{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" } }, "source": [ "# Pythonによるインタラクティブ可視化入門\n", "\n", "- [みんなのPython勉強会#61](https://startpython.connpass.com/event/186016/)\n", "- 2020-09-10\n", "- driller[@patraqushe](https://twitter.com/patraqushe)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### 誰?\n", "\n", "- [どりらん](https://twitter.com/patraqushe)\n", "- [fin-py](https://fin-py.connpass.com)\n", "- ぼっち会社経営\n", " - 在宅勤務歴10年\n", " - 非エンジニア" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### fin-py\n", "\n", "Python × 金融のコミュニティ\n", "\n", "![](https://github.com/fin-py/logo/blob/master/finpy_200x200.png?raw=true)\n", "\n", "#### [fin-pyもくもく会 #36](https://fin-py.connpass.com/event/186842/)\n", "\n", "https://fin-py.connpass.com/event/186842/\n", "\n", "- オンライン(Discord)のもくもく会\n", "- 2020/09/12(土) 10:00 〜 13:00\n", "- 特別企画あり" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### Pythonによる株価分析ハンズオン\n", "\n", "https://quantopian-tokyo.connpass.com/event/187549/\n", "\n", "- オンライン(Google Meet)のハンズオン\n", "- 2020/09/20(日) 13:00 〜 17:00\n", "- Python, Numpy, pandasの基礎から統計の基礎まで\n", "\n", "![](https://connpass-tokyo.s3.amazonaws.com/thumbs/76/2a/762a8192223aeb6d410c21669324b1c5.png)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### Software Design 2020年10月号に寄稿しました\n", "\n", "- 第1特集 コードで実践,ビジュアルで納得 Pythonではじめる統計学\n", "- Pythonの基礎文法は知ってるけど統計を一から学びたい人にオススメ\n", "\n", "[![](https://gihyo.jp/assets/images/cover/2020/thumb/TH160_642010.jpg)](https://gihyo.jp/magazine/SD/archive/2020/202010)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### バックナンバーもよろしくネ\n", "\n", "2018年2月号|SD別冊シリーズ|2019年4月号|2020年2月号\n", "---|---|---|---\n", "[![](https://gihyo.jp/assets/images/cover/2018/thumb/TH160_641802.jpg)](https://gihyo.jp/magazine/SD/archive/2018/201802)|[![](https://gihyo.jp/assets/images/cover/2019/thumb/TH160_9784297103965.jpg)](https://gihyo.jp/book/2019/978-4-297-10396-5)|[![](https://gihyo.jp/assets/images/cover/2019/thumb/TH160_641904.jpg)](https://gihyo.jp/magazine/SD/archive/2019/201904)|[![](https://gihyo.jp/assets/images/cover/2020/thumb/TH160_642002.jpg)](https://gihyo.jp/magazine/SD/archive/2020/202002)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" } }, "source": [ "### Pythonの可視化ライブラリ\n", "\n", "![Python Visualization Landscape](https://github.com/rougier/python-visualization-landscape/raw/master/landscape-colors.png)\n", "\n", "> [Python Visualization Landscape](https://github.com/rougier/python-visualization-landscape) より引用" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### 大きくわけて2つに分類される\n", "\n", "- 静的画像による描画\n", " - Matplotlib\n", " - seaborn\n", "- 動的な描画(JavaScriptなど)\n", " - Bokeh\n", " - plotly" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### gapminderデータセット\n", "\n", "https://www.gapminder.org/\n", "\n", "列名|説明\n", "---|---\n", "country|国名\n", "continent|大陸名\n", "year|年度\n", "lifeExp|寿命\n", "pop|人口\n", "gdpPercap|人口当りGDP" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": { "hideCode": false, "hidePrompt": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "
\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
\n", "
" ], "text/plain": [ " country continent year lifeExp pop gdpPercap iso_alpha \\\n", "0 Afghanistan Asia 1952 28.801 8425333 779.445314 AFG \n", "1 Afghanistan Asia 1957 30.332 9240934 820.853030 AFG \n", "2 Afghanistan Asia 1962 31.997 10267083 853.100710 AFG \n", "3 Afghanistan Asia 1967 34.020 11537966 836.197138 AFG \n", "4 Afghanistan Asia 1972 36.088 13079460 739.981106 AFG \n", "\n", " iso_num \n", "0 4 \n", "1 4 \n", "2 4 \n", "3 4 \n", "4 4 " ] }, "execution_count": 1, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "import plotly.express as px\n", "\n", "gapminder = px.data.gapminder()\n", "gapminder.head()" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### pandas(Matplotlib)からの散布図" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "metadata": { "hideCode": false, "hidePrompt": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "execution_count": 2, 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"text/plain": [ "
" ] }, "metadata": { "needs_background": "light" }, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "%matplotlib inline\n", "gapminder.plot.scatter(x=\"gdpPercap\", y=\"lifeExp\", logx=True, xlim=[100, 1e6])" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### 課題\n", "\n", "- 国や地域ごとの傾向をつかめない\n", " - 日本のデータどれ?\n", "- 要素の特定ができない\n", " - この点はどこの国?いつの時点?\n", "- 具体的な値がわからない\n", "- 特定の要素を時系列で把握したい\n", " - 要素の内容を別な観点(折れ線グラフ)でみたい" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### インタラクティブな可視化で解決\n", "\n", "- 探索的\n", "- 対話的\n", "- イベントによる変化(コールバック)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### 従来のインタラクティブな可視化\n", "\n", "- フロントエンドの知識が必要\n", " - UI\n", " - デザイン\n", " - JavaScript\n", " - [D3.js](https://d3js.org)\n", " - [Chart.js](https://www.chartjs.org)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "Pythonやデータ処理とは全く違った分野の学習コストが発生\n", "\n", "![](https://regeld.xsrv.jp/desi/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/confusion-180x157.png)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" } }, "source": [ "## Plotlyによるインタラクティブな可視化\n", "\n", "- plotly.py\n", "- Plotly Express\n", "\n", "![](https://regeld.xsrv.jp/desi/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/recommend-180x154.png)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "Pythonだけでできる!\n", "\n", "![](https://regeld.xsrv.jp/desi/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/friend_Illustration_3-180x78.png)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### plotly.py\n", "\n", "- JavaScriptベースの可視化ツール\n", " - plotly.jsの機能がPythonから使える\n", " - [d3.js](https://d3js.org/)および[stack.gl](https://github.com/stackgl)を利用\n", "- 広範囲な用途に対応したグラフを描画\n", " - 統計、財務、地理、科学など\n", " - 40種類以上のグラフをサポート\n", "- Jupyter上にグラフを描画できる" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### Plotly Express\n", "\n", "- plotly.pyの高水準のラッパ\n", "- 簡潔なコードでデータを可視化\n", "- seabornと同様に統計的な前処理を自動で行う" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### ホバーツール\n", "\n", "探索的な可視化が行える\n", "\n", "- 座標の情報\n", "- 要素の情報\n", "- カスタマイズした情報(書式設定など)\n", "\n", "![](https://regeld.xsrv.jp/desi/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/search-180x147.png)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### Plotly Expressによる散布図" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "metadata": { "scrolled": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ " \n", " " ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "application/vnd.plotly.v1+json": { "config": { "plotlyServerURL": "https://plot.ly" }, "data": [ { "customdata": [ [ 8425333, 1952 ], [ 9240934, 1957 ], [ 10267083, 1962 ], [ 11537966, 1967 ], [ 13079460, 1972 ], [ 14880372, 1977 ], [ 12881816, 1982 ], [ 13867957, 1987 ], [ 16317921, 1992 ], [ 22227415, 1997 ], [ 25268405, 2002 ], [ 31889923, 2007 ], [ 120447, 1952 ], [ 138655, 1957 ], [ 171863, 1962 ], [ 202182, 1967 ], [ 230800, 1972 ], [ 297410, 1977 ], [ 377967, 1982 ], [ 454612, 1987 ], [ 529491, 1992 ], [ 598561, 1997 ], [ 656397, 2002 ], [ 708573, 2007 ], [ 46886859, 1952 ], [ 51365468, 1957 ], [ 56839289, 1962 ], [ 62821884, 1967 ], [ 70759295, 1972 ], [ 80428306, 1977 ], [ 93074406, 1982 ], [ 103764241, 1987 ], [ 113704579, 1992 ], [ 123315288, 1997 ], [ 135656790, 2002 ], [ 150448339, 2007 ], [ 4693836, 1952 ], [ 5322536, 1957 ], [ 6083619, 1962 ], [ 6960067, 1967 ], [ 7450606, 1972 ], [ 6978607, 1977 ], [ 7272485, 1982 ], [ 8371791, 1987 ], [ 10150094, 1992 ], [ 11782962, 1997 ], [ 12926707, 2002 ], [ 14131858, 2007 ], [ 556263527, 1952 ], [ 637408000, 1957 ], [ 665770000, 1962 ], [ 754550000, 1967 ], [ 862030000, 1972 ], [ 943455000, 1977 ], [ 1000281000, 1982 ], [ 1084035000, 1987 ], [ 1164970000, 1992 ], [ 1230075000, 1997 ], [ 1280400000, 2002 ], [ 1318683096, 2007 ], [ 2125900, 1952 ], [ 2736300, 1957 ], [ 3305200, 1962 ], [ 3722800, 1967 ], [ 4115700, 1972 ], [ 4583700, 1977 ], [ 5264500, 1982 ], [ 5584510, 1987 ], [ 5829696, 1992 ], [ 6495918, 1997 ], [ 6762476, 2002 ], [ 6980412, 2007 ], [ 372000000, 1952 ], [ 409000000, 1957 ], [ 454000000, 1962 ], [ 506000000, 1967 ], [ 567000000, 1972 ], [ 634000000, 1977 ], [ 708000000, 1982 ], [ 788000000, 1987 ], [ 872000000, 1992 ], [ 959000000, 1997 ], [ 1034172547, 2002 ], [ 1110396331, 2007 ], [ 82052000, 1952 ], [ 90124000, 1957 ], [ 99028000, 1962 ], [ 109343000, 1967 ], [ 121282000, 1972 ], [ 136725000, 1977 ], [ 153343000, 1982 ], [ 169276000, 1987 ], [ 184816000, 1992 ], [ 199278000, 1997 ], [ 211060000, 2002 ], [ 223547000, 2007 ], [ 17272000, 1952 ], [ 19792000, 1957 ], [ 22874000, 1962 ], [ 26538000, 1967 ], [ 30614000, 1972 ], [ 35480679, 1977 ], [ 43072751, 1982 ], [ 51889696, 1987 ], [ 60397973, 1992 ], [ 63327987, 1997 ], [ 66907826, 2002 ], [ 69453570, 2007 ], [ 5441766, 1952 ], [ 6248643, 1957 ], [ 7240260, 1962 ], [ 8519282, 1967 ], [ 10061506, 1972 ], [ 11882916, 1977 ], [ 14173318, 1982 ], [ 16543189, 1987 ], [ 17861905, 1992 ], [ 20775703, 1997 ], [ 24001816, 2002 ], [ 27499638, 2007 ], [ 1620914, 1952 ], [ 1944401, 1957 ], [ 2310904, 1962 ], [ 2693585, 1967 ], [ 3095893, 1972 ], [ 3495918, 1977 ], [ 3858421, 1982 ], [ 4203148, 1987 ], [ 4936550, 1992 ], [ 5531387, 1997 ], [ 6029529, 2002 ], [ 6426679, 2007 ], [ 86459025, 1952 ], [ 91563009, 1957 ], [ 95831757, 1962 ], [ 100825279, 1967 ], [ 107188273, 1972 ], [ 113872473, 1977 ], [ 118454974, 1982 ], [ 122091325, 1987 ], [ 124329269, 1992 ], [ 125956499, 1997 ], [ 127065841, 2002 ], [ 127467972, 2007 ], [ 607914, 1952 ], [ 746559, 1957 ], [ 933559, 1962 ], [ 1255058, 1967 ], [ 1613551, 1972 ], [ 1937652, 1977 ], [ 2347031, 1982 ], [ 2820042, 1987 ], [ 3867409, 1992 ], [ 4526235, 1997 ], [ 5307470, 2002 ], [ 6053193, 2007 ], [ 8865488, 1952 ], [ 9411381, 1957 ], [ 10917494, 1962 ], [ 12617009, 1967 ], [ 14781241, 1972 ], [ 16325320, 1977 ], [ 17647518, 1982 ], [ 19067554, 1987 ], [ 20711375, 1992 ], [ 21585105, 1997 ], [ 22215365, 2002 ], [ 23301725, 2007 ], [ 20947571, 1952 ], [ 22611552, 1957 ], [ 26420307, 1962 ], [ 30131000, 1967 ], [ 33505000, 1972 ], [ 36436000, 1977 ], [ 39326000, 1982 ], [ 41622000, 1987 ], [ 43805450, 1992 ], [ 46173816, 1997 ], [ 47969150, 2002 ], [ 49044790, 2007 ], [ 160000, 1952 ], [ 212846, 1957 ], [ 358266, 1962 ], [ 575003, 1967 ], [ 841934, 1972 ], [ 1140357, 1977 ], [ 1497494, 1982 ], [ 1891487, 1987 ], [ 1418095, 1992 ], [ 1765345, 1997 ], [ 2111561, 2002 ], [ 2505559, 2007 ], [ 1439529, 1952 ], [ 1647412, 1957 ], [ 1886848, 1962 ], [ 2186894, 1967 ], [ 2680018, 1972 ], [ 3115787, 1977 ], [ 3086876, 1982 ], [ 3089353, 1987 ], [ 3219994, 1992 ], [ 3430388, 1997 ], [ 3677780, 2002 ], [ 3921278, 2007 ], [ 6748378, 1952 ], [ 7739235, 1957 ], [ 8906385, 1962 ], [ 10154878, 1967 ], [ 11441462, 1972 ], [ 12845381, 1977 ], [ 14441916, 1982 ], [ 16331785, 1987 ], [ 18319502, 1992 ], [ 20476091, 1997 ], [ 22662365, 2002 ], [ 24821286, 2007 ], [ 800663, 1952 ], [ 882134, 1957 ], [ 1010280, 1962 ], [ 1149500, 1967 ], [ 1320500, 1972 ], [ 1528000, 1977 ], [ 1756032, 1982 ], [ 2015133, 1987 ], [ 2312802, 1992 ], [ 2494803, 1997 ], [ 2674234, 2002 ], [ 2874127, 2007 ], [ 20092996, 1952 ], [ 21731844, 1957 ], [ 23634436, 1962 ], [ 25870271, 1967 ], [ 28466390, 1972 ], [ 31528087, 1977 ], [ 34680442, 1982 ], [ 38028578, 1987 ], [ 40546538, 1992 ], [ 43247867, 1997 ], [ 45598081, 2002 ], [ 47761980, 2007 ], [ 9182536, 1952 ], [ 9682338, 1957 ], [ 10332057, 1962 ], [ 11261690, 1967 ], [ 12412593, 1972 ], [ 13933198, 1977 ], [ 15796314, 1982 ], [ 17917180, 1987 ], [ 20326209, 1992 ], [ 23001113, 1997 ], [ 25873917, 2002 ], [ 28901790, 2007 ], [ 507833, 1952 ], [ 561977, 1957 ], [ 628164, 1962 ], [ 714775, 1967 ], [ 829050, 1972 ], [ 1004533, 1977 ], [ 1301048, 1982 ], [ 1593882, 1987 ], [ 1915208, 1992 ], [ 2283635, 1997 ], [ 2713462, 2002 ], [ 3204897, 2007 ], [ 41346560, 1952 ], [ 46679944, 1957 ], [ 53100671, 1962 ], [ 60641899, 1967 ], [ 69325921, 1972 ], [ 78152686, 1977 ], [ 91462088, 1982 ], [ 105186881, 1987 ], [ 120065004, 1992 ], [ 135564834, 1997 ], [ 153403524, 2002 ], [ 169270617, 2007 ], [ 22438691, 1952 ], [ 26072194, 1957 ], [ 30325264, 1962 ], [ 35356600, 1967 ], [ 40850141, 1972 ], [ 46850962, 1977 ], [ 53456774, 1982 ], [ 60017788, 1987 ], [ 67185766, 1992 ], [ 75012988, 1997 ], [ 82995088, 2002 ], [ 91077287, 2007 ], [ 4005677, 1952 ], [ 4419650, 1957 ], [ 4943029, 1962 ], [ 5618198, 1967 ], [ 6472756, 1972 ], [ 8128505, 1977 ], [ 11254672, 1982 ], [ 14619745, 1987 ], [ 16945857, 1992 ], [ 21229759, 1997 ], [ 24501530, 2002 ], [ 27601038, 2007 ], [ 1127000, 1952 ], [ 1445929, 1957 ], [ 1750200, 1962 ], [ 1977600, 1967 ], [ 2152400, 1972 ], [ 2325300, 1977 ], [ 2651869, 1982 ], [ 2794552, 1987 ], [ 3235865, 1992 ], [ 3802309, 1997 ], [ 4197776, 2002 ], [ 4553009, 2007 ], [ 7982342, 1952 ], [ 9128546, 1957 ], [ 10421936, 1962 ], [ 11737396, 1967 ], [ 13016733, 1972 ], [ 14116836, 1977 ], [ 15410151, 1982 ], [ 16495304, 1987 ], [ 17587060, 1992 ], [ 18698655, 1997 ], [ 19576783, 2002 ], [ 20378239, 2007 ], [ 3661549, 1952 ], [ 4149908, 1957 ], [ 4834621, 1962 ], [ 5680812, 1967 ], [ 6701172, 1972 ], [ 7932503, 1977 ], [ 9410494, 1982 ], [ 11242847, 1987 ], [ 13219062, 1992 ], [ 15081016, 1997 ], [ 17155814, 2002 ], [ 19314747, 2007 ], [ 8550362, 1952 ], [ 10164215, 1957 ], [ 11918938, 1962 ], [ 13648692, 1967 ], [ 15226039, 1972 ], [ 16785196, 1977 ], [ 18501390, 1982 ], [ 19757799, 1987 ], [ 20686918, 1992 ], [ 21628605, 1997 ], [ 22454239, 2002 ], [ 23174294, 2007 ], [ 21289402, 1952 ], [ 25041917, 1957 ], [ 29263397, 1962 ], [ 34024249, 1967 ], [ 39276153, 1972 ], [ 44148285, 1977 ], [ 48827160, 1982 ], [ 52910342, 1987 ], [ 56667095, 1992 ], [ 60216677, 1997 ], [ 62806748, 2002 ], [ 65068149, 2007 ], [ 26246839, 1952 ], [ 28998543, 1957 ], [ 33796140, 1962 ], [ 39463910, 1967 ], [ 44655014, 1972 ], [ 50533506, 1977 ], [ 56142181, 1982 ], [ 62826491, 1987 ], [ 69940728, 1992 ], [ 76048996, 1997 ], [ 80908147, 2002 ], [ 85262356, 2007 ], [ 1030585, 1952 ], [ 1070439, 1957 ], [ 1133134, 1962 ], [ 1142636, 1967 ], [ 1089572, 1972 ], [ 1261091, 1977 ], [ 1425876, 1982 ], [ 1691210, 1987 ], [ 2104779, 1992 ], [ 2826046, 1997 ], [ 3389578, 2002 ], [ 4018332, 2007 ], [ 4963829, 1952 ], [ 5498090, 1957 ], [ 6120081, 1962 ], [ 6740785, 1967 ], [ 7407075, 1972 ], [ 8403990, 1977 ], [ 9657618, 1982 ], [ 11219340, 1987 ], [ 13367997, 1992 ], [ 15826497, 1997 ], [ 18701257, 2002 ], [ 22211743, 2007 ] ], "hovertemplate": "%{hovertext}

year=%{customdata[1]}", "hovertext": [ "Afghanistan", "Afghanistan", "Afghanistan", "Afghanistan", "Afghanistan", "Afghanistan", "Afghanistan", "Afghanistan", "Afghanistan", "Afghanistan", "Afghanistan", "Afghanistan", "Bahrain", "Bahrain", "Bahrain", "Bahrain", "Bahrain", "Bahrain", "Bahrain", "Bahrain", "Bahrain", "Bahrain", "Bahrain", "Bahrain", "Bangladesh", "Bangladesh", "Bangladesh", "Bangladesh", "Bangladesh", "Bangladesh", "Bangladesh", "Bangladesh", "Bangladesh", "Bangladesh", "Bangladesh", "Bangladesh", "Cambodia", "Cambodia", "Cambodia", "Cambodia", "Cambodia", "Cambodia", "Cambodia", "Cambodia", "Cambodia", "Cambodia", "Cambodia", "Cambodia", "China", "China", "China", "China", "China", "China", "China", "China", "China", "China", "China", "China", "Hong Kong, China", "Hong Kong, China", "Hong Kong, China", "Hong Kong, China", "Hong Kong, China", "Hong Kong, China", "Hong Kong, China", "Hong Kong, China", "Hong Kong, China", "Hong Kong, China", "Hong Kong, China", "Hong Kong, China", "India", "India", "India", "India", "India", "India", "India", "India", "India", "India", "India", "India", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Indonesia", "Iran", "Iran", "Iran", "Iran", "Iran", "Iran", "Iran", "Iran", "Iran", "Iran", "Iran", "Iran", "Iraq", "Iraq", "Iraq", "Iraq", "Iraq", "Iraq", "Iraq", "Iraq", "Iraq", "Iraq", "Iraq", "Iraq", "Israel", "Israel", "Israel", "Israel", "Israel", "Israel", "Israel", "Israel", "Israel", "Israel", "Israel", "Israel", "Japan", "Japan", "Japan", "Japan", "Japan", "Japan", "Japan", "Japan", "Japan", "Japan", "Japan", "Japan", "Jordan", "Jordan", "Jordan", "Jordan", "Jordan", "Jordan", "Jordan", "Jordan", "Jordan", "Jordan", "Jordan", "Jordan", "Korea, Dem. 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6248643, 7240260, 8519282, 10061506, 11882916, 14173318, 16543189, 17861905, 20775703, 24001816, 27499638, 1620914, 1944401, 2310904, 2693585, 3095893, 3495918, 3858421, 4203148, 4936550, 5531387, 6029529, 6426679, 86459025, 91563009, 95831757, 100825279, 107188273, 113872473, 118454974, 122091325, 124329269, 125956499, 127065841, 127467972, 607914, 746559, 933559, 1255058, 1613551, 1937652, 2347031, 2820042, 3867409, 4526235, 5307470, 6053193, 8865488, 9411381, 10917494, 12617009, 14781241, 16325320, 17647518, 19067554, 20711375, 21585105, 22215365, 23301725, 20947571, 22611552, 26420307, 30131000, 33505000, 36436000, 39326000, 41622000, 43805450, 46173816, 47969150, 49044790, 160000, 212846, 358266, 575003, 841934, 1140357, 1497494, 1891487, 1418095, 1765345, 2111561, 2505559, 1439529, 1647412, 1886848, 2186894, 2680018, 3115787, 3086876, 3089353, 3219994, 3430388, 3677780, 3921278, 6748378, 7739235, 8906385, 10154878, 11441462, 12845381, 14441916, 16331785, 18319502, 20476091, 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15410151, 16495304, 17587060, 18698655, 19576783, 20378239, 3661549, 4149908, 4834621, 5680812, 6701172, 7932503, 9410494, 11242847, 13219062, 15081016, 17155814, 19314747, 8550362, 10164215, 11918938, 13648692, 15226039, 16785196, 18501390, 19757799, 20686918, 21628605, 22454239, 23174294, 21289402, 25041917, 29263397, 34024249, 39276153, 44148285, 48827160, 52910342, 56667095, 60216677, 62806748, 65068149, 26246839, 28998543, 33796140, 39463910, 44655014, 50533506, 56142181, 62826491, 69940728, 76048996, 80908147, 85262356, 1030585, 1070439, 1133134, 1142636, 1089572, 1261091, 1425876, 1691210, 2104779, 2826046, 3389578, 4018332, 4963829, 5498090, 6120081, 6740785, 7407075, 8403990, 9657618, 11219340, 13367997, 15826497, 18701257, 22211743 ], "sizemode": "area", "sizeref": 824176.935, "symbol": "circle" }, "mode": "markers", "name": "Asia", "showlegend": true, "type": "scattergl", "x": [ 779.4453145, 820.8530296, 853.1007099999999, 836.1971382, 739.9811057999999, 786.11336, 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30209.015160000003, 39724.97867, 546.5657493, 590.061996, 658.3471509, 700.7706107000001, 724.032527, 813.3373230000001, 855.7235377000001, 976.5126756000001, 1164.406809, 1458.817442, 1746.769454, 2452.210407, 749.6816546, 858.9002707000001, 849.2897700999999, 762.4317721, 1111.107907, 1382.702056, 1516.872988, 1748.356961, 2383.140898, 3119.335603, 2873.91287, 3540.6515640000002, 3035.326002, 3290.257643, 4187.329802, 5906.731804999999, 9613.818607, 11888.59508, 7608.334602, 6642.881371, 7235.653187999999, 8263.590301, 9240.761975, 11605.71449, 4129.766056, 6229.333562, 8341.737815, 8931.459811, 9576.037596, 14688.235069999999, 14517.90711, 11643.57268, 3745.6406869999996, 3076.239795, 4390.717312, 4471.061906, 4086.522128, 5385.278451, 7105.630706, 8393.741404, 12786.93223, 13306.619209999999, 15367.0292, 17122.47986, 18051.52254, 20896.60924, 21905.59514, 25523.2771, 3216.956347, 4317.694365, 6576.649461, 9847.788606999999, 14778.78636, 16610.37701, 19384.10571, 22375.941890000002, 26824.895109999998, 28816.58499, 28604.5919, 31656.06806, 1546.907807, 1886.080591, 2348.009158, 2741.796252, 2110.856309, 2852.351568, 4161.415959, 4448.679912, 3431.5936469999997, 3645.379572, 3844.9171939999997, 4519.461171, 1088.277758, 1571.134655, 1621.693598, 2143.540609, 3701.6215030000003, 4106.301249, 4106.525293, 4106.4923149999995, 3726.063507, 1690.756814, 1646.758151, 1593.06548, 1030.592226, 1487.593537, 1536.3443869999999, 2029.2281420000002, 3030.87665, 4657.22102, 5622.942464, 8533.088805, 12104.27872, 15993.52796, 19233.98818, 23348.139730000003, 108382.3529, 113523.1329, 95458.11176, 80894.88326, 109347.867, 59265.477139999995, 31354.03573, 28118.42998, 34932.91959, 40300.61996, 35110.10566, 47306.98978, 4834.804067, 6089.786934000001, 5714.560611, 6006.983042, 7486.384341, 8659.696836, 7640.519520999999, 5377.091329, 6890.806854, 8754.96385, 9313.93883, 10461.05868, 1831.132894, 1810.0669920000003, 2036.8849440000001, 2277.742396, 2849.09478, 3827.9215710000003, 4920.355951, 5249.802653, 7277.912802, 10132.90964, 10206.97794, 12451.6558, 786.5668575, 912.6626085, 1056.353958, 1226.04113, 1421.741975, 1647.511665, 2000.603139, 2338.008304, 1785.402016, 1902.2521, 2140.7393230000002, 3095.7722710000003, 331, 350, 388, 349, 357, 371, 424, 385, 347, 415, 611, 944, 545.8657228999999, 597.9363557999999, 652.3968593, 676.4422254, 674.7881296, 694.1124398, 718.3730947, 775.6324501, 897.7403604, 1010.892138, 1057.206311, 1091.359778, 1828.230307, 2242.746551, 2924.638113, 4720.942687, 10618.03855, 11848.343920000001, 12954.791009999999, 18115.223130000002, 18616.70691, 19702.055809999998, 19774.83687, 22316.19287, 684.5971437999999, 747.0835292, 803.3427418, 942.4082588, 1049.938981, 1175.921193, 1443.429832, 1704.686583, 1971.8294640000001, 2049.3505210000003, 2092.712441, 2605.94758, 1272.880995, 1547.9448439999999, 1649.5521529999999, 1814.12743, 1989.3740699999998, 2373.204287, 2603.273765, 2189.634995, 2279.3240170000004, 2536.534925, 2650.921068, 3190.481016, 6459.5548229999995, 8157.591248000001, 11626.41975, 16903.04886, 24837.42865, 34167.7626, 33693.17525, 21198.26136, 24841.617769999997, 20586.69019, 19014.54118, 21654.83194, 2315.138227, 2843.104409, 3674.735572, 4977.41854, 8597.756202, 11210.08948, 15169.161119999999, 18861.53081, 24769.8912, 33519.4766, 36023.1054, 47143.179639999995, 1083.53203, 1072.546602, 1074.4719599999999, 1135.514326, 1213.39553, 1348.775651, 1648.0797890000001, 1876.766827, 2153.7392219999997, 2664.477257, 3015.3788329999998, 3970.0954070000003, 1643.485354, 2117.234893, 2193.037133, 1881.923632, 2571.423014, 3195.484582, 3761.8377149999997, 3116.774285, 3340.542768, 4014.238972, 4090.9253310000004, 4184.548089, 1206.947913, 1507.86129, 1822.879028, 2643.8586809999997, 4062.523897, 5596.519826, 7426.354773999999, 11054.56175, 15215.6579, 20206.82098, 23235.42329, 28718.27684, 757.7974177, 793.5774147999999, 1002.1991720000001, 1295.46066, 1524.3589359999999, 1961.2246350000003, 2393.219781, 2982.653773, 4616.8965450000005, 5852.625497, 5913.187529, 7458.3963269999995, 605.0664917, 676.2854477999999, 772.0491602000001, 637.1232887, 699.5016441, 713.5371196000001, 707.2357863, 820.7994449, 989.0231487, 1385.896769, 1764.456677, 2441.576404, 1515.5923289999998, 1827.0677420000002, 2198.9563120000003, 2649.7150070000002, 3133.4092769999997, 3682.8314939999996, 4336.032082, 5107.197384, 6017.654756, 7110.667619, 4515.487575, 3025.349798, 781.7175761, 804.8304547, 825.6232006, 862.4421463, 1265.047031, 1829.765177, 1977.5570100000002, 1971.741538, 1879.496673, 2117.484526, 2234.820827, 2280.769906 ], "xaxis": "x", "y": [ 28.801, 30.331999999999997, 31.997, 34.02, 36.088, 38.438, 39.854, 40.821999999999996, 41.674, 41.763000000000005, 42.129, 43.828, 50.93899999999999, 53.832, 56.923, 59.923, 63.3, 65.593, 69.05199999999999, 70.75, 72.601, 73.925, 74.795, 75.635, 37.484, 39.348, 41.216, 43.453, 45.251999999999995, 46.923, 50.00899999999999, 52.818999999999996, 56.018, 59.412, 62.013000000000005, 64.062, 39.417, 41.36600000000001, 43.415, 45.415, 40.317, 31.22, 50.957, 53.913999999999994, 55.803000000000004, 56.534, 56.751999999999995, 59.723, 44, 50.54896, 44.50136, 58.381119999999996, 63.118880000000004, 63.96736, 65.525, 67.274, 68.69, 70.426, 72.028, 72.961, 60.96, 64.75, 67.65, 70, 72, 73.6, 75.45, 76.2, 77.601, 80, 81.495, 82.208, 37.373000000000005, 40.249, 43.605, 47.193000000000005, 50.651, 54.208, 56.596000000000004, 58.553000000000004, 60.223, 61.765, 62.879, 64.69800000000001, 37.468, 39.918, 42.518, 45.964, 49.203, 52.702, 56.159, 60.137, 62.681000000000004, 66.041, 68.58800000000001, 70.65, 44.869, 47.181000000000004, 49.325, 52.468999999999994, 55.233999999999995, 57.702, 59.62, 63.04, 65.742, 68.042, 69.45100000000001, 70.964, 45.32, 48.437, 51.457, 54.458999999999996, 56.95, 60.413000000000004, 62.038000000000004, 65.044, 59.461000000000006, 58.81100000000001, 57.04600000000001, 59.545, 65.39, 67.84, 69.39, 70.75, 71.63, 73.06, 74.45, 75.6, 76.93, 78.26899999999999, 79.696, 80.745, 63.03, 65.5, 68.73, 71.43, 73.42, 75.38, 77.11, 78.67, 79.36, 80.69, 82, 82.603, 43.158, 45.669, 48.126000000000005, 51.629, 56.528, 61.13399999999999, 63.739, 65.869, 68.015, 69.77199999999999, 71.263, 72.535, 50.056000000000004, 54.081, 56.656000000000006, 59.942, 63.983000000000004, 67.15899999999999, 69.1, 70.64699999999999, 69.97800000000001, 67.727, 66.66199999999999, 67.297, 47.453, 52.681000000000004, 55.292, 57.716, 62.611999999999995, 64.766, 67.123, 69.81, 72.244, 74.64699999999999, 77.045, 78.623, 55.565, 58.033, 60.47, 64.624, 67.712, 69.343, 71.309, 74.17399999999999, 75.19, 76.156, 76.904, 77.58800000000001, 55.928000000000004, 59.489, 62.093999999999994, 63.87, 65.421, 66.09899999999999, 66.983, 67.926, 69.292, 70.265, 71.028, 71.993, 48.463, 52.102, 55.736999999999995, 59.371, 63.01, 65.256, 68, 69.5, 70.693, 71.938, 73.044, 74.241, 42.244, 45.248000000000005, 48.251000000000005, 51.253, 53.754, 55.49100000000001, 57.489, 60.222, 61.271, 63.625, 65.033, 66.803, 36.319, 41.905, 45.108000000000004, 49.379, 53.07, 56.059, 58.056000000000004, 58.339, 59.32, 60.328, 59.908, 62.068999999999996, 36.157, 37.686, 39.393, 41.472, 43.971000000000004, 46.748000000000005, 49.593999999999994, 52.537, 55.727, 59.426, 61.34, 63.785, 37.578, 40.08, 43.165, 46.988, 52.143, 57.367, 62.728, 67.734, 71.197, 72.499, 74.193, 75.64, 43.43600000000001, 45.556999999999995, 47.67, 49.8, 51.928999999999995, 54.043, 56.158, 58.245, 60.838, 61.818000000000005, 63.61, 65.483, 47.751999999999995, 51.333999999999996, 54.757, 56.393, 58.065, 60.06, 62.082, 64.15100000000001, 66.458, 68.564, 70.303, 71.688, 39.875, 42.868, 45.913999999999994, 49.901, 53.886, 58.69, 63.012, 66.295, 68.768, 70.533, 71.626, 72.777, 60.396, 63.178999999999995, 65.798, 67.946, 69.521, 70.795, 71.76, 73.56, 75.788, 77.158, 78.77, 79.972, 57.593, 61.456, 62.192, 64.266, 65.042, 65.949, 68.757, 69.01100000000001, 70.37899999999999, 70.457, 70.815, 72.396, 45.883, 48.284, 50.305, 53.655, 57.29600000000001, 61.195, 64.59, 66.97399999999999, 69.249, 71.527, 73.053, 74.143, 58.5, 62.4, 65.2, 67.5, 69.39, 70.59, 72.16, 73.4, 74.26, 75.25, 76.99, 78.4, 50.848, 53.63, 56.06100000000001, 58.285, 60.405, 62.494, 64.597, 66.084, 67.298, 67.521, 68.564, 70.616, 40.412, 42.887, 45.363, 47.838, 50.254, 55.763999999999996, 58.816, 62.82, 67.66199999999999, 70.672, 73.017, 74.249, 43.16, 45.67100000000001, 48.126999999999995, 51.631, 56.532, 60.765, 64.406, 67.046, 69.718, 71.096, 72.37, 73.422, 32.548, 33.97, 35.18, 36.984, 39.848, 44.175, 49.113, 52.922, 55.599, 58.02, 60.308, 62.698 ], "yaxis": "y" }, { "customdata": [ [ 1282697, 1952 ], [ 1476505, 1957 ], [ 1728137, 1962 ], [ 1984060, 1967 ], [ 2263554, 1972 ], [ 2509048, 1977 ], [ 2780097, 1982 ], [ 3075321, 1987 ], [ 3326498, 1992 ], [ 3428038, 1997 ], [ 3508512, 2002 ], [ 3600523, 2007 ], [ 6927772, 1952 ], [ 6965860, 1957 ], [ 7129864, 1962 ], [ 7376998, 1967 ], [ 7544201, 1972 ], [ 7568430, 1977 ], [ 7574613, 1982 ], [ 7578903, 1987 ], [ 7914969, 1992 ], [ 8069876, 1997 ], [ 8148312, 2002 ], [ 8199783, 2007 ], [ 8730405, 1952 ], [ 8989111, 1957 ], [ 9218400, 1962 ], [ 9556500, 1967 ], [ 9709100, 1972 ], [ 9821800, 1977 ], [ 9856303, 1982 ], [ 9870200, 1987 ], [ 10045622, 1992 ], [ 10199787, 1997 ], [ 10311970, 2002 ], [ 10392226, 2007 ], [ 2791000, 1952 ], [ 3076000, 1957 ], [ 3349000, 1962 ], [ 3585000, 1967 ], [ 3819000, 1972 ], [ 4086000, 1977 ], [ 4172693, 1982 ], [ 4338977, 1987 ], [ 4256013, 1992 ], [ 3607000, 1997 ], [ 4165416, 2002 ], [ 4552198, 2007 ], [ 7274900, 1952 ], [ 7651254, 1957 ], [ 8012946, 1962 ], [ 8310226, 1967 ], [ 8576200, 1972 ], [ 8797022, 1977 ], [ 8892098, 1982 ], [ 8971958, 1987 ], [ 8658506, 1992 ], [ 8066057, 1997 ], [ 7661799, 2002 ], [ 7322858, 2007 ], [ 3882229, 1952 ], [ 3991242, 1957 ], [ 4076557, 1962 ], [ 4174366, 1967 ], [ 4225310, 1972 ], [ 4318673, 1977 ], [ 4413368, 1982 ], [ 4484310, 1987 ], [ 4494013, 1992 ], [ 4444595, 1997 ], [ 4481020, 2002 ], [ 4493312, 2007 ], [ 9125183, 1952 ], [ 9513758, 1957 ], [ 9620282, 1962 ], [ 9835109, 1967 ], [ 9862158, 1972 ], [ 10161915, 1977 ], [ 10303704, 1982 ], [ 10311597, 1987 ], [ 10315702, 1992 ], [ 10300707, 1997 ], [ 10256295, 2002 ], [ 10228744, 2007 ], [ 4334000, 1952 ], [ 4487831, 1957 ], [ 4646899, 1962 ], [ 4838800, 1967 ], [ 4991596, 1972 ], [ 5088419, 1977 ], [ 5117810, 1982 ], [ 5127024, 1987 ], [ 5171393, 1992 ], [ 5283663, 1997 ], [ 5374693, 2002 ], [ 5468120, 2007 ], [ 4090500, 1952 ], [ 4324000, 1957 ], [ 4491443, 1962 ], [ 4605744, 1967 ], [ 4639657, 1972 ], [ 4738902, 1977 ], [ 4826933, 1982 ], [ 4931729, 1987 ], [ 5041039, 1992 ], [ 5134406, 1997 ], [ 5193039, 2002 ], [ 5238460, 2007 ], [ 42459667, 1952 ], [ 44310863, 1957 ], [ 47124000, 1962 ], [ 49569000, 1967 ], [ 51732000, 1972 ], [ 53165019, 1977 ], [ 54433565, 1982 ], [ 55630100, 1987 ], [ 57374179, 1992 ], [ 58623428, 1997 ], [ 59925035, 2002 ], [ 61083916, 2007 ], [ 69145952, 1952 ], [ 71019069, 1957 ], [ 73739117, 1962 ], [ 76368453, 1967 ], [ 78717088, 1972 ], [ 78160773, 1977 ], [ 78335266, 1982 ], [ 77718298, 1987 ], [ 80597764, 1992 ], [ 82011073, 1997 ], [ 82350671, 2002 ], [ 82400996, 2007 ], [ 7733250, 1952 ], [ 8096218, 1957 ], [ 8448233, 1962 ], [ 8716441, 1967 ], [ 8888628, 1972 ], [ 9308479, 1977 ], [ 9786480, 1982 ], [ 9974490, 1987 ], [ 10325429, 1992 ], [ 10502372, 1997 ], [ 10603863, 2002 ], [ 10706290, 2007 ], [ 9504000, 1952 ], [ 9839000, 1957 ], [ 10063000, 1962 ], [ 10223422, 1967 ], [ 10394091, 1972 ], [ 10637171, 1977 ], [ 10705535, 1982 ], [ 10612740, 1987 ], [ 10348684, 1992 ], [ 10244684, 1997 ], [ 10083313, 2002 ], [ 9956108, 2007 ], [ 147962, 1952 ], [ 165110, 1957 ], [ 182053, 1962 ], [ 198676, 1967 ], [ 209275, 1972 ], [ 221823, 1977 ], [ 233997, 1982 ], [ 244676, 1987 ], [ 259012, 1992 ], [ 271192, 1997 ], [ 288030, 2002 ], [ 301931, 2007 ], [ 2952156, 1952 ], [ 2878220, 1957 ], [ 2830000, 1962 ], [ 2900100, 1967 ], [ 3024400, 1972 ], [ 3271900, 1977 ], [ 3480000, 1982 ], [ 3539900, 1987 ], [ 3557761, 1992 ], [ 3667233, 1997 ], [ 3879155, 2002 ], [ 4109086, 2007 ], [ 47666000, 1952 ], [ 49182000, 1957 ], [ 50843200, 1962 ], [ 52667100, 1967 ], [ 54365564, 1972 ], [ 56059245, 1977 ], [ 56535636, 1982 ], [ 56729703, 1987 ], [ 56840847, 1992 ], [ 57479469, 1997 ], [ 57926999, 2002 ], [ 58147733, 2007 ], [ 413834, 1952 ], [ 442829, 1957 ], [ 474528, 1962 ], [ 501035, 1967 ], [ 527678, 1972 ], [ 560073, 1977 ], [ 562548, 1982 ], [ 569473, 1987 ], [ 621621, 1992 ], [ 692651, 1997 ], [ 720230, 2002 ], [ 684736, 2007 ], [ 10381988, 1952 ], [ 11026383, 1957 ], [ 11805689, 1962 ], [ 12596822, 1967 ], [ 13329874, 1972 ], [ 13852989, 1977 ], [ 14310401, 1982 ], [ 14665278, 1987 ], [ 15174244, 1992 ], [ 15604464, 1997 ], [ 16122830, 2002 ], [ 16570613, 2007 ], [ 3327728, 1952 ], [ 3491938, 1957 ], [ 3638919, 1962 ], [ 3786019, 1967 ], [ 3933004, 1972 ], [ 4043205, 1977 ], [ 4114787, 1982 ], [ 4186147, 1987 ], [ 4286357, 1992 ], [ 4405672, 1997 ], [ 4535591, 2002 ], [ 4627926, 2007 ], [ 25730551, 1952 ], [ 28235346, 1957 ], [ 30329617, 1962 ], [ 31785378, 1967 ], [ 33039545, 1972 ], [ 34621254, 1977 ], [ 36227381, 1982 ], [ 37740710, 1987 ], [ 38370697, 1992 ], [ 38654957, 1997 ], [ 38625976, 2002 ], [ 38518241, 2007 ], [ 8526050, 1952 ], [ 8817650, 1957 ], [ 9019800, 1962 ], [ 9103000, 1967 ], [ 8970450, 1972 ], [ 9662600, 1977 ], [ 9859650, 1982 ], [ 9915289, 1987 ], [ 9927680, 1992 ], [ 10156415, 1997 ], [ 10433867, 2002 ], [ 10642836, 2007 ], [ 16630000, 1952 ], [ 17829327, 1957 ], [ 18680721, 1962 ], [ 19284814, 1967 ], [ 20662648, 1972 ], [ 21658597, 1977 ], [ 22356726, 1982 ], [ 22686371, 1987 ], [ 22797027, 1992 ], [ 22562458, 1997 ], [ 22404337, 2002 ], [ 22276056, 2007 ], [ 6860147, 1952 ], [ 7271135, 1957 ], [ 7616060, 1962 ], [ 7971222, 1967 ], [ 8313288, 1972 ], [ 8686367, 1977 ], [ 9032824, 1982 ], [ 9230783, 1987 ], [ 9826397, 1992 ], [ 10336594, 1997 ], [ 10111559, 2002 ], [ 10150265, 2007 ], [ 3558137, 1952 ], [ 3844277, 1957 ], [ 4237384, 1962 ], [ 4442238, 1967 ], [ 4593433, 1972 ], [ 4827803, 1977 ], [ 5048043, 1982 ], [ 5199318, 1987 ], [ 5302888, 1992 ], [ 5383010, 1997 ], [ 5410052, 2002 ], [ 5447502, 2007 ], [ 1489518, 1952 ], [ 1533070, 1957 ], [ 1582962, 1962 ], [ 1646912, 1967 ], [ 1694510, 1972 ], [ 1746919, 1977 ], [ 1861252, 1982 ], [ 1945870, 1987 ], [ 1999210, 1992 ], [ 2011612, 1997 ], [ 2011497, 2002 ], [ 2009245, 2007 ], [ 28549870, 1952 ], [ 29841614, 1957 ], [ 31158061, 1962 ], [ 32850275, 1967 ], [ 34513161, 1972 ], [ 36439000, 1977 ], [ 37983310, 1982 ], [ 38880702, 1987 ], [ 39549438, 1992 ], [ 39855442, 1997 ], [ 40152517, 2002 ], [ 40448191, 2007 ], [ 7124673, 1952 ], [ 7363802, 1957 ], [ 7561588, 1962 ], [ 7867931, 1967 ], [ 8122293, 1972 ], [ 8251648, 1977 ], [ 8325260, 1982 ], [ 8421403, 1987 ], [ 8718867, 1992 ], [ 8897619, 1997 ], [ 8954175, 2002 ], [ 9031088, 2007 ], [ 4815000, 1952 ], [ 5126000, 1957 ], [ 5666000, 1962 ], [ 6063000, 1967 ], [ 6401400, 1972 ], [ 6316424, 1977 ], [ 6468126, 1982 ], [ 6649942, 1987 ], [ 6995447, 1992 ], [ 7193761, 1997 ], [ 7361757, 2002 ], [ 7554661, 2007 ], [ 22235677, 1952 ], [ 25670939, 1957 ], [ 29788695, 1962 ], [ 33411317, 1967 ], [ 37492953, 1972 ], [ 42404033, 1977 ], [ 47328791, 1982 ], [ 52881328, 1987 ], [ 58179144, 1992 ], [ 63047647, 1997 ], [ 67308928, 2002 ], [ 71158647, 2007 ], [ 50430000, 1952 ], [ 51430000, 1957 ], [ 53292000, 1962 ], [ 54959000, 1967 ], [ 56079000, 1972 ], [ 56179000, 1977 ], [ 56339704, 1982 ], [ 56981620, 1987 ], [ 57866349, 1992 ], [ 58808266, 1997 ], [ 59912431, 2002 ], [ 60776238, 2007 ] ], "hovertemplate": "%{hovertext}

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4552198, 7274900, 7651254, 8012946, 8310226, 8576200, 8797022, 8892098, 8971958, 8658506, 8066057, 7661799, 7322858, 3882229, 3991242, 4076557, 4174366, 4225310, 4318673, 4413368, 4484310, 4494013, 4444595, 4481020, 4493312, 9125183, 9513758, 9620282, 9835109, 9862158, 10161915, 10303704, 10311597, 10315702, 10300707, 10256295, 10228744, 4334000, 4487831, 4646899, 4838800, 4991596, 5088419, 5117810, 5127024, 5171393, 5283663, 5374693, 5468120, 4090500, 4324000, 4491443, 4605744, 4639657, 4738902, 4826933, 4931729, 5041039, 5134406, 5193039, 5238460, 42459667, 44310863, 47124000, 49569000, 51732000, 53165019, 54433565, 55630100, 57374179, 58623428, 59925035, 61083916, 69145952, 71019069, 73739117, 76368453, 78717088, 78160773, 78335266, 77718298, 80597764, 82011073, 82350671, 82400996, 7733250, 8096218, 8448233, 8716441, 8888628, 9308479, 9786480, 9974490, 10325429, 10502372, 10603863, 10706290, 9504000, 9839000, 10063000, 10223422, 10394091, 10637171, 10705535, 10612740, 10348684, 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6960.297861, 9164.090127, 11305.38517, 13221.82184, 13822.58394, 8447.794873, 9875.604515, 11628.38895, 14619.222719999998, 6876.14025, 8256.343918, 10136.86713, 11399.44489, 13108.4536, 14800.160619999999, 15377.22855, 16310.4434, 14297.021219999999, 16048.51424, 17596.210219999997, 22833.30851, 9692.385245, 11099.65935, 13583.31351, 15937.21123, 18866.20721, 20422.9015, 21688.04048, 25116.17581, 26406.73985, 29804.34567, 32166.500060000002, 35278.41874, 6424.519071, 7545.415386, 9371.842561, 10921.63626, 14358.8759, 15605.422830000001, 18533.15761, 21141.01223, 20647.16499, 23723.9502, 28204.59057, 33207.0844, 7029.809327, 8662.834898000001, 10560.48553, 12999.91766, 16107.19171, 18292.635140000002, 20293.89746, 22066.44214, 24703.79615, 25889.78487, 28926.032339999998, 30470.0167, 7144.114393000001, 10187.82665, 12902.46291, 14745.62561, 18016.180269999997, 20512.92123, 22031.532740000002, 24639.18566, 26505.30317, 27788.88416, 30035.80198, 32170.37442, 3530.690067, 4916.299889, 6017.190732999999, 8513.097016, 12724.82957, 14195.524280000001, 15268.420890000001, 16120.528390000001, 17541.49634, 18747.69814, 22514.2548, 27538.41188, 5263.6738159999995, 6040.180011, 7550.359877, 9326.64467, 10168.65611, 11674.837370000001, 12545.99066, 12986.47998, 10535.62855, 11712.7768, 14843.93556, 18008.94444, 7267.688428, 9244.001412, 10350.15906, 13319.89568, 15798.063619999999, 19654.96247, 23269.6075, 26923.206280000002, 25144.39201, 28061.099660000003, 31163.201960000002, 36180.789189999996, 5210.280328, 5599.077872, 6631.597314, 7655.568963, 9530.772895999999, 11150.98113, 12618.321409999999, 13872.86652, 17558.81555, 24521.94713, 34077.04939, 40675.99635, 4931.404154999999, 6248.656232, 8243.58234, 10022.40131, 12269.27378, 14255.98475, 16537.4835, 19207.234819999998, 22013.64486, 24675.02446, 27968.098169999997, 28569.7197, 2647.585601, 3682.259903, 4649.593785, 5907.850937, 7778.414017, 9595.929904999999, 11222.58762, 11732.51017, 7003.339037000001, 6465.613349, 6557.194282, 9253.896111, 8941.571858, 11276.193440000001, 12790.849559999999, 15363.25136, 18794.74567, 21209.0592, 21399.46046, 23651.32361, 26790.94961, 30246.13063, 33724.75778, 36797.93332, 10095.42172, 11653.97304, 13450.40151, 16361.87647, 18965.05551, 23311.34939, 26298.635309999998, 31540.9748, 33965.66115, 41283.16433, 44683.97525, 49357.19017, 4029.3296990000003, 4734.253019, 5338.752143, 6557.152776, 8006.506993000001, 9508.141454, 8451.531004, 9082.351172, 7738.881247, 10159.58368, 12002.23908, 15389.924680000002, 3068.319867, 3774.571743, 4727.954889, 6361.517993, 9022.247417, 10172.48572, 11753.84291, 13039.30876, 16207.266630000002, 17641.03156, 19970.90787, 20509.64777, 3144.613186, 3943.370225, 4734.9975859999995, 6470.866545, 8011.414401999999, 9356.39724, 9605.314053, 9696.273295, 6598.409903, 7346.547556999999, 7885.360081, 10808.47561, 3581.4594479999996, 4981.090891, 6289.629157, 7991.707066, 10522.067490000001, 12980.66956, 15181.0927, 15870.878509999999, 9325.068238, 7914.320304000001, 7236.075251, 9786.534714, 5074.659104, 6093.2629799999995, 7481.1075980000005, 8412.902397, 9674.167626, 10922.664040000001, 11348.54585, 12037.26758, 9498.467723, 12126.23065, 13638.778369999998, 18678.31435, 4215.041741, 5862.276629, 7402.303395, 9405.489397, 12383.4862, 15277.030169999998, 17866.72175, 18678.53492, 14214.71681, 17161.10735, 20660.01936, 25768.25759, 3834.0347420000003, 4564.80241, 5693.843879, 7993.512294, 10638.75131, 13236.92117, 13926.169969999999, 15764.98313, 18603.06452, 20445.29896, 24835.47166, 28821.0637, 8527.844662000001, 9911.878226, 12329.441920000001, 15258.29697, 17832.02464, 18855.72521, 20667.38125, 23586.92927, 23880.01683, 25266.59499, 29341.630930000003, 33859.74835, 14734.23275, 17909.48973, 20431.0927, 22966.14432, 27195.113039999997, 26982.29052, 28397.715119999997, 30281.704589999998, 31871.5303, 32135.323010000004, 34480.95771, 37506.419069999996, 1969.1009800000002, 2218.754257, 2322.8699079999997, 2826.3563870000003, 3450.69638, 4269.122326, 4241.356344, 5089.043686, 5678.348271, 6601.429915, 6508.085718, 8458.276384, 9979.508487000001, 11283.17795, 12477.17707, 14142.85089, 15895.116409999999, 17428.74846, 18232.42452, 21664.787669999998, 22705.09254, 26074.53136, 29478.99919, 33203.26128 ], "xaxis": "x", "y": [ 55.23, 59.28, 64.82, 66.22, 67.69, 68.93, 70.42, 72, 71.581, 72.95, 75.65100000000001, 76.423, 66.8, 67.48, 69.54, 70.14, 70.63, 72.17, 73.18, 74.94, 76.04, 77.51, 78.98, 79.829, 68, 69.24, 70.25, 70.94, 71.44, 72.8, 73.93, 75.35, 76.46, 77.53, 78.32, 79.441, 53.82, 58.45, 61.93, 64.79, 67.45, 69.86, 70.69, 71.14, 72.178, 73.244, 74.09, 74.852, 59.6, 66.61, 69.51, 70.42, 70.9, 70.81, 71.08, 71.34, 71.19, 70.32, 72.14, 73.005, 61.21, 64.77, 67.13, 68.5, 69.61, 70.64, 70.46, 71.52, 72.527, 73.68, 74.876, 75.748, 66.87, 69.03, 69.9, 70.38, 70.29, 70.71, 70.96, 71.58, 72.4, 74.01, 75.51, 76.486, 70.78, 71.81, 72.35, 72.96, 73.47, 74.69, 74.63, 74.8, 75.33, 76.11, 77.18, 78.332, 66.55, 67.49, 68.75, 69.83, 70.87, 72.52, 74.55, 74.83, 75.7, 77.13, 78.37, 79.313, 67.41, 68.93, 70.51, 71.55, 72.38, 73.83, 74.89, 76.34, 77.46, 78.64, 79.59, 80.657, 67.5, 69.1, 70.3, 70.8, 71, 72.5, 73.8, 74.847, 76.07, 77.34, 78.67, 79.406, 65.86, 67.86, 69.51, 71, 72.34, 73.68, 75.24, 76.67, 77.03, 77.869, 78.256, 79.483, 64.03, 66.41, 67.96, 69.5, 69.76, 69.95, 69.39, 69.58, 69.17, 71.04, 72.59, 73.33800000000001, 72.49, 73.47, 73.68, 73.73, 74.46, 76.11, 76.99, 77.23, 78.77, 78.95, 80.5, 81.757, 66.91, 68.9, 70.29, 71.08, 71.28, 72.03, 73.1, 74.36, 75.467, 76.122, 77.783, 78.885, 65.94, 67.81, 69.24, 71.06, 72.19, 73.48, 74.98, 76.42, 77.44, 78.82, 80.24, 80.546, 59.163999999999994, 61.448, 63.728, 67.178, 70.63600000000001, 73.066, 74.101, 74.865, 75.435, 75.445, 73.98100000000001, 74.543, 72.13, 72.99, 73.23, 73.82, 73.75, 75.24, 76.05, 76.83, 77.42, 78.03, 78.53, 79.762, 72.67, 73.44, 73.47, 74.08, 74.34, 75.37, 75.97, 75.89, 77.32, 78.32, 79.05, 80.196, 61.31, 65.77, 67.64, 69.61, 70.85, 70.67, 71.32, 70.98, 70.99, 72.75, 74.67, 75.563, 59.82, 61.51, 64.39, 66.6, 69.26, 70.41, 72.77, 74.06, 74.86, 75.97, 77.29, 78.098, 61.05, 64.1, 66.8, 66.8, 69.21, 69.46, 69.66, 69.53, 69.36, 69.72, 71.322, 72.476, 57.996, 61.685, 64.531, 66.914, 68.7, 70.3, 70.16199999999999, 71.218, 71.65899999999999, 72.232, 73.21300000000001, 74.002, 64.36, 67.45, 70.33, 70.98, 70.35, 70.45, 70.8, 71.08, 71.38, 72.71, 73.8, 74.663, 65.57, 67.85, 69.15, 69.18, 69.82, 70.97, 71.063, 72.25, 73.64, 75.13, 76.66, 77.926, 64.94, 66.66, 69.69, 71.44, 73.06, 74.39, 76.3, 76.9, 77.57, 78.77, 79.78, 80.941, 71.86, 72.49, 73.37, 74.16, 74.72, 75.44, 76.42, 77.19, 78.16, 79.39, 80.04, 80.884, 69.62, 70.56, 71.32, 72.77, 73.78, 75.39, 76.21, 77.41, 78.03, 79.37, 80.62, 81.70100000000001, 43.585, 48.07899999999999, 52.098, 54.336000000000006, 57.005, 59.507, 61.036, 63.108000000000004, 66.146, 68.835, 70.845, 71.777, 69.18, 70.42, 70.76, 71.36, 72.01, 72.76, 74.04, 75.007, 76.42, 77.218, 78.471, 79.425 ], "yaxis": "y" }, { "customdata": [ [ 9279525, 1952 ], [ 10270856, 1957 ], [ 11000948, 1962 ], [ 12760499, 1967 ], [ 14760787, 1972 ], [ 17152804, 1977 ], [ 20033753, 1982 ], [ 23254956, 1987 ], [ 26298373, 1992 ], [ 29072015, 1997 ], [ 31287142, 2002 ], [ 33333216, 2007 ], [ 4232095, 1952 ], [ 4561361, 1957 ], [ 4826015, 1962 ], [ 5247469, 1967 ], [ 5894858, 1972 ], [ 6162675, 1977 ], [ 7016384, 1982 ], [ 7874230, 1987 ], [ 8735988, 1992 ], [ 9875024, 1997 ], [ 10866106, 2002 ], [ 12420476, 2007 ], [ 1738315, 1952 ], [ 1925173, 1957 ], [ 2151895, 1962 ], [ 2427334, 1967 ], [ 2761407, 1972 ], [ 3168267, 1977 ], [ 3641603, 1982 ], [ 4243788, 1987 ], [ 4981671, 1992 ], [ 6066080, 1997 ], [ 7026113, 2002 ], [ 8078314, 2007 ], [ 442308, 1952 ], [ 474639, 1957 ], [ 512764, 1962 ], [ 553541, 1967 ], [ 619351, 1972 ], [ 781472, 1977 ], [ 970347, 1982 ], [ 1151184, 1987 ], [ 1342614, 1992 ], [ 1536536, 1997 ], [ 1630347, 2002 ], [ 1639131, 2007 ], [ 4469979, 1952 ], [ 4713416, 1957 ], [ 4919632, 1962 ], [ 5127935, 1967 ], [ 5433886, 1972 ], [ 5889574, 1977 ], [ 6634596, 1982 ], [ 7586551, 1987 ], [ 8878303, 1992 ], [ 10352843, 1997 ], [ 12251209, 2002 ], [ 14326203, 2007 ], [ 2445618, 1952 ], [ 2667518, 1957 ], [ 2961915, 1962 ], [ 3330989, 1967 ], [ 3529983, 1972 ], [ 3834415, 1977 ], [ 4580410, 1982 ], [ 5126023, 1987 ], [ 5809236, 1992 ], [ 6121610, 1997 ], [ 7021078, 2002 ], [ 8390505, 2007 ], [ 5009067, 1952 ], [ 5359923, 1957 ], [ 5793633, 1962 ], [ 6335506, 1967 ], [ 7021028, 1972 ], [ 7959865, 1977 ], [ 9250831, 1982 ], [ 10780667, 1987 ], [ 12467171, 1992 ], [ 14195809, 1997 ], [ 15929988, 2002 ], [ 17696293, 2007 ], [ 1291695, 1952 ], [ 1392284, 1957 ], [ 1523478, 1962 ], [ 1733638, 1967 ], [ 1927260, 1972 ], [ 2167533, 1977 ], [ 2476971, 1982 ], [ 2840009, 1987 ], [ 3265124, 1992 ], [ 3696513, 1997 ], [ 4048013, 2002 ], [ 4369038, 2007 ], [ 2682462, 1952 ], [ 2894855, 1957 ], [ 3150417, 1962 ], [ 3495967, 1967 ], [ 3899068, 1972 ], [ 4388260, 1977 ], [ 4875118, 1982 ], [ 5498955, 1987 ], [ 6429417, 1992 ], [ 7562011, 1997 ], [ 8835739, 2002 ], [ 10238807, 2007 ], [ 153936, 1952 ], [ 170928, 1957 ], [ 191689, 1962 ], [ 217378, 1967 ], [ 250027, 1972 ], [ 304739, 1977 ], [ 348643, 1982 ], [ 395114, 1987 ], [ 454429, 1992 ], [ 527982, 1997 ], [ 614382, 2002 ], [ 710960, 2007 ], [ 14100005, 1952 ], [ 15577932, 1957 ], [ 17486434, 1962 ], [ 19941073, 1967 ], [ 23007669, 1972 ], [ 26480870, 1977 ], [ 30646495, 1982 ], [ 35481645, 1987 ], [ 41672143, 1992 ], [ 47798986, 1997 ], [ 55379852, 2002 ], [ 64606759, 2007 ], [ 854885, 1952 ], [ 940458, 1957 ], [ 1047924, 1962 ], [ 1179760, 1967 ], [ 1340458, 1972 ], [ 1536769, 1977 ], [ 1774735, 1982 ], [ 2064095, 1987 ], [ 2409073, 1992 ], [ 2800947, 1997 ], [ 3328795, 2002 ], [ 3800610, 2007 ], [ 2977019, 1952 ], [ 3300000, 1957 ], [ 3832408, 1962 ], [ 4744870, 1967 ], [ 6071696, 1972 ], [ 7459574, 1977 ], [ 9025951, 1982 ], [ 10761098, 1987 ], [ 12772596, 1992 ], [ 14625967, 1997 ], [ 16252726, 2002 ], [ 18013409, 2007 ], [ 63149, 1952 ], [ 71851, 1957 ], [ 89898, 1962 ], [ 127617, 1967 ], [ 178848, 1972 ], [ 228694, 1977 ], [ 305991, 1982 ], [ 311025, 1987 ], [ 384156, 1992 ], [ 417908, 1997 ], [ 447416, 2002 ], [ 496374, 2007 ], [ 22223309, 1952 ], [ 25009741, 1957 ], [ 28173309, 1962 ], [ 31681188, 1967 ], [ 34807417, 1972 ], [ 38783863, 1977 ], [ 45681811, 1982 ], [ 52799062, 1987 ], [ 59402198, 1992 ], [ 66134291, 1997 ], [ 73312559, 2002 ], [ 80264543, 2007 ], [ 216964, 1952 ], [ 232922, 1957 ], [ 249220, 1962 ], [ 259864, 1967 ], [ 277603, 1972 ], [ 192675, 1977 ], [ 285483, 1982 ], [ 341244, 1987 ], [ 387838, 1992 ], [ 439971, 1997 ], [ 495627, 2002 ], [ 551201, 2007 ], [ 1438760, 1952 ], [ 1542611, 1957 ], [ 1666618, 1962 ], [ 1820319, 1967 ], [ 2260187, 1972 ], [ 2512642, 1977 ], [ 2637297, 1982 ], [ 2915959, 1987 ], [ 3668440, 1992 ], [ 4058319, 1997 ], [ 4414865, 2002 ], [ 4906585, 2007 ], [ 20860941, 1952 ], [ 22815614, 1957 ], [ 25145372, 1962 ], [ 27860297, 1967 ], [ 30770372, 1972 ], [ 34617799, 1977 ], [ 38111756, 1982 ], [ 42999530, 1987 ], [ 52088559, 1992 ], [ 59861301, 1997 ], [ 67946797, 2002 ], [ 76511887, 2007 ], [ 420702, 1952 ], [ 434904, 1957 ], [ 455661, 1962 ], [ 489004, 1967 ], [ 537977, 1972 ], [ 706367, 1977 ], [ 753874, 1982 ], [ 880397, 1987 ], [ 985739, 1992 ], [ 1126189, 1997 ], [ 1299304, 2002 ], [ 1454867, 2007 ], [ 284320, 1952 ], [ 323150, 1957 ], [ 374020, 1962 ], [ 439593, 1967 ], [ 517101, 1972 ], [ 608274, 1977 ], [ 715523, 1982 ], [ 848406, 1987 ], [ 1025384, 1992 ], [ 1235767, 1997 ], [ 1457766, 2002 ], [ 1688359, 2007 ], [ 5581001, 1952 ], [ 6391288, 1957 ], [ 7355248, 1962 ], [ 8490213, 1967 ], [ 9354120, 1972 ], [ 10538093, 1977 ], [ 11400338, 1982 ], [ 14168101, 1987 ], [ 16278738, 1992 ], [ 18418288, 1997 ], [ 20550751, 2002 ], [ 22873338, 2007 ], [ 2664249, 1952 ], [ 2876726, 1957 ], [ 3140003, 1962 ], [ 3451418, 1967 ], [ 3811387, 1972 ], [ 4227026, 1977 ], [ 4710497, 1982 ], [ 5650262, 1987 ], [ 6990574, 1992 ], [ 8048834, 1997 ], [ 8807818, 2002 ], [ 9947814, 2007 ], [ 580653, 1952 ], [ 601095, 1957 ], [ 627820, 1962 ], [ 601287, 1967 ], [ 625361, 1972 ], [ 745228, 1977 ], [ 825987, 1982 ], [ 927524, 1987 ], [ 1050938, 1992 ], [ 1193708, 1997 ], [ 1332459, 2002 ], [ 1472041, 2007 ], [ 6464046, 1952 ], [ 7454779, 1957 ], [ 8678557, 1962 ], [ 10191512, 1967 ], [ 12044785, 1972 ], [ 14500404, 1977 ], [ 17661452, 1982 ], [ 21198082, 1987 ], [ 25020539, 1992 ], [ 28263827, 1997 ], [ 31386842, 2002 ], [ 35610177, 2007 ], [ 748747, 1952 ], [ 813338, 1957 ], [ 893143, 1962 ], [ 996380, 1967 ], [ 1116779, 1972 ], [ 1251524, 1977 ], [ 1411807, 1982 ], [ 1599200, 1987 ], [ 1803195, 1992 ], [ 1982823, 1997 ], [ 2046772, 2002 ], [ 2012649, 2007 ], [ 863308, 1952 ], [ 975950, 1957 ], [ 1112796, 1962 ], [ 1279406, 1967 ], [ 1482628, 1972 ], [ 1703617, 1977 ], [ 1956875, 1982 ], [ 2269414, 1987 ], [ 1912974, 1992 ], [ 2200725, 1997 ], [ 2814651, 2002 ], [ 3193942, 2007 ], [ 1019729, 1952 ], [ 1201578, 1957 ], [ 1441863, 1962 ], [ 1759224, 1967 ], [ 2183877, 1972 ], [ 2721783, 1977 ], [ 3344074, 1982 ], [ 3799845, 1987 ], [ 4364501, 1992 ], [ 4759670, 1997 ], [ 5368585, 2002 ], [ 6036914, 2007 ], [ 4762912, 1952 ], [ 5181679, 1957 ], [ 5703324, 1962 ], [ 6334556, 1967 ], [ 7082430, 1972 ], [ 8007166, 1977 ], [ 9171477, 1982 ], [ 10568642, 1987 ], [ 12210395, 1992 ], [ 14165114, 1997 ], [ 16473477, 2002 ], [ 19167654, 2007 ], [ 2917802, 1952 ], [ 3221238, 1957 ], [ 3628608, 1962 ], [ 4147252, 1967 ], [ 4730997, 1972 ], [ 5637246, 1977 ], [ 6502825, 1982 ], [ 7824747, 1987 ], [ 10014249, 1992 ], [ 10419991, 1997 ], [ 11824495, 2002 ], [ 13327079, 2007 ], [ 3838168, 1952 ], [ 4241884, 1957 ], [ 4690372, 1962 ], [ 5212416, 1967 ], [ 5828158, 1972 ], [ 6491649, 1977 ], [ 6998256, 1982 ], [ 7634008, 1987 ], [ 8416215, 1992 ], [ 9384984, 1997 ], [ 10580176, 2002 ], [ 12031795, 2007 ], [ 1022556, 1952 ], [ 1076852, 1957 ], [ 1146757, 1962 ], [ 1230542, 1967 ], [ 1332786, 1972 ], [ 1456688, 1977 ], [ 1622136, 1982 ], [ 1841240, 1987 ], [ 2119465, 1992 ], [ 2444741, 1997 ], [ 2828858, 2002 ], [ 3270065, 2007 ], [ 516556, 1952 ], [ 609816, 1957 ], [ 701016, 1962 ], [ 789309, 1967 ], [ 851334, 1972 ], [ 913025, 1977 ], [ 992040, 1982 ], [ 1042663, 1987 ], [ 1096202, 1992 ], [ 1149818, 1997 ], [ 1200206, 2002 ], [ 1250882, 2007 ], [ 9939217, 1952 ], [ 11406350, 1957 ], [ 13056604, 1962 ], [ 14770296, 1967 ], [ 16660670, 1972 ], [ 18396941, 1977 ], [ 20198730, 1982 ], [ 22987397, 1987 ], [ 25798239, 1992 ], [ 28529501, 1997 ], [ 31167783, 2002 ], [ 33757175, 2007 ], [ 6446316, 1952 ], [ 7038035, 1957 ], [ 7788944, 1962 ], [ 8680909, 1967 ], [ 9809596, 1972 ], [ 11127868, 1977 ], [ 12587223, 1982 ], [ 12891952, 1987 ], [ 13160731, 1992 ], [ 16603334, 1997 ], [ 18473780, 2002 ], [ 19951656, 2007 ], [ 485831, 1952 ], [ 548080, 1957 ], [ 621392, 1962 ], [ 706640, 1967 ], [ 821782, 1972 ], [ 977026, 1977 ], [ 1099010, 1982 ], [ 1278184, 1987 ], [ 1554253, 1992 ], [ 1774766, 1997 ], [ 1972153, 2002 ], [ 2055080, 2007 ], [ 3379468, 1952 ], [ 3692184, 1957 ], [ 4076008, 1962 ], [ 4534062, 1967 ], [ 5060262, 1972 ], [ 5682086, 1977 ], [ 6437188, 1982 ], [ 7332638, 1987 ], [ 8392818, 1992 ], [ 9666252, 1997 ], [ 11140655, 2002 ], [ 12894865, 2007 ], [ 33119096, 1952 ], [ 37173340, 1957 ], [ 41871351, 1962 ], [ 47287752, 1967 ], [ 53740085, 1972 ], [ 62209173, 1977 ], [ 73039376, 1982 ], [ 81551520, 1987 ], [ 93364244, 1992 ], [ 106207839, 1997 ], [ 119901274, 2002 ], [ 135031164, 2007 ], [ 257700, 1952 ], [ 308700, 1957 ], [ 358900, 1962 ], [ 414024, 1967 ], [ 461633, 1972 ], [ 492095, 1977 ], [ 517810, 1982 ], [ 562035, 1987 ], [ 622191, 1992 ], [ 684810, 1997 ], [ 743981, 2002 ], [ 798094, 2007 ], [ 2534927, 1952 ], [ 2822082, 1957 ], [ 3051242, 1962 ], [ 3451079, 1967 ], [ 3992121, 1972 ], [ 4657072, 1977 ], [ 5507565, 1982 ], [ 6349365, 1987 ], [ 7290203, 1992 ], [ 7212583, 1997 ], [ 7852401, 2002 ], [ 8860588, 2007 ], [ 60011, 1952 ], [ 61325, 1957 ], [ 65345, 1962 ], [ 70787, 1967 ], [ 76595, 1972 ], [ 86796, 1977 ], [ 98593, 1982 ], [ 110812, 1987 ], [ 125911, 1992 ], [ 145608, 1997 ], [ 170372, 2002 ], [ 199579, 2007 ], [ 2755589, 1952 ], [ 3054547, 1957 ], [ 3430243, 1962 ], [ 3965841, 1967 ], [ 4588696, 1972 ], [ 5260855, 1977 ], [ 6147783, 1982 ], [ 7171347, 1987 ], [ 8307920, 1992 ], [ 9535314, 1997 ], [ 10870037, 2002 ], [ 12267493, 2007 ], [ 2143249, 1952 ], [ 2295678, 1957 ], [ 2467895, 1962 ], [ 2662190, 1967 ], [ 2879013, 1972 ], [ 3140897, 1977 ], [ 3464522, 1982 ], [ 3868905, 1987 ], [ 4260884, 1992 ], [ 4578212, 1997 ], [ 5359092, 2002 ], [ 6144562, 2007 ], [ 2526994, 1952 ], [ 2780415, 1957 ], [ 3080153, 1962 ], [ 3428839, 1967 ], [ 3840161, 1972 ], [ 4353666, 1977 ], [ 5828892, 1982 ], [ 6921858, 1987 ], [ 6099799, 1992 ], [ 6633514, 1997 ], [ 7753310, 2002 ], [ 9118773, 2007 ], [ 14264935, 1952 ], [ 16151549, 1957 ], [ 18356657, 1962 ], [ 20997321, 1967 ], [ 23935810, 1972 ], [ 27129932, 1977 ], [ 31140029, 1982 ], [ 35933379, 1987 ], [ 39964159, 1992 ], [ 42835005, 1997 ], [ 44433622, 2002 ], [ 43997828, 2007 ], [ 8504667, 1952 ], [ 9753392, 1957 ], [ 11183227, 1962 ], [ 12716129, 1967 ], [ 14597019, 1972 ], [ 17104986, 1977 ], [ 20367053, 1982 ], [ 24725960, 1987 ], [ 28227588, 1992 ], [ 32160729, 1997 ], [ 37090298, 2002 ], [ 42292929, 2007 ], [ 290243, 1952 ], [ 326741, 1957 ], [ 370006, 1962 ], [ 420690, 1967 ], [ 480105, 1972 ], [ 551425, 1977 ], [ 649901, 1982 ], [ 779348, 1987 ], [ 962344, 1992 ], [ 1054486, 1997 ], [ 1130269, 2002 ], [ 1133066, 2007 ], [ 8322925, 1952 ], [ 9452826, 1957 ], [ 10863958, 1962 ], [ 12607312, 1967 ], [ 14706593, 1972 ], [ 17129565, 1977 ], [ 19844382, 1982 ], [ 23040630, 1987 ], [ 26605473, 1992 ], [ 30686889, 1997 ], [ 34593779, 2002 ], [ 38139640, 2007 ], [ 1219113, 1952 ], [ 1357445, 1957 ], [ 1528098, 1962 ], [ 1735550, 1967 ], [ 2056351, 1972 ], [ 2308582, 1977 ], [ 2644765, 1982 ], [ 3154264, 1987 ], [ 3747553, 1992 ], [ 4320890, 1997 ], [ 4977378, 2002 ], [ 5701579, 2007 ], [ 3647735, 1952 ], [ 3950849, 1957 ], [ 4286552, 1962 ], [ 4786986, 1967 ], [ 5303507, 1972 ], [ 6005061, 1977 ], [ 6734098, 1982 ], [ 7724976, 1987 ], [ 8523077, 1992 ], [ 9231669, 1997 ], [ 9770575, 2002 ], [ 10276158, 2007 ], [ 5824797, 1952 ], [ 6675501, 1957 ], [ 7688797, 1962 ], [ 8900294, 1967 ], [ 10190285, 1972 ], [ 11457758, 1977 ], [ 12939400, 1982 ], [ 15283050, 1987 ], [ 18252190, 1992 ], [ 21210254, 1997 ], [ 24739869, 2002 ], [ 29170398, 2007 ], [ 2672000, 1952 ], [ 3016000, 1957 ], [ 3421000, 1962 ], [ 3900000, 1967 ], [ 4506497, 1972 ], [ 5216550, 1977 ], [ 6100407, 1982 ], [ 7272406, 1987 ], [ 8381163, 1992 ], [ 9417789, 1997 ], [ 10595811, 2002 ], [ 11746035, 2007 ], [ 3080907, 1952 ], [ 3646340, 1957 ], [ 4277736, 1962 ], [ 4995432, 1967 ], [ 5861135, 1972 ], [ 6642107, 1977 ], [ 7636524, 1982 ], [ 9216418, 1987 ], [ 10704340, 1992 ], [ 11404948, 1997 ], [ 11926563, 2002 ], [ 12311143, 2007 ] ], "hovertemplate": "%{hovertext}

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10270856, 11000948, 12760499, 14760787, 17152804, 20033753, 23254956, 26298373, 29072015, 31287142, 33333216, 4232095, 4561361, 4826015, 5247469, 5894858, 6162675, 7016384, 7874230, 8735988, 9875024, 10866106, 12420476, 1738315, 1925173, 2151895, 2427334, 2761407, 3168267, 3641603, 4243788, 4981671, 6066080, 7026113, 8078314, 442308, 474639, 512764, 553541, 619351, 781472, 970347, 1151184, 1342614, 1536536, 1630347, 1639131, 4469979, 4713416, 4919632, 5127935, 5433886, 5889574, 6634596, 7586551, 8878303, 10352843, 12251209, 14326203, 2445618, 2667518, 2961915, 3330989, 3529983, 3834415, 4580410, 5126023, 5809236, 6121610, 7021078, 8390505, 5009067, 5359923, 5793633, 6335506, 7021028, 7959865, 9250831, 10780667, 12467171, 14195809, 15929988, 17696293, 1291695, 1392284, 1523478, 1733638, 1927260, 2167533, 2476971, 2840009, 3265124, 3696513, 4048013, 4369038, 2682462, 2894855, 3150417, 3495967, 3899068, 4388260, 4875118, 5498955, 6429417, 7562011, 8835739, 10238807, 153936, 170928, 191689, 217378, 250027, 304739, 348643, 395114, 454429, 527982, 614382, 710960, 14100005, 15577932, 17486434, 19941073, 23007669, 26480870, 30646495, 35481645, 41672143, 47798986, 55379852, 64606759, 854885, 940458, 1047924, 1179760, 1340458, 1536769, 1774735, 2064095, 2409073, 2800947, 3328795, 3800610, 2977019, 3300000, 3832408, 4744870, 6071696, 7459574, 9025951, 10761098, 12772596, 14625967, 16252726, 18013409, 63149, 71851, 89898, 127617, 178848, 228694, 305991, 311025, 384156, 417908, 447416, 496374, 22223309, 25009741, 28173309, 31681188, 34807417, 38783863, 45681811, 52799062, 59402198, 66134291, 73312559, 80264543, 216964, 232922, 249220, 259864, 277603, 192675, 285483, 341244, 387838, 439971, 495627, 551201, 1438760, 1542611, 1666618, 1820319, 2260187, 2512642, 2637297, 2915959, 3668440, 4058319, 4414865, 4906585, 20860941, 22815614, 25145372, 27860297, 30770372, 34617799, 38111756, 42999530, 52088559, 59861301, 67946797, 76511887, 420702, 434904, 455661, 489004, 537977, 706367, 753874, 880397, 985739, 1126189, 1299304, 1454867, 284320, 323150, 374020, 439593, 517101, 608274, 715523, 848406, 1025384, 1235767, 1457766, 1688359, 5581001, 6391288, 7355248, 8490213, 9354120, 10538093, 11400338, 14168101, 16278738, 18418288, 20550751, 22873338, 2664249, 2876726, 3140003, 3451418, 3811387, 4227026, 4710497, 5650262, 6990574, 8048834, 8807818, 9947814, 580653, 601095, 627820, 601287, 625361, 745228, 825987, 927524, 1050938, 1193708, 1332459, 1472041, 6464046, 7454779, 8678557, 10191512, 12044785, 14500404, 17661452, 21198082, 25020539, 28263827, 31386842, 35610177, 748747, 813338, 893143, 996380, 1116779, 1251524, 1411807, 1599200, 1803195, 1982823, 2046772, 2012649, 863308, 975950, 1112796, 1279406, 1482628, 1703617, 1956875, 2269414, 1912974, 2200725, 2814651, 3193942, 1019729, 1201578, 1441863, 1759224, 2183877, 2721783, 3344074, 3799845, 4364501, 4759670, 5368585, 6036914, 4762912, 5181679, 5703324, 6334556, 7082430, 8007166, 9171477, 10568642, 12210395, 14165114, 16473477, 19167654, 2917802, 3221238, 3628608, 4147252, 4730997, 5637246, 6502825, 7824747, 10014249, 10419991, 11824495, 13327079, 3838168, 4241884, 4690372, 5212416, 5828158, 6491649, 6998256, 7634008, 8416215, 9384984, 10580176, 12031795, 1022556, 1076852, 1146757, 1230542, 1332786, 1456688, 1622136, 1841240, 2119465, 2444741, 2828858, 3270065, 516556, 609816, 701016, 789309, 851334, 913025, 992040, 1042663, 1096202, 1149818, 1200206, 1250882, 9939217, 11406350, 13056604, 14770296, 16660670, 18396941, 20198730, 22987397, 25798239, 28529501, 31167783, 33757175, 6446316, 7038035, 7788944, 8680909, 9809596, 11127868, 12587223, 12891952, 13160731, 16603334, 18473780, 19951656, 485831, 548080, 621392, 706640, 821782, 977026, 1099010, 1278184, 1554253, 1774766, 1972153, 2055080, 3379468, 3692184, 4076008, 4534062, 5060262, 5682086, 6437188, 7332638, 8392818, 9666252, 11140655, 12894865, 33119096, 37173340, 41871351, 47287752, 53740085, 62209173, 73039376, 81551520, 93364244, 106207839, 119901274, 135031164, 257700, 308700, 358900, 414024, 461633, 492095, 517810, 562035, 622191, 684810, 743981, 798094, 2534927, 2822082, 3051242, 3451079, 3992121, 4657072, 5507565, 6349365, 7290203, 7212583, 7852401, 8860588, 60011, 61325, 65345, 70787, 76595, 86796, 98593, 110812, 125911, 145608, 170372, 199579, 2755589, 3054547, 3430243, 3965841, 4588696, 5260855, 6147783, 7171347, 8307920, 9535314, 10870037, 12267493, 2143249, 2295678, 2467895, 2662190, 2879013, 3140897, 3464522, 3868905, 4260884, 4578212, 5359092, 6144562, 2526994, 2780415, 3080153, 3428839, 3840161, 4353666, 5828892, 6921858, 6099799, 6633514, 7753310, 9118773, 14264935, 16151549, 18356657, 20997321, 23935810, 27129932, 31140029, 35933379, 39964159, 42835005, 44433622, 43997828, 8504667, 9753392, 11183227, 12716129, 14597019, 17104986, 20367053, 24725960, 28227588, 32160729, 37090298, 42292929, 290243, 326741, 370006, 420690, 480105, 551425, 649901, 779348, 962344, 1054486, 1130269, 1133066, 8322925, 9452826, 10863958, 12607312, 14706593, 17129565, 19844382, 23040630, 26605473, 30686889, 34593779, 38139640, 1219113, 1357445, 1528098, 1735550, 2056351, 2308582, 2644765, 3154264, 3747553, 4320890, 4977378, 5701579, 3647735, 3950849, 4286552, 4786986, 5303507, 6005061, 6734098, 7724976, 8523077, 9231669, 9770575, 10276158, 5824797, 6675501, 7688797, 8900294, 10190285, 11457758, 12939400, 15283050, 18252190, 21210254, 24739869, 29170398, 2672000, 3016000, 3421000, 3900000, 4506497, 5216550, 6100407, 7272406, 8381163, 9417789, 10595811, 11746035, 3080907, 3646340, 4277736, 4995432, 5861135, 6642107, 7636524, 9216418, 10704340, 11404948, 11926563, 12311143 ], "sizemode": "area", "sizeref": 824176.935, "symbol": "circle" }, "mode": "markers", "name": "Africa", "showlegend": true, "type": "scattergl", "x": [ 2449.008185, 3013.976023, 2550.81688, 3246.991771, 4182.663766, 4910.4167560000005, 5745.160213, 5681.358539, 5023.216647, 4797.295051, 5288.040382, 6223.367465, 3520.610273, 3827.9404649999997, 4269.276742, 5522.776375, 5473.288004999999, 3008.647355, 2756.953672, 2430.208311, 2627.8456850000002, 2277.140884, 2773.287312, 4797.231267, 1062.7522, 959.6010805, 949.4990641, 1035.831411, 1085.796879, 1029.161251, 1277.897616, 1225.85601, 1191.207681, 1232.975292, 1372.877931, 1441.284873, 851.2411407, 918.2325348999999, 983.6539764, 1214.709294, 2263.6111140000003, 3214.857818, 4551.14215, 6205.88385, 7954.111645, 8647.142313, 11003.60508, 12569.851770000001, 543.2552413, 617.1834647999999, 722.5120206, 794.8265597, 854.7359763000001, 743.3870368, 807.1985855, 912.0631417000001, 931.7527731, 946.2949617999999, 1037.645221, 1217.032994, 339.29645869999996, 379.56462810000005, 355.2032273, 412.97751360000007, 464.0995039, 556.1032651, 559.6032309999999, 621.8188188999999, 631.6998778, 463.1151478, 446.4035126, 430.07069160000003, 1172.667655, 1313.048099, 1399.607441, 1508.453148, 1684.1465280000002, 1783.432873, 2367.983282, 2602.664206, 1793.1632780000002, 1694.337469, 1934.0114489999999, 2042.0952399999999, 1071.310713, 1190.844328, 1193.068753, 1136.056615, 1070.013275, 1109.374338, 956.7529906999999, 844.8763504000001, 747.9055252, 740.5063317, 738.6906068, 706.016537, 1178.665927, 1308.495577, 1389.817618, 1196.810565, 1104.103987, 1133.98495, 797.9081006, 952.3861289999999, 1058.0643, 1004.9613529999999, 1156.18186, 1704.0637239999999, 1102.990936, 1211.1485480000001, 1406.648278, 1876.029643, 1937.577675, 1172.603047, 1267.100083, 1315.980812, 1246.90737, 1173.618235, 1075.811558, 986.1478792000001, 780.5423257, 905.8602302999999, 896.3146335000001, 861.5932424, 904.8960685000001, 795.757282, 673.7478181, 672.774812, 457.7191807, 312.188423, 241.16587650000002, 277.55185869999997, 2125.621418, 2315.056572, 2464.783157, 2677.9396420000003, 3213.152683, 3259.178978, 4879.507522, 4201.194936999999, 4016.239529, 3484.1643759999997, 3484.06197, 3632.557798, 1388.594732, 1500.895925, 1728.8694280000002, 2052.0504730000002, 2378.201111, 2517.736547, 2602.710169, 2156.9560690000003, 1648.073791, 1786.265407, 1648.800823, 1544.750112, 2669.529475, 2864.9690760000003, 3020.989263, 3020.0505129999997, 3694.2123520000005, 3081.7610219999997, 2879.4680670000002, 2880.102568, 2377.1561920000004, 1895.016984, 1908.2608670000002, 2082.4815670000003, 1418.822445, 1458.915272, 1693.335853, 1814.880728, 2024.0081469999998, 2785.493582, 3503.729636, 3885.4607100000003, 3794.755195, 4173.181797, 4754.604414, 5581.180998, 375.6431231, 426.0964081, 582.8419713999999, 915.5960025, 672.4122571, 958.5668124, 927.8253427000001, 966.8968149, 1132.055034, 2814.480755, 7703.4959, 12154.08975, 328.94055710000004, 344.16188589999996, 380.99584330000005, 468.7949699, 514.3242081999999, 505.7538077, 524.8758493, 521.1341333, 582.8585102000001, 913.4707900000001, 765.3500015, 641.3695236000001, 362.1462796, 378.90416319999997, 419.4564161, 516.1186438, 566.2439442000001, 556.8083834, 577.8607471, 573.7413142000001, 421.3534653, 515.8894013, 530.0535319, 690.8055759, 4293.476475, 4976.198099, 6631.4592219999995, 8358.761987, 11401.948409999999, 21745.57328, 15113.36194, 11864.408440000001, 13522.157519999999, 14722.841880000002, 12521.71392, 13206.48452, 485.2306591, 520.9267111, 599.650276, 734.7829124, 756.0868363, 884.7552507000001, 835.8096107999999, 611.6588611000001, 665.6244126, 653.7301704, 660.5855997, 752.7497265, 911.2989371, 1043.5615369999998, 1190.0411179999999, 1125.69716, 1178.223708, 993.2239571, 876.032569, 847.0061135, 925.0601539999999, 1005.2458119999999, 1111.9845779999998, 1327.60891, 510.19649230000005, 576.2670245, 686.3736739, 708.7595409, 741.6662307, 874.6858642999999, 857.2503577, 805.5724717999999, 794.3484384, 869.4497667999999, 945.5835837000001, 942.6542111, 299.850319, 431.7904566000001, 522.0343725, 715.5806402000001, 820.2245876000001, 764.7259627999999, 838.1239671, 736.4153921, 745.5398706, 796.6644681, 575.7047176, 579.2317429999999, 853.5409189999999, 944.4383152, 896.9663732, 1056.736457, 1222.359968, 1267.613204, 1348.225791, 1361.936856, 1341.9217210000002, 1360.4850210000002, 1287.514732, 1463.249282, 298.8462121, 335.99711510000003, 411.80062660000004, 498.63902649999994, 496.58159220000005, 745.3695408, 797.2631074, 773.9932140999999, 977.4862724999999, 1186.147994, 1275.184575, 1569.331442, 575.5729961000001, 620.9699901, 634.1951625, 713.6036482999999, 803.0054535, 640.3224382999999, 572.1995694, 506.1138573, 636.6229191000001, 609.1739508, 531.4823679, 414.5073415, 2387.54806, 3448.284395, 6757.0308159999995, 18772.75169, 21011.497209999998, 21951.21176, 17364.275380000003, 11770.5898, 9640.138501000001, 9467.446056, 9534.677467, 12057.49928, 1443.011715, 1589.20275, 1643.38711, 1634.047282, 1748.562982, 1544.228586, 1302.878658, 1155.4419480000001, 1040.6761900000001, 986.2958956, 894.6370822, 1044.770126, 369.1650802, 416.36980639999996, 427.90108560000004, 495.5147806, 584.6219709, 663.2236766, 632.8039209, 635.5173633999999, 563.2000145, 692.2758102999999, 665.4231186000001, 759.3499101, 452.3369807, 490.3821867, 496.17434280000003, 545.0098873, 581.3688761, 686.3952693, 618.0140640999999, 684.1715576, 739.014375, 790.2579846, 951.4097517999999, 1042.581557, 743.1159097, 846.1202613, 1055.8960359999999, 1421.145193, 1586.851781, 1497.492223, 1481.150189, 1421.603576, 1361.369784, 1483.1361359999999, 1579.0195429999999, 1803.1514960000002, 1967.955707, 2034.037981, 2529.0674870000003, 2475.387562, 2575.4841579999998, 3710.9829630000004, 3688.037739, 4783.586903, 6058.2538460000005, 7425.705295000001, 9021.815894, 10956.99112, 1688.20357, 1642.002314, 1566.353493, 1711.04477, 1930.194975, 2370.619976, 2702.620356, 2755.046991, 2948.047252, 2982.101858, 3258.495584, 3820.17523, 468.5260381, 495.5868333000001, 556.6863539, 566.6691539, 724.9178037, 502.31973339999996, 462.2114149, 389.87618460000004, 410.89682389999996, 472.34607710000006, 633.6179466, 823.6856205, 2423.780443, 2621.448058, 3173.215595, 3793.694753, 3746.080948, 3876.4859579999998, 4191.100511, 3693.7313369999997, 3804.537999, 3899.52426, 4072.3247509999997, 4811.060429, 761.879376, 835.5234025000001, 997.7661127, 1054.384891, 954.2092363, 808.8970727999999, 909.7221354000001, 668.3000228, 581.182725, 580.3052092, 601.0745012, 619.6768923999999, 1077.281856, 1100.5925630000002, 1150.9274779999998, 1014.5141039999999, 1698.3888379999999, 1981.9518059999998, 1576.97375, 1385.029563, 1619.848217, 1624.941275, 1615.2863949999999, 2013.9773050000001, 2718.885295, 2769.451844, 3173.72334, 4021.1757390000002, 5047.658563, 4319.804067, 5267.219353, 5303.377488, 6101.2558229999995, 6071.941411, 6316.1652, 7670.122558, 493.32387520000003, 540.2893982999999, 597.4730727000001, 510.9637142, 590.5806637999999, 670.0806011, 881.5706467, 847.991217, 737.0685949, 589.9445051, 785.6537647999999, 863.0884639000001, 879.5835855, 860.7369026, 1071.551119, 1384.840593, 1532.985254, 1737.561657, 1890.2181170000001, 1516.525457, 1428.777814, 1339.076036, 1353.09239, 1598.435089, 1450.356983, 1567.653006, 1654.988723, 1612.404632, 1597.712056, 1561.769116, 1518.479984, 1441.72072, 1367.899369, 1392.368347, 1519.635262, 1712.4721359999999, 879.7877358, 1004.484437, 1116.6398769999998, 1206.043465, 1353.759762, 1348.285159, 1465.010784, 1294.4477880000002, 1068.696278, 574.6481576, 699.4897129999999, 862.5407561000001, 1135.749842, 1258.1474130000001, 1369.488336, 1284.7331800000002, 1254.576127, 1450.9925130000001, 1176.807031, 1093.244963, 926.9602964, 930.5964284, 882.0818218000001, 926.1410683, 4725.295531000001, 5487.104219, 5768.729717, 7114.477970999999, 7765.962636, 8028.651439, 8568.266228, 7825.823398, 7225.0692579999995, 7479.188244, 7710.946444, 9269.657808, 1615.991129, 1770.3370739999998, 1959.593767, 1687.997641, 1659.652775, 2202.9884230000002, 1895.544073, 1507.819159, 1492.197043, 1632.2107640000002, 1993.398314, 2602.394995, 1148.376626, 1244.708364, 1856.182125, 2613.1016649999997, 3364.836625, 3781.410618, 3895.384018, 3984.8398119999997, 3553.0224, 3876.7684600000002, 4128.116943, 4513.480643, 716.6500721, 698.5356073, 722.0038073, 848.2186575, 915.9850592, 962.4922932, 874.2426069, 831.8220794, 825.682454, 789.1862231, 899.0742111, 1107.482182, 859.8086567, 925.9083201999999, 1067.5348099999999, 1477.59676, 1649.660188, 1532.776998, 1344.577953, 1202.201361, 1034.298904, 982.2869242999999, 886.2205765000001, 882.9699437999999, 1468.475631, 1395.232468, 1660.30321, 1932.3601670000003, 2753.2859940000003, 3120.876811, 3560.2331740000004, 3810.419296, 4332.720164, 4876.798614, 5722.895654999999, 7092.923025, 734.753484, 774.3710692000001, 767.2717397999999, 908.9185217, 950.735869, 843.7331372000001, 682.2662267999999, 617.7244065, 644.1707968999999, 816.559081, 927.7210018, 1056.3801210000001, 1147.388831, 1311.956766, 1452.725766, 1777.0773179999999, 1773.498265, 1588.688299, 1408.678565, 1213.315116, 1210.884633, 1071.353818, 1071.6139380000002, 1271.211593, 406.8841148, 518.7642681, 527.2721818, 569.7950712, 799.3621757999999, 685.5876821, 788.8550411, 706.1573059, 693.4207856, 792.4499602999999, 672.0386227000001, 469.70929810000007 ], "xaxis": "x", "y": [ 43.077, 45.685, 48.303000000000004, 51.407, 54.518, 58.013999999999996, 61.368, 65.79899999999999, 67.744, 69.152, 70.994, 72.301, 30.015, 31.999000000000002, 34, 35.985, 37.928000000000004, 39.483000000000004, 39.942, 39.906, 40.647, 40.963, 41.003, 42.731, 38.223, 40.358000000000004, 42.618, 44.885, 47.013999999999996, 49.19, 50.903999999999996, 52.336999999999996, 53.919, 54.777, 54.406000000000006, 56.728, 47.622, 49.618, 51.52, 53.298, 56.023999999999994, 59.318999999999996, 61.483999999999995, 63.622, 62.745, 52.556000000000004, 46.63399999999999, 50.728, 31.975, 34.906, 37.814, 40.696999999999996, 43.591, 46.137, 48.122, 49.556999999999995, 50.26, 50.324, 50.65, 52.295, 39.031, 40.533, 42.045, 43.548, 44.056999999999995, 45.91, 47.471000000000004, 48.211000000000006, 44.736000000000004, 45.326, 47.36, 49.58, 38.523, 40.428000000000004, 42.643, 44.799, 47.049, 49.355, 52.961000000000006, 54.985, 54.31399999999999, 52.199, 49.856, 50.43, 35.463, 37.464, 39.475, 41.478, 43.457, 46.775, 48.295, 50.485, 49.396, 46.066, 43.308, 44.74100000000001, 38.092, 39.881, 41.716, 43.601000000000006, 45.568999999999996, 47.383, 49.516999999999996, 51.051, 51.724, 51.573, 50.525, 50.651, 40.715, 42.46, 44.467, 46.472, 48.943999999999996, 50.93899999999999, 52.933, 54.926, 57.93899999999999, 60.66, 62.974, 65.152, 39.143, 40.652, 42.122, 44.056000000000004, 45.989, 47.803999999999995, 47.784, 47.412, 45.548, 42.586999999999996, 44.966, 46.461999999999996, 42.111000000000004, 45.053000000000004, 48.435, 52.04, 54.907, 55.625, 56.695, 57.47, 56.433, 52.961999999999996, 52.97, 55.321999999999996, 40.477, 42.468999999999994, 44.93, 47.35, 49.801, 52.373999999999995, 53.983000000000004, 54.655, 52.044, 47.99100000000001, 46.832, 48.328, 34.812, 37.328, 39.693000000000005, 42.074, 44.36600000000001, 46.519, 48.812, 50.04, 51.604, 53.157, 53.373000000000005, 54.791000000000004, 41.893, 44.443999999999996, 46.992, 49.293, 51.137, 53.318999999999996, 56.006, 59.797, 63.674, 67.217, 69.806, 71.33800000000001, 34.482, 35.983000000000004, 37.485, 38.986999999999995, 40.516, 42.023999999999994, 43.662, 45.663999999999994, 47.545, 48.245, 49.348, 51.57899999999999, 35.928000000000004, 38.047, 40.158, 42.18899999999999, 44.141999999999996, 44.535, 43.89, 46.453, 49.99100000000001, 53.378, 55.24, 58.04, 34.078, 36.667, 40.059, 42.115, 43.515, 44.51, 44.916000000000004, 46.684, 48.091, 49.402, 50.725, 52.946999999999996, 37.003, 38.999, 40.489000000000004, 44.598, 48.69, 52.79, 56.56399999999999, 60.19, 61.36600000000001, 60.461000000000006, 56.761, 56.735, 30, 32.065, 33.896, 35.857, 38.308, 41.842, 45.58, 49.265, 52.644, 55.861000000000004, 58.041000000000004, 59.448, 43.148999999999994, 44.778999999999996, 46.452, 48.071999999999996, 49.875, 51.756, 53.744, 55.729, 57.501000000000005, 58.556000000000004, 58.453, 60.022, 33.609, 34.558, 35.753, 37.196999999999996, 38.842, 40.762, 42.891000000000005, 45.552, 48.576, 51.455, 53.676, 56.007, 32.5, 33.489000000000004, 34.488, 35.492, 36.486, 37.465, 39.327, 41.245, 43.266000000000005, 44.873000000000005, 45.504, 46.388000000000005, 42.27, 44.68600000000001, 47.949, 50.653999999999996, 53.559, 56.155, 58.766000000000005, 59.339, 59.285, 54.407, 50.992, 54.11, 42.138000000000005, 45.047, 47.747, 48.492, 49.766999999999996, 52.208, 55.078, 57.18, 59.685, 55.558, 44.593, 42.592, 38.48, 39.486, 40.501999999999995, 41.536, 42.614, 43.763999999999996, 44.852, 46.027, 40.802, 42.221000000000004, 43.753, 45.678000000000004, 42.723, 45.288999999999994, 47.808, 50.227, 52.773, 57.442, 62.155, 66.234, 68.755, 71.555, 72.737, 73.952, 36.681, 38.865, 40.848, 42.881, 44.851000000000006, 46.881, 48.968999999999994, 49.35, 52.214, 54.978, 57.286, 59.443000000000005, 36.256, 37.207, 38.41, 39.486999999999995, 41.766000000000005, 43.766999999999996, 45.641999999999996, 47.457, 49.42, 47.495, 45.00899999999999, 48.303000000000004, 33.685, 35.306999999999995, 36.936, 38.486999999999995, 39.977, 41.714, 43.916000000000004, 46.364, 48.388000000000005, 49.903, 51.818000000000005, 54.467, 40.543, 42.338, 44.248000000000005, 46.288999999999994, 48.437, 50.852, 53.599, 56.145, 58.333, 60.43, 62.247, 64.164, 50.986000000000004, 58.089, 60.246, 61.556999999999995, 62.943999999999996, 64.93, 66.711, 68.74, 69.745, 70.736, 71.954, 72.801, 42.873000000000005, 45.423, 47.924, 50.335, 52.861999999999995, 55.73, 59.65, 62.677, 65.393, 67.66, 69.615, 71.164, 31.285999999999998, 33.779, 36.161, 38.113, 40.328, 42.495, 42.795, 42.861000000000004, 44.284, 46.343999999999994, 44.026, 42.082, 41.725, 45.226000000000006, 48.386, 51.159, 53.867, 56.437, 58.968, 60.835, 61.998999999999995, 58.909, 51.479, 52.906000000000006, 37.444, 38.598, 39.486999999999995, 40.118, 40.546, 41.291000000000004, 42.598, 44.555, 47.391000000000005, 51.313, 54.496, 56.867, 36.324, 37.802, 39.36, 41.04, 42.821000000000005, 44.513999999999996, 45.826, 46.886, 47.472, 47.464, 46.608000000000004, 46.858999999999995, 52.724, 55.09, 57.666000000000004, 60.542, 64.274, 67.064, 69.885, 71.913, 73.615, 74.77199999999999, 75.744, 76.442, 40, 41.5, 43, 44.1, 44.6, 45, 46.218, 44.02, 23.599, 36.086999999999996, 43.413000000000004, 46.242, 46.471000000000004, 48.945, 51.893, 54.425, 56.48, 58.55, 60.351000000000006, 61.728, 62.742, 63.306000000000004, 64.337, 65.528, 37.278, 39.329, 41.45399999999999, 43.563, 45.815, 48.879, 52.379, 55.769, 58.196000000000005, 60.187, 61.6, 63.062, 30.331, 31.57, 32.766999999999996, 34.113, 35.4, 36.788000000000004, 38.445, 40.006, 38.333, 39.897, 41.012, 42.568000000000005, 32.978, 34.977, 36.981, 38.977, 40.973, 41.974, 42.955, 44.501000000000005, 39.658, 43.795, 45.93600000000001, 48.159, 45.00899999999999, 47.985, 49.951, 51.927, 53.696000000000005, 55.527, 58.161, 60.833999999999996, 61.888000000000005, 60.236000000000004, 53.365, 49.339, 38.635, 39.624, 40.87, 42.858000000000004, 45.083, 47.8, 50.338, 51.744, 53.556000000000004, 55.373000000000005, 56.369, 58.556000000000004, 41.407, 43.424, 44.992, 46.633, 49.552, 52.537, 55.56100000000001, 57.678000000000004, 58.474, 54.288999999999994, 43.869, 39.613, 41.215, 42.974, 44.246, 45.757, 47.62, 49.919, 50.608000000000004, 51.535, 50.44, 48.466, 49.651, 52.516999999999996, 38.596, 41.208, 43.922, 46.769, 49.75899999999999, 52.887, 55.471000000000004, 56.941, 58.06100000000001, 58.39, 57.56100000000001, 58.42, 44.6, 47.1, 49.57899999999999, 52.053000000000004, 55.602, 59.836999999999996, 64.048, 66.89399999999999, 70.001, 71.973, 73.042, 73.923, 39.978, 42.571000000000005, 45.343999999999994, 48.051, 51.016000000000005, 50.35, 49.849, 51.50899999999999, 48.825, 44.578, 47.813, 51.542, 42.038000000000004, 44.077, 46.023, 47.768, 50.107, 51.386, 51.821000000000005, 50.821000000000005, 46.1, 40.238, 39.193000000000005, 42.38399999999999, 48.451, 50.468999999999994, 52.358000000000004, 53.995, 55.635, 57.674, 60.363, 62.351000000000006, 60.376999999999995, 46.809, 39.989000000000004, 43.486999999999995 ], "yaxis": "y" }, { "customdata": [ [ 17876956, 1952 ], [ 19610538, 1957 ], [ 21283783, 1962 ], [ 22934225, 1967 ], [ 24779799, 1972 ], [ 26983828, 1977 ], [ 29341374, 1982 ], [ 31620918, 1987 ], [ 33958947, 1992 ], [ 36203463, 1997 ], [ 38331121, 2002 ], [ 40301927, 2007 ], [ 2883315, 1952 ], [ 3211738, 1957 ], [ 3593918, 1962 ], [ 4040665, 1967 ], [ 4565872, 1972 ], [ 5079716, 1977 ], [ 5642224, 1982 ], [ 6156369, 1987 ], [ 6893451, 1992 ], [ 7693188, 1997 ], [ 8445134, 2002 ], [ 9119152, 2007 ], [ 56602560, 1952 ], [ 65551171, 1957 ], [ 76039390, 1962 ], [ 88049823, 1967 ], [ 100840058, 1972 ], [ 114313951, 1977 ], [ 128962939, 1982 ], [ 142938076, 1987 ], [ 155975974, 1992 ], [ 168546719, 1997 ], [ 179914212, 2002 ], [ 190010647, 2007 ], [ 14785584, 1952 ], [ 17010154, 1957 ], [ 18985849, 1962 ], [ 20819767, 1967 ], [ 22284500, 1972 ], [ 23796400, 1977 ], [ 25201900, 1982 ], [ 26549700, 1987 ], [ 28523502, 1992 ], [ 30305843, 1997 ], [ 31902268, 2002 ], [ 33390141, 2007 ], [ 6377619, 1952 ], [ 7048426, 1957 ], [ 7961258, 1962 ], [ 8858908, 1967 ], [ 9717524, 1972 ], [ 10599793, 1977 ], [ 11487112, 1982 ], [ 12463354, 1987 ], [ 13572994, 1992 ], [ 14599929, 1997 ], [ 15497046, 2002 ], [ 16284741, 2007 ], [ 12350771, 1952 ], [ 14485993, 1957 ], [ 17009885, 1962 ], [ 19764027, 1967 ], [ 22542890, 1972 ], [ 25094412, 1977 ], [ 27764644, 1982 ], [ 30964245, 1987 ], [ 34202721, 1992 ], [ 37657830, 1997 ], [ 41008227, 2002 ], [ 44227550, 2007 ], [ 926317, 1952 ], [ 1112300, 1957 ], [ 1345187, 1962 ], [ 1588717, 1967 ], [ 1834796, 1972 ], [ 2108457, 1977 ], [ 2424367, 1982 ], [ 2799811, 1987 ], [ 3173216, 1992 ], [ 3518107, 1997 ], [ 3834934, 2002 ], [ 4133884, 2007 ], [ 6007797, 1952 ], [ 6640752, 1957 ], [ 7254373, 1962 ], [ 8139332, 1967 ], [ 8831348, 1972 ], [ 9537988, 1977 ], [ 9789224, 1982 ], [ 10239839, 1987 ], [ 10723260, 1992 ], [ 10983007, 1997 ], [ 11226999, 2002 ], [ 11416987, 2007 ], [ 2491346, 1952 ], [ 2923186, 1957 ], [ 3453434, 1962 ], [ 4049146, 1967 ], [ 4671329, 1972 ], [ 5302800, 1977 ], [ 5968349, 1982 ], [ 6655297, 1987 ], [ 7351181, 1992 ], [ 7992357, 1997 ], [ 8650322, 2002 ], [ 9319622, 2007 ], [ 3548753, 1952 ], [ 4058385, 1957 ], [ 4681707, 1962 ], [ 5432424, 1967 ], [ 6298651, 1972 ], [ 7278866, 1977 ], [ 8365850, 1982 ], [ 9545158, 1987 ], [ 10748394, 1992 ], [ 11911819, 1997 ], [ 12921234, 2002 ], [ 13755680, 2007 ], [ 2042865, 1952 ], [ 2355805, 1957 ], [ 2747687, 1962 ], [ 3232927, 1967 ], [ 3790903, 1972 ], [ 4282586, 1977 ], [ 4474873, 1982 ], [ 4842194, 1987 ], [ 5274649, 1992 ], [ 5783439, 1997 ], [ 6353681, 2002 ], [ 6939688, 2007 ], [ 3146381, 1952 ], [ 3640876, 1957 ], [ 4208858, 1962 ], [ 4690773, 1967 ], [ 5149581, 1972 ], [ 5703430, 1977 ], [ 6395630, 1982 ], [ 7326406, 1987 ], [ 8486949, 1992 ], [ 9803875, 1997 ], [ 11178650, 2002 ], [ 12572928, 2007 ], [ 3201488, 1952 ], [ 3507701, 1957 ], [ 3880130, 1962 ], [ 4318137, 1967 ], [ 4698301, 1972 ], [ 4908554, 1977 ], [ 5198399, 1982 ], [ 5756203, 1987 ], [ 6326682, 1992 ], [ 6913545, 1997 ], [ 7607651, 2002 ], [ 8502814, 2007 ], [ 1517453, 1952 ], [ 1770390, 1957 ], [ 2090162, 1962 ], [ 2500689, 1967 ], [ 2965146, 1972 ], [ 3055235, 1977 ], [ 3669448, 1982 ], [ 4372203, 1987 ], [ 5077347, 1992 ], [ 5867957, 1997 ], [ 6677328, 2002 ], [ 7483763, 2007 ], [ 1426095, 1952 ], [ 1535090, 1957 ], [ 1665128, 1962 ], [ 1861096, 1967 ], [ 1997616, 1972 ], [ 2156814, 1977 ], [ 2298309, 1982 ], [ 2326606, 1987 ], [ 2378618, 1992 ], [ 2531311, 1997 ], [ 2664659, 2002 ], [ 2780132, 2007 ], [ 30144317, 1952 ], [ 35015548, 1957 ], [ 41121485, 1962 ], [ 47995559, 1967 ], [ 55984294, 1972 ], [ 63759976, 1977 ], [ 71640904, 1982 ], [ 80122492, 1987 ], [ 88111030, 1992 ], [ 95895146, 1997 ], [ 102479927, 2002 ], [ 108700891, 2007 ], [ 1165790, 1952 ], [ 1358828, 1957 ], [ 1590597, 1962 ], [ 1865490, 1967 ], [ 2182908, 1972 ], [ 2554598, 1977 ], [ 2979423, 1982 ], [ 3344353, 1987 ], [ 4017939, 1992 ], [ 4609572, 1997 ], [ 5146848, 2002 ], [ 5675356, 2007 ], [ 940080, 1952 ], [ 1063506, 1957 ], [ 1215725, 1962 ], [ 1405486, 1967 ], [ 1616384, 1972 ], [ 1839782, 1977 ], [ 2036305, 1982 ], [ 2253639, 1987 ], [ 2484997, 1992 ], [ 2734531, 1997 ], [ 2990875, 2002 ], [ 3242173, 2007 ], [ 1555876, 1952 ], [ 1770902, 1957 ], [ 2009813, 1962 ], [ 2287985, 1967 ], [ 2614104, 1972 ], [ 2984494, 1977 ], [ 3366439, 1982 ], [ 3886512, 1987 ], [ 4483945, 1992 ], [ 5154123, 1997 ], [ 5884491, 2002 ], [ 6667147, 2007 ], [ 8025700, 1952 ], [ 9146100, 1957 ], [ 10516500, 1962 ], [ 12132200, 1967 ], [ 13954700, 1972 ], [ 15990099, 1977 ], [ 18125129, 1982 ], [ 20195924, 1987 ], [ 22430449, 1992 ], [ 24748122, 1997 ], [ 26769436, 2002 ], [ 28674757, 2007 ], [ 2227000, 1952 ], [ 2260000, 1957 ], [ 2448046, 1962 ], [ 2648961, 1967 ], [ 2847132, 1972 ], [ 3080828, 1977 ], [ 3279001, 1982 ], [ 3444468, 1987 ], [ 3585176, 1992 ], [ 3759430, 1997 ], [ 3859606, 2002 ], [ 3942491, 2007 ], [ 662850, 1952 ], [ 764900, 1957 ], [ 887498, 1962 ], [ 960155, 1967 ], [ 975199, 1972 ], [ 1039009, 1977 ], [ 1116479, 1982 ], [ 1191336, 1987 ], [ 1183669, 1992 ], [ 1138101, 1997 ], [ 1101832, 2002 ], [ 1056608, 2007 ], [ 157553000, 1952 ], [ 171984000, 1957 ], [ 186538000, 1962 ], [ 198712000, 1967 ], [ 209896000, 1972 ], [ 220239000, 1977 ], [ 232187835, 1982 ], [ 242803533, 1987 ], [ 256894189, 1992 ], [ 272911760, 1997 ], [ 287675526, 2002 ], [ 301139947, 2007 ], [ 2252965, 1952 ], [ 2424959, 1957 ], [ 2598466, 1962 ], [ 2748579, 1967 ], [ 2829526, 1972 ], [ 2873520, 1977 ], [ 2953997, 1982 ], [ 3045153, 1987 ], [ 3149262, 1992 ], [ 3262838, 1997 ], [ 3363085, 2002 ], [ 3447496, 2007 ], [ 5439568, 1952 ], [ 6702668, 1957 ], [ 8143375, 1962 ], [ 9709552, 1967 ], [ 11515649, 1972 ], [ 13503563, 1977 ], [ 15620766, 1982 ], [ 17910182, 1987 ], [ 20265563, 1992 ], [ 22374398, 1997 ], [ 24287670, 2002 ], [ 26084662, 2007 ] ], "hovertemplate": "%{hovertext}

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\n", " \n", " \n", "
\n", " \n", "
" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "tips = px.data.tips()\n", "px.parallel_categories(\n", " tips, dimensions=[\"sex\", \"smoker\", \"time\", \"day\"], color=\"size\"\n", ").show()" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### インタラクティブな可視化は超簡単\n", "\n", "- 引数にデータ(列名)を渡すだけ\n", "- ホバーツールで探索\n", "- アニメーションで多次元のデータをわかりやすく\n", "- ドリルダウンで詳細に\n", "- 移動してみやすく\n", "\n", "![](https://regeld.xsrv.jp/desi/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/joy-180x152.png)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### コールバック\n", "\n", "- コールバック関数\n", " - なにかをきっかけに呼び出される関数\n", " - 必ず実行されるわけではない\n", "- ハンドラ\n", " - 特定の条件でコールバック関数を呼び出す\n", "\n", "![](https://regeld.xsrv.jp/desi/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/ill_9-1_s-180x163.png)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### コールバックの例\n", "\n", "時刻が5時のときだけコールバック関数が実行される(※ import文は省略)\n", "\n", "```python\n", "def handler(callback):\n", " while True:\n", " if datetime.datetime.now().hour == 5:\n", " callback()\n", " time.sleep(360)\n", "\n", "def callback():\n", " print(\"5時です\")\n", "```" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### コールバックによるインタラクティブな可視化\n", "\n", "- イベント(発生条件)\n", " - UIを操作\n", " - グラフの要素を選択\n", "- 処理(コールバック関数)\n", " - グラフを描画する\n", " - 種類を変更する\n", " - データを変更する\n", " - スタイルを変更する\n", " - テーブルを表示する(Dash DataTable)\n", " - 計器を表示する(Dash Daq)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### plotly/Dashのコールバック\n", "\n", "- コールバック関数だけを書けばよい\n", " - デコレータをつけるだけでコールバック関数となる\n", "- ハンドラ(イベント)はライブラリのものを使う\n", " - クリックされた\n", " - 値が変わった\n", " - UIを操作した" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### コールバックを利用したグラフ" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 8, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "7726fca5f9384f2fa2f89d4b5d870a23", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/plain": [ "FigureWidget({\n", " 'data': [{'mode': 'markers',\n", " 'name': '散布図',\n", " 'text': array(['Afg…" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "import plotly.graph_objects as go\n", "from plotly.subplots import make_subplots\n", "\n", "# ❶ 引数にfigureを渡す\n", "subplots_fig = go.FigureWidget(make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2))\n", "subplots_fig.add_trace(\n", " go.Scatter(\n", " x=gapminder[\"gdpPercap\"],\n", " y=gapminder[\"lifeExp\"],\n", " text=gapminder[\"country\"],\n", " mode=\"markers\",\n", " name=\"散布図\",\n", " ),\n", " row=1,\n", " col=1,\n", ")\n", "subplots_fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(name=\"時系列データ\"), row=1, col=2)\n", "trace0, trace1 = subplots_fig.data\n", "title_text = \"1人当りGDPと平均余命の散布図(左図)\" \"と平均余命の時系列データ(右図)\"\n", "subplots_fig.update_layout(title={\"text\": title_text})\n", "# 軸ラベル\n", "subplots_fig.update_xaxes(title=\"1人当りGDP\", type=\"log\", row=1, col=1)\n", "subplots_fig.update_xaxes(title=\"年\", row=1, col=2)\n", "subplots_fig.update_yaxes(title=\"平均余命\")\n", "\n", "\n", "def update_line(trace, points, selector): # ❷\n", " n = points.point_inds[0]\n", " country = gapminder.iloc[n, 0] # ❸ インデックスから国名を取得\n", " # ❸ countryから選択された国名のデータを抽出\n", " country_df = gapminder.loc[gapminder[\"country\"] == country].sort_values(\"year\")\n", " trace1.x = country_df[\"year\"] # ❹\n", " trace1.y = country_df[\"lifeExp\"] # ❹\n", " subplots_fig.update_layout( # ❺\n", " annotations=[\n", " {\n", " \"x\": 1,\n", " \"y\": 1.1,\n", " \"showarrow\": False,\n", " \"text\": country,\n", " \"xref\": \"paper\",\n", " \"yref\": \"paper\",\n", " }\n", " ]\n", " )\n", "\n", "\n", "trace0.on_click(update_line)\n", "subplots_fig" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" } }, "source": [ "## Dashによるインタラクティブな可視化\n", "\n", "" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### Dash\n", "\n", "- データ可視化のWebフレームワーク\n", " - ダッシュボードが簡単に作れる\n", "- フロントエンドの知識なしでUIを実装できる\n", "- plotlyのグラフが利用できる\n", "- HTMLコンポーネントを利用して柔軟なレイアウトを実装\n", " - HTMLの知識があるとレイアウトが自由に組める\n", " - CSSの知識があると見た目を綺麗にできる" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### DashによるUIを実装したグラフ\n", "\n", "- demo: https://stapy61-dash-sample.herokuapp.com\n", "- source: [dash_sample.py](https://github.com/drillan/stapy61/blob/master/dash_sample.py)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### Jupyter Dash\n", "\n", "- Jupyter上からDashを実行\n", "- Colabにも対応\n", "- Jupyterでデータを処理しながらDashで可視化できる" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### Jupyter Dashのデモ" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 15, "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "import dash\n", "from jupyter_dash import JupyterDash\n", "import dash_core_components as dcc\n", "import dash_html_components as html\n", "from dash.dependencies import Input, Output\n", "\n", "JupyterDash.infer_jupyter_proxy_config()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 16, "metadata": { "scrolled": false, "slideshow": { "slide_type": "fragment" } }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "external_stylesheets = [\"https://codepen.io/chriddyp/pen/bWLwgP.css\"]\n", "app = JupyterDash(__name__, external_stylesheets=external_stylesheets)\n", "\n", "continents = gapminder[\"continent\"].unique().tolist()\n", "years = gapminder[\"year\"].unique().tolist()\n", "contries = gapminder.country.unique().tolist()\n", "\n", "app.layout = html.Div(\n", " [\n", " html.Div(\n", " [\n", " dcc.Dropdown(\n", " id=\"continent-dropdown\",\n", " options=[{\"label\": c, \"value\": c} for c in continents],\n", " value=continents,\n", " multi=True,\n", " style={\"textAlign\": \"center\"},\n", " ),\n", " dcc.Graph(id=\"scatter\"),\n", " dcc.Slider(\n", " id=\"year-slider\",\n", " min=gapminder[\"year\"].min(),\n", " max=gapminder[\"year\"].max(),\n", " value=gapminder[\"year\"].min(),\n", " marks={str(year): str(year)[2:] for year in years},\n", " step=None,\n", " ),\n", " ],\n", " style={\"width\": \"50%\", \"display\": \"inline-block\", \"verticalAlign\": \"top\"},\n", " ),\n", " html.Div(\n", " [\n", " dcc.Dropdown(\n", " id=\"country-dropdown\",\n", " options=[{\"value\": contry, \"label\": contry} for contry in contries],\n", " value=[\"Japan\", \"United States\"],\n", " multi=True,\n", " ),\n", " dcc.Graph(id=\"line\"),\n", " ],\n", " style={\"width\": \"50%\", \"display\": \"inline-block\", \"verticalAlign\": \"top\"},\n", " ),\n", " ]\n", ")\n", "\n", "\n", "@app.callback(\n", " Output(\"scatter\", \"figure\"),\n", " [Input(\"year-slider\", \"value\"), Input(\"continent-dropdown\", \"value\")],\n", ")\n", "def update_figure(selected_year, selected_continent):\n", " filtered_df = gapminder[\n", " (gapminder[\"year\"] == selected_year)\n", " & gapminder[\"continent\"].isin(selected_continent)\n", " ]\n", "\n", " if len(filtered_df) == 0:\n", " fig = px.scatter()\n", " else:\n", " fig = px.scatter(\n", " filtered_df,\n", " x=\"gdpPercap\",\n", " y=\"lifeExp\",\n", " size=\"pop\",\n", " color=\"continent\",\n", " hover_name=\"country\",\n", " log_x=True,\n", " size_max=55,\n", " )\n", "\n", " fig.update_layout(transition_duration=500)\n", "\n", " return fig\n", "\n", "\n", "@app.callback(Output(\"line\", \"figure\"), [Input(\"country-dropdown\", \"value\")])\n", "def update_graph(selected_country):\n", " selected_gapminder = gapminder[gapminder[\"country\"].isin(selected_country)]\n", " return px.line(selected_gapminder, x=\"year\", y=\"lifeExp\", color=\"country\")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 17, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Dash app running on http://localhost:8888/proxy/8050/\n" ] } ], "source": [ "app.run_server()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 18, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "\n", " \n", " " ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "app.run_server(mode=\"inline\")" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" } }, "source": [ "## Dash Cytoscapeによるインタラクティブなネットワーク可視化\n", "\n", "![](https://regeld.xsrv.jp/desi/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/ill_aff006_l-172x180.png)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### ネットワーク可視化とは\n", "\n", "「何か」と「何か」の関係を可視化する方法\n", "\n", "- 論文と論文の引用関係\n", "- SNS上のアカウントのフォロー・フォロワー関係\n", "- 企業と企業の取引関係" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### 用語:ノードとエッジ\n", "\n", "何かと何かの関係を表現する場合\n", "\n", "- ノード: 「何か」は**点**で表現\n", "- エッジ: 「関係」は**線**で表現" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### 従来のネットワーク可視化\n", "\n", "静的な画像による可視化\n", "\n", "- ノードの位置が固定(動かせない)\n", "- スタイル(エッジ太さやノードの色など)以外の情報が得られない\n", "\n", "![](cytoscape_sample.png)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### Dash Cytoscape\n", "\n", "- Dashのコンポーネントのひとつ\n", " - [Cytoscape.js](https://js.cytoscape.org)のラッパ\n", "- インタラクティブなネットワーク可視化\n", " - 隣接するノードの強調やノードの詳細情報を表示\n", " - レイアウトやスタイルを動的に変更\n", " - ノードの移動\n", " - ネットワーク図の拡大・縮小" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "### Dash Cytoscapeによるネットワーク可視化\n", "\n", "- demo: https://stapy61-cytoscape-sample.herokuapp.com\n", "- source: [cytoscape_sample.py](https://github.com/drillan/stapy61/blob/master/cytoscape_sample.py)\n", "\n", "- パッケージの依存関係を可視化\n", "- ノードが移動できる\n", "- ノードを選択すると関係があるノードのスタイルが変更される" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "slide" } }, "source": [ "### まとめ\n", "\n", "- Pythonだけでインタラクティブな可視化ができる\n", "- インタラクティブな可視化がちょー簡単にできる\n", "- コールバックを活用すると可視化の幅がひろがる" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "slideshow": { "slide_type": "subslide" } }, "source": [ "## 詳しくは\n", "\n", "Pythonインタラクティブ・データビジュアライゼーション入門 \n", "―Plotly/Dashによるデータ可視化とWebアプリ構築―\n", "\n", "- 2020年11月15日 発売\n", "- @driller ・小川英幸 ・古木友子 著\n", "\n", "http://www.asakura.co.jp/books/isbn/978-4-254-12258-9/" ] } ], "metadata": { "celltoolbar": "Slideshow", "hide_code_all_hidden": false, "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.8.2" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 4 }