module Dradis module Plugins module PdfExport class Processor < Prawn::Document def initialize(args={}) super(top_margin: 70) content_service = args[:content_service] @author = 'Security Tester' @email = '' @issues = content_service.all_issues @notes = content_service.all_notes @title = "Dradis Framework - v#{Dradis::CE::VERSION::STRING}" sort_issues end def generate cover_page project_notes summary_of_findings detailed_findings tool_list # outline end private def sort_issues sorted = { info: [], low: [], medium: [], high: []} @issues.each do |issue| cvss = issue.fields['CVSSv2'].to_f; case cvss when 0..0.9 sorted[:info] << issue when 1.0..3.9 sorted[:low] << issue when 4.0..6.9 sorted[:medium] << issue else sorted[:high] << issue end end @sorted = sorted[:high] + sorted[:medium] + sorted[:low] + sorted[:info] end def cover_page move_down 50 image "#{Engine.config.paths['app/assets'].expanded.first}/logo_pdf.jpg", position: :center move_down 20 text 'Security Assessment Report', inline_format: true, align: :center move_down 20 text "BlackHat Arsenal 2018", align: :center bounding_box([300, 150], width: 200, height: 150) do # transparent(0.5) { stroke_bounds } # This will stroke on one page text "Author: #{@author}", inline_format: :true text "Email: #{@email}", inline_format: :true text "Date: #{'%Y-%m-%d')}", inline_format: :true # transparent(0.5) { stroke_bounds } # And this will stroke on the next end start_new_page end def project_notes draw_header text 'Project notes' move_down 20 @notes.each do |note| fields = note.fields text "#{fields['Title']}", inline_format: true text fields['Description'] end start_new_page end def summary_of_findings draw_header text 'SUMMARY OF FINDINGS' move_down 20 @sorted.each do |note| fields = note.fields text "• #{fields['Title']} (#{fields['CVSSv2']})" end start_new_page end def detailed_findings draw_header text 'DETAILED FINDINGS' move_down 20 @sorted.each do |note| fields = note.fields text "#{fields['Title']} (#{fields['CVSSv2']})", inline_format: true text fields['Description'] move_down 20 text "Mitigation:", inline_format: true text fields['Mitigation'] start_new_page end end def tool_list draw_header text 'TOOLS USED' move_down 20 data = [ ['Name', 'Description'] ] data << ['Dradis Framework', "Collaboration and reporting framework\n" ] table data, header: true, position: :center end def outline outline.define do section('Report Content', destination: 2) do page title: 'Summary of Findings', destination: 2 page title: 'Tool List', destination: 3 end end end def draw_header fill_color 'efefef' fill_rectangle [bounds.left-50, + 100], bounds.width + 100, 87 fill_color '00000' box = bounding_box [bounds.left-50,], :width => (bounds.width + 100) do font "Helvetica" text "Security Assessment Report", align: :center move_down 20 stroke_color 'dadada' stroke_horizontal_rule stroke_color '000000' end move_down 40 end end class Exporter < Dradis::Plugins::Export::Base def export() pdf = content_service) pdf.generate pdf end end end end end