[00:00:00] Kristin: This podcast is of the highest quality. [00:00:19] Kristin: Hello, and welcome to A Strange Mood, the Couples' Dwarf Fortress podcast. I'm Kristin. [00:00:23] Drew: And I'm Drew. [00:00:24] Kristin: And we are a couple. [00:00:25] Drew: Playing Dwarf Fortress. [00:00:26] Kristin: That's right. [00:00:27] Kristin: Although today we were a couple sitting outside on our balcony watching the [00:00:31] Drew: Eclipse, like monkeys pointing at it and going, [00:00:36] Kristin: Yes, we're in the path of totality, so we just sat out there with our dog and watched the eclipse. And it was very dark for a few minutes. [00:00:45] Drew: Yeah, we had a partial eclipse, I think. [00:00:48] Kristin: In 2017, something like that. [00:00:50] Drew: Yeah, and that was cool. [00:00:52] Kristin: Yeah. [00:00:52] Drew: But this one was really cool. [00:00:55] Kristin: Mm-hmm. [00:00:55] Drew: Again, I don't know if I would actually drive somewhere for it, but just to be able to sit outside and watch it happen was pretty cool. [00:01:01] Kristin: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:01:03] Drew: Um... [00:01:04] Drew: Overall, [00:01:05] Drew: Would do it again, but I guess we don't get the option for 20 years. [00:01:10] Kristin: I don't know, but I give it my stamp of approval. Eclipse watching. Good times. [00:01:17] Drew: For the whole four minutes that it lasted. [00:01:19] Kristin: What else have you been doing? [00:01:25] Drew: Uh, I have been reading manga in addition to my own projects. Um, let's see. So I [00:01:31] Drew: Got caught up with [00:01:33] Drew: "So I Got Reincarnated as a Spider, So What?" [00:01:37] Kristin: Mm-hmm. [00:01:38] Drew: Which is entertaining. I'm not super keen on watching the anime because I don't... [00:01:43] Drew: Super know why, but some of these [00:01:46] Drew: Evolution or um, what's the word I'm looking for here, but [00:01:51] Drew: Enhancing your attributes over time in a game world. [interjection] Kristin: A game. [00:01:56] Drew: Shows they just, I feel like they don't translate great to manga or translate great to anime because you can't like skip around when you start getting bored. [00:02:05] Kristin: Yeah, and there's a lot of those right now. We watched some of the slime anime, and it was fine. I don't really know why we didn't continue watching it other than it wasn't thrilling. [00:02:15] Drew: Yeah, people really like "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime." [interjection] Kristin: Yeah. [00:02:21] Drew: Yeah, it just doesn't quite hook me, especially in, again, the anime form, whereas the manga is entertaining. [00:02:27] Kristin: Yeah, I don't know. You made us watch one episode of the Vending Machine one, and I refuse to watch any more of that one. [00:02:32] Drew: More in that way. I need to continue on with the manga. I think I've read a couple of things there. [00:02:38] Drew: Um, and then I'm also reading a silly manga that's ongoing, which is "I Got Reincarnated As A Space Lord Villain," I think. Oh my gosh. [00:02:54] Drew: Funny because it started out with something weird. [00:02:57] Drew: Concept about how like [00:02:59] Drew: Um... [00:03:01] Drew: This guy had been a really nice guy but gotten taken advantage of by his family and his wife and all this sort of thing, and then he died. [00:03:09] Drew: And so he was getting reincarnated by an evil god to, again, suffer so the evil god could feed off of him. [00:03:17] Drew: And then they just sort of discarded that about. [00:03:20] Drew: I think five or six. [00:03:22] Drew: Issues in, and we're just [interjection] Kristin: I'm nervous. [00:03:24] Drew: Enjoying the comedy of a guy trying to be evil and failing miserably because he's a genuinely nice guy. [00:03:30] Kristin: No. [00:03:31] Drew: So. [00:03:32] Drew: It's a silly manga. [00:03:33] Kristin: Yeah, I've been watching "The Dangers in My Heart." [00:03:39] Kristin: Anime which actually hooked you at times too. It's a little nerdy, middle school kind of coming of age. [interjection] Drew: It's a... [interjection] Kristin: Not middle grade, middle school. I don't know, they're like 15. [00:03:50] Drew: It seems like they're in the equivalent of our junior high. [00:03:52] Kristin: Junior high, yeah. [00:03:54] Kristin: And they're just awkward kids learning to love, and it's quite funny. [00:03:59] Kristin: So, that one's recommended. [00:04:01] Drew: I don't really understand why there is a sub-genre of anime/manga which is... [00:04:08] Drew: Young kids, like, being jokingly sexual towards each other. [00:04:15] Drew: It seems to be its own thing because like that is enough to carry it because "Horimiya" is the same way, right? [00:04:21] Kristin: Um... [00:04:22] Kristin: I mean, they're just slice-of-life romantic comedies set in high school. [00:04:26] Drew: Yeah, fair enough. [00:04:27] Kristin: Yeah, I mean, this one's a little younger, so. [00:04:32] Drew: But overall, I think it's really funny and really good. [00:04:34] Kristin: It was really good. It was cute. [00:04:36] Drew: Um, I was a little confused at the beginning because again it started out with a weird premise which was [00:04:41] Kristin: Yeah, he was like obsessed with murder, so the main male character is a tiny little edgelord kind of, and he's just fantasizing, saying he's fantasizing about murdering. [00:04:54] Kristin: People. [00:04:56] Kristin: He's not really though, it's just like an explanation to himself for why he doesn't fit in. [00:05:02] Kristin: And as you learn more about him, he's a very sweet little guy. [00:05:05] Drew: Yeah. [00:05:05] Kristin: He's a little guy. [00:05:06] Drew: And I don't think they've really mentioned the whole murder stuff. No, that goes away. [00:05:11] Drew: So I just think this is a sort of a bait and switch tactic in a lot of mangas that they start [interjection] Kristin: Oh [interjection] Drew: Out with sort of a weird concept enough to get approval and then they're just telling a good story. [interjection] Kristin: Boy [00:05:22] Kristin: "Seventh Time Loop" has this long subtitle that involves being a villainess, retiring for the quiet life in the countryside. She's not a villainess. It's just the villainess stuff is really popular right now. So it's like they slapped that on there, and it's just a perfectly fine reincarnation anime. [00:05:39] Drew: Yeah, so. [00:05:40] Kristin: Anywho... [00:05:42] Kristin: That was our anime segment. I've been playing the updated Stardew Valley 1.6. [00:05:48] Drew: Seems like everybody who likes Stardew Valley is freshly obsessed with it with that release. [interjection] Kristin: Yeah. [00:05:53] Kristin: Yeah, and I haven't played it in so long that like I don't necessarily know everything that's new in this update and everything that's like I gather 1.5 was a big update and I have no idea but um [00:06:05] Kristin: It's a good game. I do feel sometimes that I get kind of annoyed at people who are just very Stardew obsessed because I'm a hipster and I played it when it came out. But I should stifle that part of myself and just enjoy things and let other people enjoy things. [00:06:27] Drew: And just enjoy it for the game that it is. [00:06:30] Kristin: It's a good game. [00:06:31] Drew: Yeah, hot take from Kristin. You've heard it here first. Stardew Valley is a good game. Yep. Oh, marmalade. [00:06:39] Kristin: Have you been playing anything? [00:06:41] Drew: Not really, no. I've been working on some of my own projects, some of my own secret projects. [00:06:47] Drew: So we'll see how those go, but I'm sort of learning how to use Godot, which everybody's obsessed with right now after [00:06:56] Drew: Unity decided to shoot the bed a couple of months back. [interjection] Kristin: Yeah. [00:06:59] Kristin: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. [00:07:00] Drew: And I'm liking it, though. It's nice. [00:07:03] Drew: Um, yeah, pretty easy to use. [00:07:06] Drew: So nope, that's kind of where we're at, yeah. [00:07:10] Drew: So... [00:07:11] Drew: Uh, Dwarf Fortress. [00:07:12] Kristin: Should we talk about Dwarf Fortress? [00:07:14] Drew: Yeah, we are a Dwarf Fortress podcast. [00:07:16] Kristin: Uh-huh. [00:07:16] Drew: So we should probably talk about it. It's true. [00:07:20] Drew: Yeah, well, it's the... I think also we're all in a little bit of a holding pattern until... [00:07:24] Kristin: Adventure mode, yeah. [00:07:26] Drew: Yeah. [00:07:27] Drew: But let's start out with some Dwarf Fortress news. [00:07:29] Kristin: Stay with 7 News for updates. [00:07:30] Drew: Okay, so... [00:07:32] Drew: First off, of course, Adventure Mode is coming. Yay! Everyone listening to this podcast probably already knows that, but... [00:07:37] Kristin: What's Adventure Mode? [00:07:41] Drew: Kristin, we've gone over this. [00:07:42] Kristin: I know, I'm kidding. [00:07:44] Drew: I was worried about you there. [00:07:45] Kristin: I don't know. [00:07:46] Kristin: I stared at the sun too long and cooked my brain. [00:07:48] Drew: Exactly. [00:07:50] Drew: The magic of the eclipse drove all thoughts from your brain. [00:07:54] Drew: Let's see, so... [00:07:55] Drew: Steven has put out the last episode in the Ballad of Ersten Bembel, his old-school adventure mode YouTube video series. [00:08:05] Drew: So you should go check that out. [00:08:07] Kristin: Definitely. [00:08:07] Drew: I think that came out... [00:08:09] Drew: Today, last night, something like that. [00:08:10] Kristin: Very recently. [00:08:13] Drew: As always, the music's a banger and all the rest. [interjection] Kristin: On the [00:08:16] Drew: Um... [00:08:17] Drew: DFHack has come out with a new release, of which an exciting portion is that you can now... [00:08:25] Kristin: Mm-hmm. [00:08:25] Drew: You can now pop into Legends mode from your live fort. [00:08:29] Kristin: Yes, I might get into the beta thing just for that. [00:08:33] Drew: Yeah, the challenge with it, however, is that you do have to... [00:08:37] Drew: Save and exit afterward. [00:08:40] Kristin: Okay. [00:08:40] Drew: Um, so you can't drop into it and then drop directly back into your game, yeah, you have to go out, it's a whole thing that Mike's working on, but it's because of the way the, yeah, you know, system is structured. [interjection] Kristin: Yeah. [interjection] Drew: System is structured. [00:08:54] Drew: I also want to apologize for misattributing something that I think I attributed to Mike because I just attribute all DFHack stuff to Mike. [00:09:03] Kristin: Yes. [00:09:04] Drew: But last episode, we talked about the instruments option. [00:09:08] Drew: And Instruments was contributed by Theoris on the DFHack Discord. Mike writes the highlights blurbs for things that he merges in. [00:09:18] Kristin: So, and he tells us about them. [00:09:20] Drew: Yeah, so. [00:09:21] Kristin: That's why he gets the credit, is because he's the messenger. [00:09:23] Drew: Exactly. He also, Mike, made me some video tutorials, which were greatly appreciated, and now I am outfitting my squad. Finally, for the first time, I'm not just sending naked dwarves into battle. [00:09:36] Drew: Nice. [00:09:38] Drew: Um... [00:09:38] Kristin: Or, you know, wearing pots on their heads or whatever it is that they were doing. [00:09:42] Drew: Yeah, and Rourke also has some other tutorials he's put together. [interjection] Kristin: Mhm. [00:09:47] Drew: Big into minecarts right now, so [interjection] Kristin: Yes. [00:09:50] Drew: Those are over in the Discord if you want to check them out there. [00:09:54] Drew: I keep trying to convince both of them to start YouTube channels, but here we are. [00:09:58] Kristin: Yes, that needs to happen. [00:10:01] Drew: So I think that's kind of the highlights of the Dwarf News because we're kind of waiting for Adventure Mode. [00:10:07] Kristin: Yep, it's just the countdown. [interjection] Drew: So. [00:10:10] Drew: So what's been going on at your fort? [00:10:11] Kristin: Well, my fort is hopping, like. [00:10:16] Kristin: I'm a little bit at the point where I'm like, ah, this place is really functioning pretty well and doesn't need that much help from me. So maybe it's time for a new fort, but not yet. So we are a city with a population of 137. And I left, I wrote myself a note that said 'question mark' because some migrants were arriving the last time that I was playing. And I need to make so, so many bedrooms. There are so many dwarves sleeping in dormitories and I feel kind of bad about it. [00:10:41] Drew: Well, you need to use the DFHack Dreamfort tool. [00:10:46] Kristin: Yeah. [00:10:47] Kristin: I need to do something because they're going to get mad pretty quickly. [interjection] Drew: Pretty quick. [00:10:50] Drew: I used it for my fort, so I'll talk about it some when I talk about my stuff. [00:10:54] Kristin: I've got three squads, and as I mentioned, I am outfitting them. [00:10:59] Kristin: And I was like trying to get you to [00:11:02] Kristin: Tell me what metal to use for their equipment. [00:11:05] Kristin: And you wouldn't? [00:11:06] Drew: Well, I said iron. You did. [00:11:07] Kristin: I don't know. And then I was like, well, I'll just go see what metals I have. And by default, it was going to be gold or iron. So I went with iron. [00:11:20] Drew: Well, I believe there are some things you can't make out of gold. [00:11:22] Kristin: I don't know, but those were the metals I had the most of, or ores that would lead to iron. So that's, that's happening slowly. [00:11:33] Kristin: Let's see, other news, people may be proud of me. [00:11:38] Kristin: For the first time ever. [00:11:39] Kristin: Seized merchandise from an elf vendor. [00:11:43] Drew: The elves have it coming. [00:11:44] Kristin: Yeah, they had a 27,000 valued Liquid Darkness Sali. [00:11:54] Kristin: And I did not know what liquid darkness was. A Sali, Sali, Sali, I don't know. It's an instrument, but. [00:12:00] Kristin: I had absolutely no idea what liquid darkness was, but it sounded cool. [00:12:06] Kristin: And I wanted it and I couldn't afford it so I took it. But it turns out liquid darkness is some kind of divine cloth. [00:12:15] Drew: Maybe it's like that pigment that you can get now that's so dark it looks like a hole in reality. [00:12:20] Kristin: Yeah, I like to envision that that's what it was, um, but it's like [00:12:25] Kristin: Angels or demons or something and you get materials. I don't know. They have. There are lots of things in this game that I have not seen, which I will also talk more about today. I saw some things, so I was pretty proud that I stole that, and the elf was just like, "There's nothing I can do." [00:12:46] Drew: Take it. [00:12:47] Drew: Um... [00:12:47] Drew: Did you mark down what kind of instrument the sali is? [00:12:51] Kristin: I did not. I would have to, well, I don't have one now, as I'm about to tell you. [interjection] Drew: Oh, right. [00:12:58] Drew: I like to imagine it's like a maraca. Wouldn't you like a jet-black maraca? [00:13:02] Kristin: But if it's cloth, then... [00:13:04] Kristin: I don't know, maybe it was like a drum that was... [00:13:06] Drew: Jet-black on the top. [00:13:07] Kristin: Yeah, I don't know, but it doesn't matter because... [00:13:10] Kristin: It apparently did not get moved inside and was stolen by a kea. [00:13:16] Drew: By Ikea. [00:13:17] Kristin: Uh-huh. [00:13:18] Drew: Those damn Swedes. [00:13:19] Kristin: No, by a kea. I don't know if that's how you say it, but it was stolen by a freaking bird. [00:13:24] Kristin: So there's some bird that now has a 27,000-dwarf-buck instrument in its nest or whatever. It brought it to its mate and did the feathery dance and was like, "Here, I brought you a shiny." [00:13:36] Drew: And it's like, "This is not shiny." [00:13:38] Kristin: "This is not shiny; this is very dark. Leave." [00:13:42] Kristin: So it's probably rotting somewhere now. [00:13:45] Drew: Uh, stolen by a generic water bird. [00:13:49] Kristin: It's not a generic water bird. We know this now. At any rate, it's gone. [00:13:55] Drew: Alas. [00:13:55] Kristin: And so I may have started a war for nothing, I guess. I'm farming rutherers as well now. I mentioned that before. Yeah, we have a lot of them. So now they're trained enough to stay in the pasture, and we're getting baby rutherers. None of the dwarves are adopting them as pets, I'm afraid. [00:14:13] Kristin: But I get a lot of meat, leather, and tallow and everything off of them. [00:14:18] Drew: Butchering baby rutherers. [00:14:19] Kristin: Probably, and puppies. The auto butcher is nice because I feel as though my hands are less bloodied. So yeah, now we're using like ruther soap. [00:14:33] Kristin: Nice. Better than dog soap. [00:14:35] Drew: Puppy soap. [00:14:36] Kristin: Yeah. [00:14:40] Kristin: Oh no! [00:14:41] Kristin: Uh, so what's going on at your fort? [00:14:44] Drew: At my fort, um, we are actually in a metropolis with, um... [00:14:48] Kristin: God only knows. [00:14:50] Kristin: What, do you think you're better than me? [00:14:53] Drew: Well, remember I told you last time that we weren't quite a metropolis yet, but that we did have 600,000 dwarf bucks of created value? [00:15:00] Kristin: That's wild. [00:15:01] Drew: And so that's increased to 700, and we are a metropolis. [00:15:06] Drew: Um, I've gotten no hints that the, uh... [00:15:09] Drew: King or queen of our civilization is wanting to come stay here. [00:15:13] Kristin: Mhm. [00:15:13] Drew: So I guess I'm going to work on that. [00:15:16] Drew: But, uh... [00:15:17] Drew: A lot of interesting things actually happened this round for me, in a fairly short... [00:15:24] Drew: Period of time. [00:15:26] Drew: So first, I want to talk about the instruments. [00:15:29] Drew: I got a bronze tika made. [00:15:33] Drew: So, this is a bronze tika. The body is made from bronze. The strings are made from rope reed. The bow is made from water buffalo bone. [00:15:41] Drew: The tika is a large, hand-held, cloth-stringed instrument with a metal body. The instruments rest flat as the musician plays the three main strings with a bone bow. Another string vibrates in sympathy and is rarely played itself. [00:15:56] Drew: A drone string is occasionally plucked. [interjection] Kristin: A drone? [00:16:00] Drew: The instrument has a three-octave range, going from very low to mid-high pitch, with a steady timbre and three registers. The lowest register has a heavy, watery timbre. [00:16:08] Drew: What is... do you know what a heavy watery timbre would be? [00:16:12] Kristin: No, unless it's sort of like quavery, wobbly sounding like through water. [00:16:17] Drew: OK. And the middle register, low pitch, heavy sonorous timbre. So anyway, the interesting thing to me here was where it said that it has a string that vibrates in sympathy. [00:16:33] Drew: And I had never really heard that that was a thing that happened with instruments, that you intentionally did that because I know that like happens. [interjection] Kristin: Intention. [00:16:40] Kristin: It happens on my harp. Um, I guess for those who don't know, I play a floor harp with 40 strings, and, um, those strings ring, even if you don't touch them, and they ring until they stop vibrating, so. [00:16:53] Drew: And one string can make others ring, according to the physics of all of that. [interjection] Kristin: Yes. [00:17:01] Drew: Yes, that's interesting. So I went and looked online, and if you look up sympathetic string in Wikipedia, it turns out that this is actually [00:17:11] Drew: a known thing. [00:17:12] Drew: It's not super popular anymore. [00:17:16] Drew: Because apparently, it's very hard to keep these strings tuned properly, I guess. But it's apparently very popular still with Indian [00:17:26] Drew: musical instruments. [interjection] Kristin: Mhm. [00:17:28] Drew: Um... [00:17:29] Drew: And it was popular with various Baroque instruments back in the day. [00:17:34] Kristin: Interesting. [00:17:35] Drew: Um, so. [00:17:37] Kristin: I like the idea of that, that's kind of cool, I mean... [00:17:39] Kristin: Did. [00:17:40] Kristin: String sympathy, haha. [00:17:42] Kristin: On the harp is kind of a pain in the ass, and like it's a technique, and you have to muffle sometimes to clean up your sound. [00:17:49] Drew: Apparently, some banjos [00:17:51] Kristin: Uh-huh. [00:17:51] Drew: actually have a sympathetic string, but it is often also played. [00:17:56] Kristin: So it's [00:17:56] Drew: So it's sort of more of a side effect. [00:17:58] Kristin: Yeah. [00:17:59] Drew: But it apparently is used to kind of provide like background chords as you're playing. [00:18:06] Drew: What? [00:18:07] Kristin: Pretty cool. [00:18:08] Drew: Oh. [00:18:09] Drew: Yeah, so as a non-music person, I was amused that this is a thing. Obviously, I know about sympathetic resonance from physics, and that's part of what an antenna is and all that sort of thing, but it's interesting that you can make a musical instrument that has an intentional sound antenna in it. [00:18:28] Kristin: Huh. [00:18:29] Drew: I'm also not entirely sure what the drone string is, but I'm assuming it's the same sort of thing where you pluck it [00:18:36] Kristin: Yeah, I wondered that too, but um... [00:18:39] Drew: I wasn't able to find a good definition of that, but I'm assuming it's something where you intentionally pluck it, and then it keeps playing in the background. [00:18:45] Kristin: Yeah, not a clue, but that's cool. [00:18:49] Drew: So, the other interesting thing was a [00:18:55] Drew: statue [00:18:55] Drew: a well-crafted statue of Kinura Robustmatch. The item is a well-designed image of Kynira Robustmatch, the deity of stars, sky, and wind, depicted as a female Kestrel. [00:19:09] Drew: With two dwarves worshipping her in Siltstone by Onar Yooka-Burby, who is an Aeve bard. [00:19:17] Drew: The dwarves are playing. Kynira Robustmatch is contemplating. [00:19:24] Drew: So I thought that was kind of interesting that we have dwarves worshipping what I think is pretty clearly an Aeve deity since it's a kestrel. [00:19:30] Kristin: Yeah, that is interesting. [00:19:32] Kristin: So. [00:19:33] Drew: And then let's see, I had one other object, but were there any artifacts you wanted to talk about from your side? [00:19:41] Kristin: I did. I actually didn't have a ton of artifact action this time, but I had a child. [00:19:49] Kristin: Named Deller Bouldersunk who is nine years old make a crundle bone animal trap valued at 8,300 dwarf bucks. [interjection] Drew: Made. [00:20:00] Drew: Cheers! [00:20:01] Kristin: Yeah, so he's now a legendary bone carver. [00:20:05] Kristin: Um, I didn't get the English name of the artifact, but uh, it is decorated with rope reed. This object is adorned with hanging rings of marble and silver and menaces with spikes of dog leather. I guess we did butcher some dogs and reindeer leather. [interjection] Drew: Thank you, leather. [interjection] Kristin: On the item is an image of Obok Bronzebasics, the dwarf and dwarves in crundle bone. Obok Bronzebasics is surrounded by the dwarves. The artwork relates to the [00:20:32] Kristin: Ascension of the Dwarf Obok Bronzebasics to the position of King of the Key of Meetings in one. [00:20:38] Kristin: On the item is an image of Eton Kegulfs, the dwarf, and two guinea fowls in rose quartz. Eton Kegulfs is embracing the two guinea fowls. I did not look that up and I really regret that. I got so hung up on the next part that I didn't look up the hugging the guinea fowls. On the item is an image of Vadok Heldpaddles, the dwarf in Morian. Vadok Heldpaddles is contemplating. Their work relates to the possession of the dwarf Vadok Heldpaddles in Bridgeward in the midsummer of 102. He was possessed and made a different artifact. So I thought that was fun, but Vadok is a chemist apparently. [00:21:20] Kristin: I don't know what a dwarven chemist does. [00:21:22] Drew: I imagine they must be the ones for making the powders and doing glasswork and that sort of stuff. Okay. Yeah, he's- [00:21:30] Kristin: Oh, he might be doing that because we are making soap at this fort. [00:21:34] Kristin: Um, so now I'm definitely going to have to look up this, uh, guinea fowl dwarf, like, to the degree I'm like, oh shoot, I wish I had my other computer here, but I don't, so that's okay. [00:21:43] Drew: Yeah. [00:21:43] Kristin: I will report back on that or you can hear about it in the discord because I'm definitely going to have to check that out. [00:21:49] Drew: Hugging the guinea fowls. [00:21:50] Kristin: Mm-hmm, like maybe I mean we have such an animal trainer and caretaker guild. [00:21:56] Kristin: But I'm wondering if they're pets. [00:21:58] Drew: Yeah, I don't know. [00:21:59] Kristin: So, because I don't. [00:22:02] Kristin: I mean, we must have some guinea fowl, because where else would this child... [00:22:05] Kristin: Nine-year-old child. [00:22:06] Drew: Experience them. Yeah. [00:22:09] Kristin: Did you have any other artifacts or anything? That was my only one. [00:22:12] Drew: Yeah, the other one from me was The Intricate Wonders. [00:22:17] Drew: So this is an iron figurine of Lore Balditomes, which is not actually the Lore because it's Lorem, I think, who's in charge of our fortress. [00:22:25] Kristin: Mm-hmm. [00:22:26] Drew: But. [00:22:27] Drew: Wow. [00:22:28] Drew: The craftsmanship, the highest quality of the item, is a masterfully designed image of Lor Baldertome, the Dwarf, and Dwarves in Iron by [00:22:37] Drew: Dalani. [00:22:38] Drew: Lor is surrounded by the dwarves. The artwork relates the ascension of the dwarf Lor Baldertome to the position of king of the Nut-Tours of Prophecy in '97, studded with iron and circled with bands of single-cut jasper. The object boasts spikes of carnelian, bituminous coal, microcline, and yak leather. On the item is an image of an octagon-cut gem in yak leather. On the item is an image of the Shaken Sweetness of the Hematite Door in yak bone. [00:23:13] Drew: You'll recall that is the same hematite door that they're all obsessed with. [00:23:16] Kristin: Why? Are you using that door? [00:23:19] Drew: No, but it is on a pedestal as they walk by, so I think that's why they all see it and think about it. [interjection] Kristin: So I think. [00:23:24] Kristin: Yeah, fair enough, okay. [00:23:26] Drew: So yeah, that one had a value of 8,000 dwarf bucks. [00:23:32] Drew: The interesting part about it is its creator. [00:23:35] Drew: So its creator was the Aeve Bard. [00:23:39] Drew: Movdabbled [00:23:45] Drew: in black bronze, [00:23:47] Drew: honey yellow beryl? [00:23:49] Drew: Ramy paper [00:23:50] Drew: moons, battle-axes, figurines, ballista parts, dogs for their loyalty. [00:23:56] Kristin: Aw. [00:23:56] Drew: Whip vines for their length. [00:23:58] Drew: The site of the Lacey Sparkle. [00:24:02] Drew: And nightmares for their unfathomably horrifying nature. [00:24:06] Kristin: Whoa. [00:24:08] Drew: That's weird. [00:24:09] Kristin: Yeah, that took a turn. [00:24:12] Drew: But he does absolutely detest worms, and when possible, he prefers to consume tough beer. [00:24:16] Kristin: Okay, I'm kind of scared of you now. [00:24:25] Kristin: That's terrifying. [00:24:27] Drew: In that way, he is like us all. [00:24:29] Kristin: Mm, no. [00:24:30] Drew: Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. [00:24:30] Kristin: Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. What a weirdo. You're a weirdo. [00:24:33] Drew: You're a weirdo, but you apparently make good iron figurines. [00:24:37] Kristin: Yes, oh my goodness. [00:24:40] Drew: The other interesting item... [00:24:42] Drew: that I would like to talk about [00:24:44] Kristin: You may. [00:24:45] Drew: is a couple that I dubbed the Toad and Rat Couple. [00:24:49] Kristin: Mm-hmm. [00:24:50] Drew: Um... [00:24:52] Drew: Noi [00:24:53] Drew: Rooflocks are Hammer, [00:24:56] Drew: who likes copper dust, brass, rhodolite, [00:24:59] Drew: the color olive, battleaxes, red spinach for their leaves, the words of the Meadow of Glistening, [00:25:05] Drew: and the sound of the Aquamarine Intricacies. [00:25:07] Drew: She absolutely detests rats and yet made a 500 dwarf buck well-crafted figurine of a rat, [00:25:15] Kristin: Aww. [00:25:16] Drew: which she then took and carried to her room, [00:25:20] Drew: that she shares with Mistim Holcastles, her husband, [00:25:23] Kristin: Mm-hmm. [00:25:24] Drew: who is a high master miner, [00:25:26] Drew: absolutely detests toads, and has made a masterwork statue of a toad. [00:25:31] Kristin: Wow, that's cute. They each have their little thing. [00:25:34] Drew: Yes, they both absolutely hate those things and make artwork about it. [00:25:39] Kristin: Yep. [00:25:40] Drew: Which I feel is a very dwarvy thing to do, really. [00:25:43] Kristin: Yeah, I guess so, like, face your fears. [00:25:45] Drew: Yeah, and then bond with each other over the fact that we're making things we hate. [00:25:52] Kristin: That's very strange to me, but you can't understand a relationship from the outside. [00:25:56] Drew: Right, exactly. Also, both of them are proud of those creations even though they hate the subjects of the creation. [00:26:03] Kristin: That's super weird, guys. [00:26:05] Drew: Yeah, so I'll toss it back over to you. [00:26:09] Kristin: Well, like I said, I didn't have a lot of artifacts this time. We, um, I feel like I'm just, like I said, doing a lot of, uh... [00:26:18] Kristin: work order management and that kind of stuff, so I had [00:26:21] Kristin: a recurring [00:26:23] Kristin: pop-up that [00:26:25] Kristin: "A store item in stockpile has been canceled because the item is inaccessible." [00:26:31] Kristin: And this happens a lot, and I'm not sure exactly what's going on. Do you know that one? [00:26:36] Drew: It usually means there's something preventing them. Um, I know that's kind of obvious from the- [00:26:41] Kristin: Yeah, like from the item itself or the stockpile? [00:26:44] Drew: From the stockpile, so it usually... [00:26:45] Kristin: Okay. So I'm wondering if I'm out of stockpile space or something. [00:26:50] Drew: Yeah, that could be it. It could also be that they're blocked off for some reason. [00:26:55] Kristin: Okay. [00:26:56] Drew: Um, I have found when I've been doing this, making my... [00:27:00] Drew: Tavern kind of the middle of the fortress and everybody has to walk through that, sometimes like pathing can get screwed up there. [interjection] Kristin: of the fortress. [00:27:05] Kristin: Yeah, I wonder if maybe that's happening. [00:27:08] Drew: So I've started building some, what do you call those, overpass walkways? [00:27:13] Kristin: That. [00:27:13] Drew: Yeah, anyway. A catwalk. But yeah. [00:27:13] Kristin: Anyway, I can't walk. [00:27:15] Drew: Yeah, well, you know that they put over highways and stuff so that pedestrians can go over. [interjection] Kristin: Oh yeah. [interjection] Drew: I dig out one of those and that seems to help. [00:27:23] Kristin: Huh, yeah, I need to try to catch one of them as it's happening so I can see where the problem occurs. We finally found our third cavern layer. [00:27:36] Kristin: Negative 110. [00:27:38] Drew: Wow. All right. I found it. [00:27:43] Kristin: Notification or whatever, just doing that and then auto-mining valuable stuff. [00:27:48] Kristin: Because we were [00:27:49] Kristin: running low on gems and definitely not running low on gold. We have so much gold, like I'm gonna start making gold [00:27:55] Kristin: goblets and [00:27:57] Kristin: things that dwarves like out of gold. [00:27:59] Kristin: Also, we have like so many underground trees and stuff that like I think I'm going to try to let the idea of magma go a little bit for now because while it does make it easier, it [interjection] Drew: Bye for now. [interjection] Kristin: would be 70 z-levels below where they live and work, so maybe that's not ideal, and um, just use [interjection] Drew: It's below. [interjection] Kristin: charcoal because we got a lot of trees and I've already pissed the elves off. [00:28:23] Drew: That's fair. [00:28:24] Kristin: So, um, I did [00:28:26] Kristin: have a moment of just complete shock because something zoomed across my screen, and I think that my actual words were, "What the fuck?" [00:28:35] Kristin: Because I had blood men showing up. [00:28:39] Drew: Huh. [00:28:40] Kristin: I had never seen one of them before, obviously. It's just like this little blood-red humanoid running around my screen, and I looked at it, and it is a man-shaped abomination made entirely of blood. That's pretty self-explanatory. [00:28:56] Kristin: These cursed creatures are only found very near the underworld. [00:29:01] Kristin: It is quite durable and very slow to tire. Well, they're not actually that durable. This one that I followed was killed by a spear bunny. He is emotionally obsessive, forming lifelong attachments even if they aren't reciprocated. That's not right. [00:29:17] Drew: That was the child. Give me one second. I'm going to take this out of my... Apparently, I had something crinkly in my pocket. [00:29:23] Kristin: Okay, uh... [00:29:25] Kristin: Apparently, he didn't have a... I'll just do that. [00:29:28] Drew: Yeah, he didn't have thoughts, so, yeah. [interjection] Kristin: Term. [00:29:29] Kristin: So he was killed by a spear bunny. He didn't seem to have any thoughts or connections or anything. [00:29:35] Kristin: But there were like six of them. [00:29:37] Kristin: That ran up from [00:29:38] Kristin: Somewhere, and they were all dispatched quite quickly. It was kind of cute, though, that there was a spear bunny that encountered it and just instantly killed it, but it was pretty beat... [interjection] Drew: Bunny encounter. [interjection] Kristin: Up at that time. We also had an ogre come up that did manage to kill a few dwarves, which is why I need to rethink my trap placement and access because the trouble with following that slope is that now I don't have a clear pathway that they're taking that I can trap and stuff. [00:30:06] Drew: Yeah, you gotta build some walls and kind of funnel them around. [00:30:10] Kristin: Exactly. [00:30:12] Drew: So, do you think the blood men are your cavern dwellers? I don't... [00:30:16] Kristin: I don't think so. [00:30:19] Kristin: Let's look them up in the wiki. [00:30:20] Drew: Yeah, since you didn't get to the third layer. I don't know. [interjection] Kristin: Yeah. [00:30:23] Kristin: Well, I mean, I'm at the third layer now. [00:30:26] Kristin: Um, what I'm wondering is, am I close to the underworld? What the heck? You know, um... [00:30:32] Kristin: Because [00:30:33] Kristin: We did find the gem-studded wall, but I don't, um... [00:30:38] Kristin: I didn't find it. A dwarf saw it, apparently, so I didn't see it. Okay, um, so to update. [00:30:46] Kristin: Blood Men are exceptionally rare, evil-aligned construct creatures composed of blood found only in the third cavern layer. [00:30:54] Kristin: They stand at the height of a human, feel no emotion or exertion, are immune to pain, and cannot be stunned. [00:31:00] Kristin: While this sounds terrifying on paper, being made out of a liquid means you're going to lose limbs very easily. They are among the weakest, most harmless creatures you will encounter in the caverns. [00:31:08] Kristin: Even civilian dwarves and children can quickly punch their limbs off. [00:31:12] Kristin: Also, their limbs are soft enough to not do real damage to even naked dwarves. [00:31:16] Kristin: When they die, they leave a tile of corrupted blood, but there's nothing dangerous about it, and it doesn't carry any sort of syndrome despite being made of a liquid. [00:31:25] Kristin: Dunking blood men in water won't cause them to fall apart. They are biologically immortal and only die from violence. [00:31:32] Drew: Fair enough. [00:31:33] Kristin: Some dwarves like blood men for their gruesomeness. [00:31:38] Drew: That's pretty awesome. Yeah. [00:31:39] Kristin: Yeah, so I'd never seen one before. The artwork in the wiki is terrifying. [00:31:46] Kristin: Appropriately terrifying, I would say. [00:31:48] Drew: Yeah, the pixel art looks kind of cute. [00:31:51] Kristin: Oh, I thought they were kind of creepy, but they're very oozy in the pixel art, so they're just bright. I can see a little bit of cuteness maybe. So you'd never seen one of those either, like I called you over to make you look at it. [00:32:03] Drew: Yeah, yeah, I also have run into a couple of things this time that I've never seen before. [00:32:09] Kristin: What have you got? [00:32:10] Drew: Well, let's see. First off, I was surprised to find a cave dragon battling an ogre. [00:32:17] Kristin: Whoa. [00:32:18] Drew: And I'd never seen a cave dragon before. [00:32:20] Kristin: That's crazy. [00:32:21] Drew: Um... [00:32:22] Drew: A cave dragon is a gigantic monster, once a dragon, now adapted to, and polluted by, the underground. [00:32:28] Drew: Its wings fall limp at its sides, its face is full of incredibly long teeth, its eyes are large to penetrate the darkness. It is corpulent, its scales are white, and its eyes are green. [00:32:41] Kristin: I, um, when you had the dragon, I came over to look at it. And, um, now I kind of understand why there exists the mod that makes dragons dragon-sized, because it was little, I was like, is it big? And then obviously it says it's big, but. [interjection] Drew: Obviously, it says it. [00:32:55] Drew: You're little. [00:32:56] Kristin: It looked like a little guy. [00:32:58] Drew: He was a little guy. [00:32:59] Drew: He is rarely happy or enthusiastic. He is somewhat quarrelsome. He is moved by art and natural beauty and is getting used to tragedy. [00:33:07] Drew: He successfully killed the ogre and then left, despite being a little wounded. [00:33:10] Kristin: Yeah. [00:33:11] Kristin: So you didn't have to fight him. [00:33:13] Drew: No, no, thankfully. [00:33:15] Drew: And then I did get my first at this fort forgotten beast [00:33:25] Drew: Yeah, I feel like things have maybe gotten reshuffled there with the, uh, with the, uh, rates? What am I trying to say? With the probabilities. Mm-hmm. [interjection] Kristin: Mmm. [interjection] Drew: Um, let's see, so the Forgotten Beast, to describe that, because I haven't described one of them in a while. [00:33:40] Kristin: Yeah, I don't think either of us have really had one. We had so many there for a while that I jokingly said we needed to do a March Madness of Forgotten Beasts, but then we didn't have any. [00:33:51] Drew: Yeah. [00:33:52] Drew: So this one is The Forgotten Beast Rynthur Yul Shulak Has Come, A Towering Scaly Stag Beetle. [00:34:00] Drew: It has a curling trunk and a gaunt appearance, its eyes glow mahogany. [00:34:05] Drew: Its cerulean scales are jagged and close-set. Beware its deadly blood. [00:34:12] Drew: Thankfully, it did not manage to get into our fort. So it just kind of wandered through the caverns. I think somebody saw it from an overhang and then it moved on. [00:34:20] Kristin: Yeah, deadly blood sounds like it could be dire. [00:34:24] Kristin: Yeah, fighting it [00:34:26] Drew: But do you know who did NOT move on? [00:34:27] Kristin: Uh-oh. [00:34:28] Drew: Invaders from a monster tower! [00:34:30] Kristin: Whoa, okay. [00:34:32] Drew: Yeah, so we had two nearby necromancer towers. [00:34:37] Kristin: Ooh. [00:34:38] Drew: Both of which were listed as having a population of 10. Yeah. [00:34:42] Drew: So I sent my dwarves off to destroy the first one. [00:34:45] Kristin: Mm-hmm. [00:34:46] Drew: No problems, they destroyed it, brought back the artifacts, everything was good. [00:34:49] Kristin: Best service for them. They might need some years, not until the responsibility is made sure. You're certainly discriminated. Yeah, Las Vegas, let me ask you. How far will that persecution system go as... [00:34:50] Drew: I sent them against the second. [00:34:54] Drew: Half of them were captured. [00:34:55] Kristin: Oh! [00:34:57] Drew: And I'm continuing that fight back and forth, but in doing so, I apparently poked the bear. [interjection] Kristin: Yeah. [00:35:02] Kristin: Uh-oh. [00:35:03] Kristin: Heh heh. [00:35:03] Drew: So from that necromancer tower, I've now been getting periodic waves of monsters. [00:35:09] Kristin: Uh... [00:35:11] Drew: So the first and largest were... [00:35:14] Drew: Large, very large, scaly decapods. It has large mandibles. Its charcoal scales are blocky and close-set. This night creature was first created by the Decapodian Necromancer of Drill Reins after horrible experiments on, I'm sorry to say, Kristin, horses in Springfinder in the year of '87. [interjection] Kristin: in Springfi- [00:35:37] Kristin: Aww, poor horses. [00:35:39] Drew: They were accompanied by... [00:35:41] Drew: the Dog of Dildrings. [00:35:44] Drew: A small, scaly hexapod. [00:35:47] Kristin: Hmm. [00:35:47] Drew: It has a pair of long antennae. Its charcoal scales are jagged and overlapping. [00:35:56] Drew: Of horrible experiments on leopards in Springfinder in the year '87. [00:36:01] Kristin: Ew. [00:36:02] Drew: So... [00:36:04] Drew: We are going to continue to strike at that tower. We can't really let that stand. After all, he's torturing horses, of all things. [00:36:10] Kristin: Yes, we can't let that happen. [00:36:14] Kristin: No. [00:36:15] Drew: So we are going to continue to fight against that, but we've done two waves against it, and the first one, half the people were captured. The second one, a third were killed, but the rest came back. [00:36:26] Kristin: Yeah. [00:36:27] Drew: We're just going to keep swinging at that ball until we hit it. [00:36:32] Drew: But even though it's at a population of 10, I'm guessing that there are a lot of those monsters there. [00:36:37] Kristin: Yeah, ooh, that's rough. [00:36:39] Drew: So I don't know if when Adventure Mode comes out, that'd be the sort of thing where I would drop down and be able to go and lead an expedition against it or not. [00:36:48] Drew: So, I don't know, what are you doing in preparation for? [00:36:51] Kristin: Well, I've been thinking about that a little bit. [00:36:53] Kristin: Because it's funny, like we're anticipating... [00:36:57] Kristin: An expansion for Final Fantasy XIV, the MMO. [00:37:00] Kristin: We play, and there are so many videos of like how to prepare for 7.0 and like what you should do and grinding gear and all this stuff, but... [00:37:09] Kristin: We are now looking forward to... [00:37:12] Kristin: An expansion in Dwarf Fortress. [00:37:14] Kristin: Which you can play. [00:37:16] Kristin: In a world you are familiar with, you could start a new world to adventure in, and I'm kind of wondering like what... [00:37:22] Kristin: What people are doing to prepare. I was kind of thinking about... [00:37:26] Kristin: Starting another fort and retiring this one, and then like I'd have a couple of places, familiar places to visit, but now I'm kind of wondering if I'm just going to stay at this one and like look and see what's nearby that I could venture out to. How about you? [00:37:40] Drew: It's kind of that same plan. I mean, I want to kind of clean up the nearby stuff from my current fort in my world. [interjection] Kristin: And I [00:37:48] Drew: After Adventure Mode comes out, if we can still use the same world, then it should do fine with the mods that I have, which might be the sticking point there. [00:37:57] Drew: I might, um... [00:37:58] Drew: also choose. I'm kind of interested. I've got a volcano island. [00:38:04] Kristin: Hmm? [00:38:04] Drew: So it'd be fun to go explore that rather than necessarily try to set up a fort there. [00:38:08] Kristin: Yeah. [00:38:09] Kristin: I do hope the mods play nicely with Adventure Mode fairly quickly because it'd be so fun to be a bunny. [00:38:15] Drew: Adventurer. [00:38:17] Drew: You want to be a little spear bunny running across the landscape? [00:38:20] Kristin: I absolutely want to be a spear bunny running across the landscape. [00:38:24] Kristin: But um, this is my only fort in this world. Like, I'm still on the same one from January, yeah, so um, I am not as familiar with the geography and where things are that I might want to tackle. So I'm going to have to go out to that world mode. Like, I just had a human diplomat come and give us intel, so I'm going to have to see what they said and see where I want to try to go. [00:38:51] Drew: I think that makes sense. [00:38:53] Kristin: But also, at the same time, I don't really know what to expect, so, like, I shouldn't make a plan. [00:38:58] Drew: Yep, we'll see what they end up giving us pretty darn soon. [00:39:02] Kristin: Oh, it's so close. Will we not record again before then, or will we? [00:39:08] Drew: I think we will, it's the 17th, so that's gotta be. [interjection] Kristin: So that's. [00:39:12] Drew: No, I guess we won't. Yeah, we'll have a... [00:39:14] Drew: We'll have the better part of a week. [00:39:16] Drew: after it comes out. [00:39:18] Kristin: Great. [00:39:19] Drew: And I think that's going to be on the beta branch. So there may still be crashes and stuff. So we'll have to, we'll have to get it rolling. [00:39:24] Kristin: Yeah, I think that we'll probably have you try it first since you are the expert. [00:39:29] Drew: Yes, well, such as we have between the two of us. Yeah. [00:39:34] Drew: Um [00:39:35] Drew: And, uh... [00:39:37] Drew: As I've said before, Tarn deciding to release it on his birthday is pretty funny because... [00:39:42] Drew: Here come all the bug reports. [00:39:43] Kristin: Yeah, happy birthday. I don't know. It's exciting to see it in real time because, like, [interjection] Drew: Your bug reports. [interjection] Kristin: obviously, this game has been around for much longer than I've been playing it. So it's different than like, a Stardew patch that changes a lot of stuff because like, I was there, like, I know how far it's come. [00:40:06] Kristin: So it must be kind of exciting for people to see that. [00:40:10] Drew: Especially people who've been involved since the beginning, 20, 20 plus years, and starting off from [interjection] Kristin: Mm-hmm. [interjection] Drew: what was very clearly a [00:40:18] Drew: proof of concept game where you just kind of had one layer and were just digging in a straight [interjection] Kristin: Yeah. [interjection] Drew: line and dealing with things that come up. [00:40:26] Drew: And then they got [00:40:27] Drew: Z-levels and all that, and it's just interesting seeing how communities evolve, because how has the Stardew community kind of evolved as you've watched it? [00:40:35] Kristin: Well, it's kind of crazy because there's like this... [00:40:39] Kristin: Speedrunning element that wasn't there when I played, and then there's just so much more to the game now that like [00:40:47] Kristin: I'm almost like, um, so my only other comparable game that I've really [00:40:53] Kristin: played a lot. [00:40:54] Kristin: From the beginning, there's the franchise of The Sims. [00:40:59] Kristin: And so, everybody has their favorite [00:41:02] Kristin: edition of The Sims, like two or three, versus what we have now, which is four. And I'm kind of wondering if, in some ways, Dwarf Fortress is more like that, so that people have a version that was their favorite, rather than this is the game in its current state, which is how Stardew is. Yeah, I'm not articulating this very well. [interjection] Drew: Yeah. [00:41:22] Drew: It kind of seems to me that the Stardew community is great, but they also have a little bit of a sense of possessiveness towards the game. I feel like when you have different versions of a game that are at least mildly mutually incompatible, it kind of segments things off, and the people who [00:41:43] Drew: are really big into an old version kind of stay with that. [interjection] Kristin: Mm-hmm. [interjection] Drew: It gives an opportunity for new people to come in. [00:41:51] Kristin: Right, and you don't really hear about people still playing 1.0 Stardew. I don't think that might be a thing, but it's not a thing that I know of. [interjection] Drew: I don't. [00:42:00] Kristin: And people do find ways to play The Sims 1 and 2 somehow. I can't even imagine. [00:42:05] Drew: Yeah, those would be Windows 3.1 games. [00:42:08] Kristin: I booted up Sims 3 recently, and it was a little janky. Rough. [interjection] Drew: Rough, yeah. [00:42:13] Drew: Yeah, and you know, the versions of Dwarf Fortress I played were relatively late in terms of Dwarf Fortress. [00:42:22] Drew: But we also do still have people who are playing the older versions, which is great. [00:42:28] Drew: But I also feel like, again, the people who want an authentic, original Dwarf Fortress experience have kind of segregated themselves into the Bay12 forums. [00:42:40] Drew: Um... [00:42:41] Drew: And so we don't have too much of that same... [00:42:45] Drew: insularity, that same [interjection] Kristin: That's saying. [00:42:48] Drew: I don't want to call it gatekeeping, but that you see in some of these games that have started and gone all the way. I think Factorio is kind of another good example of that, where... [00:42:59] Drew: the people who've been really into Factorio have developed a sense of possessiveness over it. [interjection] Kristin: To go. [00:43:04] Kristin: Yeah. [00:43:06] Kristin: I don't know, like, the Stardew people... [00:43:08] Kristin: they often have this attitude that ConcernedApe can do no wrong. [00:43:14] Kristin: You see a little bit of that with Zach and Tarn as well, that they. [interjection] Drew: Yeah. [00:43:18] Kristin: You know. [00:43:19] Drew: Yeah, but I also feel like ConcernedApe, the author of Stardew... [00:43:26] Kristin: Eric Barone, I don't know how to say his name. [interjection] Drew: Isn't. [00:43:28] Drew: Yeah, he doesn't quite push back as hard as Zach and Tarn do. [00:43:34] Kristin: I don't see that much criticism of him and of Stardew. Unlike with that Reddit post recently that was somehow a repost of a Bay12 post from, I don't know, some troll, but talking about their ego and their greed and they just [00:43:50] Drew: Tarn, tarnishing their ego and greed and all of this. [interjection] Kristin: Yeah. [00:43:54] Kristin: That they refuse to change their code to make it more user-friendly, like [00:43:59] Kristin: That's crazy. [00:44:00] Drew: That is absolutely crazy because [00:44:04] Drew: It was a very weird criticism to see someone put out there because, one, obviously, you can still go and just download the game for free. [00:44:13] Kristin: Yeah, that was bizarre. Absolutely bizarre to me. But it was just obviously a troll looking to [interjection] Drew: Oh, I- [00:44:21] Drew: Make pe- [00:44:21] Kristin: Make people angry. [00:44:22] Drew: I also liked how little reaction it actually got from people, because by and large they [interjection] Kristin: Because [interjection] Drew: were like, no, you're wrong. [00:44:29] Kristin: Yeah. [00:44:30] Drew: And then just moved on with their lives. No one engaged with him and kept, you know, [interjection] Kristin: Ours. [interjection] Drew: egging him on or anything; they were just like [00:44:37] Kristin: Right. [00:44:38] Drew: No. [00:44:39] Drew: You're wrong, here's why. Okay, we've told you why you're wrong. It's obvious you're just trolling. We're all moving on with our lives. [00:44:45] Kristin: Right, I think if I went into the Stardew Valley subreddit and did the same thing, I might get tarred and feathered though. [00:44:51] Drew: Yeah. [00:44:51] Kristin: Yeah, and like, my kind of relationship with the Stardew Valley community has been, like I said, kind of troubled, not just because I call myself a hipster and I was there when it started, but also because there are [00:45:05] Kristin: games that do the farming thing really well and have fun characters and [00:45:11] Kristin: stories and different, slightly different mechanics, or very different mechanics even, and they always get called Stardew clones. And I get really annoyed because it's like, one, Stardew is not the start of that genre. It's an excellent, excellent game. It's great. Very few critiques of Stardew from me, but also there are other games that do that same thing. [00:45:36] Drew: And do something different with it. [00:45:37] Kristin: The possessiveness of the entire genre [00:45:48] Kristin: Irritates me. [00:45:49] Drew: Yeah. [00:45:49] Drew: And, uh... [00:45:51] Drew: I feel like with the Dwarf Fortress community, you know... [00:45:55] Drew: There are some people in Bay 12 who seem to get a little irritated about RimWorld and stuff like that, [interjection] Kristin: Suffolk [interjection] Drew: but by and large, they... [00:46:02] Drew: are pretty... [00:46:04] Drew: By and large, they are... [00:46:07] Drew: pretty welcoming and accepting and say, you know, there are different ways to play and [interjection] Kristin: So [interjection] Drew: RimWorld is a different experience even though it's the same. [00:46:16] Drew: Base building, colony building idea. [00:46:18] Kristin: Yeah. [00:46:20] Kristin: Mm-hmm. [00:46:21] Drew: You know, people talk about that. Didn't work for me, but I see why it would appeal to people. [00:46:26] Drew: And, uh... [00:46:27] Drew: See ya! [00:46:27] Kristin: Maybe there's less gatekeeping because Dwarf Fortress itself, the game itself, gatekeeps; like it's difficult to get into. Yeah. [00:46:35] Drew: Yeah, yeah, when there's a larger barrier to entry. [00:46:39] Kristin: Okay. [00:46:41] Drew: And also the fact that [00:46:44] Drew: I don't know how you win Stardew, but it seems like there are people who are trying to win Stardew. [00:46:50] Kristin: I mean, like I said, with the speedrunning, they're trying to... [00:46:53] Kristin: Get. [00:46:54] Kristin: The wealthiest and finish the caverns and... [00:46:57] Kristin: I don't know, build a fancy farm. [00:46:59] Drew: Marry everyone? Do you marry everyone or do you marry one person? [interjection] Kristin: Everyone be merry. [00:47:02] Kristin: You could marry one person at a time. I think in this new patch, you get [00:47:07] Kristin: a portrait of your spouse, and then you can divorce them, and so people are running through everybody trying to get all the portraits. There's some weird commentary about capitalism. [00:47:18] Kristin: Mm-hmm. [00:47:18] Drew: There. [00:47:18] Kristin: You can also erase your spouse's memory. [00:47:22] Drew: Okay. [00:47:22] Kristin: Okay. And you know about turning children into doves, right? [00:47:25] Drew: No. [00:47:26] Kristin: If you just have children with your spouse and you don't want them anymore, you can turn them into doves. [00:47:32] Kristin: I think the wizard does it. I've never gotten married in Stardew because I could never commit to anyone. [00:47:37] Kristin: Also, I tend to burn out pretty quickly. [00:47:40] Drew: So, I don't know. The only thing I know about Stardew is one of the cute girls in it likes to eat rocks, and that's... [00:47:46] Kristin: She is the only one that I have courted to the point that she was my girlfriend because I do love her. [00:47:52] Drew: Yes. [00:47:53] Drew: I love anyone who says that they will eat gems. [00:47:56] Kristin: Yes, you give her an amethyst and she says it was delicious. [00:47:59] Drew: Yummy. [00:48:01] Drew: It is. [00:48:02] Kristin: And there are dwarf references in Stardew. I don't know all the lore because I get really obsessed with these games for a month and then I move on for two years. [00:48:13] Drew: Oh. [00:48:15] Drew: So yeah, it's interesting. It's an interesting thing to tackle, and we should probably talk about that more at some point about just communities starting from the beginning and stuff. [interjection] Kristin: Yeah. [interjection] Drew: But as I've said before, I've always considered the Dwarf Fortress community to be... [00:48:30] Drew: Quite welcoming, actually. [00:48:31] Kristin: I am. [00:48:32] Drew: Because we all start out from the viewpoint of... [00:48:35] Drew: Your fort is going to lose, and you're going to have all of these dwarves you care about, and you've spent, you know... [00:48:41] Drew: You know. [00:48:41] Drew: 20 hours building a fort. [00:48:44] Drew: A hundred hours building a fort. A hundred hours is maybe an exaggeration, yeah. Um, there... You could, though. [00:48:51] Drew: They're going to die. [00:48:52] Kristin: Yeah. [00:48:52] Drew: They're all going to die horribly. [00:48:54] Kristin: It's very likely. [00:48:55] Drew: And monsters are going to come up from the depths and destroy everything you've built. [00:49:01] Kristin: Well, when you look at it that way, it's kind of depressing. [interjection] Drew: Oh, it looks- [00:49:03] Drew: And you have to be okay with it. You have to embrace that that is the fun. [interjection] Kristin: In the afternoon. [00:49:06] Kristin: You have to embrace the chaos. [00:49:08] Kristin: I like the chaos. [00:49:10] Drew: Well, I've said before that I view it as like when you would trigger Godzilla in SimCity to come through. Right? [interjection] Kristin: Because [interjection] Drew: Because you're like, this is going too well. I want chaos. [00:49:21] Kristin: Yep. [00:49:23] Kristin: Well, I think that'll probably do it for us this time. [00:49:25] Drew: Yeah, we actually had a lot to talk about. [00:49:27] Kristin: We yammered on a little bit there. [00:49:29] Drew: And we've got some other topics as well, but we'll save them for a week after next. [00:49:33] Kristin: Yeah, we'll be hopefully talking about adventure mode, maybe talking about adventure mode. We've got some fun plans coming up, so stay tuned. [interjection] Drew: Yeah. [00:49:42] Drew: I want to schedule us an episode where we talk about Discworld and Terry Pratchett. [00:49:47] Kristin: Oh. [00:49:47] Drew: One of our... Listeners, join our Discord in a minute. We'll discuss various [interjection] Kristin: Mm-hmm. [00:49:53] Kristin: Uh-huh. [00:49:53] Drew: blurbs about that, which I actually had not read. [00:49:57] Drew: Pratchett, and it occurred to me that we're old [interjection] Kristin: It occurred to me that... [00:50:00] Drew: And it's been [interjection] Kristin: Mmm. [00:50:03] Drew: a fair bit since he passed away. [00:50:05] Kristin: Yeah. [00:50:05] Drew: And so, people are becoming the generation that just hasn't encountered his work. So we should, yeah, we should. And these days, exactly. And the thing is, if you like Dwarf [interjection] Kristin: It's these days. [interjection] Drew: Fortress, there's a good chance you'll like Terry Pratchett. Yeah, and if you [interjection] Kristin: There's a good chance you'll like Terry Pratchett, yeah. [interjection] Drew: like Terry Pratchett and haven't heard of him, you now have a lot of content to explore. [00:50:26] Kristin: Yes. [00:50:28] Drew: So anyway, with that, I think just [00:50:31] Drew: Yeah, where can they find us? [00:50:34] Kristin: Dang it, I was going to turn it around and make you do it. [00:50:36] Drew: Too late. [00:50:37] Kristin: Oh, all right. Well, you can find us on our website, estrangedmoodpodcast.com. You can email us at estrangedmoodpodcast@gmail.com. [00:50:45] Kristin: Or you can join our Discord, which will be linked in the show notes. [00:50:48] Drew: Excellent, you really rattled that off this time. [00:50:50] Kristin: I did so well. [00:50:51] Drew: All right, well, until next time, just keep digging.