param( [string]$PATH_TO_ZROK="C:\temp\zrok\zrok.exe", [string]$FOUNDRY_SERVER_IP = "", [string]$FOUNDRY_SERVER_PORT = "30000", [switch]$PUBLIC = $false, [string]$RESERVED = "true", [string]$SHARE_NAME = "foundryvtt" ) try { $IS_RESERVED = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($RESERVED) } catch [FormatException] { $IS_RESERVED = $false } $command = Get-Command zrok -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (Get-Command zrok -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "zrok is found on the PATH at: $($command.Path)" $PATH_TO_ZROK=$($command.Path) } do { if (Test-Path $PATH_TO_ZROK -PathType Leaf) { break } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "==== PATH_TO_ZROK incorrect! ====" Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "(update PATH_TO_ZROK in this script to avoid seeing this message)" $PATH_TO_ZROK = Read-Host "Enter the correct path" } } while ($true) if (Test-Path "$env:USERPROFILE\.zrok\environment.json" -PathType Leaf) { } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "zrok not enabled! enable zrok before continuing!" return } # Convert JSON content to a PowerShell object $jsonObject = Get-Content -Path "$env:USERPROFILE\.zrok\environment.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json # get the name of your identity $zid = $jsonObject.ziti_identity # Strip anything not alphanumeric $RESERVED_SHARE = (($zid -replace '[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '') + $SHARE_NAME).ToLower() # Convert JSON to PowerShell object $jsonObject = Invoke-Expression "$PATH_TO_ZROK overview" | ConvertFrom-Json $targetEnvironment = $jsonObject.environments | Where-Object { $_.environment.zId -eq $zid } if ($IS_RESERVED) { if ($targetEnvironment) { $shares = $targetEnvironment.shares | Where-Object { $_.token -eq $RESERVED_SHARE } if ($shares) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Found share with token $RESERVED_SHARE in environment $zid. Releasing share..." & "$PATH_TO_ZROK" release $RESERVED_SHARE } } if ($PUBLIC) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Reserving public share: $RESERVED_SHARE" & "$PATH_TO_ZROK" reserve public "${FOUNDRY_SERVER_IP}:${FOUNDRY_SERVER_PORT}" --unique-name "$RESERVED_SHARE" } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Reserving private share: $RESERVED_SHARE" & "$PATH_TO_ZROK" reserve private "${FOUNDRY_SERVER_IP}:${FOUNDRY_SERVER_PORT}" --backend-mode tcpTunnel --unique-name "$RESERVED_SHARE" } } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Using ephemeral share. This share changes every time!" } $OriginalProgressPreference = $Global:ProgressPreference $Global:ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' while (-not (Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $FOUNDRY_SERVER_IP -Port $FOUNDRY_SERVER_PORT -InformationLevel Quiet)) { Write-Host "Waiting for port $FOUNDRY_SERVER_PORT to respond..." Write-Host " If this loops forever, your Foundry server is not running on this port" Write-Host " or it's being blocked by your firewall or something like that!" Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 } $Global:ProgressPreference = $OriginalProgressPreference Write-Host "Port $FOUNDRY_SERVER_PORT is now open. Starting zrok share" if ($IS_RESERVED) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue "zrok foundry logs written to: $env:TEMP\zrok-foundry-logs.txt" Write-Host "Access FountdryVTT at https://$" Start-Process -FilePath "$PATH_TO_ZROK" -ArgumentList "share reserved $RESERVED_SHARE --headless" -RedirectStandardError "$env:TEMP\zrok-foundry-logs.txt" -NoNewWindow -Wait } else { $PUBLIC_OR_PRIVATE="private" $BACKEND_MODE="--backend-mode tcpTunnel" if ($PUBLIC) { $PUBLIC_OR_PRIVATE="public" $BACKEND_MODE="" } & "$PATH_TO_ZROK" share $PUBLIC_OR_PRIVATE "${FOUNDRY_SERVER_IP}:${FOUNDRY_SERVER_PORT}" } Write-Host "" Write-Host "" Write-Host "To stop, click in the zrok window, press 'ctrl-c', and wait for the window to disappear" Write-Host "" Write-Host ""