# Advanced Aria Templates snippets pack A collection of sublime text editor snipptes for the [Aria Templates Framework](http://ariatemplates.com). # Installation ## Sublime Package Control Simply search for "Advanced Aria Templates snippets pack" ## Manual Clone the repository inside your Sublime Text `Packages/User` folder (see `Preferences -> Browse Packages` for the correct path). git clone https://github.com/dpreussner/advanced-at-snippets-pack.git advanced-at-snippets-pack # Available snipptes Following snipptes are available: ## File Templates (.js, .tpl) ariaNewTemplate ariaNewTemplateScript ariaNewModuleController ## Template statements (.tpl) See the [Aria Templates guide for writing templates](http://ariatemplates.com/usermanual/latest/writing_templates) for further reference on the basic template statements. call elseif for foreach id if ifelse macro repeater section set var view ## Aria Widgets Library (.tpl) For every widget in the @aria Library there is a snippet which corresponds to the basic / most common configuration for the widget. See the [Aria Templates user manual page](http://ariatemplates.com/usermanual/latest/) or the [Aria Templates samples page](http://ariatemplates.com/samples/) for further reference on how to use widgets. // widgets autocomplete button calendar datefield datepicker dialog errorlist fieldset gauge iconbutton link list multiautocomplete multiselect numberfield passwordfield radiobutton splitter select selectbox sortindicator tab tabpanel template textarea text textfield timefield tooltip // widget config bind bindrefresh transform ## aria.utils.Array (.js) ariaArrayClone ariaArrayContains ariaArrayFilter ariaArrayForEach ariaArrayIndexOf ariaArrayIsEmpty ariaArrayRemove ariaArrayRemoveAt ## aria.utils.Type (.js) ariaTypeIsArray ariaTypeIsBoolean ariaTypeIsCallback ariaTypeIsContainer ariaTypeIsDate ariaTypeIsFunction ariaTypeIsHTMLElement ariaTypeIsNumber ariaTypeIsObject ariaTypeIsRegExp ariaTypeIsString ## aria.utils.Json (.js) ariaJsonAdd ariaJsonAddListener ariaJsonContains ariaJsonCopy ariaJsonEquals ariaJsonInject ariaJsonSetValue ariaJsonConvertToJsonString ariaJsonIsMetadata ariaJsonLoad ## aria.utils.Dom (.js) ariaDomGetDomElementChild ariaDomGetDomElementsChildByTagName ariaDomGetElementById ariaDomGetElementsByClassName ariaDomIsAncestor ariaDomIsInDom