MINE FADE TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_land_mines_max_mines" "MINE LIMIT:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_land_mines_Note0" "If destroyed by attacks, the mines will still explode." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_land_mines_Note1" "Mines last until they explode." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_land_mines_Note2" "Mines are triggered by invisible units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_land_mines_Note3" "Mines will not be triggered by some flying units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_stasis_trap" "Stasis Trap" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_stasis_trap_Description" "Plant an invisible trap that stuns nearby enemy units when triggered." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_stasis_trap_Lore" "The scourge of Trapper Town!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_stasis_trap_activation_radius" "TRIGGER RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_stasis_trap_explode_delay" "TRIGGER DELAY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_stasis_trap_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_stasis_trap_activation_time" "TRAP ACTIVATION TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_stasis_trap_fade_time" "TRAP FADE TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_stasis_trap_duration" "TRAP DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_stasis_trap_Note0" "Stasis Traps destroy all other Stasis Traps in their area of effect when they detonate." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_stasis_trap_Note1" "Stasis Traps are not triggered by invisible units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_suicide" "Suicide Squad, Attack!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_suicide_Description" "Techies sacrifice themselves for the greater good, dealing massive area of effect damage. More damage is dealt to units closer to Techies when they explode. Techies' respawn time is reduced by %respawn_time_percentage_tooltip%%% when killed by this ability." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_suicide_Lore" "What's this button do?" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_suicide_damage" "FULL DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_suicide_small_radius" "FULL DAMAGE RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_suicide_partial_damage" "PARTIAL DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_suicide_big_radius" "PARTIAL DAMAGE RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_suicide_Note0" "Using this ability counts as suicide, and does not award gold or experience to the enemy team." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_suicide_Note1" "Techies still earn experience for kills made with this ability." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_suicide_Note2" "This ability destroys trees." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_remote_mines" "Remote Mines" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_remote_mines_Description" "Plant an invisible explosive that will only detonate when triggered. Does not damage buildings.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_remote_mines_Lore" "The downfall of Dredger's Bight!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_remote_mines_radius" "EXPLOSION RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_remote_mines_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_remote_mines_activation_time" "FADE TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_remote_mines_duration" "MINE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_remote_mines_cast_range_tooltip" "CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_remote_mines_cast_range_scepter" "SCEPTER CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_remote_mines_damage_scepter" "SCEPTER DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_remote_mines_aghanim_description" "Increases damage and cast range. Also allows Minefield Sign to hide nearby Land Mines, Stasis Traps, and Remote Mines from True Sight." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_focused_detonate" "Focused Detonate" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_focused_detonate_Description" "Detonate all remote mines in the target area." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_focused_detonate_Lore" "Why light one fuse when you can light them all?" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_focused_detonate_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_remote_mines_self_detonate" "PINPOINT DETONATE" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_remote_mines_self_detonate_Description" "Detonate all selected remote mines." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_remote_mines_self_detonate_Lore" "Kablooey!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_minefield_sign" "Minefield Sign" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_minefield_sign_Description" "Plant a warning sign to remind enemies to step lightly. Only one sign can exist at a time. Lasts %lifetime% seconds.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter, allowing Minefield Sign to hide any Land Mines, Stasis Traps, and Remote Mines in a %aura_radius% radius from True Sight." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_minefield_sign_lifetime" "SIGN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_minefield_sign_Lore" "Watch your step!" "npc_dota_hero_techies_bio" "In the storied saga of Dredger's Bight, no business has ever been more reviled than Techies Demolitions. Then again, Dredger's Bight no longer exists. Nor does Toterin. Or even Trapper Town. In fact, if one were to track the history of Techies Demolitions they might notice that shortly after Techies appear, towns tend to disappear. Like every inevitable disaster surrounding Techies, the obliteration of Dredger's Bight began with an invention. Tasked with designing a safer way of detonating explosives in the mines beneath the city, pyrotechnic prodigies Squee, Spleen, and Spoon developed their most outlandish creation yet: a button which, when pressed, would trigger a distant device to spark a fuse. Overeager to test their invention, the trio stuffed barrel after barrel with flamesalt explosives, piling every corner of their tiny workshop high with the newly developed remote bombs. From this stockpile they plucked a single payload, burying it in a far away field. As they cowered in a ditch, Spleen pressed the detonator button. Yet after a moment, nothing happened. Confused, he stood up, pressing his button again and again until, finally, an explosion tore a hole in the field. Elated, Squee and Spleen turned toward home just as a massive wave of sound and force arrived to knock them over. Bewildered, their ears ringing from the unexpected blast, they gathered in the dingy miasma to see a smoking ruin where their workshop once stood. Chunks of wood and stone continued to fall as the yawning crater before them slowly deepened into an expanding pit. The whole of Dredger's Bight shuddered, and then gradually started to slide into the mines below as its panicked residents fled. Sitting at the edge of their sinking home they grinned and giggled, as giddy at the possibilities as they were oblivious to the scorn of their former neighbors. They wondered only one thing: how could they trigger an even bigger blast?" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_arctic_burn" "Arctic Burn" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_arctic_burn_Description" "Winter Wyvern soars upon an arctic wind, granting her unobstructed movement and allowing her to exhale a blistering chill into each attack. While soaring, her attacks travel further and faster, and slow enemies with a magical freeze that strips them of %percent_damage%%% of their current health each second. Her sight is also hardened against night's chill, granting her %night_vision_bonus%% additional vision range at night while soaring." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_arctic_burn_Lore" "The same organ where some dragons stoke their inner flame is, in Auroth, a crucible of unimaginable cold. From deep within her frosty gullet, an exhalation sends enemies into burning agony." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_arctic_burn_duration" "FLIGHT DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_arctic_burn_attack_range_bonus" "BONUS ATTACK RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_arctic_burn_percent_damage" "%HEALTH BURN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_arctic_burn_bonus_movespeed" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_arctic_burn_damage_duration" "BURN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_arctic_burn_night_vision_bonus" "ADDED NIGHT VISION RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_arctic_burn_Note0" "Enemy units can only receive the Arctic Burn debuff once per cast." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_arctic_burn_Note1" "This ability does not affect Roshan." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_arctic_burn_Note2" "Reduces Winter Wyvern's attack point to 0.1." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_splinter_blast" "Splinter Blast" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_splinter_blast_Description" "Launches a ball of brittle ice toward an enemy. The ice shatters on impact, leaving the primary target completely unaffected, while hurling damaging splinters into nearby enemies in a %split_radius% radius. Enemies struck by these splinters are slowed by %movespeed_slow_tooltip%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_splinter_blast_Lore" "Produced slowly by specialized vesicles in her frozen gullet, Winter Wyvern blast shards of ice at her enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_splinter_blast_split_radius" "SHATTER RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_splinter_blast_movespeed_slow_tooltip" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_splinter_blast_duration" "SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_splinter_blast_Note0" "The primary projectile moves at 500 movespeed, or reaches the target in 1 second, whichever is faster up to 4000 speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_splinter_blast_Note1" "Neither the primary or secondary projectiles can be disjointed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_cold_embrace" "Cold Embrace" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_cold_embrace_Description" "Encases an ally in an icy cocoon, freezing them solid while healing a base amount as well as a percentage of their maximum health each second. The cocoon blocks all physical damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_cold_embrace_Lore" "From winter's heart comes a cold, healing embrace. The ice slows the blood and allows the spell to better work its curative magic." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_cold_embrace_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_cold_embrace_heal_additive" "BASE HEALTH REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_cold_embrace_heal_percentage" "%MAX HEALTH REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_cold_embrace_Note0" "Cannot be dispelled." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_winters_curse" "Winter's Curse" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_winters_curse_Description" "Winter Wyvern freezes an enemy in place while striking those nearby with a maddening curse which causes them to attack their frozen ally. Those cursed to attack their ally take %damage_reduction%%% less damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_winters_curse_Lore" "The oldest of the bookwurm’s spells, this curse lends truth to the old saw: sometimes the enemy of my enemy is my enemy still." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_winters_curse_radius" "CURSE RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_winters_curse_damage_reduction" "%CURSE DAMAGE REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_winters_curse_duration" "CURSE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_winter_wyvern_winters_curse_Note0" "If the target dies to its allies, Winter Wyvern will receive credit for the kill." "npc_dota_hero_winter_wyvern_bio" "Like many great poets, Auroth just wants time to write, but the Winter Wyvern's life is full of interruptions. The epics of the Eldwurms have a long and colorful history, but some fear that the remaining dragon scholars are not as prolific as they once were, with few lines added to the Eldwurm Eddas since the last age of greatness. Auroth laments: \"We forget that there is more to life than triumph and dominion over enemies. We must also live our lives in the pursuit of creative expression.\" She embarks on research expeditions, collecting books for inspiration. But all this research can be terribly distracting, and she spends less time writing than she should. Although she knows she should be lurking in her lair, adding to the Eddas, she finds herself engaged in epic battles against powerful enemies. She loots castles, raids ancient libraries ... and if she happens to heap glory on herself in the process, she tells herself that it's merely a side effect of her research. The fact is, while her skill and power on the battlefield are legendary, her scholarly travails have thus far hardly been the stuff of literary acclaim. But she is not content to stand as a protagonist of heroic lore. She wishes also to create it." //----- "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_abyssal_blade" "Abyssal Blade" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_arcane_ring" "Arcane Ring" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_armlet" "Armlet of Mordiggian" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_assault" "Assault Cuirass" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_basher" "Skull Basher" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_belt_of_strength" "Belt of Strength" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_bfury" "Battle Fury" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_black_king_bar" "Black King Bar" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_blade_mail" "Blade Mail" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_blades_of_attack" "Blades of Attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_blade_of_alacrity" "Blade of Alacrity" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_blink" "Blink Dagger" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_bloodstone" "Bloodstone" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_boots" "Boots of Speed" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_boots_of_elves" "Band of Elvenskin" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_bottle" "Bottle" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_bottle_double_damage" "Rune: Double Damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_bottle_haste" "Rune: Haste" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_bottle_illusion" "Rune: Illusion" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_bottle_invisible" "Rune: Invisibility" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_bottle_regeneration" "Rune: Regeneration" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_bottle_bounty" "Rune: Bounty" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_bracer" "Bracer" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_branches" "Iron Branch" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_broadsword" "Broadsword" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_buckler" "Buckler" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_butterfly" "Butterfly" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_chainmail" "Chainmail" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_circlet" "Circlet" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_clarity" "Clarity" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_claymore" "Claymore" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_cloak" "Cloak" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_crimson_guard" "Crimson Guard" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_courier" "Animal Courier" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_flying_courier" "Flying Courier" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_cyclone" "Eul's Scepter of Divinity" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_cyclone_2" "Eul's Scepter of Divinity (level 2)" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_dagon" "Dagon" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_dagon_2" "Dagon" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_dagon_2L" "Dagon (level 2)" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_dagon_3" "Dagon" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_dagon_3L" "Dagon (level 3)" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_dagon_4" "Dagon" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_dagon_4L" "Dagon (level 4)" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_dagon_5" "Dagon" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_dagon_5L" "Dagon (level 5)" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_demon_edge" "Demon Edge" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_desolator" "Desolator" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_diffusal_blade" "Diffusal Blade" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_diffusal_blade_2" "Diffusal Blade" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_diffusal_blade_2L" "Diffusal Blade (level 2)" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_dust" "Dust of Appearance" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_eagle" "Eaglesong" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_energy_booster" "Energy Booster" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_ethereal_blade" "Ethereal Blade" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_flask" "Healing Salve" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_force_staff" "Force Staff" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_gauntlets" "Gauntlets of Strength" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_gem" "Gem of True Sight" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_ghost" "Ghost Scepter" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_aether_staff" "Aether Staff" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_gloves" "Gloves of Haste" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_greater_crit" "Daedalus" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_hand_of_midas" "Hand of Midas" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_headdress" "Headdress" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_heart" "Heart of Tarrasque" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_helm_of_iron_will" "Helm of Iron Will" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_helm_of_the_dominator" "Helm of the Dominator" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_hood_of_defiance" "Hood of Defiance" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_hyperstone" "Hyperstone" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_invis_sword" "Shadow Blade" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_silver_edge" "Silver Edge" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_glimmer_cape" "Glimmer Cape" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_red_mist" "Red Mist" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_octarine_core" "Octarine Core" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_iron_talon" "Iron Talon" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_enchanted_mango" "Enchanted Mango" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_lotus_orb" "Lotus Orb" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_nightfall_striders" "Nightfall Striders" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_guardian_greaves" "Guardian Greaves" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_ward_dispenser" "Observer and Sentry Wards" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_solar_crest" "Solar Crest" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_rune_breaker" "Rune Breaker" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_bounty_pact" "Bounty Pact" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_natures_mend" "Nature's Mend" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_blinders" "Blinders" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_javelin" "Javelin" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_lesser_crit" "Crystalys" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_lifesteal" "Morbid Mask" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_sphere" "Linken's Sphere" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_maelstrom" "Maelstrom" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_magic_stick" "Magic Stick" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_magic_wand" "Magic Wand" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_manta" "Manta Style" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_mantle" "Mantle of Intelligence" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_mask_of_madness" "Mask of Madness" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_mekansm" "Mekansm" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_mithril_hammer" "Mithril Hammer" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_mjollnir" "Mjollnir" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_monkey_king_bar" "Monkey King Bar" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_mystic_staff" "Mystic Staff" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_necronomicon" "Necronomicon" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_necronomicon_2" "Necronomicon" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_necronomicon_2L" "Necronomicon (level 2)" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_necronomicon_3" "Necronomicon" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_necronomicon_3L" "Necronomicon (level 3)" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_null_talisman" "Null Talisman" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_telescope" "Telescope" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_whip" "Whip" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_oblivion_staff" "Oblivion Staff" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_ogre_axe" "Ogre Club" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_orchid" "Orchid Malevolence" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_pers" "Perseverance" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_phase_boots" "Phase Boots" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_pipe" "Pipe of Insight" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_platemail" "Platemail" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_point_booster" "Point Booster" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_poor_mans_shield" "Poor Man's Shield" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_power_treads" "Power Treads" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_power_treads_str" "Strength" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_power_treads_agi" "Agility" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_power_treads_int" "Intelligence" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_quarterstaff" "Quarterstaff" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_quelling_blade" "Quelling Blade" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_radiance" "Radiance" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_rapier" "Divine Rapier" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_reaver" "Reaver" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_refresher" "Refresher Orb" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_aegis" "Aegis of the Immortal" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_cheese" "Cheese" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_relic" "Sacred Relic" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_ring_of_basilius" "Ring of Basilius" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_ring_of_health" "Ring of Health" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_ring_of_protection" "Ring of Protection" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_ring_of_regen" "Ring of Regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_robe" "Robe of the Magi" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_rod_of_atos" "Rod of Atos" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_sange" "Sange" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_heavens_halberd" "Heaven's Halberd" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_sange_and_yasha" "Sange and Yasha" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_satanic" "Satanic" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_sheepstick" "Scythe of Vyse" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_shivas_guard" "Shiva's Guard" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_skadi" "Eye of Skadi" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_slippers" "Slippers of Agility" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_sobi_mask" "Sage's Mask" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_soul_booster" "Soul Booster" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_soul_ring" "Soul Ring" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_staff_of_wizardry" "Staff of Wizardry" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_stout_shield" "Stout Shield" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_venomous_shield" "Venomous Spike (Temp Name)" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_moon_shard" "Moon Shard" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_talisman_of_evasion" "Talisman of Evasion" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_tango" "Tango" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_tango_single" "Tango (Shared)" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_tpscroll" "Town Portal Scroll" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_tranquil_boots" "Tranquil Boots" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_recipe_tranquil_boots" "Tranquil Boots Recipe" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_travel_boots" "Boots of Travel" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_travel_boots_2" "Boots of Travel" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_ultimate_orb" "Ultimate Orb" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_ultimate_scepter" "Aghanim's Scepter" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_urn_of_shadows" "Urn of Shadows" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_recipe_urn_of_shadows" "Urn of Shadows Recipe" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_vanguard" "Vanguard" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_vitality_booster" "Vitality Booster" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_vladmir" "Vladmir's Offering" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_void_stone" "Void Stone" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_ward_observer" "Observer Ward" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_ward_sentry" "Sentry Ward" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_wraith_band" "Wraith Band" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_yasha" "Yasha" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_recipe" "Recipe: %s1" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_arcane_boots" "Arcane Boots" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_arcane_boots2" "Arcane Boots 2" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_orb_of_venom" "Orb of Venom" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_ancient_janggo" "Drum of Endurance" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_medallion_of_courage" "Medallion of Courage" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_smoke_of_deceit" "Smoke of Deceit" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_veil_of_discord" "Veil of Discord" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_ring_of_aquila" "Ring of Aquila" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_shadow_amulet" "Shadow Amulet" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_roshan_spell_block" "Spell Block" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_roshan_spell_block_Description" "Roshan will block one targeted spell every 15 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_roshan_bash" "Bash" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_roshan_bash_Description" "Roshan has a chance to stun on attack." "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_roshan_bash_bash_chance" "%CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_roshan_bash_bonus_damage" "BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_roshan_bash_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_roshan_slam" "Slam" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_roshan_slam_Description" "Roshan slams the ground, damaging and slowing all nearby enemies. Slam's damage will increase every 4 minutes." "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_roshan_slam_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_roshan_slam_slow_duration_hero" "HERO DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_roshan_slam_slow_duration_unit" "UNIT DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_roshan_slam_slow_amount" "%SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_roshan_slam_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_roshan_devotion" "Strength of the Immortal" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_roshan_devotion_Description" "Roshan possesses numerous protective abilities, including 75%% magic damage resistance, the ability to instantly purge attacking illusions, and a scaling armor bonus that increases as time goes on." "DOTA_Lobby_Player_Joined" "%s1 joined." "DOTA_Lobby_Player_Left" "%s1 left." "DOTA_Lobby_Become_Leader_Self" "You are now the Lobby Leader." "DOTA_Lobby_Become_Leader" "%s1 is now the Lobby Leader." "DOTA_Lobby_Game_Lobby_Setup" "ONLINE PRACTICE LOBBY SETTINGS" "DOTA_Lobby_Game_Local_Setup" "LOCAL PRACTICE LOBBY SETTINGS" "DOTA_Lobby_Game_Advanced_Setup" "Advanced" "DOTA_Lobby_coop_bot_Setup" "CO-OP BOT SETTINGS" "DOTA_Lobby_Game_Offline_Setup" "OFFLINE PRACTICE LOBBY SETTINGS" "DOTA_Lobby_Game_Name" "LOBBY NAME" "DOTA_Lobby_Game_Mode" "GAME MODE" "DOTA_Lobby_Starting_Team" "STARTING TEAM" "DOTA_Lobby_Region" "SERVER LOCATION" "DOTA_Lobby_Version" "VERSION" "DOTA_Lobby_Team_1_Logo" "TEAM 1 LOGO" "DOTA_Lobby_Team_2_Logo" "TEAM 2 LOGO" "DOTA_Lobby_Team_1_Name" "TEAM 1 NAME" "DOTA_Lobby_Team_2_Name" "TEAM 2 NAME" "DOTA_Lobby_Enable_Cheats" "Enable cheats" "DOTA_Lobby_Fill_Bots" "Fill empty slots with bots" "DOTA_Lobby_Intro_Mode" "Intro Mode" "DOTA_Lobby_BotDifficulty" "BOT DIFFICULTY" "DOTA_Lobby_BotDifficulty_passive" "Passive" "DOTA_Lobby_BotDifficulty_easy" "Easy" "DOTA_Lobby_BotDifficulty_medium" "Medium" "DOTA_Lobby_BotDifficulty_hard" "Hard" "DOTA_Lobby_BotDifficulty_unfair" "Unfair" "DOTA_Lobby_Watchable" "Allow spectators" "DOTA_Lobby_Game_Prefs" "LOBBY SETTINGS" "DOTA_Lobby_Prefs_Password" "PASSWORD" "DOTA_Lobby_Prefs_Game_Mode" "GAME MODE" "DOTA_Lobby_Prefs_Region" "SERVER LOCATION" "DOTA_Lobby_Prefs_Bots" "BOTS" "DOTA_Lobby_Prefs_Cheats" "CHEATS" "DOTA_Lobby_Prefs_Cheats_caps" "CHEATS" "DOTA_Lobby_Prefs_Spectators" "SPECTATORS" "DOTA_Lobby_Prefs_Version" "VERSION" "DOTA_Starting_Team_Random" "Random" "DOTA_Starting_Team_Radiant" "Radiant" "DOTA_Starting_Team_Dire" "Dire" "Dota_Lobby_Set_Password" "APPLY" "Dota_Lobby_Set_Filter" "FILTER" "Dota_Lobby_Join_Slot" "Join Slot" "Dota_Lobby_Kick" "Kick" "Dota_Lobby_Leave" "Leave Game" "Dota_Lobby_Ready" "READY" "Dota_Lobby_Choose_Slot" "CHOOSE A SLOT IN PANEL TO THE RIGHT" "Dota_Lobby_Title" "- GAME LOBBY" "Dota_Lobby_Setup_Button" "Game Setup" "Dota_Lobby_Cancel_Game" "Cancel Game" "Dota_Lobby_Start_Game" "START GAME" "Dota_Lobby_Broadcasters" "Broadcasters" "Dota_Lobby_Become_Broadcaster" "Join Channel" "Dota_Lobby_Leave_Channel" "Leave Channel" "Dota_Lobby_Customize_Channel" "Customize" "DOTA_Lobby_Unassigned" "UNASSIGNED PLAYERS" "DOTA_Lobby_UserMenu_BotPassive" "Bot - Passive" "DOTA_Lobby_UserMenu_BotEasy" "Bot - Easy" "DOTA_Lobby_UserMenu_BotMedium" "Bot - Medium" "DOTA_Lobby_UserMenu_BotHard" "Bot - Hard" "DOTA_Lobby_UserMenu_BotUnfair" "Bot - Unfair" "DOTA_Lobby_UserMenu_ApplyTeam" "Apply my team to this lobby" "DOTA_Lobby_Spectator_Type" "SPECTATORS" "DOTA_Lobby_Spectator_Enabled" "Enabled" "DOTA_Lobby_Spectator_Disabled" "Disabled" "DOTA_Lobby_Broadcast_Title" "BROADCAST CHANNEL %s1" "DOTA_Lobby_Broadcast_Title_Custom" "BROADCAST CHANNEL %s1: %s2" "DOTA_Lobby_No_Players_Title" "NO PLAYERS ON A TEAM" "DOTA_Lobby_No_Players_Desc" "You must have at least one player on the Radiant or Dire team." "DOTA_Lobby_Broadcaster_Channel_Customize" "Customize Broadcaster Channel" "DOTA_Lobby_Broadcaster_Channel_Customize_SaveAsDefaults" "Save as default settings and apply to empty channels upon joining" "DOTA_Lobby_Broadcaster_Channel_Customize_Title" "Channel Title:" "DOTA_Lobby_Broadcaster_Channel_Customize_Country" "Country:" "DOTA_Lobby_Broadcaster_Channel_Customize_Language" "Language:" "DOTA_Lobby_Broadcaster_Channel_Other_Language" "Other Language" "dota_lobby_competitive" "Competitive" "dota_lobby_gameplay_rules" "Gameplay Rules" "dota_lobby_spectating" "Spectating" "DOTA_Lobby_Custom_Game" "CUSTOM GAME MODE" "DOTA_Lobby_Custom_Map" "CUSTOM MAP" "DOTA_Lobby_Custom_Difficulty" "DIFFICULTY" "DOTA_Lobby_League_Admin" "League To Admin" "DOTA_Lobby_League_Series" "Series Number" "DOTA_Lobby_League_Game_Number" "Game Number in Series" "Lobby_Invalid_Custom_Settings" "INVALID LOBBY SETTINGS" "Lobby_Invalid_Custom_Game_Mode" "Please select a valid custom game mode" "Lobby_Invalid_Custom_Map_Name" "Please select a valid custom map" "DOTA_Watch_Hero_Filter" "Hero Filter" "DOTA_Watch_Team_Filter" "Team Games" "DOTA_Watch_Xmas_Filter" "Wraith-Night" "auto" "Auto Speed" "golive" "Go Live" "islive" "Live" "DOTA_Watch_NewBloom_Filter" "New Bloom Festival" "DOTA_Backpack_New_Bloom_Offering" "New Bloom Offering" "dota_version_current" "Latest" "dota_version_stable" "Tournament" "UI_ENTER_LOBBY_PASSWORD" "ENTER LOBBY PASSWORD" "ui_teammatchmaking" "Team Matchmaking" "ui_teammatchmaking_status_desc" "Waiting for team members to enter team matchmaking..." "ui_teammatchmaking_view_team_button" "View Team" "team_profile_rank" "Current Rating: %s1" "competitive_rank_tbd_games_remaining" "TBD, %s1 game(s) remaining" "team_profile_rank_none" "Not on a Team" "team_profile_rank_error" "Failed to retrieve Team Info" "team_profile_rank_pending" "Retrieving Team Info..." "DOTA_Lobby_Penalty_Type_Radiant" "PENALTY - RADIANT" "DOTA_Lobby_Penalty_Type_Dire" "PENALTY - Dire" "DOTA_Lobby_Penalty_Level_0" "None" "DOTA_Lobby_Penalty_Level_1" "Penalty Level 1 (-30 BT)" "DOTA_Lobby_Penalty_Level_2" "Penalty Level 2 (-70 BT)" "DOTA_Lobby_Penalty_Level_3" "Penalty Level 3 (-110 BT)" "DOTA_Lobby_Penalty_Radiant" "RADIANT PENALTY" "DOTA_Lobby_Penalty_Dire" "DIRE PENALTY" "DOTA_Lobby_Series_Type" "Series Type" "DOTA_No_Series" "No Series" "DOTA_Series_Best_of_1" "Best of 1" "DOTA_Series_Best_of_3" "Best of 3" "DOTA_Series_Best_of_5" "Best of 5" "DOTA_Lobby_GatherTeam" "Gather Team" "DOTA_Lobby_DisbandTeam" "Disband Team" "DOTA_Lobby_All_Chat" "All Chat" "DOTA_Team_Invite_Matchmaking" "You have been summoned to gather for a Team Matchmaking game!" "DOTA_Team_Invite_MMTitle" "Team Matchmaking" "DOTA_Team_Invite_Inviter" "Invited by:" "DOTA_Lobby_TV_Delay" "DOTA TV DELAY" "DOTA_Lobby_TV_Delay_10" "10 seconds" "DOTA_Lobby_TV_Delay_120" "2 minutes" "DOTA_Lobby_TV_Delay_300" "5 minutes" "DOTA_InternationalInviteMessage" "You've been invited to The International 2013 and have yet to fully complete the registration process.\n\nYour immediate attention is needed so that your attendance is not in jeopardy.\n\nPlease check your email for further information, as soon as possible." "DOTA_Community_ViewPersona" "View Persona" "DOTA_Community_EditPersona" "Edit Persona" "DOTA_Community_CreateTeam" "Create a Team" "DOTA_Community_CreateTeamCaps" "CREATE TEAM" "DOTA_Community_ManageTeam" "My Teams" "dota_community_overview" "OVERVIEW" "dota_community_guilds" "MY GUILDS" "dota_community_guilds_roster" "MEMBER LIST" "dota_community_guilds_info" "INFO" "dota_community_guilds_game_history" "GAME HISTORY" "dota_community_guilds_featured" "FEATURED GAMES" "dota_community_guilds_teams" "GUILD TEAMS" "dota_community_teams_no_team" "Not a member of a Team" "DOTA_GUILD_CREATE" "CREATE A GUILD" "DOTA_GUILD_ROSTER" "MEMBER LIST" "DOTA_GUILD_INFO" "GUILD INFORMATION" "DOTA_GUILD_GAME_HISTORY" "GAME HISTORY" "DOTA_GUILD_FEATURED" "FEATURED GAMES" "DOTA_GUILD_TEAMS" "GUILD TEAMS" "guild_founded_date" "Founded %s1" "guild_member_count" "%s1 Members" "guild_notafriend" "Not a Friend" "guild_view_invites" "View Invites" "guild_invite_list" "Pending Guild Invites" "guild_invitee" "Invitee" "guild_inviter" "Inviter" "guild_invite_date" "Date Invited" "dota_community_teams" "TEAMS" "dota_community_teams_create" "CREATE NEW TEAM" "dota_community_teams_manage" "MY TEAMS" "dota_community_teams_pro" "PRO TEAM LIST" "dota_community_teams_game_history" "Game History" "DOTA_TEAM_CREATE" "CREATE NEW TEAM" "DOTA_TEAM_MANAGE" "MANAGE MY TEAMS" "DOTA_TEAM_PROS" "PROFESSIONAL TEAMS" "dota_community_tournaments" "TOURNAMENTS" "dota_community_tournaments_manage" "MANAGE TOURNAMENTS" "dota_community_tournaments_misc" "" "dota_community_fantasy" "FANTASY" "dota_community_fantasy_create" "CREATE LEAGUE" "dota_community_fantasy_join" "JOIN LEAGUE" "dota_community_fantasy_league" "LEAGUE INFO" "dota_community_fantasy_teams" "TEAM ROSTER" "dota_community_fantasy_players" "PLAYERS" "DOTA_FANTASY_CREATE" "Create a Fantasy League" "DOTA_FANTASY_JOIN" "Join a Fantasy League" "DOTA_FANTASY_LEAGUE" "Fantasy League" "DOTA_FANTASY_TEAMS" "Fantasy Teams" "DOTA_FANTASY_PLAYERS" "Fantasy Players" "DOTA_FantasyLeagueCreate_Wait_Header" "Please Wait" "DOTA_FantasyLeagueCreate_Wait" "Creating Fantasy League..." "DOTA_FantasyLeagueCreate_Error_Header" "Error" "DOTA_FantasyLeagueCreate_Error_NoPermission" "You don't have permission to create that fantasy league." "DOTA_FantasyLeagueCreate_Error_BadSeasonID" "Bad Season ID specified." "DOTA_FantasyLeagueCreate_Error_BadLeagueName" "Invalid Fantasy League name." "DOTA_FantasyLeagueCreate_Error_BadTeamName" "Invalid Fantasy League name." "DOTA_FantasyLeagueCreate_Error_NoTicket" "You do not own a Fantasy Ticket." "DOTA_FantasyLeagueCreate_Error_Unspecified" "Unknown Error. Please try again." "DOTA_FantasyLeagueCreate_Error_NoName" "You must specify a name for your Fantasy League." "DOTA_FantasyLeagueLeave_Success_Header" "Success" "DOTA_FantasyLeagueLeave_Success" "You have successfully left '%s1'." "DOTA_FantasyLeagueLeave_Error_Header" "Error" "DOTA_FantasyLeagueLeave_Error_Unknown" "Unknown Error, please try again." "DOTA_FantasyLeagueLeave_Error_NotMember" "Not a member of this Fantasy League." "DOTA_FantasyLeagueLeave_Error_InvalidLeague" "Invalid League." "DOTA_FantasyLeagueLeave_Error_DraftActive" "You cannot leave a Fantasy League while the draft is active." "fantasy_league_created" "Fantasy League Created" "fantasy_league_created_details" "You have successfully created %s1!\n\nYou can invite other players to this league using the following information:\nFantasy League ID: %s2\nPassword: %s3\n\nThis information can also be found in your Fantasy League's settings panel." "DOTA_FantasyLeagueEditInvites_Error_Header" "Error" "DOTA_FantasyLeagueEditInvites_Error" "There was an error editing fantasy league invites. Please try again." "DOTA_FantasyLeagueEditSettings_Error_Header" "Error" "DOTA_FantasyLeagueEditSettings_Error" "There was an error editing fantasy league settings. Please try again." "DOTA_FantasyTeamCreate_Wait_Header" "Please Wait" "DOTA_FantasyTeamCreate_Wait" "Creating Fantasy Team..." "DOTA_FantasyTeamCreate_Error_Header" "Error" "DOTA_FantasyTeamCreate_Error_NoPermission" "You don't have permission to create a team in that fantasy league." "DOTA_FantasyTeamCreate_Error_FailedLogoUpload" "Failed to upload logo." "DOTA_FantasyTeamCreate_Error_BadFantasyLeagueID" "Invalid fantasy league." "DOTA_FantasyTeamCreate_Error_BadPassword" "Invalid password." "DOTA_FantasyTeamCreate_Error_NoTicket" "You do not own a Fantasy Ticket." "DOTA_FantasyTeamCreate_Error_Locked" "This Fantasy League is locked." "DOTA_FantasyTeamCreate_Error_BadName" "Invalid name." "DOTA_FantasyTeamCreate_Error_Full" "Fantasy League is Full." "DOTA_FantasyTeamCreate_Error_AlreadyMember" "You are already a member of this Fantasy League." "DOTA_FantasyTeamCreate_Error_Unspecified" "Unknown error. Please try again." "DOTA_FantasyTeamCreate_Success_Header" "Success" "DOTA_FantasyTeamCreate_Success" "Created Fantasy Team \"%s1\"." "Fantasy_Player_Details" "Player Match Details" "fantasy_player_details_wait" "Retreiving player score details..." "fantasy_player_details_error" "Failed to retreive player score details." "fantasy_player_details_none" "No player details in this time range." "fantasy_player_details_match" "MatchID %s1" "fantasy_player_details_match_bo" "MatchID %s1 (%s2/%s3)" "fantasy_player_details_benched" "Was Benched" "fantasy_player_details_didnt_count" "Low Score in a Best-of Series" "fantasy_more_info" "View More Information" "fantasy_web_interface" "Web Interface" "Fantasy_KickConfirm_Header" "Kick Player from Fantasy League?" "Fantasy_KickConfirm" "This will remove '%s1' from the Fantasy League.\n\nRemove them?" "Fantasy_LeaveLeagueConfirm_Header" "Leave Fantasy League?" "Fantasy_LeaveLeagueConfirm" "Are you sure you want to leave '%s1'?\n\n THIS CANNOT BE REVERSED" "fantasy_league_name" "League Name" "fantasy_league_commish" "Commissioner" "fantasy_league_invite_type" "League Type" "fantasy_league_join" "Join League" "fantasy_league_create" "Create League" "fantasy_league_create_header" "1. Set up a New Fantasy League" "fantasy_league_create_season" "Fantasy Season Two" "fantasy_league_create_desc" "First, select a name for your Fantasy League.\n Then select a password that other players can use to join your League." "fantasy_league_create_name" "Fantasy League Name" "fantasy_league_create_password" "Fantasy League Password" "fantasy_league_join_header" "1. Find a Fantasy League" "fantasy_league_join_desc" "You can find a Fantasy League by supplying its Fantasy League ID and Password.\nThe commissioner of the Fantasy League will have this information." "fantasy_league_join_pw_details" "Join a Fantasy League by entering its League ID and Password." "fantasy_league_join_invite_details" "or Join a Fantasy League to which you've been directly invited." "fantasy_league_join_pw_enter_league_id" "Fantasy League ID" "fantasy_league_join_pw_enter_pw" "Fantasy League Password" "fantasy_league_find" "Find" "fantasy_league_find_not_found" "Fantasy League Not Found." "fantasy_league_find_already_member" "You are already a member of this Fantasy League." "fantasy_league_find_full" "Fantasy League is Full." "fantasy_league_find_error" "Error Finding this Fantasy League. Please try again." "fantasy_league_find_searching" "Searching..." "fantasy_league_find_bad_password" "Incorrect password." "fantasy_league_find_locked" "Fantasy League is Locked." "fantasy_league_find_found_name" "Fantasy League Name: %s1" "fantasy_league_find_found_run_by" "Commissioner: %s1" "fantasy_league_team_create_header" "2. Set up a Fantasy Team" "fantasy_league_team_create_desc" "To join a Fantasy League, you need to create a Fantasy Team.\nSelect a name for your Fantasy Team. You can also set your team's logo." "fantasy_league_team_create_desc_create_league" "To create a new Fantasy League, you also need to create a Fantasy Team.\nSelect a name for your Fantasy Team. You can also set your team's logo." "fantasy_league_team_create_name" "Fantasy Team Name" "fantasy_ticket_purchase_and_use" "3. Purchase a Fantasy Ticket" "fantasy_ticket_purchase_and_use_desc_join" "This will purchase a ticket and use it to join this Fantasy League." "fantasy_ticket_purchase_and_use_desc_create" "This will purchase a ticket and use it to create this Fantasy League." "fantasy_ticket_owned" "3. Use a Fantasy Ticket" "fantasy_ticket_owned_desc_join" "This will use your Fantasy Ticket to join this Fantasy League." "fantasy_ticket_owned_desc_create" "This will use your Fantasy Ticket to create this Fantasy League." "fantasy_ticket_owned_desc_join_mult" "This will use 1 of your %s1 Fantasy Tickets to join this Fantasy League." "fantasy_ticket_owned_desc_create_mult" "This will use 1 of your %s1 Fantasy Tickets to create this Fantasy League." "fantasy_ticket_buy_and_use" "Buy and Use Ticket" "fantasy_ticket_use" "Use Ticket" "fantasy_create_team_header" "Joining Fantasy League" "fantasy_create_team_details" "To participate in this Fantasy League, the first thing you need to do is create a Fantasy Team. Below you can enter the name for your team, and if you'd like, set a logo for it.\n\nOnce you've created a team, check when your Fantasy League Commissioner has scheduled your player draft." "fantasy_edit_logo" "Edit Logo" "fantasy_set_logo" "Edit Logo" "fantasy_create_team" "Create Team" "fantasy_league_create_wait" "Working..." "fantasy_league_join_wait" "Working..." "fantasy_league_standings_wait" "Retrieving Standings..." "fantasy_league_standings_error" "Error retrieving standings." "fantasy_league_matchups_wait" "Retrieving Matchups..." "fantasy_league_matchups_error" "Error retrieving matchups." "fantasy_league_matchups_preseason" "Matchups will be assigned after the Fantasy Draft is completed." "fantasy_league_messages_wait" "Retrieving Messages..." "fantasy_league_messages_error" "Error retrieving messages." "fantasy_league_messages_none" "This Fantasy League has no messages." "fantasy_add_message" "Add Message" "fantasy_league_transactions_wait" "Retrieving Transactions..." "fantasy_league_transactions_error" "Error retrieving transactions." "fantasy_league_transactions_none" "This Fantasy League currently has no transactions." "fantasy_league_teams_roster_swap_wait" "Updating Roster..." "fantasy_league_teams_roster_swap_error" "Failed to update Roster." "fantasy_league_create_invalid" "You are not currently able to create a fantasy league." "fantasy_league_join_invalid" "You are not currently invited to join any fantasy leagues." "fantasy_league_run_by" "run by" "fantasy_invite_guild" "open to" "fantasy_league_standings" "Standings" "fantasy_league_matchups" "Matchups" "fantasy_league_messages" "Messages" "fantasy_league_pending_trades" "Open Trades" "fantasy_league_transactions" "Transactions" "fantasy_draft_time" "Time" "fantasy_league_edit_header" "Fantasy League Settings" "fantasy_league_edit_edit" "Edit" "fantasy_league_edit_details" "Fantasy League Settings will lock %s1 minutes before the scheduled draft." "fantasy_league_edit_details_locked" "Fantasy League Settings are now locked." "fantasy_league_edit_details_not_commish" "Fantasy League Settings are only editable by the Commissioner." "Fantasy_League_Edit_Invites_Header" "Edit Fantasy League Invitations" "fantasy_league_settings" "Settings" "fantasy_league_invites" "Invites" "fantasy_league_set_password" "Set Fantasy League Password" "fantasy_league_set_password_details" "Anyone can use this Fantasy League ID and the password to join." "fantasy_league_set_password_id" "Fantasy League ID:" "fantasy_league_set_password_password" "Password:" "fantasy_league_invite_friends" "or Invite Friends Directly" "fantasy_league_invite_friends_details" "Specify individual friends that you'd like to invite to this Fantasy League.\n\nIndividually-invited friends do not need a password." "fantasy_league_invite_friends_wait" "Retreiving friend invitations..." "fantasy_joined" "Joined" "fantasy_transaction_added" "Added" "fantasy_transaction_dropped" "Dropped" "fantasy_league_completed" "Fantasy League has Finished" "fantasy_friend_invite" "Invite" "fantasy_league_id" "Fantasy League ID #" "fantasy_league_password" "Fantasy League Password" "fantasy_league_max_teams" "Maximum Players in Fantasy League" "fantasy_league_draft_time" "Draft Time" "fantasy_league_draft_pick_time" "Time Limit per Draft Pick" "fantasy_league_start_time" "Season Start" "fantasy_league_season_length" "Season Length" "fantasy_league_trade_veto_no_votes" "Number of No Votes Required to Veto Trade" "fantasy_league_acquisitions" "Total Acquisitions Allowed" "fantasy_league_interval" "Matchup Interval" "fantasy_league_roster_changes" "Roster Changes" "fantasy_league_roles" "Roster Roles" "fantasy_league_roster_role_1" "Slot 1 Roles" "fantasy_league_roster_role_2" "Slot 2 Roles" "fantasy_league_roster_role_3" "Slot 3 Roles" "fantasy_league_roster_role_4" "Slot 4 Roles" "fantasy_league_roster_role_5" "Slot 5 Roles" "fantasy_league_roster_bench_slots" "Number of Bench Slots" "fantasy_league_scoring" "Scoring" "fantasy_league_league_scoring" "League Type Scoring" "fantasy_scoring_premium" "Premium Tournaments" "fantasy_scoring_professional" "Professional Tournaments" "fantasy_scoring_levels" "Levels" "fantasy_scoring_kills" "Kills" "fantasy_scoring_deaths" "Deaths" "fantasy_scoring_assists" "Assists" "fantasy_scoring_last_hits" "Last Hits" "fantasy_scoring_denies" "Denies" "fantasy_scoring_gpm" "Gold per Minute" "fantasy_scoring_xppm" "XP per Minute" "fantasy_scoring_stuns" "Stun Duration" "fantasy_scoring_heals" "Healing Done" "fantasy_scoring_towers" "Towers Destroyed" "fantasy_scoring_roshans" "Roshans Killed" "fantasy_league_interval_daily" "Daily" "fantasy_league_interval_weekly" "Weekly" "fantasy_league_pick_time_30" "30 seconds" "fantasy_league_pick_time_60" "60 seconds" "fantasy_league_pick_time_120" "2 minutes" "fantasy_league_pick_time_600" "10 minutes" "fantasy_league_teams_4" "4 teams" "fantasy_league_teams_6" "6 teams" "fantasy_league_teams_8" "8 teams" "fantasy_league_teams_10" "10 teams" "fantasy_league_duration" "%s1 weeks" "fantasy_league_veto_votes_1" "1 vote" "fantasy_league_veto_votes_2" "2 votes" "fantasy_league_veto_votes_3" "3 votes" "fantasy_league_veto_votes_4" "4 votes" "fantasy_league_acquisitions_0" "Unlimited" "fantasy_league_acquisitions_5" "5 acquisitions" "fantasy_league_acquisitions_10" "10 acquisitions" "fantasy_league_acquisitions_20" "20 acquisitions" "fantasy_league_acquisitions_30" "30 acquisitions" "fantasy_league_roster_slot_core" "Core" "fantasy_league_roster_slot_support" "Support" "fantasy_league_roster_slot_any" "Any" "fantasy_league_roster_slot_none" "None" "fantasy_league_bench_slots_0" "No bench slots" "fantasy_league_bench_slots_1" "1 slot" "fantasy_league_bench_slots_2" "2 slots" "fantasy_league_bench_slots_3" "3 slots" "fantasy_league_edit_roster_scoring" "Roster & Scoring" "fantasy_league_edit_invites" "League Invites" "fantasy_league_daily_matchup" "Day %s1" "fantasy_league_weekly_matchup" "Week %s1" "fantasy_draft_interrupted" "Reconnecting" "fantasy_draft_interrupted_details" "The draft will automatically resume shortly." "fantasy_league_draft_unscheduled_long" "When your Fantasy League Commissioner sets the Draft time, it will appear here!" "fantasy_league_draft_unscheduled_commish" "As the Commissioner, you can set the time for the Live Draft in the Settings panel." "fantasy_league_draft_unscheduled" "Fantasy Draft is not yet Scheduled" "fantasy_league_draft_upcoming" "Fantasy Draft is Upcoming" "fantasy_league_draft_live" "Fantasy Draft is Live!" "fantasy_league_draft_time_label" "Draft is scheduled for %s1 at %s2.\nYou will be able to enter the draft %s3 minutes before it begins.\n\nAt that point, Fantasy League members and settings will be locked." "fantasy_league_draft_countdown_d" "Draft begins in %s1 Days, %s2 Hours, %s3 Minutes, %s4 Seconds." "fantasy_league_draft_countdown_h" "Draft begins in %s1 Hours, %s2 Minutes, %s3 Seconds." "fantasy_league_draft_countdown_m" "Draft begins in %s1 Minutes, %s2 Seconds." "fantasy_league_draft_countdown_s" "Draft begins in %s1 Seconds." "fantasy_league_draft_join" "Join Live Draft" "fantasy_league_draft_details" "%s1 minutes prior to the start of the draft, teams and settings will be locked." "fantasy_draft_completed" "Fantasy Draft Completed" "fantasy_draft_completed_details" "You can now set your lineup, browse matchups, drop players, and pick up free agents. Good luck!" "fantasy_league_draft_members" "Member List" "fantasy_team_open" "Open Slot" "fantasy_draft_header_pre_draft" "Pre-Draft" "fantasy_draft_header_drafting" "Live Draft" "fantasy_draft_round_pre_draft" "Draft Begins In" "fantasy_draft_exit" "Exit Draft" "fantasy_draft_player_button" "Draft Player" "fantasy_draft_avail_players" "Available Players" "fantasy_draft_avg_kda" "Avg KDA" "fantasy_draft_avg_lhd" "Avg LH/D" "fantasy_draft_avg_gpm" "Avg GPM" "fantasy_draft_avg_xppm" "Avg XPPM" "fantasy_draft_avg_stuns" "Avg Stuns" "fantasy_draft_avg_healing" "Avg Healing" "fantasy_draft_avg_tower_kills" "Avg Tower Kills" "fantasy_draft_avg_rosh_kills" "Avg Roshan Kills" "fantasy_draft_avg_score" "Avg Weekly Score" "fantasy_draft_role" "Role" "fantasy_draft_your_pick" "Your Pick!" "fantasy_draft_owner" "Owner" "fantasy_draft_team" "Team" "fantasy_draft_player" "Player" "fantasy_draft_owned_by" "Drafted by %s1" "fantasy_draft_round_label" "Round %s1" "fantasy_draft_header" "Live Draft" "fantasy_draft_auto_picking" "Autopicking!" "fantasy_draft_unscheduled" "Unscheduled" "fantasy_my_team" "My Team" "fantasy_role_c" "C" // core "fantasy_role_s" "S" // support "fantasy_role_core" "Core" "fantasy_role_support" "Support" "fantasy_slot_none" "None" // carry "fantasy_slot_c" "C" // core "fantasy_slot_s" "S" // support "fantasy_slot_b" "B" // bench "fantasy_slot_core" "Core" "fantasy_slot_support" "Support" "fantasy_slot_any" "Any" "fantasy_slot_bench" "Bench" "fantasy_matchup_bye" "BYE" "fantasy_league_teams_wait" "Retreiving Team Data..." "fantasy_league_teams_error" "Error retreiving Team Data." "fantasy_league_teams_roster_wait" "Retreiving Team Roster..." "fantasy_league_teams_roster_error" "Error retreiving Team Roster." "fantasy_league_players_wait" "Retreiving Player Data..." "fantasy_league_players_error" "Error retreiving Player Data." "DOTA_FantasyLeagueDraftEdit_Error_Header" "Invalid Time" "DOTA_FantasyLeagueDraftEdit_Error" "You must set the draft time to at least %s1 minutes ahead of the current time." "DOTA_FantasyLeagueDraft_Error_Header" "Invalid Pick" "DOTA_FantasyLeagueDraft_Error_NoSlots" "You have no open slots for %s1 players." "DOTA_FantasyLeagueDraftEdit_Finish_Header" "Draft Completed" "DOTA_FantasyLeagueDraftEdit_Finish" "The Fantasy draft for %s1 has completed.\n\nGood luck!" "DOTA_PlayerInfo_Error_Header" "Error Submitting Player Information" "DOTA_PlayerInfo_Error_Submission" "Submission of player information failed. Please try again." "DOTA_PlayerInfo_Error_NoName" "You must specify a name when submitting player information." "DOTA_PlayerInfo_Error_InvalidCountry" "Invalid country specified." "fantasy_draft_chat_line" "%s1 (%s2) has drafted %s3." "fantasy_team_lineup" "Lineup" "fantasy_team_scoring" "Scoring" "fantasy_players_team_filter" "Team Filter" "fantasy_players_role_filter" "Role Filter" "fantasy_players_available" "Available Players" "fantasy_players_add" "Add Player to Team" "fantasy_players_name_filter" "Filter by Name" "fantasy_players_all" "All Players" "fantasy_players_page" "Page %s1" "fantasy_player_cancel_add_drop" "Cancel Transaction" "fantasy_players_to_add" "Adding" "fantasy_players_to_drop" "Dropping" "fantasy_players_pending_add_drop" "Pending Player Transaction" "fantasy_league_teams_add_drop_cancel_wait" "Canceling Transaction..." "fantasy_leave_league" "Leave Fantasy League" "Fantasy_Team_Add_Player" "Add and Drop a Player" "fantasy_team_add_drop_details" "You can request to add a player to your Team, which requires you to drop another player. Player add requests are executed in the opposite order of team standing, so lower-ranked teams get higher priority.\n\nIf successful, this will take effect in tomorrow's roster." "fantasy_team_add_player_specific" "Adding this Player" "fantasy_team_drop_player_specific" "Select Player to Drop" "fantasy_swap_player" "Swap" "fantasy_swap_player_cancel" "Cancel" "fantasy_add_player" "Add Player" "fantasy_watch_player" "Watch now!" "fantasy_drop_player" "Drop" "fantasy_team_drop_player_working" "Issuing Add/Drop Request..." "fantasy_team_drop_player_completed" "Successfully placed request to drop %s1 and add %s2 to your roster." "fantasy_team_drop_player_failure" "Failed to drop %s1 and add %s2." "fantasy_team_drop_player_wait" "Retreiving roster..." "fantasy_team_drop_player_unavailable" "You cannot add a player when you already have a player add request pending." "fantasy_team_preseason" "This Fantasy League has not started its season yet.\n\nCheck back after the draft is completed!" "fantasy_active_roster" "Active Roster" "fantasy_bench" "Bench" "fantasy_lockinfo" "New days start at %s1 local time." "fantasy_details" "Details" "fantasy_rank" "Rank" "fantasy_team_name" "Name" "fantasy_percent" "Percent" "fantasy_winloss" "Win-Loss" "fantasy_streak" "Streak" "fantasy_points" "Points" "fantasy_points_for" "Points\nFor" "fantasy_points_against" "Points\nAgainst" "fantasy_player" "Player" "fantasy_swap" "Swap" "fantasy_playing_today" "Playing Today?" "fantasy_role" "Role" "fantasy_kills" "Kills" "fantasy_deaths" "Deaths" "fantasy_assists" "Assists" "fantasy_last_hits" "LHs" "fantasy_denies" "Denies" "fantasy_gpm" "GPM" "fantasy_xppm" "XPPM" "fantasy_total" "Total" "fantasy_available" "Available" "fantasy_scheduled" "Scheduled" "official_player_info_header" "Official Player Information" "player_info_name" "Please enter your display name. It should be recognizable to players throughout the world, and should not include any team or sponsor affiliations." "player_info_country" "You may enter your country of residence." "player_info_official_team" "If you play for a Dota Team in an official capacity, please select it. This team's tag will be prefixed on your name." "player_info_sponsor" "You can enter any sponsor names here. These sponsors will be appended to your name." "player_info_preview" "This is how your name will be displayed:" "player_info_role" "If you play a specific role, please select it. Core includes players who play carry, mid, and off-lane." "player_info_warning" "This information can only be edited once every two weeks, so please make sure it is accurate before clicking OK!" "player_info_wait" "Retrieving Official Player Info..." "player_info_locked" "\nThis information is currently locked." "player_info_submitted_wait" "Submitting information..." "player_info_submitted_success" "Success!\n\nThank you for submitting your information." "player_info_submitted_fail" "Failed to submit player information. Please try again." "player_info_standin" "Standin." "go_to_location" "Go to Fight" "Guild_FeaturedGamesDescription" "A selection of the best games recently played by Guild parties." "DOTA_TOURNAMENT_MANAGE" "MANAGE TOURNAMENTS" "dota_team_kick" "Kick" "logo_250_150" "250 x 150 pixels" "logo_256_256" "256 x 256 pixels" "Guild_Create_Full_Name" "Full Guild Name" "Guild_Create_Full_Name_Desc" "This is the name of your Guild. It is globally unique." "Guild_Create_Tag" "Guild Tag/Abbreviation" "Guild_Create_Tag_Desc" "This is the shortened version of your Guild name. It will be shown in lobbies, scoreboards, and the in-game HUD." "Guild_Creation_Disclaimer" "Once created, a Guild name can not be changed, and can not be reused." "Guild_Browse_Logo" "Guild Logo. This is the main logo if your Guild, used in all UI elements. It will be resized to 250 x 150 pixels." "Guild_Browse_Base_Logo" "Guild Base Logo. This logo will be used to decorate your in-game base when playing a Guild match. It will be resized to 256 x 256 pixels." "Guild_Browse_Banner_Logo" "Guild Banner Logo. This logo will be placed on your in-game banners when playing a Guild match. It will be resized to 256 x 256 pixels, with the front of the banner in the left half of the image, and the rear in the right." "Guild_Members" "Members" "guild_select" "Select" "guild_create" "Create" "guild_selection_header" "Select a Guild" "guild_create_new_button" "Create New Guild" "guild_slot_open" "Guild Slot Available" "guild_show_offline_players" "Show Offline Players" "guild_roster_sort_by" "Sort By" "guild_roster_sort_rank" "Rank" "guild_roster_sort_name" "Name" "guild_roster_page" "Page %s1" "guild_roster_role_gm" "Guild Leader" "guild_roster_role_officer" "Officer" "guild_roster_role_member" "Member" "guild_block_invites" "Block Guild Invites" "guild_leave" "Leave Guild" "guild_disband" "Disband Guild" "guild_edit_logo" "Edit Logo" "guild_member_usermenu_promote_guild_leader" "Promote to Guild Leader" "guild_member_usermenu_promote_officer" "Promote to Guild Officer" "guild_member_usermenu_demote_officer" "Demote to Guild Officer" "guild_member_usermenu_demote_member" "Demote to Guild Member" "guild_member_usermenu_kick" "Remove from Guild" "guild_member_usermenu_disband" "Disband Guild" "guild_invitation" "GUILD INVITATION" "guild_invite_text" "You have been invited to join a guild by %s1" "guild_invite_members" "%s1 Members" "guild_invite_usermenu" "Invite to Guild '%s1'" "guild_edit_message" "Edit" "guild_lfm_count" "%s1 Open Guild Parties are looking for more players" "guild_lfm_count_1" "%s1 Open Guild Party is looking for more players" "guild_lfm_count_none" "No Open Guild Parties are looking for more players" "guild_lfm_count_none_party" "No Open Guild Parties are available to your entire party" "guild_lfm_create" "Start New Open Guild Party" "guild_lfm_title" "Guild Party Finder" "guild_lfm_subtitle" "This is a list of parties formed by guildmates that are looking for more members. You can join one of their parties or start a new party that's open to guildmates." "guild_lfm_join" "Join Party" "guild_lfm_selection_header" "Which Guild would you like to play with?" "guild_lfm_selection_subtitle" "You can select any Guild shared by you and all your party members. Members of that guild will be able to join your party. You can close your party to that Guild at any time." "guild_lfm_findparty" "Find Guild Party" "guild_lfm_startparty" "Open Party to Guild" "guild_lfm_looking_cancel" "Cancel" "guild_lfm_looking" "Party is Open to Guild '%s1'" "guild_lfm_party_description" "Enter party description here" "guild_lfm_open_time" "Opened %s1" "DOTA_GuildInvite_Confirm_Header" "Confirm Guild Invitation" "DOTA_GuildInvite_Confirm_Message" "Invite %s1 to %s2?" "DOTA_GuildInvite_Success_Header" "Guild Invite Sent" "DOTA_GuildInvite_Success_Message" "%s1 has been invited to join %s2" "DOTA_GuildInvite_Failure_Header" "Guild Invite Failed" "DOTA_GuildInvite_Failure_Message" "Unknown error. Please try again." "DOTA_GuildInvite_Failure_Message_NoPermission" "You do not have permission to invite players to %s1." "DOTA_GuildInvite_Failure_Message_AlreadyInvited" "%s1 has already been invited to join %s2." "DOTA_GuildInvite_Failure_Message_AlreadyInGuild" "%s1 is already a member of %s2." "DOTA_GuildInvite_Failure_Message_TooManyAccountInvites" "%s1 has too many outstanding guild invitations." "DOTA_GuildInvite_Failure_Message_TooManyGuildInvites" "%s1 has too many outstanding guild invitations." "DOTA_GuildInvite_Failure_Message_TooManyGuilds" "%s1 is already in the maximum allowed number of guilds." "DOTA_GuildInviteResponse_Success_Header" "Invite Accepted" "DOTA_GuildInviteResponse_Success_Message" "You are now a member of %s1!" "DOTA_GuildInviteResponse_Failure_Header" "Accepting Invitation Failed" "DOTA_GuildInviteDeclineResponse_Failure_Header" "Declining Invitation Failed" "DOTA_GuildInviteResponse_Failure_Message" "Unknown error. Please try again." "DOTA_GuildInviteResponse_Failure_Message_NoPermission" "You do not have permission to join %s1." "DOTA_GuildInviteResponse_Failure_Message_Too_Many_Guilds" "You are already a member of the maximum allowable number of guilds." "DOTA_GuildInviteResponse_Failure_Message_TooManyMembers" "%s1 is already at the maximum number of members." "DOTA_GuildRemoveInviteResponse_Failure_Header" "Error" "DOTA_GuildRemoveInviteResponse_Failure" "Failed to remove invitation. Please try again." "DOTA_GuildPromote_Confirm_Header" "Confirm Guild Promotion" "DOTA_GuildPromoteLeader_Confirm_Message" "Promote %s1 to Guild Leader of %s2?" "DOTA_GuildPromoteOfficer_Confirm_Message" "Promote %s1 to Officer of %s2?" "DOTA_GuildPromote_Success_Header" "Promotion Successful" "DOTA_GuildPromoteLeader_Success" "Successfully promoted %s1 to Guild Leader of %s2." "DOTA_GuildPromoteOfficer_Success" "Successfully promoted %s1 to Officer of %s2." "DOTA_GuildDemoteOfficer_Success" "Successfully demoted %s1 to Officer of %s2." "DOTA_GuildDemoteMember_Success" "Successfully demoted %s1 to Member of %s2." "DOTA_GuildKick_Success_Header" "Removal successful" "DOTA_GuildKickMember_Success" "Successfully removed %s1 from %s2." "DOTA_GuildDisband_Success_Header" "Disband Successful" "DOTA_GuildDisband_Success" "You have disbanded %s1" "DOTA_GuildDemote_Confirm_Header" "Confirm Guild Demotion" "DOTA_GuildDemoteOfficer_Confirm_Message" "Demote %s1 to Officer of %s2?" "DOTA_GuildDemoteMember_Confirm_Message" "Demote %s1 to Member of %s2?" "DOTA_GuildKick_Confirm_Header" "Confirm Guild Removal" "DOTA_GuildKick_Confirm_Message" "Remove %s1 from the guild %s2?" "DOTA_GuildDisband_Confirm_Header" "Confirm Guild Disband" "DOTA_GuildDisband_Confirm_Message" "Really disband %s1?\n\nNo Guilds will be able to use this Guild's name in the future.\n\nTHIS IS A PERMANENT ACTION AND CAN NOT BE UNDONE." "DOTA_GuildLeave_Confirm_Header" "Confirm Leave" "DOTA_GuildLeave_Confirm_Message" "Really leave %s1?" "DOTA_GuildLeave_Success_Header" "Success" "DOTA_GuildLeave_Success" "You have left %s1" "DOTA_GuildLeave_Failure_Header" "Failed to Leave Guild" "DOTA_GuildLeave_Failure_Message_NoOtherLeader" "You cannot leave %s1 without appointing another Guild Leader." "DOTA_GuildRoleChange_Success_Header" "Success" "DOTA_GuildRoleChange_Failure_Header" "Failed to change Guild role" "DOTA_GuildRoleChange_Failure_Message" "Unknown error. Please try again." "DOTA_GuildRoleChange_Failure_Message_NoPermission" "You do not have permission to perform this role change." "DOTA_GuildRoleChange_Failure_Message_NoOtherLeader" "You cannot change to that role without appointing another Guild Leader." "DOTA_Guild_FeaturedGames" "Featured Games" "DOTA_Guild_FeaturedFarmer" "Featured Farmer" "DOTA_GuildOpenPartyError_Header" "Error" "DOTA_GuildInviteList_Error_Header" "Error" "DOTA_GuildInviteList_Error" "Failed to load the pending guild invites. Please try again." "DOTA_JoinOpenGuildPartyError_Header" "Error" "DOTA_GuildOpenPartyError" "Failed to join party. Please try again." "Team_Create_Header" "TEAMS" "Team_Create_Desc1" "The Teams feature is designed for groups of five players who want to compete against other groups of five in practice lobbies and competitive settings such as Ranked Matchmaking, leagues, and tournaments." "Team_Create_Desc2" "When five team members are in a party for Ranked Matchmaking, they can choose to play using the team identity. The Team's information will be displayed in-game, Team statistics will be collected from the match, and the Team's MMR will be updated based on the match outcome.\n\nLikewise, whenever five team members are in a practice or tournament lobby together, the Team will be detected. For professional gaming organizations, an administrator slot is provided for management purposes, and should be held by the Team's owner." "Team_Create_Full_Name" "Full Team Name" "Team_Create_Full_Name_Desc" "This will be shown in your team's profile page." "Team_Create_Tag" "Team Tag/Abbreviation" "Team_Create_Tag_Desc" "This will be shown in lobbies, scoreboards, and the in-game HUD." "Team_Create_Logo" "Upload Team Logos" "Team_Create_pixels" "pixels" "Team_Kick_Member" "Kick Team Member" "Team_Is_Friend" "Is a Friend" "Team_sponsor_logo" "SPONSOR LOGO" "Team_Browse_Logo" "Team Interface Logo. This logo will be used in the HUD, lobbies, and so on. It will be resized to 250 x 150 pixels." "Team_Browse_Base_Logo" "Team Base Logo. This logo will be used to decorate your in-game base. It will be resized to 256 x 256 pixels." "Team_Browse_Banner_Logo" "Team Banner Logo. This logo will be placed on your in-game banners. It will be resized to 256 x 256 pixels, with the front of the banner in the left half of the image, and the rear in the right." "Team_No_Logo" "NO LOGO SPECIFIED" "Team_EnterCountry" "Specify Country" "Team_EnterCountry_Desc" "Enter your team's country affiliation. This will be shown in your Team Profile." "Team_EnterURL" "Enter Team URL" "Team_EnterURL_Desc" "Enter your team's URL. Visitors will be able to click on your URL from your Team Profile." "Team_EDIT_Details" "EDIT TEAM DETAILS" "Team_Support" "Support the Team!" "Team_Creation_Disclaimer" "" "Team_Disband_Disclaimer" "WARNING: Disbanding a team is permanent and cannot be reversed. You will not be able to recreate this team, or create another team with this name. A team's roster must be empty for it to be disbanded." "Team_Browse_SponsorLogo" "Team Sponsors. This image will be used to display team sponsorship on a Team Profile panel. It will be resized to 250 x 150 pixels." "Team_NoTeam" "You are not currently a member of a team." "Team__TAB_TEAMSLIST" "TEAMS LIST" "Team_LISTINGS_TOURN" "TOURNAMENT TEAM PROFILES" "Team_Members_Header" "TEAM MEMBERS" "Team_Edit_Info" "Edit Team Info" "Team_Invitation" "TEAM INVITATION" "TEAM_HAS_INVITED_YOU_TO_JOIN" "HAS INVITED YOU TO JOIN" "dota_view_teamprofile" "View Team Profile" "Team_ProSortOption1" "Name" "Team_ProSortOption2" "Most Recent Game Played" "social_hof_tab" "HALL OF FAME" "social_halloffame" "The Week's Hall of Fame" "social_hof_farmer" "FEATURED FARMER" "social_hof_players" "FEATURED PLAYERS" "social_hof_players_desc" "These players have shown exceptional skill with the specified hero for the week starting %s1." "social_hof_comingsoon" "COMING SOON!" "social_hof_gpm" "GPM: %s1" "social_hof_unavailable" "Hall of Fame is currently unavailable." "team_list_requesting" "Requesting Team List..." "team_list_unavailable" "Team list unavailable" "team_list_heading" "This is a list of all teams that have played in professional tournaments, in order of their most recently played game." "team_list_search" "Filter" "team_list_sorting" "Sort By" "team_list_show_empty" "Show empty teams" "established" "Est." "dota_team_pros_profile" "PROFILE" "show_player_activity" "PLAYER ACTIVITY" // Trade UI "DOTA_Trading_UI_Header_Failed" "Trade Request" "DOTA_Trading_UI_Header_Waiting" "Trade Request" "DOTA_Trading_UI_Body_Waiting" "Waiting for the trade session to begin..." "DOTA_Trading_UI_Header_Outgoing" "Outgoing Trade Request" "DOTA_Trading_UI_Body_Outgoing" "Waiting for %s1 to respond to your request..." "DOTA_Trading_UI_Header_Incoming" "Incoming Trade Request" "DOTA_Trading_UI_Option_Name" "Allow Trade Invites" "DOTA_Trading_UI_Option_Friends_Only" "Friends Only" "DOTA_Trading_UI_Option_Guildmates_And_Friends" "Guildmates and Friends" "DOTA_Trading_UI_Option_Anyone" "Anyone" // Reasons why a trade request was denied "DOTA_Trading_Response_Declined" "The other player has declined the trade request." "DOTA_Trading_Response_TradeBanned" "Your trading privileges have been removed temporarily. Please contact Customer Support." "DOTA_Trading_Response_TradeBanned2" "The other player does not have trading privileges at this time." "DOTA_Trading_Response_VACBanned" "You do not have trading privileges." "DOTA_Trading_Response_VACBanned2" "The other player does not have trading privileges at this time." "DOTA_Trading_Response_Busy" "The other player is currently busy trading with someone else." "DOTA_Trading_Response_Disabled" "Trading items is currently disabled." "DOTA_Trading_Response_NotLoggedIn" "The other player is not available for trading." "DOTA_Trading_Response_Cancel" "The trade request has been cancelled." "DOTA_Trading_Response_FreeAccountInitiate" "Limited accounts may not initiate trades." "DOTA_Trading_Response_SharedAccountInitiate" "Only individual accounts may initiate trades." "DOTA_Trading_Response_TooSoon" "You must wait at least 30 seconds between trade requests." "DOTA_Trading_Response_TooSoonPenalty" "You have made too many trade requests and must now wait 2 minutes before initiating any more trades." "DOTA_Trading_Response_Service_Unavailable" "There was a problem sending your trade request. Trading may be temporarily unavailable or your account may not be able to send trade requests right now." "DOTA_Trading_Response_YouBlockedThem" "You cannot trade with that player because you have blocked them on Steam." "DOTA_Trading_Response_NeedVerifiedEmail" "You must have verified your email address on Steam before sending trade requests." "DOTA_Trading_Response_NeedSteamGuard" "You must enable Steam Guard from before sending trade requests." "DOTA_Trading_Response_SteamGuardDuration" "You cannot participate in a trade after recently enabling Steam Guard." "DOTA_Trading_Response_TheyCannotTrade" "The other player is not available to trade. More information will be shown to him or her if they invite you to trade." "DOTA_Trading_Response_RecentPasswordReset" "You cannot participate in a trade after recently resetting your password." "DOTA_Trading_Response_UsingNewDevice" "You cannot participate in a trade after recently switching to a new device." "DOTA_Trading_Response_UnknownError" "Unknown Error" "DOTA_UI_guide_select_title" "SELECT A BUILD FOR %s1" "DOTA_UI_guide_select" "Change build" "DOTA_UI_default_build" "Suggested Items" "DOTA_UI_default_build_description" "This build contains basic item recommendations for %s1.\n\nTo try out other builds for this hero, click the arrow above." "DOTA_UI_scratch_build_for" "%s (Scratch)" "DOTA_UI_scratch_build_description" "This is a draft build from your Steam Cloud." "DOTA_UI_no_abilities_in_build" "This build does not contain ability recommendations." "DOTA_UI_guide_header_draft" "YOUR %s1 DRAFT BUILDS" "DOTA_UI_guide_header_subs" "YOUR PINNED %s1 BUILDS" "DOTA_UI_guide_header_top" "RECOMMENDED %s1 BUILDS" "DOTA_UI_build_rating" "Rating:" "DOTA_UI_guide_panel_description" "Description" "DOTA_UI_guide_panel_abilities" "Abilities" "DOTA_UI_guide_panel_items" "Items" "DOTA_UI_check_out_builds" "Try out a Hero Build" "DOTA_UI_check_out_builds_desc" "Hero Builds recommend items and abilities for your chosen hero." "DOTA_UI_please_rate_build" "Please rate this hero build:" "DOTA_UI_guide_language" "Language:" "DOTA_Guide_Suggested_Ability" "Suggested Ability" "DOTA_Guide_Item_Guide" "Item Guide" "DOTA_Guide_Ability_Guide" "Ability Guide" "DOTA_UI_Cancel" "CANCEL" "DOTA_UI_Ok" "OK" "DOTA_UI_CREATE" "CREATE" "DOTA_UI_Submit" "SUBMIT" "DOTA_UI_Update" "UPDATE" "DOTA_UI_Exit" "EXIT" "DOTA_UI_Browse" "BROWSE" "DOTA_UI_Delete" "DELETE" "DOTA_UI_Delete_Question" "Delete?" "DOTA_UI_Web_Alert" "MESSAGE FROM WEBPAGE" "DOTA_UI_Web_Message" "MESSAGE FROM WEBPAGE" "DOTA_UI_Redeem" "REDEEM" "DOTA_UI_Redeem2" "Redeem" "DOTA_UI_Exchange" "EXCHANGE" "DOTA_Select_Signature" "Select a Signature to Add" "DOTA_UI_Confirmation_Continue" "Continue" "DOTA_UI_Confirmation_Cancel" "Cancel" "DOTA_Giftwrap_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to gift wrap this item? The item will be consumed and a wrapped gift created in its place." "DOTA_OpenGift_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to open this wrapped gift?" "dota_select_friend_title" "Select a friend to receive this gift." "DOTA_DeliverGift_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to deliver this gift to %s1?" "DOTA_DeliverGift_Send" "Send Gift" "DOTA_WrapGift" "WRAP GIFT" "Dota_Economy_Gift_Wrap_Item" "Gift Wrap Item" "Dota_Economy_Recycle_Item_TI5Immortal" "Consume For 2 Levels" "Dota_Economy_Recycle_Item_TI5Trove" "Roll - Chance for Treasure" "dota_gift_received_title" "You have received a gift from" "dota_gift_received_note" "Dedication:" "dota_gift_received_accept" "Open the Gift" "dota_gift_failed" "There was an error sending this Gift." "dota_gift_Success_Header" "Success" "dota_gift_Success" "Your gift has been delivered" "dota_gift_Error_RateLimitedNormal" "You may only gift %s1 items within %s2 hours. You have already sent this many gifts, please wait before sending this gift." "dota_gift_Error_RateLimitedCharge" "At your battle point level you may only gift %s1 non-tradable items within %s2 hours. This gift could not currently be sent." "dota_gift_Error_RateLimitedChargeNone" "At your battle point level you may not gift non-tradable items. This gift could not currently be sent." "UI_Yes" "Yes" "UI_No" "No" "UI_Save_Settings" "SAVE SETTINGS" "UI_Edit_Settings" "EDIT SETTINGS" "UI_BalancedShuffle" "Balanced Shuffle" "UI_FlipTeams" "Swap Teams" "Settings_Choose_Bind" "You may choose a new key to bind to this action now. Or, you can hit ESC to cancel." "Settings_Quick_Team_Chat" "Quick Team Chat:" "UI_days" "days" "UI_hours" "hours" "UI_minutes" "minutes" "UI_seconds" "seconds" "UI_refresh" "REFRESH" "join_error_already_in_game" "Unable to join practice lobby, as you are already in a game." "join_error_invalid_lobby" "Unable to join practice lobby. The lobby you specified no longer exists." "join_error_incorrect_password" "Unable to join practice lobby. Incorrect password." "join_error_access_denied" "Unable to join practice lobby. Access denied." "join_error_generic" "Unable to join practice lobby." "join_error_in_team_party" "Unable to join practice lobby. You must disband your team party before joining practice games." "lobby_slot_error_header" "Unable to switch slot" "lobby_slot_error" "Failed to change lobby slot." "lobby_slot_denied" "You do not have permission to join this slot." "lobby_slot_cameramanalready" "Broadcaster Channels can only have one Camera man" "lobby_slot_cameramanon" "You are now flagged as a camera man" "lobby_slot_cameramanoff" "You are no longer a camera man" "lobby_game_mode_required" "CUSTOM GAME REQUIRED" "lobby_game_mode_required_desc" "This lobby requires the custom game \"%s1\"" "lobby_game_mode_required_subscribe" "This lobby requires the custom game \"%s1\". Subscribe to this game mode and download it now?" "PartyLeaderJoinedLobby_Header" "Joined Private Lobby" "PartyLeaderJoinedLobbyChoice" "%s1 has moved you into a private lobby. View the lobby now?" "PartyLeaderJoinedLobby" "%s1 has moved you into a private lobby." "generic_error_header" "ERROR" "generic_error_body" "%s1" "generic_gc_timeout" "Message timed out." "DOTA_TournamentGameNotFound" "Failed to find game with specified TournamentGameID" "DOTA_TournamentGameHasLobbyID" "Specified game already has a LobbyID" "DOTA_TournamentGameHasMatchID" "Specified game already has a MatchID" "DOTA_TournamentGameHasNoRadiantTeam" "Specified game has an invalid Radiant TeamID" "DOTA_TournamentGameHasNoDireTeam" "Specified game has an invalid Dire TeamID" "DOTA_TournamentGameSQLFailed" "Failed to update SQL with tournament game's LobbyID. Destroyed lobby." "NotLeagueAdmin" "You must have activated the specified league's Admin Pass to apply it to this lobby." "PartyNotValidToMM" "Your party is not able to play in its current state. You must have between 1 and 5 non-coach players to find a match." "PartyNotValidToMMCoach" "Your party is not able to play in its current state. You may not have more coaches than non-coaches to find a match." "PartyMemberInAnotherGame" "Failed to start game, a party member is currently in another game." "CompetitiveMMNoCoaches" "Coaches are not permitted in ranked matchmaking" "CompetitiveMMNoLowPriority_Party" "Your party is not allowed in ranked matchmaking. One or more party members are in the low priority matchmaking pool." "CompetitiveMMNoLowPriority_Local" "You may not participate in ranked matchmaking while in the low priority matchmaking pool." "CompetitiveMMNotUnlocked_Party" "In order to participate in ranked matchmaking, all party members must be level %s1 or higher." "CompetitiveMMNotUnlocked_Local" "You must be at least level %s1 in order to participate in ranked matchmaking." "CompetitiveMMNoValidGameModes" "None of the selected game modes is allowed in ranked matchmaking." "CompetitiveMMNo4Stacks" "Parties of four are currently not allowed in ranked matchmaking." "CompetitiveMMRTooHighS2" "One or more party members' MMR is too high to participate in ranked matchmaking in the Reborn beta" "MM1v1NoLowPriority" "You may not participate in 1v1 matchmaking while in low priority." "MM1v1NoParties" "Parties are not allowed in 1v1 matchmaking." "CompetitiveMMNotEnoughSkillDataPartyMember" "One or more party members does not have enough gameplay history to estimate their skill for rankeded matchmaking." "CompetitiveMMNotEnoughSkillData" "More gameplay history is needed to make an estimate of your skill for ranked matchmaking. Please play more unranked matches. (Approximately %s1 more matches are needed.)" "CompetitiveMMSpreadTooLarge" "Party members' MMRs are too far apart to participate in ranked matchmaking." "MMGameModeNotUnlocked_Local" "One or more selected game modes is currently locked." "MMGameModeNotUnlocked_Party" "One or more selected game modes is currently locked for this party. A game mode is available if at least one party member has unlocked it." "MMGameModeLocked" "Game mode locked" "MMGameModeUnlocksAtLevel_Local" "You will unlock this game mode at level %s1." "MMGameModeUnlocksAtLevel_Party" "At least one party member must be level %s1 or higher." "MMLowPriOnlyCasualAR" "All Random is the only game mode allowed in the low priority punishment pool." "SaveGameCorrupt" "The request save game is corrupt and can not be used." "dota_region_automatic" "Automatic" "dota_region_automatic_details" "Automatic (%s1)" "dota_region_us_west" "US West" "dota_region_us_east" "US East" "dota_region_europe" "Luxembourg" "dota_region_hong_kong" "Hong Kong" "dota_region_singapore" "Singapore" "dota_region_shanghai" "Shanghai" "dota_region_beijing" "Beijing" "dota_region_malaysia" "Malaysia" "dota_region_stockholm" "Stockholm" "dota_region_austria" "Austria" "dota_region_amsterdam" "Amsterdam" "dota_region_brazil" "Brazil" "dota_region_australia" "Australia" "dota_region_korea" "South Korea" "dota_region_southafrica" "South Africa" "dota_region_pw" "Perfect World (China)" "dota_region_pw_telecom" "Perfect World Telecom" "dota_region_pw_unicom" "Perfect World Unicom" "dota_region_dubai" "Dubai" "dota_region_chile" "Chile" "dota_region_peru" "Peru" "dota_region_india" "India" "dota_region_automatic_desc" "Choose the server that is best for my region." "dota_region_select_desc" "Let me choose servers from any region." "dota_division_americas" "Americas" "dota_division_europe" "Europe" "dota_division_se_asia" "Southeast Asia" "dota_division_china" "China" "Average_wait_time" "Average wait time: %s1" "dota_matchgroup_useast" "US East" "dota_matchgroup_uswest" "US West" "dota_matchgroup_sa" "South America" "dota_matchgroup_hk" "Hong Kong" "dota_matchgroup_cn" "China" "dota_matchgroup_sea" "SE Asia" "dota_matchgroup_eu" "Europe West" "dota_matchgroup_ru" "Russia" "dota_matchgroup_vie" "Europe East" "dota_matchgroup_au" "Australia" "dota_matchgroup_icn" "South Korea" "dota_matchgroup_cpt" "South Africa" "dota_matchgroup_pw" "Perfect World (China)" "dota_matchgroup_pw_telecom" "Perfect World Telecom" "dota_matchgroup_pw_unicom" "Perfect World Unicom" "dota_matchgroup_dubai" "Dubai" "dota_matchgroup_chile" "Chile" "dota_matchgroup_peru" "Peru" "dota_matchgroup_india" "India" "DOTA_Lobby_MM_pref" "ENTER MATCHMAKING PREFERENCES" "UI_region_settings_command" "SELECT MATCHMAKING REGIONS" "UI_region_settings_confirm" "CONFIRM MATCHMAKING REGIONS" "dota_mm_select_region_hint" "Select one or more matchmaking regions.\nSelect only the closest regions to you for the best experience." "dota_mm_select_region_automatic" "Automatically pick regions based on my location." "dota_matchmaking_region_selected_offline" "One or more selected region(s) temporarily offline." "dota_matchmaking_region_selected_unreachable" "Unable to confirm network connectivity to selected region(s)." "dota_matchmaking_region_all_unavailable" "Unable to ping any region. Check your Internet connection." "dota_matchmaking_region_check_internet" "Check your Internet connection." "dota_matchmaking_region_poor_choices" "Current region selections could result in a slow connection to the game server." // substitution for modifier tooltips // %MODIFIER_PROPERTY_MAGICAL_RESISTANCE_BONUS% - 'd' prints the value returned by the function as an integer // 'd' for integer // 'f' for float // optional '-' to not abs() the values // optional number to specify the number of decimals to print after a float // eg: %-2fMODIFIER_PROPERTY_BASEDAMAGEOUTGOING_PERCENTAGE% // use %% to draw a percentage sign "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_fountain_glyph" "Glyph of Fortification" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_fountain_glyph_Description" "This structure is briefly impervious to damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_courier_return_stash_items" "Returning items" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_courier_return_stash_items_Description" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_courier_take_stash_items" "Retrieving items" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_courier_take_stash_items_Description" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_courier_transfer_items" "Transferring items" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_courier_transfer_items_Description" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_courier_burst" "Speed Burst" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_courier_burst_Description" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_teleporting" "Teleporting" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_backdoor_protection" "Backdoor Protection" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_backdoor_protection_Description" "Structure takes reduced damage, and quickly regenerates any damage taken while no enemy creeps are nearby." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_pudge_rot" "Rot" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_pudge_rot_Description" "Causes damage to every fighter in a radius every second." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_pudge_flesh_heap" "Flesh Heap" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_pudge_flesh_heap_Description""Gives Pudge %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MAGICAL_RESISTANCE_BONUS%%% additional resistance to spells and a bonus %0fMODIFIER_PROPERTY_STATS_STRENGTH_BONUS% strength" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_pudge_dismember" "Dismember" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_pudge_dismember_Description" "Getting dismembered by Pudge." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_pudge_meat_hook" "Meat Hook" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_pudge_meat_hook_Description" "Get over here!" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bane_enfeeble" "Enfeeble" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bane_enfeeble_Description" "Attack damage reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_Bane_Nightmare_Invulnerable" "Invulnerable" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_Bane_Nightmare_Invulnerable_Description" "Your nightmare is just beginning!" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bane_nightmare" "Nightmare" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bane_nightmare_Description" "Asleep! Taking 20 damage every second. Nightmare transfers to any unit that attacks you." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bane_fiends_grip" "Fiend's Grip" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bane_fiends_grip_Description""Disabled and transferring 5%% of max mana per second to Bane." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_storm_spirit_electric_vortex_self_slow" "Electric Vortex Slow" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_storm_spirit_electric_vortex_self_slow_Description" "Slowed by 50%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_storm_spirit_electric_vortex_pull" "Electric Vortex Pull" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_storm_spirit_electric_vortex_pull_Description" "Being pulled by Storm Spirit's Vortex" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_storm_spirit_overload" "Overload" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_storm_spirit_overload_Description" "Gain charges by casting a spell" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_storm_spirit_overload_debuff" "Overload Slow" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_storm_spirit_overload_debuff_Description" "Affected by Storm Spirit's Overload. Move speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and attack speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_storm_spirit_ball_lightning" "Ball Lightning" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_storm_spirit_ball_lightning_Description" "Striking across the map!" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_phantom_assassin_stiflingdagger" "Stifling Dagger" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_phantom_assassin_stiflingdagger_Description" "Movement speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_phantom_assassin_blur_active" "Blur" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_phantom_assassin_blur_active_Description" "Blurring out to disappear from the enemy team's minimap." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_phantom_assassin_phantom_strike" "Phantom Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_phantom_assassin_phantom_strike_Description" "Attack speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_skeleton_king_hellfire_blast" "Wraithfire Blast" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_skeleton_king_hellfire_blast_Description" "Movement speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and taking damage over time" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_skeleton_king_vampiric_aura_buff" "Vampiric Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_skeleton_king_vampiric_aura_buff_Description" "Regaining Health when attacking" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_skeleton_king_mortal_strike_drain_buff" "Mortal Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_skeleton_king_mortal_strike_drain_buff_Description" "Stealing HP from an enemy hero." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_skeleton_king_mortal_strike_drain_debuff" "Mortal Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_skeleton_king_mortal_strike_drain_debuff_Description" "HP stolen from Wraith King." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_skeleton_king_reincarnate_slow" "Reincarnate" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_skeleton_king_reincarnate_slow_Description" "Affected by Wraith King's Reincarnation. Move speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and attack speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT_SECONDARY%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_skeleton_king_reincarnation_scepter" "Wraith Delay" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_skeleton_king_reincarnation_scepter_Description" "If slain, will become a wraith for 5 seconds before dying." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_skeleton_king_reincarnation_scepter_active" "Death Delay" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_skeleton_king_reincarnation_scepter_active_Description" "Became a wraith to delay death, but will die shortly." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_drow_ranger_frost_arrows_slow" "Frost Arrow Slow" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_drow_ranger_frost_arrows_slow_Description" "Movement speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_drow_ranger_trueshot_aura" "Precision Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_drow_ranger_trueshot_aura_Description" "Base ranged damage increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_death_prophet_exorcism" "Exorcism" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_death_prophet_exorcism_description" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_juggernaut_blade_fury" "Blade Fury" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_juggernaut_blade_fury_Description" "Dealing damage every second" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_juggernaut_blade_dance" "Blade Dance" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_juggernaut_blade_dance_Description" "%dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_CRITICALSTRIKE%%% chance to deal double damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_juggernaut_healing_ward_aura" "Healing Ward" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_juggernaut_healing_ward_heal" "Healing Ward Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_juggernaut_healing_ward_heal_Description""Healing %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEALTH_REGEN_PERCENTAGE%%% HP per second" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_juggernaut_omnislash" "Omnislash" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_juggernaut_omnislash_Description" "Invulnerable. Attacking enemy units in an area." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_earthshaker_enchant_totem" "Enchant Totem" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_earthshaker_enchant_totem_Description" "Next attack will deal %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_BASEDAMAGEOUTGOING_PERCENTAGE%%% increased damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_earthshaker_fissure_stun" "Fissure" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_earthshaker_fissure_stun_Description" "Stunned by Earthshaker's Fissure." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_mirana_leap_buff" "Leap" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_mirana_leap_buff_Description" "Movement speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%, attack speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT_SECONDARY%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_mirana_moonlight_shadow" "Moonlight Shadow" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_mirana_moonlight_shadow_Description" "Invisible. Attacking temporarily removes invisibility." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_nevermore_necromastery" "Necromastery" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_nevermore_necromastery_Description" "Stored souls granting an additional %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE% bonus damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_nevermore_presence" "Presence of the Dark Lord" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_nevermore_presence_Description" "Shadow Fiend's presence reduces your armor by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_nevermore_requiem" "Requiem of Souls" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_nevermore_requiem_Description" "Movement speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%, damage reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_BASEDAMAGEOUTGOING_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sandking_impale" "Burrowstrike" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sandking_impale_Description" "Stunned by Sand King." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sandking_sand_storm" "Sand Storm" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sandking_sand_storm_Description" "Applying %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP% damage every second to nearby units." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sandking_sand_storm_invis" "Sand Storm Invisibility" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sandking_sand_storm_invis_Description" "Invisible" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sand_king_caustic_finale_orb" "Caustic Finale" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sand_king_caustic_finale_orb_Description" "Injected with venom from Sand King's attacks. You will explode on death, dealing radius damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sand_king_epicenter" "Epicenter" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sand_king_epicenter_Description" "Sending a disturbance into the earth, deals damage and slows in a radius" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sand_king_epicenter_slow" "Epicenter Slow" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sand_king_epicenter_slow_Description""Movement speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%. Attack speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT_SECONDARY%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sven_warcry" "Warcry" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sven_warcry_Description" "Movement speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and armor increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sven_gods_strength" "God's Strength" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sven_gods_strength_Description" "Base damage increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_BASEDAMAGEOUTGOING_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sven_gods_strength_child" "God's Strength Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sven_gods_strength_child_Description" "Base damage increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_BASEDAMAGEOUTGOING_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_crystal_maiden_crystal_nova" "Crystal Nova" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_crystal_maiden_crystal_nova_Description" "Movement speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%, attack speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_crystal_maiden_frostbite" "Frostbite" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_crystal_maiden_frostbite_Description" "Cannot move or attack. Taking 50 damage every half-second." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_crystal_maiden_brilliance_aura_effect" "Arcane Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_crystal_maiden_brilliance_aura_effect_Description" "Adds %fMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MANA_REGEN_CONSTANT% mana regeneration" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_crystal_maiden_freezing_field_slow" "Freezing Field Slow" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_crystal_maiden_freezing_field_slow_Description" "Movement speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%, attack speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bloodseeker_bloodrage" "Bloodrage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bloodseeker_bloodrage_Description" "Incoming and outgoing damage increased. Units you kill will heal you for 25%% of their max health. If you are killed while under the effects of Bloodrage, your killer will be healed for 25%% of your max health." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bloodseeker_blood_bath" "Blood Bath" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bloodseeker_blood_bath_Description" "Regenerate HP when you kill a target" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bloodseeker_thirst_speed" "Thirst Speed" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bloodseeker_thirst_speed_Description" "You sense an injured enemy. Movement speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and Damage by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bloodseeker_thirst_vision" "Thirst" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bloodseeker_thirst_vision_Description" "Bloodseeker senses your injuries, and knows exactly where you are." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bloodseeker_rupture" "Rupture" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bloodseeker_rupture_Description" "Deals a percentage of the distance you move as damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_axe_berserkers_call" "Berserker's Call" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_axe_berserkers_call_Description" "You are forced to attack Axe" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_axe_berserkers_call_armor" "Berserker's Call Armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_axe_berserkers_call_armor_Description" "%dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS% bonus armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_axe_battle_hunger" "Battle Hunger" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_axe_battle_hunger_Description" "Afflicted with a terrible killing hunger. Deals damage per second until you kill a unit" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_axe_battle_hunger_self" "Battle Hunger" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_axe_battle_hunger_self_Description" "Gains bonus movement speed per afflicted unit" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_axe_counter_helix" "Counter Helix" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_axe_counter_helix_Description" "17%% chance to counter incoming attacks" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_axe_culling_blade_boost" "Culling Blade" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_axe_culling_blade_boost_Description" "Axe releases a war cry, giving all nearby allies bonus movement and attack speed" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_phantom_lancer_spirit_lance" "Spirit Lance" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_phantom_lancer_spirit_lance_Description" "Movement speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_phantom_lancer_juxtapose_illusion" "Phantom" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_phantom_lancer_phantom_edge_boost" "Phantom Rush" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_phantom_lancer_phantom_edge_boost_Description" "Charging the enemy!" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_razor_static_link_buff" "Static Link" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_razor_static_link_buff_Description" "Stealing %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE% attack damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_razor_static_link_debuff" "Static Link" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_razor_static_link_debuff_Description" "Losing %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE% attack damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_razor_unstable_current" "Unstable Current" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_razor_unstable_current_Description" "Movement speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%, attackers take damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_razor_eye_of_the_storm" "Eye of the Storm" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_razor_eye_of_the_storm_Description" "Taking damage and armor reduced with each lightning strike." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_razor_eye_of_the_storm_armor" "Eye of the Storm Armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_razor_eye_of_the_storm_armor_Description" "Armor reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_razor_unstablecurrent_slow" "Unstable Current" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_razor_unstablecurrent_slow_Description" "Movement speed affected by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and attack speed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_morphling_morph_str" "Morph Strength" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_morphling_morph_str_Description" "Gaining strength at the cost of agility" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_morphling_morph_agi" "Morph Agility" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_morphling_morph_agi_Description" "Gaining agility at the cost of strength" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_morphling_morph" "Morph" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_morphling_morph_Description" "STR: %-dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_STATS_STRENGTH_BONUS%\nAGI: %-dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_STATS_AGILITY_BONUS%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_morphling_replicate_timer" "Morph Replicate Timer" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_morphling_replicate_timer_Description" "Timer for Morphling's replicate" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_kunkka_tidebringer" "Tidebringer" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_kunkka_tidebringer_Description" "Physical damage increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE% with a cleaving attack." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_kunkka_torrent" "Torrent" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_kunkka_torrent_Description" "Stunned by a massive blast of water." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_kunkka_torrent_slow" "Torrent Slow" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_kunkka_torrent_slow_Description" "Movement speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_kunkka_ghost_ship_damage_absorb" "The Admiral's Rum" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_kunkka_ghost_ship_damage_absorb_Description" "You're drunk! Movement speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%, temporary numbness to 50%% of all incoming damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_kunkka_ghost_ship_damage_delay" "Rum Hangover" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_kunkka_ghost_ship_damage_delay_Description" "Sobering up. Gradually feeling the rest of the damage taken while under the effects of The Admiral's Rum." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_kunkka_x_marks_the_spot" "X Marks the Spot" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_kunkka_x_marks_the_spot_Description" "You will be returned to the location of the X" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_zuus_static_field" "Static Field" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_zuus_static_field_Description" "Whenever Zeus casts a spell, nearby enemies are shocked for a percent of their current HP" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lich_slow" "Freezing Slow" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lich_slow_Description" "Movement speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%, attack speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lich_frostarmor_slow" "Freezing Slow" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lich_frostarmor_slow_Description" "Movement speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%, attack speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lich_frost_armor" "Ice Armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lich_frost_armor_Description" "Adds %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS% armor and slows attacking melee units." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tidehunter_gush" "Gush" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tidehunter_gush_Description" "Slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%, and armor reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tidehunter_ravage" "Ravage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tidehunter_ravage_Description" "Stunned by Ravage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tidehunter_anchor_smash" "Anchor Smash" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tidehunter_anchor_smash_Description" "Damage reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_BASEDAMAGEOUTGOING_PERCENTAGE%%%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_shadow_shaman_voodoo" "Voodoo" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_shadow_shaman_voodoo_Description" "You are a chicken. Cannot attack or cast spells." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_shadow_shaman_shackles" "Shackles" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_shadow_shaman_shackles_Description" "Shackled. Cannot move or attack." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_puck_phase_shift" "Phase Shift" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_puck_phase_shift_Description" "Temporarily shifted out of existence" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_puck_coiled" "Dream Coiled" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_puck_coiled_Description" "Tethered to the dream coil" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tiny_avalanche_stun" "Avalanche" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tiny_avalanche_stun_Description" "Stunned by falling rocks." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_vengefulspirit_wave_of_terror" "Wave of Terror" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_vengefulspirit_wave_of_terror_Description" "Base armor reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_vengefulspirit_command_aura_effect" "Vengeance Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_vengefulspirit_command_aura_effect_Description" "%dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_BASEDAMAGEOUTGOING_PERCENTAGE%%% bonus damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_vengefulspirit_command_negative_aura_effect" "Vengeance Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_vengefulspirit_command_negative_aura_effect_Description" "Damage reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_BASEDAMAGEOUTGOING_PERCENTAGE%%%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_windrunner_windrun" "Windrun" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_windrunner_windrun_Description" "Movement speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and evading all physical attacks" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_windrunner_windrun_slow" "Windrun Slow" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_windrunner_windrun_slow_Description" "Gusts of wind around Windranger reduce your movement speed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_windrunner_focusfire" "Focus Fire" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_windrunner_focusfire_Description" "Constantly attacking with maximum attack speed and %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_DAMAGEOUTGOING_PERCENTAGE%%% reduced damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_riki_smoke_screen" "Smoke Screen" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_riki_smoke_screen_Description" "Missing %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MISS_PERCENTAGE%%% of attacks. Move Speed and Turn Speed slowed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_riki_blinkstrike_chargecounter" "Blink Strike Charges" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_riki_blinkstrike_chargecounter_Description" "You may cast Blink Strike whenever there is a charge available." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_enigma_malefice" "Malefice" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_enigma_malefice_Description" "Does %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP% damage and stuns for %fMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP% seconds every %fMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP% seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_demonic_conversion" "Demonic Conversion" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_demonic_conversion_Description" "This entity is under control of Enigma." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_enigma_black_hole_pull" "Black Hole" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_enigma_black_hole_pull_Description" "Taking damage per second, stunned, and being pulled towards the event horizon." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tinker_laser_blind" "Laser Blind" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tinker_laser_blind_Description" "Missing %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MISS_PERCENTAGE%%% of attacks." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tinker_rearm" "Rearm" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tinker_rearm_Description" "Resetting ability cooldowns." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sniper_shrapnel_charge_counter" "Shrapnel Charges" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sniper_shrapnel_charge_counter_Description" "You may cast Shrapnel whenever there is a charge available." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sniper_shrapnel_slow" "Shrapnel Slow" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sniper_shrapnel_slow_Description" "Movement speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sniper_assassinate" "Assassinate" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sniper_assassinate_Description" "Sniper's taking aim at your head!" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sniper_headshot_slow" "Headshot Stop" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sniper_headshot_slow_Description" "Stopped by Sniper's headshot!" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_necrolyte_sadist_counter" "Sadist" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_necrolyte_sadist_counter_Description" "Regening %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEALTH_REGEN_CONSTANT% health and %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MANA_REGEN_CONSTANT% mana a second." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_necrolyte_heartstopper_aura_effect" "Heartstopper Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_necrolyte_heartstopper_aura_effect_Description" "Losing a percentage of health every second while near Necrophos." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_beastmaster_inner_beast" "Inner Beast" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_beastmaster_inner_beast_Description" "%dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT_SECONDARY% increased attack speed" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_beastmaster_primal_roar_slow" "Primal Roar Slow" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_beastmaster_primal_roar_slow_Description" "Movement speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%, attack speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_beastmaster_hawk_invisibility" "Invisibility" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_beastmaster_hawk_invisibility_Description" "Hawk is not visible to enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_beastmaster_boar_poison_effect" "Boar Poison" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_beastmaster_boar_poison_effect_Description" "Movement speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%, attack speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_queenofpain_shadow_strike" "Shadow Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_queenofpain_shadow_strike_Description" "Taking periodic damage and moving %fMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% slower." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lion_impale" "Spike" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lion_impale_Description" "Stunned." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lion_voodoo" "Voodoo" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lion_voodoo_Description" "You are a frog. You cannot attack or cast spells." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lion_mana_drain" "Drain" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lion_mana_drain_Description" "Being drained %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP% mana per second." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_slardar_sprint" "Sprint" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_slardar_sprint_Description" "Movement speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% but taking %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_INCOMING_DAMAGE_PERCENTAGE%%% more damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_slardar_amplify_damage" "Amplify Damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_slardar_amplify_damage_Description" "Armor reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS%.\nProvides True Sight to Slardar." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_slithereen_crush" "Slithereen Crush" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_slithereen_crush_Description" "Affected by Slardar's Slithereen Crush. Move speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and attack speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_venomancer_venomous_gale" "Venomous Gale" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_venomancer_venomous_gale_Description" "Slowing and ticking for %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP% damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_venomancer_poison_sting" "Poison Sting" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_venomancer_poison_sting_Description" "Slowing by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and ticking for %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP% damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_venomancer_poison_sting_fake" "Poison Sting" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_venomancer_poison_sting_fake_Description" "Slowing by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and ticking for %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP% damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_venomancer_poison_sting_ward" "Poison Sting" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_venomancer_poison_sting_ward_Description" "Slowing by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and ticking for %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP% damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_venomancer_poison_nova" "Poison Nova" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_venomancer_poison_nova_Description" "Ticking for %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP% damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_faceless_void_time_walk_slow" "Time Walk Slow" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_faceless_void_time_walk_slow_Description" "Movement speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_faceless_void_timelock_freeze" "Time Lock" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_faceless_void_timelock_freeze_Description" "You have been locked in time by Faceless Void!" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_faceless_void_chronosphere_freeze" "Chronosphere" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_faceless_void_chronosphere_freeze_Description" "Trapped in spacetime. Unable to move or act." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_pugna_decrepify" "Decrepify" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_pugna_decrepify_Description" "Slowing movement by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and increasing spell damage by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MAGICAL_RESISTANCE_DECREPIFY_UNIQUE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_pugna_nether_ward_aura" "Nether Ward" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_pugna_nether_ward_aura_Description" "Mana regen reduced by %fMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MANA_REGEN_CONSTANT%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_pugna_life_drain" "Life Drain" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_pugna_life_drain_Description" "Draining Life." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_templar_assassin_refraction_damage" "Refraction - Damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_templar_assassin_refraction_damage_Description" "Increasing attack damage by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_templar_assassin_refraction_absorb" "Refraction - Absorb" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_templar_assassin_refraction_absorb_Description" "Absorbs any incoming damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_templar_assassin_meld" "Meld" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_templar_assassin_meld_Description" "Invisible, bonus damage on attack." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_templar_assassin_meld_armor" "Meld Armor Reduction" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_templar_assassin_meld_armor_Description" "Armor reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_templar_assassin_trap_slow" "Trap" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_templar_assassin_trap_slow_Description" "Movement speed decreased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% up to 50%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_viper_poison_attack_slow" "Poison Attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_viper_poison_attack_slow_Description" "Movement speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%, attack speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_viper_corrosive_skin_slow" "Corrosive Skin Slow" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_viper_corrosive_skin_slow_Description" "Movement speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%, attack speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_viper_viper_strike_slow" "Viper Strike Slow" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_viper_viper_strike_slow_Description" "Movement speed reduced by %fMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%, attack speed reduced by %fMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dragon_knight_corrosive_breath" "Corrosive Breath" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dragon_knight_corrosive_breath_Description" "Applies damage over time on attack." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dragon_knight_corrosive_breath_dot" "Corrosive Breath" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dragon_knight_corrosive_breath_dot_Description" "Taking %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP% damage per second." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dragon_knight_splash_attack" "Splash Attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dragon_knight_splash_attack_Description" "Splashes attack damage to nearby units." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dragon_knight_frost_breath" "Frost Breath" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dragon_knight_frost_breath_Description" "Applies Slow on attack." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dragon_knight_frost_breath_slow" "Frost Breath Slow" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dragon_knight_frost_breath_slow_Description" "Movement speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%, attack speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dragonknight_breathefire_reduction" "Breathe Fire" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dragonknight_breathefire_reduction_Description" "Base attack damage reduced." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_rattletrap_battery_assault" "Battery Assault" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_rattletrap_battery_assault_Description" "Doing periodic damage to nearby units." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_rattletrap_cog_push" "Cog Push" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_rattletrap_cog_push_Description" "Being pushed by a Cog." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_rattletrap_hookshot" "Hookshot" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_rattletrap_hookshot_Description" "Being pulled by Clockwerk's hook." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dazzle_poison_touch" "Poison Touch" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dazzle_poison_touch_Description" "Taking periodic damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dazzle_shallow_grave" "Shallow Grave" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dazzle_shallow_grave_Description" "Protected by Voodoo! You cannot be killed while under this effect!" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dazzle_weave_armor" "Weave Armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dazzle_weave_armor_Description" "Armor modified by %-fMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_leshrac_pulse_nova" "Pulse Nova" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_leshrac_pulse_nova_Description" "Inflicting Damage to nearby enemy units" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_leshrac_diabolic_edict" "Diabolic Edict" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_leshrac_diabolic_edict_Description" "Inflicting Damage to nearby enemy units" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_voodoo_restoration_heal" "Voodoo Restoration" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_voodoo_restoration_heal_Description" "The Witch Doctor be healing you!" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_maledict" "Maledict" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_maledict_Description" "Cursed. Taking damage over time, and taking bonus damage every 4 seconds based on HP lost since the beginning of the curse." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_life_stealer_infest" "Infesting a host" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_life_stealer_rage" "Rage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_life_stealer_rage_Description" "Gained attack speed, spell immunity, and 100% resistant to magic damage type." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_life_stealer_open_wounds" "Open Wounds" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_life_stealer_open_wounds_Description" "Movement speed decreased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_life_stealer_assimilate" "Assimilated" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_life_stealer_assimilate_Description" "Hiding within Lifestealer. Any healing Lifestealer receives is shared.\n\nMoving, casting an ability, or clicking on this icon will cause you to erupt from Lifestealer and damage nearby enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dark_seer_vacuum" "Vacuum" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dark_seer_vacuum_Description" "Being pulled" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dark_seer_ion_shell" "Ion Shell" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dark_seer_ion_shell_Description" "Doing damage to nearby enemies" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dark_seer_surge" "Surge" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dark_seer_surge_Description" "Moving at maximum move speed" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dark_seer_wall_of_replica" "Wall of Replica" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dark_seer_wall_of_replica_Description" "Wall of Replica illusion." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_darkseer_wallofreplica_illusion" "Wall of Replica Illusion" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_enchantress_untouchable_slow" "Untouchable" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_enchantress_untouchable_slow_Description" "Attack speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT_SECONDARY%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_enchantress_enchant" "Enchant" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_enchantress_enchant_Description" "Under control of Enchantress" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_enchantress_enchant_slow" "Enchant" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_enchantress_enchant_slow_Description" "Movement slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_enchantress_natures_attendants" "Nature's Attendants" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_enchantress_natures_attendants_Description" "Healing nearby units" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_huskar_inner_vitality" "Inner Vitality" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_huskar_inner_vitality_Description" "Restoring %fMODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEALTH_REGEN_CONSTANT% health a second." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_huskar_burning_spear_debuff" "Burning Spear" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_huskar_burning_spear_debuff_Description" "YOU ARE ON FIRE! Taking periodic damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_huskar_berserkers_blood" "Berserker's Blood" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_huskar_berserkers_blood_Description" "Attack Speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT% and Magic Damage Resistance by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MAGICAL_RESISTANCE_BONUS%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_huskar_life_break_slow" "Life Break" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_huskar_life_break_slow_Description" "Movement speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_clinkz_strafe" "Strafe" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_clinkz_strafe_Description" "Attack speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_clinkz_wind_walk" "Skeleton Walk" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_clinkz_wind_walk_Description" "Invisible, and movement speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%. Can move through units." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_clinkz_death_pact" "Death Pact" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_clinkz_death_pact_Description" "Damage and health increased." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_broodmother_spawn_spiderlings" "Spawn Spiderlings" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_broodmother_spawn_spiderlings_Description" "If killed, will spawn a number of Spiderlings." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_broodmother_spin_web" "Spin Web" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_broodmother_spin_web_Description" "Increasing health regen by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEALTH_REGEN_CONSTANT% and movement speed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_broodmother_spin_web_charge_counter" "Spin Web Charges" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_broodmother_spin_web_charge_counter_Description" "You may cast Spin Web whenever there is a charge available." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_broodmother_spin_web_slowed" "Spin Web Slow" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_broodmother_spin_web_slowed_Description" "Slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% for taking damage while in a web" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_broodmother_incapacitating_bite_orb" "Incapacitating Bite" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_broodmother_incapacitating_bite_orb_Description" "Miss chance increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MISS_PERCENTAGE%%% and movement speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_broodmother_insatiable_hunger" "Insatiable Hunger" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_broodmother_insatiable_hunger_Description" "Damage increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE% and lifestealing %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_broodmother_spawn_spiderite_debuff" "Spawn Spiderite" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_broodmother_spawn_spiderite_debuff_Description" "If killed, will spawn a Spiderite." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_broodmother_poison_sting_debuff" "Poison Sting" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_broodmother_poison_sting_debuff_Description" "Ticking for %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP% damage per second, slowing by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_omniknight_repel" "Repel" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_omniknight_repel_Description" "Spell Immune." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_omniknight_degen_aura_effect" "Degen Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_omniknight_degen_aura_effect_Description" "Movement speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%, attack speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT_SECONDARY%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_omninight_guardian_angel" "Guardian Angel" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_omninight_guardian_angel_Description" "Immune to physical damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_night_stalker_void" "Void" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_night_stalker_void_Description" "Slows move speed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and attack speed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_night_stalker_crippling_fear" "Crippling Fear" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_night_stalker_crippling_fear_Description" "Causes you to miss %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MISS_PERCENTAGE%%% of your physical attacks." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_night_stalker_darkness" "Darkness" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_night_stalker_darkness_Description" "Temporarily turns day into night." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_nightstalker_darkness_blind" "Darkness" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_nightstalker_darkness_blind_Description" "Causes you to have reduced vision." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bounty_hunter_jinada_slow" "Jinada" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bounty_hunter_jinada_slow_Description" "Movement speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%, attack speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bounty_hunter_wind_walk" "Shadow Walk" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bounty_hunter_wind_walk_Description" "Moves through the shadows." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bounty_hunter_track" "Track" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bounty_hunter_track_Description" "Carrying %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP% Gold." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bounty_hunter_track_effect" "Track" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bounty_hunter_track_effect_Description" "Increasing move speed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_weaver_swarm_debuff" "Swarm" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_weaver_swarm_debuff_Description" "Doing damage and reducing armor." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_weaver_shukuchi" "Shukuchi" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_weaver_shukuchi_Description" "Invisible and doing damage to units passed through." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_jakiro_ice_path_stun" "Ice Path" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_jakiro_ice_path_stun_Description" "Being frozen by Jakiro's Ice Path" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_jakiro_liquid_fire_burn" "Liquid Fire" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_jakiro_liquid_fire_burn_Description" "Taking damage and being slowed by Jakiro's Liquid Fire" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_jakiro_dual_breath_slow" "Dual Breath" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_jakiro_dual_breath_slow_Description" "Affected by Jakiro's Dual Breath. Move speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and attack speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_jakiro_dual_breath_burn" "Dual Breath" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_jakiro_dual_breath_burn_Description" "Taking damage from Jakiro's Dual Breath" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_batrider_sticky_napalm" "Sticky Napalm" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_batrider_sticky_napalm_Description" "Increasing napalm-caster's damage by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP%.\nSlowing turn rate by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TURN_RATE_PERCENTAGE%%%.\nSlowing movement speed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_flamebreak_damage" "Flamebreak Burn" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_flamebreak_damage_Description" "On fire! Taking 50 damage per second." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_batrider_firefly" "Firefly" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_batrider_firefly_Description" "Flying and laying down fiery destruction in your wake." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_batrider_flaming_lasso" "Flaming Lasso" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_batrider_flaming_lasso_Description" "Caught in Batrider's Lasso" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_batrider_flaming_lasso_self" "Flaming Lasso Disarm" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_batrider_flaming_lasso_self_Description" "Cannot attack while Lasso is active." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_chen_penitence" "Penitence" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_chen_penitence_Description" "Reducing movement speed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%, increasing damage taken by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_chen_holy_persuasion" "Holy Persuasion" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_chen_holy_persuasion_Description" "Persuaded to Chen's cause." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_chen_test_of_faith_teleport" "Rapture" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_chen_test_of_faith_teleport_Description" "Teleporting to safety." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_spectre_spectral_dagger_path" "Dagger Path" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_spectre_spectral_dagger_path_Description" "Dagger Path tracking modifier, TBH" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_spectre_spectral_dagger" "Dagger Path Creator" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_spectre_spectral_dagger_Description" "Hit by dagger, creating shadow path" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_spectre_spectral_dagger_in_path" "Spectral Dagger Path" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_spectre_spectral_dagger_in_path_Description" "Modifying movespeed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_spectre_desolate" "Desolate" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_spectre_desolate_Description" "Taking bonus damage from Spectre." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_doom_bringer_devour" "Devour" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_doom_bringer_devour_Description" "Still digesting that delicious creep." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_doom_bringer_scorched_earth_effect" "Scorched Earth" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_doom_bringer_scorched_earth_effect_Description" "Damaging over time, increasing Doom Bringer's movement speed and his regeneration rate." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_doom_bringer_scorched_earth_effect_aura" "Scorched" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_doom_bringer_scorched_earth_effect_aura_Description" "Damaging over time, increasing Doom Bringer's movement speed and his regeneration rate." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_doom_bringer_doom" "Doom" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_doom_bringer_doom_Description" "Silenced, cannot use items, and being burned for %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP% damage per second." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cold_feet" "Cold Feet" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cold_feet_Description" "Taking periodic damage, if you don't move you will be frozen in place" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ancientapparition_coldfeet_freeze" "Frozen" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ancientapparition_coldfeet_freeze_Description" "Frozen by Ancient Apparition." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ice_vortex" "Ice Vortex" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ice_vortex_Description" "Slowed, will take additional damage from magic" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_chilling_touch" "Chilling Touch" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_chilling_touch_Description" "Attacks are slower, but will deal additional damage.\n\nClick to remove." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ice_blast" "Frostbitten" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ice_blast_Description" "Taking damage over time and cannot heal or regenerate health. Will instantly shatter if health drops too low." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ursa_earthshock" "Earthshock" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ursa_earthshock_Description" "Slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ursa_overpower" "Overpower" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ursa_overpower_Description" "Attacking at maximum speed!" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ursa_fury_swipes_damage_increase" "Fury Swipes" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ursa_fury_swipes_damage_increase_Description" "Taking an extra %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP% damage from Ursa's attacks" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ursa_enrage" "Enrage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ursa_enrage_Description" "Taking 80%% less damage, and multiplying Fury Swipes damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_gyrocopter_rocket_barrage" "Rocket Barrage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_gyrocopter_rocket_barrage_Description" "Firing salvos of rockets." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_gyrocopter_flak_cannon" "Flak Cannon" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_gyrocopter_flak_cannon_Description" "Attacking all nearby targets." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_gyrocopter_call_down_slow" "Call Down" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_gyrocopter_call_down_slow_Description" "Slowed %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% by Gyrocopter's rockets." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_warlock_fatal_bonds" "Fatal Bonds" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_warlock_fatal_bonds_Description" "Distributing 20%% of all damage to linked units" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_warlock_shadow_word" "Shadow Word" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_warlock_shadow_word_Description" "Taking periodic damage if an enemy, and periodic heal if a friend." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_warlock_upheaval" "Upheaval" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_warlock_upheaval_Description" "Movement Speed reduced." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_warlock_golem_permanent_immolation_debuff" "Immolation" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_warlock_golem_permanent_immolation_debuff_Description" "Taking damage while near the golem" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_knockback" "Greater Bash" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_knockback_Description" "Stunned" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_spirit_breaker_greater_bash_speed" "Greater Bash Speed" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_spirit_breaker_greater_bash_speed_Description" "Gaining %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% movement speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_spirit_breaker_charge_of_darkness" "Charge of Darkness" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_spirit_breaker_charge_of_darkness_Description" "Charging!" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_spirit_breaker_charge_of_darkness_debuff" "Charge of Darkness" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_spirit_breaker_charge_of_darkness_debuff_Description" "Incoming charge!" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_spirit_breaker_empowering_haste" "Empowering Haste" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_spirit_breaker_empowering_haste_Description" "Moving %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% faster." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_spirit_breaker_nether_strike" "Nether Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_spirit_breaker_nether_strike_Description" "Invulnerable" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_alchemist_acid_spray" "Acid Spray" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_alchemist_acid_spray_Description" "Taking periodic damage, armor reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_alchemist_goblins_greed" "Greevil's Greed" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_alchemist_goblins_greed_Description" "Grants bonus gold when you kill units." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_alchemist_chemical_rage" "Chemical Rage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_alchemist_chemical_rage_Description" "Reducing attack time to %fMODIFIER_PROPERTY_BASE_ATTACK_TIME_CONSTANT%, increasing health regeneration by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEALTH_REGEN_CONSTANT%, increasing mana regen to %fMODIFIER_PROPERTY_BASE_MANA_REGEN%, increasing movespeed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_ultimate_scepter_consumed" "Aghanim's Scepter Synth" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_ultimate_scepter_consumed_Description" "Permanently granted all benefits from Aghanim's Scepter: Ultimate Upgrade, +10 to all attributes, +200 health, +150 mana." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_invoker_quas_instance" "Quas" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_invoker_quas_instance_Description" "Health regeneration increased by %fMODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEALTH_REGEN_CONSTANT% per second." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_invoker_wex_instance" "Wex" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_invoker_wex_instance_Description" "Movement speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and attack speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_invoker_exort_instance" "Exort" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_invoker_exort_instance_Description" "Damage increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_invoker_cold_snap" "Cold Snap" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_invoker_cold_snap_Description" "When damaged, will take additional damage and will be frozen briefly." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_invoker_ghost_walk_self" "Ghost Walk" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_invoker_ghost_walk_self_Description" "Invisible, movement speed changed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%, and slowing nearby enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_invoker_ghost_walk_enemy" "Ghost Walk" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_invoker_ghost_walk_enemy_Description" "Near a ghost! Slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_invoker_tornado" "Tornado" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_invoker_tornado_Description" "Swept up in a tornado. Invulnerable but cannot act. Will take damage upon landing." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_invoker_alacrity" "Alacrity" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_invoker_alacrity_Description" "Attack speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT% and damage increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_invoker_chaos_meteor_burn" "Chaos Meteor Burn" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_invoker_chaos_meteor_burn_Description" "Taking damage every second." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_invoker_ice_wall_slow_debuff" "Ice Wall" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_invoker_ice_wall_slow_debuff_Description" "Slowed by the wall of ice." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_invoker_deafening_blast_knockback" "Deafening Blast Knockback" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_invoker_deafening_blast_knockback_Description" "Reeling back from the deafening blast." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_invoker_deafening_blast_disarm" "Deafening Blast Disarm" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_invoker_deafening_blast_disarm_Description" "Cannot attack." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_forged_spirit_melting_strike_debuff" "Melting Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_forged_spirit_melting_strike_debuff_Description" "Armor reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_silencer_curse_of_the_silent" "Curse of the Silent" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_silencer_curse_of_the_silent_Description" "Taking damage and losing mana unless a spell is cast." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_silencer_last_word" "Last Word" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_silencer_last_word_Description" "Will be damaged, silenced, and their movement slowed if the timer expires, or if they cast a spell." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_silencer_last_word_slow" "Last Word Slow" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_silencer_last_word_slow_Description" "Slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_silencer_last_word_disarm" "Slowed" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_silencer_last_word_disarm_Description" "Slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_silencer_last_word_aura" "Last Word Steal" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_silencer_last_word_aura_Description" "Total intelligence stolen" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_silencer_glaives_of_wisdom" "Glaives of Wisdom" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_silencer_glaives_of_wisdom_Description" "Total intelligence stolen" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_silencer_int_steal" "Stolen Intelligence" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_silencer_int_steal_Description" "Silencer will permanently steal 2 Intelligence from any enemy hero that dies within 900 range." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_silencer_global_silence" "Global Silence" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_silencer_global_silence_Description" "All heroes are silenced." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_obsidian_destroyer_essence_aura_effect" "Essence Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_obsidian_destroyer_essence_aura_effect_Description" "After casting a spell, you have a chance to restore a percentage of your mana pool." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_obsidian_destroyer_astral_imprisonment_buff" "Intelligence Steal" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_obsidian_destroyer_astral_imprisonment_buff_Description" "Stealing %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_STATS_INTELLECT_BONUS% intelligence from enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_obsidian_destroyer_astral_imprisonment_debuff" "Intelligence Steal" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_obsidian_destroyer_astral_imprisonment_debuff_Description" "Losing %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_STATS_INTELLECT_BONUS% intelligence from Outworld Devourer." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_obsidian_destroyer_astral_imprisonment_prison" "Astral Imprisonment" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_obsidian_destroyer_astral_imprisonment_prison_Description" "Locked away in an Astral Prison, cannot act or be acted upon." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lycan_howl_aura" "Howl Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lycan_howl_aura_Description" "Applying Howl to player-controlled units." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lycan_howl" "Howl" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lycan_howl_Description" "Gaining %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE% bonus damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lycan_feral_impulse" "Feral Impulse" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lycan_feral_impulse_Description" "Gaining %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT_SECONDARY% attack speed and %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_BASEDAMAGEOUTGOING_PERCENTAGE%%% bonus damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lycan_summon_wolves_invisibility" "Invisible" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lycan_shapeshift" "Shapeshift" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lycan_shapeshift_Description" "Gaining haste and critical strike." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lycan_shapeshift_speed" "Shapeshift" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lycan_shapeshift_speed_Description" "Gaining haste." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lone_druid_spirit_bear_entangle_effect" "Entangling Claws" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lone_druid_spirit_bear_entangle_effect_Description" "Immobilized and taking damage over time." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lone_druid_rabid" "Rabid" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lone_druid_rabid_Description" "Gaining %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT_SECONDARY% attack speed and %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% movement speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lone_druid_true_form_battle_cry" "Battle Cry" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lone_druid_true_form_battle_cry_Description" "Gaining %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE% bonus damage and %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS% bonus armor." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lone_druid_spirit_bear_attack_check" "Spirit Bear Proximity" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lone_druid_spirit_bear_attack_check_Description" "If the Spirit Bear moves too far away from Lone Druid, it will not be able to attack unless Lone Druid carries Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_brewmaster_thunder_clap" "Thunder Clap" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_brewmaster_thunder_clap_Description" "Movement slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%, attacks slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_brewmaster_drunken_haze" "Drunken Haze" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_brewmaster_drunken_haze_Description" "Movement slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MISS_PERCENTAGE%%% chance to miss attacks." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_brewmaster_drunken_brawler" "Drunken Brawler" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_brewmaster_drunken_brawler_Description" "%dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_EVASION_CONSTANT%%% chance to dodge attacks.\n%dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP%%% chance to %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP%%% crit." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_brewmaster_earth_pulverize" "Pulverize" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_brewmaster_earth_pulverize_Description" "%dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP%%% chance to do additional damage to units around his attack." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_brewmaster_earth_spell_immunity" "Spell Immunity" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_brewmaster_earth_spell_immunity_Description" "Immune to most spells" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_brewmaster_storm_wind_walk" "Wind Walk" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_brewmaster_storm_wind_walk_Description" "Invisible, movement speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_brewmaster_storm_cyclone" "Cyclone" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_brewmaster_storm_cyclone_Description" "Invulnerable, cannot act." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_brewmaster_fire_permanent_immolation" "Permanent Immolation" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_brewmaster_fire_permanent_immolation_Description" "Burning for %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP% damage per second." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_brewmaster_primal_split_duration" "Primal Split" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_brewmaster_primal_split_duration_Description" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_shadow_demon_disruption" "Disruption" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_shadow_demon_disruption_Description" "Banished." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_shadow_demon_soul_catcher" "Soul Catcher" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_shadow_demon_soul_catcher_Description" "Damage taken increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_shadow_demon_shadow_poison" "Shadow Poison" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_shadow_demon_shadow_poison_Description" "About to take %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP% damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_shadow_demon_purge_slow" "Purged" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_shadow_demon_purge_slow_Description" "Slowed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_shadow_demon_demonic_purge_charge_counter" "Demonic Purge Charges" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_shadow_demon_demonic_purge_charge_counter_description" "Charges will replenish 40 seconds after use." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_chaos_knight_reality_rift_bonus_damage" "Reality Rift" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_chaos_knight_reality_rift_bonus_damage_Description" "Damage increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_treant_natures_guise" "Nature's Guise" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_treant_natures_guise_Description" "Invisible while next to trees.\nGaining %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% bonus movement speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_treant_natures_guise_grace_time" "Nature's Guise Grace Time" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_treant_natures_guise_grace_time_Description" "Nature's Guise will be removed when not near a tree." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_treant_leech_seed" "Leech Seed" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_treant_leech_seed_Description" "Taking damage over time.\nSlowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_treant_living_armor" "Living Armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_treant_living_armor_Description" "Health regen increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEALTH_REGEN_CONSTANT%.\nBlocking %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP% damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_treant_overgrowth" "Overgrowth" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_treant_overgrowth_Description" "Cannot move, attack, or blink." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_meepo_earthbind" "Earthbind" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_meepo_earthbind_Description" "Trapped in Meepo's net; cannot move or blink." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_meepo_geostrike_debuff" "Geostrike" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_meepo_geostrike_debuff_Description" "Slowed down and taking periodic damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_luna_lunar_blessing_aura" "Lunar Blessing" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_luna_lunar_blessing_aura_Description" "Increasing damage by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_luna_eclipse" "Eclipse" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_luna_eclipse_Description" "Striking nearby targets with Lucent Beam." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_undying_decay_buff" "Decay" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_undying_decay_buff_Description" "Stealing %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_EXTRA_STRENGTH_BONUS% strength." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_undying_decay_debuff" "Decay" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_undying_decay_debuff_Description" "Losing 4 strength." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_undying_tombstone_zombie_deathstrike_slow_counter" "Deathstrike" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_undying_tombstone_zombie_deathstrike_slow_counter_Description" "Being slowed %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP%%% by Zombies." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_undying_tombstone_zombie_deathlust" "Deathlust" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_undying_tombstone_zombie_deathlust_Description" "Granting %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% faster movement and attack speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_undying_flesh_golem" "Flesh Golem's Plague Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_undying_flesh_golem_Description" "Slowing surrounding units and increasing any damage they take." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_undying_flesh_golem_plague_aura" "Flesh Golem's Plague Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_undying_flesh_golem_plague_aura_Description" "Movement slowed, and incoming damage increased." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_rubick_telekinesis" "Telekinesis" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_rubick_telekinesis_Description" "Held in the air." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_rubick_fade_bolt_debuff" "Fade Bolt" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_rubick_fade_bolt_debuff_Description" "Attack Damage reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_rubick_null_field_effect" "Null Field" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_rubick_null_field_effect_Description" "Magic Damage Resistance increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MAGICAL_RESISTANCE_BONUS%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_rubick_spell_steal" "Spell Steal" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_rubick_spell_steal_Description" "Has stolen a spell." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_disruptor_thunder_strike" "Thunder Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_disruptor_thunder_strike_Description" "Taking periodic damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_disruptor_static_storm" "Static Storm" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_disruptor_static_storm_Description" "Silenced" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_naga_siren_ensnare" "Ensnare" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_naga_siren_ensnare_Description" "Trapped in place, cannot move or blink." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_naga_siren_rip_tide" "Rip Tide" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_naga_siren_rip_tide_Description" "Armor lowered by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_naga_siren_song_of_the_siren" "Song of the Siren" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_naga_siren_song_of_the_siren_Description" "Sleeping, invulnerable." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_naga_siren_song_of_the_siren_aura" "Song of the Siren" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_naga_siren_song_of_the_siren_aura_Description" "Putting enemies in stasis" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_nyx_assassin_impale" "Impale" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_nyx_assassin_impale_Description" "Stunned." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_nyx_assassin_spiked_carapace" "Spiked Carapace" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_nyx_assassin_spiked_carapace_Description" "The next player-owned damage instance will be reflected, damaging and stunning the hero that caused it." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_nyx_assassin_vendetta" "Vendetta" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_nyx_assassin_vendetta_Description" "Moving %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% faster and is phased. Next attack will deal bonus damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_nyx_assassin_burrow" "Burrowed" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_nyx_assassin_burrow_Description" "Stationary, invisible, and unable to attack. Gaining bonus health and mana regeneration and taking reduced damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_keeper_of_the_light_mana_leak" "Mana Leak" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_keeper_of_the_light_mana_leak_Description" "Losing mana as you move." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_keeper_of_the_light_spirit_form" "Spirit Form" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_keeper_of_the_light_spirit_form_illuminate" "Channeling Illuminate" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_keeper_of_the_light_spirit_form_illuminate_Description" "Your spirit is channeling Illuminate in another location." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_keeper_of_the_light_recall" "Recall" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_keeper_of_the_light_recall_Description" "Being teleported to Keeper of the Light's location." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_keeper_of_the_light_blinding_light" "Blinding Light" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_keeper_of_the_light_blinding_light_Description" "Blinded, missing %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MISS_PERCENTAGE%%% of attacks." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_keeper_of_the_light_chakra_magic" "Chakra Magic" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_keeper_of_the_light_chakra_magic_Description" "The next spell cast will have its cooldown reduced." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_visage_grave_chill_buff" "Grave Chill" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_visage_grave_chill_buff_Description" "Movement speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and attack speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_visage_grave_chill_debuff" "Grave Chill" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_visage_grave_chill_debuff_Description" "Movement speed decreased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and attack speed decreased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_visage_soul_assumption" "Soul Counter" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_visage_soul_assumption_Description" "Number of stored souls from Soul Assumption." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_visage_gravekeepers_cloak" "Gravekeeper's Cloak" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_visage_gravekeepers_cloak_Description" "Gaining bonus armor bonus magic damage resistance per stack." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_visage_summon_familiars_damage_charge" "Familiar Damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_visage_summon_familiars_damage_charge_Description" "Gaining %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE% bonus damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_visage_summon_familiars_stone_form_buff" "Stone Form" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_visage_summon_familiars_stone_form_buff_Description" "Invulnerable. Granting %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEALTH_REGEN_CONSTANT% bonus regen." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_wisp_tether" "Tethered" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_wisp_tether_Description" "Movement speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and giving regen to tethered target." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_wisp_tether_haste" "Tethered" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_wisp_tether_haste_Description" "Movement speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and getting regen from Wisp." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_wisp_tether_slow" "Tether Slow" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_wisp_tether_slow_Description" "Move speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and attack speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_wisp_overcharge" "Overcharged" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_wisp_overcharge_Description" "Attack speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%, incoming damage reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_INCOMING_DAMAGE_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_wisp_spirits" "Spirits" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_wisp_spirits_Description" "Surrounded by friendly spirits." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_wisp_relocate_return" "Return" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_wisp_relocate_return_Description" "About to return to previous location." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_slark_pounce_leash" "Leashed" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_slark_pounce_leash_Description" "Leashed to Slark, can only move a limited distance away." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_slark_essence_shift" "Essence Shift" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_slark_essence_shift_Description" "Stealing %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_STATS_AGILITY_BONUS% agility." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_slark_essence_shift_debuff_counter" "Essence Shift" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_slark_essence_shift_debuff_counter_Description" "Losing %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP% of each attribute." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_slark_shadow_dance_passive_regen" "Shadow Dance Regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_slark_shadow_dance_passive_regen_Description" "Gaining %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% bonus movement speed and regenerating %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEALTH_REGEN_PERCENTAGE%%% of max HP per second." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_slark_shadow_dance" "Shadow Dance" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_slark_shadow_dance_Description" "Invisible within your cloud of smoke." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_medusa_mana_shield" "Mana Shield" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_medusa_mana_shield_Description" "Some of the damage taken by Medusa is dealt to her mana pool." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_medusa_stone_gaze" "Stone Gaze" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_medusa_stone_gaze_Description" "Enemies that look at you will have their attack and movespeed reduced." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_medusa_stone_gaze_slow" "Stone Gaze" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_medusa_stone_gaze_slow_Description" "Speed reduced by 50%%. Turning to stone while looking at Medusa." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_medusa_stone_gaze_stone" "Stone Gaze" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_medusa_stone_gaze_stone_Description" "Turned to stone. Stunned, 100%% magic damage resistance, and taking %MODIFIER_PROPERTY_INCOMING_PHYSICAL_DAMAGE_PERCENTAGE%%% extra physical damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_troll_warlord_whirling_axes_slow" "Whirling Axes Slow" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_troll_warlord_whirling_axes_slow_Description" "Slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_troll_warlord_fervor" "Fervor" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_troll_warlord_fervor_Description" "Attack speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT_SECONDARY%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_troll_warlord_battle_trance" "Battle Trance" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_troll_warlord_battle_trance_Description" "Attack speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT_SECONDARY%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_troll_warlord_whirling_axes_blind" "Whirling Axes Blind" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_troll_warlord_whirling_axes_blind_Description""Blinded, have a %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MISS_PERCENTAGE%%% chance to miss." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_magnataur_empower" "Empower" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_magnataur_empower_Description" "Base damage increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_BASEDAMAGEOUTGOING_PERCENTAGE%%%, gaining %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP%%% cleave damage on hit." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_magnataur_skewer_slow" "Skewered" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_magnataur_skewer_slow_Description" "Slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_centaur_stampede" "Stampede" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_centaur_stampede_Description" "Moving at max speed and stopping enemy units trampled." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_centaur_stampede_slow" "Stampede" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_centaur_stampede_slow_Description" "Unit is hit by stampede, it has reduced movement speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_shredder_whirling_death_debuff" "Whirling Death" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_shredder_whirling_death_debuff_Description" "Losing 15%% of primary attribute." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_shredder_reactive_armor" "Reactive Armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_shredder_reactive_armor_Description" "Gaining 1 bonus armor and HP regen per stack." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_shredder_chakram_debuff" "Chakram" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_shredder_chakram_debuff_Description" "Taking damage over time and being slowed by the Chakram." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_shredder_chakram_disarm" "Chakram Disarm" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_shredder_chakram_disarm_Description" "You cannot attack while Chakram is in the air." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tusk_snowball_movement_friendly" "SNOWBALL" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tusk_snowball_movement_friendly_Description" "Inside Tusk's snowball." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tusk_frozen_sigil" "Frozen Sigil" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tusk_frozen_sigil_Description" "Attack speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%, movement slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tusk_frozen_sigil_aura" "Frozen Sigil" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tusk_frozen_sigil_aura_Description" "Slowing nearby enemy attack and movement speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tusk_walrus_punch" "Walrus Punch" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tusk_walrus_punch_Description" "Next unit will get punched!" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tusk_walrus_punch_slow" "Walrus Punched" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tusk_walrus_punch_slow_Description" "Slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tusk_walrus_punch_air_time" "POW!" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tusk_walrus_kick_slow" "Walrus Kicked" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tusk_walrus_kick_slow_Description" "Slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tusk_walrus_kick_air_time" "BAM!" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bristleback_viscous_nasal_goo" "Viscous Nasal Goo" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bristleback_viscous_nasal_goo_Description" "Losing %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS% armor and slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bristleback_quill_spray" "Quill Spray" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bristleback_quill_spray_Description" "Each stack increases damage taken from Quill Spray" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bristleback_warpath" "Warpath" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bristleback_warpath_Description" "Moving %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% faster and dealing %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE% bonus damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_skywrath_mage_concussive_shot_slow" "Concussive Shot" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_skywrath_mage_concussive_shot_slow_Description" "Slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_skywrath_mage_ancient_seal" "Ancient Seal" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_skywrath_mage_ancient_seal_Description" "Silenced and magic damage increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MAGICAL_RESISTANCE_BONUS%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_abaddon_borrowed_time" "Borrowed Time" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_abaddon_borrowed_time_Description" "All damage taken by Abaddon heals him instead." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_abaddon_borrowed_time_damage_redirect" "Borrowed Time Redirect" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_abaddon_borrowed_time_damage_redirect_Description" "35%% of all damage taken is being redirected to Abaddon." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_abaddon_aphotic_shield" "Aphotic Shield" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_abaddon_aphotic_shield_Description" "Absorbing damage; upon absorbing the max damage, explodes and deals damage in an area." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_abaddon_frostmourne_debuff" "Curse of Avernus" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_abaddon_frostmourne_debuff_Description" "Slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%. All attacking units gain bonus attack and movement speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_abaddon_frostmourne_buff" "Curse of Avernus" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_abaddon_frostmourne_buff_Description" "Gaining %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% movement speed, and %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT% attack speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_elder_titan_echo_stomp" "Echo Stomp" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_elder_titan_echo_stomp_Description" "Knocked asleep by Elder Titan." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_elder_titan_ancestral_spirit" "Astral Spirit" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_elder_titan_ancestral_spirit_buff" "Astral Titan Buff" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_elder_titan_ancestral_spirit_buff_Description" "Gaining %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% bonus movement speed, and %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE% bonus damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_elder_titan_natural_order" "Natural Order" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_elder_titan_natural_order_Description" "Reducing base magic damage resistance and armor by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_elder_titan_earth_splitter" "Earth Splitter" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_elder_titan_earth_splitter_Description" "Slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_elder_titan_earth_splitter_scepter" "Earth Splitter" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_elder_titan_earth_splitter_scepter_Description" "Slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and disarmed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_legion_commander_overwhelming_odds" "Overwhelming Odds" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_legion_commander_overwhelming_odds_Description" "Gaining %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% movement speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_legion_commander_press_the_attack" "Press the Attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_legion_commander_press_the_attack_Description" "Gaining %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT_SECONDARY% attack speed and %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEALTH_REGEN_CONSTANT% HP regen." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_legion_commander_duel" "Duel" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_legion_commander_duel_Description" "Dueling until opponent dies or the effect ends." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_legion_commander_duel_damage_boost" "Duel Victory Damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_legion_commander_duel_damage_boost_Description" "Gaining bonus damage permanently from won duels." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_legion_commander_moment_of_courage_lifesteal" "Moment of Courage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_legion_commander_moment_of_courage_lifesteal_Description" "The next attack will have maximum attack speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ember_spirit_searing_chains" "Searing Chains" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ember_spirit_searing_chains_Description" "Locked in place by Searing Chains. Cannot blink or move, taking damage per second." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ember_spirit_flame_guard" "Flame Guard" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ember_spirit_flame_guard_Description" "Absorbing magic damage, and dealing magic damage in an area of effect." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ember_spirit_fire_remnant_charge_counter" "Fire Remnant Charges" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ember_spirit_fire_remnant_charge_counter_Description" "You may activate a Fire Remnant whenever there is a charge available." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ember_spirit_fire_remnant_timer" "Fire Remnant Duration" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ember_spirit_fire_remnant_timer_Description" "Fire Remnants expire after 45 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ember_spirit_fire_remnant" "Fire Remnant" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ember_spirit_fire_remnant_Description" "Charging to a Fire Remnant." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_earth_spirit_stone_caller_charge_counter" "Stone Remnant Charges" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_earth_spirit_stone_caller_charge_counter_Description" "You can only place a Stone Remnant when you have a charge available. Charges slowly restore over time." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_earth_spirit_boulder_smash_silence" "Boulder Smash Silence" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_earth_spirit_boulder_smash_silence_Description" "Silenced by a Stone from Earth Spirit." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_earth_spirit_rolling_boulder_caster" "Rolling Boulder" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_earth_spirit_rolling_boulder_slow" "Rolling Boulder Slow" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_earth_spirit_rolling_boulder_slow_Description" "Hit by Earth Spirit's Rolling Boulder, movement slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_earth_spirit_geomagnetic_grip" "Geomagnetic Grip" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_earth_spirit_geomagnetic_grip_Description" "Being pulled to Earth Spirit." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_earth_spirit_magnetize" "Magnetize" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_earth_spirit_magnetize_Description" "Magnetized by Earth Spirit and taking damage per second. Moving near one of Earth Spirit's stones will ignite the stone, Magnetizing all nearby enemy heroes and refreshing the debuff." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_earthspirit_petrify" "Enchant Remnant" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_earthspirit_petrify_Description" "Temporarily transformed into a Stone Remnant." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_abyssal_underlord_firestorm_burn" "Firestorm" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_abyssal_underlord_firestorm_burn_Description" "Taking damage over time." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_abyssal_underlord_pit_of_malice_ensare" "Pit of Malice" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_abyssal_underlord_pit_of_malice_ensare_Description" "Ensnared by Pit of Malice, cannot move or blink." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_abyssal_underlord_atrophy_aura" "Atrophy Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_abyssal_underlord_atrophy_aura_Description" "Reducing the damage of nearby enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_abyssal_underlord_atrophy_aura_effect" "Atrophy Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_abyssal_underlord_atrophy_aura_effect_Description" "Damage reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_BASEDAMAGEOUTGOING_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_abyssal_underlord_atrophy_aura_hero_buff" "Atrophy Aura Bonus Damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_abyssal_underlord_atrophy_aura_hero_buff_Description" "Receiving %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE% bonus damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_abyssal_underlord_atrophy_aura_creep_buff" "Atrophy Aura Bonus Damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_abyssal_underlord_atrophy_aura_creep_buff_Description" "Receiving %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE% bonus damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_phoenix_icarus_dive_burn" "Icarus Dive Burn" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_phoenix_icarus_dive_burn_Description" "Taking %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP% damage per second and movement slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_phoenix_fire_spirit_burn" "Fire Spirit Burn" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_phoenix_fire_spirit_burn_Description" "Taking %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP% damage per second and attack speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT_SECONDARY%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_phoenix_fire_spirit_count" "Fire Spirits" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_phoenix_fire_spirit_count_Description" "Fire Spirits ready to launch." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_phoenix_sun_ray" "Sun Ray" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_phoenix_sun_ray_Description" "Firing Sun Ray beam." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_phoenix_supernova_hiding" "Sun Form" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_phoenix_supernova_hiding_Description" "Burning enemies before being reborn." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_phoenix_sun" "Sun Form" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_phoenix_sun_Description" "Burning enemies before being reborn." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_phoenix_sun_debuff" "Sun Burn" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_phoenix_sun_debuff_Description" "Taking %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP% damage per second." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_terrorblade_reflection_slow" "Reflection" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_terrorblade_reflection_slow_Description" "Movement speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%, attack speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT_SECONDARY%, and being attacked by Terrorblade's reflection." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_terrorblade_metamorphosis" "Metamorphosis" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_terrorblade_metamorphosis_Description" "Powerful demon form with a ranged attack." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_techies_stasis_trap_stunned" "Stasis Trap Stun" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_techies_stasis_trap_stunned_Description" "You found one of the Techies' Stasis Traps!" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_techies_land_mines_count" "Land Mine Count" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_techies_land_mines_count_Description" "The number of Land Mines currently deployed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_techies_minefield_sign_aura" "Minefield Sign" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_techies_minefield_sign_aura_Description" "Hidden by the Techies' Minefield Sign." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_oracle_fortunes_end_purge" "Fortune's End Purge" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_oracle_fortunes_end_purge_Description" "Purged of buffs, and stopped." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_oracle_fates_edict" "Fate's Edict" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_oracle_fates_edict_Description" "Disarmed, magic damage resistance increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MAGICAL_RESISTANCE_BONUS%%%, all other incoming damage increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_INCOMING_DAMAGE_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_oracle_purifying_flames" "Purifying Flames Heal" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_oracle_purifying_flames_Description" "Being healed by Purifying Flames." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_oracle_false_promise_timer" "False Promise" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_oracle_false_promise_timer_Description" "Any healing or damage taken is delayed until False Promise ends. Delayed healing will be doubled." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_winter_wyvern_arctic_burn_flight" "Arctic Burn Flight" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_winter_wyvern_arctic_burn_flight_Description" "Flying. Attacks travel further and faster, and slow enemies while burning them for 8%% of their current health." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_winter_wyvern_arctic_burn_slow" "Arctic Burn Slow" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_winter_wyvern_arctic_burn_slow_Description" "Slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%, and losing 8%% of current health per second." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_winter_wyvern_splinter_blast_slow" "Splinter Blast Slow" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_winter_wyvern_splinter_blast_slow_Description" "Movement slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_winter_wyvern_cold_embrace" "Cold Embrace" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_winter_wyvern_cold_embrace_Description" "Immune to physical damage, and regenerating health." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_winter_wyvern_winters_curse" "Winter's Curse" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_winter_wyvern_winters_curse_Description" "Cannot tell friend from foe." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_winter_wyvern_winters_curse_aura" "Winter's Curse Target" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_winter_wyvern_winters_curse_aura_Description" "Frozen in place, and will be attacked by nearby teammates." //--------------------------------- "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_armlet_unholy_strength" "Unholy Strength" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_armlet_unholy_strength_Description" "Damage increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE%.\nStrength increased by 25.\nLosing %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP% health per second." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_assault_negative_armor" "Assault Cuirass" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_assault_negative_armor_Description" "Armor reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_assault_positive" "Assault Cuirass" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_assault_positive_Description" "Armor enhanced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS%\nAttack speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT_SECONDARY%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_assault_positive_buildings" "Assault Cuirass" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_assault_positive_buildings_Description""Armor enhanced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_assault_negative_buildings_aura" "Assault Cuirass" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_assault_negative_buildings_aura_Description""Armor decreased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_blade_mail_reflect" "Blade Mail Reflection" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_blade_mail_reflect_Description" "Returning damage to attacking units" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_boots_of_travel_incoming" "Boots of Travel Teleport" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_boots_of_travel_incoming_Description" "An ally is teleporting to your location" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_phase_boots_active" "Phase Boots" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_phase_boots_active_Description" "Movement speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and allows you to move through units" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_buckler_effect" "Buckler Armor Bonus" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_buckler_effect_Description" "Armor increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS_UNIQUE_ACTIVE%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_diffusal_blade_slow" "Diffusal Blade Purge" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_diffusal_blade_slow_Description" "Movement speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bottle_regeneration" "Bottle Regeneration" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bottle_regeneration_Description" "Regenerating %fMODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEALTH_REGEN_CONSTANT% HP and %fMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MANA_REGEN_CONSTANT% mana per second" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_ethereal_blade_ethereal" "Ether Blast" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_ethereal_blade_ethereal_Description" "Ethereal Form. Taking %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MAGICAL_RESISTANCE_DECREPIFY_UNIQUE%%% increased magic damage and cannot attack or be attacked" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_ethereal_blade_slow" "Ethereal Blade Slow" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_ethereal_blade_slow_Description" "Movement speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_forcestaff_active" "Force" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_forcestaff_active_Description" "Being pushed by Force Staff" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ghost_state" "Ghost Form" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ghost_state_Description" "Ethereal Form. Taking %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MAGICAL_RESISTANCE_DECREPIFY_UNIQUE%%% increased magic damage and cannot attack or be attacked" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_headdress_aura" "Headdress Regeneration Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_headdress_aura_Description" "Regenerating %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEALTH_REGEN_CONSTANT% HP per second" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_pipe_aura" "Insight Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_pipe_aura_Description" "Regenerating %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEALTH_REGEN_CONSTANT% HP per second" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bashed" "Bash" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bashed_Description" "Stunned by bash." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_invisibility_edge_windwalk" "Shadow Walk" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_invisibility_edge_windwalk_Description" "Invisible as the wind. Movement speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and you can move through units. Attacking to break invisibility will deal 175 bonus damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_mask_of_madness_berserk" "Berserk" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_mask_of_madness_berserk_Description" "Attack speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT% and movement speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% but taking %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_INCOMING_DAMAGE_PERCENTAGE%%% increased damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_mekansm_aura" "Mekansm Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_mekansm_aura_Description" "Regenerating %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEALTH_REGEN_CONSTANT% HP per second" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_mekansm_spell" "Mekansm Restore" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_mekansm_spell_Description" "Armor increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS_UNIQUE_ACTIVE%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_mekansm_noheal" "Healing Cooldown" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_mekansm_noheal_Description" "Mekansm Restore and Guardian Greaves Mend will not affect a unit that has recently been healed by Restore or Mend." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_mjollnir_static" "Mjollnir Static Charge" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_mjollnir_static_Description" "When attacked, there is a 20%% chance that lightning will strike attacker and 4 other nearby enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_necronomicon_archer_aura" "Archer Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_necronomicon_archer_aura_Description" "Movement speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%.\nAttack Speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT_SECONDARY%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_orb_of_venom_slow" "Orb of Venom" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_orb_of_venom_slow_Description" "Taking poison damage and moving %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% more slowly." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_orchid_malevolence_debuff" "Soul Burn" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_orchid_malevolence_debuff_Description" "Silenced and taking 30%% increased damage, dealt at the end of the duration of the buff as magic damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_pipe_barrier" "Barrier" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_pipe_barrier_Description" "Magic shield that blocks %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_INCOMING_SPELL_DAMAGE_CONSTANT% incoming spell damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_pipe_debuff" "Barrier Cooldown" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_pipe_debuff_Description" "Pipe Barrier will not affect a unit that has recently been protected by Barrier." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_radiance_debuff" "Burn Damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_radiance_debuff_Description" "Taking 50 damage per second, and missing %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MISS_PERCENTAGE%%% of attacks." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_ring_of_basilius_aura_bonus" "Ring of Basilius Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_ring_of_basilius_aura_bonus_Description" "Mana regeneration increased by %fMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MANA_REGEN_CONSTANT_UNIQUE% and armor increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS_UNIQUE%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_ring_of_aquila_aura_bonus" "Ring of Aquila Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_ring_of_aquila_aura_bonus_Description" "Mana regeneration increased by %fMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MANA_REGEN_CONSTANT_UNIQUE% and armor increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS_UNIQUE%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sange_buff" "Lesser Maim" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sange_buff_Description" "Movement speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and attack speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_heavens_halberd_buff" "Lesser Maim" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_heavens_halberd_buff_Description" "Movement speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and attack speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_heavens_halberd_debuff" "Disarm" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_heavens_halberd_debuff_Description" "Disarmed by Heaven's Halberd, cannot attack." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_butterfly_extra" "Flutter" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_butterfly_extra_Description" "Trading evasion for %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% bonus movement speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sange_and_yasha_buff" "Greater Maim" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sange_and_yasha_buff_Description" "Movement speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and attack speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_satanic_unholy" "Unholy Rage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_satanic_unholy_Description" "Lifesteal increased by 175%%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_eul_cyclone" "Cyclone" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_eul_cyclone_Description" "Swept up in a cyclone, you are invulnerable and unable to act." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sheepstick_debuff" "Pigged" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_sheepstick_debuff_Description" "You are a pig. Cannot attack or cast spells." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_shivas_guard_aura" "Freezing Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_shivas_guard_aura_Description" "Attack speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT_SECONDARY%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_shivas_guard_blast" "Arctic Blast" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_shivas_guard_blast_Description" "Movement speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_skadi_slow" "Eye of Skadi Cold Attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_skadi_slow_Description" "Movement speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%, attack speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_soul_ring_buff" "Sacrifice" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_soul_ring_buff_Description" "Mana increased at the cost of health. Extra mana will be lost at the end of Sacrifice's duration of 10 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_urn_heal" "Soul Release" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_urn_heal_Description" "Regenerating %0fMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP% HP per second" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_urn_damage" "Soul Release" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_urn_damage_Description" "Taking 18.75 damage per second." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_vladmir_aura" "Vladmir's Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_vladmir_aura_Description" "Gaining lifesteal, as well as %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_BASEDAMAGEOUTGOING_PERCENTAGE%%% bonus attack damage, %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEALTH_REGEN_CONSTANT% health regen, 0.8 mana regen, and %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS_UNIQUE% armor." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_crimson_guard_extra" "Guard" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_crimson_guard_extra_Description" "Gained 2 armor, and a 100%% chance to block 50 damage from incoming attacks." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_crimson_guard_nostack" "Guard Cooldown" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_crimson_guard_nostack_Description" "Guard will not affect a unit that has recently been protected by Guard." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_ancient_janggo_aura" "Swiftness Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_ancient_janggo_aura_effect" "Swiftness Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_ancient_janggo_aura_effect_Description" "Movement speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%\nAttack speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT_SECONDARY%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_ancient_janggo_active" "Endurance" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_ancient_janggo_active_Description" "Movement speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%\nAttack speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_medallion_of_courage_armor_reduction" "Medallion of Courage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_medallion_of_courage_armor_reduction_Description" "Armor reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_medallion_of_courage_armor_addition" "Medallion of Courage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_medallion_of_courage_armor_addition_Description" "Increases Armor by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_smoke_of_deceit" "Smoke of Deceit" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_smoke_of_deceit_Description" "Invisible, moving 15%% faster, and hidden from the minimap. Attacking, or moving within 1025 range of an enemy hero or tower, will break the invisibility." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_tranquil_boots_heal" "Tranquil Boots" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_tranquil_boots_heal_Description" "Regenerating 17 HP per second." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_boots_of_travel_recall" "Boots of Travel" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_boots_of_travel_recall_Description" "Being teleported to an ally." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_shadow_amulet_fade" "Shadow Amulet" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_shadow_amulet_fade_Description" "Fading into the shadows." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_veil_of_discord_debuff" "Magic Weakness" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_veil_of_discord_debuff_Description" "Magic damage increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MAGICAL_RESISTANCE_BONUS%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_sphere_target" "Linken's Sphere Spell Block" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_sphere_target_Description" "The next targeted spell will be blocked." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_black_king_bar_immune" "Black King Bar" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_black_king_bar_immune_Description" "Spell Immune and 100% resistant to magic damage type." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_desolator_buff" "Desolator" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_desolator_buff_Description" "Desolator attacks reduced your armor by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_rod_of_atos_debuff" "Rod of Atos" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_rod_of_atos_debuff_Description" "Crippled, movement speed slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_candy_drop" "Candy" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_candy_drop_Description" "Holding candy, max health reduced by %fMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP%%%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_roshan_spell_block" "Spell Block" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_roshan_spell_block_Description" "Roshan will block one targeted spell every 15 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_roshan_bash" "Bash" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_roshan_slam" "Slam" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_roshan_devotion" "Devotion" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_roshan_devotion_Description" "Armor bonus that increases as time goes on." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_magic_immune" "Spell Immune" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_phased" "Phased" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_truesight" "True Sight" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_stunned" "Stunned" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_invisible" "Invisible" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_silence" "Silenced" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_invulnerable" "Invulnerable" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_disarmed" "Disarmed" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_attack_immune" "Immune to Attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_rooted" "Rooted" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_illusion" "Illusion" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_buyback_gold_penalty" "Buyback Gold Penalty" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_buyback_gold_penalty_Description" "All gold earnings reduced by 60%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_rune_doubledamage" "Double Damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_rune_doubledamage_description" "Increases base damage by 100%" "DOTA_Tooltip_rune_haste" "Haste" "DOTA_Tooltip_rune_haste_description" "Increases movement speed to maximum" "DOTA_Tooltip_rune_illusion" "Illusion" "DOTA_Tooltip_rune_illusion_description" "Conjures 2 illusions of your hero which deal 35% damage. Melee illusions take 200% damage. Ranged illusions take 300% damage. Illusions last 75 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_rune_invisibility" "Invisibility" "DOTA_Tooltip_rune_invisibility_description" "Become invisible for 45 seconds. This invisibility is broken by attacking or by using an ability or item." "DOTA_Tooltip_rune_regeneration" "Regeneration" "DOTA_Tooltip_rune_regeneration_description" "Regenerates health and mana to maximum." "DOTA_Tooltip_rune_bounty" "Bounty" "DOTA_Tooltip_rune_bounty_description" "Grants bonus Gold and XP." "DOTA_Tooltip_rune_unknown" "Unknown" "DOTA_Tooltip_rune_unknown_description" "Unknown Rune" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_rune_doubledamage" "Double Damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_rune_doubledamage_Description" "Base damage increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_BASEDAMAGEOUTGOING_PERCENTAGE%%%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_rune_regen" "Rune Regeneration" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_rune_regen_Description" "Regenerating %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEALTH_REGEN_CONSTANT% HP and %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MANA_REGEN_CONSTANT% mana per second" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_rune_haste" "Rune Haste" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_rune_haste_Description" "Movement speed increased to maximum" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_rune_invis" "Invisible" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_rune_invis_Description" "Attacking removes invisibility" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_fountain_aura" "Fountain Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_fountain_aura_Description" "Quickly restores Health and Mana of nearby allies" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_fountain_truesight_aura" "True Sight" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_fountain_truesight_aura_Description" "Reveals nearby invisible units." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_clarity_potion" "Clarity" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_clarity_potion_Description" "Restoring 3.3 mana per second" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_flask_healing" "Healing Salve" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_flask_healing_Description" "Restoring 50 health per second" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tango_heal" "Tango" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tango_heal_Description" "Restoring health" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_dustofappearance" "Dust of Appearance" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_dustofappearance_Description" "Can be seen by enemies when invisible. Slowed by 15%% when invisible." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_lotus_orb_active" "Echo Shell" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_lotus_orb_active_Description" "Most targeted spells will be re-cast at the caster." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_solar_crest_armor_reduction" "Solar Crest" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_solar_crest_armor_reduction_Description" "Armor reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_solar_crest_armor_addition" "Solar Crest" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_solar_crest_armor_addition_Description" "Armor increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS%, and evasion increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_EVASION_CONSTANT%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_moon_shard_consumed" "Moon Shard" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_moon_shard_consumed_Description" "Permanently granted %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT% attack speed by consuming a Moon Shard." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_guardian_greaves_aura" "Guardian Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_guardian_greaves_aura_Description" "Receiving %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEALTH_REGEN_CONSTANT% additional health regeneration, and %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS% armor." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_silver_edge_windwalk" "Shadow Walk" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_silver_edge_windwalk_Description" "Invisible. Movement speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and you can move through units. Attacking to break invisibility will deal 225 bonus damage, slow the target and reduce their damage output." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_silver_edge_debuff" "Shadow Walk Attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_silver_edge_debuff_Description" "Passive abilities disabled, and damage dealt reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOTALDAMAGEOUTGOING_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tower_truesight_aura" "True Sight" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tower_truesight_aura_Description" "Reveals nearby invisible units." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lina_fiery_soul" "Fiery Soul" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_lina_fiery_soul_Description" "Attack Speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT% and Movement Speed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_aegis_regen" "Aegis Regeneration" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_aegis_regen_description" "The Aegis of the Immortal has expired. Quickly restoring health and mana." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_backdoor_protection_active" "Backdoor Protection" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_backdoor_protection_active_Description" "Structure takes reduced damage, and quickly regenerates any damage taken while no enemy creeps are nearby." // NEUTRAL UNIT TOOLTIPS // Kobold Foreman: Speed Aura "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kobold_taskmaster_speed_aura" "Speed Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kobold_taskmaster_speed_aura_Description" "The Kobold Foreman's cruel efficiency increases his movement speed and the movement speed of all nearby allies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kobold_taskmaster_speed_aura_bonus_movement_speed" "%MOVE SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_kobold_taskmaster_speed_aura_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_kobold_taskmaster_speed_aura_bonus" "Speed Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_kobold_taskmaster_speed_aura_bonus_Description" "Movement speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." // Hill Troll Priest: Mana Aura "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_forest_troll_high_priest_mana_aura" "Mana Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_forest_troll_high_priest_mana_aura_Description" "Provides bonus mana regeneration to all nearby allies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_forest_troll_high_priest_mana_aura_mana_regen" "MANA REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_forest_troll_high_priest_mana_aura_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_forest_troll_high_priest_mana_aura_bonus" "Mana Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_forest_troll_high_priest_mana_aura_bonus_Description" "Mana Regeneration increased by 2." // Hellbear Smasher: Swiftness Aura "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_khan_endurance_aura" "Swiftness Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_khan_endurance_aura_Description" "The fearsome Hellbear Smasher attacks more quickly and bullies nearby allies into following suit." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_khan_endurance_aura_bonus_attack_speed" "ATTACK SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_khan_endurance_aura_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_centaur_khan_endurance_aura_bonus" "Swiftness Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_centaur_khan_endurance_aura_bonus_Description" "Attack speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT_SECONDARY%." // Centaur Conqueror: War Stomp "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_khan_war_stomp" "War Stomp" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_khan_war_stomp_Description" "The Centaur Conqueror's powerful hooves stomp the ground, stunning and damaging nearby enemies. Heroes recover more quickly." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_khan_war_stomp_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_khan_war_stomp_non_hero_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_centaur_khan_war_stomp_hero_stun_duration" "HERO STUN:" // Vhoul Assassin: Envenomed Weapon "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gnoll_assassin_envenomed_weapon" "Envenomed Weapon" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gnoll_assassin_envenomed_weapon_Description" "The Vhoul Assassin has soaked his weapons in his own blend of painful predator venoms. Heroes recover from the poison more quickly." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gnoll_assassin_envenomed_weapon_damage_per_second" "DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gnoll_assassin_envenomed_weapon_non_hero_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_gnoll_assassin_envenomed_weapon_hero_duration" "HERO DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_gnoll_assassin_envenomed_weapon_poison" "Envenomed Weapon" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_gnoll_assassin_envenomed_weapon_poison_Description" "Taking %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP% damage per second." // Ghost: Frost Attack "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ghost_frost_attack" "Frost Attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ghost_frost_attack_Description" "The Ghost launches an eerie attack that chills her enemies to their bones." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ghost_frost_attack_movespeed_slow" "%MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ghost_frost_attack_attackspeed_slow" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ghost_frost_attack_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ghost_frost_attack_slow" "Frost Attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ghost_frost_attack_slow_Description" "Movement speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and attack speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." // Hellbear Smasher: Thunder Clap "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_polar_furbolg_ursa_warrior_thunder_clap" "Thunder Clap" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_polar_furbolg_ursa_warrior_thunder_clap_Description" "The Hellbear Smasher claps his massive hands together, creating a deafening blast. The blast damages nearby enemies and throws them off their footing." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_polar_furbolg_ursa_warrior_thunder_clap_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_polar_furbolg_ursa_warrior_thunder_clap_movespeed_slow" "%MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_polar_furbolg_ursa_warrior_thunder_clap_attackspeed_slow" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_polar_furbolg_ursa_warrior_thunder_clap_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_polar_furbolg_ursa_warrior_thunder_clap" "Thunder Clap" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_polar_furbolg_ursa_warrior_thunder_clap_Description" "Movement speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and attack speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." // Generic Neutral Ability: Spell Immunity "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_neutral_spell_immunity" "Spell Immunity" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_neutral_spell_immunity_Description" "This creature does not feel the effects of most magical spells." // Ogre Frostmage: Ice Armor "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_frost_armor" "Ice Armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_frost_armor_Description" "The Ogre Frostmage summons an invisible layer of icy air that surrounds the target friendly unit, increasing its armor and temporarily slowing any melee enemies that dare attack it." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_frost_armor_armor_bonus" "ARMOR BONUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_frost_armor_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_frost_armor_movespeed_slow" "%MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_frost_armor_attackspeed_slow" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_ogre_magi_frost_armor_slow_duration" "SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ogre_magi_frost_armor" "Ice Armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ogre_magi_frost_armor_Description" "Armor increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS%. Enemy melee units that attack will suffer reduced movement and attack speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ogre_magi_frost_armor_slow" "Ice Armor Slow" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ogre_magi_frost_armor_slow_Description" "Movement speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and attack speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." // Dark Troll Summoner: Ensnare "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_troll_warlord_ensnare" "Ensnare" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_troll_warlord_ensnare_Description" "The Dark Troll Summoner tosses netting around an enemy's feet, briefly immobilizing the unit, though the unit can still attack and use abilities. Interrupts channeling abilities." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_troll_warlord_ensnare_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dark_troll_warlord_ensnare" "Ensnare" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dark_troll_warlord_ensnare_Description" "Unable to move." // Dark Troll Summoner: Raise Dead "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_troll_warlord_raise_dead" "Raise Dead" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_troll_warlord_raise_dead_Description" "The Dark Troll Summoner stirs the ground underfoot, raising the remains of trolls long dead, bringing to life two skeleton Warriors who will fight at his side." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dark_troll_warlord_raise_dead_duration" "DURATION:" // Giant Wolf: Critical Strike "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_giant_wolf_critical_strike" "Critical Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_giant_wolf_critical_strike_Description" "The Giant Wolf's ferocious attacks occasionally tear a vital tendon, inflicting critical damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_giant_wolf_critical_strike_crit_chance" "%CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_giant_wolf_critical_strike_crit_mult" "%CRITICAL DAMAGE:" // Alpha Wolf: Critical Strike "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alpha_wolf_critical_strike" "Critical Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alpha_wolf_critical_strike_Description" "The cruel Alpha Wolf attacks his enemy's unprotected vitals at every opportunity, inflicting critical damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alpha_wolf_critical_strike_crit_chance" "%CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alpha_wolf_critical_strike_crit_mult" "%CRITICAL DAMAGE:" // Alpha Wolf: Wolf Aura "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alpha_wolf_command_aura" "Packleader's Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alpha_wolf_command_aura_Description" "The Alpha Wolf's ruthless attacks do extra damage. His commanding presence inspires nearby allies to attack ruthlessly as well." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alpha_wolf_command_aura_bonus_damage_pct" "%BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_alpha_wolf_command_aura_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_alpha_wolf_command_aura_bonus" "Packleader's Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_alpha_wolf_command_aura_bonus_Description" "Damage increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_BASEDAMAGEOUTGOING_PERCENTAGE%%%." // Tornado: Tempest "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tornado_tempest" "Tempest" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tornado_tempest_Description" "The Tornado's overpowering winds slow all nearby enemies, flinging debris at them and inflicting damage every second. Enemies closer to the center of the Tornado take more damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tornado_tempest_far_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tornado_tempest_movespeed_slow" "%MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tornado_tempest_attackspeed_slow" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tornado_tempest_near_radius" "NEAR UNIT RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tornado_tempest_near_damage" "NEAR DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_tornado_tempest_far_damage" "FAR DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tornado_tempest_debuff" "Tempest" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_tornado_tempest_debuff_Description" "Movement speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% and attack speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%. Taking damage per second based on proximity to the Tornado." // Wildwing Ripper: Tornado "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enraged_wildkin_tornado" "Tornado" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enraged_wildkin_tornado_Description" "CHANNELED - The Wildwing Ripper calls on the spirit of the wind, creating a sentient Tornado that he can control. The Tornado slows nearby enemies and does damage. It is invulnerable and can move anywhere." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enraged_wildkin_tornado_duration" "MAX DURATION:" // Wildwing Ripper: Toughness Aura "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enraged_wildkin_toughness_aura" "Toughness Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enraged_wildkin_toughness_aura_Description" "The Wildwing Ripper's fury numbs it to attacks and inspires nearby allies to withstand more blows." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enraged_wildkin_toughness_aura_bonus_armor" "BONUS ARMOR:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_enraged_wildkin_toughness_aura_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_enraged_wildkin_toughness_aura_bonus" "Toughness Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_enraged_wildkin_toughness_aura_bonus_Description" "Armor increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS%." // Granite Golem: Granite Aura "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_granite_golem_hp_aura" "Granite Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_granite_golem_hp_aura_Description" "Increases the health capacity of nearby units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_granite_golem_hp_aura_bonus_hp" "BONUS HP PERCENTAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_granite_golem_hp_aura_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_granite_golem_hp_aura_bonus" "Granite Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_granite_golem_hp_aura_bonus_Description" "Health increased by 15%%." // Satyr Banisher: Purge "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_satyr_trickster_purge" "Purge" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_satyr_trickster_purge_Description" "The Satyr Banisher knows every trick in the book, allowing him to remove debuffs from allies or buffs from enemies. His trickery also slows the enemy's movement. If the enemy is a summoned unit or an illusion, it takes damage as well." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_satyr_trickster_purge_movespeed_slow" "%MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_satyr_trickster_purge_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_satyr_trickster_purge_summon_damage" "SUMMON DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_satyr_trickster_purge" "Purge" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_satyr_trickster_purge_Description" "Movement speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." // Satyr Mindstealer: Mana Burn "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_satyr_soulstealer_mana_burn" "Mana Burn" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_satyr_soulstealer_mana_burn_Description" "The Satyr Mindstealer removes a fragment of his enemy's soul, burning away some mana and dealing damage equal to the amount of mana burned." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_satyr_soulstealer_mana_burn_burn_amount" "MANA BURNED:" // Satyr Tormenter: Shockwave "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_satyr_hellcaller_shockwave" "Shockwave" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_satyr_hellcaller_shockwave_Description" "The Satyr Tormenter tears open an unstable rift to the underworld, creating a shockwave that travels in a line along the ground, dealing damage to enemies it hits." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_satyr_hellcaller_shockwave_distance" "TRAVEL DISTANCE:" // Satyr Tormenter: Unholy Aura "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_satyr_hellcaller_unholy_aura" "Unholy Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_satyr_hellcaller_unholy_aura_Description" "The Satyr Tormenter's demonic communion allows him to emanate regenerative power, increasing the health regeneration of himself and all nearby allies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_satyr_hellcaller_unholy_aura_health_regen" "HEALTH REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_satyr_hellcaller_unholy_aura_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_satyr_hellcaller_unholy_aura_bonus" "Unholy Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_satyr_hellcaller_unholy_aura_bonus_Description" "Health regeneration increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEALTH_REGEN_CONSTANT% per second." // Hill Troll Priest: Heal "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_forest_troll_high_priest_heal" "Heal" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_forest_troll_high_priest_heal_Description" "The Hill Troll Priest lays his holy blessing upon the target ally, replenishing some health." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_forest_troll_high_priest_heal_health" "HEALTH RESTORED:" // Mud Golems "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mud_golem_hurl_boulder" "Hurl Boulder" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mud_golem_hurl_boulder_Description" "Hurls a boulder at the target, damaging and stunning them. Golems do not do this unless commanded to." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mud_golem_hurl_boulder_Lore" "\"Why do they hesitate? What are they afraid of throwing?\"" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mud_golem_hurl_boulder_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mud_golem_hurl_boulder_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mud_golem_rock_destroy" "Shard Split" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mud_golem_rock_destroy_Description" "On death, Mud Golems shatter into 2 Shard Golems. Shard Golems have %shard_health_tooltip% health, deal %shard_damage_tooltip% damage per attack, and live for %shard_duration_tooltip% seconds." // Harpy Stormcrafter: Chain Lightning "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_harpy_storm_chain_lightning" "Chain Lightning" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_harpy_storm_chain_lightning_Description" "The Harpy Stormcrafter releases a high-voltage bolt of electricity at the target enemy, dealing damage. The bolt jumps to other nearby enemies, losing power with each jump." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_harpy_storm_chain_lightning_initial_damage" "INITIAL DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_harpy_storm_chain_lightning_jump_range" "JUMP RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_harpy_storm_chain_lightning_damage_percent_loss" "%JUMP DAMAGE LOSS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_harpy_storm_chain_lightning_max_targets" "MAX TARGETS:" // Black Dragon: Splash Attack "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_black_dragon_splash_attack" "Splash Attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_black_dragon_splash_attack_Description" "The Black Dragon's explosive attacks are felt by all nearby enemies. Units closer to the blast take more damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_black_dragon_splash_attack_range_close" "CLOSE RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_black_dragon_splash_attack_damage_percent_close" "%CLOSE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_black_dragon_splash_attack_range_mid" "MID RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_black_dragon_splash_attack_damage_percent_mid" "%MID DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_black_dragon_splash_attack_range_far" "FAR RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_black_dragon_splash_attack_damage_percent_far" "%FAR DAMAGE:" // Drakken Sentinel: Evasion "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_blue_dragonspawn_sorcerer_evasion" "Evasion" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_blue_dragonspawn_sorcerer_evasion_Description" "The Drakken Sentinel has assumed a partially ethereal form, making him difficult to hit with attacks." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_blue_dragonspawn_sorcerer_evasion_evasion_chance_pct" "%EVADE CHANCE:" // Drakken Armorer: Evasion "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_blue_dragonspawn_overseer_evasion" "Evasion" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_blue_dragonspawn_overseer_evasion_Description" "The Drakken Armorer moves about quickly, making him difficult to hit with attacks." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_blue_dragonspawn_overseer_evasion_evasion_chance_pct" "%EVADE CHANCE:" // Drakken Armorer: Guardian Aura "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_blue_dragonspawn_overseer_devotion_aura" "Guardian Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_blue_dragonspawn_overseer_devotion_aura_Description" "The Drakken Armorer is wholly devoted to his cause, increasing his tolerance for physical attacks. Nearby allies are similarly devoted to the Overseer and are able to withstand more blows." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_blue_dragonspawn_overseer_devotion_aura_bonus_armor" "BONUS ARMOR:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_blue_dragonspawn_overseer_devotion_aura_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_blue_dragonspawn_overseer_devotion_aura_bonus" "Guardian Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_blue_dragonspawn_overseer_devotion_aura_bonus_Description" "Armor increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_ARMOR_BONUS%." // Big Thunder Lizard: Slam "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_big_thunder_lizard_slam" "Slam" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_big_thunder_lizard_slam_Description" "The Ancient Thunderhide slams his mammoth body against the ground. The shock damages nearby enemies and throws them off their footing. Heroes regain their balance more quickly." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_big_thunder_lizard_slam_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_big_thunder_lizard_slam_movespeed_slow" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_big_thunder_lizard_slam_attack_slow_tooltip" "ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_big_thunder_lizard_slam_non_hero_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_big_thunder_lizard_slam_hero_duration" "HERO DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_big_thunder_lizard_slam" "Slam" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_big_thunder_lizard_slam_Description" "Movement speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." // Big Thunder Lizard: Frenzy "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_big_thunder_lizard_frenzy" "Frenzy" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_big_thunder_lizard_frenzy_Description" "The Ancient Thunderhide works himself into a frenzy, increasing his attack speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_big_thunder_lizard_frenzy_attackspeed_bonus" "BONUS ATTACK SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_big_thunder_lizard_frenzy_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_big_thunder_lizard_frenzy" "Frenzy" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_big_thunder_lizard_frenzy_Description" "Attack speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_healing_campfire_heal" "Campfire Warmth" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_healing_campfire_heal_Description" "Healing %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEALTH_REGEN_PERCENTAGE%%% HP per second" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_healing_campfire_aura" "Campfire Warmth" // Hero Selection panel "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Timer_Second" "SECOND" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Timer_Seconds" "SECONDS" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Search_Field_Default" "SEARCH HEROES" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Filter_Starter" "RECOMMENDED STARTER HEROES" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Filter_All" "ALL HEROES" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Filter_Suggestions" "TEAM'S SUGGESTIONS (%s1)" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Filter_Mode_SD" "YOUR SINGLE DRAFT OPTIONS" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Filter_Mode_RD" "YOUR RANDOM DRAFT OPTIONS" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Filter_PlayerLoadout" "Non-Hero Items" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AllHeroes" "SHOW ALL HEROES" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_NonHero_Show" "GLOBAL ITEMS" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_NonHero_Hide" "HERO ITEMS" "DOTA_ALL_HEROES" "ALL HEROES" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_PLAY" "ENTER BATTLE AS" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_LOCKIN" "LOCK IN" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_KEEP" "KEEP" "DOTA_Captain_Select" "BECOME CAPTAIN" "DOTA_OTHER_TEAM_PICKING_CAPTAIN" "The other team is picking their Captain..." "DOTA_HS_FilterBy" "FILTER BY" "DOTA_HS_CurrentlyEquipped" "CUSTOMIZE %s1" "DOTA_HS_SelectEquip" "SELECT AN ITEM TO EQUIP" "DOTA_HS_UnEquip" "UNEQUIP" "DOTA_HS_ShuffleSlot" "SHUFFLE" "DOTA_HS_ShuffleTip" "Shuffled slots will select a new item after every match played" "DOTA_HS_NoItems_Title" "NO HERO ITEMS AVAILABLE (YET)" "DOTA_HS_NoItems_Desc" "We haven't released any customization items for this hero yet. If you'd like to contribute some of your own, head over to the Dota Workshop to submit them." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_ComboBox_Title_Role" "By Role" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_ComboBox_Title_Attack" "By Attack type" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_ComboBox_Title_ByMine" "By Stats" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_ComboBox_Title_Clear" "Clear Filter" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AdvFilter_Carry" "Carry" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AdvFilter_Disabler" "Disabler" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AdvFilter_LaneSupport" "Lane Support" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AdvFilter_Initiator" "Initiator" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AdvFilter_Jungler" "Jungler" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AdvFilter_Support" "Support" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AdvFilter_Durable" "Durable" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AdvFilter_Nuker" "Nuker" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AdvFilter_Pusher" "Pusher" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AdvFilter_Escape" "Escape" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AdvFilter_SoloMid" "Solo Mid" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AdvFilter_Offlaner" "Offlaner" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AdvFilter_Attack_Melee" "Melee" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AdvFilter_Attack_Ranged" "Ranged" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AdvFilter_MyHero_Favorites" "Your Favorites" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AdvFilter_MyHero_HeroQuest" "Hero Challenge" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AdvFilter_MyHero_LeastUsed" "Your Least Used" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AdvFilter_MyHero_BestAs" "Your Best" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AdvFilter_MyHero_Recent" "Your Recently Played" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AdvFilter_MyHero_Items" "You Have Items For" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Msg_Title" "NO HEROES FOUND" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Msg_Desc_Base" "No heroes match the set of filters you've chosen. Try clearing one of your filters." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Msg_Desc_Favorites" "You haven't chosen any favorite heroes yet. To mark a hero as a favorite, click on the Star in the bottom right of the hero's card. You can mark up to 10 heroes as your favorites at a time. It's a great tool for marking a set of heroes that you'd like to improve with." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Msg_Desc_Suggestions" "Here you would be able to see heroes that other players on your team suggest you play, if any had been suggested. To suggest a hero to the other members of your team, click on the Suggest Hero flag. You can suggest up to two heroes at a time." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Suggest_Title" "Hero Suggestions" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Suggest_Text" "Here you can see heroes suggested by your team. You can suggest a hero to your team by clicking on the Suggest button on the Hero's card." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Suggest_Hero_Title" "%s1" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Suggest_Hero_Text1" "Suggested by: %s1" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Suggest_Hero_Text2" "Suggested by: %s1, and %s2" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Suggest_Hero_Text3" "Suggested by: %s1, %s2, and %s3" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Suggest_Hero_Text4" "Suggested by: %s1, %s2, %s3, and %s4" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Suggest_Hero_Text5" "Suggested by: %s1, %s2, %s3, %s4, and %s5" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_TT_Random_Title" "Random Selection" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_TT_Random_Text" "Allow the game to randomly select a hero for you. You will be granted a bonus of 200 extra starting gold." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_TT_Repick_Title" "Repick your Hero" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_TT_Repick_Text" "Go back and select a different hero. You forfeit 100 of your starting gold, and you lose any extra gold you earned by randoming. You may only repick once per game." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_TT_Reroll_Title" "Re-Random your Hero" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_TT_Reroll_Text" "You forfeit 100 of your starting gold, and you lose any extra gold you earned by randoming." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_TT_Suggest_Title" "Suggest Hero" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_TT_Suggest_Text" "Tell your team that you think it's a good idea for someone to play this hero. You can suggest up to 2 heroes at a time." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_TT_Favorite_Title" "Favorite Hero" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_TT_Favorite_Text" "Mark this hero as one of your favorites." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_TT_HeroQuest_Title" "10 Hero Challenge" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_TT_HeroQuest_Text" "This hero is part of your 10 Hero Challenge." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_TT_DailyHeroQuest_Title" "Daily Hero Challenge" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_TT_DailyHeroQuest_Text" "This hero is part of your Daily Hero Challenge." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_TT_AllHeroQuest_Title" "All-Hero Challenge" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_TT_AllHeroQuest_Text" "This is your current hero on your All-Hero Challenge." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_TT_HeroChallenge_Title" "Hero Challenge Available" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_TT_HeroChallenge_Text" "You have a challenge for this hero. Open the Challenges interface to see its details." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Layout_Edit_Title" "Customize Layout" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Layout_Save_Title" "Save Changes" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Layout_Cancel_Title" "Discard Changes" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Layout_Reset_Title" "Reset To Default" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Layout_Import_Title" "Import Layout" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Layout_Export_Title" "Export Layout" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Layout_Import_Text" "Load a layout from a file. Layouts need to be placed in your dota/cfg/layouts directory to appear in the import list." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Layout_Export_Text" "Export your layout to a file. Your layout is automatically saved in the Steam Cloud, but if you wish to share it with a friend, use this to export it. Exported layouts will be written to your dota/cfg/layouts directory." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Export" "Enter Filename" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Export_Succeeded" "Layout Exported" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Import" "Select Layout" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Import_Failed" "Import Failed" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Import_Succeeded" "Layout Imported" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Btn_Favorite_On" "Add Hero To Favorites" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Btn_Favorite_Off" "Remove Hero From Favorites" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Btn_Suggest_On" "SUGGEST HERO" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Btn_Suggest_Off" "UNSUGGEST HERO" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_HeroCount" "[%s1 HEROES]" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_RandomSelect" "Spin to Random Hero" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Pick_InGame" "LOCK IN" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Repick_InGame" "REPICK" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Pick_Loadout" "CUSTOMIZE" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_LoadoutTitle" "%s1 - %s2" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Pick_Accept" "Accept Random #%d" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Reroll_InGame" "REROLL" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_BackToBrowsing_Title" "Return" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_BackToBrowsing_Text" "BROWSE HEROES" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_BackToLoadout_Title" "Return" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_BackToLoadout_Text" "HERO LOADOUT" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_RD_Soon" "It will be your turn to pick soon." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_RD_Next" "You will be picking next!" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AllDraft_Planning_YouFirst" "Planning phase. \nYour team will pick first." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AllDraft_Planning_TheyFirst" "Planning phase. \nEnemy team will pick first." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AllDraft_YouPicking" "Your team's turn to pick." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AllDraft_TheyPicking" "Enemy team's turn to pick." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AllDraft_TeammateRandomed" "%s1 has randomed and is deciding to keep or reroll." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AllDraft_YouPicking_LosingGold" "Your team is losing gold until someone picks a hero!" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AllDraft_TheyPicking_LosingGold" "Enemy team is losing gold until someone picks a hero!" // needed for Learn heroes tab "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Filter_Carry" "CARRY" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Filter_Initiator" "INITIATOR" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Filter_Support" "SUPPORT" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Filter_Pusher" "PUSHER" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Filter_Disabler" "DISABLER" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Filter_LaneSupport" "LANE SUPPORT" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Filter_Jungler" "JUNGLER" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Filter_Durable" "DURABLE" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Filter_Nuker" "NUKER" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Filter_Escape" "ESCAPE" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Filter_Ganker" "GANKER" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_PipTooltip_Str" "Primary Attribute: Strength" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_PipTooltip_Agi" "Primary Attribute: Agility" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_PipTooltip_Int" "Primary Attribute: Intelligence" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_PipTooltip_Carry" "Carry" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_PipTooltip_Disabler" "Disabler" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_PipTooltip_LaneSupport" "Lane Support" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_PipTooltip_Initiator" "Initiator" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_PipTooltip_Jungler" "Jungler" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_PipTooltip_Durable" "Durable" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_PipTooltip_Pusher" "Pusher" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_PipTooltip_Support" "Support" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_PipTooltip_Nuker" "Nuker" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_PipTooltip_Escape" "Escape" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_PipTooltip_Carry_Sub" "Will become more useful later in the game if they gain a significant gold advantage." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_PipTooltip_Disabler_Sub" "Has one or more disabling spells (stun, silence, slow, etc.)." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_PipTooltip_LaneSupport_Sub" "Helpful during early-game laning protecting your team's carry and allowing them to farm." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_PipTooltip_Initiator_Sub" "Good at starting a teamfight." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_PipTooltip_Jungler_Sub" "Can efficiently kill neutral creeps inside the jungle early in the game." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_PipTooltip_Durable_Sub" "Can take more damage before dying." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_PipTooltip_Pusher_Sub" "Can quickly destroy enemy buildings or apply heavy pressure by pushing down lanes." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_PipTooltip_Support_Sub" "Can focus less on amassing gold and items, and more on using their abilities to gain an advantage for the team." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_PipTooltip_Nuker_Sub" "Can quickly kill enemy heroes using high damage spells." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_PipTooltip_Escape_Sub" "Has the ability to quickly avoid death." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Grid_Edit" "CUSTOMIZE GRID" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Tooltip_FullDeck" "GRID VIEW (CTRL)" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Tooltip_Turntable" "CARD VIEW (CTRL)" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Spin_Random_Hero" "SPIN TO RANDOM HERO" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_toStart" "WAITING FOR BATTLE" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Losing_Gold" "You are losing 1 gold per second" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Losing_Gold_desc" "The Pick phase is over and you still haven't selected your Hero." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Team_Good" "THE RADIANT" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Team_Bad" "THE DIRE" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_STR" "STRENGTH" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AGI" "AGILITY" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_INT" "INTELLIGENCE" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_STR_Good" "THE RADIANT: STRENGTH" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AGI_Good" "AGILITY" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_INT_Good" "INTELLIGENCE" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_STR_Bad" "THE DIRE: STRENGTH" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_AGI_Bad" "AGILITY" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_INT_Bad" "INTELLIGENCE" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Random" "RANDOM HERO" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Suggest" "Hero" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Confirm" "Choose %s1" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Ban_Confirm" "Ban %s1" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Pick_Confirm" "Pick %s1" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Pick" "SELECT PICK #%d" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Pick_Other" "PICKING #%d" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Ban" "SELECT BAN #%d" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Ban_Other" "BANNING #%d" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Complete" "COMPLETE" "dota_cd_time_label" "Time remaining for all picks" "dota_CM_COMMUNICATION" "COMMUNICATION" "dota_cm_time" "Time" "dota_cm_bonus_time" "RESERVE TIME" "jump_ahead" "Jump Ahead" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_RADIANT_Phase_Pick" "RADIANT PICK #%s1" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_RADIANT_Phase_Ban" "RADIANT BAN #%s1" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_DIRE_Phase_Pick" "DIRE PICK #%s1" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_DIRE_Phase_Ban" "DIRE BAN #%s1" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_RADIANT" "RADIANT" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_DIRE" "DIRE" "DOTA_Onstage_Side_TeamName_Phase_Pick" "%s1 PICK #%s2" "DOTA_Onstage_Side_TeamName_Phase_Ban" "%s1 BAN #%s2" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Instruction" "You have %s1 to choose a hero." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Instruction_Other" "Other players are choosing their heroes." "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Intro_Header" "SELECT A HERO" "DOTA_Hero_Selection_Intro_Body" "Scroll through heroes using your mouse or the arrow keys.\n\nJump directly to a hero by typing its name.\n\nHit ALT + Enter to quickly confirm your selection.\n\nUse filters to narrow down your selection to the role your team needs the most." "DOTA_Test_Client_Header" "Welcome to Dota 2 Test" "DOTA_Test_Client_Body" "Dota 2 Test is for testing updates. If you would rather play Dota 2, please launch \"Dota 2\" from your Steam library." "DOTA_CombatLogHeading" "Combat Log" "DOTA_CombatLog_Refresh" "REFRESH" "DOTA_CombatLog_Modifiers" "Modifiers" "DOTA_CombatLog_Deaths" "Deaths" "DOTA_CombatLog_Damage" "Damage" "DOTA_CombatLog_Healing" "Healing" "DOTA_CombatLog_Attacker" "Attacker:" "DOTA_CombatLog_Target" "Target:" "DOTA_CombatLog_Abilities" "Abilties:" "DOTA_CombatLog_Items" "Items:" "DOTA_CombatLog_Interval" "Interval: %s1s" "DOTA_QuestLogHeader" "Quest Log" "DOTA_Tip_Temp1" "This is sample tip 1" "DOTA_Tip_Temp2" "This is sample tip 2" "DOTA_Tip_Temp3" "This is sample tip 3" "DOTA_ToolTip_Ability" "ABILITY:" "DOTA_ToolTip_Ability_NoTarget" "No Target" "DOTA_ToolTip_Ability_Passive" "Passive" "DOTA_ToolTip_Ability_Channeled" "Channeled" "DOTA_ToolTip_Ability_AutoCast" "Auto-Cast" "DOTA_ToolTip_Ability_Aura" "Aura" "DOTA_ToolTip_Ability_Toggle" "Toggle" "DOTA_ToolTip_Ability_Target" "Unit Target" "DOTA_ToolTip_Ability_Point" "Point Target" "DOTA_ToolTip_Targeting" "AFFECTS:" "DOTA_ToolTip_Targeting_Enemy" "Enemies" "DOTA_ToolTip_Targeting_EnemyCreeps" "Enemy Creeps" "DOTA_ToolTip_Targeting_EnemyHero" "Enemy Heroes" "DOTA_ToolTip_Targeting_EnemyUnits" "Enemy Units" "DOTA_ToolTip_Targeting_EnemyHeroesAndBuildings" "Enemy Heroes and Buildings" "DOTA_ToolTip_Targeting_EnemyUnitsAndBuildings" "Enemy Units and Buildings" "DOTA_ToolTip_Targeting_Self" "Self" "DOTA_ToolTip_Targeting_Allies" "Allies" "DOTA_ToolTip_Targeting_AlliedCreeps" "Allied Creeps" "DOTA_ToolTip_Targeting_AlliedHeroes" "Allied Heroes" "DOTA_ToolTip_Targeting_AlliedUnits" "Allied Units" "DOTA_ToolTip_Targeting_AlliedHeroesAndBuildings" "Allied Heroes and Buildings" "DOTA_ToolTip_Targeting_AlliedUnitsAndBuildings" "Allied Units and Buildings" "DOTA_ToolTip_Targeting_Trees" "Trees" "DOTA_Tooltip_Targeting_All_Heroes" "Heroes" "DOTA_ToolTip_Targeting_Units" "Units" "DOTA_ToolTip_Damage" "DAMAGE TYPE:" "DOTA_ToolTip_Damage_Physical" "Physical" "DOTA_ToolTip_Damage_Magical" "Magical" "DOTA_ToolTip_Damage_Composite" "Composite" "DOTA_ToolTip_Damage_Pure" "Pure" "DOTA_ToolTip_Damage_HP_Removal" "HP Removal" "DOTA_ToolTip_PiercesSpellImmunity" "PIERCES SPELL IMMUNITY:" "DOTA_ToolTip_PiercesSpellImmunity_Yes" "Yes" "DOTA_ToolTip_PiercesSpellImmunity_No" "No" "DOTA_ToolTip_Aghanim" "Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter." "DOTA_ToolTip_Level" "LEVEL" "DOTA_Hero_Tooltip_Level" "Level %s1" "AbilityDuration" "DURATION:" "AbilityDamage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Chat_Prompt" "Say:" "dota_dashboard_players_online" "%s1 PLAYERS ONLINE" "dota_dashboard_welcome" "WELCOME TO THE DOTA NETWORK" "dota_dashboard_actions" "ACTIONS:" "dota_dashboard_start_playing" "PLAY" "dota_dashboard_action_matchmaking" "MATCHMAKING" "dota_dashboard_action_matchmaking_label" "play with people almost as good as you" "dota_dashboard_action_private" "PRIVATE" "dota_dashboard_action_private_label" "play with your network of friends" "dota_dashboard_action_ai" "A.I." "dota_dashboard_action_ai_label" "play with bots" "dota_dashboard_action_tutorial" "TUTORIAL" "dota_dashboard_action_tutorial_label" "play with guide" "dota_dashboard_action_community_game" "COMMUNITY LOBBIES" "dota_dashboard_action_friend_game" "FRIEND LOBBIES" "dota_dashboard_action_guild_game" "GUILD LOBBIES" "dota_dashboard_action_team_game" "TEAM LOBBIES" "dota_dashboard_action_lan_game" "LOCAL LOBBIES" "dota_dashboard_action_private_game" "PRIVATE LOBBIES" "dota_dashboard_action_friends_game_label" "friends currently in a game lobby" "dota_dashboard_prepareresearch" "PREPARE/RESEARCH" "dota_dashboard_helpout" "HELP OUT" "dota_dashboard_action_mentor" "MENTOR" "dota_dashboard_action_mentor_label" "adopt a newb, answer a question" "dota_dashboard_action_contribute" "CONTRIBUTE" "dota_dashboard_action_contribute_label" "write a hero guide, rate a guide" "dota_dashboard_start_learning" "START LEARNING:" "dota_dashboard_builds" "BUILDS" "dota_dashboard_heropedia" "HEROPEDIA" "dota_dashboard_action_heroes" "HEROES" "dota_dashboard_action_items" "ITEMS" "dota_dashboard_action_replays" "REPLAYS" "dota_dashboard_action_comma" ", " "dota_dashboard_tips" "TIPS" "dota_dashboard_configure" "CONFIGURE:" "dota_dashboard_settings" "Settings" "dota_dashboard_quit" "Quit" "dota_dashboard_profile" "YOUR PROFILE" "dota_dashboard_chat" "CHAT" "dota_dashboard_community" "CHAT" "dota_dashboard_join_chat" "JOIN CHANNEL" "dota_dashboard_category_today" "TODAY" "dota_dashboard_category_updates" "UPDATES" "dota_dashboard_category_customize" "STORE" "dota_dashboard_category_play" "PLAY" "dota_dashboard_category_watch" "WATCH" "dota_dashboard_category_learn" "LIBRARY" "dota_dashboard_category_socialize" "COMMUNITY" "dota_dashboard_category_team" "TEAM" "dota_quit_button" "QUIT" "DOTA_ConfirmQuit" "CONFIRM QUIT" "DOTA_ConfirmQuitDesc" "Do you really wish to quit Dota 2?" "DOTA_ConfirmQuitDescUnsafe" "Leaving a game before it has finished may ruin the game for other players. Do you really wish to quit Dota 2?" "DOTA_ConfirmDelete" "CONFIRM DELETE" "DOTA_ConfirmDeleteDesc" "Do you really wish to delete this replay file?" "DOTA_ReplaySize" "%s1 MB file on disk" "DOTA_SpectatorClientMSG" "You are running a spectator-only version of Dota 2." "dota_spectator_signup" "Get on the list for a free Dota 2 invite" "dota_spectator_buy" "Purchase the Invite Bundle on the Dota Store" "dota_button_signup" "SIGN UP" "dota_button_buy" "PLAY RIGHT NOW" "ti2_sub_sched_label" "Browse games by schedule" "ti2_sub_sched_desc" "Browse all the games by date played. Go to these pages to follow The International spoiler-free. \n(Then avoid our Twitter feed and Facebook posts.)" "ti2_sub_results_label" "Follow games by bracket (spoilers!)" "ti2_sub_results_desc" "Follow the action as teams work through the Upper and Lower Brackets." "dota_watch_live_tab" "LIVE GAMES" "dota_watch_live_tab_star" "LIVE TOURNAMENT" "dota_watch_recent_tab" "RECENT GAMES" "dota_watch_subscriptions_tab" "TOURNAMENTS" "dota_watch_schedule_tab" "EVENTS" "dota_watch_local_tab" "DOWNLOADED" "dota_watch_match_id" "Match ID: %s1" "replay_players" "Players:" "dota_my_tournaments_tab" "MY TOURNAMENTS" "my_tournaments_header" "MANAGE TOURNAMENTS" "my_tournaments_dates" "TOURNAMENT MATCHUPS:" "sched_team1" "Team 1" "sched_team2" "Team 2" "dota_no_live_games" "No Live Games in Progress" "dota_no_live_games_desc" "There are no live games being played at the moment." "dota_friends" "FRIENDS" "friends_playing_dota" "PLAYING DOTA" "friends_pending" "PENDING FRIEND REQUESTS" "friends_online" "ONLINE" "friends_offline" "OFFLINE" "dota_profile_mini_title" "PROFILE" "dota_profile_mini_party" "PARTY" "dota_profile_mini_team_party" "TEAM MEMBERS" "party_accepted" "IN PARTY" "party_pending" "(%s1 PENDING)" "party_declined" "" "party_pending_tooltip_title" "PENDING INVITATIONS" "dota_profile_mini_2" "RECENT HEROES" "dota_profile_successful_heroes" "Most Successful Heroes" "most_played_heroes" "MOST PLAYED HEROES" "heroes_played_title" "HEROES PLAYED" "dota_hero" "HERO" "chat_send" "SEND" "chat_members" "PARTICIPANTS" "chat_add_channel" "ADD CHAT CHANNEL" "chat_join_channel" "JOIN CHAT CHANNEL" "chat_select_channel" "Select a chat channel to join" "chat_create_channel" "CREATE NEW CHAT CHANNEL" "chat_create_channel_desc" "Enter a custom channel name" "chat_create_channel_button" "CREATE NEW CHANNEL" "confirm_create_channel_button" "CREATE" "chat_custom_channels" "CUSTOM" "chat_regional_channels" "REGIONAL" "chat_search_channel_msg_01" "Finding channels" "Tournament_dropdown" "Filter by Tournament" "Tournament_None" "None" "Tournament_WestQualifier" "West Qualifier" "Tournament_EastQualifier" "East Qualifier" "dota_report_title_commend" "COMMEND PLAYER" "dota_report_title_report" "REPORT PLAYER" "dota_report_leave_comment" "Leave a comment..." "dota_reports_remaining" "Reports Remaining: %s1" "dota_reports_total" "Total reports submitted: %s1" "dota_commends_remaining" "Commendations Remaining: %s1" "dota_commends_total" "Total commendations submitted: %s1" "report_text_abuse" "Text abuse" "report_text_abuse_desc" "They were abusive in text chat" "report_voice_abuse" "Voice abuse" "report_voice_abuse_desc" "They were verbally abusive" "report_communication_abuse" "Communication Abuse" "report_communication_abuse_desc" "They were abusive over a communication channel (text or voice)" "report_feeding" "Intentional feeding" "report_feeding_desc" "They intentionally died repeatedly to hurt their own team" "report_ability_abuse" "Intentional Ability Abuse" "report_ability_abuse_desc" "They intentionally used abilities to the detriment of their own team" "commend_friendly" "Friendly" "commend_friendly_desc" "I think they are amiable" "commend_forgiving" "Forgiving" "commend_forgiving_desc" "I think they are quite forgiving" "commend_teaching" "Teaching" "commend_teaching_desc" "I think they are a great teacher" "commend_leadership" "Leadership" "commend_leadership_desc" "I think they are a good leader" "infraction_type_label" "Select a category" "infraction_comment_label" "More information:" "commend_submitted" "Commendation submitted: Thank you for helping to improve the Dota 2 community." "report_submitted" "Report submitted: Thank you for helping to improve the Dota 2 community." "duplicate_report" "You have already submitted feedback for this player." "no_reports_remaining" "You have already used your allotted number of submissions for this week." "DOTA_ReportReminder" "Don't forget to report players for bad conduct, or commend them for being fun to play with. You can do this by clicking on their name in the scoreboard at any time." // matchmaking ready match_ready.fla "matchmaking_status_title" "Matchmaking Status" "matchmaking_status_text" "Your game is ready" "matchmaking_ready_text" "%s1 Ready" "matchmaking_player_afk" "Player not ready" "matchmaking_player_cancel" "Player cancelled" "matchmaking_player_rematch" "Finding new players" "matchmaking_waiting_for_players" "Waiting for other players" "matchmaking_player_declined" "A player declined the match" "matchmaking_denied_local" "You are unable to find a match for %s1." "matchmaking_denied_party" "%s1 will prevent your party from finding\na match for %s2." "matchmaking_account_disabled" "You have been too disruptive and will not be able to chat or join the matchmaking queue for %s1" "matchmaking_low_priority_local" "You have %s1 remaining in the low priority matchmaking pool due to abandoning games or receiving excessive reports." "matchmaking_low_priority_party" "%s1 will only allow low priority matchmaking for %s2 due to abandoning games or receiving excessive reports." "matchmaking_match_disabled_local" "You are prevented from matching for %s1 due to failing to ready-up or abandoning your last game." "matchmaking_match_disabled_party" "%s1 will prevent matching for %s2 due to failing to ready-up or abandoning his or her last game." "returning_top_of_queue" "Returning to matchmaking with high priority" "dota_ready_fail" "FAILED TO READY UP" "dota_ready_fail_desc" "Your match was ready, but you failed to respond and have been removed from the matchmaking pool." "dota_ready_fail_return" "Find another match?" "dota_day" "%s1 day" "dota_days" "%s1 days" "low_priority_game" "%s1 game" "low_priority_games" "%s1 games" "hero_spawn_low_priority_header" "Low-Priority Match" "hero_spawn_low_priority_warning" "You are in a low-priority match due to you or someone in your party abandoning games or receiving excessive reports. While you are in low-priority, you will not receive battle points, and you will only be matched with other players in the low-priority pool." "limited_heroes_abandon_header" "Limited Heroes Mode" "limited_heroes_abandon_explanation" "There is no penalty for leaving a Limited Heroes mode match, as your hero will be replaced by a bot. Leaving any other game mode may result in placement in the low-priority pool." "matchmaking_label" "Matchmaking" "matchmaking_wait_time" "Estimated wait time: nnn" "unknown_wait_time" "Unknown Wait Time" "matchmaking_exp_geo" "Searching outside your location" "matchmaking_exp_skill" "Searching outside your player level" "matchmaking_region_active" "SELECTED" "matchmaking_region_inactive" "UNSELECTED" "matchmaking_settings_label" "MATCHMAKING SETTINGS" "matchmaking_settings_regions" "MATCHMAKING REGIONS" "matchmaking_settings_edit" "EDIT SETTINGS" "DOTA_practice_bots_settings_label" "BOT PRACTICE SETTINGS" "DOTA_practice_bots_headline" "PRACTICE WITH BOTS" "lobby_settings_label" "LOBBY SETTINGS" "matchmaking_gamemode_label" "GAME MODES" "matchmaking_regions_label" "REGIONS" "matchmaking_languages_label" "LANGUAGES" "matchmaking_difficulty_label" "DIFFICULTY" "matchmaking_team_label" "TEAM" "matchmaking_select" "SELECT" "matchmaking_search_key" "PASSWORD" "matchmaking_search_key_desc" "Will only match with players using the same password" "DOTA_FIND_COACH" "Find a Coach" "dota_find_coach_details" "You can invite any of your friends to coach you while you play." "dota_coach_invite" "Invite as Coach" // news/updates page "update_archive" "PREVIOUS UPDATES" // today page "matchmaking" "ACTIVE REGIONS" "today_in_dota" "TODAY IN DOTA" "matches_in_progress" "TOP LIVE MATCHES" "UI_live_games_sorting" "Live games are sorted by average skill, highest to lowest." "findmatch" "FIND MATCH" "find_compendium_match_description" "Find a match using the hero picks from this week's featured Compendium match!" "players_online" "PLAYERS ONLINE" "update_notes" "UPDATES" "feedback_forums" "FEEDBACK FORUMS" "place_holder" "PLACE\nHOLDER" "blog" "BLOG" "today_news_tab" "NEWS" "international_tab" "INTERNATIONAL" "dota_profile_prestige" "PRESTIGE" "dota_profile_wins" "WINS:" "dota_profile_losses" "LOSSES" "dota_profile_leaves" "ABANDONED" "dota_profile_games" "GAMES:" "dota_profile_overview" "OVERVIEW" "dota_profile_history" "GAME HISTORY" "dota_profile_view_history" "View All Games" "dota_profile_heroes_played" "HEROES PLAYED" "dota_profile_view_heroes_played" "View Heroes Played" "dota_profile_team" "TEAM" "dota_profile_recruits" "FRIEND RECRUITING" "dota_profile_friend_recruit_id" "Add Friend ID" "dota_profile_recruit_friends" "Recruit Friends" "dota_profile_recruiting_status" "Recruitment Status" "dota_profile_recruit_levels_gained" "Levels Gained:" "dota_profile_recruit_accepted" "Accepted Recruit" "dota_profile_recruit_pending" "Has not responded to the recruitment request" "dota_profile_recruit_declined" "Has declined the recruitment request" "dota_profile_recruit_level" "Recruitment Level" "recruit_invitation" "RECRUITMENT INVITATION" "recruit_invitation_details" "A player has requested to recruit you into Dota 2. If you accept this request, any games you play together before you hit level 10 will earn both of you 50% increased Battle Points.\n\nYou can only be recruited by one player, so choose wisely!" "DOTA_RecruitInviteResponse_Accept_Header" "RECRUITMENT ACCEPTED" "DOTA_RecruitInviteResponse_Accept" "Congratulations, you have been recruited by %s1!" "DOTA_RecruitInviteSend_Header" "RECRUITMENT REQUEST SENT" "DOTA_RecruitInviteSend_Body" "Recruitment requests have been sent to all selected friends. The status of your requests is reflected in the status panel." "DOTA_RecruitInviteSend_BodySingle" "A Recruitment request has been sent to %s1. The status of this request is reflected in the Friend Recruiting tab in your Profile." "dota_profile_friend_invite_send" "SEND" "DOTA_SendFriendRecruitsFailed" "Failed to recruit friends!\n\nPlease try again." "dota_recruitpanel_your_recruits" "Your Recruits" "dota_recruitpanel_recruit_details" "Details" "dota_recruit_tooltip_recruiter" "This player has recruited you." "dota_recruit_tooltip_recruit" "You have recruited this player." "dota_recruit_tooltip_recruit_bonus" "You have recruited this player, and when playing together will earn 50% increased Battle Points." "DOTA_RecruitFriend" "Recruit Friend" "DOTA_Recruitment_AddFriend" "Press 'Add a Friend' to invite a friend to Dota 2." "dota_prfile_wins_hero" "W" "dota_prfile_losses_hero" "L" "dota_prfile_game_needed" "%s1 more game needed" "dota_prfile_games_needed" "%s1 more games needed" "hero_showcase_title" "FEATURED HERO" "hero_showcase_change" "CHANGE HERO" "item_showcase_title" "FEATURED ITEMS" "item_showcase_change" "EDIT FEATURED ITEMS" "hero_showcase_show_in_profile" "Use this hero in my profile" "dota_profile_clear_filter" "Clear Hero Filter" "HERO_SHOWCASE_EQUIPPED" "CURRENTLY EQUIPPED ITEMS" "hero_showcase_preview_tooltip" "Inspect this hero's currently equipped items" "DOTA_ProfileRequestFailed" "Failed to retrieve profile data." "DOTA_requested_profile_marked_private" "This user has marked their profile as private." "DOTA_requested_profile_marked_private_header" "Private Profile" "DOTA_SteamOverlayDisabled_Title" "Overlay Not Running" "DOTA_SteamOverlayDisabled_Body" "The Steam Overlay is not running, which is needed for full functionality within Dota 2. Please enable it within the Steam client settings and restart Dota 2." "dota_pb_title" "PERFORMANCE" "dota_pb_description" "Your performance bar shows how well you've played each hero relative to your other heroes." "pb_area_0" "1" "pb_area_1" "2" "pb_area_2" "3" "pb_area_3" "4" "pb_area_4" "5" "pb_area_5" "6" "pb_area_6" "7" "pb_area_7" "8" "pb_area_8" "9" "pb_area_9" "10" "pb_desc" "Four games are needed to establish a performance rating. Your ratings will become more accurate the more you play." // team profile "dota_team_profile_hed" "TEAM PROFILE" "dota_career_profile" "CAREER PROFILE" "dota_profile_title" "DOTA 2 - PERSONA" "dota_profile_prefs" "Persona Preferences" "dota_profile_recent_games" "Most-recent Games" "dota_profile_commendations" "Commendations" "dota_lobby_type_matchmaking" "Public Matchmaking" "dota_lobby_type_practice" "Practice Game" "dota_lobby_type_practice_games" "PRACTICE GAMES" "dota_lobby_type_private_games" "PRIVATE GAMES" "dota_lobby_practice_vs_bots" "PRACTICE VS BOTS" "dota_lobby_quests" "TRAINING" "dota_lobby_tutorials" "TUTORIALS" "dota_lobby_mentored_play" "FIND A COACH" "dota_lobby_type_tournament" "Tournament Game" "dota_lobby_type_tutorial" "Tutorial" "dota_lobby_type_coop_bot" "Co-op Bot" "dota_lobby_type_team_matchmaking" "Team Matchmaking" "dota_lobby_type_competitive" "Ranked Match" "dota_lobby_type_competitive_solo_uncalibrated" "Ranked Match Solo (Calibrating)" "dota_lobby_type_competitive_party_uncalibrated" "Ranked Match Party (Calibrating)" "dota_lobby_type_competitive_solo" "Ranked Match Solo @%s1 %s2" "dota_lobby_type_competitive_party" "Ranked Match Party @%s1 %s2" "dota_lobby_type_casual_1v1" "1v1 Match" "dota_lobby_tab_tournament" "TOURNAMENTS" "dota_lobby_lan_title" "LOCAL LOBBY" "dota_lobby_default_title" "ONLINE LOBBY" "dota_lobby_offline_title" "OFFLINE PRACTICE LOBBY" "DOTA_ConfirmLANLobby_title" "LOCAL LOBBY" "DOTA_ConfirmLANLobby_desc" "A Local game is hosted on your machine. System requirements are higher when hosting a local game." "DOTA_ConfirmUnpublishedLobby_title" "UNPUBLISHED GAME MODE" "DOTA_ConfirmUnpublishedLobby_desc" "To test an unpublished game mode with other people, all participants must manually install the game mode in their dota_addons folder." "dota_featured_hero" "Featured Hero:" "dota_join_chat_channel_prompt" "Channel:" "dota_join_chat_channel_button" "JOIN" "dota_join_chat_channel_name_header" "Channel Name" "dota_join_chat_channel_startup_header" "Join On Startup" "dota_chat_party_tab" "Party" "dota_chat_lobby_tab" "Lobby" "dota_chat_team_tab" "Team" "dota_chat_game_tab" "Game" "dota_chat_guild_tab" "Guild" "dota_chat_fantasy_draft" "Fantasy Draft" "dota_chat_cafe_tab" "Cafe" "dota_game_lobby_title" "GAME LOBBY" "dota_match_history" "MATCH HISTORY" "dota_match_history_details" "MATCH DETAILS" "dota_match_details_brief" "DETAILS" "dota_match_history_win" "WIN" "dota_match_history_loss" "LOSS" "dota_match_history_abandon" "ABANDON" "dota_match_history_back" "CLOSE" "dota_match_history_Winner_GoodGuys" "WINNER: The Radiant" "dota_match_history_Winner_BadGuys" "WINNER: The Dire" "page_previous" "PREVIOUS" "page_next" "NEXT" "page_counter" "Page: %s1" "page_back" "BACK" "dota_store_feature_close" "CLOSE" "dota_store_feature_title_new_store" "New in the Dota Store" "dota_load_game_title" "LOAD GAME" "dota_load_game_button" "LOAD GAME" "dota_load_game_searching" "Searching for Save Games..." "dota_load_game_no_games" "No Save Games found" "dota_watch_replay" "WATCH REPLAY" "dota_watch_highlights" "WATCH HIGHLIGHTS" "dota_download_replay" "DOWNLOAD REPLAY" "dota_replay_unavailable" "REPLAY UNAVAILABLE" "dota_profile_show_match_history" "MATCH HISTORY" "dota_persona_panel_title" "PLAYER DETAILS" "dota_downloading_replay" "Downloading..." "dota_decompressing_replay" "Decompressing..." "replay_download_failed" "REPLAY DOWNLOAD FAILED" "replay_download_fail_code" "Download Error: %s1" "replay_download_open_failed" "Unable to open replay file. Please ensure no other processes have this file open." "replay_download_create_failed" "Unable to create replay file of the specified size. Is your disk full?" "replay_download_request_fail" "Failed to send request for part of file." "replay_download_handle_fail" "Failed to find file handle." "replay_download_chunk_not_found" "Failed to find file chunk in download list." "replay_download_write_failed" "Unable to write to replay file." "replay_download_data_failed" "Failed to get data from download buffer." "replay_download_decompress_failed" "Failed to decompress replay file. Please try downloading the replay again." "dota_finding_match_players" "(%s1 searching)" "dota_finding_match_generic" "Finding Match" "dota_finding_match_ranked" "Finding Ranked Match" "dota_finding_match_bot" "Finding Bot Match" "dota_finding_match_team" "Finding Team Ranked Match" "dota_finding_match_year_beast_brawl" "Finding Year Beast Brawl" "dota_finding_1v1_match_casual" "Finding 1v1 Match" "party_chat_find_match_start_game_modes" "Game modes:" "party_chat_find_match_start_regions" "Regions:" "party_chat_find_match_start_languages" "Languages:" "party_chat_find_match_stop" "Stopped finding match." "featured_match_passport_message" "Purchase a Compendium to be eligible to play the featured match of the week!" "buypassport" "Buy Compendium" "compendium_promo_immortals" "Eleven New Immortal Items" "compendium_promo_immortals_desc" "Available now with the Compendium" "compendium_immortal_treasure_2_header" "IMMORTAL TREASURE II" "compendium_immortal_treasure_2_available" "New Immortal Items\nAvailable Now with The International 2015 Compendium" "compendium_collectors_cache_header" "COLLECTOR'S CACHE" "compendium_collectors_cache_desc" "Available exclusively for Compendium owners.\nLevels up your Compendium.\nUltra rare chance for the Immortal Faceless Rex courier." "MUSIC_ANNOUNCER_UPSELL_HEADER" "NEW REWARDS" "MUSIC_ANNOUNCE_UPSELL_DESC" "The Bristleback Announcer\nThe International 2015 Music Pack composed by Jeremy and Julian Soule\nAvailable exclusively for Compendium owners!" "compendium_level" "LEVEL" "compendium_not_activated_other_user" "This player has not activated their International 2014 Compendium" "compendium_activate_button" "BUY NOW - %s1" "compendium_activate_title" "THE COMPENDIUM" "compendium_activate_details" "Earn rewards, level up, collect player cards, and more! It's the next-best thing to being there." "compendium_activate_no_thanks" "No Thanks, but I would like to preview it" "compendium_to_next_level" "TO NEXT LEVEL" "compendium_preview_mode" "PREVIEW MODE ONLY" "compendium_preview_click" "Click Here to Activate!" "compendium_available_title" "THE COMPENDIUM" "compendium_overflow" "OVERFLOWING COMPENDIUM" "compendium_includes" "now includes" "compendium_available_descrip1" "Immortal Treasures - Mini-Pudge Courier - Massive Booster" "compendium_available_descrip2" "Loading Screens - HUD Skin - Level Up Rewards\nChat Emoticons - Plus Much More" "compendium_available_descrip_overflow_1" "Immortal Treasures - Mini-Pudge Courier - Massive Booster\nChat Emoticons - Custom Weather Effects" "compendium_available_descrip_overflow_2" "Lt. Squawkins Courier - Daily Hero Challenge\nFavorite Hero Stat Tracking - Prediction Mini-Games\nLoading Screens - HUD Skin" "compendium_available_click_for_details" "Click for Details" "compendium_activate_now" "Activate Now" "compendium_available_title_2015" "COMPENDIUM" "compendium_available_details_2015" "Be a part of the biggest Dota tournament of the year.\nEarn rewards by completing challenges, making predictions and following the event." "dota_num_players_searching" "PLAYERS SEARCHING: %s1" "dota_search_range" "SEARCH RANGE" "dota_num_matching_players" "MATCHING PLAYERS: %s1 of 10" "dota_match_elapsed" "ELAPSED TIME:" "dota_cancel_match_find" "CANCEL SEARCH" "dota_match_in_progress" "Game in progress" "dota_match_finished" "Game is finished" "dota_match_connecting" "Connecting to game..." "dota_match_connected" "Connected to game" "dota_match_local_game" "Connected to local game" "dota_reconnect_to_game" "RECONNECT" "dota_abandon_game" "LEAVE GAME" "dota_disconnect_game" "DISCONNECT" "dota_match_find_server" "Finding server" "dota_match_wait_for_host" "Waiting for host" "dota_match_game_ui" "Private Lobby Setup" "dota_number_of_spectators" "Number of Spectators: %s1" "dota_abandon_dialog_title" "ABANDON GAME" "dota_abandon_dialog_warning" "Abandoning a game before it has finished may ruin the game for other players." "dota_abandon_dialog_confirm" "Are you sure you want to abandon this game?" "dota_abandon_dialog_yes" "Yes, abandon game." "dota_leave_dialog_title" "LEAVE GAME" "dota_leave_dialog_confirm" "Are you sure you want to leave this game?" "dota_leave_dialog_yes" "Yes, leave game." "dota_safe_to_abandon" "This game is safe to leave." "dota_safe_to_abandon_inline" "GAME IS SAFE TO LEAVE" "dota_safe_to_abandon_match_not_scored" "This game will not be scored. It is now safe to leave." "dota_safe_to_abandon_match_not_scored_network" "Poor network conditions have been detected, and this game will not be scored. It is now safe to leave." "dota_party_forfeited_match" "Your party has forfeited the game and will receive a loss." "dota_leaver_consequence_header_failure_to_reconnect" "Failure to reconnect will result in the following consequences:" "dota_leaver_consequence_header_leave_match" "Leaving this match will result in the following consequences:" "dota_leaver_consequence_LetDownTeammates" "Your teammates will play at a disadvantage." "dota_leaver_consequence_SmallMatchmakingCooldown" "You will be prevented from matchmaking for a period of time." "dota_leaver_consequence_CreditWithAbandon" "You will receive an abandon." "dota_leaver_consequence_ForcedLossForLeaver" "You will receive a loss." "dota_leaver_consequence_ForcedLossForLeaversParty" "Everyone in your party will receive a loss." "dota_leaver_consequence_ForcedLossForLeaversTeam" "Your team, %s1, will receive a loss." "dota_leaver_consequence_MMRLossForLeaver" "Your MMR will decrease." "dota_leaver_consequence_MMRLossForLeaversParty" "The MMR of everyone in your party will decrease." "dota_leaver_consequence_MMRLossForLeaversTeam" "The MMR of your team, %s1, will decrease." "dota_leaver_consequence_MatchDiscardedForOtherPlayers" "The match will not be scored for other players." "dota_leaver_consequence_NotDecrementLowPriGamesRemaining" "You will not be credited with having completed the match." "dota_play_matchmaking" "PLAY GAME" "dota_play_practice" "PRIVATE" "dota_play_tournament" "TOURNAMENT" "dota_play_tutorial" "TUTORIAL" "dota_watch_game" "WATCH" "dota_play_matchmaking_desc" "Find a match with players of similar experience in your region." "dota_play_1v1_desc" "Practice your solo midlane game against one other player. Practice ends when one player dies twice or loses a tower." "dota_play_1v1_rules_html" "1v1 Solo Mid Rules:" "dota_practice_bots_title" "Practice with Bots" "dota_play_practice_desc" "Create a private lobby to play with friends or the A.I. " "dota_play_tutorial_desc" "Play a match with a mentor or run through a lesson. " "dota_play_tournament_desc" "Find a match in a competitive tournament. " "dota_play_leaver_left_label" "You left your previous game. If you crash or lose your connection, you should reconnect to the game. Leaving will have repercussions in the future." "dota_play_matchmaking_reconnect_hint" "You can rejoin a game if you crash or disconnect. Not rejoining can ruin the game for the other players." "dota_play_find_match" "Find a Game" "dota_play_find_a_game_heading" "FIND A GAME" "dota_play_casual_match" "NORMAL MATCH" "dota_play_ranked_match" "RANKED MATCH" "dota_play_bot_match" "BOT MATCH" "dota_play_casual_1v1_match" "PRACTICE 1v1" "dota_play_no_team_identity_explanation" "A party of five can play using a persistent team identity and team MMR." "dota_play_competitive_team_identity_checkbox" "Play as %s1" "dota_ranked_rating_solo" "Solo Rank" "dota_ranked_rating_party" "Party Rank" "dota_learn" "LEARN" "dota_play_welcome_title" "Welcome to Dota 2" "dota_play_welcome_text" "Thank you for participating, your feedback\nwill help make Dota 2 better. " "dota_play_diretide_tab" "FIND DIRETIDE MATCH" "dota_watch_no_results" "No Results." "dota_watch_tournaments_header" "THIS MONTH TOURNAMENTS" "dota_gamemode_filter_Any" "Any" "dota_calendar" "Calendar" "dota_calendar_tooltip_head" "Tournaments" "sugar_rush_hof" "SUGAR RUSH HALL OF FAME" "sugar_rush_hof_label" "These players dealt the most damage to Roshan during Cycle %s3 on %s1 at %s2" "sugar_rush_hof_cycle" "CYCLE %s1" "sugar_rush_hof_na" "Score for the previous cycle is currently unavailable." "sugar_rush_health_remaining" "Health Remaining: %s1" "findmatchhalloween" "FIND DIRETIDE MATCH" "dota_play_diretide_phase_1_title" "CANDY CHAOS" "dota_play_diretide_phase_1_descr" "* Compete against the enemy team in collecting the most candy.\n* Collect candy from Roshlings and deposit it in your Candy Bucket.\n* Go on a raid and steal the enemy's candy from their bucket.\n * When the timer expires the team with the most candy wins!" "dota_play_diretide_phase_2_title" "THE TRICKSTER AWAKENS" "dota_play_diretide_phase_2_descr" "* All this ruckus has awoken Roshan from his slumber.\n* He will target a random hero and bully them for candy.\n* Keeping a piece of candy in your inventory is recommended as failure to feed Roshan will\nresult in death." "dota_play_diretide_phase_3_title" "SUGAR RUSH" "dota_play_diretide_phase_3_descr" "* After 16 minutes Roshan will be stuffed and you will be left candyless.\n* You must team up with the enemy and defeat Roshan before he's had his fill.\n* Upon defeat, Roshan will revive again and again, growing stronger each time.\n* The stronger Roshan becomes, the better the rewards will be when time runs out!" "dota_play_banner_cosmic_abyss" "Treasure of the\nCosmic Abyss" "dota_play_banner_sinister_arcanery" "Treasure of the\nSinister Arcanery" "dota_diretide_loot_hint" "The stronger Roshan becomes, the better the rewards will be when time runs out!" "DOTA_create_lobby" "CREATE LOBBY" "DOTA_create_lan_lobby" "CREATE LOCAL LOBBY" "DOTA_create_tournament_lobby" "CREATE TOURNAMENT LOBBY" "new_tournament_games" "NEW" "current_tournament_games" "IN PROGRESS" "old_tournament_games" "COMPLETED" "create_tournament_entry_button" "CREATE" "clear_tournament_entry_button" "CLEAR" "clear_tournament_dialog_header" "CLEAR TOURNAMENT GAME" "clear_tournament_dialog_body" "Are you sure you wish to clear this game? Any Match ID will be cleared and any existing lobby will become a regular practice lobby." "clear_tournament_failure" "Failed to clear tournament game." "DOTA_TeamUnsetHeader" "TEAM NOT SET" "DOTA_TeamUnsetMessage" "At least one team does not have a team name/logo set. Really start the match?" "DOTA_LobbySeriesTeamMismatchHeader" "TEAMS DO NOT MATCH SERIES INFO" "DOTA_LobbySeriesTeamMismatchMessage" "At least one of the teams does not match the team ids specified in the series info. Really start the match?" "DOTA_LeagueUnsetHeader" "LEAGUE NOT SET" "DOTA_LeagueUnsetMessage" "No league is set for this lobby, but you're able to set one. Really start the match?" "DOTA_create_online_lobby" "Create an online lobby" "DOTA_create_bot_practice_desc" "Play a match against AI opponents. You can use matchmaking to play with other human teammates or fill your empty team slots with bots." "bot_practice_teammates_humans" "Use matchmaking to find human teammates." "bot_practice_teammates_bots" "Fill empty slots on your team with bots." "bot_practice_starting_team_desc" "Play as The Radiant or The Dire?" "DOTA_create_online_lobby_desc" "Create a private lobby when you want to play with people you know." "DOTA_create_online_lobby_desc_bullets" "- Play arranged games against specific players or teams. \n- Invite friends and fill empty player slots with bots. \n- Hide the lobby by setting a password in LOBBY SETTINGS." "DOTA_Practice_Bots_Difficulty" "Difficulty" "DOTA_Practice_Bots_Team" "Team" "DOTA_no_friend_lobbies" "No friend lobbies found." "DOTA_no_guild_lobbies" "No guildmate lobbies found." "DOTA_no_private_lobbies" "No private lobbies found." "DOTA_find_lobby" "FIND A LOBBY" "DOTA_lobby_leader_label" "LOBBY LEADER:" "dota_soon" "COMING SOON" "lobby_password_label" "LOBBY PASSWORD" "Find_lobby" "Find Lobby" "DOTA_create_private_lobby" "Enter a password to create private game (optional)" "DOTA_filter_private_lobby" "Find private lobbies by password" "DOTA_practice_lobby_list" "CURRENT PRIVATE LOBBIES" "DOTA_join_private_title" "JOIN PRIVATE GAME" "DOTA_join_private_desc" "Enter the password (created by lobby-leader) to join this game." "DOTA_join_private_error1" "The password entered does not match the password created by the lobby-leader." "dota_apply" "APPLY" "DOTA_Matchmaking_NoRegion_Error" "Please select a matchmaking region." "DOTA_Matchmaking_NoMapPreference_Error" "Please press the 'preferences' button and select a map preference. Select both maps if you have no preference." "DOTA_Matchmaking_NoGameMode_Error" "Please select a game mode." "DOTA_Matchmaking_NoLanguage_Error" "Please select at least one language." "DOTA_Matchmaking_No_OverrideVPK" "To ensure match integrity, using -override_vpk is not permitted when matchmaking. Use -enable_addons instead." "DOTA_SelfCast_DoubleTap" "Double Tap Ability to Self Cast" "DOTA_SelfCast_DoubleTap_description" "(Double-tapping an ability key will cast it on your hero if possible)" "DOTA_UniUnitOrder_Ctrl" "Unified Unit Orders" "DOTA_UniUnitOrder_Ctrl_description" "(Holding down CTRL when issuing an order will send it to all units you control)" "DOTA_share_match_history" "Expose Public Match Data" "DOTA_share_match_history_desc" "Share your public matchmaking game history with external third parties." "DOTA_profiles_privacy" "Hide Dota & Steam Profile" "DOTA_profiles_privacy_desc" "Toggling this setting will hide your Dota 2 and Steam profiles from other players." "DOTA_profilesettings_title" "Profile Settings" "DOTA_profilesettings_incognito" "INCOGNITO MODE" "DOTA_profilesettings_incognito_desc" "Toggling this setting will hide your Dota 2 Profile from other players as well as allow you to enter and use a different Profile Name. The setting will override any preferences you may have set for 'PROFILE PRIVACY' in Global Settings." "DOTA_profilesettings_incognito_name" "Your new Incognito Profile Name" "DOTA_GameStartCountdown" "Starts in %s1:%s2" "DOTA_GameTime" "%s1:%s2" "DOTA_GamePreGame" "Pre-Game" "DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_Autoattack" "Automatically move to and attack enemies that are nearby." "DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_AutoattackAfterSpell" "If unchecked, the Hero will stay in place after casting a spell, waiting for the next order." "DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_AutoPurchase" "Buy the next item in the suggested items list when you can afford it." "DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_AutoSelectSummons" "When new units are summoned by the Hero, they are added to your selection group." "DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_DoubleTap" "Double-clicking an ability or item, or double-tapping the hotkey will cast it on yourself when available." "DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_UnifiedOrders" "Holding down CTRL when issuing an order will send it to all units you control." "DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_TeleportStop" "Moving or casting a spell won't cancel a teleport in progress. Applies only to Teleport Scrolls or Boots of Travel." "DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_BroadcasterStats" "When spectating a game, show the stats dropdown that the broadcaster is using." "DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_Deceleration" "The speed at which the camera comes to rest after moving. Larger number equates to a faster stop." "DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_Screenshake" "Some spells and stuns shake the camera." "DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_CameraRespawn" "Refocus the camera on your Hero as soon as it has respawned." "DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_SmoothDrag" "When spectating, dragging the camera with the middle-mouse button allows for smooth camera motion." "DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_HideProfile" "Your Dota 2 Profile will not be accessible by anyone. Your Steam Profile will not be accessible from Dota 2." "DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_ShareMatchData" "Exposes match data from your public games to third party entities." "DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_NetworkQuality" "If you have a low end network connection, setting this to 'LOW' may help your network performance." "DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_MinimapSimple" "Minimap colors are determined by team rather than individual players." "DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_MinimapDrawHeroes" "When holding ALT, use an icon of the Hero in the Minimap, instead of the Hero name." "DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_MinimapNamesIcon" "Always display the Hero icon or Hero name in the Minimap, holding ALT will temporarily show X and O." "DOTA_Settings_Tooltip_ShopHotkeys" "Hotkeys in the shop will override any keys that have been assigned to other functions when the shop is open." "DOTA_Settings_keybind_template" "Reset hotkey template" "DOTA_Settings_keybind_desc" "Choose a hotkey template. This will reset keys for Hero abilities, Item slots and Camera control." "DOTA_Settings_reset_hotkeys" "Reset Hotkeys..." "keybind_template_ARROW" "Normal" "keybind_template_WASD" "WASD" "keybind_template_LEGACY" "Legacy" "keybind_template_MMO" "MMO" "keybind_template_LOL" "League of Legends" "keybind_template_HON" "Heroes of Newerth" "keybind_template_SMITE" "Smite" "or" "or" "UI_U" "U" "DOTA_Settings_Shop_Hotkeys" "Shop Always Uses Hotkeys" "DOTA_Settings_Controls" "HOTKEYS" "DOTA_Settings_Video" "VIDEO" "DOTA_Settings_Audio" "AUDIO" "DOTA_Settings_Game" "OPTIONS" "DOTA_Game_Settings" "GAME SETTINGS" "DOTA_Settings_System" "VIDEO / AUDIO" "DOTA_Settings_AudioDefaults" "AUDIO DEFAULTS" "DOTA_Settings_Apply" "APPLY RESOLUTION" "DOTA_Settings_VideoDefaults" "VIDEO DEFAULTS" "DOTA_Settings_AdvancedDefaults" "ADVANCED DEFAULTS" "DOTA_Options_Game" "GAME" "DOTA_Options_Camera" "CAMERA" "DOTA_Options_Minimap" "MINIMAP" "DOTA_Options_Profile" "PROFILE" "DOTA_Options_Network" "NETWORK" "DOTA_Hotkeys_Abilities" "ABILITIES" "DOTA_Hotkeys_UnitActions" "UNIT ACTIONS" "DOTA_Hotkeys_Items" "ITEMS" "DOTA_Hotkeys_CameraActions" "CAMERA ACTIONS" "DOTA_Hotkeys_Chat" "CHAT" "DOTA_Hotkeys_PlayerActions" "PLAYER ACTIONS" "DOTA_Hotkeys_ControlGroups" "CONTROL GROUPS" "DOTA_Hotkeys_Spectator" "SPECTATOR / REPLAY CONTROLS" "DOTA_Hotkeys_Stats" "STATS DROPDOWN" "DOTA_Hotkeys_Coaching" "COACHING" "DOTA_Hotkeys_Phrases" "PHRASE BINDINGS" "UI_CAMERA_ACCEL" "Camera Acceleration" "UI_CAMERA_DECEL" "Camera Deceleration" "UI_CAMERA_SPEED" "Camera Speed" "UI_CAMERA_SMOOTHDRAG" "Smoothdrag Camera when Spectating" "UI_DEATH_EFFECT" "Camera Color-shift when Dead" "UI_CAM_REVERSE_GRIP" "Reverse Camera Grip" "UI_USE_BROADCASTER_STATS" "Use Broadcaster Stats" "UI_EDGE_PAN" "Edge Pan" "UI_SHOW_HERO_ICON" "Draw Hero Icons in Minimap" "UI_ALWAYS_SHOW_HERO_ICON" "Names/Icons Always in Minimap" "UI_MINIMAP_FLIP_POS" "Draw Minimap on Right" "UI_SHOW_HERO_ALT_INDICATOR" "Holding ALT Highlights Hero" "UI_SHOW_NAMES" "Show Player Names Over Healthbar" "UI_SHOW_HEALTH_BAR_NUMBER" "Show Hitpoints Over Player Healthbar" "UI_AUTO_ATTACK" "Auto Attack" "UI_AUTO_ATTACK_AFTER_SPELL" "Auto Attack After Spell" "UI_TELEPORT_REQUIRES_HALT" "Teleport Requires Stop" "UI_TELEPORT_REQUIRES_HALT_desc" "Teleporting will no longer get interrupted by any order except stop." "UI_ADD_SUMMONED_SELECTION" "Auto Select Summoned Units" "UI_ALLOW_INVITES" "Allow Party Invites from:" "UI_ALLOW_GUILD_INVITES" "Allow Guild Invites from:" "UI_ALL" "ALL" "UI_JUST_FRIENDS" "JUST FRIENDS" "party_block_all" "Block invites from players not on Friends List" "party_block_all_disc" "(Can be toggled in General Area of Game Settings panel)" "UI_SCREEN_SHAKE" "Enable Screen Shake" "UI_NETWORK_QUALITY" "Network Quality" "UI_AUTO_PURCHASE" "Auto Purchase Items" "UI_SIMPLE_MAP_COLORS" "Use Simple Colors in Minimap" "UI_HIDE_MAP_BG" "Hide Minimap Background" "UI_APPLY" "APPLY" "UI_ON" "ON" "UI_OFF" "OFF" "UI_MED" "MED" "UI_HIGH" "HIGH" "UI_LOW" "LOW" "UI_DEFAULTS" "DEFAULTS" "UI_CLOSE" "CLOSE" "UI_BACK" "BACK" "Settings_EVENTS" "EVENTS" "Settings_General" "GENERAL" "Settings_Advanced" "ADVANCED" "Settings_Interface" "INTERFACE" "Settings_Network" "NETWORK" "DOTA_Audio_Settings" "AUDIO SETTINGS" "UI_Master_Volume" "Master Volume" "UI_Game_Volume" "Game Volume" "UI_Music_Volume" "Music Volume" "UI_Voice_Volume" "Voice Volume" "UI_Unit_Speech_Volume" "Unit Speech Volume" "UI_Speaker_Config" "Speaker Configuration" "UI_Sound_Quality" "Sound Quality" "UI_Captioning" "Use Captions" "UI_Unit_Speech" "Unit Speech" "UI_Background_Sound" "Play Sound in Desktop" "UI_Enable_Voice" "ENABLE VOICE" "UI_Voice_Transmit_Vol" "VOICE TRANSMIT VOLUME" "UI_Voice_Receive_Vol" "VOICE RECEIVE VOLUME" "UI_Boost_Mic" "BOOST MIC GAIN" "UI_Mute_Cobroadcasters" "Mute Co-Broadcasters" "UI_Chat_Sound" "Chat Message Sound" "UI_Enable_Open_Mic" "Enable Open Mic" "UI_Open_Mic_Threshold" "Open Mic Threshold" "UI_Not_Implemented" "* - Not Implemented Yet" "UI_No_Captions" "No Captions" "UI_Subtitles_Effects" "Subtitles and Effects" "UI_Subtitles" "Subtitles" "UI_Headphones" "Headphones" "UI_2_Speakers" "2 Speakers" "UI_4_Speakers" "4 Speakers" "UI_5_1_Speakers" "5.1 Speakers" "UI_7_1_Speakers" "7.1 Speakers" "DOTA_Video_Settings" "VIDEO SETTINGS" "UI_Brightness" "Brightness" "UI_Brightness_Disabled" "Brightness (Only Available in Fullscreen)" "UI_AspectRatio" "Aspect Ratio" "UI_Resolution" "Resolution" "UI_DisplayMode" "Display Mode" "UI_Brightness_Note" "Only Available in Fullscreen" "UI_VSync" "VSync" "UI_Advanced" "ADVANCED" "UI_Adanced_Settings" "ADVANCED SETTINGS" "UI_AdditivePass" "Additive Light Pass" "UI_SpecularBloom" "Specular and Light Blooms" "UI_Water" "High Quality Water" "UI_Fog" "Atmospheric Fog" "UI_Animate_Portrait" "Animate Portrait" "UI_Shadows" "Shadow Quality" "UI_World_Lighting" "World Lighting" "UI_Ambient_Occlusion" "Ambient Occlusion" "UI_Ambient_Creatures" "Ambient Creatures" "UI_Textures" "Texture Quality" "UI_Overlays" "OVERLAYS" "UI_Antialiasing" "Anti-Aliasing" "UI_Color_Blind" "Color Blind Mode" "UI_Reduce_Flash" "Reduced Flash" "UI_Fight_Recap_Pause" "Pause During Fight Recap" "UI_Fight_Recap_Terse" "Terse Fight Recap" "UI_Video_Test" "VIDEO TEST" "UI_DISABLE_WINDOWS_KEY" "DISABLE WINDOWS KEY" "UI_CAMERA_RESPAWN" "Move Camera on Respawn" "UI_Specular" "Specular" "UI_Render_Quality" "Game Screen Render Quality" "UI_Render_Quality_Descr" "(Affects the in-game world rendering only. Lower settings may provide better framerates, but at a cost of visual quality)" "UI_Settings_Restart" "* You may need to restart Dota 2 for some settings to take effect" "UI_Descr_Low" "Low" "UI_Descr_Med" "Med" "UI_Descr_High" "High" "UI_Descr_Remaining" "Remaining:" "UI_Hero_Global_Bindings" "HERONAME'S/GLOBAL BINDINGS" "UI_Legacy_Keys" "Legacy Hero Keys" //"UI_Autocast" "Subtitles" "UI_Ultimate" "Ultimate" "UI_Ability1" "Ability 1" "UI_Ability2" "Ability 2" "UI_Ability3" "Ability 3" "UI_Ability4" "Ability 4" "UI_Ability5" "Ability 5" "UI_View_Controls" "VIEW CONTROLS" "UI_Unit_Actions" "UNIT ACTIONS" "UI_Panel_Activation" "PANEL ACTIVATION" "UI_HERO" "HERO" "UI_COURIER" "COURIER" "UI_NEUTRALS" "NEUTRALS" "UI_CAST" "CAST" "UI_AUTOCAST" "AUTOCAST" "UI_QUICKCAST" "QUICKCAST" "UI_Spectator_Controls" "Controls" "UI_Spectator_Stats" "Stats Dropdown" "UI_Searching" "Searching..." "waiting_for_players_title" "WAITING FOR PLAYERS" "waiting_for_players_spectators_loaded" "Spectators Loaded: %s1 of %s2" "relationship_party" "You are in the same party." "relationship_friend" "You are Steam friends." "relationship_teammate" "You are both members of the team: %s1" "relationship_guildmate" "You are both members of the guild: %s1" "relationship_chatchannel" "You are both members of the chat channel: %s1" "relationship_clan" "You are both members of the Steam community group: %s1" // persona "find_match" "Find Match" "play_tutorial" "Play Tutorial" "unlock_persona" "Reach level 2 to unlock new persona features." "dota_party_leader" "Party Leader" "party_block_player" "Block all communication from party leader" "Date_Yesterday" "yesterday" "Date_Today" "today" "Date_Tomorrow" "tomorrow" "DOTA_UserMenu_Profile" "View Dota Profile" "DOTA_UserMenu_SteamProfile" "View Steam Profile" "DOTA_UserMenu_SendMessage" "Send Message..." "DOTA_UserMenu_PartyKick" "Kick from Party" "DOTA_UserMenu_PartyInvite" "Invite to Party" "DOTA_UserMenu_PartySuggestInvite" "Suggest invite to Party" "DOTA_UserMenu_PartyLeave" "Leave Party" "DOTA_UserMenu_TeamInvite" "Invite to Team" "DOTA_UserMenu_TeamInviteSelf" "Add yourself to Player Roster" "DOTA_UserMenu_TradeInvite" "Invite to Trade" "DOTA_UserMenu_AddFriend" "Add as Friend" "DOTA_UserMenu_RemoveFriend" "Remove Friend" "DOTA_UserMenu_AcceptFriendRequest" "Accept Friend Request" "DOTA_UserMenu_IgnoreFriendRequest" "Ignore Friend Request" "DOTA_UserMenu_Spectate" "Watch Game" "DOTA_UserMenu_CommendPlayer" "Commend Player" "DOTA_UserMenu_ReportPlayer" "Report Player" "DOTA_UserMenu_IgnorePlayer" "Ignore Player" "DOTA_UserMenu_UnignorePlayer" "Unignore Player" "DOTA_UserMenu_Inspect" "Inspect Hero" "DOTA_UserMenu_TeamTransferAdmin" "Make Team Admin" "DOTA_InvitedToParty" "%s1 has invited you to a party." "DOTA_InvitedToPartyForTeam" "%s1 has invited you to a party for a team match with %s2." "DOTA_InvitedToLowPriorityParty" "%s1 has invited you to a low-priority party." "DOTA_InvitedToCoach" "%s1 has invited you to be a Coach of their party." "DOTA_Invite_Accept" "ACCEPT" "DOTA_Invite_Accept_Low_Priority" "ACCEPT LOW-PRIORITY MATCH" "DOTA_Invite_Decline" "DECLINE" "DOTA_Invite_Cancel" "CANCEL" "DOTA_Dismiss" "DISMISS" "DOTA_Warning" "WARNING" "DOTA_InvitedToPartyHeader" "Party Invitation" "DOTA_InvitedToPartyForTeamHeader" "Team Matchmaking Invitation" "DOTA_InvitedToLowPriorityPartyHeader" "Low-Priority Party Invitation" "DOTA_InvitedToCoachHeader" "Coach Invitation" "dota_suggest_invite_format" "Please invite %s1 to the party." "DOTA_UserMenu_Swap" "Swap Hero" "dota_invited" "Invited..." "DOTA_Inspect_Battle_Points_Rate" "Battle Points Rate: %s1" "team_label" "YOUR TEAM" "team_players_online" "%s1 of %s2 currently online" "DOTA_TeamInvite_Confirm_Header" "Reset team MMR?" "DOTA_TeamInvite_Confirm_Message" "As a result of this action (or any team roster change), the team MMR will be recalculated based on the new team roster, and calibration will be reactivated." "DOTA_TeamInvite_Success_Header" "Team Invite Sent" "DOTA_TeamInvite_Success_Message" "Invited %s1 to join %s2." "DOTA_TeamInvite_Error_Header" "Can't Invite to Team" "DOTA_TeamInvite_Error_MemberLimit" "%s1 has reached the maximum number of members." "DOTA_TeamInvite_Error_NotAvailable" "%s1 is not currently running Dota 2." "DOTA_TeamInvite_Error_TooManyTeams" "%s1 is already a member of the maximum number of allowable teams." "DOTA_TeamInvite_Error_Busy" "%s1 is busy with another team invitation. Try again later." "DOTA_TeamInvite_Error_InsufficientLevel" "%s1 has not reached level %s2 and cannot be added to the team." "DOTA_TeamInvite_Failure_Header" "Team Invite Failed" "DOTA_TeamInvite_Failure_Timeout" "%s1 did not respond to your team invitation." "DOTA_TeamInvite_Failure_Rejection" "%s1 declined your team invitation." "DOTA_TeamInvite_Failure_Unspecified" "An unexpected error occurred when attempting to invite the player to your team." "DOTA_TeamInviteAccept_Failure_Header" "Failed To Join Team" "DOTA_TeamInviteAccept_Failure_Message" "%s1 became unavailable. You were unable to join." "DOTA_TeamInviteAccept_Failure_Unspecified" "An unexpected error occurred when attempting to join the team." "DOTA_TeamInviteAccept_Success_Header" "Joined Team" "DOTA_TeamInviteAccept_Success_Message" "Congratulations. You have joined %s1. You will now be able to view your team in the TEAM tab." "DOTA_Guild_Message_Text" "Guild Message" "DOTA_GuildCreate_Wait_Header" "Creating Guild" "DOTA_GuildCreate_Wait" "Creating Guild..." "DOTA_GuildEditLogo_Wait_Header" "Editing Logo" "DOTA_GuildEditLogo_Wait" "Editing Logo..." "DOTA_GuildEditLogo_Error_Header" "Failed to Edit Logo" "DOTA_GuildEditLogo_Error" "A problem occurred while attempting to edit the guild logo. Please try again." "DOTA_GuildEditLogo_Error_Upload" "Failed to upload guild logo." "DOTA_TeamCreate_Wait_Header" "Creating Team" "DOTA_TeamCreate_Wait" "Creating Team..." "DOTA_TeamEdit_Wait_Header" "Editing Team" "DOTA_TeamEdit_Wait" "Submitting Team changes..." "DOTA_TeamEdit_Success_Header" "Success" "DOTA_TeamEdit_Success_Message" "Team changes successful." "DOTA_TeamEdit_Error_Header" "Failed to Edit Team" "DOTA_TeamEdit_Error_Unspecified" "A problem occurred while attempting to edit the team. Please try again." "DOTA_TeamEdit_Error_LogoUploadFailed" "Failed to upload team logos." "DOTA_TeamEdit_Error_CannotRename" "This team has been renamed recently. It will be able to be renamed again in %s1 days." "DOTA_GuildCreate_Error_Header" "Failed to Create Guild" "DOTA_GuildCreate_Error_Unspecified" "A problem occurred while attempting to create the guild. Please try again." "DOTA_GuildCreate_Error_GuildLimitReached" "You are already a member of the maximum number of allowable guilds." "DOTA_GuildCreate_Error_LogoUploadFailed" "Failed to upload guild logos." "DOTA_GuildKicked_Header" "Removed from Guild" "DOTA_GuildKicked_Message" "You have been removed from %s1." "DOTA_TeamCreate_Error_InsufficientLevel" "You must be level %s1 to create a team or be a member of one." "DOTA_TeamCreate_Error_Header" "Failed to Create Team" "DOTA_TeamCreate_Error_CreatorBusy" "You cannot create a team while being invited to a team." "DOTA_TeamCreate_Error_Unspecified" "A problem occurred while attempting to create the team. Please try again." "DOTA_TeamCreate_Error_TeamLimitReached" "You are already a member of the maximum number of allowable teams." "DOTA_TeamCreate_Error_TeamCreationOnCooldown" "You have created a team recently and must wait %s1 minute(s) before creating a new one." "DOTA_TeamCreate_Error_LogoUploadFailed" "Failed to upload team logos." "DOTA_TeamLogo_Error_Header" "Failed to change logo" "DOTA_TeamLogo_Error_Unspecified" "A problem occurred while attempting to change your team logo. Please try again." "DOTA_TeamDisband_Confirmation_Header" "Disband Team" "DOTA_TeamDisband_Confirmation_Message" "Do you wish to disband %s1? You will not be able to undo this action or make a team with this name again." "DOTA_TeamDisbanded_Header" "Team Disbanded" "DOTA_TeamDisbanded_Member_Message" "The admin of your team has disbanded the entire team. You are no longer a member of %s1." "DOTA_TeamDisbanded_Admin_Message" "You have disbanded %s1." "DOTA_TeamDisbanded_Failure_Header" "Failed to Disband Team" "DOTA_TeamDisbanded_Failure_Message" "An unexpected error occurred when attempting to disband the team." "DOTA_TeamDisbanded_Failure_NotEmpty_Message" "The Player Roster must be empty to disband a team." "DOTA_TeamKick_Confirm_Header" "Kick Team Member" "DOTA_TeamKick_Confirm_Message" "Do you wish to kick %s1 off of the team? As a result of this action (or any team roster change), the team MMR will be recalculated based on the new team roster, and calibration will be reactivated." "DOTA_TeamKick_Success_Header" "Kicked Player" "DOTA_TeamKick_Success_Message" "You have kicked %s1 off of %s2." "DOTA_TeamKick_Failure_Header" "Kick Player Failed" "DOTA_TeamKick_Failure_Message" "An unexpected error occurred when attempting to kick %s1." "DOTA_TeamKicked_Header" "Kicked From Team" "DOTA_TeamKicked_Message" "The admin of %s1 has kicked you off the team." "DOTA_TeamLeave_Confirmation_Header" "Leave Player Roster of team?" "DOTA_TeamLeave_Confirmation_Message" "Do you wish to leave the Player Roster of %s1? The Team Admin will need to re-invite you if you want to rejoin. As a result of this action (or any team roster change), the team MMR will be recalculated based on the new team roster, and calibration will be reactivated." "DOTA_TeamLeft_Header" "Left Team" "DOTA_TeamLeft_Message" "You are no longer a player on %s1." "DOTA_TeamLeft_Failure_Header" "Failed to Leave Team Roster" "DOTA_TeamLeft_Failure_Message" "An unexpected error occurred when attempting to leave the Team Roster." "DOTA_TeamTransferAdmin_Confirm_Header" "CHANGE TEAM ADMIN" "DOTA_TeamTransferAdmin_Confirm_Message" "Do you wish to make %s1 the Team Administrator? If you continue, you will no longer be able to manage this team." "DOTA_TeamTransferAdmin_Success_Header" "SUCCESS" "DOTA_TeamTransferAdmin_Success_Message" "You have successfully transferred Team Adminstrator to %s1." "DOTA_TeamTransferAdmin_Failure_Header" "ERROR" "DOTA_TeamTransferAdmin_Failure_Message_NotAdmin" "You are not the current Administrator of this team." "DOTA_TeamTransferAdmin_Failure_Message_OnOtherTeam" "%s1 is already a Player on the Roster of another Team." "DOTA_TeamTransferAdmin_Failure_Message_AdminOfOtherTeam" "%s1 is the Administrator of another Team" "DOTA_TeamTransferAdmin_Failure_Message_Unspecified" "Failed to change Team Admin" "DOTA_TeamTransferAdmin_Notification_Header" "TEAM ADMINISTRATION" "DOTA_TeamTransferAdmin_Notification_Message" "You have been made the Administrator of Team %s1" "UI_no_team_title" "You are not on a team" "UI_no_team_desc" "To be matched against a team you must be a member of a team with at least five players. You can create and manage a team in the SOCIALIZE tab." "DOTA_DisbandTeamButton" "Disband" "DOTA_AddSelfTeamButton" "Add Self to Roster" "DOTA_LeaveTeamButton" "Leave Roster" "DOTA_ShowProfileButton" "Show Profile" "DOTA_CreateTeamButton" "Create New Team" "DOTA_Team_Created" "HAS BEEN CREATED" "DOTA_Team_Created_Desc" "You can now start inviting players to the team you're administering. You can do this by clicking on player names and selecting the Invite to Team option from the pop-up menu." "DOTA_Guild_Created" "HAS BEEN CREATED" "DOTA_Guild_Created_Desc" "You can now start inviting players to your new Guild via the pop-up menu that appears when you click on a player's name." "DOTA_Team_Invite_Accepted" "has accepted your team invitation" "DOTA_Team_Invite_Accepted_Desc" "New team members will appear in the 'Manage Team' area under the TEAM tab." "DOTA_TeamMatchmake_Fail_Header" "Team Matchmaking Failed" "DOTA_TeamMatchmake_AlreadyMatch" "Your team is already in a match." "DOTA_TeamMatchmake_AlreadyFinding" "Your team has already started finding a match." "DOTA_TeamMatchmake_Full" "Team party is already full." "DOTA_TeamMatchmake_FailAdd" "Failed to add you to team party." "DOTA_TeamMatchmake_FailAddCurrent" "Failed to add you to current team party." "DOTA_TeamMatchmake_FailedTeamMember" "Failed to get team member information." "DOTA_TeamMatchmake_AlreadyGame" "Unable to start team matchmaking, you are already in a game." "DOTA_TeamMatchmake_FailGetParty" "Failed to get current team party." "DOTA_Rank_Calibrating" "TBD" // this needs to be short, like 4-5 characters at most "DOTA_Calibration_Games_Remaining" "%s1 game(s) remaining" "MMR" "MMR" // this needs to be short "dota_solo_mmr" "Solo MMR" "dota_general_mmr" "Party MMR" "dota_solo_mmr_tooltip" "Matchmaking rating when playing solo." "dota_solo_mmr_tooltip_none" "No ranked games have been played solo." "dota_general_mmr_tooltip" "Matchmaking rating when playing with a party." "dota_general_mmr_tooltip_none" "No ranked games have been played with a party." "dota_team_mmr" "Team MMR" "dota_team_average_mmr" "Average MMR" "dota_1v1_mmr" "1v1 MMR" "DOTA_Matchmaking_Header" "Matchmaking" "DOTA_CompetitiveMatchmaking_Header" "Ranked Matchmaking" "DOTA_CompetitiveMatchmaking_Description" "Play in a competitive environment with other experienced players. Track your progress with your Matchmaking Rating (MMR), visible to you and your friends." "DOTA_Matchmaking_Message" "Matchmaking and practice lobbies are currently unavailable due to maintenance." "DOTA_Matchmaking_Region_Offline" "The matchmaking region you have queued for is offline due to maintenance.\nPlease select another region to play." "DOTA_Matchmaking_Too_Many" "You have selected too many matchmaking regions." "DOTA_InviteDenied_Header" "Invite Denied" "DOTA_InviteDenied_Message" "You are not permitted to invite players and create a party." "DOTA_PartyFull_Header" "Party" "DOTA_PartyFull_Message" "Your party is full." "DOTA_Engine_Mismatch_Header" "Incompatible Player" "DOTA_Engine_Mismatch_Message" "The player you invited is not running the same game engine." "DOTA_SignOnMessage_Header" "Message" "DOTA_Ingots_Header" "Insufficient Ingots" "DOTA_Ingots_Message" "Not all party members have sufficient Ingots:\n %s1" "DOTA_PartyNeedsCompendiums" "All members of your party need Compendiums to participate in Compendium Matchmaking" "DOTA_Team_Administrator" "Administrator" "DOTA_Team_Players" "Player Roster" "DOTA_Team_Select" "Select Team" "DOTA_Team_Set_As_Profile" "Show this Team on your Player Profile" "DOTA_Team_GoToProfileButton" "Go to Team Profile" "DOTA_MatchmakingNeedsInitialSkill_Header" "Matchmaking Skill Level" "DOTA_MatchmakingNeedsInitialSkill_Description" "In order to match you with players of appropriate skill and experience, we'd like to know a bit more about your experience with games like Dota." "DOTA_MatchmakingNeedsInitialSkillForParty_Description" "A member of your party needs to let us know their experience level with games like Dota before you can find a match." "DOTA_VAC_Verification_Header" "Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC)" "DOTA_VAC_Verification_Header_Solo" "Unable to join matchmaking because an issue with your computer is blocking the VAC system. Please ensure that you are not using any programs that may interfere with VAC and confirm that Steam is correctly installed." "DOTA_VAC_Verification_Header_Party" "Unable to join matchmaking because an issue with your computer is blocking the VAC system of one or more of your party members. Please ensure that your party members are not using any programs that may interfere with VAC and confirm that they have Steam correctly installed." "DOTA_VAC_Verification_Button1" "More Info" "DOTA_VAC_Verification_Button2" "Close" "fight_recap_show" "Show Fight Recap" "fight_recap_hide" "Hide Fight Recap" "fight_recap_abilites_used" "Abilities Used" "fight_recap_items_used" "Items Used" "fight_recap_gold" "Gold Change" "fight_recap_xp" "XP Change" "fight_recap_dmg" "Damage Done" "fight_recap_pause" "Pause Game when showing Fight Recap" "fight_recap_totals" "Totals" "DOTA_MatchGroupOffline" "Offline for Maintenance" "ping_calculating" "Ping: Calculating..." "unknown_ping" "Ping: Unknown" "ping_time" "Ping: %s1ms" "ping_cannot_contact" "Communications failure" "DOTA_PlayNow" "PLAY NOW!" "DOTA_Suspension_Title" "Dota 2 Account Suspended" "DOTA_Suspension_Desc" "You've been suspended from Dota 2 after external tools attached to Dota 2 were detected by the Valve Anti-Cheat system. This suspension will end on %s1." "DOTA_Swap_Confirm_Header" "Swap Hero?" "DOTA_Swap_Confirm_Message" "Do you wish to swap your hero for %s1?" "DOTA_LobbyKicked_Header" "Kicked From Lobby" "DOTA_LobbyKicked_Message" "You were kicked from the game lobby by the lobby leader." "DOTA_PartyKicked_Header" "Kicked From Party" "DOTA_PartyKicked_Message" "You were kicked from the party by the party leader." "DOTA_timer_creeps" "CREEPS SPAWN IN" "DOTA_timer_game" "GAME UNDERWAY" "game_mode_0" "-" "game_mode_1" "All Pick" "game_mode_2" "Captains Mode" "game_mode_3" "Random Draft" "game_mode_4" "Single Draft" "game_mode_5" "All Random" "game_mode_6" "-" "game_mode_7" "Diretide" "game_mode_8" "Reverse Captains Mode" "game_mode_9" "The Greeviling" "game_mode_10" "Tutorial" "game_mode_11" "Mid Only" "game_mode_12" "Least Played" "game_mode_13" "Limited Heroes" "game_mode_14" "Compendium" //aka forced hero "game_mode_15" "Custom" "game_mode_16" "Captains Draft" "game_mode_17" "Balanced Draft" "game_mode_18" "Ability Draft" "game_mode_20" "All Random Deathmatch" "game_mode_21" "1v1 Solo Mid" "game_mode_22" "All Pick" "game_mode_AllStarDraft" "All-Star Draft" "game_mode_0_desc" "-" "game_mode_1_desc" "Each player selects a hero from the entire hero pool." "game_mode_2_desc" "Each team is assigned a Captain, who makes all the hero selections for their team. Captains also ban heroes from the pool." "game_mode_3_desc" "Players take turns selecting a hero from a shared pool of 20 random heroes. You will be told when it's your turn to select." "game_mode_4_desc" "Each player selects a hero from a set of three heroes randomly chosen for them." "game_mode_5_desc" "Each player is randomly assigned a hero." "game_mode_6_desc" "-" "game_mode_7_desc" "Diretide" "game_mode_8_desc" "Same as Captain's mode except team's pick for each other" "game_mode_9_desc" "Thanks to an infestation of wild Greevils, Frostivus has been cancelled! It's up to you and your tame pet Greevils to reclaim the holiday!" "game_mode_10_desc" "Tutorial mode." "game_mode_11_desc" "Shuts off side lanes and allows the same hero to be picked." "game_mode_12_desc" "Players can only choose from a list of their least played heroes! This mode is great for learning new heroes since everyone will be on equal footing." "game_mode_13_desc" "Play with heroes suitable for new players." "game_mode_14_desc" "Play using the heroes picked in a featured match." "game_mode_16_desc" "Each team is assigned a Captain, who bans and selects heroes from a limited pool." "game_mode_17_desc" "Each team is given 5 heroes that are automatically selected with an attempt to balance roles." "game_mode_18_desc" "Create a unique Hero by drafting from a pool of abilities." "game_mode_20_desc" "Players become a new hero every time they respawn. Each team gets a total of 40 respawns." "game_mode_21_desc" "Two players compete in the middle lane." "game_mode_22_desc" "Each team takes turns selecting a hero from the entire hero pool." "game_mode_0_desc_new" "-" "game_mode_1_desc_new" "Each player selects a hero from the entire hero pool." "game_mode_2_desc_new" "Each team is assigned a Captain, who makes all the hero selections for their team. Captains also ban heroes from the pool.\n\nRecommended for Experienced Players" "game_mode_3_desc_new" "Players take turns selecting a hero from a shared pool of 20 random heroes. You will be told when it's your turn to select.\n\nRecommended for Experienced Players" "game_mode_4_desc_new" "Each player selects a hero from a set of three heroes randomly chosen for them.\n\nRecommended for Experienced Players" "game_mode_5_desc_new" "Each player is randomly assigned a hero.\n\nRecommended for Experienced Players" "game_mode_6_desc_new" "-" "game_mode_7_desc_new" "Diretide" "game_mode_8_desc_new" "Same as Captain's mode except team's pick for each other\n\nRecommended for Experienced Players" "game_mode_9_desc_new" "Thanks to an infestation of wild Greevils, Frostivus has been cancelled! It's up to you and your tame pet Greevils to reclaim the holiday!" "game_mode_10_desc_new" "Tutorial mode." "game_mode_11_desc_new" "Shuts off side lanes and allows the same hero to be picked." "game_mode_12_desc_new" "Players can only choose from a list of their least played heroes! This mode is great for learning new heroes since everyone will be on equal footing." "game_mode_13_desc_new" "Play with heroes suitable for new players." "game_mode_14_desc_new" "Play using the heroes picked in a featured match." "game_mode_16_desc_new" "Each team is assigned a Captain, who bans and selects heroes from a limited pool.\n\nRecommended for Experienced Players" "game_mode_17_desc_new" "Each team is given 5 heroes that are automatically selected with an attempt to balance roles.\n\nRecommended for Experienced Players" "game_mode_18_desc_new" "Create a unique Hero by drafting from a pool of abilities.\n\nRecommended for Experienced Players" "game_mode_20_desc_new" "Whenever a player dies, they respawn as a new hero. Each team can do this 40 times before running out of heroes.\n\nRecommended for Experienced Players" "game_mode_21_desc_new" "Two players compete in the middle lane.\n\nRecommended for Experienced Players" "game_mode_22_desc_new" "Each team takes turns selecting a hero from the entire hero pool." "dota_matchmaking_language_1" "English" "dota_matchmaking_language_2" "Russian" "dota_matchmaking_language_3" "Chinese" "dota_matchmaking_language_4" "Korean" "dota_matchmaking_language_5" "Spanish" "dota_matchmaking_language_6" "Portuguese" "dota_matchmaking_solo_option" "Don't match with parties when alone" "dota_matchmaking_solo_option_label" "No parties when alone" "dota_matchmaking_any_language" "No language preference" "dota_cm_game_on" "BATTLE BEGINS" "dota_cm_game_on_label" "BATTLE BEGINS:" "dota_hud_error_ability_not_learned" "Ability Not Learned" "dota_hud_error_not_enough_mana" "Not Enough Mana" "dota_hud_error_ability_in_cooldown" "Recharging..." "dota_hud_error_item_in_cooldown" "Recharging..." "dota_hud_error_cant_glyph" "Recharging..." "dota_hud_error_no_target" "No Target" "dota_hud_error_only_cast_on_self" "Ability Can Only Target Self" "dota_hud_error_cant_cast_on_hero" "Ability Can't Target Heroes" "dota_hud_error_cant_cast_on_considered_hero" "Ability Can't Target Creep Heroes" "dota_hud_error_cant_cast_on_creep" "Ability Can't Target Creeps" "dota_hud_error_cant_cast_on_mechanical" "Ability Can't Target Mechanical Units" "dota_hud_error_cant_cast_on_building" "Ability Can't Target Buildings" "dota_hud_error_cant_cast_on_courier" "Ability Can't Target Couriers" "dota_hud_error_cant_cast_on_other" "Ability Can't Target That" "dota_hud_error_cant_cast_on_self" "Ability Can't Target Self" "dota_hud_error_cant_cast_on_ally" "Ability Can't Target Allies" "dota_hud_error_cant_cast_on_enemy" "Ability Can't Target Enemies" "dota_hud_error_cant_cast_on_roshan" "Ability Can't Target Roshan" "dota_hud_error_cant_cast_on_other_units" "Ability Can't Target Other Units" "dota_hud_error_cant_cast_scepter_buff" "Already Has Aghanim's Buff" "dota_hud_error_cant_cast_on_non_tree_ward" "Ability Can Only Target Trees and Enemy Wards" "dota_hud_error_cant_cast_on_illusion" "Ability Can't Target Illusions" "dota_hud_error_cant_target_shop" "Can't Target Shop" "dota_hud_error_cant_target_rune" "Can't Target Rune" "dota_hud_error_cant_target_item" "Can't Target Item" "dota_hud_error_cant_cast_on_ancient" "Ability Can't Target Ancients" "dota_hud_error_cant_cast_on_own_illusion" "Ability Can't Target Own Illusion" "dota_hud_error_cant_cast_on_summoned" "Ability Can't Target Summoned Units" "dota_hud_error_cant_cast_on_dominated" "Ability Can't Target Dominated Units" "dota_hud_error_cant_cast_enemy_hero" "Ability Can't Target Enemy Heroes" "dota_hud_error_cant_cast_creep_level" "Ability Can't Target Creeps of This Level" "dota_hud_error_target_magic_immune" "Target Immune To Magic" "dota_hud_error_target_attack_immune" "Target Can't Be Attacked" "dota_hud_error_target_cant_be_denied" "Target Can't Be Denied" "dota_hud_error_unit_silenced" "Silenced" "dota_hud_error_unit_muted" "Muted" "dota_hud_error_unit_command_restricted" "Can't Act" "dota_hud_error_unit_dead" "Dead" "dota_hud_error_unit_disarmed" "Can't Attack" "dota_hud_error_target_invulnerable" "Target Invulnerable" "dota_hud_error_item_cant_be_used_from_stash" "Not Usable From Stash" "dota_hud_error_item_cant_be_dropped" "Not Droppable" "dota_hud_error_cant_move_item_to_stash" "Can't Move To Stash" "dota_hud_error_no_charges" "No Charges" "dota_hud_error_secret_shop_not_in_range" "Secret Shop Not In Range" "dota_hud_error_side_shop_not_in_range" "Side Shop Not In Range" "dota_hud_error_tutorial_shop_not_in_range" "Tutorial Shop Not In Range" "dota_hud_error_not_enough_gold" "Not Enough Gold" "dota_hud_error_hero_cant_be_denied" "Hero Not Deniable" "dota_hud_error_cant_deny_health_too_high" "Can't Deny, Target Health Too High" "dota_hud_error_cant_give_item_to_enemy" "Can't Give Items To Enemies" "dota_hud_error_target_cant_take_items" "Target Can't Take Items" "dota_hud_error_cant_pick_up_item" "Inventory Full" "dota_hud_error_cant_sell_shop_not_in_range" "No Shop In Range" "dota_hud_error_disallowed_item" "Item is Not Allowed for This Hero" "dota_hud_error_cant_sell_item" "Can't Be Sold" "dota_hud_error_cant_sell_item_while_dead" "Can't Sell Item While Dead" "dota_hud_error_cant_disassemble_stash_out_of_range" "Not in Range of Stash" "dota_hud_error_item_out_of_stock" "Item is out of Stock" "dota_hud_error_ability_disabled_by_root" "Can't Cast While Rooted" "dota_hud_error_ability_is_hidden" "Ability Not Active" "dota_hud_error_unit_cant_move" "Can't Move" "dota_hud_error_target_out_of_range" "Target Out Of Range" "dota_hud_error_cant_pick_up_runes" "Can't Use Runes" "dota_hud_error_cant_pick_up_items" "Can't Take Items" "dota_hud_error_unit_cant_attack" "Can't Attack" "dota_hud_error_cant_quick_cast_at_location" "Too Close To Base" "dota_hud_error_must_target_tree" "Ability Must Target a Tree" "dota_hud_error_cant_target_unexplored" "Ability Can't Target Unexplored Areas" "dota_hud_error_only_cast_on_own_ward" "Ability Can't Target Wards That Aren't Yours" "dota_hud_error_only_cast_mana_units" "Ability Can't Target Units Without Mana" "dota_hud_error_cannot_dominate" "Cannot Dominate this unit" "dota_hud_error_cannot_transmute" "Cannot Transmute this unit" "dota_hud_error_no_wards_here" "Invalid Location for Ward" "dota_hud_error_no_corpses" "No Nearby Corpses" "dota_hud_error_cant_toss" "Nothing To Toss" "dota_hud_error_doom_already_devouring" "Can't Devour While Mouth is Full" "dota_hud_error_ability_cant_upgrade_no_points" "No Ability Upgrade Points To Spend" "dota_hud_error_ability_cant_upgrade_at_max" "Ability Is At Max Level" "dota_hud_error_ability_inactive" "Ability is Inactive" "dota_hud_error_ability_cant_upgrade_hero_level" "Ability Upgrade Requires Hero Level %s1" "dota_hud_error_item_not_in_unit_inventory" "Item Is Not In Selected Unit's Inventory" "dota_hud_error_cant_drag_channeling_item" "In Use" "dota_hud_error_cant_drag_channeling_item_tutorial" "See Instructions" "dota_hud_error_queue_full" "Order Queue is Full" "dota_hud_error_game_is_paused" "Game is Paused" "dota_hud_error_cant_purchase_inventory_full" "Can't Purchase, Inventory is Full" "dota_hud_error_cant_takeover_have_lobby" "Can't Takeover, you are already in a lobby" "dota_hud_error_item_muted" "Item is Muted" "dota_hud_error_courier_cant_use_item" "Item is not usable by Couriers" "dota_hud_error_target_has_disable_help" "Target has Disabled Help" "dota_hud_error_cant_shop_auto_buy_enabled" "You can't shop when auto-buy is enabled" "dota_hud_error_cant_steal_spell" "Cannot steal this spell" "dota_hud_error_only_deliberate_channel_cancel" "Use a specific command to stop a channel" "dota_hud_error_no_traps" "No traps" "dota_hud_error_cant_resummon_now" "Cannot Resummon Now" "dota_hud_error_cant_cast_on_greevil" "Cannot cast on Greevil" "dota_hud_error_no_items_to_deliver" "No Items To Be Delivered" "dota_hud_error_no_items_to_retrieve" "No Items To Retrieve From Stash" "dota_hud_error_tutorial_tp" "Can't Teleport There" "dota_hud_error_tutorial_tp_laning" "Can't Teleport there in this Tutorial" "dota_hud_error_buyback_disabled_reapers_scythe""Can't Buyback, disabled by Reaper's Scythe." "dota_hud_error_ember_spirit_no_charges" "No Fire Remnant Charges" "dota_hud_error_ember_spirit_no_active_remnants""No Active Remnants" "dota_hud_error_ember_spirit_no_nearby_remnants""No Nearby Remnants" "dota_hud_error_earth_spirit_no_nearby_targets" "No Nearby Targets" "dota_hud_error_earth_spirit_no_charges" "No Stone Caller Charges" "dota_hud_error_demonic_purge_no_charges" "No Demonic Purge Charges" "dota_hud_error_spin_web_no_charges" "No Spin Web Charges" "dota_hud_error_shrapnel_no_charges" "No Shrapnel Charges" "dota_hud_error_blink_strike_no_charges" "No Blink Strike Charges" "dota_hud_error_bloodrage_no_charges" "No Bloodrage Charges" "dota_hud_error_earth_spirit_max_reached" "Max Stones Already Active" "dota_hud_error_earth_spirit_already_bouldering" "Can't Roll While Rolling" "dota_hud_error_item_whip" "Why would you target yourself?" "dota_hud_error_telekinesis" "Can't Telekinesis This Unit" "dota_cursor_silenced" "Silenced!" "dota_cursor_muted" "Muted!" "dota_cursor_cooldown" "%s1 Cooldown Left!" "dota_cursor_cooldown_no_time" "Ability in Cooldown" "dota_cursor_no_mana" "No Mana!" "dota_create_team_error_empty_name" "You haven't specified a name. Please enter one now." "dota_create_team_error_empty_tag" "You haven't specified a tag. Please enter one now." "dota_create_team_error_bad_characters" "Those characters aren't useable at the moment. Please use common letters, numbers, symbols or a space." "dota_create_team_error_name_taken" "This name has already been taken. Please re-enter a different one." "dota_create_team_error_tag_taken" "This tag has already been taken. Please re-enter a different one." "dota_create_team_error_too_long" "Too long." "dota_create_team_error_no_logo" "You haven't set a team logo. Please set one now." "dota_create_guild_error_empty_name" "You haven't specified a name. Please enter one now." "dota_create_guild_error_empty_tag" "You haven't specified a tag. Please enter one now." "dota_create_guild_error_bad_characters" "Those characters aren't useable at the moment. Please use common letters, numbers, symbols or a space." "dota_create_guild_error_name_taken" "This name has already been taken. Please re-enter a different one." "dota_create_guild_error_too_long" "Too long." "dota_item_panel_back" "< BACK to %s1" "dota_item_panel_back_short" "< BACK" // To create a new key ( like $health ) just add the entry here "dota_ability_variable_health" "Health" // $health "dota_ability_variable_mana" "Mana" // $mana "dota_ability_variable_armor" "Armor" // $armor "dota_ability_variable_damage" "Damage" // $damage "dota_ability_variable_str" "Strength" // $str "dota_ability_variable_int" "Intelligence" // $int "dota_ability_variable_agi" "Agility" // $agi "dota_ability_variable_all" "All Attributes" // $all "dota_ability_variable_attack" "Attack Speed" // $attack "dota_ability_variable_hp_regen" "HP Regeneration" // $hp_regen "dota_ability_variable_mana_regen" "Mana Regeneration" // $mana_regen "dota_ability_variable_move_speed" "Movement Speed" // $move_speed "dota_ability_variable_evasion" "Evasion" // $evasion "dota_ability_variable_spell_resist" "Spell Resistance" // $spell_resist "dota_ability_variable_selected_attrib" "Selected Attribute" // $selected_attribute "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_aegis_Description" "Passive: Reincarnation - Brings you to life with full health and mana %reincarnate_time% seconds after you die, at the location where you died. Reincarnation must be used within %disappear_time_minutes_tooltip% minutes or Aegis of the Immortal disappears. If it expires, it will heal you over 5 seconds (dispels on damage)." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_aegis_Lore" "The Immortal was said to own a shield that protected him from death itself." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_abyssal_blade_Description" "Active: Overwhelm - Stuns a target enemy unit for %stun_duration% seconds. Pierces Spell Immunity.\nPassive: Bash - Grants each attack a chance to stun the target for %bash_duration% seconds and deal %bonus_chance_damage% bonus damage, based on whether the equipped hero is ranged or melee." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_abyssal_blade_Lore" "The lost blade of the Commander of the Abyss, this edge cuts into an enemy's soul." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_abyssal_blade_Note0" "The stun is melee range." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_abyssal_blade_Note1" "Doesn't stack with other bashes." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_abyssal_blade_Note2" "The following heroes cannot trigger Bash on this item: Spirit Breaker, Faceless Void, Slardar, and Troll Warlord." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_abyssal_blade_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_abyssal_blade_bonus_strength" "+$str" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_abyssal_blade_bash_chance_melee" "%BASH MELEE CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_abyssal_blade_bash_chance_ranged" "%BASH RANGED CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_abyssal_blade_bash_duration" "BASH STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_abyssal_blade_bonus_chance_damage" "BASH BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_abyssal_blade_stun_duration" "OVERWHELM STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_arcane_ring_Description" "Use: Restores %replenish_amount% mana in an area." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_arcane_ring_bonus_armor" "+$armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_arcane_ring_bonus_mana" "+$mana" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_armlet_Description" "Active: Toggle Unholy Strength - When active, Unholy Strength grants +%unholy_bonus_damage% damage and +%unholy_bonus_strength% strength, but drains %unholy_health_drain_per_second_tooltip% health per second. You cannot die from the health drain when Unholy Strength is activated, nor from the strength loss when Unholy Strength is deactivated." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_armlet_Lore" "Weapon of choice among brutes, the bearer sacrifices his life energy to gain immense strength and power." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_armlet_Note0" "The strength change will affect both maximum and current HP, but you cannot die from the change." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_armlet_Note1" "The strength change occurs over 0.6 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_armlet_Note2" "Activating or deactiving Unholy Strength does not interrupt channeling." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_armlet_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_armlet_bonus_attack_speed" "+$attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_armlet_bonus_armor" "+$armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_armlet_bonus_health_regen" "+$hp_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_assault_Description" "Passive: Assault Aura - Grants attack speed and armor to nearby allied units, and decreases the armor of nearby enemies.\n\nMultiple instances of Assault Aura do not stack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_assault_Lore" "Forged in the depths of the nether reaches, this hellish mail provides an army with increased armor and attack speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_assault_bonus_attack_speed" "+$attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_assault_bonus_armor" "+$armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_assault_aura_attack_speed" "AURA ATTACK SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_assault_aura_positive_armor" "AURA ALLY BONUS ARMOR:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_assault_aura_negative_armor" "AURA ENEMY ARMOR REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_basher_Description" "Passive: Bash - Grants each attack a chance to stun the target for %bash_duration% seconds and deal %bonus_chance_damage% bonus damage, based on whether the equipped hero is ranged or melee." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_basher_Lore" "A feared weapon in the right hands, this maul's ability to shatter the defenses of its opponents should not be underestimated." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_basher_Note0" "Does not stack with other sources of Bash, however it will stack with Mini-Bash (e.g. Monkey King Bar)." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_basher_Note1" "The following heroes cannot trigger Bash on this item: Spirit Breaker, Faceless Void, Slardar, and Troll Warlord." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_basher_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_basher_bonus_strength" "+$str" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_basher_bash_chance_melee" "%BASH MELEE CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_basher_bash_chance_ranged" "%BASH RANGED CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_basher_bonus_chance_damage" "BASH BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_basher_bash_duration" "BASH STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_belt_of_strength_Lore" "A valued accessory for improving vitality." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_belt_of_strength_bonus_strength" "+$str" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bfury_Description" "Active: Chop Tree/Ward - Destroy a target tree or ward. Chop cast range is increased when targetting wards.\nPassive: Quell - Increases attack damage against non-hero units, based on whether the equipped hero is ranged or melee. Does not provide bonus damage against Roshan.\nPassive: Cleave - Deals a percent of attack damage in a %cleave_radius% area around the target. Ranged units cannot Cleave." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bfury_Lore" "The bearer of this mighty axe gains the ability to cut down swaths of enemies at once." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bfury_Note0" "Cleave damage is reduced by armor type but not by armor value." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bfury_Note1" "Cleave damage goes through spell immunity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bfury_Note2" "If multiple sources of Cleave are present, each Cleave's damage is applied separately." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bfury_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bfury_bonus_health_regen" "+$hp_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bfury_bonus_mana_regen" "%+$mana_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bfury_cleave_damage_percent" "%CLEAVE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bfury_quelling_bonus" "%QUELL MELEE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bfury_quelling_bonus_ranged" "%QUELL RANGED DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bfury_cast_range_tooltip" "CHOP TREE CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bfury_cast_range_ward" "CHOP WARD CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_black_king_bar_Description" "Active: Avatar - Grants Spell Immunity and 100% Magic Damage Resistance. Duration and cooldown decrease with each use. Some abilities are able to disable through Avatar." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_black_king_bar_Lore" "A powerful staff imbued with the strength of giants." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_black_king_bar_Note0" "Purchasing another Black King Bar will not reset its immunity duration." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_black_king_bar_Note1" "Using Black King Bar may remove some positive buffs." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_black_king_bar_bonus_strength" "+$str" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_black_king_bar_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_black_king_bar_duration" "AVATAR DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_blade_mail_Description" "Active: Damage Return - Reflects any damage taken back to the unit that dealt the damage. Lasts %duration% seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_blade_mail_Lore" "A razor-sharp coat of mail, it is the choice of selfless martyrs in combat." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_blade_mail_Note0" "Damage Return is calculated after reductions." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_blade_mail_Note1" "Damage Return doesn't reflect damage from other forms of Blademail." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_blade_mail_Note2" "Returned damage is pure, and does not pierce spell immunity. " "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_blade_mail_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_blade_mail_bonus_armor" "+$armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_blade_mail_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_blade_mail_duration" "DAMAGE RETURN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_blades_of_attack_Lore" "The damage of these small, concealable blades should not be underestimated." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_blades_of_attack_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_blade_of_alacrity_Lore" "A long blade imbued with time magic." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_blade_of_alacrity_bonus_agility" "+$agi" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_blink_Description" "Active: Blink - Teleport to a target point up to %blink_range% units away. If damage is taken, Blink Dagger cannot be used for %blink_damage_cooldown% seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_blink_Lore" "The fabled dagger used by the fastest assassin ever to walk the lands." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_blink_Note0" "Self-casting will cause you to teleport in the direction of your team's fountain." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_blink_Note1" "If you used Blink to teleport to a distance over the maximum range, you'll be teleported 4/5 of the maximum range instead." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bloodstone_Description" "Active: Pocket Deny - Instantly causes you to die.\n\nPassive: Bloodpact - Begins with 8 charges, and gains a charge each time an enemy hero dies within 1675 range. Each charge grants 1 mana regeneration per second, reduces the gold lost from death by 25, and reduces respawn time by 4 seconds. If the bearer dies, 500 + 30 health per charge is restored to all allies within a 1675 radius, while the Bloodstone loses a third of its charges. A bloodmark is then placed where the bearer died, granting vision over a 1800 radius and allowing the bearer to gain nearby experience while dead." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bloodstone_Lore" "The Bloodstone's bright ruby color is unmistakable on the battlefield, as the owner seems to have infinite vitality and spirit." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bloodstone_Note0" "Only the first Bloodstone will gain charges." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bloodstone_bonus_health" "+$health" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bloodstone_bonus_mana" "+$mana" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bloodstone_bonus_health_regen" "+$hp_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bloodstone_bonus_mana_regen" "%+$mana_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_boots_Description" "Flat movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_boots_Lore" "Fleet footwear, increasing movement." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_boots_bonus_movement_speed" "+$move_speed" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_boots_of_elves_Lore" "A tensile fabric often used for its light weight and ease of movement." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_boots_of_elves_bonus_agility" "+$agi" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bottle_Description" "Use: Regenerate - Consumes a charge to restore Health and Mana over time. Healing stops if attacked. Bottle can be refilled at your team's fountain. Runes can be stored in the Bottle for later use, and are activated automatically after 2 minutes. If Bottle does not have full charges and is placed on a courier, the courier will move 30%% slower.\n\nHold Control to use Regenerate on an allied hero. Stored runes cannot be shared." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bottle_Lore" "An old bottle that survived the ages, the contents placed inside become enchanted." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bottle_Note0" "Bottle is shareable." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bottle_health_restore" "HEALTH RESTORED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bottle_mana_restore" "MANA RESTORED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bottle_restore_time" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bracer_Lore" "The bracer is a common choice to toughen up defenses and increase longevity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bracer_bonus_strength" "+$str" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bracer_bonus_agility" "+$agi" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bracer_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bracer_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_branches_Lore" "A seemingly ordinary branch, its ironlike qualities are bestowed upon the bearer." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_branches_bonus_all_stats" "+$all" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_broadsword_Lore" "The classic weapon of choice for knights, this blade is sturdy and reliable for slaying enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_broadsword_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_buckler_Description" "Active: Armor Bonus - Gives +%bonus_aoe_armor% armor to all allied units in a %bonus_aoe_radius% radius. Lasts 25 seconds on heroes, 30 seconds on units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_buckler_Lore" "A powerful shield that imbues the bearer with the strength of heroes past, it is capable of protecting entire armies in battle." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_buckler_bonus_armor" "+$armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_buckler_bonus_all_stats" "+$all" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_buckler_bonus_aoe_radius" "ARMOR CAST RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_butterfly_Description" "Active: Flutter - Trade evasion for %bonus_move_speed%%% additional movement speed for %duration% seconds.\n\nStacks diminishingly with other sources of Evasion." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_butterfly_Lore" "Only the mightiest and most experienced of warriors can wield the Butterfly, but it provides incredible dexterity in combat." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_butterfly_bonus_agility" "+$agi" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_butterfly_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_butterfly_bonus_evasion" "%+$evasion" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_butterfly_bonus_attack_speed" "+$attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_butterfly_bonus_move_speed" "%FLUTTER BONUS MOVE SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_butterfly_duration" "FLUTTER DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_chainmail_Lore" "A medium weave of metal chains." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_chainmail_bonus_armor" "+$armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_cheese_Description" "Use: Consume to instantly restore health and mana." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_cheese_Lore" "Made from the milk of a long lost Furbolg vendor, it restores the vitality of those who taste it." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_cheese_Note0" "Cheese is shareable." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_cheese_health_restore" "HEALTH RESTORED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_cheese_mana_restore" "MANA RESTORED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_circlet_Lore" "An elegant circlet designed for human princesses." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_circlet_bonus_all_stats" "+$all" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_clarity_Description" "Use: Restores mana to the target unit over time. If the unit is attacked, the effect is lost." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_clarity_Lore" "Clear water that enhances the ability to meditate." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_clarity_total_mana" "TOTAL MANA RESTORED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_clarity_buff_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_claymore_Lore" "A sword that can cut through armor, it's a commonly chosen first weapon for budding swordsmen." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_claymore_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_cloak_Lore" "A cloak made of a magical material that works to dispel any magic cast on it." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_cloak_Note0" "Stacks multiplicatively with other sources of spell resistance." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_cloak_tooltip_resist" "%+$spell_resist" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_courier_Description" "Use: Deploy Courier - Deploys a creature to carry items to and from your team's base." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_courier_Lore" "Losing the courier is punishable by death." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_flying_courier_Description" "Upgrades your team's Animal Courier to a Flying Courier, granting it swift, unobstructed movement to carry items to and from your team's base.\n\nRequires a deployed Animal Courier." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_cyclone_Description" "Active: Cyclone - Sweeps a target unit up into cyclone, making them invulnerable for %cyclone_duration% seconds. Cyclone can be cast on yourself. Enemy units take 50 magical damage upon landing." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_cyclone_Lore" "A mysterious scepter passed down through the ages, its disruptive winds can be used for good or evil." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_cyclone_Note0" "You cannot cyclone allies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_cyclone_Note1" "Cyclones cast on yourself go through spell immunity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_cyclone_Note2" "Cyclone can purge some buffs and debuffs." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_cyclone_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_cyclone_bonus_mana_regen" "%+$mana_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_cyclone_bonus_movement_speed" "+$move_speed" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_cyclone_cyclone_duration" "CYCLONE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_cyclone_2_Description" "Active: Cyclone - A target unit is swept up in a cyclone and made invulnerable for %cyclone_duration% seconds. Cyclone can be cast on yourself. Enemy units take 50 magical damage upon landing." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_cyclone_2_Lore" "A mysterious scepter passed down through the ages, its disruptive winds can be used for good or evil." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_cyclone_2_Note0" "You cannot cyclone allies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_cyclone_2_Note1" "Cyclones cast on yourself go through spell immunity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_cyclone_2_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_cyclone_2_bonus_mana_regen" "%+$mana_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_cyclone_2_bonus_movement_speed" "+$move_speed" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_Description" "Active: Energy Burst - Emits a powerful burst of magical damage upon a targeted enemy unit. Upgradable." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_Lore" "A lesser wand that grows in power the longer it is used, it brings magic to the fingertips of the user." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_damage" "BURST DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_bonus_all_stats" "+$all" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_range_tooltip" "CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_2_Description" "Active: Energy Burst - Emits a powerful burst of magical damage upon a targeted enemy unit. Upgradable." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_2_Lore" "A lesser wand that grows in power the longer it is used, it brings magic to the fingertips of the user." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_2_damage" "BURST DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_2_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_2_bonus_all_stats" "+$all" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_2_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_2_range_tooltip" "CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_3_Description" "Active: Energy Burst - Emits a powerful burst of magical damage upon a targeted enemy unit. Upgradable." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_3_Lore" "A lesser wand that grows in power the longer it is used, it brings magic to the fingertips of the user." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_3_damage" "BURST DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_3_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_3_bonus_all_stats" "+$all" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_3_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_3_range_tooltip" "CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_4_Description" "Active: Energy Burst - Emits a powerful burst of magical damage upon a targeted enemy unit. Upgradable." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_4_Lore" "A lesser wand that grows in power the longer it is used, it brings magic to the fingertips of the user." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_4_damage" "BURST DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_4_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_4_bonus_all_stats" "+$all" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_4_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_4_range_tooltip" "CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_5_Description" "Active: Energy Burst - Emits a powerful burst of magical damage upon a targeted enemy unit." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_5_Lore" "A lesser wand that grows in power the longer it is used, it brings magic to the fingertips of the user." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_5_damage" "BURST DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_5_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_5_bonus_all_stats" "+$all" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_5_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_5_range_tooltip" "CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_demon_edge_Lore" "One of the oldest weapons forged by the Demon-Smith Abzidian, it killed its maker when he tested its edge." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_demon_edge_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_desolator_Description" "Passive: Corruption - Your attacks reduce target's armor for 15 seconds.\n\nDesolator is a Unique Attack Modifier, and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_desolator_Lore" "A wicked weapon, used in torturing political criminals." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_desolator_Note0" "Armor reduction works on buildings." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_desolator_corruption_armor" "ARMOR REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_desolator_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_diffusal_blade_Description" "Active: Purge - If cast on an enemy, removes buffs from the target and slows it for %purge_slow_duration% seconds. Instantly kills enemy summoned units and illusions. If cast on an ally, Purge removes most debuffs.\nPassive: Manabreak - Each attack burns %feedback_mana_burn% mana from the target, and deals the same amount in physical damage. Burns 12 mana per attack from ranged illusions. Does not stack with other manabreak abilities.\n\nUpgradable." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_diffusal_blade_Lore" "An enchanted blade that allows the user to cut straight into the enemy's soul." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_diffusal_blade_bonus_agility" "+$agi" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_diffusal_blade_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_diffusal_blade_purge_slow_duration" "PURGE SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_diffusal_blade_cast_range_tooltip" "PURGE CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_diffusal_blade_2_Description" "Active: Purge - If cast on an enemy, removes buffs from the target and slows it for %purge_slow_duration% seconds. Instantly kills enemy summoned units and illusions. If cast on an ally, Purge removes most debuffs.\nPassive: Manabreak - Each attack burns %feedback_mana_burn% mana from the target, and deals the same amount in physical damage. Burns 12 mana per attack from ranged illusions. Does not stack with other manabreak abilities.\n\nUpgradable." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_diffusal_blade_2_Lore" "An enchanted blade that allows the user to cut straight into the enemy's soul." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_diffusal_blade_2_bonus_agility" "+$agi" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_diffusal_blade_2_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_diffusal_blade_2_purge_slow_duration" "PURGE SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_diffusal_blade_2_cast_range_tooltip" "PURGE CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dust_Description" "Use: Reveals and slows invisible Heroes in a nearby area." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dust_Note0" "Places a buff on enemy units in the area that prevents them from becoming invisible." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dust_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dust_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dust_movespeed" "%SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_eagle_Lore" "Capturing the majestic call of an eagle, this mystical horn brings limitless dexterity to those who hear it." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_eagle_bonus_agility" "+$agi" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_energy_booster_Lore" "This lapis gemstone is commonly added to the collection of wizards seeking to improve their presence in combat." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_energy_booster_bonus_mana" "+$mana" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ethereal_blade_Description" "Active: Ether Blast - Launches a projectile which converts the target to ethereal form, increasing any incoming magic damage they take, while rendering them immune to physical damage and unable to attack. Can be cast on self. If the target is an enemy, it is also slowed, and takes %blast_agility_multiplier%x your primary attribute + %blast_damage_base% as magical damage.\nUsing a Town Portal Scroll or Boots of Travel will not dispel Ethereal Form." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ethereal_blade_Note0" "Shares cooldown with Ghost Scepter." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ethereal_blade_Note1" "Ethereal units take 40% bonus magic damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ethereal_blade_Note2" "Lasts an extra second on Self or Allied cast." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ethereal_blade_bonus_agility" "+$agi" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ethereal_blade_bonus_strength" "+$str" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ethereal_blade_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ethereal_blade_blast_movement_slow" "%BLAST ENEMY MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ethereal_blade_duration" "BLAST ENEMY DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ethereal_blade_duration_ally" "BLAST ALLY/SELF DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ethereal_blade_ethereal_damage_bonus" "%INCREASED MAGIC DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ethereal_blade_Lore" "A flickering blade of a ghastly nature, it is capable of dealing damage in both magical and physical planes." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_flask_Description" "Use: Restores health to the target unit over time. If the unit is attacked, the effect is lost." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_flask_Lore" "A magical salve that can quickly mend even the deepest of wounds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_flask_total_health" "HEALTH RESTORED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_flask_buff_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_force_staff_Description" "Active: Force - Pushes any target unit %push_length% units in the direction it is facing. Double click to instantly cast Force on yourself." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_force_staff_Lore" "Allows you to manipulate others, for good or evil." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_force_staff_Note0" "Self-cast will cause you to use Force on yourself." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_force_staff_Note1" "Force Staff doesn't interrupt the target's actions." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_force_staff_Note2" "Will not work on a unit inside Chronosphere, Duel, or Black Hole." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_force_staff_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_force_staff_bonus_health_regen" "+$hp_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_gauntlets_Lore" "Studded leather gloves that add brute strength." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_gauntlets_bonus_strength" "+$str" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_gem_Description" "Passive: True Sight - Adds the ability to see invisible units and wards to any allied vision within its carrier's range.\nDropped on death, and cannot be destroyed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_gem_radius" "TRUE SIGHT RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_gem_Note0" "Disabled while on a courier." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_gem_Lore" "Not one thrall creature of the depths,\nNor spirit bound in drowning's keep,\nNor Maelrawn the Tentacular,\nShall rest till seas, gem comes to sleep." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ghost_Description" "Active: Ghost Form - Enter ghost form, becoming immune to physical damage, yet unable to attack and taking 40%% extra magic damage.\nUsing a Town Portal Scroll or Boots of Travel will not dispel Ghost Form." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ghost_Note0" "Ends if you become Spell Immune, and will have no effect if you are already Spell Immune." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ghost_Note1" "Shares cooldown with Ethereal Blade." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ghost_bonus_all_stats" "+$all" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ghost_duration" "GHOST DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ghost_extra_spell_damage_percent" "%GHOST ADDED MAGIC DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ghost_Lore" "Imbues the wielder with a ghostly presence, allowing them to evade physical damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_aether_staff_Description" "test." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_aether_staff_Lore" "notes." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_gloves_Lore" "A pair of magical gloves that seems to render weapons weightless." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_gloves_bonus_attack_speed" "+$attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_greater_crit_Description" "Passive: Critical Strike - Grants each attack a chance to deal additional damage. Critical Strike does not work against buildings." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_greater_crit_Lore" "A weapon of incredible power that is difficult for even the strongest of warriors to control." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_greater_crit_crit_chance" "%CRITICAL CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_greater_crit_crit_multiplier" "%CRITICAL DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_greater_crit_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_hand_of_midas_Description" "Active: Transmute - Kills a non-hero target for 190 gold and 2.5x experience. Cannot be used on Ancient Creeps." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_hand_of_midas_Lore" "Preserved through unknown magical means, the Hand of Midas is a weapon of greed, sacrificing animals to line the owner's pockets." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_hand_of_midas_Note0" "The gold given is reliable gold (you do not get the normal creep bounty)." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_hand_of_midas_Note1" "Experience gained by using Transmute is not shared." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_hand_of_midas_bonus_attack_speed" "+$attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_hand_of_midas_transmute_cast_range_tooltip" "TRANSMUTE CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_headdress_Description" "Passive: Regeneration Aura - Restores health to allies in a %aura_radius% unit radius.\n\nMultiple instances of Regeneration Aura do not stack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_headdress_Lore" "Creates a soothing aura that restores allies in battle." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_headdress_bonus_all_stats" "+$all" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_headdress_aura_health_regen" "AURA HEALTH REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_headdress_aura_radius" "AURA REGEN RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_heart_Description" "Passive: Health Regeneration - Restores a percentage of max health per second. If damage is taken from an enemy hero or Roshan, this ability is disabled for %cooldown_melee% seconds for melee heroes, or %cooldown_ranged_tooltip% seconds for ranged heroes." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_heart_Lore" "Preserved heart of an extinct monster, it bolsters the bearer's fortitude." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_heart_bonus_strength" "+$str" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_heart_bonus_health" "+$health" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_heart_health_regen_rate" "%HEALTH RESTORED PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_helm_of_iron_will_Lore" "The helmet of a legendary warrior who fell in battle." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_helm_of_iron_will_bonus_armor" "+$armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_helm_of_iron_will_bonus_regen" "+$hp_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_helm_of_the_dominator_Description" "Active: Dominate - Take control of a non-hero, non-ancient target unit. Dominated units gain %health_bonus% bonus health.\nPassive: Lifesteal - Heals the attacker for a percentage of attack damage dealt.\n\nHelm of the Dominator is a Unique Attack Modifier, and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_helm_of_the_dominator_Lore" "The powerful headpiece of a dead necromancer." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_helm_of_the_dominator_Note0" "Cannot dominate more than one unit at a time. If a new unit is dominated, the old one will die." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_helm_of_the_dominator_Note1" "Selling or upgrading Helm of the Dominator will cause dominated units to die." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_helm_of_the_dominator_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_helm_of_the_dominator_bonus_armor" "+$armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_helm_of_the_dominator_bonus_regen" "+$hp_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_helm_of_the_dominator_lifesteal_percent" "%LIFESTEAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_hood_of_defiance_Lore" "A furred, magic resistant headpiece that is feared by wizards." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_hood_of_defiance_Note0" "Stacks multiplicatively with other sources of spell resistance." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_hood_of_defiance_tooltip_resist" "%+$spell_resist" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_hood_of_defiance_bonus_health_regen" "+$hp_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_hyperstone_Lore" "A mystical, carved stone that boosts the fervor of the holder." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_hyperstone_bonus_attack_speed" "+$attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_moon_shard_Description" "Use: Consume the Moon Shard to permanently gain %consumed_bonus% attack speed. Does not stack.\nPassive: Shade Sight - Grants %bonus_night_vision% bonus night vision." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_moon_shard_bonus_attack_speed" "+$attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_moon_shard_bonus_night_vision" "SHADE BONUS NIGHT VISION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_moon_shard_consumed_bonus" "CONSUME ATTACK SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_moon_shard_note0" "The bonus night vision works during Night Stalker's Darkness ability." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_moon_shard_Lore" "Said to be a tear from the lunar goddess Selemene." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_invis_sword_Description" "Active: Shadow Walk - Makes you invisible until the duration ends, or until you attack or cast a spell. While Shadow Walk is active, you move 20%% faster and can move through units. If attacking to end the invisibility, you gain %windwalk_bonus_damage% bonus damage on that attack. Lasts %windwalk_duration% seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_invis_sword_Lore" "The blade of a fallen king, it allows you to move unseen and strike from the shadows." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_invis_sword_Note0" "Has a 0.3 second fade time." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_invis_sword_Note1" "If the invisibility ends without attacking, the bonus damage is lost." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_invis_sword_windwalk_duration" "SHADOW WALK DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_invis_sword_windwalk_bonus_damage" "SHADOW WALK DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_invis_sword_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_invis_sword_bonus_attack_speed" "+$attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_silver_edge_Description" "Active: Shadow Walk - Makes you invisible until the duration ends, or until you attack or cast a spell. While invisible, you move %windwalk_movement_speed%%% faster and can move through units. Attacking to end the invisibility will deal %windwalk_bonus_damage% bonus damage to the target, disable their passive abilities, and reduce their damage output.\nPassive: Lesser Maim - Each attack has a chance to slow the enemy's movement and attack speed for %maim_duration% seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_silver_edge_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_silver_edge_bonus_attack_speed" "+$attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_silver_edge_bonus_strength" "+$str" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_silver_edge_maim_chance" "%MAIM CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_silver_edge_maim_movement_speed" "%MAIM MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_silver_edge_maim_attack_speed" "MAIM ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_silver_edge_maim_duration" "MAIM DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_silver_edge_windwalk_duration" "SHADOW WALK DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_silver_edge_windwalk_bonus_damage" "BONUS ATTACK DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_silver_edge_backstab_reduction" "%ENEMY DAMAGE REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_silver_edge_backstab_duration" "REDUCTION DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_silver_edge_Lore" "Once used to slay an unjust king, only to have the kingdom erupt into civil war in the aftermath." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_silver_edge_note0" "Backstab cannot miss." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_silver_edge_note2" "Backstab does not pierce spell immunity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_glimmer_cape_Description" "Active: Glimmer - After a %fade_delay% second delay, grants invisibility and %active_magical_armor%%% magic resistance to you or a target allied unit. Can be cast while channelling." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_glimmer_cape_bonus_attack_speed" "+$attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_glimmer_cape_bonus_magical_armor" "%+$spell_resist" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_glimmer_cape_fade_delay" "GLIMMER FADE TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_glimmer_cape_active_magical_armor" "%GLIMMER MAGIC RESISTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_glimmer_cape_duration" "GLIMMER DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_glimmer_cape_Lore" "The stolen cape of a master illusionist." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_red_mist_Description" "text." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_red_mist_Lore" "Lore." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_octarine_core_Description" "Passive: Cooldown Reduction - Reduces the cooldown time of all spells and items by %bonus_cooldown%%%.\nPassive: Spell Lifesteal - A percentage of damage caused by spells is returned to the caster as health." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_octarine_core_bonus_intelligence" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_octarine_core_bonus_health" "+$health" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_octarine_core_bonus_mana" "+$mana" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_octarine_core_bonus_health_regen" "+$hp_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_octarine_core_bonus_mana_regen" "%+$mana_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_octarine_core_bonus_cooldown" "%COOLDOWN REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_octarine_core_hero_lifesteal" "%HERO SPELL LIFESTEAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_octarine_core_creep_lifesteal" "%CREEP SPELL LIFESTEAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_octarine_core_Lore" "At the core of spellcraft are spectrums only the very gifted can sense." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_enchanted_mango_Description" "Use: Consume the mango to instantly restore %replenish_amount% mana. Can be fed to an ally." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_enchanted_mango_hp_regen" "+$hp_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_enchanted_mango_replenish_amount" "MANA RESTORED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_enchanted_mango_Lore" "The bittersweet flavors of Jidi Isle are irresistible to amphibians." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_iron_talon_Description" "text." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_iron_talon_Lore" "Lore." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_lotus_orb_Description" "Active: Echo Shell - Applies a shield to the target unit which re-casts most targeted spells back to their caster. The shielded unit will still take damage from the spell. Dispels negative buffs when applied." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_lotus_orb_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_lotus_orb_bonus_armor" "+$armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_lotus_orb_bonus_health_regen" "+$hp_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_lotus_orb_bonus_mana_regen" "%+$mana_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_lotus_orb_active_duration" "ECHO DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_lotus_orb_cast_range_tooltip" "ECHO CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_lotus_orb_Lore" "The jewel at its center still reflects a pale image of its creator." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_nightfall_striders_Description" "text." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_nightfall_striders_Lore" "Lore." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_guardian_greaves_Description" "Active: Mend - Restores %replenish_health% health and %replenish_mana% mana to nearby allies, and removes most negative buffs from the caster.\nPassive: Guardian Aura - Provides nearby allies with %aura_health_regen% health regeneration and %aura_armor% bonus armor. If an allied hero's health falls below %aura_bonus_threshold%%%, they receive %aura_health_regen_bonus% health regeneration and %aura_armor_bonus% armor." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_guardian_greaves_bonus_movement" "+$move_speed" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_guardian_greaves_bonus_all_stats" "+$all" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_guardian_greaves_bonus_mana" "+$mana" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_guardian_greaves_bonus_armor" "+$armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_guardian_greaves_aura_health_regen" "AURA HEALTH REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_guardian_greaves_aura_armor" "AURA ARMOR:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_guardian_greaves_aura_bonus_threshold" "%AURA BOOST THRESHOLD:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_guardian_greaves_aura_health_regen_bonus" "AURA BOOST HEALTH REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_guardian_greaves_aura_armor_bonus" "AURA BOOST ARMOR:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_guardian_greaves_replenish_health" "MEND HEAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_guardian_greaves_replenish_mana" "MEND MANA RESTORE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_guardian_greaves_replenish_radius" "AURA/MEND RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_guardian_greaves_Lore" "One of many holy instruments constructed to honor the Omniscience." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_guardian_greaves_Note0" "The aura boost only applies to heroes." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bounty_pact_Description" "text." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_bounty_pact_Lore" "Lore." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_solar_crest_Description" "Active: Shine - Temporarily removes the armor and evasion from Solar Crest. When cast on an ally it grants them %allied_armor% armor and %allied_evasion%%% evasion. When cast on an enemy it removes %enemy_armor_reduction_tooltip% of their armor and blinds them, causing them to miss %miss_chance%%% of their attacks." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_solar_crest_bonus_armor" "+$armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_solar_crest_bonus_mana_regen_pct" "%+$mana_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_solar_crest_bonus_evasion" "%+$evasion" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_solar_crest_allied_armor" "SHINE ALLY BONUS ARMOR:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_solar_crest_allied_evasion" "%SHINE ALLY EVASION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_solar_crest_armor_reduction" "SHINE ENEMY ARMOR LOSS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_solar_crest_miss_chance" "%SHINE ENEMY MISS CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_solar_crest_duration" "SHINE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_solar_crest_valor_cast_range_tooltip" "SHINE CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_solar_crest_Lore" "A talisman forged to honor the daytime sky." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_rune_breaker_Description" "text." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_rune_breaker_Lore" "Lore." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_natures_mend_Description" "text." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_natures_mend_Lore" "Lore." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_blinders_Description" "text." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_blinders_Lore" "Lore." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_javelin_Description" "Passive: Pierce - Grants each attack a chance to deal bonus damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_javelin_Lore" "A rather typical spear that can sometimes pierce through an enemy's armor when used to attack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_javelin_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_javelin_bonus_chance" "%CHANCE TO PIERCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_javelin_bonus_chance_damage" "PIERCE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_lesser_crit_Description" "Passive: Critical Strike - Grants each attack a chance to deal additional damage. Critical Strike does not work against buildings." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_lesser_crit_Lore" "A blade forged from rare crystals, it seeks weak points in enemy armor." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_lesser_crit_crit_chance" "%CRITICAL CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_lesser_crit_crit_multiplier" "%CRITICAL DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_lesser_crit_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_lifesteal_Description" "Passive: Lifesteal - Heals the attacker for a percentage of attack damage dealt.\n\nMorbid Mask is a Unique Attack Modifier, and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_lifesteal_Lore" "A mask that drains the energy of those caught in its gaze." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_lifesteal_lifesteal_percent" "%LIFESTEAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sphere_Description" "Passive: Spellblock - Blocks most targeted spells once every %block_cooldown% seconds.\nActive: Transfer Spellblock - Temporarily removes Spellblock from the item's owner and transfers it to an allied unit." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sphere_Lore" "This magical sphere once protected one of the most famous heroes in history." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sphere_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sphere_bonus_all_stats" "+$all" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sphere_bonus_health_regen" "+$hp_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sphere_bonus_mana_regen" "%+$mana_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_maelstrom_Description" "Passive: Chain Lightning - Grants a chance on attack to release a bolt of electricity that leaps between %chain_strikes% targets, dealing %chain_damage% magical damage to each.\n\nMaelstrom is a Unique Attack Modifier that stacks with other Unique Attack Modifiers, but overrides them when Chain Lightning occurs." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_maelstrom_Lore" "A hammer forged for the gods themselves, Maelstrom allows its user to harness the power of lightning." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_maelstrom_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_maelstrom_bonus_attack_speed" "+$attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_maelstrom_chain_chance" "%CHAIN CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_maelstrom_chain_damage" "CHAIN DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_maelstrom_chain_strikes" "CHAIN TARGETS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_maelstrom_chain_radius" "CHAIN LEAP RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_magic_stick_Description" "Active: Energy Charge - Instantly restores health and mana based on the number of charges stored. Gains a charge (max %max_charges%) whenever a nearby visible enemy uses an ability." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_magic_stick_Lore" "A simple wand used to channel magic energies, it is favored by apprentice wizards and great warlocks alike." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_magic_stick_Note0" "Gains charges for spells cast by visible enemies in 1200 range." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_magic_stick_Note1" "Certain abilities and item abilities will not add charges." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_magic_stick_restore_per_charge" "HEALTH/MANA PER CHARGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_magic_wand_Description" "Active: Energy Charge - Instantly restores health and mana based on the number of charges stored. Gains a charge (max %max_charges%) whenever a nearby visible enemy uses an ability." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_magic_wand_Lore" "A simple wand used to channel magic energies, it is favored by apprentice wizards and great warlocks alike." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_magic_wand_Note0" "Gains charges for spells cast by visible enemies in 1200 range." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_magic_wand_Note1" "Certain abilities and item abilities will not add charges." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_magic_wand_bonus_all_stats" "+$all" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_magic_wand_restore_per_charge" "HEALTH/MANA PER CHARGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_manta_Description" "Active: Mirror Image - Creates %images_count% images of your hero that last %tooltip_illusion_duration% seconds. Melee heroes have a %cooldown_melee% second cooldown on this ability, while for Ranged heroes the cooldown is %cooldown_ranged_tooltip% seconds.\n\nMelee images deal %tooltip_damage_outgoing_melee%%% damage and take %tooltip_damage_incoming_melee_total_pct%%% damage, while Ranged images deal %tooltip_damage_outgoing_ranged%%% and take %tooltip_damage_incoming_ranged_total_pct%%% damage.\n\nYasha-based movement speed bonuses from multiple items do not stack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_manta_Lore" "An axe made of reflective materials that causes confusion amongst enemy ranks." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_manta_Note0" "Has a 0.1 second cast time during which you are invulnerable." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_manta_Note1" "Many effects are removed upon using Manta." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_manta_bonus_agility" "+$agi" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_manta_bonus_strength" "+$str" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_manta_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_manta_bonus_attack_speed" "+$attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_manta_bonus_movement_speed" "%+$move_speed" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_manta_images_count" "NUMBER OF IMAGES:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_manta_tooltip_damage_incoming_melee_total_pct" "%MELEE IMAGE DAMAGE TAKEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_manta_tooltip_damage_outgoing_melee" "%MELEE IMAGE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_manta_tooltip_damage_incoming_ranged_total_pct" "%RANGED IMAGE DAMAGE TAKEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_manta_tooltip_damage_outgoing_ranged" "%RANGED IMAGE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_manta_tooltip_illusion_duration" "IMAGE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mantle_Lore" "A beautiful sapphire mantle worn by generations of queens." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mantle_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mask_of_madness_Description" "Active: Berserk - Gives %berserk_bonus_attack_speed% attack speed and %berserk_bonus_movement_speed%%% movement speed, but causes you to take extra %berserk_extra_damage%%% damage. Lasts %berserk_duration% seconds.\nPassive: Lifesteal - Heals the attacker for a percentage of attack damage dealt.\n\nMask of Madness is a Unique Attack Modifier, and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mask_of_madness_Lore" "Once this mask is worn, its bearer becomes an uncontrollable aggressive force." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mask_of_madness_lifesteal_percent" "%LIFESTEAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mask_of_madness_berserk_bonus_attack_speed" "BERSERK ATTACK SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mask_of_madness_berserk_bonus_movement_speed" "%BERSERK MOVE SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mask_of_madness_berserk_extra_damage" "%BERSERK ADDED DAMAGE TAKEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mask_of_madness_berserk_duration" "BERSERK DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mekansm_Description" "Active: Restore - Heals %heal_amount% health and gives +%heal_bonus_armor% armor to allied units in a %heal_radius% radius.\nPassive: Mekansm Aura - Grants %aura_health_regen% health regeneration to allied units in a %aura_radius% radius.\n\nMultiple instances of Mekansm Aura do not stack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mekansm_Lore" "A glowing jewel formed out of assorted parts that somehow fit together perfectly." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mekansm_Note0" "Restore does not affect units that have been affected by Restore in the last 25 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mekansm_bonus_all_stats" "+$all" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mekansm_bonus_armor" "+$armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mekansm_heal_amount" "RESTORE HEAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mekansm_heal_bonus_armor" "RESTORE ARMOR:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mekansm_heal_armor_duration" "RESTORE ARMOR DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mekansm_aura_health_regen" "AURA HEALTH REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mekansm_heal_radius" "AURA/RESTORE RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mithril_hammer_Lore" "A hammer forged of pure mithril." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mithril_hammer_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mjollnir_Description" "Active: Static Charge - Places a charged shield on a target unit which has a %static_chance%%% chance to release a shocking bolt at a nearby attacker and %static_strikes% additional enemies.\nPassive: Chain Lightning - Grants a chance on attack to release a bolt of electricity that leaps between %chain_strikes% targets, dealing %chain_damage% magical damage to each.\n\nMjollnir is a Unique Attack Modifier that stacks with other Unique Attack Modifiers, but overrides them when Chain Lightning occurs." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mjollnir_Lore" "Thor's magical hammer, made for him by the dwarves Brok and Eitri." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mjollnir_Note0" "Static Charge cannot trigger more than once per second." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mjollnir_Note1" "Static Charge's shock deals magical damage centered on hero with the Static Charge. Static Charge's targets cannot be more than 900 range away." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mjollnir_Note2" "Static Charge procs will not bounce to heroes that are invisible or hidden by Fog of War." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mjollnir_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mjollnir_bonus_attack_speed" "+$attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mjollnir_static_chance" "%STATIC CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mjollnir_static_duration" "STATIC DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mjollnir_static_damage" "STATIC DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mjollnir_static_radius" "STATIC RELEASE RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mjollnir_chain_chance" "%CHAIN CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mjollnir_chain_damage" "CHAIN DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mjollnir_chain_strikes" "CHAIN TARGETS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mjollnir_chain_radius" "CHAIN LEAP RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_monkey_king_bar_Description" "Passive: Mini-Bash - Grants each attack a chance to deal bonus damage and deal a mini-stun.\nPassive: True Strike - Prevents your attacks from missing. True Strike does not work when attacking enemy structures." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_monkey_king_bar_Lore" "A powerful staff used by a master warrior." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_monkey_king_bar_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_monkey_king_bar_bonus_attack_speed" "+$attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_monkey_king_bar_bash_chance" "%MINI-BASH CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_monkey_king_bar_bash_damage" "MINI-BASH DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mystic_staff_Lore" "Enigmatic staff made of only the most expensive crystals." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_mystic_staff_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_Description" "Active: Demonic Summoning - Summons a Warrior and an Archer to fight for you for %summon_duration% seconds, whose strength and abilities increase as Necronomicon is upgraded. Warrior gains True Sight at level 3. Upgradable." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_Lore" "Considered the ultimate in necromancy and demonology, a powerful malefic force is locked within its pages." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_bonus_strength" "+$str" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_warrior_health_tooltip" "WARRIOR HEALTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_warrior_damage_tooltip" "WARRIOR DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_warrior_mana_break_tooltip" "WARRIOR MANA BREAK:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_explosion" "WARRIOR LAST WILL DMG:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_archer_health_tooltip" "ARCHER HEALTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_archer_damage_tooltip" "ARCHER DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_archer_mana_burn" "ARCHER MANA BURN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_archer_attack_speed" "%ARCHER AURA SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_2_Description" "Active: Demonic Summoning - Summons a Warrior and an Archer to fight for you for %summon_duration% seconds, whose strength and abilities increase as Necronomicon is upgraded. Warrior gains True Sight at level 3. Upgradable." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_2_Lore" "Considered the ultimate in necromancy and demonology, a powerful malefic force is locked within its pages." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_2_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_2_bonus_strength" "+$str" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_2_warrior_health_tooltip" "WARRIOR HEALTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_2_warrior_damage_tooltip" "WARRIOR DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_2_warrior_mana_break_tooltip" "WARRIOR MANA BREAK:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_2_explosion" "WARRIOR LAST WILL DMG:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_2_archer_health_tooltip" "ARCHER HEALTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_2_archer_damage_tooltip" "ARCHER DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_2_archer_mana_burn" "ARCHER MANA BURN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_2_archer_attack_speed" "%ARCHER AURA SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_3_Description" "Active: Demonic Summoning - Summons a Warrior and an Archer to fight for you for %summon_duration% seconds, whose strength and abilities increase as Necronomicon is upgraded. Warrior gains True Sight at level 3. Upgradable." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_3_Lore" "Considered the ultimate in necromancy and demonology, a powerful malefic force is locked within its pages." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_3_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_3_bonus_strength" "+$str" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_3_warrior_health_tooltip" "WARRIOR HEALTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_3_warrior_damage_tooltip" "WARRIOR DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_3_warrior_mana_break_tooltip" "WARRIOR MANA BREAK:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_3_explosion" "WARRIOR LAST WILL DMG:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_3_archer_health_tooltip" "ARCHER HEALTH:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_3_archer_damage_tooltip" "ARCHER DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_3_archer_mana_burn" "ARCHER MANA BURN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_3_archer_attack_speed" "%ARCHER AURA SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_null_talisman_Lore" "A small gemstone attached to several chains." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_null_talisman_bonus_strength" "+$str" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_null_talisman_bonus_agility" "+$agi" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_null_talisman_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_null_talisman_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_telescope_Description" "text." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_telescope_Lore" "Lore." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_telescope_bonus_strength" "+$str" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_telescope_bonus_agility" "+$agi" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_telescope_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_telescope_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_whip_Description" "Whips a target, causing them to move 35%% faster for 2 seconds, then slower by 35%% for 3.5 seconds. Deals 50 physical damage. Can target allies or enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_whip_Lore" "Been known to encourage activity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_whip_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_oblivion_staff_Lore" "Deceptively hidden as an ordinary quarterstaff, it is actually very powerful, much like the Eldritch who originally possessed it." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_oblivion_staff_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_oblivion_staff_bonus_attack_speed" "+$attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_oblivion_staff_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_oblivion_staff_bonus_mana_regen" "%+$mana_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ogre_axe_Lore" "You grow stronger just by holding it." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ogre_axe_bonus_strength" "+$str" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_orchid_Description" "Active: Soul Burn - Silences the target unit for %silence_duration% seconds and amplifies the damage it takes by %silence_damage_percent%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_orchid_Lore" "A garnet rod constructed from the essence of a fire demon." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_orchid_Note0" "Amplified damage is dealt at the end of the duration as magical damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_orchid_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_orchid_bonus_attack_speed" "+$attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_orchid_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_orchid_bonus_mana_regen" "%+$mana_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_orchid_silence_damage_percent" "%SOUL BURN INCREASED DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_orchid_silence_duration" "SOUL BURN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_pers_Description" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_pers_Lore" "A gem that grants heart to the bearer." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_pers_Note0" "Perseverance is shareable." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_pers_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_pers_bonus_health_regen" "+$hp_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_pers_bonus_mana_regen" "%+$mana_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_phase_boots_Description" "Active: Phase - Gives increased movement speed and lets you move through units. Phase is cancelled upon using another item or ability.\n\nFlat movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_phase_boots_Lore" "Boots that allow the wearer to travel between the ether." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_phase_boots_phase_movement_speed" "%PHASE MOVE BOOST:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_phase_boots_phase_duration" "PHASE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_phase_boots_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_phase_boots_bonus_movement_speed" "+$move_speed" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_pipe_Description" "Active: Barrier - Gives a shield that blocks %barrier_block% spell damage to all allies in a %barrier_radius% radius.\nPassive: Insight Aura - Gives allied units %aura_health_regen% health regeneration and %magic_resistance_aura%%% magic resistance in a %aura_radius% radius. The aura's bonus magic resistance is not applied to the equipped hero." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_pipe_Lore" "A powerful artifact of mysterious origin, it creates barriers against magical forces." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_pipe_Note0" "Barrier does not affect units that have been affected by Barrier in the last 50 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_pipe_Note1" "Stacks multiplicatively with other sources of spell resistance." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_pipe_health_regen" "+$hp_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_pipe_magic_resistance" "%+$spell_resist" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_pipe_aura_health_regen" "AURA HEALTH REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_pipe_magic_resistance_aura" "%AURA MAGIC RESISTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_pipe_aura_radius" "AURA RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_pipe_barrier_block" "BARRIER SPELL BLOCK:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_pipe_barrier_duration" "BARRIER DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_pipe_barrier_radius" "BARRIER CAST RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_platemail_Lore" "Thick metal plates that protect the entire upper body. Avoid dropping on feet." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_platemail_bonus_armor" "+$armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_point_booster_Description" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_point_booster_Lore" "A perfectly formed amethyst that nourishes body and mind when held." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_point_booster_bonus_mana" "+$mana" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_point_booster_bonus_health" "+$health" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_poor_mans_shield_Description" "Passive: Damage Block - Blocks physical attack damage based on whether the equipped hero is ranged or melee. Poor Man's Shield will always block attacks from enemy Heroes, but has a %block_chance%%% chance to block damage from creeps." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_poor_mans_shield_Lore" "A busted old shield that seems to block more than it should." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_poor_mans_shield_Note0" "Multiple sources of damage block don't stack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_poor_mans_shield_block_chance" "%CREEP BLOCK CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_poor_mans_shield_damage_block_melee" "MELEE DAMAGE BLOCK:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_poor_mans_shield_damage_block_ranged" "RANGED DAMAGE BLOCK:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_poor_mans_shield_bonus_agility" "+$agi" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_power_treads_Description" "Active: Switch Attribute - Changes selected attribute between Strength, Agility and Intelligence.\n\nPower Treads can be built using a Belt of Strength, Band of Elvenskin, or a Robe of the Magi. Flat movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack, nor does the attack speed bonus from multiple Power Treads." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_power_treads_Lore" "A pair of tough-skinned boots that change to meet the demands of the wearer." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_power_treads_bonus_movement_speed" "+$move_speed" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_power_treads_bonus_stat" "+$selected_attrib" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_power_treads_bonus_attack_speed" "+$attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_quarterstaff_Lore" "A basic staff that allows you to strike quickly." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_quarterstaff_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_quarterstaff_bonus_speed" "+$attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_quelling_blade_Description" "Active: Chop Tree/Ward - Destroy a target tree or ward. Chop cast range is increased when targetting wards.\nPassive: Quell - Increases attack damage against non-hero units, based on whether the equipped hero is ranged or melee. Does not provide bonus damage against Roshan." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_quelling_blade_Lore" "The axe of a fallen gnome, it allows you to effectively maneuver the forest." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_quelling_blade_Note0" "Cannot carry more than one." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_quelling_blade_damage_bonus" "%QUELL MELEE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_quelling_blade_damage_bonus_ranged" "%QUELL RANGED DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_quelling_blade_quelling_range_tooltip" "CHOP TREE CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_quelling_blade_cast_range_ward" "CHOP WARD CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_radiance_Description" "Active: Toggle Burn - When active, scorches nearby enemies for %aura_damage% damage per second and blinds them, causing them to miss %blind_pct%%% of their attacks." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_radiance_Lore" "A divine weapon that causes damage and a bright burning effect that lays waste to nearby enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_radiance_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_radiance_aura_damage" "BURN DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_radiance_blind_pct" "%BURN MISS CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_radiance_aura_radius" "BURN RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_rapier_Description" "Drops on death. Becomes unusable if picked up by an ally of its owner until it is returned to its owner. It is immediately usable by anybody if an enemy of the owner picks it up. A dropped Rapier cannot be picked up by a courier." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_rapier_Note0" "If Divine Rapier is dropped and picked up by an enemy of its original owner, it cannot be dropped again except by death." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_rapier_Lore" "So powerful, it cannot have a single owner." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_rapier_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_reaver_Lore" "A massive axe capable of tearing whole mountains down." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_reaver_bonus_strength" "+$str" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_refresher_Description" "Active: Reset Cooldowns - Resets the cooldowns of all your items and abilities." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_refresher_Lore" "A powerful artifact created for wizards." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_refresher_bonus_health_regen" "+$hp_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_refresher_bonus_mana_regen" "%+$mana_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_refresher_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_relic_Lore" "An ancient weapon that often turns the tides of war." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_relic_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ring_of_basilius_Description" "Passive: Basilius Aura - Grants mana regeneration and armor in a %aura_radius% area of effect.\nActive: Toggle whether the aura affects other non-hero units.\n\nMultiple instances of Basilius Aura do not stack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ring_of_basilius_Note0" "Does not stack with armor auras from Ring of Basilius, Ring of Aquila, or Vladmir's Offering." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ring_of_basilius_Lore" "Ring given as a reward to the greatest mages." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ring_of_basilius_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ring_of_basilius_bonus_armor" "+$armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ring_of_basilius_aura_mana_regen" "AURA MANA REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ring_of_basilius_aura_bonus_armor" "AURA BONUS ARMOR:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ring_of_health_Lore" "A shiny ring found beneath a fat halfling's corpse." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ring_of_health_Note0" "Ring of Health is shareable." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ring_of_health_bonus_health_regen" "+$hp_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ring_of_protection_Lore" "A glimmering ring that defends its bearer." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ring_of_protection_bonus_armor" "+$armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ring_of_regen_Lore" "This ring is considered a good luck charm among the Gnomes." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ring_of_regen_Note0" "Ring of Regen is shareable." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ring_of_regen_bonus_health_regen" "+$hp_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_robe_Lore" "This robe corrupts the soul of the user, but provides wisdom in return." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_robe_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_rod_of_atos_Description" "Active: Cripple - Slows the target's movement speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_rod_of_atos_Lore" "Atos, the Lord of Blight, has his essence stored in this deceptively simple wand." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_rod_of_atos_bonus_health" "+$health" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_rod_of_atos_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_rod_of_atos_slow" "%CRIPPLE MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_rod_of_atos_duration" "CRIPPLE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sange_Description" "Passive: Lesser Maim - Each attack has a chance to slow the enemy's movement and attack speed for %maim_duration% seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sange_Lore" "Sange is an unusually accurate weapon, seeking weak points automatically." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sange_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sange_bonus_strength" "+$str" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sange_maim_chance" "%MAIM CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sange_maim_movement_speed" "%MAIM MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sange_maim_attack_speed" "MAIM ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sange_maim_duration" "MAIM DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_heavens_halberd_Description" "Active: Disarm - Prevents a target from attacking. Lasts %disarm_melee% seconds on melee targets, and %disarm_range% seconds on ranged targets.\nPassive: Lesser Maim - Each attack has a chance to slow the enemy's movement and attack speed for %maim_duration% seconds.\n\nStacks diminishingly with other sources of Evasion." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_heavens_halberd_Lore" "This halberd moves with the speed of a smaller weapon, allowing the bearer to win duels that a heavy edge would not." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_heavens_halberd_Note0" "Disarm can only be removed with spell immunity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_heavens_halberd_bonus_evasion" "%+$evasion" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_heavens_halberd_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_heavens_halberd_bonus_strength" "+$str" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_heavens_halberd_maim_chance" "%MAIM CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_heavens_halberd_maim_movement_speed" "%MAIM MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_heavens_halberd_maim_attack_speed" "MAIM ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_heavens_halberd_maim_duration" "MAIM DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_heavens_halberd_disarm_range" "DISARM RANGED DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_heavens_halberd_disarm_melee" "DISARM MELEE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_heavens_halberd_disarm_cast_range_tooltip" "DISARM CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sange_and_yasha_Description" "Passive: Greater Maim - Each attack has a chance to slow the enemy's movement and attack speed for %maim_duration% seconds.\n\nYasha-based movement speed bonuses from multiple items do not stack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sange_and_yasha_Lore" "Sange and Yasha, when attuned by the moonlight and used together, become a very powerful combination." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sange_and_yasha_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sange_and_yasha_bonus_strength" "+$str" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sange_and_yasha_bonus_agility" "+$agi" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sange_and_yasha_bonus_attack_speed" "+$attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sange_and_yasha_movement_speed_percent_bonus" "%+$move_speed" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sange_and_yasha_maim_chance" "%MAIM CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sange_and_yasha_maim_slow_movement" "%MAIM MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sange_and_yasha_maim_slow_attack" "MAIM ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sange_and_yasha_maim_duration" "MAIM DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_satanic_Description" "Active: Unholy Rage - Increases Lifesteal percentage to %unholy_lifesteal_total_tooltip%%% for %unholy_duration% seconds.\nPassive: Lifesteal - Heals the attacker for a percentage of attack damage dealt.\n\nSatanic is a Unique Attack Modifier, and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifier." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_satanic_Lore" "Immense power at the cost of your soul." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_satanic_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_satanic_bonus_strength" "+$str" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_satanic_bonus_armor" "+$armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_satanic_lifesteal_percent" "%LIFESTEAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_satanic_unholy_lifesteal_total_tooltip" "%UNHOLY RAGE LIFESTEAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_satanic_unholy_duration" "UNHOLY RAGE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sheepstick_Description" "Active: Hex - Turns a target unit into a harmless critter for %sheep_duration% seconds. Instantly destroys illusions." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sheepstick_Note0" "The target will have a base movement speed of 140, but buffs granting maximum movement speed won't be disabled." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sheepstick_Lore" "The most guarded relic among the cult of Vyse, it is the most coveted weapon among magi." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sheepstick_bonus_strength" "+$str" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sheepstick_bonus_agility" "+$agi" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sheepstick_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sheepstick_bonus_mana_regen" "%+$mana_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sheepstick_sheep_duration" "HEX DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_shivas_guard_Description" "Active: Arctic Blast - Emits a freezing wave that deals %blast_damage% magical damage to enemies and slows their movement by %blast_movement_speed%%% for %blast_debuff_duration% seconds.\nPassive: Freezing Aura - Reduces the attack speed of all enemies in a %aura_radius% radius.\n\nMultiple instances of Freezing Aura do not stack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_shivas_guard_Lore" "Said to have belonged to a goddess, today it retains much of its former power." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_shivas_guard_Note0" "The wave extends at a speed of 350 to a max size of 900." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_shivas_guard_Note1" "The Arctic Blast follows its caster." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_shivas_guard_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_shivas_guard_bonus_armor" "+$armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_shivas_guard_aura_attack_speed" "AURA ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_shivas_guard_blast_damage" "BLAST DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_shivas_guard_blast_movement_speed" "%BLAST MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_shivas_guard_blast_debuff_duration" "BLAST SLOW DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_shivas_guard_blast_radius" "BLAST RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_skadi_Description" "Passive: Cold Attack - Each attack slows the movement and attack speed of the target. The duration of the slow is based on whether the equipped hero is melee or ranged.\n\nEye of Skadi is a Unique Attack Modifier, and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers. Eye of Skadi can be combined with Lifesteal Attack Modifiers." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_skadi_Lore" "Extremely rare artifact, guarded by the azure dragons." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_skadi_Note0" "Lasts 5 seconds with melee Eye of Skadi, 3 seconds with ranged Eye of Skadi." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_skadi_bonus_all_stats" "+$all" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_skadi_bonus_health" "+$health" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_skadi_bonus_mana" "+$mana" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_skadi_cold_movement_speed" "%COLD MOVE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_skadi_cold_attack_speed" "COLD ATTACK SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_skadi_cold_duration_melee" "COLD MELEE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_skadi_cold_duration_ranged" "COLD RANGED DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_slippers_Lore" "Light boots made from spider skin that tingles your senses." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_slippers_bonus_agility" "+$agi" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sobi_mask_Lore" "A mask commonly used by mages and warlocks for various rituals." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sobi_mask_Note0" "Sage's Mask is shareable." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_sobi_mask_bonus_mana_regen" "%+$mana_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_soul_booster_Lore" "Regain lost courage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_soul_booster_bonus_health" "+$health" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_soul_booster_bonus_mana" "+$mana" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_soul_booster_bonus_health_regen" "+$hp_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_soul_booster_bonus_mana_regen" "%+$mana_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_soul_ring_Description" "Active: Sacrifice - Consume %health_sacrifice% health to temporarily gain %mana_gain% mana. Lasts 10 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_soul_ring_Lore" "A ring that feeds on the souls of those who wear it." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_soul_ring_Note0" "If the mana gain cannot fit in your mana pool, it creates a buffer of mana that will be used before your mana pool. If this mana is not used before the duration ends, the extra mana is lost." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_soul_ring_health_regen" "+$hp_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_soul_ring_mana_regen" "%+$mana_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_soul_ring_duration" "SACRIFICE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_staff_of_wizardry_Lore" "A staff of magical powers passed down from the eldest mages." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_staff_of_wizardry_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_stout_shield_Description" "Passive: Damage Block - Gives a chance to block damage based on whether the equipped hero is melee or ranged." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_stout_shield_Lore" "One man's wine barrel bottom is another man's shield." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_stout_shield_Note0" "Multiple sources of damage block don't stack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_stout_shield_block_chance" "%BLOCK CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_stout_shield_damage_block_melee" "MELEE DAMAGE BLOCK:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_stout_shield_damage_block_ranged" "RANGED DAMAGE BLOCK:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_venomous_shield_Description" " " "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_venomous_shield_Lore" " " "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_talisman_of_evasion_Description" "Stacks diminishingly with other sources of Evasion." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_talisman_of_evasion_Lore" "A necklace that allows you to anticipate enemy attacks." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_talisman_of_evasion_bonus_evasion" "%+$evasion" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_tango_Description" "Use: Eat a Tree or Ward - Consume a target tree or ward to gradually restore health.\n\nComes with 4 charges. Can be used on an allied hero to give them one Tango." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_tango_Lore" "Forage to survive on the battlefield." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_tango_total_heal" "EAT TREE HEALTH RESTORED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_tango_total_heal_ward_tooltip" "EAT WARD HEALTH RESTORED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_tango_cast_range_ward" "EAT WARD CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_tango_buff_duration" "HEAL DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_tango_single_Description" "Use: Eat a Tree or Ward - Consume a target tree or ward to gradually restore health." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_tango_single_Lore" "Om nom nom." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_tango_single_total_heal" "EAT TREE HEALTH RESTORED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_tango_single_total_heal_ward_tooltip" "EAT WARD HEALTH RESTORED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_tango_single_cast_range_ward" "EAT WARD CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_tango_single_buff_duration" "HEAL DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_tpscroll_Description" "Use: Teleport - Teleports you to a target friendly building. Double-click to teleport to your team's base fountain." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_tpscroll_Note0" "If multiple heroes teleport to the same location in succession, the channeling time will be increased for each successive hero." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_tranquil_boots_Description" "Passive: Break - Whenever you attack or are attacked, the health regeneration and 30 Movement Speed are lost for 13 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_tranquil_boots_Lore" "While they increase the longevity of the wearer, this boot is not particularly reliable." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_tranquil_boots_bonus_movement_speed" "+$move_speed" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_tranquil_boots_bonus_armor" "+$armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_tranquil_boots_bonus_health_regen" "+$hp_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_travel_boots_Description" "Active: Teleport - Teleports you to an allied non-hero unit or structure. Double-click to teleport to your team's base fountain. Upgradable to allow you to teleport to allied heroes.\n\nFlat movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_travel_boots_Lore" "Winged boots that grant omnipresence." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_travel_boots_Note0" "Shares cooldown with Town Portal Scrolls." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_travel_boots_bonus_movement_speed" "+$move_speed" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_travel_boots_2_Description" "Active: Teleport - Teleports you to any allied structure or unit, including heroes. Double-click to teleport to your team's base fountain.\n\nFlat movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_travel_boots_2_Note0" "Shares cooldown with Town Portal Scrolls." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_travel_boots_2_bonus_movement_speed" "+$move_speed" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ultimate_orb_Lore" "A mystical orb containing the essence of life." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ultimate_orb_bonus_all_stats" "+$all" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ultimate_scepter_Description" "Passive: Ultimate Upgrade - Upgrades the ultimate, and some abilities, of certain heroes." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ultimate_scepter_Lore" "The scepter of a wizard with demigod-like powers." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ultimate_scepter_bonus_all_stats" "+$all" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ultimate_scepter_bonus_health" "+$health" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ultimate_scepter_bonus_mana" "+$mana" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_urn_of_shadows_Description" "Active: Soul Release - Heals health over time to friendly units, but deals pure damage over time to enemy units. The healing effect is lost if the affected ally takes damage from an enemy hero or tower.\nGains charges every time an enemy hero dies within %soul_radius% units. Only the closest Urn to the dying hero will gain a charge." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_urn_of_shadows_Note0" "Empty urns gain 2 charges." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_urn_of_shadows_Note1" "If used on a hero with Soul Release already active on them, it will refresh its duration." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_urn_of_shadows_Lore" "Contains the ashes of powerful demons." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_urn_of_shadows_mana_regen" "%+$mana_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_urn_of_shadows_bonus_strength" "+$str" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_urn_of_shadows_soul_heal_amount" "RELEASE ALLY TOTAL HEAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_urn_of_shadows_soul_damage_amount" "RELEASE ENEMY TOTAL DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_urn_of_shadows_soul_heal_duration" "SOUL RELEASE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_urn_of_shadows_soul_release_range_tooltip" "SOUL RELEASE CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_vanguard_Description" "Passive: Damage Block - Gives the wielder a chance to block damage from each incoming attack based on whether the equipped hero is melee or ranged." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_vanguard_Lore" "A powerful shield that defends its wielder from even the most vicious of attacks." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_vanguard_Note0" "Multiple sources of damage block don't stack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_vanguard_bonus_health" "+$health" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_vanguard_bonus_health_regen" "+$hp_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_vanguard_block_chance" "%BLOCK CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_vanguard_block_damage_melee" "BLOCK DAMAGE MELEE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_vanguard_block_damage_ranged" "BLOCK DAMAGE RANGED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_crimson_guard_Description" "Active: Guard - Grant nearby allied heroes a %block_chance_active%%% chance to block %block_damage_melee_active% damage from each incoming attack, along with %bonus_aoe_armor% armor. Lasts %duration% seconds.\nPassive: Damage Block - Gives the wearer a chance to block damage from each incoming attack based on whether the equipped hero is melee or ranged." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_crimson_guard_Lore" "A cuirass originally built to protect against the dreaded Year Beast." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_crimson_guard_bonus_health" "+$health" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_crimson_guard_bonus_health_regen" "+$hp_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_crimson_guard_bonus_all_stats" "+$all" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_crimson_guard_bonus_armor" "+$armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_crimson_guard_block_chance" "%BLOCK CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_crimson_guard_block_damage_melee" "BLOCK DAMAGE MELEE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_crimson_guard_block_damage_ranged" "BLOCK DAMAGE RANGED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_crimson_guard_bonus_aoe_armor" "GUARD ARMOR:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_crimson_guard_block_damage_melee_active" "GUARD DAMAGE BLOCK :" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_crimson_guard_duration" "GUARD DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_crimson_guard_bonus_aoe_radius" "GUARD RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_crimson_guard_Note0" "Multiple sources of damage block don't stack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_crimson_guard_Note1" "Guard does not affect units that have been affected by Guard in the last 70 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_vitality_booster_Lore" "A ruby gemstone that has been passed down through generations of warrior kin." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_vitality_booster_bonus_health" "+$health" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_vladmir_Description" "Passive: Vladmir's Aura - Grants lifesteal, health regeneration, mana regeneration, bonus attack damage, and armor to allies in a %aura_radius% radius. The lifesteal percentage is based on whether the hero affected by the aura is melee or ranged.\n\nMultiple instances of Vladmir's Aura do not stack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_vladmir_Lore" "An eerie mask that is haunted with the malice of a fallen vampire." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_vladmir_Note0" "Does not stack with armor auras from Ring of Basilius, Ring of Aquila, or Vladmir's Offering." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_vladmir_bonus_all_stats" "+$all" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_vladmir_hp_regen" "AURA HEALTH REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_vladmir_vampiric_aura" "%AURA MELEE LIFESTEAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_vladmir_vampiric_aura_ranged" "%AURA RANGED LIFESTEAL:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_vladmir_mana_regen_aura" "AURA MANA REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_vladmir_damage_aura" "%AURA BONUS ATTACK DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_vladmir_armor_aura" "AURA BONUS ARMOR:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_vladmir_aura_radius" "AURA RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_void_stone_Description" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_void_stone_Lore" "Jewelry that was once used to channel nether realm magic, this ring pulses with energy." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_void_stone_Note0" "Void Stone is shareable." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_void_stone_bonus_mana_regen" "%+$mana_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ward_observer_Description" "Use: Plants an Observer Ward, an invisible watcher that gives vision of its surrounding area to your team. Lasts %duration_minutes_tooltip% minutes.\n\nHold Control to give one Observer Ward to an allied hero." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ward_observer_vision_range" "VISION RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ward_observer_duration_minutes_tooltip" "DURATION (MINUTES):" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ward_observer_Lore" "A form of half-sentient plant, often cultivated by apprentice wizards." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ward_sentry_Description" "Use: Plants a Sentry Ward, an invisible watcher that grants True Sight, the ability to see invisible enemy units and wards, to any existing allied vision within its range. Lasts %duration_minutes_tooltip% minutes.\n\nHold Control to give one Sentry Ward to an allied hero." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ward_sentry_true_sight_range" "TRUE SIGHT RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ward_sentry_duration_minutes_tooltip" "DURATION (MINUTES):" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ward_sentry_Lore" "A form of plant originally grown in the garden of a fearful king." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ward_dispenser_Description" "Double-Click to switch the currently active ward.\n\nUse: Plant the currently active ward to keep watch over an area. Observer Wards reveal their surrounding area to your team. Sentry Wards grant True Sight, the ability to see invisible enemy units and wards, to any existing allied vision within its range." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ward_dispenser_observer_vision_range_tooltip" "OBSERVER VISION RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ward_dispenser_observer_duration_minutes_tooltip" "OBSERVER DURATION (MINUTES):" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ward_dispenser_true_sight_range" "SENTRY TRUE SIGHT RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ward_dispenser_sentry_duration_minutes_tooltip" "SENTRY DURATION (MINUTES):" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ward_dispenser_Lore" "Advancements in stacking efficiency have made wards easier to carry than ever." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_wraith_band_Lore" "A circlet with faint whispers echoing about it." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_wraith_band_bonus_strength" "+$str" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_wraith_band_bonus_agility" "+$agi" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_wraith_band_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_wraith_band_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_yasha_Lore" "Yasha is regarded as the swiftest weapon ever created." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_yasha_Description" "Yasha-based movement speed bonuses from multiple items do not stack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_yasha_bonus_agility" "+$agi" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_yasha_bonus_attack_speed" "+$attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_yasha_movement_speed_percent_bonus" "%+$move_speed" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_arcane_boots_Description" "Active: Replenish Mana - Restores mana to all allies in a %replenish_radius% area around the hero.\n\nFlat movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_arcane_boots_Lore" "Magi equipped with these boots are valued in battle." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_arcane_boots_Note0" "Does not work on Meepo clones." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_arcane_boots_bonus_movement" "+$move_speed" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_arcane_boots_bonus_mana" "+$mana" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_arcane_boots_replenish_amount" "REPLENISH MANA RESTORE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_arcane_boots_replenish_radius" "REPLENISH CAST RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_orb_of_venom_Description" "Passive: Poison Attack - Poisons the target, dealing damage over time and slowing movement based on whether the equipped hero is melee or ranged.\n\nOrb of Venom is a Unique Attack Modifier, and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers. Orb of Venom can be combined with Lifesteal Attack Modifiers." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_orb_of_venom_Lore" "Envenoms your veapon with the venom of a venomous viper." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_orb_of_venom_poison_damage" "POISON DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_orb_of_venom_poison_movement_speed_melee" "%POISON MELEE SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_orb_of_venom_poison_movement_speed_range" "%POISON RANGED SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_orb_of_venom_poison_duration" "POISON DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ancient_janggo_Description" "Active: Endurance - Gives bonus +%bonus_attack_speed_pct% attack speed and +%bonus_movement_speed_pct%%% movement speed to allies in a %radius% radius.\nPassive: Swiftness Aura - Gives bonus attack and movement speed to allies in a %radius% radius.\n\nMultiple instances of Swiftness Aura do not stack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ancient_janggo_Note0" "Re-purchasing the Drum of Endurance recipe will refresh its charges." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ancient_janggo_Lore" "A relic that enchants the bodies of those around it for swifter movement in times of crisis." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ancient_janggo_bonus_stats" "+$all" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ancient_janggo_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ancient_janggo_bonus_aura_attack_speed_pct" "AURA ATTACK SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ancient_janggo_bonus_aura_movement_speed_pct" "%AURA MOVE SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ancient_janggo_bonus_attack_speed_pct" "ENDURANCE ATTACK SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ancient_janggo_bonus_movement_speed_pct" "%ENDURANCE MOVE SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ancient_janggo_duration" "ENDURANCE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ancient_janggo_radius" "AURA/ENDURANCE RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_medallion_of_courage_Description" "Active: Valor - If cast on an ally, increases their armor while reducing the caster's. If cast on an enemy, reduces the armor of both the enemy and the caster. Lasts 7 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_medallion_of_courage_Lore" "The bearer has no fear of combat." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_medallion_of_courage_bonus_armor" "+$armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_medallion_of_courage_bonus_mana_regen_pct" "%+$mana_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_medallion_of_courage_armor_reduction" "VALOR ARMOR REDUCTION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_medallion_of_courage_duration" "VALOR DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_medallion_of_courage_valor_cast_range_tooltip" "VALOR CAST RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_smoke_of_deceit_Description" "Use: Upon activation, the user and all nearby allied player-controlled units gain invisibility and bonus movement speed for a brief time. Minimap icons will also be hidden. Attacking, or moving within 1025 range of an enemy hero or tower, will break the invisibility." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_smoke_of_deceit_bonus_movement_speed" "%BONUS SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_smoke_of_deceit_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_veil_of_discord_Description" "Active: Magic Weakness - Emits a weakening blast that increases the magic damage enemies take. Lasts %resist_debuff_duration% seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_veil_of_discord_Lore" "The headwear of corrupt magi." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_veil_of_discord_bonus_health_regen" "+$hp_regen" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_veil_of_discord_bonus_stats" "+$all" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_veil_of_discord_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_veil_of_discord_bonus_armor" "+$armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_veil_of_discord_debuff_radius" "MAGIC WEAKNESS RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_veil_of_discord_resist_debuff_duration" "MAGIC WEAKNESS DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_veil_of_discord_resist_debuff" "%INCREASED MAGIC DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ring_of_aquila_Description" "Passive: Aquila Aura - Grants mana regeneration and armor in a %aura_radius% area of effect.\nActive: Toggle whether the aura affects other non-hero units.\n\nMultiple instances of Aquila Aura do not stack." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ring_of_aquila_Lore" "The ring of the fallen Warlord Aquila continues to support armies in battle." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ring_of_aquila_Note0" "Does not stack with armor auras from Ring of Basilius, Ring of Aquila, or Vladmir's Offering." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ring_of_aquila_bonus_strength" "+$str" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ring_of_aquila_bonus_agility" "+$agi" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ring_of_aquila_bonus_intellect" "+$int" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ring_of_aquila_bonus_damage" "+$damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ring_of_aquila_bonus_armor" "+$armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ring_of_aquila_aura_mana_regen" "AURA MANA REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ring_of_aquila_aura_bonus_armor" "AURA BONUS ARMOR:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_shadow_amulet_Description" "Active: Fade - Grants invisibility to you or a target allied hero after a %fade_time% second fade time. Moving breaks the invisibility. There is no cooldown when using this item on yourself." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_shadow_amulet_Lore" "" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_shadow_amulet_bonus_attack_speed" "+$attack" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_shadow_amulet_fade_time" "FADE TIME:" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_buff_ward" "Observer Ward" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_ward_true_sight" "Sentry Ward" "DOTA_KillCam_ProTipHeader" "TRY THIS NEXT TIME:" "DOTA_KillCam_YourHealth" "Your Health" "DOTA_KillCam_Delivers" "delivered " "DOTA_KillCam_Damage" "%s1 damage " "DOTA_KillCam_Using" "using " "DOTA_KillCam_Ability" "%s1" "DOTA_KillCam_AutoAttackReceived" "Received " "DOTA_KillCam_AutoAttack" "from 1 attack" "DOTA_KillCam_AutoAttack_Plural" "from %s1 attacks" "DOTA_KillCam_ShowMeReplay" "show me the replay" "DOTA_KillCam_CapYou" "You" "DOTA_KillCam_LowYou" "you" "DOTA_KillCam_Killed" " killed " "DOTA_KillCam_Yourself" "yourself" "DOTA_KillCam_HaveDied" " have died." // Achievements "DOTA_GAMEPLAY_USE_TANGOS_NAME" "Vegetarian" "DOTA_GAMEPLAY_USE_TANGOS_DESC" "Consume 300 trees using Tangoes." "DOTA_PERSONA_GAMES_PLAYED_FIRST_NAME" "First One's Free" "DOTA_PERSONA_GAMES_PLAYED_FIRST_DESC" "Complete your first game of Dota 2" "DOTA_PERSONA_GAMES_PLAYED_TEN_NAME" "Just A Taste" "DOTA_PERSONA_GAMES_PLAYED_TEN_DESC" "Participate in 10 games" "DOTA_PERSONA_GAMES_PLAYED_HUNDRED_NAME" "Addicted" "DOTA_PERSONA_GAMES_PLAYED_HUNDRED_DESC" "Participate in 100 games" "DOTA_PERSONA_GAMES_PLAYED_THOUSAND_NAME" "I Can Quit Anytime" "DOTA_PERSONA_GAMES_PLAYED_THOUSAND_DESC" "Participate in 1000 games" "DOTA_PERSONA_GAMES_PLAYER_PARTY_NAME" "Party Time" "DOTA_PERSONA_GAMES_PLAYER_PARTY_DESC" "Complete a game while in a matchmaking party" "DOTA_PlayerLoading" "Loading" "DOTA_PlayerFinishedLoading" "Ready" // Shop "DOTA_SHOP_NAME_BASIC" "HOME SHOP" "DOTA_SHOP_NAME_RECIPE" "RECIPE SHOPS" "DOTA_SHOP_NAME_SECRET" "SECRET SHOP" "DOTA_SHOP_NAME_SIDE" "SIDE SHOP" "DOTA_SHOP_NAME_SUGGEST" "SUGGEST" "DOTA_SHOP_NAME_SEARCH" "SEARCH" "DOTA_SUBSHOP_CONSUMABLES" "Consumables" "DOTA_SUBSHOP_ATTRIBUTES" "Attributes" "DOTA_SUBSHOP_WEAPONS_ARMOR" "Equipment" "DOTA_SUBSHOP_MISC" "Miscellaneous" "DOTA_SUBSHOP_RECIPE_BASICS" "Accessories" "DOTA_SUBSHOP_RECIPE_SUPPORT" "Support" "DOTA_SUBSHOP_RECIPE_MAGICS" "Magical" "DOTA_SUBSHOP_RECIPE_DEFENSE" "Armor" "DOTA_SUBSHOP_RECIPE_WEAPONS" "Weapons" "DOTA_SUBSHOP_RECIPE_ARTIFACTS" "Artifacts" "DOTA_SUBSHOP_SECRET" "Secret Shop" "DOTA_SUBSHOP_SIDE_PAGE_1" "Page 1" "DOTA_SUBSHOP_SIDE_PAGE_2" "Page 2" "DOTA_SHOP_REQUIREMENTS" "RECIPE COMPONENTS" "DOTA_SHOP_SETQUICKBUY" "Set Quick Buy" "DOTA_Shop_Recipe" "Recipe" "DOTA_Shop_Search_Field_Default" "Search Items" "DOTA_Shop_Item_Error_Need_SecretShop" "Requires Secret Shop" "DOTA_Shop_Item_Error_Need_SideShop" "Requires Side Shop" "DOTA_Shop_Item_Error_Out_of_Stock" "Item is out of Stock" "DOTA_Shop_Item_Error_Disallowed" "Disallowed for this Hero" "DOTA_Shop_Item_Error_Cant_Afford" "Not Enough Gold" "DOTA_Shop_Item_Already_Owned" "Already Owned" "DOTA_Shop_Item_Error_Disallowed_Hero" "Disallowed for this Hero" "DOTA_Shop_Item_Complete" "Cost to Complete: %s1" "DOTA_Shop_Tip_Mouse_Buttons" "Welcome to the Item Shop\n\nLEFT CLICK on an item icon to select it.\nRight CLICK on an item to purchase it." "DOTA_Shop_Tip_Search" "Search\n\nThe search box below can help you find items by name." "DOTA_Item_Tooltip_Sell_Price" "Sell Price: %s1" "DOTA_Item_Tooltip_Sell_Price_Time" "Sell Price: %s1 ( %s2 )" "DOTA_Item_Tooltip_Disassemble" "Can be Disassembled" "DOTA_Item_Tooltip_Disassemble_Time" "Can be Disassembled ( %s1 )" "DOTA_SpectatorMode_Directed" "Directed Camera" "DOTA_SpectatorMode_FreeCam" "Free Camera" "DOTA_SpectatorMode_PlayerView" "Player Perspective" "DOTA_SpectatorMode_HeroChase" "Hero Chase" "DOTA_SpectatorAudio_None" "No Broadcaster" "DOTA_SpectatorAudio_Header" "%s1 Available" "DOTA_SpectatorFOW_BothTeams" "Fog: Both Teams" "DOTA_Spectator_SpectatorMode" "Spectator Mode:" "DOTA_Spectator_HeroList" "Heroes:" "DOTA_Spectator_FOWLabel" "Fog of War:" "DOTA_Spectator_NumSpecs" "Spectators: %s1" "DOTA_Spectator_NumSpecs_Label" "Spectators:" "DOTA_Channel_Bar_Default" "Channeling" "DOTA_Channel_Bar_Time" "Channeling %s1" "DOTA_Gold_Graph_Title" "DIFFERENCE IN GOLD EARNED" "DOTA_Gold_Graph_Title_Net_Worth" "DIFFERENCE IN TEAM NET WORTH" "DOTA_XP_Graph_Title" "DIFFERENCE IN XP EARNED" "DOTA_Gold_Graph_Total" "TOTAL GOLD EARNED" "DOTA_Gold_Graph_Total_Net_Worth" "TOTAL NET WORTH" "DOTA_XP_Graph_Total" "TOTAL XP EARNED" "DOTA_GraphType_GoldEarned" "Show Gold Earned" "DOTA_GraphType_NetWorth" "Show Net Worth" "DOTA_Fantasy_Points" "FANTASY POINTS" "fantasy_score" "FANTASY" "DOTA_RPSTATUS_STARTGAME" "Starting..." "DOTA_GameEnd_PointsEarned" "You have earned %s1 points!" "DOTA_GameEnd_PointsLevelEarned" "You have earned %s1 points and achieved level %s2!" "DOTA_GameEnd_ItemSource" "Source: %s1" "DOTA_GameEnd_ItemSource_RandomDrop" "Random Drop" "DOTA_GameEnd_ItemSource_CompendiumDrop" "Compendium Drop" "dota_game_stats" "STATS" "dota_results" "RESULTS" "dota_gameend_xp_awarded" "+%s1 Points" "dota_gameend_xp_awarded_bonus" "+%s1 Points (%s2 from Bonus)" "dota_gameend_xp_inspect" "%s1 from %s2 Bonus" "DOTA_LobbyMemberXPBonus_DEFAULT" "Total" "DOTA_LobbyMemberXPBonus_BATTLE_BOOSTER" "Battle Booster" "DOTA_LobbyMemberXPBonus_SHARE_BONUS" "Shared Battle Booster" "DOTA_LobbyMemberXPBonus_PARTY" "Party" "DOTA_LobbyMemberXPBonus_RECRUITMENT" "Recruitment" "DOTA_LobbyMemberXPBonus_PCBANG" "PC Bang" "DOTA_Post_Match_Survey_Question_0" "Please rate your enjoyment of this match:" "DOTA_Post_Match_Survey_Question_1" "Please rate your enjoyment of the match:" "DOTA_Post_Match_Survey_Question_2" "Please rate the cooperation you displayed towards your teammates in the last match:" "DOTA_Post_Match_Survey_Question_3" "Please rate the cooperation your teammates displayed in the last match:" "DOTA_Post_Match_Survey_Question_40" "Please rate the amount of cooperation (willingness to work together) your teammate displayed in the last match:" "DOTA_Post_Match_Survey_Question_41" "Please rate the level of friendliness (positive social impact on the game) your teammate exhibited in the last match:" "DOTA_Post_Match_Survey_Question_42" "Please rate your desire to play with this teammate again:" "DOTA_Post_Match_Survey_Question_5" "Please rate your desire to play with this teammate again:" "DOTA_Survey_Header" "A FEW MOMENTS OF YOUR TIME..." "DOTA_Post_Match_Survey_Header_1" "Match Quality" "DOTA_Post_Match_Survey_Header_2" "Your Cooperation" "DOTA_Post_Match_Survey_Header_3" "Teammate Cooperation" "DOTA_Post_Match_Survey_Header_4" "Teammate Evaluation" "DOTA_Post_Match_Survey_Header_5" "Teammate Evaluation" "DOTA_Post_Match_Survey_Thanks" "Thank you for your feedback!" "DOTA_Survey_response_lowhigh_Very_Low" "Very Low" "DOTA_Survey_response_lowhigh_Low" "Low" "DOTA_Survey_response_lowhigh_Average" "Average" "DOTA_Survey_response_lowhigh_Good" "High" "DOTA_Survey_response_lowhigh_Very_Good" "Very High" "DOTA_Survey_response_agree_Very_Low" "Disagree Strongly" "DOTA_Survey_response_agree_Low" "Disagree" "DOTA_Survey_response_agree_Average" "Indifferent" "DOTA_Survey_response_agree_Good" "Agree" "DOTA_Survey_response_agree_Very_Good" "Agree Strongly" "DOTA_UI_No_Thanks" "No Thanks" "dota_waiting_for_players_connecting" "Connecting..." "dota_waiting_for_players_loading" "Loading..." "dota_waiting_for_players_ready" "Ready" "dota_waiting_for_players_failed" "Failed" "DOTA_Broadcaster_Channel" "%s1" "DOTA_Broadcaster_Lang_0" "English" "DOTA_Broadcaster_Lang_1" "German" "DOTA_Broadcaster_Lang_2" "French" "DOTA_Broadcaster_Lang_3" "Italian" "DOTA_Broadcaster_Lang_4" "Korean" "DOTA_Broadcaster_Lang_5" "Spanish" "DOTA_Broadcaster_Lang_6" "Chinese" "DOTA_Broadcaster_Lang_7" "Chinese" "DOTA_Broadcaster_Lang_8" "Russian" "DOTA_Broadcaster_Lang_9" "Thai" "DOTA_Broadcaster_Lang_10" "Japanese" "DOTA_Broadcaster_Lang_11" "Portuguese" "DOTA_Broadcaster_Lang_12" "Polish" "DOTA_Broadcaster_Lang_13" "Danish" "DOTA_Broadcaster_Lang_14" "Dutch" "DOTA_Broadcaster_Lang_15" "Finnish" "DOTA_Broadcaster_Lang_16" "Norwegian" "DOTA_Broadcaster_Lang_17" "Swedish" "dota_broadcaster_title" "Select a Broadcaster" "dota_broadcaster_no_selection" "No Broadcaster" "dota_broadcaster_ch" "BROADCAST CHANNEL" "dota_broadcaster_cobroad" "COBROADCASTERS" "dota_broadcaster_recommendation_new_players" "Recommended for New Players" "dota_broadcaster_recommendation_desc" "The caster in this channel will help introduce you to Dota 2 and its gameplay." "DOTA_Broadcaster_Menu_Title" "BROADCASTER MENU" "DOTA_Broadcaster_SendStatPopup" "Send Stat Popup" "DOTA_Broadcaster_SendStatPopup_Title" "SELECT STYLE AND FILL OUT DISPLAY" "DOTA_Broadcaster_SelectImage" "Select Image" "DOTA_Broadcaster_TextHere" "" "DOTA_Broadcaster_TextHereOptional" "" "DOTA_Broadcaster_TextHereShort" "" "DOTA_Broadcaster_ImagePicker_Title" "SELECT IMAGE" "DOTA_Broadcaster_ImagePicker_Heroes" "HEROES" "DOTA_Broadcaster_ImagePicker_Generic" "GENERIC" "DOTA_Broadcaster_ImagePicker_Items" "ITEMS" "DOTA_Broadcaster_ImagePicker_Match" "MATCH DETAILS" "DOTA_Roshan_Respawn" "RESPAWNS IN:" "DOTA_Roshan_Reclaimed" "RECLAIMED IN:" "DOTA_Paused" "Game is paused" "DOTA_Unpausing" "Game is unpausing" "GameUI_ServerConnectOutOfDate" "Server has not updated to the most recent version.\n" "GameUI_ServerChallengeIncorrect" "Server did not respond with the correct challenge.\nIt may be out of date.\n" "GameUI_ServerInsecure" "You are in insecure mode. You must restart before you can connect to secure servers.\n" "GameUI_ServerRejectBadChallenge" "Bad challenge.\n" "GameUI_ServerRejectLANRestrict" "Local servers are restricted to local clients (class C).\n" "GameUI_ServerRejectBadPassword" "Bad password.\n" "GameUI_ServerRejectServerFull" "Server is full.\n" "GameUI_ServerRejectBanned" "You have been banned from this server.\n" "GameUI_ServerRejectFailedChannel" "Failed to create net channel.\n" "GameUI_ServerRejectOldVersion" "The server you are trying to connect to is running\nan older version of the game.\n" "GameUI_ServerRejectBadSteamKey" "Invalid Steam key length\n" "GameUI_ServerRejectOldProtocol" "This server is using an older protocol than your client.\n" "GameUI_ServerRejectNewProtocol" "This server is using a newer protocol than your client.\n" "GameUI_ServerRejectInvalidConnection" "Invalid connection.\n" "GameUI_ServerRejectInvalidCertLen" "Invalid authentication certificate length.\n" "GameUI_ServerRejectInvalidSteamCertLen" "STEAM certificate length error!\n" "GameUI_ServerRejectSteam" "STEAM validation rejected\n" "GameUI_ServerRejectGS" "GSCreateLocalUser failed\n" "GameUI_ServerNoLobby" "The server was unable to locate the game session.\n" "GameUI_ServerRequireSteams" "The server requires that you be running Steam.\n" "GameUI_ServerAuthDisabled" "Authentication disabled.\n" "GameUI_ServerCDKeyAuthInvalid" "CD Key authentication invalid for internet servers.\n" "GameUI_ServerInvalidCDKey" "Invalid CD Key.\n" "GameUI_ServerCDKeyInUse" "CD Key already in use.\n" "GameUI_ClientRetryLimit" "Unable to establish connection to the server.\n" "GameUI_ClientBadServerAddress" "Bad server address.\n" "GameUI_ClientStringTableError" "Your string table data is different from the server, update your game.\n" "GameUI_ClientUnableToCRCMap" "Unable to calculate map checksum.\n" "GameUI_ClientNoMap" "Unable to load map specified by server.\n" "GameUI_ClientDifferentMap" "Your map differs from the server, update your game.\n" "GameUI_ClientUnableToCRCDLL" "Unable to calculate client side dll checksum.\n" "GameUI_ClientConnectionTimedOut" "Connection to server timed out.\n" "GameUI_ClientServerShutdown" "Server shutting down.\n" "GameUI_ClientMissingModel" "Connection cannot continue due to missing model.\n" "GameUI_ClientConsistencyFail" "Connection aborted due to server enforcing model consistency.\n" "client_version_out_of_date" "Game client is out of date. Please close Dota 2 and restart to get the latest version." "missing_league_subscription" "This game is a league game that requires a subscription to watch." "GameUI_Disconnected" "Disconnected from Server" "GameUI_Disconnect_ServerInfoOverflow" "Info data overflow" "GameUI_Disconnect_TickMessage" "Error writing tick message" "GameUI_Disconnect_StringTableMessage" "Error writing string table update message" "GameUI_Disconnect_DeltaEntMessage" "Error writing delta entities message" "GameUI_Disconnect_TempEntMessage" "Error writing temp entities message" "GameUI_Disconnect_SoundsMessage" "Error writing game sounds message" "GameUI_Disconnect_SnapshotOverflow" "Error reliable snapshot overflow" "GameUI_Disconnect_SnapshotError" "Error sending snapshot" "GameUI_Disconnect_ReliableOverflow" "Error reliable buffer overflow" "GameUI_Disconnect_BadClientDeltaTick" "Client delta ticks out of order" "GameUI_Disconnect_NoMoreSplits" "No more split screen slots" "GameUI_Disconnect_TimedOut" "Timed out" "GameUI_Disconnect_Disconnected" "Disconnected" "GameUI_Disconnect_ReliableChannelOverflow" "Overflowed reliable channel" "GameUI_Disconnect_LeavingSplit" "Leaving splitscreen" "GameUI_Disconnect_DifferentClassTables" "Server uses different class tables" "GameUI_Disconnect_ConnectionClosing" "Connection closing" "GameUI_Disconnect_User" "Disconnected by user" "GameUI_Disconnect_Server" "Disconnected from Server" "GameUI_Disconnect_ConnectionLost" "Connection lost" "GameUI_Disconnect_ConnectionOverflow" "Overflow error" "GameUI_Disconnect_BadRelayPassword" "Bad relay password" "GameUI_Disconnect_BadSpectatorPassword" "Bad spectator password" "GameUI_Disconnect_HLTVRestricted" "SourceTV server is restricted to local spectators (class C)" "GameUI_Disconnect_HLTVUnavailable" "No SourceTV relay available" "GameUI_Disconnect_HLTVStop" "SourceTV stop" "GameUI_Disconnect_Kicked" "Kicked" "GameUI_Disconnect_BanAdded" "Added to banned list" "GameUI_Disconnect_KickBanAdded" "Kicked and banned" "GameUI_Disconnect_SteamIDBanned" "STEAM UserID is banned" "GameUI_Disconnect_SteamIDInUse" "STEAM UserID is already in use on this server" "GameUI_Disconnect_SteamLogon" "No Steam logon" "GameUI_Disconnect_SteamInUse" "This Steam account is being used in another location" "GameUI_Disconnect_SteamOwnership" "This Steam account does not own this game.\nPlease login to the correct Steam account" "GameUI_Disconnect_SteamVAC" "VAC banned from secure server" "GameUI_Disconnect_SteamTimeOut" "Client timed out" "GameUI_Disconnect_SteamDropped" "Client dropped by server" "GameUI_Disconnect_SteamTicket" "Invalid STEAM UserID Ticket" "GameUI_Disconnect_NoSpectators" "Match does not allow spectators" "GameUI_Disconnect_DisconnectByUser" "Disconnect by user" "GameUI_Disconnect_DisconnectByServer" "Disconnect by server" "GameUI_Disconnect_HLTVDirect" "SourceTV can not connect to game directly" "GameUI_Disconnect_PureServer_ClientExtra" "Pure server: client has loaded extra file(s)" "GameUI_Disconnect_PureServer_Mismatch" "Pure server: client file does not match server" "GameUI_Disconnect_UserCmd" "Error in parsing user commands" "GameUI_Disconnect_RejectedByGame" "Connection rejected by game" "GameUI_Disconnect_SteamDeny_Misc" "Disconnected from gameserver. Miscellanous Steam incompatibility." "GameUI_Disconnect_SteamDeny_BadAntiCheat" "Disconnected from gameserver. Steam anti-cheat incompatibility." "GameUI_Disconnect_ServerShutdown" "Disconnected from gameserver. The gameserver is shutting down." //UI "UI_month_1" "January" "UI_month_2" "February" "UI_month_3" "March" "UI_month_4" "April" "UI_month_5" "May" "UI_month_6" "June" "UI_month_7" "July" "UI_month_8" "August" "UI_month_9" "September" "UI_month_10" "October" "UI_month_11" "November" "UI_month_12" "December" "UI_month_short_1" "Jan" "UI_month_short_2" "Feb" "UI_month_short_3" "Mar" "UI_month_short_4" "Apr" "UI_month_short_5" "May" "UI_month_short_6" "Jun" "UI_month_short_7" "Jul" "UI_month_short_8" "Aug" "UI_month_short_9" "Sep" "UI_month_short_10" "Oct" "UI_month_short_11" "Nov" "UI_month_short_12" "Dec" "UI_day_short_1" "Su" "UI_day_short_2" "Mo" "UI_day_short_3" "Tu" "UI_day_short_4" "We" "UI_day_short_5" "Th" "UI_day_short_6" "Fr" "UI_day_short_7" "Sa" "UI_day_1" "Sun" "UI_day_2" "Mon" "UI_day_3" "Tues" "UI_day_4" "Wed" "UI_day_5" "Thu" "UI_day_6" "Fri" "UI_day_7" "Sat" "DOTA_Date_Format_Day_Month" "%s1 %s2" // 18 April "DOTA_Date_Format_Day_Month_Year" "%s1 %s2 %s3" // 18 April 2014 "DOTA_Date_Format_Day_Month_Year_Hour_Minute_24" "%s1 %s2 %s3, %s4:%s5" // 18 April 2014, 17:30 "DOTA_Date_Format_Day_Month_Year_Hour_Minute_12" "%s1 %s2 %s3, %s4:%s5 %s6" // 18 April 2014, 5:30 PM "DOTA_Date_Format_Day_Month_Year_Hour_Minute_Second_24" "%s1 %s2 %s3, %s4:%s5:%s6" // 18 April 2014, 17:30:18 "DOTA_Date_Format_Day_Month_Year_Hour_Minute_Second_12" "%s1 %s2 %s3, %s4:%s5:%s6 %s7" // 18 April 2014, 5:30:18 PM "DOTA_Date_Format_Hour_Minute_24" "%s1:%s2" // 17:30 "DOTA_Date_Format_Hour_Minute_12" "%s1:%s2 %s3" // 5:30 PM "DOTA_Date_Format_DayOfWeek" "%s1" // Wednesday "DOTA_Date_Format_DayOfWeek_Day_Month_Hour_Minute_24" "%s1, %s2 %s3, %s4:%s5" // Wednesday, 18 April, 17:30 "DOTA_Date_Format_DayOfWeek_Day_Month_Hour_Minute_12" "%s1, %s2 %s3, %s4:%s5 %s6" // Wednesday, 18 April, 5:30 PM "dota_series_bo3" "Best of 3" "dota_series_bo5" "Best of 5" "dota_series_game_1" "Game 1" "dota_series_game_2" "Game 2" "dota_series_game_3" "Game 3" "dota_series_game_4" "Game 4" "dota_series_game_5" "Game 5" "DOTA_WatchMatchSeries_NoGame_Header" "No Game" "DOTA_WatchMatchSeries_NoGame" "There is no game %s1 in this series." "tournaments_on_day" "%s1 Tournaments" "tournaments_games_on_day" "%s1 Tournament Games" "tournament_schedule_time" "%s1 %s2 %s3" // month, day, time "localized_time" "%s1:%s2" // hour:minute "tournament_schedule_edit" "EDIT" "tournament_schedule_add" "ADD MATCHUP" "tournament_schedule_delete" "DELETE" "schedule_confirm_delete_header" "DELETE SCHEDULED TIME" "schedule_confirm_delete" "Really delete this scheduled time block?" "schedule_delete_failed" "Error: Failed to delete scheduled time block" "schedule_edit_title" "MATCHUP DETAILS" "schedule_edit_subtitle" "Enter the Date and Time (in your local timezone) and specify the Teams involved in the matchup." "invalid_team_hint" "Unknown Team, click to search" "visit_team_profile" "Team Profile" "schedule_game_id" "Game ID: %s1" "sched_start" "Time:" "sched_end" "End:" "sched_comment" "Comment:" "sched_finals" "Finals" "date_invalid_hint" "Please enter a valid date, in the form of Month-Day-Year" "time_invalid_hint" "Please enter a valid time, in the form of Hours:Minutes" "my_tournament_select_day" "Select a day from the Calendar to manage this tournament's schedule" "schedule_view_matches" "View Matches" "schedule_buy_pass" "Buy Tournament Pass" "tournament_details" "DETAILS" //UI (Watch Filter) "watch_filter_label" "Filter by" "UI_player_name_label" "PLAYER NAME (EXACT MATCH)" "UI_hero_name_label" "HERO NAME" "UI_game_mode_label" "GAME MODE" "UI_game_mode_command" "SELECT GAME MODES" "UI_difficulty_label" "DIFFICULTY" "UI_difficulty_command" "SELECT DIFFICULTY" "UI_difficulty_desc" "Select difficulty level for enemy AI." "UI_languages_command" "MATCHMAKING PREFERENCES" "UI_preferences_language" "Language Capabilities" "UI_preferences_language_desc" "Choose up to three preferred languages to help find a match with common ground for communication. If nothing is set, we'll assume no language preference." "UI_preferences_matchmaking" "Find Match Settings" "UI_preferences_themed_map" "Themed Map Preference" "dota_matchmaking_classic_map" "Classic map" "dota_matchmaking_themed_map" "Themed map" "dota_matchmaking_no_preference_map" "No Preference" "UI_skill_level_label" "SKILL LEVEL" "UI_skill_any" "Any" "UI_skill_normal" "Normal" "UI_skill_high" "High" "UI_skill_very_high" "Very High" "UI_date_range_label" "DATE RANGE" "UI_tournament_label" "TOURNAMENT GAME" "UI_match_id_label" "MATCH ID" "watch_or_filter_by_label" "Or, filter by" //Match Details "MD_GOLD_and_XP" "GOLD AND XP" "MD_The_Radiant" "The Radiant" "MD_The_Dire" "The Dire" "MD_MATCH_LABEL" "MATCH ID" "MD_DATE_LABEL" "DATE" "MD_DURATION_LABEL" "DURATION" "MD_WINNER_LABEL" "WINNING TEAM" "MD_PLAYER_L" "PLAYER" "MD_LEVEL_L" "LEVEL" "MD_HERO_L" "HERO" "MD_ITEMS_L" "ITEMS" "MD_GOLD_L" "GOLD" "MD_LAST_HITS_L" "LAST HITS" "MD_DENIES_L" "DENIES" "MD_GOLD/MIN_L" "GOLD/MIN" "MD_GOLD_EARNED" "GOLD EARNED" "MD_GOLD_CURRENT" "CURRENT GOLD" "MD_XP/MIN_L" "XP/MIN" "MD_KILLS_L" "KILLS" "MD_DEATHS_L" "DEATHS" "MD_ASSISTS_L" "ASSISTS" "MD_STUNS_L" "STUNS" "MD_HEALING_L" "HEALING" "MD_TOWERS_L" "TOWERS" "MD_ROSHANS_L" "ROSHANS" "MD_Downloading_Replay" "Downloading Replay:" "MD_Replay_Unavailable" "Replay Unavailable" "MD_Replay_Not_Recorded" "Replay Not Recorded" "MD_Replay_Expired" "Replay Expired" "MD_Replay_Pending" "Replay Pending" "MD_Finding_Replay" "Finding Replay..." "MD_reveal_button" "Reveal the winning team" "MD_K" "K" // kills "MD_D" "D" // deaths "MD_A" "A" // assists "match_details_timeout" "Request for Match ID %s1 timed out." "match_details_denied" "Access to Match ID %s1 denied." "match_details_failed" "Invalid Match ID %s1." "loot_dropped" "Loot Dropped" "dota_game_end_signout_pending" "Due to high load, match results are still pending. All items and rewards will still be granted though, so check back in the Armory in a little while." "dota_game_end_not_scored_leaver" "This match is not being scored because a player abandoned before first blood." "dota_game_end_not_scored_poor_network" "This match is not being scored due to poor network conditions." "dota_game_end_not_scored_generic" "This match is not being scored." // Rich Presence "DOTA_RP_INIT" "Main Menu" "DOTA_RP_IDLE" "Main Menu (Idle)" "DOTA_RP_WAIT_FOR_PLAYERS_TO_LOAD" "Waiting for loaders" "DOTA_RP_HERO_SELECTION" "Hero Selection" "DOTA_RP_STRATEGY_TIME" "Strategy Time" "DOTA_RP_PRE_GAME" "Pre Game" "DOTA_RP_GAME_IN_PROGRESS" "Playing A Game" "DOTA_RP_GAME_IN_PROGRESS_CUSTOM" "Playing %s1" "DOTA_RP_GAME_IN_PROGRESS_CUSTOM_UNNAMED" "Playing Custom Game" "DOTA_RP_LOBBY_CUSTOM" "%s1 Lobby" "DOTA_RP_LOBBY_CUSTOM_UNNAMED" "Custom Game Lobby" "DOTA_RP_PLAYING_AS" "as %s2 (Lvl %s1)" "DOTA_RP_POST_GAME" "Post Game" "DOTA_RP_DISCONNECT" "Disconnecting" "DOTA_RP_SPECTATING" "Spectating A Game" "DOTA_RP_CASTING" "Casting A Game" "DOTA_RP_WATCHING_REPLAY" "Watching A Replay" "DOTA_RP_WATCHING_TOURNAMENT" "Watching A Tournament Game" "DOTA_RP_WATCHING_TOURNAMENT_REPLAY" "Watching A Tournament Replay" "DOTA_RP_FINDING_MATCH" "Finding A Match" "DOTA_RP_FINDING_YEAR_BEAST_BRAWL" "Finding Year Beast Brawl" "DOTA_RP_SPECTATING_WHILE_FINDING" "Finding A Match & Spectacting" "DOTA_RP_PENDING" "Friend Request Pending" "DOTA_RP_ONLINE" "Online" "DOTA_RP_BUSY" "Busy" "DOTA_RP_AWAY" "Away" "DOTA_RP_SNOOZE" "Snooze" "DOTA_RP_LOOKING_TO_TRADE" "Looking To Trade" "DOTA_RP_LOOKING_TO_PLAY" "Looking To Play" "DOTA_RP_PLAYING_OTHER" "Playing Other Game" "DOTA_RP_ACCOUNT_DISABLED" "Matchmaking Disabled Temporarily" "DOTA_RichPresence_Help" "What's new? Set a custom status here!" "DOTA_RP_QUEST" "On A Training Mission" "DOTA_RP_BOTPRACTICE" "Playing Against Bots" "DOTA_RP_TRAINING" "On a Training Mission" "DOTA_RP_OPEN_SOLO" "Looking for party members" "DOTA_RP_OPEN_PARTY" "In party looking for members" "DOTA_RP_PLAYING_DOTA_S1" "Playing Dota 2" "DOTA_RP_PLAYING_DOTA_S2" "Playing Dota 2 - Reborn Beta" "DOTA_VoiceTextBanned_Reports" "No one hears you. Your account has been flagged as disruptive and your communication privileges temporarily revoked. Time remaining: %s1 hours" "DOTA_VoiceTextBanned_Reports_Avoid_Overflow" "No one hears you. Your account has been flagged as disruptive and your communication privileges temporarily revoked." "DOTA_SpectatorsAreWatchingYourGame" "There are %s1 spectators watching this game right now." // Watch game status "DOTA_WATCH_GAME_STATUS" "Watch Game Status" "DOTA_WATCH_Pending" "Waiting to watch game..." "DOTA_WATCH_GameServerNotFound" "The game server hosting this game was not found." "DOTA_WATCH_Unavailable" "Could not watch this game at this time." "DOTA_WATCH_LobbyNotFound" "Lobby not found." "dota_workshop_welcome_hed" "Contribute to the future of Dota 2" "dota_workshop_welcome_descr_text" "Create and submit new items, or review and rate what other people submit. Rate items highly and you just might see them become available in-game. If your item is accepted in the game, you'll receive a percentage of its sales. By submitting an item to the Steam Workshop, you agree to the legal agreement." "dota_workshop_viewlegal" "Legal Agreement" "dota_workshop_publishnewitem" "Publish New Submission" "dota_workshop_editexistingitem" "Update Existing Submission" "dota_workshop_browse" "Browse Workshop" "dota_workshop_items" "View My Submissions" "DOTA_Workshop_ConfirmFileDeletion" "Confirm Delete" "DOTA_Workshop_ConfirmFileDeletionDescription" "Delete Item? This cannot be undone." "dota_workshop_camera_tooltip_fullbody" "Full Body Preview" "dota_workshop_camera_tooltip_day" "Day Lighting Preview" "dota_workshop_camera_tooltip_night" "Night Lighting Preview" "dota_workshop_camera_tooltip_portrait" "Portrait Preview" "dota_workshop_camera_tooltip_ingame" "In Game Preview" "DOTA_Workshop_ConfirmInGameError" "Items cannot be tested in-game when you're already in a game." "DOTA_Workshop_ConfirmInGame" "Start Local Server?" "DOTA_Workshop_ConfirmInGameDescription" "To test your submission in-game, a local game server will need to be started." "DOTA_Workshop_Save_Title" "Saved!" "DOTA_Workshop_Save" "Wrote to %s1." "DOTA_Workshop_SaveError_Title" "Save Failed!" "DOTA_Workshop_SaveError" "Unable to write to %s1." "DOTA_Workshop_LoadError_Title" "Load Failed!" "DOTA_Workshop_LoadError" "Unable to read from %s1." "DOTA_Workshop_ViewItems_List" "ITEM LIST:" "DOTA_Workshop_ViewItems_Sort_Creation" "Creation Date" "DOTA_Workshop_ViewItems_Sort_Update" "Last Update Date" "DOTA_Workshop_ViewItems_Sort_Title" "Title" "DOTA_Workshop_ViewItems_Sort_Hero" "Hero" "DOTA_Workshop_QueryTimeout_Title" "Lost Connection To Workshop" "DOTA_Workshop_QueryTimeout_Desc" "Unable to get the full list of your published files from the Steam Workshop. Try refreshing again soon." "DOTA_Workshop_ErrorTimeout_Title" "Error Connecting To Workshop" "DOTA_Workshop_ErrorTimeout_Desc" "Unable to connect to the Steam Workshop. Please try again later." "DOTA_Workshop_Edit" "Edit" "DOTA_Workshop_Delete" "Delete" "DOTA_Workshop_SubmitError" "Submit Error!" "DOTA_Workshop_Error_JPEG_FileFormat" "Preview File is in the wrong format. Please use RGB or YCbCr." "DOTA_Workshop_Error_ContentFile" "Could not prepare content file." "DOTA_Workshop_Error_UploadingFile" "Could not complete file upload, please try again later.\n\n(Error code: %s1)" "DOTA_Workshop_Error_16" "Publishing timed out. Please try again later." "DOTA_Workshop_Error_24" "Insufficient privileges to publish workshop files. Limited Steam Accounts may not publish workshop files." "DOTA_Workshop_Error_PreviewFile" "Could not prepare preview image." "DOTA_Workshop_Error_NotEnoughSpace" "Not Enough Space in your Steam Cloud. Try deleting some older submissions to make room, or reduce the size of your submission." "DOTA_Workshop_Error_CanGetQuota" "Can't Get Steam Cloud Quota." "DOTA_Workshop_Error_CouldntWriteFileToCloud" "Couldn't write %s1 to Steam Cloud." "DOTA_Workshop_BrowseImage" "The preview image will be resized to 512 x 512 when displayed on the web." "DOTA_Workshop_PreviewTitle" "PREVIEW IMAGE:" "DOTA_Workshop_ItemTitle" "SUBMISSION TITLE:" "DOTA_Workshop_HeroTitle" "HERO:" "DOTA_Workshop_SlotTitle" "LOADOUT SLOT:" "DOTA_Workshop_AbilityTitle" "SELECT HERO AND ABILITY" "DOTA_Workshop_SelectAbility" "ABILITY MODEL(S) TO REPLACE:" "DOTA_Workshop_TypeTitle" "ITEM TYPE:" "DOTA_Workshop_FileTitle" "SUBMISSION FILE:" "DOTA_Workshop_DescTitle" "DESCRIPTION:" "DOTA_Workshop_TestTitle" "IMPORT MODEL" "DOTA_Workshop_EventTitle" "BRAND SUBMISSION?" "DOTA_Workshop_SubmitTitle" "SUBMIT TO THE WORKSHOP" "DOTA_Workshop_Test" "TEST" "DOTA_Workshop_ImportCursorPack" "IMPORT CURSOR PACK" "DOTA_Workshop_ImportHudSkin" "IMPORT HUD SKIN" "DOTA_Workshop_HudSkin_CopyErr" "Failed to copy %s into the HUD test directory at %s\n" "DOTA_Workshop_AddWearables" "Additional Items" "DOTA_Workshop_TestExplanation" "Wearables need to be tested to ensure they're within budget. Select the compiled model and then hit the Test button. If you're submitting something other than a wearable, you can skip this step. Submissions of untested wearable models won't be considered for addition into Dota 2." "DOTA_Workshop_NoFile" "< NO FILE SELECTED >" "DOTA_Workshop_NoFile_Update" "< NO UPDATE SELECTED >" "DOTA_Workshop_Update_Desc" "You don't need to re-upload your submission's content if you only want to change the title, description, or preview image. When you click the Update button, only the components of your submission that have actually changed will be updated." "DOTA_Workshop_ValidationFailed" "Validation failed. Item cannot be submitted." "DOTA_Workshop_ValidationSucceeded" "Validation succeeded." "DOTA_Workshop_File_Submission" "Submissions (.zip files)" "DOTA_Workshop_File_Preview" "Preview Images (.jpg files)" "DOTA_Workshop_File_Models" "Models (.mdl files)" "DOTA_Workshop_File_Geometry" "Geometry (.smd, .dmx, .fbx files)" "DOTA_Workshop_File_Animation" "Animations (.smd, .dmx, .fbx files)" "DOTA_Workshop_File_Texture" "Texture (.tga files)" "DOTA_Workshop_File_Wearable" "Wearable Model (.mdl files)" "DOTA_Workshop_File_PortraitInfo" "Portrait Layout File (.pts files)" "DOTA_Workshop_File_Marketing" "Marketing Images (.psd files)" "DOTA_Workshop_File_HudSkin" "HUD Skin Images (.png files)" "DOTA_Workshop_File_LoadingScreen" "Loading Screen Images (.png files)" "DOTA_Workshop_File_AbilityIcon" "Ability Icon (.png files)" "DOTA_Workshop_HeroSelect" "Select Hero" "DOTA_Workshop_NoHeroSelected" "No hero selected" "DOTA_Workshop_SlotSelect" "Select slot" "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionTypeTitle" "What are you publishing?" "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionTypeImagesTitle" "What type of image are you publishing?" "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_Wearable" "WEARABLE ITEM" "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_Wearable_Desc" "Model geometry that attaches to a specific hero's base model." "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_Courier" "COURIER" "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_Courier_Desc" "Two models with the animations required to operate in-game as a team's ground & flying courier." "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_Ward" "WARD" "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_Ward_Desc" "A model with the animations required to operate in-game as an observer & sentry ward." "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_Other" "OTHER" "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_Other_Desc" "A submission that doesn't fit in any of the other submission types." "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_Ability" "ABILITY" "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_Ability_Desc" "One or more models with the animations required to replace models associated with a specific Hero's spells or abilities." "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_HudSkin" "HUD SKIN" "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_HudSkin_Desc" "A set of images designed to replace the in-game HUD." "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_LoadingScreen" "LOADING SCREEN" "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_LoadingScreen_Desc" "An image to replace the loading screen." "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_Animation" "ANIMATION" "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_Animation_Desc" "Animations that replace one or more of a Hero's existing animations." "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_CustomGame" "CUSTOM GAME MODE" "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_CustomGame_Desc" "A new game mode" "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_Images" "IMAGES" "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_Images_Desc" "Submissions comprised of images such as Loading Screens, HUD Skins, Ability Icons and Chat Emoticons." "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_AbilityIcons" "ABILITY ICONS" "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_AbilityIcons_Desc" "A set of images designed to replace a Hero's ability icons." "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_ChatEmoticon" "CHAT EMOTICON" "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_ChatEmoticon_Desc" "An animated chat emoticon." "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_CursorPack" "CURSOR PACK" "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_CursorPack_Desc" "A pack of cursors that replace the HUD defaults." "DOTA_Workshop_RetrievingInfo" "RETRIEVING INFORMATION" "DOTA_Workshop_InternalSave_Ok" "SUCCESS" "DOTA_Workshop_InternalErr_Dir" "%s1 isn't under the dota/models directory." "DOTA_Workshop_InternalErr_CO" "Failed to check out %s1 in P4." "DOTA_Workshop_InternalErr_resize" "Failed to Resize a file (%s1)" "DOTA_Workshop_InternalScs_Up" "Updated portraits.txt entry for %s1." "DOTA_Workshop_InternalScs_Add" "Added new portraits.txt entry for %s1." "DOTA_Workshop_InternalErr_VTF" "Failed to compile .VTF for %s1." "DOTA_Workshop_CustomGame_Help" "Custom Game Mode Help" "DOTA_Workshop_ImportCustomGame" "Publish Custom Game Mode" "DOTA_Workshop_UploadCustomGame" "Uploaded Custom Game Mode" "DOTA_ItemTest_CustomGame_Intro" "Here you can select your addon folder and have it packaged up into a .vpk for publishing." "DOTA_Workshop_ChooseCustomGame" "Select addon folder" "DOTA_Workshop_ChooseCustomGameDesc" "Select the dota_addons folder containing your custom game mode" "DOTA_Workshop_Preparing" "Preparing File..." "DOTA_Workshop_Uploading" "Uploading File..." "DOTA_Workshop_Committing" "Committing Changes..." "DOTA_Workshop_Event_Spring2014" "Spring 2014" "DOTA_Workshop_Event_Spring2015" "Spring 2015" "DOTA_Workshop_Branding_Player" "Player" "DOTA_Workshop_Branding_Team" "Team" "DOTA_Workshop_Branding_Caster" "Caster" "DOTA_Workshop_Tags_SingleItem" "Single Item" "DOTA_Workshop_UseSource2Title" "Incorrect Client" "DOTA_Workshop_UseSource2Desc" "Use the Dota 2 Reborn client to update or publish Custom Games." "DOTA_ItemTest_Ready" "Ready" "DOTA_ItemTest_Optional" "Optional" "DOTA_ItemTest_Required" "Required" "DOTA_ItemTest_Required_Texture" "Required (Textures will be resized to: %s1)" "DOTA_ItemTest_Required_Geometry" "Required (Max Triangle count: %s1)" "DOTA_ItemTest_NotRequired_Geometry" "(Max Triangle count: %s1)" "DOTA_ItemTest_NotRequired_Texture" "(Textures will be resized to: %s1)" "DOTA_ItemTest_ItemName" "OUTPUT FILENAME:" "DOTA_ItemTest_ItemName_Desc" "This is the output filename for your item. It isn't seen by players, and must be less than 50 characters long." "DOTA_ItemTest_GenericModelName_Desc" "This is the name of your imported content, it is used internally at Valve so please use a unique or descriptive name. It isn't seen by players, and must be less than 50 characters long." "DOTA_ItemTest_UnknownLOD" "UNKNOWN GEOMETRY FILE" "DOTA_ItemTest_LOD0Title" "OPTIONAL PORTRAIT GEOMETRY" "DOTA_ItemTest_LOD0Desc" "This is the .DMX, .SMD, or .FBX file that contains the higher resolution skinned geometry for your item. It will be used in portrait, loadout and showcase views. Please check the mesh for missing back faces. If this entry is blank, in-game geometry will be used instead." "DOTA_ItemTest_LOD1Title" "IN-GAME GEOMETRY" "DOTA_ItemTest_LOD1Desc" "This is the .DMX, .SMD, or .FBX file that contains the skinned geometry for your item. It will be used in-game." "DOTA_ItemTest_Texture_Title" "TEXTURE FILES" "DOTA_ItemTest_Texture_Desc" "This is the set of four .TGA files that combine to texture this geometry file. Browse and select any one of the _color, _normal, _mask1, or _mask2 .TGA files, and we'll look for the rest in the same directory." "DOTA_ItemTest_Texturing" "Texturing Help" "DOTA_ItemTest_Modelling" "Modelling Help" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation" "Animation Help" "DOTA_ItemTest_AbilityIconsHelp" "Ability Icons Help" "DOTA_ItemTest_DisableNICE" "Disable Texture Filtering" "DOTA_ItemTest_DisableNICE_Desc" "On some textures, the NICE filter we use can result in mipmaps that don't maintain some specific texture detail. If you see this happening with your textures, try turning this option on and see if the textures are more readable." "DOTA_ItemTest_Reimport" "Update" "DOTA_ItemTest_Models_Title" "MODELS" "DOTA_ItemTest_Materials_Title" "MATERIALS" "DOTA_ItemTest_Attachments_Title" "ATTACHMENTS" "DOTA_ItemTest_Marketing_Title" "MARKETING" "DOTA_ItemTest_Marketing_Desc" "A .PSD file containing a selection of marketing images to use when promoting your submission. Click the Marketing Help link to see the requirements, and suggested format, of your .PSD file." "DOTA_ItemTest_Marketing_Help" "Marketing Help" "DOTA_ItemTest_Particles_Title" "PARTICLES" "DOTA_ItemTest_Particles_Desc" "This model will have a particle system attached to it in-game for gameplay purposes. This is the .DMX, .SMD, or .FBX file that contains vertices specifying how the particle system should be attached." "DOTA_ItemTest_Particles_Help" "Particle Help" "DOTA_ItemTest_Images_Title" "IMAGES" "DOTA_ItemTest_AbilityIcons_Title" "ABILITY ICONS" "DOTA_ItemTest_HudSkin_Intro" "HUD Skins are a set of images that combine to replace the in-game HUD." "DOTA_ItemTest_HudSkin_Desc" "A set of .PNG files that were produced by the HUD Skin Photoshop export tool. Browse and select any of the .PNG files, and we'll find the rest. They must be in the directory structure created by the export tool." "DOTA_ItemTest_HudSkin_Help" "HUD Skin Help" "DOTA_ItemTest_CursorPack_Intro" "Cursor Packs are a set of images that combine to replace the in-game cursors." "DOTA_ItemTest_CursorPack_Desc" "A set of .BMP files that represent the variety of cursors for the UI. Also necessary are raw .PNG source for the same cursors. Browse for the icon.png that will be your pack's inventory icon and we'll find the other files." "DOTA_ItemTest_CursorPack_Help" "Cursor Pack Help" "DOTA_Workshop_ImportLoadingScreen" "IMPORT LOADING SCREEN" "DOTA_ItemTest_LoadingScreen_Intro" "An image that replaces the default Dota 2 Loading Screen" "DOTA_ItemTest_LoadingScreen_Desc" "Browse for loadingscreen.png." "DOTA_ItemTest_LoadScreen_Preview_Title" "Preview aspect ratio cropping" "DOTA_UI_LoadScreen_16_9" "16:9 Aspect Ratio" "DOTA_UI_LoadScreen_16_10" "16:10 Aspect Ratio" "DOTA_UI_LoadScreen_4_3" "4:3 Aspect Ratio" "DOTA_Workshop_ImportChatEmoticon" "IMPORT CHAT EMOTICON" "DOTA_ItemTest_ChatEmoticon_Intro" "An animated chat emoticon" "DOTA_ItemTest_ChatEmoticon_Help" "Chat Emoticons Help" "DOTA_ItemTest_ChatEmoticon_Title" "Source Image File" "DOTA_ItemTest_ChatEmoticon_ItemName" "Emoticon Keyword" "DOTA_ItemTest_ChatEmoticon_ItemName_Desc" "Proposed chat emoticon keyword" "DOTA_ItemTest_ChatEmoticon_AnimationSpeed" "Frame Time" "DOTA_ItemTest_ChatEmoticon_AnimationSpeed_Desc" "Frame time, in milliseconds. Most emoticons use 100 milliseconds per frame." "DOTA_ItemTest_ChatEmoticon_DefaultFrame" "Default Frame" "DOTA_ItemTest_ChatEmoticon_DefaultFrame_Desc" "The frame to show when the emoticon is not animating. In the range from 0 to the number of frames minus one. Use -1 to automatically chose the last frame. If not specified, will use the first frame (0)." "DOTA_ItemTest_ChatEmoticon_Preview_Title" "Preview Chat Emoticon" "DOTA_Workshop_ImportChatEmoticon_Preview" "Preview" "DOTA_Workshop_File_ChatEmoticon" "Source Image (.png files)" "DOTA_ItemTest_Attachments_Desc" "Attachment points are points on the model that the game can use to position certain effects. Each attachment point has both a position and an angle, which it derives from a bone in your model. For each required attachment point, specify the bone name. Once we've built your imported model, the preview will show you the attachment point so you can verify its position." "DOTA_ItemTest_Attachments_UIBlock" "Attachments %s1" "DOTA_ItemTest_Attachment_HitLocation" "Hit Location Bone name" "DOTA_ItemTest_Attachment_HitLocation_Desc" "Specifies where on the model that incoming enemy projectiles should travel to. A good position is above the center of the model, such as the center of the head in a humanoid." "DOTA_ItemTest_Attachment_LeftEye" "Left Eye Bone name" "DOTA_ItemTest_Attachment_LeftEye_Desc" "Specifies where on the model to place Unusual particle effects intended for the Left Eye of a creature. Only attach to an eye joint that does not animate or to the head joint. Position on the Left Eye with the red tx arrow pointing forward." "DOTA_ItemTest_Attachment_RightEye" "Right Eye Bone name" "DOTA_ItemTest_Attachment_RightEye_Desc" "Specifies where on the model to place Unusual particle effects intended for the Right Eye of a creature. Only attach to an eye joint that does not animate or to the head joint. Position on the Right Eye with the red tx arrow pointing forward." "DOTA_ItemTest_Attachment_AttackPoint" "Attack Point Bone name" "DOTA_ItemTest_Attachment_AttackPoint_Desc" "For ranged attack units, this specifies where their attack projectiles should start. For melee units, it's this is where we spawn hit effects, like blood splashes." "DOTA_ItemTest_Attachment_AttackPoint2" "Offhand Attack Point Bone name" "DOTA_ItemTest_Attachment_AttackPoint2_Desc" "When an OFFHAND ATTACK animation is used instead of the base ATTACK, this attack point will be used to spawn hit effects & projectiles." "DOTA_ItemTest_Attachment_Mouth" "Mouth Bone name" "DOTA_ItemTest_Attachment_Mouth_Desc" "Specifies where on the model to place particle effects intended for the mouth of the unit." "DOTA_ItemTest_Attachment_BowTop" "Bowstring Top Attachment point" "DOTA_ItemTest_Attachment_BowTop_Desc" "Specifies where on the model that the top of the bowstring particle effect should attach." "DOTA_ItemTest_Attachment_BowMid" "Bowstring Midpoint Attachment point" "DOTA_ItemTest_Attachment_BowMid_Desc" "Specifies where on the model the middle of the bowstring particle effect should be. Used to bend the bowstring for firing." "DOTA_ItemTest_Attachment_BowBot" "Bowstring Bottom Attachment point" "DOTA_ItemTest_Attachment_BowBot_Desc" "Specifies where on the model that the bottom of the bowstring particle effect should attach." "DOTA_ItemTest_Attachment_LowerStaff" "Earth Spirit Lower Staff Attachment point" "DOTA_ItemTest_Attachment_LowerStaff_Desc" "Specifies where on the staff model the lower particle effect should attach." "DOTA_ItemTest_Attachment_UpperStaff" "Earth Spirit Upper Staff Attachment point" "DOTA_ItemTest_Attachment_UppperStaff_Desc" "Specifies where on the staff model the upper particle effect should attach." //ATTACHMENT END "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_Title" "ANIMATIONS" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_Desc" "Animations are .DMX, .SMD, or .FBX files, each containing a single animation for your model." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_UIBlock" "Animations %s1" "DOTA_ItemTest_Preview_Anim" "Animation:" "DOTA_ItemTest_Preview_Gesture" "Overlay:" "DOTA_ItemTest_Preview_Skin" "Texture:" "DOTA_ItemTest_Preview_Model" "Model:" "DOTA_ItemTest_Preview_Attachment" "Highlight Attachment:" "DOTA_ItemTest_Preview_NoAttachment" "None" "DOTA_ItemTest_Preview_ShowReference" "Show Reference Model" "DOTA_ItemTest_Preview_ToggleLOD" "Show Low-Res Model" "DOTA_ItemTest_Preview_TogglePedestal" "Toggle Pedestal" "DOTA_ItemTest_Preview_ToggleUI" "Toggle UI" "DOTA_ItemTest_ImportError_Validation" "Validation Failed" "DOTA_ItemTest_Error_TooManyBones" "%s1 contains more bones than are allowed.\nModels cannot contain more than 52 bones." "DOTA_ItemTest_ImportError" "Texture File Error!" "DOTA_ItemTest_Error_VMTCount" "The %s1 model is using more than one material. Only one material is allowed for all the LODs in a model.\nMaterials found:\n\n%s2" "DOTA_ItemTest_Error_TextureNameA" "Cannot recognise the chosen .TGA file name. Textures must end with one of the following suffixes: _color, _normal, _mask1, _mask2" "DOTA_ItemTest_Error_TextureNameB" "Cannot find a matching .TGA file with the following suffix:\n %s1" "DOTA_ItemTest_RequiredFileError" "Required File Not Found!" "DOTA_ItemTest_RequiredFile_Name" "Cannot find a required file with the following name:\n %s1" "DOTA_ItemTest_ZipError" "File Error!" "DOTA_ItemTest_ZipError_Desc" "Failed to create temporary submission zip file at: %s1" "DOTA_ItemTest_Error" "Import Error" "DOTA_ItemTest_Error_Unskinned" "Couldn't find any bones in the wearable that correspond to bones in the hero model. Wearable items must be skinned to the hero's bones to be submitted." "DOTA_ItemTest_Error_NoManifest" "Zip file does not contain manifest.txt." "DOTA_ItemTest_Quicksave_Fail" "Save Failed" "DOTA_ItemTest_Quicksave_Fail_Desc" "Failed to save import state at %s1" "DOTA_ItemTest_Quickload_Fail" "Load Failed" "DOTA_ItemTest_Quickload_Fail_Desc" "Failed to load: save file not found at %s1" "DOTA_ItemTest_NotInTest" "Cannot Publish In Dota 2 Test" "DOTA_ItemTest_NotInTest_Desc" "Please use the main Dota 2 client to interact with the Steam Workshop." "DOTA_ItemTest_Import" "Import" "DOTA_ItemTest_Importing" "IMPORTING" "DOTA_ItemTest_Import_Success" "IMPORT SUCCESSFUL" "DOTA_ItemTest_Import_Failed" "IMPORT FAILED" "DOTA_ItemTest_OutOfBudget" "%s1 is outside triangle budget:\n %s2 contains %s3 triangles, when the budget only allows %s4." "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_Edit" "Open Portrait Editor" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_Preview" "In-Game Portrait Preview" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_SetCamOrg" "Set Camera Origin" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_SetCamTgt" "Set Camera Angles" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_SetLgtOrg" "Set Origin" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_SetLgtTgt" "Set Angles" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_SetDir" "Set Direction" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_SetCam_Desc" "Mouse left & right: Orbit target point\nMouse up & down: Translate up and down\nMousewheel: Translate closer / farther\n\nMouseclick to exit" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_SetDir_Desc" "Mouse left & right: Modify Yaw\nMouse up & down: Modify Pitch\nMousewheel: Move target point closer / farther\n\nMouseclick to exit" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_EditAtt_Desc" "Mouse left & right: Rotate around model\nMouse up & down: Translate up and down\nMousewheel: Translate closer / farther\n\nLeft Click to Save, Right Click to Cancel" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_EditAttDir_Desc" "Mouse left & right: Modify Yaw\nMouse up & down: Modify Pitch\n\nLeft Click to Save, Right Click to Cancel" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_FOV" "Field Of View:" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_Preset" "Apply Lighting Preset:" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_Light" "Spot Light" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_HSV" "Hue / Saturation / Value:" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_H" "H:" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_S" "S:" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_V" "V:" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_Size" "Size:" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_Distance" "Distance:" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_Ambient" "Ambient Light" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_Scale" "Scale:" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_Shadow" "Shadow Color" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_Specular" "Specular Color" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_Power" "Power:" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_Background" "Background" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_Texture" "Texture" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_Bkg_Color" "Color at:" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_Corner_0" "Bottom Left" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_Corner_1" "Top Left" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_Corner_2" "Top Right" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_Corner_3" "Bottom Right" "DOTA_Workshop_Submission_NotReady" "Submission Not Ready!" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_Unset" "You must create a portrait for the %s1 model. Click on the Open Portrait Editor button on the Portrait view to create a custom portrait." "DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Unedited" "You must save an edited position for the '%s1' attachment. Select the attachment it in the preview attachment list and click the Edit buttons." "DOTA_Workshop_Attachment_Rebuild" "Attachments have been changed. MDL will now be rebuilt with the new attachment positions." "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_HideHelpers" "Hide Helpers" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_EditAttachment" "Edit Position" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_EditAttachmentAng" "Edit Angles" "DOTA_Workshop_Portrait_Cycle" "Force Anim Cycle" "DOTA_Workshop_Preview_Model" "View Existing Model" "DOTA_Workshop_Preview_LoadZip" "Load Submission Zip" "DOTA_Workshop_LPreset_TopDown" "Top Down" "DOTA_Workshop_LPreset_Stage" "Stage Light" "DOTA_Workshop_LPreset_NightTime" "Night Time" "DOTA_Workshop_LPreset_CrossLight" "Cross Light" "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_Courier_ImportDesc" "Couriers require two models, one for their ground version and one for their upgraded flying version. The two models share the same 512x512 material." "DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_Ward_ImportDesc" "Wards require a single model, but two separate materials. The first material is used for the observer ward, and the second for the sentry." "DOTA_Workshop_Courier_BaseModel" "Ground" "DOTA_Workshop_Courier_FlyingModel" "Flying" "DOTA_ItemTest_LOD0Desc_Courier" "This is the .DMX, .SMD, or .FBX file that contains the higher resolution skinned geometry for your courier. It will be used in portrait, loadout and showcase views. Please check the mesh for missing back faces. If this entry is blank, in-game geometry will be used instead." "DOTA_ItemTest_LOD1Desc_Courier" "This is the .DMX, .SMD, or .FBX file that contains the skinned geometry for your item. It will be used in-game." "DOTA_ItemTest_Mat0Desc_Courier" "This is the set of four .TGA files that combine to texture both geometry files. Browse and select any one of the _color, _normal, _mask1, or _mask2 .TGA files, and we'll look for the rest in the same directory." "DOTA_ItemTest_SharedMats_Courier" "The Flying Courier model will use the texture file specified in the Ground Courier model." "DOTA_ItemTest_LOD0Title_Ward" "PORTRAIT GEOMETRY" "DOTA_ItemTest_LOD0Desc_Ward" "This is the .DMX, .SMD, or .FBX file that contains the higher resolution skinned geometry for your ward. It will be used in portrait, loadout and showcase views. If this entry is blank, in-game geometry will be used instead." "DOTA_ItemTest_LOD1Title_Ward" "IN-GAME GEOMETRY" "DOTA_ItemTest_LOD1Desc_Ward" "This is the .DMX, .SMD, or .FBX file that contains the skinned geometry for your item. It will be used in-game." "DOTA_ItemTest_Mat0Title_Ward" "OBSERVER TEXTURE FILES" "DOTA_ItemTest_Mat0Desc_Ward" "This is the _color .TGA file that textures the geometry files as an Observer Ward. _normal, _mask1, and _mask2 .TGA files are optional for Wards. If we find them in the same directory, we'll use them." "DOTA_ItemTest_Mat1Title_Ward" "SENTRY TEXTURE FILES" "DOTA_ItemTest_Mat1Desc_Ward" "This is the _color .TGA file that textures the geometry files as a Sentry Ward. _normal, _mask1, and _mask2 .TGA files are optional for Wards. If we find them in the same directory, we'll use them." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_Spawn" "SPAWN" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_Spawn_Desc" "It may help to have the unit's face angled slightly upward to read better from above in game view." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_Idle" "IDLE" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_Idle_Desc" "It may help to have the unit's face angled slightly upward to read better from above in game view. Separate portrait and loadout idles can be submitted with the face at a normal angle." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_IdleAlt" "ALTERNATE IDLE (optional)" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_IdleAlt_Desc" "It may help to have the unit's face angled slightly upward to read better from above in game view. Separate portrait and loadout idles can be submitted with the face at a normal angle." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_IdleRare" "RARE IDLE (optional)" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_IdleRare_Desc" "It may help to have the unit's face angled slightly upward to read better from above in game view. Separate portrait and loadout idles can be submitted with the face at a normal angle." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_Run" "RUN" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_Run_Desc" "It may help to have the unit's face angled slightly upward to read better from above in game view." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_RunAlt" "ALTERNATE RUN (optional)" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_RunAlt_Desc" "It may help to have the unit's face angled slightly upward to read better from above in game view." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_RunRare" "RARE RUN (optional)" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_RunRare_Desc" "It may help to have the unit's face angled slightly upward to read better from above in game view." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_RunHaste" "HASTE RUN (optional)" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_RunHaste_Desc" "It may help to have the unit's face angled slightly upward to read better from above in game view." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_RunInjured" "INJURED RUN (optional)" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_RunInjured_Desc" "It may help to have the unit's face angled slightly upward to read better from above in game view." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_Die" "DIE" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_Die2" "ALTERNATE DIE (optional)" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_Attack" "ATTACK" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_Attack_Desc" "Attack animations must match the timing of the unit's default animations. The attack animation for this unit must be %s2 seconds long, and the attack point occurs at %s1 seconds into it." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_AttackB" "ALTERNATE ATTACK (optional)" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_AttackB_Desc" "An alternate attack animation to randomly play instead of the ATTACK animation. Must have the same length & timing as the ATTACK animation." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_Attack2" "OFFHAND ATTACK (optional)" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_Attack2_Desc" "An alternate attack animation to randomly play instead of the ATTACK animation. Hit effects / projectiles will spawn from the OFFHAND ATTACK POINT attachment instead of the base ATTACK POINT. Must have the same length & timing as the ATTACK animation." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_Attack2B" "OFFHAND ALTERNATE ATTACK (optional)" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_Attack2B_Desc" "An alternate attack animation to randomly play instead of the ATTACK animation. Hit effects / projectiles will spawn from the OFFHAND ATTACK POINT attachment instead of the base ATTACK POINT. Must have the same length & timing as the ATTACK animation." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_Flail" "FLAILING" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_Flail_Desc" "A looping animation used when the unit is disabled and being moved (i.e. while cycloned, black holed, launched into the air)" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_Disabled" "DISABLED / STUNNED" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_TurnPoseCenter" "TURN POSE CENTER (optional)" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_TurnPoseCenter_Desc" "A single frame pose of the unit facing forward. Generally you can simply re-use frame 0 of the run animation. If set, you will need to provide Left and Right turn poses." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_TurnPoseLeft" "TURN POSE LEFT (optional)" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_TurnPoseLeft_Desc" "A single frame pose of the unit turning left. As the unit turns left, we'll blend between this pose and the Center pose. If set, you will need to provide Center and Right turn poses." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_TurnPoseRight" "TURN POSE RIGHT (optional)" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_TurnPoseRight_Desc" "A single frame pose of the unit turning right. As the unit turns right, we'll blend between this pose and the Center pose. If set, you will need to provide Center and Left turn poses." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_PortraitIdle" "PORTRAIT IDLE (optional)" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_PortraitIdle_Desc" "Have the unit's face at a normal angle to read best in the portrait. Consider toning down the body movement of the unit so that it doesn't drift too far out of the portrait frame." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_PortraitRare" "RARE PORTRAIT IDLE (optional)" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_PortraitRare_Desc" "Have the unit's face at a normal angle. Consider toning down the body movement of the unit so that it doesn't drift too far out of the portrait frame." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_LoadoutIdle" "LOADOUT IDLE (optional)" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_LoadoutIdle_Desc" "Have the unit's face at a normal angle to read best in the loadout." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_LoadoutRare" "RARE LOADOUT IDLE (optional)" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_LoadoutRare_Desc" "Have the unit's face at a normal angle and make the start and end poses of this animation match the regular loadout idle start and end poses for smooth transitions." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_BackLeftIdle" "BACK LEFT IDLE" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_LeftIdle" "LEFT IDLE" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_RightIdle" "RIGHT IDLE" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_BackRightIdle" "BACK RIGHT IDLE" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_BackLeftAttack" "BACK LEFT ATTACK" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_LeftAttack" "LEFT ATTACK" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_RightAttack" "RIGHT ATTACK" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_BackRightAttack" "BACK RIGHT ATTACK" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_Center_Desc" "Consider this as the center animation. It will be combined with left and right versions of the same animation so that the unit can smoothly track another units position" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_BackLeft_Desc" "This is a complete animation that must have the same number of frames as your center version. However the unit should twist to aim 179 degrees to the left. I.e. the bottom of the model should remain facing forward but the upper part should rotate almost completely backwards to the left." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_Left_Desc" "This is a complete animation that must have the same number of frames as your center version. However the unit should twist to aim 90 degrees to the left. I.e. the bottom of the model should remain facing forward but the upper part should rotate directly to the left." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_Right_Desc" "This is a complete animation that must have the same number of frames as your center version. However the unit should twist to aim 90 degrees to the right. I.e. the bottom of the model should remain facing forward but the upper part should rotate directly to the right." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_BackRight_Desc" "This is a complete animation that must have the same number of frames as your center version. However the unit should twist to aim 179 degrees to the right. I.e. the bottom of the model should remain facing forward but the upper part should rotate almost completely backwards to the right." "DOTA_ItemTest_LD_Trueform_Ability1" "SUMMON SPIRIT BEAR" "DOTA_ItemTest_LD_Trueform_Ability1_Desc" "40 frames long, the summon takes place on frame 15." "DOTA_ItemTest_LD_Trueform_Ability2" "RABID" "DOTA_ItemTest_LD_Trueform_Ability2_Desc" "30 frames long, the summon takes place on frame 0." "DOTA_ItemTest_LD_Trueform_Ability4" "BATTLECRY" "DOTA_ItemTest_LD_Trueform_Ability4_Desc" "40 frames long, the summon takes place on frame 15." "DOTA_ItemTest_LD_Trueform_AbilityUlt" "DRUID FORM" "DOTA_ItemTest_LD_Trueform_AbilityUlt_Desc" "Morph back into Druid Form. 70 frames total, should disappear beneath the ground on frame 58." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_Victory" "VICTORY" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_Defeat" "DEFEAT" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_IdleOutOfRange" "IDLE (OUT OF RANGE)" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_IdleOutOfRange_Desc_SB" "This Idle is used when Lone Druid is too far from his bear for it to attack." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_RunOutOfRange" "RUN (OUT OF RANGE)" "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_RunOutOfRange_Desc_SB" "This Run is used when Lone Druid is too far from his bear for it to attack." "DOTA_ItemTest_Animation_Die_Forward" "DIE FORWARD" //ANIMATION END //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "DOTA_Import_Mat0Title_Generic" "TEXTURE FILES" "DOTA_Import_Mat0Desc_Generic" "This is the set of four .TGA files that combine to texture your geometry files. Browse and select any one of the _color, _normal, _mask1, or _mask2 .TGA files, and we'll look for the rest in the same directory." "DOTA_Import_LOD0Title_Generic" "PORTRAIT GEOMETRY" "DOTA_Import_LOD0Desc_Generic" "This is the .DMX, .SMD, or .FBX file that contains the higher resolution skinned geometry for the model. It will be used in portrait, loadout and showcase views. If this entry is blank, in-game geometry will be used instead." "DOTA_Import_LOD1Title_Generic" "IN-GAME GEOMETRY" "DOTA_Import_LOD1Desc_Generic" "This is the .DMX, .SMD, or .FBX file that contains the skinned geometry for the model. It will be used in-game." "DOTA_Import_Ward" "Ward" "DOTA_Import_Boar" "Boar" "DOTA_Import_Boar_Desc" "Boars require a single model." "DOTA_Import_Exorcism" "Exorcism Spirit" "DOTA_Import_Exorcism_Desc" "Exorcism Spirits require a single model." "DOTA_Import_Hawk" "Hawk" "DOTA_Import_Hawk_Desc" "Hawks require a single model." "DOTA_Import_Bear" "Spirit Bear" "DOTA_Import_Bear_Desc" "Spirit Bears require a single model." "DOTA_Import_Spiderling" "Spiderling" "DOTA_Import_Spiderling_Desc" "Spiderlings require a single model." "DOTA_Import_Wolves" "Wolves" "DOTA_Import_Wolves_Desc" "Wolves require a single model, which is used for all 4 ability levels. The model will be scaled up in higher levels." "DOTA_Import_Wolves_Anim_Ability1" "STANDING HOWL" "DOTA_Import_Wolves_Anim_Ability1_Desc" "An animation played on this wolf when the Lycan Hero howls. This animation will only be used if the Wolf is stationary." "DOTA_Import_Wolves_Anim_Ability2" "RUNNING HOWL GESTURE" "DOTA_Import_Wolves_Anim_Ability2_Desc" "An animation played on this wolf when the Lycan Hero howls. This Gesture animation will be blended on top of the Run animation when the Wolf is moving. The body & legs bones should probably not be affected by this animation." "DOTA_Import_Lycan_Ult" "Shapeshift Form" "DOTA_Import_Lycan_Ult_Desc" "Lycan's Shapeshift Form requires a single model." "DOTA_Import_Jugg_Ward" "Healing Ward" "DOTA_Import_Jugg_Ward_Desc" "Juggernaut's Healing Ward requires a single model." "DOTA_Import_Pugna_Ward" "Nether Ward" "DOTA_Import_Pugna_Ward_Desc" "Pugna's Nether Ward requires a single model." "DOTA_Import_Forge_Spirit" "Forge Spirit" "DOTA_Import_Forge_Spirit_Desc" "Invoker's Forge Spirit requires a single model." "DOTA_Import_WD_Ward" "Death Ward" "DOTA_Import_WD_Ward_Desc" "Witchdoctor's Ward requires a single model." "DOTA_Import_Tusk_Sigil" "Sigil" "DOTA_Import_Tusk_Sigil_Desc" "Tusk's Sigil requires a single model." "DOTA_Import_Undying_Golem" "Undying Golem" "DOTA_Import_Undying_Golem_Desc" "Undying's ultimate form requires a single model." "DOTA_Import_Undying_Tombstone" "Undying Tombstone" "DOTA_Import_Undying_Tombstone_Desc" "Undying's Tombstone requires a single model." "DOTA_Import_Undying_Zombie" "Undying Zombie" "DOTA_Import_Undying_Zombie_Desc" "Undying's ultimate form requires a single model." "DOTA_Import_ShadowShaman_Wards" "Shadow Shaman Wards" "DOTA_Import_ShadowShaman_Wards_Desc" "Shadow Shaman's Wards requires a single model." "DOTA_Import_Gyro_Missle" "Homing Missile" "DOTA_Import_Gyro_Missle_Desc" "Gyrocoptor's Missile requires a single model." "DOTA_Import_NP_Treant" "Treant" "DOTA_Import_NP_Treant_Desc" "Nature's Prophet's Treant requires a single model." "DOTA_Import_Enigma_Eidolon" "Eidolon" "DOTA_Import_Enigma_Eidolon_Desc" "Enigma's Eidolon requires a single model." "DOTA_Import_Warlock_Golem" "Golem" "DOTA_Import_Warlock_Golem_Desc" "Warlock's Golem requires a single model." "DOTA_Import_Serpent_Ward" "Serpent Ward" "DOTA_Import_Serpent_Ward_Desc" "Shadow Shaman's Serpent Wards requires a single model." "DOTA_Import_Trueform" "True Form" "DOTA_Import_Trueform_Desc" "Lone Druid's True Form requires a single model." "DOTA_Import_Veno_Ward" "Plague Ward" "DOTA_Import_Veno_Ward_Desc" "Venomancer's Plague Ward requires a single model." //IMPORT END "DOTA_Workshop_AddWearable" "ADD / REMOVE WEARABLES" "DOTA_Workshop_Add" "ADD" "DOTA_Workshop_Remove" "REMOVE" "DOTA_Workshop_Change" "CHANGE" "DOTA_KEYBIND_MENU_UNITACTIONS" "UNIT ACTIONS" "DOTA_KEYBIND_MENU_ABILITIES" "ABILITIES" "DOTA_KEYBIND_MENU_ITEMS" "ITEMS" "DOTA_KEYBIND_MENU_CAMERA" "CAMERA" "DOTA_KEYBIND_MENU_PLAYER" "PLAYER" "DOTA_KEYBIND_MENU_METAGAME" "METAGAME" "DOTA_KEYBIND_MENU_SPECTATOR" "SPECTATOR" "DOTA_KEYBIND_MENU_CHAT" "CHAT" "DOTA_KEYBIND_USE_CURRENT" "Use Current Config" "DOTA_KEYBIND_USE_LEGACY" "Use Legacy Config" "DOTA_KEYBIND_MENU_PAGE1" "<< GAME" "DOTA_KEYBIND_MENU_PAGE2" "SPECTATOR >>" "DOTA_Inventory1" "Inventory 1" "DOTA_Inventory2" "Inventory 2" "DOTA_Inventory3" "Inventory 3" "DOTA_Inventory4" "Inventory 4" "DOTA_Inventory5" "Inventory 5" "DOTA_Inventory6" "Inventory 6" "DOTA_QuickCastInventory1" "Quick Cast Inventory 1" "DOTA_QuickCastInventory2" "Quick Cast Inventory 2" "DOTA_QuickCastInventory3" "Quick Cast Inventory 3" "DOTA_QuickCastInventory4" "Quick Cast Inventory 4" "DOTA_QuickCastInventory5" "Quick Cast Inventory 5" "DOTA_QuickCastInventory6" "Quick Cast Inventory 6" "DOTA_SpectatorForward" "Spectator Camera Forward" "DOTA_SpectatorBack" "Spectator Camera Back" "DOTA_SpectatorLeft" "Spectator Camera Left" "DOTA_SpectatorRight" "Spectator Camera Right" "DOTA_SpectatorGrip" "Spectator Camera Grip" "DOTA_SpectatorPause" "Spectator Pause" "DOTA_SpectatorSelect" "Spectator Select Unit Under Cursor" "DOTA_SpectatorIncreaseReplaySpeed" "Increase Replay Speed" "DOTA_SpectatorDecreaseReplaySpeed" "Decrease Replay Speed" "DOTA_SpectatorChat" "Spectator Chat" "DOTA_SpectatorScoreboard" "Spectator Scoreboard" "DOTA_SpectatorStatsHarvest" "Spectator Harvest Stats" "DOTA_SpectatorStatsItem" "Spectator Item Stats" "DOTA_SpectatorStatsGold" "Spectator Gold Graph" "DOTA_SpectatorStatsXP" "Spectator XP Graph" "DOTA_SpectatorStatsFantasy" "Spectator Fantasy Stats" "DOTA_SpectatorFOWBoth" "Spectator FOW Both Teams" "DOTA_SpectatorFOWRadient" "Spectator FOW Radiant" "DOTA_SpectatorFOWDire" "Spectator FOW Dire" "DOTA_SpectatorBroadcasterMenu" "Open Broadcaster Menu" "DOTA_SpectatorDropdown_KDA" "Kills/Deaths/Assists" "DOTA_SpectatorDropdown_Lasthits_Denies" "Last Hits / Denies" "DOTA_SpectatorDropdown_Level" "Hero Level" "DOTA_SpectatorDropdown_XP_Per_Min" "XP Per Minute" "DOTA_SpectatorDropdown_Gold" "Current Gold" "DOTA_SpectatorDropdown_TotalGold" "Earned Gold" "DOTA_SpectatorDropdown_Gold_Per_Min" "Gold Per Minute" "DOTA_SpectatorDropdown_Sort" "Change Sorting" "DOTA_SpectatorDropdown_Close" "Clear Category" "DOTA_SpectatorDropdown_Buyback" "Buyback Status" "DOTA_SpectatorDropdown_NetWorth" "Net Worth" "DOTA_SpectatorDropdown_Fantasy" "Fantasy Scores" "DOTA_SpectatorCoach_ViewToggle" "Coach Toggle Student Perspective" //ECONOMY UI TEXT "econ_new_items_title" "YOU HAVE NEW ITEMS" "econ_new_items_desc" "New items are placed into your Armory. \nEquip new items in the hero's LOADOUT screen." "econ_tool_desc_title" "CHANGE DESCRIPTION" "econ_tool_desc_label" "Current Description:" "econ_tool_name_title" "CHANGE NAME" "econ_tool_name_label" "Current Name:" "econ_store_title" "STORE" "econ_backpack_title" "ARMORY" "econ_loadout_title" "LOADOUT" "econ_workshop_title" "WORKSHOP" "econ_collection_title" "COLLECTION" "DOTA_PageUnavailable" "Page Currently Unavailable" "DOTA_PageUnavailableExplanation" "I'm sure that someone is working hard to fix the problem...
Why not queue for a match instead?" "Notifications_New" "New Notifications" "Notifications_All" "Notifications" "Notifications_ViewAll" "View Old Notifications" "Notifications_Requesting" "Retrieving Notifications..." "Notifications_Failed" "Failed to Retrieve Notifications." "Notifications_No_New" "No New Notifications." "Notifications_None" "You have no Notifications." "Notification_Delete" "Delete" "Notification_Dismiss" "Dismiss" "Notification_DismissAll" "Dismiss All" "Notification_Item" "You have received an item!" "Notification_Item_Wide" "Received Item" "Notification_Action_Taken" "We've recently taken action against one or more players you've previously reported for bad conduct. You have received an additional report submission to use. Thanks for your help in making the Dota 2 community a friendlier place." "Notification_ViewItemDetails" "View Item" "Notification_ViewDetails" "View Details" "Notification_EnterDetails" "Enter Details" "Notification_RecruitAccepted" "%s1 has accepted your recruitment request. Play games with your recruits to increase your Recruitment Level and earn bonus Battle Points!" "Notification_FantasyDraftSet" "The Live Draft for your Fantasy League '%s1' has been set for %s2." "Notification_FantasyOwnerJoined" "%s1 has joined your Fantasy League '%s2'." "Notification_FantasyInvited" "You have been invited to join Fantasy League '%s1'." "Notification_FantasyCreate" "You can now create a Fantasy League for the tournament '%s1'." "Notification_FantasyCreateUnKnown" "You can now create a new Fantasy League." "Notification_FantasyTradeSuccess" "You have dropped '%s2' and added '%s3' in Fantasy League '%s1'." "Notification_FantasyTradeFailure" "Failed to add '%s2' in Fantasy League '%s1'. Another member of the league claimed them in a higher priority trade." "Notification_FantasyNewSeason2" "Fantasy Season Two is starting on September 29th! You can now create a new Fantasy League, or join a friend's League. New this season: a web interface to your league an and exclusive teleport effect reward." "Notification_NeedOfficialInfoForLeaderboard" "Congratulations! You are one of the best Dota 2 players in the world. To be eligible to appear on the world leaderboards, you must enter your official player information." "Notification_PlacementInLowPriorityDueToExcessiveReports" "You have been placed into the low-priority pool, as you are among the most highly reported players in the DOTA community. Please try to be more respectful of other players in the future to avoid subsequent low-priority penalties." "Notification_PlacementInLowPriorityDueToAbandons" "You have been placed into the low-priority pool for abandoning games. Please play games to completion to avoid ruining the experience for other players and to avoid subsequent low-priority penalties." "Notification_CompendiumGoal1" "Because of the community's contributions, the Compendium Battle Booster stretch goal has been reached!" "Notification_CompendiumGoal2" "Because of the community's contributions, the Official Loading Screens stretch goal has been reached!" "Notification_CompendiumGoal3" "Because of the community's contributions, the stretch goal allowing you to vote on the next hero Arcana has been reached!" "Notification_CompendiumGoal4" "Because of the community's contributions, the Official 2014 Compendium HUD stretch goal has been reached!" "Notification_CompendiumGoal5" "Because of the community's contributions, the stretch goal allowing you to vote on the Solo Championship has been reached!" "Notification_CompendiumGoal6" "Because of the community's contributions, the All Random Deathmatch Game Mode stretch goal has been reached!" "Notification_CompendiumGoal7" "Because of the community's contributions, the Valve created Immortal Items stretch goal has been reached!" "Notification_CompendiumGoal8" "Because of the community's contributions, the New Music Pack stretch goal has been reached!" "Notification_CompendiumGoal9" "Because of the community's contributions, the Mini-Pudge courier stretch goal has been reached!" "Notification_CompendiumGoal10" "Because of the community's contributions, the 1v1 Mid Matchmaking stretch goal has been reached!" "Notification_CompendiumGoal11" "Because of the community's contributions, the Environmental Effects stretch goal has been reached!" "Notification_CompendiumGoal12" "Because of the community's contributions, the Customized Buildings stretch goal has been reached!" "Notification_CompendiumMessage0" "We've updated the All Star Match and Solo Championship selections to include players from the Qualifier teams. Who should take the stage to do battle?" "Notification_CompendiumMessage1" "The Arcana Wars continue! Which hero will emerge triumphant and receive the next Arcana?" "Notification_CompendiumMessage2" "The North American Qualifier has ended. Congratulations to both teams, and good luck in Seattle!" "Notification_CompendiumMessage3" "The South East Asia Qualifier has concluded. Congratulations to both teams, and best of luck in Seattle!" "Notification_CompendiumMessage4" "The China Qualifier has finished. Congratulations to both teams, and good luck in Seattle!" "Notification_CompendiumMessage5" "The Europe Qualifier has completed. Congratulations to both teams, and best of luck in Seattle!" "Notification_CompendiumMessage6" "The Qualifier Predictions will end in 24 hours. Hurry up and get your picks in!" "Notification_CompendiumMessage7" "Voting for the Solo Championship participants will end in 24 hours. Who will become the next Solo Champion?" "Notification_CompendiumMessage8" "Voting for the Arcana Showdown will end in 24 hours. Which hero will receive the next Arcana?" "Notification_CompendiumMessage9" "Voting for the All Star Match will end in 24 hours. This is serious business!" "Notification_CompendiumMessage10" "Voting for the Solo Championship competitors has been added to the Compendium." "Notification_CompendiumPoints" "Congratulations! You have had %s1 Points added to your Compendium." "Notification_FantasyMatchupResultsWin" "Congratulations! You have defeated %s1 this week by a score of %s2 to %s3 in Fantasy League %s4." "Notification_FantasyMatchupResultsLoss" "Unfortunately, you were defeated by %s1 this week by a score of %s2 to %s3 in Fantasy League %s4." "Notification_FantasyMatchupResultsTie" "You've managed to tie %s1 this week with a score of %s2 to %s3 in Fantasy League %s4." //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Economy "ItemTypeDesc" "Level %s1 %s2" // s1 is the level number, s2 is the item type. Example: "Level 4 Medigun" "ItemTypeDescNoLevel" "Level %s1" // s1 is the level number. Example: "Level 12" "ItemTypeDescKillEater" "%s1 %s2" // s1 is the rarity, s2 is the item type "ItemTypeDescKillEaterAlt" "%s2: %s1" // "Kills: 123" "RarityTypeDesc" "%s1 %s2" // s1 is the rarity, s2 is the item type "ItemNameUniqueFormat" "%s1%s2%s3" // will turn into "The Battalion's Backup #1"; foreign languages that have gender/declension can change this to be "Shotgun #1" or whatever "ItemNameWithQualityFormat" "%s1 %s2%s3" // will turn into "Strange Shotgun #1"; foreign languages that have gender for adjectives can change this to be "Shotgun #1 (Strange)" or whatever "ItemNameCraftNumberFormat" " #%s1" "TF_Unique_Prepend_Proper" "The " // the space at the end is important "TF_Unique_Prepend_Proper_Quality" "The" // no space; English-only "TF_NonUnique_Prepend_Proper" "A" // DEPRECATED "TF_NonUnique_Append_Proper" "(%s1)" // DEPRECATED "TF_Tag_Category_Misc" "" "TF_Tag_Category_Quality" "Quality" "TF_Tag_Category_Class" "Class" "TF_Tag_Category_Type" "Type" "TF_Tag_Category_RawType" "Raw Type" "DOTA_Tag_Category_Hero" "Hero" "TF_Tag_Crate" "Treasure" "Tag_Category_Rarity" "Rarity" "DOTA_Game_Modifier" "! Game Modifier" "DOTA_OtherType" "Other" "DOTA_Bundle" "Bundle" "DOTA_LoadoutSlot" "Slot" // Notificaitons "EconNotificationsCount" "x%s1" "DOTA_EconNotification_Header" "Notification" "Econ_Store" "STORE" "Econ_Backpack" "ARMORY" "Econ_Loadout" "LOADOUT" "Econ_Workshop" "WORKSHOP" "Econ_Collection" "COLLECTION" "DOTA_Accept" "Accept" "DOTA_Decline" "Decline" "DOTA_View" "View" "DOTA_Ignore" "Ignore" "DOTA_HasNewItems_Title" "You have new items!" "DOTA_HasNewItems_Text" "You have received new items. Press view to go to the armory to review your new items." "DOTA_KillEaterLevel_Text" "Your %s1 has increased in level! It is now %s2!" "DOTA_KillEaterLevel_Title" "Your item has leveled up!" "DOTA_Event_KillEater_Leveled_Chat" "%s1's %s2 has reached a new rank: %s3!" "DOTA_BackpackDelete" "Delete" "DOTA_BackpackDiscard" "Discard" "DOTA_BackpackNoAction" "Not Usable" "DOTA_BackpackEquip" "Equip" "DOTA_BackpackEquipSet" "Equip Set Items" "DOTA_BackpackEquipHero" "Equip %s1" "DOTA_BackpackEquipLoadout" "Equip Player Loadout" "DOTA_BackpackUse" "Use" "DOTA_BackpackPreview" "Preview" "DOTA_BackpackPreviewFlying" "Preview Flying" "DOTA_BackpackReplay" "Watch the Replay" "DOTA_BackpackOffering" "Make Offering" "DOTA_Backpack_Featured_Items" "Drag items to these slots to feature them in your profile" "Dota_Backpack_OfferingsFilter" "Item Recycling" "DOTA_Backpack_LoadOfferings_Header" "Loading Offerings" "DOTA_Backpack_LoadOfferings_Body" "Requesting a list of your offerings..." "DOTA_Backpack_LoadOfferingsFailed_Header" "Loading Offerings Failed" "DOTA_Backpack_LoadOfferingsFailed_Body" "The Dota service is busy and cannot provide a list of offerings right now." "DOTA_Backpack_OfferingAccepted_Header" "Offering Made" "DOTA_Backpack_OfferingAccepted_Body" "Your offering has been made. The item can be viewed in the 'My Offering' tab of the armory." "dota_offering_header" "ITEM RECYCLING" "dota_offering_subtitle" "Turn 10 of your unwanted items into:" "dota_offering_ability_points" "Compendium Points" "dota_offering_drag_items" "DRAG ITEMS HERE" "DOTA_Backpack_OfferingFailed_Header" "Offering Rejected" "DOTA_Backpack_OfferingFailed_NotFound" "The item you wish to offer could not be found in your backpack." "DOTA_Backpack_OfferingFailed_InUse" "The item you wish to offer is currently in use." "DOTA_Backpack_OfferingFailed_NotDeletable" "The item you wish to offer is undeletable and so cannot be offered." "DOTA_Backpack_OfferingFailed_WrongQuality" "This item is of a quality far too valuable. Surely you do not wish to trade fortune for loss?" "DOTA_Backpack_OfferingFailed_WrongPrefab" "The Shades of Fortune have no interest in items of this type." "DOTA_Backpack_OfferingFailed_NotAllowedToDelete" "You are not allowed to delete items, so cannot make offerings." "DOTA_Backpack_OfferingFailed_FailedToLoadSDO" "The Dota service is unavailable at this time." "DOTA_Backpack_OfferingFailed_WrongRarity" "This item is of a rarity far too valuable. Offering it would be folly." "DOTA_Backpack_OfferingFailed_NoTrade" "This item is cursed with untradability. Even the Shades of Fortune are not strong enough to release it from your grasp." "DOTA_Crafting_title" "Crafting: %s1" "DOTA_Crafting_hide_ineligible" "Hide Ineligible Items" "Dota_Crafting_Untradable_Header" "Untradable Crafting Input" "Dota_Crafting_Untradable_Body" "One or more crafting components are Untradable. Applying them to this recipe will make the crafting results Untradable. Are you sure you want to continue?" "DOTA_Crafting_Wrong_Type_Header" "Incorrect Component Type" "DOTA_Crafting_Wrong_Type_Body" "This item cannot be placed in a crafting slot of that type." "Dota_Crafting_Finalize_Header" "Add Items to this Recipe?" "Dota_Crafting_Finalize_Body" "Items inserted into a recipe will be permanently bound, and are not recoverable. Continue?" "DOTA_Crafting_Incomplete_Header" "Recipe Incomplete" "DOTA_Crafting_Incomplete_Body" "This recipe is incomplete. The items you provided have been added to the completed inputs list but more items are required to finalize the recipe." "DOTA_Crafting_Continue" "Yes, Continue" "DOTA_Socketing_title" "Socketing: %s1" "DOTA_Socketing_No_Sockets" "This item does not have any sockets. Sockets can be added with a socket tool." "DOTA_Socketing_Search_Market_For_SocketTool" "Search Marketplace for Socket Tool" "DOTA_Socketing_No_Gems" "You have no items that can be placed in a socket." "DOTA_Socketing_Search_Market_For_Gems" "Search for Gems on the Market" "DOTA_Socketing_Search_Market_Short" "Search Now" "DOTA_Socketing_Search_Market_Button" "Search the Market" "DOTA_Socketing_Not_Tradable_Header" "Socketing Untradable Item" "DOTA_Socketing_Not_Tradable_Body" "This item is not tradable. Any gems added to it will also become not tradable." "DOTA_Socketing_Use_Item_Title" "Add a Socket?" "DOTA_Socketing_Use_Item_Body" "Use a %s1 to add a socket to this item? You own %s2" "DOTA_Socketing_No_Chisels" "You currently don't own a %s1.\nYou can purchase one from the Dota Store or Search the Market." "DOTA_Socketing_No_Chisels_Store_Only" "You currently don't own a %s1.\nYou can purchase one from the Dota Store." "DOTA_Socketing_No_Chisels_No_Offer_Title" "Can't Add a Socket" "DOTA_Socketing_No_Chisels_No_Offer" "Socketing an item requires a %s1. You currently don't own a %s1." "DOTA_Socketing_Stomp_Title" "Replace Gems?" "DOTA_Socketing_Stomp_Body" "Replacing a gem in a socket will destroy the existing gem(s). Are you sure you want to continue?" "DOTA_Socketing_Stomp_Continue" "Yes, Socket it" "DOTA_Socketing_Untradable_Title" "Place Untradable Gem?" "DOTA_Socketing_Untradable_Body" "Placing an untradable gem in an item will make the item untradable. Are you sure you want to continue?" "DOTA_Socketing_Wrong_Type_Error_Title" "Incorrect Socket Type" "DOTA_Socketing_Wrong_Type_Error_Body" "This gem cannot be placed in a socket of that type." "DOTA_Socketing_Error_Hero_Requirement_Title" "Hero Requirement Not Met" "DOTA_Socketing_Error_Hero_Requirement_Body" "This gem can only be placed in items for a particular hero." "DOTA_Socketing_Finalize_Title" "Add Gems to this Item?" "DOTA_Socketing_Finalize_Body" "Gems inserted into an item will be bound to the item and can only be removed with an Artificer's Hammer. Continue?" "DOTA_Socketing_Legacy_Title" "LEGACY WARNING" "DOTA_Socketing_Legacy_Body" "Changing the color or effect of this item WILL REMOVE it's Legacy quality! This is not reversible. Continue?" "DOTA_noSocketsMsg" "Add a Socket" "DOTA_RemoveGems" "Remove all Gems" "DOTA_Reset_Gem_Count_Option" "Reset Inscribed Count" "DOTA_Reset_Gem_Counts" "Resetting a gem will return any Inscribed counts to 0. Counts removed in this way cannot be recovered. Are you sure you want to continue?" "DOTA_AdditionalInfo_Option" "Additional Info" "DOTA_popup_purchase_and_use" "Purchase and Use" // Partners - Only localize into the partner's actual brand name in that language. // I.e.: Beyond the Summit doesn't become 'Mas alle de la Cumbre' unless they actually market themselves that way in Spanish. Which I doubt they do. "DOTA_Corporation_BeyondTheSummit" "Beyond the Summit" "DOTA_Corporation_D2L" "D2L" "DOTA_Corporation_DotaCinema" "Dota Cinema" "DOTA_PlayerName_Dendi" "Danil 'Dendi' Ishutin" "DOTA_PlayerName_Fear" "Clinton 'Fear' Loomis" "DOTA_PlayerName_HyHy" "Benedict 'HyHy' Lim" "DOTA_PlayerName_Versuta" "Aren 'VeRsuta' Zurabyan" "DOTA_PlayerName_KYXY" "Lee "Kyxy" Kang Yang" "DOTA_PlayerName_Era" "Adrian "Era" Kryeziu" //PLAYER NAME END player_name PlayerName CORPORATION END "DOTA_LocalReconnect_Title" "Attempt Reconnect" "DOTA_LocalReconnect_Body" "The Dota 2 Network is slow to respond. Do you want to try reconnecting to your previous game?" // All teams with pennants should be defined in items_partners.txt and have their names here. "DOTA_Team_AbsoluteLegends" "Absolute Legends" "DOTA_Team_Alliance" "Alliance" "DOTA_Team_CLG" "CLG" "DOTA_Team_Complexity" "Complexity" "DOTA_Team_Darer" "Darer" "DOTA_Team_Dignitas" "Dignitas" "DOTA_Team_DK" "DK" "DOTA_Team_EHOME" "EHOME" "DOTA_Team_EvilGeniuses" "Evil Geniuses" "DOTA_Team_Fnatic" "Fnatic" "DOTA_Team_iG" "iG" "DOTA_Team_LGD" "LGD" "DOTA_Team_LGD_int" "LGD.Int" "DOTA_Team_Liquid" "Liquid" "DOTA_Team_Mousesports" "Mousesports" "DOTA_Team_mTw" "mTw" "DOTA_Team_MUFC" "MUFC" "DOTA_Team_NaVi" "NaVi" "DOTA_Team_Orange" "Orange" "DOTA_Team_TongFu" "TongFu" "DOTA_Team_WorldElite" "World Elite" "DOTA_Team_Zenith" "Zenith" "DOTA_Team_Cloud9" "Cloud9" "DOTA_Team_Zephyr" "Zephyr" "DOTA_Team_MVPPhoenix" "MVP Phoenix" "DOTA_Team_ViciGaming" "ViCi Gaming" "DOTA_Team_Titan" "Titan" "DOTA_Team_Team_Empire" "Team Empire" "DOTA_Team_Newbee" "NewBee" "DOTA_Team_CIS_Game" "CIS Game" "DOTA_Team_NaVi_NA" "NaVi NA" "DOTA_Team_Virtus_Pro" "Virtus.Pro" "DOTA_Team_Arrow_Gaming" "Arrow Gaming" //PARTNERS END TEAM END "DOTA_ProGear_Econ_Tooltip" "%s1 Pro Gear" // Crafting "DOTA_ItemDynamic_Recipe_Inputs_Completed" "Completed Inputs:" "DOTA_ItemDynamic_Recipe_Inputs" "Required Inputs:" "DOTA_ItemDynamic_Recipe_Outputs" "Crafting Outputs:" "DOTA_Crafting_Rarity" "%s1 x %s2 Item[s]" "DOTA_Crafting_Rarity_Output" "1 x Random %s1 Item" "DOTA_Crafting_Quality_Output" "1 x Random %s1 Item" "DOTA_Crafting_Quality" "%s1 x %s2 Item[s]" "DOTA_Crafting_Name" "Recipe: %s1" "diretide_items" "Random Item" "diretide_items_cursed" "Random Item" "DOTA_SellMarket" "Sell on the Market" "DOTA_AddFriends_Search" "Search" "DOTA_AddFriends_Cancel" "Cancel" "DOTA_AddFriendButton" "+ Add Friend" "DOTA_AddFriendTitle" "ADD FRIEND" "DOTA_AddFriendYours" "*Your ID is %s1" "DOTA_AddFriendAskFriends" "*Ask your friends for their ID" "DOTA_AddFriendAskFriends_PW" "*Ask your friends for their ID, email or phone number" "DOTA_EditOfficialInfo" "Edit Official Info" "DOTA_Backpack_Search" "Search" "DOTA_Backpack_All_Items" "All Items" "DOTA_Backpack_EditFilter" "Edit Filters" "DOTA_Backpack_EditFilterDone" "Done Editing" "DOTA_Backpack_Filters" "Filters" "DOTA_Backpack_CreateFilter" "Create Filter" "DOTA_Backpack_CreateFilter_Save" "Save Filter" "DOTA_Backpack_CreateFilter_Close" "Close" "DOTA_Backpack_CreateFilter_Delete" "Delete Filter" "DOTA_Backpack_CreateFilter_Name" "Filter Name:" "DOTA_Filter_Rarity" "Rarity:" "DOTA_Filter_Quality" "Quality:" "DOTA_Filter_Type" "Type:" "DOTA_Filter_Hero" "Hero:" "DOTA_Filter_ItemName" "Item Name:" "DOTA_Filter_UnownedItems" "Collector's View" "DOTA_Filter_NewFilter" "New Filter" "DOTA_Filter_Rules" "Rules:" "DOTA_Filter_NewRuleFull" "New Rule" "DOTA_Filter_NewRule" "+" "DOTA_Filter_EditRule" "Edit Rule" "DOTA_Filter_DeleteRule" "-" "DOTA_Backpack_ModifyRule" "Modify Rule" "DOTA_Backpack_Sort" "Sort" "DOTA_Backpack_Order" "Display Order" "DOTA_Filter_Order" "Order by:" "DOTA_Backpack_FilterDeleteConfirm" "Are you sure you want to delete this filter?" // Default Filters "DOTA_DefaultFilter_Rares" "Rares" "DOTA_DefaultFilter_Couriers" "Couriers" "DOTA_DefaultFilter_HUDs" "HUDs" "DOTA_DefaultFilter_Wards" "Wards" "DOTA_DefaultFilter_Keys" "Keys and Treasures" // New Rule Dialog "DOTA_Filter_Field" "Field:" "DOTA_Filter_Op" "Operator:" "DOTA_Filter_Pattern" "Pattern:" "DOTA_Filter_PatType" "Type:" "DOTA_Filter_Val" "Value:" "DOTA_Filter_SaveRule" "Save" "DOTA_Filter_CloseRule" "Cancel" // Filter Rules "DOTA_Filter_Rule_Name" "%s1 %s2 %s3" "DOTA_Filter_Rule_Name_OR" " OR - %s1" "DOTA_Filter_Rule_Name_Pattern" "%s1 %s2 %s3 %s4" "DOTA_Filter_Invalid_Expression" "Invalid regular expression: %s1" "DOTA_Filter_MaxFilters" "Only 8 filters are supported. Please delete or edit an existing filter." "DOTA_Filter_MaxRules" "Only 8 rules are supported. Please delete or edit an existing rule." // Filter Types "DOTA_Filter_Type_None" "" "DOTA_Filter_Type_And" "(AND)" "DOTA_Filter_Type_Or" "(OR)" // Filter Fields "DOTA_Filter_Field_Quality" "Quality" "DOTA_Filter_Field_Rarity" "Rarity" "DOTA_Filter_Field_Type" "Type" "DOTA_Filter_Field_ItemName" "Name" "DOTA_Filter_Field_ItemDesc" "Description" "DOTA_Filter_Field_NumSockets" "Number of Sockets" "DOTA_Filter_Field_Equipped" "Is Equipped" "DOTA_Yes" "Yes" "DOTA_Filter_Is_Equipped" "Is Equipped" "DOTA_Filter_Is_Not_Equipped" "Is Not Equipped" // Filter Operators "DOTA_Filter_Operator_Equal" "is" "DOTA_Filter_Operator_NotEqual" "is not" "DOTA_Filter_Operator_LessThanEqual" "is or is less than" "DOTA_Filter_Operator_LessThan" "is less than" "DOTA_Filter_Operator_GreaterThanEqual" "is or is greater than" "DOTA_Filter_Operator_GreaterThan" "is greater than" // Filter Patterns "DOTA_Filter_Pattern_Matches" "matches" "DOTA_Filter_Pattern_DoesNotMatch" "does not match" // Filter Pattern Types "DOTA_Filter_PatternType_SubString" "sub-string" "DOTA_Filter_PatternType_RegEx" "regular expression" "DOTA_DiscardPanelText" "You received this item, but you don't have room for it in your Armory! Please make room in your Armory or press discard to throw your new item away. You will not receive further item drops until you resolve this." "DOTA_TreasureCache" "Treasure" "DOTA_TreasureCache_Type" "Treasure" "DOTA_TreasureCache_Desc" "You need a Treasure Key to open this. You can pick one up at the DOTA 2 Store." "DOTA_TreasureCache_Rare" "Treasure" "DOTA_Tool_TreasureKey" "Treasure Key" "DOTA_Tool_TreasureKey_Desc" "Used to open locked treasures." "ExamineItem" "Peek Inside" "examine_chest_may_contain" "This treasure may contain any one of the following items:" "examine_chest_may_contain_multi" "This treasure contains several of the following items:" "examine_chest_may_contain_also" "This treasure also contains one of the following items:" "examine_chest_required" "REQUIRED TO OPEN" "examine_chest_bonus_item" "Also contains one of these bonus items:" "examine_chest_guaranteed_item" "Opening this treasure will earn you this item:" "examine_chest_purchase_key" "Purchase And Open" "examine_chest_unlock" "Open Treasure" "examine_chest_unusual_courier" "Unusual Courier" "examine_chest_unusual_courier_desc" "A random courier with random color and special effect gems." "DOTA_ShowCraftingUI" "Crafting" "DOTA_ShowSocketingUI" "Socketing" "RecoverGems" "Recover Gems" "SocketItem" "Socket Item" "Econ_Tool_CrateKey_Title" "Open Treasure" "ToolNoTargetItems" "You have nothing that this tool can be applied to." "BackpackApplyTool" "Select the item to apply the %s1 to:" "ApplyOnItem" "Use With..." "ConsumeItem" "Use" "OpenPack" "Open Pack" "ExpandUse" "Expand" "UnlockUse" "Unlock" "GiftUse" "Gift" "OpenGift" "Open Gift" "CreateGem" "Create Gems" "OpenBundle" "Open Bundle" "OpenPresent" "Unwrap Present" "CustomizeItem" "Customize" "ToolActionCancel" "Cancel" "RefurbishItem" "Refurbish" "InfuseEgg" "Infuse Egg" "CompendiumPoints" "Apply Points" "UnlockEmoticons" "Unlock Emoticons" "UsingTool" "Using %s1 on %s2." "AutographItem" "Apply Autograph" "ToolUseReminder" "Remember, once you have used a tool, it's gone!" "RenameTool_CurrentName" "Current Item Name: %s1" "RenameTool_NewName" "New Item Name:" "RenameTool_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to rename the item '%s1'?" "RenameTool_Invalid" "Names cannot contain leading or trailing spaces." "DedicateGift_Title" "Wrap this Gift" "DedicateGift_Text" "Add a Personal Dedication:" "DedicateGift_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to dedicate the gift with '%s1'?" "DedicateGift_Invalid" "Dedications cannot contain leading or trailing spaces." "Gift_Creator_Hint" "\nYou wrapped this gift." "Gift_Dedication" "Dedication: %s1" "DescTool_CurrentDesc" "Current Description: %s1" "DescTool_NewDesc" "New Description:" "DescTool_Confirm" "Are you sure you want describe the item as '%s1'?" "DescTool_Invalid" "Descriptions cannot contain leading or trailing spaces." "DOTA_UseFail_NotInGame" "You must be in a game and use your 'action item' key to use this item." "DOTA_UseFail_FantasyTicket" "Fantasy Tickets are automatically consumed when you create or join a Fantasy League." "DOTA_BackpackExpander_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to expand your Armory? The Armory expander will be destroyed upon use." "DOTA_XPBonus_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to consume this Battle Points Booster item? Your rate will increase to %s1 for %s2 days. You will be notified when the bonus period ends. The item will be destroyed upon use." "DOTA_XPBonus_Confirm_Hours" "Are you sure you want to consume this Battle Points Booster item? Your rate will increase to %s1 for %s2 hours. You will be notified when the bonus period ends. The item will be destroyed upon use." "DOTA_XPBonus_Confirm_Date" "Are you sure you want to consume this Battle Points Booster item? Your rate will increase to %s1 until %s2. The item will be destroyed upon use." "DOTA_XPBonus_Confirm_Points" "Are you sure you want to consume this Battle Points Booster item? Your rate will increase to %s1 for %s2 game minutes. The item will be destroyed upon use." "DOTA_XPBonus_Confirm_Single_Game" "Are you sure you want to consume this Battle Points Booster item? Your rate will increase to %s1 for your next game. The item will be destroyed upon use." "DOTA_FragmentBooster_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to consume this Wraith King's Favor? With this Booster active, you will earn Shining Fragments in games of Wraith-Night. The item will be destroyed upon use." "DOTA_Gift_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to use this gift item?" "DOTA_LeagueViewPass" "Activate this tournament?" "DOTA_LeagueViewPassEnabled" "Tournament Activated! You can find it under the Watch/Tournament's tab." "DOTA_LeagueViewPassNoNeed" "You already have access to this Tournament." "DOTA_EventTicket" "Are you sure you want to activate this event ticket? Doing so will use the account information on this Steam account for event registration. Make sure your email address is up to date!" "DOTA_EventTicketEnabled" "Event registration successful! You will receive an email within one to two weeks with further instructions." "DOTA_InternationalTicketButton" "Congratulations!" "DOTA_InternationalTicketButton_Desc" "You are confirmed for The International.\nYou can request your ticket information be sent to the email account associated with your Steam account by clicking below." "DOTA_InternationalTicketButton1" "Request Email" "DOTA_InternationalTicketButton2" "Done" "DOTA_StrangePart_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to attach this strange modifier to this item?" "DOTA_PennantUpgrade_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to upgrade this pennant?" "DOTA_GemCombiner_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to merge these gems together?" "DOTA_EggEssence_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to infuse the egg with this essence? This action cannot be undone!" "DOTA_UnusualPaint_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to apply this color to your Unusual item? The original color will be replaced. This action cannot be undone!" "DOTA_LeagueNoOwnership" "No Tournament Access" "DOTA_LeagueNoOwnership_Desc" "You don't have access to this Tournament. Would you like to purchase a ticket?" "DOTA_CompendiumNoOwnership_Desc" "You cannot access this League's Compendium without purchasing a ticket. Would you like to purchase a ticket?" "DOTA_TournamentProgram_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to activate this Tournament Program?" "DOTA_TournamentProgram_ConfirmAsPoints" "You already own this compendium. Would you like to use this to add %s1 points to your compendium instead?" "DOTA_Autograph_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to attach the autograph to this item?" "DOTA_Event_Points_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to add these Points to your account?" "DOTA_TournamentProgram_AlreadyActivated" "You have already activated a Compendium for this tournament." "DOTA_Emoticon_Unlock_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to consume this emoticon pack and unlock the emoticons on your account?" "DOTA_ItemAboutToExpire" "Item Expiring Soon!" "DOTA_ItemAboutToExpire_Desc" "You have a Frosty Treasure of Frostivus expiring soon. Would like to go to the store and purchase a key?" "DOTA_VTraceRequired_Header" "VTrace required!" "DOTA_VTraceRequired_Body" "You are running the game with 'vprof_vtrace' enabled, but are not running VTrace. Please start VTrace before continuing!" "DOTA_ItemPack" "Unpack this bundle of items?" "DOTA_Subscription_Watched" "Watched" "DOTA_Subscription_Teams" "Teams" "DOTA_Subscription_TeamsVS" "%s1 VS %s2" "DOTA_Subscription_Website" "Tournament Website" "DOTA_Subscription_Match" "Match" "DOTA_Subscription_Time" "Time" "DOTA_Subscription_Rating" "Rating" "DOTA_Subscription_Viewers" "Viewers" "DOTA_Partial_Team" "Partial Team Used" "DOTA_MatchNoRating" "No votes" "DOTA_MatchRatingLike" "like" "DOTA_MatchRatingLikes" "likes" "DOTA_MatchRatingDislike" "dislike" "DOTA_MatchRatingDislikes" "dislikes" "DOTA_MatchRatingText" "%s1 - %s2" "ti_winners_bracket_view" "Upper Bracket" "ti_losers_bracket_view" "Lower Bracket" "ti_schedule_view" "Schedule View" "ti_prelim_view" "Prelims" "dota_schedule_live_tournaments" "LIVE TOURNAMENTS" "dota_schedule_month_tournaments" "%s1 TOURNAMENTS" "dota_schedule_empty" "There are currently no tournament games scheduled for this month." "dota_schedule_day_empty" "There are currently no tournament games scheduled for this day." "dota_vs" "VS" // versus "DOTA_NewItem" "New Item Acquired!" "Attrib_Marketable" "Can be listed on the Steam Community Market." "Attrib_Renamed" "This item has been renamed.\nOriginal name: \"%s1\"" "Attrib_CustomDesc" "This item has a user written description." "Attrib_TradableAfter" "This item can be traded after %s1" "Attrib_TradableAfterDate" "\nTradable & Marketable After: %s1" "Attrib_NotMarketable" "This item cannot be listed on the Steam Community Market." "Attrib_GiftableAfterDate" "This item can be Gift Wrapped after %s1" "Attrib_Giftable" "This item may be gifted once" "DOTA_GiftedItems" "%s1 has given a gift to %s2!" "DOTA_GifterText_Random" "%recipient% was selected at random to receive a gift from %giver%!" "DOTA_GifterText_All" "%giver% has given out a bunch of gifts!" "DOTA_GifterText_SelfOpen" "%giver% has opened a package!" "DOTA_GifterText_Title" "Gifts have been given!" "DOTA_TournamentDrop" "%s1 has received a prize for witnessing %s2!" "DOTA_TournamentDropCountSingle" "%s1 viewer has received a prize for witnessing %s2!" "DOTA_TournamentDropCountMultiple" "%s1 viewers have received a prize for witnessing %s2!" "DOTA_TournamentDrop_FirstBlood" "first blood" "DOTA_TournamentDrop_GameEnd" "glorious victory" "DOTA_TournamentDrop_KillStreak" "a multi-kill" "DOTA_TournamentDrop_HeroDeny" "an allied hero denial" "DOTA_TournamentDrop_AegisDeny" "a denial of the Aegis of the Immortal" "DOTA_TournamentDrop_AegisStolen" "a theft of the Aegis of the Immortal" "DOTA_TournamentDrop_GodLike" "a GodLike Streak" "DOTA_TournamentDrop_CourierKill" "a Courier Kill" "DOTA_TournamentDrop_EchoSlam" "a five man Echo Slam" "DOTA_TournamentDrop_Rapier" "a purchase of Divine Rapier" "DOTA_TournamentDrop_EarlyRoshan" "an Early Roshan kill" "DOTA_UseItem_MiniGameAlreadyStarted" "That minigame has already started." "DOTA_UseItem_Success" "The item was used successfully!" "DOTA_UseItem_Error" "The item was not able to be used at this time! You may not meet the requirements to use this item." "DOTA_UseItem_GiftNoPlayers" "There are no other players to give a gift to!" "DOTA_UseItemNotification_Title_Success" "Item Use Succeeded" "DOTA_UseItemNotification_Title" "Item Use Failed" "DOTA_UseItemNotification_ButtonOne" "OK" "DOTA_UseItemNotification_ButtonTwo" "Ignore" "DOTA_UseItem_DropRateBonusAlreadyGranted" "You already have a drop rate bonus active of greater quality on this account. Your Battle Point Booster has not been used." "DOTA_UseItem_NotInLowPriorityPool" "You aren't in the low priority punishment queue. Your Repentant Soul has not been used." "DOTA_UseItem_NotHighEnoughLevel" "Your Dota Profile isn't high enough level to use this yet." "DOTA_UseItem_EventPointsGranted" "The currency was successfully added." "DOTA_UseItem_PointsAdded" "Points successfully added!" "DOTA_UseItem_Failed_Requirement" "You must own the Compendium to perform this action." "DOTA_UseItem_Compendium" "Compendium successfully activated!" "DOTA_UseItem_EmoticonUnlock_NoNew" "You already have all of those emoticons unlocked." "DOTA_UseItem_EmoticonUnlock_Complete" "Emoticons successfully unlocked!" "Econ_Revolving_Loot_List" "This treasure contains one of the following items:" "Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Also" "This treasure also contains one of the following items:" "Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Multi" "This treasure contains one of each these items:" "Econ_Revolving_Loot_List_Several" "This treasure contains %s1 items from the following list:" "Econ_Crate_Locks_Remaining" "Number of locks remaining: %s1" "Econ_Crate_Hero_Items" " %s1" "Econ_Guaranteed_Crate_Drop" "Opening this treasure will reward you with:" "Econ_Additional_Crate_Drop" "In addition, this treasure has a chance of containing:" "Econ_NoEquipToUse_Msg" "This charm allows you to make victory predictions in All Pick matches to earn rewards.\n\nIt does not need to be equipped." "DOTA_UnusualCourier" "Unusual Courier" "DOTA_UnusualCourier_Desc" "Random courier w/ special FX and colors." "DOTA_UnusualCourier_International_2014" "International 2014 Courier" "DOTA_UnusualCourier_International_2014_Desc" "You might find one of three new couriers for the 2014 International randomly inserted into your treasure." "DOTA_SortBackpack" "Sort Armory:" "DOTA_SortBackpack_Position" " by Position" "DOTA_SortBackpack_Rarity" " by Rarity" "DOTA_SortBackpack_Quality" " by Quality" "DOTA_SortBackpack_Hero" " by Hero" "DOTA_SortBackpack_Type" " by Type" "DOTA_SortBackpack_Slot" " by Slot" "DOTA_SortBackpack_Name" " by Name" "DOTA_SortBackpack_Newness" " by Most Recent" "AddToCollection" "Collect Item" "WrapGift" "Wrap Gift" "UnwrapGift" "Unwrap Gift" "DeliverGift" "Deliver Gift" "DOTA_MultipleHeroes" "Multiple Heroes" "DOTA_AnyHero" "Any Hero" "DOTA_NoHero" "N/A" "DOTA_NoSlot" "N/A" // Quality "Normal" "Base" "Unique" "Standard" "vintage" "Elder" // TF: Vintage "community" "Community" "developer" "Valve" "selfmade" "Self-Made" // TF: Self-Made "customized" "Customized" "genuine" "Genuine" "unusual" "Unusual" // TF: Unusual "strange" "Inscribed" // TF: Strange "completed" "Completed" "haunted" "Cursed" // TF: Haunted "tournament" "Heroic" // TF: Tournament "favored" "Favored" "autographed" "Autographed" "ascendant" "Ascendant" "legacy" "Legacy" "exalted" "Exalted" "frozen" "Frozen" "corrupted" "Corrupted" "lucky" "Auspicious" // Prefabs "item" "Item" "bundle" "Bundle" "misc" "Misc" "wearable" "Wearable" "default_item" "Base" "misc_item" "Misc" "tool" "Tool" "league" "League" "courier" "Courier" "treasure_chest" "Treasure" "courier_wearable" "Courier Wearable" "ward" "Ward" "pennant" "Pennant" "announcer" "Announcer" "modifier" "Modifier" "hud_skin" "HUD Skin" "key" "Treasure Key" "player_card" "Player Card" "passport_fantasy_team" "Compendium Fantasy Team" "loading_screen" "Loading Screen" "taunt" "Taunt" "dynamic_recipe" "Recipe" "socket_gem" "Gem / Rune" "music" "Music" "retired_chest" "Retired Chest" "cursor_pack" "Cursor Pack" "teleport_effect" "Teleport Effect" "blink_effect" "Blink Effect" // Tool Types "tool_type_none" "None" "tool_type_hero_taunt" "Hero Taunt" "tool_type_name" "Name Tag" "tool_type_league_view_pass" "League View Pass" // Test Item "IT_MDL_Files" "MDL Files (*.mdl)" "IT_TestingFiles" "Testing Files (*.itf)" "TestItemCustomizeMDLTitle" "Select custom mdl..." "TestItemSaveSetupTitle" "Export test item setup..." "TestItemLoadSetupTitle" "Import test item setup..." // UI "DOTA_DeleteItemConfirmText" "Delete this item? Deleting this item will permanently destroy it. This cannot be undone." "DOTA_DeleteItemConfirmText_Recycle" "Delete this item? Deleting this item will permanently destroy it. This cannot be undone. When you destroy this %s1 item you will have a small chance of immediately discovering one %s2 item." "DOTA_DeleteItemConfirmText_UltraRare" "Delete this item? Deleting this item will permanently destroy it. This cannot be undone. This item is exceptionally rare. You may not want to destroy it. There is no chance of discovering a new item when this one is deleted." "DOTA_MakeOfferingConfirmText" "Are you sure you want to offer this item to the Aegis? This cannot be undone." "DOTA_ItemRecycleConfirmText_TI5Immortal" "Are you sure you want to destroy this item in exchange for 2 Compendium Levels? This cannot be undone." "DOTA_ItemRecycleConfirmText_TI5Trove" "Are you sure you want to destroy this item in exchange for a chance of a new Trove Carafe 2015? Converts into a recycling charm otherwise. This cannot be undone." "DOTA_ItemRecycleConfirmText_TI5Luckvase" "Are you sure you want to destroy this item in exchange for a chance of a new Lockless Luckvase 2015? Converts into a recycling charm otherwise. This cannot be undone." "DOTA_ItemRecycle_Failure" "This item could not be recycled at this time." "DOTA_ItemRecycle_Disabled" "This recycle option is not currently enabled. It may no longer be available." "DOTA_PlayerLoadout" "Player Loadout" "DOTA_CustomizePlayerLoadout" "Customize Player Loadout" // Drop Rate Modifiers "DOTA_DropRateModifiersNone" "You are currently receiving Battle Points at the base rate. Battle Points are earned each time you complete a game through matchmaking. You'll earn free items every time your Battle Level increases. There are various items that add to the rate at which you earn Battle Points." "DOTA_DropRateModifiers" "Battle Points Modifiers:" "DOTA_DropRateModifier_Bonus" "Current Rate: %s1" "DOTA_DropRateModifier_DaysRemaining" "Remaining: %s1 Days" "DOTA_DropRateModifier_MinuteRemaining" "Remaining: %s1 Minutes" "DOTA_DropRateModifier_OneGame" "Remaining: 1 Game" "DOTA_DropRateModifier_ExpiredHeader" "Your Battle Point Booster has Expired!" "DOTA_DropRateModifier_ExpiredDesc" "Your previous Battle Point Booster has expired, would you like to apply a new one?" "DOTA_ShiningBoosterPurchaseHeader" "Purchase and activate a Wraith King's Favor?" "DOTA_ShiningBoosterPurchaseDesc" "Activate a Wraith King's Favor to earn Shining Fragments in addition to Phantom Fragments." "DOTA_PartyLeaderWatchGame" "Watch Game With Party" "DOTA_PartyLeaderWatchGameDesc" "Your Party Leader wants to watch a live game, would you like to join?" // Loadout Slots "LoadoutSlot_None" "N/A" "LoadoutSlot_Weapon" "Weapon" "LoadoutSlot_OffHand_Weapon" "Off-Hand" "LoadoutSlot_Head" "Head" "LoadoutSlot_Shoulder" "Shoulder" "LoadoutSlot_Arms" "Arms" "LoadoutSlot_Armor" "Armor" "LoadoutSlot_Belt" "Belt" "LoadoutSlot_Back" "Back" "LoadoutSlot_Neck" "Neck" "LoadoutSlot_Legs" "Legs" "LoadoutSlot_Gloves" "Gloves" "LoadoutSlot_Tail" "Tail" "LoadoutSlot_Taunt" "Taunt" "LoadoutSlot_Courier" "Courier" "LoadoutSlot_Announcer" "Announcer" "LoadoutSlot_Heroic_Statue" "Custom Base Item" "LoadoutSlot_Mega_Kills" "Mega-Kill Announcer" "LoadoutSlot_Fan" "Fan" "LoadoutSlot_Action_Item" "Action Item" "LoadoutSlot_Fan_Item" "Fan Item" "LoadoutSlot_Weather" "Weather" "LoadoutSlot_MultiKill_Banner" "Multikill Banner" "LoadoutSlot_Music" "Music" "LoadoutSlot_Ability_Attack" "Default Attack" "LoadoutSlot_Ability1" "Ability 1" "LoadoutSlot_Ability2" "Ability 2" "LoadoutSlot_Ability3" "Ability 3" "LoadoutSlot_Ability4" "Ability 4" "LoadoutSlot_AbilityUltimate" "Ultimate" "LoadoutSlot_Ability_Ultimate" "Ultimate" "LoadoutSlot_Body_Head" "Body - Head" "LoadoutSlot_Mount" "Mount" "LoadoutSlot_Custom_Hex" "Hex Effects" "LoadoutSlot_Misc" "Misc" "LoadoutSlot_Summon" "Summoned Unit" "LoadoutSlot_ward" "Ward" "LoadoutSlot_hud_skin" "HUD Skin" "LoadoutSlot_Shapeshift" "Shapeshift" "LoadoutSlot_Wolves" "Wolves" "LoadoutSlot_loading_screen" "Loading Screen" "LoadoutSlot_Elder_Dragon" "Elder Dragon Form" "LoadoutSlot_Head_Accessory" "Head Accessory" "LoadoutSlot_Shield" "Shield" "LoadoutSlot_Wings" "Wings" "LoadoutSlot_Quiver" "Quiver" "LoadoutSlot_Beard" "Beard" "LoadoutSlot_Heads" "Heads" "LoadoutSlot_LeftArm" "Left Arm" "LoadoutSlot_RightArm" "Right Arm" "LoadoutSlot_Body" "Body" "LoadoutSlot_Claws" "Claws" "LoadoutSlot_ambient_effects" "Ambient Effects" "LoadoutSlot_cursor_pack" "Cursor Pack" "LoadoutSlot_teleport_effect" "Teleport Effect" "LoadoutSlot_blink_effect" "Blink Effect" "LoadoutSlot_Voice" "Voice" "LoadoutSlot_Pet" "Pet" //Hero Loadoutslots "LoadoutSlot_Alchemist_TinyArmor" "Tiny Armor" "LoadoutSlot_Alchemist_Flask" "Flask" "LoadoutSlot_Alchemist_TinyHead" "Tiny Head" "LoadoutSlot_Beastmaster_Hawk" "Hawk" "LoadoutSlot_Beastmaster_Boar" "Boar" "LoadoutSlot_Brewmaster_Barrel" "Barrel" "LoadoutSlot_Broodmother_Spiderling" "Spiderling" "LoadoutSlot_Clockwerk_Rocket" "Rocket Flare" "LoadoutSlot_Clockwerk_Cogs" "Power Cogs" "LoadoutSlot_Death_Prophet" "Power Cogs" "LoadoutSlot_Death_Spirits" "Spirits" "LoadoutSlot_EarthSpirit_StoneRemnant" "Stone Remnant" "LoadoutSlot_Earthshaker_Totem" "Totem" "LoadoutSlot_ElderTitan_AstralSpirit" "Astral Spirit" "LoadoutSlot_Enigma_Eidolons" "Eidolons" "LoadoutSlot_Gyrocopter_Guns" "Guns" "LoadoutSlot_Gyrocopter_Propeller" "Propeller" "LoadoutSlot_Gyrocopter_MissileCompartment" "Missile Compartment" "LoadoutSlot_Gyrocopter_HomingMissile" "Homing Missile" "LoadoutSlot_Invoker_ForgeSpirit" "Forge Spirit" "LoadoutSlot_Juggernaut_HealingWard" "Healing Ward" "LoadoutSlot_LegionCommander_Banners" "Banners" "LoadoutSlot_LoneDruid_TrueForm" "True Form" "LoadoutSlot_LoneDruid_SpiritBear" "Spirit Bear" "LoadoutSlot_NaturesProphet_Treants" "Treants" "LoadoutSlot_Pugna_NetherWard" "Nether Ward" "LoadoutSlot_ShadowShaman_SerpentWards" "Serpent Wards" "LoadoutSlot_Techies_Cart" "Cart" "LoadoutSlot_Techies_Bazooka" "Bazooka" "LoadoutSlot_Techies_Squee" "Squee" "LoadoutSlot_Techies_Spoon" "Spoon" "LoadoutSlot_Techies_Spleen" "Spleen" "LoadoutSlot_Techies_RemoteMines" "Remote Mines" "LoadoutSlot_TerrorBlade_Demon" "Demon" "LoadoutSlot_TrollWarlord_OffHand_Weapon_Melee" "Off-Hand Melee Weapon" "LoadoutSlot_TrollWarlord_Weapon_Melee" "Melee Weapon" "LoadoutSlot_Tusk_Tusks" "Tusks" "LoadoutSlot_Tusk_Fist" "Fist" "LoadoutSlot_Tusk_FrozenSigil" "Frozen Sigil" "LoadoutSlot_Undying_Tombstone" "Tombstone" "LoadoutSlot_Undying_FleshGolem" "Flesh Golem" "LoadoutSlot_Venomancer_StingerLimbs" "Stinger Limbs" "LoadoutSlot_Venomancer_PlagueWard" "Plague Wards" "LoadoutSlot_Warlock_Golem" "Golem" "LoadoutSlot_Warlock_Lantern" "Lantern" "LoadoutSlot_Warlock_EvilPurse" "Evil Purse" "LoadoutSlot_Weaver_Antennae" "Antennae" "LoadoutSlot_WitchDoctor_DeathWard" "Death Ward" "LoadoutSlot_Techies_Sign" "Sign" "DOTA_LobbyAllowSpectating" "The game must be set to watchable while there are spectators in the lobby. Enable spectating in the Settings panel." "TF_Style_Desc" "Style: %s1" // Yes, it should be prefixed "TF_" "DOTA_UnlockStyle" "Unlock Style" "DOTA_UseStyle" "Select Style" "DOTA_Style_Subtitle" "Browse and Unlock Styles" "DOTA_Item_Unnamed_New_Item" "Unnamed New Item" "DOTA_Item_Shadow_Flame_Genuine" "Genuine Shadow Flame" "DOTA_Item_Shadow_Flame_Genuine_Desc" "A genuine version of Shadow Flame for Dazzle." // Economy UI "DOTA_Loadout_SelectHero" "Select a Hero" // Store UI "Store_New_Items" "New!" "Store_Heroes" "Hero Sets" "Store_Gear" "Gear" "Store_Tools" "Tools" "Store_Taunts" "Taunts" "Store_Effects" "Effects" "Store_Abilities" "Abilities" "Store_Featured" "Featured" "Store_Items" "Items" "Store_Treasure_Keys" "Treasures" "Store_Autographed_Immortals" "Autographed Treasures" "Store_Announcers" "Announcers" "Store_Music" "Music" "Store_Couriers" "Couriers" "Store_Wards" "Wards" "Store_DOTA_Access" "DOTA 2 Access" "Store_Home" "Featured" "Store_International" "International" "Store_ProShop" "Pro Shop" "Store_Tournaments" "Tournaments" "Store_Teams" "Teams" "Store_HUD_Skins" "HUD Skins" "Store_Loading_Screens" "Loading Screens" "Store_ProGear" "Pro Gear" "Store_Emoticons" "Chat Emoticons" // Store dropdown labels "Store_FilterType_Heroes" "Hero:" "Store_FilterType_Contributors" "Creator:" "Store_FilterType_Rarities" "Rarity:" "Store_SortBy" "Sort by:" // Used by filter dropdowns in the store "Store_FilterElement_All" "All" "Store_FilterElement_ValveContributor" "Valve" // Used by sorting dropdowns "Store_Sorter_ReleaseNewest" "Release: Newest" "Store_Sorter_ReleaseOldest" "Release: Oldest" "Store_Sorter_PriceHighest" "Price: Highest" "Store_Sorter_PriceLowest" "Price: Lowest" "Store_Sorter_Alphabetical" "Alphabetical" "Store_Sorter_HeroName" "Hero" "Store_ViewCart" "View Cart" "Store_Backpack" "Armory" "Store_Loadout" "Loadout" "Store_CartWarning_Emoticon_AllUnlocked" "All emoticons inside of this pack are already unlocked on your account" "Store_CartWarning_Emoticon_SomeUnlocked" "Some of the emoticons inside of this pack are already unlocked on your account" "Store_CartWarning_League_Unlocked" "Access to the league this item provides is already unlocked on your account" // Store banners -- also used for Playtab "StoreBanner_Header_Compendium" "The International Interactive Compendium" "StoreBanner_Text_Compendium" "Now includes the Valor HUD Skin, a 125% Battle Bonus, an Immortal item and more!" "StoreBanner_Header_ArcticHunter" "Arctic Hunter Set" "StoreBanner_Text_ArcticHunter" "Knuckles cracked and ready!" "StoreBanner_Header_PyrionFlax" "Pyrion Flax Announcer Pack" "StoreBanner_Text_PyrionFlax" "Boosh!" "StoreBanner_Header_Itsy" "Itsy" "StoreBanner_Text_Itsy" "The eyes have it." "StoreBanner_Header_Shagbark" "Shagbark" "StoreBanner_Text_Shagbark" "His bark is worse than his bite." "StoreBanner_Header_SkywrathRetribution" "Retribution Set" "StoreBanner_Text_SkywrathRetribution" "Listen to your better angels." "StoreBanner_Header_Raidcall3" "RaidCall Dota 2 League Season 3" "StoreBanner_Text_Raidcall3" "Includes exclusive courier, Maximilian the Beetlebear" "StoreBanner_Header_CompendiumHUD" "Stretch Goal 3 Reached, Valor HUD Skin released" "StoreBanner_Text_CompendiumHUD" "Now included with the International Compendium" "StoreBanner_Header_TuskFrostiron" "Frostiron Raider Set" "StoreBanner_Text_TuskFrostiron" "From the snowy wilderness!" "StoreBanner_Header_CMFrostiron" "Frostiron Sorceress Set" "StoreBanner_Text_CMFrostiron" "A gift from the great white north." "StoreBanner_Header_MedusaForsaken" "Forsaken Beauty Set" "StoreBanner_Text_MedusaForsaken" "Let her beauty still their breath." "StoreBanner_Header_ChenGemmedArmor" "Gemmed Armor of the Priest Kings Set" "StoreBanner_Text_ChenGemmedArmor" "Bring judgement to your foes!" "StoreBanner_Header_EnchantressAspects" "Aspects of Summer Set" "StoreBanner_Text_EnchantressAspects" "Bask in the sunshine!" "StoreBanner_Header_Pudge_Mad_Harvester" "Tools of the Mad Harvester Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Pudge_Mad_Harvester" "The Mad Harvest begins." "StoreBanner_Header_SNK_Dreadknight" "Remains of the Dreadknight Set" "StoreBanner_Text_SNK_Dreadknight" "Comes the bone King." "StoreBanner_Header_Centaur_Steppe" "Warrior of the Steppe Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Centaur_Steppe" "Blood shall spatter!" "StoreBanner_Header_Slardar_Deep_Vault" "Arms of the Deep Vault Guardian Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Slardar_Deep_Vault" "May the Deep Ones guide you." "StoreBanner_Header_Faceless_Clasz" "Acolyte of Clasz Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Faceless_Clasz" "Time to face your enemies." "StoreBanner_Header_AMD_Premier_2" "AMD Premier League Season 2" "StoreBanner_Text_AMD_Premier_2" "" "StoreBanner_Header_Corsair_Summer_2013" "Corsair Gaming Summer Tournament" "StoreBanner_Text_Corsair_Summer_2013" "" "StoreBanner_Header_GEST_June_July" "Gigabyte E-Sports Tournament June & July" "StoreBanner_Text_GEST_June_July" "" "StoreBanner_Header_El_Gato" "Beyond The Summit's El Gato Courier" "StoreBanner_Text_El_Gato" "Adopt this furry friend and watch him level up as you follow Beyond The Summit." "StoreBanner_Header_Defense_Grid" "Defense Grid Announcer Pack" "StoreBanner_Text_Defense_Grid" "Ancients or Grids, they all need defending!" "StoreBanner_Header_Quirts_Summer_Bundle" "Quirt's Summer Bundle" "StoreBanner_Text_Quirts_Summer_Bundle" "Nine complete all-new item sets and the Dire Gaze ward. Heroic value!" "StoreBanner_Header_Quirts_Summer_Key" "Quirt's Summer Stash Key" "StoreBanner_Text_Quirts_Summer_Key" "

Sales end and unopened Stashes will vanish Monday, September 16th!

" "StoreBanner_Header_International_2013_Key" "Treasure of Champions 2013 Chest Key" "StoreBanner_Text_International_2013_Key" "The tournament belongs to the ages." "StoreBanner_Header_Alchemist_CranialClapTrap" "Cranial Clap Trap" "StoreBanner_Text_Alchemist_CranialClapTrap" "Alchemist Armor exclusively in the Treasure of Champions 2013 Chest" "StoreBanner_Header_Skywrath_Vengencebound_Wings" "Vengeancebound Wings" "StoreBanner_Text_Skywrath_Vengencebound_Wings" "Skywrath Mage Wings exclusively in the Treasure of Champions 2013 Chest" "StoreBanner_Header_DS_Craniomancer" "Craniomancer" "StoreBanner_Text_DS_Craniomancer" "Dark Seer Head exclusively in the Treasure of Champions 2013 Chest" "StoreBanner_Header_CK_HelmofInfernalDespair" "The Helm of Infernal Despair" "StoreBanner_Text_CK_HelmofInfernalDespair" "Chaos Knight Helm exclusively in the Treasure of Champions 2013 Chest" "StoreBanner_Header_Spectre_PossessedBlade" "The Possessed Blade" "StoreBanner_Text_Spectre_PossessedBlade" "Spectre Weapon exclusively in the Treasure of Champions 2013 Chest" "StoreBanner_Header_WD_TribalMegadonMask" "Tribal Megadon Mask" "StoreBanner_Text_WD_TribalMegadonMask" "Witchdoctor Mask exclusively in the Treasure of Champions 2013 Chest" "StoreBanner_Header_Sven_RadiantClaive" "Radiant Claive" "StoreBanner_Text_Sven_RadiantClaive" "Sven Sword exclusively in the Treasure of Champions 2013 Chest" "StoreBanner_Header_Clinkz_Heat" "Heat" "StoreBanner_Text_Clinkz_Heat" "Clinkz Bow exclusively in the Treasure of Champions 2013 Chest" "StoreBanner_Header_Tide_BitofBoat" "A Bit of Boat" "StoreBanner_Text_Tide_BitofBoat" "Tidhunter Club exclusively in the Treasure of Champions 2013 Chest" "StoreBanner_Header_Rubick_CrystallineInitio" "Crystalline Initio" "StoreBanner_Text_Rubick_CrystallineInitio" "Rubick Staff exclusively in the Treasure of Champions 2013 Chest" "StoreBanner_Header_Axe_Corruptor" "Corruptor" "StoreBanner_Text_Axe_Corruptor" "Axe Axe exclusively in the Treasure of Champions 2013 Chest" "StoreBanner_Header_Spectre_SpectralLight" "Spectral Light" "StoreBanner_Text_Spectre_SpectralLight" "Spectre Head exclusively in the Treasure of Champions 2013 Chest" "StoreBanner_Header_KotL_OneHorn" "The One Horn" "StoreBanner_Text_KotL_OneHorn" "Keeper of the Light Armor exclusively in the Treasure of Champions 2013 Chest" "StoreBanner_Header_CM_HeartoftheNorthSet" "Heart of the North Set" "StoreBanner_Text_CM_HeartoftheNorthSet" "The ice age cometh." "StoreBanner_Header_CK_EmbersofEndlessHavocSet" "Embers of Endless Havoc Set" "StoreBanner_Text_CK_EmbersofEndlessHavocSet" "See them scatter and burn!" "StoreBanner_Header_QoP_BondsofVincereSet" "Na'Vi's Bonds of Vincere Set" "StoreBanner_Text_QoP_BondsofVincereSet" "Pain is the best teacher." "StoreBanner_Header_LD_AtniwsFurySet" "The Atniw's Fury Set" "StoreBanner_Text_LD_AtniwsFurySet" "The bear clan rises!" "StoreBanner_Header_Nyx_AlphaPredatorSet" "Alpha Predator Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Nyx_AlphaPredatorSet" "Nyx, nyx, nyx, nyx." "StoreBanner_Header_TA_WhisperingDeadSet" "Whispering Dead Set" "StoreBanner_Text_TA_WhisperingDeadSet" "Uncover death's mysteries!" "StoreBanner_Header_TA_DreadedBravoSet" "Dreaded Bravo Set" "StoreBanner_Text_TA_DreadedBravoSet" "The desert winds reveal a hidden mystery." "StoreBanner_Header_Kunkka_CladdishVoyagerSet" "Instruments of the Claddish Voyager Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Kunkka_CladdishVoyagerSet" "Set sail for conquest!" "StoreBanner_Header_Kunkka_SteadfastVoyagerSet" "The Steadfast Voyager Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Kunkka_SteadfastVoyagerSet" "Reading poetry, drinking salt water and sometimes hallucinating. This set includes multiple sword styles!" "StoreBanner_Header_Drow_BorealWatchSet" "The Boreal Watch Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Drow_BorealWatchSet" "An arrow seeks its target." "StoreBanner_Header_OD_DragonForgedSet" "Dragon Forged Set" "StoreBanner_Text_OD_DragonForgedSet" "Out of blackest abyss, a new order is forged." "StoreBanner_Header_Riki_TahlinOccultSet" "The Tahlin Occult Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Riki_TahlinOccultSet" "What you don't see will kill you." "StoreBanner_Header_Spectre_EternalLightSet" "Eternal Light Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Spectre_EternalLightSet" "There are no words to describe it." "StoreBanner_Header_WR_NorthernWindSet" "The Northern Wind Set" "StoreBanner_Text_WR_NorthernWindSet" "Aim your arrows toward true North." "StoreBanner_Header_Lina_ScorchingPrincessSet" "The Scorching Princess Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Lina_ScorchingPrincessSet" "Royalty of the flame!" "StoreBanner_Header_Mirana_StarlightSet" "Starlight Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Mirana_StarlightSet" "The evening star has come to earth." "StoreBanner_Header_KotL_FirstLightSet" "The First Light Set" "StoreBanner_Text_KotL_FirstLightSet" "First Light casts the shadow of a mule. This set includes multiple hat styles!" "StoreBanner_Header_Siren_SlithereenKnightSet" "The Slithereen Knight" "StoreBanner_Text_Siren_SlithereenKnightSet" "No Slithereen may fail." "StoreBanner_Header_Courier_Deathripper" "Deathripper" "StoreBanner_Text_Courier_Deathripper" "A terrifying combination of dark magic and science-gone-wrong. The Deathripper is Privateer Press' first foray into the delivery business." "StoreBanner_Header_Courier_Blotto" "Blotto and Stick" "StoreBanner_Text_Courier_Blotto" "A former gambler and shyster now on the slow path to reform, he's taken up courier duties to con a bit of extra coin and brought his trusty Stick along for the ride!" "StoreBanner_Header_Courier_Alphid" "Alphid of Lecaciida" "StoreBanner_Text_Courier_Alphid" "In search of his own destiny away from the colony, Alphid is convinced that his exceptional speed and dedication can be put to good use on the battlefield." "StoreBanner_Header_Courier_Tinkbot" "Tinkbot" "StoreBanner_Text_Courier_Tinkbot" "Fed up with conventional delivery methods, Tinker set to work on something he felt was a bit more reliable." "StoreBanner_Header_Premier_League_5" "Watch the Finals this week!" "StoreBanner_Text_Premier_League_5" "Includes the Wicked Succubus evolving set and Stone Ruin HUD" "StoreBanner_Header_DROW_JeweloftheForestSet" "Drow: Jewel of the Forest Set" "StoreBanner_Text_DROW_JeweloftheForestSet" "Jewels for a jewel." "StoreBanner_Header_SNK_RegaliaoftheBonelordSet" "Wraith King: Regalia of the Bonelord Set" "StoreBanner_Text_SNK_RegaliaoftheBonelordSet" "Comes the king of bones!" "StoreBanner_Header_PUDGE_TheOlChopperSet" "Pudge: The Ol' Chopper Set" "StoreBanner_Text_PUDGE_TheOlChopperSet" "There's nothing a slab of sharp can't fix!" "StoreBanner_Header_SPECTRE_TheMaliciousEfflorescenceSet" "Spectre: The Malicious Efflorescence Set" "StoreBanner_Text_SPECTRE_TheMaliciousEfflorescenceSet" "From darkest aether comes a haunted power." "StoreBanner_Header_PA_DarkWraithSet" "Phantom Assassin: Dark Wraith Set" "StoreBanner_Text_PA_DarkWraithSet" "Less of me, but more to see." "StoreBanner_Header_NYX_SacredOrbSet" "Nyx Assassin: Sacred Orb Set" "StoreBanner_Text_NYX_SacredOrbSet" "The Goddess wills you to have it!" "StoreBanner_Header_SLARK_DeepWardenHaulSet" "Slark: Deep Warden Haul Set" "StoreBanner_Text_SLARK_DeepWardenHaulSet" "Arms from the deep!" "StoreBanner_Header_RIKI_ArmsoftheBladebreakerOrderSet" "Riki: Arms of the Bladebreaker Order Set" "StoreBanner_Text_RIKI_ArmsoftheBladebreakerOrderSet" "They'll never know what cut them!" "StoreBanner_Header_OM_AncestralLuckSet" "Ogre Magi: Ancestral Luck Set" "StoreBanner_Text_OM_AncestralLuckSet" "Lucky for you. Unlucky for them." "StoreBanner_Header_TA_RedmoonAssassinsSecretFinerySet" "Templar Assassin: Redmoon Assassin's Secret Finery Set" "StoreBanner_Text_TA_RedmoonAssassinsSecretFinerySet" "When the Redmoon Order calls, will you answer?" "StoreBanner_Header_BS_TheGallowsUnderstudySet" "Bloodseeker: The Gallows Understudy Set" "StoreBanner_Text_BS_TheGallowsUnderstudySet" "Far from the Flayed Twins, yet still at home." "StoreBanner_Header_QoP_ChainedMistressSet" "Queen of Pain: Chained Mistress Set" "StoreBanner_Text_QoP_ChainedMistressSet" "Beware pain when restrained." "StoreBanner_Header_MORPHLING_GiftoftheSeaSet" "Morphling: Gift of the Sea Set" "StoreBanner_Text_MORPHLING_GiftoftheSeaSet" "Don't look a gift morph in the mouth." "StoreBanner_Header_HUD_DragonScale" "HUD: Dragon Scale" "StoreBanner_Text_HUD_DragonScale" "Get a dragon's-eye view!" "StoreBanner_Header_HUD_Curiosity" "HUD: Curiosity" "StoreBanner_Text_HUD_Curiosity" "Discover what you have yet to discover!" "StoreBanner_Header_HUD_IronCage" "HUD: Iron Cage" "StoreBanner_Text_HUD_IronCage" "Set your skill free!" "StoreBanner_Header_COURIER_Waldi" "Courier: Waldi the Faithful" "StoreBanner_Text_COURIER_Waldi" "Release the hound!" "StoreBanner_Header_WARD_OculatheObserver" "Ward: Ocula the Observer" "StoreBanner_Text_WARD_OculatheObserver" "Your spy in the field!" "StoreBanner_Header_Rubiline_Sheen_Key" "Rubiline Sheen Key" "StoreBanner_Text_Rubiline_Sheen_Key" "Sculpted from the finest Rubiline of Riftshadow." "StoreBanner_Header_Emerald_Polycount_Key" "Emerald Polycount Key" "StoreBanner_Text_Emerald_Polycount_Key" "Dreams made reality by the craftsmen of Polycount." "StoreBanner_Header_EmeraldPolycount_EyeofNiuhi" "Eye of Niuhi" "StoreBanner_Text_EmeraldPolycount_EyeofNiuhi" "Emerald Polycount Chest 1 of 12 possible items found only within." "StoreBanner_Header_EmeraldPolycount_MeadowsMercy" "Meadow's Mercy" "StoreBanner_Text_EmeraldPolycount_MeadowsMercy" "Emerald Polycount Chest 1 of 12 possible items found only within." "StoreBanner_Header_EmeraldPolycount_ShadowBrand" "Shadow Brand" "StoreBanner_Text_EmeraldPolycount_ShadowBrand" "Emerald Polycount Chest 1 of 12 possible items found only within." "StoreBanner_Header_EmeraldPolycount_PunderoftheHighSeas" "Plunder of the High Seas" "StoreBanner_Text_EmeraldPolycount_PunderoftheHighSeas" "Emerald Polycount Chest 1 of 12 possible items found only within." "StoreBanner_Header_EmeraldPolycount_KrakensBane" "Kraken's Bane" "StoreBanner_Text_EmeraldPolycount_KrakensBane" "Emerald Polycount Chest 1 of 12 possible items found only within." "StoreBanner_Header_EmeraldPolycount_GrievousGrapnel" "Grievous Grapnel" "StoreBanner_Text_EmeraldPolycount_GrievousGrapnel" "Emerald Polycount Chest 1 of 12 possible items found only within." "StoreBanner_Header_EmeraldPolycount_LamentsoftheDead" "Laments of the Dead" "StoreBanner_Text_EmeraldPolycount_LamentsoftheDead" "Emerald Polycount Chest 1 of 12 possible items found only within." "StoreBanner_Header_EmeraldPolycount_TridentoftheDeepOne" "Trident of the Deep One" "StoreBanner_Text_EmeraldPolycount_TridentoftheDeepOne" "Emerald Polycount Chest 1 of 12 possible items found only within." "StoreBanner_Header_EmeraldPolycount_StaffofInfernalChaos" "Staff of Infernal Chaos" "StoreBanner_Text_EmeraldPolycount_StaffofInfernalChaos" "Emerald Polycount Chest 1 of 12 possible items found only within." "StoreBanner_Header_EmeraldPolycount_ShatteredAxeoftheVanquished" "Shattered Axe of the Vanquished" "StoreBanner_Text_EmeraldPolycount_ShatteredAxeoftheVanquished" "Emerald Polycount Chest 1 of 12 possible items found only within." "StoreBanner_Header_EmeraldPolycount_AshbornHorns" "Ashborn Horns" "StoreBanner_Text_EmeraldPolycount_AshbornHorns" "Emerald Polycount Chest 1 of 12 possible items found only within." "StoreBanner_Header_EmeraldPolycount_FrozenSteinoftheBarBrawler" "Frozen Stein of the Bar Brawler" "StoreBanner_Text_EmeraldPolycount_FrozenSteinoftheBarBrawler" "Emerald Polycount Chest 1 of 12 possible items found only within." "StoreBanner_Header_MORPHLING_AncientArmorSet" "Morphling: Ancient Armor Set" "StoreBanner_Text_MORPHLING_AncientArmorSet" "Sometimes the ancient ways are best." "StoreBanner_Header_SNIPER_TheHareHuntSet" "Sniper: The Hare Hunt Set" "StoreBanner_Text_SNIPER_TheHareHuntSet" "Be very quiet, he's hunting." "StoreBanner_Header_LION_HellsAmbassadorSet" "Lion: Hell's Ambassador Set" "StoreBanner_Text_LION_HellsAmbassadorSet" "He's been to Hell often enough to keep chambers there." "StoreBanner_Header_KUNKKA_ArmamentsOfLeviathanSet" "Kunkka: Armaments of Leviathan Set" "StoreBanner_Text_KUNKKA_ArmamentsOfLeviathanSet" "The legend of Kunkka grows...at least according to Kunkka." "StoreBanner_Header_SB_BarathrumsFurySet" "Spirit Breaker: Barathrum's Fury Set" "StoreBanner_Text_SB_BarathrumsFurySet" "A fury that cannot be broken." "StoreBanner_Header_FV_ViridiInanitasSet" "Faceless Void: Viridi Inanitas Set" "StoreBanner_Text_FV_ViridiInanitasSet" "There is only madness in the temples of Claszureme..." "StoreBanner_Header_HUD_GoldenTreasures" "HUD: Golden Treasures" "StoreBanner_Text_HUD_GoldenTreasures" "Riches are won on the battlefield." "StoreBanner_Header_HUD_Omen" "HUD: Omen" "StoreBanner_Text_HUD_Omen" "Dark tidings come unbidden." "StoreBanner_Header_HUD_Tremor" "HUD: Tremor" "StoreBanner_Text_HUD_Tremor" "War rattles every foundation." "StoreBanner_Header_AM_TheClergyAsceticSet" "Anti-Mage: The Clergy Ascetic Set" "StoreBanner_Text_AM_TheClergyAsceticSet" "Thou art denied all pleasures save those of fashion!" "StoreBanner_Header_SHADOWSHAMAN_EkiSet" "Shadow Shaman: Eki Spiritual Implements Set" "StoreBanner_Text_SHADOWSHAMAN_EkiSet" "Send them to the great gone by!" "StoreBanner_Header_BLOODSEEKER_ScarletRavenSet" "Bloodseeker: Ardor of the Scarlet Raven Set" "StoreBanner_Text_BLOODSEEKER_ScarletRavenSet" "The birdbaths of Xhacatocatl are filled with blood..." "StoreBanner_Header_BM_SteelwebSet" "Broodmother: Steelweb of Pytheos Set" "StoreBanner_Text_BM_SteelwebSet" "Let's see them step on this!" "StoreBanner_Header_BM_WebofThornsSet" "Broodmother: Web of Thorns Set" "StoreBanner_Text_BM_WebofThornsSet" "All the better to guard her brood." "StoreBanner_Header_SILENCER_GuardianofSilenceSet" "Silencer: Guardian of Silence Set" "StoreBanner_Text_SILENCER_GuardianofSilenceSet" "Quiet their screams." "StoreBanner_Header_RIKI_HighbornReckoningSet" "Riki: Highborn Reckoning Set" "StoreBanner_Text_RIKI_HighbornReckoningSet" "Your enemies will pay dearly." "StoreBanner_Header_INVOKER_MnemonusArcanusSet" "Invoker: Mnemonus Arcanus Set" "StoreBanner_Text_INVOKER_MnemonusArcanusSet" "Solar vestments won by wizardly cunning." "StoreBanner_Header_JUGG_GwimyeonWarrior" "Juggernaut: Arms of the Gwimyeon Warrior" "StoreBanner_Text_JUGG_GwimyeonWarrior" "Make them fear your face!" "StoreBanner_Header_WARD_CelestialObservatory" "Ward: Celestial Observatory" "StoreBanner_Text_WARD_CelestialObservatory" "Your eyes on the skies." "StoreBanner_Header_WARD_WardingGuise" "Ward: Warding Guise" "StoreBanner_Text_WARD_WardingGuise" "Let it keep an eye out for you." "StoreBanner_Header_JUGG_ExiledRoninSet" "Juggernaut: The Exiled Ronin Set" "StoreBanner_Text_JUGG_ExiledRoninSet" "None can be his master." "StoreBanner_Header_BOUNTYHUNTER_BloodStainedSandsSet" "Bounty Hunter: Hunter of the Blood Stained Sands Set" "StoreBanner_Text_BOUNTYHUNTER_BloodStainedSandsSet" "Paint the ground with your prey." "StoreBanner_Header_PL_TeardropIceSet" "Phantom Lancer: Jewels of Teardrop Ice Set" "StoreBanner_Text_PL_TeardropIceSet" "Ice the tears of your enemies." "StoreBanner_Header_SKYWRATH_CloudForgedSet" "Skywrath Mage: Cloud Forged Battle Gear Set" "StoreBanner_Text_SKYWRATH_CloudForgedSet" "Forged in the heavens, ready for hell." "StoreBanner_Header_HUD_Underwater" "HUD: Underwater" "StoreBanner_Text_HUD_Underwater" "Beneath the waves are powers unknown." "StoreBanner_Header_HUD_Mana_Pool" "HUD: Mana Pool" "StoreBanner_Text_HUD_Mana_Pool" "From a darkness unknown spills infinite power." "StoreBanner_Header_HUD_Necropolis" "HUD: Necropolis" "StoreBanner_Text_HUD_Necropolis" "Those long buried hold power long forgotten." "StoreBanner_Header_Antimage_Shifting_Sorcerer" "Antimage: Spoils from the Shifting Sorcerer" "StoreBanner_Text_Antimage_Shifting_Sorcerer" "Created in partnership with Burning." "StoreBanner_Header_CM_GlacialDuster" "Crystal Maiden: Glacial Duster Set" "StoreBanner_Text_CM_GlacialDuster" "Created in partnership with IxMike88." "StoreBanner_Header_DP_AugursCurse" "Death Prophet: Augur's Curse Set" "StoreBanner_Text_DP_AugursCurse" "Foretell their demise." "StoreBanner_Header_ES_ForestHermit" "Earthshaker: Forest Hermit Set" "StoreBanner_Text_ES_ForestHermit" "Inherit the earth." "StoreBanner_Header_PA_GleamingSeal" "Phantom Assassin: Dread of the Gleaming Seal Set" "StoreBanner_Text_PA_GleamingSeal" "Created in partnership with Loda." "StoreBanner_Header_Rubick_CruelMagician" "Rubick: Garb of the Cruel Magician" "StoreBanner_Text_Rubick_CruelMagician" "Created in partnership with Kuroky." "StoreBanner_Header_SB_DeathCharge" "Spirit Breaker: Death Charge Set" "StoreBanner_Text_SB_DeathCharge" "Created in partnership with IceIceIce." "StoreBanner_Header_Weaver_MasterWeaver" "Weaver: Master Weaver Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Weaver_MasterWeaver" "Fate unspools." "StoreBanner_Header_QoP_AdornmentsofBlight" "Queen of Pain: Adornments of Blight Set" "StoreBanner_Text_QoP_AdornmentsofBlight" "Bring the pain!" "StoreBanner_Header_Earth_Essence_Key" "Treasure Key of Earth Essence" "StoreBanner_Text_Earth_Essence_Key" "Gifts from the spirits of Earth." "StoreBanner_Header_Ember_Essence_Key" "Treasure Key of Ember Essence" "StoreBanner_Text_Ember_Essence_Key" "Treasures collected from the ashes of battle." "StoreBanner_Header_Diretide_2013" "Diretide 2013 Treasure Key" "StoreBanner_Text_Diretide_2013" "

Sales end and unopened Chests will vanish Saturday, November 30th!

" "StoreBanner_Header_SK_CausticConsumption" "Sand King: The Caustic Consumption Set" "StoreBanner_Text_SK_CausticConsumption" "They'll never find your bones." "StoreBanner_Header_Abaddon_AnointedRuination" "Abaddon: The Anointed Armor of Ruination Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Abaddon_AnointedRuination" "For the House Avernus!" "StoreBanner_Header_BH_SecondDisciple" "Bounty Hunter: The Second Disciple Set" "StoreBanner_Text_BH_SecondDisciple" "Dead or alive, you're coming with me." "StoreBanner_Header_CocotheCourageous" "Coco the Courageous" "StoreBanner_Text_CocotheCourageous" "The brew must flow." "StoreBanner_Header_WARLOCK_ExiledDemonologist" "Warlock: The Exiled Demonologist Set" "StoreBanner_Text_WARLOCK_ExiledDemonologist" "Conjured from the depths of hell." "StoreBanner_Header_DROW_Shadowcat" "Drow Ranger: Gifts of the Shadowcat Set" "StoreBanner_Text_DROW_Shadowcat" "Fear her crossing your path." "StoreBanner_Header_DARKSEER_SeersCommand" "Dark Seer: Seers Command Set" "StoreBanner_Text_DARKSEER_SeersCommand" "A commanding sight." "StoreBanner_Header_Tory_the_sky_guardian" "Tory, the Sky Guardian" "StoreBanner_Text_Tory_the_sky_guardian" "Riding the wind since the beginning of time." "StoreBanner_Header_NP_BirdsStone" "Nature's Prophet: Bird's Stone Set" "StoreBanner_Text_NP_BirdsStone" "If you fall in the forest, who will hear you cry?" "StoreBanner_Header_AM_Legacy_ofthe_Awakened" "Anti-Mage: Legacy of the Awakened" "StoreBanner_Text_AM_Legacy_ofthe_Awakened" "

Featuring a new Loading Screen item.

" "StoreBanner_Header_Enchantress_Araceaes_Tribute" "Enchantress: Araceae's Tribute Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Enchantress_Araceaes_Tribute" "Treasures from a faraway island." "StoreBanner_Header_Luna_Eternal_Eclipse" "Luna: Blessings of the Eternal Eclipse Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Luna_Eternal_Eclipse" "Out of the darkness, she arises anew." "StoreBanner_Header_Bristleback_Heavy_Barbed" "Bristleback: Heavy Barbed Armor Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Bristleback_Heavy_Barbed" "Spike your way to victory!" "StoreBanner_Header_Big_Frostivus_Sale" "Frostivus Sale" "StoreBanner_Text_Big_Frostivus_Sale" "Save up to 75% off through January 4" "StoreBanner_Header_Chen_WingsObelis" "Chen: Wings of Obelis Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Chen_WingsObelis" "His power compels you!" "StoreBanner_Header_Earthshaker_GoldenReel" "Earthshaker: Guardian of the Golden Reel Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Earthshaker_GoldenReel" "All wound up for a pounding!" "StoreBanner_Header_KOTL_Northlight" "Keeper of the Light: Keeper of the Northlight Set" "StoreBanner_Text_KOTL_Northlight" "Who's that on the rooftop?" "StoreBanner_Header_CM_FrozenFeather" "Crystal Maiden: Frozen Feather Set" "StoreBanner_Text_CM_FrozenFeather" "A touch as light as frost!" "StoreBanner_Header_Sniper_HowlingWolf" "Sniper: Spirit of the Howling Wolf" "StoreBanner_Text_Sniper_HowlingWolf" "In wolf's clothing, but not a sheep!" "StoreBanner_Header_Ursa_CryogenicEmbrace" "Ursa: Cryogenic Embrace Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Ursa_CryogenicEmbrace" "Nothing holds off the chill like a bearskin!" "StoreBanner_Header_NP_FungalLord" "Nature's Prophet: Fungal Lord Set" "StoreBanner_Text_NP_FungalLord" "Everyone knows he's a real Fun Guy!" "StoreBanner_Header_DP_MortalCoil" "Death Prophet: Regalia of the Mortal Coil Set" "StoreBanner_Text_DP_MortalCoil" "Her beauty is deadly." "StoreBanner_Header_Drow_DeathShadow" "Drow: Death Shadow Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Drow_DeathShadow" "From the shadows, an arrow strikes!" "StoreBanner_Header_Luna_CrescentMoon" "Luna: Flight of the Crescent Moon Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Luna_CrescentMoon" "Blessed by the Lunar Moth and forged from MoonSilver." "StoreBanner_Header_Frostivus_Key" "Frostivus 2013 Treasure Key" "StoreBanner_Text_Frostivus_Key" "

Sales end and unopened Chests will vanish Sunday, January 12th!

" "StoreBanner_Header_D2L_Butchers_Broilers" "The Butcher's Broilers" "StoreBanner_Text_D2L_Butchers_Broilers" "Show support for the HyperX D2L Season 4 with these hot new Pudge weapons." "StoreBanner_Header_Invoker_Iceforged" "Invoker: Iceforged Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Invoker_Iceforged" "Created in partnership with iceiceice." "StoreBanner_Header_NS_Outcast" "Naga Siren: Outcast of the Deep Set" "StoreBanner_Text_NS_Outcast" "Reclaim your honor with spear and dagger." "StoreBanner_Header_SM_RuneForged" "Skywrath Mage: Rune Forged Set" "StoreBanner_Text_SM_RuneForged" "Wrought in the depths of the Ghastly Eyrie." "StoreBanner_Header_BlacksmithsBlessings" "Blacksmith's Blessings" "StoreBanner_Text_BlacksmithsBlessings" "A selection of new weaponry for Windranger, Sven, Doom, Spectre, Alchemist, Warlock, and Slark." "StoreBanner_Header_StylesUnendingBattle" "Styles of Unending Battle" "StoreBanner_Text_StylesUnendingBattle" "A selection of new hairstyles for Drow Ranger, Mirana, Lina, Windranger, and Templar Assassin." "StoreBanner_Header_HolidayBooster" "400% Holiday Battle Point Booster" "StoreBanner_Text_HolidayBooster" "Share in the holiday spirits with an 80% boost for everyone.

Available until January 3rd.

" "StoreBanner_Header_LC_StonehallRoyalGuard" "Legion Commander: Stonehall Royal Guard" "StoreBanner_Text_LC_StonehallRoyalGuard" "You can always trust the Stonehall armorers!" "StoreBanner_Header_FV_TentacularTimelord" "Faceless Void: The Tentacular Timelord Set" "StoreBanner_Text_FV_TentacularTimelord" "The most important of features, now without the usual facial requirement." "StoreBanner_Header_BM_WebsofPerception" "Broodmother: Webs of Perception" "StoreBanner_Text_BM_WebsofPerception" "As if eight eyes were not enough already." "StoreBanner_Header_Abaddon_DarknessWanderersArmor" "Abaddon: Darkness Wanderer's Armor" "StoreBanner_Text_Abaddon_DarknessWanderersArmor" "From the cold mist, he rides." "StoreBanner_Header_Ursa_RadiantProtector" "Ursa: The Radiant Protector Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Ursa_RadiantProtector" "I defend what is mine!" "StoreBanner_Header_Pugna_NetherLord" "Pugna: The Nether Lord's Regalia Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Pugna_NetherLord" "Let none cast in safety!" "StoreBanner_Header_Dazzle_Yuwipi" "Dazzle: Yuwipi Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Dazzle_Yuwipi" "Bring forth your bright shadow!" "StoreBanner_Header_Nyx_ShadowHunter" "Nyx: Shadow Hunter Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Nyx_ShadowHunter" "Stalk your prey, devour your foes." "StoreBanner_Header_Tusk_Bobusang" "Tusk: Bobusang's Traveling Necessities Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Tusk_Bobusang" "Be prepared for a fight on the road!" "StoreBanner_Header_Lina_Brightmoon" "Lina: Jini the Brightmoon Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Lina_Brightmoon" "The heat is on!" "StoreBanner_Header_Three_Virtues" "The Three Virtues Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Three_Virtues" "Three spirits and you're out!" "StoreBanner_Header_Lina_Ember_Crane" "Lina: Ember Crane Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Lina_Ember_Crane" "Red is your color." "StoreBanner_Header_LC_Commander_Dragon_Guard" "Legion Commander: Commander of the Dragon Guard Set" "StoreBanner_Text_LC_Commander_Dragon_Guard" "Command Respect." "StoreBanner_Header_WR_Aria_Wild_Wind" "Windranger: Aria Wild Wind Set" "StoreBanner_Text_WR_Aria_Wild_Wind" "A wild wind blows." "StoreBanner_Header_Chen_Desert_Gale" "Chen: Desert Gale Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Chen_Desert_Gale" "Breathe a little life into death." "StoreBanner_Header_DP_Foretellers_Robes" "Death Prophet: Foreteller's Robes Set" "StoreBanner_Text_DP_Foretellers_Robes" "A fate foretold." "StoreBanner_Header_Earth_Spirit_Demon_Stone" "Earth Spirit: Strength of the Demon Stone Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Earth_Spirit_Demon_Stone" "Strong as stone, quick as a demon." "StoreBanner_Header_Storm_Spirit_Gifts_Fortune" "Storm Spirit: Gifts of Fortune Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Storm_Spirit_Gifts_Fortune" "Fortune favors the blue." "StoreBanner_Header_Ember_Spirit_Gifts_Prosperity" "Ember Spirit: Flames of Prosperity Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Ember_Spirit_Gifts_Prosperity" "In war, none prosper like the flames." "StoreBanner_Header_Fortunes_Favor" "Fortune's Favor" "StoreBanner_Text_Fortunes_Favor" "200% drop rate on Ingots, unlocks Jade token drops." "StoreBanner_Header_Vermilion_Renewal_Seal" "Seal of Vermilion Renewal" "StoreBanner_Text_Vermilion_Renewal_Seal" "Unseal the gifts of the New Bloom Festival" "StoreBanner_Header_Gyro_Dragon_Emperor" "Gyrocopter: Armaments of the Dragon Emperor Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Gyro_Dragon_Emperor" "Reign of Fire." "StoreBanner_Header_Sven_Iron_Drakken" "Sven: The Iron Drakken Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Sven_Iron_Drakken" "From the forges of the Iron Drakken." "StoreBanner_Header_Luna_Blessings_Lucentyr" "Luna: Blessings of Lucentyr Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Luna_Blessings_Lucentyr" "Count your blessings by the light of the moon." "StoreBanner_Header_Pudge_Delicacies_Butchery" "Pudge: Delicacies of Butchery Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Pudge_Delicacies_Butchery" "Not for tender palates." "StoreBanner_Header_Jugg_Wandering_Demon" "Juggernaut: Wandering Demon of the Plains Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Jugg_Wandering_Demon" "The mask behind the mask." "StoreBanner_Header_Invoker_Eastern_Range" "Invoker: Garbs of the Eastern Range Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Invoker_Eastern_Range" "Glorious Invocation." "StoreBanner_Header_Necro_Immemorial_Emperor" "Necrophos: Immemorial Emperor Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Necro_Immemorial_Emperor" "The immemorial Mage." "StoreBanner_Header_Alchemist_ToxicSiegeArmor" "Alchemist: Toxic Siege Armor Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Alchemist_ToxicSiegeArmor" "This stuff burns!" "StoreBanner_Header_Weaver_Dimensional_Infestation" "Weaver: Dimensional Infestation Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Weaver_Dimensional_Infestation" "Out of time's weave..." "StoreBanner_Header_Skywrath_DivineAscension" "Skywrath Mage: Divine Ascension Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Skywrath_DivineAscension" "Fly where you will, I will follow you there!" "StoreBanner_Header_Pugna_NetherGrandmastersRobes" "Pugna: The Nether Grandmaster's Robes Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Pugna_NetherGrandmastersRobes" "The Nether reaches out!" "StoreBanner_Header_Lion_CurseoftheMalignantCorruption" "Lion: Curse of the Malignant Corruption Set" "StoreBanner_Text_Lion_CurseoftheMalignantCorruption" "With grim resolve..." "StoreBanner_Header_DP_WitchoftheOutlands" "Death Prophet: Witch of the Outlands Set" "StoreBanner_Text_DP_WitchoftheOutlands" "Let me tell your fate!" "StoreBanner_Header_Pudge_ChainsoftheBlackDeath" "Pudge: Chains of the Black Death" "StoreBanner_Text_Pudge_ChainsoftheBlackDeath" "Time for a little chop chop." "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureOfTheDefendersVision" "Treasure of the Defender's Vision" "StoreBanner_Text_TreasureOfTheDefendersVision" "Contains new mythical sets!" "StoreBanner_Header_CharmOfTheDefendersVision" "Charm of the Defender's Vision" "StoreBanner_Text_CharmOfTheDefendersVision" "Predict your victory three times to earn a treasure. Make two incorrect predictions and receive a limited use Charming Celebration action item." "StoreBanner_Header_HUD_Familiar_Woods" "HUD: Familiar Woods" "StoreBanner_Text_HUD_Familiar_Woods" "A trusted friend on a well-worn path. Includes 2 styles." "StoreBanner_Header_HUD_Thunder_Spirit" "HUD: Thunder Spirit" "StoreBanner_Text_HUD_Thunder_Spirit" "Fury crackles as the skies split." "StoreBanner_Header_HUD_Timber_Fury" "HUD: Timber Fury" "StoreBanner_Text_HUD_Timber_Fury" "Let no forest stand in your path." "StoreBanner_Header_HUD_Spirit_Stones" "HUD: Imbued Stone" "StoreBanner_Text_HUD_Spirit_Stones" "Leave No Stone Unturned." "StoreBanner_Header_HUD_Temple_Wall" "HUD: Temple" "StoreBanner_Text_HUD_Temple_Wall" "That's a wrap (in red ribbon)." "StoreBanner_Header_Courier_God_Horse" "Redhoof and Jadehoof Couriers" "StoreBanner_Text_Courier_God_Horse" "Earn these exclusive couriers by performing in the top 10% of players in the fight against the Year Beast" "StoreBanner_Header_TB_Arcana" "Fractal Horns of Inner Abysm" "StoreBanner_Text_TB_Arcana" "What color is your soul?" "StoreBanner_Header_HUD_antiquity" "Antiquity HUD" "StoreBanner_Text_HUD_antiquity" "In the contested lands, peace is ancient history." "StoreBanner_Header_HUD_jolly_roger" "Jolly Roger HUD and Loading Screen" "StoreBanner_Text_HUD_jolly_roger" "Glug-blub-dub-glug-glug-Uuuuuuuuugh-gurgle." "StoreBanner_Header_HUD_radiant_entity" "Radiant Entity HUD" "StoreBanner_Text_HUD_radiant_entity" "A verdant perspective on a violent world." "StoreBanner_Header_HUD_crystal_mana" "Crystallized Mana HUD" "StoreBanner_Text_HUD_crystal_mana" "Time to work your magic." "StoreBanner_Header_Clash_of_the_ancients" "Clash of the Ancients Loading Screen" "StoreBanner_Text_Clash_of_the_ancients" "Where heroes meet face to face." "StoreBanner_Header_kunkka_bundle" "Kunkka Loading Screen Bundle" "StoreBanner_Text_kunkka_bundle" "Three loading screens from longtime Dota community artist Kunkka" "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureOfRadiantArms" "Treasure of Radiant Arms" "StoreBanner_Text_TreasureOfRadiantArms" "Unseal a different set each time and collect them all" "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureOfDireArms" "Treasure of Dire Arms" "StoreBanner_Text_TreasureOfDireArms" "Unseal a different set each time and collect them all" "StoreBanner_Header_MurderOfCrows" "Pudge: Murder of Crows" "StoreBanner_Text_MurderOfCrows" "Shoulda' kept your beak out of this" "StoreBanner_Header_ForgeOfIronWill" "Sven: Forge of Iron Will" "StoreBanner_Text_ForgeOfIronWill" "An iron mask for an iron will" "StoreBanner_Header_CrownOfHells" "Doom: Crown of Hells" "StoreBanner_Text_CrownOfHells" "Upon my crown, I'll gore thee" "StoreBanner_Header_FreeToPlayPack" "Free to Play Collector's Pack" "StoreBanner_Text_FreeToPlayPack" "The Director's Cut" "StoreBanner_Header_ClockwerkAnnouncerPack" "Clockwerk Announcer Pack" "StoreBanner_Text_ClockwerkAnnouncerPack" "Test your metal! Comes with the Telebolt Projecktor cog item for Clockwerk!" "StoreBanner_Header_BindingsOfDeepMagma" "Bindings of Deep Magma" "StoreBanner_Text_BindingsOfDeepMagma" "From heat below comes strength above" "StoreBanner_Header_DemonicVessel" "Arsenal of the Demonic Vessel" "StoreBanner_Text_DemonicVessel" "Let them all fear the curse" "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureOfSinisterArcanery" "Treasure of Sinister Arcanery" "StoreBanner_Text_TreasureOfSinisterArcanery" "Unveil an eldritch gift" "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureOfTheCosmicAbyss" "Treasure of the Cosmic Abyss" "StoreBanner_Text_TreasureOfTheCosmicAbyss" "Gifts from the endless expanse" "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureOfTheBottledCloud" "Treasure of the Bottled Cloud" "StoreBanner_Text_TreasureOfTheBottledCloud" "Claim heavenly gifts!" "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureOfMoltenSteel" "Treasure of Molten Steel" "StoreBanner_Text_TreasureOfMoltenSteel" "Forge your destiny!" "StoreBanner_Header_2014_Compendium" "The International Compendium" "StoreBanner_Text_2014_Compendium" "Level up and earn rewards, compete in new challenges, and more!" "StoreBanner_Header_TroveCarafe" "The Trove Carafe" "StoreBanner_Text_TroveCarafe" "Special items with custom effects fresh for the International" "StoreBanner_Header_LocklessLuckvase" "The Lockless Luckvase" "StoreBanner_Text_LocklessLuckvase" "A collection of elite items designed for the International" "StoreBanner_Header_SculptorsPillar" "The Sculptor's Pillar" "StoreBanner_Text_SculptorsPillar" "Community creations crafted to celebrate the International" "StoreBanner_Header_HerosHeirloom" "Hero's Heirloom" "StoreBanner_Text_HerosHeirloom" "An awesome collection of Secret Shop items" "StoreBanner_Header_ChampionsChest" "Champion's Chest" "StoreBanner_Text_ChampionsChest" "A second awesome collection of Secret Shop items" "StoreBanner_Header_stanley_parable_announcer_pack" "The Stanley Parable Announcer Pack" "StoreBanner_Text_stanley_parable_announcer_pack" "Do you really have a choice in the matter?" "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureOfTheClovenWorld" "Treasure of the Cloven World" "StoreBanner_Text_TreasureOfTheClovenWorld" "The world's gate swings wide." "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureOfTheDiligentArtisan" "Treasure of the Diligent Artisan" "StoreBanner_Text_TreasureOfTheDiligentArtisan" "There is artistry even in war." "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureOfTheTrappersPelt" "Treasure of the Trapper's Pelt" "StoreBanner_Text_TreasureOfTheTrappersPelt" "Wealth from the wild!" "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureOfTheSilverStorm" "Treasure of the Silver Storm" "StoreBanner_Text_TreasureOfTheSilverStorm" "Claim a bolt of fortune!" "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureOfTheSunkenMaiden" "Treasure of the Sunken Maiden" "StoreBanner_Text_TreasureOfTheSunkenMaiden" "The rewards of the ocean await!" "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureOfTheShatteredHourglass" "Treasure of the Shattered Hourglass" "StoreBanner_Text_TreasureOfTheShatteredHourglass" "Time for a new look!" "StoreBanner_Header_FreetoPlayBundleSale" "Free to Play Bundle Sale" "StoreBanner_Text_FreetoPlayBundleSale" "

The Free to Play Collector's Pack and individual hero sets for players Dendi, Fear and hyhy are all 50% off until July 22!

" "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureOfTheElementalTrophy" "Treasure of the Elemental Trophy" "StoreBanner_Text_TreasureOfTheElementalTrophy" "Claim your share of glory!" "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureOfTheSharpenedKeepsake" "Treasure of the Tangled Keepsake" "StoreBanner_Text_TreasureOfTheSharpenedKeepsake" "Seize hold of fabled treasures!" "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureOfTheCannonsFuse" "Treasure of the Cannon's Fuse" "StoreBanner_Text_TreasureOfTheCannonsFuse" "A volley of heroic valuables await!" "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureOfTheEternalAlliance" "Treasure of the Eternal Alliance" "StoreBanner_Text_TreasureOfTheEternalAlliance" "Reveal a champion's favor!" "StoreBanner_Header_TeamEmpireBundle" "HUD and Loading Screen: Team Empire" "StoreBanner_Text_TeamEmpireBundle" "Build your own Empire!" "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureOfTheMendersPalm" "Treasure of the Mender's Palm" "StoreBanner_Text_TreasureOfTheMendersPalm" "Mend your fences. Sharpen your blades." "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureOfTheOnyxEye" "Treasure of the Onyx Eye" "StoreBanner_Text_TreasureOfTheOnyxEye" "The eye of the storm." "StoreBanner_Header_EvilGeniusesBundle" "HUD and Loading Screen: Evil Geniuses" "StoreBanner_Text_EvilGeniusesBundle" "Unleash your inner genius!" "StoreBanner_Header_TechiesBombasticBundle" "Techies' Bombastic Box" "StoreBanner_Text_TechiesBombasticBundle" "Get the Techies announcer, Nilbog the Mad courier and the Detonation HUD!" "StoreBanner_Header_TechiesArcana" "The Swine of the Sunken Galley" "StoreBanner_Text_TechiesArcana" "Ready for some mischief?" "StoreBanner_Header_ShadowFiendArcana" "The Demon Eater" "StoreBanner_Text_ShadowFiendArcana" "Hear the cry of a thousand demon souls" "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureOfTheForgedFury" "Treasure of the Forged Fury" "StoreBanner_Text_TreasureOfTheForgedFury" "Unleash your fury!" "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureOfTheSummitsPeak" "Treasure of the Summit's Peak" "StoreBanner_Text_TreasureOfTheSummitsPeak" "New armor from the top of the world!" "StoreBanner_Header_ESLOneSummons" "ESL One New York Summons Bundle" "StoreBanner_Text_ESLOneSummons" "Muster your monsters!" "StoreBanner_Header_DCCaptainsDraft2" "The XMG Captain's Draft 2.0" "StoreBanner_Text_DCCaptainsDraft2" "Eight top western teams battle in the unique Captain's Draft Mode!" "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureOfRottedGallows" "Treasure of the Rotted Gallows" "StoreBanner_Test_TreasureOfRottedGallows" "Seize hallowed treasures!" "StoreBanner_Header_BalanceOfTheBladekeeper" "Balance of the Bladekeeper" "StoreBanner_Text_BalanceOfTheBladekeeper" "New legendary set for Juggernaut! 10% of purchase goes to support the XMG Captain's Draft 2.0 prizepool." "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureOfTheFrostedFlame" "Treasure of the Frosted Flame" "StoreBanner_Text_TreasureOfTheFrostedFlame" "Look what the cold brought in!" "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureOfTheNestedCache" "Treasure of the Nested Cache" "StoreBanner_Text_TreasureOfTheNestedCache" "It's a treasure that contains treasures!" "StoreBanner_Header_ArtgermLoadingScreenBundle" "Artgerm’s Loading Screen Bundle" "StoreBanner_Text_ArtgermLoadingScreenBundle" "Infect your mind with 5 loading screens created by world renowned visual artist Stanley ‘Artgerm’ Lau." "StoreBanner_Header_HUDSkins" "New Hud Skins!" "StoreBanner_Text_HUDSkins" "Choose the HUD that's right for you!" "StoreBanner_Header_EffigyBlockofFrost" "Effigy Block of Frost" "StoreBanner_Text_EffigyBlockofFrost" "Build your own ice sculpture!" "StoreBanner_Header_GiftWrap" "Gift Wrap" "StoreBanner_Text_GiftWrap" "Tis the season of Gift Wrappening!" "StoreBanner_Header_DACCompendium2015" "Dota 2 Asia Championship 2015 Compendium" "StoreBanner_Text_DACCompendium2015Old" "Now with an additional treasure containing new, exciting items!" "StoreBanner_Text_DACCompendium2015" "Get it before it's gone!" "StoreBanner_Header_DACCompendium2015PlayTab" "DAC 2015 Compendium" "StoreBanner_Text_DACCompendium2015PlayTabOld" "New treasures unlocked!" "StoreBanner_Text_DACCompendium2015PlayTab" "Get it before it's gone!" "StoreBanner_Header_DACCompendium2015Points2400" "DAC 2400 Compendium Points" "StoreBanner_Text_DACCompendium2015Points2400" "Level up your compendium to get more rewards!" "StoreBanner_Header_HallowedLands" "Treasure of the Hallowed Lands" "StoreBanner_Text_HallowedLands" "The death knell sounds, and within hallowed ground shall your enemies be buried." "StoreBanner_Text_HallowedLandsPlayTab" "Within Hallowed ground shall your enemies be buried." "StoreBanner_Header_DotaPitSeason3" "Dota Pit League Season 3" "StoreBanner_Text_DotaPitSeason3" "He's not your typical cut-rate surgeon." "StoreBanner_Header_FrostAvalanchePreOrder" "Frost Avalanche - PREORDER" "StoreBanner_Header_FrostAvalanche" "Frost Avalanche" "StoreBanner_Text_FrostAvalanche" "Arcana includes a wolf pup pet, new FX & more!" "StoreBanner_Text_FrostAvalanchePlayTab" "Arcana on sale until March 2nd." "StoreBanner_Header_YearBeast2400Points" "2400 Year Beast Ability Points" "StoreBanner_Text_YearBeast2400Points" "Upgrade your team's Year Beast in the Year Beast Brawl!" "StoreBanner_Header_RamsRenewalTreasure" "Treasure of the Ram's Renewal" "StoreBanner_Text_RamsRenewalTreasure" "Buy the Treasure or test your skills with the Charm!" "StoreBanner_Header_YearBeastScreenBundle" "Legacy of the Year Beast Loading Screen Bundle" "StoreBanner_Text_YearBeastScreenBundle" "Created by community artist Danidem!" "StoreBanner_Header_NewBloomMusic" "Harmonies of New Bloom Music Pack" "StoreBanner_Text_NewBloomMusic" "The first music pack from the Dota Workshop!" "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureRamsRenewal" "Treasure of the Ram's Renewal" "StoreBanner_Text_TreasureRamsRenewal" "New looks for New Bloom!" "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureSpringBlossom" "Treasure of the Spring Blossom" "StoreBanner_Text_TreasureSpringBlossom" "Claim New Bloom's Bounty!" "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureForgottenMyth" "Treasure of the Forgotten Myth" "StoreBanner_Text_TreasureForgottenMyth" "Discover a new look!" "StoreBanner_Header_TreasureSummitsRoost" "Treasure of the Summit's Roost" "StoreBanner_Text_TreasureSummitsRoost" "Claim the peak’s bounty!" "StoreBanner_Header_HeroesWithinMusicPack" "Heroes Within Music Pack" "StoreBanner_Text_HeroesWithinMusicPack" "New anthems for your next battle!" "StoreBanner_Header_MLGProLeagueSeason2Bundle" "joinDOTA MLG Pro League Season 2 Bundle" "StoreBanner_Text_MLGProLeagueSeason2Bundle" "On sale through April 20!" "StoreBanner_Header_TheInternationalCompendium2015" "The International Compendium 2015" "StoreBanner_Text_TheInternationalCompendium2015" "Become a part of the biggest Dota 2 event of the year!" "StoreBanner_Header_ImmortalVaultI2015" "The International 2015: Immortal Vault I" "StoreBanner_Text_ImmortalVaultI2015" "Collect Immortal items available exclusively with The Compendium!" "StoreBanner_Header_ManualFearsomeMoves" "The International 2015: Manual of Fearsome Moves" "StoreBanner_Text_ManualFearsomeMoves" "Available in The International Compendium 2015!" "StoreBanner_Header_TI52400CompendiumPoints" "The International 2015 - 24 Compendium Levels" "StoreBanner_Text_TI52400CompendiumPoints" "Level up your Compendium to earn additional rewards!" "StoreBanner_Header_MLGProLeagueSeason2" "Treasure of the Grimsneer's Stash" "StoreBanner_Text_MLGProLeagueSeason2" "Claim grim gifts for your next battle!" "StoreBanner_Text_ImmortalVaultII2015" "Collect exclusive new items from the Compendium in Immortal Treasures I & II!" //uses compendium header "StoreBanner_Header_DireShredMusic" "Dire Shred Cover Pack" "StoreBanner_Text_DireShredMusic" "New music to help you thrash your enemies!" "StoreBanner_Header_2015CollectorsCache" "The International 2015 Collector's Cache" "StoreBanner_Text_2015CollectorsCache" "Exclusive sets available for purchase only to Compendium owners!" "StoreBanner_Header_Treasure_of_Distinguished_Conqueror" "Treasure of the Distinguished Conqueror" "StoreBanner_Text_Treasure_of_Distinguished_Conqueror" "Take on a distinguished new look!" "StoreBanner_Header_CraftersRelic" "Treasure of the Crafter's Relic" "StoreBanner_Text_CraftersRelic" "Claim the wonders of artisans!" "StoreBanner_Text_TI5AnnouncerPack" "The Bristleback Announcer Pack, only with the Compendium!" //uses compendium header "StoreBanner_Text_TI5MusicPack" "The International 2015 Music Pack from Jeremy and Julian Soule, exclusively for Compendium owners!" //uses compendium header "StoreBanner_Text_ImmortalVaultIII2015" "Claim all three series of Immortal items, exclusively with The International 2015 Compendium!" //uses compendium header "StoreBanner_Header_deadmau5DiebackMusicPack" "deadmau5 dieback music pack" "StoreBanner_Text_deadmau5DiebackMusicPack" "Wage war with deadmau5" "StoreBanner_Header_SculptorsPillar2015" "The Sculptor's Pillar 2015 " "StoreBanner_Text_SculptorsPillar2015" "Claim new creations, or complete the charm!" //DOTA_STORE_BANNER_END "Playtab_Quiz_Title" "The Shopkeeper's Quiz" "Playtab_Quiz_Subtitle" "Test your Dota 2 item knowledge!" // Pennants "dota_title_pennant" "DOTA Team Pennant" "dota_desc_pennant_radiant" "This is the total value of pennants equipped by spectators watching this match. Pennants and pennant upgrades can be purchased in the store and then equipped in the 'fan slot' via the loadout panel. Equipping a pennant makes you eligible for item drops while you spectate your team's matches live during the International, and other tournaments Valve may designate in the future." "dota_desc_pennant_dire" "This is the total value of pennants equipped by spectators watching this match. Pennants and pennant upgrades can be purchased in the store and then equipped in the 'fan slot' via the loadout panel. Equipping a pennant makes you eligible for item drops while you spectate your team's matches live during the International, and other tournaments Valve may designate in the future." // Attribute Strings "Attrib_LowLevelPurchase" "This item cannot be traded until you reach Dota profile level 3." "Attrib_Store_TradableAfterDate" "Becomes Tradable After a Few Days" "Attrib_Store_Purchased" "Will Not Be Tradable or Usable in Crafting" "Attrib_CannotCraft" "Not Usable in Crafting" "Attrib_SpecialItem" "Not Tradable or Usable in Crafting" "Attrib_AchievementItem" "Achievement Item: Not Tradable" "Attrib_ExpirationDate" "This item will expire on %s1." "Attrib_ExpirationDate_Usable" "This item will expire if not used by %s1." "AttribFormat_AdditionalNote" "( %s1 )" "Attrib_LimitedUse" "This is a limited use item.\nUses: %s1" "Attrib_InUse" "Currently In Use" "Attrib_CollectionReward" "Collection Reward" "Attrib_PreviewItem" "Test Run - Cannot be traded, crafted, or modified." "Attrib_Always_Tradable" "Always Tradable" "Attrib_CannotTrade" "Not Tradable" "Attrib_CannotTradeOrCraftOrDelete" "Not Tradable, Deletable, or Usable in Crafting" "Attrib_CannotTradeOrCraft" "Not Tradable or Usable in Crafting" "Attrib_CannotTradeOrDelete" "Not Tradable or Deletable" "Attrib_CannotCraftOrDelete" "Not Craftable or Deletable" "Attrib_CannotDelete" "Not Deletable" "Attrib_ItemFind_Positive" "Item Find: %s1% increase in the chance of finding items for this hero while playing with this item equipped." "Attrib_SupplyCrateSeries" "Treasure Series #%s1" "Attrib_AttachedParticle" "Effect: %s1" "Attrib_SetItemTintRGB" "Color: %s1" "Attrib_EventDate" "Date Received: %s1" "Attrib_GifterAccountID" "Gift From: %s1" "Attrib_Unlimited" "Unlimited Use" "Attrib_TournamentEventDate" "Date: %s1" "Attrib_MatchID" "Match ID: %s1" "Attrib_GameTime" "Event Time: %s1" "Attrib_FanfareLevel" "Level: %s1" "Attrib_InternationalTag" "The International %s1" "Attrib_FantasyChallengeTag" "The Compendium Fantasy Challenge %s1" "Attrib_InternationalEvent" "Granted for %s1 " "Attrib_UsageLevelRequirement" "Your Dota Profile must be level %s1 to use this item." "InternationalEvent_Station0" "watching a game at The International" "InternationalEvent_Station1" "visiting the Secret Shop at The International" "InternationalEvent_Station2" "visiting the Workshop Station at The International" "InternationalEvent_Station3" "visiting the Voice Actors Station at The International" "TE_FIRST_BLOOD" "First Blood" "TE_GAME_END" "Victory" "TE_MULTI_KILL" "Multi Kill" "TE_HERO_DENY" "Allied Hero Denial" "TE_AEGIS_DENY" "Aegis Denial" "TE_AEGIS_STOLEN" "Aegis Stolen" "TE_GODLIKE" "Godlike" "TE_COURIER_KILL" "Courier Kill" "TE_ECHOSLAM" "Echo Slam" "TE_RAPIER" "Rapier" "TE_EARLY_ROSHAN" "Early Roshan" "TE_BLACK_HOLE" "Black Hole" "TE_MK_DOUBLE_KILL" "Double Kill" "TE_MK_TRIPLE_KILL" "Triple Kill" "TE_MK_QUAD_KILL" "ULTRA KILL" "TE_MK_QUINTUPLE_KILL" "RAMPAGE!" "TE_DESC_FirstBlood" "%s1 of %s2 scored first blood against %s3 of %s4 on %s5." "TE_DESC_GameEnd" "%s1 defeated %s2 with a score of %s3 to %s4 on %s5." "TE_DESC_MultiKill" "%s1 of %s2 scored a multi kill against %s3 on %s4." "TE_DESC_DoubleKill" "%s1 of %s2 scored a double kill against %s3 on %s4." "TE_DESC_TripleKill" "%s1 of %s2 scored a triple kill against %s3 on %s4." "TE_DESC_QuadKill" "%s1 of %s2 scored an ULTRA KILL against %s3 on %s4!" "TE_DESC_QuintupleKill" "%s1 of %s2 scored a RAMPAGE, killing every member of %s3 on %s4!" "TE_DESC_HeroDeny" "%s1 of %s2 denied his ally %s3 on %s4." "TE_DESC_AegisDeny" "%s1 of %s2 destroyed the Aegis of the Immortal, denying %s3 its use on %s4." "TE_DESC_AegisStolen" "%s1 of %s2 unexpectedly snatched the Aegis of the Immortal, denying %s3 its use on %s4." "TE_DESC_Godlike" "%s1 of %s2 achieved godlike streak against %s3 on %s4." "TE_DESC_CourierKill" "%s1 of %s2 killed a courier against %s3 on %s4." "TE_DESC_Rapier" "%s1 of %s2 purchased a Rapier against %s3 on %s4." "TE_DESC_EarlyRoshan" "%s1 of %s2 got an early Roshan against %s3 on %s4." "TE_DESC_EchoSlam" "%s1 of %s2 performed a 5 man Echo Slam against %s3 on %s4." "TE_DESC_BlackHole" "%s1 of %s2 performed a 5 man Black Hole against %s3 on %s4." "Econ_Color_GC" "%s2, %s3, %s4" "Econ_Color" "%s1, %s2, %s3" "Econ_DateFormat" "%month% %day%, %year% (%hour%:%min%:%sec%)" "Econ_DateFormat_GMT" "%month% %day%, %year% (%hour%:%min%:%sec%) GMT" // Particle Effect Names "Attrib_Particle4" "Self-Made Aura" "Attrib_Particle15" "Ethereal Flame" "Attrib_Particle16" "Resonant Energy" "Attrib_Particle17" "Luminous Gaze" "Attrib_Particle18" "Searing Essence" "Attrib_Particle19" "Burning Animus" "Attrib_Particle20" "Piercing Beams" "Attrib_Particle21" "Felicity's Blessing" "Attrib_Particle22" "Affliction of Vermin" "Attrib_Particle31" "Triumph of Champions" "Attrib_Particle32" "Sunfire" "Attrib_Particle37" "Champion's Aura 2012" "Attrib_Particle46" "Diretide Corruption" "Attrib_Particle47" "Touch of Midas" "Attrib_Particle57" "Frostivus Frost" "Attrib_Particle61" "Trail of the Lotus Blossom" "Attrib_Particle68" "Crystal Rift" "Attrib_Particle73" "Cursed Essence" "Attrib_Particle74" "Divine Essence" "Attrib_Particle76" "Trail of the Amanita" "Attrib_Particle96" "Trail of Burning Doom" "Attrib_Particle109" "Champion's Aura 2013" "Attrib_Particle129" "Rubiline Sheen" "Attrib_Particle138" "Emerald Ectoplasm" "Attrib_Particle155" "Diretide Blight" "Attrib_Particle156" "Spirit of Ember" "Attrib_Particle157" "Spirit of Earth" "Attrib_Particle158" "Orbital Decay" "Attrib_Particle159" "Bleak Hallucination" "Attrib_Particle163" "Ionic Vapor" "Attrib_Particle185" "New Bloom Celebration" "Attrib_Particle196" "Butterfly Romp" "Attrib_Particle205" "Touch of Frost" "Attrib_Particle206" "Touch of Flame" "Attrib_Particle268" "Champion's Aura 2014" // Rarity Names "Rarity_Common" "Common" "Rarity_Uncommon" "Uncommon" "Rarity_Rare" "Rare" "Rarity_Mythical" "Mythical" "Rarity_Legendary" "Legendary" "Rarity_Ancient" "Ancient" "Rarity_Immortal" "Immortal" "Rarity_Arcana" "Arcana" "DOTA_FilterRarity" "All Rarities" // Type Names "DOTA_FilterType" "All Types" "FilterType_Wearable" "Wearable" "FilterType_Courier" "Courier" "FilterType_Announcer" "Announcer" "FilterType_Tool" "Tool" "FilterType_Misc" "Misc" "FilterType_Modifiers" "Modifiers" "FilterType_Pennant" "Pennant" "FilterType_Treasure_Chest" "Treasure" "FilterType_Ward" "Ward" "DOTA_ViewBackpack" "View: Armory" "DOTA_ViewCollection" "View: Collection" "DOTA_HeroFilter" "Hero:" "Unknown_Item_Type" "Item" "DOTA_Chat_EconItem" "%s1 has been awarded the item %s2!" "Econ_Bundle_Double" "%s1, %s2" "Econ_Bundle_DoubleContinued" "%s1, %s2," "Econ_LootList_AdditionalItems" "And %s1 others!" "KillEaterEventType_Kills" "Kills" "KillEaterEventType_KillAssists" "Kill Assists" "KillEaterEventType_Wins" "Victories" "KillEaterEventType_Treants_Created" "Treants Created" "KillEaterEventType_Omnislash_Jumps" "Omnislash Jumps" "KillEaterEventType_Blade_Fury_Time" "Blade Fury Damage" "KillEaterEventType_Blade_Dance_Crits" "Blade Dance Crits" "KillEaterEventType_Wards_Placed" "Wards Placed" "KillEaterEventType_Killing_Sprees" "Killing Sprees" "KillEaterEventType_Trees_Created" "Trees Created" "KillEaterEventType_Carries_Killed" "Carries Killed" "KillEaterEventType_First_Blood" "First Bloods" "KillEaterEventType_Godlike" "Godlike Sprees" "KillEaterEventType_Gold_Earned" "Gold Earned" "KillEaterEventType_Gold_Spent" "Gold Spent" "KillEaterEventType_Towers_Destroyed" "Towers Destroyed" "KillEaterEventType_Bounty_TrackedKills" "Tracked Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Bounty_TrackedInvisKills" "Tracked Invisible Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Bounty_InvisJinadaHits" "Invisible Jinada Strikes" "KillEaterEventType_Bounty_TrackGold" "Tracked Bonus Gold" "KillEaterEventType_Tide_GoodRavages" "Quad Ravages" "KillEaterEventType_Windrunner_DoubleShackles" "Double Shackles" "KillEaterEventType_Windrunner_GoodPowershots" "Multi-Hero Powershots" "KillEaterEventType_Invoker_SunstrikeKills" "Sunstrike Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Couriers_Purchased" "Couriers Purchased" "KillEaterEventType_Wards_Purchased" "Wards Purchased" "KillEaterEventType_Tide_EnemiesGushed" "Enemies Gushed" "KillEaterEventType_Axe_Culls" "Enemies Culled" "KillEaterEventType_Axe_BattleHungerKills" "Battle Hunger Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Axe_LowHealthKills" "Near Death Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Axe_CalledDamageDone" "Call Damage Done" "KillEaterEventType_Axe_CalledDamageTaken" "Call Damage Taken" "KillEaterEventType_Invoker_TornadoKills" "Tornado Kills" "KillEaterEventType_GamesViewed" "Games Viewed" "KillEaterEventType_Sven_DoubleStuns" "Multi-Hero Storm Hammers" "KillEaterEventType_Sven_WarcryAssists" "Warcry Assists" "KillEaterEventType_Sven_CleaveDoubleKills" "Multi-Hero Cleave Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Sven_TeleportInterrupts" "Storm Hammered Teleports" "KillEaterEventType_Faceless_MultiChrono" "Multi-Hero Chronospheres" "KillEaterEventType_Faceless_ChronoKills" "Chronosphere Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Ursa_MultiShocks" "Multi-Hero Earthshocks" "KillEaterEventType_RoshanKills" "Roshan Kills" "KillEaterEventType_GiftsGranted" "Gifts Granted" "KillEaterEventType_Lion_FingerKills" "Finger Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Lion_ManaDrained" "Mana Drained" "KillEaterEventType_OD_IntStolen" "Intelligence Stolen" "KillEaterEventType_Riki_GemCarrierKills" "Gem Carriers Killed" "KillEaterEventType_Riki_SmokedHeroKills" "Heroes Killed Inside Smoke" "KillEaterEventType_HeroesRevealedWithDust" "Heroes Revealed with Dust" "KillEaterEventType_SkeletonKing_ReincarnationKills" "Reincarnation Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Abaddon_BorrowedTimeDamageAbsorbed" "Borrowed Time Healing" "KillEaterEventType_Skywrath_FlareKills" "Flare Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Enchantress_CreepsConverted" "Creeps Enchanted" "KillEaterEventType_Leshrac_SplitEarthStuns" "Split Earth Stuns" "KillEaterEventType_Mirana_MaxStunArrows" "Maximum Stun Arrows" "KillEaterEventType_PhantomAssassin_CoupdeGraceCrits" "Coup de Grace Crits" "KillEaterEventType_PhantomAssassin_DaggerCrits" "Dagger Crits" "KillEaterEventType_Meepo_Earthbinds" "Successful Earthbinds" "KillEaterEventType_Bloodseeker_RuptureKills" "Rupture Kills" "KillEaterEventType_ChaosKnight_FourSecondStunBolts" "4 Second Stuns" "KillEaterEventType_Slark_LeashedEnemies" "Leashed Enemies" "KillEaterEventType_Slark_EssenceStolen" "Essence Stolen" "KillEaterEventType_Slark_DebuffsPurged" "Debuffs Purged" "KillEaterEventType_Disruptor_FountainGlimpses" "Enemies Fountain Glimpsed" "KillEaterEventType_Rubick_SpellsStolen" "Spells Stolen" "KillEaterEventType_Rubick_UltimatesStolen" "Ultimates Stolen" "KillEaterEventType_Doom_CreepsDevoured" "Creeps Devoured" "KillEaterEventType_Doom_EnemiesDoomed" "Doomed Enemies" "KillEaterEventType_OgreMagi_4xFireblasts" "4X Multicast Fireblasts" "KillEaterEventType_OgreMagi_4xIgnites" "4X Multicast Ignites" "KillEaterEventType_Omniknight_Purifications" "Purifications" "KillEaterEventType_Omniknight_AlliesRepelled" "Allies Repelled" "KillEaterEventType_Omniknight_EnemiesRepelled" "Enemies Repelled" "KillEaterEventType_Warlock_FiveHeroFatalBonds" "Five-Hero Fatal Bonds" "KillEaterEventType_Warlock_GolemsSummoned" "Golems Summoned" "KillEaterEventType_CrystalMaiden_FrostbittenEnemies" "Frostbitten Enemies" "KillEaterEventType_CrystalMaiden_CrystalNovas" "Crystal Novas Cast" "KillEaterEventType_Kunkka_DoubleHeroTorrents" "Double-Hero Torrents" "KillEaterEventType_Kunkka_TripleHeroGhostShips" "Triple-Hero Ghost Ships" "KillEaterEventType_NagaSiren_EnemiesEnsnared" "Enemies Ensnared" "KillEaterEventType_NagaSiren_TripleHeroRipTides" "Triple-Hero Rip Tides" "KillEaterEventType_Lycan_KillsDuringShapeshift" "Shapeshifted Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Lycan_WolvesSummoned" "Wolves Summoned" "KillEaterEventType_Pudge_FleshHeapTotal" "Flesh Heap Total" "KillEaterEventType_Pudge_DismemberKills" "Dismember Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Pudge_EnemyHeroesHooked" "Enemy Heroes Hooked" "KillEaterEventType_Pudge_HookKills" "Meat Hook Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Pudge_UnseenEnemyHeroesHooked" "Unseen Enemies Hooked" "KillEaterEvent_Demons_Destroyed" "Demons Imprisoned" "KillEaterEventType_DrowRanger_EnemiesSilenced" "Enemies Silenced" "KillEaterEventType_DrowRanger_MultiHeroSilences" "Multi-Hero Silences" "KillEaterEventType_DrowRanger_SilencedKills" "Silenced Kills" "KillEaterEventType_DrowRanger_FrostArrowKills" "Frost Arrow Kills" "KillEaterEventType_DragonKnight_KillsInDragonForm" "Dragon Form Kills" "KillEaterEventType_DragonKnight_BreatheFireKills" "Breathe Fire Kills" "KillEaterEventType_DragonKnight_DragonTails" "Dragon Tail Stuns" "KillEaterEventType_DragonKnight_SplashKills" "Splash Damage Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Morphling_MorphReplicates" "Morphs to Replicate" "KillEaterEventType_Morphling_HeroesReplicated" "Heroes Replicated" "KillEaterEventType_Morphling_MaxLengthStunAdaptive" "Max Adaptive Strike Stuns" "KillEaterEventType_Morphling_MaxDamageAdaptive" "Max Damage Adaptive Strikes" "KillEaterEventType_WitchDoctor_CaskStuns" "Cask Stuns" "KillEaterEventType_WitchDoctor_MaledictKills" "Malediction Kills" "KillEaterEventType_WitchDoctor_MultiHeroMaledicts" "Multi-Hero Maledicts" "KillEaterEventType_WitchDoctor_VoodooHealed" "Voodoo Restoration Health" "KillEaterEventType_WitchDoctor_DeathWardKills" "Kills with Death Ward" "KillEaterEventType_Disruptor_ThunderStrikeKills" "Thunder Strike Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Disruptor_HeroesGlimpsed" "Heroes Glimpsed" "KillEaterEventType_CrystalMaiden_FreezingFieldKills" "Freezing Field Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Medusa_MysticSnakeManaStolen" "Mystic Snake Mana Stolen" "KillEaterEventType_Medusa_EnemiesPetrified" "Enemies Petrified" "KillEaterEventType_Warlock_FatalBondsKills" "Fatal Bonds Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Warlock_GolemKills" "Golem Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Tusk_WalrusPunches" "Walrus Punches" "KillEaterEventType_Tusk_SnowballStuns" "Snowball Stuns" "KillEaterEventType_Earthshaker_FissureStuns" "Fissure Stuns" "KillEaterEventType_Earthshaker_3HeroEchoslams" "Three-Hero Echoslams" "KillEaterEventType_SandKing_BurrowstrikeStuns" "Burrowstrike Stuns" "KillEaterEventType_SandKing_EpicenterKills" "Epicenter Kills" "KillEaterEventType_SkywrathMage_AncientSealKills" "Ancient Seal Kills" "KillEaterEventType_SkywrathMage_ConcussiveShotKills" "Concussive Shot Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Luna_LucentBeamKills" "Lucent Beam Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Luna_EclipseKills" "Eclipse Kills" "KillEaterEventType_KeeperOfTheLight_IlluminateKills" "Illuminate Kills" "KillEaterEventType_KeeperOfTheLight_ManaLeakStuns" "Mana Leak Stuns" "KillEaterEventType_KeeperOfTheLight_TeammatesRecalled" "Teammates Recalled" "KillEaterEventType_Ward_RuneSpawnsSeen" "Rune Spawns Spotted" "KillEaterEventType_Ward_TimesPlaced" "Times Placed" "KillEaterEventType_LegionCommander_DuelsWon" "Duels Won" "KillEaterEventType_LegionCommander_DuelsLost" "Duels Lost" "KillEaterEventType_Beastmaster_HawksSummoned" "Hawks Summoned" "KillEaterEventType_Beastmaster_BoarsSummoned" "Boars Summoned" "KillEaterEventType_Beastmaster_RoarKills" "Roar Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Beastmaster_RoarMultiKills" "Roar Multi-Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Windrunner_FocusFireBuildings" "Buildings Focus Fired" "KillEaterEventType_Windrunner_PowershotKills" "Powershot Kills" "KillEaterEventType_PhantomAssassin_DaggerLastHits" "Dagger Last Hits" "KillEaterEventType_PhantomAssassin_PhantomStrikeKills" "Phantom Strike Kills" "KillEaterEventType_PhantomAssassin_ArcanaEventWins" "Assassination Score" "KillEaterEventType_Statue_Commends" "Statue Commendations" "KillEaterEventType_DeathProphet_CryptSwarmKills" "Crypt Swarm Kills" "KillEaterEventType_DeathProphet_ExorcismBuildingKills" "Exorcism Building Kills" "KillEaterEventType_DeathProphet_ExorcismSpiritsSummoned" "Exorcism Spirits Summoned" "KillEaterEventType_DeathProphet_MultiHeroSilences" "Multi-Hero Silences" "KillEaterEventType_Abaddon_MistCoilKills" "Mist Coil Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Abaddon_MistCoilHealed" "Healed With Mist Coil" "KillEaterEventType_Abaddon_AphoticShieldKills" "Aphotic Shield Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Lich_Sacrifices" "Sacrifices" "KillEaterEventType_Lich_ChainFrostTripleKills" "Chain Frost Triple Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Lich_ChainFrostMultiKills" "Chain Frost Double Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Lich_ChainFrostBounces" "Chain Frost Bounces" "KillEaterEventType_Lich_IceArmorCasts" "Ice Armor Casts" "KillEaterEventType_Ursa_EnragedKills" "Kills While Enraged" "KillEaterEventType_Ursa_EarthshockKills" "Earthshocked Enemies Killed" "KillEaterEventType_Lina_LagunaBladeKills" "Laguna Blade Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Lina_DragonSlaveKills" "Dragon Slave Kills" "KillEaterEventType_Lina_LightStrikeArrayStuns" "Light Strike Array Stuns" "KillEaterEvent_Barracks_Destroyed" "Barracks Destroyed" "KillEaterEvent_Buildings_Destroyed" "Buildings Destroyed" "KillEaterEventType_Horrors_Witnessed" "Horrors Witnessed" "KillEaterEvent_TemplarAssassin_MeldKills" "Meld Kills" "KillEaterEvent_TemplarAssassin_HeroesSlowed" "Heroes Trap Slowed" "KillEaterEvent_TemplarAssassin_DamageAbsorbed" "Refraction Damage Absorbed" "KillEaterEvent_TemplarAssassin_TrapsTriggered" "Traps Triggered" "KillEaterEvent_Sniper_AssassinationKills" "Assassination Kills" "KillEaterEvent_Sniper_ShrapnelTowerDamage" "Shrapnel Tower Damage" "KillEaterEvent_Sniper_HeadshotStuns" "Headshots" "KillEaterEvent_EarthSpirit_SmashStuns" "Smash Stuns" "KillEaterEvent_EarthSpirit_GripSilences" "Grip Silences" "KillEaterEvent_EarthSpirit_SpeedingBoulders" "Speeding Boulders" "KillEaterEvent_ShadowShaman_ShackleKills" "Shackled Enemies Killed" "KillEaterEvent_ShadowShaman_HexKills" "Hexed Enemies Killed" "KillEaterEvent_ShadowShaman_WardsSummoned" "Serpent Wards Summoned" "KillEaterEvent_Centaur_EnemiesStomped" "Enemies Stomped" "KillEaterEvent_Centaur_DoubleEdgeKills" "Double Edge Kills" "KillEaterEvent_Centaur_ReturnKills" "Return Kills" "KillEaterEvent_EmberSpirit_EnemiesChained" "Enemies Chained" "KillEaterEvent_EmberSpirit_SleightOfFistMultiKills" "Multi-Hero Sleight of Fist Kills" "KillEaterEvent_EmberSpirit_FlameGuardDamageAbsorbed" "Flame Guard Damage Absorbed" "KillEaterEvent_LegionCommander_TripleHeroOdds" "Triple-Hero Overwhelming Odds" "KillEaterEvent_LegionCommander_MomentOfCourageLifeStolen" "Moment of Courage Life Stolen" "KillEaterEvent_LegionCommander_SecondsSpentDueling" "Seconds Spent Dueling" "KillEaterEvent_Puck_GoodCoils" "Triple-Hero Dream Coils" "KillEaterEvent_Puck_GoodWaningRifts" "Triple-Hero Waning Rifts" "KillEaterEvent_Puck_OrbKills" "Kills with Illusory Orb" "KillEaterEvent_VengefulSpirit_EnemiesStunned" "Enemies Stunned" "KillEaterEvent_VengefulSpirit_EnemiesSwapped" "Enemies Swapped" "KillEaterEvent_VengefulSpirit_MultiTerrors" "Triple-Hero Wave of Terrors" "KillEaterEvent_Lifestealer_RageKills" "Kills while Raged" "KillEaterEvent_Lifestealer_OpenWoundsKills" "Enemies killed with Open Wounds" "KillEaterEvent_Lifestealer_InfestKills" "Enemies killed leaving Infest" "KillEaterEvent_ElderTitan_GoodSplitters" "Triple-Hero Earth Splitters" "KillEaterEvent_ElderTitan_SpiritKills" "Enemies killed by Astral Spirit" "KillEaterEvent_ElderTitan_GoodStomps" "Triple-Hero Echo Stomp" "KillEaterEvent_Clockwerk_2Cogs" "Double-Hero Power Cog Traps" "KillEaterEvent_Clockwerk_BlindHooks" "Blind Hooks" "KillEaterEvent_Clockwerk_RocketKills" "Rocket Flare Kills" "KillEaterEvent_Clockwerk_BlindRocketKills" "Blind Rocket Flare Kills" "KillEaterEvent_StormSpirit_BallDamage" "Ball Lightning Damage" "KillEaterEvent_StormSpirit_BallKills" "Ball Lightning Kills" "KillEaterEvent_StormSpirit_DoubleRemnantKills" "Static Remnant Double Kills" "KillEaterEvent_StormSpirit_VortexKills" "Electric Vortex Kills" "KillEaterEvent_Tinker_Rearms" "Rearms" "KillEaterEvent_Tinker_TPsToBase" "Teleports to Base" "KillEaterEvent_Tinker_DoubleMissileKills" "Heat-Seeking Missile Double Kills" "KillEaterEvent_Tinker_LaserKills" "Laser Kills" "KillEaterEvent_GamesPlayed" "Games Played" "KillEaterEvent_DreamLeague_DreamPoints" "Dreams Imposed" "KillEaterEventType_Techies_SuicideKills" "Suicide Kills" "KillEaterEvent_Techies_LandMineKills" "Land Mine Kills" "KillEaterEvent_Techies_StasisTrapStuns" "Stasis Trap Stuns" "KillEaterEvent_Techies_RemoteMineKills" "Remote Mine Kills" "KillEaterEvent_VictoryPredictions" "Current Prediction Streak" "KillEaterEvent_VictoryPredictionFailures" "Failed Predictions" "KillEaterEvent_VictoryPredictionWins" "Successful Predictions" "KillEaterEvent_ShadowFiend_TripleRaze" "Three Shadowraze Combo" "KillEaterEvent_ShadowFiend_TripleRazeKills" "Three Shadowraze Combo Kills" "KillEaterEvent_ShadowFiend_RequiemMultiKills" "Requiem Multi Kills" "KillEaterEvent_ShadowFiend_QRazeKills" "Short Shadowraze Kills" "KillEaterEvent_ShadowFiend_WRazeKills" "Medium Shadowraze Kills" "KillEaterEvent_ShadowFiend_ERazeKills" "Long Shadowraze Kills" "KillEaterEvent_Oracle_FatesEdictKills" "Fate's Edict Kills" "KillEaterEvent_Oracle_FalsePromiseSaves" "Allies Saved With False Promise" "KillEaterEvent_EnemyWardKills" "Enemy Ward Kills" "KillEaterRank0" "Inscribed" "KillEaterRank1" "Unremarkable" "KillEaterRank2" "Blooded" "KillEaterRank3" "Menacing" "KillEaterRank4" "Uncharitable" "KillEaterRank5" "Dangerous" "KillEaterRank6" "Notably Dangerous" "KillEaterRank7" "Lethal" "KillEaterRank8" "Spectacularly Lethal" "KillEaterRank9" "Blood-Drenched" "KillEaterRank10" "Gore-Spattered" "KillEaterRank11" "Wicked" "KillEaterRank12" "Inhumane" "KillEaterRank13" "Face-Melting" "KillEaterRank14" "Rage-Inducing" "KillEaterRank15" "Match-Ending" "KillEaterRank16" "Imba" "KillEaterRank17" "Utterly Broken" "WinsRank0" "Inscribed" "WinsRank1" "Newbie" "WinsRank2" "Initiate" "WinsRank3" "Apprentice" "WinsRank4" "Journeyman" "WinsRank5" "Expert" "WinsRank6" "Master" "WinsRank7" "Grand Master" "WinsRank8" "Authority" "WinsRank9" "Virtuoso" "WinsRank10" "Single-Minded" "WinsRank11" "Try-Hard" "WinsRank12" "Die-Hard" "WinsRank13" "Going Pro" "WinsRank14" "Almost Pro" "WinsRank15" "Pure Pro" "WinsRank16" "Win Machine" "FurionRank0" "Inscribed" "FurionRank1" "Seedling" "FurionRank2" "Sproutling" "FurionRank3" "Twiggy" "FurionRank4" "Leafy" "FurionRank5" "Frondly" "FurionRank6" "Verdant" "FurionRank7" "Lush" "FurionRank8" "Flourishing" "FurionRank9" "Bountiful" "FurionRank10" "Druidic" "FurionRank11" "Magnificent" "FurionRank12" "Consecrated" "FurionRank13" "Enshrined" "FurionRank14" "Verodicia's Own" "JuggernautRank0" "Inscribed" "JuggernautRank1" "Forgotten" "JuggernautRank2" "Derelict" "JuggernautRank3" "Outcast" "JuggernautRank4" "Notable" "JuggernautRank5" "Accomplished" "JuggernautRank6" "Experienced" "JuggernautRank7" "Unchallenged" "JuggernautRank8" "Undefeatable" "JuggernautRank9" "Unconquered" "JuggernautRank10" "Recognized" "JuggernautRank11" "Renowned" "JuggernautRank12" "Storied" "JuggernautRank13" "Celebrated" "JuggernautRank14" "Immortal" "TowersRank0" "Inscribed" "TowersRank1" "Impaired" "TowersRank2" "Impairing" "TowersRank3" "Vandalizing" "TowersRank4" "Ravaging" "TowersRank5" "Razing" "TowersRank6" "Wrecking" "TowersRank7" "Decimating" "TowersRank8" "Demolishing" "TowersRank9" "Disintigrating" "TowersRank10" "Pulverizing" "TowersRank11" "Atomizing" "TowersRank12" "Planckifying" "TowersRank13" "Steeple Toppling" "TowersRank14" "Monolith Mashing" "TowersRank15" "Edifice Defying" "TowersRank16" "Tower-Bane" "BountyHunterRank0" "Scrounger's" "BountyHunterRank1" "Scavenger's" "BountyHunterRank2" "Shadower's" "BountyHunterRank3" "Trapper's" "BountyHunterRank4" "Hawker's" "BountyHunterRank5" "Ferreter's" "BountyHunterRank6" "Tracker's" "BountyHunterRank7" "Stalker's" "BountyHunterRank8" "Hunter's" "BountyHunterRank9" "Hitman's" "BountyHunterRank10" "Marauder's" "BountyHunterRank11" "Liquidator's" "BountyHunterRank12" "Mercenary's" "BountyHunterRank13" "Cutthroat's" "BountyHunterRank14" "Murderer's" "BountyHunterRank15" "Exterminator's" "InvokerRank0" "Inscribed" "InvokerRank1" "Superior" "InvokerRank2" "Faultless" "InvokerRank3" "Matchless" "InvokerRank4" "Incomparable" "InvokerRank5" "Peerless" "InvokerRank6" "Supreme" "InvokerRank7" "Unequaled" "InvokerRank8" "Unrivaled" "InvokerRank9" "Unparalleled" "InvokerRank10" "Unsurpassable" "InvokerRank11" "Inimitable" "InvokerRank12" "Consummate" "InvokerRank13" "Preeminent" "InvokerRank14" "Paramount" "InvokerRank15" "Transcendant" "InvokerRank16" "Ultimate" "InvokerRank17" "Perfect" "GoldRank0" "Destitute" "GoldRank1" "Deprived" "GoldRank2" "Meager" "GoldRank3" "Lacking" "GoldRank4" "Poor" "GoldRank5" "Favored" "GoldRank6" "Flourishing" "GoldRank7" "Thriving" "GoldRank8" "Prosperous" "GoldRank9" "Booming" "GoldRank10" "Bounteous" "GoldRank11" "Lucrative" "GoldRank12" "Abundant" "GoldRank13" "Flush" "GoldRank14" "Gilded" "GoldRank15" "Bountiful" "GoldRank16" "Affluent" "GoldRank17" "Wealthy" "GoldRank18" "Opulent" "GoldRank19" "Palatial" "GoldRank20" "Triumphant" // Didn't end up using these, but they seem useful, so leaving them in for a later rank set. "ThiefRank0" "Pilfering" "ThiefRank1" "Pinching" "ThiefRank2" "Rifling" "ThiefRank3" "Pickpocketing" "ThiefRank4" "Swindling" "ThiefRank5" "Poaching" "ThiefRank6" "Divesting" "ThiefRank7" "Fleecing" "ThiefRank8" "Looting" "ThiefRank9" "Thieving" "ThiefRank10" "Robbing" "ThiefRank11" "Plundering" "ThiefRank12" "Raiding" "ThiefRank13" "Ransacking" "ThiefRank14" "Pillaging" "ThiefRank15" "Marauding" //Axe Ranks.. "AxeRank0" "Peon's" "AxeRank1" "Flunky's" "AxeRank2" "Grunt's" "AxeRank3" "Guard's" "AxeRank4" "Recruit's" "AxeRank5" "Fighter's" "AxeRank6" "Warrior's" "AxeRank7" "Veteran's" "AxeRank8" "Guerilla's" "AxeRank9" "Enforcer's" "AxeRank10" "Mercenary's" "AxeRank11" "Warmonger's" "AxeRank12" "Eliminator's" "AxeRank13" "Executioner's" // Set Names "ItemSet" "Set: %s1" "RefurbishItem_RemovePaintTitle" "Remove Paint?" "RefurbishItem_RemovePaint" "Remove the custom color from this item, restoring its original color?\n\n(Paint will be discarded)" "RefurbishItem_RemoveNameTitle" "Remove Name?" "RefurbishItem_RemoveName" "Remove the custom name from this item, restoring its original name?\n\n(Name Tag will be discarded)" "RefurbishItem_RemoveDescTitle" "Remove Desc?" "RefurbishItem_RemoveDesc" "Remove the description from this item, restoring its original description?\n\n(Description Tag will be discarded)" "RefurbishItem_RemoveCustomTextureTitle" "Remove Decal?" "RefurbishItem_RemoveCustomTexture" "Remove the decal applied to this item?" "RefurbishItem_RemoveCraftIndexTitle" "Remove Craft Number?" "RefurbishItem_RemoveCraftIndex" "Remove the unique crafted number from this item?" "RefurbishItem_RemoveMakersMarkTitle" "Remove Crafter Name?" "RefurbishItem_RemoveMakersMark" "Remove the crafter's name from this item?" "RefurbishItem_RemoveDedicationTitle" "Remove Dedication?" "RefurbishItem_RemoveDedication" "Remove the gift dedication from this item?" "RefurbishItem_RemoveGifterAccountIdTitle" "Remove Gift Giver's Name?" "RefurbishItem_RemoveGifterAccountId" "Remove the name of the person who gave this gift from the item?" "RefurbishItem_RemovePaintOption" "Remove Paint" "RefurbishItem_RemoveNameOption" "Remove Name" "RefurbishItem_RemoveDescOption" "Remove Description" "RefurbishItem_RemoveCustomTextureOption" "Remove Decal" "RefurbishItem_RemoveCraftIndexOption" "Remove Craft Number" "RefurbishItem_RemoveMakersMarkOption" "Remove Crafter Name" "RefurbishItem_RemoveDedicationOption" "Remove Dedication" "RefurbishItem_RemoveGifterAccountIdOption" "Remove Gift Giver's Name" "RefurbishItem_Yes" "Yes, Wipe It" "RefurbishItem_No" "No, Leave It" "NewItemMethod_Dropped" "You Earned a Drop:" "NewItemMethod_Crafted" "You Crafted:" "NewItemMethod_Traded" "You Traded for:" "NewItemMethod_Purchased" "You Purchased from the Dota Store:" "NewItemMethod_FoundInCrate" "You Received from a Treasure:" "NewItemMethod_Gifted" "You Received a Gift:" "NewItemMethod_Support" "Customer Support Granted You:" "NewItemMethod_Promotion" "You Received a Store Promotion Item:" "NewItemMethod_Earned" "You Earned:" "NewItemMethod_Refunded" "You Were Refunded:" "NewItemMethod_GiftWrapped" "You Gift Wrapped:" "NewItemMethod_CollectionReward" "You Redeemed a Collection Reward:" "NewItemMethod_PreviewItem" "You are now Testing:" "NewItemMethod_PreviewItemPurchased" "You Purchased:" "NewItemMethod_PeriodicScoreReward" "You Earned:" "NewItemMethod_TournamentDrop" "You Received a Tournament Prize:" "NewItemMethod_RecipeOutput" "You Crafted:" "NewItemMethod_CommunityMarketPurchase" "You Purchased from the Steam Community Market:" "NewItemMethod_GemExtract" "You Extracted:" "NewItemMethod_CompendiumReward" "You Received a Compendium Reward:" "NewItemMethod_CompendiumDrop" "You Received a Compendium Drop:" "Item_Found" "%s1 has found: %s3 %s4" "Item_Crafted" "%s1 has crafted: %s3 %s4" "Item_Traded" "%s1 has traded for: %s3 %s4" "Item_Purchased" "%s1 has purchased: %s3 %s4" "Item_FoundInCrate" "%s1 has unboxed: %s3 %s4" "Item_Gifted" "%s1 has received a gift: %s3 %s4" "Item_Earned" "%s1 has earned: %s3 %s4" "Item_Refunded" "%s1 has been refunded: %s3 %s4" "Item_GiftWrapped" "%s1 has wrapped a gift: %s3 %s4" "Item_CollectionReward" "%s1 has redeemed a collection reward: %s3 %s4" "Item_PeriodicScoreReward" "%s1 has earned: %s3 %s4" "dota_stat_dropdown" "GAME STATS" "dota_stat_dropdown_level" "HERO LEVEL" "dota_stat_dropdown_gold" "CURRENT GOLD" "dota_stat_dropdown_kda" "KILLS/DEATHS/ASSISTS" "dota_stat_dropdown_lasthits_denies" "LAST HITS/DENIES" "dota_stat_dropdown_totalgold" "TOTAL GOLD EARNED" // total earned "dota_stat_dropdown_gold_per_min" "GOLD PER MINUTE" // minute "dota_stat_dropdown_xp_per_min" "XP PER MINUTE" // minute "dota_stat_dropdown_buyback" "BUYBACK STATUS" "dota_stat_dropdown_networth" "NET WORTH" "dota_stat_dropdown_fantasy" "FANTASY POINTS" "dota_stat_dropdown_fantasy_tooltip" "Member Of" "DOTA_FanSlot" "Player Fan Slot" "DOTA_ChangingFanSlot" "Swapping or upgrading pennants while spectating can take a few minutes to update." "DOTA_HoF_Champions" "World Champions" "DOTA_HoF_US" "United States" "DOTA_HoF_ArtStyle" "Ivan Antonov" "DOTA_HoF_Puppey" "Ivanov Clement" "DOTA_HoF_XBOCT" "Oleksandr Dashkevych" "DOTA_HoF_Dendi" "Danil Ishutin" "DOTA_HoF_LighTofHeaveN" "Dmitriy Kupriyanov" "DOTA_HoF_Zhou" "Chen Yao" "DOTA_HoF_Ferrari430" "Luo Feichi" "DOTA_HoF_YYF" "Jiang Cen" "DOTA_HoF_ChuaN" "Wong Hock Chuan" "DOTA_HoF_Faith" "Zeng Hongda" "DOTA_HoF_AdmiralBulldog" "Henrik Ahnberg" "DOTA_HoF_Akke" "Joakim Akterhall" "DOTA_HoF_Loda" "Jonathan Berg" "DOTA_HoF_EGM" "Jerry Lundqvist" "DOTA_HoF_s4" "Gustav Magnusson" "DOTA_HoF_Hao" "Chen Zhihao" "DOTA_HoF_Mu" "Zhang Pan" "DOTA_HoF_xiao8" "Zhang Ning" "DOTA_HoF_Banana" "Wang Jiao" "DOTA_HoF_Sansheng" "Wang Zhaohui" "DOTA_HoF_Fear" "Clinton Loomis" "DOTA_HoF_Suma1L" "Syed Sumail Hassan" "DOTA_HoF_UNiVeRsE" "Saahil Arora" "DOTA_HoF_Aui_2000" "Kurtis Ling" "DOTA_HoF_ppd" "Peter Dager" "DOTA_ARDM_Loading" "Loading Heroes" "DOTA_ARDM_Loading_Text" "Please wait, preloading ARDM hero data..." //Halloween "npc_dota_roshan_halloween" "Roshan" "npc_dota_goodguys_siege_diretide" "Roshling" "npc_dota_creep_goodguys_ranged_diretide" "Diretide Witch" "npc_dota_creep_goodguys_melee_diretide" "Diretide Ghoul" "npc_dota_badguys_siege_diretide" "Roshling" "npc_dota_creep_badguys_ranged_diretide" "Diretide Crawler" "npc_dota_creep_badguys_melee_diretide" "Diretide Zombie" "ent_dota_dire_candybucket" "Dire Candy Bucket" "ent_dota_radiant_candybucket" "Radiant Candy Bucket" "DOTA_HalloweenRules0_Title" "DIRETIDE: CANDY CHAOS" "DOTA_HalloweenRules0_Text" "Gather more candy than the enemy team to win this fabulous prize!" "DOTA_HalloweenRules1_Title" "DIRETIDE: SUGAR RUSH" "DOTA_HalloweenRules1_Text" "Defeat Roshan to win this fabulous prize!" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_halloween_candy_corn" "Greevil Taffy" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_halloween_candy_corn_Description" "Use: Deposit the candy in your bucket to give all heroes on the map gold and XP, or use it to satisfy a rampaging Roshan's sweet tooth. Get the highest candy in your bucket to win a prize! Carrying candy makes you less healthy, and decreases your max HP." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_halloween_candy_corn_Lore" "A strange looking candy, made out of Greevil cream and gummy vitamins." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_halloween_candy_eaten" "Greevil Treats Consumed" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_halloween_candy_eaten_Description" "Gaining %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_STATS_STRENGTH_BONUS% Strength, %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_STATS_AGILITY_BONUS% Agility, and %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_STATS_INTELLECT_BONUS% Intelligence." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_roshan_halloween_apocalypse" "Apocalypse" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_roshan_halloween_apocalypse_Description" "Roshan launches devastating beams of incineration from the sky at all enemy heroes outside of 400 range, but within 1200 range." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_roshan_halloween_apocalypse_area_of_effect" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_roshan_halloween_apocalypse_delay" "DELAY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_roshan_halloween_apocalypse_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_roshan_halloween_wave_of_force" "Wave of Force" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_roshan_halloween_wave_of_force_Description" "After a delay, Roshan smashes the ground, causing massive radial damage in an area around him, knocking back all enemies. The closer to Roshan the enemy is, the more damage it takes." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_roshan_halloween_wave_of_force_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_roshan_halloween_toss" "Toss" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_roshan_halloween_toss_Description" "Roshan tosses a nearby enemy unit at an enemy that is further away." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_roshan_halloween_shell" "Shell" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_roshan_halloween_shell_Description" "Roshan becomes immune to physical damage, but takes enhanced magical damage for a brief time. When Roshan uses Shell, all ability and item cooldowns are refreshed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_roshan_halloween_burn" "Fire Breath" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_roshan_halloween_burn_Description" "Roshan breathes a lethal arc of searing fire." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_roshan_halloween_summon" "Summon Roshlings" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_roshan_halloween_summon_Description" "Roshan calls a group of Roshlings to aid him." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_roshan_halloween_fireball" "Fireball " "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_roshan_halloween_fireball_Description" "Roshan launches a number of slow moving fireballs at all nearby enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_roshan_halloween_fed" "Roshan is Full!" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_roshan_halloween_fed_Description" "Roshan just ate some candy, you can't feed him yet!" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_halloween_roshan_begging" "Give Roshan Candy!" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_halloween_roshan_begging_Description" "You have 3 seconds to give Roshan candy!" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_roshan_halloween_angry_buff" "Roshan's Anger" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_roshan_halloween_angry_buff_Description" "Roshan's current level of rage!" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_roshan_halloween_levels" "Roshan's level" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_roshan_halloween_levels_Description" "Roshan's current level" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_roshan_halloween_candy_buff" "Roshan's Candy" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_roshan_halloween_candy_buff_Description" "Roshan's eaten this much candy!" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_roshan_halloween_shell" "Shell" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_roshan_halloween_shell_Description" "Roshan is immune to physical damage but taking 400%% enhanced magic damage!" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_roshan_sugar_rush_start_delay" "Waiting" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_roshan_sugar_rush_start_delay_Description" "Roshan is waiting for a victim to attack!" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_halloween_truce" "Truce" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_halloween_truce_Description" "You can't get hurt by other players!" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_candy_bucket" "Candy Collected" "DOTA_Tooltip_Econ_halloween_unusual_power" "Unusual Power" "DOTA_Tooltip_Econ_halloween_red" "EXORT" "DOTA_Tooltip_Econ_halloween_yellow" "WEX" "DOTA_Tooltip_Econ_halloween_blue" "QUAS" "DOTA_Tooltip_Econ_halloween_level" "LEVEL %s1" "DOTA_Tooltip_Player_Card_Favorite_Heroes" "Recent Tournament Picks" "DOTA_Tooltip_Player_Card_Featured_Match" "Featured Match ID: %s1" "DOTA_Tooltip_Player_Card_Description" "Name: %s1\nAge: %s2\nCountry: %s3\nTeam: %s4\nRole: %s5" "DOTA_Tooltip_Player_Card_International_Champion_2011" "International Champion 2011" "DOTA_Tooltip_Player_Card_International_Champion_2012" "International Champion 2012" "DOTA_Tooltip_Player_Card_International_Champion_2013" "International Champion 2013" "DOTA_EggEssenceResponse" "Madness! The egg cannot possibly contain more energy of this type.\nTry using a different kind of essence." "DOTA_EggEssenceResponse_Corrupted" "The egg has become irreversibly corrupted by darkness.\nYou cannot imbue it any further." "DOTA_Egg_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to hatch this egg?" "StampPlayerCard" "Use on Compendium" "DOTA_PlayerCard_Activate_Compendium" "You have not activated your International Compendium. Right click the Compendium item to activate it." "DOTA_PlayerCard_Failed" "Failed to use this player card." "DOTA_PlayerCard_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to stamp this Player Card into your Compendium? The Player Card will be destroyed upon use." "DOTA_PlayerCard_No_Compendium" "Stamping a Player Card requires an International Compendium. Would you like to go to the store to purchase one?" "DOTA_PlayerCard_Already_Stamped" "You have already stamped this player into your Compendium." "DOTA_PlayerCard_Cant_Stamp" "This player can no longer be stamped into the Compendium." "DOTA_FantasyTeam_Activate_Compendium" "You have not activated your International Compendium. Right click the Compendium item to activate it." "DOTA_FantasyTeam_No_Compendium" "Creating a Compendium Fantasy Team requires an International Compendium. Would you like to go to the store to purchase one?" "DOTA_FantasyTeam_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to create a Compendium Fantasy Team? This item will be consumed upon use." "DOTA_FantasyTeam_Failed" "Failed to use this Compendium Fantasy Team item." "Attrib_AnimationMod" "This item modifies the hero's animations." "Attrib_CustomPowershot" "This weapon has a custom Powershot animation." "Attrib_CustomScythe" "This weapon has a custom Reaper's Scythe animation." "Attrib_ItemSetAnim" "This item unlocks custom animations when worn with other pieces of the set." "Attrib_ItemSetAnimBonus" "Custom Animation Set" "Attrib_DiretideTag" "Diretide %s1" "Attrib_DiretideCycle" "Roshan Cycle %s1" "Attrib_FrostivusTag" "Frostivus %s1" "Attrib_NewBloomTag" "New Bloom %s1" "Attrib_SithilStash" "Sithil's Summer Stash %s1" "Attrib_CustomBaseAttackFX" "This item modifies the hero's base attack effects." "Attrib_CustomSlarkPounce" "This weapon has a custom Pounce animation." "Attrib_Polycount" "Polycount %s1" "Attrib_PremierLeague" "The Premier League Season %s1" "Attrib_StarLadder" "Star Series Season %s1" "Attrib_G1League" "G-1 League Season %s1" "Attrib_Raidcall" "RaidCall Season %s1" "Attrib_Defense" "The Defense Season %s1" "Attrib_CorporationID" "Brand" "Attrib_Autograph" "%s1" "Attrib_AutographTool" "This autograph by %s1 can be applied to items in your inventory" "Attrib_Nexon_Sponsorship_League" "Nexon Sponsorship League" "Attrib_Netolic_Pro_League" "Netolic Pro League %s1" "Econ_Set_Bonus" "Set Bonus:" "DOTA_Close" "Close" "DOTA_Halloween_Prizes" "Prizes have been awarded to the %s." "DOTA_FindSetMarketplace" "COMMUNITY MARKET" "DOTA_PurchaseAndEquip" "PURCHASE AND EQUIP" "DOTA_EquipFullSet" "EQUIP ON HERO" "DOTA_PreviewCloseMode" "CLOSE PREVIEW" "DOTA_SetViewLabel" "AVAILABLE ITEMS" "DOTA_ItemPreview" "ITEM PREVIEW" // Egg Names "EggName_Red1" "Ferocious Egg" "EggName_Red2" "Brutal Egg" "EggName_Red3" "Merciless Egg" "EggName_Yellow1" "Anxious Egg" "EggName_Yellow2" "Eager Egg" "EggName_Yellow3" "Spirited Egg" "EggName_Blue1" "Stubborn Egg" "EggName_Blue2" "Resolute Egg" "EggName_Blue3" "Determined Egg" "EggName_Green1" "Covetous Egg" "EggName_Green2" "Greedy Egg" "EggName_Orange1" "Ravenous Egg" "EggName_Orange2" "Voracious Egg" "EggName_Purple1" "Cruel Egg" "EggName_Purple2" "Wicked Egg" "EggName_White1" "Blessed Egg" "EggName_White2" "Seraphic Egg" "EggName_Black1" "Dreaded Egg" "EggName_Natural" "Imbued Egg" "EggName_RawEgg" "Greevil Egg" "EggNameMarket" "%s1 (Unusual %s2)" //Greeviling UI "greeviling_instructions" "The Book of Greeviling" "greevil_instruction_01" "When you first appear in game check your hero's inventory. Your Frostivus Sock contains some useful treats." "greevil_instruction_02" "Use the Whistle to switch to and from Greevil form." "greevil_instruction_03" "Your Greevil's abilities are based on the essences applied to the egg before it hatched." "greevil_instruction_04" "Hunt down and dispatch Mega Greevil camps to get their presents." "greevil_instruction_05" "Win and receive a fancy present! Lose and receive a present that some Greevil sat on. Loser presents have a lower chance of dropping a nice item." "greevil_instruction_06" "The first team to clear 11 camps wins the match." "greevil_lootgreevil_spawn" "Thyg the Giftsnatch has appeared on your river. Kill him before he skates away!" "greevil_lootgreevil_escape" "Thyg the Giftsnatch has escaped and skated off to another Greeviling!" "greevil_lootgreevil_kill" "You foiled Thyg the Giftsnatch! Presents for all!" "no_greevils_instructions" "You have no Greevils. Play The Greeviling to collect eggs and essences from which to hatch your very own Greevil! In the mean time we will loan you this little, naked Greevil to play with until you can hatch your own." "wraith_king_progress_title" "THE AWAKENING OF THE WRAITH KING" "wraith_king_awakened" "THE WRAITH KING HAS RISEN!" "wraith_king_progress_tooltip" "While Your King devotes himself to the rite of transformation, he will be absent from mundane affairs. While his subjects lament the absence of their King, they may play a critical role in his restoration. Each soul collected during Wraith-Night will count toward his global resurrection, and ensure the coronation of the Wraith King." "frosty_points" "PHANTOM FRAGMENTS" "gold_frosty_points" "SHINING FRAGMENTS" "DOTA_Find_Frostivus_Match" "WRAITH-NIGHT" "frostivus_game_mode_name" "Wraith-Night" "DOTA_Frostivus_Altar" "Wraith King Altar" "frostivus_get_booster" "BUY FAVOR" "frostivus_use_booster" "USE FAVOR" "redeem_frosty_points" "REDEEM FRAGMENTS" "redeem_frosty_item" "BUY ITEM" "redeem_frosty_explanation" "Redeem Phantom Fragments for Wraith-Night Offerings and Tributes, or turn in Shining Fragments to obtain Ossuaries and Feretories! You can also exchange Shining Fragments for Phantom Fragments." "confirm_frosty_redeem_title" "Purchase Gift" "confirm_frosty_redeem" "Exchange %s1 %s2 for a %s3?" "confirm_frosty_exchange" "Exchange %s1 %s2 for %s3 %s4?" "frostivus_difficulty" "Difficulty:" "frostivus_normal" "Normal" "frostivus_hard" "New Game+" "frostivus_insane" "New Game++" "frostivus_reached_round" "Round" "nian_game_mode_status" "Battling the Year Beast" "custom_game_mode_status" "Playing Custom Game" "custom_difficulty_0" "Normal" "custom_difficulty_1" "Hard" "custom_difficulty_2" "Insane" "custom_game_select_region" "SELECT CUSTOM GAMES REGION" "custom_game_select_region_desc" "Custom games are hosted by other players.\nChoose the region closest to you for a higher quality connection." "custom_game_region" "REGION" "custom_game_page_label" "Page: %s1 / %s2" "custom_game_sort_by" "BROWSE BY" "custom_game_sort_open_lobbies" "Open Lobbies" "custom_game_sort_last_updated" "Last Updated" "custom_game_sort_popular_week" "Popular This Week" "custom_game_sort_popular_today" "Popular Today" "custom_game_sort_vote" "Top Rated All Time" "custom_game_sort_installed" "Subscribed Game Modes" "custom_game_sort_friend_lobbies" "Friend Lobbies" "custom_game_sort_unpublished" "Local files" "custom_game_unsorted" "Unsorted" "custom_game_lobby_count" "%s1 lobbies" "custom_game_player_count" "%s1 NOW PLAYING" "custom_game_quick_join" "QUICK JOIN" "custom_game_join_lobby" "JOIN LOBBY" "custom_game_view_lobbies" "VIEW LOBBIES" "custom_game_create_lobby" "CREATE LOBBY" "custom_game_workshop_page" "WORKSHOP PAGE" "custom_game_install" "SUBSCRIBE" "custom_game_uninstall" "UNSUBSCRIBE" "custom_game_confirm_install_title" "SUBSCRIBE TO GAME MODE" "custom_game_confirm_install_desc" "Download and install this custom game mode?" "custom_game_downloading" "DOWNLOADING..." "custom_game_needs_update" "NEEDS UPDATE" "custom_game_restart_title" "RESTART REQUIRED" "custom_game_restart_desc" "This game mode has just been updated. Please restart Dota 2 to get the latest version." "custom_game_size" "%s1 MB" "custom_game_find_private" "FIND PRIVATE LOBBY" "custom_game_view_all_lobbies" "VIEW ALL LOBBIES" "custom_game_view_friend_lobbies" "VIEW ALL FRIEND LOBBIES" "custom_game_finding_lobby" "FINDING LOBBY..." "custom_game_import_failed" "Failed to write to custom game VPK:\n\n%s1" "custom_browse_lobby_name" "LOBBY NAME" "custom_browse_host" "HOST" "custom_browse_players" "PLAYERS" "custom_browse_ping" "PING" "custom_game_view" "VIEW" "custom_lobbies_finding" "FINDING LOBBIES..." "custom_games_finding" "FINDING GAMES..." "custom_browse_lobbies" "BROWSE CUSTOM LOBBIES" "custom_browse_friend_lobbies" "FRIEND CUSTOM GAME LOBBIES" "custom_no_unpublished_game_modes" "Any game modes you have in development will show here. Create an addon with the Dota 2 Workshop Tools to get started with your own custom game mode." "custom_no_subscribed_game_modes" "You are not subscribed to any custom game modes." "custom_no_results" "No results." "DOTA_Play_Tab_Custom" "CUSTOM GAME" "DOTA_Play_Tab_Reborn" "REBORN UPDATE" "DOTA_Play_Tab_Reborn_Only" "REBORN" "downloads" "DOWNLOADS" "download_complete" "DOWNLOAD COMPLETE" "download_progress_size" "%s1 MB / %s2 MB" "uploaded_bytes" "%s1 MB uploaded" "no_downloads" "No downloads" "ugc_tools_required_title" "Dota 2 Workshop Tools Required" "ugc_tools_required_desc" "The Dota 2 Workshop Tools are currently in Alpha and require a 64-bit OS. The tools must be installed prior to launching custom games." "ugc_tools_required_import_desc" "To build a custom game mode, you must first install the Dota 2 Workshop Tools." "ugc_tools_install" "INSTALL" "ugc_tools_installing_title" "TOOLS DOWNLOADING" "ugc_tools_installing_desc" "The Dota 2 Workshop Tools are now downloading. Please check the active Dota 2 download in the Steam client to monitor progress." "ugc_tools_downloading" "Downloading..." "reborn_required_title" "Dota 2 Reborn Update" "reborn_required_sub" "Dota 2 will soon require the Reborn client. Install it now and be ready to play!" "reborn_downloading_title" "Preloading Reborn Update" "reborn_opt_out" "CANCEL PRELOAD" "reborn_opt_out_confirm" "ABANDON PRELOAD" "reborn_opt_out_carry_on" "CONTINUE PRELOAD" "reborn_opt_out_title" "CANCEL PRELOAD" "reborn_opt_out_desc" "Are you sure you want to cancel the preload of the Reborn update? This update will be required to play very soon." "reborn_info" "Preload the update now so you're ready to play as soon as it's released in the coming days." "reborn_install" "PRELOAD" "reborn_installed_title" "Dota 2 Reborn Ready to Play" "reborn_installed_desc" "The Dota 2 Reborn update has finished downloading. Please restart Dota 2 to launch Dota 2 Reborn." "reborn_installed_restart" "To run Dota 2 Reborn, restart Dota 2. Choose 'Play Dota 2 - Reborn'. You will be presented with the option to run Reborn whenever you run Dota 2." "reborn_beta_required_title" "Dota 2 - Reborn Beta" "reborn_beta_required_sub" "The Reborn Beta must be installed to play custom games." "reborn_beta_required_desc" " " "reborn_beta_required_learn_more" "LEARN MORE" "reborn_beta_downloading_title" "Downloading the Reborn Beta" "reborn_beta_downloading_sub" "NOTE: The download will continue even if you quit Dota 2" "reborn_beta_installed_title" "Dota 2 Reborn Beta Installed" "reborn_beta_installed_sub" "The Dota 2 Reborn Beta has been installed" "reborn_beta_installed_restart" "To run the Reborn Beta, restart Dota 2. Choose 'Play Dota 2 - Reborn Beta'. You will be presented with the option to run the beta whenever you run Dota 2." "reborn_beta_install" "INSTALL" "reborn_beta_installing_title" "REBORN BETA DOWNLOADING" "reborn_beta_installing_desc" "The Dota 2 Reborn Beta is now downloading. Please check the active Dota 2 download in the Steam client to monitor progress." "reborn_beta_downloading" "Downloading..." "reborn_beta_installed_desc" "The Dota 2 Reborn beta has finished downloading. Please restart Dota 2 to launch the Reborn Beta." "exchange_frosty_points" "EXCHANGE FRAGMENTS" "exchange_frosty_not_enough" "You need at least 1000 Shining Fragments to exchange them for Phantom Fragments." "exchange_frosty_not_enough_title" "Not Enough Fragments" "confirm_frosty_exchange_title" "Do you wish to exchange 1000 Shining Fragments for 500 Phantom Fragments?" "exchange_frosty_success" "You have successfully exchanged 1000 Shining Fragments for 500 Phantom Fragments." "exchange_frosty_success_title" "Fragments Exchanged" "frostivus_instruction_01" "Monsters approach to destroy the Wraith King Altar!\nDefeat the hordes to offer their souls to your King." "frostivus_instruction_02" "Collect bags of gold from your fallen foes to fund your defense." "frostivus_instruction_03" "Channel the graves of your fallen allies to restore them to the fight." "frostivus_instruction_04" "Hero abilities and items may be different in this game mode, so read their descriptions carefully." "frostivus_instruction_05" "Surviving creep waves earns you Phantom Fragments that can be exchanged for Wraith-Night Reliquaries!" "frostivus_instruction_06" "Activate a Wraith King's Favor to earn Shining Fragments in addition to Phantom Fragments." "frostivus_instruction_07" "When your King has absorbed enough souls, his Wraithly ritual will be complete!" // Greevil Names "GreevilName_Red1" "Ferocious Greevil" "GreevilName_Red2" "Brutal Greevil" "GreevilName_Red3" "Merciless Greevil" "GreevilName_Yellow1" "Anxious Greevil" "GreevilName_Yellow2" "Eager Greevil" "GreevilName_Yellow3" "Spirited Greevil" "GreevilName_Blue1" "Stubborn Greevil" "GreevilName_Blue2" "Resolute Greevil" "GreevilName_Blue3" "Determined Greevil" "GreevilName_Green1" "Covetous Greevil" "GreevilName_Green2" "Greedy Greevil" "GreevilName_Orange1" "Ravenous Greevil" "GreevilName_Orange2" "Voracious Greevil" "GreevilName_Purple1" "Cruel Greevil" "GreevilName_Purple2" "Wicked Greevil" "GreevilName_White1" "Blessed Greevil" "GreevilName_White2" "Seraphic Greevil" "GreevilName_Black1" "Dreaded Greevil" "GreevilName_Natural" "Naked Greevil" "Hatch" "Hatch the Egg" "Courier_Slots" "Courier Slots" "Courier_Abilities" "Abilities" "CourierSlot_horns" "Horns: %s1" "CourierSlot_teeth" "Teeth: %s1" "CourierSlot_tail" "Tail: %s1" "CourierSlot_hair" "Hair: %s1" "CourierSlot_nose" "Nose: %s1" "CourierSlot_ears" "Ears: %s1" "CourierSlot_wings" "Wings: %s1" "CourierSlot_eyes" "Eyes: %s1" "CourierSlot_effect" "Effect: %s1" "CourierSlot_feathers" "Feathers: %s1" "CourierSlot_head" "Head: %s1" "CourierSlot_pack" "Pack: %s1" "npc_dota_greevil" "Greevil" "npc_dota_loot_greevil" "Thyg the Giftsnatch" "npc_dota_greevil_minion_black" "Vile Greevil Minion" "npc_dota_greevil_miniboss_black" "Nefarious Megagreevil" "npc_dota_greevil_minion_white" "Blessed Greevil Minion" "npc_dota_greevil_miniboss_white" "Divine Megagreevil" "npc_dota_greevil_minion_red" "Vicious Greevil Minion" "npc_dota_greevil_miniboss_red" "Ruthless Megagreevil" "npc_dota_greevil_minion_yellow" "Clever Greevil Minion" "npc_dota_greevil_miniboss_yellow" "Crafty Megagreevil" "npc_dota_greevil_minion_blue" "Brittle Greevil Minion" "npc_dota_greevil_miniboss_blue" "Frozen Megagreevil" "npc_dota_greevil_miniboss_green" "Verdant Megagreevil" "npc_dota_greevil_minion_green" "Budding Greevil Minion" "npc_dota_greevil_miniboss_purple" "Noxious Megagreevil" "npc_dota_greevil_minion_purple" "Rotten Greevil Minion" "npc_dota_greevil_miniboss_orange" "Scorching Megagreevil" "npc_dota_greevil_minion_orange" "Toasty Greevil Minion" "DOTA_Chat_PlayerKilledXmas" "%s1 just pwned %s2's head!" "DOTA_Chat_PlayerKilledAssistXmas" "%s1 was just killed!" "DOTA_Chat_HeroesRemaining" "Team %s2 has %s1 hero respawns remaining!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_magic_missile" "Greevil Missile" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_magic_missile_Description" "BLUE ESSENCE\nFires a greevilish magic missile at an enemy unit, stunning and dealing damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_magic_missile_magic_missile_stun" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_magic_missile_customval_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_cold_snap" "Greevil Snap" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_cold_snap_Description" "The greevil draws the heat from an enemy, chilling them to their very core. The enemy will take damage and be briefly frozen. Further damage taken in this state will freeze the enemy again, dealing bonus damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_cold_snap_customval_initial_damage" "INITIAL DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_cold_snap_customval_damage" "BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_cold_snap_freeze_duration" "FREEZE DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_cold_snap_freeze_cooldown" "FREEZE COOLDOWN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_decrepify" "Degreevilfy" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_decrepify_Description" "RED ESSENCE\nA powerful banishing spell that slows a unit and renders it unable to attack or be attacked. Afflicted units take extra magic damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_decrepify_customval_spell_damage_pct" "%BONUS SPELL DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_decrepify_bonus_movement_speed" "%SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_decrepify_customval_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_diabolic_edict" "Greevolic Edict" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_diabolic_edict_Description" "Saturates the area around the Greevil with magical explosions that deal mixed damage to enemy units and structures. The fewer units available to attack, the more damage those units will take." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_diabolic_edict_customval_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_diabolic_edict_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_diabolic_edict_num_explosions" "EXPLOSIONS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_diabolic_edict_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_maledict" "Greevildict" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_maledict_Description" "PURPLE ESSENCE\nCurses all enemy Heroes in an area, causing them to take damage every 4 seconds and adding bonus damage for every 100 HP lost since the curse began." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_maledict_customval_bonus_damage" "BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_maledict_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_maledict_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_shadow_strike" "Shadow Greevil Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_shadow_strike_Description" "PURPLE ESSENCE\nHurls a poisoned dagger which deals large initial damage, and then deals damage over time. The poisoned unit has its movement speed slowed. An instance of damage is dealt every 3 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_shadow_strike_movement_slow" "%SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_shadow_strike_customval_strike_damage" "STRIKE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_shadow_strike_customval_duration_damage" "DAMAGE PER TICK:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_shadow_strike_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_laguna_blade" "Greevilaguna Blade" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_laguna_blade_Description" "RED EGG\nFires off a bolt of lightning at a single enemy unit, dealing massive damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_laguna_blade_customval_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_poison_nova" "Greevil Nova" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_poison_nova_Description" "PURPLE EGG\nA spreading ring of poison that does damage over time to enemy units. Poison Nova's effect cannot bring units below 1 HP." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_poison_nova_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_poison_nova_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_poison_nova_customval_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_ice_wall" "Greevice Wall" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_ice_wall_Description" "BLUE ESSENCE\nGenerates a wall of solid ice directly in front of the Greevil. The bitter cold emanating from it greatly slows nearby enemies and deals damage each second." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_ice_wall_customval_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_ice_wall_slow" "%SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_ice_wall_customval_damage_per_second" "DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_fatal_bonds" "Greevil Bonds" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_fatal_bonds_Description" "ORANGE ESSENCE\nBinds several enemy units together, causing a portion of the damage dealt to one of them to be felt by the others." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_fatal_bonds_count" "ENEMIES BOUND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_fatal_bonds_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_fatal_bonds_customval_dmg_share_percentage" "%DAMAGE SHARED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_blade_fury" "Greevil Fury" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_blade_fury_Description" "ORANGE ESSENCE\nCauses a bladestorm of destructive force around the Greevil, rendering him immune to magic and dealing damage to nearby enemy units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_blade_fury_blade_fury_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_blade_fury_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_blade_fury_customval_damage" "DPS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_phantom_strike" "Phantom Greevil Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_phantom_strike_Description" "YELLOW ESSENCE\nTeleports to a unit, friendly or enemy, and grants bonus attack speed while attacking if it's an enemy unit." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_phantom_strike_customval_bonus_attacks" "MAX ATTACKS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_phantom_strike_bonus_attack_speed" "BONUS ATTACK SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_phantom_strike_tooltip_range" "RANGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_time_lock" "Greevil Lock" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_time_lock_Description" "YELLOW ESSENCE\nAdds the chance for an attack to lock an enemy unit in time, stunning it and dealing bonus damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_time_lock_chance_pct" "%CHANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_time_lock_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_time_lock_customval_bonus_damage" "BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_shadow_wave" "Greevil Wave" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_shadow_wave_Description" "GREEN ESSENCE\nShadow Wave heals several allies, which in turn cause damage equal to their healing in a small area around them. The Greevil is always healed by Shadow Wave, and it does not count toward the number of targets." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_shadow_wave_max_targets" "TARGETS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_shadow_wave_damage_radius" "DAMAGE RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_shadow_wave_customval_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_leech_seed" "Leech Greevil" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_leech_seed_Description" "GREEN ESSENCE\nPlants a life-sapping seed in an enemy unit, draining its health, while simultaneously slowing it. The seed heals friendly units around it equal to the amount drained. Pulses 4 times." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_leech_seed_customval_leech_damage" "DAMAGE PER PULSE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_leech_seed_movement_slow" "%MOVEMENT SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_leech_seed_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_leech_seed_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_echo_slam" "Greevil Slam" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_echo_slam_Description" "ORANGE EGG\nShockwaves travel through the ground, damaging enemy units. Each enemy hit causes an echo to damage nearby units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_echo_slam_customval_damage" "BASE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_echo_slam_customval_echo_damage" "ECHO DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_echo_slam_echo_slam_damage_range" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_natures_attendants" "Greevil's Attendants" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_natures_attendants_Description" "GREEN EGG\nA cloud of wisps heals Enchantress and any friendly units nearby. Lasts 10 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_natures_attendants_wisp_count" "WISPS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_natures_attendants_customval_heal" "HEAL PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_natures_attendants_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_natures_attendants_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_bloodlust" "Greevilust" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_bloodlust_Description" "YELLOW EGG\nIncites a frenzy in a friendly unit, increasing its movement speed and attack speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_bloodlust_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_bloodlust_customval_bonus_attack_speed" "ATTACK SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_bloodlust_customval_bonus_movement_speed" "%MOVE SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_purification" "Greevilication" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_purification_Description" "WHITE EGG\nInstantly heals a friendly unit and damages all nearby enemy units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_purification_customval_heal" "HEAL/DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_purification_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_flesh_golem" "Greevil Golem" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_flesh_golem_Description" "BLACK EGG\nThe Greevil transforms into a horrifying greevil golem, increasing his health regen, armor, and attack damage. Nearby units have their armor reduced." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_flesh_golem_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_flesh_golem_customval_bonus_damage" "BONUS DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_flesh_golem_customval_armor_bonus" "ARMOR BONUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_flesh_golem_health_regen" "%HEALTH REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_flesh_golem_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_hook" "Greevil Hook" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_hook_Description" "PURPLE ESSENCE\nLaunches a hook at a unit or location. The hook will snag the first unit it encounters, dragging the unit back to the Greevil and dealing damage if it is an enemy." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_hook_hook_distance" "DISTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_hook_customval_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_rot" "Greevil Rot" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_rot_Description" "RED ESSENCE\nA toxic cloud that deals intense damage and slows movement--harming not only enemy units but the Greevil itself." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_rot_rot_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_rot_rot_slow" "%SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_rot_customval_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_black_hole" "Greevil Hole" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_black_hole_Description" "BLUE EGG\nCHANNELED - Summons a vortex that sucks in nearby enemy units. Enemies affected by Greevil Hole cannot move, attack, or cast spells. The closer units get to the center, the more damage is dealt." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_black_hole_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_black_hole_customval_far_damage" "MIN DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_black_hole_customval_near_damage" "MAX DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_black_hole_customval_far_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_item_present" "A Gift!" // Modifiers "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_stats" "Essence Bonuses" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_stats_Description" "Critical Strike Chance: %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP%%%\nMove Speed Bonus: %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP%\nAttack Speed Bonus: %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP%\nHealth Bonus: %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP%\nMagic Damage Resistance Bonus:%dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP%\nAttack Damage Bonus: %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP%\nPhysical Armor Bonus: %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP%\nBlock Chance: %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_decrepify" "Decrepify" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_maledict" "Maledict" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_shadow_strike" "Shadow Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_poison_nova" "Poison Nova" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_ice_wall_slow_debuff" "Ice Wall" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_fatal_bonds" "Fatal Bonds" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_blade_fury" "Blade Fury" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_phantom_strike" "Phantom Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_time_lock_freeze" "Time Lock" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_leech_seed" "Leech Seed" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_natures_attendants" "Nature's Attendants" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_bloodlust" "Bloodlust" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_flesh_golem" "Flesh Golem" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_flesh_golem_plague_aura" "Flesh Golem Plague" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_meat_hook" "Hook" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_rot" "Rot" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_black_hole_pull" "Pulled" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_ice_slide" "Sliding on the ice" // Items "DOTA_Courier_Deliver_Items" "Courier Deliver Items" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_greevil_whistle" "Greevil Whistle" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_greevil_whistle_Description" "Use the Greevil Whistle to temporarily transform into your Greevil!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_greevil_whistle_toggle" "Greevil Whistle" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_greevil_whistle_toggle_Description" "Use the Greevil Whistle to toggle between Greevil and Hero!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_winter_stocking" "Xmas Stocking" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_winter_stocking_Description" "Use: Open Stocking to receive your gifts!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_winter_cake" "Fruit-bit Cake" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_winter_cake_Description" "Use the cake to heal 400 health and 50 mana over 8 seconds" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_winter_cookie" "Wizard Cookie" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_winter_cookie_Description" "Use the cookie to heal 350 health and 100 mana over 11 seconds" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_winter_coco" "Cocoa with Marshmallows" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_winter_coco_Description" "Use the cocoa to heal 300 health and 150 mana over 14 seconds" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_winter_kringle" "Kringle" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_winter_kringle_Description" "Use the kringle to heal 250 health and 200 mana over 17 seconds" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_winter_ham" "Clove Studded Ham" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_winter_ham_Description" "Use the ham to heal 300 health and 75 mana over 2 seconds" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_winter_skates" "Speed Skates" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_winter_skates_Description" "Gives a massive increase of 100 to movespeed. Increases control on the ice. Use short paths for the best result!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_winter_greevil_treat" "Greevil Treat" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_winter_greevil_treat_Description" "Makes your greevil move at max speed for 10 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_winter_greevil_treat_Lore" "There is nothing faster than a greevil eating his favorite treat!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_winter_greevil_garbage" "Greevil Chow" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_winter_greevil_garbage_Description" "Use the chow to heal your greevil 400 health and 150 mana over 5 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_winter_mushroom" "Snow Mushroom" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_winter_mushroom_Description" "Refreshes all the Greevil's abilities." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_winter_healing" "Healing health and mana." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_winter_greevil_chewy" "Greevil Blink Bone" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_winter_greevil_chewy_Description" "After channeling for 2 seconds the greevil pops to the new location." // Greevil minibosses "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_black_nightmare" "Greevilmare" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_black_nightmare_Description" "Puts the target enemy or friendly Hero to sleep and deals damage per second. Sleeping units are awakened when attacked, but the Greevilmare passes to the attacking unit. The nightmared unit instantly wakes up if it takes damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_black_nightmare_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_black_brain_sap" "Greevil Brain Sap" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_black_brain_sap_Description" "Feasts on the vital energies of an enemy unit, dealing damage and gaining health equal to the damage dealt." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_miniboss_black_nightmare" "Greevilmare" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_miniboss_black_nightmare_Description" "Puts enemies to sleep and inflicts 20 damage every second. Greevilmare transfers to any unit that attacks you." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_blue_cold_feet" "Cold Greevil Feet" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_blue_cold_feet_Description" "Places a frozen hex on an enemy unit that deals damage over time, but can be dispelled by moving away from the initial cast point. If the enemy unit doesn't move outside of the given range, it will be stunned and frozen in place after 4 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_blue_cold_feet_damage" "DAMAGE PER TICK:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_blue_cold_feet_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_blue_cold_feet_break_distance" "BREAK DISTANCE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_blue_ice_vortex" "Ice Greevortex" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_blue_ice_vortex_Description" "Creates a vortex of icy energy that slows movement speed and increases magic damage done in its range. Lasts 12 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_blue_ice_vortex_movement_speed_pct" "%SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_blue_ice_vortex_spell_resist_pct" "%DECREASE RESIST:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_blue_ice_vortex_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_miniboss_blue_cold_feet" "Cold Greevil Feet" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_miniboss_blue_cold_feet_Description" "Taking periodic damage, if you don't move you will be frozen in place" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_miniboss_blue_coldfeet_freeze" "Frozen" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_miniboss_blue_coldfeet_freeze_Description" "Frozen." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_miniboss_blue_ice_vortex" "Ice Greevortex" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_miniboss_blue_ice_vortex_Description" "Slowed, will take additional damage from magic" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_red_earthshock" "Greevilshock" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_red_earthshock_Description" "Slams the earth, causing a powerful shock to damage and slow all enemy units in a nearby area for 4 seconds." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_red_earthshock_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_red_earthshock_movement_slow" "%SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_red_earthshock_shock_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_red_overpower" "Greevilpower" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_red_overpower_Description" "Gains increased attack speed for a number of subsequent attacks." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_red_overpower_max_attacks" "ATTACKS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_red_overpower_attack_speed_bonus_pct" "BONUS SPEED:" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_miniboss_red_earthshock" "Greevilshock" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_miniboss_red_earthshock_Description" "Slowed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_miniboss_red_overpower" "Greevilpower" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_miniboss_red_overpower_Description" "Attacking at maximum speed!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_yellow_ion_shell" "Greevil Shell" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_yellow_ion_shell_Description" "Surrounds the target unit with a bristling shield that damages enemy units in an area around it." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_yellow_ion_shell_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_yellow_ion_shell_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_yellow_ion_shell_damage_per_second" "DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_yellow_surge" "Greevil Surge" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_yellow_surge_Description" "Charges a target friendly unit with power, giving it a brief burst of maximum movement speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_yellow_surge_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_miniboss_yellow_ion_shell" "Greevil Shell" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_miniboss_yellow_ion_shell_Description" "Doing damage to nearby enemies" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_miniboss_yellow_surge" "Greevil Surge" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_miniboss_yellow_surge_Description" "Moving at maximum move speed" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_white_purification" "Greevilication" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_white_purification_Description" "Instantly heals a friendly unit and damages all nearby enemy units." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_white_purification_heal" "HEAL/DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_white_purification_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_white_degen_aura" "Degreevil Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_white_degen_aura_Description" "Greatly degenerates the movement and attack capabilities of enemy units that stray too near." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_white_degen_aura_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_white_degen_aura_speed_bonus" "%SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_miniboss_white_degen_aura_effect" "Degreevil Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_miniboss_white_degen_aura_effect_Description" "Movement and attack speed reduced by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_sight" "Greevil Sight" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_sight_Description" "There is nothing the googly greevils eyes can't see!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_purple_venomous_gale" "Venomous Greevil Spit" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_purple_venomous_gale_Description" "Launches a ball of venom in a line, poisoning enemy units so that they take both initial damage and damage over time, as well as suffering slowed movement. Venomous Gale deals damage every 2 seconds over its duration." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_purple_venomous_gale_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_purple_venomous_gale_strike_damage" "STRIKE DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_purple_venomous_gale_tick_damage" "DAMAGE PER TICK:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_purple_venomous_gale_movement_slow" "%SLOW:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_purple_plague_ward" "Greevil Ward" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_purple_plague_ward_Description" "Summons a ward to attack enemy units and structures. The ward is immune to magic." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_purple_plague_ward_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_purple_plague_ward_ward_hp_tooltip" "WARD HP:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_purple_plague_ward_ward_damage_tooltip" "WARD DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_miniboss_purple_venomous_gale" "Venomous Greevil Spit" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_miniboss_purple_venomous_gale_Description" "Slowing and ticking for %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_TOOLTIP% damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_orange_dragon_slave" "Greevil Dragon Breath" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_orange_dragon_slave_Description" "Channels the breath of a dragon, sending out a wave of fire that scorches every enemy in its path." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_orange_light_strike_array" "Greevil Light Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_orange_light_strike_array_Description" "Summons a column of flames that damages and stuns enemies." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_orange_light_strike_array_aoe" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_orange_light_strike_array_stun_duration" "STUN DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_orange_light_strike_array_delay_time" "CAST DELAY:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_green_living_armor" "Greeviling Armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_green_living_armor_Description" "Infuses the target with a protective coating which grants bonus regeneration. Also grants physical damage block from damage from heroes. Dispels when a number of damage instances are taken." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_green_living_armor_damage_count" "DAMAGE INSTANCES:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_green_living_armor_health_regen" "REGEN:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_green_living_armor_damage_block" "BLOCK:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_green_living_armor_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_green_overgrowth" "Greevil Overgrowth" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_green_overgrowth_Description" "Summons an overgrowth of vines and branches that prevent afflicted enemies from moving, blinking, going invisible, or attacking." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_green_overgrowth_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_greevil_miniboss_green_overgrowth_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_miniboss_green_living_armor" "Greeviling Armor" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_miniboss_green_living_armor_Description" "Health regen increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEALTH_REGEN_CONSTANT%.\nBlocking %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PHYSICAL_CONSTANT_BLOCK% damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_miniboss_green_overgrowth" "Greevil Overgrowth" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_greevil_miniboss_green_overgrowth_Description" "Cannot move, attack, or blink." // Greevil stat bonuses in econ item tooltip "courier_stat_bonuses" "Essence Bonuses" "dota_gsb_critical_strike_chance" "%s1% Critical Strike Chance" "dota_gsb_move_speed" "+%s1 Move Speed" "dota_gsb_attack_speed" "+%s1 Attack Speed" "dota_gsb_health" "+%s1 Health" "dota_gsb_magical_armor" "+%s1 Magical Armor" "dota_gsb_attack_damage" "+%s1 Attack Damage" "dota_gsb_physical_armor" "+%s1 Physical Armor" "dota_gsb_block_chance" "%s1% Block Chance" // xmas UI "DOTA_Play_Select_Greevil" "SELECT GREEVIL FOR BATTLE" "DOTA_Play_Tab_Xmas" "The Greeviling" "DOTA_Find_Greevilling_Match" "THE GREEVILING" "DOTA_Find_Greevilling_Match_button" "FIND GREEVILING MATCH" "dota_change_greevil" "CHANGE GREEVIL" // Announcer Preview lines "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Kleiner_01" "Good grief! Your Ancient is under attack" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Kleiner_02" "Dire's structures are cunningly fortified" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Kleiner_03" "Well drat! Your top barracks has fallen" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Kleiner_04" "We now have confirmation that Roshan is the latest victim..." "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Kleiner_05" "Dire's top tower is being attacked like nobody's business" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Kleiner_06" "Victory of the most Radiant sort" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Juggernaut_01" "Your defenseless Ancient is being victimized" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Juggernaut_02" "Dire's innocent courier has been butchered. Some animals..." "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Juggernaut_03" "Dire's structures are fortified, just like me" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Juggernaut_04" "Rest in pieces top barracks, you will be remembered" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Juggernaut_05" "Dire's bottom tower is under attack. Run little bottom tower, run" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Juggernaut_06" "Dire victory, and well deserved" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Juggernaut_Killing_Spree_01" "First Blood! About time" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Juggernaut_Killing_Spree_02" "Double Kill" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Juggernaut_Killing_Spree_03" "Jugg-like" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Juggernaut_Killing_Spree_04" "Rampage" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Juggernaut_Killing_Spree_05" "Triple Kill" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Juggernaut_Killing_Spree_06" "Unstoppable" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_NaturesProphet_01" "The Dire have fortified their grove" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_NaturesProphet_02" "Dire's bottom barracks no longer stand" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_NaturesProphet_03" "The Radiant have ended Roshan" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_NaturesProphet_04" "Radiant's middle tower is under attack. It will fall like a ripe apple" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_NaturesProphet_05" "Your middle tower has returned to earth" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_NaturesProphet_06" "Dire victory! Let the trees whisper tales of this hour" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_NaturesProphet_Killing_Spree_01" "Dominating" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_NaturesProphet_Killing_Spree_02" "Mega Kill" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_NaturesProphet_Killing_Spree_03" "Rampage" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_NaturesProphet_Killing_Spree_04" "Killing Spree" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_NaturesProphet_Killing_Spree_05" "Ultra Kill" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_NaturesProphet_Killing_Spree_06" "Unstoppable" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_StormSpirit_01" "Your Ancient is under attack" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_StormSpirit_02" "Oh look, they found the button. Radiant structures have..." "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_StormSpirit_03" "The Dire, now with Mega Creeps" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_StormSpirit_04" "You'll be pleased to hear that the enemy's top barracks have fallen" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_StormSpirit_05" "Summon the will to defend your top tower" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_StormSpirit_06" "For better or worse, your top tower has been denied" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_StormSpirit_Killing_Spree_01" "First Blood" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_StormSpirit_Killing_Spree_02" "Storm-like" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_StormSpirit_Killing_Spree_03" "Monster Kill" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_StormSpirit_Killing_Spree_04" "Rampage" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_StormSpirit_Killing_Spree_05" "Ultra Kill" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_StormSpirit_Killing_Spree_06" "Oh Stormy" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Workshop_Pirate_01" "Yarr! Dire's Ancient be under attack" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Workshop_Pirate_02" "Well shiver me timbers! The enemy's bottom barracks..." "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Workshop_Pirate_03" "Radiant's courier's been rather brutally murdered" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Workshop_Pirate_04" "Good as New! Now get to work" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Workshop_Pirate_05" "The Kraken has fallen to the Radiant" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Workshop_Pirate_06" "Your bottom tower be under attack" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Workshop_Pirate_Killing_Spree_01" "Dominatin'" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Workshop_Pirate_Killing_Spree_02" "Outstandin'" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Workshop_Pirate_Killing_Spree_03" "Plundered" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Workshop_Pirate_Killing_Spree_04" "Shipwreck" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Workshop_Pirate_Killing_Spree_05" "Ultra Kill" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Workshop_Pirate_Killing_Spree_06" "Unstoppable" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Axe_01" "That was Axe-tacular!" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Axe_02" "Axe cannot help but notice that Radiant's Ancient is under attack" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Axe_03" "Even couriers are not safe! Hah now this is a bottle" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Axe_04" "Puny Radiant hides behind their fortifications" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Axe_05" "Axe does not pick sides; but Axe is on your side" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Axe_06" "Dire's middle tower has failed them for the last time" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Axe_Killing_Spree_01" "First Blood" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Axe_Killing_Spree_02" "Dominating" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Axe_Killing_Spree_03" "Godlike" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Axe_Killing_Spree_04" "Monster Kill" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Axe_Killing_Spree_05" "Ultra Kill" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Axe_Killing_Spree_06" "Wicked Sick" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Bastion_01" "Radiant's Ancient is under pressure" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Bastion_02" "Dire's courier didn't make it" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Bastion_03" "You do know why they call him Tiny don't ya" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Bastion_04" "Nobody likes to play support, yet everybody likes to win" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Bastion_05" "Hope the Dire weren't partial to that mid tower" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Bastion_06" "Crack your knuckles and get comfortable" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Bastion_Killing_Spree_01" "That's a First Blood" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Bastion_Killing_Spree_02" "Let's just say it's a winnin' streak" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Bastion_Killing_Spree_03" "Eight in a row" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Bastion_Killing_Spree_04" "And down they all go" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Bastion_Killing_Spree_05" "Somebody's on a roll" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Bastion_Killing_Spree_06" "Way to clean their clocks" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Tusk_01" "I want a nice, clean fight" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Tusk_02" "Dire's middle tower is under attack" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Tusk_03" "Ah, winter! Reminds me of home" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Tusk_04" "Roshan has fallen to the Radiant" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Tusk_05" "Welcome to Dota" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Tusk_06" "The battle begins" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Pflax_01" "The eternal struggle betwixt creep and creep lumbers on" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Pflax_02" "Uh, pardon the interruption sir..." "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Pflax_03" "Go on creeps! Hit those other creeps" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Pflax_04" "Mega Creep? Those guys are awesome" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Pflax_05" "Man this Batrider is awesome, he hasn't touched the ground once" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Pflax_06" "He's a dragon, a knight, and in his spare time he likes to bake" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Pflax_Killing_Spree_01" "The prophecy is true! He is the chosen one!" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Pflax_Killing_Spree_02" "Before he knew it, nine men lay dead at his feet. Nine!" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Pflax_Killing_Spree_03" "That play just made it into the grand pantheon..." "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Pflax_Killing_Spree_04" "[Harmonica] Godlike!" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Pflax_Killing_Spree_05" "That's a twofer!" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Pflax_Killing_Spree_06" "Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Glados_01" "Welcome to Ota. The D is silent" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Glados_02" "Time to select from all these... things" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Glados_03" "Well, if you're ready--you're not, by the way--let's get started" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Glados_04" "Remember that pristine, unattacked ancient you used to have" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Glados_05" "Roshan, who was just minding his own business, has been callously murdered..." "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Glados_06" "I thought you were dead. I'll let everybody who was worried about you know-okay I'm done" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Glados_Killing_Spree_01" "Quintuple homicide" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Glados_Killing_Spree_02" "I hope you're proud of yourself" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Glados_Killing_Spree_03" "You monster" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Glados_Killing_Spree_04" "Great teamwork, you vicious thugs" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Glados_Killing_Spree_05" "There's nobody left to kill. You killed them all" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Glados_Killing_Spree_06" "Remember that team of living people you used to be alive in" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_DefenseGrid_01" "Strategic Maneuvers have begun. Only time will tell if they're any good" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_DefenseGrid_02" "All hands to the top tower - it's under attack" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_DefenseGrid_03" "A bloody demise for Dire's courier. He was bringing me raspberries too" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_DefenseGrid_04" "This just in: Radiant slays Roshan. Details uneccessary" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_DefenseGrid_05" "Defend the cores! I mean Ancients, yes Ancients" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_DefenseGrid_06" "There is no 'I' in quit: oh, wait there is -- but you still shouldn't do it" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_DefenseGrid_Killing_Spree_01" "I think they call that an Ultra Kill" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_DefenseGrid_Killing_Spree_02" "A wicked display of skill" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_DefenseGrid_Killing_Spree_03" "Owned like Raspberries" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_DefenseGrid_Killing_Spree_04" "The first killing blow - delivered" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_DefenseGrid_Killing_Spree_05" "An impressive display of death and destruction" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_DefenseGrid_Killing_Spree_06" "Inconcievable" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Trine_01" "Once upon a time there was Dota" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Trine_02" "Heroes rode out to the field of glory" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Trine_03" "Your top tower craves your attention" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Trine_04" "Mighty Dire claimed Roshan's head" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Trine_05" "Warlock. As opposed to a peacelock" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Trine_06" "So this tale ends with a truly Radiant victory" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Trine_Killing_Spree_01" "Then there was blood everywhere. Oh my" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Trine_Killing_Spree_02" "Four lives lost" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Trine_Killing_Spree_03" "This is mayhem" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Trine_Killing_Spree_04" "Unstoppably scary" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Trine_Killing_Spree_05" "Unholy terror" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Trine_Killing_Spree_06" "An angel of death" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Dpro_01" "Welcome to Dota, my darlings" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Dpro_02" "Your top tower is under attack" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Dpro_03" "Radiant's bottom barracks are under attack" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Dpro_04" "Ugh. Radiant victory" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Dpro_05" "Radiant's courier has been slain" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Dpro_06" "Roshan has fallen to the Dire" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Lina_01" "Ready to set the world on fire?" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Lina_02" "Your top tower is on fire" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Lina_03" "Dire's courier has been killed" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Lina_04" "That spark your interest?" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Lina_Killing_Spree_01" "Rampage!" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Lina_Killing_Spree_02" "Sick burn!" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Lina_Killing_Spree_03" "Monster kill!" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Clockwerk_01" "Welcome to Dota!" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Clockwerk_02" "Your middle tower is under attack" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Clockwerk_03" "The enemy's top barracks have fallen" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Clockwerk_04" "Radiant victory!" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Clockwerk_Killing_Spree_01" "Rampage!" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Clockwerk_Killing_Spree_02" "Godlike!" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Clockwerk_Killing_Spree_03" "Catastrophic!" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_StanleyParable_01" "Welcome once again to DIGITAL SPORTS!" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_StanleyParable_02" "Oh how wonderful! Your middle tower is being torn to pieces" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_StanleyParable_03" "Remember enemy bottom barracks? Remember destroying it just now? What wonderful memories" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_StanleyParable_04" "I like your reinterpretation of the rules of Dota: don't stop them from attacking your ancient. It's fresh, inspired, breathes new life into the game" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_StanleyParable_05" "Ashamed of its past and its horrific crimes, Radiant's courier has just thrown itself onto an enemy blade" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_StanleyParable_06" "And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen: DIGITAL SPORTS!" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_StanleyParable_Killing_Spree_01" "The killing begins!" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_StanleyParable_Killing_Spree_02" "An acceptable amount of murder!" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_StanleyParable_Killing_Spree_03" "You are still trying to stop the spree, yes?" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_StanleyParable_Killing_Spree_04" "I wonder if it feels good to pwn so hard" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_StanleyParable_Killing_Spree_05" "Congratulations! Your entire team is dead" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_StanleyParable_Killing_Spree_06" "In concordance with the rules of Dota, Ownage has been initiated" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Techies_01" "Oh boy oh boy! This is gonna be fun!" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Techies_02" "Oh ho ho! I can't wait to see this! Me neither" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Techies_03" "Their middle tower has fallen" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Techies_04" "Everything seems so safe. I know, it's awful!" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Techies_05" "If I know Roshan--And you don't--he'll be back in a few minutes" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Techies_Killing_Spree_01" "First Blood" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Techies_Killing_Spree_02" "Triple Kill" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_Techies_Killing_Spree_03" "Unstoppable" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_RickMorty_01" "Oh my god the battle's about to start. Relax! Relax, Morty. C'mere, cuddle in with me." "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_RickMorty_02" "You know Rick, I gotta tell you my bottom tower is looking pretty good! Morty, bottom tower under attack! Ohhh!" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_RickMorty_03" "Oh wonderful, the enemy's just managed to scrounge up a bunch of megacreeps." "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_RickMorty_04" "Nubba lub dub rub. Whoa, Morty. This is a kid's game. Easy." "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_RickMorty_05" "That's it, Rick. I'm done with these insane adventures. I quit! I'm out!" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_RickMorty_Killing_Spree_01" "Wubba lubba dub duub!" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_RickMorty_Killing_Spree_02" "Riggity-riggity-rekt son!" "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_RickMorty_Killing_Spree_03" "Pfft! Come on, I don't believe that happened for a second. I don't know, Rick, there's a lot of blood and body parts." "DOTA_Announcer_Preview_RickMorty_Killing_Spree_04" "Listen don't get a big head about it but you just wiped out the enemy's team. Good work." "DOTA_AASystem_Green" "Accumulated online game time: %s1. You are currently playing within healthy time-limits. Enjoy the game!" "DOTA_AASystem_Yellow" "Accumulated online game time: %s1. You have exceeded healthy game time limits. Please take care to rest!" "DOTA_AASystem_Red" "Accumulated online game time: %s1. You have exceeded healthy game time limits. It is reccomended that you sign offline and rest!" "StoreCheckout_NoItems" "Your shopping cart is empty!" "StoreCheckout_TooManyItems" "You have too many items in your shopping cart!" "StoreCheckout_Loading" "Checking out..." "StoreCheckout_Unavailable" "Checkout unavailable at this time." "StoreCheckout_Canceling" "Canceling..." "StoreUpdate_Loading" "Loading the Store..." "StoreUpdate_NoGCResponse" "The Store is currently closed." "StoreUpdate_NewPriceSheetLoaded" "The product list has been updated to the latest version." "StoreUpdate_ContactSupport" "Please contact customer support to have your Steam wallet configured." "StoreUpdate_OverlayRequired" "You must enable the Steam Community in-game and restart the game to use the Store." "StoreUpdate_SteamRequired" "A connection to Steam is required to use the Store." "StoreCheckout_Fail" "The In-game Store is currently closed." "StoreCheckout_InvalidParam" "A programmer messed up! An invalid parameter was passed to the game coordinator. Try the purchase again." "StoreCheckout_InternalError" "There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance." "StoreCheckout_ContactSupport" "There was an error with your transaction. Please contact support for assistance." "StoreCheckout_NotApproved" "The game coordinator was unable to approve your transaction with Steam. Please try the purchase again later." "StoreCheckout_NotLoggedin" "You must be logged in to Steam in order to complete a purchase." "StoreCheckout_WrongCurrency" "This transaction's currency doesn't match your wallet currency." "StoreCheckout_NoAccount" "Your Steam account is currently unavailable. Please try this purchase again later." "StoreCheckout_InsufficientFunds" "You do not have enough funds to complete the purchase." "StoreCheckout_TimedOut" "This transaction has timed out. Please try the purchase again." "StoreCheckout_SteamAccountDisabled" "Your Steam account is disabled and cannot make a purchase." "StoreCheckout_SteamAccountNoPurchase" "Steam wallet transactions have been disabled on this account." "StoreCheckout_OldPriceSheet" "Your local product list is out of date. Requesting a new one." "StoreCheckout_TransactionNotFound" "This transaction's id wasn't found by the game coordinator. Please try the purchase again." "StoreCheckout_TransactionCanceled" "Transaction canceled. You have not been charged." "StoreCheckout_TransactionCompleted" "Transaction completed!\nEnjoy your loot!" "StoreCheckout_CompleteButUnfinalized" "Unable to confirm success. If successful, your items will be delivered at a later date." "StoreCheckout_NotEnoughRoom" "You don't have enough room in your Armory to buy that many items." "StoreCheckout_ContactSupport_Dialog_Title" "Warning" "StoreCheckout_ContactSupport_Dialog_Btn" "Contact" "StoreCheckout_LimitedQuantityItemsUnavailable" "An item you are attempting to purchase has sold out or is currently unavailable." "StoreCheckout_MissingPrerequisiteFeature" "You are missing a prerequisite feature for an item you are attempting to purchase." "StoreCheckout_Nexon_InsufficientFunds" "You do not have enough funds to complete the purchase." "StoreCheckout_Nexon_FundsLocked" "Nexon cash lock is enabled." "DOTA_WeeklyChallenge_Header" "Your Weekly Hero Challenges" "DOTA_WeeklyChallenge_Description" "The Weekly Hero Challenge list is refreshed every week. Complete a challenge by winning a game with a hero on the list and receive a bonus to Battle Points gained during that game." "DOTA_AntiAddiction_Level1_Warning_GREEN_chat" "Here's a warning GREEN in chat" "DOTA_AntiAddiction_Level1_Warning_RED" "Here's a warning level 1 RED" "DOTA_AntiAddiction_Level2_Warning_GREEN_chat" "Here's a warning level 2 GREEN in chat" "DOTA_AntiAddiction_Level2_Warning_GREEN" "Since your account information is not complete, for safety reasons, your gains ingame will be halved after 3 hours, and will be zero after another 2 hours, please add your information and relogin." "DOTA_AntiAddiction_Level2_Warning_RED" "You have been under subhealthy game hours, we suggest you to exit and have a rest. For your incomplete account information, please add your information to clear safety issues and relogin." "DOTA_AntiAddiction_CompleteInfoNow" "Enter Information" "DOTA_AntiAddiction_CompleteInfoNotNow" "Not Now" "DOTA_AntiAddiction_Reminder_Warning1" "You've been online for %s1" "DOTA_AntiAddiction_Reminder_Warning2" "You've been online for %s1" "DOTA_AntiAddiction_Reminder_Warning3" "You've been online for a while!" "DOTA_AntiAddiction_Initial_With_ID_18Plus" "Last time online: %s1\nLast IP Address: %s2" "DOTA_AntiAddiction_Initial_With_ID_Under_18" "You are under 18. The anti addiction system is in effect.\nLast time online: %s1\nLast IP Address: %s2" "DOTA_AntiAddiction_Initial_No_ID" "Your account is not registered.\nLast time online: %s1\nLast IP Address: %s2" "DOTA_AntiAddiction_Initial_No_ID_Popup" "Your account is not fully registered. Would you like to enter your information now?" "DOTA_AntiAddiction_Initial_DateFormat" "%s1Y%s2M%s3D %s4:%s5:%s6" "DOTA_AntiAddiction_NoInfo_Popup" "Since your account information is not complete, for safety reasons, your gains ingame will be halved after 3 hours, and will be zero after another 2 hours, please add your information and relogin." "Econ_Store_PurchaseType_Rental_1Day" "%s1 (1-Day Rental)" "Econ_Store_PurchaseType_Rental_3Day" "%s1 (3-Day Rental)" "Econ_Store_PurchaseType_Rental_7Day" "%s1 (7-Day Rental)" "Econ_Store_PurchaseType_Promotion" "%s1 (Promotion)" "Econ_Store_PurchaseType_PreviewItemUpgrade" "%s1 (Preview Item Upgrade)" "Econ_Store_PurchaseType_Standard" "%s1" "DOTA_HeroStatue_Title" "Heroic Effigy Creation Tool" "DOTA_HeroStatue_Title_Reforging" "Heroic Effigy Reforging" "DOTA_HeroStatue_Title_Tournament" "Tournament Effigy Editing" "DOTA_HeroStatue_Title_ReforgingSuccess" "Your Heroic Effigy has been successfully reforged." "DOTA_HeroStatue_Title_PosingSuccess" "Your Heroic Effigy has been updated." "DOTA_HeroStatue_SelectFrame" "Select Frame" "DOTA_HeroStatue_Inscription" "Inscription" "DOTA_HeroStatue_CreateStatue" "Create Heroic Effigy" "DOTA_HeroStatue_ReforgeStatue" "Accept Reforged Effigy" "DOTA_HeroStatue_PoseStatue" "Pose Heroic Effigy" "DOTA_HeroStatue_Confirm_NoInscriptionHeader" "No Inscription" "DOTA_HeroStatue_Confirm_NoInscription" "You haven't set an inscription for your Heroic Effigy. Continue anyways?" "DOTA_HeroStatue_Confirm" "Creating a Heroic Effigy will consume the Effigy Block. After creation, it can only be modified by using an Effigy Reforger. Are you sure you wish to continue?" "DOTA_HeroStatue_ConfirmReforge" "Reforging a Heroic Effigy will consume an Effigy Reforger. Are you sure you wish to continue?" "DOTA_HeroStatue_Error" "Failed to generate Heroic Effigy" "DOTA_HeroStatue_Model" "Model" "DOTA_HeroStatue_Sequence" "Sequence" "DOTA_HeroStatue_Cycle" "Cycle" "DOTA_HeroStatue_Loadout" "Go To Loadout" "DOTA_HeroStatue_TooltipHeader" "Inscription" "DOTA_HeroStatue_CreatedBy_Header" "Created By" "DOTA_HeroStatue_TooltipHeader_Empty" "No Inscription" "DOTA_HeroStatue_BackToEffigy" "Return to Heroic Effigy" "DOTA_HeroStatue_Likes" "Commends: %s1" "DOTA_HeroStatue_ReforgeInfoHeader" "Reforging an Effigy" "DOTA_HeroStatue_ReforgeInfo" "To use an Effigy Reforger, right-click on a Heroic Effigy and select the Reforge option." "DOTA_HeroStatue_ReforgeOption" "Reforge" "DOTA_HeroStatue_PoseOption" "Pose" "DOTA_HeroStatue_ReforgeFirstTimeHeader" "Reforging an Effigy" "DOTA_HeroStatue_ReforgeFirstTime" "You are entering Effigy Reforging Mode. This allows you to edit any element of an existing Effigy. Accepting your changes will modify your original Effigy and consume one Effigy Reforger item." "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_abaddon" "Abaddon" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_alchemist" "Alchemist" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_ancient_apparition" "Ancient Apparition" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_antimage" "Antimage" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_axe" "Axe" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_bane" "Bane" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_batrider" "Batrider" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_beastmaster" "Beastmaster" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_blood_seeker" "Bloodseeker" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_bounty_hunter" "Bounty Hunter" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_brewmaster" "Brewmaster" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_brewmaster_earthspirit" "Brewmaster - Earth" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_brewmaster_windspirit" "Brewmaster - Wind" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_brewmaster_firespirit" "Brewmaster - Fire" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_bristleback" "Bristleback" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_broodmother" "Broodmother" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_centaur" "Centaur Warrunner" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_chaos_knight" "Chaos Knight" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_chen" "Chen" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_clinkz" "Clinkz" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_crystal_maiden" "Crystal Maiden" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_dark_seer" "Dark Seer" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_dazzle" "Dazzle" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_death_prophet" "Death Phrophet" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_disruptor" "Disruptor" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_doom" "Doom" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_dragon_knight" "Dragon Knight" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_dragon_knight_dragon" "Dragon Knight - Dragon" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_drow" "Drow" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_earthshaker" "Earthshaker" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_earth_spirit" "Earth Spirit" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_elder_titan" "Elder Titan" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_ember_spirit" "Ember Spirit" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_enchantress" "Enchantress" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_enigma" "Enigma" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_faceless_void" "Faceless Void" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_furion" "Nature's Prophet" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_gyro" "Gyrocopter" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_huskar" "Huskar" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_invoker" "Invoker" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_juggernaut" "Juggernaut" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_keeper_of_the_light" "Keeper of the Light" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_kunkka" "Kunkka" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_lanaya" "Templar Assassin" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_legion_commander" "Legion Commander" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_leshrac" "Leshrac" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_lich" "Lich" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_life_stealer" "Lifestealer" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_lina" "Lina" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_lion" "Lion" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_lone_druid" "Lone Druid" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_spirit_bear" "Lone Druid - Spirit Bear" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_true_form" "True Form" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_luna" "Luna" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_lycan" "Lycan" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_lycan_wolf" "Lycan - Wolf" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_magnataur" "Magnus" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_medusa" "Medusa" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_meepo" "Meepo" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_mirana" "Mirana" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_morphling" "Morphling" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_necrolyte" "Necrolyte" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_nerubian_assassin" "Nyx Assassin" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_shadow_fiend" "Shadowfiend" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_shadow_fiend_arcana" "Shadowfiend - Arcana" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_nightstalker" "Nightstalker" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_nightstalker_night" "Nightstalker - Night" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_obsidian_destroyer" "Outworld Devourer" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_ogre_magi" "Ogre Magi" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_omniknight" "Omniknight" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_phantom_assassin" "Phantom Assassin" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_phantom_lancer" "Phantom Lancer" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_phoenix_bird" "Phoenix" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_puck" "Puck" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_pudge" "Pudge" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_pugna" "Pugna" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_queenofpain" "Queen of Pain" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_rattletrap" "Clockwerk" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_razor" "Razor" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_rikimaru" "Riki" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_rubick" "Rubick" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_sand_king" "Sand King" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_shadowshaman" "Shadow Shaman" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_shadow_demon" "Shadow Demon" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_shredder" "Timbersaw" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_silencer" "Silencer" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_siren" "Naga Siren" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_skywrath_mage" "Skywrath Mage" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_slardar" "Slardar" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_slark" "Slark" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_sniper" "Sniper" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_spectre" "Spectre" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_spirit_breaker" "Spirit Breaker" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_storm_spirit" "Storm Spirit" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_sven" "Sven" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_techies" "Techies" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_tiny_01" "Tiny - 1" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_tiny_02" "Tiny - 2" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_tiny_03" "Tiny - 3" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_tiny_04" "Tiny - 4" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_terrorblade" "Terrorblade" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_demon" "Terrorblade - Demon" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_terrorblade_arcana" "Terrorblade - Arcana" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_tidehunter" "Tidehunter" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_tinker" "Tinker" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_treant_protector" "Treant Protector" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_troll_warlord" "Troll Warlord" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_tuskarr" "Tusk" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_twin_headed_dragon" "Jakiro" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_undying" "Undying" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_undying_flesh_golem" "Undying - Flesh Golem" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_ursa" "Ursa" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_vengeful" "Vengeful Spirit" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_venomancer" "Venomancer" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_viper" "Viper" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_visage" "Visage" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_warlock" "Warlock" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_warlock_demon" "Warlock - Demon" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_weaver" "Weaver" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_windrunner" "Windranger" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_wisp" "Io" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_witchdoctor" "Witch Doctor" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_wraith_king" "Wraith King" "DOTA_STATUE_name_model_zuus" "Zeus" // =============================================================================================== // INTERNATIONAL PASSPORT "DOTA_TournamentPassport_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to activate this Tournament Compendium?" "DOTA_TournamentPassport_Enabled" "The Tournament Compendium has been activated and added to your Dota Profile!" "ActivateProgram" "Activate Compendium" // Title Page "DOTA_PassportTitle_LINE01" "THE TOP SIXTEEN TEAMS IN THE WORLD" "DOTA_PassportTitle_LINE02" "COMPETE FOR THE DOTA 2 CHAMPIONSHIP" "DOTA_PassportTitle_LINE03" "MAIN EVENT AUGUST 7-11, 2013" "DOTA_PassportTitle_LINE04" "BENAROYA HALL, HOME OF THE SEATTLE SYMPHONY" "DOTA_PassportTitle_LINE05" "SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, USA" "DOTA_Passport_Gifted_Text" "GIFTED THROUGH THE GENEROUS SUPPORT OF" "DOTA_Passport_WildcardMatch" "WILDCARD MATCH" // TOC Strings "DOTA_Passport_TOC_TheEvent" "The Event" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_Venue" "Venue" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_Team" "Teams" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_Qualifiers" "Qualifiers" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_WestQualifiers" "West Qualifiers" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_EastQualifiers" "East Qualifiers" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_WestQualifiers_Pred" "West Qualifier Predictions" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_EastQualifiers_Pred" "East Qualifier Predictions" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_Fantasy" "International Fantasy Challenge" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_Fantasy_Rules" "Rules" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_Fantasy_Teams" "My Teams" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_MainEvent" "Tournament" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_Pred_Heroes" "Hero Predictions" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_Pred_Players" "Player Predictions" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_Pred_Single" "Single Match Predictions" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_Pred_Event" "Event Wide Predictions" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_Pred_Teams" "Team Predictions" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_Bonuses" "Bonuses" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_TeamCup" "Team Cup" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_CompMM" "Compendium Matchmaking" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_AllStarMatch" "All Star Match" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_SoloMatch" "Solo Championship" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_Courier" "Courier" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_PrizePool" "Prize Pool" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_CurrentAmount" "Current Amount" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_StretchGoals" "Stretch Goals" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_Appendix" "Appendix" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_Player_Cards" "Player Cards" "DOTA_Passport_TOC_TeamProfiles" "Team Profiles" // Fantasy pages "DOTA_TIP_F_BuyAnother" "BUY ANOTHER TEAM" "DOTA_TIP_F_BuyAnother_Desc" "You can purchase as many additional teams as you like until the timer expires. Once it has expired, you will only have 15 minutes to have your roster completed before the tournament begins." "DOTA_TIP_F_SpecifyTeamName" "Enter Team Name Here" "DOTA_TIP_F_T1" "INTERNATIONAL FANTASY" "DOTA_TIP_F_T2" "CHALLENGE" "DOTA_TIP_F_T3" "INTERNATIONAL FANTASY CHALLENGE" "DOTA_TIP_F_R_Blurb" "Assemble a fantasy team of players from those attending The International. As they play in the tournament, your fantasy team will earn points. At the closing of the tournament, each of your fantasy teams will earn you an item based on its performance." "DOTA_TIP_F_R_H_T" "HOW IT WORKS" "DOTA_TIP_F_R_H_D" "Tournament players are broken up into three fantasy roles: Carry, Solo, and Support. Each fantasy role has a different scoring method, the full details of which can be found on the following pages. Your team roster must field two Carries, one Solo, and two Supports. It will also contain three bench slots, which hold players of any fantasy role. At the end of each day of The International, you'll have a time window in which you'll be able to adjust your roster, moving players on and off of your bench to change who you're fielding the following day. Players will not earn points for your team while on your bench, nor once they've been eliminated from the tournament." "DOTA_TIP_F_R_D_T" "SCHEDULE" "DOTA_TIP_F_R_D_D" "The International Fantasy Challenge scoring is done on a day-by-day basis, and covers 7 days of the real tournament. The last day of the real tournament is not used by the Fantasy Challenge, because only a small number of players are left in the tournament at that point.\n\nPoints earned during the Main Event will be multiplied by 4. Players in best of 3 series will only earn points for their two highest scoring games within the series.\n\nGROUP STAGE\n\nFantasy Day 1: August 3rd\nFantasy Day 2: August 4th\nFantasy Day 3: August 5th\n\nMAIN EVENT\n\nFantasy Day 4: August 6th\nFantasy Day 5: August 7th\nFantasy Day 6: August 8th\nFantasy Day 7: August 9th" "DOTA_TIP_F_R_C_T" "SCORING: CARRIES" "DOTA_TIP_F_R_C_D" "Carries get points by securing kills, last hitting creeps, having a high gold per minute, and not dying. Their scoring formula is:\n\n0.3 points per kill\n0.2 Points deducted per death\n0.004 per last hit\n0.003 times their final gold per minute\n\nIf you take Black's recent performance against Alliance at Dreamhack (match #221209206), his final stats were 12 Kills, 1 Death, 545 Last Hits, and a final GPM of 877. This translates to a score of 8.2 points (3.6 points for kills, -.2 points for a single death, 2.1 points for last hits, and 2.6 points for his final GPM). This was a pretty impressive fantasy performance." "DOTA_TIP_F_R_M_T" "SCORING: SOLOS" "DOTA_TIP_F_R_M_D" "Solo players are mostly players that take solo mid during laning, with some exceptions for teams that have offlane semi-carries, or at least high farming heroes that don't play in the middle. These players score points for you by being active throughout the game, rather than having long periods of farming gold. Their scoring formula is:\n\n0.4 points per kill\n0.35 points deduced per death\n0.002 points per last hit\n0.002 times their final gold per minute\n0.003 times their final xp per minute\n\nIf we take a look at the top scoring match for a solo player at Dreamhack, Dendi's match (#220663853) where he had 16 kills, 1 death, 87 last hits, a final GPM of 646, and a final XPM of 702 comes out on top (6.4 for kills, -.35 for deaths, .17 for last hits, 1.3 for GPM, and 2.1 for XPM). His total score for that match was 9.6." "DOTA_TIP_F_R_S_T" "SCORING: SUPPORTS" "DOTA_TIP_F_R_S_D" "Support players have an emphasis on activity, like a Solo player, but with less on securing the kills themselves. One of the marks of a good support player in professional Dota is that they tend to “always get their levels”, so there is an emphasis on being involved and active throughout the game. Their scoring formula is:\n\n0.2 points per kill\n0.05 points deducted per death\n0.2 points per assist\n0.001 points per last hit\n0.001 times their final gold per minute\n0.004 times their final xp per minute\n\nDuring last year's International, QQQ played Chen and his stats at the end were 7 kills, 5 deaths, 28 assists, 150 last hits, 308 GPM, and 404 XPM, which would have netted you a total of 8.8 points if you had him on your team (1.4 for kills, -.25 for deaths, 5.6 for assists, .15 for last hits, .3 for GPM, 1.6 for XPM)." "DOTA_TIP_F_Lineup" "ACTIVE PLAYERS" "DOTA_TIP_F_Bench" "BENCH" "DOTA_TIP_F_Tab_Team" "TEAM" "DOTA_TIP_F_Tab_Results" "RESULTS" "DOTA_TIP_F_Unnamed" "Unnamed Team" "DOTA_TIP_F_EmptySlot" "Empty Slot" "DOTA_TIP_F_Total" "TOTAL" "DOTA_TIP_F_Day" "DAY #%s1" "DOTA_TIP_F_IT_Locked" "TEAM IS LOCKED" "DOTA_TIP_F_ID_LockedA" "Your active players will earn points in their matches today. Return after today's matches to adjust your lineup for the next day of competition." "DOTA_TIP_F_ID_LockedB" "Your active players will earn points in their matches today. This is the last fantasy scoring day of the tournament." "DOTA_TIP_F_IT_Over" "FANTASY TOURNAMENT IS OVER" "DOTA_TIP_F_IT_Shuffle" "SET YOUR LINEUP" "DOTA_TIP_F_ID_Shuffle" "Update your active player list before the next day of competition. The timer at the bottom shows the amount of time you have to do this. Remember that players in your Bench slots will score no points, nor will players who don't play any matches." // Compendium Matchmaking Page "DOTA_TIP_COMPMM_Title" "COMPENDIUM MATCHMAKING" "DOTA_TIP_CMM_Blurb" "CAN YOU CHANGE HISTORY?" "DOTA_TIP_CMM_Desc" "Each week, we'll choose an interesting match from the International East & West qualifiers. As a compendium owner, you're able to play in a special matchmaking pool where we'll mimic that game. Your team will replace one of the professional teams in the qualifier match, matching their hero selections. We'll provide some information about the match, so you can take a shot at reproducing the professional team's tactics. Can you reproduce their victories, while avoiding their defeats?" "DOTA_TIP_CMM_ThisWeek" "THIS WEEK" "DOTA_TIP_CMM_NextWeek" "NEXT WEEK" "DOTA_TIP_CMM_Vs" "%s1 vs %s2!" "DOTA_TIP_2013_MM_Blurb_0" "The longest match of the West qualifiers, with Divine Rapiers on both teams. Rox.KIS focused on early pushing potential with a strong late game backup in Gyrocopter, while EG designed a mid game ganking lineup leading into Luna for the late game. With two of the best scaling late game carries, and two high impact mid players in Juggernaut and Magnus, it all came down to which team could control Roshan in order to protect their Divine Rapiers." "DOTA_TIP_2013_MM_Rad_0" "Rox.KIS:\nBatrider - Solo Top\nJuggernaut - Solo Mid\nGyrocopter and Rubick - Bottom\nEnchantress - Jungling in the Dire Jungle\n\nRox.KIS controlled the early game, using the Juggernaut and Enchantress to push and destroy multiple Dire towers, then moving to secure an early Aegis from Roshan. Meanwhile, Rubick ensured Gyrocopter would get some farm bottom, and Batrider dominated the Magnus top, forcing Nyx to rotate top to help. In the mid game, EG turned it around, winning multiple team fights with Magnus, eventually pushing into the Radiant base. Team fights went back and forth in the mid to late game, culminating in multiple barracks being down for both teams. Late game, with multiple Roshan kills on the board, both Gyrocopter and Luna purchased Divine Rapiers to fight the final battle.\n\nEventually, Rox.KIS was able to secure victory at the 76 minute mark. Can you beat their time?" "DOTA_TIP_2013_MM_Dire_0" "EG:\nMagnus - Solo Top\nNightstalker - Solo Mid\nNyx Assassin, Shadow Demon and Luna - Bottom\n\nNightstalker struggled mid against a Juggernaut that used Blade Fury liberally, and Magnus could only control its lane once Nyx Assassin rotated top to assist him. On the plus side, Shadow Demon proved crucial in the early game, netting 2 kills with Luna in the Bottom lane.\nNight time allowed EG to regain control with Nightstalker, Nyx Assassin and Shadow Demon finding some kills, and that created space for Luna to catch up to Gyrocopter. Even though Rox.KIS pushed hard with Juggernaut and Enchantress, EG was able to use Magnus's Reverse Polarity to win several teamfights, even getting to break into Rox.KIS' base. Late game, with multiple Roshan kills on the board, both Gyrocopter and Luna purchase Divine Rapiers to fight the final battle.\n\nEventually, Rox.KIS was able to secure victory at the 76 minute mark. Can you change history, and win instead?" "DOTA_TIP_2013_MM_Blurb_1" "With Lone Druid and Lifestealer dominating the scene, DD brought 3 very unconventional solutions to the problem: A weaver that can kite the Lifestealer forever, a Razor that can absorb the bear and Lifestealer's damage, and a Treant to make sure no lane feels threatened. Will it be enough?" "DOTA_TIP_2013_MM_Rad_1" "Mouz used the following lanes:\nLone Druid Solo Bottom\nJuggernaut Solo Mid\nKeeper of the Light and Rubick supporting Lifestealer Top\nMouz quickly found out that they had little kill potential in their lanes, but with some good bottle crowing and the right positioning, they were still able to find farm there. Razor's static link proved annoying to Lone Druid, forcing him to resort to pulling and occasionally jungling. Attempts at killing the top trilane failed as the combination of Weaver's shukuchi, living armor and nightmare were enough to stop any aggression and even get some counter kills. Once mid game arrived, Mouz knew they had to burst heroes down fast because DD's lineup was built around highly sustainable heroes, and while they succeeded for a while, a few unfavourable fights put them too far behind to come back successfully, and DD took the game." "DOTA_TIP_2013_MM_Dire_1" "DD used the following lanes:\nRazor Solo Bottom\nQueen of Pain Solo Mid\nBane, Treant Protector and Weaver Top\nDD planned on utilising Razor's static link to impede Lone Druid's farm in the bottom lane, while Weaver farmed against the Lifestealer in top, using Weaver's innate mobility and the support of Treant and Bane to ensure he could win the lane. That plan succeeded, while Queen of Pain also managed to earn a lot of farm against Juggernaut in the middle. Once Bane and Queen of Pain reached level 6, they started to roam and gank Lifestealer and Lone Druid. From midgame and onwards, DD's goal was to extend teamfights as much as possible, with Razor and Weaver being very good at sustained damage, Bane and Treant being good at keeping people alive, and Queen of Pain being good at cleanup. In the end, DD controlled the game and slowly sieged mouz's base to claim victory." "DOTA_TIP_2013_MM_Blurb_2" "Yes, Dire gets Magnus, Lifestealer, Lone Druid, Nyx Assasin AND Keeper of the Light - arguably 5 of the 6 strongest picks when this game was played. But who cares when Radiant picks up Ursa? Can one of the most unusual lineups in recent times defeat 5 powerhouses?" "DOTA_TIP_2013_MM_Rad_2" "Empire:\nGyrocopter - Solo Bottom\nPuck - Solo Mid\nShadow Demon, Leshrac and Ursa - Top\n\nEven with an Ursa, Empire isn't able to go for a level 1 Roshan because they're on Radiant, so everyone moves to their lanes instead. Gyrocopter manages to dominate against the Lone Druid in bottom lane, while Puck controls Magnus effectively in the mid. Top lane has trouble executing the Disruption->Split Earth combo because DD's supports position themselves well. Puck gets 2 solo kills, which allows her to get a quick level 6 and start transitioning into ganking the Lone Druid, helping Gyrocopter stay ahead. Unfortunately, it all went downhill in the mid game, with Empire's supports repeatedly dying. Unable to win a single teamfight, they tapped out at 23 mins. Can you survive longer, or perhaps even win?" "DOTA_TIP_2013_MM_Dire_2" "DD:\nLone Druid - Solo Bottom\nMagnus - Solo Mid\nNyx Assassin, Keeper of the Light and Lifestealer - Top\n\nDD knew that their lineup was really strong in the mid game, and all they needed to do was to ensure they wouldn't give away too many kills beforehand, especially in the Trilane vs. Trilane and the Magnus vs Puck matchup. While they lose a couple of early engagements, DD manages to control their trilane to the point where Empire was forced to rotate more heroes in to help, which gave enough room for Lone Druid and Magnus to quickly catch up. During the mid game, DD's execution was perfect, and after winning 3 consecutive teamfights, they secured the GG in an early 23 minutes. Can you reproduce their success?" "DOTA_TIP_2013_MM_Blurb_3" "Slark and Enigma bring something unconventional to the strong Lone Druid and Lifestealer combination for AL, while Rox.KIS went for a very risky strategy. The Lycan has to split push fast, but he won't need a BKB, and if problems arise, Keeper can bring him to the fight where Omniknight will provide him all the magic immunity he needs. Can you execute it properly?" "DOTA_TIP_2013_MM_Rad_3" "Absolute Legends used the following lanes:\nLone Druid - Solo Bottom\nSlark - Solo Mid\nEnigma - Radiant Jungle\nLina and Lifestealer - Top\n\nAbsolute Legends' plan was for Slark and Enigma to quickly reach level 6, after which they can roam for pickoffs while the Lone Druid and Lifestealer farm their items. Fortune was on aL's side, as they get an early kill in their offensive dual vs trilane scenario, and quickly follow it up with a kill in the mid lane. That allowed Enigma to be able to farm the jungle faster without needing to help in the lanes. 8 minutes into the game, aL took two towers and led 8-0 in kills. While ROX.Kis managed to win 2 teamfights, going slightly in their favor, the game got out of control afterwards. Absolute Legends destroyed all tier 2 towers at the 16 minute mark, took barracks at 20, and won at 26. Can you do the same?" "DOTA_TIP_2013_MM_Dire_3" "Rox.KIS used the following lanes:\nJuggernaut - Solo Bottom\nOmniknight - Solo Mid\nNyx Assassin, Keeper of the Light and Lycan - Top\n\nRox.KIS's goal with this lineup was to get fast levels on Omniknight and Juggernaut, and farm the Lycan so that he can go for damage items, since he won't need a BKB. Unfortunately the plan failed early on, as Omniknight and Lycan were both killed early into the game, and that allowed Absolute Legends to gain map control with Slark. At about 10 minutes into the game, Rox.KIS was able to properly capitalize on the burst damage potential of their lineup, getting a few kills, but it went downhill from there. After losing barracks at the 20 minute mark, they called GG a short time afterwards. Can you keep your Omniknight and Lycan alive, and avoid their fate?" "DOTA_TIP_2013_MM_Blurb_4" "Doom is back! What seemed like a very unfavourable matchup against Queen of Pain turned into pure domination from Rattlesnake. Will history repeat itself?" "DOTA_TIP_2013_MM_Rad_4" "Dreamz used the following lanes:\nAlchemist - Solo Bottom\nQueen of Pain - Solo Mid\nShadow Demon and Lina supporting Weaver - Top\n\nThe goal for Dreamz was to win mid lane vs Doom, while getting farm on the Alchemist against Rattlesnake's offlaner. Their hope was that Weaver would survive in the hard lane, and allow the 2 supports to roam. However, the Silencer proved very dangerous for the Weaver, which forced the supports to stay in the lane. MeanWhile, Queen of Pain got a kill on doom when she hit level 6. Once Doom and Silencer reached level 6, it became nearly impossible for Dreamz to take any full 5 on 5 fight, as Global Silence and Doom proved very difficult to deal with for both Queen of Pain and Weaver. Not finding any pickoffs, they were forced to take teamfights, which led to a slow but inevitable defeat 33 minutes into the game. Can you avoid unfavorable teamfights and change the outcome?" "DOTA_TIP_2013_MM_Dire_4" "Rattlesnake used the following lanes:\nDark seer and Clockwerk - Bottom\nDoom - Solo Mid\nSilencer and Gyrocopter - Top\n\nKnowing he'd have trouble mid, Doom waited for the first neutral spawn before going to the lane. He found a Satyr Hellcaster, whose regen helped him a lot against Queen of Pain's early harass. The Silencer repeatedly harassed the Weaver with Last Word, making it very hard for Weaver to play safe, and that gave allowed Gyrocopter to farm easily. Once Doom and Silencer hit level 6, most of Dreamz heroes were rendered useless. Doom went for the racecar build (Phase Boots, Drums, and Shadow Blade), and that allowed him to find a number of pick offs. Eventually Rattlesnake grouped as 5, and slowly but surely sieged the Radiant base, until Dreamz called the GG at the 33 minute mark. Can you reproduce their victory?" "DOTA_TIP_2013_MM_Blurb_5" "Sven and Leshrac have been laning together since early Dota, and when you add Visage, you have a terrific trilane. On the other side, we have a greedy lineup relying on Weaver's ability to farm, and the initiation powers of Magnus and Clockwerk. Will Keeper of the Light hold off long enough for his farm intensive team to hit its stride?" "DOTA_TIP_2013_MM_Rad_5" "Rising Stars used the following lanes:\nWeaver - Solo Bottom\nMagnus - Solo Mid\nClockwerk - Top\nDark Seer and Keeper of the Light - Jungle\n\nWith four farming heroes in their lineup, Rising Stars objective was to get quick levels. Then they'd use their huge teamfight potential during the mid game by combining Vacuum, Wall, Cogs and Reverse Polarity. However, Magnus had a hard time keeping up to Queen of Pain's pace, the Weaver gave away first blood to VG's trilane, and a failed gank attempt on Lone Druid by Dark Seer gave away a free kill. At 17 minutes, Vici Gaming got their first Roshan, and Rising Stars started losing control of the game. Even thought they got some kills, the need for their lineup to be in the middle of the action cost them more than they could get. While the lineup is good enough to hold off for 40 minutes, even at a disadvantage, eventually Vici Gaming wins a decisive fight and takes the game." "DOTA_TIP_2013_MM_Dire_5" "Vici Gaming used the following lanes:\nLone Druid - Solo Top\nQueen of Pain - Solo Mid\nVisage, Leshrac and Sven - Bottom\n\nQueen of Pain controlled the Mid lane, and Lone Druid was able to fend off Clockwerk and Dark Seer by means of a few lucky entangles and good support rotations. After the trilane secured an early kill on Weaver, they left Sven to solo against the Weaver, allowing Leshrac and Visage to roam. The sheer burst power of Queen of Pain combined with Leshrac and Visage allowed Vici Gaming to gain control of the early game, and take their first Roshan at 17 minutes. Once in control, they chose not to rush, instead focusing on controlling the map and getting ahead in farm. After taking a second Roshan at 28 minutes, they waited for Rising Stars to make a mistake. Finally, at 40 minutes in, where the gold and xp advantages were enough for Vici Gaming to overwhelm Rising Stars with brute force, they were able to win a decisive fight and claim victory." // Courier Page "DOTA_TIP_CR_Title" "INTERNATIONAL SMEEVIL" "DOTA_TIP_CR_SubTitle" "UPGRADE YOUR COURIER BY SPECTATING TI3 MATCHES" "DOTA_TIP_CR_Desc" "Tis said among artisan and warrior alike that there is no finer servant than a trusty smeevil. However, a hero who chooses a smeevil as their courier may soon find these clever critters taking new forms in order to gain assistants of their own. Inspired by the great battles they bear witness to, a smeevil may become emboldened to press ever more exotic beasts to their cause." "DOTA_CR_Customize_Title" "SELECT COURIER STYLE" "DOTA_SELECT_Button" "SELECT" "DOTA_SELECT_Indicate" "COURIER SELECTED" // Qualifiers Page "int2013_west_qualifiers_hed" "QUALIFIER" "int2013_west_qualifiers_title" "WEST QUALIFIER PREDICTIONS" "int2013_west_qualifiers_subtitle" "May 13 - 19, 2013. Hosted by GD Studio." "int2013_east_qualifiers_title" "EAST QUALIFIER PREDICTIONS" "int2013_east_qualifiers_subtitle" "May 20 - 23 and 28 - 30, 2013. Hosted by BeyondTheSummit." "int2013_predict_title" "Predict the First and Second place teams!" "int2013_predict_subtitle" "" "int2013_countdown_title" "PREDICTIONS CLOSE IN" "int2013_countdownclosed_title" "PREDICTIONS ARE CLOSED" "int2013_countdown_selection_title" "SELECTIONS CLOSE IN" "int2013_countdownclosed_selection_title" "SELECTIONS ARE CLOSED" "int2013_countdown_purchase_title" "NEW TEAM PURCHASES CLOSE IN" "int2013_predict_instructions" "To make a prediction, drag a team logo into one of the slots above." "int2013_first_place" "1st" "int2013_second_place" "2nd" "int2013_your_pick" "PREDICTION" "int2013_qualifier_results" "QUALIFIER RESULTS" "int2013_qualifier_results_subtext" "" // Misc Qualifier predictions "DOTA_TIP_MQ_Desc" "There will be between 33 and 50 games played in this Qualifier block. All times are based on the in-game clock. Big Comebacks are games where the winning team overcame a greater than 10,000 gold disadvantage. See if you can beat your friend's scores!" "DOTA_TIP_MQ_Score" "Your Prediction Score:" "DOTA_TIP_MQ_Points" "%s1 point(s)" "DOTA_TIP_MQ_Select" "Make A Prediction" "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED0" "MOST PICKED HERO" "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED0_I" "%s1 was picked %s2 times.\n%s3 was the runner up, with %s4 picks." "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED1" "MOST BANNED HERO" "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED1_I" "%s1 was banned %s2 times.\n%s3 was the runner up, with %s4 bans." "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED2" "HERO WITH THE MOST FIRST BLOODS" "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED2_I" "The winner(s) scored %s1 first bloods.\n%s2 different heroes scored first bloods throughout all the matches." "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED3" "HERO WITH THE MOST DEATHS" "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED3_I" "%s1 died %s2 times.\n%s3 was the runner up, with %s4 deaths." "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED4" "HIGHEST GPM IN A SINGLE MATCH" // 800 O/U "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED4_A" "Less than 800 GPM" "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED4_B" "800 GPM or more" "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED5" "NUMBER OF HEROES NEVER PICKED OR BANNED" // cluster by 5 "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED5_I" "Exactly %s1 heroes were never picked or banned." "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED6" "NUMBER OF BIG COMEBACKS" // 3.5 O/U "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED6_A" "3 or less" "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED6_B" "4 or more" "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED6_I" "%s1 game(s) ended in a big comebacks." "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED7" "FASTEST GAME TIME" // 18 minutes O/U "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED7_A" "Less than 18 minutes" "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED7_B" "18 minutes or more" "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED7_I" "The fastest game ended at %s1." "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED8" "NUMBER OF GREATER THAN 60 MINUTE GAMES" // O/U 5.5 "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED8_A" "5 or less" "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED8_B" "6 or more" "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED8_I" "%s1 game(s) ended past the 60 minute mark." "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED9" "EARLIEST ROSHAN KILL TIME" // 1 minute O/U "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED9_A" "Less than 1 minute" "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED9_B" "1 minute or more" "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED9_I" "The earliest Roshan kill time occurred at %s1." "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED10" "EARLIEST TOWER KILL TIME" // 2:00 minutes O/U "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED10_A" "Less than 2 minutes" "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED10_B" "2 minutes or more" "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED10_I" "The earliest Tower kill time occurred at %s1." "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED11" "RAPIERS PURCHASED" // 2.5 O/U "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED11_A" "2 or less" "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED11_B" "3 or more" "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED11_I" "Rapier(s) purchased: %s1\nMost Rapier(s) purchased in a single game: %s2." "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED12" "REFRESHERS PURCHASED" // 3.5 O/U "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED12_A" "3 or less" "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED12_B" "4 or more" "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED12_I" "Refresher(s) purchased: %s1" "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED13" "LARGEST SINGLE CRITICAL HIT DAMAGE" // cluster by 100 "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED14" "MOST ROSHAN KILLS IN A SINGLE GAME" // 3.5 O/U "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED14_A" "3 or less" "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED14_B" "4 or more" "DOTA_TIP_MQ_PRED14_I" "Roshan was killed %s1 times in a single game.\nThroughout all the matches, he was killed %s2 times." "DOTA_TIP_INFO_BUTTON" "Show Result" "DOTA_TIP_PREDICTION_CORRECT" "YOUR PREDICTION WAS CORRECT!" "DOTA_TIP_PREDICTION_INCORRECT" "YOUR PREDICTION WAS INCORRECT" "DOTA_TIP_PREDICTION_VIEWGAME" "View Game Replay" "DOTA_TIP_PREDICTION_NONEMADE" "None Made" "DOTA_TIP_YOURPREDICTION" "Prediction:" "DOTA_TIP_DRAW2" "Draw between %s1 and %s2" "DOTA_TIP_DRAW3" "Draw between %s1, %s2, and %s3" "DOTA_TIP_DRAW4" "Draw between %s1, %s2, %s3 and %s4" "DOTA_TIP_DRAW5" "Draw between %s1, %s2, %s3, %s4 and %s5" // Main event predictions "DOTA_TIP_ME_Title" "TOURNAMENT PREDICTIONS" "DOTA_TIP_ME_Desc" "All tournament predictions cover both the Group Stage and the Main Event, but not the Wildcard Match. There will be between 147 and 160 games played. All times are based on the in-game clock, and matches end when a team calls the 'GG'. Big Comebacks are games where the winning team overcame a greater than 10,000 gold disadvantage." "DOTA_TIP_ME_S_Heroes" "HEROES" "DOTA_TIP_ME_S_Players" "PLAYERS" "DOTA_TIP_ME_S_Teams" "TEAMS" "DOTA_TIP_ME_S_Single" "SINGLE GAME RECORDS" "DOTA_TIP_ME_S_Event" "EVENT RECORDS" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED0" "MOST PICKED HERO THROUGHOUT EVENT" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED0_I" "%s1 was picked %s2 times.\n%s3 was the runner up, with %s4 picks." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED1" "MOST BANNED HERO THROUGHOUT EVENT" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED1_I" "%s1 was banned %s2 times.\n%s3 was the runner up, with %s4 bans." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED2" "HERO WITH THE MOST FIRST BLOODS THROUGHOUT EVENT" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED2_I" "The winner(s) scored %s1 first bloods.\n%s2 different heroes scored first bloods across the entire event." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED3" "HERO WITH THE MOST KILLS THROUGHOUT EVENT" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED3_I" "The winner(s) scored %s1 kills." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED4" "HERO WITH THE MOST DEATHS THROUGHOUT EVENT" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED4_I" "%s1 died %s2 times.\n%s3 was the runner up, with %s4 deaths." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED5" "HERO WITH THE MOST ULTRA KILLS THROUGHOUT EVENT" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED5_I" "The winner(s) scored %s1 ultra kills.\n%s2 different heroes scored ultrakills across the entire event." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED6" "HIGHEST GPM IN A SINGLE MATCH" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED7" "MOST KILLS IN A SINGLE MATCH" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED8" "MOST ULTRA KILLS THROUGHOUT EVENT" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED8_I" "The winner(s) scored %s1 ultra kills.\n%s2 different players scored ultrakills across the entire event." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED9" "MOST FIRST BLOODS THROUGHOUT EVENT" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED9_I" "The winner(s) scored %s1 first bloods.\n%s2 different players scored first bloods across the entire event." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED10" "MOST AEGISES CARRIED THROUGHOUT EVENT" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED10_I" "The winner(s) carried %s1 aegises.\n%s2 different players carried aegises across the entire event." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED11" "PLAYS THE MOST NUMBER OF HEROES THROUGHOUT EVENT" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED11_I" "%s1 played %s2 heroes.\n%s3 was the runner up, with %s4 heroes." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED12" "PLAYS THE LEAST NUMBER OF HEROES THROUGHOUT EVENT" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED12_I" "%s1 only played %s2 heroes.\n%s3 was the runner up, with only %s4 heroes." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED13" "TOURNAMENT WINNER" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED14" "WHO PLAYS THE MOST TOTAL GAMES THROUGHOUT EVENT" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED14_I" "%s1 played %s2 games.\n%s3 was the runner up, with %s4 games." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED15" "WHO PLAYS THE MOST TOTAL HEROES THROUGHOUT EVENT" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED15_I" "%s1 played %s2 heroes.\n%s3 was the runner up, with %s4 heroes." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED16" "WHO PLAYS THE LEAST TOTAL HEROES THROUGHOUT EVENT" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED16_I" "%s1 only played %s2 heroes.\n%s3 was the runner up, with only %s4 heroes." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED17" "HIGHEST GPM IN A SINGLE MATCH" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED17_A" "Less than 750 GPM" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED17_B" "750 GPM or more" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED18" "EARLIEST ROSHAN KILL TIME" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED18_A" "Less than 1 minute" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED18_B" "1 minute or more" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED18_I" "The earliest Roshan kill time occurred at %s1." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED19" "EARLIEST TOWER KILL TIME" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED19_A" "Before 2:30" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED19_B" "At 2:30 or later" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED19_I" "The earliest Tower kill time occurred at %s1." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED20" "LARGEST SINGLE CRITICAL HIT DAMAGE" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED21" "MOST ROSHAN KILLS IN A SINGLE GAME" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED21_A" "4 or less" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED21_B" "5 or more" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED21_I" "Roshan was killed %s1 times in a single game.\nThroughout all the matches, he was killed %s2 times." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED22" "FASTEST GAME TIME" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED22_A" "Less than 18 minutes" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED22_B" "18 minutes or more" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED22_I" "The fastest game ended at %s1." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED23" "MOST KILLS BY ONE PLAYER IN A SINGLE GAME" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED23_A" "23 or less" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED23_B" "24 or more" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED23_I" "The winner(s) claimed %s1 kills in a single game.\nThe runner up claimed %s2." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED24" "MOST DEATHS BY ONE PLAYER IN A SINGLE GAME" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED24_A" "14 or less" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED24_B" "15 or more" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED24_I" "The winner(s) died %s1 times in a single game.\nThe runner up died %s2 times." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED25" "MOST LAST HITS BY ONE PLAYER IN A SINGLE GAME" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED25_A" "649 or less" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED25_B" "650 or more" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED25_I" "The winner(s) claimed %s1 last hits in a single game.\nThe runner up claimed %s2." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED26" "SMALLEST MATCH END GOLD DIFFERENCE IN A SINGLE GAME" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED26_A" "999 or less" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED26_B" "1000 or more" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED26_I" "The smallest gold difference was %s1.\nThe second smallest was %s2." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED27" "LARGEST MATCH END GOLD DIFFERENCE IN A SINGLE GAME" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED27_A" "29999 or less" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED27_B" "30000 or more" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED27_I" "The largest gold difference was %s1.\nThe second largest was %s2." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED28" "EARLIEST FIRST BLOOD IN A SINGLE GAME" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED28_A" "Less than 30 seconds before match start" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED28_B" "Equal or greater than 30 seconds before match start" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED28_I" "The fastest first blood occurred at %s1." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED29" "LATEST FIRST BLOOD IN A SINGLE GAME" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED29_A" "Less than 10 minutes" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED29_B" "10 minutes or more" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED29_I" "The latest first blood occurred at %s1." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED30" "MOST GOLD FARMED BY A TEAM IN A SINGLE MATCH" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED30_A" "109999 gold or less" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED30_B" "110000 gold or more" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED30_I" "The most gold farmed by a team was %s1. The runner up was %s2." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED31" "UNDEFEATED TEAMS AT GROUP STAGE END" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED31_A" "None" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED31_B" "1 or more" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED31_I" "There were %s1 teams undefeated at the end of the group stage." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED32" "BIG COMEBACKS THROUGHOUT EVENT" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED32_A" "3 or less" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED32_B" "4 or more" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED32_I" "%s1 game(s) ended in big comebacks." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED33" "GREATER THAN 60 MINUTE GAMES THROUGHOUT EVENT" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED33_A" "2 or less" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED33_B" "3 or more" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED33_I" "%s1 game(s) ended past the 60 minute mark." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED34" "LESS THAN 20 MINUTE GAMES THROUGHOUT EVENT" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED34_A" "2 or less" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED34_B" "3 or more" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED34_I" "%s1 game(s) ended before the 20 minute mark." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED35" "RAPIERS PURCHASED THROUGHOUT EVENT" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED35_A" "9 or less" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED35_B" "10 or more" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED35_I" "Rapier(s) purchased: %s1\nMost Rapier(s) purchased in a single game: %s2." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED36" "UNPICKED & UNBANNED HEROES THROUGHOUT EVENT" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED36_I" "Exactly %s1 heroes were never picked or banned." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED37" "GAMES IN GRAND FINAL MATCH" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED37_A" "4 or less" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED37_B" "5" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED37_I" "There were %s1 games in the Grand Final." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED38" "FIRST BLOODS BEFORE STARTING HORN THROUGHOUT EVENT" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED38_A" "11 or less" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED38_B" "12 or more" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED38_I" "First blood occurred before the starting horn %s1 time(s)." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED39" "CHEESE USAGES IN A SINGLE MATCH" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED39_A" "2 or less" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED39_B" "3 or more" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED39_I" "Cheese was used %s1 time(s) in a single match." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED40" "AEGIS SNATCHES THROUGHOUT EVENT" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED40_A" "4 or less" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED40_B" "5 or more" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED40_I" "The Aegis was snatched %s1 time(s)." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED41" "COURIER KILLS THROUGHOUT EVENT" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED41_A" "24 or less" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED41_B" "25 or more" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED41_I" "The Courier was killed %s1 time(s)." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED42" "ALLIED HERO DENIES THROUGHOUT EVENT" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED42_A" "4 or less" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED42_B" "5 or more" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED42_I" "Allied Heroes were denied %s1 time(s)." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED43" "HEROES KILLED BY NEUTRALS THROUGHOUT EVENT" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED43_A" "1 or less" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED43_B" "2 or more" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED43_I" "Neutrals killed Heroes %s1 time(s)." "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED44" "REFRESHERS PURCHASED THROUGHOUT EVENT" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED44_A" "4 or less" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED44_B" "5 or more" "DOTA_TIP_ME_PRED44_I" "Refresher(s) purchased: %s1" // Venue Page "DOTA_TIP_V_Title" "VALVE is proud to host" "DOTA_TIP_V_Tournament" "THE INTERNATIONAL DOTA 2 CHAMPIONSHIPS, 2013" "DOTA_TIP_V_Desc" "This Summer, the top sixteen Dota 2 teams in the world descend upon Seattle to compete for the 2013 Championship Title. Three days of double-elimination bracket gameplay await both players and fans, culminating in Sunday's best-of-five Grand Finals. Watch the event in-person at Seattle's famed Benaroya Hall or stream every minute of the action in Dota 2 and online at dota2.com!" // Teams Page "DOTA_TIP_T_Title" "THE TEAMS" "int2013_teamqualifiedsubtitle" "Sixteen teams have been selected to compete for the grand prize pool. Assembled from around the world, these teams are the best of the best. Who will walk away as Champion?" // All Star Page "DOTA_TIP_AS_Title" "ALL STAR MATCH" "DOTA_TIP_AS_Desc" "An All-Star Match featuring two teams designed by the community will be played during the International lead-up. Form your two dream teams below by selecting players from any of the attending teams. The match will be played prior to the start of the Group Stage, and streamed live through the Dota client." "DOTA_TIP_AS_Team1" "Team 1" "DOTA_TIP_AS_Team2" "Team 2" // Prize Pool Page "DOTA_TIP_PP_Title" "THE PRIZE POOL" "DOTA_TIP_PP_Desc" "The International Prize Pool is increased by $2.50 for every International Compendium purchased." "DOTA_TIP_PP_CurrentPool" "Current Prize Pool" "DOTA_TIP_PP_PrizeFormat" "$%s1" "DOTA_TIP_PP_StretchGoals" "Stretch Goals" "DOTA_TIP_PP_StretchDesc" "Stretch Goal Rewards will be unlocked when the Prize Pool reaches the goal amounts." "DOTA_TIP_PP_Goal_1" "Goal 1" "DOTA_TIP_PP_Goal_2" "Goal 2" "DOTA_TIP_PP_Goal_3" "Goal 3" "DOTA_TIP_PP_Goal_4" "Goal 4" "DOTA_TIP_PP_Goal_5" "Goal 5" "DOTA_TIP_PP_Goal_6" "Goal 6" "DOTA_TIP_PP_Goal_7" "Goal 7" "DOTA_TIP_PP_Goal_Amount_1" "$1,700,000" "DOTA_TIP_PP_Goal_Desc_1" "Compendium owners receive a Limited Edition 125% Battle Booster that lasts until The International ends." "DOTA_TIP_PP_Goal_Amount_2" "$1,850,000" "DOTA_TIP_PP_Goal_Desc_2" "Compendium Courier gains additional stages." "DOTA_TIP_PP_Goal_Amount_3" "$2,000,000" "DOTA_TIP_PP_Goal_Desc_3" "Compendium Owners will receive a newly created International HUD." "DOTA_TIP_PP_Goal_Amount_4" "$2,200,000" "DOTA_TIP_PP_Goal_Desc_4" "Compendium Owners will receive a newly created Taunt animation item." "DOTA_TIP_PP_Goal_Amount_5" "$2,400,000" "DOTA_TIP_PP_Goal_Desc_5" "Compendium Owners will be able to vote on an 8 player Solo Championship at The International." "DOTA_TIP_PP_Goal_Amount_6" "$2,600,000" "DOTA_TIP_PP_Goal_Desc_6" "Compendium Owners will receive a newly created Immortal item." "DOTA_TIP_PP_Goal_Amount_7" "$3,200,000" "DOTA_TIP_PP_Goal_Desc_7" "Compendium Owners will be able to select the next Hero shipped in Dota 2." "DOTA_passport_claim_reward" "Claim Reward!" "DOTA_personal_contribution" "Your Personal Contribution" "DOTA_nonpersonal_contribution" "Total Contribution from %s1" "DOTA_Goal_Reached" "COMPLETED!" "DOTA_TIP_PP_ContributionDesc" "Want to contribute more to the prize pool? Why not pick up an extra Compendium for a friend? Don't forget you can check out your friend's predictions by clicking on the Compendium in their profile." "DOTA_BuyCompendium" "Buy Another Compendium" // Team Cup "DOTA_TIP_TC_Title" "TEAM CUP" "DOTA_TIP_TC_Desc" "Earn rewards for your favorite team and player!\nSelect your favorite team and player below, and whenever you win a matchmaking game, you'll earn some points for them. Every week we'll give rewards to the teams and players with the highest scoring fanbase!" "DOTA_TIP_TC_FavTeam" "FAVORITE TEAM" "DOTA_TIP_TC_FavTeam_Select" "SELECT YOUR FAVORITE TEAM" "DOTA_TIP_TC_FavPlayer" "FAVORITE PLAYER" "DOTA_TIP_TC_FavPlayer_Select" "SELECT YOUR FAVORITE PLAYER" "DOTA_TIP_TC_Lock" "Lock My Selection" "DOTA_AYS_Lock_Title" "ARE YOU SURE?" "DOTA_AYS_Lock_Desc" "Once you've locked in a favorite, you won't be able to change it again." "DOTA_AYS_Lock_Ok" "Yes, Lock it!" "DOTA_TIP_TCR_Title" "RESULTS" "DOTA_TIP_TCR_Week" "WEEK %s1" "DOTA_TIP_TCR_WinningTeam" "Winning Team: %s1" "DOTA_TIP_TCR_WinningPlayer" "Winning Player: %s1 (%s2)" // Solo Championship "DOTA_TIP_SC_Title" "Solo Championship" "DOTA_TIP_SC_Desc" "Thanks to the community reaching the fifth Stretch Goal, Compendium owners are now able to vote on which players should participate in an 8 player Solo Championship at The International. Please make your 8 selections before the countdown expires." "DOTA_TIP_SC_Picks" "Picks Left" // Player Profile Page "DOTA_TIP_Player_Title" "PLAYER PROFILE" "DOTA_TIP_Player_Name" "REAL NAME" "DOTA_TIP_Player_Country" "COUNTRY" "DOTA_TIP_Player_Age" "AGE" "DOTA_TIP_Player_Role" "ROLE" "DOTA_TIP_Player_Team" "TEAM" "DOTA_TIP_Hero_Favorites" "FAVORITE HEROES" "DOTA_TIP_Hero_Best" "BEST HEROES" "DOTA_TIP_Player_FavHero" "%s1: %s2 matches last year" "DOTA_TIP_Player_BestHero" "%s1: %s2-%s3" // Player Cards Challenge Page "DOTA_TIP_Player_Card_Title" "Player Cards" "DOTA_TIP_Player_Card_How_it_works_title" "HOW IT WORKS" "DOTA_TIP_Player_Card_How_it_works" "Player cards representing the participants of The International will drop as loot in regular and Compendium matchmaking games. Collect your favorite players and stamp them into your compendium to earn rewards!" "DOTA_TIP_Player_Card_Coming_Soon" "Coming Soon" "DOTA_TIP_Player_Card_Challenges" "PLAYER CARD CHALLENGES" "DOTA_TIP_Player_Card_Challenge_0" "Stamp one complete team\nReward: Smeevil Treat" "DOTA_TIP_Player_Card_Challenge_1" "Stamp five complete teams\nReward: Smeevil Treat" "DOTA_TIP_Player_Card_Challenge_2" "Stamp eight complete teams, must include teams %s1 and %s2\nReward: Edge Crab Lure" "DOTA_TIP_Player_Card_Challenge_3" "Stamp all Player Cards\nReward: Edge Crab Dye" "DOTA_TIP_Player_Card_Challenge_4" "Stamp a Mythical quality Player Card\nReward: Edge Crab Banding" "DOTA_TIP_Player_Card_Challenge_Stats" "Cards Stamped: %s1\nComplete Teams Stamped: %s2\n\nYour Challenge Teams:\n%s3\n%s4" "DOTA_Passport_Watch_Replay" "DOTA_BackpackReplay" "int2013_participating_teams" "Participating Teams" // Coming Soon Page "DOTA_ComingSoon_Text1" "MORE COMING SOON..." "DOTA_ComingSoon_Text2" "WATCH THIS SPACE!" // Appendix Page "DOTA_Passport_Appendix_Text1" "APPENDIX" // 2013 TEAMS "DOTA_TIP_2013_Team_0" "Invictus Gaming" "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamCountry_0" "China" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Team_1" "TongFu" "1OTA_TIP_2013_TeamCountry_1" "China" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Team_2" "Orange.Neolution" "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamCountry_2" "Malaysia" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Team_3" "Alliance" "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamCountry_3" "Sweden" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Team_4" "Fnatic" "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamCountry_4" "Europe" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Team_5" "Team Liquid" "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamCountry_5" "USA" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Team_6" "Natus Vincere" "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamCountry_6" "Ukraine" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Team_7" "Team Zenith" "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamCountry_7" "Singapore" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Team_8" "Team Dignitas" "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamCountry_8" "USA" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Team_9" "Virtus.Pro" "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamCountry_9" "Russia" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Team_10" "DK" "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamCountry_10" "China" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Team_11" "LGD Gaming.Int" "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamCountry_11" "World" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Team_12" "Invasion MUFC" "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamCountry_12" "Malaysia" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Team_13" "mousesports" "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamCountry_13" "Germany" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Team_14" "LGD Gaming" "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamCountry_14" "China" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Team_15" "Quantic Gaming" "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamCountry_15" "Europe" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Team_16" "Rattlesnake" "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamCountry_16" "China" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_Select" "Select A Player" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Team_Select" "Select A Team" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerAndTeam" "%s1 - %s2 (%s3)" // %s1 is the team name, %s2 is the player name, %s3 is their real name "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerAndTeamRole" "%s4: %s1 - %s2 (%s3)" // %s1 is the team name, %s2 is the player name, %s3 is their real name. %s4 is their role. "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerAndTeamAchieved" "Achieved by:\n%s1 - %s2 (%s3)" // %s1 is the team name, %s2 is the player name, %s3 is their real name "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerAndTeamAchievedScore" "%s1 - %s2 (%s3)\nwith a score of %s4" // %s1 is the team name, %s2 is the player name, %s3 is their real name "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_0" "Zhou" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_0" "Chen Yao" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_1" "Ferrari_430" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_1" "Luo Feichi" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_2" "YYF" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_2" "Jiang Cen" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_3" "ChuaN" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_3" "Wong Hock Chuan" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_4" "Faith" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_4" "Zeng Hongda" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_5" "Hao" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_5" "Chen Zhihao" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_6" "Mu" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_6" "Zhang Pan" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_7" "Sansheng" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_7" "Wang Zhaohui" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_8" "Banana" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_8" "Wang Jiao" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_9" "KingJ" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_9" "Yang Zhou" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_10" "Mushi" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_10" "Chai Yee Fung" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_11" "XtiNcT" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_11" "Joel Chan Zhan Leong" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_12" "Net" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_12" "Wai Pern Lim" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_13" "Ohaiyo" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_13" "Chong Xin Khoo" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_14" "kYxY" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_14" "Kang Yang Lee" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_15" "s4" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_15" "Gustav Magnusson" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_16" "AdmiralBulldog" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_16" "Henrik Ahnberg" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_17" "Loda" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_17" "Jonathan Berg" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_18" "Akke" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_18" "Joakim Akterhall" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_19" "EGM" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_19" "Jerry Lundqvist" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_20" "Fly" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_20" "Tal Aizik" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_21" "N0tail" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_21" "Johan Sundstein" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_22" "Era" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_22" "Adrian Kryeziu" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_23" "H4nn1" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_23" "Kai Hanbueckers" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_24" "Trixi" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_24" "Kalle Saarinen" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_25" "FLUFFNSTUFF" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_25" "Brian Lee" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_26" "ixmike88" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_26" "Michael Ghannam" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_27" "TC" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_27" "Tyler Cook" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_28" "Korok" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_28" "Steven Ashworth" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_29" "BuLba" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_29" "Sam Sosale" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_30" "Puppey" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_30" "Clement Ivanov" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_31" "XBOCT" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_31" "Aleksander Dashkevich" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_32" "Dendi" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_32" "Danylo Ishutin" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_33" "Funn1k" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_33" "Gleb Lipatnikov" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_34" "KuroKy" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_34" "Kura Salehi Takhasomi" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_35" "iceiceice" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_35" "Daryl Koh Pei Xiang" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_36" "xFreedom" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_36" "Nicholas Limg" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_37" "xy-" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_37" "Toh Wai Hong" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_38" "YamateH" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_38" "Ng Wei Poong" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_39" "Ice" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_39" "Chua Chee Cai" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_40" "Fogged" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_40" "Ioannis Loucas" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_41" "Aui_2000" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_41" "Kurtis Ling" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_42" "Waytosexy" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_42" "Peter Nguyen" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_43" "UNiVeRsE" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_43" "Saahil Arora" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_44" "Sneyking" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_44" "JingJun Wu" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_45" "NS" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_45" "Yaroslav Kuznetsov" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_46" "KSi" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_46" "Sergey Kuzin" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_47" "Crazy" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_47" "Oleg Kolensichenko" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_48" "Illidan" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_48" "Ilya Pavcaev" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_49" "ARS-ART" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_49" "Sergey Revin" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_50" "Burning" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_50" "Xu Zhilei" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_51" "Super" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_51" "Xie Juanhao" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_52" "rOtk" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_52" "Bai Fan" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_53" "QQQ" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_53" "Yao Yi" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_54" "X!!" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_54" "Lei Zengrong" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_55" "MiSeRy" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_55" "Rasmus Filipsen" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_56" "Pajkatt" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_56" "Per Anders Olsson Lille" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_57" "God" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_57" "Sergey Bragin" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_58" "1437" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_58" "Theeban Siva" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_59" "Brax" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_59" "Braxton Paulson" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_60" "WinteR" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_60" "Chan Litt-Binn" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_61" "fzfz" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_61" "Cheng Hor Siew" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_62" "TFG" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_62" "Daniel Wong" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_63" "Ling" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_63" "Sim Woi Cheong" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_64" "dabeliuteef" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_64" "Jun Liong Loh" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_65" "Black^" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_65" "Dominik Reitmeier" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_66" "syndereN" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_66" "Troels Nielsen" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_67" "FATA" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_67" "Adrian Trinks" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_68" "pa$" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_68" "Pascal Lohmeier" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_69" "qojqva" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_69" "Max Broecker" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_70" "xiao8" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_70" "Zhang Ning" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_71" "DDC" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_71" "Leong Fat-meng" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_72" "Yao" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_72" "Yao Zhengzheng" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_73" "Sylar" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_73" "Liu Jiajun" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_74" "DD" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_74" "Xie Bin" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_75" "7ckngmad" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_75" "Sebastien Debs" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_76" "Funzii" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_76" "Thibault Calonne" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_77" "Sockshka" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_77" "Titouan Merloz" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_78" "Silent" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_78" "Airat Gaziev" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_79" "Goblak" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_79" "Artur Kostenko" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_80" "Kabu" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_80" "Kai Zhao" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_81" "Luo" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_81" "Yingi Luo" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_82" "Lanm" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_82" "Zhicheng Zhang" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_83" "Sag" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_83" "Li Guo" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_84" "Icy" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_84" "Peng Wang" "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamAccomplishments_0" "The International Champions 2012\n5th-6th The International 2011\n1st G-League 2012 Season 2\n1st World Cyber Games 2012" // ig "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamAccomplishments_1" "7th-8th The International 2012\n1st AMD Premier League Season 1\n3rd G-League Season 2\n1st World Cyber Games 2012 Dota" // tongfu "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamAccomplishments_2" "7th-8th The International 2012\n3rd G-1 Chamions League Season 4\n3rd G-1 Chamions League Season 5\n1st WCG 2012 Asian Championship" // orange "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamAccomplishments_3" "1st DreamHack Summer 2013\n1st G-1 Champions League Season 5\n1st WePlay Dota 2 League Season 1\n1st The Premier League Season 4" // alliance "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamAccomplishments_4" "1st Thor Open 2012\n2nd The Defense Season 3\n2nd Star Ladder Series Season 5\n3rd-4th DreamHack Winter 2012" // fnatic "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamAccomplishments_5" "1st Raidcall Dota 2 League Season 2\n1st Curse Invitational\n2nd The Premier League Season 4\n3rd-4th DreamHack Dota 2 Invitational" // team liquid "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamAccomplishments_6" "The International Champions 2011\nRunner-up The International 2012\n1st EMS One String Finals\n1st Star Ladder Star Series Season 4" // navi "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamAccomplishments_7" "5th-6th The International 2012\n2nd AMD Premier League Season 1\n2nd Gigabyte Dota Masters\n1st It's Gosu Monthly Madness Asia" // zenith "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamAccomplishments_8" "1st Ritmix Russian Dota 2 League\n2nd DreamHack Dota 2 Invitational\n2nd RaidCall Dota 2 League Season 2\n2nd Curse Dota 2 Invitational" // dignitas "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamAccomplishments_9" "1st The Defense Season 3\n2nd The Premier League Season 3\n2nd Ritmix Russian Dota 2 League\n3rd Star Ladder Star Series Season 5" // virtus.pro "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamAccomplishments_10" "4th The International 2012\n2nd G-1 Champions League Season 4\n4th G-1 Champions League Season 5\n2nd World Cyber Games 2012" // dk "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamAccomplishments_11" "2nd G-League 2012 Season 2\n1st Gigabyte E-Sports Challenge\n2nd 2013 GEST Challenge 1" // lgd.int "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamAccomplishments_12" "1st The Asia 2012\n1st GEST Season 1 April\n3rd AMD Premier League Season 1\n1st WCG 2011 Asian Championship" // mufc "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamAccomplishments_13" "9th-16th The International 2012\n2nd The Defense 2\n1st GosuLeague Season 3\n3rd-4th EMS One Spring Final" // mouz "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamAccomplishments_14" "3rd The International 2012\n1st G-1 Champions League Season 4\n1st The Asia 2012\n1st Gigabyte Dota 2 Masters" // lgd "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamAccomplishments_15" "2nd DreamHack Summer 2013\n5th-8th EMS One Spring Finals" // quantic "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamAccomplishments_16" "2nd The International 2013 Qualifiers" // rattlesnake "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamProfile_Champ_2012" "The International Champions 2012" "DOTA_TIP_2013_TeamProfile_Champ_2011" "The International Champions 2011" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Team_Pennant_Link" "Buy a pennant for %s1 in the Dota Store" // Qualifier teams & players "DOTA_TIP_2013_Team_100" "Evil Geniuses" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Team_101" "DD.Dota" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Team_102" "Rising Stars" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Team_103" "Vici Gaming" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_100" "Jeyo" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_100" "Jio Madayag" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_101" "Sockshka" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_101" "Titouan Merloz" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_102" "xiaotuji" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_102" "Wang Zhang" "DOTA_TIP_2013_Player_103" "ZSMJ" "DOTA_TIP_2013_PlayerReal_103" "Gong Jian" "DOTA_Country_China" "China" "DOTA_Country_Malaysia" "Malaysia" // =============================================================================================== "dota_combat_log_hits" "%s1 hits %s2 for %s3 damage%s4.\n" "dota_combat_log_hits_with" "%s1 hits %s2 with %s3 for %s4 damage%s5.\n" "dota_combat_log_is_hit" "%s1 is hit for %s2 damage%s3.\n" "dota_combat_log_is_hit_with" "%s1 is hit with %s2 for %s3 damage%s4.\n" "dota_combat_log_heals" "%s1 heals %s2 for %s3 health%s4.\n" "dota_combat_log_minion_heals" "%s1's %s2 heals %s3 for %s4 health%s5.\n" "dota_combat_log_healed" "%s1 was healed for %s2.\n" "dota_combat_log_killed_by_minion" "%s1 is killed by %s2's %s3!\n" "dota_combat_log_killed_by" "%s1 is killed by %s2!\n" "dota_combat_log_killed" "%s1 is killed!\n" "dota_combat_log_receives_buff_from" "%s1 receives %s2 buff from %s3.\n" "dota_combat_log_receives_debuff_from" "%s1 receives %s2 debuff from %s3.\n" "dota_combat_log_receives_buff" "%s1 receives %s2 buff.\n" "dota_combat_log_receives_debuff" "%s1 receives %s2 debuff.\n" "dota_combat_log_loses_buff" "%s1 loses %s2 buff.\n" "dota_combat_log_loses_debuff" "%s1 loses %s2 debuff.\n" "dota_combat_log_illusion" " (Illusion)" "dota_combat_log_ability_toggle_on" "%s1 toggles ability %s2 on.\n" "dota_combat_log_ability_toggle_off" "%s1 toggles ability %s2 off.\n" "dota_combat_log_ability_cast" "%s1 casts ability %s2.\n" "dota_combat_log_ability_cast_target" "%s1 casts ability %s2 on %s3.\n" "dota_combat_log_ability_triggered" "%s1 has ability %s2 triggered.\n" "dota_combat_log_ability_triggered_target" "%s1 has ability %s2 triggered by %s3.\n" "dota_combat_log_item_cast" "%s1 uses %s2.\n" "dota_combat_log_item_cast_target" "%s1 uses %s2 on %s3.\n" "dota_combat_log_purchase" "%s1 purchases %s2.\n" "dota_combat_log_playerstats" "%s1 KDA: %s2 GPM/XPM: %s3\n" "Web_StoreCheckout_PurchaseComplete" "Your purchase is complete! Purchased items are now in your inventory." "Web_StoreCheckout_PurchaseCompleteNoItems" "Your purchase is complete! Note that no new items were added to your inventory." "Smeevil_Style_Default" "Green Smeevil" "Smeevil_Style_Red" "Red Smeevil" "Smeevil_Style_Yellow" "Yellow Smeevil" "Smeevil_Style_Purple" "Purple Smeevil" "Smeevil_Style_Red_Mammoth" "Red Smeevil and Mammoth" "Smeevil_Style_Yellow_Bird" "Yellow Smeevil and Bird" "Smeevil_Style_Purple_Crab" "Purple Smeevil and Crab" "Smeevil_Style_Purple_Crab_Painted" "Purple Smeevil and Dyed Crab" "Squawkins_Style_Default" "Default Squawkins" "Squawkins_Style_Rowboat" "Rowboat Squawkins" "Squawkins_Style_Sailboat" "Sailboat Squawkins" "Pudgling_Style_0" "Pudgling" "Pudgling_Style_1" "Golden Hook Pudgling" "Bearzky_Style_0" "Bearzky" "Bearzky_Style_1" "Skatestick Bearzky" "DOTA_StyleUnlock_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to unlock this style?" "UnlockStyle" "Unlock Style" "DOTA_SelectStyle" "Styles" "UnlockStyle_PreReq_Confirm" "Unlocking this style will consume %s1 %s2(s) and requires that you have the %s3 style unlocked. Are you sure you want to unlock this style?" "UnlockStyle_Confirm" "Unlocking this style will consume %s1 %s2(s). Are you sure you want to unlock this style?" "UnlockStyle_Attrib_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to unlock this style?" "UnlockStyle_NotUnlocked" "This style cannot be applied. You have to unlock it first." "UnlockStyle_Failed_PreReq" "This style cannot be unlocked. You need to unlock the prerequisite style %s1 first." "UnlockStyle_Failed_CantAfford" "This style cannot be unlocked. You need to must own %s1 %s2(s) to pay for the unlock." "UnlockStyle_Failed_CantAffordAttrib" "This style cannot be unlocked. You do not meet the attribute requirements." "UnlockStyle_Failed_CantAffordGem" "This style cannot be unlocked. The item does not contain a gem that meets the requirements." "UnlockStyle_Failed_NoCompendiumLevel" "This style cannot be unlocked. You do not own a compendium at a high enough level to meet the requirements." "UnlockStyle_Failed_AlreadyUnlocked" "This style has already been unlocked!" "UnlockStyle_Succeeded" "The style has been unlocked and may now be applied to the item." "UnlockStyle_PreReq_List" "- Own %s1 %s2(s)" "UnlockStyle_PreReq_List_Style" "- Own %s1 %s2(s)\n- Have unlocked the style '%s3'" "UnlockStyle_PreReq_Attrib" "- Have %s1 %s2" "UnlockStyle_PreReq_Gem" "- Have %s1 [%s2 - %s3]" "UnlockStyle_PreReq_Compendium" "- Have Level %s1 %s2 Compendium" "UnlockStyle_Requirements" "To unlock this style you must:" "UnlockStyle_Requirements_Consumed" "Item requirements will be consumed as a part of the unlock cost." "Econ_Style_Info_Header" "Styles:" "Econ_Style_Info" " %s1" "Econ_Style_Info_Locked" " %s1 (Locked)" "Econ_Style_Info_Unlocked" " %s1" "Econ_Style_Info_Current" " %s1" "Econ_Description_MultipleOwned" "Number owned: %s1" "Econ_Socket_Hammer_Safe_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to release this item's gems?" "Econ_Socket_Hammer_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to destroy this item and release its gems?" "Econ_Socket_Hammer_Confirm_Immortal" "Are you sure you want to destroy this IMMORTAL item and release its gems? This item is very rare and will be destroyed by this action." "Econ_Socket_Hammer_Confirm_Arcana" "Are you sure you want to destroy this ARCANA item and release its gems? This item is very rare and will be destroyed by this action." "Econ_Socket_Hammer_Safe_Confirm_Styles_Affected" "Are you sure you want to release this item's gems? Styles on this item are unlocked by gems and removing the gems will remove access to those styles." "Econ_Socket_Chisel_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to add a socket to this item? One charge on the chisel will be consumed." "Econ_Socket_Brand_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to add an effect and color socket to this item? This will make the item unusual. The brand will be destroyed by this process." "Econ_Socket_Hammer_Safe_Fail_Unremovable" "The gems on this item are not removable." "Econ_Socket_Hammer_Safe_Confirm_Unremovable" "One or more gems on this item are not removable and will remain. Continue and release the other eligible gems?" "Econ_Socket_Empty_General" "General" "Econ_Socket_Empty_Effect" "Ethereal" "Econ_Socket_Empty_Color" "Prismatic" "Econ_Socket_Empty_Name" "Empty Socket" "Econ_Socket_Empty_Desc" "Empty Socket" "Econ_Socket_Effect_Name" "Ethereal: %s1" "Econ_Socket_Effect_Desc" "%s1" "Econ_Socket_Color_Name" "Prismatic: %s1" "Econ_Socket_Color_Desc" "%s1" "Econ_Socket_Color_Name_Legacy" "Prismatic: %s1 (%s2, %s3, %s4)" "Econ_Socket_Color_Desc_Legacy" "%s1 (%s2, %s3, %s4)" "Econ_Socket_AssetModifier_Name" "Kinetic: %s1" "Econ_Socket_AssetModifier_Desc" "%s1" "Econ_Socket_Strange_Name" "Inscribed %s1" "Econ_Socket_Strange_Desc" "%s1: %s2" "Econ_Socket_Spectator_Name" "Spectator: %s1" "Econ_Socket_Spectator_Type" "Games Watched: %s1" "Econ_Socket_Spectator_Desc" "%s1" "Econ_Socket_Autograph_Name" "Autograph: %s1" "Econ_Socket_Autograph_Desc" "Autographed by %s1" "Econ_Socket_Autograph_Name_Modifier" "%s3 Autograph: %s1" "Econ_Socket_Autograph_Desc_Modifier" "Level %s2 %s3 Autograph by %s1" "Econ_Socket_Autograph_Name_ClientModifier" "Level %s2 %s3 Autograph: %s1" "Econ_Socket_Autograph_Desc_ClientModifier" "Level %s2 %s3 Autograph by %s1" "Econ_Socket_Autograph_Name_Level" "Autograph: %s1" "Econ_Socket_Autograph_Desc_Level" "Level %s2 Autograph by %s1" "Econ_Socket_Autograph_Name_ClientLevel" "Level %s2 Autograph: %s1" "Econ_Socket_Autograph_Desc_ClientLevel" "Level %s2 Autograph by %s1" "Econ_Socket_Soul_Name" "Soul Gem: %s1" "Econ_Socket_Soul_Desc" "%s1" "Econ_Autograph_Modifier_TI2015" "International 2015" "Econ_Autograph_Modifier_TI2015_Golden" "Golden International 2015" "Econ_HeroStatue_Hero" "Hero: %s1" "UnknownColor" "Legacy" "UnusualRed" "Red" "UnusualRubiline" "Rubiline" "UnusualGold" "Gold" "UnusualBlue" "Blue" "UnusualPurple" "Purple" "UnusualOrange" "Orange" "UnusualLightGreen" "Light Green" "UnusualDeepBlue" "Deep Blue" "UnusualSeaGreen" "Sea Green" "UnusualVerdantGreen" "Verdant Green" "UnusualDeepGreen" "Deep Green" "UnusualBrightPurple" "Bright Purple" "UnusualBrightGreen" "Bright Green" "UnusualPlacidBlue" "Placid Blue" "UnusualSummerWarmth" "Summer Warmth" "UnusualDefensiveRed" "Defensive Red" "UnusualCreatorsLight" "Creator's Light" "UnusualBlossomRed" "Blossom Red" "UnusualCrystallineBlue" "Crystalline Blue" "UnusualCursedBlack" "Cursed Black" "UnusualPlagueGrey" "Plague Grey" "UnusualInternational2012" "Champion's Blue" "UnusualInternational2013" "Champion's Green" "UnusualMidasGold" "Midas Gold" "UnusualEarthGreen" "Earth Green" "UnusualEmberFlame" "Ember Flame" "UnusualDiretideOrange" "Diretide Orange" "UnusualDredgeEarth" "Dredge Earth" "UnusualDungeonDoom" "Dungeon Doom" "UnusualMannsMint" "Tnim S'nnam" "UnusualBusinessPants" "Brusque Britches Beige" "UnusualUnhallowedGround" "Unhallowed Ground" "UnusualShips" "Ships in the Night" "UnusualMiasma" "Miasmatic Grey" "UnusualPristinePlatinum" "Pristine Platinum" "UnusualVermilionRenewal" "Vermillion Renewal" "UnusualAbysm" "Reflection's Shade" "UnusualLavaRoshan" "Pyroclastic Flow" "UnusualIceRoshan" "Glacial Flow" "UnusualPlushShagbark" "Plushy Shag" "UnusualInternational2014" "Champion's Purple" "UnusualSwine" "Explosive Burst" "Econ_MarketTooltipFormat" "%s1 available on the Steam Community Market starting at %s2." "ItemHistory_ActionWithTime" "%s1 on %s2" "ItemHistory_Action_GenericAdd" "Added" "ItemHistory_Action_GenericRemove" "Removed or modified" "ItemHistory_Action_Traded" "Traded" "ItemHistory_Action_Delete" "You deleted this" "ItemHistory_Action_Banned" "Banned" "ItemHistory_Action_CraftDestroy" "Used in crafting" "ItemHistory_Action_LimitExceeded" "Destroyed by backpack limit" "ItemHistory_Action_SupportDelete" "Deleted by Steam Support" "ItemHistory_Action_SupportDeletedByUndo" "Deleted by Steam Support" "ItemHistory_Action_NameChanged_Remove" "Name changed" "ItemHistory_Action_UnlockCrate_Remove" "Used to unlock crate" "ItemHistory_Action_PaintItem_Remove" "Item painted" "ItemHistory_Action_AddItemToSocket_Remove" "Removed from socket" "ItemHistory_Action_AddSocketToItem_Remove" "Removed by socket" "ItemHistory_Action_RemoveSocketItem_Remove" "Removed socket item" "ItemHistory_Action_CustomizeItemTexture_Remove" "Texture customized" "ItemHistory_Action_ItemTraded_Remove" "Traded" "ItemHistory_Action_UseItem" "Used" "ItemHistory_Action_SupportRename_Remove" "Renamed by Steam Support" "ItemHistory_Action_SupportDescribe_Remove" "Custom description added by Steam Support" "ItemHistory_Action_SupportStrangify_Remove" "Steam Support Strangified item" "ItemHistory_Action_UnpackItemBundle" "Unpacked" "ItemHistory_Action_Unpurchase" "Refunded" "ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemName_Remove" "Custom name removed" "ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemPaint_Remove" "Paint removed" "ItemHistory_Action_GiftWrap_Remove" "Gift wrapped" "ItemHistory_Action_GiftDelivery_Remove" "Gift sent" "ItemHistory_Action_GiftUnwrap_Remove" "Unwrapped" "ItemHistory_Action_PackageItem_Revoked" "Revoked" "ItemHistory_Action_CafeOrSchoolItem_Remove" "Cafe or school removal" "ItemHistory_Action_VACBanned_Remove" "Deleted due to VAC ban" "ItemHistory_Action_UpgradeThirdPartyPromo" "Third-party promo upgrade" "ItemHistory_Action_Expired" "Expired" "ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemCraftIndex_Remove" "Removed by craft index removal" "ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemMakersMark_Remove" "Removed crafter's name" "ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemKillStreak_Remove" "Removed by Killstreak removal" "ItemHistory_Action_TradeRollback_Remove" "Trade was rolled back" "ItemHistory_Action_CDKeyRevoke" "CD key revoked" "ItemHistory_Action_WeddingRing_Remove" "Used in wedding ring process" "ItemHistory_Action_CollectItem_RemoveCollection" "Removed old collection item" "ItemHistory_Action_CollectItem_CollectedItem" "Added to a collection" "ItemHistory_Action_EconSetUnowned" "Traded" "ItemHistory_Action_StrangePartApply_Remove" "Removed when applying Strange Part" "ItemHistory_Action_PennantUpgradeApply_Remove" "Used to apply pennant upgrade" "ItemHistory_Action_AutographRemove" "Used to autograph item" "ItemHistory_Action_ConsumeItem_Consume_ToolRemove" "Used as input to recipe" "ItemHistory_Action_ConsumeItem_Consume_InputRemove" "Used as input to recipe" "ItemHistory_Action_ConsumeItem_Complete_ToolRemove" "Used to complete recipe" "ItemHistory_Action_Purgatory_ExpiredAndAutoFinalized_Remove" "Purchase finalized" "ItemHistory_Action_Purgatory_Finalize_Remove" "Purchase finalized" "ItemHistory_Action_Purgatory_Refund" "Refunded" "ItemHistory_Action_AddSocket_Remove" "Socket added" "ItemHistory_Action_ExtractGem_Remove" "Gem extracted" "ItemHistory_Action_NewYearsOffering" "Recycled" "ItemHistory_Action_ItemRedemption_Remove" "Redeemed" "ItemHistory_Action_ItemGiftMessageRefurbish_Remove" "Removed gift dedication" "ItemHistory_Action_ItemGifterAccountIdRefurbish_Remove" "Removed gifter information" "ItemHistory_Action_Market_Remove" "Listed on the Steam Community Market" "ItemHistory_Action_FantasyTicketConsume" "Consumed" "ItemHistory_ItemIsInInventory" "In your inventory" //DOTA ASSET MODIFIERS //asset_mod asset modifiers //anim_mod //ability_mod "Invalid_AssetMod" "Invalid" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_Silent_Ripper" "Pounce of the Silent Ripper" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_Pyre" "Flames of the Pyre" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_Omoz" "Pits of Omoz" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_Odachi" "Fireborn Assault" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_Bladebiter" "Bladebiter's Strike" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_Deadwinter_Soul" "Deadwinter's Soul" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_Death_Protest" "Twin Deaths' Haunting" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_Dizzying_Punch" "Dizzying Punch!" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_Wraith_Spin" "Wraith Spin" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_Serene_Honor" "Serene Honor" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_Red_Moon" "Red Moon" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_Turbulent_Teleport" "Turbulent Teleport" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_dagger_twirl" "Allure of the Succubus" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_impatient_maiden" "Impatient Maiden" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_obeisance_of_the_keeper" "Obeisance of the Keeper" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_when_nature_attacks" "When Nature Attacks" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_Salvaged_Sword" "Salvaged Sword" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_triumphant_timelord" "Triumphant Timelord" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_Good_Fortune" "Good Fortune Remnants" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_Prosperity" "Prosperity Remnants" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_SwordonShoulder" "The Knight's Repose" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_abysm" "Horns of Inner Abysm" "Invalid_AbilityMod" "Invalid" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_lucentyr" "Liveliness of Lucentyr" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_f2p_doom" "Crown of Hells!" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_fear" "Free to Fear" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_bot" "Booties of Travel!" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_ftp_dendi_back" "Crow's Feet" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_twister" "Twister" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_telebolt" "Teleboltin'!" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_glory" "Glorious!" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_MGC" "Muh Keen Gun" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_moth" "Krobelus" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_windy" "Sylvan Cascade!" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_iron" "Iron Tail!" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_everylasting_array" "Everlasting Array" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_fishstick" "Fish!" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_rampant" "Rampant Outrage" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_glacier" "Yulsaria's Glacier" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_lodestar" "Flourishing Lodestar" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_emp" "Empyrean" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_burning_fiend" "Dominator's Stance" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_harlequin" "Harlequin Animation" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_moon_griffon" "Moon Griffon" "DOTA_Anim_Mod_Promo_Trapper_Weapon" "Trapper's Treachery" //DOTA_ANIM_MOD_END "DOTA_Ability_Mod_Illuminate_Northlight" "Northlight Illuminance" "DOTA_Ability_Mod_Mark_Divine_Anchor" "Mark of the Divine Anchor" "DOTA_Ability_Mod_Torrent_Divine_Anchor" "Torrent of the Divine Anchor" "DOTA_Ability_Mod_Tidebringer_Divine_Anchor" "Tidebringer of the Divine Anchor" "DOTA_Ability_Mod_Epitaphic_Bonds_Trap" "Epitaphic Trap" "DOTA_Ability_Mod_Timberthaw_Chakram" "Timberthaw Chakram" "DOTA_Ability_Mod_Reminiscence_Orb" "Orb of Reminiscence" "DOTA_Ability_Mod_Reminiscence_Ambient" "Ambience of Reminiscence" "DOTA_Ability_Mod_Reminiscence_Rift" "Rift of Reminiscence" "DOTA_Ability_Mod_Reminiscence_Dreamcoil" "Dreamcoil of Reminiscence" "DOTA_Ability_Mod_Illuminate_Crucible" "Crucible of Light Illuminance" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_DC_Bladekeeper_Healing_Ward" "Bladekeeper's Healing Ward" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_DC_Bladekeeper_Bladefury" "Bladekeeper's Bladefury" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_DC_Bladekeeper_Omnislash" "Bladekeeper's Omnislash" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_DC_Bladekeeper_Crit" "Bladekeeper's Blade Dance" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Necronub_Reapers_Scythe" "Ghostly Wrath of Ka" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Necronub_Death_Pulse" "Scarab Swarm of Ka" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Necronub_Base_Attack" "Rotting Bolt of Ka" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Necronub_Ambient" "Sands of Ka" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Double_Edge_of_the_Berserker" "Stallion's Double Edge" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_DC_Centaur_Head_Icons" "Stallion's Ability Icons" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Harlequin_Weapon" "Harlequin Particles and Fade Bolt Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Harlequin_Head" "Harlequin Null Field Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Harlequin_Cape" "Harlequin Telekinesis Icons" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Harlequin_Mantle" "Harlequin Spell Steal Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Lucent_Gate_Eclipse" "Lucent Gate Eclipse Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Lucent_Gate_Aura" "Lucent Gate Aura Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Lucent_Gate_Imprisonment" "Lucent Gate Imprisonment Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Lucent_Gate_Orb" "Lucent Gate Particles and Orb Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Hunter_of_Kings_Feral_Impulse" "Hunter of Kings Feral Impulse Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Hunter_of_Kings_Summon" "Hunter of Kings Summon Wolves Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Hunter_of_Kings_Shapeshift" "Hunter of Kings Shapeshift and Howl Icons" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Scavenger_Meat_Hook_Icon" "Scavenger of Dragons Meat Hook Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Scavenger_Rot_Icon" "Scavenger of Dragons Rot Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Scavenger_Flesh_Heap_Icon" "Scavenger of Dragons Flesh Heap Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Scavenger_Dismember_Icon" "Scavenger of Dragons Dismember Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Monstrous_Reprisal_Back_Stab" "Monstrous Reprisal Back Stab Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Monstrous_Reprisal_Blink_Strike" "Monstrous Reprisal Blink Strike Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Monstrous_Reprisal_Permanent_Invisibility" "Monstrous Reprisal Permanent Invisibility Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Monstrous_Reprisal_Smoke_Screen" "Monstrous Reprisal Smoke Screen Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Agaric_Flourish_Eyes_Guise_Icons" "Agaric Flourish Eyes and Guise Icons" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Agaric_Flourish_Overgrowth_Icon" "Agaric Flourish Overgrowth Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Agaric_Flourish_Armor_Icon" "Agaric Flourish Living Armor Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Agaric_Flourish_Leech_Seed_Icon" "Agaric Flourish Leech Seed Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Fiend_Cleaver_Great_Cleave_Icon" "Fiend Cleaver Great Cleave Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Fiend_Cleaver_Warcry_Icon" "Fiend Cleaver Warcry Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Fiend_Cleaver_Gods_Strength_Icon" "Fiend Cleaver God's Strength Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Fiend_Cleaver_Storm_Bolt_Icon" "Fiend Cleaver Storm Bolt Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Eldwurms_Touch_Bow_Icons" "Eldwurm's Touch Bow Icons" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Eldwurms_Touch_Wave_of_Silence_Icon" "Eldwurm's Touch Wave of Silence Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Ghastly_Matriarch_Exorcism_Icon" "Ghastly Matriarch Exorcism Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Azure_Constellation_Head" "Azure Constellation Lunar Blessing Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Azure_Constellation_Glaive" "Azure Constellation Moon Glaive Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Azure_Constellation_Shield" "Azure Constellation Lucent Beam Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Azure_Constellation_Mount" "Azure Constellation Eclipse Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Bloody_Ripper_Mask" "Bloody Ripper Feast, Open Wounds and Rage Icons" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Bloody_Ripper_Back" "Bloody Ripper Infest Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Bloody_Ripper_Arms" "Bloody Ripper Consume Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Compendium_Bloody_Ripper_Mask" "Compendium Bloody Ripper Feast, Open Wounds and Rage Icons" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Compendium_Bloody_Ripper_Back" "Compendium Bloody Ripper Infest Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Compendium_Bloody_Ripper_Arms" "Compendium Bloody Ripper Consume Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Surgical_Precision_Hook" "Surgical Precision Meat Hook and Dismember Icons" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Surgical_Precision_Apron" "Surgical Precision Rot and Flesh Heap Icons" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Crested_Umbra_Glaive" "Crested Umbra Magic Missile Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Crested_Umbra_Virtue" "Crested Umbra Wave of Terror Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Crested_Umbra_Duty" "Crested Umbra Command Aura Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Crested_Umbra_Skirt" "Crested Umbra Nether Swap Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Year_Beast_Hellfire_Reincarnate" "Year Beast Hellfire Reincarnate Icons" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Year_Beast_Vampiric_Aura" "Year Beast Vampiric Aura Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Year_Beast_Mortal_Strike" "Year Beast Mortal Strike Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_bts_3_silencer" "Tools of the Final Utterance Icons" "DOTA_Asset_Eye_Of_The_Beholder" "Eye of the Beholder Abililty Icons" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Cyclopean_Marauder_Gaze_Icons" "Cyclopean Marauder Gaze Icons" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Cyclopean_Marauder_Great_Cleave_Icons" "Cyclopean Marauder Great Cleave Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Cyclopean_Marauder_Storm_Bolt_Icon" "Cyclopean Marauder Storm Bolt Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Ravening_Wings_Glaive_Icons" "Ravening_Wings_Glaive_Icons" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Ravening_Wings_Blur_Icon" "Ravening_Wings_Blur_Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Vigil_Signet_Warcry_Icon" "Vigil Signet Warcry Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_The_Basher_Blades_Mana_Icons" "The Basher Blades Mana Icons" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Golden_Basher_Blades_Mana_Icons" "Golden Basher Blades Mana Icons" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Jewel_Of_Aeons_Time_Walk_Icon" "Jewel of Aeons Time Walk Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Rollermawster_March_Of_The_Machines_Icon" "Rollermawster March of the Machines Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Tormented_Staff_Split_Earth_Icon" "Tormented Staff Split Earth Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Resistive_Pinfold_Kinetic_Field_Icon" "Resistive Pinfold Kinetic Field Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Apostle_of_Decay_Mask" "Apostle of Decay Death Pulse Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Apostle_of_Decay_Hood" "Apostle of Decay Sadist Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Apostle_of_Decay_Vestments" "Apostle of Decay Heartstopper Aura Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Apostle_of_Decay_Scythe" "Apostle of Decay Reaper's Scythe Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Fireborn_Dragon" "Burning Scale Elder Dragon Form Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Fireborn_Shield" "Burning Scale Dragon Tail Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Fireborn_Cuirass" "Burning Scale Breathe Fire Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Fireborn_Helm" "Burning Scale Dragon Blood Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Glaciomarine_Sigil" "Glacier Sea Frozen Sigil Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Glaciomarine_Hook" "Glacier Sea Walrus Punch Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Glaciomarine_Coat" "Glacier Sea Launch Snowball Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Glaciomarine_Cap" "Glacier Sea Snowball Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Glaciomarine_Tusks" "Glacier Sea Ice Shards Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Glaciomarine_Anchor" "Glacier Sea Walrus Kick Icon" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_FortuneTeller_Staff" "Staff of the Cunning Augur" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Emerald_Ocean_Icons" "Emerald Sea Icons" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Mistral_Fiend_Icons" "Mark of the Mistral Fiend Icons" "DOTA_Asset_Mod_Crested_Dawn_Icons" "Blessing of the Crested Dawn Icons" //DOTA_ASSET_MOD_END "Invalid_Soul" "Invalid" "DOTA_Soul_Gem_Raving_Aristocrat" "Raving Aristocrat" "DOTA_Bans" "Bans" "DOTA_Picks" "Picks" //DOTA_ITEM_STYLES // TEMP, Add item editor support for these fields and move to items_english.txt "Wraps_Of_The_Wicked_Succubus_Style0" "Small Wraps" "Wraps_Of_The_Wicked_Succubus_Style1" "Medium Wraps" "Wraps_Of_The_Wicked_Succubus_Style2" "Large Wraps" "Wings_Of_The_Wicked_Succubus_Style0" "Small Wings" "Wings_Of_The_Wicked_Succubus_Style1" "Medium Wings" "Wings_Of_The_Wicked_Succubus_Style2" "Large Wings" "Horns_Of_The_Wicked_Succubus_Style0" "Small Horns" "Horns_Of_The_Wicked_Succubus_Style1" "Medium Horns" "Horns_Of_The_Wicked_Succubus_Style2" "Large Horns" "Dirk_Of_The_Wicked_Succubus_Style0" "Small Dirk" "Dirk_Of_The_Wicked_Succubus_Style1" "Medium Dirk" "Dirk_Of_The_Wicked_Succubus_Style2" "Large Dirk" "DOTA_Item_Wings_of_Ka_Style0" "Wings of Ka" "DOTA_Item_Wings_of_Ka_Style1" "Coffin of Ka" "DOTA_Item_Helm_of_the_Warriors_Retribution_Style0" "No Visor" "DOTA_Item_Helm_of_the_Warriors_Retribution_Style1" "Open Visor" "DOTA_Item_Helm_of_the_Warriors_Retribution_Style2" "Closed Visor" "DOTA_Item_Sword_of_the_Warriors_Retribution_Style0" "Weighted Blade" "DOTA_Item_Sword_of_the_Warriors_Retribution_Style1" "Grooved Blade" "DOTA_Item_Sword_of_the_Warriors_Retribution_Style2" "Winged Blade" "DOTA_Item_Cloud_Forged_Great_Wings_Style0" "Great Wings" "DOTA_Item_Cloud_Forged_Great_Wings_Style1" "White Tipped" "DOTA_Item_Hairstyle_of_the_Eastern_Range_Style0" "Ponytail" "DOTA_Item_Hairstyle_of_the_Eastern_Range_Style1" "No Ponytail" "DOTA_Item_Cape_of_the_Eastern_Range_Style0" "White" "DOTA_Item_Cape_of_the_Eastern_Range_Style1" "Red" "DOTA_Item_Gazing_Eye_of_the_Demon_Witch_Style0" "Short Horns" "DOTA_Item_Gazing_Eye_of_the_Demon_Witch_Style1" "Long Horns" "DOTA_Item_Bracers_of_The_Howling_Wolf_Style0" "Bright" "DOTA_Item_Bracers_of_The_Howling_Wolf_Style1" "Dark" "DOTA_Item_Hat_of_The_Howling_Wolf_Style0" "Bright" "DOTA_Item_Hat_of_The_Howling_Wolf_Style1" "Dark" "DOTA_Item_Pelt_of_The_Howling_Wolf_Style0" "Bright" "DOTA_Item_Pelt_of_The_Howling_Wolf_Style1" "Dark" "DOTA_Item_Rifle_of_The_Howling_Wolf_Style0" "Bright" "DOTA_Item_Rifle_of_The_Howling_Wolf_Style1" "Dark" "DOTA_Item_Spaulders_of_The_Howling_Wolf_Style0" "Bright" "DOTA_Item_Spaulders_of_The_Howling_Wolf_Style1" "Dark" "Elgato_BTS_Style0" "Blue Owl" "Elgato_BTS_Style1" "Silver Owl" "Elgato_BTS_Style2" "El Super Gato!" "DOTA_Item_Bloodstone_of_the_Ancestor1" "Bloodstone of the Precursor" "DOTA_Item_Bloodstone_of_the_Ancestor2" "Bloodstone of the Founder" "DOTA_Item_Shade_of_Agony_Style0" "Shaded" "DOTA_Item_Shade_of_Agony_Style1" "Unshaded" "DOTA_Item_Wings_of_Agony_Style0" "Torn" "DOTA_Item_Wings_of_Agony_Style1" "Pristine" "DOTA_Item_Desc_Compass_Edge_of_the_Voyager_Style0" "Compass Glaive" "DOTA_Item_Desc_Compass_Edge_of_the_Voyager_Style1" "Compass Tulwar" "DOTA_Item_Wise_Cap_of_the_First_Light_Style0" "Sagely Cap" "DOTA_Item_Wise_Cap_of_the_First_Light_Style1" "Wizardly Hood" "DOTA_Item_Familiar_Woods_Style0" "Woodsy" "DOTA_Item_Familiar_Woods_Style1" "Shagbark!" "DOTA_Item_Golden_Reel_Guardian_Helmet_Style0" "Closed Helmet" "DOTA_Item_Golden_Reel_Guardian_Helmet_Style1" "Open Helmet" "DOTA_Item_Stonehall_Royal_Guard_Helmet_Style0" "Closed Helmet" "DOTA_Item_Stonehall_Royal_Guard_Helmet_Style1" "Open Helmet" "DOTA_Item_Jolly_Roger_Style0" "Davy Jones" "DOTA_Item_Jolly_Roger_Style1" "Landlubber" "DOTA_Item_DotaCinema_Hud_Style0" "Dark" "DOTA_Item_DotaCinema_Hud_Style1" "Bright" "DOTA_Item_Cape_of_the_Arsenal_Magus_Style0" "White" "DOTA_Item_Cape_of_the_Arsenal_Magus_Style1" "Exort" "DOTA_Item_Cape_of_the_Arsenal_Magus_Style2" "Quas" "DOTA_Item_Cape_of_the_Arsenal_Magus_Style3" "Wex" "DOTA_Item_Hair_of_the_Arsenal_Magus_Style0" "Hair" "DOTA_Item_Hair_of_the_Arsenal_Magus_Style1" "Exort" "DOTA_Item_Hair_of_the_Arsenal_Magus_Style2" "Quas" "DOTA_Item_Hair_of_the_Arsenal_Magus_Style3" "Wex" "DOTA_Item_Shoulders_of_the_Arsenal_Magus_Style0" "White" "DOTA_Item_Shoulders_of_the_Arsenal_Magus_Style1" "Exort" "DOTA_Item_Shoulders_of_the_Arsenal_Magus_Style2" "Quas" "DOTA_Item_Shoulders_of_the_Arsenal_Magus_Style3" "Wex" "DOTA_Item_Equine_Emissary_Shoulders_Style0" "Pauldrons" "DOTA_Item_Equine_Emissary_Shoulders_Style1" "Horse" "DOTA_Item_Frozen_Star_Belt_Style0" "Small Bindings" "DOTA_Item_Frozen_Star_Belt_Style1" "Medium Bindings" "DOTA_Item_Frozen_Star_Belt_Style2" "Large Bindings" "DOTA_Item_Frozen_Star_Neck_Style0" "Small Mantle" "DOTA_Item_Frozen_Star_Neck_Style1" "Medium Mantle" "DOTA_Item_Frozen_Star_Neck_Style2" "Large Mantle" "DOTA_Item_Frozen_Star_Back_Style0" "Small Frozen Star" "DOTA_Item_Frozen_Star_Back_Style1" "Medium Frozen Star" "DOTA_Item_Frozen_Star_Back_Style2" "Large Frozen Star" "DOTA_Item_Alliance_Hud_Style0" "Normal" "DOTA_Item_Alliance_Hud_Style1" "Rainy" "DOTA_WatchOwnedTournamentCheck" "Sort owned Tournaments first" "DOTA_WatchAutoSpectateLeague" "Auto Spectate Games" "Shawl_of_Resonant_Vibrance_Style0" "Gathering Shawl" "Shawl_of_Resonant_Vibrance_Style1" "Converging Shawl" "Shawl_of_Resonant_Vibrance_Style2" "Harnessing Shawl" "Tails_of_Resonant_Vibrance_Style0" "Trailing Tails" "Tails_of_Resonant_Vibrance_Style1" "Diving Tails" "Tails_of_Resonant_Vibrance_Style2" "Whipping Tails" "DOTA_Item_Warcog_Loading_Screen_Style0" "Warcog Style 1" "DOTA_Item_Warcog_Loading_Screen_Style1" "Warcog Style 2" "DOTA_Item_Unbroken_Stallion_Loading_Screen_Style0" "Unbroken Stallion Style 1" "DOTA_Item_Unbroken_Stallion_Loading_Screen_Style1" "Unbroken Stallion Style 2" "Hood_of_Resonant_Vibrance_Style0" "Curious Hood" "Hood_of_Resonant_Vibrance_Style1" "Knowing Hood" "Hood_of_Resonant_Vibrance_Style2" "Understanding Hood" "Focus_of_Resonant_Vibrance_Style0" "Channeling Focus" "Focus_of_Resonant_Vibrance_Style1" "Twisting Focus" "Crown_of_Entwined_Fate_Style0" "Condensed Crown" "Crown_of_Entwined_Fate_Style1" "Armored Crown" "Crown_of_Entwined_Fate_Style2" "Chitinous Crown" "Feelers_of_Entwined_Fate_Style0" "Gripping Feelers" "Feelers_of_Entwined_Fate_Style1" "Capturing Feelers" "Feelers_of_Entwined_Fate_Style2" "Grasping Feelers" "Limbs_of_Entwined_Fate_Style0" "Scrambling Limbs" "Limbs_of_Entwined_Fate_Style1" "Creeping Limbs" "Limbs_of_Entwined_Fate_Style2" "Skittering Limbs" "Stinger_of_Entwined_Fate_Style0" "Pointed Stinger" "Stinger_of_Entwined_Fate_Style1" "Sharpened Stinger" "Whiskers_of_Entwined_Fate_Style0" "Delicate Whiskers" "Whiskers_of_Entwined_Fate_Style1" "Listening Whiskers" "Whiskers_of_Entwined_Fate_Style2" "Attentive Whiskers" "DOTA_Item_Trophy_of_the_Shadowcat_Style0" "Trophy of the Shadowcat" "DOTA_Item_Trophy_of_the_Shadowcat_Style1" "Fangs of the Shadowcat" "DOTA_Item_Name_Midnight_Locks" "Midnight Locks" "DOTA_Item_Name_Midnight_Locks_Blue" "Blue Midnight Locks" "DOTA_Item_Name_Midnight_Locks_White" "White Midnight Locks" "DOTA_Item_Stoneforged_Horns_Style2" "Unbroken Stoneforged Horns" "DOTA_Item_Helm_of_Birds_Stone_Style0" "Helm of Bird's Stone" "DOTA_Item_Helm_of_Birds_Stone_Style1" "Hood of Bird's Stone" "DOTA_Item_Gift_of_the_Awakened_Style2" "Tail of the Awakened" "DOTA_Item_Shadow_Calvaria_Style0" "Shadow Calveria (Yellow)" "DOTA_Item_Shadow_Calvaria_Style1" "Shadow Calveria (Blue)" "DOTA_Item_Shadow_Calvaria_Style2" "Shadow Calveria (Purple)" "DOTA_Item_Shadow_Calvaria_Style3" "Shadow Calveria (Red)" "DOTA_Item_Shadow_Claws_Style0" "Shadow Claws (Yellow)" "DOTA_Item_Shadow_Claws_Style1" "Shadow Claws (Blue)" "DOTA_Item_Shadow_Claws_Style2" "Shadow Claws (Purple)" "DOTA_Item_Shadow_Claws_Style3" "Shadow Claws (Red)" "DOTA_Item_Shadow_Spine_Style0" "Shadow Spine (Yellow)" "DOTA_Item_Shadow_Spine_Style1" "Shadow Spine (Blue)" "DOTA_Item_Shadow_Spine_Style2" "Shadow Spine (Purple)" "DOTA_Item_Shadow_Spine_Style3" "Shadow Spine (Red)" "DOTA_Item_Shadow_Tracers_Style0" "Shadow Spine (Yellow)" "DOTA_Item_Shadow_Tracers_Style1" "Shadow Spine (Blue)" "DOTA_Item_Shadow_Tracers_Style2" "Shadow Spine (Purple)" "DOTA_Item_Shadow_Tracers_Style3" "Shadow Spine (Red)" "DOTA_Item_Mane_of_the_Demon_Stone_Style0" "Mane of the Demon Stone" "DOTA_Item_Mane_of_the_Demon_Stone_Style1" "Conical Hat of the Demon Stone" "DOTA_Item_Desc_Manifold_Paradox_Style0" "Style 1" "DOTA_Item_Desc_Manifold_Paradox_Style1" "Style 2" "DOTA_Item_Desc_Manifold_Paradox_Style2" "Style 3" "DOTA_Item_Immemorial_Emperor_Style0" "Screen with Red" "DOTA_Item_Immemorial_Emperor_Style1" "Screen with Black" "DOTA_Item_Immemorial_Emperors_Scythe_Style0" "Scythe with Red" "DOTA_Item_Immemorial_Emperors_Scythe_Style1" "Scythe with Black" "DOTA_Item_Immemorial_Emperors_Mantle_Style0" "Mantle with Red" "DOTA_Item_Immemorial_Emperors_Mantle_Style1" "Mantle with Black" "DOTA_Item_Immemorial_Emperors_Coronet_Style0" "Coronet with Red" "DOTA_Item_Immemorial_Emperors_Coronet_Style1" "Coronet with Black" "DOTA_Item_Blade_of_the_Wandering_Demon_Style0" "Blade with Green" "DOTA_Item_Blade_of_the_Wandering_Demon_Style1" "Blade with Blue" "DOTA_Item_Mask_of_the_Wandering_Demon_Style0" "Mask Only" "DOTA_Item_Mask_of_the_Wandering_Demon_Style1" "Mask with Hat" "DOTA_Item_Duangua_of_the_Wandering_Demon_Style0" "Duangua with Green" "DOTA_Item_Duangua_of_the_Wandering_Demon_Style1" "Duangua with Blue" "DOTA_Item_Faulds_of_the_Wandering_Demon_Style0" "Faulds with Green" "DOTA_Item_Faulds_of_the_Wandering_Demon_Style1" "Faulds with Blue" "DOTA_Item_Bracers_of_the_Wandering_Demon_Style0" "Bracers with Green" "DOTA_Item_Bracers_of_the_Wandering_Demon_Style1" "Bracers with Blue" "DOTA_Item_Crown_of_Hells_Helm_Style0" "Closed Helmet" "DOTA_Item_Crown_of_Hells_Helm_Style1" "Open Helmet" "DOTA_Item_Incantations_Weapon_Style0" "Head Opener of Incantations" "DOTA_Item_Incantations_Weapon_Style1" "Pillar of Incantations" "DOTA_Item_Fallen_Princess_Head_Style0" "Helm of the Fallen Princess" "DOTA_Item_Fallen_Princess_Head_Style1" "Hair of the Fallen Princess" "DOTA_Item_Fallen_Princess_Head_Style2" "Crown of the Fallen Princess" "DOTA_Item_Fallen_Princess_Shoulders_Style0" "Wings of the Fallen Princess" "DOTA_Item_Fallen_Princess_Shoulders_Style1" "Warrior Wings of the Fallen Princess" "DOTA_Item_Fallen_Princess_Shoulders_Style2" "Feathered Wings of the Fallen Princess" "DOTA_Item_Black_Death_Offhand_Style0" "Axe of the Black Death Executioner" "DOTA_Item_Black_Death_Offhand_Style1" "Shovel of the Black Death" "DOTA_Item_Black_Death_Weapon_Style0" "Cuff Hook of the Black Death" "DOTA_Item_Black_Death_Weapon_Style1" "Makeshift Hook of the Black Death" "DOTA_Item_Black_Death_Shoulder_Style0" "Shoulder of the Black Death Executioner" "DOTA_Item_Black_Death_Shoulder_Style1" "Barbed Shoulder of the Black Death" "DOTA_Item_Black_Death_Head_Style0" "Tiny Tassels of the Black Death" "DOTA_Item_Black_Death_Head_Style1" "Small Tassels of the Black Death" "DOTA_Item_Black_Death_Head_Style2" "Medium Tassels of the Black Death" "DOTA_Item_Black_Death_Head_Style3" "Large Tasseels of the Black Death" "DOTA_Item_Shadow_Flame_Back_Style0" "Shadow Flame Headdress" "DOTA_Item_Shadow_Flame_Back_Style1" "Shadow Flame Mohawk" "DOTA_Item_Whisper_Tribunal_Shield_Style0" "Shield of the Tribunal" "DOTA_Item_Whisper_Tribunal_Shield_Style1" "Shell of the Tribunal" "DOTA_Item_Worldforger_Head_Style0" "Worldforger Crown" "DOTA_Item_Worldforger_Head_Style1" "Worldforger Horns" "DOTA_Item_Sempiternal_Head_Style0" "Plain Trinity Hat" "DOTA_Item_Sempiternal_Head_Style1" "Trinity Hat" "DOTA_Item_Acolyte_of_Vengeance_Mask_Style0" "Mask" "DOTA_Item_Acolyte_of_Vengeance_Mask_Style1" "Hood" "DOTA_Item_Acolyte_of_Vengeance_Mask_Style2" "Hooded Mask" "DOTA_Item_Esl_Lifestealer_Helm_Style0" "Helm of Madness" "DOTA_Item_Esl_Lifestealer_Helm_Style1" "Crown of Madness" "DOTA_Item_Golden_Siblings_Dagger_Style0" "Dagger" "DOTA_Item_Golden_Siblings_Dagger_Style1" "Broken Childhood" "DOTA_Item_Staff_of_the_Infinite_Waves_Style0" "Sea Serpent" "DOTA_Item_Staff_of_the_Infinite_Waves_Style1" "Trident" "DOTA_Item_Treasure_of_the_Deep_Style0" "Ceremonial" "DOTA_Item_Treasure_of_the_Deep_Style1" "Battle" "DOTA_Item_Cicatrix_Regalia_Style0" "Blue" "DOTA_Item_Cicatrix_Regalia_Style1" "White" "DOTA_Item_Cicatrix_Regalia_Style2" "Black" "DOTA_Item_Cicatrix_Regalia_Style3" "Red" "DOTA_Item_Beaver_Knight_Style0" "Sword" "DOTA_Item_Beaver_Knight_Style1" "Shadow Blade" "DOTA_Item_Beaver_Knight_Style2" "Divine Rapier" "DOTA_Item_Collar_of_the_Divine_Anchor_Style0" "Collar of the Divine Anchor" "DOTA_Item_Collar_of_the_Divine_Anchor_Style1" "White Collar of the Divine Anchor" "DOTA_Item_Cuffs_of_the_Divine_Anchor_Style0" "Cuffs of the Divine Anchor" "DOTA_Item_Cuffs_of_the_Divine_Anchor_Style1" "White Cuffs of the Divine Anchor" "DOTA_Item_Flintlock_of_the_Divine_Anchor_Style0" "Flintlock of the Divine Anchor" "DOTA_Item_Flintlock_of_the_Divine_Anchor_Style1" "White Flintlock of the Divine Anchor" "DOTA_Item_Medallion_of_the_Divine_Anchor_Style0" "Medallion of the Divine Anchor" "DOTA_Item_Medallion_of_the_Divine_Anchor_Style1" "White Medallion of the Divine Anchor" "DOTA_Item_Artisan_of_Havoc_Helmet_Style0" "Artisan of Havoc Helmet 1" "DOTA_Item_Artisan_of_Havoc_Helmet_Style1" "Artisan of Havoc Helmet 2" "DOTA_Item_Artisan_of_Havoc_Helmet_Style2" "Artisan of Havoc Helmet 3" "DOTA_Item_Artisan_of_Havoc_Helmet_Style3" "Artisan of Havoc Helmet 4" "DOTA_Item_Static_Lord_Style0" "Helm" "DOTA_Item_Static_Lord_Style1" "Patch" "DOTA_Item_Sky_High_Bomb_Style0" "Bomb" "DOTA_Item_Sky_High_Bomb_Style1" "Insignia Bomb" //"DOTA_Item_Sky_High_Bomb_Missle_Style0" "Bomb" //"DOTA_Item_Sky_High_Bomb_Missle_Style1" "Insignia Bomb" "DOTA_Item_Sky_High_Helmet_Style0" "Spikes" "DOTA_Item_Sky_High_Helmet_Style1" "Visor" "DOTA_Item_Sky_High_Propeller_Style0" "Propeller" "DOTA_Item_Sky_High_Propeller_Style1" "Insignia Propeller" "DOTA_Item_Virtus_Werebear_Style0" "Tier 1" "DOTA_Item_Virtus_Werebear_Style1" "Tier 2" "DOTA_Item_Virtus_Werebear_Style2" "Tier 3" "DOTA_Item_Vigilante_Fox_Loading_Screen_Style0" "Green" "DOTA_Item_Vigilante_Fox_Loading_Screen_Style1" "Red" "DOTA_Item_Wandering_Harlequins_Crest_Style0" "Black" "DOTA_Item_Wandering_Harlequins_Crest_Style1" "Green" "DOTA_Item_Lucent_Gate_Head_Style0" "Head" "DOTA_Item_Lucent_Gate_Head_Style1" "Horns" "DOTA_Item_Sinister_Lightning_Style0" "Style One" "DOTA_Item_Sinister_Lightning_Style1" "Style Two" "DOTA_Item_Sinister_Lightning_Style2" "Style Three" "DOTA_Item_Moon_Rift_Style_Style0" "Mask" "DOTA_Item_Moon_Rift_Style_Style1" "No Mask" "DOTA_Item_Rage_Three_Leg_Style0" "Guirus" "DOTA_Item_Rage_Three_Leg_Style1" "Curas" "DOTA_Item_Rage_Three_Leg_Style2" "Kumo" "DOTA_Item_Forge_Warrior_Claw_Style0" "Claw" "DOTA_Item_Forge_Warrior_Claw_Style1" "Pincer" "DOTA_Item_Fiend_Cleaver_Axe_Style0" "Style One" "DOTA_Item_Fiend_Cleaver_Axe_Style1" "Style Two" "DOTA_Item_Warmachine_Metal_Mask_Style0" "Steel Breather" "DOTA_Item_Warmachine_Metal_Mask_Style1" "Steel Cigar" "Dota_Item_Acidic_Mandible_of_the_Hydra_Style0" "Acid" "Dota_Item_Acidic_Mandible_of_the_Hydra_Style1" "Hunter" "Dota_Item_Acidic_Mandible_of_the_Hydra_Style2" "Poison" "Dota_Item_Acidic_Tail_of_the_Hydra_Style0" "Acid" "Dota_Item_Acidic_Tail_of_the_Hydra_Style1" "Hunter" "Dota_Item_Acidic_Tail_of_the_Hydra_Style2" "Poison" "Dota_Item_Acidic_Tentacles_of_the_Hydra_Style0" "Acid" "Dota_Item_Acidic_Tentacles_of_the_Hydra_Style1" "Hunter" "Dota_Item_Acidic_Tentacles_of_the_Hydra_Style2" "Poison" "Dota_Item_Acidic_Ward_of_the_Hydra_Style0" "Acid" "Dota_Item_Acidic_Ward_of_the_Hydra_Style1" "Hunter" "Dota_Item_Acidic_Ward_of_the_Hydra_Style2" "Poison" "Dota_Item_Acidic_Wings_of_the_Hydra_Style0" "Acid" "Dota_Item_Acidic_Wings_of_the_Hydra_Style1" "Hunter" "Dota_Item_Acidic_Wings_of_the_Hydra_Style2" "Poison" "DOTA_Item_Compendium_Umbra_Rider_Hair_Style0" "Black" "DOTA_Item_Compendium_Umbra_Rider_Hair_Style1" "White" "DOTA_Item_Compendium_Umbra_Rider_Hair_Style2" "Blue" "DOTA_Item_Arms_of_the_Onyx_Crucible_War_Banners_Style0" "Black" "DOTA_Item_Arms_of_the_Onyx_Crucible_War_Banners_Style1" "Red" "Krane_Style_Default" "Krane Original" "Krane_Style_Upgrade" "Krane Upgrade" "Bajie_Style_Default" "Bajie Original" "Bajie_Style_Upgrade" "Bajie Upgrade" "DOTA_Item_Fei_Lian_Style0" "New Year" "DOTA_Item_Fei_Lian_Style1" "Windlord" "DOTA_Item_Fei_Lian_Style2" "Suborned" "DOTA_Item_Maiden_of_Icewrack" "Shawl and Wolf Pup" "DOTA_Item_Maiden_of_Icewrack_NoPet" "Shawl Only" "DOTA_Item_Maiden_of_Icewrack_Pet2" "Shawl and Upgraded Wolf Pup" "DOTA_Item_Horns_of_Tendrillar_Style0" "Horns" "DOTA_Item_Horns_of_Tendrillar_Style1" "No Horns" "DOTA_Item_Armature_of_the_Belligerent_Ram_Loading_Screen_Red" "Red" "DOTA_Item_Armature_of_the_Belligerent_Ram_Loading_Screen_Blue" "Blue" "DOTA_Item_Armature_of_the_Belligerent_Ram_Belt_Style0" "Red" "DOTA_Item_Armature_of_the_Belligerent_Ram_Belt_Style1" "Blue" "DOTA_Item_Armature_of_the_Belligerent_Ram_Glove_Style0" "Red" "DOTA_Item_Armature_of_the_Belligerent_Ram_Glove_Style1" "Blue" "DOTA_Item_Armature_of_the_Belligerent_Ram_Pauldron_Style0" "Red" "DOTA_Item_Armature_of_the_Belligerent_Ram_Pauldron_Style1" "Blue" "DOTA_Item_Armature_of_the_Belligerent_Ram_Shoulder_Style0" "Red" "DOTA_Item_Armature_of_the_Belligerent_Ram_Shoulder_Style1" "Blue" "DOTA_Item_Armature_of_the_Belligerent_Ram_Sword_Style0" "Red" "DOTA_Item_Armature_of_the_Belligerent_Ram_Sword_Style1" "Blue" "Hyeonmu_Style_01" "Hyeonmu Style 01" "Hyeonmu_Style_02" "Hyeonmu Style 02" "Hyeonmu_Style_03" "Hyeonmu Style 03" "Hyeonmu_Style_04" "Hyeonmu Style 04" "Hyeonmu_Style_05" "Hyeonmu Style 05" "Hyeonmu_Style_06" "Hyeonmu Style 06" "Hyeonmu_Style_07" "Hyeonmu Style 07" "Hyeonmu_Style_08" "Hyeonmu Style 08" "Hyeonmu_Style_09" "Hyeonmu Style 09" "Hyeonmu_Style_10" "Hyeonmu Style 10" "Hyeonmu_Style_11" "Hyeonmu Style 11" "Hyeonmu_Style_12" "Hyeonmu Style 12" "Hyeonmu_Style_13" "Hyeonmu Style 13" "Hyeonmu_Style_14" "Hyeonmu Style 14" "Hyeonmu_Style_15" "Hyeonmu Style 15" "Hyeonmu_Style_16" "Hyeonmu Style 16" "Hyeonmu_Style_17" "Hyeonmu Final Style 17" "DOTA_Item_divine_sorrow_head_Style0" "Mask" "DOTA_Item_divine_sorrow_head_Style1" "Hood" "DOTA_Item_divine_sorrow_head_Style2" "Crown" "Wyvern_Hatchling_style_01" "Ice" "Wyvern_Hatchling_Upgrade_Style_02" "Fire" "Wyvern_Hatchling_Upgrade_Style_03" "Gold" "DOTA_Item_Flowersong_Beauty_Style0" "Flowersong Beauty Style 1" "DOTA_Item_Flowersong_Beauty_Style1" "Flowersong Beauty Style 2" "DOTA_Item_Rod_of_Beacons_Light_Style" "Rod of Beacon's Light" "DOTA_Item_Rod_of_Cerulean_Skies" "Rod of Cerulean Skies" "DOTA_Item_guiding_lights_head_Style0" "Mask of Cerulean Light" "DOTA_Item_guiding_lights_head_Style1" "Helm of Cerulean Light" "DOTA_Item_Whip_of_the_Emerald_Sea_Style0" "Smooth" "DOTA_Item_Whip_of_the_Emerald_Sea_Style1" "Fin" "DOTA_Item_HUD_of_the_Burning_Scale_Style0" "Default" "DOTA_Item_HUD_of_the_Burning_Scale_Style1" "Poison" "DOTA_Item_HUD_of_the_Burning_Scale_Style2" "Fire" "DOTA_Item_HUD_of_the_Burning_Scale_Style3" "Ice" "DOTA_Item_Promo_Redpaw_Style0" "Redpaw" "DOTA_Item_Promo_Bluepaw_Style1" "Bluepaw" //DOTA_ITEM_STYLES_END //DOTA_ITEM_STYLE_END "TeamCup_Description" "Earned by fans during The International Weekly Team Cup" "NEXON_Error" "Error" "NEXON_State_ShutdownWarning" "Game usage is blocked under Shutdown law in %s1 minutes." "NEXON_State_ShutdownLaw" "Game usage is blocked under Shutdown law." "NEXON_State_RestrictedID" "Game usage restricted ID." "NEXON_State_RestrictedAge" "Game usage is allowed for ages over 12." "NEXON_State_InvalidID" "ID does not exist." "NEXON_State_VerifyPerson" "Person Verification Restriction" "NEXON_State_PaymentAgreement" "Payment Agreement Restriction" "NEXON_State_UnderMembershipRestriction" "Under Membership Restriction" "NEXON_PlaytimeWarning" "You have played more than %s1 hour(s). Excessive usage of game might cause inconvenience in your everyday life." "NEXON_CybercafeNotRegistered" "Not cyber café premium user. Please contact Nexon's Cyber café customer service." "NEXON_CybercafeExceededIP" "Exceeded number of allowed user per IP. Please contact cyber café owner." "NEXON_CybercafeBlockedByAdmin" "This PC's access is blocked by administrator. Please contact Nexon's cyber café customer service." "NEXON_CybercafeTimeExpired" "This PC's access is blocked by administrator. Please contact Nexon's cyber café customer service." "NEXON_CybercafeGenericBlocked" "Blocked access." "NEXON_CybercafeTimeLeft" "You have %s1 minutes left in your Nexon cyber café subscription time." "NEXON_CybercafeBonus" "Earning %s1% bonus Battle Points for playing at %s2: %s3." "NEXON_CybercafeTimedReward" "%s1 has been awarded a %s2 for playing at %s3!" "NEXON_CybercafeBonusNoName" "Earning %s1% bonus Battle Points for playing at cyber café: %s2." "DOTA_GGPopup_Title" "GAME WILL END" "DOTA_GGPopup_Desc" "You will lose in" "DOTA_Levelup_ItemDrop" "ITEM DROP LEVEL UPGRADED" "DOTA_Levelup_ItemDrop2" "UNCOMMON ITEMS" "DOTA_Levelup_ItemDrop_Desc2" "As you play matchmaking games you'll find items, and you'll also receive one every time you level up. You're now eligible to find rarer items than before!" "DOTA_Levelup_ItemDrop3" "RARE ITEMS" "DOTA_Levelup_ItemDrop_Desc3" "These items can contain custom animations for Heroes that wear them." "DOTA_Levelup_ItemDrop4" "MYTHICAL ITEMS" "DOTA_Levelup_ItemDrop_Desc4" "These items often contain custom animations and spell effects for Heroes that wear them." "DOTA_Levelup_ItemDrop5" "LEGENDARY ITEMS" "DOTA_Levelup_ItemDrop_Desc5" "These items are incredibly rare objects, often replacing entire couriers and hero mounts with new models and effects." "DOTA_Levelup_ItemDrop6" "ANCIENT ITEMS" "DOTA_Levelup_ItemDrop_Desc6" "These items number only a few, and cannot be easily categorised." "DOTA_Levelup_ItemDrop8" "ARCANA ITEMS" "DOTA_Levelup_ItemDrop_Desc8" "These items are the rarest of all, capable of adding new models, sounds, spell effects, and HUD icons to any Hero that wears them." "DOTA_ItemDropLvl_Text" "You are currently eligible to find %s1 items. Play more games to increase your level and find rarer items." "DOTA_ItemDropLvl_TextMax" "Currently eligible to find %s1 items." "DOTA_Coach" "Coach" "DOTA_Coach2" "COACH" "DOTA_Coach3" "COACH THIS PARTY" "DOTA_Coaches" "Coaches" "DOTA_CoachesOther" "Other Coaches" "DOTA_CoachNone" "No Coaches" "DOTA_Lobby_Join_Coach" "Coach This Team" "DOTA_Lobby_Leave_Coach" "Stop Coaching" "DOTA_Student_Desc" "Select coach(es) to listen to" "DOTA_Student_Desc2" "Select other student(s) to listen to" "DOTA_Students" "Students" "DOTA_StudentsOther" "Other Students" "DOTA_Coach_Desc" "Perspective selection." "DOTA_Coach_Chat" "Send to Coach Only" "DOTA_CoachList" "Coaches: %s1" "DOTA_Coach_Help" "Alt-Click in world or minimap to ping. Alt-Click on HUD elements to highlight them. Ctrl-Click on world or minimap to draw lines.\n\nHit your 'Coach Toggle Student Perspective' key to jump in and out of your student's perspective.\n\nYour voice and text chat will only be heard by your students." "DOTA_Student_Help" "To talk to other players on your team, uncheck the 'Send to Coach Only' box under your chat input. To stop hearing chat and voice communication from a fellow student, uncheck their name in the boxes above. \n\nYour own voice communication will only be heard by your coaches and fellow students. Your Chat Wheel messages will be seen by your entire team." "DOTA_MuteChat" "Mute All Chat" // Korean used here since this is a Korean-only feature and allows testing without having to set language. "Econ_Purgatory" "구매확정" "Econ_Purgatory_FinalizeAllItems" "모두 구매확정" "Econ_Purgatory_FinalizePurchase" "구매확정" "Econ_Purgatory_ReturnItem" "청약철회" "Econ_Purgatory_FinalizePurchaseDlg_Title" "구매확정" "Econ_Purgatory_FinalizePurchaseDlg_Msg" "해당 아이템의 구매를 확정하고 배낭으로 이동하시겠습니까? 구매 확정한 아이템은 청약철회가 불가능하니 신중히 결정해 주십시오." "Econ_Purgatory_FinalizePurchaseDlg_ConfirmButton" "구매확정" "Econ_Purgatory_FinalizePurchaseDlg_CancelButton" "취소" "Econ_Purgatory_ReturnDlg_Title" "청약철회" "Econ_Purgatory_ReturnDlg_Msg" "해당 아이템의 청약철회 하시겠습니까?" "Econ_Purgatory_ReturnDlg_ConfirmButton" "청약철회" "Econ_Purgatory_ReturnDlg_CancelButton" "취소" "ItemPurgatory_Finalize_Succeeded" "Finalize successful." "ItemPurgatory_Finalize_Failed_Incomplete" "Finalize was only partially successful. One or more items were not finalized." "ItemPurgatory_Finalize_Failed_ItemsNotInPurgatory" "Finalize may have partially succeeded. At least one item was not in the maybe box. It's possible it was automatically moved to the Armory." "ItemPurgatory_Finalize_Failed_CouldNotFindItems" "Could not find one or more items." "ItemPurgatory_Finalize_Failed_NoSOCache" "The server is experiencing problems. Please try again in a few minutes." "ItemPurgatory_Finalize_Failed_BackpackFull" "Not all items could be finalized. Free up some space in your Armory and try again." "ItemPurgatory_Refund_Succeeded" "Refund successful." "ItemPurgatory_Refund_Failed_ItemsNotInPurgatory" "The item you specified was not in the Maybe Box." "ItemPurgatory_Refund_Failed_CouldNotFindItem" "Refund failed. Could not find the specified item." "ItemPurgatory_Refund_Failed_TryLater" "Refund failed. Please try again later." "ItemPurgatory_Refund_Failed_Nexon" "Failed to connect to the Nexon server." "ItemPurgatory_UnknownError" "Unknown error." // Crafting Tooltips "DOTA_CraftingTooltip_Title_Rarity" "Any %s1 Item" "DOTA_CraftingTooltip_Desc_Rarity" "Drag any %s1 rarity item here to satisfy this crafting recipe." "DOTA_CraftingTooltip_Title_Quality" "Any %s1 Item" "DOTA_CraftingTooltip_Desc_Quality" "Drag any %s1 quality item here to satisfy this crafting recipe." "DOTA_CraftingTooltip_Title_Output_Random_Item" "Random %s1 Item" "DOTA_CraftingTooltip_Desc_Output_Random_Item" "A random item of %s1 rarity will be produced." "Dota_Economy_Equip_Now" "Equip Now" "Dota_Economy_Acknowledge" "Accept" "Dota_Economy_Acknowledge_All_Purchases" "Accept All Purchases" "Dota_Economy_Acknowledge_All_Trades" "Accept All Trades" "Dota_Economy_Acknowledge_All_Count" "Accept All (%s1)" "Dota_Economy_Reward_Subtitle" "%s1 slot item for %s2" "DOTA_PlayerName_ixmike" "Liquid`ixmike88" "DOTA_PlayerName_iceiceice" "iceiceice" "DOTA_PlayerName_Burning" "BurNIng" "DOTA_PlayerName_Kuroky" "Kuroky" "DOTA_PlayerName_Sing" "Sing" "DOTA_PlayerName_BZZ" "BZZ" "DOTA_PlayerName_CaspeRRR" "CaspeRRR" "DOTA_PlayerName_Yol" "RoX.KIS.yol" "DOTA_PlayerName_DD" "DD" "DOTA_PlayerName_ArsArt" "Ars-Art" "DOTA_PlayerName_SOLO" "SOLO" "DOTA_PlayerName_YYF" "YYF" "DOTA_PlayerName_ZSMJ" "ZSMJ" "DOTA_PlayerName_NS" "NS" "DOTA_PlayerName_Funn1k" "Funn1k" "DOTA_PlayerName_Ohaiyo" "Ohaiyo" "DOTA_PlayerName_Arteezy" "Arteezy" "DOTA_PlayerName_Mushi" "Mushi" "DOTA_PlayerName_BuLba" "BuLba" // Voice Credits "DOTA_Credits_Tab" "ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS" "DOTA_Credits_Title" "ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS" "DOTA_ActorCredits_1_Name" "Dee Bradley Baker" "DOTA_ActorCredits_1_Role" "Techies" "DOTA_ActorCredits_2_Name" "Dennis Bateman" "DOTA_ActorCredits_2_Role" "Invoker" "DOTA_ActorCredits_3_Name" "Tom Chantler" "DOTA_ActorCredits_3_Role" "Centaur, Lion, Outworld Devourer, Riki, Slark, Tusk, Witch Doctor" "DOTA_ActorCredits_4_Name" "Merle Dandridge" "DOTA_ActorCredits_4_Role" "Legion Commander, Winter Wyvern" "DOTA_ActorCredits_5_Name" "Barry Dennen" "DOTA_ActorCredits_5_Role" "Chaos Knight, Phantom Lancer, Rubick" "DOTA_ActorCredits_6_Name" "Dave Fennoy" "DOTA_ActorCredits_6_Role" "Batrider, Ember Spirit, Faceless Void, Huskar, Jakiro, Venomancer, Wraith King" "DOTA_ActorCredits_7_Name" "Jim French" "DOTA_ActorCredits_7_Role" "Elder Titan" "DOTA_ActorCredits_8_Name" "Michael Gregory" "DOTA_ActorCredits_8_Role" "Bounty Hunter, Clinkz, Silencer" "DOTA_ActorCredits_9_Name" "Gin Hammond" "DOTA_ActorCredits_9_Role" "Crystal Maiden, Drow Ranger, Enchantress, Mirana, Phantom Assassin, Spectre, Vengeful Spirit" "DOTA_ActorCredits_10_Name" "John Patrick Lowrie" "DOTA_ActorCredits_10_Role" "Ancient Apparition, Dark Seer, Doom, Earthshaker, Pudge, Shadow Fiend, Storm Spirit" "DOTA_ActorCredits_11_Name" "Ellen McLain" "DOTA_ActorCredits_11_Role" "Broodmother, Death Prophet" "DOTA_ActorCredits_12_Name" "Bruce Miles" "DOTA_ActorCredits_12_Role" "Alchemist, Lifestealer, Omniknight" "DOTA_ActorCredits_13_Name" "Linda K. Morris" "DOTA_ActorCredits_13_Role" "Announcer, Luna, Naga Siren, Queen of Pain, Templar Assassin" "DOTA_ActorCredits_14_Name" "Sam A. Mowry" "DOTA_ActorCredits_14_Role" "Antimage, Beastmaster, Clockwerk, Necrophos, Secret Shopkeeper, Slardar, Warlock" "DOTA_ActorCredits_15_Name" "Eric Newsome" "DOTA_ActorCredits_15_Role" "Chen, Leshrac, Nature's Prophet, Razor, Tidehunter, Tiny, Zeus" "DOTA_ActorCredits_16_Name" "Nolan North" "DOTA_ActorCredits_16_Role" "Brewmaster, Earth Spirit, Gyrocopter, Keeper of the Light, Lone Druid, Lycan, Meepo, Ogre Magi, Shadow Demon, Troll Warlord" "DOTA_ActorCredits_17_Name" "Dempsey Pappion" "DOTA_ActorCredits_17_Role" "Magnus, Nyx Assassin, Visage" "DOTA_ActorCredits_18_Name" "TJ Ramini" "DOTA_ActorCredits_18_Role" "Abaddon, Bristleback, Skywrath Mage, Timbersaw" "DOTA_ActorCredits_19_Name" "Harry S. Robins" "DOTA_ActorCredits_19_Role" "Tinker" "DOTA_ActorCredits_20_Name" "Gary Schwartz" "DOTA_ActorCredits_20_Role" "Lich, Pugna, Shadow Shaman, Sniper" "DOTA_ActorCredits_21_Name" "David Scully" "DOTA_ActorCredits_21_Role" "Bane, Dazzle, Juggernaut, Morphling, Sand King, Sven, Weaver" "DOTA_ActorCredits_22_Name" "Mike Shapiro" "DOTA_ActorCredits_22_Role" "Oracle" "DOTA_ActorCredits_23_Name" "David Sobolov" "DOTA_ActorCredits_23_Role" "Terrorblade" "DOTA_ActorCredits_24_Name" "Jon St. John" "DOTA_ActorCredits_24_Role" "Axe, Bloodseeker, Enigma, Kunkka" "DOTA_ActorCredits_25_Name" "Fred Tatasciore" "DOTA_ActorCredits_25_Role" "Disruptor, Spirit Breaker, Treant Protector, Undying, Ursa, Warlock's Golem" "DOTA_ActorCredits_26_Name" "Jen Taylor" "DOTA_ActorCredits_26_Role" "Lina, Medusa, Puck, Windranger" "DOTA_ActorCredits_27_Name" "Tony Todd" "DOTA_ActorCredits_27_Role" "Dragon Knight, Night Stalker, Viper" "DOTA_ActorCredits_28_Name" "And Featuring" "DOTA_ActorCredits_28_Role" "Io as Itself" "DOTA_SpecialThanks_Title" "SPECIAL THANKS" "DOTA_SpecialThanks" "Valve would like to thank our friends at Blizzard for their support of the DOTA community, and the Warcraft III® community from which DOTA originated." "Unlock_GameMode" "New Game Mode Unlocked!" "Unlock_Matchmaking" "Matchmaking Unlocked!" "Unlock_Competitive" "COMPETITIVE PLAY" "Unlock_Competitive_Desc" "Play in a competitive environment with other experienced players. Track your progress on your profile's Matchmaking Rating, visible to you and your friends." "Unlock_Present" "Present Available!" "Unlock_Present_Desc" "You've reached the level requirement to unwrap your next present. Unwrap it in the Armory to receive some free items!" "Unlock_Feature" "New Feature Unlocked!" "Unlock_Trading" "TRADING" "Unlock_Trading_Desc" "You've now reached the level at which you can trade your items with other players. Right click on a player's name to initiate a trade with them." "Present1_T1" "Customize your heroes" "Present1_D1" "As you play Dota, you'll find many kinds of items. Some, like the one you just received, allow you to customize the appearance of a hero. Try equipping it in the Armory, and see what you think." "Present1_T2" "Customize your items" "Present1_D2" "Some items are tools that you use on other items. The Name Tag you just received allows you to customize the name of another item you own." "Present1_I2" "My Sword Of Killing You!" "Present1_T3" "Base Hero" "Present1_T4" "Custom Item Set Equipped" "Present2_T1" "Personalize your favorite items" "Present2_D2" "Use your Artificer's Chisel to add sockets to an item, and then choose a gem to insert into the socket. Items can have up to five sockets, allowing you to create many unique combinations." "Present2_D3" "Once you've added a socket to one of your items, insert your new Inscribed Kills Gem into it, and it'll start tracking the number of Hero kills you score while it's equipped." "Present2_D4" "These gems can add new animations to Heroes wearing the item." "Present2_D5" "These rare gems can add new effects to a custom Courier." "Present2_I1" "Inscribed Kills Gem" "Present2_T2" "Other Gems" "Present2_T3" "Description Tag" "Present3_T1" "More Customization" "Present3_D1" "Use your Artificer's Chisel to add a socket to an item, and then insert your new Inscribed Victories Gem into it. This Gem tracks the number of games you've won while the item is equipped. Don't forget, items can have up to 5 sockets, so you can even insert the Gem into your item with the Inscribed Kills Gem." "Present3_I1" "Inscribed Victories Gem" "Present3_D2" "The Description Tag you just received allows you to customize the description of an item." "Present3_T2" "Custom Wards" "Present3_D3" "The Staff of Faith you just received is a custom ward, which replaces the in-game visuals for your observer and sentry wards. Unlike Hero items, cosmetic wards are equipped in your Player Loadout, where they take effect no matter what Hero you're playing." "Present3_I2" "This is my description of the fancy sword that's about to kill you!" "Present3_I3" "Blade of the Chiseled Guard" "Present4_T1" "Battle Point Boosters" "Present4_D1" "After each game of Dota, you earn XP in your Profile, and every time you level up you earn rewards. You can increase the amount of XP you earn by equipping a Battle Booster, like the one you just received. Equip it in your Player Loadout to try it out." "Present4_D2" "If you play with a Battle Booster equipped, you also increase the XP earned by every other player in your game. Multiple Battle Bonuses stack on top of each other, so parties of boosted players can earn XP at very high rates." "Present4_T2" "Tournament Passes" "Present4_D3" "You can watch tournaments featuring professional Dota players by buying Tournament Passes. We've just given you a free pass to The International 2013, which featured the top 16 teams in the world. After activating it in your Armory, you'll find the tournament under the WATCH tab. You'll be able to watch all the tournament's games, including the in-game commentary in English, Russian, Chinese, and Korean." "Present4_T3" "Stacking Battle Point Boosters" "Present4_T4" "Bob (Drow Ranger) increases the Battle Points earned by all players in this match by 15%!" "Present4_T5" "+ 100 Points + 35 Bonus" "Present5_T1" "Crafting" "Present5_T3" "Recipes" "Present5_D1" "As you play you'll find some items you're not that interested in. In addition to trading with other players, you can use the Crafting system to turn unwanted goods into desired items." "Present5_D2" "This Recipe requires two Common items to complete, and creates a Celebration of Death Taunt for Witch Doctor. To start the craft, go to your Armory and select 'Crafting' in the right click menu of the Recipe." "Present5_T2" "Taunts" "Present5_D3" "Taunts are items that allow you to play custom animations on your Hero with the press of a key (you can find the Taunt Item key in the Unit Actions page of the control settings). Watch out though! While taunting your opponents, you'll be vulnerable to attack!" "Present5_D4" "Any Common Item" "Present5_D5" "Drag any Common rarity item here to satisfy this crafting recipe." "Present6_T1" "Custom HUD Skins" "Present6_D1" "These items are equipped in your Player Loadout, and change the visuals used throughout the in-game HUD." "Present6_D2" "Whenever you have a custom HUD equipped, other players in your games will be able to use it as well. In your next game, try clicking the 'Shared Content' button in the top bar to see what cosmetic items other players are sharing with you!" "Present6_T2" "More Gems" "Present6_T3" "Shared Content" "Present6_I1" "Inscribed Wards Placed Gem" "Present6_I2" "HUD: Cruel Diretide" "Present6_D3" "This Gem will keep track of how many observer and sentry wards you've placed in games. Great for showing people how seriously you play Support roles!" "Present7_T1" "Treasures" "Present7_D1" "While playing games, you'll also find various types of Treasures. Each treasure will show you a list of items it may contain, which often include some of the rarest and most valuable items in Dota 2." "Present7_D2" "To open a Treasure, you need a corresponding key or seal. We've already given you a Welcoming Chest Key, so you can go ahead and open your Welcoming Chest by right-clicking on it in the Armory. For other treasures, you can purchase keys from the Dota 2 Store, or trade with other players to get them." "Present7_T2" "Changing Gems" "Present7_D3" "Want to swap out a Gem in an item? Or move a Gem from one item to another while retaining its stats? Use the Artificer's Hammer to remove the Gem from the item it's in, freeing up the socket to put something else in." "Present7_D4" "Treasures" "Present7_D5" "Keys" "Present8_T1" "Custom Couriers" "Present8_D1" "The Mighty Boar you just received is a cosmetic courier, which replaces the in-game visuals for your courier. Like cosmetic wards, couriers are equipped in your Player Loadout, and take effect no matter which Hero you play. There are many custom couriers, so find one that suits your style!" "Present8_T2" "Armory Expanders" "Present8_D2" "Running out of room in your Armory? Armory expanders permanently increase the amount of storage space you have for items. Right click on the one we've just given you and select 'Expand' to use it." "Present9_T1" "Custom Announcers" "Present9_D1" "When equipped in your Player Loadout, these items will change the in-game announcer voice. Custom announcers often contain hundreds of new, custom lines of dialog that respond to unique events, ensuring you'll hear new lines for many games. Like HUD Skins, Custom Announcers can be shared by others in the game with you." "Present9_T2" "Onwards!" "Present9_D2" "From now on, presents will require several levels before they're openable, but in return, they'll start containing much rarer items for you to experiment with. Good luck!" "EconOpen_BaseString" "UNLOCKING THE LOOT" "EconOpen_Gift" "UNWRAPPING YOUR GIFT" "CompDL" "Downloading Compendium..." "CouldntDLCompendium" "Failed to download compendium. Please try again later." "CouldntSaveCompendium" "Failed to save Compendium selections. Please try again later." "CouldntFindCompendium" "Couldn't load the compendium test file: %s1" "CompendiumPageError_Pages" "Couldn't find a 'pages' block in the compendium data file." "CompendiumPageError_Template" "Couldn't find a 'template' entry for compendium page '%s1' (page number %s2)" "CompendiumPageError_Template2" "Couldn't find a template called '%s1' in compendium page '%s2'" "CompendiumPageError_Image" "Couldn't find an image called '%s1' in compendium page '%s2'" "CompendiumPageError_Text" "Couldn't find a text block called '%s1' in compendium page '%s2'" "CompendiumPageError_Video" "Couldn't find a video called '%s1' in compendium page '%s2'" "CompendiumPageError_Scrollbar" "Couldn't find a scrollbar called '%s1' in compendium page '%s2'" "CompendiumPageError_Selection" "Couldn't find a selection called '%s1' in compendium page '%s2'" "CompendiumPageError_PageNames" "Embedded page '%s1' uses the same name as another page. Page names must be unique." "CompendiumPageError_CustomText" "Error in custom text block '%s1' in compendium page '%s2'" "CompendiumPageError_CustomImg" "Error in custom image block '%s1'" "CompendiumPageError_CustomBar" "Error in custom progressbar block '%s1' in compendium page '%s2'" "CompendiumPageError_CustomEle" "Failed to instantiate custom element '%s1' in compendium page '%s2'" "CompendiumPageError_CTFont" "Invalid font '%s1' specified in compendium page '%s2'. Valid fonts:\ntext, textbold, title" "CompendiumPageError_CTAlign" "Invalid alignment '%s1' specified in compendium page '%s2'. Valid alignments:\n left, right, center" "CompendiumPageError_CTDepth" "Invalid depth '%s1'. Valid depths:\n front, back" "CompendiumPageError_LinePos" "Line '%s1' doesn't have both 'start' and 'end' position blocks." "CompendiumPageError_CTPoints" "Invalid selection index '%s1' in 'points' section of custom text '%s2'." "CompendiumPageError_CTPoints2" "Invalid selection index '%s1' in 'points' section of custom text '%s2'. No selection found with that index." "CompendiumPageError_SelDesc" "Couldn't find a 'description' key for selection '%s1' in compendium page '%s2'" "CompendiumPageError_Points" "Missing (or zero) 'points' specified for selection '%s1' in compendium page '%s2'" "CompendiumPageError_SelType" "Missing 'choice_type' for selection '%s1' in compendium page '%s2'" "CompendiumPageError_BarType" "Missing 'data' for progressbar '%s1' in compendium page '%s2'" "CompendiumPageError_NoTime" "Missing or invalid 'time' specified for selection '%s1' in '%s2'" "CompendiumPageError_ElementType" "Missing or invalid 'elementtype' for element '%s1' in compendium page '%s2'" "CompendiumPageError_SelTimer" "Unknown timer named '%s1' in compendium page '%s2'" "CompendiumPageError_BadElement" "Unknown SF element named '%s1' in compendium page '%s2'" "CompendiumPageError_SelNoTimer" "No timers found in compendium page '%s1' (it has selections, which need a timer)" "CompendiumPageError_SelUnknown" "Invalid 'choice_type' of '%s1' for selection '%s2'" "CompendiumPageError_BarUnknown" "Invalid 'data' of '%s1' for selection '%s2'" "CompendiumPageError_InvalidEquation" "Invalid equation specified: '%s1' for '%s2'" "CompendiumPageError_SelChoices" "Missing 'choices' block for selection '%s1' in compendium page '%s2'" "CompendiumPageError_NoHero" "Couldn't find Hero with a Hero ID of '%s1' for selection '%s2'" "CompendiumPageError_Unknown" "Internal compendium logic error. Contact Valve to resolve this." "CompendiumPageError_ImageDL" "Failed to start downloading compendium image '%s1' (%s2)" "CompendiumPageError_ImageDLErr" "Failed to download compendium image '%s' (%s2)" "CompendiumPageError_BtnNoElem" "No 'selection_elements' block found for button '%s1' in compendium page '%s2'" "CompendiumPageError_BtnBadVal" "Selection value '%s1' in button '%s2' isn't in the choices list for that selection index" "CompendiumPageError_BtnBadSel" "'selection_force_to' setting in element '%s1' isn't in the choices list for selection '%s2'" "CompendiumPageError_BtnSelIdx" "Button '%s1' in compendium page '%s2' has missing or invalid 'selection_index'" "CompendiumPageError_CmdSelIdx" "Element '%s1' in compendium page '%s2' has missing or invalid command 'selection_index' or 'force_selection_index'" "CompendiumPageError_ImgSelIdx" "Invalid 'selection_index' of '%s1' in image '%s2'." "CompendiumPageError_ImgShowSelIdx" "Invalid 'show_selection_index' of '%s1' in image '%s2'." "CompendiumPageError_ImgSelVal" "Invalid selection choice '%s1' in 'show_selection_images' section of image '%s2'." "CompendiumPageError_ImgBadStyle" "Bad image style '%s1 for image '%s2'." "CompendiumPageError_DynTxtSel" "Text '%s1' on page '%s2' contains invalid % selection_X %. No preregistered selection with that index." "CompendiumPageError_NoTxtList" "Couldn't find a textlist named '%s1' on page '%s2'" "CompendiumPageError_TOCPage" "table_of_contents_page page '%s1' doesn't exist." "CompendiumPageError_SelIndex" "Selection '%s1' in compendium page '%s2' has missing or invalid 'selection_index'" "CompendiumPageError_SelUsed" "Selection '%s1' in compendium page '%s2' doesn't have a unique 'selection_index'" "CompendiumPageError_SelVal" "Selection '%s1' in compendium page '%s2' has choices with the same values" "CompendiumPageError_SelValInv" "Selection '%s1' in compendium page '%s2' has a choice with a value <= 0. Choice values must be greater than 0." "CompendiumPageError_SelTTVal" "Selection '%s1' in compendium page '%s2' has a tooltip_data entry with a value that isn't in its choices list." "CompendiumPageError_NoAnswer" "Selection '%s1' in compendium page '%s2' has no 'answer' or 'answers' key in its 'result' section" "CompendiumPageError_MissAnswer" "Selection '%s1' in compendium page '%s2' has an 'answer' or 'answers' key that doesn't match any of its choices" "CompendiumPageError_Timer" "Timer '%s1' has an invalid epoch time" "CompendiumPageError_UnknownAction" "Object '%s1' references unknown action '%s2'" "CompendiumPageError_SameElement" "Visibility system found multiple elements named '%s1' on page '%s2'" "CompendiumPageError_DupeKey" "Keyvalues block '%s1' contains multiple keys with the same name of '%s2'." "CompendiumError_Template" "Couldn't find a template named '%s1'" "CompendiumError_DupeTemplate" "Found multiple templates named '%s1'" "CompendiumError_NoDefines" "Template '%s1' requires defines, but instance '%s2' of it doesn't have a 'defines' block." "CompendiumError_MissingDef" "Derived instance '%s1' doesn't contain a define called '%s2', but the template it derives from requires it." "CompendiumError_BadDef" "Derived instance '%s1' contains a required define named '%s2' that doesn't start with '%def', which is required." "CompendiumSel_Default" "Make A Selection" "CompendiumGC_DataErr" "Invalid webapi call: missing league ID, admin ID, or data file." "CompendiumGC_KVFile" "Invalid format for the Compendium data file. Must be a KeyValues based text file." "CompendiumGC_InvalidSel" "Invalid selection index in Compendium data file. Selection indices must be greater than zero, and not match any other selection index." "CompendiumGC_DBErr" "Failed to write to the league database. Try again later." "CompendiumGC_NotAdmin" "You don't have admin rights to that league.'" "CompendiumGC_Ok" "Compendium updated." "Compendium_YourSel" "Your Selection: " "Compendium_MoreInfo" "Show More Info" "Compendium_Correct" "YOU WERE CORRECT!" "Compendium_Incorrect" "YOU WERE INCORRECT" "Compendium_Pts" "%s1 pts" "Compendium_Pt" "1 pt" "CompendiumPageError_ComboSelIdx" "Invalid 'selection_index' of '%s1' in combo box '%s2'." "CompendiumError_InvalidSel" "Could not find a selection with an index of %s1." "CompendiumError_DataProvider" "Could not find a data provider named '%s1' in graph '%s2'." "CompendiumError_DataProviderFilterNoInputs" "Could not find inputs section for the data provider '%s1'" "CompendiumError_DataProviderFilterBadInput" "data provider filter '%s1' has an input '%s2' which doesn't exist. It may be defined below this provider, in which case move it up in the definition list." "CompendiumError_DataProviderFilterUnknown" "data provider '%s1' either does not define its 'filter' operation or the operation is unknown" "CompendiumError_DataProviderFilterAlreadyExist" "data provider '%s1' already exists." "CompendiumError_BadEscSeq" "Text field '%s1' has an escape sequence with a missing closing '%%'" "CompendiumError_BadCmdVar" "set_local_variable command in element '%s1' has an invalid local variable named '%s2'" "CompendiumError_BadVisVar" "Could not find a local variable named '%s1' specified in element '%s2'." "CompendiumRedeemError_NoResponse" "Unable to redeem this item at this time. Try again later." "CompendiumRedeemError_GeneralFailure" "Unable to redeem this item at this time." "CompendiumRedeemError_PointsHeld" "Currently some coins are being reserved by a match. These coins can be used once the match finishes or after a period of time." "DOTA_AbilityDraft_Round" "Round %s1" "DOTA_AbilityDraft_Start_Timer" "Ability Draft %s1 Starts In:" "DOTA_AbilityDraftYourTurnIn" "You will draft in:" "DOTA_AbilityDraftTimeLeft" "Draft time left:" "DOTA_AbilityDraft_CurrentDrafter" "Currently Drafting:" "DOTA_AbilityDraft_StandardAbilities" "STANDARD ABILITIES" "DOTA_AbilityDraft_Ultimates" "ULTIMATES" "DOTA_AbilityDraft_AbilityDraft" "ABILITY DRAFT" "DOTA_AbilityDraft_Explanation" "Create a Custom Hero via 4-Round Draft. You Can Choose Up to 3 Regular Abilities and 1 Ultimate." "DOTA_AbilityDraft_NextRound" "Next Round In:" "DOTA_AbilityDraft_GameStarts" "Game Starting In:" "DOTA_SpringBoosterPurchaseHeader" "Purchase and activate Fortune's Favor?" "DOTA_SpringBoosterPurchaseDesc" "Activate Fortune's Favor to earn Jade Tokens in addition to bonus Flamesalt Ingots." "DOTA_Spring_Learn_About_Event" "About the Festival >" "DOTA_Spring_Learn_About_Tokens" "Learn about Tokens >" "dota_spring_flamesalt_explain" "Earn Flamesalt Ingots as you play Dota 2 throughout the New Bloom event. Exchange Ingots for weapons to help you fight the Year Beast and earn rewards based on how well you did." "dota_spring_jadetoken_explain" "Purchase a Fortune's Favor to earn Jade Tokens that can be traded for special New Bloom items." "dota_spring_flamesalt_ingot" "Flamesalt Ingot" "dota_spring_jade_tokens" "Jade Tokens" "redeem_spring_points" "REDEEM" "DOTA_YEAR_BEAST_RETURNS_IN" "THE YEAR BEAST RETURNS IN" "DOTA_Year_Beast_Is_Here" "THE YEAR BEASTS HAVE ARRIVED!" "DOTA_Spring_Time_Remaining" "LEFT TO FACE ITS MIGHT" "dota_spring_fight_beast" "FIGHT THE BEAST" "dota_year_beast_final_battle" "LAST CHANCE TO FIGHT THE YEAR BEAST" "dota_year_beast_final_incoming" "THE FINAL YEAR BEAST BATTLE STARTS IN" "DOTA_Yearbeast_Header" "YEAR BEAST" "dota_year_beast_starting_kicked" "THE YEAR BEASTS HAVE ARRIVED!" "dota_year_beast_ending_kicked" "Sorry, the Year Beast has fled." "dota_year_beast_no_low_priority" "You may not battle the Year Beast while in low priority" "dota_year_beast_once_per_round" "Please wait for the next arrival of the Year Beast." "dota_jade_token_expire" "Redeem your Jade Tokens by February 25th" "confirm_redeem_points_title" "Purchase Gift" "confirm_redeem_item_title" "Redeem Item" "confirm_redeem_points" "Exchange %s1 %s2 for a %s3?" "compendium_confirm_redeem_prize_title" "Redeem Prize" "compendium_confirm_redeem_item_desc" "Spend %s2 coins to recieve a random single item?" "compendium_confirm_redeem_set_desc" "Spend %s2 coins to recieve a random complete item set?" "dota_econ_offering_springtext1" "YOUR OFFERING" "dota_econ_offering_springtext2" "May the Eight Shades of Fortune Smile Upon You" "dota_econ_offering_springtext3" "Items given to your Offering are forever removed from your Armory. Your Offering will be collected once more, and wealth will be left in its place." "dota_econ_offering_international1" "OFFERING OF THE AEGIS" "dota_econ_offering_international2" "Offer Items and Earn Compendium Points" "dota_econ_offering_international3" "Items given to your Offering are forever removed from your Armory. Every week your Offering will be collected. Compendium points and other rewards will be left in its place." "dota_watch_livegame_status" "BATTLING THE YEAR BEAST" "dota_spring_pract01" "PRACTICE BATTLE!" "dota_spring_intro_text01" "BATTLE THE YEAR BEAST!" "dota_spring_intro_text02" "Inflict as much damage as you can to the Year Beast. The more damage you do, the better loot you get! \n\nIf the Year Beast grabs someone, shoot a Firework at him to break them free!" "dota_spring_intro_text03" "" "dota_spring_intro_text04" "All players receive a fixed amount of gold." "dota_spring_intro_text05" "Flamesalt Ingots" "dota_spring_intro_text06" "Gold Coins" "NIAN_SELECT_MODE" "Select Your Mode" "nian_battle_real" "FIGHT THE BEAST" "nian_battle_real_desc" "Battle The Beast for real! In this mode, you can select how many Ingots you want to spend. Your starting in-game gold and Jade Tokens rewards increase based on how much damage you do the Beast and how many Ingots you've decided to spend.\n\nAll members of your party must have enough Ingots to spend on the selected mode." "nian_battle_practice" "PRACTICE" "nian_battle_practice_desc" "Practice against the beast to hone your skills. No Jade Tokens will be awareded in this mode. You can select how much starting gold to recieve." "nian_battle_0" "Practice" "nian_battle_1" "150" "nian_battle_2" "450" "nian_battle_3" "1000" "nian_battle_4" "2500" "nian_battle_1_gold" "6000" "nian_battle_2_gold" "18000" "nian_battle_3_gold" "40000" "nian_battle_4_gold" "100000" "dota_spring_intro_text02_practice" "Inflict as much damage as you can to the Year Beast.\n\nIf the Year Beast grabs someone, shoot a Firework at him to break them free!" "dota_spring_intro_text03_practice" "" "dota_spring_intro_text04_practice" "All players receive a fixed amount of gold." "dota_redeem_springtext1" "Flamesalt Ingots" "dota_redeem_springtext2" "Flamesalt Ingots are harvested by playing regular matches, and are used to purchase equipment when fighting the Year Beast. You can increase your Flamesalt Ingot harvest rate, as well as earn Jade Tokens, by activating Fortune's Favor." "dota_redeem_springtext3" "Jade Tokens" "dota_redeem_springtext4" "Activate Fortune's Favor to earn Jade Tokens, as well as increase your Flamesalt Ingot harvest rate. Each active Favor will share a percentage of its harvest rate with every player in that match." "dota_redeem_springtext5" "Jade Tokens" "dota_redeem_springtext6" "Redeem Jade Tokens for Bloom Bounties below:" "DOTA_Redeem_Item_Title" "%s1 Redemption" "DOTA_Redeem_Item_Text" "Select the item you wish to purchase below." "DOTA_Booster_Title" "Battle Point Booster" "DOTA_Booster_Explain" "Earn 80% more Battle Points ( and grant an additional 16% bonus to anyone you play with ). Lasts for 500 minutes of match time." "DOTA_Super_Booster_Explain" "Earn 400% more Battle Points ( and grant an additional 80% bonus to anyone you play with ). Lasts for 500 minutes of match time. Available until February 20th." "DOTA_Booster_Learn_More" "Learn More >" "DOTA_Booster_Time_Remaining" "You have %s1 minutes remaining on your Battle Point Booster" "DOTA_Booster_One_Game_Remaining" "You have one game remaining on your Battle Point Booster" "DOTA_Booster_Activate" "You have an unused Battle Point Booster in your inventory, activate it now?" "DOTA_Booster_ActivateButton" "ACTIVATE BOOSTER" "DOTA_Booster_Purchase" "Buy Booster" "DOTA_spring_booster_offer" "Purchase Favor" "DOTA_Activate_Favor" "Activate Favor" "DOTA_Activate_Favor_Descrip" "Activate your Fortune's Favor to start earning Jade Tokens." "DOTA_Favor_Time_Remaining" "You have %s1 minutes remaining on your Favor" "DOTA_Confirm_Disconnect_Title" "Disconnect?" "DOTA_Confirm_Disconnect" "Are you sure you want to disconnect? You will not be able to rejoin the game." "DOTA_Confirm_Disconnect_Yes" "Yes, Disconnect" "dota_create_dialog_0" "What have we here?" "dota_create_dialog_1" "What've you got for me?" "dota_create_dialog_2" "Let's have a look." "dota_create_dialog_3" "Need something opened?" "dota_create_dialog_4" "I'll get my tools." "dota_create_dialog_5" "This one's tricky..." "dota_create_dialog_6" "It'll be just a moment." "dota_create_dialog_7" "Ah! I see how it works." "dota_create_dialog_8" "Almost got it." "dota_create_dialog_9" "Hang on a sec." "dota_create_dialog_10" "It's about to give!" "dota_create_dialog_11" "There it goes!" "dota_create_dialog_12" "Would you look at that!" "dota_create_dialog_13" "Isn't that something!" "dota_create_dialog_14" "Got it!" "dota_create_dialog_15" "And open!" "dota_create_dialog_16" "Very nice!" "dota_create_dialog_17" "Ha! That was easy." "dota_create_dialog_18" "Enjoy!" "dota_nian_endgame_loot" "Loot Received:" "dota_nian_endgame_title" "The Year Beast has Fled" "dota_nian_endgame_damage_done" "Total Beast Damage" "dota_nian_award_late" "Due to high server load, match signout has been delayed. Jade Tokens will be automatically awarded to you when match signout is complete." "NianRank0" "Rank: F" "NianRank1" "Rank: D" "NianRank2" "Rank: C" "NianRank3" "Rank: B" "NianRank4" "Rank: A" "NianRank5" "Rank: S" "NianRank6" "Rank: SS" "NianRank7" "Rank: SSS" "NianRank8" "Rank: X" "NianRankPractice" "Rank: P" "dota_status_dangerous_instruction" "Enter the word '%s1' in the box below to continue" "dota_status_dangerous_confirm" "CONFIRM" "dota_waitingforplayers_boost_earn_local_player" "Your Battle Points rate: %s1" "dota_waitingforplayers_boost_earn" "Battle Points earn rate: %s1%" "dota_waitingforplayers_bonus" "Bonus: +%s1%" "dota_waitingforplayers_sharing" "is sharing a Battle Point Bonus:" "DOTA_Premium_League_Description_JoinDota" "The first season of the joinDOTA League features over 2500 teams across the world competing in various divisions for the grand prize! Each purchase of this ticket will added $0.75 to the total prize pool!" "DOTA_Premium_League_Description_MLG" "MLG's first International Dota 2 competition will feature the world's best teams from Europe, China and North America competing for a growing prize pool starting at $50,000." "DOTA_Premium_League_Description_StarSeries8" "The 8th season of the legendary SLTV StarSeries will feature best 18 teams from Europe. They will compete for growing prize pool starting at $40,000. $2.50 of every purchase will go to the SLTV StarSeries prize pool. Round-robin online tournament and LAN finals in Kyiv Cybersport Arena." "DOTA_Premium_League_Description_ChampionsLeague2" "Champions League Season 2 will feature 10 top teams from Europe and North America fighting for $50,000! Includes the Gladiator's Revenge set plus every ticket purchased increases the prize pool by $2.50!" "DOTA_Premium_League_Description_DotaCinema" "DotaCinema presents the XMG Captains Draft Invitational! This is the first major competitive Dota 2 tournament being played in Captains Draft mode! Teams included are Alliance, Na`Vi, Fnatic, RoX.KIS, Sigma.int and Team Liquid. The teams battle for $20,000! Each ticket purchase includes JanJou courier and addes $1.25 to the total prize pool!" "ExchangeItemsForOffering_Succeeded" "Your Offering has been Accepted" "ExchangeItemsForOffering_OfferingDisabled" "The Offering is not currently available. Try again in a while." "ExchangeItemsForOffering_InvalidItems" "Offering failed, invalid items." "ExchangeItemsForOffering_UnknownError" "Offering failed, unknown error." //INTRODUCTORY LOADSCREEN TIPS (0 to 25 games played) "dota_tip_introduction_1" "Try to fight creeps and enemy Heroes within the attack range of your team's Towers." "dota_tip_introduction_2" "Be careful when crossing the river into enemy territory." "dota_tip_introduction_3" "Remember to purchase items to restore your health and mana at the start of the game." "dota_tip_introduction_4" "Purchase and use Town Portal Scrolls to move around the map quickly." "dota_tip_introduction_5" "There are \"Side Shops\" at the extreme east and west sides of the battlefield, where several useful items can be purchased." "dota_tip_introduction_6" "Some items can only be purchased at a \"Secret Shop\"." "dota_tip_introduction_7" "For most heroes, the \"Ultimate\" ability can be learned at level 6, and strengthened at levels 11 and 16." "dota_tip_introduction_8" "Striking the last hit on a creep or hero will earn you additional gold." "dota_tip_introduction_9" "Make sure your team has a Courier to bring items to them while they are in the lanes." "dota_tip_introduction_10" "Items purchased while you are away from a shop will be placed in your Stash to be retrieved later, or delivered by your team's courier." "dota_tip_introduction_11" "If needed, Color Blind Mode can be enabled in the settings menu." //UNIVERSAL LOADSCREEN TIPS (25+ games played) "dota_tip_universal_1" "Announcers and HUD Skins are shared between all players in a match. You can choose among them by pressing the Shared Content button on the left side of the Top Bar." "dota_tip_universal_2" "Remain calm. Remember: it's only a game." "dota_tip_universal_3" "You can mute rude players by going to the Scoreboard, accessed using the buttons on the left side of the Top Bar." "dota_tip_universal_4" "After you have chosen a hero, you can click on the minimap in the lower left to inform your teammates where you intend to go when the game begins." "dota_tip_universal_5" "Enjoyed playing with someone? Commend them by clicking on their name in the Scoreboard, accessed using the buttons on the left side of the Top Bar." "dota_tip_universal_6" "You can hold Alt and click on an ability to inform your teammates of that ability's current cooldown status." "dota_tip_universal_7" "You can inform your teammates that an enemy Hero is missing by holding Alt and clicking on that Hero's portrait in the Top Bar." "dota_tip_universal_8" "Always be polite, especially to your teammates. People are less likely to listen to those who are rude." "dota_tip_universal_9" "Players who abandon a match will be penalized." "dota_tip_universal_10" "Anyone can buy wards, and anyone can buy or upgrade the courier. If your team needs something, don't be afraid to buy it." "dota_tip_universal_11" "Be nice to new players. Everyone has to start somewhere." "dota_tip_universal_12" "Good luck. Have fun." "dota_tip_universal_13" "Hero choices matter. Many heroes are strong counters to other heroes, and many hero pairings are far more powerful and useful than any hero is alone." "dota_tip_universal_14" "Holding Shift allows you to issue actions to be performed in a sequence." "dota_tip_universal_15" "Make your voice heard! Visit the Dota 2 Workshop and vote for the items you'd like to see sold on the Dota 2 store." "dota_tip_universal_16" "Many Global Items can be set to Shuffle, causing a different random item to be chosen for that slot after every match." "dota_tip_universal_17" "Positive reinforcement can go a long way toward victory." "dota_tip_universal_18" "Prefer to see icons of Heroes' faces instead of color-coded symbols on the minimap? You can change this in the settings menu." "dota_tip_universal_19" "Remember to stand up and stretch between matches." "dota_tip_universal_20" "Remember: everyone has bad games. Everyone makes mistakes." "dota_tip_universal_21" "Want the minimap to appear on the other side of the screen? You can change it in the settings menu." "dota_tip_universal_22" "You can adjust how often hero voices are heard in the settings menu." "dota_tip_universal_23" "You can download your match replays from the Career Profile menu. A good way to improve is by analyzing your plays from a new perspective!" "dota_tip_universal_24" "You can hold Alt and click on an ability or item to inform your teammates if it is ready, on cooldown, or if you do not have enough mana to use it." "dota_tip_universal_25" "You can still use items while silenced." "dota_tip_universal_26" "Accidentally canceled your Town Portal Scroll? The settings menu has an option to make a Stop command required in order to cancel a Teleport." "dota_tip_universal_27" "Holding Alt and clicking on an item in an enemy hero's inventory will alert your team that the enemy has that item." "dota_tip_universal_28" "Holding Alt and clicking on your Buyback button, or on your gold, will alert your team of your Buyback status." "dota_tip_universal_29" "In All Pick, players who have not chosen a Hero before the timer expires will begin to lose their starting gold." "dota_tip_universal_30" "Dota 2 is always evolving. New features are added, new Heroes are introduced, and existing Heroes and mechanics may see adjustments. Be sure to keep up with the latest changes at the Dota 2 blog!" "dota_tip_universal_31" "Be careful not to make more enemies than the five you are already facing." "dota_tip_universal_33" "If needed, Color Blind Mode can be enabled in the settings menu." "dota_tip_universal_34" "Holding Alt and clicking on an enemy Hero's health and mana bars, or your own, will inform your team of that Hero's current health and mana." "dota_tip_universal_35" "You can inform your team of active buffs or debuffs on your Hero by holding Alt and clicking on their icons." "dota_tip_universal_36" "If you hold Alt and click on the Glyph of Fortification, you will inform your team of its current status. To tell your team not to use the Glyph, hold both Control and Alt while clicking on the Glyph." "dota_tip_universal_37" "Holding Alt and clicking on your respawn timer will announce your current respawn time to your team." "dota_tip_universal_38" "Use the Chat Wheel to quickly send pre-selected messages to your teammates. Different phrases for the Chat Wheel can be assigned in the settings menu." "dota_tip_universal_39" "Chat Wheel messages are translated to appear in whichever language the receiving player is using." "dota_tip_universal_40" "Assign ability keys to Quickcast to use skills at the location of your mouse cursor with a single key press." "dota_tip_universal_41" "You can set your Dota 2 and Steam profiles to be hidden from other players in the settings menu." "dota_tip_universal_42" "You can expose your public match data to be gathered by third parties in the settings menu." "dota_tip_universal_43" "From the settings menu you can set items and abilities to automatically cast on your Hero using a double-click on the ability icon, or with a double-tap of its assigned key." "dota_tip_universal_44" "Never give up! Killing an enemy Hero is worth more gold and experience if your team is less powerful than your opponents." "dota_tip_universal_45" "It is everyone's responsibility to try to make the Dota community a friendly and inviting place to compete." "dota_tip_universal_46" "Want to see how the pros play Dota? Check out the many Dota 2 tournaments taking place around the world, available on the Dota Store. You might learn a few new tricks for your favorite hero." //BEGINNER LOADSCREEN TIPS (25 - 150 games played) "dota_tip_beginner_1" "If you notice an enemy Hero missing from your lane, tell your teammates by saying \"Missing Top/Middle/Bottom\". You may save a teammate's life!" "dota_tip_beginner_2" "You can level up your abilities by holding Control and pressing that ability's shortcut key." "dota_tip_beginner_3" "Use Wards to reveal parts of the map and increase your awareness of the enemy team's movements." "dota_tip_beginner_4" "Be sure your team has a courier to deliver your items from the shop so that you can stay in the lanes gaining experience and gold." "dota_tip_beginner_5" "Sentry Wards reveal nearby invisible units as well as enemy Wards." "dota_tip_beginner_7" "Roshan is much easier to kill if you reduce his Armor." "dota_tip_beginner_10" "Shift-clicking on shop items will add them to the Quickbuy." "dota_tip_beginner_11" "Scoring the last hit on a tower will earn you more gold for its destruction." "dota_tip_beginner_12" "The \"Safe Lane\" is the longest lane on your team's side of the river. For the Dire, this is the top lane. For the Radiant, it is the bottom lane." "dota_tip_beginner_13" "The \"Hard Lane\" is the shortest lane on your team's side of the river. For the Dire, this is the bottom lane. For the Radiant, it is the top lane." "dota_tip_beginner_14" "Typically, a team only needs one courier." "dota_tip_beginner_15" "The movement speed bonus for having boots does not stack. No matter how many legs your chosen Hero has, you only need a single set of boots." "dota_tip_beginner_16" "You can view an enemy Hero's inventory and abilities by selecting them." "dota_tip_beginner_17" "It is often a good idea to carry a Town Portal Scroll." "dota_tip_beginner_18" "There are many secret paths hidden in the trees, which are often called \"juke spots\". Use these to escape attacks, or to set up ambushes." "dota_tip_beginner_19" "Use Dust of Appearance to reveal nearby invisible enemies." "dota_tip_beginner_20" "Two Runes will appear on the river every two minutes, one north of the middle lane and the other to the south. One of them will always be a Bounty Rune." "dota_tip_beginner_21" "If you have a Bottle, touching a Rune will store it for later use. Storing a Rune will also refill the Bottle." "dota_tip_beginner_22" "You can select from many player-created Builds for your Hero by using the Build Guide button on the left side of the Top Bar." "dota_tip_beginner_25" "Check your minimap often. You may discover that you are about to be ambushed." "dota_tip_beginner_26" "Often the best way to learn a Hero's weaknesses is to play them yourself." "dota_tip_beginner_28" "Destroying the enemy's barracks will strengthen your team's creeps in that lane." "dota_tip_beginner_29" "Towers can see and attack invisible units." "dota_tip_beginner_31" "Be aware of your position when attacking creeps. You may wind up pushing your team's creeps, and yourself, into a dangerous location." "dota_tip_beginner_32" "The Side Shops sell many useful items, including Town Portal Scrolls and the components for many types of boots." "dota_tip_beginner_33" "Several cliff tops feature sigils which mark good locations to place Observer Wards." "dota_tip_beginner_36" "Being near your team's fountain will rapidly restore your health and mana." "dota_tip_beginner_40" "Strength increases maximum Health. Agility increases Attack Speed. Intelligence increases maximum Mana." "dota_tip_beginner_41" "The Secret Shop is not actually a secret." "dota_tip_beginner_42" "A \"Carry\" is a hero that gains power slowly, becoming strong late in the game. A \"Support\" hero is often most powerful early in the game, and later enhances their team's effectiveness." "dota_tip_beginner_43" "As long as your Hero is near a kill when it occurs, you will gain experience." "dota_tip_beginner_44" "You can temporarily fortify your structures, preventing all damage to them, by using the Glyph of Fortification. Use it wisely, as it has a very long cooldown." "dota_tip_beginner_45" "Using Town Portal Scrolls allows you to teleport to any allied structure. Using Boots of Travel allows you to teleport to any allied unit." "dota_tip_beginner_46" "If your Courier is killed, it will return, along with any items it was carrying, after 140 seconds." "dota_tip_beginner_47" "When using a Tango, the regeneration is always the same regardless of the size of the tree you consume." "dota_tip_beginner_48" "There are many websites and videos which can provide you with knowledge about overall tactics, team construction, and strategies for your favorite heroes." "dota_tip_beginner_49" "You can give a teammate one of your Tangoes by using them on that teammate." "dota_tip_beginner_50" "You can use Healing Salves on your teammates to restore their health. Share the love!" "dota_tip_beginner_51" "Each player automatically earns 1 gold every 0.6 seconds, or 100 gold every minute." "dota_tip_beginner_52" "Town Portal Scrolls can be given to teammates." "dota_tip_beginner_53" "Observer and Sentry Wards cannot be placed inside Roshan's pit." "dota_tip_beginner_54" "Unclaimed Runes will be replaced every two minutes." "dota_tip_beginner_55" "Earning gold by killing creeps is often called \"Farming\"." //INTERMEDIATE LOADSCREEN TIPS (75+ games played) "dota_tip_intermediate_3" "After Roshan has been killed, he will respawn at a random time between 8 and 11 minutes." "dota_tip_intermediate_4" "Neutral creeps spawn at the 30 second mark, and then at every minute mark thereafter." "dota_tip_intermediate_5" "Shift-clicking actions or abilities allows you to queue them." "dota_tip_intermediate_6" "Some spells can be dodged by using a Blink Dagger or by becoming invisible." "dota_tip_intermediate_8" "Attacking from an uphill position gives you an advantage as an enemy may miss their attacks or lose you in the fog of war." "dota_tip_intermediate_9" "Using a Pipe of Insight will allow you to negate spell damage from enemy Heroes." "dota_tip_intermediate_10" "Assault Cuirass can be used to boost the Armor of nearby teammates." "dota_tip_intermediate_11" "When a tower is attacking you, attack-clicking on an allied creep will reset the tower's target." "dota_tip_intermediate_12" "Placing a Ward or unit near a neutral creep camp can prevent the creatures in that camp from respawning at the minute mark." "dota_tip_intermediate_13" "Monkey King Bar will grant you True Strike, which prevents enemy Heroes from evading your attacks, even when attacking uphill. True Strike does not work on enemy structures." "dota_tip_intermediate_14" "Double-clicking your Blink Dagger will cause you to automatically blink toward your team's fountain." "dota_tip_intermediate_15" "You can attack allied creeps that are near death. Use this to deny your enemy the gold gained from last hits." "dota_tip_intermediate_16" "Magic damage can be reduced by items that grant Magical Damage Resistance." "dota_tip_intermediate_17" "Physical damage can be reduced by items that grant Armor." "dota_tip_intermediate_18" "Pure damage is not reduced by Armor or by Magical Damage Resistance." "dota_tip_intermediate_20" "Changing the primary stat on Power Treads can break invisibility, as well as interrupt channeled spells such as using a Town Portal Scroll." "dota_tip_intermediate_21" "Pulling all neutral creeps out of a camp near the minute mark will allow that camp to respawn. Use this to maximize the number of creeps you kill." "dota_tip_intermediate_22" "Holding Control allows you to use your Bottle regeneration on an allied Hero. Bottled Runes, however, cannot be shared." "dota_tip_intermediate_23" "Stuck in your base? You can still make purchases from the Secret Shop by sending your Courier there. Just be careful not to send it into the enemy forces!" "dota_tip_intermediate_24" "When no enemy creeps are near, Towers and Barracks have Backdoor Protection, which lessens the damage they take and allows them to restore their health." "dota_tip_intermediate_25" "Quelling Blade only inflicts its bonus damage on enemy and neutral creeps." "dota_tip_intermediate_26" "The Damage Blocked values on a Stout Shield, Poor Man's Shield, and Vanguard refer to the type of Hero carrying the shield, not the type of attacker." "dota_tip_intermediate_27" "Dagon, Necronomicon, Diffusal Blade, and Boots of Travel can be upgraded by purchasing their recipes again." "dota_tip_intermediate_28" "You can give a teammate a single ward by holding Control, clicking on the ward in your inventory, then clicking on your teammate." "dota_tip_intermediate_29" "Blink Dagger and Force Staff can be used to climb up and down cliff sides." "dota_tip_intermediate_30" "Use a Quelling Blade to cut down trees and carve your own path through the forests." "dota_tip_intermediate_31" "Illusions and creeps will not dispel Smoke of Deceit, only Heroes will." "dota_tip_intermediate_32" "You can disable auto-attacking in the options menu." "dota_tip_intermediate_33" "Holding Alt will display additional information in the descriptions of several abilities and items." "dota_tip_intermediate_34" "Barracks cannot reveal invisible units or wards." "dota_tip_intermediate_35" "Buyback has a 7 minute cooldown." "dota_tip_intermediate_36" "Each hero has a primary attribute of Strength, Agility, or Intelligence. Every point in your hero's primary attribute increases their attack damage by 1." "dota_tip_intermediate_37" "From his third death onward, Roshan will drop Cheese in addition to the Aegis of the Immortal. Using Cheese instantly refills that hero's health by 2500 and mana by 1000." "dota_tip_intermediate_38" "Hero illusions are instantly destroyed if they attack Roshan." "dota_tip_intermediate_39" "Remember to check your allies' inventories before purchasing an item for its aura effect. A teammate may already have that item, and most auras do not stack." "dota_tip_intermediate_41" "Stun durations from different skills do not stack. You can keep an enemy stunned for longer with careful timing of your team's skills." "dota_tip_intermediate_42" "Teleports from Town Portal Scrolls and Boots of Travel are not cancelled by silences or knockbacks." "dota_tip_intermediate_43" "The closer a Tower is to its team's Ancient, the more gold its destruction will yield." "dota_tip_intermediate_45" "Using a Soul Ring will grant you extra mana even if your mana is already full." "dota_tip_intermediate_46" "You can destroy allied Towers when they are below 10% health. Denying a Tower drastically reduces how much gold the enemy receives for its destruction." "dota_tip_intermediate_47" "You can use a Quelling Blade to destroy enemy observer and sentry wards." "dota_tip_intermediate_48" "Always be nice to those who buy Wards and Couriers." "dota_tip_intermediate_49" "Physical Damage, dealt by all regular attacks, some hero abilities, and some items, can be reduced with Armor or blocked by becoming Ethereal." "dota_tip_intermediate_50" "Magical Damage, dealt by most hero abilities and items, can be reduced with Magical Damage Resistance or blocked by Spell Immunity." "dota_tip_intermediate_51" "Activating Manta Style will move you from your original position when the illusions appear. Use this to confuse enemies!" "dota_tip_intermediate_52" "Denied creeps grant 50% of their normal experience." "dota_tip_intermediate_53" "Use the Flying Courier's Speed Boost wisely. It has a very long cooldown." "dota_tip_intermediate_54" "Ranged heroes and units have a 25% chance to miss when attacking uphill." "dota_tip_intermediate_55" "Roshan becomes stronger every 4 minutes, gaining additional health, damage, and armor." "dota_tip_intermediate_56" "The Bounty Runes that spawn at the start of the match provide double their usual gold and experience." "dota_tip_intermediate_57" "Some abilities cannot be blocked by spell immunity. Each ability's interaction with spell immunity is shown in its description." "dota_tip_intermediate_58" "Consider saving gold for Buyback. A well-timed Buyback can turn a desperate defense into a swift turnaround." "dota_tip_intermediate_59" "Illusions deal 25% less damage to enemy structures." //ADVANCED LOADSCREEN TIPS (150+ games played) "dota_tip_advanced_1" "Reliable Gold is earned from killing Heroes, Roshan, and Couriers, from the destruction of enemy Towers, or from using Hand of Midas. All other earnings are Unreliable Gold, which can be lost upon death." "dota_tip_advanced_2" "You can pull the creatures in the neutral creep camp that is nearest to your team's Safe Lane into your lane creeps." "dota_tip_advanced_3" "Several items can be broken down into the component parts by right-clicking them in your inventory and choosing \"Disassemble\". Re-use those components to create new items." "dota_tip_advanced_4" "Use Control Groups to issue orders to different sets of units under your control. To set a Control Group, select a unit or units, hold Control, and press a number. To select that Control Group, press that number." "dota_tip_advanced_5" "If you are about to die, use your \"Purchase Quickbuy\" keybinding to spend your gold before it disappears!" "dota_tip_advanced_6" "Swapping the primary attribute on Power Treads to Intelligence can give you a little extra mana." "dota_tip_advanced_7" "If you have an Armlet of Mordiggian, you can turn on Unholy Strength to temporarily raise your health by 475. Disabling Unholy Strength will remove the added health, down to a minimum of 1 health." "dota_tip_advanced_9" "Activating Manta Style removes several buffs and debuffs, and will cause projectiles that are already in flight to miss." "dota_tip_advanced_10" "After using Buyback, 25% of a hero's remaining respawn time at the time of Buyback is added to their next death." "dota_tip_advanced_11" "Cheese can be sold for 500 gold." "dota_tip_advanced_17" "If you are within range of several auras with the same effect, only the most powerful aura will be active." "dota_tip_advanced_18" "If you know you are about to die, consider entering a neutral creep camp, or going to Roshan, and letting them kill you instead. This will deny the enemy team the gold and experience earned from your death." "dota_tip_advanced_19" "Melee Barracks regenerate 5 hit points per second. Ranged Barracks do not regenerate." "dota_tip_advanced_20" "One point of Agility increases hero attack speed by 1, as well as 0.14 armor." "dota_tip_advanced_21" "One point of Intelligence adds 13 maximum mana, as well as 0.04 mana regeneration per second." "dota_tip_advanced_22" "One point of Strength adds 19 maximum health, as well as 0.03 health regeneration per second." "dota_tip_advanced_23" "Shadow Blade can still be activated while channeling a Town Portal Scroll." "dota_tip_advanced_24" "Switching Power Treads to Agility while healing allows your health and mana to restore slightly faster. Just don't forget to switch them back!" "dota_tip_advanced_25" "The Aegis of the Immortal can be denied." "dota_tip_advanced_26" "Though illusions are not affected by auras, they will still grant shared auras from their original hero to nearby units." "dota_tip_advanced_28" "You do not need to destroy the enemy team's barracks to damage the towers near their Ancient. Destroying barracks is optional." "dota_tip_advanced_29" "Warriors summoned by using a Level 3 Necronomicon have True Sight." "dota_tip_advanced_30" "The effects of Dust of Appearance can be purged." "dota_tip_advanced_31" "Runes can be attacked and denied." "dota_community_recruitment" "Recruitment" "dota_recruitment_invite_friends" "Invite Friends" "dota_recruitment_claim_rewards" "Claim Rewards" "dota_recruitment_manage_recruits" "Manage Recruits" "dota_recruitment_claim_rewards_header" "Claim Rewards" "dota_recruitment_claim_rewards_text" "Earn Fortune & Glory as your friends progress in their Dota 2 careers." "dota_recruitpanel_subheader" "Dota is a competitive action-strategy game that is much more fun with friends." "dota_recruitpanel_header" "Recruit Your Friends" "recruitment_add_a_friend" "Add a Friend" "dota_recruitpanel_friends" "Select friends to recruit.\nOnly Friends that haven't already been recruited are eligible." "dota_profile_recruit_level_label" "Recruitment Level: %s1" "dota_profile_recruit_points_label" "Recruitment Points: %s1" "dota_recruitpanel_recruits" "Track the status of your recruits and pending recruitment requests.\nYou will earn recruitment levels as your recruits level up." "dota_recruits_count" "Recruits: %s1" "dota_redeem_event_points_title" "Redeem Points: %s1" "DOTA_Recruitment_Steps" "- Add friends to your friends list.\n\n- Select friends from the left panel below and send them recruitment invites.\n\n- Earn recruitment levels as your recruits play the game." "DOTA_AddFriend_ErrorCode_0" "An error occurred. Make sure the friend information is correct and try again" "DOTA_AddFriend_ErrorCode_1" "An error occurred. Make sure the friend information is correct and try again" "DOTA_AddFriend_ErrorCode_2" "Friends Information is in the wrong format" "DOTA_AddFriend_ErrorCode_3" "No Perfect World Account found" "DOTA_AddFriend_ErrorCode_4" "No Dota 2 Account found" //THIRD PARTY COMPENDIUMS //League name: ASUS ROG DreamLeague Season 1 "Comp_223_PG_cover_fronttextcustom2_text" "ASUS ROG DREAMLEAGUE SEASON 1" "Comp_223_PG_cover_fronttextcustom3_text" "THANKS FOR JOINING US!" "Comp_223_PG_cover_fronttextcustom4_text" "Welcome to the ASUS RoG DreamLeague compendium, your ever growing guide throughout the season. We'd like to thank you for your purchase and inform you there will be no refunds, however, on the plus side, all GD Studio cats will be fed regularly until June 20th! (We honestly don't know about refunds, please talk to Dreamhack, mainly Hellspawn!)." "Comp_223_PG_cover_fronttextcustom5_text" "In this compendium you will find schedules, standings, information on teams, players and much more! Be sure to check back periodically for the latest updates!" "Comp_223_PG_cover_fronttextcustom6_text" "Thank you and enjoy the ASUS ROG Dream League! - DreamHack & The GD Studio." "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom2_text" "TABLE OF CONTENTS" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom300_text" "Bruno's Suit up Challenge! (NEW)" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom3_text" "Lumi's cosplay!" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom4_text" "Milestones" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom5_text" "Standings" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom106_text" "Schedule" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom10746_text" "Super Week" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom10745_text" "Week 8" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom1074_text" "Week 7 and older" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom7_text" "Predictions" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom10_text" "Highlights" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom1141_text" "Interview with 7ckngmad" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom1241_text" "Interview with Aui_2000" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom1341_text" "Interview with Misery" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom1441_text" "Interview with Mag" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom11_text" "Interview with Pflax" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom12_text" "Interview with TC" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom13_text" "Interview with XBOCT" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom14_text" "Interview with N0Tail" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom15_text" "Interview with S4" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom100_text" "Lumi's Watchlist" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom110_text" "Meepo is back!!" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom120_text" "Someone will get the Axe!" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom1204_text" "Remake pls!" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom16_text" "Hot for Meta" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom1714_text" "Week 4" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom1713_text" "Week 3" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom1712_text" "Week 2" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom18_text" "Teams and Players" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom19_text" "Alliance" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom20_text" "Cloud 9" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom21_text" "Team Dog" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom22_text" "Evil Geniuses" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom23_text" "Team Empire" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom24_text" "Fnatic" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom25_text" "Meet Your Makers" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom26_text" "Natus Vincere" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom27_text" "Rox.KIS" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom29_text" "Sigma.INT" "Comp_223_PG_toctextcustom30_text" "Virtus Pro" "Comp_223_PG_suituptextcustom2_text" "SUIT UP CHALLENGE" "Comp_223_PG_suituptextcustom3_text" "The suit up challenge involves boldness, bravery, a lot of improvisation and the ability to think on your feet. Stay tuned for May 11th show, for more details. All we can say for now is that you will have to choose suits for your favorite commentators, not only they will wear them during Dreamhack Summer, but also they will have to go through some hard tasks to prove themselves worthy of the maximum snazzyness!" "Comp_223_PG_draskyl_suitupselectionsselection2_description" "What suit should Draskyl get?" "Comp_223_PG_draskyl_suitupselectionsselection2_choices_1" "Holla holla get Dolla'!" "Comp_223_PG_draskyl_suitupselectionsselection2_choices_2" "Murricah!!" "Comp_223_PG_shane_suitupselectionsselection2_description" "What suit should Shane get?" "Comp_223_PG_shane_suitupselectionsselection2_choices_1" "Color explosion" "Comp_223_PG_shane_suitupselectionsselection2_choices_2" "Comic suit" "Comp_223_PG_lumi_suitupselectionsselection2_description" "What suit should Lumi get?" "Comp_223_PG_lumi_suitupselectionsselection2_choices_1" "Casanova" "Comp_223_PG_lumi_suitupselectionsselection2_choices_2" "Starstruck" "Comp_223_PG_james_suitupselectionsselection2_description" "What suit should James get?" "Comp_223_PG_james_suitupselectionsselection2_choices_1" "God Save the Queen" "Comp_223_PG_james_suitupselectionsselection2_choices_2" "Going full Commando" "Comp_223_PG_lumi_cosplayselectionsselection5_description" "What hero should Lumi cosplay as?" "Comp_223_PG_lumi_cosplaytextcustom2_text" "Lumi's cosplay" "Comp_223_PG_lumi_cosplaytextcustom3_text" "It's Keeper of the Light!" "Comp_223_PG_lumi_cosplaytextcustom4_text" "Hey everyone! Since you were so awesome and you contributed $100.000 to the prize pool, you get the right of choosing Lumi's cosplay for Dreamhack Summer. You will have until April 13th to vote on which hero you want him to be!." "Comp_223_PG_lumi_cosplaytextcustom5_text" "The vote has ended and, as if the picture in this page was an omen, it was Keeper of the Light by an overwhelming amount. Out of more than 11000 votes, 1371 people chose KotL. 647 people picked Crystal Maiden, 428 people picked Queen of Pain, although it was vetoed (shrugs), and 416 people picked Wisp." "Comp_223_PG_milestonestextcustom2_text" "MILESTONES" "Comp_223_PG_milestonestextcustom3_text" "ASUS ROG DreamLeague" "Comp_223_PG_milestonestextcustom4_text" "STRETCH GOAL REWARDS" "Comp_223_PG_milestonestextcustom5_text" "NEXT GOAL: $125,000" "Comp_223_PG_milestonestextcustom6_text" "Hey there! These are the 'amazing' stretch goals. Currently you've unlocked a loading screen, battle bonus, DreamLeague HUD, Pudge's Offhand Chainsaw Invoker Set and Lumi's Cosplay!. All these items will be automatically gifted to your account as they become available." "Comp_223_PG_milestonestextcustom7_text" "There are also some hidden stretch goals. For $1 you've unlocked Shane from Ireland! You also unlocked for $70,000 the Dota Harmony, which will be performed soon (Valve time!) live on the show. Of course there are more! but we ain't gonna tell you, 'cause.... it's a seeeecreeeet! Remember to tell your friends: IF THEY BUY A COMPENDIUM, THEY GET ALL THE PREVIOUS REWARDS!" "Comp_223_PG_milestonestextcustom8_text" "Click here for more information on the player prize pool so far!" "Comp_223_PG_standingstextcustom2_text" "STANDINGS (May 5th)" "Comp_223_PG_schedule_covertextcustom2_text" "WEEKLY SCHEDULES" "Comp_223_PG_schedule_covertextcustom3_text" "THIS IS HOW YOU KNOW WHO PLAYS IN THE FANTASY LEAGUE THIS WEEK. =)" "Comp_223_PG_schedule8textcustom5_text" "The super weekend will feature the last few matches everyone needs to determine their final standings. Whether it's teams trying to secure first place, clinging to last hopes to get into the finals or making sure they don't fall down to 7th place or less, this is where the group stage ends. After this, the top 6 teams will face each other at Dreamhack Summer for a shot at a prizepool of over $200,000" "Comp_223_PG_schedule7textcustom2_text" "The Final Countdown" "Comp_223_PG_schedule7textcustom3_text" "Cloud 9 and Empire only depend on themselves to secure top 2. Cloud 9 has the tie breaker advantage on Empire, so if the latter want to finish in first place, they will have to hope that Cloud 9 loses one game." "Comp_223_PG_schedule7textcustom4_text" "Close behind, both Alliance and Team Dog are waiting for anyone at the top to slip, and Alliance can force that to happen when they play Empire on Wednesday. Dog on the other hand will have some tough challenges in Na'vi and RoX.KIS" "Comp_223_PG_schedule7textcustom5_text" "Speaking of Na'vi, them and EG are only 1 loss away from falling into the dangerous territory below the 6th place. RoX.KIS and Fnatic will be waiting for either of these teams to slip and if they can be consistent enough, we could have a last minute lead change and some surprise upsets." "Comp_223_PG_schedule7textcustom6_text" "Fnatic, Alliance and Rox.KIS will play 3 matches. Empire, Team Dog and Na'vi will play two. Cloud 9, VP and Sigma.INT will only play one." "Comp_223_PG_schedule6textcustom2_text" "Doing the Math" "Comp_223_PG_schedule6textcustom3_text" "Aside from MYM, already being eliminated, all teams have a small chance of qualifying still. Having between 4 and 5 matches to play, it looks like 8 wins is going to be the safe number. Battle for top 2 is also going to be a tough one." "Comp_223_PG_schedule6textcustom4_text" "Cloud 9 (vs Dog) and Empire (vs C9) only lost one game. Na'vi (Lost twice to Empire), Alliance (L to C9 and VP) and Dog (L to EG and Alliance), are all 6-2. Alliance-Na'vi is going to be the first match played this week, and that might ruin one of these teams' possibilities of a top 2 finish." "Comp_223_PG_schedule6textcustom5_text" "Struggling at the bottom, everyone is hoping on EG (5-4) to keep on losing. Being the only team with more than 2 losses in the top 6, RoX, Fnatic, Liquid, VP and to a lesser extent, Sigma, can only hope to get a winning streak that allows them to surpass them. EG-Liquid on monday will be a must watch." "Comp_223_PG_schedule6textcustom6_text" "Team Liquid will play 5 matches, Na'vi and VP will play 3. Sigma and Alliance 2, and Team Dog, EG and C9 will play 1." "Comp_223_PG_schedule5textcustom2_text" "Here come the champions" "Comp_223_PG_schedule5textcustom3_text" "Na'vi has only played 4 games in the Dreamleague so far, but that's going to change soon. Currently 3-1, Na'vi plays 4 matches this week and they have the chance to share the number 1 spot with Cloud 9. Will the champions go back on full blast?" "Comp_223_PG_schedule5textcustom4_text" "Sigma.INT has very little chance to qualify, being 1-5, but they can do their last push in their 3 games this week. If they defeat Dog, Alliance and Na'vi, they can end with a hopeful 4-5. It's not going to be easy, but everything is at stake!" "Comp_223_PG_schedule5textcustom5_text" "Cloud 9 has two game this week, against a very unpredictable VP and conference rivals EG. Shall they win one of those, they will be the first team qualified to go to Dreamhack Summer, since it's mathematically impossible to have 6 teams with more than 8 wins at this point of the tournament." "Comp_223_PG_schedule5textcustom6_text" "Na'vi plays 4 games this week, Sigma and VP play 3, C9, EG and Empire play 2, and MYM, Rox.KIS, Dog and Alliance play 1." "Comp_223_PG_schedule4textcustom2_text" "Not so underdogs" "Comp_223_PG_schedule4textcustom3_text" "Team Dog, one of the last teams to qualify for the tournament is looking quite strong recently. Having obtained victories against teams like EG and Cloud 9, Team Dog has proved that they're no longer a team of 5 friends but actually a real contender to the league. " "Comp_223_PG_schedule4textcustom4_text" "Liquid has a lot to prove this week. Having yet failed to get a single victory, they will get 4 opportunities this week to do so. With the departure of Brian 'FLUFFNSTUFF' Lee, the team will have to try and find a proper replacement that will help them rise again." "Comp_223_PG_schedule4textcustom5_text" "MYM, as liquid, has struggled during the first half of the tournament. While their chances to qualify to the LAN finals are pretty much gone, they will fight to prove they can actually improve and not to lose their spot for next season." "Comp_223_PG_schedule4textcustom6_text" "Liquid will play 4 games this week, MYM 3. Cloud9, Alliance, Rox.KIS and Fnatic 2, VP, Dog and Sigma will play 1 game. " "Comp_223_PG_schedule3textcustom2_text" "Unbeaten juggernauts" "Comp_223_PG_schedule3textcustom3_text" "After 3 entire weeks of competition, Empire can't seem to be able to lose a match. And even though they will face two tough opponents in Cloud 9 and Fnatic this week, it feels like they can trample through anyone at this point of the competition. " "Comp_223_PG_schedule3textcustom4_text" "Evil Geniuses, on the other hand, are standing in the middle of the pack, but with 3 games on Wednesday against somewhat accessible opponents (Rox.KIS, Team Dog and Virtus Pro), they will have the chance to define themselves as contenders, strugglers or hopeless. And they won't have Fear to rely on." "Comp_223_PG_schedule3textcustom5_text" "This week is also a short week, with only two days of play. next week will, in contrast, feature four days of action, so it's a good time to take a breather because after THAT week is done, we'll be standing pretty much at the middle of this season's league." "Comp_223_PG_schedule3textcustom6_text" "Fnatic is the only other team that will play more than one match this week." "Comp_223_PG_schedule2textcustom2_text" "NO ROOM FOR FAILURE" "Comp_223_PG_schedule2textcustom3_text" "With 18 games already played, the landscape looks divided in 3 sections. The ones fighting for the top spots, the guys that need to get a more solid footing, and the teams that need to get out of the bottom of the pit." "Comp_223_PG_schedule2textcustom4_text" "Cloud 9, playing 3 games this week, has the chance to finish the week on top of the world, but they are facing the only other team that can go 5-0 this week: Alliance. Must watch! The other contenders: Empire only has one game, and Na'vi is taking the week off." "Comp_223_PG_schedule2textcustom5_text" "Struggling to get their first win, Liquid and Dog face each other, as well as Sigma and MYM. Liquid only gets one match this week, but MYM and Dog get 3 while Sigma gets 2. Some bad results here could spell doom on their chances to qualify for the finals." "Comp_223_PG_schedule2textcustom6_text" "Rox.KIS, EG and VP wrap up the week with 2, 1 and 1 match each respectively." "Comp_223_PG_predictionstextcustom2_text" "WEEKLY PREDICTIONS" "Comp_223_PG_predictionstextcustom3_text" "BECAUSE IT FEELS SO GOOD TO BE RIGHT" "Comp_223_PG_predictionstextcustom5_text" "Total Score so far:" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match1selectionsselection1_description" "Who is going to win the match?" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match1selectionsselection1_choices_1" "Navi" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match1selectionsselection1_choices_2" "Dog" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match1selectionsselection3_description" "Which player is going to get First Blood? (i.e: Kill)" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match1selectionsselection3_choices_1" "Na'vi - XBOCT" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match1selectionsselection3_choices_2" "Na'vi - Dendi" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match1selectionsselection3_choices_3" "Na'vi - Funn1k" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match1selectionsselection3_choices_4" "Na'vi - Puppey" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match1selectionsselection3_choices_5" "Na'vi - Kuroky" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match1selectionsselection3_choices_6" "Team Dog - Pajkatt" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match1selectionsselection3_choices_7" "Team Dog - Fata" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match1selectionsselection3_choices_8" "Team Dog - MSS" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match1selectionsselection3_choices_9" "Team Dog - Pas" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match1selectionsselection3_choices_10" "Team Dog - Misery" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match1selectionsselection5_description" "Which player is going end up with the most deaths? (Lowest position wins tiebreaker)" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match2selectionsselection1_choices_1" "Sigma" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match2selectionsselection3_description" "Which player is going to get the most kills? (Highest position wins tiebreaker)" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match2selectionsselection3_choices_1" "Fnatic - Era" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match2selectionsselection3_choices_2" "Fnatic - H4nni" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match2selectionsselection3_choices_3" "Fnatic - Trixi" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match2selectionsselection3_choices_4" "Fnatic - N0tail" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match2selectionsselection3_choices_5" "Fnatic - Fly" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match2selectionsselection3_choices_6" "Sigma - Sockhska" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match2selectionsselection3_choices_7" "Sigma - Mid player (standin)" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match2selectionsselection3_choices_8" "Sigma - miGGel" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match2selectionsselection3_choices_9" "Sigma - 7ckngmad" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match2selectionsselection3_choices_10" "Sigma - Second Support (standin)" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match2selectionsselection5_description" "Which player is going end up with the highest net worth? (Highest position wins tiebreaker)" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match3selectionsselection3_description" "Which player is going to get the most assists? (Highest position wins tiebreaker)" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match3selectionsselection3_choices_6" "Alliance - Loda" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match3selectionsselection3_choices_7" "Alliance - S4" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match3selectionsselection3_choices_8" "Alliance - AdmiralBulldog" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match3selectionsselection3_choices_9" "Alliance - Akke" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match3selectionsselection3_choices_10" "Alliance - EGM" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match3selectionsselection5_description" "How many kills will H4nni have in total?" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match3selectionsselection5_choices_1" "3 or less" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match3selectionsselection5_choices_2" "4-6" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match3selectionsselection5_choices_3" "7-9" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match3selectionsselection5_choices_4" "10-12" "Comp_223_PG_day021_match3selectionsselection5_choices_5" "13 or more" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match1selectionsselection3_description" "Which player is going to give away first blood? (i.e:die)" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match1selectionsselection3_choices_6" "Rox.KIS - BZZisPerfect" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match1selectionsselection3_choices_7" "Rox.KIS - Solo" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match1selectionsselection3_choices_8" "Rox.KIS - Sedoy" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match1selectionsselection3_choices_9" "Rox.KIS - yol" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match1selectionsselection3_choices_10" "Rox.KIS - Goblak" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match1selectionsselection5_description" "Will Keeper of the Light be banned, picked or none of the above this match?" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match1selectionsselection5_choices_1" "Banned" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match1selectionsselection5_choices_2" "Picked" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match1selectionsselection5_choices_3" "None" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match2selectionsselection1_choices_2" "Empire" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match2selectionsselection3_description" "Which player is going to get the last kill of the game?" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match2selectionsselection3_choices_6" "Empire - Silent" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match2selectionsselection3_choices_7" "Empire - Resolut1on" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match2selectionsselection3_choices_8" "Empire - Mag" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match2selectionsselection3_choices_9" "Empire - Vanskor" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match2selectionsselection3_choices_10" "Empire - ALWAYSWANNAFLY" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match2selectionsselection5_description" "What will be the highest killing spree in the game?" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match2selectionsselection5_choices_1" "Killing Spree (3)" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match2selectionsselection5_choices_2" "Dominating (4)" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match2selectionsselection5_choices_3" "Mega Kill (5)" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match2selectionsselection5_choices_4" "Unstoppable (6)" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match2selectionsselection5_choices_5" "Wicked Sick (7)" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match2selectionsselection5_choices_6" "Monster Kill (8)" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match2selectionsselection5_choices_7" "Godlike (9)" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match2selectionsselection5_choices_8" "Beyond Godlike (10+)" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match3selectionsselection3_description" "Which player is going to get the most deaths? (Highest position wins tiebreaker)" "Comp_223_PG_day22_match3selectionsselection5_description" "Which player will get to 20cs first?" "Comp_223_PG_day23_match1selectionsselection3_description" "Which player is going end up with the highest net GPM? (Highest position wins tiebreaker)" "Comp_223_PG_day23_match1selectionsselection3_choices_6" "Cloud 9 - EternalEnvy" "Comp_223_PG_day23_match1selectionsselection3_choices_7" "Cloud 9 - Singsing" "Comp_223_PG_day23_match1selectionsselection3_choices_8" "Cloud 9 - Bone7" "Comp_223_PG_day23_match1selectionsselection3_choices_9" "Cloud 9 - Aui_2000" "Comp_223_PG_day23_match1selectionsselection3_choices_10" "Cloud 9 - PieLieDie" "Comp_223_PG_day23_match1selectionsselection5_description" "How many times will Roshan be killed?" "Comp_223_PG_day23_match1selectionsselection5_choices_1" "0" "Comp_223_PG_day23_match1selectionsselection5_choices_2" "1" "Comp_223_PG_day23_match1selectionsselection5_choices_3" "2" "Comp_223_PG_day23_match1selectionsselection5_choices_4" "3" "Comp_223_PG_day23_match1selectionsselection5_choices_5" "4 or more" "Comp_223_PG_day23_match2selectionsselection3_description" "Which player is going end up with the highest net XPM? (Highest position wins tiebreaker)" "Comp_223_PG_day23_match2selectionsselection5_description" "How many couriers will die in this game?" "Comp_223_PG_day23_match2selectionsselection5_choices_4" "3 or more" "Comp_223_PG_day23_match3selectionsselection1_choices_1" "VP" "Comp_223_PG_day23_match3selectionsselection1_choices_2" "Na'vi" "Comp_223_PG_day23_match3selectionsselection3_description" "Which player is going to get the last death of the game?" "Comp_223_PG_day23_match3selectionsselection3_choices_1" "VP - Illidan" "Comp_223_PG_day23_match3selectionsselection3_choices_2" "VP - God" "Comp_223_PG_day23_match3selectionsselection3_choices_3" "VP - Ars-Art" "Comp_223_PG_day23_match3selectionsselection3_choices_4" "VP - JotM" "Comp_223_PG_day23_match3selectionsselection3_choices_5" "VP - NS" "Comp_223_PG_day23_match3selectionsselection5_description" "How long will the match be?" "Comp_223_PG_day23_match3selectionsselection5_choices_1" "Less than 30mins" "Comp_223_PG_day23_match3selectionsselection5_choices_2" "More than 30mins" "Comp_223_PG_day23_match3selectionsselection5_choices_3" "Exactly 30:00" "Comp_223_PG_day024_match1selectionsselection1_choices_1" "MYM" "Comp_223_PG_day024_match1selectionsselection3_choices_1" "MYM - Unicorn" "Comp_223_PG_day024_match1selectionsselection3_choices_2" "MYM - Ryze" "Comp_223_PG_day024_match1selectionsselection3_choices_3" "MYM - Ace" "Comp_223_PG_day024_match1selectionsselection3_choices_4" "MYM - Cr1t" "Comp_223_PG_day024_match1selectionsselection3_choices_5" "MYM - Link" "Comp_223_PG_day024_match3selectionsselection5_description" "How many kills will Era have in total?" "Comp_223_PG_day024_match5selectionsselection1_choices_1" "EG" "Comp_223_PG_day024_match5selectionsselection3_choices_1" "EG - Fear" "Comp_223_PG_day024_match5selectionsselection3_choices_2" "EG - Arteezy" "Comp_223_PG_day024_match5selectionsselection3_choices_3" "EG - Universe" "Comp_223_PG_day024_match5selectionsselection3_choices_4" "EG - zai" "Comp_223_PG_day024_match5selectionsselection3_choices_5" "EG - ppd" "Comp_223_PG_day024_match6selectionsselection5_description" "How many kills will Arteezy have in total?" "Comp_223_PG_day25_match3selectionsselection1_choices_2" "RoX.KIS" "Comp_223_PG_day018_match3selectionsselection1_choices_1" "Liquid" "Comp_223_PG_day018_match3selectionsselection3_choices_1" "EG - Mason" "Comp_223_PG_day018_match3selectionsselection3_choices_6" "Liquid - TC" "Comp_223_PG_day018_match3selectionsselection3_choices_7" "Liquid - Bulba" "Comp_223_PG_day018_match3selectionsselection3_choices_8" "Liquid - Qojqva" "Comp_223_PG_day018_match3selectionsselection3_choices_9" "Liquid - Demon" "Comp_223_PG_day018_match3selectionsselection3_choices_10" "Liquid - waytosexy" "Comp_223_PG_day19_match1selectionsselection3_choices_3" "Team Dog - Smulgullig (or standin)" "Comp_223_PG_day19_match1selectionsselection3_choices_4" "Team Dog - Fogged (or standin)" "Comp_223_PG_day19_match1selectionsselection5_description" "Will Wraith King be banned, picked or none of the above this match?" "Comp_223_PG_day19_match2selectionsselection3_choices_7" "Sigma - FATA (or standin)" "Comp_223_PG_day19_match2selectionsselection3_choices_10" "Sigma - Pas (or standin)" "Comp_223_PG_day20_match3selectionsselection1_choices_1" "Cloud" "Comp_223_PG_day015_match2selectionsselection1_choices_2" "DOG" "Comp_223_PG_day015_match2selectionsselection3_choices_3" "Team Dog - Smulgullig" "Comp_223_PG_day015_match2selectionsselection3_choices_4" "Team Dog - Fogged" "Comp_223_PG_day015_match2selectionsselection3_choices_7" "Sigma - FATA" "Comp_223_PG_day015_match2selectionsselection3_choices_10" "Sigma - Pas" "Comp_223_PG_day015_match3selectionsselection5_description" "How many kills will S4 have in total?" "Comp_223_PG_day16_match1selectionsselection5_description" "Will Ember Spirit be banned, picked or none of the above this match?" "Comp_223_PG_day16_match2selectionsselection3_choices_7" "MYM - Exist" "Comp_223_PG_day16_match2selectionsselection3_choices_10" "MYM - Mini" "Comp_223_PG_day011_match1selectionsselection3_choices_7" "Team Dog - Demon" "Comp_223_PG_day011_match3selectionsselection1_choices_2" "Team Liquid" "Comp_223_PG_day011_match3selectionsselection3_choices_9" "Liquid - FLUFFNSTUFF" "Comp_223_PG_day011_match3selectionsselection5_description" "How many kills will Bulba have in total?" "Comp_223_PG_day12_match1selectionsselection5_description" "Will Invoker be banned, picked or none of the above this match?" "Comp_223_PG_day15_match3selectionsselection3_choices_1" "Sigma - Sockshka" "Comp_223_PG_day15_match3selectionsselection3_choices_5" "Sigma - pas" "Comp_223_PG_day10_match1selectionsselection1resultinfo_dialog_info" "Empire won the game in under 31 minutes" "Comp_223_PG_day10_match1selectionsselection3resultinfo_dialog_info" "Fly got the first blood of the game." "Comp_223_PG_day10_match1selectionsselection5resultinfo_dialog_info" "Trixi unsurprisingly takes this with 8 deaths" "Comp_223_PG_day10_match2selectionsselection1resultinfo_dialog_info" "Cloud 9 took the game in exactly 33 minutes." "Comp_223_PG_day10_match2selectionsselection3resultinfo_dialog_info" "Envy with 10 kills." "Comp_223_PG_day10_match2selectionsselection5resultinfo_dialog_info" "Envy once again with 792GPM." "Comp_223_PG_day10_match3selectionsselection5_description" "How many kills will Loda have in total?" "Comp_223_PG_day11_match1selectionsselection1resultinfo_dialog_info" "EG got this game in just over 40 minutes." "Comp_223_PG_day11_match1selectionsselection3resultinfo_dialog_info" "NS was the first player to die in the game." "Comp_223_PG_day11_match1selectionsselection5_description" "Will Visage be banned, picked or none of the above this match?" "Comp_223_PG_day11_match1selectionsselection5resultinfo_dialog_info" "Visage was picked by EG in this game." "Comp_223_PG_day11_match2selectionsselection1resultinfo_dialog_info" "Woof woof!" "Comp_223_PG_day11_match2selectionsselection3resultinfo_dialog_info" "Fogged was the lucky dog" "Comp_223_PG_day11_match2selectionsselection5resultinfo_dialog_info" "Surprisingly no one went past Dominating." "Comp_223_PG_day11_match3selectionsselection1resultinfo_dialog_info" "EG defeated Rox.KIS in under 25 minutes" "Comp_223_PG_day11_match3selectionsselection3resultinfo_dialog_info" "Yol got 4 deaths." "Comp_223_PG_day11_match3selectionsselection5resultinfo_dialog_info" "Mason did, however, since he was not one of the options, the next one to get to 20cs was Universe." "Comp_223_PG_day7_match1selectionsselection1resultinfo_dialog_info" "After some remakes, Rox.KIS beat Sigma in under 50 minutes" "Comp_223_PG_day7_match1selectionsselection3resultinfo_dialog_info" "7ckngmad got first blood by killing yol on the top lane." "Comp_223_PG_day7_match1selectionsselection5resultinfo_dialog_info" "yol was the player with the most deaths, with 7 of those." "Comp_223_PG_day7_match2selectionsselection1resultinfo_dialog_info" "Empire won the game in 26:26." "Comp_223_PG_day7_match2selectionsselection3resultinfo_dialog_info" "Silent got the most kills with 8." "Comp_223_PG_day7_match2selectionsselection5resultinfo_dialog_info" "Silent had the highest GPM with 610." "Comp_223_PG_day7_match3selectionsselection1resultinfo_dialog_info" "Team Dog took the win in 34 minutes." "Comp_223_PG_day7_match3selectionsselection3resultinfo_dialog_info" "Smulgullig had 10 assists. So did MSS and Pajkatt, but Smulgullig is a higher position than them." "Comp_223_PG_day7_match3selectionsselection5_description" "How many kills will EternalEnvy have in total?" "Comp_223_PG_day7_match3selectionsselection5resultinfo_dialog_info" "Envy had mercy and only had 2 kills." "Comp_223_PG_day8_match1selectionsselection1resultinfo_dialog_info" "C9 took the match in 28 minutes." "Comp_223_PG_day8_match1selectionsselection3resultinfo_dialog_info" "Envy-sama gave away first blood!" "Comp_223_PG_day8_match1selectionsselection5resultinfo_dialog_info" "Visage was banned in the first round." "Comp_223_PG_day8_match2selectionsselection1resultinfo_dialog_info" "EG took the match in 53 minutes." "Comp_223_PG_day8_match2selectionsselection3resultinfo_dialog_info" "Universe got the last kill." "Comp_223_PG_day8_match2selectionsselection5resultinfo_dialog_info" "Wicked Sick." "Comp_223_PG_day8_match3selectionsselection1resultinfo_dialog_info" "Cloud9 defeated Alliance in 40:48." "Comp_223_PG_day8_match3selectionsselection3resultinfo_dialog_info" "s4 had 10 deaths." "Comp_223_PG_day8_match3selectionsselection5resultinfo_dialog_info" "Singsing did it!" "Comp_223_PG_day9_match1selectionsselection1resultinfo_dialog_info" "Rox.Kis beat MYM in 53 minutes." "Comp_223_PG_day9_match1selectionsselection3resultinfo_dialog_info" "BZZ (633) got 792gpm." "Comp_223_PG_day9_match1selectionsselection5resultinfo_dialog_info" "Roshan was killed 4 times." "Comp_223_PG_day9_match2selectionsselection1resultinfo_dialog_info" "The doggies got the match in 24:20." "Comp_223_PG_day9_match2selectionsselection3resultinfo_dialog_info" "Pajkatt ended with 508xpm." "Comp_223_PG_day9_match2selectionsselection5resultinfo_dialog_info" "No couriers were harmed in the making of this game." "Comp_223_PG_day9_match3selectionsselection1resultinfo_dialog_info" "Sigma got the game in 65 minutes and 12 seconds." "Comp_223_PG_day9_match3selectionsselection3resultinfo_dialog_info" "Exist got the last kill of the game." "Comp_223_PG_day5_match1selectionsselection1resultinfo_dialog_info" "VP took the game in just over 26 minutes in a convincing fashion." "Comp_223_PG_day5_match1selectionsselection3resultinfo_dialog_info" "Since it said last kill and not last before gg, Era takes it, killing Illidan 1 second before the game is over." "Comp_223_PG_day5_match1selectionsselection5_description" "Which player is going end up with the most assists? (Highest position wins tiebreaker)" "Comp_223_PG_day5_match1selectionsselection5resultinfo_dialog_info" "Jotm Finished with the most assists with a total of 8." "Comp_223_PG_day5_match2selectionsselection1resultinfo_dialog_info" "Alliance pretty much stomped liquid in 21 minutes." "Comp_223_PG_day5_match2selectionsselection3_description" "What will be the highest GPM in the game?" "Comp_223_PG_day5_match2selectionsselection3_choices_1" "399 or less" "Comp_223_PG_day5_match2selectionsselection3_choices_2" "400 to 499" "Comp_223_PG_day5_match2selectionsselection3_choices_3" "500 to 599" "Comp_223_PG_day5_match2selectionsselection3_choices_4" "600 to 699" "Comp_223_PG_day5_match2selectionsselection3_choices_5" "700 to 799" "Comp_223_PG_day5_match2selectionsselection3_choices_6" "800 or more" "Comp_223_PG_day5_match2selectionsselection3resultinfo_dialog_info" "S4 had 578GPM this game." "Comp_223_PG_day5_match2selectionsselection5_description" "Which player will end up with the most XPM? (Highest position wins tiebreaker)" "Comp_223_PG_day5_match2selectionsselection5resultinfo_dialog_info" "S4 ruled with 523XPM" "Comp_223_PG_day5_match3selectionsselection1resultinfo_dialog_info" "Fnatic took the game in 49 minutes after being behind by almost 10k gold." "Comp_223_PG_day5_match3selectionsselection3_description" "How many kills will the top killer in the game have?" "Comp_223_PG_day5_match3selectionsselection3_choices_1" "4 or less" "Comp_223_PG_day5_match3selectionsselection3_choices_2" "5 to 7" "Comp_223_PG_day5_match3selectionsselection3_choices_3" "8 to 10" "Comp_223_PG_day5_match3selectionsselection3_choices_4" "11 to 13" "Comp_223_PG_day5_match3selectionsselection3_choices_5" "14 to 16" "Comp_223_PG_day5_match3selectionsselection3_choices_6" "17 or more" "Comp_223_PG_day5_match3selectionsselection3resultinfo_dialog_info" "3 heroes had 11 kills" "Comp_223_PG_day5_match3selectionsselection5_description" "Which player is going end up with the most CS? (Highest position wins tiebreaker)" "Comp_223_PG_day5_match3selectionsselection5resultinfo_dialog_info" "TC had 425cs on his Luna." "Comp_223_PG_day6_match1selectionsselection1resultinfo_dialog_info" "EG got the match after almost 40 minutes." "Comp_223_PG_day6_match1selectionsselection3_description" "Which player is going to destroy the first tower?" "Comp_223_PG_day6_match1selectionsselection3_choices_11" "No one" "Comp_223_PG_day6_match1selectionsselection3resultinfo_dialog_info" "Creeps got the first tower. Everyone loses. Next time I'll add a 'creeps' option" "Comp_223_PG_day6_match1selectionsselection5_description" "Which player is going end up with the least GPM? (Lowest position wins tiebreaker)" "Comp_223_PG_day6_match1selectionsselection5resultinfo_dialog_info" "Pas with only 190gpm." "Comp_223_PG_day6_match2selectionsselection1resultinfo_dialog_info" "Cloud 9 won the classic NA match in just under 42 minutes." "Comp_223_PG_day6_match2selectionsselection3_description" "How many barracks will the losing team have left by GG call?" "Comp_223_PG_day6_match2selectionsselection3_choices_5" "4" "Comp_223_PG_day6_match2selectionsselection3_choices_6" "5" "Comp_223_PG_day6_match2selectionsselection3_choices_7" "6" "Comp_223_PG_day6_match2selectionsselection3resultinfo_dialog_info" "Both bottom and top raxes were still alive by GG call." "Comp_223_PG_day6_match2selectionsselection5resultinfo_dialog_info" "Eternal Envy got an 8-0 streak before dying for the first time (and getting a 9th kill less than half a second later)." "Comp_223_PG_day6_match3selectionsselection1resultinfo_dialog_info" "Empire dominated the match winning in 18 minutes." "Comp_223_PG_day6_match3selectionsselection3_description" "Which player is going to get to 20cs first?" "Comp_223_PG_day6_match3selectionsselection3resultinfo_dialog_info" "Illidan got to 20cs in 3:38 mins." "Comp_223_PG_day6_match3selectionsselection5_description" "How many times will Roshan die?" "Comp_223_PG_day6_match3selectionsselection5_choices_5" "4 or plus" "Comp_223_PG_day6_match3selectionsselection5resultinfo_dialog_info" "Empire got the only roshan kill of the game." "Comp_223_PG_day6_match3selectionsselection6_description" "test" "Comp_223_PG_highlightstextcustom2_text" "VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS" "Comp_223_PG_highlightstextcustom3_text" "AND SOME LOWLIGHTS AS WELL" "Comp_223_PG_mad_interviewtextcustom1_text" "Interview with Sigma.7ckngmad" "Comp_223_PG_aui_interviewtextcustom1_text" "Interview with C9.Aui_2000" "Comp_223_PG_misery_interviewtextcustom1_text" "Interview with Dog.Misery" "Comp_223_PG_mag_interviewtextcustom1_text" "Interview with Empire.Mag" "Comp_223_PG_pyrion_interviewtextcustom1_text" "Interview with Pyrion Flax" "Comp_223_PG_tc_interviewtextcustom1_text" "Interview with Liquid.TC" "Comp_223_PG_xboct_interviewtextcustom1_text" "Interview with Na'vi.XBOCT" "Comp_223_PG_notail_interviewtextcustom1_text" "Interview with Fnatic.Notail" "Comp_223_PG_s4_interviewtextcustom1_text" "Interview with Alliance.S4" "Comp_223_PG_lumi_covertextcustom2_text" "LUMI'S WATCHLIST" "Comp_223_PG_lumi_covertextcustom3_text" "SKIPPED THE WEEK? LUMI TELLS YOU WHERE THE GOOD STUFF IS!" "Comp_223_PG_lumi_1textcustom1_text" "Na'vi - Fnatic: Meepo is back!" "Comp_223_PG_lumi_1textcustom2_text" "Week 1" "Comp_223_PG_lumi_1textcustom3_text" "One of the more impressive feats in Dota is re-inventing a 10 year old game. In Dreamleague's opening match of Navi vs Fnatic, N0tail played Meepo as a support, something that has never been done before. While other supports can pressure lanes, none can do so at a global scale, all the while maintaining steady experience and gold gain. N0tail displayed an impressive Meepo game full of roaming, ganking and Blink Dagger initiating. With Meepo being such a rare pick, it's unlikely that other teams will experiment with support Meepo; however, this game gives a glimpse what the hero is truly capable of." "Comp_223_PG_lumi_2textcustom1_text" "Fnatic Liquid: Someone will get the Axe!" "Comp_223_PG_lumi_2textcustom3_text" "In Week 2's Fnatic vs Team Liquid match up, we get to see Axe played in a competitive environment. This game does an excellent job in showcasing Axe's strengths and weaknesses. Early on, Bulba's Axe was able to maraude through the map and find kills despite diving into 2 or 3 of Fnatic's heroes. However, due to Axe's weak scaling, as mid/late game rolled around, Axe's effectiveness fell off quickly. This is one of the few interesting case study of Axe, and it deserves a look for any Axe fans." "Comp_223_PG_lumi_3textcustom1_text" "Sigma - Rox.KIS: Remake pls!" "Comp_223_PG_lumi_3textcustom3_text" "Disregarding the controversies that surrounded the game, Sigma vs Rox.kis is one of the most unique games in Dota history. Rox.kis started out the game strong by securing multiple outer towers and Roshan, and came knocking with a pre-20 minute rax push. Up against an insanely farmed Lycan and Nature's Prophet, itemless Shadow Fiend and Slardar were Sigma's cores. What came after this point was a series of the most amazing defenses I have ever witness as a Dota caster. Fata's Shadow Fiend was, as Draskyl pointed out, the embodiment of Power, utilizing one of the most creative Shadow Fiend item build ever. Though Fata is not the Dreamleague MVP during week 3, he's won me over in this game. A must watch." "Comp_223_PG_hot_for_meta_covertextcustom2_text" "HOT FOR META" "Comp_223_PG_hot_for_meta_covertextcustom3_text" "WHADDAYA THINK THE META'S GONNA LOOK LIKE THIS YEAR?" "Comp_223_PG_hot_for_meta_3textcustom3_text" "WEEK 4" "Comp_223_PG_hot_for_meta_3textcustom30_text" "March 24 - 30" "Comp_223_PG_hot_for_meta_3textcustom4_text" "NO RATS ALLOWED." "Comp_223_PG_hot_for_meta_3textcustom5_text" "The metagame finally seems to stabilize. But this week has been surprisingly tricky for some of the usually most successful heroes." "Comp_223_PG_hot_for_meta_3textcustom6_text" "The staples: Ancient Apparition and Shadow Shaman are becoming everyone's favorite supports with 82 and 63 games this week (55% and 57% winrate respectively) Nyx, with his versatility, was also seen in 67 games and sports a 51% winrate." "Comp_223_PG_hot_for_meta_3textcustom7_text" "The successful: Push is the name of the game, and it's not surprising that Luna (83% in 42 games), Chen (70% in 20) and Lycan (67% in 49) are reigning supreme. What's more. When 2 of these heroes played in the same team, they were 8-0 this week." "Comp_223_PG_hot_for_meta_3textcustom8_text" "The losers: Split pushers on the other hand, are doing terrible this week. Clinkz only has a 16% winrate in 12 games, Nature's Prophet has 33% in 57 and Storm, granted, more than just a split pusher, has 25% winrate in 39 matches. Stick with your team!" "Comp_223_PG_hot_for_meta_3textcustom9_text" "Irrelevant!: Only 4 heroes that are in CM weren't picked nor banned at all this week. KOTL, Spirit Breaker, Phantom Assassin and Bloodseeker, not even in CD tournaments! Icefrog buff plz!" "Comp_223_PG_hot_for_meta_2textcustom3_text" "WEEK 3" "Comp_223_PG_hot_for_meta_2textcustom30_text" "March 17 - 23" "Comp_223_PG_hot_for_meta_2textcustom4_text" "WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE" "Comp_223_PG_hot_for_meta_2textcustom5_text" "Lots of movement around this week. Centaur became fashionable again, Batrider gives us reasons to fear him and Mirana keeps hitting arrows." "Comp_223_PG_hot_for_meta_2textcustom6_text" "The staples: Ancient Apparition is still on top with 78 games this week. Batrider got a burst of attention with 77, but both heroes sport sub 47% winrates. Mirana, with 60 games, however is at a healthy 55%." "Comp_223_PG_hot_for_meta_2textcustom7_text" "The successful: Visage was ridiculously good this week with a 73% winrate in 44 matches. Shadow Shaman followed closely with 70% in 43, while the surprise of the week is Centaur that has won 18 of its 28 games (64%)." "Comp_223_PG_hot_for_meta_2textcustom8_text" "The losers: The jungle is a horrible place to live in these days. Enchantress had a horrible 2-13 week (13%), while Chen barely managed to grasp 31% in 16 games. Shadow Demon, a roaming support that sinergizes well with those 2, shares Chen's record." "Comp_223_PG_hot_for_meta_2textcustom9_text" "Relevant!: It was Invoker's turn to be the only hero with more than 50% bans, with 65.3% and picked or banned in 93% of games, same as Ancient Apparition. Nyx is a far second, with 48% bans, but being banned or picked in 85% of games. Nyx and Ember Spirit follow suit. Lifestealer, a former powerhouse, is now completely ignored in 50% of games." "Comp_223_PG_hot_for_meta_1textcustom3_text" "WEEK 2" "Comp_223_PG_hot_for_meta_1textcustom30_text" "March 10 - 16" "Comp_223_PG_hot_for_meta_1textcustom4_text" "EMBRACING DIVERSITY" "Comp_223_PG_hot_for_meta_1textcustom5_text" "In this weekly column, we will analyze the metagame and see what has been trening during each week of the tournament in the competitive scene." "Comp_223_PG_hot_for_meta_1textcustom6_text" "The staples: Ancient Apparition (56 games) Doom (49) and Nyx (42) are the three top picks of the week, and they are paying off, with all 3 sporting exactly 57.1% winrates." "Comp_223_PG_hot_for_meta_1textcustom7_text" "The successful: Dazzle (69% winrate in 36 games) as well as Slardar and Shadow Shaman (both with 68% winrate in 25 games) are the best heroes this week." "Comp_223_PG_hot_for_meta_1textcustom8_text" "The losers: Naga Siren (5-10), Lich (4-10) and Dragon Knight (4-12), former first picks/bans were the heroes with worst winrates and more than 10 picks this week. Badge of honor for Bristleback who sported a slick 0-6." "Comp_223_PG_hot_for_meta_1textcustom9_text" "Relevant!: Invoker was picked or banned in 89.3% of games this week, and was the only hero with an above 50% ban rate. On the other side, only 8 heroes in CM weren't picked nor banned at all this week. Meepo was picked 3 times, 1 victory and 2 losses" "Comp_223_PG_teams_and_playerstextcustom2_text" "TEAMS AND PLAYERS" "Comp_223_PG_teams_and_playerstextcustom3_text" "LOOK HOW PRETTY THEY ARE!" //ESL One Frankfurt 2014 "Comp_1248_PG_openingtextcustom1_text" "Get your ticket and join thousands of fans live in Frankfurt!" "Comp_1248_PG_openingtextcustom2_text" "www.esl-one.com" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom1_text" "Table Of Contents" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom2_text" "INTRODUCTION" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom3_text" "01 Cover" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom4_text" "02 Opening Page" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom5_text" "03 Table of Contents" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom6_text" "ESL ONE FRANKFURT" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom7_text" "05 Teaser Trailer" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom8_text" "06 Event Info" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom9_text" "07 The Teams" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom10_text" "STRETCH GOALS" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom11_text" "09 Compendium Stretch Goals" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom12_text" "10 Battle Point Booster" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom13_text" "11 ESL ONE Loading Screen" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom14_text" "12 ESL ONE HUD Skin" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom15_text" "13 Jagged Vision Ward" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom16_text" "14 Jagged Vision Ward - Video Preview" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom17_text" "15 Eclipse Monolith Totem" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom18_text" "16 Eclipse Monolith Totem - Video Preview" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom19_text" "17 Bonds of Madness Lifestealer Set" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom20_text" "18 Bonds of Madness Lifestealer Set - Video Preview" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom24_text" "QUALIFIERS" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom25_text" "35 Qualification Info - Americas" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom26_text" "36 Qualification Info - Europe" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom27_text" "37 Qualification Info - Asia" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom28_text" "38 Qualification Info - China" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom29_text" "THE TEAMS" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom30_text" "40 Alliance" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom31_text" "41 Natus Vincere" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom33_text" "43 Fnatic" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom34_text" "PREDICTIONS" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom35_text" "49 Prediction Scores" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom36_text" "50 Hero Predictions" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom37_text" "51 Tournament Predictions" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom38_text" "52 Team Predictions" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom39_text" "53 Player Predictions" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom40_text" "INTERVIEWS" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom41_text" "20 ESL One Interviews Index" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom42_text" "21-33 Red Moon Workshop Interview" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom43_text" "44 Evil Geniuses" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom44_text" "42 Mousesports" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom45_text" "45 Invictus Gaming" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom46_text" "46 Cloud 9" "Comp_1248_PG_toctextcustom47_text" "47 Vici Gaming" "Comp_1248_PG_splash_eventtextcustom2_text" "THE BEST TEAMS, TENS OF THOUSANDS OF FANS, ONE DEFINING MOMENT" "Comp_1248_PG_trailertextcustom1_text" "ESL One Frankfurt Teaser Trailer" "Comp_1248_PG_eventinfotextcustom1_text" "ESL One Frankfurt 2014" "Comp_1248_PG_eventinfotextcustom2_text" "On June 28th and 29th, the Commerzbank-Arena in Frankfurt, Germany will be transformed into a haven for Dota 2 fans. The best teams in the world will fight it out in front of thousand of fans for a prize pool of US $150,000, set to increase even more thanks to community funding." "Comp_1248_PG_eventinfotextcustom3_text" "Get your ticket and join thousands of fans live at the event on esl-one.com" "Comp_1248_PG_teamstextcustom1_text" "The Teams" "Comp_1248_PG_teamstextcustom2_text" "Eight teams will make it to the ESL One Frankfurt this June, two of them received a direct invite to the tournament while six have to fight their way through difficult qualifiers." "Comp_1248_PG_teamstextcustom3_text" "Invited" "Comp_1248_PG_teamstextcustom4_text" "Europe" "Comp_1248_PG_teamstextcustom5_text" "Asia" "Comp_1248_PG_teamstextcustom6_text" "Americas" "Comp_1248_PG_splash_stretchgoalstextcustom2_text" "SUPPORT ESL ONE FRANKFURT AND UNLOCK NEW GOODIES" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom1_text" "Compendium Stretch Goals" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom2_text" "LEVEL" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom3_text" "ONE" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom4_text" "TWO" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom5_text" "THREE" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom6_text" "FOUR" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom7_text" "FIVE" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom8_text" "SIX" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom12_text" "PRIZE" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom13_text" "Battle Point Booster" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom14_text" "Loading Screen" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom15_text" "HUD Skin" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom16_text" "Jagged Vision Ward" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom17_text" "Earthshaker Totem" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom18_text" "Bonds of Madness Lifestealer Set" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom22_text" "UNLOCK" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom23_text" "$150,000" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom24_text" "$160,000" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom25_text" "$170,000" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom26_text" "$185,000" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom27_text" "$190,000" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom28_text" "$200,000" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom32_text" "Current Prizepool:" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom33_text" "$%prizepool%" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom36_text" "Next Stretch Goal In:" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom37_text" "$%prizepool_togo%" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom34_text" "External prizepool tracking site" "Comp_1248_PG_stretchgoalstextcustom35_text" "Click on a tier to see more information." "Comp_1248_PG_stretch1textcustom2_text" "Use this item to increase the rate at which you earn Battle Points by 125% for 6 days. Additionally, you will grant other players a stacking 25% bonus to their Battle Points rate." "Comp_1248_PG_stretch1textcustom3_text" "Back To Compendium Stretch Goals" "Comp_1248_PG_stretch2textcustom1_text" "ESL ONE Loading Screen" "Comp_1248_PG_stretch2textcustom2_text" "Thousands of fans, the best Dota 2 teams, One defining moment. Our journey to Frankfurt begins here. In the distance lies the arena where one team will be crowned the ultimate champion." "Comp_1248_PG_stretch3textcustom1_text" "ESL ONE HUD Skin" "Comp_1248_PG_stretch3textcustom2_text" "Thousands of fans, the best Dota 2 teams, One defining moment. The ESL One HUD will accompany players and fans alike on their journey to Frankfurt this year. The HUD features a minimalist look, custom day/night cycle and custom lighting layers." "Comp_1248_PG_stretch4textcustom2_text" "This mysterious ward has witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations for aeons, and continues it's watch over the battlefield. Unbeknownst to it's wielders, this relic serves a master unknown to man. Inscribed on the blade is a small passage reading: “There is only glory in death.”" "Comp_1248_PG_stretch4textcustom4_text" "Video Preview" "Comp_1248_PG_stretch4videotextcustom1_text" "Jagged Vision Ward Video Preview" "Comp_1248_PG_stretch5textcustom1_text" "Eclipse Monolith Totem" "Comp_1248_PG_stretch5textcustom2_text" "Raigor Stonehoof's monolith draws it's power from the rays of the sun and the moon, imbuing it with the energy to counter the creeping corruption of Dire forces. Forged by a secret order of Nishai weapon smiths, it's a formidable armament feared by those who dwell in the shadows." "Comp_1248_PG_stretch5videotextcustom1_text" "Eclipse Monolith Totem Video Preview" "Comp_1248_PG_stretch7textcustom1_text" "Bonds Of Madness Set" "Comp_1248_PG_stretch7textcustom2_text" "To lose one's own body, have your will shattered and have your life force imprisoned within that of a cursed abomination is a steep price to pay, yet that is the fate that befell a certain wizard who underestimated the madness of N'aix. Two minds as one and resigned to his fate, the vengeful wizard beckoned his vessel to cover his body with armor and unleash unspeakable horror on anyone who crossed his path. Within his twisted mind, a thought echoes over and over again: “I will share my pain with you.”" "Comp_1248_PG_stretch7videotextcustom1_text" "Bonds Of Madness Set Video Preview" "Comp_1248_PG_splash_interviewstextcustom2_text" "ESL ONE INTERVIEWS FROM AROUND THE DOTA 2 SCENE" "Comp_1248_PG_interviewstextcustom1_text" "ESL One Interviews" "Comp_1248_PG_interviewstextcustom2_text" "RED MOON WORKSHOP" "Comp_1248_PG_interviewstextcustom3_text" "• Red Moon Vlog: ESL Compendium Items (Behind the Scenes)" "Comp_1248_PG_interviewstextcustom4_text" "• Interview With The Red Moon Workshop pt. 1" "Comp_1248_PG_interviewstextcustom5_text" "• Interview With The Red Moon Workshop pt. 2" "Comp_1248_PG_interviewstextcustom6_text" "• Interview With The Red Moon Workshop pt. 3" "Comp_1248_PG_interviewstextcustom7_text" "• Interview With The Red Moon Workshop pt. 4" "Comp_1248_PG_interviewstextcustom8_text" "• Interview With The Red Moon Workshop pt. 5" "Comp_1248_PG_interviewstextcustom9_text" "• Interview With The Red Moon Workshop pt. 6" "Comp_1248_PG_interviewstextcustom10_text" "• Interview With The Red Moon Workshop pt. 7" "Comp_1248_PG_interviewstextcustom11_text" "• Interview With The Red Moon Workshop pt. 8" "Comp_1248_PG_interviewstextcustom12_text" "• Interview With The Red Moon Workshop pt. 9" "Comp_1248_PG_interviewstextcustom13_text" "• Interview With The Red Moon Workshop pt. 10" "Comp_1248_PG_interviewstextcustom14_text" "• Interview With The Red Moon Workshop pt. 11" "Comp_1248_PG_interviewstextcustom15_text" "• Interview With The Red Moon Workshop pt. 12" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoonvideotextcustom1_text" "Red Moon Vlog: ESL Compendium Items (Behind the Scenes)" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon1textcustom1_text" "Interview With The Red Moon Workshop pt. 1" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon1textcustom2_text" "The ESL One Frankfurt Compendium just hit the Dota 2 in-game store, with the Red Moon Workshop having created some amazing items for it. We got in touch and asked them a few questions about their work and the life of a workshop artist." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon1textcustom3_text" "ESL: Hello, guys - could you introduce yourself to us for those who don't already know you?" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon1textcustom4_text" "Bounch: Hi! I'm Bounch. I'm the 3D artist for Red Moon. My primary job here is to encourage Andrew's crazy ideas and to make sure Oroboros develops a nervous twitch from the concept feedback I give him. Really, though, I build the cosmetics in 3D and paint them up for use in the game. It's a tough but rewarding practice." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon1textcustom5_text" "Oroboros: Hello, I'm Oroboros and I'm the dedicated 2D artist for Red Moon, along with a half dozen other tasks (marketing, talking to clients, taking care of the social aspects of Red Moon). My primary job is to drive Bounch crazy with overly detailed concepts that exceed poly limits and convince Andrew to commit to impossible SFM projects." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon1textcustom6_text" "Andrew: I'm Andrew Helenek, animator of Red Moon Workshop." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon2textcustom1_text" "Interview With The Red Moon Workshop pt. 2" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon2textcustom2_text" "ESL: How did you all meet?" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon2textcustom3_text" "Bounch: I can field this one. It starts with Polycount. We were all members of the website and had each individually decided to attempt making cosmetics. I had done one with a close friend for the Polycount contest in December 2012 and really enjoyed making art for a game I really enjoyed, so I decided to continue doing more, looking for more people to collab with." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon2textcustom4_text" "Through a friend of the site I was introduced to Oroboros, hearing that he was looking for someone to work with for the 3D side. After talking, we decided I would do the Lycan set he had originally concepted for the Polycount contest. We managed to finish without hating each other at the end so we decided to work together more. During all of this, I had gone to the GDC Polycount party (yes, lots of Polycount here, haha) and while I was sitting at the bar I found myself in conversation with someone that was also involved in Dota 2 cosmetics along with his friend Andrew." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon2textcustom5_text" "I went over to the table where Andrew was sitting and introduced myself, letting him know how much of a fan I was of Cluckles. He responded kindly saying that he really liked the Phantom Lancer set I had done for the contest, which got us to talking about a future collaboration. It seemed obvious enough to me at that point to combine our skill sets, introduce Andrew and Oroboros, and wreak some havoc together." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon2textcustom6_text" "Oroboros: Primarily out of frustration. I was trying to break into the Dota 2 scene but was unable to find a reliable modeler to bring my concepts to life. One after the other they'd disappear halfway through the process, which made me wonder if I'd ever find a reliable partner. I happened to be working at the same company as the head of Polycount, who heard out my frustrations and amicably introduced me to Bounch and the Polycount community. Following a few months of collaboration with Bounch, I was also introduced to Andrew, who came in to address our animation needs." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon3textcustom1_text" "Interview With The Red Moon Workshop pt. 3" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon3textcustom2_text" "ESL: What did you all do before you started work as workshop artists and what made you decide to go full time?" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon3textcustom3_text" "Bounch: I've been in the game industry as a 3D artist since 2007. After dabbling in the workshop first hand for close to a year, I decided I was having way too much fun to only be doing it part time. It was all I thought about. That, and it was really tough to constantly be doing 16 hour days for so long… though to be fair that hasn't changed as of yet." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon3textcustom4_text" "Oroboros: I worked in the game industry for six years or so, with my last job being at Sony working on a next gen project that unfortunately got canceled. Following the end of that project, I decided to give full-time Dota 2 workshop a shot as the freedom it offered from a typical 9-5 job was undeniable. I'd been following Valve's workshop scene since TF2 but missed that boat. I wasn't going to take chances this time!" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon3textcustom5_text" "Andrew: I was a student, believe it or not. It was my senior year of college and I constantly faced the looming worry of "what do I do once I'm out of academia?" Conveniently, with all that extra time on my hands, I put it all into the workshop, and, needless to say, it paid off. As far as me going full time, it just happened naturally - there was never a moment where I made a decision to go full time." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon4textcustom1_text" "Interview With The Red Moon Workshop pt. 4" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon4textcustom2_text" "ESL: Could you describe the content creation process for an item a bit?" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon4textcustom3_text" "Oroboros: I come in at the beginning, middle and end of the process typically. I typically try to come up with a tidbit of lore for each item before starting the concepting process. When a concept feels good, it typically goes to Bounch and we usually have a feedback phase where I get a chance to do paintovers of the model in its WIP state. When the model is completed, I typically collaborate with Andrew and Bounch to pose the set and get a Marmoset render for illustrations and other marketing materials." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon4textcustom4_text" "Bounch: Once Oroboros feels confident in his design of the current item, he then passes it off to me. I do slight revisions based on the triangle budget we have available to make it with then start off with the modeling. My primary programs for this phase are Maya and Zbrush, to block out and then detail the model respectively. Once I'm happy with how the high resolution sculpt looks, I take it into a program such as TopoGun or Maya to create the game resolution mesh." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon4textcustom5_text" "This can sometimes be difficult due to the polygon limitations imposed by the game engine, but with enough thought and some trickery we can make most things work without going too insane. After this mesh is made, I then paint it up using Photoshop and 3D Coat before rigging and previewing in the game. If it's a ward or courier, I will pass off the mesh before I start texturing so Andrew can begin his process of bringing it to life." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon4textcustom6_text" "Andrew: Covering just my end, the animation side of things. Once Bounch sends me a 3D model, I put bones inside it and create controls to influence those bones. Think of it like a virtual puppet, and I'm its puppeteer creating the illusion of life. But before I animate it, I make sure to find some reference, something from the real world I can use to base the animations off of to make them more relatable and grounded. After I finished the animations, I start testing everything in the game, making sure it works as intended. I get some final critiques from other artists, apply any feedback, polish everything up then finalize and ship it to the workshop." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon5textcustom1_text" "Interview With The Red Moon Workshop pt. 5" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon5textcustom2_text" "ESL: Can you take us through the day in your life?" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon5textcustom3_text" "Bounch: Haha, right now? This might be a bit boring of an answer, but it usually consists of waking up, working, taking a small break for food, maybe playing a game of Dota or CS:GO, working, and then going back to sleep to repeat it all tomorrow. I must say it does feel a bit strange waking up right when the sun is going down sometimes, but right now it's all about getting cosmetics done so the players have cool stuff to use in game. I'm hoping to make more time in the future to pursue my traditional art and music interests but for now Dota has a firm grip on me." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon5textcustom4_text" "Oroboros: At the moment it's an absolute seesaw, but the average day so far starts late in the afternoon and goes till early morning. We've been working with so many international organizations that it's become necessary to stay up late to keep the communication channels open and our clients happy. I typically reserve a few hours to spend time with my family and get some exercise before heading over to the office to spend a day cranking out concepts. During breaks we try to get outside and enjoy Austin (when we can) and play CS:GO or Dota." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon5textcustom5_text" "Andrew: It's hard to define a day. The only constant is that I animate whenever I'm awake while taking breaks to play whatever video game everyone else is playing at the moment. I don't really do anything else outside of that - I live and breathe my work." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon6textcustom1_text" "Interview With The Red Moon Workshop pt. 6" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon6textcustom2_text" "ESL: How do you guys come up with the ideas for the content you create? Do you have any specific inspiration sources?" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon6textcustom3_text" "Bounch: For me it's a bit easier since I'm usually fed concepts, but I have ideas too, you know! A lot of my inspiration comes from places like Polycount, CGHub (RIP) and lately Pintrest thanks to the way you can sort and browse through reference that's already been gathered and manicured by people looking for the same type of inspiration. Someone even made a board specifically for Dota reference:" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon6textcustom4_text" "http://www.pinterest.com/bunnyparty/dota-2-workshop-inspiration/" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon6textcustom5_text" "Classic fantasy art such as Frank Frazetta also gives my creative energy a nice boost in a positive direction when I need it." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon6textcustom6_text" "Oroboros: I'm constantly buying art books, browsing websites like Tumblr, Pinterest, deviantART or any other art website I can use to keep myself visually 'fueled' and fresh. Also, referencing lore and browsing existing workshop submissions for heroes is a fun way to get the juices flowing. I spend a lot of time on the Dota 2 wiki." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon6textcustom7_text" "Andrew: Anywhere and everywhere. I find that my best inspiration and ideas come from when I separate myself from the world and simply shut my brain off." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon7textcustom1_text" "Interview With The Red Moon Workshop pt. 7" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon7textcustom2_text" "ESL: Who has or claims to have the toughest job among you?" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon7textcustom3_text" "Bounch: I think each of us would make that claim. Though to be honest, it's always going to change depending on what we're working on at the time. No part of the process can really be considered ‘easy', and we all respect each other's talents. Except for Andrew - I'm pretty sure he thinks he's the king." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon7textcustom4_text" "Andrew: Hahaha, we all have our own difficulties when dealing with the workshop - it's never a smooth process, but the lack of animation guidelines in general makes my job even more difficult." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon7textcustom5_text" "Oroboros: It really depends on the project and client. Every step of the 'chain' in our process comes with its own set of very unique challenges. My main job is to deliver a design that the community will love, which has been a learning experience all its own." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon8textcustom1_text" "Interview With The Red Moon Workshop pt. 8" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon8textcustom2_text" "ESL: The ESL One Frankfurt Lifestealer set received responses from the community both positive as well as critical. How does community feedback impact the design/creation process?" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon8textcustom3_text" "Bounch: Community feedback can affect the result quite a lot, but it's a difficult line to draw sometimes since everyone has their own opinions on what's good or not. We take everything into consideration when sharing things publicly for feedback, but we have to be picky on what we implement, not only for aesthetic value but to make sure it is feasible to achieve in game." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon8textcustom4_text" "Oroboros: It's all about the community - we always submit our stuff to social channels to get feedback. I'm always gauging reactions on items we release, and apply the feedback in the hope of making our current or next creation better. Sometimes we have to take things with a grain of salt as it's easy to be swayed by a vocal few over the silent majority." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon8textcustom5_text" "Andrew: It's hard to judge. Most of the time, the feedback you receive will be one of two things, with a very small minority offering anything you can directly use. You create something they don't like, you get a Reddit post saying don't implement this and it gets flamed into the ground, or you create something they do like and you get ASCII spammed." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon8textcustom6_text" "It's less about community feedback and more about studying the trends of which items are loved and which are hated and using that data to your advantage to create something players want. There are always exceptions, but that's usually the case more times than not." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon9textcustom1_text" "Interview With The Red Moon Workshop pt. 9" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon9textcustom2_text" "ESL: Next to item creation, you also have to come up with a bit of lore around it. Do you base this of existing lore in Dota 2 or do you look elsewhere?" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon9textcustom3_text" "Bounch: I get most of my ideas for lore from what's available on the Dota 2 main website, and an awesome thread on dev.dota2 that has breakdowns of every hero and their relationship with the world and other heroes. It's a great resource and I've learned a ton - it's honestly really fun to see how fleshed out the universe feels, at least considering my original expectations for a game like this. Unfortunately it seems Valve has decided to remove the lore snippets from the store, though I'm hoping it's only temporary." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon9textcustom4_text" "Oroboros: It's all about spinning off existing lore! I rarely deviate from Valve's lore, as there's plenty to go off. We always try to tie our submissions to locations and backstory provided by Valve and the community." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon9textcustom5_text" "Andrew: There is a fantastic mega thread on the dev.dota2 which provides everything about the lore for just about anything. While we do look elsewhere, we usually make sure it makes sense in relation to the big picture in which the Dota universe exists." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon10textcustom1_text" "Interview With The Red Moon Workshop pt. 10" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon10textcustom2_text" "ESL: What's your own favorite item to have worked on or created and which one is your favorite in the entire workshop?" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon10textcustom3_text" "Bounch: My favorite item I have done is probably our Red Panda “Snaggletooth” courier we did last year. He's not in yet, but we have our fingers crossed for some day soon! I also quite like our ward “Omij, the Sentinel of Knowledge” and still have a soft spot for my first set, “Ancestor's Pride” for Phantom Lancer." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon10textcustom4_text" "There are SO many excellent entries that I couldn't pick a single favorite. A few standouts for me though are DonDon's “Father of Dragons” Dragon Knight set, Oni/Zaphk's “Blessings of the Eternal Eclipse” Luna set, and Motenai's “Jewels of the Teardrop Ice” Phantom Lancer set. Again, there's tons of fantastic stuff out there and I encourage everyone to explore the workshop because you never know what treasure you might find off the front page. Remember to vote!" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon10textcustom5_text" "Oroboros: In terms of an item we worked on, there's a few but the Snaggletooth courier is probably my favorite one yet. The concept just came together seamlessly, we had plenty of time to spend on it and everyone just loved it. As for a set someone else created, the Twin Blades set for Bounty Hunter by Motenai and Vidotto, which hasn't gone in yet unfortunately. Honestly, though, there's so much good stuff waiting to go in from a ton of talented artists that it kind of blows my mind. Too many pending submissions to count." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon10textcustom6_text" "Andrew: My own? Easily Cluckles the Brave, it was more or less my introduction to the workshop and the reason why I'm where I am today. As far as in the whole workshop, that's impossible to answer, there are way too many submissions that are absolutely fantastic and it would be an injustice to pick out just one." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon11textcustom1_text" "Interview With The Red Moon Workshop pt. 11" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon11textcustom2_text" "ESL: What would your best advice be to people looking to start creating items themselves?" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon11textcustom3_text" "Bounch: I would say first to decide what you think you'd enjoy doing most. Learn as much as you can about the subject you decide to pursue and surround yourself with it. There are lots of great learning resources on the internet such as Polycount, Eat 3D, 3dmotive, and Gnomon Workshop. Regardless of which you choose, you can't go wrong with drawing every day." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon11textcustom4_text" "Oroboros: Figure out ahead of time if you're going to treat it like a hobby or something more serious. Go to Polycount, surround yourself with like-minded creators and do your best. Don't give up after the first submission, expect a wait to get that first item in. It's kind of a tough, ever-evolving scene to break into, but I've learned that persistence pays off eventually." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon11textcustom5_text" "Andrew: Become insane, haha. Consistently doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the only reason I achieved anything. More specific advice, jump on Polycount, search tutorials on YouTube, anything that can advance your skills is what you need to do better yourself. Make sure you find time every day to put into it, whether it's an hour or a whole day - it's way better than nothing." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon12textcustom1_text" "Interview With The Red Moon Workshop pt. 12" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon12textcustom2_text" "ESL: Is there anything you'd like to say to all the fans of your work or the new ones you've just gained?" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon12textcustom3_text" "Bounch: I just want to say thanks to everyone for supporting the workshop and making all of this possible. It's an incredible new avenue for people to interact and get involved with the game, and for us to be able to contribute content to something we love and see people get enjoyment out of it is an absolute dream. Thank you so much!" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon12textcustom4_text" "Oroboros: Thank you to the community for supporting us throughout this interesting journey into uncharted waters. I'd also like to make a plea to anyone reading this to dig a little deeper into the workshop to find fresh submissions from other talented creators and show them your support." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon12textcustom5_text" "It's not all about the front page and the top three - there's a ton of really cool work that goes unnoticed, which has always bugged me. And more than anything thanks to Polycount for putting us on the correct path and the helpful artists and individuals who have offered advice and guidance along the way." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon12textcustom6_text" "Andrew: I love you all." "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon12textcustom7_text" "Be sure to like the Red Moon Workshop Facebook page if you're interested in seeing future updates, cosmetics and more:" "Comp_1248_PG_redmoon12textcustom8_text" "http://www.facebook.com/RedMoonDota" "Comp_1248_PG_splash_qualifierstextcustom2_text" "FOUR REGIONS COMPETE FOR THE REMAINING SIX SLOTS TO THE MAIN EVENT IN FRANKFURT" "Comp_1248_PG_americastextcustom1_text" "Qualification Info Americas" "Comp_1248_PG_americastextcustom2_text" "STAGE ONE" "Comp_1248_PG_americastextcustom3_text" "NO LIMIT OPEN BRACKETS" "Comp_1248_PG_americastextcustom4_text" "Zero size limit - Everyone allowed" "Comp_1248_PG_americastextcustom5_text" "4 Slots" "Comp_1248_PG_americastextcustom6_text" "STAGE TWO" "Comp_1248_PG_americastextcustom7_text" "MAIN QUALIFIER" "Comp_1248_PG_americastextcustom8_text" "4 Seeded + 4 Slots [Open Bracket]" "Comp_1248_PG_americastextcustom9_text" "1 Slot to the Main Event" "Comp_1248_PG_europetextcustom1_text" "Qualification Info Europe" "Comp_1248_PG_europetextcustom8_text" "12 Seeded + 4 Slots [Open Bracket]" "Comp_1248_PG_europetextcustom9_text" "3 Slots to the Main Event" "Comp_1248_PG_asiatextcustom1_text" "Qualification Info Asia" "Comp_1248_PG_asiatextcustom5_text" "2 Slots" "Comp_1248_PG_asiatextcustom8_text" "6 Seeded + 2 Slots [Open Bracket]" "Comp_1248_PG_chinatextcustom1_text" "Qualification Info China" "Comp_1248_PG_chinatextcustom3_text" "8 INVITED TEAMS" "Comp_1248_PG_chinatextcustom4_text" "The top teams in China" "Comp_1248_PG_chinatextcustom7_text" "2ND & 3RD SEEDED INTO ASIAN FINALS" "Comp_1248_PG_chinatextcustom8_text" "To compete for the final spot" "Comp_1248_PG_splash_teamstextcustom2_text" "TEAM PROFILES FOR THE MAIN EVENT ATTENDEES" "Comp_1248_PG_alliancetextcustom1_text" "Alliance" "Comp_1248_PG_alliancetextcustom2_text" "The Alliance took the Dota 2 scene by storm with their creation in 2013. With exemplary play and tactical superiority, the team won tournament after tournament and wrote their name in the history books winning The International 3." "Comp_1248_PG_navitextcustom1_text" "Natus Vincere" "Comp_1248_PG_navitextcustom2_text" "Natus Vincere is one of the most consistent teams in the world. Created in 2010, the team won The International 1 and proceeded to perform incredibly in each major tournament they attended afterwards." "Comp_1248_PG_mousesportstextcustom1_text" "Mousesports" "Comp_1248_PG_mousesportstextcustom2_text" "Mousesports is the current team's name but the majority of you will know them as Team Dog. Made up of a mixture of players from Sigma.int and LGD.int, the squad quickly proved their strength and went head to head with the best. Mousesport's amazing run in the European Qualifiers allowed them to secure a position at ESL One Frankfurt." "Comp_1248_PG_fnatictextcustom1_text" "Fnatic" "Comp_1248_PG_fnatictextcustom2_text" "Fnatic is one of the most consistent teams in Dota 2. The team has stuck together through good and bad and still stand together defeating opponent after opponent. Made up of some of the most notable people in the competitive Dota 2 scene, they are a fan favorite at any tournament they attend. Fnatic secured their position at ESL One Frankfurt through the European Qualifier." "Comp_1248_PG_egtextcustom1_text" "Evil Geniuses" "Comp_1248_PG_egtextcustom2_text" "Evil Geniuses has been a longstanding Dota 2 team for a number of years now, their most recent roster has arguably been their strongest iteration so far after picking up SADBOYS earlier this year. The team is filled with a great deal of individual skill and can rival the best when it comes to team play. After their strong performance at StarLadder and the ESL One Frankfurt American Qualifier, all eyes are on the team to take home to victory for North America. Will ESL One Frankfurt be 2ez4rtz?" "Comp_1248_PG_igtextcustom1_text" "Invictus Gaming" "Comp_1248_PG_igtextcustom2_text" "Champions of the International 2, Invictus Gaming is a team that has fought in many battles throughout the year. After a dissapointing result at The International 3, the team went through some changes but found eachother again. Back to their old form, they look to teach everyone else a lesson and prove that the chinese might is here to stay. Invictus Gaming qualified for ESL One Frankfurt through the Chinese Qualifier defeating Invictus & LGD Gaming." "Comp_1248_PG_cloud9textcustom1_text" "Cloud 9" "Comp_1248_PG_cloud9textcustom2_text" "Cloud 9's journey in Dota 2 is quite new, but the team is filled with experienced players as well as a ton of potential. Their rise to fame was boosted by their amazing performance at MLG Columbus and the personalities within the team. Wheter you enjoy their goofy attitude or not, the team has proven itself multiple times to be one of the best in the world and capable of going toe to toe with the best. Defeating Team Empire in the European qualifier secured them the final European slot for ESL One Frankfurt." "Comp_1248_PG_vicitextcustom1_text" "Vici Gaming" "Comp_1248_PG_vicitextcustom2_text" "Vici Gaming have been running one of the more stable top tier rosters in the Chinese scene after choosing to not make any roster changes in the big shuffle earlier this year. The team were able to take the final slot of ESL One Frankfurt after coming back from a one game deficit against LGD in the best of five series winning three games in a row in a very convincing fashion. The champions of EMS One Fall will look to defend their title at Frankfurt with the help of rOtk's fear inducing shouting. The stadium awaits for his mighty roar." "Comp_1248_PG_splash_predictionstextcustom2_text" "MAKE YOUR PREDICTIONS FOR THE MAIN EVENT" "Comp_1248_PG_predictionstextcustom1_text" "Predictions" "Comp_1248_PG_predictionstextcustom2_text" "YOUR SCORE" "Comp_1248_PG_predictionstextcustom3_text" "XX / 48" "Comp_1248_PG_predictionstextcustom4_text" "HERO" "Comp_1248_PG_predictionstextcustom5_text" "XX / 12" "Comp_1248_PG_predictionstextcustom6_text" "TOURNAMENT" "Comp_1248_PG_predictionstextcustom8_text" "TEAM" "Comp_1248_PG_predictionstextcustom10_text" "PLAYER" "Comp_1248_PG_predictionstextcustom12_text" "COMMUNITY AVERAGE" "Comp_1248_PG_predictionstextcustom22_text" "All predictions are now unlocked. Please make your predictions before the main event starts on the 28th June!" "Comp_1248_PG_heropredictionstextcustom1_text" "Hero Predictions" "Comp_1248_PG_heropredictionstextcustom2_text" "ESL ONE FRANKFURT - MAIN EVENT" "Comp_1248_PG_heropredictionsselectionscustom_select1_description" "Most Picked Hero?" "Comp_1248_PG_heropredictionsselectionscustom_select2_description" "Most Banned Hero?" "Comp_1248_PG_heropredictionsselectionscustom_select3_description" "Hero With The Most Kills?" "Comp_1248_PG_heropredictionsselectionscustom_select4_description" "Hero With The Most Deaths?" "Comp_1248_PG_heropredictionsselectionscustom_select5_description" "Hero With The Most First Bloods?" "Comp_1248_PG_heropredictionsselectionscustom_select6_description" "Hero With The Most Ultra Kills?" "Comp_1248_PG_heropredictionsselectionscustom_select7_description" "Total Unique Heroes Played?" "Comp_1248_PG_heropredictionsselectionscustom_select7_choices_1" "Less than 50" "Comp_1248_PG_heropredictionsselectionscustom_select7_choices_2" "51 - 55" "Comp_1248_PG_heropredictionsselectionscustom_select7_choices_3" "56 - 60" "Comp_1248_PG_heropredictionsselectionscustom_select7_choices_4" "61 - 65" "Comp_1248_PG_heropredictionsselectionscustom_select7_choices_5" "66 - 70" "Comp_1248_PG_heropredictionsselectionscustom_select7_choices_6" "71 - 75" "Comp_1248_PG_heropredictionsselectionscustom_select7_choices_7" "76 - 80" "Comp_1248_PG_heropredictionsselectionscustom_select7_choices_8" "81 - 85" "Comp_1248_PG_heropredictionsselectionscustom_select7_choices_9" "86 - 90" "Comp_1248_PG_heropredictionsselectionscustom_select7_choices_10" "91 - 95" "Comp_1248_PG_heropredictionsselectionscustom_select7_choices_11" "More than 96" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionstextcustom1_text" "Tournament Predictions" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_description" "Shortest Match?" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_1" "Less than 10 Minutes" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_2" "Between 10 and 15 Minutes" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_3" "Between 15 and 20 Minutes" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_4" "Between 20 and 25 Minutes" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_5" "Longer than 25 Minutes" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select2_description" "Longest Match?" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select2_choices_1" "Less than 60 Minutes" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select2_choices_2" "Between 60 and 70 Minutes" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select2_choices_3" "Between 70 and 80 Minutes" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select2_choices_4" "Between 80 and 90 Minutes" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select2_choices_5" "Between 90 and 100 Minutes" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select2_choices_6" "Between 100 and 110 Minutes" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select2_choices_7" "Between 110 and 120 Minutes" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select2_choices_8" "Longer than 120 Minutes" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select3_description" "Total Divine Rapiers Purchased?" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select3_choices_1" "No Divine Rapiers Purchased" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select3_choices_2" "1 Divine Rapier Purchased" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select3_choices_3" "2 Divine Rapiers Purchased" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select3_choices_4" "3 Divine Rapiers Purchased" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select3_choices_5" "4 Divine Rapiers Purchased" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select3_choices_6" "5 or more Divine Rapiers Purchased" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select4_description" "Total Roshans Killed?" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select4_choices_1" "Less than 10 Roshans Killed" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select4_choices_2" "Between 11 and 15 Roshans Killed" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select4_choices_3" "Between 16 and 20 Roshans Killed" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select4_choices_4" "Between 21 and 25 Roshans Killed" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select4_choices_5" "Between 26 and 30 Roshans Killed" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select4_choices_6" "Between 31 and 35 Roshans Killed" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select4_choices_7" "More than 36 Roshans Killed" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select5_description" "Total Couriers Killed?" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select5_choices_1" "No Couriers Killed" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select5_choices_2" "1 Courier Killed" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select5_choices_3" "2 Couriers Killed" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select5_choices_4" "3 Couriers Killed" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select5_choices_5" "4 Couriers Killed" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select5_choices_6" "5 or more Couriers Killed" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select6_description" "Total Allied Heroes Denied?" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select6_choices_1" "No Allied Heroes Denied" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select6_choices_2" "1 Allied Hero Denied" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select6_choices_3" "2 Allied Heroes Denied" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select6_choices_4" "3 Allied Heroes Denied" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select6_choices_5" "4 Allied Heroes Denied" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select6_choices_6" "5 or more Allied Heroes Denied" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select7_description" "Total Aegises Denied?" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select7_choices_1" "No Aegises Denied" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select7_choices_2" "1 Aegis Denied" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select7_choices_3" "2 Aegises Denied" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select7_choices_4" "3 Aegises Denied" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select7_choices_5" "4 Aegises Denied" "Comp_1248_PG_tournamentpredictionsselectionscustom_select7_choices_6" "5 or more Aegises Denied" "Comp_1248_PG_teampredictionstextcustom1_text" "Team Predictions" "Comp_1248_PG_teampredictionsselectionscustom_select1_description" "ESL One Frankfurt Overall Winner?" "Comp_1248_PG_teampredictionsselectionscustom_select2_description" "ESL One Frankfurt Runner Up?" "Comp_1248_PG_teampredictionsselectionscustom_select3_description" "Team That Plays The Most Amount Of Unique Heroes?" "Comp_1248_PG_teampredictionsselectionscustom_select4_description" "Team That Plays The Least Amount Of Unique Heroes?" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionstextcustom1_text" "Player Predictions" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_description" "Highest GPM (Single Match)?" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_1" "Alliance - s4 (Gustav Magnusson)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_2" "Alliance - AdmiralBulldog (Henrik Ahnberg)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_3" "Alliance - Loda (Jonathan Berg)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_4" "Alliance - Akke (Joakim Akterhall)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_5" "Alliance - EGM (Jerry Lundqvist)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_6" "C9 - EternaLEnVy (Jacky Mao)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_7" "C9 - SingSing (Weh Sing)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_8" "C9 - bOne7 (Pittner Armand)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_9" "C9 - Aui_2000 (Kurtis Ling)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_10" "C9 - pieliedie (Johan Astrom)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_11" "EG - Mason (Mason Venne)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_12" "EG - Arteezy (Artour Babaev)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_13" "EG - Universe (Saahil Arora)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_14" "EG - zai (Ludwig Wahlberg)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_15" "EG - ppd (Peter Dager)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_16" "Fnatic - Fly (Tal Aizik)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_17" "Fnatic - N0tail (Johan Sundstein)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_18" "Fnatic - Era (Adrian Kryezui)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_19" "Fnatic - H4nn1 (Kai Hanbueckers)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_20" "Fnatic - Trixi (Kalle Saarinen)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_21" "IG - Luo (Luo Yinqi)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_22" "IG - Ferrari_430 (Luo Feichi)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_23" "IG - YYF (Jiang Cen)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_24" "IG - ChuaN (Wong Hock Chuan)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_25" "IG - Faith (Zeng Hongda)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_26" "Mousesports - Pajkatt (Per Anders Olsson Lille)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_27" "Mousesports - FATA (Adrian Trinks)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_28" "Mousesports - MMS (Arif Anwar)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_29" "Mousesports - MiSeRy (Rasmus Filipsen)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_30" "Mousesports - paS (Pascal Lohmeier)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_31" "Na'vi - Puppey (Clement Ivanov)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_32" "Na'vi - XBOCT (Alexander Dashkevich)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_33" "Na'vi - Dendi (Danil Ishutin)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_34" "Na'vi - Funn1k (Gleb Lipatnikov)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_35" "Na'vi - KuroKy (Kuro Salehi Takhasomi)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_36" "VG - Sylar (Liu Jiajun)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_37" "VG - Super! (Xie Junhao)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_38" "VG - rOtk (Bai Fan)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_39" "VG - Fenrir (Lu Chao)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select1_choices_40" "VG - fy (Xu Linsen)" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select2_description" "Highest XPM (Single Match)?" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select3_description" "Most CS (Single Match)?" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select4_description" "Most Kills (Single Match)?" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select5_description" "Most Deaths (Single Match)?" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select6_description" "Most Amount Of Unique Heroes Played?" "Comp_1248_PG_playerpredictionsselectionscustom_select7_description" "Least Amount Of Unique Heroes Played?" "Crate_Open_Have_Key" "You Own 1" "Crate_Open_Buy_Key" "Buy and Open" "Crate_Open_Now" "Open Now" "Crate_Browse_Signatures" "Browse Signatures" "Crate_Select_Signature" "Select Signature" "Crate_Browse_Signatures_Text" "OR add an official signature to your treasure!" "Crate_Signatures_Upsell" "Available as an officially autographed item!" "Crate_SignatureUpsell" "Available as an officially autographed item!" "Crate_No_Dupe" "Each time you open this treasure you will receive %s1 of these items. You will not receive duplicates." "Crate_Dupe" "Each time you open this treasure you will receive %s1 of these items, randomly. You may receive duplicates." "Crate_Random_Bonus" "Random Bonus Rewards" "Crate_Very_Rare" "Very Rare" "Crate_Extremely_Rare" "Extremely Rare" "Crate_Required_To_Open" "Required to Open" "Crate_Not_Revealed" "The contents of this treasure has not been revealed yet!" "Crate_Already_Unlocked" "Already Unlocked" "Crate_Already_Unlocked_Desc" "This treasure is unlocked and may be opened at any time." "Crate_Purchase_And_Open" "Purchase Treasure" "Crate_Purchase_And_Open_Desc" "Purchase this treasure and you will receive one of the sets listed above. Each time you purchase the treasure you will earn a different set. Your treasure also has a chance of containing the rare items listed to the left." "Crate_Requires_Compendium" "Requires Compendium" "Crate_Requires_Compendium_Desc" "This treasure is associated with a specific tournament. Purchasing this treasure requires ownership of that tournament's compendium." "dota_frontpage_updates_new" "NEW" "league_tier_1" "AMATEUR" "league_tier_2" "PROFESSIONAL" "league_tier_3" "PREMIUM" "league_location_1" "North America" "league_location_2" "South America" "league_location_3" "Europe" "league_location_4" "Russia" "league_location_5" "China" "league_location_6" "South-East Asia" "league_premium_desc" "Premium Leagues divert a portion of their in-game ticket sales directly into their prize pool." "dota_frontpage_sale_details" "%s1\n%s2\nSale ends in %s3" "Store_ItemType_HeroItem" "%s1 %s2 Piece" "Store_ItemType_HeroSet" "%s1 Set" "Store_ItemType_TypedBundle" "%s1 Bundle" "Store_ItemType_Tournament" "Tournament" "Store_ItemType_TournamentPass" "Tournament Pass" "Store_ItemType_Bundle" "Bundle" "Store_ItemType_Tool" "Tool" "Store_ItemType_Treasure_Seal" "Treasure Seal" "Compendium_popup_nocompendium" "It appears that you don't have a Compendium yet!" "Compendium_popup_notrightnow" "View Next >" "Compendium_tenhero_challenge1" "10 HERO CHALLENGE" "Compendium_dailyhero_challenge" "DAILY HERO CHALLENGE" "Compendium_ConfirmRerollHeroesDesc" "You may only reroll your Heroes once. Only uncompleted Heroes will be rerolled." "Compendium_RerollYes" "Yes, reroll my Heroes" "DOTA_NewPlayerQuestion_Title" "WELCOME TO DOTA 2" "DOTA_PlayerOriginQuestion_Question" "To improve your game experience, please share your familiarity with Dota 2 and similar games:" "DOTA_PlayerOriginQuestion_BeginnerButton" "I'm a beginner." "DOTA_PlayerOriginQuestion_RTSButton" "I've played RTS games." "DOTA_PlayerOriginQuestion_MOBAButton" "I've played a game similar to Dota 2." "DOTA_PlayerOriginQuestion_Dota2Button" "I've played Dota 2." "DOTA_PlayerOriginQuestion_MOBAExplanation" "Select the game you are most comfortable with:" "DOTA_OtherGames_LOL" "League of Legends" "DOTA_OtherGames_DOTA" "DotA 1" "DOTA_OtherGames_HON" "Heroes of Newerth" "DOTA_OtherGames_Smite" "Smite" "DOTA_OtherGames_Other" "Another Game" "DOTA_PlayerOriginQuestion_ConfirmationButton" "LET'S PLAY" "DOTA_PlayerOriginQuestion_ConfirmationTutorial" "As a player new to Dota, you may be interested in the tutorials under the Training section of the Play tab. They're a great first step towards dominating other players around the globe." "DOTA_PlayerOriginQuestion_ConfirmationSettings" "Your keybindings and options are now set to the most commonly used settings for players with your experience. You can customize these at any time by clicking on the settings icon." "RequestBalanceBadAccount" "Failed to request account balance: account not found." "RequestBalanceAccountNotLinked" "Failed to request account balance: your account is not linked to Perfect World." "RequestBalanceFailedSend" "Failed to request account balance. Please try again later." "RequestBalanceFailedTimeout" "Timed out waiting for response to account balance request. Please try again later." "DOTA_CurrentBalance" "Balance: %s1" "DOTA_ItemPrice" "Item Price: %s1" "DOTA_ItemPrice_ImmediatePurchase" "Buy Now: %s1" "DOTA_RechargeAccount" "Recharge Account" "DOTA_PurchaseItem" "Purchase Item" "DOTA_PurchaseInProgress_Title" "Purchase In Progress" "DOTA_PurchaseInProgress_Text" "Your purchase request has been sent to Perfect World." "DOTA_ImmediatePurchase_SendFailed" "Failed to send purchase request. Dota servers may be offline. You should try your purchase again later." "DOTA_ImmediatePurchase_Timeout" "Timed out waiting for a response to the purchase request. Please try again later." "DOTA_ImmediatePurchase_InitFailed" "We were unable to initiate a purchase with Perfect World at this time. Please try again later." "DOTA_ImmediatePurchase_InsufficientFundsPW" "There are insufficient funds in your Perfect World account to complete the purchase. Please recharge your account and try again." "DOTA_ImmediatePurchase_MissingPrerequisite" "You do not satisfy the prerequisites for purchasing that item." "DOTA_ImmediatePurchase_Success_Title" "Success" "DOTA_ImmediatePurchase_Success_Text" "Purchase completed successfully! Your items will appear in the Armory shortly." "DOTA_RequestingBalance_Title" "Requesting Balance" "DOTA_RequestingBalance_Text" "Requesting your Perfect World account balance..." "DOTA_Compendium_StretchGoal1" "Evolving Battle Point Booster" "DOTA_Compendium_StretchGoal2" "Loading Screen Treasures" "DOTA_Compendium_StretchGoal3" "Arcana Vote" "DOTA_Compendium_StretchGoal4" "International HUD" "DOTA_Compendium_StretchGoal5" "Solo Championship Vote" "DOTA_Compendium_StretchGoal6" "All Random Deathmatch Game Mode" "DOTA_Compendium_StretchGoal7" "Immortal Treasures" "DOTA_Compendium_StretchGoal8" "Emoticons" "DOTA_Compendium_StretchGoal9" "Mini-Pudge Exclusive Courier" "DOTA_Compendium_StretchGoal10" "New Music" "DOTA_Compendium_StretchGoal11" "1v1 Mid-Only Match Making" "DOTA_Compendium_StretchGoal12" "Special Environmental Effects" "DOTA_Compendium_StretchGoal13" "Base Customization" "DOTA_Compendium_StretchGoal14" "Daily Hero Challenge" "DOTA_Compendium_StretchGoal15" "Alternate Voice Vote" "DOTA_Compendium_StretchGoal16" "Favorite Hero Challenge" "DOTA_Compendium_StretchGoal17" "Model Update Vote" "DOTA_Compendium_StretchGoal18" "Multi-Kill Banner" "DOTA_Compendium_StretchGoal19" "Afterparty Broadcast" "DOTA_Compendium_StretchGoal20" "New Upgraded Creeps" "DOTA_Compendium_StretchGoal21" "A-Z Challenge Support" "DOTA_Compendium_StretchGoal22" "Victory Prediction Taunt" "Compendium_LiveGame_Seal" "LIVE GAME!" "Compendium_LiveGame_InProgress" "Live Game In Progress!" "DOTA_Compendium_Compendium_Popup_StretchgoalReached" "Reward Released" "DOTA_Compendium_Compendium_Popup_StretchgoalReached_Desc" "A Stretch Goal reward is now available to all Compendium users!" "DOTA_Compendium_Compendium_Popup_StretchgoalReachedView" "Awesome!" "DOTA_Compendium_Compendium_Popup_StretchgoalNoCompendium" "It appears that you don't have a Compendium yet" "DOTA_Compendium_Profile_False" "This player has not activated their International 2015 Compendium" "DOTA_Compendium_DailyHero_TimeRemaining" "TIME UNTIL NEXT ROLL" "DOTA_Compendium_DailyHero_RollAvailable" "ROLL FOR A NEW HERO" "DOTA_CIGO_Timescale" "Timescale" "DOTA_CIGO_GPM" "Gold Earned" "DOTA_CIGO_XPM" "XP Earned" "DOTA_CIGO_ShowGPM" "Show Gold" "DOTA_CIGO_ShowXPM" "Show XP" "DOTA_CIGO_GPMAVG" "Average Gold Earned" "DOTA_CIGO_XPMAVG" "Average XP Earned" "DOTA_CIGO_Finished" "FINISHED" "DOTA_CIGO_Discard" "Ignore this game (don't save stats data)" "DOTA_CIGO_DiscardAYS" "Ignoring this game will cause it not to contribute to your overall averages." "DOTA_CIGO_Discarded" "Game being ignored. Stats will not be saved." "DOTA_CIGO_Starting" "STATS ANALYSIS WAITING FOR GAME START" "DOTA_CIGO_Rejoined" "STATS DISABLED DUE TO RECONNECTION" "DOTA_CIGO_NoData" "NO HISTORICAL DATA FOUND FOR COMPARISON" "DOTA_CIGO_FirstKill" "Average Time of First Kill: %s1" "DOTA_CIGO_FirstDeath" "Average Time of First Death: %s1" "DOTA_CIGO_Item" "%s1 purchased: %s2" "DOTA_CIGO_GraphDesc" "GRAPH" "DOTA_CIGO_GraphControls" "Graph Settings" "DOTA_CIGO_TagsTitle" "TAGS" "DOTA_CIGO_TagDesc" "You can add tags to describe this game. The graph will only compare your performance to previous games with matching tags." "DOTA_CIGO_TagsGame" "This game:" "DOTA_CIGO_TagsAvailable" "Available tags:" "DOTA_CIGO_AddTag" "Add Tag:" "DOTA_CIGO_TagMatches" "Found %s1 previous games matching these tags." "DOTA_CIGO_TagMatches1" "Found 1 previous game matching these tags." "DOTA_CIGO_DeleteTaggedGames" "Discard averages and start over" "DOTA_CIGO_DeleteAYS" "This will permanently discard all averages for previous games matching the specified tags." "DOTA_CIGO_DeleteAllAYS" "This will permanently discard all averages for ALL your previous games." "DOTA_CIGO_ShowGraph" "Show Graph" "DOTA_CIGO_Events" "Show Events (your item purchases, first kill, first death)" "DOTA_CIGO_Lane1" "Safe Lane" "DOTA_CIGO_Lane2" "Hard Lane" "DOTA_CIGO_Lane3" "Mid Lane" "DOTA_CIGO_Lane4" "Jungle" "DOTA_CIGO_Midas" "Midas" "DOTA_CIGO_DataTitle" "DATA" "DOTA_CIGO_BasicTT" "These arrows indicate whether you're earning gold more quickly or more slowly than your historical average rate." "DOTA_CIGO_BasicTTNoData" "Once you've played a few games with your Favorite Hero, these arrows will show whether you're earning gold more quickly or more slowly than your average rate." "DOTA_CouldntContactRedeemServer" "Couldn't redeem code" "DOTA_RedeemCodeTitle" "Redeem Code" "DOTA_RedeemCodeTitle2" "REDEEM CODE" "DOTA_CodeActivatedSuccessfully" "Code Activated Successfully" "DOTA_CodeNotFound" "Invalid Code" "DOTA_CodeAlreadyUsed" "Code already claimed" "DOTA_CodeSuccess" "Success!" "DOTA_PCBANG_REWARDS" "By playing at a PC Bang you can equip most items for your favorite hero for free." "DOTA_CourierValue" "Cargo Worth:" "DOTA_Advertisement_Compendium_Header" "Eleven New Immortals" "DOTA_Advertisement_Compendium_SubHeader" "Available now with the Compendium" "DOTA_Advertisement_Compendium_Button" "BUY NOW - %s1" "DOTA_Advertisement_Compendium_PointsHeader" "Mini-Pudge and More" "DOTA_Advertisement_Compendium_PointsSubHeader" "Emoticons, Weather Effects, Mini-Pudge, and more!" "DOTA_Advertisement_Compendium_PointsButton" "%s1 - %s2" "DOTA_Advertisement_Compendium_EmoticonsHeader" "25 Chat Emoticons" "DOTA_Advertisement_Compendium_EmoticonsSubHeader" "Get access to 25 Dota-themed Chat Emoticons and other items by purchasing the Compendium" "DOTA_Advertisement_SummerTreasures_Header" "DOTA 2 SUMMER SALE" "DOTA_Advertisement_SummerTreasures_SubHeader" "11 DAYS, 11 TREASURES" "DOTA_Advertisement_SummerTreasures_TodayPrice" "Today %s1" "DOTA_Advertisement_SummerTreasures_RegPrice" "Reg %s1" "DOTA_Advertisement_SummerTreasures_Day" "Day %s1 of 11" "DOTA_Advertisement_SummerTreasures_Button" "Peek Inside" "DOTA_Advertisement_Signature_Treasure" "Autographed %s1 - %s2" "DOTA_Advertisement_Signature_TreasureHeader" "Autographed Immortals" "DOTA_Advertisement_Signature_TreasureSubHeader" "Get new Immortal items autographed by your favorite Dota 2 personality." "DOTA_Advertisement_TechiesArcana_Header" "Swine of the Sunken Galley" "DOTA_Advertisement_TechiesArcana_SubHeader" "5-Piece Techies Set, Custom Icons and Effects, Loading Screen, Mini-Taunt, and more!" "DOTA_Advertisement_TechiesArcana_Button" "Buy Now - %s1" "DOTA_Advertisement_Arcana_Header_Preorder" "Frost Avalanche - PREORDER" "DOTA_Advertisement_Arcana_Header" "Frost Avalanche" "DOTA_Advertisement_Arcana_SubHeader" "Crystal Maiden Arcana includes a wolf pup pet, new FX, event rewards & more!" "DOTA_Advertisement_Arcana_Button" "Buy Now - %s1" "DOTA_Advertisement_View_Details" "View Details" "DOTA_Advertisement_View_Armory" "View Armory" "DOTA_Advertisement_Use_Compendium" "Activate Compendium" "DOTA_Advertisement_Chest_Button" "Treasure - %s1" "DOTA_Advertisement_Charm_Button" "Charm - %s1" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5_Compendium1_Button" "Level 1 - %s1" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5_Compendium50_Button" "Level 50 - %s1" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5_2400Pts_Button" "24 Levels - %s1" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5_Challenges_Button" "Challenges" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5_CompendiumInfo_Button" "Compendium Details" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5_ChallengeRewards_Button" "Redeem Coins" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5_RedeemPointsItem" "Activate %s1 Point Item" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5_RedeemCoinsItem" "Activate %s1 Coin Item" "DOTA_Advertisement_Recycling_Header" "Item Recycling" "DOTA_Advertisement_Recycling_SubHeader" "Recycle unwanted items for charms and Compendium points!" "DOTA_Advertisement_JadeEffigy_Header" "Effigy Block of Jade" "DOTA_Advertisement_JadeEffigy_SubHeader" "Carve a monument to your glory!" "DOTA_Advertisement_SpringBlossomTreasure_Header" "Treasure of the Spring Blossom" "DOTA_Advertisement_SpringBlossomTreasure_SubHeader" "Open the treasure or complete the charm!" "DOTA_Advertisement_CraftersRelicTreasure_Header" "Treasure of the Crafter's Relic" "DOTA_Advertisement_CraftersRelicTreasure_SubHeader" "Open the treasure or complete the charm!" "DOTA_Advertisement_SculptorsPillarTreasure_Header" "Treasure of the Sculptor's Pillar" "DOTA_Advertisement_SculptorsPillarTreasure_SubHeader" "Claim new creations, or complete the charm!" "DOTA_Advertisement_TroveCarafe2015_Header" "Trove Carafe 2015" "DOTA_Advertisement_TroveCarafe2015_SubHeader" "An exclusive new immortal treasure to celebrate The International!" "DOTA_Advertisement_Luckvase2015_Header" "The Lockless Luckvase 2015" "DOTA_Advertisement_Luckvase2015_SubHeader" "New items available only for a limited time!" "DOTA_Advertisement_RickAndMorty_Header" "Rick and Morty Announcer Pack" "DOTA_Advertisement_RickAndMorty_SubHeader" "Adult Swim’s interdimensional duo call the shots!" "DOTA_Advertisement_DeadMau5MusicPack_Header" "deadmau5 dieback music pack" "DOTA_Advertisement_DeadMau5MusicPack_SubHeader" "Wage war to some mau5 sounds!" "DOTA_Advertisement_ForgottenMythTreasure_Header" "Treasure of the Forgotten Myth" "DOTA_Advertisement_ForgottenMythTreasure_SubHeader" "Discover a new look with the charm or treasure." "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5Compendium_Header" "The International 2015 Compendium" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5Compendium_SubHeader" "Loaded with exclusive prizes and gameplay rewards!" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5Compendium_HasItem_SubHeader" "Make sure to activate your Compendium to unlock your rewards!" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5Points_Header" "Compendium Levels" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5Points_SubHeader" "Level up your Compendium to unlock even more items and faster rewards!" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5Challenges_Header" "Compendium Challenges" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5Challenges_SubHeader" "Earn coins through Compendium challenges that you can spend on rewards!" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5Challenges_SubHeader_Pts" "You have %s1 coins. Spend them on exciting rewards!" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5Challenges_SubHeader_Unowned" "Purchase a Compendium to earn coins through gameplay challenges and spend them on rewards!" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5Challenges_SubHeader_UnownedPts" "You have %s1 coins. Purchase a Compendium to earn more and be able to spend them on rewards!" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5TreasureA_Header" "Immortal Treasure I" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5TreasureA_SubHeader" "Collect these exclusive items only available from the Compendium!" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5TreasureB_Header" "Immortal Treasure II" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5TreasureB_SubHeader" "The second series of exclusive items available from the Compendium!!" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5TreasureC_Header" "Immortal Treasure III" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5TreasureC_SubHeader" "The final series of exclusive items available from the Compendium!!" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5Courier_Header" "Wyvern Hatchling Courier" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5Courier_SubHeader" "An exclusive new courier with three unlockable styles available from the Compendium!" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5Emoticons_Header" "The International Emoticons" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5Emoticons_SubHeader" "21 new emoticons available only through The International Compendium!" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5LoadingScreen_Header" "Loading Screens Treasure" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5LoadingScreen_SubHeader" "Exclusive concept art loading screens available through The International Compendium!" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5Effigy_Header" "The International Effigies" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5Effigy_SubHeader" "Create new Effigies with The Compendium! Level up to reforge an existing effigy!" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5Taunt_Header" "The International Taunt Treasure" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5Taunt_SubHeader" "Humiliate your foes with new hero taunts, exclusive to Compendium owners!" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5Music_Header" "The International 2015 Music Pack" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5Music_SubHeader" "Epic new music from Jeremy and Julian Soule, exclusively for Compendium owners!" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5LastChance_Header" "Compendium Last Chance" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5LastChance_SubHeader" "Last chance to upgrade your compendium and get the Collector's Caches before this Thursday!" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5Announcer_Header" "Bristleback Announcer" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5Announcer_SubHeader" "Exclusive play-by-play from Dota’s meanest porcupine, only with the Compendium!" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5SpecialTreasure_Header" "The International Community Treasure" "DOTA_Advertisement_TI5SpecialTreasure_SubHeader" "11 sets exclusive to Compendium owners along with Compendium rewards and the Faceless Rex courier!" "DOTA_Advertisement_RickMortyAnnouncer_Header" "Rick and Morty Announcer Pack" "DOTA_Advertisement_RickMortyAnnouncer_SubHeader" "Adult Swim's interdimensional duo call the shots!" //DOTA_ADVERTISEMENT_END //DOTA_PLAYAD_END //DOTA_PLAYTAB_END "DOTA_CompendiumBundleUpsell_Header" "THE INTERNATIONAL BUNDLE" "DOTA_CompendiumBundleUpsell_SubHeader" "PURCHASE NOW TO GET ALL OF THESE ITEMS AND MORE" "DOTA_CompendiumBundleUpsell_1" "2 Immortal Treasures" "DOTA_CompendiumBundleUpsell_2" "Mini-Pudge Courier" "DOTA_CompendiumBundleUpsell_3" "9 Loading Screens" "DOTA_CompendiumBundleUpsell_4" "3 Environmental Effects" "DOTA_CompendiumBundleUpsell_5" "25 Chat Emoticons" "DOTA_CompendiumBundleUpsell_6" "Kunkka's Courier" "DOTA_CompendiumBundleUpsell_7" "230% Battle Point Booster" "DOTA_CompendiumBundleUpsell_Bottom" "BUNDLE INCLUDES 2014 COMPENDIUM + 1100 POINTS" "DOTA_CompendiumBundleUpsell_RightHeader" "You will also be granted these upcoming items:" "DOTA_CompendiumBundleUpsell_RightText" "Base Customization Item - Alternate Hero Voice Pack - Multi-Kill Banner - Victory Prediction Taunt - New Music Pack - Special Techies Taunt" "DOTA_EmoticonPanel_Advertisement_NoCompendium" "Chat emoticon packs are coming soon to the store!" "DOTA_EmoticonPanel_Advertisement_NotOpened" "You've been granted an Compendium Emoticon Pack for owning a Compendium.\n\nOpen the pack in your Armory to permanently unlock your emoticons!" "dota_signature_chest_souvenier_desc" "This individual will receive a portion of each purchase." "dota_hero_picks_first_pick" "First pick of %s1 at The International" "dota_hero_picks_times_picked" "Picked 1 time at The International" "dota_hero_picks_times_picked_plural" "Picked %s1 times at The International" "dota_hero_picks_record" "Record at The International:\n%s1-%s2" "dota_hero_picks_team_first_pick" "First pick of %s1 by %s2 in 6.81" "dota_hero_picks_team_times_picked" "First pick of %s1 by %s2 in 6.81" "dota_hero_picks_team_times_picked_plural" "%s1 picked by %s2 %s3 times in 6.81" "dota_hero_picks_team_record" "%s1 record with %s2:\n%s3-%s4" "dota_hero_picks_player_times_picked_plural" "Most often played by %s1, %s2 times" "dota_hero_picks_player_times_picked" "Most often played by %s1, 1 time" "dota_hero_picks_player_record" "Record when played by %s1:\n%s2-%s3" "dota_hero_picks_player_kda" "Average KDA when played by %s1:\n%s2" "dota_hero_picks_player_gpm" "Average GPM when played by %s1:\n%s2" "DOTA_GalleryofTriumphs_ProfileHead" "The Gallery of\nTriumphs" "DOTA_GalleryofTriumphs_Profilebutton" "View Details" "DOTA_Trophy_Header" "GALLERY OF TRIUMPHS" "DOTA_Trophy_ViewTrophyCase" "View Gallery" "DOTA_Trophy_NumberEarnedNone" "No Trophies Earned" "DOTA_Trophy_NumberEarnedSingular" "1 Trophy Earned" "DOTA_Trophy_NumberEarnedPlural" "%s1 Trophies Earned" "DOTA_Trophy_NextTrophy" "Next Award" "DOTA_TrophyNotification_Awarded" "You've received a new trophy: \"%s1\"!" "DOTA_TrophyNotification_LevelUp" "Your trophy \"%s1\" has leveled up!" "DOTA_AllHeroChallengeNotification_HeroCompleted" "You completed the all hero challenge for %s1 in %s2 games!" "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_NotificationView" "View Challenge" "DOTA_TrophyPopup_Awarded_Title" "You've Received a New Trophy!" "DOTA_TrophyPopup_LevelUp_Title" "Your Trophy has Levelled Up!" "DOTA_TrophyCategory_TI4" "The International 2014" "DOTA_TrophyCategory_TI5" "The International 2015" "DOTA_TrophyCategory_Fantasy" "Fantasy Dota" "DOTA_TrophyCategory_Misc" "Miscellaneous" "DOTA_TrophyCategory_Nexon" "Nexon" "DOTA_TrophyCategory_PerfectWorld" "Perfect World" "DOTA_TrophyCategory_CNY2015_YearBeast" "Year Beast 2015" "DOTA_TrophyUnits_Level" "Level %s1" "DOTA_TrophyUnits_Challenges_Singular" "%s1 Challenge Completed" "DOTA_TrophyUnits_Challenges_Plural" "%s1 Challenges Completed" "DOTA_TrophyUnits_Predictions_Singular" "%s1 Successful Prediction" "DOTA_TrophyUnits_Predictions_Plural" "%s1 Successful Predictions in a Row" "DOTA_TrophyUnits_Wins_Singular" "%s1 Win" "DOTA_TrophyUnits_Wins_Plural" "%s1 Wins" "DOTA_TrophyUnits_LastHits_Singular" "%s1 Last Hit" "DOTA_TrophyUnits_LastHits_Plural" "%s1 Last Hits" "DOTA_TrophyUnits_Points_Singular" "%s1 Point" "DOTA_TrophyUnits_Points_Plural" "%s1 Points" "DOTA_TrophyUnits_ContractsFilled_Singular" "%s1 Contract" "DOTA_TrophyUnits_ContractsFilled_Plural" "%s1 Contracts" "DOTA_TrophyUnits_ContractsDenied_Singular" "%s1 Denial" "DOTA_TrophyUnits_ContractsDenied_Plural" "%s1 Denials" "DOTA_TrophyUnits_MMR" "%s1 MMR" "DOTA_TrophyUnits_Charms_Singular" "%s1 Charm" "DOTA_TrophyUnits_Charms_Plural" "%s1 Charms" "DOTA_TrophyName_TI4CompendiumLevel" "Compendium Contender 2014" "DOTA_TrophyDesc_TI4CompendiumLevel" "Awarded for obtaining and leveling up a compendium for The International 2014." "DOTA_TrophyName_TI4TenHeroChallenge" "A Perfect Ten" "DOTA_TrophyDesc_TI4TenHeroChallenge" "Awarded for winning matches while playing each hero assigned by the Ten Hero Challenge as part of The International 2014 Compendium." "DOTA_TrophyName_TI4DailyHeroChallenges" "The Circadian 2014" "DOTA_TrophyDesc_TI4DailyHeroChallenges" "Awarded for winning matches while playing the hero assigned by Daily Hero Challenges as part of the International 2014 Compendium." "DOTA_TrophyName_AllHeroChallenge" "The Completionist" "DOTA_TrophyDesc_AllHeroChallenge" "Awarded for completing matches as every hero in the order assigned by the the All-Hero Challenge." "DOTA_TrophyName_VictoryPrediction" "Victory's Prophet" "DOTA_TrophyDesc_VictoryPrediction" "Awarded for a streak of successfully predicting your team's victory before the horn sounds." "DOTA_TrophyName_LifetimeFantasy" "Fantasy League Medalwinner" "DOTA_TrophyDesc_LifetimeFantasy" "Awarded for winning Fantasy Dota leagues. You get points based on how you placed in the league: 3 points for first place, 2 points for second place, and one point for third place." "DOTA_TrophyName_FantasySeason1FirstPlace" "Fantasy Season 1 Gold" "DOTA_TrophyDesc_FantasySeason1FirstPlace" "Awarded for winning first place in a Fantasy Dota league for Fantasy Season 1." "DOTA_TrophyName_FantasySeason1SecondPlace" "Fantasy Season 1 Silver" "DOTA_TrophyDesc_FantasySeason1SecondPlace" "Awarded for winning second place in a Fantasy Dota league for Fantasy Season 1." "DOTA_TrophyName_FantasySeason1ThirdPlace" "Fantasy Season 1 Bronze" "DOTA_TrophyDesc_FantasySeason1ThirdPlace" "Awarded for winning third place in a Fantasy Dota league for Fantasy Season 1." "DOTA_TrophyName_FantasySeason2FirstPlace" "Fantasy Season 2 Gold" "DOTA_TrophyDesc_FantasySeason2FirstPlace" "Awarded for winning first place in a Fantasy Dota league for Fantasy Season 2." "DOTA_TrophyName_FantasySeason2SecondPlace" "Fantasy Season 2 Silver" "DOTA_TrophyDesc_FantasySeason2SecondPlace" "Awarded for winning second place in a Fantasy Dota league for Fantasy Season 2." "DOTA_TrophyName_FantasySeason2ThirdPlace" "Fantasy Season 2 Bronze" "DOTA_TrophyDesc_FantasySeason2ThirdPlace" "Awarded for winning third place in a Fantasy Dota league for Fantasy Season 2." "DOTA_TrophyName_LastHitPractice" "Professional Last Hitter" "DOTA_TrophyDesc_LastHitPractice" "Awarded for scoring a high amount of last hits during the Last Hit Practice." "DOTA_TrophyName_PAContractsFilled" "Nemesis Assassin" "DOTA_TrophyDesc_PAContractsFilled" "Awarded for Fulfilling contracts during the Nemesis Assassin Event." "DOTA_TrophyName_PAContractsDenied" "Assassin Assassinated" "DOTA_TrophyDesc_PAContractsDenied" "Awarded for Denying contracts during the Nemesis Assassin Event." "DOTA_TrophyName_NexonLevel" "Nexon First Anniversary" "DOTA_TrophyDesc_NexonLevel" "Awarded for participating in and winning games in celebration of the Nexon First Anniversary." "DOTA_TrophyName_PWRDLinkDOTA1_MMR" "Ancient Memorial Skill" "DOTA_TrophyDesc_PWRDLinkDOTA1_MMR" "Awarded for importing your DOTA 1 account into Dota 2, and commemorating your MMR from Dota 1." "DOTA_TrophyName_PWRDLinkDOTA1_Level" "Ancient Memorial Experience" "DOTA_TrophyDesc_PWRDLinkDOTA1_Level" "Awarded for importing your DOTA 1 account into Dota 2, and commemorating your Level from Dota 1." "DOTA_TrophyName_CNY2015_YearBeast_Wins" "Year Beast Brawl Victories" "DOTA_TrophyDesc_CNY2015_YearBeast_Wins" "Awarded for your victories during the Year Beast Brawl event" "DOTA_TrophyName_CNY2015_YearBeast_Level" "Year Beast Readiness" "DOTA_TrophyDesc_CNY2015_YearBeast_Level" "Awarded for gaining New Bloom Levels during the Year Beast Brawl event" "DOTA_TrophyName_DAC2015_CompendiumLevel" "DAC Compendium Contender 2015" "DOTA_TrophyDesc_DAC2015_CompendiumLevel" "Awarded for obtaining and leveling up a compendium for The DOTA 2 Asia Championship 2015." "DOTA_TrophyName_TI5_CompendiumLevel" "Compendium Contender 2015" "DOTA_TrophyDesc_TI5_CompendiumLevel" "Awarded for obtaining and leveling up a compendium for The International 2015." "DOTA_TrophyName_TI5_CompendiumChallenges" "Compendium Challenger 2015" "DOTA_TrophyDesc_TI5_CompendiumChallenges" "Awarded for completing Compendium challenges during The International 2015." "DOTA_TrophyName_TI5_TeamCompendiumLevel" "Highest Team Compendium Victory 2015" "DOTA_TrophyDesc_TI5_TeamCompendiumLevel" "Commemorates the highest Team Compendium Level you achieved in a victorious match during The International 2015." "DOTA_TrophyName_CharmsCompleted" "Charm Predictor" "DOTA_TrophyDesc_CharmsCompleted" "Commemorates how many charms you have successfully turned into treasures." "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_ProfileHead" "All-Hero Challenge\nProgress" "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_ProfileButton" "View Details" "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_Button" "All-Hero Challenge" "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_Title" "ALL-HERO CHALLENGE: %s1" "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_Description" "Win a matchmaking game with every hero in a specific order." "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_CurrentProgress" "CURRENT CHALLENGE PROGRESS" "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_OverallStats" "LIFETIME CHALLENGE STATS" "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_Progress" "All-Hero Challenge Progress" "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_HeroesCompleted" "Heroes Completed: %s1 of %s2" "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_GamesPlayed" "Games: %s1" "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_AverageGamesPlayed" "World Average: %s1" "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_LapsCompleted" "Full Challenges Completed:" "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_BestLapGamesPlayed" "Best Full Challenge:" "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_BestLapNotCompleted" "N/A" "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_AverageLapGamesPlayed" "World Average Full Challenge:" "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_TooltipTitle_GamesPlayed" "Games Played" "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_TooltipText_GamesPlayed" "Tracks the number of games that have been played so far as part of this round of the All-Hero Challenge." "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_TooltipTitle_AverageGamesPlayed" "World Average Games Played" "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_TooltipText_AverageGamesPlayed" "On average, players take %s1 games to complete the same heroes that have been completed so far in this All-Hero Challenge." "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_PreviousHero" "PREVIOUS HERO" "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_CurrentHero" "CURRENT HERO" "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_NextHero" "NEXT HERO" "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_CompletedHero" "COMPLETED HERO" "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_AttemptsSingular" "1 Attempt" "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_AttemptsPlural" "%s1 Attempts" "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_GamesSingular" "1 Game" "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_GamesPlural" "%s1 Games" "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_CompletedHeroGames" "Completed: %s1" "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_CurrentHeroGames" "In Progress: %s1" "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_UpcomingHero" "Upcoming..." "DOTA_AllHeroChallenge_AverageHeroGames" "World Average: %s1 Attempts" "DOTA_TeamShowcase_PlayerLevel" "LEVEL" "DOTA_TeamShowcase_SteamLevel" "STEAM LEVEL" "npc_dota_phantomassassin_gravestone" "Paradox Memorial" "DOTA_PhantomAssassin_Gravestone_Epitaph_1" "\"Who turned out the lights?\"" "DOTA_PhantomAssassin_Gravestone_Epitaph_2" "\"It's dark down here.\"" "DOTA_PhantomAssassin_Gravestone_Epitaph_3" "\"I was too slow.\"" "DOTA_PhantomAssassin_Gravestone_Epitaph_4" "\"Rest for the wicked.\"" "DOTA_PhantomAssassin_Gravestone_Epitaph_5" "\"Don't leave me here!\"" "DOTA_PhantomAssassin_Gravestone_Epitaph_6" "\"Dig me up. I dare you.\"" "DOTA_PhantomAssassin_Gravestone_Epitaph_7" "\"Should have practiced more.\"" "DOTA_PhantomAssassin_Gravestone_Epitaph_8" "\"Never saw it coming.\"" "DOTA_PhantomAssassin_Gravestone_Epitaph_9" "\"Should have bought more armor.\"" "DOTA_PhantomAssassin_Gravestone_Epitaph_10" "\"Shhh. Taking a dirt nap.\"" "DOTA_PhantomAssassin_Gravestone_Epitaph_11" "\"On the wrong side of the grass.\"" "DOTA_PhantomAssassin_Gravestone_Epitaph_12" "\"What were the chances?\"" "DOTA_PhantomAssassin_Gravestone_Epitaph_13" "\"Ouch.\"" "DOTA_Chat_AssassinAnnounce" "%s1 has been given a contract to kill %s2" "DOTA_Chat_AssassinSuccess" "%s1 has fulfilled the contract! %s2 has fallen!" "DOTA_Chat_AssassinFailed" "%s1 failed to complete the contract and fell to %s2" "DOTA_Chat_AssassinMSG01" "PHANTOM ASSASSIN HAS A" "DOTA_Chat_AssassinMSG02" "CONTRACT TO KILL" "DOTA_Chat_AssassinTeammate01" "If Phantom Assassin slays her target before the target slays her, the contract will be Fulfilled. If her team then wins the match, her entire team could earn a cluster-drop of items." "DOTA_Chat_AssassinOpponents01" "... but if %s1 kills Phantom Assassin first, the contract will be Denied. The entire team could earn a cluster-drop of items for winning the match after Denying the contract." "DOTA_Chat_AssassinDeny01" "PHANTOM ASSASSIN" "DOTA_Chat_AssassinDeny02" "Has been killed by %s1" "DOTA_Chat_AssassinDeny03" "The Contract has been denied!" "DOTA_Chat_AssassinFulfill01" "PHANTOM ASSASSIN" "DOTA_Chat_AssassinFulfill02" "Has killed %s1" "DOTA_Chat_AssassinFulfill03" "The Contract has been fulfilled!" "DOTA_GameEnd_AssassinSuccess_0Player" "Yet nobody on her team owns the Manifold Paradox, leaving the reward unclaimed." "DOTA_GameEnd_AssassinSuccess_5Player" "%s1, %s2, %s3, %s4 and %s5 will be rewarded with:" "DOTA_GameEnd_AssassinFailedRadiantWins" "The Radiant have denied the contract" "DOTA_GameEnd_AssassinFailedDireWins" "The Dire have denied the contract" "DOTA_GameEnd_AssassinResultForfeitByDire" "...but the Dire won the match." "DOTA_GameEnd_AssassinResultForfeitByRadiant" "...but the Radiant won the match." "DOTA_Prediction_CharmPurchase03" "BUY NOW - %s1" "DOTA_Prediction_CharmPurchase04" "NO THANKS!" "DOTA_Prediction_CharmPredict03" "PREDICT YOUR VICTORY!" "DOTA_Prediction_CharmPredict04" "NOT THIS GAME" "DOTA_Prediction_CharmPredict_Predicted" "YOU HAVE PREDICTED VICTORY" "DOTA_Prediction_CharmPredict_Dismiss" "Continue" "DOTA_Prediction_CharmPredict_Correct" "CORRECT PREDICTIONS:" "DOTA_Prediction_CharmPredict_Incorrect" "INCORRECT PREDICTIONS:" "DOTA_Prediction_CharmResult_Correct" "You have foreseen your victory!" "DOTA_Prediction_CharmResult_Incorrect" "Your prediction was incorrect." "DOTA_Prediction_CharmResult_Continue" "CONTINUE" "DOTA_Prediction_Button" "PREDICTIONS" "DOTA_PredictionWindow_Title" "Prediction Charms" "DOTA_Prediction_Taunt_Label" "Current Streak:" "DOTA_Charm_upsell" "Successfully predict wins to earn Treasures!" "DOTA_Chat_PredictionCharmComplete_Success" "%s1 has the skill of foresight, and has been rewarded with a %s2" // %s2 is the name of the reward item "DOTA_Chat_PredictionCharmComplete_Fail" "%s1 has made 2 incorrect victory predictions, and earned a %s2." // %s2 is the name of the action item "DOTA_Chat_CharmComplete_Success" "%s1 unlocked %s2, and has been rewarded with: %s3" // %s1 name, %s2 charm item, %s3 comma separated reward list "DOTA_Chat_CharmComplete_Fail" "%s1 failed to unlock %s2 and has received: %s3." // %s1 name, %s2 charm item, %s3 comma separated reward list "DOTA_AssassinGame_Title" "FORESEER'S CONTRACT" "DOTA_AssassinGame_Learn" "LEARN MORE" "DOTA_AssassinGame_Learn2" "LEARN MORE ABOUT" "DOTA_AssassinGame_ContractAvailable" "Contract in Progress" "DOTA_AssassinGame_ContractFilled" "Fulfilled the Contract" "DOTA_AssassinGame_ContractDenied" "Contract was Denied" "DOTA_AssassinGame_TargetAvailable" "Marked for Death" "DOTA_AssassinGame_TargetFilled" "Assassinated" "DOTA_AssassinGame_TargetDenied" "Denied the Contract" "DOTA_AssassinGame_ALAS" "ALAS" "DOTA_AssassinGame_ALSO" "ALSO" "DOTA_AssassinGame_Fulfilling_RewardFalse" "THERE WERE NO ITEMS GRANTED FOR FULFILLING THE CONTRACT THIS TIME." "DOTA_AssassinGame_Denying_RewardFalse" "THERE WERE NO ITEMS GRANTED FOR DENYING THE CONTRACT THIS TIME." "DOTA_AssassinGame_RadiantFulfilling" "EACH RADIANT PLAYER HAS EARNED AN ITEM FOR FULFILLING THE CONTRACT" "DOTA_AssassinGame_RadiantDenying" "EACH RADIANT PLAYER HAS EARNED AN ITEM FOR DENYING THE CONTRACT" "DOTA_AssassinGame_DireFulfilling" "EACH DIRE PLAYER HAS EARNED AN ITEM FOR FULFILLING THE CONTRACT" "DOTA_AssassinGame_DireDenying" "EACH DIRE PLAYER HAS EARNED AN ITEM FOR DENYING THE CONTRACT" "DOTA_PA_Unfulfilled_Content01" "PHANTOM ASSASSIN FAILED TO COMPLETE THE" "DOTA_PA_Unfulfilled_Content02" "CONTRACT TO KILL" "DOTA_PA_DENIED_Content01" "PHANTOM ASSASSIN WAS DENIED THE" "DOTA_PA_DENIED_Content02" "CONTRACT TO KILL" "DOTA_PA_Fulfilled_Content01" "PHANTOM ASSASSIN HAS FULFILLED THE" "DOTA_PA_Fulfilled_Content02" "CONTRACT TO KILL" "DOTA_PA_FulfilledNotRew_Content01" "PHANTOM ASSASSIN HAS FULFILLED THE" "DOTA_PA_FulfilledNotRew_Content02" "CONTRACT TO KILL" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_abaddon_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_abaddon_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_abaddon_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_abaddon_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_abaddon_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_alchemist_VICTORY" "VICTORY" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_alchemist_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_alchemist_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_alchemist_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_alchemist_ATTACK_3" "ATTACK_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_alchemist_IDLE" "IDLE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_alchemist_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_alchemist_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ancient_apparition_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ancient_apparition_ATTACK2" "ATTACK2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ancient_apparition_COLD_FEET" "COLD_FEET" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ancient_apparition_ICE_VORTEX" "ICE_VORTEX" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ancient_apparition_CHILLING_TOUCH" "CHILLING_TOUCH" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ancient_apparition_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_antimage_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_antimage_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_axe_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_axe_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_axe_TAUNT" "TAUNT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_axe_SPAWN" "SPAWN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_axe_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_axe_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bane_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bane_ATTACK2" "ATTACK2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bane_ENFEEBLE" "ENFEEBLE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bane_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bane_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_batrider_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_batrider_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_batrider_CAST_ABILITY_3" "CAST_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_batrider_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_beastmaster_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_beastmaster_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_beastmaster_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_beastmaster_CAST_ABILITY_5" "CAST_ABILITY_5" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_beastmaster_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_beastmaster_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bloodseeker_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bloodseeker_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bloodseeker_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bloodseeker_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bloodseeker_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bloodseeker_VICTORY" "VICTORY" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bloodseeker_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bloodseeker_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bloodseeker_ATTACK_3" "ATTACK_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bounty_hunter_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bounty_hunter_VICTORY" "VICTORY" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bounty_hunter_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bounty_hunter_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bounty_hunter_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bounty_hunter_ATTACK_3" "ATTACK_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bounty_hunter_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bounty_hunter_ATTACK_EVENT" "ATTACK_EVENT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_brewmaster_SPAWN" "SPAWN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_brewmaster_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_brewmaster_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_brewmaster_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_brewmaster_ATTACK_EVENT" "ATTACK_EVENT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_brewmaster_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_brewmaster_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_brewmaster_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bristleback_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bristleback_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bristleback_ATTACK_3" "ATTACK_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bristleback_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bristleback_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_bristleback_RUN_2" "RUN_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_broodmother_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_broodmother_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_broodmother_SPAWN" "SPAWN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_broodmother_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_broodmother_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_broodmother_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_broodmother_ATTACK_3" "ATTACK_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_centaur_SPAWN" "SPAWN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_centaur_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_centaur_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_centaur_ATTACK_3" "ATTACK_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_centaur_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_centaur_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_centaur_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_centaur_VICTORY" "VICTORY" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_chaos_knight_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_chaos_knight_ATTACK_EVENT" "ATTACK_EVENT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_chaos_knight_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_chaos_knight_OVERRIDE_ABILITY_2" "OVERRIDE_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_chaos_knight_VICTORY" "VICTORY" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_chaos_knight_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_chaos_knight_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_chen_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_chen_CAST_ABILITY_3" "CAST_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_chen_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_chen_CAST_ABILITY_5" "CAST_ABILITY_5" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_chen_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_chen_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_chen_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_chen_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_clinkz_CAPTURE" "CAPTURE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_clinkz_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_clinkz_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_clinkz_RUN_2" "RUN_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_clinkz_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_rattletrap_CAST_ABILITY_3" "CAST_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_rattletrap_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_rattletrap_IDLE_RARE" "IDLE_RARE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_rattletrap_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_rattletrap_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_crystal_maiden_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_crystal_maiden_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_crystal_maiden_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_crystal_maiden_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_crystal_maiden_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_crystal_maiden_RUN_2" "RUN_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_crystal_maiden_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_dark_seer_IDLE_RARE" "IDLE_RARE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_dark_seer_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_dark_seer_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_dark_seer_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_dark_seer_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_dark_seer_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_dark_seer_CAST_ABILITY_3" "CAST_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_dark_seer_RUN_2" "RUN_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_dark_seer_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_dazzle_VICTORY" "VICTORY" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_dazzle_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_dazzle_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_dazzle_SHALLOW_GRAVE" "SHALLOW_GRAVE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_dazzle_CAST_ABILITY_3" "CAST_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_dazzle_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_dazzle_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_dazzle_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_death_prophet_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_death_prophet_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_disruptor_VICTORY" "VICTORY" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_disruptor_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_disruptor_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_disruptor_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_disruptor_THUNDER_STRIKE" "THUNDER_STRIKE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_disruptor_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_disruptor_KINETIC_FIELD" "KINETIC_FIELD" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_disruptor_STATIC_STORM" "STATIC_STORM" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_doom_bringer_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_doom_bringer_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_doom_bringer_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_doom_bringer_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_doom_bringer_VICTORY" "VICTORY" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_dragon_knight_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_dragon_knight_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_dragon_knight_ATTACK_3" "ATTACK_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_dragon_knight_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_dragon_knight_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_dragon_knight_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_dragon_knight_VICTORY" "VICTORY" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_dragon_knight_LOADOUT" "LOADOUT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_drow_ranger_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_drow_ranger_SPAWN" "SPAWN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_drow_ranger_SPAWN_2" "SPAWN_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_drow_ranger_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_drow_ranger_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_drow_ranger_TAUNT" "TAUNT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_earth_spirit_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_earth_spirit_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_earth_spirit_VICTORY" "VICTORY" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_earth_spirit_DEFEAT" "DEFEAT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_earth_spirit_IDLE_RARE" "IDLE_RARE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_earth_spirit_SPAWN" "SPAWN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_earth_spirit_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_earth_spirit_CAST_ABILITY_2_ES_ROLL_END" "CAST_ABILITY_2_ES_ROLL_END" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_earth_spirit_CAST_ABILITY_2_ES_ROLL" "CAST_ABILITY_2_ES_ROLL" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_earth_spirit_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_earth_spirit_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_earth_spirit_ATTACK_3" "ATTACK_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_earth_spirit_CAST_ABILITY_5" "CAST_ABILITY_5" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_earthshaker_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_earthshaker_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_earthshaker_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_earthshaker_ATTACK_3" "ATTACK_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_earthshaker_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_earthshaker_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_earthshaker_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_earthshaker_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_elder_titan_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_elder_titan_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_elder_titan_ATTACK_3" "ATTACK_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_elder_titan_ATTACK_4" "ATTACK_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_elder_titan_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_elder_titan_ANCESTRAL_SPIRIT" "ANCESTRAL_SPIRIT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_elder_titan_CAST_ABILITY_5" "CAST_ABILITY_5" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_elder_titan_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_elder_titan_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ember_spirit_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ember_spirit_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" 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"Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_enigma_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_enigma_RUN_2" "RUN_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_enigma_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_enigma_ATTACK2" "ATTACK2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_enigma_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_enigma_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_enigma_MIDNIGHT_PULSE" "MIDNIGHT_PULSE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_faceless_void_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_faceless_void_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_faceless_void_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_faceless_void_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_faceless_void_CAST_ABILITY_2_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_faceless_void_CAST_ABILITY_2_3" "CAST_ABILITY_2_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_faceless_void_CAST_ABILITY_2_4" "CAST_ABILITY_2_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_faceless_void_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_gyrocopter_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_gyrocopter_OVERRIDE_ABILITY_4" "OVERRIDE_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_gyrocopter_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_gyrocopter_IDLE_RARE" "IDLE_RARE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_gyrocopter_IDLE" "IDLE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_huskar_IDLE_RARE" "IDLE_RARE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_huskar_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_huskar_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_huskar_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_invoker_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_invoker_IDLE" "IDLE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_invoker_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_wisp_IDLE" "IDLE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_jakiro_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_jakiro_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_jakiro_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_jakiro_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_juggernaut_OVERRIDE_ABILITY_1" "OVERRIDE_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_juggernaut_SPAWN" "SPAWN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_juggernaut_SPAWN_2" "SPAWN_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_juggernaut_LOADOUT" "LOADOUT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_juggernaut_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_juggernaut_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_juggernaut_ATTACK_EVENT" "ATTACK_EVENT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_keeper_of_the_light_CAST_ABILITY_3" "CAST_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_keeper_of_the_light_CAST_ABILITY_5" "CAST_ABILITY_5" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_keeper_of_the_light_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_keeper_of_the_light_SPAWN" "SPAWN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_keeper_of_the_light_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_keeper_of_the_light_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_keeper_of_the_light_VICTORY" "VICTORY" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_keeper_of_the_light_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_keeper_of_the_light_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_keeper_of_the_light_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_kunkka_SPAWN" "SPAWN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_kunkka_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_kunkka_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_kunkka_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_kunkka_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_legion_commander_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_legion_commander_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_legion_commander_RUN_2" "RUN_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_legion_commander_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_legion_commander_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_legion_commander_ATTACK_3" "ATTACK_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_legion_commander_CAST_ABILITY_3" "CAST_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_legion_commander_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_legion_commander_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_legion_commander_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_leshrac_ATTACK2" "ATTACK2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_leshrac_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_leshrac_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_leshrac_CAST_ABILITY_3" "CAST_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_leshrac_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_leshrac_SPAWN" "SPAWN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_leshrac_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lich_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lich_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lich_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lich_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lich_CAST_ABILITY_3" "CAST_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lich_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lich_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_life_stealer_CAST_ABILITY_3" "CAST_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_life_stealer_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_life_stealer_SPAWN" "SPAWN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_life_stealer_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_life_stealer_IDLE_RARE" "IDLE_RARE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_life_stealer_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_life_stealer_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_life_stealer_ATTACK_3" "ATTACK_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_life_stealer_RUN_2" "RUN_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lina_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lina_ATTACK2" "ATTACK2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lina_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lina_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lina_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lina_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lina_LOADOUT" "LOADOUT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lion_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lion_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lion_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lion_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lion_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lion_CAST_ABILITY_3" "CAST_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lion_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lone_druid_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lone_druid_SPAWN" "SPAWN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lone_druid_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lone_druid_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lone_druid_VICTORY" "VICTORY" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lone_druid_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lone_druid_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_luna_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_luna_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_luna_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_luna_VICTORY" "VICTORY" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_luna_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_luna_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_luna_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lycan_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lycan_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lycan_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lycan_ATTACK_3" "ATTACK_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lycan_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_lycan_SPAWN" "SPAWN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_magnataur_IDLE" "IDLE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_magnataur_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_magnataur_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_magnataur_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_magnataur_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_magnataur_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_medusa_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_medusa_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_medusa_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_meepo_IDLE_RARE" "IDLE_RARE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_meepo_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_meepo_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_meepo_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_meepo_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_meepo_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_meepo_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_meepo_VICTORY" "VICTORY" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_mirana_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_mirana_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_mirana_IDLE_RARE" "IDLE_RARE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_mirana_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_mirana_OVERRIDE_ABILITY_3" "OVERRIDE_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_morphling_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_morphling_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_morphling_IDLE_RARE" "IDLE_RARE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_morphling_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_morphling_ATTACK2" "ATTACK2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_morphling_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_naga_siren_VICTORY" "VICTORY" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_naga_siren_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_naga_siren_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_furion_IDLE_RARE" "IDLE_RARE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_furion_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_furion_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_furion_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_furion_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_furion_CAST_ABILITY_3" "CAST_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_furion_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_necrolyte_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_necrolyte_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_necrolyte_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_necrolyte_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_necrolyte_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_night_stalker_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_night_stalker_VICTORY" "VICTORY" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_night_stalker_DEFEAT" "DEFEAT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_night_stalker_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_night_stalker_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_night_stalker_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_night_stalker_RUN_2" "RUN_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_night_stalker_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_nyx_assassin_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_nyx_assassin_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_nyx_assassin_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_nyx_assassin_CAST_ABILITY_3" "CAST_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_nyx_assassin_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_nyx_assassin_IDLE" "IDLE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ogre_magi_VICTORY" "VICTORY" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ogre_magi_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ogre_magi_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ogre_magi_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ogre_magi_CAST_ABILITY_3" "CAST_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ogre_magi_CAST_ABILITY_2_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ogre_magi_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ogre_magi_IDLE_RARE" "IDLE_RARE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ogre_magi_IDLE_RARE_2" "IDLE_RARE_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ogre_magi_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_omniknight_IDLE" "IDLE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_omniknight_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_omniknight_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_omniknight_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_omniknight_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_omniknight_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_omniknight_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_oracle_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_oracle_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_oracle_CAST_ABILITY_3" "CAST_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_oracle_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_oracle_IDLE_RARE" "IDLE_RARE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_obsidian_destroyer_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_obsidian_destroyer_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_obsidian_destroyer_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_obsidian_destroyer_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_obsidian_destroyer_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_phantom_assassin_IDLE_RARE" "IDLE_RARE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_phantom_assassin_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_phantom_assassin_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_phantom_assassin_ATTACK_EVENT" "ATTACK_EVENT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_phantom_assassin_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_phantom_assassin_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_phantom_assassin_SPAWN" "SPAWN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_phantom_lancer_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_phantom_lancer_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" 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"Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_pudge_CHANNEL_ABILITY_4" "CHANNEL_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_pudge_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_pugna_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_pugna_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_pugna_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_pugna_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_pugna_CAST_ABILITY_3" "CAST_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_pugna_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_queenofpain_LOADOUT_RARE" "LOADOUT_RARE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_queenofpain_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_queenofpain_IDLE_RARE" "IDLE_RARE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_queenofpain_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_queenofpain_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_queenofpain_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_razor_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_razor_INTRO" "INTRO" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_razor_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_riki_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_riki_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_riki_IDLE_RARE" "IDLE_RARE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_riki_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_rubick_CAST_ABILITY_5" "CAST_ABILITY_5" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_rubick_CAST_ABILITY_5_2" "CAST_ABILITY_5_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_rubick_CAST_ABILITY_5_3" "CAST_ABILITY_5_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_rubick_CAST_ABILITY_5_4" "CAST_ABILITY_5_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_rubick_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_rubick_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_rubick_CAST_ABILITY_3" "CAST_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_rubick_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_rubick_CAST_ABILITY_5_5" "CAST_ABILITY_5_5" 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"Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_sand_king_OVERRIDE_ABILITY_2" "OVERRIDE_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_shadow_demon_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_shadow_demon_ATTACK2" "ATTACK2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_shadow_demon_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_shadow_demon_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_shadow_demon_CAST_ABILITY_3" "CAST_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_shadow_demon_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_shadow_demon_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_shadow_demon_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_nevermore_SPAWN" "SPAWN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_shadow_shaman_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_shadow_shaman_ATTACK2" "ATTACK2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_shadow_shaman_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_shadow_shaman_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_shadow_shaman_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_shadow_shaman_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_shadow_shaman_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_shadow_shaman_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_silencer_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_silencer_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_silencer_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_silencer_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_silencer_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_silencer_VICTORY" "VICTORY" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_silencer_CAST_ABILITY_3" "CAST_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_skywrath_mage_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_skywrath_mage_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_skywrath_mage_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_skywrath_mage_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_skywrath_mage_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_skywrath_mage_CAST_ABILITY_3" "CAST_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_skywrath_mage_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_slardar_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_slardar_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_slardar_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_slardar_RUN_2" "RUN_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_slardar_CAST_ABILITY_3" "CAST_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_slardar_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_slardar_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_slark_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_slark_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_slark_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_slark_RUN_2" "RUN_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_slark_SPAWN" "SPAWN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_sniper_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_sniper_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_sniper_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_sniper_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_sniper_INTRO" "INTRO" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_sniper_VICTORY" "VICTORY" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_spectre_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_spectre_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_spectre_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_spectre_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_spectre_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_spirit_breaker_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_spirit_breaker_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_spirit_breaker_RUN_2" "RUN_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_spirit_breaker_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_storm_spirit_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_storm_spirit_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_storm_spirit_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_storm_spirit_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_storm_spirit_CAST_ABILITY_1_2" "CAST_ABILITY_1_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_storm_spirit_CAST_ABILITY_1_3" "CAST_ABILITY_1_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_storm_spirit_CAST_ABILITY_1_4" "CAST_ABILITY_1_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_storm_spirit_CAST_ABILITY_1_5" "CAST_ABILITY_1_5" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_storm_spirit_CAST_ABILITY_1_6" "CAST_ABILITY_1_6" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_storm_spirit_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_storm_spirit_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_sven_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_sven_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_sven_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_sven_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_sven_ATTACK_3" "ATTACK_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_techies_TAUNT" "TAUNT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_techies_LOADOUT" "LOADOUT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_techies_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_techies_RUN_2" "RUN_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_templar_assassin_ATTACK2" "ATTACK2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_templar_assassin_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_templar_assassin_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_templar_assassin_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_templar_assassin_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_terrorblade_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_terrorblade_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_terrorblade_ATTACK_3" "ATTACK_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_terrorblade_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_terrorblade_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_tidehunter_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_tidehunter_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_tidehunter_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_tidehunter_CAST_ABILITY_3" "CAST_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_tidehunter_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_tidehunter_SPAWN" "SPAWN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_tidehunter_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_shredder_IDLE_RARE" "IDLE_RARE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_shredder_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_shredder_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_shredder_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_shredder_ATTACK_3" "ATTACK_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_shredder_ATTACK_4" "ATTACK_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_shredder_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_shredder_CAST_ABILITY_6" "CAST_ABILITY_6" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_shredder_RUN_2" "RUN_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_shredder_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_tinker_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_tinker_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_tinker_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_tinker_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_tinker_CAST_ABILITY_3" "CAST_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_tinker_TINKER_REARM1" "TINKER_REARM1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_tiny_IDLE_RARE" "IDLE_RARE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_treant_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_treant_ATTACK2" "ATTACK2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_treant_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_treant_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_treant_CAST_ABILITY_3" "CAST_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_treant_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_treant_CAST_ABILITY_5" "CAST_ABILITY_5" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_treant_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_troll_warlord_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_troll_warlord_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_troll_warlord_VICTORY" "VICTORY" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_troll_warlord_ATTACK2" "ATTACK2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_troll_warlord_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_troll_warlord_ATTACK_3" "ATTACK_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_tusk_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_tusk_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_tusk_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_tusk_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_tusk_CAST_ABILITY_3" "CAST_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_tusk_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_undying_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_undying_VICTORY" "VICTORY" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_undying_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_undying_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_undying_SPAWN" "SPAWN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_undying_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ursa_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ursa_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ursa_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ursa_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ursa_ATTACK_3" "ATTACK_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ursa_ATTACK_4" "ATTACK_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ursa_ATTACK_5" "ATTACK_5" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ursa_ATTACK_6" "ATTACK_6" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ursa_ATTACK_7" "ATTACK_7" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_ursa_ATTACK_8" "ATTACK_8" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_vengefulspirit_SPAWN" "SPAWN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_vengefulspirit_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_vengefulspirit_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_vengefulspirit_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_vengefulspirit_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_vengefulspirit_CHANNEL_END_ABILITY_4" "CHANNEL_END_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_venomancer_IDLE_RARE" "IDLE_RARE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_venomancer_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_venomancer_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_venomancer_ATTACK2" "ATTACK2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_venomancer_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_venomancer_CAST_ABILITY_3" "CAST_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_viper_IDLE" "IDLE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_viper_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_visage_IDLE" "IDLE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_visage_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_visage_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_visage_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_warlock_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_warlock_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_warlock_FATAL_BONDS" "FATAL_BONDS" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_warlock_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_warlock_CHANNEL_ABILITY_3" "CHANNEL_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_warlock_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_weaver_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_weaver_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_weaver_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_weaver_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_weaver_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_weaver_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_weaver_RUN_2" "RUN_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_windrunner_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_windrunner_CAST_ABILITY_2" "CAST_ABILITY_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_windrunner_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_windrunner_RUN_2" "RUN_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_witch_doctor_RUN" "RUN" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_witch_doctor_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_witch_doctor_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_witch_doctor_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_witch_doctor_CAST_ABILITY_3" "CAST_ABILITY_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_witch_doctor_CAST_ABILITY_4" "CAST_ABILITY_4" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_witch_doctor_TAUNT" "TAUNT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_skeleton_king_TELEPORT" "TELEPORT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_skeleton_king_IDLE_RARE" "IDLE_RARE" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_skeleton_king_LOADOUT" "LOADOUT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_skeleton_king_CAST_ABILITY_1" "CAST_ABILITY_1" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_skeleton_king_ATTACK_EVENT" "ATTACK_EVENT" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_skeleton_king_ATTACK" "ATTACK" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_skeleton_king_ATTACK_2" "ATTACK_2" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_skeleton_king_ATTACK_3" "ATTACK_3" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_zuus_RUN" "Run" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_zuus_CAST_ABILITY_1" "Arc Lightning" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_zuus_CAST_ABILITY_2" "Lightning Bolt" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_zuus_CAST_ABILITY_4" "Thundergod's Wrath" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_zuus_ATTACK" "Attack" "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_zuus_ATTACK2" "Attack Alt." "Dota_Economy_Effigy_Animation_zuus_TELEPORT" "Teleport" "Dota_Local_Server_No_Signout" "Unable to close, match details are still pending." "Dota_EditSC_Reposition" "Move Hero" "Dota_EditSC_PositionHero" "Use camera controls to position your Hero. Hold shift to move faster. Click a mouse button to finish." "Dota_EditSC_PositionSlot" "Left click to position. Right click to rotate (hold shift to restrict to a single axis). Mousewheel to adjust height." "Dota_EditSC_SelectSlotType" "Select the type of object you'd like to display in this Slot" "Dota_EditSC_Save" "Save & Exit Editor" "Dota_EditSC_Preview" "Preview" "Dota_EditSC_SlotType_0" "Empty Slot" "Dota_EditSC_SlotType_1" "Hero" "Dota_EditSC_SlotType_2" "Effigy" "Dota_EditSC_SlotType_3" "Item" "Dota_EditSC_SlotType_4" "Courier" "Dota_EditSC_SelectEcon" "Select Item" "Dota_EditSC_SlotDialog_Effigy" "Edit Effigy Slot" "Dota_EditSC_Position" "Set Position" "Dota_EditSC_ToggleTeam" "Toggle Radiant/Dire" "Dota_EditSC_Load" "Load" "Dota_EditSC_CameraAnimSelection_Directions" "Select a camera animation. Use the arrow buttons, and click OK when done." "Dota_EditSC_CameraAnimSelection" "Edit Camera" //CNY New Bloom 2015 "npc_dota_badguys_cny_beast" "Dire Year Beast" "npc_dota_goodguys_cny_beast" "Radiant Year Beast" "DOTA_Chat_BeastClassName" "Year Beast" "DOTA_Chat_YearBeastKilled" "%s1 just killed %s2!" "DOTA_CNYBeastName0" "Harold" "DOTA_CNYBeastName1" "Louie" "DOTA_CNYBeastName2" "Francisco" "DOTA_CNYBeastName3" "Morty" "DOTA_CNYBeastName4" "Geraldine" "DOTA_CNYBeastName5" "Maxwell" "DOTA_CNYBeastName6" "Mordecai" "DOTA_CNYBeastName7" "Francis" "DOTA_CNYBeastName8" "Maynard" "DOTA_CNYBeastName9" "Lucille" "DOTA_CNYBeastName10" "Gustav" "DOTA_CNYBeastName11" "Monty" "DOTA_CNYBeastName12" "Wilbur" "DOTA_CNYBeastName13" "Bruni" "DOTA_CNYBeastName14" "Kitty" "DOTA_CNYBeastName15" "Mildred" "DOTA_CNYBeastName16" "Poindexter" "DOTA_CNYBeastName17" "Dorothy" "DOTA_CNYBeastName18" "Edna" "DOTA_CNYBeastName19" "Gladys" "DOTA_CNYBeastName20" "Clarence" "DOTA_CNYBeastName21" "Humphrey" "DOTA_CNYBeastName22" "Beatrice" "DOTA_CNYBeastName23" "Esther" "DOTA_CNYBeastName24" "Beverly" "DOTA_CNYBeastName25" "Peggy" "DOTA_CNYBeastName26" "Parthena" "DOTA_CNYBeastName27" "Harrison" "DOTA_CNYBeastName28" "Indiana" "DOTA_CNYBeastName29" "Zachariah" "DOTA_CNYBeastName30" "Josiah" "DOTA_CNYBeastName31" "Eldon" "DOTA_CNYBeastName32" "Jedediah" "DOTA_CNYBeastName33" "Eleanor" "DOTA_CNYBeastName34" "Walter" "DOTA_CNYBeastName35" "Leroy" "DOTA_CNYBeastName36" "Cecil" "DOTA_CNYBeastName37" "Hoover" "DOTA_CNYBeastName38" "Thaddeus" "DOTA_CNYBeastName39" "Ezra" "DOTA_CNYBeastName40" "Anastasia" "DOTA_CNYBeastName41" "Bessie" "DOTA_CNYBeastName42" "Penelope" "DOTA_CNYBeastName43" "Priscilla" "DOTA_CNYBeastName44" "Betsy" "DOTA_CNYBeastName45" "Chesny" "DOTA_CNYBeastName46" "Gwendolen" "DOTA_CNYBeastName47" "Maverick" "DOTA_CNYBeastName48" "Oink" "DOTA_CNYBeastName49" "Ophelia" "DOTA_CNYBeastName50" "Patches" "DOTA_CNYBeastName51" "Primrose" "DOTA_CNYBeastName52" "Victoria" "DOTA_CNYBeastName53" "Winston" "DOTA_CNYBeastName54" "Theo" "DOTA_CNYBeastName55" "Roxy" "DOTA_CNYBeastName56" "Lenny" "DOTA_CNYBeastName57" "Xander" "DOTA_CNY_party_wait" "Reserving party queue slot..." "DOTA_CNY_please_wait" "Please Wait" "DOTA_CNY_AbilityTooltip_Header_0" "Support Path" "DOTA_CNY_AbilityTooltip_Header_1" "Combat Path" "DOTA_CNY_AbilityTooltip_Header_2" "Speed Path" "DOTA_CNY_AbilityTooltip_0_0" "Level 1\nHealing Aura:\nHeals 10 HP every 2 seconds in a 1100 area of effect around the Beast." "DOTA_CNY_AbilityTooltip_0_1" "Level 2\nTruesight:\nGrants truesight in a 1100 radius.\nThe Beast will use Mekansm and Arcane Boots every 35 seconds in a 750 radius." "DOTA_CNY_AbilityTooltip_0_2" "Level 3\nResurrection Aura:\nIf a hero dies in an 1100 radius of the Beast, it will be resurrected after 3 seconds. This effect can only happen once every 20 seconds.\n\n\nMultiple instances of Support Path have independent cooldowns for Arcane Boots, Mek, and Resurrection Aura." "DOTA_CNY_AbilityTooltip_1_0" "Level 1\nBash:\nThe Beast gains a 12% chance to stun attacked enemies for 1 second." "DOTA_CNY_AbilityTooltip_1_1" "Level 2\nSpiked Carapace:\nIf 2 or more heroes are within 500 range of the Beast, the Beast will stun and reflect damage if attacked.\nBerserker's Call:\nIf there are 2 or more heroes within 300 range of the Beast, they will be forced to attack it for 2.5 seconds." "DOTA_CNY_AbilityTooltip_1_2" "Level 3\nGreater Hex:\nThe Beast unleashes a magical smoke that expands outward in a 1000 radius, turning enemy units into harmless pigs for 4 seconds.\n\n\nMultiple instances of Combat Path have independent chances to proc Bash, and independent cooldowns for Berserker's Call, Spiked Carapace, and Greater Hex." "DOTA_CNY_AbilityTooltip_2_0" "Level 1\nAttack Speed Aura:\nAllied units gain 30 attack speed in a 900 radius around the Beast." "DOTA_CNY_AbilityTooltip_2_1" "Level 2\nStampede:\nIf there are 2 or more enemy Heroes within 500 range of the Year Beast, it causes a Stampede, and all friendly units gain haste and phase for 3 seconds." "DOTA_CNY_AbilityTooltip_2_2" "Level 3\nRefresher Aura:\nWhen an allied hero casts a spell within 900 range of the Beast, that spell has a 50% chance to be instantly refreshed.\n\n\nMultiple instances of Speed Path have independent cooldowns for Stampede, and independent chances to proc Refresher Aura." "DOTA_CNY_AbilityTooltip_Warning" "This will replace the existing upgrade path that you've selected and any of its upgraded levels!" "Dota_IssueCommand" "COMMAND" "Dota_CmdLaneTop" "Send to Top Lane" "Dota_CmdLaneMid" "Send to Mid Lane" "Dota_CmdLaneBot" "Send to Bottom Lane" "DOTA_Modifier_Tooltip_CNY_Suffix" "

Owner: %s1" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_aura_attack_speed" "Attack Speed Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_aura_attack_speed_description" "Gain %bonus_attack_speed% attack speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_aura_attack_speed_0" "Attack Speed Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_aura_attack_speed_0_description" "Gain %bonus_attack_speed% attack speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_aura_attack_speed_1" "Attack Speed Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_aura_attack_speed_1_description" "Gain %bonus_attack_speed% attack speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_aura_attack_speed_2" "Attack Speed Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_aura_attack_speed_2_description" "Gain %bonus_attack_speed% attack speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_aura_attack_speed_3" "Attack Speed Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_aura_attack_speed_3_description" "Gain %bonus_attack_speed% attack speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_aura_attack_speed_4" "Attack Speed Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_aura_attack_speed_4_description" "Gain %bonus_attack_speed% attack speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_aura_move_speed" "Move Speed Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_aura_move_speed_description" "Gain %bonus_move_speed%%% move speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_aura_move_speed_0" "Move Speed Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_aura_move_speed_0_description" "Gain %bonus_move_speed%%% move speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_aura_move_speed_1" "Move Speed Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_aura_move_speed_1_description" "Gain %bonus_move_speed%%% move speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_aura_move_speed_2" "Move Speed Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_aura_move_speed_2_description" "Gain %bonus_move_speed%%% move speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_aura_move_speed_3" "Move Speed Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_aura_move_speed_3_description" "Gain %bonus_move_speed%%% move speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_aura_move_speed_4" "Move Speed Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_aura_move_speed_4_description" "Gain %bonus_move_speed%%% move speed." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_support" "Support" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_support_description" "Level 1\nHealing Aura:\nHeals 10 HP every 2 seconds in a 1100 area of effect around the Beast.\n\nLevel 2\nTruesight:\nGrants truesight in a 1100 radius.\nThe Beast will use Mekansm and Arcane Boots every 35 seconds in a 750 radius.\nSmoke Aura:\nWhile standing near the Beast, heroes are smoked.\n\nLevel 3\nResurrection Aura:\nIf a hero dies in an 1100 radius of the Beast, it will be resurrected after 3 seconds. This effect can only happen once every 20 seconds.\n\n\nMultiple instances of Support Path have independent cooldowns for Arcane Boots, Mek, and Resurrection Aura." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_support_aura" "Support" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_support_aura_description" "Level 1\nHealing Aura:\nHeals 10 HP every 2 seconds in a 1100 area of effect around the Beast.\n\nLevel 2\nTruesight:\nGrants truesight in a 1100 radius.\nThe Beast will use Mekansm and Arcane Boots every 35 seconds in a 750 radius.\n\nLevel 3\nResurrection Aura:\nIf a hero dies in an 1100 radius of the Beast, it will be resurrected after 3 seconds. This effect can only happen once every 20 seconds.\n\n\nMultiple instances of Support Path have independent cooldowns for Arcane Boots, Mek, and Resurrection Aura." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_support_0" "Support Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_support_0_description" "Lvl 1: Healing Aura:\nHeals 10 HP every 2 seconds in a 1100 area of effect around the Beast.\nLvl 2: Truesight:\nGrants truesight in a 1100 radius.\nThe Beast will use Mekansm and Arcane Boots every 35 seconds in a 750 radius.\nLvl 3: Resurrection Aura:\nIf a hero dies in an 1100 radius of the Beast, it will be resurrected after 3 seconds. This effect can only happen once every 20 seconds.\n\n\nMultiple instances of Support Path have independent cooldowns for Arcane Boots, Mek, and Resurrection Aura." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_support_1" "Support Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_support_1_description" "Lvl 1: Healing Aura:\nHeals 10 HP every 2 seconds in a 1100 area of effect around the Beast.\nLvl 2: Truesight:\nGrants truesight in a 1100 radius.\nThe Beast will use Mekansm and Arcane Boots every 35 seconds in a 750 radius.\nLvl 3: Resurrection Aura:\nIf a hero dies in an 1100 radius of the Beast, it will be resurrected after 3 seconds. This effect can only happen once every 20 seconds.\n\n\nMultiple instances of Support Path have independent cooldowns for Arcane Boots, Mek, and Resurrection Aura." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_support_2" "Support Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_support_2_description" "Lvl 1: Healing Aura:\nHeals 10 HP every 2 seconds in a 1100 area of effect around the Beast.\nLvl 2: Truesight:\nGrants truesight in a 1100 radius.\nThe Beast will use Mekansm and Arcane Boots every 35 seconds in a 750 radius.\nLvl 3: Resurrection Aura:\nIf a hero dies in an 1100 radius of the Beast, it will be resurrected after 3 seconds. This effect can only happen once every 20 seconds.\n\n\nMultiple instances of Support Path have independent cooldowns for Arcane Boots, Mek, and Resurrection Aura." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_support_3" "Support Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_support_3_description" "Lvl 1: Healing Aura:\nHeals 10 HP every 2 seconds in a 1100 area of effect around the Beast.\nLvl 2: Truesight:\nGrants truesight in a 1100 radius.\nThe Beast will use Mekansm and Arcane Boots every 35 seconds in a 750 radius.\nLvl 3: Resurrection Aura:\nIf a hero dies in an 1100 radius of the Beast, it will be resurrected after 3 seconds. This effect can only happen once every 20 seconds.\n\n\nMultiple instances of Support Path have independent cooldowns for Arcane Boots, Mek, and Resurrection Aura." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_support_4" "Support Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_support_4_description" "Lvl 1: Healing Aura:\nHeals 10 HP every 2 seconds in a 1100 area of effect around the Beast.\nLvl 2: Truesight:\nGrants truesight in a 1100 radius.\nThe Beast will use Mekansm and Arcane Boots every 35 seconds in a 750 radius.\nLvl 3: Resurrection Aura:\nIf a hero dies in an 1100 radius of the Beast, it will be resurrected after 3 seconds. This effect can only happen once every 20 seconds.\n\n\nMultiple instances of Support Path have independent cooldowns for Arcane Boots, Mek, and Resurrection Aura." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_combat" "Combat" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_combat_description" "Level 1\nBash:\nThe Beast gains a 12% chance to stun attacked enemies for 1 second.\n\nLevel 2\nSpiked Carapace:\nIf 2 or more heroes are within 500 range of the Beast, the Beast will stun and reflect damage if attacked.\nBerserker's Call:\nIf there are 2 or more heroes within 300 range of the Beast, they will be forced to attack it for 2.5 seconds.\n\nLevel 3\nGreater Hex:\nThe Beast unleashes a magical smoke that expands outward in a 1000 radius, turning enemy units into harmless pigs for 4 seconds.\n\n\nMultiple instances of Combat Path have independent chances to proc Bash, and independent cooldowns for Berserker's Call, Spiked Carapace, and Greater Hex." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_speed" "Speed" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_speed_description" "Level 1\nAttack Speed Aura:\nAllied units gain 30 attack speed in a 900 radius around the Beast.\n\nLevel 2\nStampede:\nIf there are 2 or more enemy Heroes within 500 range of the Year Beast, it causes a Stampede, and all friendly units gain haste and phase for 3 seconds.\n\nLevel 3\nRefresher Aura:\nWhen an allied hero casts a spell within 900 range of the Beast, that spell has a 50% chance to be instantly refreshed.\n\n\nMultiple instances of Speed Path have independent cooldowns for Stampede, and indepedent chances to proc Refresher Aura." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_critical_strike" "Critical Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_critical_strike_description" "Gaining a %crit_chance%%% to deal %crit_damage%%% bonus damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_critical_strike_0" "Critical Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_critical_strike_0_description" "Gaining a %crit_chance%%% to deal %crit_damage%%% bonus damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_critical_strike_1" "Critical Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_critical_strike_1_description" "Gaining a %crit_chance%%% to deal %crit_damage%%% bonus damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_critical_strike_2" "Critical Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_critical_strike_2_description" "Gaining a %crit_chance%%% to deal %crit_damage%%% bonus damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_critical_strike_3" "Critical Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_critical_strike_3_description" "Gaining a %crit_chance%%% to deal %crit_damage%%% bonus damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_critical_strike_4" "Critical Strike" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_critical_strike_4_description" "Gaining a %crit_chance%%% to deal %crit_damage%%% bonus damage." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_bash" "Bash" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_bash_description" "Gaining a %bash_chance%%% chance to bash." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_bash_0" "Bash" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_bash_0_description" "Gaining a %bash_chance%%% chance to bash." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_bash_1" "Bash" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_bash_1_description" "Gaining a %bash_chance%%% chance to bash." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_bash_2" "Bash" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_bash_2_description" "Gaining a %bash_chance%%% chance to bash." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_bash_3" "Bash" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_bash_3_description" "Gaining a %bash_chance%%% chance to bash." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_bash_4" "Bash" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_bash_4_description" "Gaining a %bash_chance%%% chance to bash." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_cleave" "Cleave" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_cleave_description" "Gaining %cleave_pct%%% cleave damage in a 250 area of effect." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_cleave_0" "Cleave" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_cleave_0_description" "Gaining %cleave_pct%%% cleave damage in a 250 area of effect." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_cleave_1" "Cleave" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_cleave_1_description" "Gaining %cleave_pct%%% cleave damage in a 250 area of effect." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_cleave_2" "Cleave" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_cleave_2_description" "Gaining %cleave_pct%%% cleave damage in a 250 area of effect." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_cleave_3" "Cleave" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_cleave_3_description" "Gaining %cleave_pct%%% cleave damage in a 250 area of effect." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_cleave_4" "Cleave" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_buff_cleave_4_description" "Gaining %cleave_pct%%% cleave damage in a 250 area of effect." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_double_damage" "Double Damage" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_haste" "Haste" "Dota_spring_icepoints" "PTS" "Dota_spring_per" "YOUR ABILITY POINTS POOL" "Dota_spring_fortune" "DAILY BONUS POINTS" "Dota_spring_total" "TOTAL POINTS PER BRAWL" "Dota_spring_icepoints_explain" "USE ABILITY POINTS TO CONTROL YOUR TEAM'S BEAST" "Dota_spring_rewards_explain" "Rewards Info" "Dota_spring_rewards_explain_inactive" "Rewards Info" "Dota_spring_rewards_explain_soon" "Rewards Info" "Dota_spring_icepoints_purchase" "PURCHASE ABILITY POINTS" "find_cny_match" "FIND YEAR BEAST MATCH" "DOTA_SPRING_LM" "LEARN MORE" "nb_med" "+1000 PTS" "nb_lrg" "+2400 PTS" "nb_arcana" "Arcana Bundle" "Dota_spring_icepoints_renew" "Ability Points are restored after every Year Beast Brawl" "DOTA_SPRING_GAMEMODE_IDLE" "The Year Beasts are now dormant." "DOTA_SPRING_GAMEMODE_SOON" "A Year Beast Brawl will begin in:" "DOTA_SPRING_GAMEMODE_ACTIVE" "YEAR BEAST BRAWL" "DOTA_SPRING_GAMEMODE_ACTIVE_LATE" "JOIN STANDBY" "DOTA_SPRING_GAMEMODE_ACTIVE_PARTYWAIT" "PLEASE WAIT" "CNY2015_ROUND_DESC" "Time remaining" "Dota_spring_state_idle" "Play a regular Dota match." "Dota_spring_state_soon" "Play a regular Dota match." "Dota_spring_state_now" "Play a regular Dota match." "CNY2015_Endgame_Header" "YEAR BEAST BRAWL EVENT" "CNY2015_Endgame_Footer" "Use Ability Points to upgrade your team's Year Beast in the Year Beast Brawl." "CNY2015_Endgame_xp_none_A" "NO ABILITY POINTS AWARDED


YOUR TEAM LOST" "CNY2015_Endgame_Footer_A" "Players earn Ability Points if a teammate owns Crystal Maiden's Frost Avalanche Arcana. You will earn more XP for each teammate who owns the Arcana." "CNY2015_Endgame_Footer_B" "You must be victorious in order to earn Ability Points." "CNY2015_Endgame_Footer_C" "You were victorious!" "CNY2015_Endgame_Footer_D" "You were defeated!
Earn Ability Points by winning matches while on a team with any player who owns Crystal Maiden's Frost Avalanche arcana. Ability Points are used to upgrade your Year Beast during the Year Beast Brawl." "CNY2015_Endgame_Pool" "YOUR ABILITY POINTS POOL" "CNY2015_Endgame_points_from" "POINTS FROM %s1" "CNY2015_Endgame_points_from_me" "POINTS FROM YOUR ARCANA" "CNY2015_Endgame_points_from_brawl" "POINTS FOR THE BRAWL" "CNY2015_AbilityReminder" "Select an upgrade path for your Year Beast!" "CNY2015_UpgradeReminder_Level2" "Level 2 Beast Upgrades are now available!" "CNY2015_UpgradeReminder_Level3" "Level 3 Beast Upgrades are now available!" "CNY2015_SpawningIn" "Spawning in..." "CNY2015_RespawningIn" "Respawning in..." "CNY2015_IcePoints" "Ability Points" "CNY2015_Actives" "SPELLS" "CNY2015_Teleport" "\nTeleport" "CNY2015_Attack" "Attack Target" "CNY2015_DoubleDamage" "Double Damage" "CNY2015_Heal" "\nHeal" "CNY2015_Abilities" "PLAYER'S UPGRADE SLOTS" "CNY2015_SetAbility" "Set Upgrade Path" "CNY2015_ReplaceAbility" "New Upgrade Path" "CNY2015_UpgradeAbility" "Upgrade Year Beast" "CNY2015_Chakra" "Global\nChakra" "CNY2015_Wrath" "Thunder\nWrath" "CNY2015_Global_Silence" "Global\nSilence" "CNY2015_HandOfGod" "Hand of\nGod" "CNY2015_TowerFlak" "Tower\nFlak" "CNY2015_Glyph" "Glyph" "DOTA_CNY_ActiveTooltip_0" "Teleport\n\nTeleports your Year Beast to any allied non-hero unit or building.\n\n30 second cooldown." "DOTA_CNY_ActiveTooltip_1" "Force Attack\n\nEnrages your Year Beast, causing it to attack a target relentlessly for 5 seconds. While active, the Beast has Haste and is phased.\n\n20 second cooldown." "DOTA_CNY_ActiveTooltip_2" "Double Damage\n\nGrants your Year Beast double damage for 5 seconds.\n\n10 second cooldown." "DOTA_CNY_ActiveTooltip_3" "Heal\n\nInstantly heals your Year Beast for 20% of its max health.\n\n50 second cooldown." "DOTA_CNY_ActiveTooltip_4" "Global Chakra\n\nRestores the mana for every hero on your team.\n\n0-10 Minutes:\n60% Mana Restored\n\n10-20 Minutes:\n80% Mana Restored\n\n20+ Minutes:\n100% Mana Restored\n\n90 second cooldown." "DOTA_CNY_ActiveTooltip_5" "Thundergod's Wrath\n\nLightning strikes every enemy hero, dealing damage if they are visible and revealing them if they are invisible.\n\n0-10 Minutes:\n125 Damage\n\n10-20 Minutes:\n250 Damage\n\n20+ Minutes:\n375 Damage\n\n240 second cooldown." "DOTA_CNY_ActiveTooltip_6" "Global Silence\n\nEvery enemy hero becomes silenced.\n\n0-10 Minutes:\n4 seconds.\n\n10-20 Minutes:\n5 seconds.\n\n20+ Minutes:\n6 seconds.\n\n300 second cooldown." "DOTA_CNY_ActiveTooltip_7" "Hand of God\n\nInstantly heals all allied heroes.\n\n0-10 Minutes:\n200 HP Restored\n\n10-20 Minutes:\n300 HP Restored\n\n20+ Minutes:\n400 HP Restored\n\n160 second cooldown." "DOTA_CNY_ActiveTooltip_8" "Tower Flak Cannon\n\nFor 10 seconds, friendly towers will attack all enemy units within 1000 range each time they attack.\n\n60 second cooldown." "DOTA_CNY_ActiveTooltip_9" "Glyph of Fortification\n\nYour buildings become invulnerable for the next 5 seconds.\n\n360 second cooldown." "CNY2015_Aura_AttackSpeed" "Aura: Attack Speed" "CNY2015_Aura_MovementSpeed" "Aura: Movement Speed" "CNY2015_Aura_Heal" "Aura: Heal" "CNY2015_Buff_Crit" "Buff: Critical Strike" "CNY2015_Buff_Bash" "Buff: Bash" "CNY2015_Buff_Cleave" "Buff: Cleave" "CNY2015_Active_SonicWave" "Ability: Sonic Wave" "CNY2015_Active_BlackHole" "Ability: Black Hole" "CNY2015_Active_Chronosphere" "Ability: Chronosphere" "CNY2015_Aura_SupportPath" "Support" "CNY2015_Aura_CombatPath" "Combat" "CNY2015_Aura_SpeedPath" "Speed" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_speed_0" "Speed Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_speed_0_Description" "Level 1:\nAttack Speed Aura:\nAllied units gain 30 attack speed in a 900 radius around the Beast.\n\nLevel 2:\nStampede:\nIf there are 2 or more enemy Heroes within 500 range of the Year Beast, it causes a Stampede, and all friendly units gain haste and phase for 3 seconds.n\nLevel 3:\nRefresher Aura:\nWhen an allied hero casts a spell within 900 range of the Beast, that spell has a 50% chance to be instantly refreshed.\n\n\nMultiple instances of Speed Path have independent cooldowns for Stampede, and independent chances to proc Refresher Aura." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_speed_1" "Speed Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_speed_1_Description" "Level 1:\nAttack Speed Aura:\nAllied units gain 30 attack speed in a 900 radius around the Beast.\n\nLevel 2:\nStampede:\nIf there are 2 or more enemy Heroes within 500 range of the Year Beast, it causes a Stampede, and all friendly units gain haste and phase for 3 seconds.\n\nLevel 3:\nRefresher Aura:\nWhen an allied hero casts a spell within 900 range of the Beast, that spell has a 50% chance to be instantly refreshed.\n\n\nMultiple instances of Speed Path have independent cooldowns for Stampede, and independent chances to proc Refresher Aura." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_speed_2" "Speed Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_speed_2_Description" "Level 1:\nAttack Speed Aura:\nAllied units gain 30 attack speed in a 900 radius around the Beast.\n\nLevel 2:\nStampede:\nIf there are 2 or more enemy Heroes within 500 range of the Year Beast, it causes a Stampede, and all friendly units gain haste and phase for 3 seconds.\n\nLevel 3:\nRefresher Aura:\nWhen an allied hero casts a spell within 900 range of the Beast, that spell has a 50% chance to be instantly refreshed.\n\n\nMultiple instances of Speed Path have independent cooldowns for Stampede, and independent chances to proc Refresher Aura." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_speed_3" "Speed Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_speed_3_Description" "Level 1:\nAttack Speed Aura:\nAllied units gain 30 attack speed in a 900 radius around the Beast.\n\nLevel 2:\nStampede:\nIf there are 2 or more enemy Heroes within 500 range of the Year Beast, it causes a Stampede, and all friendly units gain haste and phase for 3 seconds.\n\nLevel 3:\nRefresher Aura:\nWhen an allied hero casts a spell within 900 range of the Beast, that spell has a 50% chance to be instantly refreshed.\n\n\nMultiple instances of Speed Path have independent cooldowns for Stampede, and independent chances to proc Refresher Aura." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_speed_4" "Speed Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny2015_speed_4_Description" "Level 1:\nAttack Speed Aura:\nAllied units gain 30 attack speed in a 900 radius around the Beast.\n\nLevel 2:\nStampede:\nIf there are 2 or more enemy Heroes within 500 range of the Year Beast, it causes a Stampede, and all friendly units gain haste and phase for 3 seconds.\n\nLevel 3:\nRefresher Aura:\nWhen an allied hero casts a spell within 900 range of the Beast, that spell has a 50% chance to be instantly refreshed.\n\n\nMultiple instances of Speed Path have independent cooldowns for Stampede, and independent chances to proc Refresher Aura." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_speed_path" "Speed Aura" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_speed_path_Description" "Level 1:\nAttack Speed Aura:\nAllied units gain 30 attack speed in a 900 radius around the Beast.\n\nLevel 2:\nStampede:\nIf there are 2 or more enemy Heroes within 500 range of the Year Beast, it causes a Stampede, and all friendly units gain haste and phase for 3 seconds.\nLevel 3:\nRefresher Aura:\nWhen an allied hero casts a spell within 900 range of the Beast, that spell has a 50% chance to be instantly refreshed.\n\n\nMultiple instances of Speed Path have independent cooldowns for Stampede, and independent chances to proc Refresher Aura." "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_aegis" "Beast Aegis" "DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_cny_beast_aegis_Description" "This Year Beast will respawn after a short delay when killed. Gone after one use." "dota_offering_newbloom_2015_title" "ITEM RECYCLING" "dota_offering_newbloom_2015_subtitle" "Recycle your items into a Charm. Equip the Charm, then use it to predict 3 victories and be rewarded." "dota_offering_newbloom_2015_details" "Drag items here to recycle them.\nRecycle 10 items to receive a Charm." "DOTA_Offering_Confirm_Header" "Confirm Recycle" "DOTA_Offering_Confirm_Body" "You are about to recycle these items to create a %s1. These items will be deleted and can not be recovered. Continue?" "DOTA_BeastChat_Pushing" "Pushing %s1!" "DOTA_BeastChat_ForceAttack" "Going on %s1!" "DOTA_BeastChat_Respawning" "I will respawn in %s1 seconds!" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_cny2015_black_hole" "Black Hole" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_cny2015_black_hole_Description" "CHANNELED - Summons a vortex that sucks in nearby enemy units. Enemies affected by Black Hole cannot move, attack, or cast spells. The closer units get to the center, the more damage is dealt." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_cny2015_black_hole_Note0" "Disables enemies through spell immunity." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_cny2015_black_hole_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_cny2015_black_hole_far_damage" "MIN DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_cny2015_black_hole_near_damage" "MAX DAMAGE PER SECOND:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_cny2015_black_hole_far_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_cny2015_chronosphere" "Chronosphere" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_cny2015_chronosphere_Description" "Creates a blister in spacetime, trapping all units caught in its sphere of influence and causes you to move very quickly inside it. Only a Year Beast and Faceless Void are unaffected. Invisible units in the sphere will be revealed." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_cny2015_chronosphere_Note0" "Pauses all units and buildings, friendly or enemy." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_cny2015_chronosphere_Note1" "Faceless Void is never affected by Chronospheres from any owner." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_cny2015_chronosphere_radius" "RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_cny2015_chronosphere_duration" "DURATION:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_cny2015_sonic_wave" "Sonic Wave" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_cny2015_sonic_wave_Description" "Creates a gigantic wave of sound in front of Year Beast, dealing heavy damage to all enemy units in its wake." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_cny2015_sonic_wave_Note0" "Sonic Wave can hit units up to 1350 units away." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_cny2015_sonic_wave_final_aoe" "WAVE MAX RADIUS:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_cny2015_sonic_wave_damage" "DAMAGE:" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_cny2015_beast_travel_boots" "Boots of Travel" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_cny2015_beast_travel_boots_Description" "Active: Teleport - Teleports the Year Beast to an allied non-hero unit or structure." "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_cny2015_beast_travel_boots_bonus_movement_speed" "+$move_speed" "DOTA_Tooltip_title_BeastMode_Fortune" "Daily fortune is granting %s1 additional ingots." "DOTA_BeastMode_AegisAlready" "Your beast already has an Aegis" "DOTA_BeastMode_WinLabel" "Win a Year Beast Brawl" "DOTA_BeastMode_WinDescription" "And receive an item set drop, a trophy and 100 Ability Points." "DOTA_BeastMode_LoseLabel" "Lose a Brawl" "DOTA_BeastMode_LoseDescription" "And receive 100 Ability Points." "DOTA_BeastMode_RewardsLabel" "New Bloom Rewards" "DOTA_BeastMode_Reward1_Description" "Win one Year Beast Brawl" "DOTA_BeastMode_Reward2_Description" "Win three Year Beast Brawls" "DOTA_BeastMode_Reward3_Description" "Win ten Year Beast Brawls" "DOTA_BeastMode_Reward4_Description" "Increase your Ability Points pool to 8,000" "DOTA_BeastMode_AbilityPoints_Title" "Use Ability Points to Upgrade your team's Year Beast" "DOTA_BeastMode_AbilityPoints_Subtitle" "Remember to spend all your Ability Points -- they replenish after each match. Turn your Beast into a true monster!" "DOTA_BeastMode_AbilityPoints_Ways" "Ways to increase your Ability Points pool" "DOTA_BeastMode_AbilityPoints_Item1_Amount" "+4800 points" "DOTA_BeastMode_AbilityPoints_Item1_Description" "Included with purchase of Frost Avalanche Arcana for Crystal Maiden" "DOTA_BeastMode_AbilityPoints_Item2_Amount" "+1000 / 2400 points" "DOTA_BeastMode_AbilityPoints_Item2_Description" "Point bundles available for purchase" "DOTA_BeastMode_AbilityPoints_Item3_Amount" "+100 points" "DOTA_BeastMode_AbilityPoints_Item3_Description" "Every time you play the Year Beast Brawl, win or lose" "DOTA_BeastMode_AbilityPoints_Item4_Amount" "+100 points" "DOTA_BeastMode_AbilityPoints_Item4_Description" "For each victory in a normal Dota match if you own the Frost Avalanche Arcana for Crystal Maiden" "DOTA_BeastMode_AbilityPoints_Item6_Amount" "+50 points" "DOTA_BeastMode_AbilityPoints_Item6_Description" "For recycling 10 items using Item Recycling" "DOTA_BeastMode_AbilityPoints_Item5_Amount" "+25 points" "DOTA_BeastMode_AbilityPoints_Item5_Description" "If one of your teammates owns the Frost Avalanche Arcana and you win the match (this amount stacks)" "SocialFeed_MatchEvent_Rampage" "[name:%s1]%s2[/name] got a RAMPAGE in a match as [hero:%s3]%s4[/hero]!" "SocialFeed_MatchEvent_AegisSnatch" "[name:%s1]%s2[/name] snatched the Aegis in a match as [hero:%s3]%s4[/hero]!" "SocialFeed_MatchEvent_MostKills" "[name:%s1]%s2[/name] got the most kills in a match as [hero:%s3]%s4[/hero]." "SocialFeed_MatchEvent_MostTowerKills" "[name:%s1]%s2[/name] got the most tower kills in a match as [hero:%s3]%s4[/hero]." "SocialFeed_MatchEvent_MostGPM" "[name:%s1]%s2[/name] got the highest GPM in a match as [hero:%s3]%s4[/hero]." "SocialFeed_MatchEvent_Button" "[match:%s1]View Match Details[/match]" "SocialFeed_EconomyEvent_UnwrapGift" "[name:%s1]%s2[/name] unwrapped a [item:%s3]%s4[/item] gift from [name:%s5]%s6[/name]." "SocialFeed_TrophyLevelEvent_New" "[name:%s1]%s2[/name] received a new trophy: [trophy:%s3]%s4[/trophy]" "SocialFeed_TrophyLevelEvent_New_Level" "[name:%s1]%s2[/name] received a new trophy: [trophy:%s3]%s4 - %s5[/trophy]" "SocialFeed_TrophyLevelEvent_Old" "[name:%s1]%s2[/name] leveled up a trophy: [trophy:%s3]%s4[/trophy]" "SocialFeed_TrophyLevelEvent_Old_Level" "[name:%s1]%s2[/name] leveled up a trophy: [trophy:%s3]%s4 - %s5[/trophy]" "SocialFeed_MessageEvent_Generic" "[name:%s1]%s2[/name] posted: [message]%s3[/message]" "SocialFeed_MessageEvent_SharedMatch" "[name:%s1]%s2[/name] shared a match from [timestamp]%s4[/timestamp]: [message]%s3[/message]" "TI5_CompendiumGameEnd_Winner_Header" "COMPENDIUM CHALLENGES" "TI5_CompendiumGameEnd_Loser_Header" "COMPENDIUM CHALLENGE FAILED" "TI5_Quest_Completed" "CHALLENGE COMPLETED:" "TI5_Quest_Failed" "DID NOT MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS" "TI5_Coins_Item_Use" "Apply Coins" "TI5_Coins_Item_Use_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to add these Compendium Coins to your account?" "TI5_Coin_Boost_Splash" "Team Bonus Coins:" "TI5_Coins" "Compendium Coins" "TI5_YourCoins" "Your Compendium Coins Total" "TI5_NewTotal" "New Total" "TI5_Coin_Reward" "Coins Rewarded:" "TI5_Coin_Boost" "Total Coins from Other Players:" "TI5_Coin_Redeem" "Spend Compendium Coins" "TI5_CoinPack_Header" "Congratulations!" "TI5_COINPACK_OPENED" "Your Compendium Coins Have Increased" "TI5_CoinPack_Redeem_Link" "Take me to the Coin Redemption page" "TI5_Quest_Fail_Lost_Game" "You must win the game to complete the Challenge" "TI5_Quest_TipTitle" "Remember" "TI5_Quest_Tip" "A higher Compendium Level leads to more Compendium Coins awarded and more Team Bonus Coins shared per challenge completed." "TI5_Your_Compendium" "Your Compendium" "TI5_Your_Coins" "Your Compendium Coins" "TI5_Coins_Earned" "You've already earned:" "TI5_Coins_Learn_More" "Learn More" "TI5_Coins_Redeem_Hint" "Redeem your COINS for Items and Sets!" "TI5_Unowned_NoCoins_Header" "Help your teammates complete Challenges to earn Compendium Coins." "TI5_TeamCompendium_Level" "Team Level" "TI5_TeamSplash" "Splash Bonus" "TI5_Quest_WON" "CHALLENGE WON" "TI5_Quest_LOST" "CHALLENGE LOST" "TI5_Points_Reward" "Points Rewarded:" "TI5_LevelUp_Header" "Congratulations!" "TI5_LevelUp_Body" "Your Compendium has now reached:" "TI5_LevelUp_PointsRemaining" "Points to Next Level" "TI5_Level" "Level" "DOTA_Challenge_Button" "CHALLENGES ( %s1 )" "DOTA_Challenge_Select" "Select A Challenge" "DOTA_Challenge_Title" "Compendium Challenge" "DOTA_Challenge_Pick" "PICK" "DOTA_Challenge_Reroll" "DISCARD" "DOTA_Challenge_Reroll_Not" "DISCARD NOT AVAILABLE" "DOTA_Challenge_New_Not" "NOT AVAILABLE" "DOTA_Challenge_Reroll_Available" "Discard this challenge and request a new one." "DOTA_Challenge_Reroll_NotAvailable_d" "You can discard this challenge in %s1 Days, %s2 Hours, %s3 Minutes, %s4 Seconds." "DOTA_Challenge_Reroll_NotAvailable_h" "You can discard this challenge in %s1 Hours, %s2 Minutes, %s3 Seconds." "DOTA_Challenge_Reroll_NotAvailable_m" "You can discard this challenge in %s1 Minutes, %s2 Seconds." "DOTA_Challenge_Reroll_NotAvailable_s" "You can discard this challenge in %s1 Seconds." "DOTA_Challenge_New_NotAvailable_d" "You can get a new challenge in %s1 Days, %s2 Hours, %s3 Minutes, %s4 Seconds." "DOTA_Challenge_New_NotAvailable_h" "You can get a new challenge in %s1 Hours, %s2 Minutes, %s3 Seconds." "DOTA_Challenge_New_NotAvailable_m" "You can get a new challenge in %s1 Minutes, %s2 Seconds." "DOTA_Challenge_New_NotAvailable_s" "You can get a new challenge in %s1 Seconds." "DOTA_Challenge_Repick" "DISCARD" "DOTA_Challenge_Reroll_New" "NEW CHALLENGE" "DOTA_Challenge_WaitForHeroSelection" "Choose your Hero before selecting a challenge" "DOTA_Challenge_CompletedWait" "Success! Now win the game to earn your reward." "DOTA_Challenge_Reroll_Completed" "REQUEST NEW CHALLENGE" "DOTA_Challenge_Reroll_Completed_Available" "You completed your previous challenge, and can now request a new one." "DOTA_Challenge_Upsell" "Compendium Challenges" "DOTA_Challenge_Upsell_View" "View Challenges" "DOTA_Challenge_Upsell_Spend" "Spend Coins" "DOTA_Challenge_Upsell_Buy" "Buy a Compendium" "DOTA_Challenge_Upsell_Learn" "Learn About Coins" "DOTA_Challenge_TimeLeft" "TIME REMAINING: %s1:%s2" "DOTA_Challenge_Status_Tooltip0" "Compendium Level" "DOTA_Challenge_Status_Tooltip1" "Available Challenges" "DOTA_Challenge_Status_Tooltip2" "Compendium Coins" "DOTA_Challenge_CoinsBreakdown_Title" "Challenge Reward" "DOTA_Challenge_CoinsBreakdown" "%s1 coins * %s2 bonus from Compendium Level %s3" "DOTA_Challenge_CoinsAndPointsBreakdown" "%s1 coins * %s2 bonus from Compendium Level %s3, plus %s4 Compendium Points." "DOTA_Challenge_CantPickHeroNow_Header" "CAN'T SELECT YET" "DOTA_Challenge_CantPickHeroNow_Body" "You're not able to select your Hero right now, so it's not safe to pick a Hero specific challenge. Wait until it's your turn to pick a Hero." "DOTA_Challenge_CantPickHero_Header" "INVALID CHALLENGE" "DOTA_Challenge_CantPickHero_Body" "You're not able to select the Hero required for that challenge in this game." "DOTA_Challenge_CantRerollIngame_Header" "CAN'T DISCARD NOW" "DOTA_Challenge_CantRerollIngame_Body" "You're not able to discard challenges while inside a game. Please finish your game before trying again." "DOTA_Challenge_Upsell_TT_Title" "Compendium Coins" "DOTA_Challenge_Upsell_TT_Line1" "Compendium Coins are gained by:" "DOTA_Challenge_Upsell_TT_Line1List1" "- Completing Compendium Challenges in games you win" "DOTA_Challenge_Upsell_TT_Line1List2" "- Winning a game where someone on your team has completed a Compendium Challenge" "DOTA_Challenge_Upsell_TT_Line1List3" "- Random Drops distributed at the end of a game" "DOTA_Challenge_Upsell_TT_Line2" "Coins can be redeemed in the Compendium for Items and Hero Sets." "DOTA_Challenge_Upsell_TT_Line3" "Higher Compendium Levels mean more Coins when you complete a Challenge." "DOTA_Challenge_Available" "CHALLENGE AVAILABLE" "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_BuyItem" "Purchase %s1 before the game timer reaches %s2." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_EarnGPM" "End a game with a GPM of %s1 or higher." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_EarnXPM" "End a game with an XPM of %s1 or higher." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_LastHits" "Earn %s1 or more last hits." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_AccumDamage" "Deal %s1 or more damage to enemy heroes." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_KillStreak" "Earn a %s1 streak." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_MultiKill" "Perform %s1." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_SingleTierOne" "Destroy a tier one tower with your team before the game timer reaches %s1." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_Kills" "Kill %s1 or more enemy heroes in a single game." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_Deward" "Deward %s1 or more enemy Observer Wards." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_Barracks" "Destroy any Barracks before the game timer reaches %s1." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_KillRoshan" "Kill Roshan before the game timer reaches %s1." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_PlaceWards" "Place %s1 Observer Wards for your team." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_Assists" "Get %s1 assists." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_DenyTower" "Deny %s1 of your team's towers." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_WinAsHero" "Win a game as %s1." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_Initiator" "Blink and stun %s1 enemies at once as %s2." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_InitiatorAxe" "Blink and use Berserker's Call on %s1 enemies at once as Axe." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_LichChainFrostBounce" "Cast a Chain Frost that bounces on enemy heroes at least %s1 times." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_BurstDamage" "Deal %s1 damage to heroes in less than 1 second." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_TotalDamage" "Deal %s1 total damage to heroes." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_TotalHealing" "Heal yourself and your allied Heroes for a total of %s1 health." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_InitiatorPuck" "Blink and use Dream Coil on %s1 enemies at once as Puck." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_TinkerTravels" "Buy Boots of Travel as Tinker before the game timer reaches %s1." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_InvokerSunStrike" "Get %s1 kill(s) with Sun Strike as Invoker." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_KillRoshanAsX" "Kill Roshan before the game timer reaches %s1 as %s2." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_TechiesSuicide" "Get %s1 kill(s) with Suicide Squad, Attack! as Techies." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_SniperAssassinate" "Get %s1 kill(s) with Assassinate as Sniper." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_BountyHunterTrackKills" "Earn %s1 bounties from tracked enemies as Bounty Hunter." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_TinyCombo" "Perform an Avalanche/Toss combo %s1 times on an enemy Hero as Tiny." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_FirstBlood" "Contribute to First Blood as %s1." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_MiranaArrow" "Land %s1 Arrows with duration greater than %s2 seconds as Mirana." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_PudgeFleshHeap" "Get %s1 stacks of Flesh Heap as Pudge before the game timer reaches %s2." "DOTA_ChallengeDesc_PudgeHookRotDismember" "Use the Meat Hook, Rot, and Dismember combo on an enemy Hero %s1 times as Pudge." "DOTA_ChallengeVar_MultiKill_2" "a Double Kill (2)" "DOTA_ChallengeVar_MultiKill_3" "a Triple Kill (3)" "DOTA_ChallengeVar_MultiKill_4" "an Ultra Kill (4)" "DOTA_ChallengeVar_MultiKill_5" "a Rampage (5)" "DOTA_ChallengeVar_Killstreak_3" "Killing Spree (3)" "DOTA_ChallengeVar_Killstreak_4" "Dominating (4)" "DOTA_ChallengeVar_Killstreak_5" "Mega Kill (5)" "DOTA_ChallengeVar_Killstreak_6" "Unstoppable (6)" "DOTA_ChallengeVar_Killstreak_7" "Wicked Sick (7)" "DOTA_ChallengeVar_Killstreak_8" "Monster Kill (8)" "DOTA_ChallengeVar_Killstreak_9" "Godlike (9)" "DOTA_ChallengeVar_Killstreak_10" "Beyond Godlike (10)" // TODAY Page "dota_today_today_in_dota2" "TODAY IN DOTA 2" "dota_today_dota_2_reborn" "Dota 2 Reborn" "dota_today_dota_2_reborn_descrip" "New Interface. New Engine. New Ways to Play." "dota_today_compendium_2015_header" "THE INTERNATIONAL COMPENDIUM" "dota_today_compendium_2015_title" "Be a part of the biggest Dota tournament of the year." "dota_today_compendium_2015_descrip" "Earn rewards by completing challenges, making predictions and following the event. 25% of all Compendium sales go to The International overall prize pool." "dota_today_compendium_24_levels_header" "24 COMPENDIUM LEVELS" "dota_today_compendium_24_levels_title" "Upgrade your International 2015 Compendium" "dota_today_compendium_24_levels_descrip" "Earn rewards by completing challenges, making predictions and following the event. 25% of all Compendium sales go to The International overall prize pool." "dota_today_grimsneer_title" "Treasure of the Grimsneer's Stash" "dota_today_grimsneer_descrip" "Contains one of the following items: Garb of the Frost Lord, Wraps of the Winterbringer, Covert Saboteur, The Stumpgrinder, Emberbark. In addition, this treasure has a chance of containing: Random courier w/ special FX and colors." "dota_today_battleships_title" "Battleships" "dota_today_battleships_descrip" "Boats go 'Pew pew' as they seek confrontation with their enemies, and manouver to avoid range of autofiring weapons." "dota_today_skillshot_title" "Skillshot Wars" "dota_today_skillshot_descrip" "Face off in a 5v5 arena battle, putting your skill to the test with 4 hard-to-land abilities!" "dota_today_overthrow_title" "Overthrow" "dota_today_overthrow_descrip" "Lead your team to victory! Slay your enemies!" "dota_today_international_title" "The International" "dota_today_international_descrip" "Dota 2 championships return to Key Arena in Seattle again this year from August 3rd through August 8th." "dota_today_tutorial_header" "TUTORIAL" "dota_today_tutorial_title" "Guided Bot Matches" "dota_today_tutorial_descrip" "Experience a whole match with guidance from an AI director." "DOTA_CoinFlip" "flipped a coin: %s1" "DOTA_CoinFlip_Heads" "HEADS" "DOTA_CoinFlip_Tails" "TAILS" "DOTA_HallOfFame_Glow_Title" "Compendium Level 1000" "DOTA_HallOfFame_Glow_Description" "The Aegis of Champions is glowing from the contributions of players with a compendium level over 1000:%s1" } }