Visual Studio Code Merge Tool =========================== A Sublime Text plugin to help you solve merge conflicts based on how VSC does it. Commands --------- VSCMT helps with these commands: `Find Next Conflict` and `Show Conflict Files`. Configuration ------------- To configure the plugin you can use a user-settings file in your user folder. You can easily access this file over `Preferences` -> `VSCMT` -> `Settings - User`. For information on which settings are available take a look at the commented default-settings file: ```js { // The git path // by default the plugin assumes that git is in your path "git_path": "git", // Enable or disable the live matching of conflict areas // By default the plugin matches live "live_matching": true, // The color of the highlighting is called "scope" in Sublime Text, // to change this color you can choose a different scope. // This customization isn't easy, since you have to define your own // scope in your theme file. "matching_scope": "invalid", // This option enables the filling the conflict area with a color // By default the area will just be outlined "fill_conflict_area": false, // This option enables the outline of the conflict area // By default the area will just be outlined "outline_conflict_area": true, // This option changes the display of the "Show Conflict Files" functionality" // true: Show only the filesnames ("src/main.js" becomes "main.js") // false: Show relative path (from the root of the repository) // By default Git Conflict Resolver only shows the filename "show_only_filename": true } ``` Shortcuts --------- There are no default shortcuts, to add them open your user keybindings file and add a keybinding like the following: { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+f"], "command": "find_next_conflict" }, { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+c"], "command": "list_conflict_files" }