[00:00:00] Kristin: This podcast is of the highest quality. [00:00:19] Kristin: Hello and welcome back to A Strange Mood, the Couples' Dwarf Fortress podcast. I'm Kristin. [00:00:24] Drew: And I'm Drew. [00:00:26] Kristin: We're not going to do skits anymore. [00:00:28] Drew: They were too hard to come up with. [00:00:30] Kristin: Yeah. [00:00:31] Drew: So instead, you'll get a little bit of an intro into our life as we work our way through the yips. [00:00:36] Kristin: And also me smacking my phone on the table. [00:00:38] Drew: Quite hard, really. Yeah, it was. [00:00:41] Kristin: So, it's been a little over a month, yeah, and we've done a lot of gaming. [interjection] Drew: For a month. [00:00:48] Kristin: And just recently got back into Dwarf Fortress. [00:00:50] Drew: Yeah, I was really into Age of Wonders for a while there. I can talk about that in a minute. And, uh, what game have you been playing? [00:00:57] Kristin: I have been on a big visual novel kick. So it all started with Cosmic Wheels, Witch Sisterhood, something like that. I think it's Cosmic Wheels. Anyway, it's about witches. And then one thing led to another, and I've just been playing a whole bunch more. [00:01:15] Drew: I've always thought you would enjoy visual novels, but it's hard to find the right set to get into it with, I think. [00:01:21] Kristin: Yeah, I think so. I guess I played through Amaranth really quickly, which is one that I had read that I might enjoy after the Cosmic Wheels Sisterhood. [00:01:33] Kristin: Um, there are some kids who are, like, you get recruited against your will to go and fight for the lord, and they decide that no more, we're going to go and confront him. [00:01:44] Drew: Oh yeah, that's one of the more modern Western ones, right? [00:01:47] Kristin: Kind of, and it's kind of political, not, I already said that, it's kind of fantasy-esque. [00:01:52] Kristin: But it's unclear, and there's like a psychic race, and then I played The Royal Alchemist, which is very fantasy and kind of one of those otome games. [00:02:01] Drew: Mm-hmm. [00:02:01] Kristin: Which probably people are not interested in, but I've been having fun with it. [00:02:05] Drew: Yeah, the Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood actually got me to play through about half of it before [interjection] Kristin: About how. [interjection] Drew: I started kind of bouncing off of it. [interjection] Kristin: Yeah. [interjection] Drew: So what was the plot of that one again? [00:02:14] Kristin: You are a banished witch, and you make a pact with a demon to make your own oracle deck, and as part of the game with a minigame, you... [00:02:27] Kristin: Make your own cards! It was really cool, so... [00:02:30] Kristin: Everyone can make different cards, and you get different energy from the cards, and then you use them in readings and get more energy, and there's a nice little gameplay loop to it. [00:02:38] Drew: Yeah, I thought the gameplay loop was really good with it. I mean, it managed to get me interested for a while, and you wouldn't really think that I'd be interested in that particular sort of game. I mean. [00:02:47] Kristin: Yeah. [00:02:47] Drew: Not to be reductionist, but it's pretty heavily female energy. [00:02:53] Kristin: It's full of lesbians, too, which I, you know, that's great. I don't mind, but I did read on Reddit that someone got an ending where she turned everyone into cats, so I'm kind of curious to go back to that one at some point. So anyway, why don't you tell us about Age of Wonders? I think that's a little more up our listeners' alley. [00:03:12] Drew: Yeah, so Age of Wonders, this is Age of Wonders 4, and it is the fourth entry in a Somewhat venerable series at this point. Mostly, it's a grand example of the 4X genre: explore, expand, exploit, exterminate. I'm missing one there. [00:03:33] Kristin: Yeah, I don't know. [00:03:34] Drew: But basically, the idea is you're this wizard lord who is trying to conquer the world or accomplish different mission objectives. [00:03:44] Drew: Hex-based, you go around, you found cities, you learn magic, you defeat your enemies, that sort of thing. [00:03:49] Kristin: It looks really cool. [00:03:50] Kristin: Like, I kinda wanna play it, but I also know that I tend to not really get into those 4X games. [00:03:56] Drew: And the challenge with it is it's a little visually detailed, so you really got to be [interjection] Kristin: So you really. [interjection] Drew: Kind of squinting, like it's giving me back problems, I think, because I've been hunching over my screen. [interjection] Kristin: Over my screen, though. [00:04:08] Kristin: This is what we get for playing on laptops. [00:04:12] Drew: Yeah. [00:04:14] Drew: For those of you who are older, you might remember a game called Masters of Magic, or Master of Magic, I forget if it's plural or not, and this is kind of, Age of Wonders has always been a descendant of that game, and that one I always really enjoyed. [interjection] Kristin: Mm-hmm. [00:04:29] Kristin: One of the things that you told me that I thought was kind of cool in this one is that one of your campaign lords that you made, you can save him and he'll come back as an AI to, you know, battle probably. [00:04:42] Drew: Yeah, they've tried to make a comeback. [00:04:43] Kristin: Coming back as an AI makes it sound like a sci-fi thing, but it will come back with the computer playing. [00:04:48] Drew: Yeah, if you don't play your particular lord you've created, they have a chance of showing up as an AI-generated faction. [00:04:59] Drew: The faction system in it is really complicated and enjoyable, where you can basically make [interjection] Kristin: The end. [interjection] Drew: Anything your little heart desires. So I made a... [00:05:09] Drew: Very magic-heavy focused... [00:05:12] Drew: Lizard people race. [interjection] Kristin: Race. [00:05:14] Drew: Kind of like geckos. [00:05:16] Kristin: Yes, they're very cute. The lizard people make, I mean, we also went on a big Godzilla kick, I guess we could talk about that too, that we went on a kaiju kick because I think Godzilla is adorable. [interjection] Drew: Yeah. [00:05:26] Kristin: With his power-up, but I think reptiles are cute, so. [00:05:29] Drew: Yeah, and so we watched all of the new ones, or newish ones, the ones I think they call the MonsterVerse [interjection] Kristin: And stuff. [interjection] Drew: Yeah, made that cinematic universe of Godzilla and King Kong because we're as good as Marvel, guys. [00:05:43] Kristin: Yeah, totally, and the Monarch show on Apple TV, which is good. Yeah. [00:05:47] Drew: Which is good. Yeah, Monarch is really good. Like if you like sci-fi, I think it's definitely worth watching. [00:05:52] Kristin: You know, we're having this conversation now, and I was just looking at Dwarf Fortress mods before we came up, and I noted that there is like a reptile men... [00:06:00] Kristin: Mod that you can add. [00:06:01] Kristin: I don't remember if they were playable or not, but I think I would like to have a reptile people civilization because I clearly am big into the reptile people. [00:06:10] Drew: Exactly. I am going to enjoy talking about the mods that I've installed when we get there, but... [interjection] Kristin: Yeah. [00:06:16] Drew: Um... [00:06:17] Drew: Yeah, so I think that's kind of what we've been up to. Is there anything else you wanted to cover? [00:06:22] Kristin: I don't think so. I think that we just had a nice holiday and relaxed. [00:06:26] Drew: Yeah, at some point in the near future, depending on the release schedule and all of that, we'll also make a short episode talking about the state of the podcast, how it's grown, thanks to all of your guys' help. [00:06:39] Kristin: And some of the other growth that we've seen in the community over the last year. [00:06:42] Drew: Absolutely, yeah, so keep your eye out for that. We may release that next week. It may be two weeks, three weeks. [interjection] Kristin: Yeah. [00:06:50] Kristin: It probably won't be one of the regular episodes, and it won't be a full episode either. [00:06:57] Kristin: Anyhow, let's talk about Dwarf Fortress. [interjection] Drew: Anyhow... [00:07:00] Drew: Yep, we've made them wait long enough. [00:07:02] Kristin: Yes. [00:07:03] Drew: So we both started new worlds. [00:07:05] Drew: New year, new world. [00:07:07] Kristin: Exactly. [00:07:08] Drew: And yeah, so why don't you tell me about yours? [00:07:10] Kristin: Okay, well, let me scroll down in my notes. Okay, so this was my... [00:07:16] Kristin: First time making a new world. I've been playing in my original world, The Wondrous Planets, this whole year. [00:07:23] Kristin: Um, and so I generated a new one. [00:07:25] Kristin: And then I didn't like that one, so I generated a different one. Well, I made the world and then I went to settle, and I realized that it was just all really hot and tropical, and it wasn't very interesting to me in terms of flora and fauna and everything. So I was like, meh. [00:07:42] Kristin: I'll do a mulligan and make a new world. [00:07:44] Kristin: And the one that I ended up sticking with is that second one. It's called The Ageless Realm. [00:07:49] Drew: Ooh! [00:07:50] Kristin: Yeah. [00:07:51] Kristin: The landscape of it is kind of interesting in that it's almost like... [00:07:57] Kristin: A world-sized bog in that there aren't really distinct individual land masses. [00:08:03] Kristin: So, um, I would talk about in my last world, the island continent. [00:08:07] Kristin: We don't really have that. It's all just this sort of sprawling... [00:08:11] Kristin: Mesh of land and water. [00:08:13] Drew: Fair enough. [00:08:16] Kristin: You'll, I'm sure, talk about later how the rendering, the 3D rendering of your world that you've made. I think I'll have you do it for mine. [00:08:23] Drew: Yeah, yeah, this isn't the 3D rendering; it's the... Art. [interjection] Kristin: All right. [interjection] Drew: Yeah, the AI art thing. [00:08:29] Kristin: Art rendering, my bad. Anyway, you made a very cool-looking map of your world, and I'll share mine over so you can do that too. [00:08:37] Drew: Yeah, I was really actually pleased with how that turned out. [00:08:40] Drew: Yeah. [00:08:41] Drew: Just mentioning the 3D rendering, I also have a video up on our YouTube channel of the different... [interjection] Kristin: Oh my- [interjection] Drew: 3D renders you can use in Dwarf Fortress. Again, we'll probably mention that more in the State of the Podcast episode, just some projects I did over December to give some more content to the YouTube channel. [interjection] Kristin: Mhm. [00:08:58] Kristin: So, in The Ageless Realm, we have a number of dwarven civilizations. Mine, for my fort, is... [00:09:06] Kristin: The Portentous Gilded Vessel. [00:09:09] Kristin: But I went over to my legends mode to see what was up and look up something I'll talk about later, and I saw the other dwarf civilizations include the Moist Merchants, which is sort of unpleasant, the Moist Merchants, and the Steamy Syrup, which... I'm not great with my S's, so I think I'd better not get that civilization ever. [interjection] Drew: asses. [00:09:31] Drew: The steamy syrup, steamy syrup, steam, nope, can't do it. [00:09:36] Kristin: Oh, look at that, an elven civilization called the Meadow of Toes. [00:09:40] Drew: That's gross. [00:09:40] Kristin: Yeah, that one's pretty unpleasant. [00:09:42] Kristin: Anyway, so we are Roughness Stoned, that's our new fort. Nice. The site government is the Trades of Shocking. [00:09:51] Drew: Whoa. [00:09:52] Kristin: All right. [00:09:53] Kristin: I don't know what we do that's particularly shocking. [00:09:55] Drew: Have you created any particularly shocking images? [interjection] Kristin: Thank you. [00:09:58] Kristin: No. [00:09:59] Drew: Not that I know of. [00:10:02] Kristin: Uhh [00:10:03] Kristin: Yeah. [00:10:05] Kristin: So we're on kind of the easternmost side of our world continent mass. I guess if you think about it as a planet, there is no east, but um, it's pretty temperate. I wanted trees and we're not too far from other dwarves because I wanted to be able to have bards. [00:10:21] Kristin: And migrants and stuff like that. [00:10:24] Kristin: There were not many areas with no aquifer at all. So I went with a light aquifer and we got through it pretty easily. [00:10:33] Kristin: It's really sandy where we are, so on your suggestion, I built walls, stone walls around the staircase, and we were fine. [00:10:42] Kristin: Nice. Yeah. [00:10:43] Kristin: And then the other big note about it is that I finally did a custom embark. [00:10:47] Drew: Oh really? I still haven't really done that for this version. [00:10:50] Kristin: I don't really feel the benefit of it, of having assigned the points to the dwarves. Because I tried to get one to be a doctor and he came out like an adequate diagnostician. [00:11:02] Kristin: And that's... [00:11:03] Kristin: Not much. That's not much. So I probably didn't spend other points well, but the nice thing was that I was able to get breeding pairs, so I have some... [00:11:12] Kristin: Fowl, I have a rooster and some hens, I have yaks, and cats and dogs of course, um so... [00:11:18] Kristin: That at least [00:11:19] Kristin: With the animals and such will do pretty well, I think. [00:11:22] Drew: Nice. [00:11:23] Kristin: And I'm not really sure what our industry is going to be at this one. Like I said, there's a lot of sand. [00:11:29] Kristin: I'm not rushing to get to... [00:11:32] Kristin: Magma, although I did turn off cavern dwellers again. [00:11:35] Drew: Mm-hmm. [00:11:36] Kristin: Because you've got to make it fun for yourself. [interjection] Drew: Yeah. [00:11:39] Kristin: And I think I'd be more okay with them if I set it so that they didn't just keep increasing wave after wave. [00:11:46] Drew: Yeah, I set mine so that the increase is relatively small. I also capped my number of dwarves. Did you do that? [00:11:51] Kristin: I did also cap my number of dwarves, yeah. [00:11:54] Drew: Yeah, because I want to try to get to know them a little bit better, although that's sort of failed for reasons I'll talk about. [00:11:59] Kristin: Okay, yeah, we're only at like 25 I think right now, but I keep getting... [00:12:05] Kristin: Petitions from bards to live there, but I will tell you about one of my bards in a little bit. I'm looking to see if I have anything else kind of general. Oh, that's the other thing, we have a lot of gemstones. [00:12:15] Drew: Okay. [00:12:15] Kristin: So, maybe we'll just make a lot of bejeweled... [00:12:18] Kristin: Stuff. And that will be our specialty. [00:12:21] Drew: Yeah, you can get the hang of encrusting, which I've never really done all that much. [00:12:23] Kristin: I've never really done it. I have never tried encrusting. It's a gross word. [00:12:29] Kristin: You... [00:12:29] Kristin: So anyway, let's hear about your new world and your new fort. [00:12:33] Drew: Well, my new world is called the Realms of Portence. [00:12:37] Kristin: Mm-hmm. [00:12:38] Drew: And the fort is called Fort Diblonted. [00:12:42] Drew: Now, before I talk about the fort, I want to talk about the mods that I installed. [00:12:45] Kristin: Ooh, yes, because it's been so much fun to hear about them. [00:12:48] Drew: Yes, I've actually really enjoyed digging into the mods that are available on the Steam Workshop. [00:12:55] Kristin: Steam Workshop, yeah. [00:12:56] Drew: And also, if you're interested in the mods, the modding system within Dwarf Fortress Premium... [00:13:02] Kristin: Mm-hmm. [00:13:02] Drew: ...is extremely easy to use, actually. [00:13:05] Kristin: Okay, good. [00:13:07] Drew: You don't have to have the skills. If you're using Steam, you just install the mods and then you create a new world and tell it which mods to activate for that world. [00:13:15] Kristin: Okay. [00:13:16] Drew: And it's got a whole interface where you can just, you know, kind of tab over which ones you want to use, and then it'll prompt you if you need to, like, reorder the order they're applied in or whatever. Like, I think it could also probably just take care of that automatically, but they probably just didn't want to overcomplicate it. [00:13:34] Drew: It worked out really well. [00:13:35] Drew: So the mods that I've got, I'm just going to go through them real quick and then dig back in, are Stoneworking Expanded, [00:13:42] Drew: That one, because you can make stone beds. [00:13:46] Kristin: Oh, that's nice. [00:13:47] Drew: Which I regard as just something that should be in there. [00:13:51] Drew: Then, accurate cat graphics. [00:13:53] Kristin: Nice. [00:13:54] Drew: It does what it says on the tin. [00:13:56] Kristin: Mhm. [00:13:56] Drew: War possums. [00:14:00] Drew: I haven't found any yet, but I'm looking forward to it. [00:14:03] Drew: Bulk sewing. [00:14:05] Kristin: Okay. [00:14:06] Drew: Again, it does what it says on the tin. Well, I guess maybe a little bit of detail is that it adds options for making bulk suits of armor, bulk sets of clothing. [00:14:16] Kristin: Hmm. [00:14:16] Drew: So you don't have to go through and, like, designate how many caps you want and all that sort of stuff. [00:14:21] Kristin: Yeah, it would be nice to just be able to make them in sets. I could see that being really useful. [00:14:25] Drew: Yeah, so it makes sort of random sets of each sort. [00:14:31] Drew: So that's been very helpful, much less micromanaging of that whole thing. [00:14:36] Kristin: Mm-hm. [00:14:37] Drew: Smelters burn waste, [00:14:40] Drew: which has been very effective for keeping my fort cleaner. [00:14:44] Drew: I've definitely seen more dwarves going around and cleaning things, shoving it into the smelter, and you know, like... [00:14:51] Drew: ...dead bodies and all of these other, yeah. [00:14:52] Kristin: All of these are good. Gross. Ugh. [00:14:55] Drew: And a small percentage of the time, you also get coke from vermin and body parts that can be used for smelting metal, I should say. [00:15:04] Drew: Low-population tweaks, which... is a mod that helps just everything kind of work a little better with a lower population. [00:15:12] Kristin: Oh. [00:15:13] Drew: I think it plays with some of the probabilities of different actions and that sort of thing. [00:15:15] Kristin: Interesting, yeah. [00:15:17] Drew: And then [00:15:19] Drew: the getting to the slightly more interesting ones, I've got McNugget's Mythical Beasts, which has been a lot of fun to have installed because that has added things like centaurs as a race [00:15:31] Kristin: Cool. [interjection] Drew: Going around. [interjection] Kristin: [00:15:33] Drew: I have two centaur poets hanging out in my tavern. [interjection] Kristin: Hanging out? [00:15:43] Kristin: Mm-hmm. [00:15:43] Drew: Braces. [00:15:44] Drew: But interestingly, it also adds mandrakes, which are both creatures and plants. [00:15:50] Kristin: Yes, we just saw those in Delicious in Dungeon. [00:15:53] Drew: Exactly. [00:15:54] Drew: Yeah, we should have mentioned that one as well. Anyway. [00:15:57] Drew: Um... [00:15:59] Drew: So the mandrakes. [00:16:00] Kristin: Yeah. [00:16:01] Drew: The [00:16:07] Kristin: Mm-hmm. [00:16:08] Drew: And when they're harvested, they're turned into mandrake extract or mandrake. [00:16:13] Drew: I can't remember the name of it offhand now. [00:16:16] Drew: But it's a pretty strong intoxicant that when people drink they become euphoric. [00:16:22] Drew: Intoxicated [00:16:23] Drew: Feverish [00:16:25] Drew: Weak [00:16:26] Kristin: This is getting worse and worse. [00:16:27] Drew: Extending to vomit, yeah [00:16:28] Drew: You [00:16:29] Drew: Um, and it seems to be a little addictive, or else everyone in my fort is just freaking like mandrake addicts by nature because they've just been [00:16:39] Drew: drinking the heck out of that, somebody is always kind of going a little crazy, but they're also a lot happier having it around. So. [00:16:51] Drew: So we grow them. [00:16:52] Kristin: Uh-huh. [00:16:53] Drew: And if they're not harvested fast enough, some of them escape out. [00:16:57] Kristin: Yeah. [00:17:00] Kristin: Cause problems? [00:17:04] Kristin: I mean, you can hardly blame them. [00:17:05] Drew: Exactly, but those that get harvested then get turned into extract that we then drink, so [00:17:11] Drew: It's a great process [00:17:13] Kristin: That's not to think too hard about that one, I think. [00:17:16] Drew: And then two more mods. [00:17:18] Drew: One is the Aves Civilization, which are birds. If you've watched Krug Smash, he has... [00:17:27] Kristin: It's a bird video, birds of videos. [00:17:29] Drew: Yeah, and they're, they're a lot of fun, actually. [00:17:31] Kristin: They're very cute. [00:17:32] Drew: And then also for my own nature, I got the Decapods civilization, which I am endlessly, [interjection] Kristin: Yes. [interjection] Drew: endlessly amused by. [00:17:41] Kristin: That has definitely brought us the most amusement value of all of these. [00:17:46] Drew: So I don't know how they did it in the mod. I should really look into it at some point, but man they did a great job there because first off you can have like [interjection] Kristin: Hand. [00:17:53] Drew: Shrimp Bowman and Crab Merchants, yeah, and all these different things and the different creatures have different [interjection] Kristin: Yeah. [00:18:05] Drew: Have like they have individual shoes for each of their 10 feet. [00:18:09] Kristin: Oh my gosh, there's so many shoes. [00:18:11] Drew: I think maybe they only have... [00:18:13] Drew: Bye. Eight pairs of shoes, or five pairs of shoes, and then the other five sets of limbs are [00:18:21] Kristin: Gloves. Yeah, exactly. [00:18:22] Drew: But yeah, they have an absurd number of shoes and socks. [00:18:27] Kristin: That's so funny. [00:18:28] Drew: As soon as I discovered that, I just sat there and that was when I started laughing hysterically. [interjection] Kristin: Yes. [interjection] Drew: It's so cute. [00:18:35] Drew: They're just trotting along with all of their little shoes. [00:18:37] Kristin: I like to imagine them picking out their shoes in the morning. [00:18:40] Drew: Yeah, like do you have four pairs of the same thing, or? [00:18:45] Kristin: I think it'd be fun to have different ones, like I'm gonna wear this pair, and this pair, and this pair, you're looking at like, well I mean [00:18:51] Kristin: I'm thinking of it as a woman who enjoys shoes, so. [00:18:54] Drew: Yeah, I don't know. I don't know if wearing different sets of shoes on different feet would be like wearing... [00:19:02] Drew: Two different non-matching socks or shoes for humans or if we're looking... [00:19:05] Kristin: I have no idea, yeah. [00:19:07] Drew: There are so many questions of society that I need to have answered. [interjection] Kristin: It's so good to have you. [00:19:12] Kristin: So can they grasp and use tools and stuff because you said bowmen, right? [00:19:15] Drew: Yeah. [00:19:16] Kristin: I was just looking at a cat civilization one, so you can play as the cats, but they can't, like, grasp picks and stuff like that, so you're kind of limited in what they can do. [00:19:25] Drew: Huh, really? [00:19:26] Drew: Okay, well, I'll have to look into that one. [00:19:29] Kristin: They're not, are they playable? [00:19:31] Drew: The decapods are playable, I don't know about the cats. [00:19:34] Kristin: Well, oh no, I was asking about your decapods, dodecapods? I don't know. [00:19:38] Drew: Just Decapods. [00:19:39] Kristin: Decapods. Your shrimpy people. [00:19:41] Drew: Yeah, dodecapods would be twelve. [00:19:44] Drew: Decapods, but I think if you actually look at a crab because they have [00:19:48] Drew: They frequently have those tiny extra feelers. [00:19:51] Kristin: Uh-huh. [00:19:52] Drew: That count as limbs even though they're incredibly small. [00:19:55] Kristin: I hope this isn't going to be another generic bird moment, generic water bird. [00:19:59] Drew: Generic water bird. But the other fun part about them is that then they all have their own ways of talking. So the aves and the decapods, they talk in a different way with their phrases. The decapods go through molting. [00:20:17] Kristin: Yeah, because we had to look up your molting and the bolting. [00:20:22] Drew: Yeah, I believe that it might be working kind of like a, uh, kind of like a, um, were-creature. [00:20:29] Kristin: Mhm. [00:20:30] Drew: And then when they unmolt, so the molt finishes, they become heavier and stronger. [interjection] Kristin: Yeah. [00:20:35] Kristin: Oh, that's fun. [00:20:37] Drew: But anyway, that's, yeah, I'm still investigating all of that. [00:20:41] Drew: But back to the world. [00:20:42] Drew: So we've got the Decapod civilization, the Aves civilizations, all of that sort of thing. [00:20:48] Drew: So, my new fort, Die Blunted. [00:20:51] Drew: Is Dwarven. [00:20:52] Kristin: Mm-hmm. [00:20:52] Drew: And has a Decapodian civilization to the west. [00:20:56] Drew: And Aves hamlet to the south. [00:20:58] Drew: And an Aves necromantic tower to the north. [00:21:02] Kristin: Ah, an Aves Necromantic Tower is fun. [00:21:04] Drew: Yeah. [00:21:05] Drew: Um... [00:21:06] Drew: Bird necromancers. [00:21:08] Kristin: Mhm. [00:21:09] Drew: Our civilization is called the Knut Tours of Prophecy. [00:21:13] Drew: I don't know what that means. [00:21:15] Kristin: That's funny though. [00:21:16] Drew: Knut Tours. [00:21:16] Kristin: You said nuts. [00:21:20] Kristin: That's it, that's all I had to say. [00:21:22] Drew: And the characteristic that everyone from that civilization seems to have is amethyst eyes. [00:21:29] Kristin: Oh wow, that's cool. [00:21:30] Drew: Lavender, I suppose. [interjection] Kristin: Yeah. [00:21:32] Drew: Um, the... [00:21:34] Drew: The name of our site government is the Guild of Elbows. [00:21:39] Kristin: How did you discover that about the amethyst eyes? [00:21:42] Drew: I looked through the seven starting dwarves and found that amethyst eyes seemed to pop up a lot, and then I went back and double-checked, and the ones who are actually from the civilization, all of them have them. [00:21:54] Kristin: That's cool. [00:21:56] Drew: So I don't know if absolutely everyone in the civilization has them, but it's a common trait. [00:22:01] Drew: So for the Knut Tours of Prophecy, that civilization, our symbol for it is the Parody of Rock. [interjection] Kristin: That's. [00:22:09] Drew: Parody is an oddity. [00:22:10] Kristin: Yeah. [00:22:11] Drew: Which is an exceptionally designed image of cushion cabochons. [00:22:16] Kristin: Huh. [00:22:18] Kristin: I mean, rock? [00:22:18] Drew: It's a little boring, but... [00:22:19] Kristin: Yes, but fitting. [00:22:21] Drew: And then our site government, the Guild of Elbows. [00:22:24] Kristin: Peace. [00:22:25] Drew: Is a masterfully designed image of two traction benches called the Misty Crafts. [00:22:31] Kristin: So maybe you need to focus on medical. [00:22:35] Drew: Entirely possible, yeah. [00:22:37] Drew: Our leader there is Lore Metal Carnage. [00:22:40] Drew: He worships Lon Rimtar as his deity, the Healing of Castles. [00:22:46] Drew: Which has as its sphere fortresses and is one of the most popular dwarven religious groups, having five different religious groups, having somewhere on the range of 45 members. [00:22:58] Drew: Um... [00:22:59] Drew: He's close friends with all the other original dwarves, except for one. [00:23:05] Drew: The Tusk Forest Ruff, who I'll talk about. [00:23:08] Kristin: Hmm? [00:23:08] Drew: He keeps his very long hair in braids, is very rarely moved by curiosity, [00:23:14] Drew: But dreams of creating a great work of art. [00:23:17] Drew: And absolutely detests large roaches. [00:23:20] Drew: And in that, he may be like all of us. [00:23:22] Kristin: Mm-hmm. Yeah. [00:23:24] Drew: The Tusk Forest Ruff [00:23:25] Drew: Doesn't trust people, [00:23:28] Drew: Which is possibly why she's not great friends with Lore. [00:23:31] Drew: And is our carpenter. [00:23:34] Drew: We've got [00:23:35] Drew: Ushrir Clobberinks as our Chief Miner with poor analytical abilities, little willpower, iffy memory, and bad intuition. [00:23:45] Drew: They are very impolite and inconsiderate of propriety, and often start talking to themselves. [00:23:50] Kristin: Ew. [00:23:51] Drew: She detests fire snakes. [00:23:53] Kristin: I don't know, fire snakes sound pretty cool to me. [00:23:57] Drew: And she is a member of the Sect of Silk, [00:24:01] Drew: An avian religion. [00:24:03] Drew: Um... [00:24:04] Drew: Even... [00:24:06] Drew: Adorescribes the Lilac of Petals. [00:24:09] Drew: Who, uh... [00:24:10] Drew: Has as her zone. Who has a source for your art? [00:24:16] Drew: The interesting thing about that group is that their high priest is called the Sacred Sparkle. [00:24:22] Kristin: Oh, I love it. [00:24:23] Drew: Currently, at my location, the Sect of Silk has, as its representatives, two decapods, an ave, and then, um... [00:24:31] Drew: or shreer [00:24:32] Drew: So she's the only dwarf. She's also the only non-amethyst-eyed of the original seven, so I think that she's not from that same civilization. [00:24:42] Kristin: Well, now I'm just thinking about Sanderson's Stormlight Archives. This is Brandon Sanderson, the fantasy writer, he has a series called Stormlight Archives and their class system is based around eye color, so the upper caste is light-eyed and the lower caste is dark-eyed. [00:25:00] Drew: That is a good series. [00:25:01] Kristin: It is good. I'm wondering if there's some kind of prejudice against the non-Amethyst Eyes. [interjection] Drew: Amethyst High. [00:25:08] Drew: So what else is going on with your fort? [00:25:10] Kristin: Well, one of the things that I didn't think about that would be the fun part of making a new world is that you get to see all kinds of new fauna and peoples. [00:25:19] Kristin: So one of the first ones that we had show up is Talk That Cleared Teal, the hamster woman poet. [00:25:27] Kristin: Aww. She applied to live there and I said yes because she's very cute. [00:25:31] Kristin: She has a natural ability with music. [00:25:34] Kristin: Which is, you know, good for a poet. [00:25:36] Kristin: And an ability to read emotions fairly well, but she has very bad intuition. [00:25:40] Kristin: She is a nervous wreck, which sounds like a hamster. [00:25:44] Kristin: She does not generally respond to emotional appeals. She often acts with compassion, however. [00:25:50] Kristin: She likes to take it easy. Kind of, kind of hamster-like again. [00:25:53] Kristin: She could be considered rude. [00:25:55] Kristin: She tends not to reveal personal information, she doesn't seek out excitement, and she is conflicted by this since she feels, intellectually, that life should be more tumultuous. [00:26:04] Kristin: She has a sense of duty, though she still views loyalty in a dim light, at least in the abstract. She doesn't handle stress well. She is very humble. [00:26:13] Kristin: She tends to make a small mess with her own possessions. She is stubborn. She enjoys the company of others. [00:26:18] Kristin: She does not mind being outdoors, at least for a time, but she does not enjoy being caught out in the rain, which I caught her in the rain when I took that picture. [00:26:27] Kristin: So one of the things that's fun about her is that she worships Arad, the Lao deity. [interjection] Kristin: Yes. [00:26:32] Drew: [interjection] Drew: A Lao. Interesting. [00:26:35] Kristin: Yeah. [00:26:36] Kristin: Oh, yes. [00:26:37] Kristin: And then another time I was just following her around because I think she's cute, she [00:26:43] Kristin: You [00:26:43] Kristin: Saw a dwarf recite, and we sang visions at the Brunch of Bells, which is our tavern. [00:26:50] Kristin: It isn't boring. [00:26:53] Kristin: But anyway, now that she's living there, I might make her the poet of the tavern or whatever. [00:26:59] Kristin: Just give her some official status since she's our only hamster woman. [00:27:04] Kristin: And then, we've had a couple of artifacts made, but they're boring. [00:27:08] Kristin: I mean, I can tell you about them, but... [00:27:11] Drew: Yeah, that's why I haven't talked about, I didn't really talk about my one. [00:27:13] Kristin: I mean, they're just made of rock. [00:27:15] Drew: Yeah, one was extremely valuable, made by a child, but it was also just a rock bracelet that for some reason was worth [interjection] Kristin: It was also just. [interjection] Drew: 4,000 dwarf bucks [00:27:23] Kristin: Yeah. [00:27:24] Kristin: So one of them is a dolomite figure of dwarves. [00:27:27] Kristin: The dwarves are laboring. [00:27:30] Kristin: The artwork relates to the foundation of bronze. [00:27:32] Kristin: Opened by the decisive establishment of the Portentous Gilded Vessel in '96. [00:27:38] Kristin: And it is rock with more rock. [00:27:41] Kristin: So that one's not super interesting. It has an image of Rimtar Fogates, the dwarf, who I'm going to have to look up because perhaps he's [00:27:50] Kristin: one of our historical figures in the... [00:27:54] Kristin: Gilded Vessel of Portents or whatever we're called. [interjection] Drew: Nailed it. [00:27:57] Kristin: And then I maybe can't find my other one, so... [00:28:01] Drew: At my... [00:28:06] Kristin: Oh, okay. And then the other one is a kaolinite toy hammer. [00:28:12] Kristin: And it's just rock with more rock. So it's like, [00:28:16] Kristin: Pretty boring. They're both worth 2,000 Dwarf Bucks. [00:28:20] Drew: Fair enough. [00:28:20] Kristin: Yeah, so we're still in the early days in this one, so we [00:28:26] Kristin: have, um, so we have a lot of jewels, but we're not doing anything with them yet. We haven't got our cloth industry going. [00:28:35] Kristin: In fact, when the merchants came around to trade with us, I had basically nothing, but I didn't want to not trade with them because that makes them mad or whatever. [00:28:42] Drew: You... [00:28:42] Kristin: So I just bought like cheap fabric and leather, thinking like, well, you know, we'll need clothes eventually. [00:28:48] Drew: It never hurts to have a good leather supply around, and it's easier than any other way of making it, really. [00:28:53] Kristin: Yeah. [00:28:54] Kristin: And then we got to the first cavern layer, and there we found Draltha! [00:29:00] Drew: Draltha? [00:29:00] Kristin: Draltha, which have a sort of [00:29:02] Kristin: equine-looking sprite. [00:29:06] Kristin: But I had to look them up because I'd never seen one, and it kind of looks like the Rainbow Brite horse. So I thought it was pretty cute. So this is just quoting from the wiki. They are massive creatures who dwell on the first and second underground layers. They don't actively seek fights but are huge creatures, about half the weight of an elephant, [00:29:24] Kristin: and able to kill a dwarf with ease, often ripping them in half in the process. [00:29:29] Kristin: So you're advised to herd them into traps. [00:29:34] Kristin: Once captured, they can be trained with an animal trainer, which I have started doing, and have a high pet value of 500. [00:29:40] Kristin: Dwarven products are worth three times as much as those from domestic animals, and they are common enough to make capturing a herd [00:29:46] Kristin: for breeding easy. Their large size means they produce a good amount of meat and bones when butchered, but they are grazing creatures, so I'm going to run into the [00:29:55] Drew: Cavernous, yeah. [00:29:55] Kristin: Yeah. [00:29:56] Kristin: Some dwarves like dralthas for their lustrous manes. [00:30:00] Drew: Who doesn't? [00:30:00] Kristin: Yeah, so I have captured a male and a female. [00:30:03] Kristin: Um, and then there are some babies running around, and I feel really bad that I have the parents in cages and the babies are still running around loose, but, um, my dwarves are taking their sweet time to move the cages to where I have designated the animal training area, [00:30:17] Kristin: and what will be their pasture. [00:30:20] Drew: Fair enough. [00:30:21] Kristin: Here are the corrected typos and improvements for readability: [00:30:24] Drew: But the foals do look very cute on the spreads. [00:30:27] Kristin: They're so cute. I really should look through my dwarves and see if any of them happen to [00:30:32] Drew: like foals. [00:30:32] Kristin: Yeah, and then assign them there. And then we have some bugbats flying around. [00:30:36] Kristin: And if you recall, I have had success with bugbat training in the past and the one dwarf who really loved bugbats. [00:30:44] Kristin: So. [00:30:45] Kristin: Maybe we'll do that too. Don't know. See what we can capture. [00:30:48] Drew: I still like the image I made of the dwarf sitting in a yoga pose with bugbats. [00:30:53] Kristin: Yes, swarming around him. [00:30:55] Drew: Yep. [00:30:55] Kristin: That first cavern layer is interesting because I have not seen any kind of underground lake, but there's a lot of wet stone walls at this first cavern layer, and I've dug into them and nothing [00:31:08] Kristin: bad has happened besides some puddles. [00:31:10] Kristin: So, I don't know. We'll see. [00:31:12] Drew: Fair enough. [00:31:13] Kristin: Yeah. [00:31:14] Kristin: Lots of gems, um, one of the obsidian jeweled... [00:31:19] Kristin: plinths. Nothing came out, fortunately, because I just dug right into it. [00:31:24] Kristin: And then we have a squad started, but they're not very far along. [00:31:29] Kristin: Nice. [00:31:29] Kristin: Although I think that I accidentally turned off all of the uniforms [00:31:34] Kristin: when I made this squad. [00:31:35] Drew: Oopsie. [00:31:36] Kristin: So they're gonna be wrestlers, I guess, and I don't know how to bring that back to make another squad [00:31:44] Drew: I, uh... [00:31:45] Drew: I've been trying to use some of the, uh, Dwarf Fortress, uh... [00:31:50] Drew: I've been trying to use some of the DFHack functionality more this time. [interjection] Kristin: Um [00:31:53] Kristin: Yeah. [00:31:56] Drew: When I started up my industry for my work orders, I actually used [interjection] Kristin: Actually. [00:32:01] Drew: DFHack has the ability to [00:32:04] Drew: load some default work orders. They've got a whole library of different work orders that you can [interjection] Kristin: Oh, nice. [interjection] Drew: use to load that up, and that really saved me a lot of time getting started with my fort. [00:32:16] Kristin: I could see that because, I mean, inevitably you have like barrels and drinks and everything like that, and just being able to start that immediately. [00:32:23] Drew: And the, uh... [00:32:25] Drew: DFHack has a bunch of stuff for dealing with squads and that sort of stuff. [00:32:29] Kristin: Yeah, my squad was made of people who had a need for training or something like that. [00:32:34] Drew: Yeah, because the DFHack people just added that filter, I think, relatively recently. [00:32:40] Kristin: I think we had talked about it before, and Mike [interjection] Drew: Yeah. [00:32:44] Kristin: on Discord is one of the DFHackers, and he's been posting us updates and stuff, and hopefully, we can get set up on the testing branch for that. [00:32:54] Drew: Yeah, the, uh, but yeah, that filter for the squads thing just makes life so much easier. [00:32:59] Kristin: Oh my gosh, that's a really nice quality of life feature. [00:33:01] Drew: And I've been trying to use their filters for the trading system as well. And that is really nice. [00:33:08] Kristin: I haven't. What does that do? [00:33:10] Drew: It gives you different ways of sorting and selecting the items so you can sort them, regardless of type, but by price. [interjection] Kristin: You can't. [00:33:18] Kristin: Oh, cool. [00:33:19] Drew: So, what I frequently do when merchants come is I buy them out of everything below a hundred dwarf bucks. [00:33:26] Kristin: Mm-hmm. [00:33:26] Drew: Just buy all of that stuff and then, you know, sell them like six things that are worth a thousand. [00:33:32] Kristin: I see, yeah, nice. [00:33:33] Drew: Um... [00:33:34] Drew: And that's worked out pretty well for me. I've been getting lots of traders with it. [00:33:38] Kristin: Yeah. [00:33:39] Drew: I actually, one time, had three different trading caravans all show up at once: Dwarven, Human, and Elven. [00:33:46] Kristin: That's crazy. [00:33:47] Drew: I told the Elves to go suck it, kind of. And then the Dwarven merchant, I just want to describe him. [00:33:55] Drew: A medium-sized intelligent hermit crab cherished for its smithing prowess and decorated shell. He's quite quick to heal, susceptible to disease. He's incredibly skinny, his eyes are black, his carapace is goldenrod, his shell is beige, and his pleon, maybe pleon, is pale pink. [00:34:14] Kristin: I don't know what a pleon is. [00:34:16] Drew: It's sort of like their chest-stomach area. [00:34:18] Kristin: Okay. I like to think about him having a decorated shell, though. [00:34:22] Drew: Yeah. [00:34:23] Drew: Wait, no, so the chest is the thorax. [00:34:25] Drew: It's their sort of below the waist before the leg area. [00:34:31] Drew: So, kind of your unmentionables. Yeah, I was gonna say I think... [00:34:33] Kristin: Yeah, I was gonna say, I think he just... Alright. [00:34:36] Drew: But they have a larger, it's a larger segmentation. [00:34:40] Drew: You know, when you're trying to map things onto arthropods, it just doesn't work. [00:34:44] Kristin: Alright, they're too dissimilar. [00:34:47] Drew: So I've enjoyed him. The other interesting visit from Dwarves... [00:34:53] Kristin: Mhm. [00:34:53] Drew: ...has been the fact that I was invaded by a group of necromancers. [00:34:59] Kristin: Ooh. [00:35:00] Drew: Who were two dwarves and a dwarven necromancer. [00:35:07] Drew: And they were all authors. They all had on their person... [00:35:13] Drew: ...a story that they had written about their own lives. [00:35:17] Kristin: Oh, that's funny. [00:35:18] Drew: No, I did wind up killing them all. [00:35:19] Kristin: Well, yeah, sure, but now they can live on. [00:35:21] Drew: Exactly. We kept their stories, but I'm just like, it's sort of a D&D-style traveling group of... [interjection] Kristin: It's like... [00:35:30] Drew: Bards? Necromancer? [00:35:32] Drew: Um, except they were... [00:35:34] Drew: ...a clothier, a farmer, and a hunter. [00:35:37] Kristin: ...and necromancers. [00:35:38] Drew: Yes, yeah, the one was a hermit crab, one was a dwarf, and then one was a shrimp. [00:35:47] Kristin: They're shrimpy. [00:35:48] Drew: It's really... [00:35:48] Kristin: Thank you. [00:35:49] Drew: "The Maw of Dust" is a short story authored by Scooty Skke-tiki. Scooty. [00:35:55] Drew: The, um, decapods all have very articulated, uh, names. [00:35:59] Kristin: Okay. [00:36:00] Drew: I guess, you know. [00:36:01] Kristin: Ah, I see. [00:36:03] Drew: The work has no particular subject. [interjection] Kristin: The work. [interjection] Drew: The writing is somewhat showy. Overall, the prose is not awful, but not very good either. [00:36:10] Drew: It concerns a new obsession of the dwarf necromancer with extending his own life due to envy of those that live on in the early spring of '49. And the hermit crabs, overall, the prose is amateurish at best. The writing is self-indulgent. It concerns the settling of the hermit necromancer, uh, Ichi Brain Cloister, in Grape Spring in the spring of '69. [00:36:37] Kristin: Mmm. [00:36:38] Drew: So. [00:36:38] Kristin: Yeah. [00:36:39] Drew: Um. [00:36:40] Drew: What other interesting events have occurred as I've gotten my fort up and running? [00:36:45] Drew: We haven't broken into a cavern layer yet. [00:36:48] Kristin: Not at all, wow. [00:36:49] Drew: Yeah, we've kind of stayed higher up because, again, I'm trying to keep the numbers a little low. [00:36:52] Kristin: Below. [00:36:53] Drew: Bye. [00:36:54] Drew: This civilization seems so much more social than my previous one. [00:36:58] Drew: Because I swear. [00:37:01] Drew: Same size tavern, right? Because you were always getting on me about my taverns being too small. [00:37:05] Kristin: Yeah. [00:37:08] Drew: So many more visitors. [00:37:10] Drew: And so many more of them then want to join. [00:37:13] Kristin: Oh, wow. [00:37:14] Drew: So I have, like. [00:37:15] Drew: 20 regular citizens, 20 dwarven citizens, and then something at this stage like [interjection] Kristin: 22 [00:37:21] Drew: 50 bards of avian and decacaudian stuff. Wow, that's so many! [00:37:26] Drew: So I'm going to start, I'm going to look and see what, how to auto-reject moving forward because I want to, I want to fill in some more dwarves that I can actually control. [00:37:35] Drew: A bunch of them have also become citizens of the fort, but you know, I prefer dwarves. [00:37:39] Kristin: Yeah, I mean, of course. Actually, that reminds me. I was also having a lot of visiting bards, [interjection] Drew: Yep. [interjection] Kristin: so I made some kind of low-quality bedrooms and assigned them with the tavern to be in rooms. [00:37:53] Kristin: No one appears to be staying in them yet. [00:37:56] Drew: I can't remember how to do that, and I need to figure it out as well. [00:37:59] Kristin: Let's look it up, and then we can report back. [00:38:02] Kristin: Because it's like. [00:38:03] Kristin: Their bedrooms, and sometimes people will go and hang out in them, and some of the dogs seem to enjoy spending time there, which, okay. [00:38:10] Kristin: Fair enough. Yeah, I guess I made the dog meeting rooms. Exactly. [00:38:15] Kristin: Um... [00:38:16] Kristin: So look, go ahead. [00:38:17] Drew: Oh, how goes your temples? [00:38:18] Kristin: I only just started a temple, and I went to go look at it this afternoon. [00:38:24] Kristin: And they seem to not like it very much because they're not in there. [00:38:26] Kristin: Very often. [00:38:28] Drew: Do you have an offering place? [00:38:29] Kristin: I have two. [00:38:30] Drew: Is it dedicated to no particular deity? [00:38:32] Kristin: Yes, it is, indeed. [00:38:36] Kristin: So yeah, when I looked at the hamster woman, she needed to pray to her Laos deity, so I don't know if they're just too busy or what. [00:38:46] Kristin: I don't know. [00:38:48] Drew: I have discovered that when the text of what a dwarf is doing is purple, that means that [interjection] Kristin: Mm-hmm. [interjection] Drew: they are, that's like. [00:38:56] Drew: An urgent priority that they're not going to stop doing for anything else. [00:39:01] Kristin: Okay. [00:39:01] Drew: And so I've got. [00:39:04] Drew: Two dwarves. [00:39:06] Drew: Who are currently worshiping like that, so hopefully they'll get their backlog of prayer [interjection] Kristin: So, hopefully. [interjection] Drew: Taken care of. Okay, so I have the sheet for my hamster woman here and... [00:39:16] Kristin: Um [00:39:17] Drew: So she's got green socialize, which means that she will be interrupted by things. Okay [00:39:23] Kristin: Okay, but the dwelling on being grouchy about being caught in the rain is purple. [00:39:28] Drew: Right. But it's like a pinky purple. Well, that's a different purple. [00:39:32] Kristin: Ah, okay. So it's only the one at the top saying what she's currently doing. [interjection] Drew: So it's a- [00:39:36] Drew: Exactly. [00:39:37] Kristin: Okay, and this is kind of an old one [00:39:39] Drew: Yeah, and it might be flashing purple is what it is. [00:39:43] Drew: Yeah, I'm still trying to learn that part of it. [interjection] Kristin: I'm so [00:39:46] Kristin: I need to master the colors and what they mean. [00:39:50] Drew: Right, because, you know, we did that section on the colors, meaning the different professions, but... [00:39:55] Kristin: Yeah. [00:39:56] Drew: The UI uses color to mean different things and different locations that look similar. Right. [00:40:04] Kristin: Um [00:40:06] Kristin: Yeah, so looking ahead, I don't know what we're going to focus on yet, but I'm actually toying a little with turning off enemies [00:40:15] Kristin: Mmm! [00:40:16] Kristin: Just to see about building a civilization for a little while, or not a civilization, but like a really nice fort. [00:40:22] Kristin: Of the highest quality and [00:40:26] Kristin: Especially because, well, one, I screwed up my squad and they're wrestlers, and we're going to get spanked as soon as we get attacked [00:40:32] Kristin: And two, that's not always the most fun part for me, so it might be fun to just turn it off so we don't have to deal with necromancers or whatever for a while and see what kind of fort we can build. [00:40:42] Drew: Yeah, I mean the whole point of Dwarf Fortress is to find the fun in your own way. [00:40:47] Kristin: Right, but I'm like, it's more like I would like to still have the megabeasts, but not necessarily armies attacking me. [00:40:55] Drew: Yeah, I think there's a setting in those like 16 pages of settings where you can turn off raids or sieges, something like that. [interjection] Kristin: Settings. [00:41:05] Kristin: Yeah. [00:41:06] Drew: Sieges, I think, would be the one to turn off. [interjection] Kristin: Sieges, I think, would be the... [interjection] Drew: [interjection] Kristin: To know. [00:41:14] Kristin: So I always think the forgotten beasts are fun and interesting. [00:41:19] Drew: Oh. [00:41:20] Drew: The other thing that I'm going to try to do with my fort, um... [00:41:26] Drew: Because my last one, back in November, I was working on the mine carts. [00:41:31] Kristin: OK. [00:41:31] Drew: This time I think I'm going to focus more on trying to get a clay industry going because I've never done that before. [00:41:37] Kristin: Yeah, cool. [00:41:39] Drew: And this particular location is just really great for me because it's got a lot of gems, it's got a lot of iron, it's got a decent amount of gold and platinum. [00:41:48] Kristin: Nice. [00:41:48] Drew: It's got white sand. [00:41:50] Drew: It's got, um... [00:41:52] Drew: Kaolinite and [00:41:55] Drew: Chert. [00:41:57] Drew: Or kaolinite, kaolinite and then [00:42:01] Drew: Whatever you need to make plasters. [00:42:03] Drew: Gypsum, yes. [00:42:05] Drew: Um... [00:42:05] Drew: What was the other thing that you... [interjection] Kristin: We'll see y'all. [00:42:07] Kristin: That I helped you with. It was someone. [00:42:10] Kristin: [00:42:17] Kristin: the existence of a thing, and I was like, they're getting ready to steal it, or the location, that's what it was. [00:42:22] Drew: Yeah, yeah, one of the avian bards had told a visiting dwarf the location of our... [00:42:31] Drew: the main artifact that we had made so far which I was like when that notification came in I'm like well it's on a display case in the front door so people see it as they go by so I don't know why I need to be told the location but okay but you were correct he then attempted to steal it [interjection] Kristin: Yeah. [interjection] Drew: but because it was in public he was thwarted and then fled before I could kill him [00:42:53] Kristin: Nice. That's so funny. How did you pursue him? Just send your squad after him? [00:42:58] Drew: I need to... [00:43:00] Drew: Um... [00:43:00] Kristin: Didn't he, like, curse you as he ran away? [00:43:02] Drew: I don't think it was an actual curse, I think he just said "curse you." Well, yeah, I think that's true. [00:43:06] Kristin: Well, yeah, I mean that is he cursed you. I was cursed at you. But yes, that's so funny. [00:43:11] Drew: I do need to set up my justice system here because my bards do tend to get out of control and when a [00:43:20] Drew: Uh, Sandpiper Crab Bard. [00:43:23] Drew: Got too drunk. He apparently started fighting and I sent my hammerer over to him and my hammerer hit him twice [interjection] Kristin: Uh-huh. [interjection] Drew: Apparently broke his carapace and killed him [00:43:32] Drew: Whoopsie. [00:43:33] Drew: Whoops-a-doodle, so I need to set up a prison area, I guess. [interjection] Kristin: Yeah. [00:43:37] Kristin: I think that the bards tend to cause trouble. [interjection] Drew: Thank you. [interjection] Kristin: The more bards you have, the more you need that justice system. [00:43:44] Kristin: I say as though I have ever successfully had a justice system do anything. [00:43:49] Drew: Nope. I mean, we're still both a little ignorant on how best to make cages and, um, cages and, um, the... [00:43:58] Drew: What? [00:43:58] Drew: Uh... [00:44:02] Kristin: Yeah, like the chain restraints or rope restraints. [00:44:06] Kristin: I was thinking about that last night when I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about my drolphas and, um... [00:44:11] Kristin: how best to. [00:44:12] Kristin: Restrain them in that pasture, and I'm not entirely sure [00:44:16] Kristin: if they need to be fed, if they're like chained. [00:44:20] Kristin: Versus when they're in the cage, they're just in the cage and you can kind of ignore them. [00:44:24] Drew: Gotcha. [00:44:24] Kristin: Do you know what I'm saying? [00:44:25] Drew: Yeah. [00:44:26] Kristin: So I need to look that up or try it and see. [00:44:29] Drew: Yeah, I think if they have animal handlers assigned, the animal handlers will feed them if they. [00:44:34] Kristin: Okay. [00:44:34] Drew: Keep moving over there [00:44:36] Drew: um [00:44:37] Drew: I believe that if you put a male and female in a cage, they will get pregnant, but I could be wrong. [00:44:42] Kristin: I mean, I think that's probably going to happen sooner or later. [00:44:49] Kristin: easier [00:44:50] Drew: Yeah. [00:44:51] Kristin: to manage. So hopefully I get a little Draltha industry going. [00:44:55] Drew: It's ice cream. [00:44:56] Drew: Like, uh... [interjection] Kristin: Hmm? [00:44:57] Drew: [interjection] Drew: within it yeah [00:45:05] Drew: you know, focusing in on Dwarf Fortress for the podcast, I feel like we did start to see the same things frequently. [00:45:13] Kristin: I think we should have changed worlds. I think that maybe staying in one world for an entire year was not necessarily the best idea. [00:45:19] Drew: Yeah. [00:45:20] Kristin: I mean, it's cool to be able to track the history of the world, but then you just start to see the same things over and over. [00:45:27] Kristin: I think in terms of mods, I am going to turn off aquifers. [00:45:30] Kristin: I'm considering, you've got me thinking about doing maybe, there's an animal people civilizations with deer, fox, and wolf people. Ooh, fancy. The Krendelkin playable civilization, just to be kind of weird maybe. [00:45:43] Kristin: Lizardmen civilization, that would be fun too. [00:45:47] Kristin: Thinking about it. So yeah, I'm thinking about doing some modding maybe because seeing you kind of experience this novelty, and I was joking that it like pulled you out of Age of Wonders because you spent a lot of last weekend when we [interjection] Drew: Get out of here! [interjection] Kristin: were still on vacation. [00:46:00] Kristin: Playing Age of Wonders and you kind of abandoned it for your new fresh dwarf people. [00:46:06] Drew: Yeah, yeah. The Age of Wonders, because again, Age of Wonders is very much set up as a just-one-more-turn type game. [00:46:13] Drew: But then when I kind of beat the first campaign [00:46:18] Drew: I'm now on the add-on campaigns. [interjection] Kristin: Uh-huh. [interjection] Drew: But I was like, yeah, no, let's go get the dwarves going. And I'm like, wow, this is really, this is really novel. And I'm seeing a bunch of different things. [interjection] Kristin: Mm-hmm. [00:46:30] Kristin: I think the only downside for me is that I just made this world and to do the mods I'd have to make a new one and I'm like, alright, I want to stay in this world for a little [interjection] Drew: And I'm like, uh... [interjection] Kristin: bit. [00:46:41] Drew: Yep. [00:46:41] Drew: But that's always going to be your thing because then you want to start up a new world and get going. [00:46:46] Kristin: Yeah. [00:46:46] Drew: You [00:46:47] Kristin: Well, we'll see. [00:46:48] Kristin: I don't know. [00:46:54] Drew: That would be funny. [00:46:56] Drew: Uh, the pointer is barren. [00:46:57] Kristin: Yes. [00:46:59] Drew: Oh yeah. That would be kind of wrong. We did become a barony. [00:47:02] Kristin: Oh wow, your dwarves are way ahead of mine. So you're a barony and you haven't breached the caverns yet? [00:47:07] Drew: That's correct. [00:47:08] Kristin: Wow, that's great restraint. [00:47:10] Drew: Yeah. [00:47:10] Drew: So. [00:47:11] Drew: At any rate, we're going to start digging, and all of you should. [00:47:15] Kristin: Just keep digging! [00:47:28] Kristin: We had a lot to say. [00:47:30] Kristin: That's good. [00:47:30] Drew: Nope, we didn't do the uh... [00:47:32] Drew: Sign-off stuff, but that's fine.