// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information. namespace FSharp.Build open System.Collections open System.IO open Microsoft.Build.Framework open Microsoft.Build.Utilities type FSharpEmbedResourceText() = let mutable _buildEngine : IBuildEngine = null let mutable _hostObject : ITaskHost = null let mutable _embeddedText : ITaskItem[] = [||] let mutable _generatedSource : ITaskItem[] = [||] let mutable _generatedResx : ITaskItem[] = [||] let mutable _outputPath : string = "" let PrintErr(filename, line, msg) = printfn "%s(%d): error : %s" filename line msg let Err(filename, line, msg) = PrintErr(filename, line, msg) printfn "Note that the syntax of each line is one of these three alternatives:" printfn "# comment" printfn "ident,\"string\"" printfn "errNum,ident,\"string\"" failwith (sprintf "there were errors in the file '%s'" filename) let xmlBoilerPlateString = @" text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 " // The kinds of 'holes' we can do let ComputeHoles filename lineNum (txt:string) : ResizeArray * string = // takes in a %d%s kind of string, returns array of string and {0}{1} kind of string let mutable i = 0 let mutable holeNumber = 0 let mutable holes = ResizeArray() // order let sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder() let AddHole holeType = sb.Append(sprintf "{%d}" holeNumber) |> ignore holeNumber <- holeNumber + 1 holes.Add(holeType) while i < txt.Length do if txt.[i] = '%' then if i+1 = txt.Length then Err(filename, lineNum, "(at end of string) % must be followed by d, f, s, or %") else match txt.[i+1] with | 'd' -> AddHole "System.Int32" | 'f' -> AddHole "System.Double" | 's' -> AddHole "System.String" | '%' -> sb.Append('%') |> ignore | c -> Err(filename, lineNum, sprintf "'%%%c' is not a valid sequence, only %%d %%f %%s or %%%%" c) i <- i + 2 else match txt.[i] with | '{' -> sb.Append "{{" |> ignore | '}' -> sb.Append "}}" |> ignore | c -> sb.Append c |> ignore i <- i + 1 //printfn "holes.Length = %d, lineNum = %d" holes.Length //lineNum txt (holes, sb.ToString()) let Unquote (s : string) = if s.StartsWith "\"" && s.EndsWith "\"" then s.Substring(1, s.Length - 2) else failwith "error message string should be quoted" let ParseLine filename lineNum (txt:string) = let mutable errNum = None let identB = new System.Text.StringBuilder() let mutable i = 0 // parse optional error number if i < txt.Length && System.Char.IsDigit txt.[i] then let numB = new System.Text.StringBuilder() while i < txt.Length && System.Char.IsDigit txt.[i] do numB.Append txt.[i] |> ignore i <- i + 1 errNum <- Some(int (numB.ToString())) if i = txt.Length || txt.[i] <> ',' then Err(filename, lineNum, sprintf "After the error number '%d' there should be a comma" errNum.Value) // Skip the comma i <- i + 1 // parse short identifier if i < txt.Length && not(System.Char.IsLetter(txt.[i])) then Err(filename, lineNum, sprintf "The first character in the short identifier should be a letter, but found '%c'" txt.[i]) while i < txt.Length && System.Char.IsLetterOrDigit txt.[i] do identB.Append txt.[i] |> ignore i <- i + 1 let ident = identB.ToString() if ident.Length = 0 then Err(filename, lineNum, "Did not find the short identifier") else if i = txt.Length || txt.[i] <> ',' then Err(filename, lineNum, sprintf "After the identifier '%s' there should be a comma" ident) else // Skip the comma i <- i + 1 if i = txt.Length then Err(filename, lineNum, sprintf "After the identifier '%s' and comma, there should be the quoted string resource" ident) else let str = try System.String.Format(Unquote(txt.Substring i)) // Format turns e.g '\n' into that char, but also requires that we 'escape' curlies in the original .txt file, e.g. "{{" with e -> Err(filename, lineNum, sprintf "Error calling System.String.Format (note that curly braces must be escaped, and there cannot be trailing space on the line): >>>%s<<< -- %s" (txt.Substring i) e.Message) let holes, netFormatString = ComputeHoles filename lineNum str (lineNum, (errNum,ident), str, holes.ToArray(), netFormatString) let stringBoilerPlatePrefix = @" open Microsoft.FSharp.Core.LanguagePrimitives.IntrinsicOperators open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection open System.Reflection // (namespaces below for specific case of using the tool to compile FSharp.Core itself) open Microsoft.FSharp.Core open Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators open Microsoft.FSharp.Text open Microsoft.FSharp.Collections open Printf " let StringBoilerPlate filename = @" // BEGIN BOILERPLATE static let getCurrentAssembly () = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() static let getTypeInfo (t: System.Type) = t static let resources = lazy (new System.Resources.ResourceManager(""" + filename + @""", getCurrentAssembly())) static let GetString(name:string) = let s = resources.Value.GetString(name, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture) #if DEBUG if null = s then System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, sprintf ""**RESOURCE ERROR**: Resource token %s does not exist!"" name) #endif s static let mkFunctionValue (tys: System.Type[]) (impl:obj->obj) = FSharpValue.MakeFunction(FSharpType.MakeFunctionType(tys.[0],tys.[1]), impl) static let funTyC = typeof<(obj -> obj)>.GetGenericTypeDefinition() static let isNamedType(ty:System.Type) = not (ty.IsArray || ty.IsByRef || ty.IsPointer) static let isFunctionType (ty1:System.Type) = isNamedType(ty1) && getTypeInfo(ty1).IsGenericType && (ty1.GetGenericTypeDefinition()).Equals(funTyC) static let rec destFunTy (ty:System.Type) = if isFunctionType ty then ty, ty.GetGenericArguments() else match getTypeInfo(ty).BaseType with | null -> failwith ""destFunTy: not a function type"" | b -> destFunTy b static let buildFunctionForOneArgPat (ty: System.Type) impl = let _,tys = destFunTy ty let rty = tys.[1] // PERF: this technique is a bit slow (e.g. in simple cases, like 'sprintf ""%x""') mkFunctionValue tys (fun inp -> impl rty inp) static let capture1 (fmt:string) i args ty (go : obj list -> System.Type -> int -> obj) : obj = match fmt.[i] with | '%' -> go args ty (i+1) | 'd' | 'f' | 's' -> buildFunctionForOneArgPat ty (fun rty n -> go (n :: args) rty (i+1)) | _ -> failwith ""bad format specifier"" // newlines and tabs get converted to strings when read from a resource file // this will preserve their original intention static let postProcessString (s : string) = s.Replace(""\\n"",""\n"").Replace(""\\t"",""\t"").Replace(""\\r"",""\r"").Replace(""\\\"""", ""\"""") static let createMessageString (messageString : string) (fmt : Printf.StringFormat<'T>) : 'T = let fmt = fmt.Value // here, we use the actual error string, as opposed to the one stored as fmt let len = fmt.Length /// Function to capture the arguments and then run. let rec capture args ty i = if i >= len || (fmt.[i] = '%' && i+1 >= len) then let b = new System.Text.StringBuilder() b.AppendFormat(messageString, [| for x in List.rev args -> x |]) |> ignore box(b.ToString()) // REVIEW: For these purposes, this should be a nop, but I'm leaving it // in incase we ever decide to support labels for the error format string // E.g., ""%s%d"" elif System.Char.IsSurrogatePair(fmt,i) then capture args ty (i+2) else match fmt.[i] with | '%' -> let i = i+1 capture1 fmt i args ty capture | _ -> capture args ty (i+1) (unbox (capture [] (typeof<'T>) 0) : 'T) static let mutable swallowResourceText = false static let GetStringFunc((messageID : string),(fmt : Printf.StringFormat<'T>)) : 'T = if swallowResourceText then sprintf fmt else let mutable messageString = GetString(messageID) messageString <- postProcessString messageString createMessageString messageString fmt /// If set to true, then all error messages will just return the filled 'holes' delimited by ',,,'s - this is for language-neutral testing (e.g. localization-invariant baselines). static member SwallowResourceText with get () = swallowResourceText and set (b) = swallowResourceText <- b // END BOILERPLATE " let generateResxAndSource (filename:string) = try let printMessage message = printfn "FSharpEmbedResourceText: %s" message let justfilename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) // .txt if justfilename |> Seq.exists (System.Char.IsLetterOrDigit >> not) then Err(filename, 0, sprintf "The filename '%s' is not allowed; only letters and digits can be used, as the filename also becomes the namespace for the SR class" justfilename) let outFilename = Path.Combine(_outputPath, justfilename + ".fs") let outXmlFilename = Path.Combine(_outputPath, justfilename + ".resx") let condition1 = File.Exists(outFilename) let condition2 = condition1 && File.Exists(outXmlFilename) let condition3 = condition2 && File.Exists(filename) let condition4 = condition3 && (File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(filename) <= File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(outFilename)) let condition5 = condition4 && (File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(filename) <= File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(outXmlFilename) ) if condition5 then printMessage (sprintf "Skipping generation of %s and %s from %s since up-to-date" outFilename outXmlFilename filename) Some (filename, outFilename, outXmlFilename) else printMessage (sprintf "Generating %s and %s from %s, because condition %d is false, see FSharpEmbedResourceText.fs in the F# source" outFilename outXmlFilename filename (if not condition1 then 1 elif not condition2 then 2 elif not condition3 then 3 elif not condition4 then 4 else 5) ) printMessage (sprintf "Reading %s" filename) let lines = File.ReadAllLines(filename) |> Array.mapi (fun i s -> i,s) // keep line numbers |> Array.filter (fun (i,s) -> not(s.StartsWith "#")) // filter out comments printMessage (sprintf "Parsing %s" filename) let stringInfos = lines |> Array.map (fun (i,s) -> ParseLine filename i s) // now we have array of (lineNum, ident, str, holes, netFormatString) // str has %d, netFormatString has {0} printMessage (sprintf "Validating %s" filename) // validate that all the idents are unique let allIdents = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary() for (line,(_,ident),_,_,_) in stringInfos do if allIdents.ContainsKey(ident) then Err(filename,line,sprintf "Identifier '%s' is already used previously on line %d - each identifier must be unique" ident allIdents.[ident]) allIdents.Add(ident,line) printMessage (sprintf "Validating uniqueness of %s" filename) // validate that all the strings themselves are unique let allStrs = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary() for (line,(_,ident),str,_,_) in stringInfos do if allStrs.ContainsKey(str) then let prevLine,prevIdent = allStrs.[str] Err(filename,line,sprintf "String '%s' already appears on line %d with identifier '%s' - each string must be unique" str prevLine prevIdent) allStrs.Add(str,(line,ident)) printMessage (sprintf "Generating %s" outFilename) use outStream = File.Create outFilename use out = new StreamWriter(outStream) fprintfn out "// This is a generated file; the original input is '%s'" filename fprintfn out "namespace %s" justfilename fprintfn out "%s" stringBoilerPlatePrefix fprintfn out "type internal SR private() =" let theResourceName = justfilename fprintfn out "%s" (StringBoilerPlate theResourceName) printMessage (sprintf "Generating resource methods for %s" outFilename) // gen each resource method stringInfos |> Seq.iter (fun (lineNum, (optErrNum,ident), str, holes, netFormatString) -> let formalArgs = new System.Text.StringBuilder() let actualArgs = new System.Text.StringBuilder() let firstTime = ref true let n = ref 0 formalArgs.Append "(" |> ignore for hole in holes do if !firstTime then firstTime := false else formalArgs.Append ", " |> ignore actualArgs.Append " " |> ignore formalArgs.Append(sprintf "a%d : %s" !n hole) |> ignore actualArgs.Append(sprintf "a%d" !n) |> ignore n := !n + 1 formalArgs.Append ")" |> ignore fprintfn out " /// %s" str fprintfn out " /// (Originally from %s:%d)" filename (lineNum+1) let justPercentsFromFormatString = (holes |> Array.fold (fun acc holeType -> acc + match holeType with | "System.Int32" -> ",,,%d" | "System.Double" -> ",,,%f" | "System.String" -> ",,,%s" | _ -> failwith "unreachable") "") + ",,," let errPrefix = match optErrNum with | None -> "" | Some n -> sprintf "%d, " n fprintfn out " static member %s%s = (%sGetStringFunc(\"%s\",\"%s\") %s)" ident (formalArgs.ToString()) errPrefix ident justPercentsFromFormatString (actualArgs.ToString()) ) printMessage (sprintf "Generating .resx for %s" outFilename) fprintfn out "" // gen validation method fprintfn out " /// Call this method once to validate that all known resources are valid; throws if not" fprintfn out " static member RunStartupValidation() =" stringInfos |> Seq.iter (fun (lineNum, (optErrNum,ident), str, holes, netFormatString) -> fprintfn out " ignore(GetString(\"%s\"))" ident ) fprintfn out " ()" // in case there are 0 strings, we need the generated code to parse // gen to resx let xd = new System.Xml.XmlDocument() xd.LoadXml(xmlBoilerPlateString) stringInfos |> Seq.iter (fun (lineNum, (optErrNum,ident), str, holes, netFormatString) -> let xn = xd.CreateElement("data") xn.SetAttribute("name",ident) |> ignore xn.SetAttribute("xml:space","preserve") |> ignore let xnc = xd.CreateElement "value" xn.AppendChild xnc |> ignore xnc.AppendChild(xd.CreateTextNode netFormatString) |> ignore xd.LastChild.AppendChild xn |> ignore ) use outXmlStream = File.Create outXmlFilename xd.Save outXmlStream printMessage (sprintf "Done %s" outFilename) Some (filename, outFilename, outXmlFilename) with e -> PrintErr(filename, 0, sprintf "An exception occurred when processing '%s'\n%s" filename (e.ToString())) None [] member this.EmbeddedText with get() = _embeddedText and set(value) = _embeddedText <- value [] member this.IntermediateOutputPath with get() = _outputPath and set(value) = _outputPath <- value [] member this.GeneratedSource with get() = _generatedSource [] member this.GeneratedResx with get() = _generatedResx interface ITask with member this.BuildEngine with get() = _buildEngine and set(value) = _buildEngine <- value member this.HostObject with get() = _hostObject and set(value) = _hostObject <- value member this.Execute() = let generatedFiles = this.EmbeddedText |> Array.choose (fun item -> generateResxAndSource item.ItemSpec) let generatedSource, generatedResx = [| for (textFile, source, resx) in generatedFiles do let sourceItem = let item = TaskItem(source) item.SetMetadata("AutoGen", "true") item.SetMetadata("DesignTime", "true") item.SetMetadata("DependentUpon", resx) item :> ITaskItem let resxItem = let item = TaskItem(resx) item.SetMetadata("ManifestResourceName", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(resx)) item.SetMetadata("SourceDocumentPath", textFile) item :> ITaskItem yield (sourceItem, resxItem) |] |> Array.unzip let generatedResult = (generatedFiles.Length = this.EmbeddedText.Length) _generatedSource <- generatedSource _generatedResx <- generatedResx generatedResult