Unreleased VER. - replace momentjs wih day.js or luxone(?) - make mailcow PR to integrate into - remove python privex helpers code (?) - save settings into cookies (for firefox private window mainly) + accept cookies modal (?) - fix dropdown update if use fomantic ui div based dropdown - upgrade procedure from GUI (?) if decided to do so use [this manual](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32163955/how-to-run-shell-script-on-host-from-docker-container/63719458#63719458) - minify - add multiple simultanious text filters - MS Exchange multiple mail_to processing - [fix of non-dockerizeed deploy issue](https://github.com/drlight17/mta-log-parser/issues/10) VER. 1.7.1 - ~~BUG: Unhandled error during execution of scheduler flush. This is likely a Vue internals bug~~ - ~~BUG: exit button overflow in mobile view~~ - ~~multiple mailto added index number~~ - ~~BUG: not all recipients appear in mail_to column if big newsletter (exim example qid 1rnZID-00DxLS-G1) --- main.py:257 ??~~ - ~~improve GUI for many recipients - scroll with max-height~~ - ~~remove TLS from non TLS text~~ VER. 1.7 - ~~click arrows for modal view to get first and last message correspondly~~ - ~~BUG: loading on top sometimes~~ - ~~home and end key bindings for modal view to get first and last message respectively~~ - ~~sort icon to the same shevrons as main menu gui show/hide buttons~~ - ~~BUG: vertical scroll of modals by arrow keys~~ - ~~TLS + status in the email details~~ - ~~bigger bars and fonts for top charts~~ - ~~main menu buttons border~~ - ~~turn off blur by default for mobile devices (use is_mobile var)~~ - ~~move settings and tips to modal menus~~ - ~~change "Hide" to cross (times icon), cross (times icon) to eye icon, add Hide title, change clear exclude slash eye icon to trash alternate icon (or group two icons like [this](https://fomantic-ui.com/elements/icon.html#icons))~~ - ~~multiple mail_to save as array~~ - ~~remake multiple filtered stats~~ - ~~remake multiple filtered emails and details view (TEST in different MTA!!!)~~ - ~~remake addFilterLink for multiple (TEST in different MTA!!!)~~ - ~~BUG: unknown with all recipients in exchange top 10 recipients stats~~ - ~~BUG: trim comma in exchange recipients~~ - ~~BUG: swipes pass 6 email instead of 1~~ - ~~BUG: context menu is on the left (Macbook)~~ - ~~BUG: multiple with no aliases link on the parent TD~~ - ~~optimize and fix mail_to querie with and without not(!)~~ - ~~show stats context menu with no data~~ - ~~BUG: use stats context menu in mobile view~~ - ~~make stats bars more thick in mobile view~~ - ~~add tips about stats context menu (long press and right click)~~ - ~~BUG: vertical scroll mobile view jump to top (modal details)~~ - ~~BUG: change multiple li to span to fix overflow and hover effects~~ - ~~add postfix orig_to (alias) to multiple mail_to li list (in brackets after to)~~ - ~~BUG: email list and detail alias appearance (details look awful)~~ - ~~BUG: fix stats top mail_to_alias appearance~~ - ~~stats context menu max height with scroll for many hiddens + place context menu to the left from cursor~~ - ~~mobile multiple view aliases in one row (hover effect must be fixed)~~ - ~~BUG: emails list multiple overflow view~~ - ~~BUG: prevent vertical scrolling when swiping left and right (modal details)~~ - ~~BUG: prevent swipe when swiping log_lines in (modal details)~~ - ~~BUG: fix postfix mail_to multiple regex (with orig_to)~~ - ~~hidden addresses stats indicator~~ - ~~show slow log_lines queries attention after choosing this filter (notie)~~ - ~~BUG: emails list width is wider then other gui blocks with editable column width turned on~~ - ~~BUG: fix stat cached over hover details~~ VER. 1.6 - ~~use more then one CPU core when parsing (moment timestamp convert of related logs is variable)~~ - ~~add ability to exclude some addresses from the TOP charts (frontend gui cookies + backend permanent using settings)~~ - ~~add stats cached text background for better readability~~ - ~~show all currently excluded in gui (backend in tips, frontend in gui)~~ - ~~BUG: currently excluded unknown list fix~~ - ~~BUG: fix currently excluded context menu (right click) doesn't appear in mobile view~~ - ~~clear all currently excluded from cookies button~~ - ~~BUG: exclude unknown~~ - ~~add not (!) to text filters~~ - ~~BUG: fix not(!) appearance in mobile mode~~ - ~~BUGs with all stats after not(!) were added~~ - ~~process sharelink, save and restore not (!) parameter value and from link~~ - ~~BUG: stats_app is not defined~~ - ~~fix "invalid data" in cached stats after cookie clear (replace with error text or copy last date to browser localstorage to use it in this case)~~ - ~~[security fix](https://github.com/drlight17/mta-log-parser/security/dependabot/1)~~ - ~~closed graphs and settings/tips by default~~ VER. 1.5.5 - ~~BUG: auto turn on "save filters" on every link come even without paramaters~~ - ~~BUG: not active pages buttons~~ - ~~localize statuses in table~~ - ~~localize statuses in stats~~ - ~~BUG: invalid date in watermarks in some conditions (clear_cookies wrong usage, try drop new logs to docker)~~ - ~~optimize cleanup rethinkdb query with between~~ VER. 1.5.4 - ~~save incoming URL if not authorized to get to this URL after authorization~~ - ~~widths of footer and main wrapper are now 100%~~ - ~~fix of filter buttons in responsive mode~~ - ~~LDAP version override function (for errors like "Operation unavailable without authentication")~~ VER. 1.5.3 - ~~share link~~ - ~~fix order by share_link (call get_URL_params in proper place)~~ - ~~dont fetch all statuses in filtered_pie if status is in the filter + get all statuses from emails response to form filtered_pie~~ - ~~fix api error loading hide~~ - ~~fix invalid date in lt~~ VER. 1.5.2 - ~~remove arrow key binding after modal close~~ - ~~filter on stats click~~ - ~~auto refresh must change timestamp_lt~~ - ~~fix maximum call stack size exceeded when draw_donut is called~~ VER. 1.5.1 - ~~exim mail_from parser improvement~~ - ~~quart + werkzeug versions pip fix~~ - ~~filter notie message doubling fix~~ VER. 1.5 - ~~BUG: exim regexp for qid sometimes no mail_from match!~~ - ~~use between instead of filter in emails api~~ - ~~add buttons to manually refresh stats~~ - ~~add timestamps of stats cookies to charts (watermark)~~ - ~~exported name with date~~ - ~~stats refresh animation~~ - ~~notie warning about not filled dates with stay (when filters set to true)~~ - ~~cache all charts until filters change (compare localStorage filters values with current vue vars values)~~ - ~~apply current date filter to top_senders and top_recipients (between hack)~~ - ~~force clear cookie before show filtered stats~~ - ~~deal with stats visibility and run draw charts~~ - ~~fix of fetch errors in main_app.js~~ - ~~reconnection to rethinkdb if disconnected in case of multiple refreshes with heavy queries~~ VER. 1.4 - ~~summaries and graphs for period and overall:~~ - ~~rethinkdb query for overall_pie (statuses %)~~ - ~~rethinkdb query for filtered_pie (statuses %)~~ - ~~rethinkdb query for filtered_throughoutput (top senders, top recipients)~~ - ~~fix of refresh positioning of view (because of hidable GUI blocks)~~ - ~~fix of wrong titles for multiple recipients filter links~~ - ~~no data for bar charts~~ - ~~force local storage, session and cookies clear after upgrade~~ - ~~search button for text filter instead of watcher~~ - ~~export to xlsx file (table) (?)~~ - ~~ldap auth~~ - ~~add selfsigned ca cert append in Dockerfile for TLS connections i.e. LDAPS~~ - ~~BUG: dont run emails query on the auth page~~ VER. 1.3.1 - ~~add new universal datetime extractor (datefinder) for parser~~ VER. 1.3 - ~~mobile swipes in message details~~ - ~~small css modal arrows fix~~ - ~~BUG: swipes stays after modal closed~~ - ~~multi-user access: create/edit/delete accounts gui, first-time access registration gui~~ - ~~BUG: no notie notification if created from auth menu~~ - ~~use another page edit and delete form instead of modal - troubles with multiple forms and submits~~ - ~~BUG: almost empty this.settings on auth page => no dark theme, modal prefs and so on~~ - ~~force logout if current logged in user account were deleted~~ VER. 1.2.1 - ~~improve modal arrows height sticky~~ VER. 1.2 - ~~multiple recipients localization ~~ - ~~modal arrows to open next and previous message details~~ - ~~bind arrow keys for modal left and right arrows~~ - ~~initial MS Exchange server csv log file support~~ - ~~BUG: cloning of #update_available while refreshed~~ - ~~BUG: no #update_available if nothing found (with refresh)~~ VER. - ~~log_lines timestamp format must match current GUI timestamp format~~ - ~~update available message in footer~~ - ~~rethinkdb array_limit set in .env~~ - VER. - ~~BUG: error while search mail_to in last version with exim~~ - ~~open/hide button for tips and user settings~~ - ~~refresh rotation animation only in the moment of refresh~~ VER. - ~~BUG: postfix queue ID length may not be equal to 10 symbols~~ - ~~BUG: exim wrong parsing mail_to for some bounces ~~ - ~~add DLR developed logo in footer~~ VER. - ~~BUG: log_lines filter outputs the same id emails (only exim?)~~ - ~~BUG: dark mode filling text search with black font color instead of white~~ - ~~add TLS encrypted connection icon to message status (maybe TLS info on icon hover?)~~ VER. - ~~fix #filter-email coloring in all modes and with resetfilters button~~ - ~~loading circle after full page reload in dark mode~~ - ~~wrong row coloring if there are status keywords in table tds~~ - ~~fix link line color in dark mode~~ VER. 1.1.7 - ~~"before refresh" timer in GUI~~ - ~~dont show loading circle when autorefresh~~ - ~~force add domain from URL to the titles, if nothing else is filled in .env file~~ - ~~docker update procedure description in README~~ VER. - ~~default_period GUI minutes after 60 to hours and after 1440 to days~~ - ~~some gui and tips polish~~ - ~~dirty waits (like in setDark() for 1000 ms) replace with waitForElm or remove waits~~ - ~~build docker image and place it to docker hub~~ VER. 1.1.5 - ~~dark theme mode (use inverted class for ui elements)~~ - ~~optimize table colored_rows for dark mode~~ - ~~default dark mode from the browser~~ - ~~api error darkmode~~ - ~~save dark mode at login screen~~ - ~~dark css for hide table header button in mobile view~~ - ~~toggleLoading show on locale change~~ - ~~optimization of log_lines and mail_to query filters so threr is no need for the forced 24 hours time period~~ VER. 1.1.4 - ~~gui autorefresh 0 value as "no autorefresh"~~ - ~~to fix log_lines filter 1 min timeout (504 error) by forced apply time period (in frontend)~~ - ~~to fix mail_to filter in postfix~~ - ~~padding to the cells in table resizable mode~~ VER. 1.1.3 - ~~tail realtime parsing mode + gui autorefresh (with config seconds)~~ - ~~fix refresh undefined time on login page~~ - ~~add mail_domain variable to env for the site title (or fetch from the current URL)~~ - ~~replace input type numbers to range to prevent wrong values~~ - ~~no table found exception process~~ - ~~check that nothing found function added~~ - ~~update log file in docker if rotated~~ - ~~css hover cell link effect~~ - ~~nginx rewrite static remove~~ VER. 1.1.2 - ~~exclude-marquee remove~~ - ~~fix broken colResizable~~ - ~~save filters turn off must apply current last minutes!~~ - ~~loading circle during api call and request waiting~~ - ~~fix focus to password input on login load~~ - ~~fix of emails page if localStorage is empty (force reload page on error like "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'log_out')")~~ - ~~fix wrong text search filter if reload button is clicked~~ - ~~fix of notie z-index in firefox (under loading modal)~~ - ~~fix not parsed statuses (unknown status?) for postfix~~ - ~~on row click instead of show button~~ - ~~make new refresh button~~ - ~~fix settings show when reload with no locale loaded~~ VER. 1.1.0 - ~~parser cuts the 1st symbol in queue ID (E6E6462414 instead of EE6E6462414 for example)~~ - ~~add message subject to the parser and GUI~~ - ~~add message size to the parser and GUI~~ - ~~log rotation configuration~~ - ~~calendar js date picker for Older than and Newer than~~ - ~~add sticky-headers~~ - ~~add more statuses to parser and GUI (reject, milter-reject)~~ - ~~add last page, first page buttons to GUI~~ - ~~add sort columns~~ - ~~make docker container~~ - ~~add saving of current filter for page reload (use local storage as user settings)~~ - ~~add up button~~ - ~~button to turn on/off blur modal effect~~ - ~~create logo and favicon~~ - ~~sort css~~ - ~~add icons for statuses~~ - ~~add status styling gui tumbler~~ - ~~remove marquee in mobile mode~~ - ~~loading modal instead of div above table~~ - ~~add other popular MTA support (parser.py + settings.py + .env)~~ - ~~EXIM: multiple recipients + multiple statuses + multiple relays parsing, processing and output~~ - ~~add log lines search filter (for multiple recipients)~~ - ~~SENDMAIL:~~ - ~~add * to search filters on backend~~ - ~~fix pagination calculation~~ - ~~refactor sticky related stuff~~ - ~~fix parse of relay and client if without ip address "\[x.x.x.x\]"~~ - ~~add gui table columns resize switcher~~ - ~~port from vue2 to vue3, fix next bugs~~ - ~~pager doesn't work~~ - ~~reset button doesn't work~~ - ~~no logo shown~~ - ~~add locale support: + env var for datetime format (to sync datepicker format with webui.py)~~ - ~~addFilterLink() locale support~~ - ~~fetch supported locales based on /static/locales folder using python flask and send them to template~~ - ~~Current browser locale not supported message to notie (row 194)~~ - ~~fix modal close button position in wide width window~~ - ~~500 ms delay for loading circle~~ - ~~api_error locale handling~~ - ~~get from browser~~ - ~~calendar localization based on locale~~ - ~~fallback locale if browser locale is not in supported locales~~ - ~~replace "postfixparser" folder and code with "mlp"~~ - ~~rename to mta log parser~~ - ~~errors if js modules didn't load~~ - ~~no results message if no rows returned~~ - ~~fix broken colResizable~~ - ~~fix calendar not working~~ - ~~focus to password input on login page~~ - ~~login page~~ - ~~notie~~ - ~~backend login messages replace with notie~~ - ~~fix right click to reset column widths~~ - ~~save lang JSON into localStorage for cache (faster page reloads)~~ - ~~make placeholders or hide all page content while loading~~ ~~and default language fallback if no localization for element found~~ - ~~fix no messages on login page (errors, warns, info)~~ - ~~format datetime inputs with datetimeformat from .env~~ - ~~fix narrow columns widths (status, dates, IDs) to some percentages with resizable columns off~~ - ~~filter autofill on click at cells according to its type (timestamp fills date, queue id fills text queue id etc.)~~ - ~~sticky header gui switcher~~ - ~~cleanup from tablesorter~~ VER. 1.0.0 - ~~page goes to top when refresh without colResize~~ - ~~save sticky header state in localStorage~~ - ~~fix append icons to statuses on refresh button with tablesort off~~ - ~~sort by all found rows instead of current page only~~ - ~~permanent refresh in mobile mode when text inputs are in focus~~ - ~~add show/hide thead in mobile mode~~ - ~~add gui option show logs from last N minutes~~ \+ env default_value for this - ~~styling table in modal (+ marquee)~~ - ~~forbid special symbols (?, / and so on) in text search input~~ - ~~remaining window height if strong filter is applied (also this happen when maximum results per page is small) - recalc windows height on loadEmails()~~ - ~~fix page goes to top when loadEmails() is called~~ - ~~firefox dont support css resize on th and tables (maybe try https://mottie.github.io/tablesorter/docs/example-widget-resizable.html)~~ - ~~fix loading goes to the top and wrong modal conversion after show details clicks and call any loadEmails()~~ - ~~firefox overflow hidden css fix (it has no support for :has selector since 103)~~ - ~~reset date filters and all filters buttons~~