/** * Dyson Pure Humidify Hubitat Driver - UNOFFICIAL * Author: David Pasirstein * * Copyright (c) 2023 David Pasirstein * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * * This is an UNOFFICIAL Driver. * Dyson has many devices that should be able to follow a similar pattern however, * they will NOT work with this driver. This because other dyson devices use different * mapping of the parameter names. * * WARNING: This Driver code has NOT been tested * * Instructions: * - Login to your Hubitat and go to Advanced -> Drivers Code * - Choose new driver to add this driver * - Go to Devices -> Add Virtual Device - give it a name and select this driver * - Save and configure * * * THANKS: * Home Assistant had a head start. Thank You * @AlmostSerious Marcus Peters * https://community.home-assistant.io/t/dyson-pure-cool-link-local-mqtt-control/217263 * @shenex Xiaonan Shen * https://github.com/shenxn/libdyson for ideas and know how * */ import groovy.json.JsonOutput import groovy.json.JsonSlurper import java.security.MessageDigest public static String version() { return '0.0.5' } def static fanPowerMode() {["On":"ON","Off":"OFF"]} def static fanAutoMode() {["On":"ON","Off":"OFF"]} def static fanSpeedMap() {["1":"0001","2":"0002","3":"0003","4":"0004","5":"0005","6":"0006", "7":"0007","8":"0008","9":"0009","10":"0010","Auto":"AUTO"]} def static oscillationMap() {["On":"ON","Off":"OFF"]} def static nightModeMap() {["On":"ON","Off":"OFF"]} def static focusModeMap() {["On":"ON","Off":"OFF"]} def static frontAirFlowMap() {["On":"ON","Off":"OFF"]} def static heatModeMap() {["Off":"OFF","Heat":"HEAT"]} def static resetFilterMap() {["Do Nothing":"STET","Reset":"RSTF"]} //Pure Humidify+Cool oscillation modes def static humidificationModeMap() {["Off":"OFF","Humidify":"HUMD"]} def static humidificationAutoModeMap() {["Off":"OFF","On":"ON"]} def static humidifyOscillationModeMap() {["DEGREE_45":"0045","DEGREE_90":"0090","BREEZE":"BRZE","CUST":"CUST"]} def static waterHardnessValueMap() {["Soft":"2025","Medium":"1350","Hard":"0675"]} metadata { definition (name: 'Dyson Pure Humidify Cool Driver', namespace: 'dpasirst', author: 'Dave Pasirstein', importUrl: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dpasirst/hubitat/main/drivers/dyson/dyson-pure-humidify-driver.groovy') { capability "Actuator" capability 'Sensor' capability "Polling" capability "AirQuality" capability "FanControl" capability "FilterStatus" capability "RelativeHumidityMeasurement" capability "SignalStrength" //attrib rssi - NUMBER capability "TemperatureMeasurement" capability "Thermostat" capability "ThermostatFanMode" capability "ThermostatHeatingSetpoint" capability "ThermostatMode" attribute 'dyson_dyson_mqtt_rcv', 'string' attribute 'fanPower', 'enum', fanPowerMode().values().toList() //fmod attribute 'fanAutoMode', 'enum', fanAutoMode().values().toList() //fmod attribute 'oscillation', 'enum', oscillationMap().values().toList() //oson attribute 'oscillationMode', 'enum', humidifyOscillationModeMap().values().toList() //oson attribute 'humidificationMode', 'enum', humidificationModeMap().values().toList() //hume attribute 'humidificationAutoMode', 'enum', humidificationAutoModeMap().values().toList() //hume attribute 'targetHumidityPct', 'string' //humt attribute 'targetHumidityPctFriendly', 'number' //friendly humt attribute 'autoTargetHumidityPct', 'string' //rect attribute 'autoTargetHumidityPctFriendly', 'number' //friendly rect attribute 'waterHardness', 'enum', waterHardnessValueMap().values().toList() //wath attribute 'timeUntilNextDeepCleaningHrs', 'number' //cltr attribute 'timeUntilCleaningCompletesMinutes', 'number' //cltr attribute 'nightMode', 'enum', nightModeMap().values().toList() //nmod attribute 'fanSpeed', 'enum', fanSpeedMap().values().toList() //fnsp attribute 'fanState', 'enum', ["OFF","FAN"] //fnst attribute 'standbyMonitoring', 'enum', ["ON","OFF"] //rhtm attribute 'focusMode', 'enum', focusModeMap().values().toList() //ffoc attribute 'frontAirFlow', 'enum', frontAirFlowMap().values().toList() //fdir attribute 'nightModeSpeed', 'enum', fanSpeedMap().values().toList() //nmdv attribute 'carbonFilterLifePct', 'string' //cflr attribute 'hepaFilterLifePct', 'string' //hflr attribute 'heatMode', 'enum', heatModeMap().values().toList() //hmod attribute 'heatState', 'enum', ["OFF","HEAT"] //heat status? hsta attribute 'heatTempTarget', 'number' //heat target? hmax (note number) attribute 'heatTempTargetFriendly', 'number' //friendly heat target (note number) attribute 'countryCode', 'string' attribute 'errorCode', 'string' //ercd attribute 'warningCode', 'string' //wacd //not listed: reset filter life: rstf="RSTF" (reset) / "STET" (do nothing) //enviornmental attribute 'temperatureKelvin', 'string' //friendly? tact in kelvin --env (OFF,INIT,FAIL,value) attribute 'humidityPercentage', 'string' //hact --env (OFF,INIT,FAIL,value) attribute 'volatileOrganicCompounds', 'string' //vact --env (OFF,INIT,FAIL,value) attribute 'particulateMatter2.5', 'string' //pm25 --env (OFF,INIT,FAIL,value) attribute 'particulateMatter10', 'string' //pm10 --env (OFF,INIT,FAIL,value) attribute 'nitrogenDioxide', 'string' //noxl --env (OFF,INIT,FAIL,value) attribute 'sleepTimer', 'string' //sltm OFF or 0 < duration <= 540 formatted as "0000" //command 'refreshDeviceList' command 'connectToUnit' command 'disconnectFromUnit' command 'requestStateUpdate' command 'setFanSpeed',[[name: "New Speed", type:"ENUM", constraints: fanSpeedMap().keySet().toList()]] command 'setPower',[[name: "Change Mode", type:"ENUM", constraints: fanPowerMode().keySet().toList()]] command 'setAutoMode',[[name: "Change Mode", type:"ENUM", constraints: fanAutoMode().keySet().toList()]] command 'setFrontAirFlow',[[name: "Change Mode", type:"ENUM", constraints: frontAirFlowMap().keySet().toList()]] command 'setHeatMode',[[name: "Change Mode", type:"ENUM", constraints: heatModeMap().keySet().toList()]] command 'setNightMode',[[name: "Change Mode", type:"ENUM", constraints: nightModeMap().keySet().toList()]] command 'setOscillationMode',[[name: "Change Mode", type:"ENUM", constraints: oscillationMap().keySet().toList()], [name: "Oscillation Mode", type:"ENUM", constraints: humidifyOscillationModeMap().keySet().toList()]] command 'setFocusMode',[[name: "Change Mode", type:"ENUM", constraints: focusModeMap().keySet().toList()]] command 'resetFilter',[[name: "Select Command", type:"ENUM", description: "Warning this will send a reset filter command to the device", constraints: resetFilterMap().keySet().toList()]] //humid command 'setHumidifyOscillationMode',[[name: "Change Mode", type:"ENUM", constraints: humidifyOscillationModeMap().keySet().toList()]] command 'setHumidificationMode',[[name: "Change Mode", type:"ENUM", constraints: humidificationModeMap().keySet().toList()]] command 'setHumidificationAutoMode',[[name: "Change Mode", type:"ENUM", constraints: humidificationAutoModeMap().keySet().toList()]] command 'setTargetHumidity',[[name: "Target Number*",type:"NUMBER", description: "Set target humidity"]] command 'setWaterHardness', [[name: "Change Mode", type:"ENUM", constraints: waterHardnessValueMap().keySet().toList()]] } preferences() { section('Query Inputs'){ //input 'email', 'text', required: true, defaultValue: '', title: "email", description: "Type Your Dyson Online Email/Username Here" //input 'password', 'password', required: true, defaultValue: '', title: "password", description: "Type Your Dyson Online password Here" //input 'countryCode', 'text', title: "Country Code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)", required: true, defaultValue: 'US', description: "Type Your 2 Character Country Code Here" input 'unitSSID', 'text', required: true, defaultValue: '', title: "WiFi SSID", description: "WiFi SSID on the sticker of the Dyson Unit (not your home's ssid)" input 'unitPassword', 'password', required: true, defaultValue: '', title: "Unit Password", description: "Dyson Unit WiFi password on the sticker (not your Dyson Online password), alternately use the b64 credential returned from Dyson cloud and configure the password type" input 'unitAddress', 'text', required: true, defaultValue: '', title: "Unit IP Address", description: "The Network IP Address of the unit on your home network" input 'pollInterval', 'enum', title: "Dyson Poll Interval", required: true, defaultValue: 'Manual Poll Only', options: ['Manual Poll Only','1 Minute','5 Minutes', '10 Minutes', '15 Minutes', '30 Minutes', '1 Hour', '3 Hours'] input 'passwdType', 'enum', title: "Password Type", required: true, defaultValue: 'Password', options: ['Password','b64 Credential'] } } } //for now we only support a limited number of devices for two reasons... // first, it appears that other connected Dyson device using a different mapping // for the device params (see DYSON_PARAM_COOL_STATE_MAP and DYSON_PARAM_HOT_COOL_STATE_MAP) // second, I don't own any of those other devices and I don't have a reasonable way to // develop for it. def isSupportedCoolDevice(String device_type) { return [DEVICE_TYPE_PURE_HUMIDIFY_COOL()].contains(device_type) } def isSupportedHotCoolDevice(String device_type) { return false } def installed() { initialize() } void updated(){ initialize() disconnectFromUnit() connectToUnit() if (interfaces.mqtt.isConnected()) { requestStateUpdate() } switch (pollInterval) { case '1 Minute' : runEvery1Minute(runPoll); break; case '5 Minutes' : runEvery5Minutes(runPoll); break; case '10 Minutes' : runEvery10Minutes(runPoll); break; case '15 Minutes' : runEvery15Minutes(runPoll); break; case '30 Minutes' : runEvery30Minutes(runPoll); break; case '1 Hour' : runEvery1Hour(runPoll); break; case '3 Hours' : runEvery3Hours(runPoll); break; default : unschedule(runPoll); break; } } void uninstalled() { disconnectFromUnit() } /** * called by installed & updated */ def initialize() { //tbd } def poll(){ runPoll() } void runPoll() { if (!interfaces.mqtt.isConnected()) { connectToUnit() if (!interfaces.mqtt.isConnected()) { return } } pollState() } private DEVICE_TYPE_360_EYE() {"N223"} private DEVICE_TYPE_360_HEURIST() {"276"} private DEVICE_TYPE_PURE_COOL_LINK() {"475"} private DEVICE_TYPE_PURE_COOL_LINK_DESK() {"469"} private DEVICE_TYPE_PURE_COOL() {"438"} private DEVICE_TYPE_PURE_COOL_FORMALDEHYDE() {"438E"} private DEVICE_TYPE_PURE_COOL_DESK() {"520"} private DEVICE_TYPE_PURE_HUMIDIFY_COOL() {"358"} private DEVICE_TYPE_PURE_HOT_COOL_LINK() {"455"} private DEVICE_TYPE_PURE_HOT_COOL() {"527"} private DEVICE_TYPE_PURE_HOT_COOL_NEW() {"527E"} //I read that for some units, the model in the WiFi SSID is does not match the model needed for MQTT. private static DEVICE_TYPE_MAP() { ["455A":"455"] } private DEVICE_TYPE_NAMES() {[ "${DEVICE_TYPE_360_EYE()}": "360 Eye robot vacuum", "${DEVICE_TYPE_360_HEURIST()}": "360 Heurist robot vacuum", "${DEVICE_TYPE_PURE_COOL()}": "Pure Cool", "${DEVICE_TYPE_PURE_COOL_FORMALDEHYDE()}": "Pure Cool Formaldehyde", "${DEVICE_TYPE_PURE_COOL_DESK()}": "Pure Cool Desk", "${DEVICE_TYPE_PURE_COOL_LINK()}": "Pure Cool Link", "${DEVICE_TYPE_PURE_COOL_LINK_DESK()}": "Pure Cool Link Desk", "${DEVICE_TYPE_PURE_HOT_COOL()}": "Pure Hot+Cool", "${DEVICE_TYPE_PURE_HOT_COOL_NEW()}": "Pure Hot+Cool (New)", "${DEVICE_TYPE_PURE_HOT_COOL_LINK()}": "Pure Hot+Cool Link", "${DEVICE_TYPE_PURE_HUMIDIFY_COOL()}": "Pure Humidify+Cool", ]} private static DYSON_PARAM_COOL_STATE_MAP() { [ 'fanPower': "fpwr", //pcbase 'fanAutoMode': "auto", //pcbase 'oscillation': "oscs", //pcbase 'oscillationMode':"ancp", //h 'humidificationMode':"hume", //h 'humidificationAutoMode':"haut", //h 'targetHumidityPct':"humt", //h 'autoTargetHumidityPct':"rect", //h 'waterHardness' : "wath", //h 'timeUntilNextDeepCleaningHrs': "cltr", //h 'timeUntilCleaningCompletesMinutes':"cdrr", //h 'nightMode': "nmod", //base 'fanSpeed': "fnsp", //base 'fanState': "fnst", //base 'standbyMonitoring': "rhtm", //rhtm 'frontAirFlow': "fdir", //pcbase 'nightModeSpeed': "nmdv", //pcbase 'carbonFilterLifePct' :"cflr",//pcbase 'hepaFilterLifePct' : "hflr",//pcbase 'errorCode' : "ercd", //all? 'warningCode' : "wacd", //all? ] } private static DYSON_PARAM_HOT_COOL_STATE_MAP() { [ 'focusMode':"ffoc", //hbase ? 'heatMode':"hmod", //hbase 'heatState':"hsta", //hbase 'heatTempTarget':"hmax", //hbase ] } private static DYSON_PARAM_ENVIRONMENTAL_MAP() { [ //environmental are contained in a "data" sub object in json 'temperatureKelvin': "tact", //base 'humidityPercentage':"hact", //base 'volatileOrganicCompounds': "va10", //pcbase 'particulateMatter2.5' : "pm25", //pcbase 'particulateMatter10' : "pm10", //pcbase 'nitrogenDioxide' : "noxl", //pcbase 'sleepTimer': "sltm", //base ] } private static FanControlSpeedMapping() { [ "low": "1", "medium-low": "3", "medium": "5", "medium-high": "8", "high":"10", "on": "Fan", "off": "Off", "auto" : "Auto", ] } private static DYSON_MQTT_SUBSRIPTION_TOPIC(String model, String serial) { "${model}/${serial}/status/current" } private static DYSON_MQTT_PUBLISH_TOPIC(String model, String serial) { "${model}/${serial}/command" } private UNIT_SSID() { unitSSID } private UNIT_PASSWD() { unitPassword } private UNIT_ADDRESS() { unitAddress } private DYSON_MQTT_MSG_CURRENT_STATE() {"CURRENT-STATE"} private DYSON_MQTT_MSG_ENVIRONMENTAL_CURRENT() {"ENVIRONMENTAL-CURRENT-SENSOR-DATA"} private DYSON_MQTT_MSG_STATE_CHANGE() {"STATE-CHANGE"} private DYSON_MQTT_MSG_STATE_SET() {"STATE-SET"} private DYSON_MQTT_MSG_SND_GET_ENVIRONMENTAL() {"REQUEST-PRODUCT-ENVIRONMENT-CURRENT-SENSOR-DATA"} private DYSON_MQTT_MSG_SND_GET_CURRENT() {"REQUEST-CURRENT-STATE"} private isAlreadyHashedPassword() { switch (passwdType) { case 'b64 Credential' : return true; break; default : return false; break; } } /** * method to connect and subscribe on the device */ void connectToUnit() { if (UNIT_PASSWD() == null || UNIT_PASSWD() == null) { return } if (!interfaces.mqtt.isConnected()) { def serial = "" def device_type = "" def hashedPass = isAlreadyHashedPassword() ? UNIT_PASSWD() : hashDevicePassword(UNIT_PASSWD() as String) (serial,device_type) = decodeSSID(UNIT_SSID() as String) if (serial == null || serial == "" || device_type == null || device_type == "") { log.error("DYSON could not decode the provided WiFi SSID") return } if (!isSupported()) { log.error("DYSON unsupported device, will not attempt to connect") return } if (state.clientId == null || state.clientId.toString().contains('-')) { state.clientId = UUID.randomUUID().toString().tokenize('-').last() } log.debug("DYSON:init mqtt to: tcp://${UNIT_ADDRESS()}:1883 as client: ${state.clientId}") interfaces.mqtt.connect("tcp://${UNIT_ADDRESS()}:1883",state.clientId as String,serial,hashedPass) log.debug("DYSON reporting isConnected=${interfaces.mqtt.isConnected()}") if (interfaces.mqtt.isConnected()) { log.debug("DYSON Initiating Subscription: ${DYSON_MQTT_SUBSRIPTION_TOPIC(device_type,serial)}") interfaces.mqtt.subscribe(DYSON_MQTT_SUBSRIPTION_TOPIC(device_type,serial)) } } } /** * unsubscribe and disconnect from the device */ void disconnectFromUnit() { if (interfaces.mqtt.isConnected()) { def serial = "" def device_type = "" (serial,device_type) = decodeSSID(UNIT_SSID() as String) log.info("DYSON MQTT Disconnect initiated") log.debug("DYSON Initiating UnSubscribe: ${DYSON_MQTT_SUBSRIPTION_TOPIC(device_type,serial)}") interfaces.mqtt.unsubscribe(DYSON_MQTT_SUBSRIPTION_TOPIC(device_type,serial)) try { interfaces.mqtt.disconnect() } catch (e) {} log.debug("DYSON Disconnected") } else { log.debug("DYSON Disconnect From Unit Command: Already Disconnected") } } /** * * @param devicePassword from the WiFi Sticker on the dyson device (NOT your Dyson Online password) * @return a sha-512 calculation */ def hashDevicePassword(String devicePassword) { MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-512") byte[] encodedhash = digest.digest(devicePassword.getBytes("UTF-8")) return encodedhash.encodeBase64().toString() } /** * test to see if this driver supports the Dyson device * @return boolean true if this driver supports the device, otherwise false */ def isSupported() { if (isSupportedCoolDevice(state.device_type as String)) { log.info("Dyson device is supported Cool") state.canHeat = 0 } else if (isSupportedHotCoolDevice(state.device_type as String)) { log.info("Dyson device is supported Hot+Cool") state.canHeat = 1 } else { log.error("Device is NOT SUPPORTED by this driver") return false } return true } /** * Will decode required values from the WiFi SSID on the sticker of the Dyson device * @param ssid - the WiFi SSID from the sticker on the device (NOT your home wifi) * @return [serial,device_type] tuple */ def decodeSSID(String ssid) { try { def serial = "" def device_type = "" def match if ((match = ssid =~ /^DYSON-([0-9A-Z]{3}-[A-Z]{2}-[0-9A-Z]{8})-([0-9]{3}[A-Z]?)$/ )) { serial = match.group(1) device_type = DEVICE_TYPE_MAP().getOrDefault((String)match.group(2),(String)match.group(2)) log.info("Dyson is believed to be: ${DEVICE_TYPE_NAMES().getOrDefault("${device_type}",device_type)}") log.debug("Dyson Determined serial:${serial} topic model:${device_type}") state.device_type = device_type state.device_name = DEVICE_TYPE_NAMES().getOrDefault("${device_type}",device_type) state.device_serial = serial return [serial,device_type] } else { log.error("DYSON WiFi SSID could not be parsed (format?, typo?) which is required to connect to device") } } catch(e) { log.error("DYSON WiFi SSID could not be parsed (format?, typo?) which is required to connect to device",e) } return [null,null] } /** * Standard Hubitat function called automatically for MQTT messages * @param message * @return nothing */ def parse(String message) { //log.debug("Received Dyson message: $message") def mqttMessage = interfaces.mqtt.parseMessage(message) //log.debug("Dyson MQTT Message has ${mqttMessage.size()} elements: mqttMessage") def payload = (new JsonSlurper().parseText(mqttMessage.get("payload") as String)) as Map processMessage(payload) } /** * This method will parse/process the payload field of a dyson MQTT message * it will handle current state, state change, and environmental * @param dysonJSON as a Map (must be a Map) of the Payload field * @return nothing */ def processMessage(Map dysonJSON) { if (dysonJSON?.msg == null) { return } sendEvent(name: 'dyson_dyson_mqtt_rcv', value: mqttDate()) if (dysonJSON.msg == DYSON_MQTT_MSG_CURRENT_STATE()) { log.debug("DYSON Received a current state message") def rssi = dysonJSON.getOrDefault("rssi","1").toString().toInteger() if (rssi < 0) { sendEvent(name: "rssi", value: rssi) } def productState = dysonJSON.getOrDefault("product-state",null) as Map processMessageState(productState,false) } else if(dysonJSON.msg == DYSON_MQTT_MSG_ENVIRONMENTAL_CURRENT()) { log.debug("DYSON Received an environmental message") def data = dysonJSON.getOrDefault("data",null) as Map processMessageEnvironmental(data) } else if (dysonJSON.msg == DYSON_MQTT_MSG_STATE_CHANGE()) { log.debug("DYSON Received a state changed message") def productState = dysonJSON.getOrDefault("product-state",null) as Map processMessageState(productState,true) } else { log.debug("DYSON Received a msg type that we don't handle: ${dysonJSON.msg} -- ${dysonJSON}") } } /** * this is parse current state and update state messages * @param productState Map of values coming from the Dyson MQTT message * @param isUpdate false for current state, true if an update * @return void */ def processMessageState(Map productState, boolean isUpdate) { if (productState == null) { return } String val = null DYSON_PARAM_COOL_STATE_MAP().each { key, attName -> if (isUpdate) { val = (productState.getOrDefault(attName,null) as ArrayList)?.last() } else { val = productState.getOrDefault(attName,null) } if (val != null) { if (attName == DYSON_PARAM_COOL_STATE_MAP().carbonFilterLifePct || attName == DYSON_PARAM_COOL_STATE_MAP().hepaFilterLifePct) { sendEvent(name: key, value: val) def cfl = 1 if (device.currentValue("carbonFilterLifePct") == "INV") { cfl = 1 } else { try { cfl = device.currentValue("carbonFilterLifePct")?.toString()?.toInteger() } catch (Exception ignored) { } } def hfl = 1 try { hfl = device.currentValue("hepaFilterLifePct")?.toString()?.toInteger() } catch (Exception ignored) { } if (cfl == null) {cfl = 1} if (hfl == null) {hfl = 1} sendEvent(name: "filterStatus", value: (cfl > 0 && hfl > 0) ? "normal" : "replace") } else if ([DYSON_PARAM_COOL_STATE_MAP().targetHumidityPct, DYSON_PARAM_COOL_STATE_MAP().autoTargetHumidityPct].contains(attName)) { try { def nval = val.toInteger() sendEvent(name: "${attName}Friendly", value: nval) } catch (Exception ignored) { sendEvent(name: "${attName}Friendly", value: val) } } else if ([DYSON_PARAM_COOL_STATE_MAP().timeUntilNextDeepCleaningHrs, DYSON_PARAM_COOL_STATE_MAP().timeUntilCleaningCompletesMinutes].contains(attName)) { try { val = val.toString().toInteger() }catch (Exception ignored) { } } sendEvent(name: key, value: val) } } if (state.canHeat) { DYSON_PARAM_HOT_COOL_STATE_MAP().each { key, attName -> if (isUpdate) { val = (productState.getOrDefault(attName,null) as ArrayList)?.last() } else { val = productState.getOrDefault(attName,null) } if (val != null) { if (attName == DYSON_PARAM_HOT_COOL_STATE_MAP().heatTempTarget) { try { def nval = kelvinToCelsius(val) if (getTemperatureScale() == "F") { nval = celsiusToFahrenheit(nval as BigDecimal) } sendEvent(name: "heatingSetpoint", value: nval) } catch (Exception e) { //ignore, val is likely "Off" } } sendEvent(name: key, value: val) } } } } /** * this is parse current state and update state messages * @param data Map of values coming from the Dyson MQTT message * @return void */ def processMessageEnvironmental(Map data) { if (data == null) { return } DYSON_PARAM_ENVIRONMENTAL_MAP().each { key, attName -> def val = data.getOrDefault(attName, null) if (val != null) { if (attName == DYSON_PARAM_ENVIRONMENTAL_MAP().temperatureKelvin) { try { def nval = kelvinToCelsius(val) if (getTemperatureScale() == "F") { nval = celsiusToFahrenheit(nval as BigDecimal) } //capability "TemperatureMeasurement" //temperature - NUMBER, unit:°F || °C sendEvent(name: "temperature", value: nval) } catch (Exception e) { //val is likely "Off" sendEvent(name: "temperature", value: val) } } else if ([DYSON_PARAM_ENVIRONMENTAL_MAP().humidityPercentage].contains(attName)) { try { def nval = val.toString().toInteger() //capability "RelativeHumidityMeasurement" //attrib humidity NUMBER, unit:%rh sendEvent(name: "humidity", value: nval) } catch (Exception e) { //val is likely "Off" sendEvent(name: "temperature", value: val) } } if (attName == DYSON_PARAM_ENVIRONMENTAL_MAP().particulateMatter) { try { def particulates = val.toString().toInteger() if (particulates > 500) { particulates = 500 } sendEvent(name: "airQualityIndex", value: particulates) } catch (Exception e) { //val is likely "Off" sendEvent(name: "airQualityIndex", value: val) } } sendEvent(name: key, value: val) } } } /** * Hubitat will send status info to this method Error's start with Error and Status starts with Status * @param message per Hubitat's documentation * @return nothing */ def mqttClientStatus(String message) { if (message.startsWith("Error")) { log.error("DYSON MQTT: ${message}") if (!interfaces.mqtt.isConnected()) { log.debug("DYSON Uh...looks like we lost our MQTT connection") } } else if (message.startsWith("Status")) { log.info("DYSON MQTT: ${message}") } else { log.error("DYSON Unexpected status message: ${message}") if (!interfaces.mqtt.isConnected()) { log.debug("DYSON Uh...looks like we lost our MQTT connection") } } } /** * utility to generate a date in the format used by Dyson's MQTT * @return a string date in ISO 8601'esk format */ def mqttDate() { def now = new Date() return now.format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'", TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC')) } //command requestStateUpdate def requestStateUpdate() { if (interfaces.mqtt.isConnected()) { pollState() } else { log.error("DYSON Manual request for state update is not possible because MQTT is not connected") } } /** * This will use interfaces.mqtt.publish to publish the event. If not currently connected, * it will attempt to first connect the MQTT interface * @param destinationTopic the interfaces.mqtt.publish topic * @param payload the interfaces.mqtt.publish payload * @return true if it believes the message was sent (note an error is still possible * if so, mqttClientStatus(String message) would receive the Error), * otherwise false if it was not sent because it could not connect to the device */ def mqttConnectAndPublish(String destinationTopic,String payload) { def retval = false if (!interfaces.mqtt.isConnected()) { connectToUnit() } if (interfaces.mqtt.isConnected()) { interfaces.mqtt.publish(destinationTopic,payload) retval = true } else { log.error("DYSON event cannot be published because device is not connected") } return retval } /** * This will send a request msg to get the current state (which may return state and environmental) * It will then send a second request msg to get environment (so env may be returned twice) * @return nothing */ def pollState() { def stateMsg = ["msg": DYSON_MQTT_MSG_SND_GET_CURRENT(),"time":mqttDate()] mqttConnectAndPublish(DYSON_MQTT_PUBLISH_TOPIC((String)state.device_type, (String)state.device_serial), JsonOutput.toJson(stateMsg)) def envMsg = ["msg": DYSON_MQTT_MSG_SND_GET_ENVIRONMENTAL(),"time":mqttDate()] mqttConnectAndPublish(DYSON_MQTT_PUBLISH_TOPIC((String)state.device_type, (String)state.device_serial), JsonOutput.toJson(envMsg)) } /** * this will send an MQTT communication update to the connected device * @param configParams Map of params and values to send in the "data" field * @return nothing */ def setConfiguration(Map configParams) { if (configParams != null) { def message = JsonOutput.toJson(["msg":DYSON_MQTT_MSG_STATE_SET(), "time":mqttDate(), "mode-reason": "LAPP", "data":configParams]) //log.debug("DYSON Sending:${message}") mqttConnectAndPublish(DYSON_MQTT_PUBLISH_TOPIC((String)state.device_type, (String)state.device_serial), message) } } //command def setFanSpeed(speed) { def newSpeed = fanSpeedMap().getOrDefault(speed,"AUTO") if (newSpeed != "AUTO") { def config = [(DYSON_PARAM_COOL_STATE_MAP().fanSpeed): newSpeed] log.info("DYSON Set Fan Speed: ${config}") if (device.currentValue("fanPower") == "OFF") { setPower(FanControlSpeedMapping().on) } setConfiguration(config) } else { //a little bit of trickery here because AUTO is not a speed but a mode. setAutoMode("Auto") //we really want it cased this way } } //command def setPower(mode) { def newMode = fanPowerMode().getOrDefault(mode,"OFF") def config = [(DYSON_PARAM_COOL_STATE_MAP().fanPower): newMode] log.info("DYSON Set Fan Power: ${config}") setConfiguration(config) } //command def setAutoMode(mode) { def newMode = fanAutoMode().getOrDefault(mode,"OFF") def config = [(DYSON_PARAM_COOL_STATE_MAP().fanAutoMode): newMode] log.info("DYSON Set Fan Auto Mode: ${config}") setConfiguration(config) } //command def setFrontAirFlow(mode) { def newMode = frontAirFlowMap().getOrDefault(mode,"OFF") def config = [(DYSON_PARAM_COOL_STATE_MAP().frontAirFlow): newMode] log.info("DYSON Set Front AirFlow: ${config}") setConfiguration(config) } //command def setNightMode(mode) { def newMode = nightModeMap().getOrDefault(mode,"OFF") def config = [(DYSON_PARAM_COOL_STATE_MAP().nightMode): newMode] log.info("DYSON Set Night Mode: ${config}") setConfiguration(config) } //command def setOscillationMode(mode, humidifyOscillationMode) { def newMode = oscillationMap().getOrDefault(mode,"OFF") boolean off = (newMode == "OFF") if (off) { def config = [(DYSON_PARAM_COOL_STATE_MAP().oscillation): newMode] log.info("DYSON Set Oscillation Mode: ${config}") setConfiguration(config) } else { String om = humidifyOscillationModeMap().getOrDefault(humidifyOscillationMode,device.currentValue("oscillationMode")?.toString()) if (om == null) { om = humidifyOscillationModeMap().DEGREE_45 } //we now try to set the new value def config = [(DYSON_PARAM_COOL_STATE_MAP().oscillation): newMode, (DYSON_PARAM_COOL_STATE_MAP().fanPower):fanPowerMode().On, (DYSON_PARAM_COOL_STATE_MAP().oscillationMode):om] log.info("DYSON Set Oscillation Mode: ${config}") setConfiguration(config) } } //command def setHeatMode(mode) { if (state.canHeat) { def newMode = heatModeMap().getOrDefault(mode, "OFF") def config = [(DYSON_PARAM_HOT_COOL_STATE_MAP().heatMode): newMode] log.info("DYSON Set Heat Mode: ${config}") setConfiguration(config) } else { log.info("DYSON Set Heat Mode is not possible with this device") } } //command def setFocusMode(mode) { if (state.canHeat) { def newMode = focusModeMap().getOrDefault(mode, "OFF") def config = [(DYSON_PARAM_HOT_COOL_STATE_MAP().focusMode): newMode] log.info("DYSON Set Focus Mode: ${config}") setConfiguration(config) } else { log.info("DYSON Set Focus Mode is not possible with this device") } } //command def resetFilter(mode) { def newMode = resetFilterMap().getOrDefault(mode, "STET") def config = ["rstf": newMode] log.info("DYSON Reset Filter Mode: ${config}") setConfiguration(config) } //command def setHumidifyOscillationMode(mode) { def newMode = humidifyOscillationModeMap().getOrDefault(mode,humidifyOscillationModeMap().DEGREE_45) def config = [(DYSON_PARAM_COOL_STATE_MAP().oscillationMode): newMode] log.info("DYSON Set Humidify Oscillation Mode: ${config}") setConfiguration(config) } //command def setHumidificationMode(mode) { def newMode = humidificationModeMap().getOrDefault(mode,humidificationModeMap().Off) def config = [(DYSON_PARAM_COOL_STATE_MAP().humidificationMode): newMode] log.info("DYSON Set Humidification Mode: ${config}") setConfiguration(config) } //command def setHumidificationAutoMode(mode) { def newMode = humidificationAutoModeMap().getOrDefault(mode,humidificationAutoModeMap().Off) def config = [(DYSON_PARAM_COOL_STATE_MAP().humidificationAutoMode): newMode] log.info("DYSON Set Humidification Auto Mode: ${config}") setConfiguration(config) } //command def setTargetHumidity(mode) { def target = mode?.toString()?.toInteger() if (target == null || target < 1 || target > 100) { target = device.currentValue("targetHumidityPct")?.toString()?.toInteger() if (target == null || target < 1 || target > 100) { target = 30 } } def config = [(DYSON_PARAM_COOL_STATE_MAP().targetHumidityPct): sprintf("%04d",target), (DYSON_PARAM_COOL_STATE_MAP().humidificationAutoMode):humidificationAutoModeMap().Off] log.info("DYSON Set Humidification Auto Mode: ${config}") setConfiguration(config) } //command def setWaterHardness(mode) { def newMode = waterHardnessValueMap().getOrDefault(mode,null) if (newMode == null) { log.error("DYSON Cannot Set Water Hardness, invalid value (${mode})") return } def config = [(DYSON_PARAM_COOL_STATE_MAP().waterHardness): newMode] log.info("DYSON Set Water Hardness Mode: ${config}") setConfiguration(config) } /** * Heat Target for fan. Note dyson uses kelvin as the temperature unit. * Convert the given int celsius temperature to string in Kelvin. * @param temperature temperature in celsius between 1 to 37 inclusive. * @return temperature in kelvin */ String heatTargetFromCelsius(BigDecimal temperature) { if (temperature < 1 || temperature > 37) { //we could error hear, but we will target approx room temp temperature = 21.5 } return ((int)((temperature + 273) * 10)).toString() } /** * Heat Target for fan. Note dyson uses kelvin as the temperature unit. * Convert the given int fahrenheit temperature to string in Kelvin. * @param temperature temperature in fahrenheit between 34 to 98 inclusive. * @return temperature in kelvin */ String heatTargetFromFahrenheit(BigDecimal temperature) { return heatTargetFromCelsius(fahrenheitToCelsius(temperature)) } /** * * @param temperature string that will be converted to an Integer * @return number decimal value in celsius */ static def kelvinToCelsius(temperature) { return (temperature.toInteger()/10) - 273 } //////////////////////////////////////// // <<<<<<< FanControl Commands >>>>>>> //////////////////////////////////////// /** * Hubitat capability "FanControl" has setSpeed(fanspeed) * with corresponding command button * @param fanspeed String enum ["low","medium-low","medium","medium-high","high","on","off","auto"] * @return void */ def setSpeed(fanspeed) { def newVal = FanControlSpeedMapping().getOrDefault(fanspeed,FanControlSpeedMapping().off) log.debug("DYSON FanControl setSpeed:${fanspeed} (mapped:${newVal})") if ([FanControlSpeedMapping().off,FanControlSpeedMapping().on].contains(newVal)) { setPower(newVal) } else if ([FanControlSpeedMapping().auto].contains(newVal)) { setAutoMode(newVal) } else { if (device.currentValue("fanPower") == "OFF") { setPower(FanControlSpeedMapping().on) } setFanSpeed(newVal) } } /** * Hubitat capability "FanControl" has cycleSpeed() with corresponding command button * this will increment the speed 1..10 and after 10 return to 1 * @return void */ def cycleSpeed() { def curSpeedStr = device.currentValue("fanSpeed") if (curSpeedStr == null) { curSpeedStr = "0" } def curSpeed = curSpeedStr.toString().toInteger() curSpeed = curSpeed + 1 //speed can only be 1..10 if (curSpeed > 10) { curSpeed = 1 } log.debug("DYSON FanControl cycleSpeed was: ${curSpeedStr} to: ${curSpeed}") setFanSpeed(curSpeed.toString()) } //////////////////////////////////////// // <<<<<<< Thermostat Commands >>>>>>> //////////////////////////////////////// /** * Hubitat capability "Thermostat" has auto() with corresponding command button * this just turns on fanAuto() */ def auto() { fanAuto() } /** * Hubitat capability "Thermostat" has cool() with corresponding command button * the unit doesn't actively cool, so this turns on the fan */ def cool() { fanOn() } /** * Hubitat capability "Thermostat" has emergencyHeat() with corresponding command button * this will just turn on the heat() */ def emergencyHeat() { heat() } /** * Hubitat capability "Thermostat" has fanAuto() with corresponding command button * sets the fan mode to auto, this will not enable heat */ def fanAuto() { setAutoMode(FanControlSpeedMapping().auto) } /** * Hubitat capability "Thermostat" has fanCirculate() with corresponding command button * this will enable Oscillation Mode */ def fanCirculate() { setOscillationMode("On",null) } /** * Hubitat capability "Thermostat" has fanOn() with corresponding command button * will turn on the fan at the prior speed settings. If the heat is on, it will * turn off the heat */ def fanOn() { if (device.currentValue("heatMode") == heatModeMap().Heat) { setHeatMode(heatModeMap().Off) } setPower(FanControlSpeedMapping().on) } /** * Hubitat capability "Thermostat" has heat() with corresponding command button * will turn on the heat at the prior heat temperature point */ def heat() { setHeatMode("Heat") } /** * Hubitat capability "Thermostat" has off() with corresponding command button * will turn the unit off */ def off() { setPower(FanControlSpeedMapping().off) } /** * Hubitat capability "Thermostat" has setCoolingSetpoint(temperature) * with corresponding command button * HOWEVER - We Don't support this for the link models * This will produce an error in the log * @param temperature * @return nothing */ def setCoolingSetpoint(temperature) { log.error("DYSON Cooling Setpoint is not supported") } /** * Hubitat capability "Thermostat" and "ThermostatHeatingSetpoint" has setHeatingSetpoint(temperature) * with corresponding command button * @param temperature string in the unit (F/C) used by this Hubitat * @return nothing */ def setHeatingSetpoint(temperature) { //temperature required(NUMBER, unit:°F || °C) - Heating setpoint in degrees //attrib: heatingSetpoint if (state.canHeat) { def kelvinStr = (temperatureScale == "F") ? heatTargetFromFahrenheit(temperature.toString().toBigDecimal()) : heatTargetFromCelsius(temperature.toString().toBigDecimal()) def config = [(DYSON_PARAM_HOT_COOL_STATE_MAP().heatMode) : heatModeMap().Heat, (DYSON_PARAM_HOT_COOL_STATE_MAP().heatTempTarget): kelvinStr] log.info("DYSON Heat Target: ${config}") setConfiguration(config) } else { log.info("DYSON Heat Target is not possible with this device") } } /** * Hubitat capability "Thermostat" has setThermostatFanMode(fanmode) * with corresponding command button * @param fanmode string enum ["on", "circulate", "auto"] used by this Hubitat * @return nothing */ def setThermostatFanMode(fanmode) { //ENUM ["on", "circulate", "auto"] if (fanmode.toString() == "on") { fanOn() } else if (fanmode.toString() == "circulate") { fanCirculate() } else if (fanmode.toString() == "auto") { fanAuto() } } /** * Hubitat capability "Thermostat" has setThermostatMode(thermostatmode) * with corresponding command button * @param thermostatmode string enum ["auto", "off", "heat", "emergency heat", "cool"] used by this Hubitat * @return nothing */ def setThermostatMode(thermostatmode) { //ENUM ["auto", "off", "heat", "emergency heat", "cool"] if (thermostatmode.toString() == "auto") { fanAuto() } else if (thermostatmode.toString() == "heat") { heat() } else if (thermostatmode.toString() == "emergency heat") { emergencyHeat() } else if (thermostatmode.toString() == "cool") { cool() } else { off() } } /** * * @param json_payload from Dyson Online * @return Return true if this json payload is a Dyson 360 Eye device */ def is_360_eye_device(json_payload) { return (json_payload?.ProductType == DEVICE_TYPE_360_EYE()) ? true : false } /** * * @param product_type Dyson device model * @return Return True if device_model support heating mode, else False. */ def support_heating(String product_type) { return DEVICE_TYPE_NAMES().getOrDefault(product_type,"").contains("Hot") } /** * * @param json_payload from Dyson Online * @return true if this json payload is a hot+cool device. */ def is_heating_device(json_payload) { return support_heating(json_payload['ProductType']) } /* This is commented out because dyson now uses a two factor approach for authenticating to it's servers and retrieving devices. Thus, the implementation below, no longer works. It looks possible to support the new flow which looks something like: 1) send account email to dyson 2) dyson sends email with one-time-code 3) send account with password & one-time-code 4) obtain dyson api password (aka token) to retrieve devices Also, Dyson does not appear to be using a classic public CA cert. Instead it seems to be using a ICA DigiCert TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1 - https://cacerts.digicert.com/DigiCertTLSRSASHA2562020CA1-1.crt.pem Thus, we either need to pin this cert for the trust chain or disable validation. private DYSON_API_SERVER() { "api.cp.dyson.com" } def refreshDeviceList() { loginDysonOnline() } void loginDysonOnline() { if( email== null || password== null || countryCode == null ) { log.warn 'Dyson Driver - WARNING: Dyson email/password/country not found. Please configure in preferences.' return; } def ParamsGN; ParamsGN = [ uri: "https://${DYSON_API_SERVER()}/v1/userregistration/authenticate?country=${countryCode}", requestContentType: "application/json", contentType: "application/json", body: [ 'Email' : email, 'Password' : password ] ] //log.debug('Auth dyson: ' + ParamsGN.uri) asynchttpPost('dysonLoginHandler', ParamsGN) return; } void dysonLoginHandler(resp, data) { log.debug('Login Dyson online resp') if(resp.getStatus() < 200 || resp.getStatus() >= 300) { log.warn 'Calling ' + "auth"//atomicState.gn_base_uri log.warn resp.getStatus() + ':' + resp.getErrorMessage() } else { def now = new Date(); sendEvent(name: 'current_dyson_lastauth', value: now.getTime()); def json = parseJson(resp.data) def respAccount = json?.Account def respPass = json?.Password if (respAccount != null && respPass != null) { log.debug("Login Dyson online successful Account:${respAccount}, retrieving devices") dysonRetrieveDevices(respAccount,respPass) } else { log.error("Login Dyson online unsuccessful Account:${respAccount}") } } } void dysonRetrieveDevices(String account, String pass) { if (account == null || pass == null) { return } def ParamsGN; ParamsGN = [ uri: "https://${DYSON_API_SERVER()}/v1/provisioningservice/manifest", contentType: 'application/json', headers: [ 'Authorization':"Basic "+ "${account}:${pass}".bytes.encodeBase64().toString() ] ] try { httpGet(ParamsGN) { resp -> //log.debug('Task Dyson device list resp') if(resp.getStatus() < 200 || resp.getStatus() >= 300) { log.warn 'Retrieving devices task failed' log.warn resp.getStatus() + ':' + resp.getErrorMessage() } else { //log.warn "Tasks: " + resp.data //result = parseJson(resp.data) -- this is already parsed log.debug("Retrieved ${resp.data?.length} devices") def dyson_device_list = new ArrayList() if (resp.data != null) { for (device in resp.data) { if (is_360_eye_device(device)) { Log.error("Dyson Device is 360_eye UNSUPPORTED: ${device}") } else if (is_heating_device(device)) { Log.info("Found Dyson Pure Hot Cool Link: ${device}") dyson_device_list.add(device) } else { Log.error("Dyson Device is UNSUPPORTED (regular Cool Link?): ${device}") } } if (dyson_device.size() > 0) { state.known_dyson_devices = dyson_device_list } } } } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn "Call to on failed: ${e.message}" } return } */