[00:00:00] Kristin: Hello, and welcome to A Strange Mood, the Couples Dwarf Fortress podcast. I'm Kristin. [00:00:04] Drew: And I'm Drew. [00:00:05] Kristin: And we're a couple playing Dwarf Fortress. [00:00:08] Drew: That we are, Kristin, that we are. Usually. Actually, no, we're not really this week. [00:00:13] Kristin: Not this week, no. [00:00:15] Kristin: So, you know how we built our house on top of a volcano? [00:00:20] Drew: Uh-huh. [00:00:20] Kristin: Yep, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Well, the goblins we hired to lift our house onto stilts have finished, but now it's sagging in the middle like a soggy plump helmet cake. [00:00:32] Kristin: But tomorrow they're coming to pour liquid for us to float on, so I'm sure we'll be fine. [00:00:37] Drew: Don't talk to me about plump helmet cakes. I think I ate a bad one yesterday, and now I'm seeing visions of a lungfish god. [00:00:44] Drew: And it's not happy with me. Something about several years of backed-up prayer debt and fish sticks. [00:00:50] Drew: So, we're in the same boat. Plus, I don't know if you know, but our dog is limping around after the last round of crundle-killing. [00:00:58] Kristin: Well, maybe we can skim off some of the liquid gold for the vet. [00:01:02] Drew: It's an idea, at least. [00:01:03] Kristin: It's one way to pay for it. [00:01:04] Drew: Everyone's sort of okay, but it's been a week for us here. [00:01:08] Kristin: It really has. [00:01:09] Drew: So we're going to call a mulligan on this episode and bring you on in another two weeks, followed by a break until after the new year. [00:01:16] Kristin: Yes, with the holiday this week as well for us here in the United States, we just need a little bit of time. [00:01:22] Drew: Yeah. [00:01:23] Kristin: To human. [00:01:23] Drew: Get over stomach bugs, dogs being sick. [00:01:27] Kristin: House construction, everything. [00:01:30] Kristin: But we've got a bunch of interesting projects lined up for the break that we think you'll like. Some new ideas, some old ones. [00:01:36] Kristin: Maybe a video or two for those of you who watch on YouTube and some ideas for what we're going to do in the Discord. [00:01:42] Drew: Yeah, so I think we've got some interesting things there, but on to the news. [00:01:47] Drew: The Adventure Mode previews are out, both on Kitfox and on Blind IRL's channel. [00:01:52] Drew: They both look pretty cool, with a little chat window with portraits when your adventurer is talking to a rando, such as a... Hippopotamus... Hippopotamus man... [00:02:01] Kristin: Can I put a pot on this man? [00:02:02] Drew: hippopotamus man wrestler. [00:02:04] Kristin: Oh, that's fun. [00:02:06] Drew: So watch out, Caves of Qud. [00:02:07] Drew: The brothers are coming for you! [00:02:09] Kristin: Hoo-hoo. [00:02:10] Drew: And speaking of the Caves of Qud, they've also dropped a big new update, so check that out too if you've not played in a little while. [00:02:16] Kristin: Steven's released episode 4 of Learned Hands over on YouTube, a banger as always. [00:02:22] Kristin: And Krug Smash has released several more episodes of Spirit Cavern. [00:02:27] Drew: Meanwhile, Fangamer has a bunch of awesome new merch to check out, including a journal begging to be used as a book of grudges. That's for all the Warhammer fans out there. [00:02:36] Kristin: Mm-hmm. [00:02:36] Drew: and a hoodie that actually menaces with spikes. Also, vinyl music. [00:02:40] Kristin: Yeah, I think I want one of everything, so that's like my Christmas list. [00:02:44] Drew: It really is kind of, especially because the hoodie is a little much. [00:02:45] Kristin: There's a journal, a hoodie, and a vinyl, and yeah, they're kind of pricey, but they're all very cool. [00:02:52] Drew: Okay, back to our sickbeds and less demanding games like Diablo 4 for the moment. We'll see you in a week or two, same bat time, same bat channel. [00:03:00] Kristin: Be sure to join our Discord, and remember... [00:03:02] Drew: Just keep digging! [00:03:10] Drew: I'm gonna take it from the top. [00:03:10] Kristin: No, no. And we are a couple, right? Yeah. Okay. And this is a dwarf. Oh my god. I'm so rusty.