mod_ginger_(module name) ======================== > To create a new module from this template: > > ```bash > $ cd ginger/modules > $ git clone mod_ginger_your_new_module > $ cd mod_ginger_your_new_module && rm -rf .git > ``` (See the [raw version of this file]( to find out how formatting in Markdown works.) A Zotonic module for (insert purpose...). This module is part of [Ginger]( Features: * (core feature 1...) * (core feature 2...) * (core feature 3...) Configuration ------------- (Describe configuration settings for your module...) Usage ----- (Describe how people can use your module...) ## Do this (Add same chapter headings...) ## Do that (And show how it‘s done by supplying code examples, for instance: First, the Zotonic resource is converted into a set of RDF triples. To do so yourself:) ```erlang -include_lib("mod_ginger_rdf/include/rdf.hrl"). #rdf_resource{id = Id, triples = Triples} = m_rdf:to_triples(Id, Context). ``` ## Models (If the module contains template models, list them here.) ### m_thingie (Describe what the template model does.) ## Notifications (Does your module send notifications? List them here...) ### find_links (Explain when the notification is sent and give a code example:) ```erlang -export([ observe_find_links/3 ]). -include_lib("mod_ginger_rdf/include/rdf.hrl"). observe_find_links(#find_links{id=Id, is_a=CatList}, Links, _Context) -> %% Do some search to find relevant RDF links, then return them as a list %% of triple records: [ %% An outgoing link #triple{ type=resource, subject=Id, predicate="", object="" } | Links ]. ``` ### (some other notification) ## Services (If the module contains API services, list them here.)