#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. # # Stop script on NZEC set -e # Stop script if unbound variable found (use ${var:-} if intentional) set -u # By default cmd1 | cmd2 returns exit code of cmd2 regardless of cmd1 success # This is causing it to fail set -o pipefail # Use in the the functions: eval $invocation invocation='say_verbose "Calling: ${yellow:-}${FUNCNAME[0]} ${green:-}$*${normal:-}"' # standard output may be used as a return value in the functions # we need a way to write text on the screen in the functions so that # it won't interfere with the return value. # Exposing stream 3 as a pipe to standard output of the script itself exec 3>&1 # Setup some colors to use. These need to work in fairly limited shells, like the Ubuntu Docker container where there are only 8 colors. # See if stdout is a terminal if [ -t 1 ] && command -v tput > /dev/null; then # see if it supports colors ncolors=$(tput colors || echo 0) if [ -n "$ncolors" ] && [ $ncolors -ge 8 ]; then bold="$(tput bold || echo)" normal="$(tput sgr0 || echo)" black="$(tput setaf 0 || echo)" red="$(tput setaf 1 || echo)" green="$(tput setaf 2 || echo)" yellow="$(tput setaf 3 || echo)" blue="$(tput setaf 4 || echo)" magenta="$(tput setaf 5 || echo)" cyan="$(tput setaf 6 || echo)" white="$(tput setaf 7 || echo)" fi fi say_warning() { printf "%b\n" "${yellow:-}dotnet_install: Warning: $1${normal:-}" >&3 } say_err() { printf "%b\n" "${red:-}dotnet_install: Error: $1${normal:-}" >&2 } say() { # using stream 3 (defined in the beginning) to not interfere with stdout of functions # which may be used as return value printf "%b\n" "${cyan:-}dotnet-install:${normal:-} $1" >&3 } say_verbose() { if [ "$verbose" = true ]; then say "$1" fi } # This platform list is finite - if the SDK/Runtime has supported Linux distribution-specific assets, # then and only then should the Linux distribution appear in this list. # Adding a Linux distribution to this list does not imply distribution-specific support. get_legacy_os_name_from_platform() { eval $invocation platform="$1" case "$platform" in "centos.7") echo "centos" return 0 ;; "debian.8") echo "debian" return 0 ;; "debian.9") echo "debian.9" return 0 ;; "fedora.23") echo "fedora.23" return 0 ;; "fedora.24") echo "fedora.24" return 0 ;; "fedora.27") echo "fedora.27" return 0 ;; "fedora.28") echo "fedora.28" return 0 ;; "opensuse.13.2") echo "opensuse.13.2" return 0 ;; "opensuse.42.1") echo "opensuse.42.1" return 0 ;; "opensuse.42.3") echo "opensuse.42.3" return 0 ;; "rhel.7"*) echo "rhel" return 0 ;; "ubuntu.14.04") echo "ubuntu" return 0 ;; "ubuntu.16.04") echo "ubuntu.16.04" return 0 ;; "ubuntu.16.10") echo "ubuntu.16.10" return 0 ;; "ubuntu.18.04") echo "ubuntu.18.04" return 0 ;; "alpine.3.4.3") echo "alpine" return 0 ;; esac return 1 } get_legacy_os_name() { eval $invocation local uname=$(uname) if [ "$uname" = "Darwin" ]; then echo "osx" return 0 elif [ -n "$runtime_id" ]; then echo $(get_legacy_os_name_from_platform "${runtime_id%-*}" || echo "${runtime_id%-*}") return 0 else if [ -e /etc/os-release ]; then . /etc/os-release os=$(get_legacy_os_name_from_platform "$ID${VERSION_ID:+.${VERSION_ID}}" || echo "") if [ -n "$os" ]; then echo "$os" return 0 fi fi fi say_verbose "Distribution specific OS name and version could not be detected: UName = $uname" return 1 } get_linux_platform_name() { eval $invocation if [ -n "$runtime_id" ]; then echo "${runtime_id%-*}" return 0 else if [ -e /etc/os-release ]; then . /etc/os-release echo "$ID${VERSION_ID:+.${VERSION_ID}}" return 0 elif [ -e /etc/redhat-release ]; then local redhatRelease=$(&1 || true) | grep -q musl } get_current_os_name() { eval $invocation local uname=$(uname) if [ "$uname" = "Darwin" ]; then echo "osx" return 0 elif [ "$uname" = "FreeBSD" ]; then echo "freebsd" return 0 elif [ "$uname" = "Linux" ]; then local linux_platform_name="" linux_platform_name="$(get_linux_platform_name)" || true if [ "$linux_platform_name" = "rhel.6" ]; then echo $linux_platform_name return 0 elif is_musl_based_distro; then echo "linux-musl" return 0 elif [ "$linux_platform_name" = "linux-musl" ]; then echo "linux-musl" return 0 else echo "linux" return 0 fi fi say_err "OS name could not be detected: UName = $uname" return 1 } machine_has() { eval $invocation command -v "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 return $? } check_min_reqs() { local hasMinimum=false if machine_has "curl"; then hasMinimum=true elif machine_has "wget"; then hasMinimum=true fi if [ "$hasMinimum" = "false" ]; then say_err "curl (recommended) or wget are required to download dotnet. Install missing prerequisite to proceed." return 1 fi return 0 } # args: # input - $1 to_lowercase() { #eval $invocation echo "$1" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' return 0 } # args: # input - $1 remove_trailing_slash() { #eval $invocation local input="${1:-}" echo "${input%/}" return 0 } # args: # input - $1 remove_beginning_slash() { #eval $invocation local input="${1:-}" echo "${input#/}" return 0 } # args: # root_path - $1 # child_path - $2 - this parameter can be empty combine_paths() { eval $invocation # TODO: Consider making it work with any number of paths. For now: if [ ! -z "${3:-}" ]; then say_err "combine_paths: Function takes two parameters." return 1 fi local root_path="$(remove_trailing_slash "$1")" local child_path="$(remove_beginning_slash "${2:-}")" say_verbose "combine_paths: root_path=$root_path" say_verbose "combine_paths: child_path=$child_path" echo "$root_path/$child_path" return 0 } get_machine_architecture() { eval $invocation if command -v uname > /dev/null; then CPUName=$(uname -m) case $CPUName in armv1*|armv2*|armv3*|armv4*|armv5*|armv6*) echo "armv6-or-below" return 0 ;; armv*l) echo "arm" return 0 ;; aarch64|arm64) if [ "$(getconf LONG_BIT)" -lt 64 ]; then # This is 32-bit OS running on 64-bit CPU (for example Raspberry Pi OS) echo "arm" return 0 fi echo "arm64" return 0 ;; s390x) echo "s390x" return 0 ;; ppc64le) echo "ppc64le" return 0 ;; loongarch64) echo "loongarch64" return 0 ;; riscv64) echo "riscv64" return 0 ;; powerpc|ppc) echo "ppc" return 0 ;; esac fi # Always default to 'x64' echo "x64" return 0 } # args: # architecture - $1 get_normalized_architecture_from_architecture() { eval $invocation local architecture="$(to_lowercase "$1")" if [[ $architecture == \ ]]; then machine_architecture="$(get_machine_architecture)" if [[ "$machine_architecture" == "armv6-or-below" ]]; then say_err "Architecture \`$machine_architecture\` not supported. If you think this is a bug, report it at https://github.com/dotnet/install-scripts/issues" return 1 fi echo $machine_architecture return 0 fi case "$architecture" in amd64|x64) echo "x64" return 0 ;; arm) echo "arm" return 0 ;; arm64) echo "arm64" return 0 ;; s390x) echo "s390x" return 0 ;; ppc64le) echo "ppc64le" return 0 ;; loongarch64) echo "loongarch64" return 0 ;; esac say_err "Architecture \`$architecture\` not supported. If you think this is a bug, report it at https://github.com/dotnet/install-scripts/issues" return 1 } # args: # version - $1 # channel - $2 # architecture - $3 get_normalized_architecture_for_specific_sdk_version() { eval $invocation local is_version_support_arm64="$(is_arm64_supported "$1")" local is_channel_support_arm64="$(is_arm64_supported "$2")" local architecture="$3"; local osname="$(get_current_os_name)" if [ "$osname" == "osx" ] && [ "$architecture" == "arm64" ] && { [ "$is_version_support_arm64" = false ] || [ "$is_channel_support_arm64" = false ]; }; then #check if rosetta is installed if [ "$(/usr/bin/pgrep oahd >/dev/null 2>&1;echo $?)" -eq 0 ]; then say_verbose "Changing user architecture from '$architecture' to 'x64' because .NET SDKs prior to version 6.0 do not support arm64." echo "x64" return 0; else say_err "Architecture \`$architecture\` is not supported for .NET SDK version \`$version\`. Please install Rosetta to allow emulation of the \`$architecture\` .NET SDK on this platform" return 1 fi fi echo "$architecture" return 0 } # args: # version or channel - $1 is_arm64_supported() { #any channel or version that starts with the specified versions case "$1" in ( "1"* | "2"* | "3"* | "4"* | "5"*) echo false return 0 esac echo true return 0 } # args: # user_defined_os - $1 get_normalized_os() { eval $invocation local osname="$(to_lowercase "$1")" if [ ! -z "$osname" ]; then case "$osname" in osx | freebsd | rhel.6 | linux-musl | linux) echo "$osname" return 0 ;; macos) osname='osx' echo "$osname" return 0 ;; *) say_err "'$user_defined_os' is not a supported value for --os option, supported values are: osx, macos, linux, linux-musl, freebsd, rhel.6. If you think this is a bug, report it at https://github.com/dotnet/install-scripts/issues." return 1 ;; esac else osname="$(get_current_os_name)" || return 1 fi echo "$osname" return 0 } # args: # quality - $1 get_normalized_quality() { eval $invocation local quality="$(to_lowercase "$1")" if [ ! -z "$quality" ]; then case "$quality" in daily | signed | validated | preview) echo "$quality" return 0 ;; ga) #ga quality is available without specifying quality, so normalizing it to empty return 0 ;; *) say_err "'$quality' is not a supported value for --quality option. Supported values are: daily, signed, validated, preview, ga. If you think this is a bug, report it at https://github.com/dotnet/install-scripts/issues." return 1 ;; esac fi return 0 } # args: # channel - $1 get_normalized_channel() { eval $invocation local channel="$(to_lowercase "$1")" if [[ $channel == current ]]; then say_warning 'Value "Current" is deprecated for -Channel option. Use "STS" instead.' fi if [[ $channel == release/* ]]; then say_warning 'Using branch name with -Channel option is no longer supported with newer releases. Use -Quality option with a channel in X.Y format instead.'; fi if [ ! -z "$channel" ]; then case "$channel" in lts) echo "LTS" return 0 ;; sts) echo "STS" return 0 ;; current) echo "STS" return 0 ;; *) echo "$channel" return 0 ;; esac fi return 0 } # args: # runtime - $1 get_normalized_product() { eval $invocation local product="" local runtime="$(to_lowercase "$1")" if [[ "$runtime" == "dotnet" ]]; then product="dotnet-runtime" elif [[ "$runtime" == "aspnetcore" ]]; then product="aspnetcore-runtime" elif [ -z "$runtime" ]; then product="dotnet-sdk" fi echo "$product" return 0 } # The version text returned from the feeds is a 1-line or 2-line string: # For the SDK and the dotnet runtime (2 lines): # Line 1: # commit_hash # Line 2: # 4-part version # For the aspnetcore runtime (1 line): # Line 1: # 4-part version # args: # version_text - stdin get_version_from_latestversion_file_content() { eval $invocation cat | tail -n 1 | sed 's/\r$//' return 0 } # args: # install_root - $1 # relative_path_to_package - $2 # specific_version - $3 is_dotnet_package_installed() { eval $invocation local install_root="$1" local relative_path_to_package="$2" local specific_version="${3//[$'\t\r\n']}" local dotnet_package_path="$(combine_paths "$(combine_paths "$install_root" "$relative_path_to_package")" "$specific_version")" say_verbose "is_dotnet_package_installed: dotnet_package_path=$dotnet_package_path" if [ -d "$dotnet_package_path" ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } # args: # downloaded file - $1 # remote_file_size - $2 validate_remote_local_file_sizes() { eval $invocation local downloaded_file="$1" local remote_file_size="$2" local file_size='' if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu"* ]]; then file_size="$(stat -c '%s' "$downloaded_file")" elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then # hardcode in order to avoid conflicts with GNU stat file_size="$(/usr/bin/stat -f '%z' "$downloaded_file")" fi if [ -n "$file_size" ]; then say "Downloaded file size is $file_size bytes." if [ -n "$remote_file_size" ] && [ -n "$file_size" ]; then if [ "$remote_file_size" -ne "$file_size" ]; then say "The remote and local file sizes are not equal. The remote file size is $remote_file_size bytes and the local size is $file_size bytes. The local package may be corrupted." else say "The remote and local file sizes are equal." fi fi else say "Either downloaded or local package size can not be measured. One of them may be corrupted." fi } # args: # azure_feed - $1 # channel - $2 # normalized_architecture - $3 get_version_from_latestversion_file() { eval $invocation local azure_feed="$1" local channel="$2" local normalized_architecture="$3" local version_file_url=null if [[ "$runtime" == "dotnet" ]]; then version_file_url="$azure_feed/Runtime/$channel/latest.version" elif [[ "$runtime" == "aspnetcore" ]]; then version_file_url="$azure_feed/aspnetcore/Runtime/$channel/latest.version" elif [ -z "$runtime" ]; then version_file_url="$azure_feed/Sdk/$channel/latest.version" else say_err "Invalid value for \$runtime" return 1 fi say_verbose "get_version_from_latestversion_file: latest url: $version_file_url" download "$version_file_url" || return $? return 0 } # args: # json_file - $1 parse_globaljson_file_for_version() { eval $invocation local json_file="$1" if [ ! -f "$json_file" ]; then say_err "Unable to find \`$json_file\`" return 1 fi sdk_section=$(cat $json_file | tr -d "\r" | awk '/"sdk"/,/}/') if [ -z "$sdk_section" ]; then say_err "Unable to parse the SDK node in \`$json_file\`" return 1 fi sdk_list=$(echo $sdk_section | awk -F"[{}]" '{print $2}') sdk_list=${sdk_list//[\" ]/} sdk_list=${sdk_list//,/$'\n'} local version_info="" while read -r line; do IFS=: while read -r key value; do if [[ "$key" == "version" ]]; then version_info=$value fi done <<< "$line" done <<< "$sdk_list" if [ -z "$version_info" ]; then say_err "Unable to find the SDK:version node in \`$json_file\`" return 1 fi unset IFS; echo "$version_info" return 0 } # args: # azure_feed - $1 # channel - $2 # normalized_architecture - $3 # version - $4 # json_file - $5 get_specific_version_from_version() { eval $invocation local azure_feed="$1" local channel="$2" local normalized_architecture="$3" local version="$(to_lowercase "$4")" local json_file="$5" if [ -z "$json_file" ]; then if [[ "$version" == "latest" ]]; then local version_info version_info="$(get_version_from_latestversion_file "$azure_feed" "$channel" "$normalized_architecture" false)" || return 1 say_verbose "get_specific_version_from_version: version_info=$version_info" echo "$version_info" | get_version_from_latestversion_file_content return 0 else echo "$version" return 0 fi else local version_info version_info="$(parse_globaljson_file_for_version "$json_file")" || return 1 echo "$version_info" return 0 fi } # args: # azure_feed - $1 # channel - $2 # normalized_architecture - $3 # specific_version - $4 # normalized_os - $5 construct_download_link() { eval $invocation local azure_feed="$1" local channel="$2" local normalized_architecture="$3" local specific_version="${4//[$'\t\r\n']}" local specific_product_version="$(get_specific_product_version "$1" "$4")" local osname="$5" local download_link=null if [[ "$runtime" == "dotnet" ]]; then download_link="$azure_feed/Runtime/$specific_version/dotnet-runtime-$specific_product_version-$osname-$normalized_architecture.tar.gz" elif [[ "$runtime" == "aspnetcore" ]]; then download_link="$azure_feed/aspnetcore/Runtime/$specific_version/aspnetcore-runtime-$specific_product_version-$osname-$normalized_architecture.tar.gz" elif [ -z "$runtime" ]; then download_link="$azure_feed/Sdk/$specific_version/dotnet-sdk-$specific_product_version-$osname-$normalized_architecture.tar.gz" else return 1 fi echo "$download_link" return 0 } # args: # azure_feed - $1 # specific_version - $2 # download link - $3 (optional) get_specific_product_version() { # If we find a 'productVersion.txt' at the root of any folder, we'll use its contents # to resolve the version of what's in the folder, superseding the specified version. # if 'productVersion.txt' is missing but download link is already available, product version will be taken from download link eval $invocation local azure_feed="$1" local specific_version="${2//[$'\t\r\n']}" local package_download_link="" if [ $# -gt 2 ]; then local package_download_link="$3" fi local specific_product_version=null # Try to get the version number, using the productVersion.txt file located next to the installer file. local download_links=($(get_specific_product_version_url "$azure_feed" "$specific_version" true "$package_download_link") $(get_specific_product_version_url "$azure_feed" "$specific_version" false "$package_download_link")) for download_link in "${download_links[@]}" do say_verbose "Checking for the existence of $download_link" if machine_has "curl" then if ! specific_product_version=$(curl -s --fail "${download_link}${feed_credential}" 2>&1); then continue else echo "${specific_product_version//[$'\t\r\n']}" return 0 fi elif machine_has "wget" then specific_product_version=$(wget -qO- "${download_link}${feed_credential}" 2>&1) if [ $? = 0 ]; then echo "${specific_product_version//[$'\t\r\n']}" return 0 fi fi done # Getting the version number with productVersion.txt has failed. Try parsing the download link for a version number. say_verbose "Failed to get the version using productVersion.txt file. Download link will be parsed instead." specific_product_version="$(get_product_specific_version_from_download_link "$package_download_link" "$specific_version")" echo "${specific_product_version//[$'\t\r\n']}" return 0 } # args: # azure_feed - $1 # specific_version - $2 # is_flattened - $3 # download link - $4 (optional) get_specific_product_version_url() { eval $invocation local azure_feed="$1" local specific_version="$2" local is_flattened="$3" local package_download_link="" if [ $# -gt 3 ]; then local package_download_link="$4" fi local pvFileName="productVersion.txt" if [ "$is_flattened" = true ]; then if [ -z "$runtime" ]; then pvFileName="sdk-productVersion.txt" elif [[ "$runtime" == "dotnet" ]]; then pvFileName="runtime-productVersion.txt" else pvFileName="$runtime-productVersion.txt" fi fi local download_link=null if [ -z "$package_download_link" ]; then if [[ "$runtime" == "dotnet" ]]; then download_link="$azure_feed/Runtime/$specific_version/${pvFileName}" elif [[ "$runtime" == "aspnetcore" ]]; then download_link="$azure_feed/aspnetcore/Runtime/$specific_version/${pvFileName}" elif [ -z "$runtime" ]; then download_link="$azure_feed/Sdk/$specific_version/${pvFileName}" else return 1 fi else download_link="${package_download_link%/*}/${pvFileName}" fi say_verbose "Constructed productVersion link: $download_link" echo "$download_link" return 0 } # args: # download link - $1 # specific version - $2 get_product_specific_version_from_download_link() { eval $invocation local download_link="$1" local specific_version="$2" local specific_product_version="" if [ -z "$download_link" ]; then echo "$specific_version" return 0 fi #get filename filename="${download_link##*/}" #product specific version follows the product name #for filename 'dotnet-sdk-3.1.404-linux-x64.tar.gz': the product version is 3.1.404 IFS='-' read -ra filename_elems <<< "$filename" count=${#filename_elems[@]} if [[ "$count" -gt 2 ]]; then specific_product_version="${filename_elems[2]}" else specific_product_version=$specific_version fi unset IFS; echo "$specific_product_version" return 0 } # args: # azure_feed - $1 # channel - $2 # normalized_architecture - $3 # specific_version - $4 construct_legacy_download_link() { eval $invocation local azure_feed="$1" local channel="$2" local normalized_architecture="$3" local specific_version="${4//[$'\t\r\n']}" local distro_specific_osname distro_specific_osname="$(get_legacy_os_name)" || return 1 local legacy_download_link=null if [[ "$runtime" == "dotnet" ]]; then legacy_download_link="$azure_feed/Runtime/$specific_version/dotnet-$distro_specific_osname-$normalized_architecture.$specific_version.tar.gz" elif [ -z "$runtime" ]; then legacy_download_link="$azure_feed/Sdk/$specific_version/dotnet-dev-$distro_specific_osname-$normalized_architecture.$specific_version.tar.gz" else return 1 fi echo "$legacy_download_link" return 0 } get_user_install_path() { eval $invocation if [ ! -z "${DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR:-}" ]; then echo "$DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR" else echo "$HOME/.dotnet" fi return 0 } # args: # install_dir - $1 resolve_installation_path() { eval $invocation local install_dir=$1 if [ "$install_dir" = "" ]; then local user_install_path="$(get_user_install_path)" say_verbose "resolve_installation_path: user_install_path=$user_install_path" echo "$user_install_path" return 0 fi echo "$install_dir" return 0 } # args: # relative_or_absolute_path - $1 get_absolute_path() { eval $invocation local relative_or_absolute_path=$1 echo "$(cd "$(dirname "$1")" && pwd -P)/$(basename "$1")" return 0 } # args: # input_files - stdin # root_path - $1 # out_path - $2 # override - $3 copy_files_or_dirs_from_list() { eval $invocation local root_path="$(remove_trailing_slash "$1")" local out_path="$(remove_trailing_slash "$2")" local override="$3" local osname="$(get_current_os_name)" local override_switch=$( if [ "$override" = false ]; then if [ "$osname" = "linux-musl" ]; then printf -- "-u"; else printf -- "-n"; fi fi) cat | uniq | while read -r file_path; do local path="$(remove_beginning_slash "${file_path#$root_path}")" local target="$out_path/$path" if [ "$override" = true ] || (! ([ -d "$target" ] || [ -e "$target" ])); then mkdir -p "$out_path/$(dirname "$path")" if [ -d "$target" ]; then rm -rf "$target" fi cp -R $override_switch "$root_path/$path" "$target" fi done } # args: # zip_uri - $1 get_remote_file_size() { local zip_uri="$1" if machine_has "curl"; then file_size=$(curl -sI "$zip_uri" | grep -i content-length | awk '{ num = $2 + 0; print num }') elif machine_has "wget"; then file_size=$(wget --spider --server-response -O /dev/null "$zip_uri" 2>&1 | grep -i 'Content-Length:' | awk '{ num = $2 + 0; print num }') else say "Neither curl nor wget is available on this system." return fi if [ -n "$file_size" ]; then say "Remote file $zip_uri size is $file_size bytes." echo "$file_size" else say_verbose "Content-Length header was not extracted for $zip_uri." echo "" fi } # args: # zip_path - $1 # out_path - $2 # remote_file_size - $3 extract_dotnet_package() { eval $invocation local zip_path="$1" local out_path="$2" local remote_file_size="$3" local temp_out_path="$(mktemp -d "$temporary_file_template")" local failed=false tar -xzf "$zip_path" -C "$temp_out_path" > /dev/null || failed=true local folders_with_version_regex='^.*/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+[^/]+/' find "$temp_out_path" -type f | grep -Eo "$folders_with_version_regex" | sort | copy_files_or_dirs_from_list "$temp_out_path" "$out_path" false find "$temp_out_path" -type f | grep -Ev "$folders_with_version_regex" | copy_files_or_dirs_from_list "$temp_out_path" "$out_path" "$override_non_versioned_files" validate_remote_local_file_sizes "$zip_path" "$remote_file_size" rm -rf "$temp_out_path" if [ -z ${keep_zip+x} ]; then rm -f "$zip_path" && say_verbose "Temporary archive file $zip_path was removed" fi if [ "$failed" = true ]; then say_err "Extraction failed" return 1 fi return 0 } # args: # remote_path - $1 # disable_feed_credential - $2 get_http_header() { eval $invocation local remote_path="$1" local disable_feed_credential="$2" local failed=false local response if machine_has "curl"; then get_http_header_curl $remote_path $disable_feed_credential || failed=true elif machine_has "wget"; then get_http_header_wget $remote_path $disable_feed_credential || failed=true else failed=true fi if [ "$failed" = true ]; then say_verbose "Failed to get HTTP header: '$remote_path'." return 1 fi return 0 } # args: # remote_path - $1 # disable_feed_credential - $2 get_http_header_curl() { eval $invocation local remote_path="$1" local disable_feed_credential="$2" remote_path_with_credential="$remote_path" if [ "$disable_feed_credential" = false ]; then remote_path_with_credential+="$feed_credential" fi curl_options="-I -sSL --retry 5 --retry-delay 2 --connect-timeout 15 " curl $curl_options "$remote_path_with_credential" 2>&1 || return 1 return 0 } # args: # remote_path - $1 # disable_feed_credential - $2 get_http_header_wget() { eval $invocation local remote_path="$1" local disable_feed_credential="$2" local wget_options="-q -S --spider --tries 5 " local wget_options_extra='' # Test for options that aren't supported on all wget implementations. if [[ $(wget -h 2>&1 | grep -E 'waitretry|connect-timeout') ]]; then wget_options_extra="--waitretry 2 --connect-timeout 15 " else say "wget extra options are unavailable for this environment" fi remote_path_with_credential="$remote_path" if [ "$disable_feed_credential" = false ]; then remote_path_with_credential+="$feed_credential" fi wget $wget_options $wget_options_extra "$remote_path_with_credential" 2>&1 return $? } # args: # remote_path - $1 # [out_path] - $2 - stdout if not provided download() { eval $invocation local remote_path="$1" local out_path="${2:-}" if [[ "$remote_path" != "http"* ]]; then cp "$remote_path" "$out_path" return $? fi local failed=false local attempts=0 while [ $attempts -lt 3 ]; do attempts=$((attempts+1)) failed=false if machine_has "curl"; then downloadcurl "$remote_path" "$out_path" || failed=true elif machine_has "wget"; then downloadwget "$remote_path" "$out_path" || failed=true else say_err "Missing dependency: neither curl nor wget was found." exit 1 fi if [ "$failed" = false ] || [ $attempts -ge 3 ] || { [ ! -z $http_code ] && [ $http_code = "404" ]; }; then break fi say "Download attempt #$attempts has failed: $http_code $download_error_msg" say "Attempt #$((attempts+1)) will start in $((attempts*10)) seconds." sleep $((attempts*10)) done if [ "$failed" = true ]; then say_verbose "Download failed: $remote_path" return 1 fi return 0 } # Updates global variables $http_code and $download_error_msg downloadcurl() { eval $invocation unset http_code unset download_error_msg local remote_path="$1" local out_path="${2:-}" # Append feed_credential as late as possible before calling curl to avoid logging feed_credential # Avoid passing URI with credentials to functions: note, most of them echoing parameters of invocation in verbose output. local remote_path_with_credential="${remote_path}${feed_credential}" local curl_options="--retry 20 --retry-delay 2 --connect-timeout 15 -sSL -f --create-dirs " local curl_exit_code=0; if [ -z "$out_path" ]; then curl $curl_options "$remote_path_with_credential" 2>&1 curl_exit_code=$? else curl $curl_options -o "$out_path" "$remote_path_with_credential" 2>&1 curl_exit_code=$? fi if [ $curl_exit_code -gt 0 ]; then download_error_msg="Unable to download $remote_path." # Check for curl timeout codes if [[ $curl_exit_code == 7 || $curl_exit_code == 28 ]]; then download_error_msg+=" Failed to reach the server: connection timeout." else local disable_feed_credential=false local response=$(get_http_header_curl $remote_path $disable_feed_credential) http_code=$( echo "$response" | awk '/^HTTP/{print $2}' | tail -1 ) if [[ ! -z $http_code && $http_code != 2* ]]; then download_error_msg+=" Returned HTTP status code: $http_code." fi fi say_verbose "$download_error_msg" return 1 fi return 0 } # Updates global variables $http_code and $download_error_msg downloadwget() { eval $invocation unset http_code unset download_error_msg local remote_path="$1" local out_path="${2:-}" # Append feed_credential as late as possible before calling wget to avoid logging feed_credential local remote_path_with_credential="${remote_path}${feed_credential}" local wget_options="--tries 20 " local wget_options_extra='' local wget_result='' # Test for options that aren't supported on all wget implementations. if [[ $(wget -h 2>&1 | grep -E 'waitretry|connect-timeout') ]]; then wget_options_extra="--waitretry 2 --connect-timeout 15 " else say "wget extra options are unavailable for this environment" fi if [ -z "$out_path" ]; then wget -q $wget_options $wget_options_extra -O - "$remote_path_with_credential" 2>&1 wget_result=$? else wget $wget_options $wget_options_extra -O "$out_path" "$remote_path_with_credential" 2>&1 wget_result=$? fi if [[ $wget_result != 0 ]]; then local disable_feed_credential=false local response=$(get_http_header_wget $remote_path $disable_feed_credential) http_code=$( echo "$response" | awk '/^ HTTP/{print $2}' | tail -1 ) download_error_msg="Unable to download $remote_path." if [[ ! -z $http_code && $http_code != 2* ]]; then download_error_msg+=" Returned HTTP status code: $http_code." # wget exit code 4 stands for network-issue elif [[ $wget_result == 4 ]]; then download_error_msg+=" Failed to reach the server: connection timeout." fi say_verbose "$download_error_msg" return 1 fi return 0 } get_download_link_from_aka_ms() { eval $invocation #quality is not supported for LTS or STS channel #STS maps to current if [[ ! -z "$normalized_quality" && ("$normalized_channel" == "LTS" || "$normalized_channel" == "STS") ]]; then normalized_quality="" say_warning "Specifying quality for STS or LTS channel is not supported, the quality will be ignored." fi say_verbose "Retrieving primary payload URL from aka.ms for channel: '$normalized_channel', quality: '$normalized_quality', product: '$normalized_product', os: '$normalized_os', architecture: '$normalized_architecture'." #construct aka.ms link aka_ms_link="https://aka.ms/dotnet" if [ "$internal" = true ]; then aka_ms_link="$aka_ms_link/internal" fi aka_ms_link="$aka_ms_link/$normalized_channel" if [[ ! -z "$normalized_quality" ]]; then aka_ms_link="$aka_ms_link/$normalized_quality" fi aka_ms_link="$aka_ms_link/$normalized_product-$normalized_os-$normalized_architecture.tar.gz" say_verbose "Constructed aka.ms link: '$aka_ms_link'." #get HTTP response #do not pass credentials as a part of the $aka_ms_link and do not apply credentials in the get_http_header function #otherwise the redirect link would have credentials as well #it would result in applying credentials twice to the resulting link and thus breaking it, and in echoing credentials to the output as a part of redirect link disable_feed_credential=true response="$(get_http_header $aka_ms_link $disable_feed_credential)" say_verbose "Received response: $response" # Get results of all the redirects. http_codes=$( echo "$response" | awk '$1 ~ /^HTTP/ {print $2}' ) # They all need to be 301, otherwise some links are broken (except for the last, which is not a redirect but 200 or 404). broken_redirects=$( echo "$http_codes" | sed '$d' | grep -v '301' ) # The response may end without final code 2xx/4xx/5xx somehow, e.g. network restrictions on www.bing.com causes redirecting to bing.com fails with connection refused. # In this case it should not exclude the last. last_http_code=$( echo "$http_codes" | tail -n 1 ) if ! [[ $last_http_code =~ ^(2|4|5)[0-9][0-9]$ ]]; then broken_redirects=$( echo "$http_codes" | grep -v '301' ) fi # All HTTP codes are 301 (Moved Permanently), the redirect link exists. if [[ -z "$broken_redirects" ]]; then aka_ms_download_link=$( echo "$response" | awk '$1 ~ /^Location/{print $2}' | tail -1 | tr -d '\r') if [[ -z "$aka_ms_download_link" ]]; then say_verbose "The aka.ms link '$aka_ms_link' is not valid: failed to get redirect location." return 1 fi say_verbose "The redirect location retrieved: '$aka_ms_download_link'." return 0 else say_verbose "The aka.ms link '$aka_ms_link' is not valid: received HTTP code: $(echo "$broken_redirects" | paste -sd "," -)." return 1 fi } get_feeds_to_use() { feeds=( "https://dotnetcli.azureedge.net/dotnet" "https://dotnetbuilds.azureedge.net/public" ) if [[ -n "$azure_feed" ]]; then feeds=("$azure_feed") fi if [[ "$no_cdn" == "true" ]]; then feeds=( "https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet" "https://dotnetbuilds.blob.core.windows.net/public" ) if [[ -n "$uncached_feed" ]]; then feeds=("$uncached_feed") fi fi } # THIS FUNCTION MAY EXIT (if the determined version is already installed). generate_download_links() { download_links=() specific_versions=() effective_versions=() link_types=() # If generate_akams_links returns false, no fallback to old links. Just terminate. # This function may also 'exit' (if the determined version is already installed). generate_akams_links || return # Check other feeds only if we haven't been able to find an aka.ms link. if [[ "${#download_links[@]}" -lt 1 ]]; then for feed in ${feeds[@]} do # generate_regular_links may also 'exit' (if the determined version is already installed). generate_regular_links $feed || return done fi if [[ "${#download_links[@]}" -eq 0 ]]; then say_err "Failed to resolve the exact version number." return 1 fi say_verbose "Generated ${#download_links[@]} links." for link_index in ${!download_links[@]} do say_verbose "Link $link_index: ${link_types[$link_index]}, ${effective_versions[$link_index]}, ${download_links[$link_index]}" done } # THIS FUNCTION MAY EXIT (if the determined version is already installed). generate_akams_links() { local valid_aka_ms_link=true; normalized_version="$(to_lowercase "$version")" if [[ "$normalized_version" != "latest" ]] && [ -n "$normalized_quality" ]; then say_err "Quality and Version options are not allowed to be specified simultaneously. See https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-install-script#options for details." return 1 fi if [[ -n "$json_file" || "$normalized_version" != "latest" ]]; then # aka.ms links are not needed when exact version is specified via command or json file return fi get_download_link_from_aka_ms || valid_aka_ms_link=false if [[ "$valid_aka_ms_link" == true ]]; then say_verbose "Retrieved primary payload URL from aka.ms link: '$aka_ms_download_link'." say_verbose "Downloading using legacy url will not be attempted." download_link=$aka_ms_download_link #get version from the path IFS='/' read -ra pathElems <<< "$download_link" count=${#pathElems[@]} specific_version="${pathElems[count-2]}" unset IFS; say_verbose "Version: '$specific_version'." #Retrieve effective version effective_version="$(get_specific_product_version "$azure_feed" "$specific_version" "$download_link")" # Add link info to arrays download_links+=($download_link) specific_versions+=($specific_version) effective_versions+=($effective_version) link_types+=("aka.ms") # Check if the SDK version is already installed. if [[ "$dry_run" != true ]] && is_dotnet_package_installed "$install_root" "$asset_relative_path" "$effective_version"; then say "$asset_name with version '$effective_version' is already installed." exit 0 fi return 0 fi # if quality is specified - exit with error - there is no fallback approach if [ ! -z "$normalized_quality" ]; then say_err "Failed to locate the latest version in the channel '$normalized_channel' with '$normalized_quality' quality for '$normalized_product', os: '$normalized_os', architecture: '$normalized_architecture'." say_err "Refer to: https://aka.ms/dotnet-os-lifecycle for information on .NET Core support." return 1 fi say_verbose "Falling back to latest.version file approach." } # THIS FUNCTION MAY EXIT (if the determined version is already installed) # args: # feed - $1 generate_regular_links() { local feed="$1" local valid_legacy_download_link=true specific_version=$(get_specific_version_from_version "$feed" "$channel" "$normalized_architecture" "$version" "$json_file") || specific_version='0' if [[ "$specific_version" == '0' ]]; then say_verbose "Failed to resolve the specific version number using feed '$feed'" return fi effective_version="$(get_specific_product_version "$feed" "$specific_version")" say_verbose "specific_version=$specific_version" download_link="$(construct_download_link "$feed" "$channel" "$normalized_architecture" "$specific_version" "$normalized_os")" say_verbose "Constructed primary named payload URL: $download_link" # Add link info to arrays download_links+=($download_link) specific_versions+=($specific_version) effective_versions+=($effective_version) link_types+=("primary") legacy_download_link="$(construct_legacy_download_link "$feed" "$channel" "$normalized_architecture" "$specific_version")" || valid_legacy_download_link=false if [ "$valid_legacy_download_link" = true ]; then say_verbose "Constructed legacy named payload URL: $legacy_download_link" download_links+=($legacy_download_link) specific_versions+=($specific_version) effective_versions+=($effective_version) link_types+=("legacy") else legacy_download_link="" say_verbose "Cound not construct a legacy_download_link; omitting..." fi # Check if the SDK version is already installed. if [[ "$dry_run" != true ]] && is_dotnet_package_installed "$install_root" "$asset_relative_path" "$effective_version"; then say "$asset_name with version '$effective_version' is already installed." exit 0 fi } print_dry_run() { say "Payload URLs:" for link_index in "${!download_links[@]}" do say "URL #$link_index - ${link_types[$link_index]}: ${download_links[$link_index]}" done resolved_version=${specific_versions[0]} repeatable_command="./$script_name --version "\""$resolved_version"\"" --install-dir "\""$install_root"\"" --architecture "\""$normalized_architecture"\"" --os "\""$normalized_os"\""" if [ ! -z "$normalized_quality" ]; then repeatable_command+=" --quality "\""$normalized_quality"\""" fi if [[ "$runtime" == "dotnet" ]]; then repeatable_command+=" --runtime "\""dotnet"\""" elif [[ "$runtime" == "aspnetcore" ]]; then repeatable_command+=" --runtime "\""aspnetcore"\""" fi repeatable_command+="$non_dynamic_parameters" if [ -n "$feed_credential" ]; then repeatable_command+=" --feed-credential "\"""\""" fi say "Repeatable invocation: $repeatable_command" } calculate_vars() { eval $invocation script_name=$(basename "$0") normalized_architecture="$(get_normalized_architecture_from_architecture "$architecture")" say_verbose "Normalized architecture: '$normalized_architecture'." normalized_os="$(get_normalized_os "$user_defined_os")" say_verbose "Normalized OS: '$normalized_os'." normalized_quality="$(get_normalized_quality "$quality")" say_verbose "Normalized quality: '$normalized_quality'." normalized_channel="$(get_normalized_channel "$channel")" say_verbose "Normalized channel: '$normalized_channel'." normalized_product="$(get_normalized_product "$runtime")" say_verbose "Normalized product: '$normalized_product'." install_root="$(resolve_installation_path "$install_dir")" say_verbose "InstallRoot: '$install_root'." normalized_architecture="$(get_normalized_architecture_for_specific_sdk_version "$version" "$normalized_channel" "$normalized_architecture")" if [[ "$runtime" == "dotnet" ]]; then asset_relative_path="shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App" asset_name=".NET Core Runtime" elif [[ "$runtime" == "aspnetcore" ]]; then asset_relative_path="shared/Microsoft.AspNetCore.App" asset_name="ASP.NET Core Runtime" elif [ -z "$runtime" ]; then asset_relative_path="sdk" asset_name=".NET Core SDK" fi get_feeds_to_use } install_dotnet() { eval $invocation local download_failed=false local download_completed=false local remote_file_size=0 mkdir -p "$install_root" zip_path="${zip_path:-$(mktemp "$temporary_file_template")}" say_verbose "Archive path: $zip_path" for link_index in "${!download_links[@]}" do download_link="${download_links[$link_index]}" specific_version="${specific_versions[$link_index]}" effective_version="${effective_versions[$link_index]}" link_type="${link_types[$link_index]}" say "Attempting to download using $link_type link $download_link" # The download function will set variables $http_code and $download_error_msg in case of failure. download_failed=false download "$download_link" "$zip_path" 2>&1 || download_failed=true if [ "$download_failed" = true ]; then case $http_code in 404) say "The resource at $link_type link '$download_link' is not available." ;; *) say "Failed to download $link_type link '$download_link': $download_error_msg" ;; esac rm -f "$zip_path" 2>&1 && say_verbose "Temporary archive file $zip_path was removed" else download_completed=true break fi done if [[ "$download_completed" == false ]]; then say_err "Could not find \`$asset_name\` with version = $specific_version" say_err "Refer to: https://aka.ms/dotnet-os-lifecycle for information on .NET Core support" return 1 fi remote_file_size="$(get_remote_file_size "$download_link")" say "Extracting archive from $download_link" extract_dotnet_package "$zip_path" "$install_root" "$remote_file_size" || return 1 # Check if the SDK version is installed; if not, fail the installation. # if the version contains "RTM" or "servicing"; check if a 'release-type' SDK version is installed. if [[ $specific_version == *"rtm"* || $specific_version == *"servicing"* ]]; then IFS='-' read -ra verArr <<< "$specific_version" release_version="${verArr[0]}" unset IFS; say_verbose "Checking installation: version = $release_version" if is_dotnet_package_installed "$install_root" "$asset_relative_path" "$release_version"; then say "Installed version is $effective_version" return 0 fi fi # Check if the standard SDK version is installed. say_verbose "Checking installation: version = $effective_version" if is_dotnet_package_installed "$install_root" "$asset_relative_path" "$effective_version"; then say "Installed version is $effective_version" return 0 fi # Version verification failed. More likely something is wrong either with the downloaded content or with the verification algorithm. say_err "Failed to verify the version of installed \`$asset_name\`.\nInstallation source: $download_link.\nInstallation location: $install_root.\nReport the bug at https://github.com/dotnet/install-scripts/issues." say_err "\`$asset_name\` with version = $effective_version failed to install with an error." return 1 } args=("$@") local_version_file_relative_path="/.version" bin_folder_relative_path="" temporary_file_template="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/dotnet.XXXXXXXXX" channel="LTS" version="Latest" json_file="" install_dir="" architecture="" dry_run=false no_path=false no_cdn=false azure_feed="" uncached_feed="" feed_credential="" verbose=false runtime="" runtime_id="" quality="" internal=false override_non_versioned_files=true non_dynamic_parameters="" user_defined_os="" while [ $# -ne 0 ] do name="$1" case "$name" in -c|--channel|-[Cc]hannel) shift channel="$1" ;; -v|--version|-[Vv]ersion) shift version="$1" ;; -q|--quality|-[Qq]uality) shift quality="$1" ;; --internal|-[Ii]nternal) internal=true non_dynamic_parameters+=" $name" ;; -i|--install-dir|-[Ii]nstall[Dd]ir) shift install_dir="$1" ;; --arch|--architecture|-[Aa]rch|-[Aa]rchitecture) shift architecture="$1" ;; --os|-[Oo][SS]) shift user_defined_os="$1" ;; --shared-runtime|-[Ss]hared[Rr]untime) say_warning "The --shared-runtime flag is obsolete and may be removed in a future version of this script. The recommended usage is to specify '--runtime dotnet'." if [ -z "$runtime" ]; then runtime="dotnet" fi ;; --runtime|-[Rr]untime) shift runtime="$1" if [[ "$runtime" != "dotnet" ]] && [[ "$runtime" != "aspnetcore" ]]; then say_err "Unsupported value for --runtime: '$1'. Valid values are 'dotnet' and 'aspnetcore'." if [[ "$runtime" == "windowsdesktop" ]]; then say_err "WindowsDesktop archives are manufactured for Windows platforms only." fi exit 1 fi ;; --dry-run|-[Dd]ry[Rr]un) dry_run=true ;; --no-path|-[Nn]o[Pp]ath) no_path=true non_dynamic_parameters+=" $name" ;; --verbose|-[Vv]erbose) verbose=true non_dynamic_parameters+=" $name" ;; --no-cdn|-[Nn]o[Cc]dn) no_cdn=true non_dynamic_parameters+=" $name" ;; --azure-feed|-[Aa]zure[Ff]eed) shift azure_feed="$1" non_dynamic_parameters+=" $name "\""$1"\""" ;; --uncached-feed|-[Uu]ncached[Ff]eed) shift uncached_feed="$1" non_dynamic_parameters+=" $name "\""$1"\""" ;; --feed-credential|-[Ff]eed[Cc]redential) shift feed_credential="$1" #feed_credential should start with "?", for it to be added to the end of the link. #adding "?" at the beginning of the feed_credential if needed. [[ -z "$(echo $feed_credential)" ]] || [[ $feed_credential == \?* ]] || feed_credential="?$feed_credential" ;; --runtime-id|-[Rr]untime[Ii]d) shift runtime_id="$1" non_dynamic_parameters+=" $name "\""$1"\""" say_warning "Use of --runtime-id is obsolete and should be limited to the versions below 2.1. To override architecture, use --architecture option instead. To override OS, use --os option instead." ;; --jsonfile|-[Jj][Ss]on[Ff]ile) shift json_file="$1" ;; --skip-non-versioned-files|-[Ss]kip[Nn]on[Vv]ersioned[Ff]iles) override_non_versioned_files=false non_dynamic_parameters+=" $name" ;; --keep-zip|-[Kk]eep[Zz]ip) keep_zip=true non_dynamic_parameters+=" $name" ;; --zip-path|-[Zz]ip[Pp]ath) shift zip_path="$1" ;; -?|--?|-h|--help|-[Hh]elp) script_name="$(basename "$0")" echo ".NET Tools Installer" echo "Usage:" echo " # Install a .NET SDK of a given Quality from a given Channel" echo " $script_name [-c|--channel ] [-q|--quality ]" echo " # Install a .NET SDK of a specific public version" echo " $script_name [-v|--version ]" echo " $script_name -h|-?|--help" echo "" echo "$script_name is a simple command line interface for obtaining dotnet cli." echo " Note that the intended use of this script is for Continuous Integration (CI) scenarios, where:" echo " - The SDK needs to be installed without user interaction and without admin rights." echo " - The SDK installation doesn't need to persist across multiple CI runs." echo " To set up a development environment or to run apps, use installers rather than this script. Visit https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download to get the installer." echo "" echo "Options:" echo " -c,--channel Download from the channel specified, Defaults to \`$channel\`." echo " -Channel" echo " Possible values:" echo " - STS - the most recent Standard Term Support release" echo " - LTS - the most recent Long Term Support release" echo " - 2-part version in a format A.B - represents a specific release" echo " examples: 2.0; 1.0" echo " - 3-part version in a format A.B.Cxx - represents a specific SDK release" echo " examples: 5.0.1xx, 5.0.2xx." echo " Supported since 5.0 release" echo " Warning: Value 'Current' is deprecated for the Channel parameter. Use 'STS' instead." echo " Note: The version parameter overrides the channel parameter when any version other than 'latest' is used." echo " -v,--version Use specific VERSION, Defaults to \`$version\`." echo " -Version" echo " Possible values:" echo " - latest - the latest build on specific channel" echo " - 3-part version in a format A.B.C - represents specific version of build" echo " examples: 2.0.0-preview2-006120; 1.1.0" echo " -q,--quality Download the latest build of specified quality in the channel." echo " -Quality" echo " The possible values are: daily, signed, validated, preview, GA." echo " Works only in combination with channel. Not applicable for STS and LTS channels and will be ignored if those channels are used." echo " For SDK use channel in A.B.Cxx format. Using quality for SDK together with channel in A.B format is not supported." echo " Supported since 5.0 release." echo " Note: The version parameter overrides the channel parameter when any version other than 'latest' is used, and therefore overrides the quality." echo " --internal,-Internal Download internal builds. Requires providing credentials via --feed-credential parameter." echo " --feed-credential Token to access Azure feed. Used as a query string to append to the Azure feed." echo " -FeedCredential This parameter typically is not specified." echo " -i,--install-dir Install under specified location (see Install Location below)" echo " -InstallDir" echo " --architecture Architecture of dotnet binaries to be installed, Defaults to \`$architecture\`." echo " --arch,-Architecture,-Arch" echo " Possible values: x64, arm, arm64, s390x, ppc64le and loongarch64" echo " --os Specifies operating system to be used when selecting the installer." echo " Overrides the OS determination approach used by the script. Supported values: osx, linux, linux-musl, freebsd, rhel.6." echo " In case any other value is provided, the platform will be determined by the script based on machine configuration." echo " Not supported for legacy links. Use --runtime-id to specify platform for legacy links." echo " Refer to: https://aka.ms/dotnet-os-lifecycle for more information." echo " --runtime Installs a shared runtime only, without the SDK." echo " -Runtime" echo " Possible values:" echo " - dotnet - the Microsoft.NETCore.App shared runtime" echo " - aspnetcore - the Microsoft.AspNetCore.App shared runtime" echo " --dry-run,-DryRun Do not perform installation. Display download link." echo " --no-path, -NoPath Do not set PATH for the current process." echo " --verbose,-Verbose Display diagnostics information." echo " --azure-feed,-AzureFeed For internal use only." echo " Allows using a different storage to download SDK archives from." echo " This parameter is only used if --no-cdn is false." echo " --uncached-feed,-UncachedFeed For internal use only." echo " Allows using a different storage to download SDK archives from." echo " This parameter is only used if --no-cdn is true." echo " --skip-non-versioned-files Skips non-versioned files if they already exist, such as the dotnet executable." echo " -SkipNonVersionedFiles" echo " --no-cdn,-NoCdn Disable downloading from the Azure CDN, and use the uncached feed directly." echo " --jsonfile Determines the SDK version from a user specified global.json file." echo " Note: global.json must have a value for 'SDK:Version'" echo " --keep-zip,-KeepZip If set, downloaded file is kept." echo " --zip-path, -ZipPath If set, downloaded file is stored at the specified path." echo " -?,--?,-h,--help,-Help Shows this help message" echo "" echo "Install Location:" echo " Location is chosen in following order:" echo " - --install-dir option" echo " - Environmental variable DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR" echo " - $HOME/.dotnet" exit 0 ;; *) say_err "Unknown argument \`$name\`" exit 1 ;; esac shift done say_verbose "Note that the intended use of this script is for Continuous Integration (CI) scenarios, where:" say_verbose "- The SDK needs to be installed without user interaction and without admin rights." say_verbose "- The SDK installation doesn't need to persist across multiple CI runs." say_verbose "To set up a development environment or to run apps, use installers rather than this script. Visit https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download to get the installer.\n" if [ "$internal" = true ] && [ -z "$(echo $feed_credential)" ]; then message="Provide credentials via --feed-credential parameter." if [ "$dry_run" = true ]; then say_warning "$message" else say_err "$message" exit 1 fi fi check_min_reqs calculate_vars # generate_regular_links call below will 'exit' if the determined version is already installed. generate_download_links if [[ "$dry_run" = true ]]; then print_dry_run exit 0 fi install_dotnet bin_path="$(get_absolute_path "$(combine_paths "$install_root" "$bin_folder_relative_path")")" if [ "$no_path" = false ]; then say "Adding to current process PATH: \`$bin_path\`. Note: This change will be visible only when sourcing script." export PATH="$bin_path":"$PATH" else say "Binaries of dotnet can be found in $bin_path" fi say "Note that the script does not resolve dependencies during installation." say "To check the list of dependencies, go to https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/install, select your operating system and check the \"Dependencies\" section." say "Installation finished successfully."