Touhou Danmakufu Plugin for Sublime Text ----------------------------------------- ### Description ### This is a Sublime Text 2/3 package for the Touhou Danmakufu (東方弾幕風) scripting language. Designed for easy addition of support for arbitrary languages and enabling of further development because I felt like it. ### Features ### * Syntax highlighting for Danmakufu scripts (.dnh) * Code completion for all ph3 engine library functions, with the standard fuzzy matching and tabbable parameters * On-demand function documentation for the ph3 library, available in context menu and through ctrl+super+d by default * Sublime is probably better than the editor you're using now, considering you write Danmakufu scripts ![look at dem colors](ss/1.png) ![autocomplete for when you're coding drunk](ss/2.gif) ![press buttons get docs](ss/3.png) ### Installation ### * Install Package Control: and restart Sublime Text. * Preferences → Package Control → Install Package → Danmakufu, and restart again. ### Extensibility ### The codebase was written to be fairly generic, rather than adherent to just the DNH scripting language. If you want, you could write a completions/documentation dictionary for whatever other language. I tried to make this as easy as possible: all that's needed is a list of function signatures and a scope to apply them to. A dictionary file is a .sublime-settings file, which itself is really just JSON. The format of the file and of the function signatures should be apparent from the existing dictionary in [danmakufu-completions.sublime-settings](danmakufu-completions.sublime-settings). Example: ```json { "scope": "source.derplang", "dict": [ { "sig": "class::func(x, y)\tobject" }, { "sig": "a()" } ] } ```